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Beta Uprising Quest II

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 99
Thread images: 9

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You didn't used to be on top but now you are. The year is 2019, one year into the Great War and about a week after your 19th birthday. You think to yourself, clutching to your helmet:
>What will he teach me?
>When will I return to base?
>Is this a trap?
>will I make it back?
>When will OP get a set posting schedule and not be such a faggot?

You open your eyes to see you are in an old home, with an ex wizard standing in front of you.
"What would you like to learn?" He asks.
"T-time alteration for n-now."
"An excellent pick."
"First, you need to know you do not alter time. You only have the ability to perceive it at a different speed. This also slows the aging process to thirty percent. You will live beyond two hundred years if everything goes well, and at 40, for example, you will only be mentally and physically 26. First, you must take off your clothes and lay in a meditative position. Here's a Sonichu amulet to use in the process."
"I-I'm not comfortable with this."
"Oh fuck off, I'm asexual, I don't care"
You shrug and nervously get undressed, sitting on the floor. He looks away as he hands you an amulet.
"I won't need it anymore, here. Now Hold it in your left hand and close your eyes"
"O-okay now w-what?" You stutter
"Repeat after me: Oh blessings of WT Snacks..."
"O-oh blessings of WT Snacks"
"Shine your ban hammer on thy enemies"
"Shine your b-ban hammer on thy enemies"
"Please, help our cause"
"Please, help our cause"
"Channel to Christ our plea to see time as we need"
"Channel to Christ our plea to see time as we need"
"Thank you"
"thank you"
"Now crush the amulet in your hand"
You feel the crayola wax smash and crumble in your hand, when you feel an odd sensation. You are lifted off the ground and a sparkle in green and tan swirls around you. Your bandage ignites on your arm, causing no pain, but doing the exact opposite. Your wound heals back up without a scratch, along with your still slightly sore leg and arm. You drop to the floor, noting that the room temperature is now your body temperature and everything is frozen in place. You walk outside, observing the grass and bare trees stuck in the movement of the harsh winds. You touch a raindrop, only for it to ripple in place. The ice yields even more interesting results, behaving almost like memory foam when you step on it. Other interesting features are the branches of even the smallest trees can support your weight. After about ten minutes of drawing a square mustache on your friend and swimming through the rain, you walk back outside to try to climb the hill.

This is not a smut Quest you are looking for.
However, Your fun is short lived. As you cross the street, a raindrop brushes your abdomen and you get the chills. Time is starting up again! Within seconds, you are standing completely devoid of any clothing in the middle of a 40 degree rain storm. You make your way back to the house, avoiding any sticks or the like.
"Hah! Need some help? Your friend calls as he walks toward you, holding your jacket and shoes.
"Y-yes." You stand, embarrassed for your predicament
You throw on your shoes and jacket as fast as possible, covering your head before your hair is soaked.
>What the fuck was that
>Thanks for my jacket and shoes, I appreciate it
>So how does this work?
>Can I do that again?
Thank your friend for the jacket and shoes.
>Thanks for my jacket and shoes, I appreciate it
>So how does this work?

I just realized...

OP, please don't tell me that is the amulet...
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>Talked about the stale crayola wax crumbling between our fingers
Ohhh yes it is.
"W-w-well thank you for bringing me m-my hoodie and shoes." You stutter out.
"No problem, hey, I don't want you to get hypothermia." He pulls down and stretches your jacket down to help you protect yourself from the elements.
"T-thank you. I-I was wondering how do you control your perception of time? And how could I use that freezing time ability again?" you get out as you zip up your coat.

