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Beleaguered Prince Quest

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Thread replies: 177
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Twitter: @BeleagueredQM
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/FEc6v8FP

Threads 1-10: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Beleaguered%20Prince%20Quest

Threads 11+: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Beleaguered%20Prince%20Quest


You are Prince Meirion auk Gwyrren, the only sane man in a royal family with dubious concepts of strategy, justice, taxation, and governance in general. You have made it your goal in life to keep your family on the throne and your head firmly attached to your body.

Your little stunt at the bridge earned you quite a reputation and a nice bonus, but time is running out. Archduchess Aleksandria needs to use the opportunity you gave her and the information obtained during the reconnaissance in force as soon as possible, or else the situation will change and her advantage will fade away.

This puts you in something of a conundrum. Strictly speaking, you've accomplished your main objective here. Sure, you could stay around and thoroughly ruin whatever his plans are, but whatever's left can't possibly compare to Prince Siarl's death. You asked your advisors to help you come to a decision.

"We should stay," Olwen says. "Things won't last much longer one way or another either way, so we might as well make sure it's done right."

"I agree," Delyth says.

"The Archduchess' failure at this point wouldn't affect us much," Myrddin says. "If anything, it might be a net positive. If she loses her support in Rosea, she'll have to go elsewhere for protection. So long as his highness is willing to take responsibility, this could be quite beneficial to us."

You rub your temples. "Really, Myrddin? Really? You want to do this now?"

"I'm merely outlining the possibilities," Myrddin says.

"Speaking from a woman's perspective, 'I let you lose your territory, so please marry me' is not a particularly romantic gesture," Olwen says. "Assuming his highness wants to pursue this further at a latter day, it's better for us if the Archduchess is grateful rather than desperate."

>"We're staying. We're almost done anyway, and I want to finish this right."
>"We're leaving. We've already done our part. The Archduchess will have to fend for herself."
>>"We're staying. We're almost done anyway, and I want to finish this right."
>"We're staying. We're almost done anyway, and I want to finish this right."
>"We're staying. We're almost done anyway, and I want to finish this right."
>>"We're staying. We're almost done anyway, and I want to finish this right."
Read the last parts yesterday, quite an enjoyable quest.
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"We're staying," you say. "We're almost done anyway, and I want to finish this right."

"I'm glad to hear that," Olwen says. "It would bring shame to the Victorious Prince's reputation if we left now."

"Because his highness' reputation is what really matters here," Myrddin says while rolling his eyes. "Still, I suppose I can work with this."

"Still not the time, Myrddin," you say. "If you want to do something useful, I need a full account of our soldiers and resources before the next battle. I'm expecting orders any time soon now, and I want to be ready."

"Yes, your highness."

Your advisors leave to reorganize the soldiers. It's unfortunate that you can't let them rest longer, but they need to be prepared for the next engagement. Besides, as you've already said, this is almost over. They just need to push themselves a little more.

Eventually, a messenger summons you to the Archduchess' war council. As you predicted, she's organizing her army for a major assault.

"This could very well be our last chance," she says, "and I want it to count. Smaller warships will attack the main camp with cannons while we march an army around the bridge we recently captured. Again, cannons will be doing most of the work. The turning point will be when the walls come down. If the enemy attacks, maintain defensive position. If they try to turtle in, we'll have to assault them directly."

There are a few more details - specific assignments to each mercenary companies, who's in charge of what, who's staying to defend the Archduchess' camp, that sort of thing - and finally, the Archduchess gets to you.

"Gwain, given your achievements and the size of your company, I'd like you to supplement my personal troops," the Archduchess says. "I'll be leading the charge if we're forced to attack the camp in a melee, and I want to have as much support as possible."

>"Yes, Archduchess."
>"I would prefer to act independently during this battle, Archduchess."
>"I would prefer to act independently during this battle, Archduchess."
>"Yes, Archduchess."
>"Yes, Archduchess."
We'll be in a bad position if she dies.

QM, I'd also like to say that I've been really enjoying this quest. I particularly liked a while ago when Meirion and Olwen had the swim and talked about what their situation with each other actually was. Seems like Meirion would ideally like to be with Olwen. How aware of the extent of their feelings for eachother is Myrddin?
>>"Yes, Archduchess."
>>"Yes, Archduchess."
>"Yes, Archduchess."
Myrddin is aware and he generally approves, but Olwen and Meirion's relationship isn't a major priority for him at the moment. You'll learn more about Myrddin's plans and motivation in a few threads.
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"Yes, Archduchess."

