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Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the Opera Pt3

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Thread replies: 157
Thread images: 27

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“Verde I’ll get Lex.” You shout moving as fast as you can to the side as your partner begins throwing out those green blasts of hers in a wide barrage of explosive power; they whistle through the air like artillery shells and you turn your attention to the chandelier and debris pinning the emerald barrier underneath it’s weight.

One hand on what was once a curling serpent’s head, the other on a crossbeam that connects onto the central circle of the frame, it’s difficult to get your body under it to shoulder the weight of the centrepiece is colossal and you bend your legs and inhale.


You kick off from the ground with a savage roar and the metal goes flying into the wall nearby, allowing Lexington to lower his shield. He looks around quickly, eyes glowing with his enigma - you stand clad in gold patiently waiting for his analysis. “Well fuck. The sonovabitch broke one o’ the planar walls.”

“No time. What do we do.” You say calmly, rolling your neck to a satisfying crack and preparing to support Verde.

“We have options; but try killing him first. If that doesn’t work then we -” With a screech forms begin falling from the sky like meteorites; trailing black lines that reak of corruption and rot. “If that doesn’t fix this then we look at the options with consequences. Get in there!” He commands as he begins summoning his gear and sending lightning bolts lancing up into the cloudless orange sky.

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You can see Purps immediately shoot off towards her master as she sees the barrier go up- the creature turns to her, but you’re not letting it happen- a barrage of energy flies from your palms as you let rip with a multitude of magiblasts meant to box the thing in more than really injure it- you weren’t sure what this thing could do, and better to have all hands on deck than risk it getting too nervous to really give effort towards hurting you. You can see the creature leap away- somehow even that looked flashy- and the all too familiar dance of trying to pen in a moving target begins, although they don’t normally madly cackle in amusement.

The thing’s as squirrely as you expect; you’ve got enough experience by now that you know that simply leading the creature isn’t going to do the trick- they seem to slip away like they’re made of smoke or water, and you find yourself having to use bigger blasts to have enough of a splash radius to convince the creature where to dodge- not that it seems troubled judging by the way it seems to add little flourishes to its movement as you do your best to keep on the move as well to avoid any potential retaliation or even it trying to close distance for some trick.

A blast seems to connect flush- that wasn’t even intentional, but you’re not fooled for a sec- yep, there it is.

Bastard just wanted a dramatic smoke trail out of that explosion, you swear. Well, hope the splinters were worth it.
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> Durability bypass and claws. Lexington seemed to imply time was of the essence.

> [CURIOSITY] Double Saws. Fell him out and keep him in place for Verde

> [DETERMINATION] Hit him hard with the polesaw, a big hit now can end this.

> [ZEN] Activate foreimages and attack in base form. Become unpredictable

> Write-In


> Keep him pinned down, and give Purps an opportunity to get in close.
> Get the girls secure in case he tries something with them again.
> Try to maneuver him down near the front- you’ve still got that shocking surprise waiting in the wings.


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>Combo Attack
Miranda tries to pen him in and lead towards Purps who uses foreimages. But it was a trick so Miranda could get in close and the two of them start beating the Phantom with as brutal and ugly street fighting moves they can. Miranda charges her limbs with mana for extra effect.
> Durability bypass and claws. Lexington seemed to imply time was of the essence.

> Keep him pinned down, and give Purps an opportunity to get in close.
supporting this: >>1594046
> [DETERMINATION] Hit him hard with the polesaw, a big hit now can end this.

> Keep him pinned down, and give Purps an opportunity to get in close.
5 minute warning.

Aaaand that's a lock. Need a single 1d20+2, since it's a combination maneuver and Purps is Zen'd out, best of three for effectiveness.
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

I blame Star for this.

Eh, still need two more.
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Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolled 6 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Nothing can be worse.
Rolled 14 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Insult to injury?
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I hate all of your dice


You run into the fight, flicking on fore images that dash ahead of you; three translucent mirror images that each bear a saw just as real looking as your own. Verde’s blasts have been corralling The Phantom to the front of the stage, which gives you your opportunity as he kicks off one of the lights to flip over the incoming emerald blast with a flick of his hair.

You have him. You inhale.

And swing, mid somersault.

His rapier seems to slide out of it’s sheath of it's own volition and your saw’s wire is intercepted by that noose of his. The thick knotted rope pulling your attack off target and you off balance even as the foreimages trick him into ducking. Tumbling forward you see the point of his ceramic sword and know what’s coming immediately.

