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Persona USA Quest #11

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 130
Thread images: 30

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You are James Baker, a wild card according to the strange man known as Igor. Over the past few days you have moved to the town of Birchland with your Great Uncle Carson and started school. You've started to learn more about the town and made a small number of friends. School quickly got weird as you learned of The Rift.

More worrying was during an assembly was the green smoke flowing from The Rift and the strange, impervious wooden door within. Students and teachers at your school have begun acting stereotypical and forming cliques. Soon you learned the cause of people acting like caricatures was Shadows ripping something out of copies in The Rift.

But now The Rift is closed. After a short fight and surprisingly civil talk with a strange figure, it's over. Now you just have to find some way out.

Announcements: https://twitter.com/TheCrabQM

James Stats: https://pastebin.com/8Rk4zhiz

Social Links: https://pastebin.com/Rda5aB89

Personas & Party Members: https://pastebin.com/g8z3egL9

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Crab%2C+Persona

Discord: https://discord.gg/CkH8dwp
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"I know this is going to sound weird, but follow me over to that butterfly."

The others gives you a confused look, but Trish is the one that speaks up. "James are you feeling alright?"

You sigh, "N- I mean yes I'm fine. This butterfly is symbolic of something from the Velvet Room I think."

"Not like we have much else we can do," Zoey says with a shrug.

"And James did describe pretty weird stuff from that place before," Martin adds.

With everyone roughly in agreement, you walk over to the stream. The glittering butterfly is flying in circles above the water. Looking into the water you see the night's sky. But above you is nothing, just light and a green sky.

In the back of your mind you feel an urge to reach out for the butterfly. You don't overextend to risk falling in the water, but you try to grab it. But the butterfly meets you halfway and lands in your hand, then everything goes dark.

Your vision returns with your on the bench of the Velvet Room. The observatory same as it was before with Igor and Abigail at their seats. That is when you notice the others passed out on the floor. Igor chuckles, "My my, it seems we have more guest today."

"Will we be extended our services to them as well Master Igor?" you hear Abigail ask.

"No, we only have one to provide," Igor turns to you, "Do you have any business to attend to James?"

That voices still sends a shiver down your spine still. The others all look fine, but how did they get here?

>No, just check on your friends and wake them up.
>You would like to perform some Persona fusion,
>Could you get a Persona from the archive?
>Enough games, how did they get here?
>Get Atticus out, he might know what to do here.
>Get Atticus out, he might know what to do here.
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When in doubt there is someone you can ask, "Atticus?"

The suit wearing Persona becomes solid next to you, "Yes? Sorry for not being here at first."

You stand up to look your own Persona in the eyes, "Do you know how any of the others got here?"

Atticus shrugs, "I can't say I have. They do seem unharmed from what I can tell if that makes you feel better."

"Well thanks..."

As you turn back to the others they start to stir. Trish is the first one to get to her feet, still in her costume. Martin rolls on the floor for a few seconds before sitting up. Zoey gets to her feet a second later, leaning on the bench to do so. "Welcome to the Velvet Room, honored guests!" Igor announces.

"What happened back there?" Trish asks.

Zoey shakes her head, "James grabbed that butterfly, then everything went black. Wait, is this the place he talked about before?"

Martin takes his chance and walks up to Igor, "I have a list of questions for you."

Igor takes a sip from his cup, "I'm afraid I will be unable to answer most of them in a satisfactory method."

"Then what about why we are here?" Zoey shouts.

"Because our host wanted you here," Igor explains.

Trish walks up to the desk as well, "Who is the host of this place then?"

Igor stirs whatever is in their cup with a spoon,"They will make themselves known if they wish."

>How did the butterfly bring you here?
>Is there a reason you are here now?
>Just leave with the others.
>>Is there a reason you are here now?
>>Is there a reason you are here now?
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"Is there a reason we are here?" You ask Igor.

Igor rest his chin on one of his hands, "Why yes there is. I am to inform you this isn't over yet."

"This isn't over? But we closed The Rift," Martin points out.

"You closed one. I have no information on any of the others, but I can assure you they are out there," Igor says in a low voice.

"That's bullshit!" Zoey says, pointing at the old man.

Igor sighs, "You'll see soon enough. I merely wished to warn you. If there is nothing else, you should be getting back now."

"Hold on, we aren't done talking," Trish says in an attempt to stop him.

Everything fades to white, then you are back in the jungle. You aren't sure if any time even passed as you look around. Everyone seems to snap back from a daze at the same time.

"Fuck that guy!" Zoey shouts.

Martin looks down at his phone, "Well we know from James he's a reliable source. But what do we do now?"

>Get back to camp for now.
>Double time it to that wooden gate, it should be open now.
>Maybe you could investigate the altar on the cliff more?
>>>Double time it to that wooden gate, it should be open now.
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"We double time it to the wooden gate. It should be open, so that is our way out."

"I suppose we don't have much else we can do. I'll lead the way as usual then," Trish says as she grabs her walking stick.

As the group reaches the bottom of the stairs Martin brings up something, "So with The Rift closed are there still going to be Shadows here?"

Zoey squints and looks off in the distance, "Well I don't see the smoke anymore."

"Don't worry. If any Shadows are still around I'll make sure they don't get the drop on us," Trish says with a thumbs up.

Trish takes up a pretty fast pace, but you have a trail worn at this point. The jungle is silent as you rush through it, no voices or sounds off in the distance. You don't even feel like anything is watching you.

The group is brought to a stop a few times, but Trish ends up not finding a trace of any Shadows. You pass by where the camp is, Trish grabs the paper tags off the tree and her duffel bag. It does give you and Martin a chance to catch your breathes, which is nice. Zoey also confirms the door is gone.

