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Monster Quest #2: You Monster....

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Last time On Monster Quest:

Zeldren the wisp managed to escape the crypt that had been his home for so long, and round up in the hands of a small girl named Elizabeth. Using the girl as a method of moving around, Zeldren slowly began to grow in knowledge in power over a month.

Feeling up to the task, and curious of a near by God's grave, Zeldren used a compulsion spell to have Elizabeth convince her friends to go on a quest to the site. WHile there though, Zeldren came face to face with the necromancer who had owned the crypt they had started from.

Seeking to save the investment they had mad ein Elizabeth, and possibly to save the girl for emotional reasons, Zeldren made a deal with the Necromancer: He would use the death of Elizabeth's friends and the girl's altered memories to start a war between the local village and a nearby goblin village that has been harassing them.

He has three days before the necromancer gets bored, and only the gods know what she'll do to Zeldren when that happens.

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Character Sheet Link
Zeldren hovers over the waking form of Elizabeth, having just made a deal with maybe the most powerful being he's ever met, or ever will meet. Hard to say really.

Elizabeth rises from the ground, her eyes staring into space with horror. Her mind is damaged, to shattered to feel fear at the sight of Ratman. She can only muble a single sentence "Little green men"

You float above this broken child, the result of your descision. Ratman rises and waits for a command, the muffle dsound of rats the only thing that can be heard besides Elizabeth's mumbles.

>Return Elizabeth to the village?

>Investigate another location?

>Test Ratman's abilities?

>Try and talk to Elizabeth?

I think we might just be able to test ratman a bit before we return to the village. Also we should probably make some sort of credible place where Elizabeth could've hidden during the horrible goblin attack, as well as goblinify the scene as well as we can.
Talk to Elizabeth

"Im sorry child.. I wasn't able to protect you. Ill get you home safely. Tell the adults of the little green men that hurt your friends. Tell then how they died."
Get Elizabeth to run home and tell the villagers of the assault, while we stay at the crypt and test out Ratman.
He's not the hero we deserve, but he is the one we need right now.
So we'll test him. Because we can make him. Because he's not our hero.
He's a scummy guardian, a watchful underdog.
The Brown Bite.

Would've loved that guy if it weren't for the will debuff. Also, I support staying behind in the tomb will Elizabeth returns home. Let's test out ratman and make him create a goblin crime scene
U sure about staying. I think it would be good to tail or her Story to our needs a bit.Maybe keep them from coming here and go Strait for the goblins.
>Return Elizabeth to the village?
There's two dead village children here, they'll return for the remains. We need to make it goblinny enough
Return her to the village, make her start the race war
Right. We also need a plan to keep them from looking too deep Inside or they will bother our necromancer "friend"
>>Return Elizabeth to the village
gotta kick off that race war
talk to her, try to avoid her going completely mad, then take her back to the village
we aren't gonna tell them we went to the god grave.

Have the girl tell them that goblins ambushed them when they went looking for berries or something in the direction of the goblin camp. The goblins trapped Jamie and the orc girl with lassos or nets, but our host run away/escaped. This'll make the adventurers head off immediately, because we all know what goblins do with their captives.
Also speak to her. Try to comfort her a little bit.
"Elizabeth, listen to me. You will be safe. You will be alright. You need to go home to your Parents. Tell them about the Green men. You can stay home and everybody will care for you there. You are Safe there." repeat as needed
>Return Elizabeth to the village wins

Not our problem. Her request was to create a race war in three days. She said nothing about a little collateral damage on her part. Besides, she can obviously defend herself and - frankly - fuck her.
Pissing her off will likely end in our Swift and painful demise. Otherwise i would totaly agree.
If we mention her not saying about keeping her stuff safe and mockingly saying "Well, you didn't say to protect it" I think she'll let it slide. She seems to have a sense of humour.
You float down to the girl, getting into her line of sight hoping she'll be able to focus "Elizabeth. You must listen. This place isn't safe. The mean green men can't be far behind. We need to return to your home, back to your Momma and Papa so they can keep you safe. Come on..." you say calmly, hoping back into your amulet "I'll be right here, okay?"

She is silent for a moment, before nodding as tears go down her face. She stands up and begins to run back to the village as fast as she can, her little body still covered in the blood of her friends.

Quickly making it to the town's edge, Elizabeth keeps running straight home as she cries, villagers gasping or screaming as they spot the young girl covered in blood. Whenever a villager tries to get close to her, Elizabeth screams in terror and bolts away from them, only wanting to see her mother and father.

Eventually, she comes to her house, where her father seemed to be just coming back from wherrever he went during the day. The moment he spotted his gore covered child, he immediatly bolted over to her and hugged her tight, examining her for any wounds.

He asked her what happened, but all he got was the single sentence. "little green men." as Elizabeth clung tightly to her father.

A few hours later, Elizabeth was clean and sleeping in her bed, having cried herself to exhaustion. Her parents were frantically talking to numerous villagers who had gathered outside their door, anger and malicious intent rising in their sounds.

Ratman was not to far away, far enough from the village to avoid being seen, but close enough for him to quickly approach.

>What do you do?
Quick question: where are the adventurers in all this?
Maybe we could devour Elizabeth's soul now? She knows our secret, this will power us up, and will further increase the tensions between the villages, causing the race war.
I agree. Just make sure to keep ratman out of sight, hes pretty much our escape route right now.
You don't know. But if they stick to their usual pattern, they should be eithe rback in the village or on their way back.
bring our amulet up to a window and look out onto the crowd. Try to use compulsion on the orc father to make him demand vengeance for his daughter. Vengeance tonight.
Man ease up on the eating her soul, it wouldnt really fit goblin MO and the reasons for not killing her are still legit. At least if she isnt going completely bananas. Actually this can work for us in her conditioning. With her friends dead and her beeing afraid she will probably grasp anything that promises safety.
... real characteristic of me to say this, but since they'd probably be in the crowd if they're here at all, why don't we burn their house down? It will severely debilitate them, and it could be viewed as a challenge/warning from the goblins.
Would also destroy any loot and might lessen the blow against the goblins. We should kill them in their sleep once they return from goblin hunting nie and tired.
Options presented are

>Seek to Compel the Orc girl's parents into a frenzy to jumpstart the war

>Eat Elizabeth's soul now and ditch the town

>Burn down the adventurer's house and blame it on the goblins
Actually, that's a better idea. We could even call Ratman in to pummel them a bit so it looks like the goblins did it.
Im going for jumpstart war by orc-frenzy
>>Seek to Compel the Orc girl's parents into a frenzy to jumpstart the war
>Seek to Compel the Orc girl's parents into a frenzy to jumpstart the war
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You will your Amulet to start hovering to a window that could over look the gathering villagers. It's very easy to spot the orcs of the group.

There was a female, who stood a head above everyone else in the group, who was at the front questioning Elizabeth's parents about what had happened.

You lay yourself down on the window sill to avoid suspicion, and begin to try and force your will on the parents.

roll will (1d20+1)
Rolled 14 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 5 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 17 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Fuck, capitalized it
Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

File: race war.gif (1MB, 400x225px) Image search: [Google]
race war.gif
1MB, 400x225px
Rolled 18 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Slight failure

The woman seems to get even more heated, her fists balling up and seeming ready to smash into someones face. However the husband, who was two heads taller than everyone else stepped in, and held her shoulder as he took over talking to the parents of Elizabeth.

>One more chance, roll Will onc emore
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Nice orc pics.
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Believe it
Rolled 2 (1d20)

orc rage
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

One more roll and stop, we don´t want another 1
Rolled 3 (1d10)

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You know it

You delve into the Male orcs mind, and begin to pull strings.

"Those goblins are alive while you little girl is dead. They killed her, killed poor Zazie. They killed her friend to, and almost got Elizabeth. How long until they get the other children?"

The man began to loose his own temper, his wife seeming surpised by it. Suddenly, the man turned and started shouting towards the crowd.

"Those little devils need to pay. For every drop of blood they took from Zazie, you would them pay in a gallon of their own."

The villagers were getting riled up, shouting and nodding. Some of the guard began to nod as well, listening to the large orc.

However, a another voice chimed in it seemed. At the back of the crowd, stood the adventuring warrior. You couldn't hear him, but he seemed to be trying to calm the crowd down.

The Orc wife and husband began to shout at him, tears in their eyes and rage in their bodies burning away any hope of peace within them.

>What do you do?
I got the perfect plan.
>convince loli to "lend" us to her fighter dad when he inevtiably attacks the goblins so that we can keep him safe, either just say its a lucky charm(and if its a lucky charm from his little daughter he will for sure treasure it)

>when they start fighting, eat the souls of the dead - goblins, humans, orcs, it's ours
this is what we've been planning all along, time to execute our master plan

time to feast boys
Not sure that "lending" part would be effective, but yeah if we can get in on the battle somehow we can rake in the life force.
influence the crowd and make them worry that this is a warning like the dead animals. The goblins are sure to attack if they see the village accept the slaughter of their children.

The only option is a preemptive strike, with overwhelming force
Why not? If she doesn't agree, we can just compel her. If they think it's weird she has such a necklace, we can just compel them. And that's IF
>influence the crowd and make them worry that this is a warning like the dead animals. The goblins are sure to attack if they see the village accept the slaughter of their children.
>The only option is a preemptive strike, with overwhelming force
This is a solid and reasonable argument that I think that, even if we are using it to manipulate, is still true.

Wpiser sweet narthings into the crowds ear about the party thats in town about thow they ket this happen by not killing the goblins

Wake up the girl
And get her to walk into the crowd and start talking about what hapoened and that she wants to help her friends rist in peace
I bet the adventurers do this on purpose, let the goblin population get out of control so that us upstanding townsfolk have to pay them our life savings to "protect us".
Thats it
Its there fult and now they dont wven want to help get ride of them now 2 girls have died!!!
No bettter then sucm robbers
"They knew the danger of the goblins, yet they did nothing. Chased some rumor of a vampire while real evil festered and grew in the woods. Do not let them stop you, for they only seek to increase the bounty reward."
Where is the link to the previous thread, op? Io picture got my interest, but I can't find your first thread.
Let's see if I remember how to do this...
Old thread >>>1592647
Voting for both of these
Your words start to turn the crowd against the adventurer, surprisinging the warrior as the villagers began to shout out encouragement and plans, some running off to gather weapons and supplies. The guards were making some attempt to calm the crowd, but many seemed to be agreeing with the crowd.

However, a thunderous flash of lightning froze the mob. From behind the warriors, the cleric walked out with a calm look on his face. He began to speak, and immediatly it seemed as if the rage was beginning to subside. Not from calm, but from fear and uncertainty.

The orcs seemed to become uncertain, but quickly became angry, waving off the heros and walking off to seemingly prepare for the attack with the other villagers who had been set on the attack

>one third of the town is preparing to attack. However, it needs at least two thirds of the villlagers for them to have a lasting battle, and the entire village to allow the war to be as effective as you wished

>what do you do?
Time for an appeal to emotion - and what better proxy for that than Elizabeth?
>compel elizabeth to talk them into avenging her friends
nobody can resist a crying loli (execpt us, of course)
This. Compel Elizabeth to cry in front of the crowd and beg them to avenge her brutally tortured and murdered friends.

spread the idea that the adventurers don't want to fight because they are greedy and heartless. They would rather chase an unseen "vampire" than actually help the people that have welcomed them into their town
And they blasted her dad with a fireball. I would think Elizabeth has reason to not like or trust them, we could probably turn the town against them fairly easily.
I actually think we should compel her farher. Proof that the adventures are shady (fireball to the face) and a father talking about slaughtering something is more believable than a young girl doing it.
So compel Elizabeth to try and turn the rest of the crowd back to the war path?
Yes. And perhaps even drain Elizabeth a little bit to the point where she either dies or (maybe just faints in order to make it look less suspicious) after she has given her "speech"

these captchas are getting out of hand btw
If there is an agreement to that, then we'll do that.
we can drain her later, no reason to waste our time with it now

better to have a good face so we can manipulate the people easily
Why does everyone want to throw Elizabeth away like a used candy wrapper? The girl is 8 and has a Charisma mod of +6! That is insane, and wildly in our benefit.
i know right
every time its liek kil lthe girl

i would word her more like dady arethe bad green mn going to die for what they did
puppy dog eyes

also about the fireball to the face
talk about that
Because we are a monster
personally, I'd like keep her alive until after the race war. With the war, we're gonna get plenty of souls. Might as well have a good party face, and easy transport to the city after we orphan her

Part of me feels like the charisma might just be because she's a cute 8 year old. Who would be mean to someone like that?
we would be a dumb one then if we do it be for going to the city
Using the girl isn't a problem, but also a risk. If she becomes an adventurer like people want, she'll find the the truth.

You keep a cow for milk, but still want to slaughter it. The future is unpredictable. We need to decide what we want to use the girl for. Once she's used we want to consume her.
not if she keeps bivleing us
and then we could just take over her body
or just keep powering her up but take some of her life as payment to keep her weak?
Who cares about charisma long term? We have compel and will soon have more goodies - this is a monster quest , not loli raising quest
normally I wouldn't care this much but I just know for a fact that you faggots will grow attached to her and want to waifu her when she grows up, so please fuck off
>Kill Elizabeth after attempting to convince the crowd

>do not kill her

Keep in mind, her charisma is at negative four right now due to trauma. You can attempt to get some of her function back with either a charisma roll for talking her out of it, or a will roll to compel her out of it.
>do not kill her

we should do the will roll, we've conditioned her well enough that it should be easier than a charisma roll
Hence I say compel the dad to rile up the crowd. The adventurers gave him a fireball to the face. Theyve been there for more than a month and haven't done anything about the goblins. Now that the villagers are going to act, they want to protect the goblins!

Makes you think who the true villains are.
>do not kill her
Alright, you cold-hearted bastards, time to get some redemption going in this quest.
>>do not kill her
Also, father would be more convincing, support this guy. >>1602888
But I would still try to get her out of her stupor using charisma, she would be more useful to as a non-potato.
Rolled 1 (1d3)

Alrighty, roll will to compel the father.

I'll flip a coin to break the charisma Will tie
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

We WILL end up victorious
Roll will to try and break Elizabeth out of her trauma damage
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Alright, but >>1602915
Was to compel the father.
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

I gotta head to bed soon, so I'm gonna end the time period for rolls in ten minutes, then put the quest on pause while I sleep.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Looks like thread 2 is MAXIMUM EVIL EDITION

We can also let ratman bait some of the goblins into attacking at night, while we set fire to the village pushing them to fight
Put dice+1d20 in the options field
Or send ratman in attck both sides? Idk
But we cant keep him
Rat man might be more useful in bringing the near dead or wounded to us. He could be like our delivery boy.
He needs a theam song
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolling. We should also consider having ratman maul and dump the corpses of the two children somewhere between the village and the goblins. If we make it brutal and easy to see, we'll probably increase the homicidal rage.
Second this. Who can guess what else I suggest making him do, to twist the knife and gain the support of anyone who's not swayed by a few dead kids?
Hm the goblins use dead little animals they hang in trees as warning. How about we do the Same with the bodies. Them there will be no doubt about what happend. And the People will frenzy.