You exhale, spitting a chunk of blood up on the pristine white blade

Baring your teeth like some kind of wild animal, your golden aura vanishes as both hands move towards the strange weapon piercing your ribs. Locking gazes with The Phantom he chuckles, smug face radiating the thrill of victory. “Honestly. You ladies are so worried about the knife; you neglect treating the wound.”
The sword is pulled out with a series of tuts that boil the blood that is shot from your back and front. You attempt to stay standing, before the room begins spinning and the floor slams into your back with more impact than any blow you've taken. You feel your heartbeat slow as Verde tries to ram her glowing fist into his pretty face, stepping over you in hopes of some kind of opening.

Instead she is rebuked by a forearm block and treated to a devastating headbutt that stuns her; just long enough for The Phantom’s noose to wrap around her wrist. His face is of derision and arrogance as with a wave of his hand the noose extends impossibly long to carry your partner into the air. She is slammed into the ground next to you hard enough to draw an oomph before being tossed into the back wall of the theatre hard enough to embed her there.

The sky looks so pretty as the darkness begins encroaching on your vision. Ever slowing heartbeat drowning out The Phantom, you see a monster land on the floor seating area and see a stray lightning bolt catch the curtains on fire in mute.

You’re probably dying.

> [DETERMINATION] I don’t have time to die. Get up DC11

> [PRIDE] Lantern to cauterize your wounds DC??

> [FEAR] Dealer… help me. Costs Fear + Gratitude for unknown help

> Write-In
>> [DETERMINATION] I don’t have time to die. Get up DC11
>> [DETERMINATION] I don’t have time to die. Get up DC11
> [PRIDE] Lantern to cauterize your wounds DC??

Flame on
> [PRIDE] Lantern to cauterize your wounds DC??
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>> [DETERMINATION] I don’t have time to die. Get up DC11

Locked so there's no more ties.

Best of 3 1d20 DC 11 to not die
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Come on!!!
Of crouse
Rolled 10 (1d20)

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Ssssooo...now what?
We die

Waitin on Handler to maybe have a break to write. If he can't in 15 minutes I'll write.
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Getting hit is never fun; and usually it's one of those ‘blink and you'll miss it’ situations where you're left wondering exactly what went wrong. Sure, you can mentally go over the whole fight after the fact but in the heat of things it's just a sudden bewilderment most of the time.

This is why it takes you a few seconds to reorient yourself amidst a sudden and very thorough nest of splintered wood panels and various detritus caused by a surprisingly (or perhaps not so much, all things considered) quick to react Phantom. The thing actually stung, and was clearly a bit more muscular than its wiry frame gave off. Again, makes sense enough when you bother to consider previous events. You kind of give a mild snort at this consideration- you don't exactly look like a bodybuilder yourself. Sloughing off a couple of support beams from the rubble, (and ending your partial embedding in the wall) you quickly take stock of your situation. You can hear the stupid thing cackling madly all the way up in the front- it must’ve thought you were pretty much done after that. Frankly, understandable, but it's something you can use against it. You can't really see a whole lot else nearby that immediately comes into play- you are wondering where's the sounds of battle, though.

You do your best to creep a bit closer to the stage; you might have some splinters in your hair and soreness to work out later, but that's not yet enough to stop you from understanding just what happened out there. The first thing you notice is Lexington, out in the audience; he’s standing over some kind of serpentine thing, bound in what are clearly glowing magic chains. Purps you can't see due to your angle, but a frown creases your face as you can't hear anything that would indicate her continued resistance. Can't smell her, either- ah, crap.

...That’s going to mean an adjustment in tactics. Also possibly extra pay.

The phantom itself has gone back to orating it's impromptu play with the remaining sirens- once again summoned to the stage.

...you’re really, really not a fan of theater these days. You'd throw a tomato if you had one, but since you don't…

>Whatever Lexington is doing, you hope it's helpful. Maybe you can try to stall for time… the Phantom isn't the only one that can dodge.
>Well, it can't see YOU either. Maybe it's time for the Phantom to taste some surprises of its own- if the magiblast come from elsewhere.
>The best way to keep it from laying a hand on anyone is STILL to lay your hands on it yourself. Just have to be careful about it this time.


> Focus on Hona

> Focus on Lex

> Focus on Verde

> Focus on The Dealer

> Focus on the Phantom
>>The best way to keep it from laying a hand on anyone is STILL to lay your hands on it yourself. Just have to be careful about it this time.