Reaching the wall is otherwise uneventful, not a single Shadow or obstacle stops you. Eventually you reach the location of the wooden gate, your legs on fire. "That thing wasn't wrong, it's open," Zoey says after taking a sip of water.

James: HP: 57% SP: 08%
Trish : HP: 41% SP: 68%
Martin: HP: 43% SP: 43%
Zoey: HP: 38% SP: 23%

You walk over to the gate, and it's open. The wood that was blocking your way is gone, now there is just a dark, stone passageway through the wall. Martin gulps before speaking, "I guess this is it."

>In you go, no time to waste.
>You should take it slowly. Who knows what is in there?
>Maybe you can investigate the area around the door more?
>Test to see if there is a door there first.
>>>In you go, no time to waste.
>>Maybe you can investigate the area around the door more?
>>You should take it slowly. Who knows what is in there?
Rolled 2 (1d3)

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You have a feeling there is more to this location, "Let's all take a chance to look around and make sure we aren't missing anything."

"I'll make sure nothing drops on us," Zoey says, staying in the brush.

You investigate the area around the gate, but there doesn't seem to be anything odd. No markings or sockets along the wall or gate. Trish even tries to climb the tree, but there just aren't enough branches.

In the doorway you see the wood just has a chunk taken out of it, the rest of the way in is stone. Trish takes out a flashlight from her duffel bag, revealing the passage is longer than you can see. "I don't think we have anything else to do here, let's go."

Everyone gets in formation, then goes in. The passage is dark and your steps echo, the stone reverberating each sound. You aren't sure how long you are walking for, but the tunnel never changes direction. Straight from where you started to wherever you are going.

"How long is this?" Martin asks, his voice echoing in both directions.

"Maybe this doesn't end..." Zoey mutters, but it is dragged out by the tunnels.

Trish turns back to the group as she walks, "I'm sure it ends, it can't go on forever."

"Wait, there is a light!" You shout, noticing a faint glow up ahead.

You and the others pick up the pace, wanting to get out as soon as you can. After what feels like hours of walking in darkness you reach the light!

As your eyes adjust to the light, you see a city. But not a normal city, it looks like ancient rome. The way the pillars and buildings are all done reminds you of a history textbook. You feel a hand on your shoulder and Martin is pointing up.

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In the sky, beyond the clouds, you see it. Five glowing tears in the sky, and what looks like a dark part where a tear once was. "Dude..." Martin says in awe.

"How big is this?" Zoey asks.

Your eyes shoot around to get a better look, the tunnel entrance leading from... the school front door? The school is also on the edge of whatever this place is, being cut off by the same steel walls that were in the jungle. As a matter of fact the whole city is surrounded by the walls still.

"Something about this place rubs me the wrong way." Atticus' voice echos in your head.

Looking closer the city is some weird mix. Streets still have lights and stop-signs, but people are walking around in togas and other old clothing. The buildings are all made of marble and stone, but on corners you see vending machines and payphones.

"This is even weirder than before," Trish says.

"There are five more fucking Rifts!" Zoey shouts, panic in her voice. "Just how much more of this do we have to deal with?"

Martin and Trish are still focused on your new surroundings as Zoey clutches her head.

>Tell Zoey relax, everything will be fine.
>Focus on those Rifts, maybe you can see where they lead.
>Zoey can get a hold of herself on her own.
>Give Zoey a pat on the back.
>>Focus on those Rifts, maybe you can see where they lead.
>>Focus on those Rifts, maybe you can see where they lead.
>>Give Zoey a pat on the back.
>Focus on those Rifts, maybe you can see where they lead.
>We bought ourselves some time beating one already, we can do this.
>Whatever this world is, the rifts don't seem like they belong. What -- or who -- could be doing this?
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Zoey should be fine, she is strong. You keep your eyes trained on The Rifts above to see if you can find any lead. One thing you notice is the scar in the sky is directly above the school. Other Rifts seem to be around the edge of the city, but one is in the center.

One of the center Rifts seems to be glowing, but the others are just there in the sky without a light coming from them. "I think I see one of them glowing in the center of the city," you tell the others.

Martin shakes his head, "Right, right. Let's get g- Zoey are you okay?"

The girl pulls her face from her hands, "Yes. Yeah, I'm good."

Trish looks to her, but turns back to the city soon after. "Well how are we going to get out of here then?"

"There must be somewhere in here that serves as an exit," Martin says, pulling his phone out.

Zoey takes a few deep breaths, "Well whatever it is it better be fast."

The city seems to be built like a normal one. Shopping areas, larger buildings grouped together, but it is all ancient style.

>B-Line to the glowing Rift
>Try stopping by the vending machines and stoplights to investigate
>Stay unseen while you try to reach the glowing Rift
>Follow along the walls
[Final update of the night. Sorry for the slower pace as time went on. Thread continues Friday at 6pm EST.]
>Try stopping by the vending machines and stoplights to investigate
Why are we purposely ignoring social links?
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"Let's get going, but I wanna take a few minutes to look at the modern stuff," you say, letting curiosity get the better of you.

"I want to take a look too. Also did you notice how these are people and not Shadows?" Martin asks.

Zoey pushes the two of you out of the way with her shoulder, "Stop wasting time talking."

"Alright, geeze," Martin says as he starts walking.

As you walk away from the school doors, Trish leads the way as usual. It is strange how only the front door of the school and the front pathway are all that remain on this side of the wall. Your group follows the path down a small hill to the sidewalk by the street. Cars drive by, people walk and have conversations, just like you are in a normal city.