Also about us being extra "evil" this thread. I sadly have to inform you that the inability to Formulate and execute long term Plans and just going around and causing Maximum carnage because it gets you kinda wet isnt as much really especially super evil and more like a Little brain damaged and more worthy of a minion than evil overlord. There are always people that think, beeing evil means going around and making it as clear as possible to the whole World that they are trying to break everything from the rule of law to your grandma's fucking legs. While i think it just means that pretty much no rule applies to us be they Moral or social. That doesnt mean we have to go out of our way to demonstrate it, that would just be retarded. With us beeing a spirit i would prefer a Methodical and long term approach to Most problems. And i think us going on senseless killing frenzies doesnt serve us at all. (I am mot talking about the goblins, that's still a good plan)
Also doesnt mean forming attatchments to people is inherently a good or an evil act. I think having elizabeth in the Story given us more stuff to interact with and in ways that we wouldnt otherwise, aside from the fact that it gives us different options when dealing with problems. In short it makes the Story better. And i said from the Start i would like to See a friendly relation with her, with her beeing something like an Apprentice in the longrun. If she goes the good adventurerer way than we have to kill her no matter what. But we are in the perfect spot to steer her another way.

And to the guy who is always like "NO MURDERALIZE HER or we are going to waifu her no matter what." Dude, chill man, there was one guy who was all "dont be meany, lets be friends with all children. Blabla weeaboo" EVERYBODY ELSE was agreeing with you that no waifuing whatsoever is going to happen.
Uh sorry didnt mean to rant that much

Tl:dr uhm something something about the nature of evil and please dont kill elizabeth, she makes the Story better
Of course a murderous rampage ain't a long term investment, and the majority of us have tried to play this in the most long term possible.
Sadly we have a malevolent and mirderous necromancer with a power that dwarves our own hanging over us, wanting this war, and unless we comply by her request of having this carnage, we won't have much in terms of a long term to plan for. The war is quite frankly necessary and we should capitalise on it to the best of our ability.
Sorry i wasnt talking about the war. The war is great. It serves all our purposes. I was just getting the feelig people were drifting in the carnage for carnages sake direction. And its about people wanting to kill our Ticket out of here for no Apparent reason.
Sorry to interject, but all the long-term planning is for naught. You have to remember, we are NOT an evil overlord. We're literally a minion unit, a mook. We're barely above the bottom of the barrel. If we get higher, that's when to start thinking like an evil overlord, maybe even shadowrunning. But now is not the time.
Elizabeth is too useful to be sacreficed atm. We should keep her until she is most useful as food, then dispose of her.
Preferably, her parents both die though, as that'll probably strengthen our influence over her.
I think we should get as much plans in motion to actually get us there as soon as possible. And thinking and Acting like a mook will do nothing but keep us at this level.

I dont agree on the Parts of her parents.
After the dead children and if enough of the village gets killed in the fighting. The parents might make their Journey to the next City to try their luck. Main our way there Incredibly easy. Unless we have Decided that we dont want to go there anymore. And i think the girl is still to young to be on her own. But i might be wrong about that.
We need to to have elizabeths family to move to big city
Guys what if we possess someone, destroy their mind and continuously feed off them (slowly enough for them to stay alive). We could get a permanent body and avoid the starvation problem.
Except we actually cant possess people.
I'm talking about the future
Rolled 9 (1d10)

I am awake
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Great success on Will save to try and snap Elizabeth out of being emotionally dead.
I like the idea. If we learn the skills to do it in a non-obviously way.
Roll for the compel of the father


You turn your sights to Elizabeth's father, a man who has largely remained quite, trying to keep his own wife from breaking down.

However, that wouldn't do, as you delved into his mind. "She could have died. Your little girl would could have died from those goblins, the ones everyone knew were getting aggressive...The heroes knew didn't they? They knew and did nothing about it. They just want to let the goblins get stronger, have the goblins attack first, so they can looks like the heroes when they shpw up."

The father began to speak up, slowly gaining in volume as his anger grew. The cleric was caught off guard, but seemed to talk right at the father.

"Their comrade went crazy in the middle of town and assaulted you, and all they could muster was an apology. They don't care about the village, they care about their rewards."

You grow warm as a wicked idea forms in your head "Their house is full of weapons and stuff, things that could be better used defending the village then gathering dust..."

The father starts to move forward at the cleric, the warrior standing as a sort of shield between the two. It seems your compulsion has set the man off, and the villagers are starting to be swayed.

As this went on, Elizabeth jolted from her bed, breathing rapidly as she looked around in a panic. Before she could begin her sobbing, you pushed through her mind with no resistance, and began to try and push her through the trauma.

A whirlwind of emotions were circling in the girls mind, to many for her to function and keeping her in the emotional deadlock. So, you chose an emotion, to help her quickly get through this phase.

Choose one emotion for Elizabeth to go through to begin weakening the trauma

>Anger: Have her grow angry at the world, at the goblins, or even her own parents. You don't know where this anger will be directed.

>Sadness: Have the tradgey become apparent to the girl, breaking any control she had and unleashing her pain in the form of tears.

>Hope: Hopes for the future, dreams of a time without this pain and of new friends and a brighter tomorrow

>Joy: This wasn't so bad. You're alive, and you went on a fun adventure. And Zazie was always annoying, so it's good she and Jamie died.
>Anger: Have her grow angry at the world, at the goblins, or even her own parents. You don't know where this anger will be directed.
>Hope: Hopes for the future, dreams of a time without this pain and of new friends and a brighter tomorrow
We can be one of her friends. We can show her ways to keep her and her friends safe, even more then safe. They can get in a Position where they are surrounded by others that will do your bidding. No one will dare to take what's yours. You want to get there, dont you little girl.
Anger. Make her angry with visions of goblins and her own powerlessness do stop them.
>>Sadness: Have the tradgey become apparent to the girl, breaking any control she had and unleashing her pain in the form of tears.
Sad hero puppet best hero puppet
we don't want her becoming a psychopath...
In case of a tie, I'd be fine with hope too. We just need something that can strengthen rather than weaken her resolve. If she doesn't want to do anything (i.e. depressed) she would've serve us best as a snack.
>Sadness: Have the tradgey become apparent to the girl, breaking any control she had and unleashing her pain in the form of tears.

surely nothing will spur a mob onwards better than a crying little girl, no?
We're not being evil for the sake of evil - at least not for enjoyment. This isn't how we'd make an attack - this is how goblins would make an attack. Goblins revel in chaos and terror, so they would do things like burn houses and make displays of bodies. Remember - we're trying to make people angry in a way that they're not going to suspect us.
I vote sadness. Also, what do you guys say after this we mosy on down to the goblins and try to get a foothold there? Just so we don't have all our eggs in one basket.
I mean, who knows? Maybe they're just cowards who are bluffing.

Hope wins

Let me write you filling a little girl with hope
We should def. involve ourselves with both sides in the conflict, but most of our eggs are in the basket where the amulet is.
Still we'll need to influence the Goblins too, the longer we keep the carnage going, the better.
I vote for sadness.

Anger seems to risky. She might strive to become stronger than us.
I think we should try to climax the fight with getting some nobles involved. If we can find some real piece of shit noble or even on of his genetic wastes of men then we can have an easy in to causing more and more wars.
Absolutely, if we can make sure the Goblins can involve more parties too. Tipping the scales too much to any side's favour will end the conflict too quickly.
Don't forget, we don't need the amulet to survive - it's basically just a hideout. If we put it somewhere fairly safe, we can leave it until we need to heal. Besides, there might be magical stuff at their tribe, and it would be nice to use some before Necrobitch gets her mitts on it.
You find a bright emotion, one that had been drowning in all the others. When uncovered, it began to glow and spread throughout the girls mind. It was slow, but Elizabeth seemed to gain some light in her eyes as she pulled her legs to her body. Her eyes flashed blue, and she looked at your amulet, almost pleadingly.

"I'll get stronger...right?"

"Yes, you have your whole future ahead of you, and plenty of time to grow strong."

With silence, she stares forward, tucking her face between her legs and staring forward. "I have to be strong, so I can have a happy tomorrow."

>Elizabeth gains the trait [Hopeful]: Gains a bonus to charisma checks when trying to rally others. Is also resistant to fear affects, her hope for a bright future steeling her resolve.

>Trauma trait downgraded to [scarred]: All mental stats except charisma are reduced to zero. Charisma is at 3

Elizabeth stood from the bed, running over and grabbing your amulet.

"Can you help me? Help me get strong?"

>Promise to aid eher?

>Do not help her?



"Of course you'll be the strongest human that has ever lived. Then, hopefully you might avenge your friends and save me from this dreaded curse. Now go out and rally your kinsmen so that the little green men gets what they deserve"
Of course we have no intention of fullfilling our end of the bargain unless it's useful for us to do so.
"All I can do is show you the way. It will rarely be the easy or nice thing, but if you do it you will grow stronger than you ever expected. Persevere and drive to find true strength."
Aid her, tell her she should move with her family to the city to aquire more knowledge, after all knowlewdge is power
Yes of course little child. I am your friend, and I want to help you. You will growth strong, so that you will never need to be afraid again. It will not be easy or Quick but as long as you trust my guidance we can make that happen.
Promse to aid her, tell her to move to a big city once everything is over, make her a bard
Tell her "I can only take you part of the way, but some things you have to do on your own. Now, *compel* go out there and tell everyone what happened with the little green men. Make them angry, so they'll go and stop them from hurting others. I will help you come up with things to say." Then when she talks to the mob, compel her during her speech so our cha scores can be essentially added together.
>promise to aid her
tell her she has to tell the people what happened so it wont happen to others
>Promise to aide wins

"I can only show you the path to take, but if you can make it, if you can walk down this path, you will be stronger than either you or your friends could ever have dreamed."

Elizabeth seems to brighten up, before seeming to shrink when you tone goes dark "But you must take the first step. Go to your father, to your fellow villagers, and convince them that the little green men must be punished."

Elizabeth is at first fearful, then opens her mouth to speak, before you interrupt her "If you don't the little green men will hurt more people..."

Elizabeth closes her mouth, then after a second, tucks you into her front pocket and runs to the villagers.

Pushing open the door, the villagers and the trio of adventuerers looks at the little girl. The one to survive the goblin attack. With resolve, she clears her throat, and speaks.

>Let Elizabeth handle this?

>Compel her and control what she says (use your Charisma roll instead?)

>Compel the audiance to listen (Roll will to give a bonus to Elizabeth's Charisma roll?)

>Do something with Ratman while Elizabeth is doing this?

>>Compel the audiance to listen (Roll will to give a bonus to Elizabeth's Charisma roll?)
Changed my mind. Let's take Ratman and see if we can start messing with the goblins. I reckon Elizabeth has this under control, especially since the crowd is pretty inclined to listen anyway.

We could pretend to be the goblins' deity and appear in front of their shamans/holy leaders declaring holy war.
>Let Elizabeth handle this
>Use the Ratman to scout out the Goblin Village, maybe pick off some of them
Let Elizabeth handle it for now.

Heh that would be fun. But I think their shamans should be able to recognize us for what we are. May be we can Engineer something.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge among monsters what basic monsters look like. We started out with the same knowledge after all.
Looks like it's ratman's time, writing.
Let's just make ratman violently and loudly kill som Goblins to alert them, that should make this messier
If we then shoot ratman in the back we could quite easily pose as a help and friendly gesture from "our master"
Sneaking from the amulet, you let Elizabeth you will return as she exits the building. WHile everyone is gathered on the front of the house, you flying out the back and fly towards Ratman, who is lying in a bush perfectly still.

With a wordless command, you and him head off towards the goblin woods.

The journey takes time, the woods being around a couple hours away, but you eventually arrive as the sun begins to set in the sky. flayed animal corpses propped up on wooden stakes litter the road, an obviouse sign of threat from the local goblins.

The woods are thick, with you being unable to see very far in before trees obscure your vision. But you see a couple plume sof smoke rising from the depths of the forest, and the gorey warning are only more prevalent.

Ratman twitches, growling as its hands shake.

>Roll will to keep Ratman under control.
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Critical succes pls
Rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 = 25 (25d1)

If ever it goes out of control i think he's deep enough to cause a ruckus
Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 20 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

I sware to fucking god, these dice have been blessed
I asked for critical success, we got 2 of them :3

Do we just keep ratman forever now?
Rolled 19 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

No, I mean - think of the following:

>Goblin shaman praying to his god through a little stone idol
>We float over his head while he lies prostrate, and possess the idol
>Idol begins floating, goblin thinks it's his god
>Compel him to start a war with the humans and his whole tribe will earn his favour
>Shaman runs to the boss as fast as his legs can carry him, spreads the good word
Plus, if we play our cards right we could have AN ENTIRE SPECIES working for us AND WANTING TO! Imagine the look on Necrobitch's face!
critical success, +4


You slap Ratman upside the head, by possessing a rock and throwing it at the creatures head. Ratman's convulsions cease and instead he seems to gain a bit of clarity.

[Ratman will nt resist control for a long time.]

He looks to you briefly, before moving forward into the woods with no command from you. he quickly sprints into the woods, leaving you behind as he heads in the direction of the smoke.

>What do you do?
Sneak inside the goblin village, try to do what >>1604428 said
In fact, he could be the general of our army. An archetype of the kind of war to fight: sneaking, hit-and-run, being adaptable, guerrilla warfare etc etc.
Ehhh we could make a BETTER minion for that. Ratman is a..... Ratman. We need someone more..... Vigorous to lead our inevitable army of destruction. Like an Undead Orc Chieftan
The only orcs I've encountered so far were in the village, riling up the people. It might be the case that they might have one as their chieftain, but killing him means there's nobody to bully them into an effective fighting force.
Nobody else seems to have a better idea - Burden, do you reckon now's a good time to start writing or not?
>Sneak inside the goblin village
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when the orc dad dies, we can raise him and give him the warrior's arms and armor
You progress after Ratman, making sure to avoid being seen as best as you could.

Roll Dex

(sorry, had to do some stuff)
Rolled 1 (1d20)

well fuck
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Bro, you let the side down.
-2 due to poor roll


Large failure

As you hover through the forest, a spear embeds the ground in front of you. From the trees, two goblins come out to face you. "You Wisp! You not welcome, you from village?" cried one of the goblins, their partner readying another spear.


>try and lie?


>Possess the spear?

>Call ratman?

Talk with them while ratman approaches them from behind and tries to kill them
>Tell them that the villagers are trying to launch an assault against them with the adventurers arms and armor, so steel yourself, and that you are only a messenger.
Why not tell them about the villagers moving to fight? If both sides are aware, it'll be a bloodier battle.
this, but bring the ratman close
This, while Ratman sneaks up behind them and attacks them. When he arrives, kill them and try sneaking again.
nice re:monster image
This. Bloody battle when?
supporting, we want them to be ready
do this
don't do this, we want an equal as possible battle with as many casualties aka souls for us to eat
can we eat the soul of a fallen warrior during a battle?
well if we can't then that'd be pretty lame

"I am not from the village, by I do bare warnings from it." You say to them, willing a command to your Ratman.