> Focus on Hona
>> Focus on Hona
If it is a stage, then it might have a trap door in it. Go under the stage and magiblast him from down under. Aim for his pooper.
>Well, it can't see YOU either. Maybe it's time for the Phantom to taste some surprises of its own- if the magiblast come from elsewhere.
And does focusing on someone keep her memories of them?
If so
> Focus on Hona
>The best way to keep it from laying a hand on anyone is STILL to lay your hands on it yourself. Just have to be careful about it this time.

> Focus on Hona

It has effects on the rolls DC and the penalty of failing it.

All Starborners know thus far is the more memories make it easier - but they get wiped if you fail.

There's much more going on though.
how long til llex has to lock us away?
im sure the dealer gets something out of it but what?

"Falling" is a BAD END.

You would have to crit fail coming back to life multiple times straight, Because "Violet" was the result of multiple fails in a row of reviving.

You'd have to become even more broken mentally than she started.

A certain boss fight will put enough mental trauma on purps that falling could happen with enough 1s.

not much for Starborn myself, never really paid attention. What's Ilex or the dealer? He like Sal?
oh wait that's lex.

Okay so whats with the dealer?
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The Dealer would be the closest to Sal. He's an unknown cretaure who at this point believed to be a Demon.

Note that Demons are multi planar creatures kinda like old ones in Starborn setting. They can and do tangle with gods regularly; if a Demon ever manifests in the mortal plane expect armageddon.

He has Purps' soul somehow and keep ressurecting her as part of a contract. He read out the short version of it and it was "None may die until he slays her or she slays he. Until the day that one kills the other, the embrace of death shall seek another."

He sometimes desiresto make deals; usually at the cost of emotions or memories. A past version of Purps traded her magic affinity to him in order for a powerboost enough to tangle with some assasins... Then rolled nat 1 and died anyway.
ok then we gota few more fails to go

lex is a really old starborn and one of the strongest around
and has locked up(since you cant really kill a sratborn) alot of his own trained starborns that have fallen(gone carzy ether from dieing too much or out liveing too many loved ones)

the dealer is some deamon thingy( we dont really know) that brings starborn back alive but it costs them a part of themslfs e.g worry orfear etc

He has put down most of his students and locked up 1.

You can in fact kill a starborn; they're just tough as fuck.

If it weren't for the dealer Purps would have died XX amount of times.
hmmm i thought it was mostly them locked up in coffins for whatever reasion.

have you ever watched oh this is a zombie?
this girl has been giving heslfs more lives bykilling people so the zombie minguyhastokillher like15 times in a row witha chainsaw to make her down to one last life

starborn killing something like that?


They're just Ubermensch each with a unique power and have a base that's faster, stornger and better than base human.

Starborn dies, it dies.

hat extra lives is a thing that can be done throug certain dark magics though.

Need a flat d20 best of 3 please.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)


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The dealer was absolutely pissed, but when you awake, you see that smarmy fuck dancing with Mono, his hands roaming over her hungrily as she glassily stares back into his weird “Not Alice” face.

It’s easy for you to stand, midriff exposed but immaculately healed - and attract the attention of The Phantom with your saw forming into a pair of buzzing gauntlets that menace with ripping spikes that dance in rows of serrated death. “Hey. Eyes on me, you arrogant fuck.” You spit, having eyes for nothing but your prey.
His eyes widen in surprise briefly before he spins Mono away, grinning widely. “Ah, but I forgot a siren, haven’t I? Well, my lavender flower, come and embrace your-”

The stage floor explodes upwards in a geyser of splinters and green magic that throws The Phantom into the air; he tries to right his posture and draw his blade but you slam a fist into his spine and tear a chunk of flesh free with your follow through. Kicking off a chunk of stage to chase him aerially, he slashes across at your face only to meet your gauntlet clad bicep. A series of blistering left straights bruise and swell his face.

The noose saves him, entangling your arm and dragging you from your flying chase, but Verde’s magic takes up the battle you’ve been yanked from - disrupting his concentration enough for you to rev your way free of the magical rope. Landing next to Verde with a grateful nod, The Phantom arises from the flaming backset like a devil from the pit. His face is already healing and the chunk from his side is covered in swirling black smoke; another generation method you’d wager.

“...You’re not dead.” Verde notes as deadpan as you.

“Death tends to be temporary for me.” You reply.

“Huh. Those ceramic swords really like you.” She quips.

Inwardly, you grimace. “It is not mutual.”

“Never is. Ready?” She asks, sliding back into a combat stance.