By the street corner you get a good look at one of the stoplights. "It seems to be normal in all ways. There are even a crossings on the streets," Trish says as she hefts the duffel bag up.

You walk across the street with a group of citizens, but they bump into you and the others. "Weird road with all these bumps in it," says one man.

On the next sidewalk you and Trish look at the vending machine while Martin and Zoey look at the cars driving by. "Should we buy anything from it?" She asks.

The machine has a see through cover that shows a wide variety of drinks. Some of them sound like off-brand versions of real drinks while others you've never heard of before. The machine seems to take any kind of bill, but the drinks are pretty expensive.


>Buying weird drinks from this place isn't a good idea. You should keep on to the glowing Rift.
>$5 6-UP
>$7 Soul Dew
>$7 Bitter Tea
>$10 Gallows Relief
>>$7 Soul Dew
>Check the change tray for money a bit petty but money is money
>>Check the change tray for money a bit petty but money is money
>$7 Soul Dew
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Before buying anything, you check the change tray. To your surprise you find a small pile of quarters. It is enough for another 2 dollars and 50 cent. You also should test to see if this vending machine works, so you press select "Soul Dew" and insert the money.


A few seconds later you reach down an pull out a can of soda, you think. "Maybe it will be useful later," You tell Trish.

"I would be careful drinking that, perhaps the beverages will have odd effects here," She warns.

"Hey I think we noticed something!" Martin shouts over.

A few steps bring the group back together. "So Zoey noticed something kinda weird, go ahead and explain," Martin says before going back to his phone, typing up a storm.

Zoey rubs the side of her head with a hand as she speaks, "Well I noticed something kinda weird how the same kind of cars kept driving by. When I looked closer I noticed they all had the same licence plate depending on the car. The windows are also all tinted so you can't see inside of them."

Martin looks up from his phone to add, "Also people kept bumping into us while we watched the cars, so I don't think they can actually hear or see us."

"So we need to move with crowds to not get ran over?" You ask as you process the thought.

"It would seem so. I need a moment to take care of something. Please don't follow," Trish says before she quickly runs into an alley.

The three of you give her a minute, wondering what she is up to. After another minute, Trish walks out wearing her leather jacket zipped up. "I just want to be prepared for wherever we drop out of the Rift," She explains.

Zoey rolls her eyes and starts to walk towards the glowing tear in the sky. You and the others are quick to follow. The path takes you to the heart of this strange city, tall buildings looming over head. Finally you get directly below The Rift, and one building stands out as an oddity.

It looks like a large stone tower stretching high into the sky, various small camps are built around the bottom of it. "I can't even see the top of it," Martin says in awe.

>Maybe the people by the tower can see you and answer some questions?
>Close your eyes and look for a door around the tower.
>Try to find an entrance to the tower.
>Does anyone have any ideas about this?
>Close your eyes and look for a door around the tower.
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There has to be a way out, there has to be. You close your eyes and turn as if you were looking around. At first there is nothing, but then you see a faint glow ahead of you. When your open your eyes it looks like it is a large, red tent. "I think I found our exit," You tell the others.

"Well someone found us too," Zoey says, pointing up at the tower.

You look up and see an opening halfway up the tower. In the opening is a robed figure, their robes are white with golden trimming. "I'm guessing nobody else can see their face?" Trish asks.

"Yeah. Well we know this tower is something bad for sure," Martin says.

Zoey groans, "Fuck that though. You said you saw the way out, James?"

"I'm pretty sure it was in there," you say, pointing to the red tent.

"Then what are we waiting around for?" Zoey asks, annoyance clear in her voice.

Trish adjust the zipper on her jacket, "Well if there is information to learn about this it would be good to do it now."

"And what if Shadows attack us while we are still worn out?" Martin asks.

The people around the camp still seem to be ignoring you. There also aren't any Shadows that you can see, but the robed figure is certainly ominous.

>Going back is probably for the best.
>Well if people want to leave they can. Personally you will [Stay / Go]
>Maybe you could look around the camp more?
>It wouldn't hurt to find the entrance to the tower.
>Going back is probably for the best.
>>Going back is probably for the best.
>we're kinda tapped on sp guys
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As much as you might want to explore more, there is a limit. "Going back is probably for the best, we are pretty drained."

"I suppose we should," Trish admits.

You lead the others through the crowded camp to the large tent. It is strangely empty, but when you close your eyes there is a glowing door there. "Where do you think it is going to lead?" you hear Martin ask.

"Well I'll find out," Zoey says.

Your eyes open in time to see Zoey vanish from view. Trish sighs and follows after her. "Well let's go then," Martin says as she also vanishes.

All alone, you go through the door. Every is green for a few seconds, but your vision starts to return to normal. However, it seems rather dark. You reach out and get a handful of leaves?

A hand sticks through what you quickly realize is a bush and you grab on. "Yeah we are pretty far away from the school," Martin says as he pulls you out.

The area around you certainly isn't the school. It looks like you ended up downtown in the night. Luckily people the bush does prevent people from seeing you suddenly appear. Zoey is already walking off down the sidewalk. "We should probably follow to get our cars back," Trish says, still with the duffel bag.

"I have to go back that way for my bike anyways," You say, starting to walk.

Taking the chance to look back, you see what building you ended up in front of. According to a sign it is the local headquarters of the "People for Humane Animal Treatment." or P.H.A.T. The HQ looks like a fairly normal office, but you notice in the windows a few signs that say things like "fur is murder",

With a long walk ahead of you, there isn't much to do. The sun is almost all set and according to your phone it is 7PM. "Man, Zoey sure is in a bad mood," Martin whispers.

"Well she seemed pretty worried about getting back," Trish replies, also in whisper.