"You are not a bear!" Cried one of the goblins, seeming agitated. His comrade smacked him upside the head.

"What news do you bring?" Asked the goblin with the spear, sounding a bit more intelligent than the other.

"The villagers will attack soon, and they seek your annihilation." You say simply, staring at the goblins as you see a shadow standing in the branches above them.

"Hah, the villagers are a bunch of cowards. They'll never attack us. And the chief says they'll leave if we keep scaring them." The goblin said with a large grin, his buddy nodding in excitement.

The goblin with the spear raised it and pointed it at you "So if that's all you have to say, what use do we have of you?" The goblin said, his comrade raising a crude dagger.

>What do you do?
Souls persist on a corpse for a very short time. Wisps and other undead occurring naturally is very rare.
They cant hurt our ghostly form anyway, so tell them that you are the lost spirit of a newly dead goblin and say you must go to the afterlife. Then fly up in the sky until they don't see you anymore
Tell them that their chief is a fool that will soon drown in his own blood. If they want to get slaughtered because they have no minds of their own, it is their choice.

Influence them to cause doubt in their chief
Oh, and compel them to believe us or whatever. Goblins are dumb and will be easily persuaded compared to the humans
You are not immune to physical attacks
tell them that a vampire fool a girl to make her believe that a goblin kill her friends because he wants to begin a race war
No, don't do this. Anything but that.

Say "I have warned you, my task is done" and flee from them.
sad thing
just start shooting spirit bolts or whatever they're called and have ratman attack, if one comes in melee range use soul rend
we can take these chumps
Compel the goblins to believe us. Tell them to tell they're leader about this. (That way, if their leader survives, we'll have a powerful ally who thinks we are looking out for him)
If possible, have Ratman attack the one with the spear while we deal with the dagger one.
Voting for this
Tie between start shooting and Compel them
I vote for compel
change to start shooting, but only when the ratman arrive
Voting for compel
Vote for this
But if we compel them, the goblins will be ready.
Fair fight = more causalities.
because of this >>1604678 I don't care too much of a fair fight
change to Compel move on
Alrighty, roll will.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 19 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d10)


The goblins flinch a bit, before glaring at you and screeching along with his comrade. "Wisp using mind magics! It's just another pesky undead."

The more intelligent goblin snarled "Go get 'em Jeka!" The Goblin said, watching his comrade charge before turning and running away from the fight.

The dumber goblin with the dagger charged, swinging heir dagger wildly.

>Roll Dex then declare action
Rolled 16 (1d20)

run to the ratman
Roll + 1d20
Hit the fleeing gob with spirit bolt.
attack the other gob using rat man.
"dice+1d20" on the options above
Rolled 5 (1d20)

kill them gobbos
Rolled 17 (1d20)

supporting this
Rolled 17 (1d20)

This is my roll
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Third times the charm
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Gotta do it in the options field above the main text window

You deftly dodge the attack of the dagger goblin, watching as the shadow in the trees dropped down and smashed into the goblin, getting a sneak attack off as it clawed the goblins eyes.

You take aim with your spirit bolt and fire at the goblin, hoping to end this without alerting the rest of the tribe.

>roll Rex for the attack.

[also gonna have to clock in for work soon, so I'll be unlikely to post for a good while. So feel free to figure out a few plans and such so when I get back you all know what you're doing.]
Why are we using spirit bolt when we could be using spirit rend?
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Spirit bolt the dagger one
I think we don't have it.
No, we don't.
Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Is it possible for us to use rend instead? Why use the weaker long range spell when he's in close range.
Spirit tend is close range, the target is the spear goblin who ran away.

Sorry, forgot to add it to the sheet
Rolled 8 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

lets eat their souls after we're done
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Actually im pretty sure that we have to eat them while they are still alive. So if we can get the one that is running we spirit rend him Otherwise we send Ratman in pursuit and rend the one next to us.
Also we roll kings and are nice to spirits
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Rolled 11 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

>Roll Rex
I don't know about you but I don't want to evolve I just want to become the most OP wisp imaginable.
should be able to succ those souls right up unless we wait for too long before doing it
We'll be that hidden encounter that looks like a tutorial level enemy yet could easily solo the final boss.
Ehhh wisps cap out pretty low level in terms of what they can do. I'd think that with too much power in that insubstantial of a form would be disastrous for us.
Kill both of them and if possible leave traces that humans did it, sparking the war maybe rags from out RATMAAAAAN
Imagine evolving to a DND flaming skull.
You get some of your memories back and have... FIERY LASERS BABY!
Is op died
Like a demi-lich?
Probably just tired or asleep, dude has been doing this at a pretty rapid pace since starting, at least by normal quest standards. Hopefully he didn't burn himself out too quickly, QMing is a lot tougher than people think.
No, Im talkng about the fiery skull from 5e Monster Manual, demilich is a completely different thing
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Yeah, I don't think we'd be able to become a demi-lich. A prerequisite of that is having once been a lich - which requires you to have performed the ritual while alive.
Well, thats why im suggesting the BADASS FLAMING SKULL
Well we don't know what we were when we were alive
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Whats wrong? I just told him where I saw it, never actually played any D&D game (fuck the lack of players in Poland)
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Let's get this show on the road!


Your spirit shot goes wide, striking a tree and draining the life from the bark that it struck against.

The goblin ducks behind trees, disapearing from sight.

Ratman has engaged in a very brutal fight with the Goblin, dagger and claws slashing at each other to try and kill the other one. The goblin still stands at close range to you.

>What do you do?
Get close, engage soul Rend. Have Ratman eat the corpse to grow strong
Tag team with Ratman to kill dagger goblin, use that close range spell. Then use Ratman's sense of smell to track down other goblin and tag team him
Ratman and us don't eat anything until they are both dead.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Soul Rend goblin as he's distracted by Ratman
Make sure to make a str roll when attacking with Soul Rend, and a dex roll with Spirit Bolt
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Wait no sorry, I meant a Wis roll

reroll then?
Rolled 13 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

+3 to that roll due to our stats
I didn't say we would attack with bolt, but okay
oh no, i was just clarifying which rolls go with which attack
I'll roll in about ten minutes and start on the post
Rolled 18 (1d20)

sry forget to tell what i want to do
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Your unleash your soul rend spell on the goblin, and tear into it's very being as it fights Ratman. Tendrils of your light stab into the Goblin, forcing a short gasp from the creature as it felt something invade it's flesh and soul.

With a scram, it manages to resist some of the damage you do, but appears to drain in color and stamina. Ratman goes in for an attack, but the goblin manages to duck down and send a flurry of stabs into Ratman's stomach.

Ratman didn't seem to be affected by the attack, instead looking down at the Goblin with hollow eyes, the blood of rats seeping from its stomach.

>You did ten spirit damage to the goblin!

>Goblin did 6 damage to Ratman. Ratman does not seem to mind.

>What do you do?
Use Ratman's sense of smell to track down the other goblin.
Oops I misunderstood I thought he was dead. In that case tag team attack him again
>Have Ratman pin/hold the goblin down while we consume his soul.
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolling for ratman's strength

[Knowledge learned: Ratman's strength]
Ratman sends his hands downward to try and grab the goblin, but found nothing but air as the smaller creature slipped through Ratman's legs.

"Stupid wisp. Klek too dodgy for corpse man." He said happily, proceeding to repeatedly stab Ratman in the back, Ratman showing slight discomfort for this.

[Goblin deals 6 damage to Ratman]

Ratman turned rapidly, letting out a screech that soon turned from a sound to him releasing a small mischief of rats from his body all over the goblin, the zombified creatures swarming over and biting the little creature all over. A mix of gooblin screams and rat squeeks filling the forest.

[Learned Ratman ability: breath of Mischief: Ratman vomits a small swarm of rats onto an opponents that persist for a short time before dying, covering their victim in bites and scratches.]

Goblin takes 12 damage, and is now looking to be at death's door

>What do you do?
Suck the soul of the goblin, let ratman try to find the other one
roll will
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Forgot how much bonus we have for will
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

You try to eat at the soul of the goblin, but it's will is strong. Pushing your attempt s back, it throws its dagger at you, attempting to wound the monster that had been trying to control it.
Plus +1 right ?
Rolled 9 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Currently yes


The attack hits, dealing 5 damage to you, and sending massive pain throughout your body as you feel your grip on the world slip.


Ratman goes for another attack, swinging its arms down on the goblin.
And smashes the goblin into the ground, killing the creature and ending the fight.

With a low his, it kneels down, and began to try and tear flesh from the goblin, wishing to feed on the creature as any zombie would,

>What do you do?

>Give chase to the goblin that escaped?

>Eat the goblin's soul and leave?

>Eat the soul then give chase?

>Just leave?

>>Eat the goblin's soul and leave?

We've done what we came to do.
>Eat the goblin's soul and leave?
Support. We said about an attack from the village, they'll mobilise their forces and be ready for war. While the two sides are duking it out we could do something else. Wasn't there a ruin of a church that was destroyed by the Darklord that could be visited?
Support I guess
Besides, we probably ought to be doing something constructive while the race war handles itself.

Burden, how much in-universe time has passed since the wager from Necrobitch? Just so I know how much time we have to play with.
You consume the goblins soul, and your hunger that had been growing steadily was greatly sated beyond what you had ever felt. A sentient soul was like nothing you had tasted before. You had drain one, but to consume it, was something else entirely. What you had take from the Elf was like the crumbs of table scrapes compared to the bounty that was this creatures soul.

You feel pulse in your being, a shuddering of the universe, and then, you black out.

You dream

You grow

You change....

>You dream of flesh, of the body you once had long ago....

>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....

>You dream of your killer, and the rage that surrounds them....
>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....
Memories for the win
>>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....
>>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....
a physical body is a liability, and we're too weak to get revenge. Better to learn of our past and become better because of it
>>You dream of your killer, and the rage that surrounds them....
>>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....
>You dream of flesh, of the body you once had long ago....
>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....
>You dream of your memories, of the experiences you once had....
With an overwhelming amjority, You remember...

You stood on the ramparts of your home, the cavern ceiling shielding you from the bombardment of spells and roars of dragons above. Stretching across the horizon, a hoard of the undead and their foul commanding Orcs have gathered. Yours has always been a city of purest light, and a beacon in this age of darkness.

Besides you, your siblings stand ready to defend their home. They are afraid though, afraid at the rumors of the immortal Darklord, of his fabricated dream god, and the outsiders he had beckoned onto your world.

The god's could not come to your aide, for they fought a desperate fight of their own within the heavens, and your mortal allies were either besieged or to far to make it in time.

And the fae, those arrogant rats, have abandoned the mortal worlds to its fate, enjoying their pleasures as they wait out the destruction in the realm.

Your city stands alone in the darkness, but you stand with your siblings and the many defenders. Clutching your amulet, the sound of roars come from the enemy, and you watch as arrows fill the sky and descend upon you....

With a start, you awaken to a pitch black night. Ratman stands where you left him, still consuming the flesh of the goblin with wild abandon.

The dream, you memory of your life, stays firmly in your mind. You no longer exist without context, and despite not remembering anything else, you remember the family you once had as well as the nation you once fought to defend.

Your hands grip the grass of the forest floor, as the weight of the feeling sets in. You then realize you have hands. With a start, you float up and examine yourself.

>Zeldren has evolved into a ghost!

Zeldren, Level 1 Ghost

>Hp: 20
>Str: 0
>Dex: 5
>Wis:6 (-2 for number of undead under your control)
>Con: 3
>Cha: 3

>Zeldren Has gained new abilties!

>Phase: Zeldren can now phase through solid objects. Cannot do in combat

>Ghostly wail: Roll Cha to fear enemies, victems who fail running from you

>Cold Grip: Roll str, strike an opponant with burning cold that damages them and drains them of energy.

>Item Possession III: Can possess a non magical item, and move it around just as well as you could yourself. Can possess full suits of armor and control them, though can be clumsy and slow do to how many parts there are.

Can possess a magical item, but can only move it at Item Possession I level, Ex. use short bursts of force to nudge it in directions.

>Magical weakness: -2 AC against magical and Divine attacks

You look over you new form, and can't help but revel in the feeling of power that flows through you.

You hear the sound of war drums in the forest.

Things have grown much more interesting....

>What do you do?

if the goblin body is still kinda intact, raise it as another undead. If it's pretty torn up, possess it and hide it in the bushes. Have Ratman throw dust or leaves over any blood the goblin left behind
try to find where the fight is gonna be, let's eat the max of souls off weak warriors
Can we combine them both ? I support both
Doing both probably wouldn't be hard, the necromancer mostly just wanted the bodies and lack of attention her way anyway, we can start chewing on souls after the battle
This, but be stealthy as possible. Just because we have some power now doesn't mean we should abandon the subtlety and scheming that got us this far.
does she even want the bodies? I thought she just wanted the race war so the adventurers and village would be distracted/dead

one thing we are definitely doing is combining the goblin chief with the orc dad or the orc dad with the warrior, whichever's available. We might have to upgrade our raise undead spell though
try to take over a sword and help with the killing
sucking / draining any one it hits
>does the necromancer even want the bodies of the dead people that died in the race war they wanted to start?
"Might keep more people from stumbling on you, and provide you a nice supply of fresh dead for your work" we said that then...

I don't think she even wants the bodies, she just wants a bit of entertainment as a reason not to just kill us. She seems so far beyond us that a few nobodies are below anything she'd have a serious investment in.

Speaking of which, the war drums mean goblins are on the march whether the village is ready or not, so our job is done.

I reckon we should go to the adventurers' hideout and possess more stuff while the battle rages. Absorb all the souls once the dust settles. That way we're not just sat around with our ethereal thumb up our ass.
she didn't tell us that she wanted them, it seems like she doesn't want to be bothered and figured a race war would occupy anyone that might be able to stop her.

Obviously she won't turn down a bunch of bodies, but we don't need to give her the best bodies when this is over

With a small amount of effort, you flik you ethereal hand towards the goblin, and whisper "Live". A torrent of energy shoots from your hand and begins to surround the half eaten goblin, Ratman backing off though seeming to glare at you for only a single second.

>Roll Will
assuming the warrior's armor isn't magical, we could take over his and make him an easy target during the fight
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 7 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

yea boiii

Also, what if we posessed one of the alive gobbo's equipment (stealthily of course) so that we can chill there while waiting for a front row seat for the race war, where we will then eat souls of the newly dead/near dead? That would give us a huge power boost and maybe even another evolution if it goes well, I'd imagine.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 11 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

I think we need to get to level 10 as a ghost to evolve

Though we should try to get invisibility, I assume we look kinda see-though right now. That'll work at night, but people are gonna wonder about the obvious ghost on the battlefield. At least we don't glow anymore though
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Can't we just hide inside an item while sucking the souls(which I assume aren't visible to non-ghostly/magical entities) ?
>ghost's evolve at level 10
There are you getting this from ? D&D ?
This is probably the safest course for reaping souls from the battlefield undetected.
I think it comes from the assumption that it'll take double the effort to evolve, since we evolved from a wisp at level 5.

