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BoaC part 11

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Under the leadership of our proud Sarsalmat Sarigal, our forces head for Mali.

The Malinese forces try to oppose us, but the mere sight of our troops has frightened them into surrender.
Most of them commit suicide, as they firmly believe our people to be the servants of Shaytan.
Though few of them gather all of their courage and fight us against all odds, exactly because of this.
Admirable as these honorable warriors' sacrifice may be, it was a wasted effort.

In this Society of so called "Muslims" we find little no to collaborators whom we could ask for directions or use as translators for negotiations, and almost all of the few people we find willing to work with us, are vile, cowardly, criminals, or a combination thereof.

However, the absence of senseless slaughter, raping and pillaging, that they were expecting of us, has made the locals in the conquered parts question their faith.
Why would the Devil conquer them, if not to kill and torture them?
Why would his minions treat them like equals?
Why would they - even if only to pretend - be kind toward them?

These questions have lead a small group of them to seek conversion to our Faith.
The Priests we brought to oversee the daily prayer, were glad to tell them the message of the one true God - Sarilu - our Emperor in Heaven, who has tasked Humanity to share our light with the Barbarians and make them Human, for only Sarilu can grant a beast Humanity.

Thanks to the converts we managed to get something of a translator.
He didn't quite speak our language, but was a Scholar who studied the Median language.
Even though their dialect is out-dated and hardly intelligible to us, we managed to communicate thanks to it, as our Priests still hold ceremonies in ancient Annunaki.

With his help, we looted many libraries, in search of historical records, in an attempt to learn more about the events of the Old world, after our department to the New one.

We learn some interesting things, but all of them are way too recent for us to be of any historical value.
However, they are just recent enough that we can gain some information on the political structure of nearby barbarian kingdoms.

Times sure have changed a lot.
Our cartographers only have access to ancient maps Karna's expedition had with them, which makes our knowledge of the world very limited.

After a mere 2 months, Mali has fallen under our control.
We're establishing a provisional governing system, to ensure some kind of stability in the new provinces, as the Sarsalmat and his troops are still on the move.

We're heading for Almohad next.
What are we going to do?
We can't sustain a march through the desert for too long with our numbers, so it seems we'll have to travel along the northern coast towards Egypt. For the sake of supply, and having only a single sea lane separating Essukur Salmat from Anninakiminem, we shall have to at least subjugate north Africa. Send gifts out to the nations not in our way. We just want to get from Mali to Egypt, we've no interest in fighting Spaniards or Italians, though our diseases will certainly keep them from bothering us during our reconquest.
Also, if we make it quickly we can save Byzantium and steal the Renaissance.
Well , once the Almohads are down, we will have the entire muslim world's attention.

Also, we can't cross the pacific, that's way too risky.
Crossing the Atlantic is easy by comparison.

Also, we have a strange worldview.
so we know the world is round but, there's also the popular myth that arose during the eternal war, that the world is split in half by a huge mountain range in the pacific, which prevents circumnavigation.
Of course someone would have to call bullshit on that sooner or later and try doing it anyway, but to put it in the words of professor Oak "Now is not the time to use that!"
Probably the best way to do it yes, supporting as well.
Also another thing I'd like to mention is, we do want to conquer Europe, that is half the reason we're here.

For one because Spain fucked us up with the plague and secondly to reclaim Hatti, Lydia and Annunoa.
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This is getting pretty memetastic.
We can also try and go up to the unconquered areas in the Eastern Sahara. That way, we can make a bunch of settlements there and
strengthen ourselves.
Voting on this
Well, we can get onto that train once we're done conquering Annunakiminem. The conquest of Europe will be easy once we have the Empire back.
On our march toward Almohad, we realized that there was a desert ahead of us, and according to our guides this desert was nothing to scoff at.

We don't know how big this desert is, but we're pretty sure we can handle it, seeing as most of our Empire back home is either desert or steppes.

However, to play it safe, Sarigal has split the army into small groups , each going with extra rations and along the coast, to make sure they'd survive the trip.

The Ahutaharzu groups would go first.

As our first troops arrived in Almohad territory, we were greeted with a hail of arrows from archers on camels.

These arrows couldn't harm our Ahutaharzu, for nothing can pierce their armor.
Our troops marched slow and orderly toward the Almohad troops, which scared them into retreat.

We took the opportunity to wait here and meet with the rest of the Army before marching on.

After roughly 6 months of camping on the edge of Almohad territory, the last troops finally arrived and our march continues.

The Almohads react much like the Malinese at the sight of our overwhelming numbers.
However, at the city of Alger the Almohads met us head-on , supported by various other armies.