Martin shakes his head, "But what is there to be mad about? Like I can understand getting bad if someone did something to her."

"People respond differently to stress. I'm sure she has her reasons," Trish explains.

Martin strokes his chin as he walks, "Actually I have a question, what do you two not like? For me I hate it when people mess with my stuff"

"Pass," Trish says coldly.

>Also pass.
>You can't stand people that suck up to others.
>People who go out of their way to be "funny" are just annoying.
>There is a certain genre of music that you can't stand, [default is hip-hop]
>People who like or do certain things just because it's the current fad.
Bullies, assholes, people who are jerks trying to be funny, and huge suck ups.
[Will give the tie an extra few minutes.]
Rolled 1 (1d2)

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It takes you a minute to form the words in your head. After a minute you tell Martin and Trish, "People who like or do certain things just because it's the current fad."

"I know a few people like that. When I get home I'm gonna pass out the second I get in my room." Martin says as you walk out of the city proper.

"Just don't sleep past through school," Trish warns.

Martin yawns and nods as you keep walking. Luckily the roads outside of the city aren't too busy, so walking next to them isn't too dangerous. Trish does have a flashlight out for the occasional car that does drive by though.

The rest of the walk is fairly quiet, because nobody has the energy to talk. The sun even sets fully and the moon rises into the sky before you finally reach the pool's parking lot. Zoey is already in her car by the time the rest of you get in the lot. "Later!" She yells as she drives off into the night.

You wave to the others as you start to bike back home. It takes every ounce of power just to not pass out from all the walking you did today. Biking past the school you see the toilet paper is all cleaned up. The many suburb entrances give your way some much needed light to keep you from veering off into a ditch.

Finally you pedal past the church and bring your bike to a stop in front of the house. As you drag yourself inside the smell of Carson's cooking reminds you how hungry you are. "Finally home? Well there is some leftover salad and meatloaf in the kitchen if you want something," Your great uncle says from his seat on the couch.

After a thanks and quick meal, you change into your nighttime attire. The soft embrace of your bed never felt so good. Now if only you could pass out instead of waking up back in the Velvet Room, but for once it is fully empty.

"Sorry for disturbing you James, but we have something to discuss," Atticus says as he appears at Igor's seat.

"What is that?" You ask as you drag yourself out of the bench and sit infront of the desk.

Atticus interlocks his hands and rest his chin on them, "Well I know I insisted on staying around, but it wouldn't hurt to have more Persona to choose from. Also we need to discuss your position in the group. They look up to you James. You have the makings of a leader, but you can't keep backing away from that role."

>What does Atticus propose you do then?
>Just because you have a special power none of the others do and end up making the final decisions doesn't make you a leader.
>You'll ask the others if they want you as a leader next time.
>You aren't cut out to be a leader.
>>What does Atticus propose you do then?
>What does Atticus propose you do then?
>Having the final say does not make me a leader. Oh wait!
>>What does Atticus propose you do then?
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You look Atticus in the goggle eyes, "What do you propose then?"

Atticus grins, "It's simple. If you give more directions to others in battle then everyone will be better coordinated. You know whatever everyone can do, so use that knowledge to help them become a better group."

"So you want me to be a tactician for everyone?" You asks skeptically.

"Well start to become one. But for now could you summon the book? Atticus asks with a hand held outwards.

The book and pen appear in your hands and you hand them over hesitantly. Atticus quickly writes in your contract book, "As your Persona I wish you to grow stronger to use more of your own power. Your strength is one none of the others can use, I suggest you make use of it.

Social Link Rank-Up!
Fool Arcana Rank 2: Expanded Contracts- Increase maximum number of, not Atticus, Personas to 8.

"Now I'll let you get some rest, you do have classes again. Just think about what I said, James, Atticus says as everything starts to go black.

>9/18 > 9/19

Your alarm goes off, prompting you to get out of bed. After a small breakfast and goodbye to Carson, you bike off to school. What Atticus said in your dream is still floating around in your head as you reach school. There are still a few minutes before class, which gives you the chance to do something quick.

>Check to be sure The Rift in the auditorium is closed.
>Try and find Zoey to talk about yesterday.
>Head to class early so you don't risk being late.
>Wander around the cafeteria with an eye out for anything interesting.
>>Try and find Zoey to talk about yesterday.
She's in a bad way
>>>Head to class early so you don't risk being late.
>Check the Rift
Rolled 2 (1d3)

So are we just going to let our SL with Zoey invert or what?
We can do it during lunch.
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Today you are just going to focus on your studies. You head to your history classroom early to avoid being late due to any weird incidents. A few students are already there and Ms. Reynolds is busy typing away at her computer. Soon enough the bell rings and the rest of the class, Martin included, take their seats.

Before the lessons start, Ms. Reynolds hands out a sheet of paper to everyone, "During third period in the cafeteria today various clubs and sports teams will be set up to try and recruit more people. Also I got an email that an assembly will be held during sixth period today for all juniors. But enough of that, let's go over our material from last week."

While history goes on you read over the paper. It seems like a simple form to request joining a club or sports team. As classes drag on through the morning you try to stay low, still sore from yesterday. Eventually comes time for lunch and as you walk into the cafeteria with Martin you see a wide variety of small table stalls set up all around the edge. "I'm gonna pass on the clubs, but you feel free to take a look. It might also let us know if people are recovering from you know what," Martin says before he heads into the line.

A quick look around lets you see a few of the stall. There is the heavily crowded football table with David and a few other guys at it. Not far away from the football stall is a well built guy in a jacket sitting at the baseball one. There is also the tennis stall with a few boys and girls coming and going from it.