Well, time manipulation is rather difficult. You just kinda do it whenever you are in danger. You know, like spidey sense. As for freezing perception of time, that really doesn't happen. You sleepwalk to where you wish to be, as you sub consciously decide point B. You are actually lucid dreaming until time starts back up. Just sleep to get the sensation, though you only sleepwalk during the ritual. On a completely different note, can you do something for me? Can you help me get rid of the body, unpack my stuff from the hummer, set up a console inside, or hop into the Hummer and fill it up? Here's my pistol in case you need it and the car keys, a gas station is a few miles upstream, nobody is there."
Pick 2
>Gas (Counts as two)
>I'm asexual

>Gas (Counts as two)
*Eurobeat intensifies*
What do you mean xbox?
I'm pretty sure we can gain his trust by going for a gas run, but first I wanna know what you mean by xbox...
What's better than running in the nineties?

Pro tip: Nothing!
I think he means set up an Xbox in the house
Yeah it means set up consoles
Oh jaaa shake zhat arsch fraulein!
Du got it! Gut arbeit!
Oh ja!
Hello, you are in south WA with T mobile LTE too?
I am uncomfortable now
Am I gonna be raped?
Ok, Xbox is understandable.

I just realized what happened... I don't know how to help you...

Considering how you haven't made a new post, I'll assume the deed is done...

I'm sorry...
Remember, first thing to do is ditch the joint, then call the police.
Huddled up in the corner with a knife and a .38 colt.
just kidding, picking up someone from the airport. I saw something there though that creeped me out in a less serious way.
>just kidding, picking up someone from the airport. I saw something there though that creeped me out in a less serious way.
Good to hear. What was it?
So I saw a person there that looked identical to the way I envisioned the main character of this quest. Black beanie, pale with no makeup but still looked nice, brown hair, jeans, Black skater shoes, MARPAT military backpack, green hoodie, and a black and blue striped shirt. To top it all off, her beanie had a 4chan pin in it. I got the chills over that for a second. She was probably 20 as well which puts the icing on the cake.
You did it, QM. You formed a person.
Also, ugh. Not PC Master Race? :^)
Just for safety.
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>he thinks PC is good other than for flight simulators and Strategy games
>wanting 25 minute loading screens
At only 1499.95$ US!
She actually looked more like 16-18 range now that I think of it. As our character was born in 2000, and I am in WA state, is this thread's plot canonical to real life? Just add Microsoft shoving Sony out of the US market in software and gaming markets and they to be contracted with NATO and it's the thread plot line.
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"I can help get gas and set up the Xbox when we get back." You exclaim as you swipe the keys and throw them into your pocket.
"Good, don't approach or get out visibly armed, but stay alert. There is supposed to be a squad within the area. Watch your back." He hands you a broom handle.
You slide into the seat of the car, noting the strong scent of cologne. Not something like Axe, like cheap store brand cologne. The hummer revs up for you and you are on your way when the wizard motions for you to stop.
"You forgot your phone, I am still connected to their network so I will notify you of any activity. Stay alive please."
"O-okay" you nervously gulp.
The car ride is rather relaxing, maybe because of the long day of intense firefights. The early morning wake up in your cell seems like it was a millennium ago. The ride is almost therapeutic in a way, that is until you ass feels like it is being bitten by ants. "Fucker!" You grunt as you notice the heated seats are on full temperature. You laugh off the predicament. It's so fun to get upset over small things again. You pull into Skyhomish, noting that the town still seems to have some occupants. A 28 star flag flies over a small school, with a Washington state flag and an upside down US 50 star flag.
The gas station still seems in order as well, having power on, although pumps that look like they were from 1982. You walk into the attached convenience store to pay with a credit card when the man at the counter greets you and the locals glance at you, nodding in a polite gesture.
"Welcome friend, here to get some food and Gas?"
"Uhh, y-yeah." You blush out of embarrassment as you try to hide the fact that you are only wearing a jacket and some shoes.
"Aw, don't worry about shit, you're relatively normal compared to all of these damn rebel groups coming in and out, I'm pretty sure you just wanna survive."
"W-wow, how did you know? I mean I'm part of the betas, but I'm not really in a fighting situation right now. Also s-sorry for my at-t-ttire."
"As I said, I see crazier shit daily. Than this. I see fuckin' robots come in and pay, just enjoy your stay in Skyhomish, YOU HES HAY!"
"Thanks!" You pay for the gas and for some food.
As you finish pumping the gas, you look at the town. It reminds you of the past before this whole war happened. A restaurant is full of both normalshits and betas giving each other glares but still eating dinner peacefully, a playground sits in good condition, Streetlights work and people are not walking around wearing bulletproof vests. It's nostalgic in a way. You load back up into the H1, deciding to tour the town. Real estate is cheap, no bulletholes or craters lining the buildings. Truly beautiful. On the river a small generator keeps the town (and presumably your home) lit up. Even a few US MRAPs guard a small watchtower to keep the city under control.
As you finish your tour, a deer in the distance walks in front of the "come back soon!" sign. A tiny oasis in a Hell of violence and extremism. You pull back up to the house, pulling into the garage and making sure to close the door. The smell of a fireplace invades the car as you pick up your chips, soda, and gas station sushi. Huh, he lit a fire, how nice. You walk into the kitchen to the sight of a toned autist screaming at the TV.
"FUCK HIM, I KILLED THAT FUCKER! THIS IS WHY WE MUST STOP THE FUCKING ALPHA TRYHARD SHITHE- Holy shit!" Your entrance cuts him off, causing him to leave the match and run to hug you.
"Are you okay? Please say yes, please"
You act smug yet confused. "What's the matter? The town is still alive and well and everything went okay."
"This is what's the matter" he waves his phone in your face.
Your heart drops so far it comes out of your ass.
A Snapchat screenshot of a view on you through a scope with the caption." Did you lose her? This bae matches her basic description."
You feel dizzy and lightheaded.
"I need a sec" you collapse on the couch. You were seconds from death and you didn't know.
"I don't think you got my text, but don't worry, I posted a picture of your face during the ritual and an empty round. They are thrown off the scent."
>Begin to cry
>Say nothing and plug in a controller
>Lock doors, close blinds( Can be done with another option)
>Thank him profusely and give him a hug, claiming you owe your life to him.
>Say nothing and plug in a controller
>implicating that PC can't play console games as well as PC games
>wanting to pay for multiplayer
>wanting to go outside to get games instead of buying
>not accounting for financial perks

