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Whirlpool Quest - Thread 3

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Thread replies: 72
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You are Subject 108, a.k.a. Whirlpool. You are a 'futanari' who suffers occasional lapses in memory and judgement from shifting hormonal imbalances. You are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies from a reclusive civilization that has mastered spatial distortion. You have been sent to the feral planet known as Cymbio IV for a simple task: fetching water, but everything has its details.

Recap: >>138145
After dispelling a tense situation, you agreed to be treated like a lost tourist and was escorted to the reception area of a massive, luxury establishment. You visited the vendor stalls in the Consumer District and fooled around with the shopkeeper before bartering for a WATER SCANNER and a SIX-SIDED DIE. Outside, you accepted the offer of a card filled with digital credits in exchange for delivering a parcel to the resort's chef. However, you discover that your parcel isn't what it seems.
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>Complete the task and then use the card to buy what are obviously drugs from this "chef"
You arrive at the reception area, intent on buying narcotics from the assumption that the client is actually a drug smuggler. Things look as barren as ever but someone new walks out of the elevator. It's the chef, an actual one. You stick out your arms and hope he'll take it...

...only for him to walk right past you and pick up a different package over there.

Wait, if this parcel isn't the special ingredients the chef is after, then what is in this box?
Your art is getting better each time!
It's a box full of LSD.
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Thank you, after seeing how long the other drawthreads take to update I decided to lessen my corner-cutting. Although I'm still nowhere near their caliber.

You open your 'parcel' since it isn't actually filled with delicate ingredients that will spoil on contact with open air. You find small items which resemble recreational drugs, aside from the weird syringe and the note. Turns out that stranger from earlier is the drug smuggler all along.


Oh, well, hello officer.
ask him if he likes our drug diorama, that totally is not drugs.
Explain the situation calmly and rationally. We were just delivering a package under the belief it was ingredients, but grew suspicious when the chef didnt seem the least bit interestsd.
You can't exactly go to jail for unknowing,y smuggling shit - otherwise postmen would go to jail all the time due to people mailing drugs and shit covertly.
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You stammer and try to convince the policeman that you have a mockup of drugs and not actual narcotics in your box. He's not convinced and promptly confiscates it. He raises an eyebrow from reading the note inside it.

You switch tactics and tell him that you didn't really know that you were carrying drugs until now. It's difficult keeping your composure stable.

>"He does this all the time, always going through by proxy. Alright, you're free to go, this belongs to Nicotine now."

He turns and walks away with the box.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Go look for a wise investment for your money. But like, don't spend all of it, in case it falls through.
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You're not very good at this economy stuff, so you decide to just invest in the very establishment you're standing in. You inquire about it to the nice receptionist lady over there.

>”Did you know you can help contribute to Resorcinol’s development by purchasing one of our residential units? I guarantee that your money will be well spent. We have our standard prices but the more your investment exceeds them, the better your services that you can avail.”

She further adds that due to the resort's work-in-progress state, not all benefits will be available immediately and will be open in due time.

You decide to fork over 35% of your savings, still an UNBELIEVABLE amount from your card. That drug smuggler must have wealth beyond wealth or something to give away cards with THAT amount of digital currency in them. Either that or he's retiring.
Ask somebody who Nicotine is, and why the police officer is taking drugs to them.
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This update is supposed to contain two more panels but I lost them when Paint.net crashed. Going with the most notable for now.

You ask the receptionist about this "Nicotine" person you heard from the policeman earlier.

>"Did you know that Resorcinol is divided into multiple different districts? Red Light District, Transport District, Consumer District, Residential District, Fire Control District, Law Enforcement District, Medical District and the Maintenance District. Nicotine is the manager of the Red Light District, a casino in the lower levels that houses good, clean fun."

The receptionist maintains her cheerful tone while she is explaining all of this to you.

It's getting late, I'm going to sign off for the night. See ya'll in 10 hours.
Check out this "good, clean fun" in the casino.
might want to search around the transport district for someone to go to that moat to check up on the porthole.
Yeah, you could pay someone to go get it for you while you go and see what the casino is really like.
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You ask the receptionist about the Transport District's location and her advice is conveniently helpful. The abundance of signs and directories littered at many intersections certainly helps.