On the club side of things you see a drama stall with a bored looking girl on the heavier side that has a few people visiting it. There is also the photography stall, with Mr.G eating his own lunch. The last stall that catches your eye is a ragged looking guy with a poorly made sign reading "Automotive" that people seem to be ignoring.

You hurry though the line to make sure you get food. Once you exit behind Martin you see Zoey sitting at the usual table, but not talking to her supposed friends. You doubt you have time to visit all of the stalls and still eat your lunch.

>Go check out a sports teams. [Football, Baseball, Tennis]
>Look at one of the clubs. [Drama, Photography, Automotive]
>Eat and talk with Martin and Zoey first.
>>Eat and talk with Martin and Zoey first.
>>Eat and talk with Martin and Zoey first.
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Before you worry about any of the clubs or sports, you are going to have a nice relaxing lunch with your friends. You sit down, get the chips from Martin, then Zoey says, "I'm not sure I can keep doing stuff in The Rift."

"What?" You and Martin ask at the same time.

Zoey covers her eyes with a hand before continuing, "I mean now that things here are fixed I just don't see the reason. And we got lucky there were more Rifts, what about when we close the last one? I am not getting trapped in there."

"We'll figure something out I'm sure," Martin says nervously.

"And what if we don't? Is someone gonna do some stupid heroic sacrifice and stay trapped in there forever?" Zoey asks, dropping her hand as anger creeps into her voice.

"I mean if we don't have any options then yeah..." Martin trails off before continuing, "But it isn't like we can just let that place change more people."

Zoey glares at Martin, "How do we know there aren't Rifts all over the world, huh? Would you say we have to give up on our lives to just keep chasing them?"

Martin looks to you and scratches the back of his head. Zoey obviously isn't happy, but there has to be some way to get her to not give up, right?

>The Velvet Room could possibly act as a gate between here and The Rift, you will find out before you close the next one.
>Does she really just want to give up on it all?
>You promise nobody will get left behind there.
>She should calm down and stop being selfish, not everyone can fix this.
>You promise nobody will get left behind there.
>The Velvet Room could possibly act as a gate between here and The Rift, you will find out before you close the next one.
>>The Velvet Room could possibly act as a gate between here and The Rift, you will find out before you close the next one.
>>You promise nobody will get left behind there.
>The Velvet Room could possibly act as a gate between here and The Rift, you will find out before you close the next one.
>Hey it could be worse, she could be one of the people mindfucked into being a cardboard cut out. The "Loner" stereotype is too edgy for a girl like her.
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You meet Zoey's gaze and speak calmly, "I promise nobody will get left behind. Maybe the Velvet Room could even act as a way to get between here and The Rift too?"

"But we can't know that," Zoey says, firm in her beliefs.

"Zoey, I promise." You say again.

"Fine whatever. I'll drop it for now," She says with a tired look, going back to her food.

"And hey it could be worse, you could be one of the people mind changed into being a cardboard cut out. The "Loner" stereotype is too edgy for you," you say with a smile.

Zoey's cold face breaks into a small grin, "Pfft, you got me there."

Martin stifles a chuckle as he goes back to eating too. Thanks to quick thinking with a smooth remark, your CHARM has grown. The rest of your lunch is relaxing is normal, but you have other things to do besides talking with your friends.

The stalls all seem to be in the same shape as before. The tennis team has a different boy and girl working the stall now, the two look to be dressed in similar outfits.

>Take a look at a sports team. [Football, Baseball, Tennis]
>Head to one of the club stalls. [Drama, Photography, Automotive]
>Go visit one of your other friends in the school.
>Just stay and chat with your pals.
>>Take a look at a sports team. [Football, Baseball, Tennis]
[Sorry for not making it clear. The options being in brackets meant to choose one of them.]
>>Just stay and chat with your pals.
>>Just stay and chat with your pals.
[I'll give this another 5 minutes just in case.]
Rolled 2 (1d2)

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The clubs and sports should be recovering if they were changed just fine, for now you will relax and chat with your friends. "So Zoey, what kind of people piss your off?" Martin asks.

"Most," she says, finishing her chicken salad.

"Oh come on. James is the only one who actually said," he replies with a sigh.

Zoey rolls her eyes, "Fine, if it means you won't complain more. I hate people that try to act all smart when they don't know shit."

Martin explains the type of people he and you both dislike to Zoey, fair is fair. "Maybe we should all go out for dinner or something to celebrate closing one of those Rifts," Martin suggests.

"Did you see how many more we had?" Zoey asks.

"But if we never celebrate we won't feel like we made any progress," Martin explains.

Zoey thinks for a minute, "I guess, well if James and Trish are for it I know a good buffet place."

You aren't entirely sure about celebrating already, but if all the others are for it who are you to say no? Sadly the lunch bell rings and it is time for more classes. PE is luckily another light day of just running, unluckily running is still painful after yesterday.

Once you reach Photography Mr.G points to you, "Go along to that assembly for juniors. I'll fill you in on what you missed later."

Oh right, you head to the auditorium and take a seat near the back, it looks like they got new curtains for the stage. Around the space you see Martin is sitting with his class and Zoey is grouped with a few of her other friends that you recognize from lunch. Dr. Fudge steps out on stage once everyone is there and quiets down, "Today we are going to talk about behavior. Plain and simple I don't know what posses people to pull fire alarms or tp the school, but that kind of behavior won't be tolerated."

He continues to talk about responsibility and taking so for your actions, stuff you already know about. At the end of his speech he looks across the auditorium, "Now if anyone steps up to admit to doing the toilet paper covering or fire alarm pulling we can shorten their punishment, but if we find out later you will get the full thing."

You feel a bead of sweat roll down your face.