With a spasm of its body, the goblin rises and stares up to its new master, mirroring how Ratman appeared to be when he was first resurrected.

The goblin was missing an arm, and its entrails were gone, but it still had enough strength to stand and serve.

(-4 to will due to number of risen undead)

>Go to the Goblin village to try and learn where the battle will take place?

>Go back to the village and find out where the village takes place?

>>Go to the Goblin village to try and learn where the battle will take place?
>>Go back to the village and find out where the village takes place
good to know if the adventurers are planning to join the race war, and if they aren't, we'll have to plan for them. Probably eating the cleric's soul when he sleeps. Without a healer, the other two will be vulnerable to zombies/goblins

actually, we might want to make the goblins win this fight. It doesn't hurt us to have extra monsters roaming around
I want to do what I wrote earlier. Sneak into the goblin camp and possess an item that they will for sure carry to the battle, like a sword, shield, armor, etc. Then do this >>1608493
/ this >>1608503
+1 to possessing a weapon for covert soul draining.
Were we actually a prince then?
That seems pretty regal.

You take off through the trees, literally going through them as you make your way towards the drums and smoke.

You grow close, but stop as you poke your head out from a tree. There are patrols in the treeline just around the tribes home. You can see houses and a large hill in the center, but the trees make it difficult to get a clear view.

>roll Dex for stealth
Rolled 15 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Sneaky spooky ghost.
God damn.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

holy fuck, about time our luck became good
time for some fine human/gobbo cuisine
Critical success


Enhanced critical!

With surprising ease and grace, you phase through every obstical in your path and find you have complete freedom to explore the camp, as none of the patrols can hope to detect your masterful infiltration.

The village is built simply enough, a sort of circle of buildings built around a central fire pit, which itself was built at the mouth of a cave. The buildings were simple log huts, with bones and furs decorating them.

Goblins milled about the town, running supplies and equipment all over the place as they seemed to be organizing themselves. At the east side of the village, what looked to be an army camp was seen, with rows upon rows of goblins sparing and training for the upcoming battle.

To the west, a crafting sector could be seen, with blacksmiths and tanners working as fast as they could to arm their warriors.

The rest of the village seemed to be houses and store houses, Goblin men, woman, and children running about trying to prepare.

At the mouth of the cave, a large being that was out of place among the smaller goblins stood bellowing orders. A Hobgoblin, goblinoid creatures that outclassed their lesser brothers in every way. It was rare for goblins, the weak monsters they were, to become Hobgoblins. However, when would inevitably arose, great change in their tribe would always follow.

>Investigate the army camp?

>investigate the crafting area?

>investigate the village proper?

>investigate the cave?

>close in on the Hobgoblin?

>Investigate the cave
I'd imagine the crafting area would have less goblins around than the camps. Let's head there and possess a sword or something.
Can we posses the Hobgoblins weapon and then lay low for a while until the combat? I'm sure that guy is gonna be in the center of the battlefield and fuck lots of shit up.

Otherwise, let's go to the army camp(that would be where the weapons we want to posses are, right?) and posses whatever weapon seems to look like it means the most business.
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(What the hobgob looks like)
Well if you think that's where the good weapons are, sure. I would just assume that they already have plenty of weapons made, especially the tough few ones (hobgoblins) that have been around for a while.
If we can get close to the hobgoblin's weapons without alerting him, I'd support that.
>>Investigate the army camp?
Voting for this, then. Let's posess the biggest sized weapon (most likely to belong to a hobbogobbo)
You fly towards the army camp, slipping through the patrols and eventually into the weapons tent. Weapons of all size and design are laid out before you, showing the goblin's preparedness for the coming battle. Which weapon do you possess?

>A spear?

>A axe?

>A dagger?

>A club?

>A sword?

>A claymore?

>a weird looking walking stick?
Have to go silent pretty soon here, gonna start my shift soon. So things'll be on pause until then.

I may be able to continue after work tonight, but if I don't just assume I went to sleep.
I'm all for the war for the sake of free souls, but I don't think it's a good idea for the goblins to win

A)goblins are way more numerous, therefore more fresh souls to eat when the villagers pretty much genocide the remaining goblins

2) there's no point in this area being controlled by the monsters if we planned on leaving this area to get into the city for knowledge

3) It would pretty much make our previous actions in cultivating the girl as a servant meaningless, come on guys that's been in the works since first thread

4) The necromancer lives in this area, why stay here for goblins? I say we leave for the city as soon as this is over

I am all for getting the vast majority of both populations killed though, including the adventurers and the hobgoblin, strong souls plus nice ass loot, we should totally take that armor. We need to keep the girl's late alive though, we need someone that's willing to send her in the city anyway, orphans don't get those opportunities.
Rolled 17 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

What exactly does the walking stick look like? Does it have magical properties?
Considering gobbos are usually some pretty small fuckers, I'm gonna have to go with the claymore.
>>A claymore?
i want the humans to win
Rolled wisdom to check for magic, in case you decided one was required. Forgot to say.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

I vote for the claymore. A weapon that size goes to the biggest. Then as the battle starts looking desperate, we start killing the hobgoblin.
that what i was thinking
>a claymore?
Agreed we help humans win
If it does, then I don't think we should possess it, because we have less power of magic items, and it could belong to the shaman who would maybe discover us. If it doesn't have any powers, it could still belong to the shaman. I think we should play it safe and go with the claymore.
Plus the shaman would be in the backline meaning we would be farther away from all those tasty souls
I don't think we need our zombies right now, and after the battle we'll have much better candidates for raising. I think we should give up our control of them at the start of the battle on the goblins side. This way, we lose our wis penalty, and the distracted goblins are at a disadvantage. So let's figure out where the battle is going to be and get them into position.
>goblins are way more numerous, therefore more fresh souls to eat when the villagers pretty much genocide the remaining goblins
The very fact that the goblins have the number advantage could turn the tide - plus they have a naturally more warlike nature. Their only real downside is the village adventurers.
More importantly, who gives a toss who wins and who loses? We're undead. We don't see dying as so bad, and we have no real stake either way so long as we get the amulet off Elizabeth, whom we no longer need.

>there's no point in this area being controlled by the monsters if we planned on leaving this area to get into the city for knowledge
We can get to the city by ourselves, we can fly. As for actually getting in, most of the city guard will be dispatched to deal with the goblin threat so the streets will remain largely unwatched.

>It would pretty much make our previous actions in cultivating the girl as a servant meaningless, come on guys that's been in the works since first thread
We've changed our form. We have an improved compel and greater Will, we can use most people as tools if so inclined. We don't need her anymore.

>The necromancer lives in this area, why stay here for goblins? I say we leave for the city as soon as this is over
I suggest we leave as soon as we have the amulet off Elizabeth. Necrobitch will probably grab some popcorn and watch the show, that'll give us maybe a day's head start to do our thing in the city.
Agreed. The wis bonus would be more useful atm
I partly agree. If it's magical, we should possess it only as long as it takes to leech its essence if it'll help us. Once that's done, THEN we possess the claymore.
>A claymore
More likely to be on the front lines and away from the shaman.
I hadn't thought of leeching its essence.
I second this.
I agree with this dude 100% >>1608809

Please stop the dumb shit about making Elizabeth into our servant girl, she's young as fuck and its way too much work for too little benefit to make her useful. She's also tied down by her parents, and we can't just do whatever we want with her. If you want a loli quest then there are plenty in the catalog to choose from, i'm certain.

Also I vote for this >>1608821 >>1608866
IF we can leech its essence, but as soon as the war starts - we don't want to be carried by a magic user in the backlines - we want to be the claymore.
umm how do you think we are getting into the city really easly?
and all that other cool things?
also helping the people win will make the girllike us even more
and people wont be looking for a reasion y the goblins won
If we're going to betray Elizabeth, we should betray her personally, and make sure she knows that WE betrayed her.
Nothing tastes better than a tortured, heartbroken soul.
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her mum and dad want to send her the the city
now to keep her safe and to help her learn more
>Cart of merchandise on way into city
>Stealth up to cart and possess it
>Pass through security, leave cart when nobody's watching

Alternatively we could swim through the sewers, pass through the walls, compel someone to bribe a guard, the possibilities are endless.
Also, who cares about the girl? She's a stupid kid that we needed once because we had no other options, but now we can throw her away like stabilisers.
Look dude, I get that you really really want Eliza, but as we've seen - we don't actually need regular books to regain our memory(or power, for that matter) as much as we thought. We just need to devour souls. Possessing the weapon of powerful adventurers would be way more beneficial than some little girl.
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>umm how do you think we are getting into the city really easily?and all that other cool things?
we can possess any inanimate object and bend people to our will. We don't need to piggyback on some peasant child
>also helping the people win will make the girllike us even more
the girl is a tool, nothing else. We don't even need her anymore, and killing off the people will destabilize the surrounding countryside, so adventurers will be distracted by goblins.
>and people wont be looking for a reasion y the goblins won
the reason the goblins won is because there was a lot of them and the village was a fucking mob armed with kitchen knives and wooden spears. Sherlock Holmes isn't gonna be investigating why they got slaughtered.

The sheer amount of loot we'd get from having the villagers and adventurers die is reason enough. That book in the adventurers' house gave us the ability to raise the undead, imagine what the other books can do for us.
i would rather have the girl
also little girl is going though life doing good thigns( but she dsont know about the bodies tha happen because of her) and since she is a kid she can ask things and people will just think shes beening a kid
and not having to compel the living shit out of everything cause we dont have the highest cha right now

and having her say the shingy amulet protics her people just think is a supastion and wont look any thougher into it
and just having other people want to take care of her( or people trying to rob her more souls for us)

and by the sounds of things we used to be a hero kinda wanna keep some sorta of good( helping the girl)
and find out who we used the be

instead of just eat all the things

but do what you want i can only vote for the girl
and Possessing the weapon of powerful adventurers should know that something is wrong with it as they deal with undead bullshit alot so good luck
and tomeits coming of aslets be evil couse we are a monster and evil evil its just coming of as a bits illy tome
Anon please. Time to feed the copypasta train.

All this people wanting to go battle

weips and not be the prince charming
We are going into the the big city guys
That mind read spell would help both is and her to get more books/power and keep both of us safe as well as find soul food
E.g homelesss people and robers
Well the only good thing about the goblin trart is now we/she can low lvl grind

Also do we want her to become a mage? That way us shoot magic soule blots at people and gernaly just beening in a necklace will get over looked.

Oh well and wtf with people killing and or leaving thr poor girl all alone in thr big city? You you mienys

You know you could just get her to hang out with a party to go on quests with them
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i normally wouldnt say this on /qst/ since we're a bit more civil, but jesus christ you sure are a massive fucking faggot dude
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Jesus Christ anon are you having a stroke?
i havent eaten today
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?”
makes perfect sinse
Seek help.
seek spellcheck
this, but after posses the axe may be of the Hobgoblin

we can find anyone to read to us, another kid, girl, boy ...
we can use Item Possession III, pick the amulet any take to any place, we don't need the girl
Okay so i guess i have to ask all the People that are of the opinion that having Elizabeth around isnt beneficial anymore. Wut?
How do you seriously come to that conclusion?
Nothing has changed. We want to go to a city. A City has very likely defenses in place to deal with undead. Along with a higher density of people that are likely able to recognize and Deal with us quite easily. And that's just getting in Not actually doing anything Inside the city. Seriously im fairly sure we still dont want to go up against that cleric in the tiny village in anything that might be mistaken as a fair fight. So every Argument that makes her useful is as valid as ever.

And to anti loli guy...
For fucks sake. One guy hinted at something like that in quest one. NOBODY ELSE was willing to go even near that route. Chill man even if we keep her around its by any idication never going to Dominate the story. And having to deal with her is actually a nice change now and then and gives the narrative a few aspects it wouldnt get otherwise. Aka it makes a better story.

>So every Argument that makes her useful is as valid as ever.

No they aren't, she served her purpose now we move on. If the city has defences in place for undead nothing's going to let us bypass that except our own power.
well if we have to save it in all situations and change our actions to be with her, so she's hurting us
we can grow by our self
and i think that way is gonna be more fun
We already explained why a thousand times, go read the fucking thread
We're not getting into the city if it has wards. Proximity to a little girl isn't gonna fool any magic that might be protecting the city.

Just because we don't have Eliza with us, doesn't mean we're gonna stop being sneaky. We've been within a hundred yards of the cleric for a month, and he hasn't noticed our presence. If he can't do it in that long, the chance of us getting discovered through magic is pretty low.

So what arguments are there for keeping her?
Could you please elaborate on no.

She keeps the amulet Safe. I guess that's not really needed but a nice to have. Where else would we Put it? Other undead? stupid Since they can still get free from us and other casters can probably hijack them.
Having someone inconspicuous helping and even hiding us is beyond valuable. And by defenses i meant not neccessarily the big mojo Barrier that keeps undead out. Then we are fucked either way. It's clerics that walk the streets and people who can recognize and Deal with possesion. All of These things she can help us get around. Actual magic defenses she can help too. I would Expect them to be in repositories of knowledge or other Kinds of power. Having a human Agent that can get them for us is also invaluable. Because we still Arent sure if our mindfuckery is undetectable. And having one doing it willingly is, dependig on the situation, easier and safer in many cases.
So basically can you tell me what Argument has lost its value please?
Having a living agent could be useful. However, we don't need to preoccupy ourselves with little girl raising simulator on the off chance we get a minion while we're still just a low level Mook.
Yes and i among other people have argued for the opposite. Have been participating Since Middle of thread 1

The cleric hastnt noticed because he isnt actually activity guarding anything/Wasnt there Most of the time/we were lang low with the damned girl Most of the time.... It's kinda my point

Well, legit Argument. I dont see it the way, that we have to accomodate her too much. But Yeah i guess a matter of taste maybe
>She keeps the amulet Safe. I guess that's not really needed but a nice to have. Where else would we Put it? Other undead? stupid Since they can still get free from us and other casters can probably hijack them.
why not put it on the roof of the tallest building in the city? A little girl wearing an expensive necklace is asking to get robbed and left bleeding out in a ditch.

> It's clerics that walk the streets and people who can recognize and Deal with possession.
PCs don't seem that common, and the chances that there are random clerics wandering the streets, casting detect undead are slim to none. Even if there are, how does having someone that we are constantly near help that? It's asking for some priest to throw some holy water at her, because she consistently is detected as undead. If we move around, and don't have to devote time to keep a little girl happy, we'll level up quicker and reduce the chance of getting noticed.

>Actual magic defenses she can help too. I would Expect them to be in repositories of knowledge or other Kinds of power
what fucking wizard is gonna let a snot nosed eight year old wander around his repository of knowledge?