> [ZEN] DIVINE ZEN. Time to bring out your aces.
> [PRIDE] Lantern. Time to get serious.
> [FRUSTRATION] Durability bypass with your claws. If you get a good shot, it’s over.
> [LUST] On the Pull, drag him into ultra close quarters. He can't handle you both
> Write-In

MIRANDA (Mana: 9500/11000)

>That sword’s going to be annoying, but as long as you stay just out of its reach, you should be fine. Stay out of Purps’ way, but be ready to capitalize on anything she does.
>Play defensive bulwark for Purps- fight carefully, intercept attacks, and if need be, Light Barrier.
>Lead into the assault yourself; now that you know just what kind of reactions (and strength) this guy has, you can brace for it and focus on trying to open his defenses for the both of you.


> COMBO what?
> [LUST] On the Pull, drag him into ultra close quarters. He can't handle you both

>Lead into the assault yourself; now that you know just what kind of reactions (and strength) this guy has, you can brace for it and focus on trying to open his defenses for the both of you.
>> COMBO what?
Supercharge Purps Lantern with mana.
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Do it.
Do it now.
>COMBO what?
Purps lights up her Lantern and Miranda gets behind her to channel mana into it.
Then as Purps engages the Phantom, Miranda ducks around her and sets up Light Barriers around the Phantom so he can't escape.
...Huh. That's a neat idea. Applause.
ok lets do this

but its most likey going to burn the place down
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Best of 3.

Come on Anons. Don't give me blue balls for this choreography.
Rolled 17 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Check this nat 20
Rolled 9 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Rolled 10 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

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Rolled 5 (1d20)

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Purps screams out, and the sound is deafening. “MINERVA’S LANTERN!” With a light like an exploding torch, she starts sprouting an aura of purple fire that radiates out to the sky and turns all the smoldering fires throughout the theatre from flickering orange to brilliant lavender. Her eyes go from red to gold as she stares down The Phantom and lets the gauntlets on her arms retract and retreat back to her hips into the form of her standard buzzsaw.

“Oh, yeah, that. Brings to mind an idea, actually…” Eyes narrow into slits as she concentrates, stretching a hand out, breathing deeply- and Miranda begins channeling her mana into the girl, recalling the time her healing mishap sent energy cascading through Purps’ magic circuits in an unstoppable tide of power. It is that power that begins looping and rushing through every pore on her body, replacing and overtaking the energy expended through her holy form- and empowering her to a new level.

Inspiration and sheer might strikes the flaming girl, and she takes up the stance of the martial artist war priests, bending her knees, clenching a fist by her left side and holding an open palm forward to The Phantom as her hands begin to glow. “Sunshine Fist usually redirects energy from an attacker...” She says half to herself, taking one step and yet crossing the distance between her and the opponent in a scant eyeblink, landing a gut punch that knocks a crack in the ancient back wall behind the stage from it’s momentum. “...But this will work.”

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She begins weaving around the swift-yet-slow attempts at counter attacks from the panic-stricken foe, the usual focus on blocks and parries abandoned for plain and simple punishment of every single movement. She sidesteps a rapier slash and delivers a flash of an uppercut to the swordsman before the tip can even reach midway through it’s arc - the result snapping back his jaw with an audible crunch. It’s quickly followed up by a hand on the throat and a downward elbow right to the eye that smashes the stage in it’s entirety; leaving the duo in the technical area beneath.

Purps tries to stomp on her downed prey, but he turns to smoke and cackles as woven ropes of all thicknesses, sizes, shapes and makes awaken like furious serpents and begin to try and ensnare her; only to be burned by the inferno surrounding her body without success. She begins calmly walking towards him, an emotionless glare on her face.

Miranda notices another monster from the sky flapping it’s way towards the stage, the creature evading Lexington’s spells with absent minded ease. Slashing scythe like claws and talons crowd a scaled underbelly and all are destined for Lex’s throat - the Magical Girl slides in and lands a magically empowered punch right to it’s snout, turning an aerial predator into nothing but chunks in one go. Without even taking a breath, she turns her focus to the sound of thunder as rapid as drums as Purps dances about her foe like a trained boxer, untouchable by his sword noose or smoking lances as she hits him from every angle simultaneously. But when The Phantom tries to flee as smoke, she throws up her hands- and throws up a series of barriers trapping her partner with their target in what looks like nothing more than an inescapable magic arena.
Purps simply inhales, taking in all her fire and Sunshine Fist energy; glowing both gold and purple in alternating and increasingly brilliant colours. Before she exhales; two streams of brilliant fire billowing forth in an unstoppable horizontal inferno that blast forth quicker than even Miranda’s eye follows. One minute it’s a light in her mouth and the next her barriers are being slammed by two fiery columns that strike with a sound of screaming banshees for a solid four seconds before the barriers can no longer take the strain and shatter, causing the green haired mercenary to imagine glass shattering. She winces, shaking her hands with the effort, and has to cover her eyes briefly due to the intense flare.