>Play it cool, they can't pin anything on you.
>Own up to the fire alarm.
>Try to cover for the probably possessed students and own up to the TP.

[Final vote of the night, thanks for playing folks. We continue start 6pm EST Saturday.]
>>Play it cool, they can't pin anything on you.
Thanks for running
>>Play it cool, they can't pin anything on you.
>Play it cool, they can't pin anything on you.
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You wipe the sweat from your brow, there is no reason to worry. The minutes drag on as nobody owns up to any of the acts. Eventually Dr. Fudge sighs, "Alright then, everyone can go back to class."

Everyone talks among themselves as they file out of the auditorium. Photography flies by and Mr. G reminds the class of the assignment due by the end of the month. In study hall you do homework with Martin, but Ms. Brown is nowhere to be seen.

After finishing the last of your math homework you look to Martin, "Where do you think Tr- Ms. Brown is?"

"I got no clue man, she didn't respond to the text I sent her about celebrating," Martin says with a shrug.

As the final bell rings you and Martin walk out together. Zoey walks out and gives you two a confused look, "So where is Trish?"

Martin strokes his chin, "We aren't sure. Maybe we sho-"

Ms. Brown, or Trish staggers out of the door to the parking lot. Her hair is messy and her clothing seems more wrinkled than usual, "Sorry for being late. I had to take care of something important."

The parking lot is emptying at a steady pace around you as people leave the school. "Whatever, do we have a plan for today?" Trish asks the group.

Martin looks down at his phone, "Well we know where The Rift is, but not what is going on with people exposed to it for now."

>Today would be a good day to investigate the Tower more.
>You should investigate the PHAT building to see if people are acting oddly.
>Maybe everyone should take some R&R today.
>Hows about you all get ready and meet up at the place Zoey recommended.
>Raises an eyebrow at Ms. Brown
>Maybe everyone should take some R&R today
>Just have fun but not too much fun. *wink*
Deleting the write in part
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"Maybe we should all get some R&R today. I'm sure we are still kinda sore," You suggest.

"Yeah... PE didn't help that," Martin says as he rubs a leg.

"We could also use this time to prepare ourselves more. If some of you would like I could take you to the firing range today," Trish offers.

"You have fun with that, but I've got stuff to do if we aren't going in The Rift," Zoey says as she fixes her ponytail.

A small smile creeps on to Trish's face, "Well it sounds like we are in agreement then. Let's all have a good, relaxing day."

Martin backs away from the group, "I'm also gonna take a rain check on the shooting practice. There is something I want to take a look at."

Trish sighs and starts straightening her clothes as the others leave. Learning how to aim better could be nice, but you also have plenty of other things to do with your free time.

>Take up Trish's offer and go to the shooting range.
>Go investigate PHAT on your own.
>Call Sam to see what she is up to.
>Head home early to read your book.
>Go see Mr. G about your assignment.
>Take up Trish's offer and go to the shooting range.
While in Rome do as the Romans
[Gonna go ahead and get writing]
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You smile at Trish, "I'm down to go to the shooting range."

"Well I can't really carry your bike, so would you be okay riding with me again?" She asks cautiously.

"No problem with me, just give me a helmet so we don't get in trouble."

Trish hands you her spare helmet and you hop on. Trish zips up her leather jacket and before you know it you are holding on to her tight. The two of you peal out of the parking lot and ride off to downtown.

Well it looks like you are going to downtown at first, but Trish turns down a back road that ends up taking you through a small suburban neighborhood. After a few minutes you come out on a narrow street with old looking buildings. The motorcycle comes to a stop in front of a long, brick building with a sign that reads "Practice Makes Perfect" out front.


You see Trish pull a small black case from her purse as you take your helmet off and follow after her. A bell rings as you walk in and an older man with thinning, silver hair looks up from a magazine he was reading. "Evenin' Trish, who's that you got with you?"

Trish slides a collection of papers and a few cards over the front counter, "Oh just a relative who wants to learn a thing or two Sal. Mind if I take the usual spot at the end of the range?"

"Well everythin' is still in order. Go on ahead," The man known as Sal turns his attention to you, "There is a box o' plugs by the door, help yourself to them."

You take a few, but doubt you will need any. As you enter the real shooting range a few shots echo out from close to the far side. "Today we will just practice some basics. I know you don't like handguns, but diversity is a good thing to have." Trish says with a grin.

"Trish, what are you doing here?" asks a familiar voice.

From behind a divider you see the owner of the surplus store, Andy. "And don't I know you from somewhere?" he asks, pointing at you.

>Yeah, you are Trish's cousin!
>You did some shopping at his store before.
>Let Trish handle him.
>Let Trish handle him
[I have been writing, my bad.]
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"Well you know..." You trail off, turning to Trish.

"James here is that cousin I was talking about before. He wants to learn about shooting so I figure I could give him some basic lessons," Trish says calmly.

Andy smirks, "You wanted to teach someone to shoot and you didn't ask me for help? I'm hurt Trisha."

You notice her tense up, "Trish, and I wasn't sure what your schedule was. Also he doesn't even know you."

"Right, right. My bad. Well James, if you end up liking shooting and talk to your cousin there, I can give lessons," Andy says before going back to his stall.

Trish whispers to you as you walk past the man, "Andy is technically the winner of a few shooting competitions, but I place in the top 5 usually."

You are just glad Andy didn't remember you from the store, but that might make buying gear in the future awkward. The next couple of hours fly by as Trish instructs you on the proper way to shoot a handgun, improving your TECHNIQUE.

"Thanks for the lessons," You say as you take the earplugs out.

"It was my pleasure, but I have papers to take care of tonight." She says as she packs away the gun.