>Because we still Arent sure if our mindfuckery is undetectable
so we should have someone that is a fucking beacon of mindfucked? We've used our mindfuckery on her so much that she's basically a puppet. You don't think that's gonna be more noticeable than some guy we compel once?

Your argument is fair, but your locking yourself down to one aspect, travel via the girl. We have many ways of addressing situations, but if your only focused on one approach you're intentionally denying yourself the opportunity to develop.

Simply put, it's time for a change of pace.
Firstly she doesnt have to wear it all the time but having it hidden among her possesions. In another place it might always be found or carried of by fucking pidgeons/streetdogs/whatever. I think having someone actively hiding it is preferable.

Secondly we are not invisible and there are a lot more eyes in the City than in the wilderness and the little village. Moving around alone will be risky. And with enough clerics/excorcists/paladins/adventurers/other-nauseatigly-nice-stuff there they can corner us and Hunt us down. She helps because we dont actually have to do everythin ourselves and is actually trying to help us evade persecution. Be that diverting a guards attention or a Million other thing depending on tge situation. She basically is another pair of hands, that is way less obviously than we are.

Thirdly well the people she is learning from i guess. Or basically everything we Set her up for. It's not a Auto Pass to everywhere its always just a possible entrypoint to what we need to get to. But I would rather have the Option than not.

Fourthly well that depends on a Lot of things. The Basic idea was to break her and build her up so she does our bidding not really though compulsion but through her free will. I dont think you can get many people there that Arent children. And its a question if a compulsion would Register half a year later. I dont know how this works. But yes everyone we just use a compulsion on her we diminish her usefulness in that regard.

>>1609403 well i think the exakt opposite is the case. Namen that by abandoning or killing her we narrow our choices not just make us more indipendent. I mean we dont always have to use her it just always remains an option.

As for change the pace. Yeah ok, my Argument isnt purely utilitarian(even if I think that she could be insanly usefull). I want to See what happens with the girl and how she turn out in the end. And how we will make this work for us. I dont want her to be the focus of everythin. I just think it enriches the story. If im alone in that and you guys just dont want to See more of her that alright i will stop arguing, story trumps mechanics i guess.
Second link was supposed to go there>>1609449
I don't think the girl has a name (or maybe I just don't have a brain) So I propose that we name her (because she named us.)
Let's all post names, and the first to get dubs gets to dub the girl.
her name is Elizabeth
Sorry, no dubs

Jk. You're right. I completely forgot.
Are we sure that the village is already good to go to war? There might be changes from when we first visited, its been a long night. I suggest we let ratman fall first but let the gobli undead stay, we can use him to spark a furher fight

With the elizabeth issue, I stand by my opinion from thread one that she can be useful to us, but we should stop ideas of investing heavily on her. It would be good to leave her alive as we managed to make her our pseudo slave while other people may want to kill us such as the elven mage
Id try to focus on keeping her alive during the attack, use her as a pass to the city and it's libraries(our knowledge is limited and probably outdated so we could use some learning) and eventually as the guardian of our amulet, but nothing more.
Win? Win.
Im good with that anyways more important issue, we're trying to possess a weapon with the logic that we will go to war and it will povide us the closest to harvesting souls but...

We wee given 3 days to spark a war
One 1/3rd of the town is convinced, a bit more but we need 2/3rds to ensure hey do
And if we dont the neceo,ancer fucks us up

I think we shuldn just "wait" fr everything to happen while possessing a halberd and do somehing more practive with startng the war
What if we tried riling the hobgoblin a bit, unlike the village, the hobgoblin most likely won't be argued against if he decides to do an early raid on the villagers. That way the goblins will be stuck in the war while the villagers will be a lot less likely to back down.
Something tells me the leader won't be too susceptible to direct compulsion, but maybe we could compel some of his lackeys to encourage him to do a raid.
I don't see why he wouldn't be, even the elven mage could succumb to our compulsion, while we were still a lvl 2 wisp by the way, and she would definitely be a lot harder to compel than a hobgoblin. Still, I suppose there could be advisers or goblins of influence within the village that we could compel instead.
The elven mage was probably just caught off guard, and low level besides.
Easy, we use our goblin corpse to kill a child the next day. More human blood shed more cause for war. Hell let's go compel a child from their home now.
Digging this idea, if the flames aren't stoked enough for war, but I'm pretty sure it's unnecessary at this point.
I like the idea, but we're going to have to be careful about it since the cleric and his party are back in town, the village has to be on high alert right now.
the goblins are already on a warpath, there's gonna be bloodshed regardless of the town's willingness to fight
True, but we want to rile up the village even further so that they're ready to fight just as hard. We want as many dead as we can for souls and bodies for the necromancer. A one sided massacre of the smaller population won't give us as big of a result as the goblin forces ripping apart the farmers and such while villagers like the orc and the adventurer party decimate the goblins. Ideally they'll practically destroy each other. Personally, my big goal is to make sure the party on the human side and the hobgoblin and goblins of authority get killed in the fighting. Bigger souls/xp, we get all their loot because who'll be able to stop us at that point? and it'll make manipulation of both remaining populations that much easier, at least until we move on of course.
true, I want the war to take place away from the human village so there's no chance of the asshole goblins burning down the buildings. Hopefully everyone dies, but we can always drain the surviving adventurers or goblin leaders. Especially if they get wounded in battle, no one will question someone passing away from some unknown infection or simple bloodloss
I feel like eating the cleric or the mage in the midst of battle will boost us up so much. I feel like we should make them joining, and dying our priority

imagine what kind of evolution we'll get as a ghost that's absorbed a cleric
Oh definitely, the party and the hobgoblin are priority one.
Do we have an Actual plan to Steal all the souls of the fallen?
There was one idea to have the Zombies get the wunder for us, and we can haunt the side lines of the battle i guess, depending on the situation. Any other ideas to actually claim our prize?
We could ask the necromancer about a Kind of soul trap, but im not sure if that would be wise.
And i think we should Check what's going on in the village.
if the war is already secured, possessing a weapon would be good. Alternatively making our lil elizabeth give our amulet to his dad for luck (we can say we will try our best to protect him) can be done.

personally though perfect scenario is we leave our amulet with elizabeth, adventurers and villagers raid the goblins, villagers win but the adventurers die (we eat them in the midst of combat). Elizabeth laments her powerlessness and once we go to the city (elizabeth wanting to go cause power) we can decide what to do with ourselves and elizabeth then

alternatively if the city is still years to go we can just roam on our own, I'm more confident of our skills now than when we were just a wisp, we can try to find more about ourselves since we know we were one of the amulet users from the dark war thing
I am still wary to act openly. It's risky to enter the real combat where Enemies might Gang up on us. Especially with other casters present.
burden I miss u
You find the staff sort of looks like a straight pole, with two prongs that come out the top creating a semicircle at the top. You sense the faint evidence of magic coming from the stick, but unless you fully examine it, you can't tell anymore from a glance.

>Possess the Claymore?

>Possess the possess ythe weird looking magic walking stick?

>Head back to the village?

magic stick, lets learn some shit then go back to the village
Try to examine/drain the magic from the walking stick, then posses the claymore, since it'll be much easier to suck souls on the frontlines
>just possess the claymore
I'm worried about what if the stick's enchantment is dangerous to us (like a soul draining enchant that could trap us).
>Possess the possess ythe weird looking magic walking stick?
we're not yet sure if the village is convinced enough to go to war remember
Aren't we? I thought we were.
>Head back to the village

Lets make sure villagers are going into war, and possibly kill the goblin zombie to get will back
We hear the war drums from the goblins camp. Wars coming either way.
we have 2 days left though they may just be prepar
closing votes in five minutes

You glide over to the stick, and press your hand up against it to try and feel the magic.

>Roll Int to try and figure out the stick magical nature
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Yay! We have the smarts
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d10)

You detect that it is indeed magical in some nature. It also might possibly be enchanted....it's also a pretty weird looking stick to be honest.

Having studied to stick with all your might, you hover over towards the claymore and delve into its form, disappearing within the tent and finding yourself seeing the world through the object.

It takes a couple hours before goblins begin to enter the tent and grab their various weapons. During these hours, what do you do?

>Order Zombgob to go and mess with the village to try and rile it up?

>Order Ratman to attack the goblins and rile them up?

>Order both to go to one of the villages and rile them up?

>Dismiss Zobgob?

>Dismiss Ratman?

>Order Zombgob to go and mess with the village to try and rile it up
they shouldnt be able to tell it's a zombie after they kill it, since it probably hasn't started rotting yet.
>>Order Zombgob to go and mess with the village to try and rile it up
>Dismiss Zobgob
dont dimiss him yet, if ever we can use him to lure the villagers to the goblins/wherever they seem to be going with the weapons
changing vote, let zombgob grab one of the kid bodies and throw it in a tree near the village where everyone could see him in a distance then run away as a sign of "we're attacking"
>Order Zombgob to go and mess with the village to try and rile it up?
Ratman is aberrant, too valuable to sacrifice on a whim.
Also, do we have time to quickly absorb magic from the stick or would that take too long?
>Order Zombgob to go and mess with the village to try and rile it up?
Good point, but I'd get rid of it by the start of battle one way or an another. We can always rise more and we nees that will
Seconding this
closing vote in ten minutes
so its not obvious that its undead, especially with ratman half eating him
Alright, soo it looks like everyone wants to send Zomgob out.

>Send him straight at the village to caus emayhem?

>Use this plan? >>1611924

>Use different plan?

and also

>Dismiss him afterwards?

>Don't dismiss him after wards?
>Use this plan? >>1611924

>Dismiss him afterwards
>Use this plan? >>1611924 (You)

>Dismiss him afterwards
but in a secluded area
Use the plan

Dismiss afterwards
>>Use this plan? >>1611924
>>Dismiss him afterwards
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Unanimous XD

You commanded your goblin servent, sending off towards the god's grave to retrive whatever corpse he could find of the children. You don't know what state they were lef tin by the wraith, but you hope they still remain usable.

After the hours pass, goblins begin to trickle in and grab their weaponry, acting like an excited mob more than a disciplined army. A few goblins fought over certain weapons, however all the goblins seemed to avoid both the walking stick and the claymore you currently possessed.

That is, except for one.

A goblin female rushed up anfd grabbed hold of the claymore, lifting it up and holding it high, wobbling a bit with excitment and from the cumbersome weapon "Bout time we got to leave. Now we get to have some fun!" She said excitedly, not noticing all the other goblins freezing and looking at the female goblin with surprise and silence.

>What do you do?
>Other plan
Make ZomGob steal from the adventurers if he can and display the kid's body after - if their stuff is inaccessible, proceed to the display.
>use that plan
Remember, we don't want them getting a good look at our undead goblin, or they might suspect something is up.
>the claymore was a bad choice
Just our luck.

Sit back and see how the situation evolves before deciding to act.
Not really, if they all avoided the claymore then she must be a higher up, hobgoblins waifu possibly?
It's obliviously...and hopefull the weapon of hobgoblin. Do we even have to do anything? The chief will claim his weapon back anyway.
Oversized weapon quest?
I don't think this neccessarily points towards bad luck, but let's sit back like you said
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goblin princess.png
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I, for one, welcome our new shortstack overlord
Compel her to give it to the hobgoblin before he breaks her in two.
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The goblin girl lowers the blade, and begins to drag it out with her, the the others staring at her with a couple shaking their heads.

Before she could exit the tent, a large gray skinned had shot out and grabbed hold of her face, lifting her up into the air and muffling her panicked screams as she dropped the claymore to the ground.

With a hostile aura and deliberate slowness, the tent was parted and the hobgoblin from before entered, holding the goblin girl above him so her feet were nearly six feet from the ground.

"So, Jiika, seems you found a pretty nice sword huh?" He said, leaning down to grab the claymore with a single hand and then stabbing it into the ground.

The goblin girl started to rapidly speak, but her words were muffled and ignored "Yeah, this claymore has served the clan pretty well. Kill that bear that was bothering us, impaled that stupid hero who came by all on his own....Took the head of our last chief." He said, his grip tightening on Jiita's head and making her flail with more energy.

"But I'm cvonfused, little Jiita. What have you done to deserve such a weapon, huh?" He said with a calm voice, dropping Jiita to the ground.

The goblin girl landed on her rump, and stared up at the Hobgoblin with terror.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?" He said, a slight growl in his voice.

Jiita flinched away, then spoke as she shook in fear "N-nothing..."

The hobgoblin then punted the much smaller goblin across the room into another group of goblins, send them all to the ground.

"That's right nothing! The next one of you unproven little shits dares to touch a proven's weapon, your hides get sent to the tannery!" He roared out, the other goblins nodding and quickly getting their things so they could evacuate. Jiita and the goblins she collided with slowly got up, with Jiita being shoved away by the others as they went to grab their weapons.

The hobgoblin, satisfied with his work, letout a sigh and stared at the claymore. His hand almost went out to grab hold of it, but he then retracted his hand and walked by.

As he did, a noticeable limp was seen with his walk. It was heavy, and distracting, making it no wonder when he grabbed hold of the walking stick, and placing his arm pit in the semi circle. With a sigh of relief, he walked out of the tent, using the crutch naturally.

He stopped next to the claymore, looking at it, then staring at the tent flap. Minutes passed by, with the Hobgoblin silent and alone in the tent, simply waiting for something to occur.

Jiita had managed to limp out of the tent, taking a small mallet with her before disappearing through the tents exit.

Finally, when it gfelt like nothing was going to ever happen, the tent flaps opened once more, and in strode another hobgoblin, this one a bit shorter than the one with the crutch.

"Ord, why is my claymore moved?" The hobgoblin said, her voice already viscous and angry, making the larger Ord shrink.

Why bother? her soul will make an excellent snack
"W-well, Jiita, an unproven, mistook your weapon as one of the others in the tent. I made sure to correct the mistake before she could make it far." Ord said, bowing his head to the female.

"Feh, damn unblooded, letting their first fight have them forget how things work around here." The female said, picking up the claymore and strapping it to her back "Did you kill the whelp as an example?"

Ord shrunk even more "n-no, I physically punished her though, and the other unblooded sa-" Ord was struck in his weak leg, the kick sending the large hobgoblin to the ground and on his knees.

"Idiot, you should have killed her. Now those whelps will think they can touch my things and only get a beating from it." She said, walking forward and grabbing a tower shield. "Next time use that fucking brain you're so proud of." She said, before exiting to the tent, and leaving the large Hobgoblin to try and stand again.

As the female walked through the village, all the other goblins shrank away from her, bowing their heads in respect as she walked along.

"Quit your groveling! We need to get moving if we want to set our camp up before sunrise. The village may be full of weaklings, but they're smarter than you lot, so they're already preparing." She said, the goblins running about and loading up wagons and supplies "We can get to the God grave in a couple hours, and we'll have only a little bit of time to fortify the damn place!" She shouted, watching the goblins scramble to follow her order, a smile on her face as Ord slowly caught up, his limp far more pronounced now.