Purps inhales.


Because that felt really good.

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> [CONTENTMENT] Give Verde a huge thumbs up
> [WORRY] Confer with Lex
> [PRIDE] That… was for my lungs.
> [FEAR] That is a lot of monsters flooding from that breach
> Write-In


> That was a lot of damage...but you always confirm the kill. Approach the conflagration carefully.
>If he’s not at least hurt, you’re in real trouble...but you can spare the time to make sure the girls didn’t get too injured.
>Ask Purps what her plan is for the rest of these things.
>> [WORRY] Confer with Lex
> That was a lot of damage...but you always confirm the kill. Approach the conflagration carefully.
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I hope that was a smuch fun to read as it was to write.

Also Purps got to use her theme again!

I'm tapping out, it's almost 5am.

Always remember readers.
>> [PRIDE] That… was for my lungs.
> That was a lot of damage...but you always confirm the kill. Approach the conflagration carefully.
it was good to be good again
> [CONTENTMENT] Give Verde a huge thumbs up

> That was a lot of damage...but you always confirm the kill. Approach the conflagration carefully.
>> [CONTENTMENT] Give Verde a huge thumbs up
>> That was a lot of damage...but you always confirm the kill. Approach the conflagration carefully.
>[CONTENTMENT] Give Verde a huge thumbs up
>Tell Lex to pull his goddamn weight already

>That was a lot of damage...but you always confirm the kill. Pepper the location with magiblasts, then creep up to the phantom.

I want to shoot a nebula buster at the planar rift! If we don't end this job with a buster I'm gonna kick someone in the balls
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You have to admit, you weren’t expecting her to go quite so berserk...but, hell, you’ll take it. Guess that power-sharing thing is worth the effort. You can’t help but feel more than a bit drained, though, and your breathing is a bit harder than you’d like it to be- you’re going to have to be very careful about how you pace yourself from here on in. Especially since you’re not certain if the damn thing’s dead yet.

Purps seems less concerned, with what you can only call a blissed-out smile as she looks your way and gives you a thumbs-up.
I don't think it'd be worth it. It drains a lot of Mana AND it hits too hard. It probably kill literally everyone in the building if not the city.

It's her big 'when absolutely everything needs to die accept no substitutes' move.
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You have to stop yourself from cringing; it’s not her fault at all, you’ve just seen the gesture in too many hokey situations to NOT cringe. Instead you just respond with a quick nod as you keep a hand outstretched as you inch towards the conflagration under the stage; you actually should probably do something about that before it sends the entire building up in flames if it doesn’t die out itself...

Glancing down at where The Phantom landed, you can finally make out a figure within the fire, and you can see a blackened body in multiple pieces. The noose is smoldering with purple embers whilst it’s owner tries to wheeze a breath through the agony of continuous second and third degree burns. Whatever conjured up internal organs he has are apparently refuse to co-operate, though. Really, it’d be a mercy at this point.

Purps takes a running leap to clear the hole you made and get back to ground-level, muttering something about getting over to Lexington after a glance at the sky. You don’t think you’ve seen her face as expressive as it is now; if the two people who are semi knowledgeable about how this world works are that concerned… well, that probably bodes ill. On top of that, a huge number of creatures are coming out of that portal now; you probably only have a couple of moments to catch your breath before they make landfall.

You purse your lips trying to mull over how to handle this- goodness knows how bad this monster invasion is, and everything forbid you want to know how it looks outside the building; that’s not going to end well. All the same, you still need to find an answer to how to deal with all these cretins. It’s Purps that asks the million dollar question from the lips of the massive hole you made. “So, what actually is our plan here, boss?”

“Well, since you two demolishing the cause did nothing…” Lex appears at her side, popping his head over the lip of the hole as he peruses the handiwork. “...We’re going to have to seal it, you and I.” He says, indicating Purps and he. And then he turns to you. “While our green haired friend is on combat duty.”