The ride back to the school feels much shorter than getting to the range at first. You wave Trish off as she leaves, then start to bike back home yourself. It is nice to not be ready to pass out as you get home for once.

"Home early James? Well I was just about to get dinner started so the living room is yours," Carson says as you step inside.

With your Great Uncle cooking you have a good dinner to look forward to as you take care of something tonight. But what should it be?

>Watch the news, it's informative!
>Spend some time cooking with Carson
>Start your Knot book, could be handy.
>Relax and head to bed after dinner.
>Relax and head to bed after dinner.
>>Start your Knot book, could be handy.
>Start your Knot book, could be handy.
>>Start your Knot book, could be handy.
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While Carson works on dinner, you grab the "101 Knots and How to Tie Them" book. The book is actually a manual on way more than 101 types of knots, you didn't even know that many were a thing. You take your tie and use shoe laces to practice a few of them, but soon enough it is time for dinner.

"I made some tomato soup if that is alright with you, something nice and simple." Carson says with a smile.

You take a seat at the able, "Not a problem for me."

The two of you have a quiet dinner of soup and crackers. After helping with dishes you go back to reading the book and make good progress on it. Getting about halfway through the book you find tasks like these easier. Your TECHNIQUE has grown from Slacker to Handy.

With enough reading and knot tying for the night, you retire around the same time your Great Uncle does. The next morning comes after a peaceful night of sleep without any interruptions.

>9/19 > 9/20

Tuesday morning flies by as classes go by without incident. Classes are also much lower energy as people focus instead of chatting loudly without end. It seems like things are finally returning to normal at East Ridge. At lunch you notice the table behind you is missing a few of the usual people. "I hear they got busted for tping the school over the weekend," you overhear someone say.

Without Trish there to discuss plans you have a peaceful lunch with the others. Finally after another productive Study Hall, school comes to an end for the day. "So are we going to be normal for another day?" Zoey asks.

Trish sighs, "As nice as it was, I feel like we can't just ignore The Rift for too long. Who knows what might be going on in there?"

"Well we can do a few things, what are you thinking James?" Martin asks as he turns to you.

>Into The Rift again, you should investigate that tower
>One more day of the normal life couldn't hurt, it was nice.
>There are some supplies you'd like to buy first. [Surplus, Medical, ???]
>Why not check out PHAT first to see if people are acting oddly?
>First you want to try going to the Velvet Room.
>Why not check out PHAT first to see if people are acting oddly?
I guess
>>Why not check out PHAT first to see if people are acting oddly?
>Why not check out PHAT first to see if people are acting oddly?
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If people aren't being effected, then you don't need to go into The Rift quite yet, "Why not check out PHAT to see if people are acting oddly?"

"That sounds like a good idea, but are they really just going to let us walk in and question people?" Martin points out.

"Perhaps if one of us were to be interested in joining," Trish says, looking around the group.

"Let's worry about that when we get there. Also I'm driving, Martin's car is way too small," Zoey says as she hops into her convertible.

Everyone piles into the car, Martin taking shotgun. "Can you please put the roof up?" Trish asks as she puts the duffel bag in the backseat.

"Is that the duffel bag with all the weapons in it?" Zoey asks.

Trish nods, which prompts Zoey to raise the roof of the car. Zoey burns rubber out of the parking lot to beat the buses. Getting downtown doesn't take too long, thanks to Zoey's rather cutthroat attitude to letting people get over in lanes. The P.H.A.T buildings stands out as she parks across the street from it. Every other buildings seems to be a normal office building, but their HQ has a few trees and bushes planted out front.

"So who is going to walk in and pretend to be a hippy? Because I don't think I can pass for an animal rights activist." Martin asks.

From what you can tell the sidewalk is busy, but not many people are coming and going out of the HQ.

>Maybe one person could try sneaking in? [Who?]
>You can pass as one, you like animals.
>Let someone else try to get inside.
>What if you made an excuse like your school paper?
>What if you made an excuse like your school paper?
>We got a teacher here with us. It'd be the perfect cover story
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If this was a cartoon a light bulb would go on above your head, "What if we go in and pretend to be working for the school paper? We even have a teacher, it'd be the perfect cover story."

Trish nods slowly, "I suppose it could work, but we run a risk if any students or faculty are part of the organization."

"I doubt anyone from our school got mixed up with these quacks." Zoey says as she looks across the street.

Martin reaches back to put a hand on your shoulder, "Well I believe in you James. Don't forget to fake writing stuff down"

"You're not coming?" You ask Martin and Zoey.

"I'm not really a good liar," Martin admits.

Zoey rolls her eyes, "And I'm not leaving someone alone in my car."

"Well let's not waste any time," Trish says with a sigh.

You grab a notepad and pencil from Martin and get out of the car. With Trish you walk across the street and up to the front doors of P.H.A.T HQ. The door is locked and you can see a buzzer. Trish takes the lead on trying to get you inside, "Hello? This is East Ridge High School looking to get the scoop for the newspaper club."

A static filled voice replies, "You don't have an appointment."

"Sorry, but we just need a few minutes with some of your members about the cruel ways animals are being treated," She replies, letting her voice waver.

There is a clicking noise as the door comes unlocked. When you walk in the building is very clean. At the front desk is a woman in her thirties on the phone. She just waves the two of you on to the rest of the building. You can see a set of stairs to the side, the first floor seems dedicated to guest and various signs."We might cover more ground split up, but it might be tricky," Trish whispers.