You have no reason to refuse and you don't want the Archduchess to die because of someone else's incompetence. Staying with her keeps her safer, and it allows you to be closer to the action and to keep track of what's happening.

The war council wraps up and the officers return to their soldiers with their orders.

"We're doing an escort mission," you say. "The Archduchess wants us around in case she needs to storm the enemy encampment. If we're lucky, the enemy will surrender or rush it, and we'll have an easy time of it."

"And when we're inevitably unlucky?" Olwen asks.

"We'll have to break through their defenses and end Archduke Viktor's little war in the most violent and lethal manner possible," you say.

"It's unlikely the Archduke will surrender," Myrddin says. "All he really needs to do to win is kill the Archduchess and run away."

"Aren't we in the same position?" You ask.

"Not necessarily," Myrddin says. "The Archduke is mostly doing this to help secure his succession, but he does have competent vassals under his command who would benefit from the Archduchess' defeat; otherwise, they wouldn't have joined him. They might keep fighting even after their leader is defeated."

"We'll deal with that when the time comes," you say. "If the battle gets too heated, we'll just run away after taking care of the Archduke."

"When all else fails, improvise," Olwen says.

"I'm sure everything will turn out all right," Delyth says. You're glad to see someone is optimistic about this situation.

You assemble the men and ride out on horseback this time. You join the Archduchess' personal force near the bridge and ride beside her so you can finalize your strategy.

"I'm glad you could join us," she says. "Tell me, what do you think of our odds for this battle?"

"Isn't it too late to ask me that?"

"I couldn't ask during the meeting," the Archduchess says. "I can't allow people to think I'm second-guessing myself."

That's a fair point. Myrddin and Olwen are your friends and advisors, but you can't be as honest with your other vassals as you are with them. Despite Myrddin's sarcasm, your reputation really is that important.

>"I expect a decisive victory for our side."
>"It'll be a difficult battle. The enemy isn't weak."
>"We'll be fine so long as we focus on our objective."
>>"We'll be fine so long as we focus on our objective."
>"We'll be fine so long as we focus on our objective."
>>"We'll be fine so long as we focus on our objective."
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"We'll be fine so long as we focus on our objective," you say. "We shouldn't get bogged down in unnecessary things."

"You mean we should kill Archduke Viktor and get away?" Archduchess Aleksandra asks.

"Unless you want to let him live," you say. "Do you?"

"I haven't decided yet," she says. "I don't want him to cause more trouble in the future, but killing him… It just seems improper."

"It's your decision," you say, "and the consequences are yours to bear."

You continue to ride towards the Archduke's encampment. Your advance force encounters a few scouts and patrols, but while they're more heavily-armed than normal, they're easily dealt with. At the end of the ride, you find the encampment already under siege by your naval forces.

"It's time to finish this," the Archduchess says. "Bring the cannons to bear!"

The artillery crews move their weapons into position to bombard the enemy camp.

"Any suggestions before we start?" The Archduchess asks.

>[Military/1d8] "We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos."
>[Military/1d12] "Just blast through the walls to expose the enemy."
>[Military/1d8] "We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos."
>>[Military/1d8] "We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos."
>>[Military/1d8] "We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos."
>>[Military/1d8] "We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos."
>[Military/1d8] "We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos."
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"We should aim the bombardment inside the camp to cause chaos," you say. "If we're lucky, it'll swing the numbers our way a little."

"That's not a bad idea," the Archduchess says. "Are you sure you can do it?"

"It's not a problem."

You order the cannons repositioned slightly so as to increase their elevation without putting them in range of the enemy. If you're right, the cannonballs will fly over the walls and explode inside the camp.

"Ready," the Archduchess calls out. "Fire!"

>Roll 1d8, best of three.
Rolled 8 (1d8)

Rolled 1 (1d8)

Prepare for BRRRRT
Rolled 7 (1d8)

welp they just got fucked.
We need a standing force of irregular fighters early camo and rifled guns, we can't keep recruiting bandits or mercenaries for this sort of stuff.
So some version of Rhodesians?
>I was thinking green berets but Rhodesians are better and they never die. Still though a standing force would be helpful.
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The cannonballs land in the enemy camp and exploding, sending dirty and plumes of smoke into the air. There is some return fire, which you use to target the enemy's artillery with your own. You continue the bombardment until retaliation stops.