>What do you do?
Keep hiding in the claymore, the battle pretty much inevitable at this point - especially with the thing our Zombiegobbo did/is doing
compel her to change place to make camp, make her think that place is too obvious
sabotage the fortifications just so little do it so the goblins will not notice leave some weak point weakened important struts in structures
supporting, a better choice would be to ambush them in a small clearing. Fortifications are asking to be pelted by arrows or spells
the vampire is there, the point of this war is to not disturb her
Alrighty, roll will
lets do this, then.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

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Rolled 17 (1d20)


I bring nothing but misery
times like this make me really glad Burden has a weird dice system
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Pls no
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Wheel of calamity turn turn turn, tell us how fucked we are so we may learn XD
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Here's your number, which I rolled just in time to save you from rounding to the crit fail XD
14+4 =18

Slight success

The Hobgoblin female frowned and bit, glancing to Ord as he finally came to her side "Ord, what's your opinion on my choice for the camp?"

Ord looked to her, and opened his mouth, but was interrupted "You're real opinion. If i wanted a my ego stroked, I would've kept my last advisor alive." She said, staring froward.

Ord close dhis mouth, then thought for a bit, the spoke "The camp would be extremely close to the humans. We risk them seeing our movements and the construction of the camp before we're ready. And with adventurers being rumored to be among them, we risk being attack while our defenses are lowered." he said, searching his superior's face for any sign of sudden histility.

Instead he was met with silence, then a pat on the face "You bring up a good point Ord. We can't let them be ready for us."

She said, then began to think "Though, a camp is still needed, we're not going on a raid here."

Ord smiled "Well, I hear the village has lovely spacious buildings in abundance. With only a bunch of villagers, we could attack swiftly, then set up camp far quicker in whatever portion of the village we manage to take in the first assault."

The female Hobgoblin smiled, and nodded "Yeah, now that sounds like a good plan." She said, then walked off to go relay the new orders to her sub-commanders "Good job Ord."

Ord seemed to smile as she walked off, then glared at the ground as he walked off to do something else.

>Time skip to the attack?

>No time skip and follow the Hobgoblin on her pre march set up?

(remember, Ratman is exactly where you left him)
>Time skip to the attack?
>Time skip to the attack

but move the Ratman to a better position
>18 is a slight success
jesus, this hobgoblin is a PC

>time skip to the attack
>>Time skip to the attack
>call ratman to hide closer to the village
>Time skip
And maybe instruct Ratman to sneak into the adventurers' house and block it off from the inside, so nothing gets damaged/nicked in the battle.
Btw how much time has passed since Necrobitch told us to start the race war? A day?
Wouldnet the towns folk use the wepons in there?
And y would we care we cant really use any of it
There were other magic items like books and artefacts that we could leech off. That's how we got all our best perks and most valuable knowledge so far. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Decided. We wait for the attack and call Ratman closer to the village to hide. Burden?
A few hours pass, and the goblins have approached the edge of the village's territory. From what you've seen, there are at least a hundred goblins, as well as eight hobgoblins. You lost count on the goblins.

From your time in the village, you remember there were about 200 villagers, with the three adventurers and around 20 guards alongside them,

Along the edge of the village, facing where the goblin woods were, a large group of villagers lead by the orc couple seemed to be preparing to head off to fight. Armed with weaponized tools, as well as having some guards and actual weapons among them, they seemed ready to charge off for war. They were occupied though by one of the adventurers, the warrior, who seemed to be arguing with the man.

The rest of the village population wasn't at the edge of the village, and thus remained hidden.

"heh, fools think they'ed stand a chance against us just cause they're the 'Great races'." The lead Hobgoblin said, looking to her subcommanders and Ord "Let's show weaklings what a true "Great Race" Looks like."

The commanders all nodded with viscious grins, and went off to command their own division of goblins. Two hobgoblins stay with the leader and Ord.

A tall male covered in cruel metal plate, weidling duel axes. And a smaller female with glowing green eyes and a bow.

"Jalla, what do you see?" Their leader said, the other female popping up and staring at the village quickly, before crouching back down,

"Only a third of the village is at the edge. They're lead by a pair of Orcs, and an adventurer is with them. " She said calmly, notcing an arrow "The rest are fortifying the town center, meaning most of the village is undefended except for the major buildings."

The leader shook her head "They couldn't agree on attacking or defending. Almost to easy. Vark, lead the charge of the main forces. I'll lead a smaller force and flank them. If we're quick, we'll be able to smash their attackers quick and even the numbers a little." She said, the large male grunting and heading off.

Without a word, The leader, Ord, and Jala began to lead a group of goblins to the south of the village, planning to push through the undefended streets and catch the villagers off guard.

>What do you do?
possess Vark's armor. He'll be in the thick of it, and we'll be able to eat the souls of anyone he kills
I'm not sure that that's the sort of thing we can do subtly around a bunch of observers.

Let's just stay with the claymore and reap the souls there.
Yeah I am wondering the same. We are not invisible
Either option would work. If we can transfer to the armor without being noticed, I think we'll have access to more souls as the flanking force won't be in combat as long as the heavy
It'd be great, but it's not worth jeopardizing our ability to be in the battle at all.

If they see us, the jig is up.
depending how small of an object we can possess, we could always jump on a loose hair and fly to the guy. I doubt people would notice that, though that has a shitload of problems for the story
Agreed i say stay in the claymore. Staying also given us a better Chance to change the outcome of the battle if the the gobbers are too successful.
While I'd like if it worked that way, that seems like it'd be a little too convenient.

I really think we should just accept the sizable pot of souls we'll get from the flanking force instead of getting greedy and risking ending up with no souls and a bunch of hostile goblins.
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Despite some reluctance from other anons, I say this>>1612293 is a good idea, some risk but most likely way higher rewards, and if we've already gone this far with it we may as well go all in.
Ha, nice meme.

You remain within the claymore, staying within the firm grasp of the Hobgoblin. She lead her small force silently, using the magical eyes of Jala to avoid guard patrols as well as picking off said guards. By the time they made near the village forces, the had killed around 4 guards.

The goblin strike force was about twenty, and they all seemed to be well trained in covert war, surprisingly for a commonly simple race.

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 16 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

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nobody else roll
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just according to keikaku
... wait, are we adding the modifiers the stat gives us or will Burden do it for us?
Any travelling merchants currently in town who manage to escape will probably tell the nearby city about the horde of goblins that attacked. If this is in any way close to a feudal style system, higher ups could investigate and find out pretty quickly that something spooky is causing all of this. We might have gotten ourselves in a lot of trouble. Hopefully if that happens we can shift the blame on the vampire though
Why would the higher ups even entertain the possibility of spoopiness?

Goblins are savages, it's only natural they'd attack unprovoked.
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I don't think anyone will think it's something spooky. The goblins have been growing in number for years now, and were threatening the nearby village before attacking. They even killed two children from the village the day before they attacked. Obviously some adventurers or a unit of cavalry need to be sent down to slaughter the goblins, but there's nothing implying the battle was caused by anything supernatural
You're overthinking it senpai, there's no way they would figure it out (especially if we *cough* killed elizabeth *cough*)
Wasn't it pretty much canon that the goblins tried to lay low pretty much up until now? Orcs would hunt them occasionally but for the most part the villages tried to leave each other alone, something like that?

What evidence have we left behind that would point to anything other than "goblins razed a town"?

Remember that there's also a necromancer nearby who's more likely to be blamed for any spoopyness detected.
That's more what I was referring to, I'm not being clear because I've been drunk for like four years. Sorry. In any case you and the other anons are likely right. These past two threads have been really good, as a side note.
Yeah, Burden's a really good QM. He's devoted, he doesn't limit our options and he's either premade or is more likely improvising a world that feels like it's alive, a world where choices matter and characters are memorable.

Good on you, QM.
Rolled 1 (1d10)

You feel a massive wave of holy energy wash over you, seeming to try and let you from your claymore home....
Near success

You nearly let go of your hold, the magic powerful and persistent. In fact, the claymore had briefly glowed for a second before you managed to completely beat the spell.

"Huh, seems you were right Yul. That undead you've failed to shut up about is with them." Said the cleric Robin, flicking a gold coin to Yul, the elf catching it as they both stood in the way of the goblin strike force, a small squad of guards standing behind them.

Without hesitation, the Hobgoblin chief roared at the heroes and charged, her minions following behind her.

The cleric began to murder quietly, his body beginning to shine in divine light, as Yul's eyes began to glow and magical lines began to form across her body.

The guards formed a wall infront of the two heroes, and stood ready for the attack.

>What do you do?

[gonna have to pause here, gotta clock in soon. I may be able to post after work tonight, cause I have to start being ready for a switch to night shift]
Wait until the claymore collides, and try and suck the soul of the unhappy creature that is hit by it.
Bugger, sounds like the cleric's going to attempt to purge us.

I don't suppose the hobgob is going to have ranged troops target the blatantly charging casters?
influence the orc to target the cleric, always gank the healer first

leave the claymore and possess one of the guards' shield. Pull it from his arms, break the shieldwall, and repeat down the line until there are a bunch of gaps in the line
Do >>1612646
while sucking up souls of anyone in near proximity. Influence the orc to attack the cleric like >>1612650 says

I'm pretty sure we want the gobbos to win, the humans know too much (fucking cleric)
Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag.

Ghostly Wail on the guards, if they run then the adventurers had better run with them. We can explain all this to the hobgoblin later.
*hobgoblin, not orc

definitely have any ranged troops target the cleric, no reason not to.
Don't forget to keep an eye on the character sheet, guys. We're not a wisp anymore, we have options besides pulling the strings and playing cloak and dagger. Personally I'm dying to see how our new skills work.
I think we need to give up control of our zombies. That Will penalty could get us killed if the cleric tries to purge us.

Also, I support ghostly wail, unless it could effect the gobbos, too.
I agree, we don't really need them anymore. Besides, after this battle, there'll be plenty of zombies to choose from.
Also fuck that cleric, let's raise him as a zombie later
Ooooor, we could call in those zombies now that we need them. More attacks per round will kill them faster.
Much as I'd love to do it out of spite, there are better choices. The warrior, orc dad, and the armored hobgoblin will all make better zombies than the puddle of viscera that'll be left of the cleric
>dismiss zombie goblinoid
>use ghostly wail on guards

No need to leave the sword right now, we would risk of getting mauled by goblins from the behind.
There's no guaranteed that they love undeads that pop out of nowhere
this, we have undead minions, I'm fine with giving them up, but how about we actually get some mileage out of them and sick em on the party. They definitely won't last long but they will distract the party for a bit and may even get a good hit or two in.
We normally have options, but we're in a fucking warzone and we'll be target number 1 for both sides if we reveal ourselves.

Besides, clerics are basically anti-undead; we should let the goblins soften them up before revealing ourselves, assuming we do so at all.
They'll probably like us when it starts to look like we're on their side.
Like I said earlier, if we use our wail on the human guards there's a chance they'll rout, leaving the cleric and the mage exposed to the goblinoids.
...and the goblinoids will try to kill us because we're a dangerous creature with unknown intentions in a warzone. We don't want to be fighting both the cleric and the goblins, because we probably won't win.
we can just disarm all the guards by possessing their weapons/shields. It'll be pretty obvious that something's up, but the guards will get rect by the goblins.

hell, we can throw the swords/spears at the cleric while we're at it
Where is the zombie goblin right now?
That would be way too difficult and take way too long. We'd probably only be able to possess one item and MAYBE wrench it out of their hands before the goblins are upon them.
I don't see that happening
I don't know but we really should have them come to the battlefield.
You no longer have a -4 to wisdom

wouldn't be hard to do it as they fight. I doubt they have magic weapons, so item possession III applies
>Item Possession III: Can possess a non magical item, and move it around just as well as you could yourself.
even if the guard resists, he's bound to get stabbed by some goblin
That's just one guard. If we try to wail we could make ALL of them run, or at least more than one.

Sorry. That was getting to me.
We are surrounded by hostile people. The mage and cleric in particular have it out for us and know we are here. We have more to gain from being inconspicuous.
We have more options sure, but we basically went from pure fodder to low tier mook, Just because we're stronger than we used to be doesn't mean we can just pop out and start massacring bitches left and right, The cleric alone can probably beat us with his holy magic, which can potentially instakill us, we need to play smart and have them kill each other, not make ourselves a target.
Why don´t we try to betray the goblins in front of the whole village so they can protect us against the adventurers?

I mean, casting fear will break away all their formation and leave them as easy prey for the humans and the cleric will have a hard time explaining why he did wanna purge something that was helping the village survive the goblin attack
If they know we're here, they're going to target us because it's personal for them, and we're vulnerable to their attacks. If we sit on our backside we're gonna die on our backside.

I'm not saying we're gonna Leroy Jenkins this shit, the Ghostly Wail is indicative of a support role. We're playing smart, but the goblinoids are at least a little less likely to attack us - enemy of my enemy and all that?

Besides, we've had so little combat in the game so far. We're not playing as a monster, we're playing as a glorified spy. Let's kill somebody! Would a change of pace be so bad?
while the wail would be good, it would be announcing our presence to everyone. Disarming people can be dismissed as someone slipping on blood. Soul rend can be used when the hobgoblin swings, and we can hop between the line of people and keep doing it until the guards are dead.

Ghostly wail and cold grip both expose us, and spirit bot isn't invisible either
The mage and cleric already know we're here, and they're about to attack and will probably show everyone else we're here too. Plus, we're visible when we move from object to object, and the hobgoblin may well just stay at the back and take the role of commander. If we don't do SOMETHING that disadvantages them then we are going to die.
enemy of my enemy works when you know that the other guy isn't out to kill you as well, and typically isn't something you do mid-fight. If we'd come out to the hobgoblin while she was preparing for battle, it would be a good idea. At the moment, we're a monster that appeared out of nowhere with unknown intentions. We'd get slaughtered by everyone that sees us.

And we just killed some goblins mate, hold your horses. We're a weak monster that would be slaughtered by a single level one adventurer. We are playing a stealth character because we'll get killed if we don't
Since we aren't in combat, could we try to hang out underground and drain the souls from the 4 guards the goblins killed?
that's actually not a bad idea, we can phase through stuff, so why can't we stay in the ground long enough to suck up fallen souls and grow in power, it might not be too much but any advantage we can get on the off chance that worst scenario happens and we have to directly fight the party, we'll be at least somewhat stronger.
Yeah, and the stealth character has been spotted by the second greatest threat to our existence that we know of. I'm not saying we're going to turn into Rambo. I'm talking about supporting the goblins and letting them do the leg work. And currently the adventurers are a greater threat to the goblins than we are.
The adventurers know we're here and if we run they'll follow us. To them, especially the mage, it's personal.
I was under the assumption that was what we've really been after the whole time, manipulating the vampire into letting us do it was just a perk.
We'll have to try to get away from them then, I honestly believe we won't be able to handle a direct confrontation with the party right now, especially when we're outnumbered and one of them is a cleric, a person that could turn our weak ghostly ass without even blinking, and a wizard, who can use magic on a being that is literally weak to magical attacks.
Okay, I think there's a misunderstanding. Let me explain my plan in simple steps.
>Leave sword, wail at guards and rout them
>Float into the air so swords aren't a problem
>Let the goblins swarm the adventurers while we fly away
>Find a nice cozy spot where we can watch the battle unfold
Why don´t we try to assist by making a sneak attack on the leader and then a Ghostly wail to destroy their formation?