While casualties were minimal, the fighting dragged on longer than it should have, they put up a formidable fight, enough for other barbarian Kingdoms to take notice.

Now as we captured the Almohad Sultan , this land is ours, and the entire Muslim world is alarmed.

The so called "Christians" of Europe appear to celebrate our victories for reasons unknown to us.

The conquest of Almohad has taken us a grand total of 11 months, and we're marching on eastward.
Our victories have driven a large number of Malinese muslims to convert to our faith.

We subjugate several small kingdoms, ruled by Arabic Emirs, along the coast of North-Magan.

Now we're standing at the door-step of the old Empire - Egypt.

How are we going to proceed from here?
March into Egypt, heralding the return of the great empire of Kianur. Our temples should still stand, our libraries and our monuments perhaps. Remind the people who built these things. Do not loot or pillage Egypt at all, only conquer the place and move on, take the great cities and loot nothing. Tell them of our return to rebuild the empire, to return the life of prosperity that was before.
and i forgot what our equilavent version of deus vult was
parasu sarilu
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That's an interesting take on the Ahutaharzu design.

I'll post update tomorrow though guys.
It's kinda late over here.
Voting for this, if we're gonna have any ally it should be Egypt.

Is there an archive for this? or something on imgur? I want to read the whole history .

I'm sure you can figure out the rest from here.
>Red is the color of our people.
>We became redskins.
Made me chuckle.
Could spin that as us having received a holy blessing.
Since I'm probably not gonna be there for the next thread i would like to suggest that when we reach the great Persian library we copy every book in it and spread it over the entire empire until America so we create a renaissance.
this is our next move

Also try prototype our own guns back home using the captured spanish.
We send a messenger ahead of the Army, to inform every commoner in Egypt that we are here to reclaim the Empire of Kianur in the name of the one true God Sarilu.

This message more than perplexes the people and most of all the ruling Elites, all of whom thought we were devil sent.
Christians and the few remaining Sarilists celebrate our effort, but the vast majority who are Muslim, see this as confirmation of their beliefs.

Their Zeal grows, however so does our support in their ranks.

We march into Egypt and destroy any and all resistance we come across, the general population is spared from destruction and attempts are made at conversion.

Now more than ever, the Muslim rulers are united against a common foe - us.

The Caliph of Arabia calls out for a Jihad - an Islamic holy war - to stop us.
More than 200 thousand muslims and their greatest commanders and generals , gather on the Sinai peninsula - near the Egyptian city of Suez, preparing for our arrival.

We have no way around them, and our massive army is going to run into a bottleneck at this position.
With the greatest military minds present, we also doubt they're going to be able to be tricked.

How are we going to deal with this numerically inferior - but still impressively sized - Army?

(continuing tomorrow)
Firstly, send messengers to the Christian nations and see if they are willing to assist in any way. Be it supplies, troops, transport or acess to their maps.

As to how we will deal with the Muslims, let us send raiding parties around them to attack their supply lines and purchase the loyalty of any mercenaries we can. We will then meet these savages in open combat.
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withdraw the bulk of our army in to Egypt and leave a smaller rear guard of similar size to the Islamic army near Suez to bait the Islamic forces in to attacking and then use some detachments of our army to flank around the Islamic army and surround them.
We contact the european crusaders to join in
defeating the devils adversaries (muslims) and freeing the holy sites of christianity from the demonic grasp of muhammeds followers (getting fucked he is).

when the actual battles begin
we trident attack, small fast moving troops pincher/taunt the enemy flanks while heavy troops go head-on covering themselves with their shields supported by volleys of ranged weaponry, if crusaders agree to help they will most likely come from the north to push one flank which means we can move one side of the trident to cut off any retreat routes
>With the greatest military minds present, we also doubt they're going to be able to be tricked.

They had some sicks commanders.
Well those are some interesting ideas to say the least, still we need consensus on 1 plan before I can do anything.
I'll be back in around 10 ish hours from now so, that should be enough time for you guys to decide.
Ally with the crusaders. While waiting for them, send raiding parties on ships around the Muslim forces to raid their supply lines. Continue to transport more and more forces by ship into the Muslim rear. Hire European ships to help in this.
Once enough troops are in the Middle East, directly attack Muslim cities while their armies are away to draw individual Muslim rulers back from Suez. The main force is only to attack if the blocking Muslim force turns back or is sufficiently weakened by deserting.
Our ships are sitting in the landing site still, because it actually takes a quarter of our army (at the very least) to use them.
Even so, even the most brilliant commanders and plans can be foiled by pure numbers
e.g. Soviet Russia
We have Egypt so we can use their ships to both raid the Muslims and get our ships.
Dont ally with the Crusaders!!!
Christians are weak and see how they fight amongst themselves? Franks, Venetians, Byzantines... They can't even unite for their own supposed cause, but fight amongst themselves like vipers!
At the most we can send a friendly-sounding but non-committal message to the Crusaders, informing them of the Jihadist army on the Sinai, and inviting them to appear out of mutual interest - but we should not offer any alliance!!!
this is why i suggest to just invite (not ally) the crusaders to partake in this one battle, its win/win and we don't have to get involved in their powerplays
i agree with this plan
We head straight for the muslim forces, relying on numerical strength rather than strategy.