"Looks like we softened them up enough," the Archduchess says. "Or at least enough that they can't fight back effectively."

"The next step is breaching the palisade," you say.

"We have enough cannons to blast the whole thing down," the Archduchess says. "We can just charge right in afterwards."

"I don't know," you say. "A smaller opening might be better."

"We'd be in a bottleneck though."

"True, but it would constrain the enemy was well," you say, "and we'd be able to replace our forces with fresh ones throughout the fight."

"That's true, but -"

Your discussion is interrupted when the camp's gates open and the flags go up to signal parlay.

"Looks like the Archduke wants to talk," you say.

Archduke Viktor rides out on his white horse, escorted by an armed escort of his own. Archduchess Aleksandra orders her own soldiers back and rides forward to meet Viktor.

"Greetings, Archduchess Aleksandra," Archduke Viktor says. His voice… sonorous is the only way to describe it. Although it's soft, you can clearly hear it across the battlefield.

"Greetings, Archduke Viktor," Aleksandra says. "Have you come to discuss your surrender."

"Hardly," the Archduke says. "The outcome of this battle is already determined. We both know you can't win this no matter how hard you struggle. However, if you are willing to become my concubine, I will overlook your transgressions."

The Archduchess' soldiers cry out in anger and indignation. If you're surprised at anything, it's the Archduke's boldness. Offering the position of concubine to royalty is nothing less than a grievous insult.

"I refuse," Archduchess Aleksandria says.

"In that case, I must challenge you to a duel."

You frown. You hadn't expected that. You've killed officers personally when the opportunity presented itself, but halting a battle for a duel is something else entirely.

For the sake of her reputation, the Archduchess must accept, but it's not a favourable position for her.

>Let Archduchess Aleksandra fight the duel.
>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
>[Military/1d6] You have musketeers. Order them to shoot Archduke Viktor.
>>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
>>[Military/1d6] You have musketeers. Order them to shoot Archduke Viktor.
this is a war not some play
>>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
>>[Military/1d6] You have musketeers. Order them to shoot Archduke Viktor.
Ignore >>170250
this senpai
we go full lannister
could we goad some of the Archduchess' men to charge in indignation?
>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
Link your vote
easier just to shoot him and take the blame for it no one knows us anyway and we are pretty ruthless.
nah, shooting doesn't sound like an action empowered by emotion. We kinda still need neighbors without civil unrest, so it's better for a couple soldiers to take the fall "protecting milady's honor"
>[Military/1d6] You have musketeers. Order them to shoot Archduke Viktor.
>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
better chance of killing him dead one on one.
Shooting him down is calculated but mercs have no honour, also it will throw his army into disarray and we can attack at that point.
Cutting the voting off now so I can't count.
how have you been counting the previous choices if you can't count QM?
why the hell do you think mercs would completely go over the authority of their employer, the one who hasn't paid them yet and has a bigger army?


Looks like you're doing this man to man.
I can count. I just can't into English for some reason.

And if it turns out I can't count, let me know before I post the next update.
Read up on italian history, Mercs are bad at discipline and may try to cut to the chase it's not turning against the archduchess or her army.
I just hope the thing that I think will happen won't
Dying or it being a trap? because its probably a trap.
no, we kill him, our identity is revealed and we end up starting a new conflict
>no one knows us anyway
Archduchess knows that we're pursuing the interests of Gw-whatever country.

and we demonstrated time and again that we're not the undisciplined sort. This wouldn't be just fishy, it'll seem like a deliberate sabotaging of her reputation.

I think that's a very good possibility. We might have to take a different sword and everything.
>Fight the duel as the Archduchess' champion.
Well at least Olwen will get turned on by our ability to kill people man to man. It was just so easy to shoot him down.
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"I'll answer your challenge," you shout. "I'll fight in the name of the Archduchess."

The soldiers mutter and whisper among each other at your declaration. You ignore them and casually ride towards Aleksandra and Viktor.

Archduke Viktor looks at you and sneers. "You have no business here, mercenary."

"My business is to kill people for my employer," you say. "Right now, I'm offering to kill you."

"Thank you for the offer," Aleksandra says. She smiles and moves away. "This is a waste of mine time anyway. Gwain, take care of it."

"With pleasure, Archduchess." You draw your sword and face the Archduke.