Purps blinks once. “Wait, I don’t have magic. How-”

“You have a demesne in your head.” He says this, literally tapping her on the noggin. “We’re going to toss the rift in there and it’ll close gradually. I’ve sealed stuff in my demesne before, so I can walk ya through it.”

Huh. Well. Sounds like you’ve got the easy job. You can work with that. “Just tell me if they get too close.” And with that you leap out, a blue-green comet, and quite ready to do what you do best.

> PURPS will roll 3d20 per turn for sealing. The total will be taken from the seal’s stability. This starts at 250, crits double the total of the 3 dice.
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The monsters continue raining down, with your enhanced vision you make out three in particular will land inside the theatre; a brutish red armoured creature, another of the multi headed serpents Lexington fought, and thirdly, a peacock-esque monstrosity that is secreting fluids even as it streaks towards the surface.

> Target the armored guy. Simple, but likely frighteningly effective.
> You don't get to fight hydras that often… hopefully the heads don't grow back.
> That bird is gross, and that weird fluid can't be good. It needs to go.
To clarify.

3d20 rolls for purps once options are picked.

1d20 for Miranda once she's picked her target.

Don't roll until votes have been called.
>> That bird is gross, and that weird fluid can't be good. It needs to go.
> That bird is gross, and that weird fluid can't be good. It needs to go.

Heading to bed, you guys better roll good
> That bird is gross, and that weird fluid can't be good. It needs to go.
Man, I wish Sal didn't send us on this contract without our bag of tricks and mana crystals.
10 more minutes.

3d20 best of 3 please.
Rolled 4, 5, 20 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 12, 5, 14 = 31 (3d20)

Last post for the night
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Shit just got real.gif
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29x2= 58 HP From the rift unless last roll beats the total of 48 with a crit.
Rolled 3, 7, 13 = 23 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 8, 1 = 26 (3d20)

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Purps 13.gif
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Lexington approaches and begins singing under his breath.

Ina gceangal ar an aisling agus ina gceangal ar an dreamer

You feel something tingle behind your eyes for a second, but the sound of impact above you is enough motivation to force you to focus solely on Lexington. “We’re going to need you to think of your demesne. Focus on it intensely. One specific area, one feature where you can store things.” He looks at you with glowing eyes as you try to envision your time moving through the forest with a small nameless fox. “For me it’s my mausoleum. You’ve visited it, it’ hosts my true powers.” He reminds you.

“Shut up.” You growl, blocking out the noise and chaos of the physical world; devoting your entire being into imagining the twin spires of green rock that intertwined as a helix. The seamless swirling crystallized rocks that rose to touch and pierce that strange silver sky that moves like rippling liquid. “The Tower of Names.” You say aloud, opening your eyes to find the two of you standing in the air outside it.

Lexington looks at you with a hint of pride amidst his scrutiny, “Now here’s the bit that’s difficult. Imagine bindings, a lock, a big door, a forcefield - whatever you like. It just has to close the rift.” He summons his gear, the armour flying from nowhere to attach to him and his spear rising out of nothingness to rest in his hands. “I’m your protection if anything gets difficult here. You’ve got this Purps.”

You nod your head almost imperceptibly and stare into the pulsing yellow light that splits the air of your mindscape and hides forms behind a blurred magical veil. It looks the part, the ragged tear looks just like the infected wound that The Phantom implied it was.

You stitch wounds.

Shimmering thread of black begins flying past you with enough velocity to send your hair blowing forward as they pass. Each string is as wide around as a temple column and glimmers with the promise of action, they anchor themselves around the rift at the bidding of your imagination.

Mentally, you begin stitching reality back together.

Rift: 192 HP left


Generally, you want to take out the larger targets for more than one reason. From the simple fact that they're usually major force multipliers, to cause massive morale loss in some situations, normally you want to target either the biggest guy on the field first…

Or the medic. Usually the medic. They're squishy most of the time.

This thing doesn't seem like it's doing anything medically, but it's certainly one of the bigger threats on the field, both with its size and slime, and that's enough for you to decide to lay into it first, letting rip with a number of magiblasts that impact flush against the dive-bombing creature, but don't seem to slow it down any. If anything, it lets out a strange honk that just makes you think it's angry. Something that looks like a peacock on steroids should not smell so bad or sound so gross. It’s never something you get used to, seriously.

And then it opens it's mouth, and you can clearly see it beginning to hock something up.