You're lucky I'm ill-equipped to fight for my kin.
and I can't greentext for the life of me, lurking so little failed me and i took the bait too whatever

>Lock doors, close blinds( Can be done with another option)
>Thank him profusely and give him a hug, claiming you owe your life to him.
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>Not realizing go a 400$ console with 6$ a month would take 16 years to be more expensive than a PC, assuming no upgrades, and XBL gives 3 free games of the month at an 80 dollar value
>factoring in upgrades PC is infinitely more expensive with upgrades needing to be bought every two years to even maintain compatibility
>mfw I met a guy who has had the original 360 since 2005 and other than fresh controllers every 4 years he has not needed any upgrades and not once got the RROD.
>Not realizing the power of split screen
>Wanting to pay for 120 vs 60 FPS in Civ 5 and otherwise have a glorified 4chan machine and typewriter that costs twice as much as a Dell laptop and a 360

You do you though friendo, to each their own.
>>factoring in upgrades PC is infinitely more expensive with upgrades needing to be bought every two years to even maintain compatibility
lolno, you can keep a rig that's 10-13 years out of date and still play current PC games relatively fine on low-mediumish settings. High+ if yours was already a good rig back then.
I had a good rig 5 years ago and it can't even run Planetside.
Think about it like this to put it in perspective: let's say that Bungie finished online multiplayer for Halo CE. A lot of us were preschoolers at that time if not younger (if underage b&). Halo CE and Xbox live come out in November 2001. One guy buys the full setup and the other buys it on PC.
As of just last month, May 2017, the price for the original laptop would be cheaper. That is a horrible investment. That's literally from Valentines Day 2017 to 9/11. Think about that for a second. I'm not saying PC is a bad platform, in fact it's my third most played, but even then, I prefer console simply for the fact that I, while I know my shit very well and know down to every ending in Papers, please, I like just laying in a bean bag or on the sofa and playing some Halo 3 on MCC. I like games such as Civ 2 as well, but I don't have enough time to sit down and open up my windows XP emulator to play it. Enjoy your vidya though, as long as you aren't one of those traditionalist scumbags that think playing No Russian will make you do Sandy Hook.
So this is what they mean by "Mastering Character Creation"...