we meet the Mujahids head-on and clash.

Everyone was well aware that the Regulars of our Army would die the quickest in this battle, surprisingly though, there is a small group of Spear-men, who refer to themselves as the Mohawks.
These Mohawks, fight with a rage and bloodlust unprecedented for our troops.
They cut down countless Mujahids, leaving huge swaths in their ranks.
Some of the Mohawks even out-match even the proudest of Ahutaharzu in combat, due to their sheer physical prowess and experience.

This battle, in which over 1/3 of our troops died - primarily Regulars - has resulted in a decisive victory for us, and a lot of attention for the Mohawk warriors.

This massive Muslim resistance against us, has sparked quite the uproar in Europe and many Hellenic Kingdoms are now banding together to reclaim their joint capital of Constantinople from a people called the Turks.

These Hellens claim that they are doing this for the glory of Rome.
This proclamation strikes us as rather odd, seeing as Rome no longer exists.
We for one don't know when it ceased existing, but it can't be too long ago, considering the situation at hand.

Our forces have captured Jerusalem and now we are at a cross-road.
We've gotten some Intel from a Convert, on the location of the most important Holy sites of Islam.
Capturing them will make the infidels question their faith.

Time and supplies are limited what are we going to do?

>Will we join the Greeks in the first ever Orthodox Crusade for Anatolia?

>Will we cut through the Arabic ranks and lay siege to Medina and Mecca?

>Will we push further east and try to capture Hamadan (Ecbatana)?
We need to strike the Arabs while the Iron is hot. We cannot allow a new army to rise that can challenge us, but to attack Mecca and Medina is to summon ever single Muslim that can fight to come and kill us, something we can't handle. We must join with the Greeks and retake Hatti. Let them keep Constantinople, but remind them of the borders Rome held with Kianur. They have our support, in Europe. Asia is Kianur.
>>Will we cut through the Arabic ranks and lay siege to Medina and Mecca?
changed to
>Will we join the Greeks in the first ever Orthodox Crusade for Anatolia?
Head straight to the holy sites of this false religion, we need to capture them and destroy these holy sites at once. If we succeed then these 'united' muslims rules will once again shatter making the war even easier for us, while we're also at it we should destroy any buildings, books, ect worshipping their false god, we should clean these lands of this false religion and spread our religion once again.

Momentarily the christians are not hostile to us so we can use that to our advantage by letting them suffer immense casualties against these muslims while we take it easy only capturing important holy sites and making our way to our ancient empires capital.

Also are we keeping contact with our empire in the new world? I'm sure they would like status reports and stuff and in any case we should be ready to send troops back home if our enemies somehow would have managed to attack our empire.

Also supporting this >>269525

Parasu Sarilu!
We should use Egypt's shipyards to establish a rout for our empire in the new world, transport colonists, weapons and resources.
I support this.
no way can we afford to designate ourselves as the enemy of every one of these savages. You think they will attack as groups head on? Remember whoose lands we were just in , and will cross in the future. They will poison crops, supplies, water, pretend to convert to The True Faith only to try to backstab us later on. The only advantage we would have is thay thet wouldnt be organised. for some time at least.

I suggest we do >>269525
And hope the suposed allies won't turn out as >>268164

fighting a people is not as easy as fighting an empire. We should also focus on expanding our cultural influence throughout europe.
We send a message to every Hellenic Kingdom, in ancient Hellenic, as it was partly preserved through the personal literature brought by Karnas lost expedition.

We promised them we would support them in their "Crusade" and help them restore the Roman Empire under the condition that Rome stays confined to Europe.

They have some trouble translating it, as they are caught off-guard by the fact we sort of speak the language of their ancestors.

They don't know what to make of it, but they accept, thinking that they can just take back these lands once Europe is under their control.

They send word back to us, and also a missionary, in an attempt to convert us to their Faith.

We accept the missionary into our ranks, but refuse any conversion.