"You meddle in affairs beyond your understanding," Viktor says. "A mere commoner knows nothing of the burdens of royalty."

You might care, if Viktor wasn't so obviously in over his head.

>[Sovereign/1d10] "A half-bastard like you knows nothing of royalty."
>[Intrigue/1d10] "I understand royalty better than your backers do."
>[Military/1d12] "And you understand nothing of war, or else you wouldn't be here."
>[Intrigue/1d10] "I understand royalty better than your backers do."
>"Maybe not, but my backers understand royalty better than your backers do."
>>[Military/1d12] "And you understand nothing of war, or else you wouldn't be here."
>>[Military/1d12] "And you understand nothing of war, or else you wouldn't be here."
>[Intrigue/1d10] "I understand royalty better than your backers do."
as much as i want to bring out that sick burn from the sovereign choice this is the best choice.
>>[Military/1d12] "And you understand nothing of war, or else you wouldn't be here."
>[Military/1d12] "And you understand nothing of war, or else you wouldn't be here."
>[Military/1d12] "And you understand nothing of war, or else you wouldn't be here."
>>[Intrigue/1d10] "I understand royalty better than your backers do."
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Archduke Viktor maintains a calm, aloof appearance, as if he doesn't care about anything that's happening around him. Let's see if you can crack his façade.

"And you understand nothing of war," you say, "or else you wouldn't be here."

"You -"

"Shut your fucking mouth." You interrupt the Archduke's retort. "Tell me, did you come up with this idea because you realized you were cornered, or do you really believe duels are worth anything?"

>Roll 1d12, best of three.
Rolled 8 (1d12)

Rolled 8 (1d12)

Rolled 8 (1d12)

Rolled 10 (1d12)

Feels pretty 8 in here.
Rolled 9 (1d12)

rolling what may have been

what are the odds?
Well then, that's a first for me to see.
The Archduke is going to h8 this, m8.
They have the same time stamp too
damn you're right.
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You can see the Archduke's face crack into a snarl. He screams in rage and kicks his horse forward. You easily parry his first attack and strike his leg. Your sword bounces off his armour, but it allows you to gauge how strong his defense here. He's using enchanted armour, so with your light blade, you'll have to aim for joints and other weak points.

"I will kill you and drag your body along my borders to mark them in your blood, mercenary!"

You have to admit, it's pretty inventive as far as threats go.

Archduke Viktor charges at you once again. You have to decide how you're going to meet his attack.

>[Military/1d8] Try to unhorse Archduke Viktor.
>[Military/1d10] Attack one of the Archduke's joints.
>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
>>[Military/1d10] Attack one of the Archduke's joints.
>>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
>[Military/1d8] Try to unhorse Archduke Viktor.
>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
He'll probably break something when the horse goes down
>>[Military/1d8] Try to unhorse Archduke Viktor.
I think the die were trying to tell us something.
>[Military/1d8] Try to unhorse Archduke Viktor.
>[Military/1d8] Try to unhorse Archduke Viktor.

Don't want to waste a good horse.
>>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
>>[Military/1d12] Try to kill the Archduke's horse.
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You point your sword at the Archduke and kick your horse forward to meet his charge. At the last moment, you swing your sword in a circle with your elbow and shoulder, aiming to cut into its throat.

>Roll 1d12, best of three.
Rolled 9 (1d12)

Rolled 10 (1d12)

Rolled 7 (1d12)

Rolled 2 (1d12)

Check it.
Rolled 12 (1d12)

The devil has slain the archdukes horse
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Your sword bites into the horse's neck. The animal rears in shock and loses its footing. It falls down while blood pours from its throat.

The horse falls on top of its rider, who screams in surprise. You hear something break, and then the Archduke screams in pain. He slowly crawls out from beneath his dying horse.

"Kill you…" The Archduke's voice is hoarse and desperate. "I will kill you, you filthy commoner animal!"

His threat might be a little intimidating, if there wasn't a bone jutting out of his right leg. Still, you have to admit the Archduke is a resilient man. He stand up on his one good leg and holds up his sword in a guard.

"You could just surrender," you say.

The Archduke spits a bloody glob at your horse's feet.

"I will die before I surrender to you, commoner!"

At least he's saving you the trouble of having to decide whether you should kill him or take him alive. If he wants to commit suicide, you'll be glad to accommodate him.