Maybe one day you'll build a world!

>Lock doors, close blinds and say nothing while plugging in the controller
You get up, mindlessly staring into nothing. As you went into autopilot, you simply said nothing, going throughout the house closing all of the blinds, turning off some overhead lights in favor of lamps. Lastly, you check every lock, every window, everything to make sure nobody can't get in. Lastly, you take some covers from the master bed and cover the sliding glass door.
After this, you put in Halo MCC and turn on a controller. Your friend stares at you.
"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting down next to you and picking up a controller.
>"N-nothing okay? L-let's move on."
>"I nearly died"
>"Thank you"
>"Y-yeah, I'm fine, wanna do CTF?"
>"I nearly died
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"I-I nearly died tonight, sure I have had close calls, but this was...different. It is just deeply disturbing, if you can even describe it that way, that my life would end with a single shot and I wouldn't know. I just want to forget it, okay? Let's just play some vidya and forget this ever happened."
"Okay, let's play some games, Halo CE the library with mythic on?"
You play the night away until 2AM, where you head upstairs and brush your teeth before crawling into a bed and falling asleep.

Your dreams that night are that of oddity, with a bliss only describable as indescribable. There were no images or anything in this dream, only bliss. You wake up to see your AK still leans on the wall. You stumble up and walk downstairs, only to see your friend passed out with his arm elbow deep in a chip bag. Yep, he's one of us.
You check outside to see any cars or the like. Nothing except a trail of footsteps in the frost.
>Blow them off
>Put some clothes other than a hoodie and investigate
> alert kameraden

the faster I get replies the sooner I update, so get those replies in and I can do 10 updates a day!
>> alert kameraden
>alert kameraden

For the time-slowing, lucid-dreaming, is that a daily thing now?
>Alert our comrade, put on clothes, then investigate in that order hopefully...

(If we panic and do something randumb like awaken our comrade while naked, I swear to...)
we have an oversized coat on and I'm not gonna write a smut, I am gonna write a somewhat serious story.
You go over to the couch, turning up the TV, and starting Call of Duty 4
"I'm up!" He sits up, drowsy eyed.
"There's footsteps outside, leading to the road"
"Wanna check them out?"
You go upstairs to grab your supplies, bring them downstairs, and change into a fresh pair of civies.
"Ready, l will wait outside" you tell him.
Just testing ya comrade. Don't want another one down...

I've been seeing lately the attempts of someone trying to get people here to help him write a smut. Thankfully, they've all died.

Awkwardly though, a story that was going down a romantic smut route was the reason why I was interested in quest in the first place. You learn as you go, right?
Also, I hope that is you OP...
a minute or so later, he walks out in full armor, the only difference is he has the beta symbol painted onto the side of his helmet over the alpha flag.
"Get with the times, plebeian." he motions to the non socialist flag sewn into your jacket.
"Fuck off I voted Technocrat" slapping him upside the the head playfully. he gets you back by shoving your helmet over your face then pushing you into a pile of snow. You take your pistol and shoot him, being deflected by his energy shield and bouncing back next you, you both laughing as you go along your way into the woods.