His interaction with us and our warriors will give him some insight on our culture, our way of life, and maybe, just maybe, he will tell his countrymen of us and they will be able to understand why we are here.

We move onward north, capturing Damascus on our way, and dealing a harsh blow to the Enemy.

We also recapture the ancient City of Tutankaia , which was renamed to Antioch, presumably by the Romans.

After capturing Tutankaia we use the local Navy to ferry about 10 thousand Ahutaharzu to Crete, taking it from the Turks and liberating the Minoans, who despite foreign rule for all those centuries, have held onto their Annunoan traditions for the most part.
They are the first friendly faces we've seen so far in the old world.
Even though they now speak the same kind of Hellenic as the other people of this Area, they are still overjoyed to see us.

From Crete we make contact with the Hellens once again, this time to coordinate the Crusade.

Our main army, lead by the Head of the Mohawks is slowly making it's way into Turkish territory, while simultaneously trying to help the local population in their struggle to not only survive, but deal with our governance.

Sarigal himself is leading the 10 thousand Ahutaharzu in Hellas instead.

They Hellens have made quite astounding progress in recapturing territory from the Turks, which is surprising to us as they don't appear to be particularly outstanding.

One man who has grabbed the attention of our Sarsalmat though, was a man by the name of Vlad Dracula, who has an interesting habit of impaling his foes.

Many Orthodox Crusaders find his presence uncomfortable, Sarigal however seems to like him.

in the West we are heading for Thessaloniki
in the East we are heading for Adana

How will we combat the Turks?
Scorched Earth policy
We blockade their lands and starve them out
We ruin their economy by cutting off their access to Arabia and Iran
And their supply of grain from Egypt

They are but mere horsemen, they're not as organized as one might think

For a strategy right now I'd suggest the capturing Adana with overwhelming speed, and estabilishing a privateering station there to hurt their trade
And westward we support the Hellenes with some numbers and troops to regain lands until Thrace while we're distracting them in the mountains of Armenia
You know those are our people the Turks are occupying right?
I'm pretty much a newfag to this quest
By our people you mean the Greeks?
Or Syriacs?
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Syrians, Mesopotamians, Anatolians, Egyptians, Jews, Indians, Persians, you name it - it's in the old Empire.
Which lasted for roughly 500 years at it's peak extension.

This is the western half of the Empire.
The Eastern half is India - the entire sub-continent, including Nepal and parts of Tibet.
Oh that one
Does that mean that the Ionian settlers of Asia Minor count as part of "our people"
Our people are defined by culture not ethnicity, otherwise we would be like 10 different peoples.
And because Rhodes and Crete was part of our Empire, then that means that Aeolians, Dorics and Ionians are part of the Empire

So it's only natural that we ally with the Greeks
They sent us a missionary which attempted to convert us? Pretty insulting to us and our faith..

Let's try to convert that missionary to our faith so after the war is over and he's send back he can tell them about our wonderful religion and how they should convert too. If he doesn't wanna convert than instead of sending him back we will just execute him for being an infidel.

We should not take insults to our god and our people lightly, if necessary we might need to go to war with these infidels to show then our true faith just as we did with the people in the new world, Parasu Sarilu.
Not really.
To us the Greeks are simple barbarians, we help them because they want to restore Rome and Rome, which we sort of accepted as Civilized.

Regarding the population of the Aegean islands and Anatolia, our people have a tendency to accidentally genocide people a lot, so the ethnicities of these places are different than they are IRL.

the Aegean islands are predominantly populated by Ethnic Minoans, since we saved their civilization from collapse and indoctrinated them into our culture.
They went around , settling places around the Aegeis and out-populated them into extinction.
As for Cyprus and Ionia, same happened to them, though it wasn't Ethnic Minoans but Ethnic Hittites.
These are the Greeks we're talking about
They're stubborn assholes
In no way will they convert, just as much as we won't
Only by showing similarities of our religion with Orthodox Christianity will we convince them about anything
I'm not saying we change our religion to fit their needs, but we change theirs

Well, I remember (since I kinda lurked your previous threads) that there was a time when the Greeks surpassed the scientific capabilities of the Empire and thus gathered knowledge from them

Why would the Empire consider them as barbarians even though they scientifically and philosophically surpassed the Empire?
Superiority complex?
We measure Civilizations based on Social progress, and as you said , greeks are stubborn assholes, that's why we call them Barbarians.

The Romans were at least willing to compromise here and there.

ancient Egypt was the only society we ever accepted as equals, simply because we had the same basic ideas on how a society should be run.