>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
>[Military/Autosuccess/5XP] Run him down with your horse.
>>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
take him down on foot just to rub it in how much better we are.
>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
>>[Military/Autosuccess/5XP] Run him down with your horse.
>[Military/Autosuccess/5XP] Run him down with your horse.
>Military/Autosuccess/5XP] Run him down with your horse.
just end it he put up a good fight no need to be a dick
we are tempting the dice and they are not nice to those who tempt them. Best to just take the win and go.
This, we do not know how many good rolls will we have.
>>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
>>[Military/1d12/7XP] Dismount and kill him on foot.
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>We are going to get this prince and get another girl as our possible marriage girl.
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"If that's how you want it to be."

You swing off your horse and casually walk towards the Archduke. You smirk behind your ask - really, it's a shame Viktor can't see the expression on your face - and reach for his arm.

>Roll 1d12, best of three.
Rolled 2 (1d12)

In my opinion it would've been better to leave. More strife in this country means they will be too busy to plot against our own.
Rolled 11 (1d12)

Rolled 2 (1d12)

Rolled 7 (1d12)

time to fuck up
Rolled 4 (1d12)

Kill him clean he fought well and to the end, let his people and god judge him.
A true hero
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We got lucky.
I want to recruit an enchanter for our personal retinue
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Before he can attack you, you grab his arm and twist it until he loses his hold. You bash him over the head with the pommel of your sword for good measure and pull him face-first into the ground as he screams and flails.

"Remember, you asked for this."

You press your foot against his back and pull his helmet off. You press the point of your sword to the back of his neck and stab down.

Archduchess Aleksandra's troops cheer, while the deceased Archduke's soldiers cry out in outrage and raise their weapons to resume the fight. You don't see what they're complaining about. After all, this was the Archduke's idea. It's not your fault he didn't know how to fight properly.

"Charge!" Aleksandra's horse gallops down the hill towards the enemy's army, and your own soldiers gather around you, waiting for orders.

"Not bad," Olwen says. "That was even more dramatic than your last duel."

"Please don't bring that up," you say. "I wouldn't want Myrddin to get any ideas."

"What should we do now, sir?" Delyth asks. "The Archduchess seems to have things well in hand."

>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
>[Military/Autosuccess/12XP] "Let's join the battle. We don't want to get left out."
>[Military/Autosuccess/5XP] "Let's just defend the Archduchess."
>>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
Get rekt Griffith
>>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
Might as well get the free exp
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>>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
>[Military/Autosuccess/18XP] "Eradicate the enemy completely. We need to make an example out of them."
only for the xp, but stop with all the dickish humiliation stuff when someone in a desperate situation fights to the end they deserve at least a quick honorable death
But muh exp
Thats not what i am against free exp is always good.
The showing off a humiliation of enemies is not how we should act it's not noble and worse it's circle jerky.
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"Eradicate the enemy completely," you say. "We need to make an example out of them."

"Yes, sir," Olwen says. "That's one crushing rout with a large number of dead nobles. It shouldn't take more than an hour."

"That's what I like to hear," you say. "Just don't get sloppy. I don't want people dying at this point."

"I'll be sure to order the men not to do anything you would do, your highness."

The battle doesn't last much longer after that. The officers are quickly killed or captured, and the rest of the soldiers do everything they can to get away now that their leadership is completely crippled. Some of them manage to make a run for it. Others don't. Hopefully, the piled corpses will ensure that the Archduchess' other rivals won't get ideas any time soon.

Once the battle ends, ferries come to carry you over the river to save you the trouble of having to ride all the way back across the bridge. Archduchess Aleksandra waits alongside you, sitting astride her horse.

"That went as well as it could have," she says. "Thank you for dealing with Viktor. I'm afraid it would have been a difficult fight for me."

"Yeah, I thought it would be something like that," you say. "To be honest, I'm a little surprised you would admit that. Most people don't like to acknowledge their limits."

"I consider my life to be more important than my pride." The Archduchess pauses for a moment. "So, what are you going to do now? I could entertain you for a few days, if you'd like."

That's certainly an abrupt change in topic. You really hope Myrddin is no where within earshot.