"shhh" he tells you, seeing a small camp of a half dozen elite Chads. One eats off a bone of chicken.
"What do you want to do about them, they clearly have scouted out our location, do they know we're here?"
>Kill them all Rambo style
>Go splinter cell and kill them off
>Have friend hide helmet and head in
Si amigo, although I came here for the same reason as well.
>>Go splinter cell and kill them off
Go sneaky Pete.
"I don't think so, let's take them out, have they radioed back?"
"No, how do we approach this?"
"Stab them, burn them, leave them for dead"
"Good plan, I got chicken leg man"
You split up, you heading around the far side, him staying up close. As you sneak up on one to stab him, you sneeze.
"Who's like there bro?"
"Ohh hey you found me", you hold your hands behind your head, clutching a knife.
"My friends are like, totes gonna enjoy you bae"
As he reaches for your arm, you stab him in the neck and lead him into the bush.Excellent recovery. Guy number two is in a tent, sleeping or snapping. This guy you approach right in front of him to see him on Snapchat, as expected. You stab him several times and bash him with a rock, yet he keeps flexing and taking selfies of himself. You decide to garrote him, offing him like that.
As you approach the last one, he sees you.
"Hold it right there biatch, you are fucked" As he finishes his sentence, your friend pops out. You are at gunpoint by now and you can motion for him to do something.
>Waste the fucker with a shot to the head
>Throwing knife the fucker
> Light him on fire.
>Let him arrest you
>Let him arrest you
>>Let him arrest you
But have your friend shoot him in the head.
>Let him arrest you
You do nothing, allowing yourself to be arrested by the Chad.
"We're like, totes gonna enjoy you bae." he says through his overly large lips covered in spray on tan.
As he throws you into a car, taking off your bag and taking your weapons and throwing them into the trunk your friend charges right into him.
"Hey, like there you are, bro, you told me you killed this bia-" he is cut off by your friend punching him in the throat. They threw down into hand to hand combat. Your friend pummeling the Chad into the dust. This went down until Chad Gained the advantage by grabbing a flaming log out of the campfire and throwing it at your friend. Although he was wearing armor, it incapacitated him for several seconds, where Chad was able to switch roles, him being on top of your friend and slugging him.

While this goes down, you manage to break the zip-tie and get out of the car. Your friends shields appear unable to recharge and now his armor and him are taking the blow. you must react. You notice a captured beta cache in one of the tents with a nodachi laying on top.
>Nodachi Chad in the back of the head
>Pull him off and let your comrade get up
>Knee Chad in the crotch
>Take the AKM and lay several rounds into Chad.
Also this is OP.
>Knee Chad in the crotch
Seems like the safest bet. Don't want a stray round gutting our friend, and we're probably not skilled enough to use the nodachi effectively.
>Pull him off
Support. Knee then pull him off.
Wasn't meant to be lewd but okay.
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Have redesigned alpha flag
Supporting the support?
Supportception (Supporting)
You run up to Chad at full speed. as you approach him, he sees you, but it's too late. The once massive bulge in his jersey shorts now have blood dripping out of them. You take this time to drag him off and put his teeth to a rock and stomping on his head. Your friend gets up, only to grab his pistol and clock him in the head.
"Good job" he pants out
"We make a good team" you reply, looking at him. You tell him your name, and ask him his
"Steve" he says as he takes a phone, noticing it buzzing.
"Big Brother wishes to take over the nearby Beta outpost thirty miles north" Steve reads.
"I'm not sure, what will happen to me?"
>They will understand, we aren't a Collectivist hivemind. We will employ you as one of us
>Wait, you're right, we should stay
>Maybe we should split up and go that way
>Tell him you're going with or without him.
>>They will understand, we aren't a Collectivist hivemind. We will employ you as one of us
Maybe they can use you as a precautionary tale as to why you don't submit?
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"We aren't the Nazis, as you have been led to believe, we aren't a collective hivemind. They will understand your story, Steve."
"O-okay... Let's just go back to the Hummer and repaint it." He begins to walk down the hill, you trailing behind him."
After you get down to the car, you pack up the food, the gear, and other various supplies, as well as cleaning yourself up. After a warm shower, washed civies, some BO block, and a good swig of Mountain Dew, you are ready. Steve has been airing out the car from the stench of cheap cologne, and telling by the new car smell, he did good. New car smell too! He hands you spray cans and a socialist cutout, and you spray in the tricolor. Beautiful, although you worry about what the party will do to your tax rates. Oh No!
"Well, you ready?" He asks you, taking the spray cans.
>Ride Shotgun
>Ride backseat
>Ride Trunk
>>Around the mountains (Longer but no offroading
>>Over the hills and through the woods!
I drive. Only fitting choice for a beta
>>Over the hills and through the woods!
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Hour One:
"I'll drive" you tell him as you climb up into the driver's seat. He tosses you the keys and walks around to the other end of the car. Aaand you are off! The Car ride is an interesting trip.