You arrive at a humongous hangar area where transportation vehicles of all kinds are parked around here. Most of these seem to be cargo ships. You also find the jeep the Frenetic Engineer drove when you were escorted here.
Hop into the car and pretend to drive it.
Get frustrated at imaginary traffic. Go to your imaginary house and get into an argument with your imaginary wife, but imaginary apologize. Imaginary work was hard, and imaginary boss was riding your imaginary ass recently, and you were just imaginary stressed out
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Well, you've got time to kill, and it's not like fun isn't allowed everywhere else. You approach the parked jeep with intent to play around in it but someone touches your shoulder and startles you with his presence.

>"Excuse me miss, but you can't go around harassin' other people's property. That vehicle is under the protection of Resorcinol's Transport District, okay?"
Challenge hank hill to a dance off to establish dominance.
Can't lose with max mobility.
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Just because you have EXCELLENT MOBILITY does not mean you are well-versed in the art of dancing. In fact, you're pretty bad at any sociophysical interaction just like dancing. Besides, this isn't what you're here for.
Explain to hank that you're on a mission from god. And by God you mean your alien government
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You explain to him that you're on an important mission: Gathering water for a civilization dying of thirst. You mention that you needed a cargo operator to retrive some equipment you left behind when you crash-landed on this planet.

>"Well why didn't ya just say so! I can rent ya one of my V-TOL cargo transports."
First we gotta deal with out nicotene problem and then we will rent the vtol thing.
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You tell Propane that you'll put the offer on hold as you head for the Red Light District for a personal investigation. However, the destination is strangely not listed in any nearby directories or signs and you wander into the Consumer District again.
The Red Light District is in the lower levels, right? Just drill your way down there.
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You come up with some mental excuses such as the place being too abandoned and the WIP nature of this establishment giving leeway for repairs. It's nice to use your HARPOON again as you breach and penetrate the floor below you. You somehow end up in some kind of maintenance hallway but that's not gonna stop you. You resume your excavation to the Red Light District.

Eventually you arrive at your destination. The place looks vivid with a broader palette of red shades. You plan on suggesting the use of other colors at the staff later on. It's surprisingly well-frequented with ten times the patrons as the other districts. Then again, 10 times 2 is still small for a casino. Fortunately, no one noticed your sudden arrival as everyone else seems too enthralled with their activities.

Meanwhile, the head of the Maintenance District gets a transmission.

>"Yeah yeah I know about that. I'll send Epoxy to patch it up in a jiffy."

Sorry for the delay, this is harder than I thought when I'm not cutting corners. Going to sleep for now, thank you anons for your patronage. Will resume in 12 hours.
Rolled 88 (1d200)

oh boy time to feed our gambling addiction and alcoholism
rolling for % of money we leave with
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You would try drinking if you could get this suit off of you and if you have an actual need to consume beverages.

This "Nicotine" the guard mentioned doesn't seem to be in sight so you might as well take some time for leisure. Aquamantis was a very prudish place so you're a bit rusty with playing your luck.

The slot machine seems to have a slot for your currency card. You wager a somewhat significant amount of credits before pulling the lever. Unfortunately, your winnings are less than your wager and received a net loss of 12%. You still have plenty of money left.
Ask around for Nicotine.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Attempt to manifest psychic abilities spontaneously.
dice 1d10
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Nope, you're pretty sure psychic abilities are out of your league. You can do some pretty cool stuff with your suit however, you just need a puddle.

You prod some of the other patrons for Nicotine's whereabouts but they seem too involved in their activities. You ignore some of the creepy employees who wear gas masks, you're pretty sure a District Head would never do some low-tier work.

You continue your search, asking with maskless employees and patrons who still maintain some self-restraint. Eventually you come across a slick dame in a fancy dress.

>"You're looking for Nicotine? That's me, head of the Red Light District. Is there something you need?"