(Mana: 5000/11000)
>Not even gonna risk it. Just get out of the way.
>There’s plenty of debris; try to stuff it's throat with something.
>Bird, meet window pane, courtesy of a barrier.
>Bird, meet window pane, courtesy of a barrier.
>Bird, meet window pane, courtesy of a barrier.

1d20 for Miranda to fight bird.

Meds are making me woozy, but we'll see if i can stay up to crank out 1 more.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

It has started
Or has it naver ended
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Sick of your shit.gif
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MG: This never happens on normal jobs.

Me: I am not contributing to this so I'm going to bed early (1am) I look forward to seeing MG write a critfail.
This is y we should get a job as a dancer
Danceing naver falled us yet

How dose hono put up with us droping all this 1s?
Rolled 15 (1d20)

If I roll a crit, will it help?
Too late but nice try
Its the star curse
This was for Miranda though, she I dont think has critfailed once in the main quest.

(speaking of I can't wait to get back to it. Want more interaction with owlgirl)
I naver read the mg.
Really? No crit fall?
Wellcome to Starborn
Shes had low rolls, but I don't think she's ever been unlucky enough to crit fail. Also MGs system is different. Doesn't roll for the same things that star does.
Fair enguh differnt dice for differnt mice

Alright, lemme see how this is gonna shake out.
Ok... guess I'm writing this.

I have no choreography for this so please bear with me.
Well then
Have at it
No you ain't.
>>1598657 (uughghgh)


Most of it happens in a blink, and you're not really certain quite how. As the thing swoops waves of that weird goop cascade over the floor seats and coats the floor in the viscous liquid, it's not necessarily that you get distracted. You're far too experienced for that to happen.

At least, that's going to be the line you tell absolutely everyone. Instead, what officially happened was that whatever it was that the thing hocked up caused you to misalign your barrier, resulting in the giant thing covering you wholesale despite throwing it up. That was one of the problems with said barrier- it only blocked one way. You hadn't expected the globule it spat out at you to be quite so large, either; it seems to spill over the edge of the barrier in a sudden and strange flow, and before you know what’s what, you're covered head to toe in the stuff… and you find yourself nearly frozen for it. It's no paralytic agent- you can feel your muscles able to move. But they're sure as heck not going anywhere. Whatever this stuff is made of, you're stuck fast like some sort of impromptu lawn ornament, the most you can do being jiggle and shake a little bit.

And now you stink. FANTASTIC.

The strange, stupid bird seems to honk in gleeful victory and immediately starts peacocking around the area as it and the others begin to tear apart the place. In particular it's strutting towards you, as if mocking you for your supposed foolishness.

This is really starting to get frustrating.

> Energy Channel. Fuck this.
> Shocking Touch. Fuck that.
> Sun’s Flare. Fuck you.
> Other
>> Energy Channel. Fuck this.
>> Shocking Touch. Fuck that.
>> Sun’s Flare. Fuck you.
All three
>Fuck everything.
>> Energy Channel. Fuck this.
Supporting >>1601423
> Energy Channel. Fuck this.

We're getting low on mana and don't have our mana crystals or condenser. We should be more conservative.
>> Sun’s Flare. Fuck you.
>> Energy Channel. Fuck this.
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Godzilla says fuck you.gif
2MB, 300x150px
Can we get 3d20 best of 3 for Purps while I'm out?
Means I don't have to ask when I'm home.

We don't know who'll be doing next post so please hold tight.
Rolled 2 (1d20)


3d20 in one. this is for the sealing.

Lucky for you with that roll.
Rolled 11, 7, 9 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 19, 3, 11 = 33 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 17, 13 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 13, 6 = 36 (3d20)

Life happened yesterday, sorry for no update will work on one when I'm home.
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166KB, 728x455px


Fuck everything.

You let your mana swirl around your body like a wild tempest, electrifying your hands and sending goop sizzling and cooking the ooze around your hands and arms. This fucking stuff just won’t let up, even channeling mana is only loosening it’s grips on your muscles. You REALLY don’t have the time for this; if one of those things gets to the girls or takes Purps out of her stupid trance thing, you’re all fucked and your aura is just not doing this fast enough.

Fuck it.

This bird thing is close enough, time to make it regret looking at you like some snack. Blinding light springs into existence as you do your best impersonation of a sun and the agonising screech of the peacock monster is welcome relief to you. In fact, you can use this time to -

Empowering as much as your body as you can all at once allows you to simply flex the rest of this stuff off of you, splattering it around in a small arc. After taking a second to shake feeling back into your leg you move to engage again.