Hour 2:
You decide to stop and check the GPS, seeing you have only gone twenty miles through the forest. Steve hands us a sandwich he made and put in the cooler. Trout salad. I mean, the town really had nothing, what else could they make? You eat about half of it, trying to make pleased faces not to insult him when he rolls down the window.
"Fuck I can't eat this shit. I don't know how your managing. I would rather eat a ration." He admitted as he threw the sandwich.
"Yeah I can't hang too." You gagged out, handing him the sandwich, only for it to dissolve into the wood. He hands you a bag of chips and some bread with cheese. Much better.
Hour three:
You both devolved into singing Irish drinking songs and Go on Home British Soldiers.

Hour four:
The Hummer hits something in the woods, popping the front driverside tire.
"Well, I'll check it out." You moan as you drive into a field and park. The tire seems to have mysteriously popped, that's when you spot it. A sharpened wooden stick juts out. It seems set there intentionally.
"This doesn't look good! I don't like this!" You call to him.
"Y-yeah, I see some movements in the forest behind us." You hear a door slam followed by metal scraping along wood.
"I got you covered femanon, just change the tire." He calls to you, followed by the noise of an AR being loaded. You start screwing in the last bolt when you hear a tribal war cry. Highway men! A good dozen of them armed with axes and one with a cheap revolver.
>Finish tightening bolt, Scream at Steve to get in, Throw in the jack, and floor it.
>Unsling your rifle and lay fire into them
>Drop your weapon and raise your arms into the air
This is OP
>misspelled you're around trout salad
>>Finish tightening bolt, Scream at Steve to get in, Throw in the jack, and floor it.
Tactical withdrawal.
"Get in the damn car" you shout.
"On it!" He says as he guns down two raiders. Time slows to a near halt as you finish tightening the nut. A guy is right behind you! You turn around to see an enemy about to chop you with a tomahawk. You make short work of him by grabbing the hatchet, kicking him away, then throwing it. Time begins to speed up again as you open the door to the back seat and toss the car jack in. The door swings open in an ever slowing motion as Your friend pops out with a knife, throwing it apparently at you. The knife hits the guy with a makeshift gun five feet behind you. He saved your ass again. You pull yourself up into the seat as time goes back to normal, you floor it out of there, only to see a buggy reminiscent of Mad Max chasing you. On the back is a PK machine gun.
>Keep going
>Tell Steve to take them out
>tell your friend to steady the wheel, take to the back seat with an MG34.
>Ram them.
>tell your friend to steady the wheel, take to the back seat with an MG34.
You unbuckle the seat belt.
"What are you doing?" Steve questioned you.
"Take the wheel!" You responded as you climbed over the seats into the back, which had been given some basic armor. You opened the window, and as you poked out a gun, you were met with what sounded like large raindrops hitting the car. This was easy, you thought as you used the reflection off of your phone to determine where they were to blind fire. A final shot is let out as they need to load up the gun. Stupid bandits, when will they learn to just put a crate full of bullets and let the belt feed right into the gun? You pop up to an extremely slow car. Fire! You let out a burst into the driver and a guy that now had a unidentifiable bolt action pointed right at you. The car spins out as you meet an old, old logging road from about a decade ago. The ride would be smoother if it weren't for two dirtbikes and an old pickup with both a Confederate flag and an anarchy flag flying on the back. The bikers are armed with pistols and one of the men in the truck with a shotgun.
"EZ PZ" you yell out as you pull the trigger. Out of ammo!
>Take out AK
>Grab other MG34
>Use pistol and some grenades
>Leap out into the truck like a badass
>Take out AK
Take out AK