Her hair looks similar to yours, nice taste perhaps.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Seduce her.
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You're bad at this whole flirting thing especially with your hormones in a bit of a flux. The best you can manage is a gesture and a wink. Nicotine smiles but she is unfazed by your feeble attempt.

>"Hon, you're not the first nor the last person who tried to hit on me but I supposed that can't be helped. Looks like the atmosphere got to you too, so how about you enjoy yourself in the mood, aight?"

I recommend you use a D6 when rolling, it's what Whirlpool bought last thread and you have better chances. (Following Roll to Dodge rules)
Technically we are the last person to hit on her right now.
We'll stop being the last when someone else does it
Tis brilliant milird.
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You point out the error in her statement but she just brushes it off.

>"No need to get prissy over small things, this isn't the place for that. You're supposed to have good, clean fun here! So why don't you leave your thoughts behind and immerse yourself?"
Well, we already did some gambling. And we can't remove our suit for recreational drinking (Or anything else, it probably doesn't smell to great in there). So what else is there to do in the red light district? Maybe she could give us a full tour.
How do we normally consume food and drink?
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Never mind, that was stupid
What would you suggest (in a seductive tone)
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Thats not how you roll a 6, this is how you roll a 6!
Nice singular digit brother. But you have truly rolled but a four.
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>"I'd rather let you find out for yourself but since you're very new here..."

Nicotine then explains the area layout with uncanny precision. She adds that there are VIP rooms but they're reserved for VIP's, obviously. These premium rooms have differing services and products so you can hop from one vivid experience to another.

You plan on trying to sound seductive but she outclasses you in that regard by a kilometer. You just manage to plainly ask for her recommendation.

>"Well that depends, why don't you start with taking off your helmet and meet me in one of the VIP rooms? I think I have something special just for you."
Explain that you don't really know how to take off the suit, or any part of it.
If she can spot how to do it, that'd be helpful.
Indeed, if you would be so kind as to help us remove this suit we would be grateful beyond mesure.
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You ask Nicotine for help on removing your suit.

>"Hmm, do you have anything on you that interacts with your suit? Maybe it can remove it or turn it into something else, I dunno. As a last resort I can always get the maintenance guys to tear it apart."
Do we even know? For that matter do the other anonymous agree that it is worth destroying the suit in order to escape?
Try the thing we use to upgrade the suit.
Ah, another splendid suggestion mi' lord
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You're REPAIR MODULE, that's it! You bring it out from your inventory, startling Nicotine and almost spilling her drink. You can completely reconstruct your suit, so you have a lot of elbow room when it comes to appearances. Sure, you might miss out on certain features when needed but you still have access to your M.M. UNIT plus you can always get it back later on.

How do you want to look?
Optional access to mouth and crotch is a must, otherwise I leave it to other anons.
>You can completely reconstruct your suit into any outfit you might deem necessary-
>Sure, you might miss out on certain features when needed depending on the configuration-
aw jeeze im awful at thinking of character design
I dunno boss, im gonna leave it up to you and suggest a sexy dress for outfit
I'm sure you can find a sexxy way to incorporate this.
It's a calvary jacket. Which means that the back is split from the waist down.
Add a controllable tail and wall-climbing capable clawed boots and gloves.
The jacket should probably be armored, and beneath, something rather sensible, like some loose shorts, or perhaps a skirt, and a t-shirt low-cut
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Sorry, I don't think I can do "sexy" unless you count "completely clothed" as a fetish.

You sacrifice some of your suit's niche benefits like its airtight steal in exchange for mobility options and POCKETS.

You step out of your REPAIR MODULE and feel great at how FASHIONABLE you are. Nicotine also notices your new attire.

>"Well aren't you a good lookin' lady."

You wonder what sort of civilian outfit Geyser, Tsunami and Splash would wear, maybe you can form an awesome clique with them or something.

Nicotine drops her wine glass in surprise, spilling the liquid on the solid floor.

>"Woah hey, are you alright there?"

You then notice that your nose is bleeding.