Send the Undead after the goblins in the rear to cause confusion and we will win the battle easily and the adventurers will have no need in banishing us
Agreed. Perhaps we should have left the claymore earlier. But since there's a quasi phalanx around the casters and the goblins are scouting the enemy right now we could probably make it to safety. An incorporeal spirit darting underground should be easy to miss under the circumstances.
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swords were never the problem, they can shoot at us, but yeah flying away sounds like a decent idea too. Would be a shame not to eat those fresh souls while they're there though...
I don't think attacking the goblins is a smart idea, they're not really the threat, the party is. And they will have a need to banish us, the cleric won't tolerate our existence and the wizard has personal beef with us, assisting them right now would be insane, especially when they're dominating the goblins anyway.
undead are redead now, we don't have a will penalty anymore
I know they can shoot at us, but the goblins are a more immediate problem for them. In the time it'll take to make some breathing room we'll be gone. Saying about swords not being a problem was in response to complaints about the goblins attacking us.
With all due respect, I think revealing ourselves to that degree will open up negotiations between the combatants. The adventurers know about us and the goblins haven't actually killed any children; we might be better served by acting more subtly.
The goblins already have a bone to pick with the humans - the reason the war was so easy to start was because tensions between the races were already hot. In the first thread we learned the goblins' home is under threat from humans cutting down trees. We're one ghost in a great big battle, and we were only the spark that set off the powder keg.
You make a lot of good points. I simply worry they might postpone the conflict in order to band against a common threat.
ghosts and other undead are very rare, I think we'll get noticed.

Letting the battle take place is the easiest option, with no chance of getting noticed. We can stay in the sword and compel our hobgoblin to lead a suicidal charge at the cleric and mage.
Here's the thing: the exchange between the cleric and the mage means we've already been noticed, and if we don't scarper they're going to kill us. And the cleric's aura probably damages enemies and the mage's lines are probably some kind of mage armour, so it doesn't really benefit us to be in the sword either.

... now that I've said that, it's just dawned on me how bad an idea it was to possess the claymore. We should've gone for the crutch. It had magic in it.

The cleric is pretty damn problematic if he can force us out, seeing as our plan is to just drink in the carnage from a sword.

If our 2 corpses are near by have them scale any near structure undetected and leap from it to pin and disrupt his focus. The sudden commotion would weaken the guards formation.
That opens up the possibility that we'd have been noticed inside of it. We've already had poor luck inhabiting items worn by people who use magic. I think we should try to hide underground and absorb the souls discreetly rather than taking place in the conflict we've started.
We no longer have the penalty to will caused by controlling them. What that means is up for debate.
Specifically said you are not experiencing -4 to wisdom

I was hoping you'de check the sheet, but you are still experiencing a -2 to wisdom
Sorry. I'm a drunk phoneposter. I love what you've done here.
If we leave now, there's no assurance that he hobgobs will kill the adventurers, which I think is our biggest priority right now, So I suggest trying to fight the cleric and mage with our help but still within the sword just supporting for now. Also we can send ratman in if things go sour but I'd prefer saving him on attacking and eatig a wounded hobgob later.

With that said I think we should try to throw spells at the cleric and compel everyone to focus fire the cleric. Then while they handle the mage we eat his soul
I really really dont think coming out in the open is a good idea we only risk coming put when there's a big reward involved, say a cleric, mage, or hobgob soul
Might try posting soon, so try to come to a consensus so I have something to work with and have the consensus post linked to my last OP post
vote here whether to

>Cast spell and GTFO

>Cast spell and stay

and which spells
cast compel FF cleric, stay, use wail

Im for either making a tactical retreat so we will face more melee orientated enemies.

Or we have a familiar swan dive off a near structure right on top of that cleric fuck.
>>Cast spell and stay
compel our host to target the cleric, cast cold grip if possible while possessing an object so the claymore is more deadly
>Cast spell and stay
>Cast spell and stay
this, as long as we prioritize our safety when it comes down to it. The cleric can easily fuck us.
Alright stay and compel the host to attack the Cleric it is.

Roll wisdom (1d20+4)
Rolled 7 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 19 + 4 (1d20 + 4)


Lets fuck the cleric before he fucks us!
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 3 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Kill the Cleric


Your spell hits the wall that is the hobgoblin's will, the female immediately glancing towards the mage and growling.

The goblin troops charged the guards shield wall, the guards behind the wall shoving spears through the wall and into the first line of goblins who were foolish enough to hit their wall.

Arrows flew by the Hobgoblins head, smacking into the face of one of the shield holding guards and almost hitting the mage, the elf managing to bring up a magical barrier just in time.

The Hobgoblin Yul was already loading more arrows, when Ord stepped forward and slammed his crutch into the earth. With a shake of the earth, green smoke began to gather around him and the staff rapidly, emerald light shining on him as he began to murmur.

The cleric Robin's eyes widened, his murmurs ceasing for a second before continuing again, his gaze focused on the hobgoblin Ord.

The hobgoblin leader charged forward, using the dying goblins in the first wave to swing her claymore and push aside the shafts of the spears. Then, with a roar, she brings her leg and smashes it again the shield wall, sending three of the guards flying back and breaking the shield wall.

The guards immediatly changed tactics, fighting what they could as three of them charged the Hobgoblin leader.

>What do you do?
Rolled 1 (1d20)

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what are you rolling for?
Compel hobgoblin to focus at the battle at hand.
Ah alrighty. Well If I don't end up replying, assume I went to bed. I'm pretty tired. I am gonnma try to stay up but I cannot promise anything
Just try to suck as many souls as we can.
Come on OP just
turn ...
Enjoy the delicious soul feast before you

Compel a guard or two to turn on the adventurers. Not to attack them directly or anything, but to avoid protecting them.
They've done nothing for the town, only made it a target by hording riches they took from other creatures. It wouldn't be surprising if they caused this attack.
Also thanks for running this Burden, this has been fun. Sleep well dude.
This. And let's ditch the other zombie we had, because the -2 Wis could be pretty significant here. Seriously, if we mess up here, we could die (again).
And I know some of you want the zombie to join in the fight, but I believe he's too far right now. The Wis is more important, because of all the compel stuff we're doing (and I think it helps us resist the cleric's spells).
>Turn aside the guards shields and swords one by one, to help Hobgoblin fight
Was there some bonuses for this roll?
Soul suck anything we hit.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Can... Can we compel the hobgob so she does a very subtle SNEAAAAKK ATTTTTAAAAAAAACCCKKKKK
So the options are

>compel the Hobgoblin Leader to focus on the fight (already has two rolls)

>compel the guards to not support the adventurers

>Dismiss Ratman in order to gain will (can be chosen with another option)

>Attempt to disarm the guards using possession

Compell the leader and dismiss the rat man after giving it the last order to join the fight
Isn't the leader already focusing on the battle? I'm confused.

Well we're staying so why not possess a guards weapon and just drain them? And since we can move non magical objects like our own body we can fling ourself at another guard.

I'm voting disarming guards via possession
I feel like ratman can be really useful later on and its gonne ba hard to raise him up
Altho I want this to happen I feel like its too obvious and the cleric kight fuck us up

Compel to kill the cleric but the hobgoblin might get too suspicious, we can always try to cast wail

That's the thing though, we're in a massive skirmish. Weapons are bound to go flying someone getting struck is just a "unfortunate event"
>>compel the guards to not support the adventurers
When I suggested disarming guards I was thinking we were going to use same kind of item moving as we did with torch. Not actually jumping in their weapons in middle of battle.
you moved the torch before by possessing it
So..goblins and humans would see an ghost sliding out of claymore, walk into guards weapon and throw it away, and repeating...in that case

>compel the guards to not support the adventurers
Winner, I'll get a post up as soon as I can
Roll will (1d20+4)

(Also, if you remember, you had Ratman station himself near the village. So he's not as far as you may think)
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 7 + 4 (1d20 + 4)


Fitting considering you're the 666 post

Take my roll
Rolled 7 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Go ahead and roll again, since that was awhile ago and for a different action
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 17 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Take my roll!
Rolled 17 + 4 (1d20 + 4)

Rolled 10 (1d10)


-4 for low rolls

The guards break their formation, their eyes flashing blue before they charge doff to fight thee goblin invaders, leaving a clear path to the cleric and mage.

Yul looked obviously confused, while Robin seemed to just flinch with irritation as he continued his hymm.

Taking this as a sign, the hobgoblin leader charged towards the mage, swinging the blade towards the elf with a wicked green.

>Augment the attack with Spirit bolt?

>Augment the attack with Cold grip?

>Do nothing?

>Use Compel on the Mage?

>Use compel on the Cleric?

>Use Compel on the Mage
And put our ratman in the fight, try to kill the cleric with him
>Use compel on the Cleric?
We should turn their support against them and take out the mage
>Augment the attack with Cold grip?
It's subtle, more likely to work than compulsion (they probably magicked up will buffs since learning of our manipulations), and less likely to run into any inherent spiritual cleric resistance than Spirit bolt.
>>Augment the attack with Cold grip
the cleric will probably resist our compel, depending on the stat Clerics use for spellcasting. Better to kill the mage while we have the chance, than to halfass it.

Call in our ratman as well, have him vomit up some rats to annoy the cleric. I doubt he'll be able to keep chanting as rats rip at his skin
>>Augment the attack with Cold grip?

Lets order our ratman to start collecting dead and dying bodies, away from the battle..we can drain them later or something.

Can we siphon the mages soul while the blade comes near her? Or can we jump into her boots so she can't run away? If nothing else because we're in close quarters let's use soul rend.

Roll str for cold grip

Ratman, charges from the rooftops, letting out a hissing roar as it pounced on the cleric. With surprising dexterity, the cleric ducked under the aberration attack, smoothly standing back up as he pulled out a Staff with what looked like a mace at one end.

With a twirl of his mace staff, he finished his Hymm, his hand glowing gold and his eyes exploding with light.

"Oh goddess Arouria, send your divine light down to me!" He yelled out, Ratman using this time to charge at the man. With a roar from the Cleric, his hand shot out and grabbed hold of Ratman's throat, the golden light burning the undead's flesh

"Turn undead!" he shouted, an explosion of golden light expanding from his grasp and sending Ratman flying into a house, his flesh burning as golden cinders fluttered off of him.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Dice Gods plz
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Scared to roll
Rolled 7 (1d10)

The claymore briefly becomes covered in frost, the cold energy smashing against the magical shield of the mage and bypassing it.Ice spread over her flesh, and color drained from her as she staggered back, the Hobgoblin laughing as she used the momentum to twirl, then spin the blade into a downward slash at the elf .

With a grunt, the elf brought her arm up, magical energy exploding from it and forming a white blade of pure arcane energy to parry the blow and send it to the ground.

The elf stared at the Hobgoblin, panting at the sudden exertion "You don't even realize what's going on do you?" She said, taking a fighting stance so her arcane blade stood between her and her enemy, her free hand glowing as she prepared another spell.

"I know that this village will be ashe by tomorrow." The hobgoblin said, charging forward only to back off when a wall of fire exploded from the ground.

"Stupid fucking goblin, don't even know when you're being played!"

The hobgoblin cursed, before smiling when she heard shouting from her back line.

"By your gracful intent, I beseech you Korella, guide your children's blades and may they strike true!" Shouted Ord, and massive pulse of green energy shooting out and enchanting the goblins weaponry. All of them began to glow green, and were now much lighter and seemed to guide themselves to an enemies openings and weak points.

[The Claymore you are possessing has now become a magical item]

>What do you do?
influence the goblins to charge the cleric

trust that our hobgoblin will attack the mage again and cast cold grip again
>Augment any attacks the sword makes, but otherwise just wait
Well, we can't really manipulate the sword as well anymore, but we're still in generally a good position.

Well seeing as our main intent was to feed on any fool that got in grazing distance of the blade we're in. We siphon the mages soul next time they clash with the hobgoblin.
Keep doing our thing and help our wielder kill the elf/whoever she strikes AND do what >>1616155
now that we're stronger we should be able to influence dumb gobbos a bit easier
Telling her soldiers what to do could have negative ramifications, particularly if they end up breaking formation to do so.

Best to just let the goblins handle the battle and contribute as opportunities arise.
Alrighty, calling it.

Continue to augment the blade and compel the goblin soldiers to attack the cleric?
Voting yes to augment, no to compel.
This >>1616174
Alright let's play it safe then. Suck proximity souls and augment, no compelling unless absolutely neccessary or a golden opportunity presents itself
Working on post now
The Hobgoblin charges, jumping through the fire and flames as she stared at the mage with burning rage.

The mage, having not expected an enemy to willing jump into fire, was caught off guard and barely brought up her arcane blade in time to block the attack.

"Robin, I'm not to sure I can win this!" She shouted, getting a cut in her arm, which she countered with a cone of flame that engulfed the Hobgoblin.

Robin, on his part, was busy fighting Ratman, his mace staff twirling and bashing the undead whenever it tried to get close. "Yeah, I think this is a bust. We need to regroup!" He shouted, smashing Ratmans head nearly open before shouting "Fall back!"

An arrow lodged itself in his shoulder, sending him reeling as he tried to run away, once more beginning his mutterings.

>Roll will on the soul siphon for the mage, then decide your next course of action

>Stay and the sword and let the goblins handle this?

>leave the sword to try and finish off the cleric?

>leave the sword to try and finish off the Mage?

>Compel someone?

>use one of your ranged spells?

Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Stay in the sword and let the goblins handle this
If we can get through this without anybody alive knowing our role in the matter, all the better.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Stay in sword try and augment shit.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

I suggest we stay in the sword while we compel the leader into thinking that what the mage said about being controlled was just an attempt to let her guard down. If she isn't having it, lie and say we were sent by Maglubiyet (or whichever chief deity they worship) to oversee the beginning of the overthrow of the so-called "greater races."
Rolled 19 (1d20)

This >>1616368
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Im tempted to say fly out to finish the cleric. Theres an opening right now, we should take it.
>Stay and the sword and let the goblins handle this?
keep augmenting the sword with cold grip. If the cleric tries to run, we can always compel the archers to target him and shoot off some spirit bolts
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Roll bro, let's see what you get
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Stay in sword
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)



You drink in the essence of the mage, further turning her pale and having her collapse to the ground briefly. She seemed exhausted, but she willed herself to stand, her hand seeming to be engulfed with magic as she prepared what could only be a massive spell.

The Hobgoblin charged, swinging her blade at the elf with a roar of barbarous intent.

>what do you do?