This isn’t too hard, just really concentrating on the image of stitching together a wound. A vivid imagination is not something you lack; in fact since becoming this version of you there has been very little time spent not imagining the next move in combat or wondering what being normal would be like.

“Something’s wrong.” You say as soon as you realize it.

“What?” Lex barks form behind you, sweat beading his brow as he floats behind you. Oh yeah, he’s having to use his magic to do this and keep you here too. If he had his full powers he’d be fine - you should probably ask why he sealed that back up sometime.

“Something’s in here with us.” You’ve never felt so certain of something in your life, yet you don’t know what, who or why…

Until a green bubble surrounds you; Lex having summoned a barrier to stop the incoming ceramic sword from impaling you. AGAIN.

Looking over you shoulder you see her, perching impossibly still at the peak of the closest tree in the Forest Zen; The Stalker. Her hand outstretched after tossing her blade end over end in a hail mary attempt at killing you.

“Purps. She’s flesh and bone now. Something’s changed.” Lex notes.

“Probably why they opened this rift.” You respond trying to focus on two things at once as the barrier disappears.

“So it’s fighting to stay mortal. Fascinating. How do you want to do this?” Lex asks while lighting up a cigarette

> I need to do this. You take her.

> I’ve a bone to pick with her [will only get 2d20 for sealing as opposed to 3d20]

> Can’t you banish her from my demense?

> Write-In

Purps does 35 damage to rift 157 hp remaining
>> I’ve a bone to pick with her [will only get 2d20 for sealing as opposed to 3d20]
>If she just fucking sits still and stops interfering she can stay mortal and alive for all I care

This is a valid vote for the write-in option.
>If she just fucking sits still and stops interfering she can stay mortal and alive for all I care
We can always kill her after the portal is closed.
>Supporting >>1604561

Writing in 45 minutes-ish
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Old Lex Armoured.jpg
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“Look if she’s so focused on staying mortal that’s fine. Just stop her fucking with me and she can live a happy mortal life.” You spit, closing your eyes and turning back to your work as Lexington descends. Your ears do manage to pick out his dialogue as he lands gently, throwing The phantom her sword back.

“Look, we’re just closin’ the hole. You’ll still be mortal; so nobody needs to get-”

Weapons clash. Apparently she’s even less chatty than Mono.

Guess you’re focusing on stitching things up.

… You can never let Luc know you thought that pun.

Roll 3d20


> Illusions for days

> Lock her in a barrier

> Increase the weight of her clothing and sword as many times as you can

> Go Lethal

> Write-In Whatever magic bullshittery you want

Sorry for delay, Life is hell right now
Rolled 7 (1d20)

> Increase the weight of her clothing and sword as many times as you can
Rolled 11, 20, 19 = 50 (3d20)

> Increase the weight of her clothing and sword as many times as you can
Encourages nude wrastling.
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527KB, 1524x1353px

nice rollan. That's 100 hp unless someone crits and beats it.

3d20 best of 3, not 1d20 best of 3 grey anon
Rolled 10, 14 = 24 (2d20)

Have some 1s then
1 more dice.
Rolled 6, 2, 11 = 19 (3d20)

Well that was pointless.

> Increase the weight of her clothing and sword as many times as you can

Let's see how she deals with not being a fuckin cloud
>> Increase the weight of her clothing and sword as many times as you can

I make her as fat as fat neil.
Rolled 10, 4, 12 = 26 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 10, 14 = 26 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 20, 3 = 26 (3d20)

Star's gonna be out for a bit, as far as I'm aware. I (MGHandler) am still around, but, well...yeah. Apologies. I'd try to run, but honestly, I'm not confident in getting the details of his 'verse correct, despite our talks.
It's fine. I have a question though about the time where Sal got angry and mindfucked Miranda. I can't find anything we did that warranted that... was the perspective switch the wrong option? What should we have done to avoid it? It felt cheap that it happened off screen.
>I can't find anything we did that warranted that
We let one of our principals get killed.
it happened when we were controlling Purps
We assumed that the Sirens would only be attacked when performing. As such, we didn't protect one of them. We were incorrect.
Also, we could have argued for them to stick together to be easier to protect, or insisted that Miranda stayed behind and guarded Me-Gan, but we were working on the assumption that whoever was trying to kill them would only attack at performances so that option never really came up.
Basically >>1612024

It was a bit of a tricky situation, but it was plausible it could've been avoided. That said, I apologize for the cheapness.
Sorry, can I have the Discord link again?
Thread posts: 157
Thread images: 27

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