I will take a break for two hours while I try to get used to this new design..
It's probably just hormones again, somehow.
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You consider this to be effect of another hormone imbalance but all effects have been either emotional or mental. This is probably the result of exposing yourself to a new atmosphere after spending so much time in your sterile suit. Either that or there is some funky stuff in the air that's severely irritating your nasal cavity. You assure Nicotine that you'll be alright once you have acclimatized to the environment.

After placing your REPAIR MODULE back in your inventory, you ask her about the surprise she has planned for her. She changes her mind and wipes the blood from your face.

>"You're still new to this planet, how about you go to the Residential District and take it easy, mmkay?"
Say "mmkay" back.
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You return the gesture by repeating her phrase and Nicotine gives a less-sultry smile.

>"Alright, get outta here ya rascal, I'm a busy woman. The exit's over there, by the way."
Time to get that car and retrieve that porthole
Contemplate what gender terms a hermaphrodite would use. Did people back where we're from even hash that out?
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You're not sure about it since the scientists never really cared about things not related to their survival. You assume that it depends on the person's appearance. For example, since you look more feminine, you're referred to by female pronouns. Of course, things would get tricky when the person's perfectly androgynous. Perhaps that's why you are assigned the codename "Whirlpool", since you're essentially a girl with a dick—a trap, if you may.

Now that you think about it, this is an optimum opportunity to make do on your promise and return to the tribespeople. You leave Nicotine and the Red Light District behind as you exit the area through one of the elevators she mentioned earlier. You arrive at a rather secluded location and it took some effort to make your way back to the reception area. You even managed to stumble into the Maintenance District by complete accident beforehand.

Eventually you return to the Transport District. You find Propane, the district head, inspecting one of the vehicles. He doesn't seem to recognize you at first glance. You say that you just had a makeover.
Impress Propane. Show him what your new toys can do.
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You tell Propane to watch this as you unsheathe your glove claws. With your EXCELLENT MOBILITY, you sprint to the hangar's walls and ascend using the surrounding architecture to maintain your grip. Despite your haste, you still try to be careful now that you have more exposed skin and greater risk of fall damage.

You then maneuver towards one of the platforms up above before making a daring leap. Afterwards you descend rapidly along the metal staircase before hitting the floor and running back to him. He and his subordinates (along with a civilian bystander) express their approval.

>"That was a mighty-fine circus act ya got there. So how about that transport deal? Everyone else is doing their own cargo work but this guy right here is available."

Admittedly the entire stunt left you slightly exhausted but there's plenty of time to rest once you get on a transport vehicle to pick up your PORTHOLE. You still have one more trick up your sleeve but you'll save it for when there's a convenient puddle nearby.

Last update for tonight before sleeping. Thanks for playing, see you in 12 hours.
Thank PROPANE and be on your way
I saw that...Jaqk
Wait what
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>"Alright missy, try not to hurt yerself and stay away from those jungle folks."

If only he knew. You enter the light gray cargo shuttle and tell the pilot that you will head to the tirbal settlement earlier. He starts complaining about having to interact with unaffiliated outsiders but you shut him up by offering to triple your payment. You have plenty of money in your currency card so it's not like you have to save or anything. The pilot also warns you that his craft does not have a winch or other means to directly pick up and carry your objective.

>"Client Unit, be advised that the shuttle craft does not posses a direct handling manipulator. Resort to manually exiting the shuttle craft and carry the objective back to the cargo hold if possible."

You say that it's not a problem before you go to the passenger seat at the back and take the time to relax. As the pilot begins his flight, you look forward to meeting up with the tribespeople again.

Last update of the thread. There won't be a new thread anytime soon since I'm due for an out-of-town trip tomorrow. (it would be a waste of thread time if I put it up now.) Next thread will come at Sunday or Saturday night (+8GMT) depending on how long I'll be gone. I may put up a "meanwhile" side comic while this thread is sinking from autosage. Twitter: @guardtemp
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Back at the Red Light District, Nicotine is having a visit from the Law Enforcement District. She is being reprimanded for her lack of vigilance and excessive relaxation.

I should do this every time a thread hits autosage
Thread posts: 72
Thread images: 27

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