Sorry guys, got something going on so I may be very inactive...
Been busy. You grab the AK off of the floor as an alternative weapon. It feels underused.As you poke out , a Biker ditches the bike and begins to climb inside the Hummer! You kick him off, throwing him under the wheel of the truck. Buckshot flies around your head, slowing time once again to an almost total halt. You duck from it as it hits the roof. What a close call. As the bandito reloads a shell, you spray him with some good old Russian lead, along with the driver, of course. The last biker hops into the truck, taking the place of the driver. He also tastes some fine Russian flavors.
"Done." You mutter to the front seat as you clean up the back by reorganizing the supplies and closing the window.
"Were almost there" Steve replied.
About 30 minutes later, you pull up.
You made it.
>Report to the base command
>Go with your friend to help his situation
>Go do routine of eating, shitposting, shitting, fapping, then crying because your life is going nowhere.
>Go with your friend to help his situation

As beta as we may be, we must try to improve the situation when possible. We are fighting a war, goddamit. We're not trapped in basement...

Not yet...
Then we can get some foodstuff.
You drive up to the front gate, taking out your ID. As soon as you pull up, you and your friend are dragged out of the car by Beta officials and shoved to the ground, proceeding to be handcuffed.
"WHO ARE YOU!?" the officer interrogates you
"I-I'm the femanon that was behind enemy lines! I-I found a beta that was forced into the alpha military while I was out there! I swear!" You still have your ID in your hand, which he grabs out of your hand.
"Hmm, ID looks legitimate, no signs of false ID, let me scan it" he yanks you up by the handcuffs to a retinal scanner station with a key card holder. You cooperate of course, you're innocent.
"Everything checks out, welcome home, sorry for the aggression, can't have THEM coming through" He undoes your handcuffs.
"I got my friend here, can you all park my car please?"
"Be our GF first!"
"Sorry, can't handle it!"
You pull him into the office, going through another retinal scanner.
The door unlocks and slides open silently, like magic. The outpost commander is waiting for you.
"Welcome back to allied territory, what's the story on this?" he waves a gun in Steve's face.
"He's a friend. He's been forced to fight for them. it appears he is wearing technology modified from the suits, perhaps we can use it to our advantage."
"Good idea, you, sir, take off the suit, hand us your electronic devices, and we will keep you in prison until we can take a good look into your files. As for you, m'lady, report to debriefing. You did a good job from what we hear on weakening their defenses. Seattle is now mostly in our control."
Two weeks later:

You climb into a helicopter in Olympia, on your way south, when Steve climbs in next to you as the intercom comes on in the helicopter.
"Today, we are on our way to Portland. I would give you the briefing before, but this way it seems much less likely to be intercepted. This is an undercover assignment, so no uniforms. Good luck."
Your hands shake as you inspect your new rifle.
"I had these when I was with the alphas, it helped." Steve hands you some gum.

The End
Now, the thread ain't dead, we are going to get more BU quests, but I need to ask what everyone wants before Beta Uprising Mark 2 come out.
>The night of the first attack (New years day 2018)
>The night of the beta uprising (February 2018)
>Our 18th birthday (March 2018)
>Our first mission (November 2018)
>Our second mission (January 2019)
>Our fourth/ next mission to Portland (April 2019)
>The helicopter crashes and we all die
>The night of the beta uprising (February 2018)
>>The night of the first attack (New years day 2018)
Lets reminisce about how it all started.
>The night of the first attack (New years day 2018)
So beta Uprising/New Years attack?
I will make a new thread tonight, so post what you want now or never.

Hey, you said anything!
That I did
Can't make new thread tonight, will do tomorrow.
I'll be waiting then...
New thread coming relatively soon, a few fellow autists want to play vidya for a bit so I will do that and post thread later if I am not too tired.
Thread posts: 99
Thread images: 9

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