>"I can stay for a few days longer."
>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
>>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
>>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
Gotta make it back to that wedding
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>"I can stay for a few days longer."
We should establish an amiccable relationship with her.
>>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
"there is a wedding I am to attend"
>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
Our interest will want to know of your situation as soon as possible.
>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
>"It's better if I return home as soon as possible."
Really would love to stay, but doing so risks blowing our cover even further.
Do leave her some way to contact us though.
>"I can stay for a few days longer."
Don't say that out loud, too obvious.
That's a good idea. We should stay in touch with her.
What sort of mask did we wear? Is it something similar to Char's mask?
I think it's a full mask.
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"It's better if I return home as soon as possible," you say.

"Ah yes," the Archduchess says. "I suppose your 'interests' will want to hear about how things turned out."

"They'll be quite pleased that your position is secure," you say, "so please return the favour if you ever had the chance."

"I'm not an ungrateful person," Aleksandra says. "The strings bother me a little, but it's only fair to pay favours back."

"They'll be quite pleased to hear that as well."

"It is a bit of a shame, though," the Archduchess says. "I really wanted to see what you look like under that mask, and now I'll never know."

"Oh, I'm sure we'll meet again," you say. "Maybe you'll recognize me, maybe you won't. Odds are, it won't really matter either way."

"It'll matter," Aleksandra assures you. "I definitely won't forget what you did for me."

You really hope Myrddin didn't hear that.

Fortunately, the ferry arrives and you both get on board. Myrddin follows you on board, while Olwen and Delyth stay behind to coordinate the men. You bid Aleksandra farewell and go to speak with Myrddin.

"That Archduchess sounds quite 'grateful.'"

Shit. He did hear what she was staying.

"Do we need to have this conversation again, Myrddin?"

"Yes, but it can wait until we get back home," Myrddin says.

"Myrddin, I have work -"

"This is work, your highness," Myrddin says. "And with your brother's upcoming marriage, we need to at least discuss it."

Yeah. He's really not going to let it go this time.

You hope you'll have a massive pile of work waiting for you once you get back home. The excuses won't last long, but it'll let you buy some time.
And so today's thread comes to an end. Next time, we'll learn more about Myrddin and his plans for Meirion's future. It's actually one of the very first things I thought of back when this Quest was still in its planning stage, and it marks the end of Part 1.

So, the next thread will be on Friday May 27th at 7PM EDT. Until then, thanks for playing and goodnight.
I am glad we got a proper duel. Why was our cousin such a scrub?
Is Meirions sister on the table in his plans?
Thanks man, so, how much "romance" will we have here?
Myrddin plans to crash this kingdom
At most five girls' worth.

And each one gives Meirion an XP discount.

To two of his skills

And the discounts stack.
>And the discounts stack.
Explain further
what kind of sex sorcery has Myrddin been cooking up to make this affect skills?

>I will craft the ultimate ruler, all I need is him to get a harem!
Basically we have to choose between:
Owen friend
Dancer girl
The girl that got her fiancee killed
The girls we helped to get their title from our uncle.

Do I miss some girl?
>The girl that got her fiancee killed
Widow princess? She already killed 7 of them
There are 13 (or 13.5, depending on how you count them) candidates total, but there are 3(.5) that you haven't met yet because of how the votes turned out, and one who only showed up briefly.
I'm not sure I want to find out.
Glad we at least have Owen confirmed as concubine.
Nah, that's not it. It's a story spoiler though, so I don't want to get into it yet.
There's also Seren, the purple-haired girl.
So can you explain further on this
>And the discounts stack.
Which one was Seren?
She was a count's daughter. She was an alchemist. We helped her deal with border problems near her territory.
SO how big of a clusterfuck will our brother's Wedding be?
After considering it, I think I'd rather wait until the next thread before going into the details. I want to hype Myrddin's plans a bit, but I don't want to spoil too much.
>Brother married a maid
>Myrddin most likely will gather all our candidates there
Huge. I'm expecting our uncle to do some shit there too.
Fair enough, good run QM, hype for the next thread!
Yeah I was thinking that too.

Is Myrddin a CK2 player?
>all of them will attend
>the bouquet secretly signifies who will be the prime candidate
>potions fly and swords ring as they fight for it
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>we killed griffith
today is a good day
Anon I really hope you're not considering less-than-politically-advantageous matches.
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OP that's Slaine Troyard
Is this entire thread full of images from random anime?
you are a slow, slow anon.
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Said the dipshit using characters from random anime. Have someone who knows art make you some characters for your little Dungeons and Dragons RP fagshit. Better yet, just doodle some on MS Paint, nerd
Thread posts: 177
Thread images: 22

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