>The two of you should stick together and head up to the second floor.
>You'll head all the way to the third floor while she checks the second.
>You will stay here while she heads up on her own.
>Maybe you both should just stay down here for now.
>>You'll head all the way to the third floor while she checks the second.
>>You'll head all the way to the third floor while she checks the second.
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"I'll check out the top floor while you check out the second," You whisper as you enter the stair well.

Trish nods in agreement and heads off into the second floor as you walk past it. Alone you climb the stairs up to the top floor. As you carefully enter the floor is quiet. There are tables with computers all over like someone took the cubicles out of an office.

There are a few personal items on each of the tables, but nobody actually there. As you approach a corner you over hear a conversation, one of the voices familiar. "I don't know if this is right Luke..." the familiar and feminine voice says nervously.

"You are better than this. We need everyone together for this. We will finally strike a blow against the evil corporations," Says a masculine voice.

"I-I just don't know if I can go through with it."

"Listen, you are a kid. I can understand doing something this big is scary. So just don't tell anyone about this," The voice says getting closer to you.

"But Luke..." The familiar voice trails off.

You hear a sigh before the male voice continues, "Relax Nat, everything will be fine."

The footsteps start to get closer, not giving you many options. There probably isn't enough time to run all the way back to the stairs, but all there is around you are the computer tables.

>Duck under a table to stay out of sight.
>Pretend you were just walking up to the corner.
>Make a dash for the door, you might be able to make it.
>Turn around and walk back all casual like. What matters is that you act like you belong in this place. Do it and no one should question your presence
>>Pretend you were just walking up to the corner.
>>Pretend you were just walking up to the corner.
>Turn around and walk back all casual like. What matters is that you act like you belong in this place. Do it and no one should question your presence
>Pretend you were just walking up to the corner.
[Actually, give me some dice on this. Going to need some d10s]
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Be cool
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

[Writing for real.]
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You walk away from the corner a few steps, then turn back around and walk towards it. The man you assume is Luke nearly bumps into you. The man looks down at you, his all black outfit making him slightly more intimidating. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

There is a pause as you try to not make an obvious tell, "Oh umm, I just got here and was looking to get an interview for my school newspaper."

The man rubs his eyes with a hand and groans. "Kid, you shouldn't be up here. Also be careful where you are walking, people might be having important conversations. Nat, can you escort this press back to the first floor?"

Around the corner walks Natalie, your great uncle's assistant from church. Both of you share a moment of stunned silence before she speaks up, "Right this way please."

Nodding along you follow her, Luke's eyes burning into the back of your head as you go. Once in the stair well Natalie stops, "James, what are you doing here?"

"The school newspaper needs a story," You say as plainly as possible.

Natalie shakes her head, "I know the people on the newspaper James. What are you really doing here? Wait, did you hear what we were talking about"

You gulp, it seems like Natalie isn't buying it. But you can't tell her the truth, can you?

>Distract her with a question. Have people around here been acting different?
>Tell her you came here because you were curious, but really don't know what she means.
>Come clean about overhearing them.
>Blast through her questions. What was Luke talking about that she didn't like?
>>Distract her with a question. Have people around here been acting different?
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"Have people around here been acting different recently? Maybe more extreme?" You asks, trying to kill two birds with one stone.

Natalie's eyes go wide at the sudden question, "What? Well umm, kinda. I don't know what happened, but while I was on my camping trip it seems like everyone here is either a lazybones or not in a good mood."

Maybe you can get more information, "Have you noticed anything else strange around here?"

"Not really, except fo- we should get you back to the first floor. Come on," Natalie says as she starts to walk back down to the first floor.

You sigh and follow her back down. When you reach the first floor you see Trish is sitting in one of the chairs in the front lobby. "Oh, hello," She says to Natalie.

"If you really have questions you can just ask. P.H.A.T just wants to help animals get treated well," the blonde says sternly.

Trish shakes her head as you walk over, you think that means she didn't find out much. Natalie might just be your in for this group if you can word questions right.

>Ask if there is a more private place for questions.
>What was she talking about with Luke?
>You don't have anything else to ask and hope she has a good day.
>Ask some basic questions about P.H.A.T
>How long has she been part of this?
>>Ask if there is a more "private" place for questions...
>Ask some basic questions about P.H.A.T
>>Ask some basic questions about P.H.A.T
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You hold the pencil to your notepad, might as well learn something. "Well let's learn about PHAT then. How long has it been around?"

Natalie blinks, then smiles. "Oh! Well P.H.A.T has been around since the 80s. Our founder was so outraged at the treatment of animals for testing that he organized a protest and it all started from there."

"So how many members does P.H.A.T. have?" You ask.

"Right now we are 4 million strong! But this is only one of our buildings, the main head quarters is out by the bay actually," Natalie says in a chipper tone.

Trish sighs, "So what is PHAT going to do next?"

"Well I can't say. Our next move is only known to the higher ups," She says, tapping the side of her head.

"Thanks for your time, but we should be going now," Trish says as she stands up.

"Have a great day you two!" Natalie calls after you.

You wave back on the way out. "So did you find anything good?"

Trish shakes her head as you walk back across the street. Once back in everyone looks at you expectantly.

>They are doing something dangerous, but you don't know anything about it.
>You didn't find anything of note.
>Natalie is going to be your way to find out more.
>People are acting like typical hippies and extremist.
[Final vote of the thread.]
>>Natalie is going to be your way to find out more.
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[Also I want to say thanks for playing folks. However with classes starting I won't be running the next week. If anyone has mechanics, characters, or even story questions I'm willing to answer. Just don't expect spoilers.]
>There's definately a change of behavior Natalie confirms it
>I overheard they're planning something. Drastic by the sound of it.
>Whatever it is Natalie will be our in to this group
Thread posts: 130
Thread images: 30

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