[gotta clock in. Only five hour shift today tho]
jump away, let's not be here when she goes boom

possess some goblin mook's weapon and compel them to attack the cleric
Use compel on her to attempt to interrupt her spell casting - then enhance your claymore and if all goes well, end it with eating her soul.
A mages soul should be good stuff.
>Fly out of the sword and through the mage, consuming the rest of her soul.

Damn, your leaving us at quite a climax.
I feel that were letting an opportunity slip by. The wizards about to do something, we need to strike first, not wait for the orc to swing.

Fortune favors the bold
Goblins have no sense of allegiance to us, as we witnessed earlier when we warned them. Rather not get caught up in the middle of two enemies when we've finally hatched our master plan and can sit back while food(souls) is prepared right in front of us

Also holy fuck I just had to complete 10 slides of captchas, google is getting fucking greedy
Alrighty, time to check the consensus
Roll will for the compel, then Roll strength for cold grip, then will again for the soul siphon
So those rolls would be?
Rolled 20, 20, 5 = 45 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 4, 5 = 12 (3d20)

Rolled 8, 7, 10 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 12, 6 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 10, 5, 7 = 22 (3d10)

Here we go!
Rolled 7, 8, 17 = 32 (3d20)


I come bearing chaos




Failure on Cold grip

+2 from earlier soul siphon success


Writing now
Your mind swats away any measure of resistance from the mage, her eyes filling with blue light and remaining as you make her cease her movements. So potent is the Compulsion, the Hobgoblin simply cuts the elf in two from shoulder to hip, sending blood across the battle field.

In the same instance, you consume the elf's soul like a glutton, the elf falling lifeless to the ground and in two pieces.

The guards broke and tried to run, but were quickly slaughtered by the enchanted goblins and the arrows of Jala the hobgoblin archer.

"Yul, no..." Robin said, pain and grief on his face, before he fought back tears and slam,med his hand into the ground. A massive wall of light exploded from the ground, blocking all forward progress by the goblins.

The wall expanded, eventually forming a circle that surrounded much of the inner village, abandoning the outer portion to the goblins. The first battle had been won, and now the siege would begin.

>Zeldren has leveled up!

Choose two stats to increase by one once.

Choose one:

>Cold Grip II: Do more damage, and can be used to freeze small bodies of water

>Soul Siphon II: Can siphon souls from farther away, and souls persist longer

>Command: A more potent form of Compulsion

>Raise Weak undead: An improved version of Raise Lesser Undead, allowing the player to raise more powerful undead.

>Soul bound: Choose an item type (swords, axes, light armor, heavy armor, books, etc) when possessing an item that matches the chosen item type, you gain power and treat the object as if you had Item Possession V. Replaces Item Possession ability/

(Item Possession V: Mundane items you control shift form to your will to be far more suitable, gaining abilities and stats appropriate to the item. Magical items possessed can be controlled as well as you would your own body.

non-magical Armor functions as a normal body now, allowing you to feel and touch through it and granting you total control as if it were your true body)

[Makes your choices]
I'd say Soul Siphon II, we'll be able to glut on souls after the battle. This will let us get people who died earlier in the battle. We can pick up some for the other powers later
Soul Siphon II. We'll probably get enough souls to level some more once the battle's through.
I can get down with this
>Soul Siphon II: Can siphon souls from farther away, and souls persist longer
I'm torn between command and control undead. For the moment I'd have to say the former as we've been relying on it more.

>Soul siphon II
Well this was way more unanimous than I thought it'd be XD

Now how about stats?
We've used cold grip a lot, so Strength sounds like a good investment

Will is always good as well

Since we actually use our strength stat now, it's probably a good idea to start building it. A high wisdom stat is always necessary, as far as I'm concerned anyway
Also, before we try to break through the barrier so that the cleric doesn't have time to prepare and heal, let's take a couple minutes to start eating all the souls around us. A lot of goblins and humans just died and we've got at least an hour before they disappear.
closing the vote in like ten minutes
Str and Wis get increased by plus one


Cut off from pressing forward, the Hobgoblin chief rallied what remaine dof her forces and walked off to meat up with the main army.

From the reports, the attack force the villagers had set up had put up a valiant fight, with the warrior adventurer dueling Vark to a stand still before the villagers and him retreated behind the wall of light.

Vark had received a beating from the lead Hobgoblin for his failure, though from his scarred skin, you don't think he noticed much of it.

A camp was quickly set up, then fortified, a small army base set up that used the stone houses to augment their walls.

The center most house was left to the hobgoblins, which now housed Ord and the chief. "So ord. My sword glowed and started doing weird magic shit during our fight with those adventurers....Know anything about that?" she said, glaring at him slightly as she stroked the handle of the claymore.

>What do you do?

Time to make like the mage elf and split!
Very much this. If there were other casualties besides the 4 guards earlier and the goblins that were killed we should harvest all of their souls, hiding underground as much as ghostly possible.
I feel I should wait a bit longer
Reveal ourselves i want a ghosts and goblins team up let's conquer this world
Same, before we get inspected we should bounce and try to reap as much souls

Although the mage tried that once and we tricked her. So i dont think they'll catch us
I doubt this will happen, theyre full of themselves
Yeah, and head towards the battlefield as well if there's no more fighting going on. It's time to eat.

Before Ord could even say a word, you exit the item and reveal yourself to the Hobgoblins. Stunning the chief, yet seeming only to irritate Ord, you phase into the earth a disapear from them, heading towards the the battle field.

Sadly, to much time has passed for you to devour the dead souls, but perhaps there are some of the dying or wounded that remain?

>Roll wisdom to try and find a meal
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Hows ratman btw??
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Aw man, I even said to reap the souls while we were there, that sucks.
Rolled 9 (1d10)


Ratman is currently barely alive, and is gorging himself on the flesh of the fallen.

You find three bodies, A guard, a villager, and Ciita surprisingly.

"n-no, not yet. I-i have so much i need to do..." breathed out the young goblin, trying to stand herself up using a shield as a support. "I-I can't die...n-not now..."

The guard has made his way to the villager, and is trying to helped them up to carry them towards the wall of light.

>Consume them all?

>Spare one? which one?

>Only consume one? Which one?
Consume them all.
Start by eating goblin. Have Ratman retreat and hide after he is done eating and is statisfied
Does anyone have a link to the first thread?
>Spare gobbo, eat rest
Maybe they will view us as allies
Ill agree with hiding ratman, but itll be quicker and better if we just consume all three

Looks like it's clear

Without remorse, you devour the souls of the wounded, leaving them as lifeless husks, bodies to add to the pile.

The flesh on Ratman seemed to be healing, but slowly, and it took him a long time to become full. However once he was, he disappeared into the dark,

Now you hovered among the corpses of the first fight. The goblin leadership likely knew of your presence, and so did the village forces. The war had begun well, but with the massive light barrier, the goblins would face great challenge breaking through.

>What is your plan?
>>1618089 changing this into
>>1618107 this
RIP goblin waifu

As for a plan, i suggest we try and get back to the amulet for now, see how the humans are doing.
Theyre probably i the light though which I doubt we can enter, is the adventurers hq outside the light? Phase and check on the goblins plans? Maybe talk with ord as he seems reasonable?
>True suffering of undead
>Can't waifu anything

>Slip inside the village and see how they are doing

I'd say we make sure that the villagers actually win this fight...with an bloody nose ofc.
Gonna take a quick nap, to try get myself ready for my next shift tomorrow. Back in like an hour or two.

Go ahead and figure out a plan
The worst thing about this plan is that the cleric will proably tell the rest of the village about us, effectively making us lose our servant-girl because she isn't enough brainwashed to blindly believe us (on the other hand cleric hanged out with elf bitch, we can always lie/compel her that he is lying)
But yeah, If they know about us then they all need to die
Lets head back to the amulet for the time being, see if we can over hear human planning in the morning.

And since the humans "lost" this encounter, we help them against the stronger portion of the Goblins, just keep switching sides after each skirmish until maximum dead is achieved

Then depending on who gets killed, we either:

>Hitchhike with Elizabeth to the big city and go from there

>Wander around like vagrant spirit seeing what we can find

>Or just cozy up to the Necromancer keep doing jobs for her favor
Sounds good for me.
I ike it
Alrighty, how do you attempt to get into the part of the village walled off by the cleric?
Is the wall a sphere? If no then go underground.
If yes then I wouldn't attempt doing so - we might get hurt or die
Okay but we are NOT helping necrobitch. We are killing her the moment the opportunity presents itself.
Attempt to go underground
Phasing through the earth, you easily bypass the fortification and fly straight towards where you sense your Amulet will be.

Seems it's in the center where all the villagers are gathered, you popping your head out every now and again to get a good look on things.

Eventually, you find Elizabeth, siting with her parents and some other children.

>Enter your Amulet?

>compel Elizabeth?

>try to find the adventurers?

>go to the Adventurers hide out?

>start a fire?

>go to the Adventurers hide out, eat their magic, read their books, start a fire after that
I said he will tell everyone about us, we must talk to Elizabeth later
Can ratman level up from eating corpses like we do by sucking out life ?
Actually I've changed my mind I agree with the turn except when It comes to burning the hideout.
By phasing through the earth, you've come to realize how easy stealth had become. No one could see you, however you couldn't see anyone either. You routinely had to poke your head out of the earth to keep from getting lost.

Eventually you came upon the adventurers home, and couldn't help but grow excited at all the loot within.

Phasing into the house, you look around, expecting artifacts and treasures ripe for you to steal.

Instead, you found an empty room. One where the walls had strange pieces of paper stuck to them, and a slight golden glow was coming from a weird circle on the cieling.

>What do you do?
File: 9c0.jpg (43KB, 600x480px) Image search: [Google]
43KB, 600x480px
Flee from the obvious ghost-trap.
It could be a trap or it could be the center of the protections power...I STILL SAY RUN THO BACK BACK BACK

Roll Dex
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

What was our dex again?
Rolled 20 (1d20)

nice roll
Lets hope this begins anothher chain of good rolls
So OP can Ratman level up or not ?
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Undead are like constructs. They have no forward progression unless you modify them. So in Ratman's case, you would need to find a way to alter him or give him power in order for him to progress. Or just make a new ratman when you have a greater raise spell

Excessive Critical!

With an extreme calm, you fly out just before the clerics spells activated, flying under the house then back up behind the Cleric who was standing outside his home, focusing entirely on the house.

[Gain sneak attack on Cleric, +5 to any rolls made against him for one roll]

>What do you do?
>[Gain sneak attack on Cleric, +5 to any rolls made against him for one roll]
do we compel him to do something?
soul rend??

>Soul Rend (Wis): At close range, attack an opponent's soul. Deals high damage if opponent fails to resist.
If he does the barrier might collapse.
Action: hold him by the throat in cold grip and drain him until he is unconscious
No frills, just soul rend.
I meant if he dies
>Soul Rend
Lets get rid of cleric and then start focus on helping the villagers kill gobbos
I feel like us eating him/gaining exp would throw the cons we get from the barrier collapsing
We already ate the elf and we didn't get anything special no reason It would be different now.
yeaaah but levelling up was pretty good
how knows, eat a soul of a cleric may be good, he is like our counter
We can level up whenever we want
Nothing special. There is nothing special about his soul just because he learned some light magic just like there was nothing special about elf's soul's who learned magic.
ending vote in ten minutes

Soul rend wins, Roll wisdom
Rolled 3 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rolled 9 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rolled 15 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rolled 9 (1d10)



With the power of your will, you stab your hands through the clerics bodies and tear at his soul, the cleric screaming out as his very being was torn.

However, despite the damage, he is able to turn and swing his mace at you, the metal suddenly glowing bright gold as it struck against you.

[You have been dealth 5 damage]

The cleric then tried to put some distanc ebetween him and you, glaring at his comrades killer "Guess I should have been a bit faster on the draw huh? he asked you, twirling his mace staff as his body began to glow a dull gold. "Looks like I have to actually put a little effort into this...."

>What do you do? Sneak attack bonus lost
From what we read in that book way back when, can soul damage be easily healed?

If not, let's just bugger off underground and wait for him to lower his guard.
one more lucky rend might do the job, alternatively, wail
>Retreat. Go to there ratman is hiding. But before leaving throw spirit bolt to distract him

(I'm so salty right now ) We cannot assist humans in any way by being on the village. We will have to sabotage the goblins directly.
>Soul Rend (Wis): At close range, attack an opponent's soul. Deals high damage if opponent fails to resist.

Soul rend this holy fuck. He can't be all that tanky after getting an arrow to the shoulder and keeping a barrier up.
He's tuckered himself out. He's been fighting, took an arrow to the shoulder, he's maintaining a huge spell and we've just done soul rend. One good spirit bolt ought to do the trick.
[Alrighty guys, I;m gonna be heading to bed soon here, so you guys figure out your course of action, and I'll pick this up again when i wake up][
I think we've made the decision to soul rend. See you soon
Lets soul rend this fucker, get the holy man out of the way.
Good night op
Totally soul rend.
But we need to better with our rolling strategy. For example, for the stealth roll we got a 10 followed by 14 and 20. We really didn't need another roll, because even the 10 would be decent after being enhanced. But because some people were just rolling, we got a 4th roll (a 3). If the 3 was chosen, we would have been screwed.
All I'm saying is that each of us gotta wait and see whether we need another roll before we roll.
Roll will
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 3 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Welcome back!
Rolled 12 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

File: 1497837548850.gif (1MB, 499x654px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 499x654px
wew lad
No more rolls we just used all our luck
Rolled 9 (1d10)


8+4 (from two twenties) = 12

Large failure

You lunge at the Cleric, your hands glowing with blue energy as you onc emore seek to rend his soul, however the cleric is ready. Ducking beneath your wide swing, his clear skill in close combat is immediately shown.

He swings his mace in the same motion as his dodge, the enchanted metal colliding with your body and sending you reeling.

[1 damage delt]

"Once I kill you, I'll rip Yul' sol out of your remains!" He yelled, the usually casual human now taking the situation seriously.

[Human has thus far taken 15 damage]

WHat do you do?
>Spirit Bolt II (Dex): fire a bolt of soul energy to strike an opponent. Low damage but ignores non magic armor.
We could intentionally lose control of ratman, and regain it later, right? Since he's full, he probably wouldn't go on a rampage. We could use that extra +2.

"I doubt that very much, after how you let her die. Her spirit could hardly hold itself together"

Soul rend this fucker on the emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental level.
This, while circling around him in the air.
If we soul rend again, I think he's going to expect it.
Voting for this. Break him.
>his clear skill in close combat is immediately shown.
it's not gonna be easy to hit
closing vote soon
Tie between Soul Rend and Spirit bolt

>Let op for the choice?

>Vote for SPirit bolt?

>Vote for soul rend?
>>Vote for SPirit bolt?
be evasive. Stay out of range of his mace and force him to use up his spells
Spirit bolt
This. Just kite the mofo, he should be at deaths door anyway
>>Vote for SPirit bolt?
Roll Dex
Rolled 4 (1d20)

forgot what our + is but whatever
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)


Here's to hurtful ghost words
Do we not have a dex bonus?
Rolled 20 (1d20)


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