We also have a fundamental hatred for Slavery, the tool of a Barbarian, incapable of physical work, unwilling to dirty his own hands for the glory of his people.

And since we don't know shit about medieval Europe, we still think everyone is a dirty fucking barbarian.
>everyone is a dirty fucking barbarian
The thing is, everyone is a dirty fucking barbarian in Europe
They're not wrong
And plus, since we're basically allying with them (at least for now) it would be good to make stable contact with them
We don't know what sort of technological advancements they might've had, they might be barbarians, but they are smart barbarians
Sounds like a good idea, our religion is obvious the true religion and by showing the similarities between our religions we can point out the flaws in theirs and we can slowly modify their religion until it worships the correct god in the correct way.
They have proven to our people that they're not retards
They're just horribly misled
If they weren't so headstrong they'd make a good addition to the Empire
>late-medieval Europe

Obviously you don't know shit about history.
You didn't catch my meaning it seems
They're not Germanic tribes frolicking around Europe anymore
But they're not Rome, now are they?
Plus, if we're taking the literal meaning of the word "barbarian" they still are
we're talking about the pop-cultural meaning of Barbarian.
Aka uncivilized brutes, or in our case - ass backwards societies.

Which they obviously aren't, not even by our definition.

As I said, everyone's a Barbarian to us because we don't know shit about medieval Europe, we haven't been to the old world in 1700 years.

That doesn't mean they are actual barbarians in the meta.
I'm not from an anglosphere nation so the meaning of barbarian might be somewhat distorted
Neither am I nigger,being a cultural illiterate has nothing to do with your nationality, but rather that you're uneducated as fuck.
Seriously where the fuck did you grow up, the Congo?
First of all, I did nothing to receive some aggression from you
Secondly, by barbarians I meant, not "enlightened", many of the kingdoms of Europe started off as barbarian tribes
Only due to regaining Roman Thought did they eventually become enlightened, and thus, not barbarians
Again, the meaning of barbarian is a strange one, it differs from viewpoint to viewpoint
Yeah but no one cares what YOU define as a Barbarian.

There is a clear definition of Barbarian in western culture and a clear definition of Barbarian in our fictional civilization's Culture.

I can't tell whether you are genuinely retarded or a decent troll.
But whatever the case, I laid out both definitions for you, what the fuck are you arguing over?
I'm not arguing over anything, you're just putting fuel over the fire because somehow my statement triggered you for some bizzare reason
But hey, I'll leave you to your thing, there's no point in bumping for no reason
influencing their religion is a good idea.
specifically we them to accept our worldview, so assimilating into our society will be easier for most when the time comes to accept those fit to stand with us on equal ground.
Ideas like multicultural society, diversity is strength are a key part of our social system, aren't they?

as for strategy against the turks, how about getting our local decendants to revolt against the turks? a little inside fighting will weaken their defences, allowing us to take a good strategic position before they subdue the riots.

introduce ideas of old tradition and some of primitive patriotism, perhaps?
Oh and btw
Just to finish this
>2. a person without culture, refinement, or education; philistine.
>a person without culture, refinement or education

>uncivilized brutes

Seriously what the fuck is there not to understand if you just recite what I already told you.
As for what "triggered" me.

It's a combination of you Assuming I'm American, which is like assuming I have the mental capacity of a cricket, and your inability to grasp the simple concept of a goddamn Barbarian, when it's already laid out to you.
OP, where are you from if I might ask? I presume you're somewhere from Europe since your updates seem to fall in line with the timezones over here
You're right on that.
I'm German.
>Absolute dumbasses

You're just jumping into conclusions

That explains it
can you two just drop this?
>internet argumants won: +1

can we please concentrate on btfo'ing the roaches?
Sure thing

to get back to the topic

West we have the Orthodox Crusade featuring Vlad the Impaler + Sarigal and 10k Ahutaharzus

in the East we have our Grand Army, purposely slowing themselves down, because they're tending to the conquered people
Come on guys we still need da votes.
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> Neither am I nigger,

> cultural illiterate has nothing to do with your nationality

> where the fuck did you grow up, the Congo?
Is it possible to send some ships to land in Hindustan and see whats going on there in our old territory? Or is this jumping the gun, so to speak?
Jumping the gun.
Tbh we could have gone there more or less immediately, but the people decided we're helping with the Crusade, so we're doing that.

Though using the Crusade as an excuse for a Genocide against our own people is just fucking infuriating to read.
Alright. Didn't want to genocide just check it out.

Lets try this then
Well since there is no consensus , the thread saged, and me doubting that there's going to be a decision any time soon, I'll give you a neutral progression for the next update tomorrow.
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