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Trying something new, Multi-Character Civ

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File: Alpha Character Creator.jpg (3MB, 2300x3000px) Image search: [Google]
Alpha Character Creator.jpg
3MB, 2300x3000px
DISCLAIMER - This is the alpha of the alpha of what I want this to become. I wanted to create a template for a multi-character quest that has solidified rules.

The steps are simple -

1. ) Make a post including a trip code (This is to save your character assuming you switch devices/new thread/ etc.), nothing else specific.

2.) Using the I.D the post assigns you, and the POST NUMBER, use the image to fill out the following format (Yes I realize the last part of the char I.D says religion, ignore that)

NAME - *write name*
BACKSTORY - *Create a backstory for your character, please give this some thought, be sure to include your characters motivations/desires*


CURRENT LOCATION - *this will be your starting location but will clearly change often*


3.) Make a post including the filled out format, and make your first action(s) roll 1d100 for every action.

* For every action you take (Number of actions per post are limited by reason-ability)

4.) Help give me ideas to improve the format of this, the image is in its earliest stage at the moment, just wanted to test what I have so far! Thanks.

All Characters will be saved in an updated spreadsheet I will make available to everyone at some point to see but not edit

Have fun and do whatever you wish in this quest! As long as it isn't completely ridiculous I'll write it up. At some point I may close off new characters for my own sanity if this takes off, but until then, feel free to join up.

Spoilers make great visual separators in posts don't they?

Invicta, Land of the enlightened peoples, and envy of the known world. The human monarchy is the first known successful city to have been established, and has successfully survived for the past 200 years despite the existence of many barbaric tribes, cannibalistic sorcerors, monsters of innumerable shapes and sizes, all existing on the periphery of the people's awareness.

For the past 200 years Invicta has been a cultural melting pot for the civilized of the world, scholars, scientists, mages, and merchants of all races and walks of life have come through this rich land, all were welcome so long as they did not disturb the peace Invicta has fought so long to establish.

The city-state itself exists on a peninsula, the Royal Keep sitting in the middle, and a repeating succession of walled-circles separating the different province, the farther out one got from the keeps, the greater poverty was seen until reaching the farmlands on the outskirts of the city. Travel between them is heavily policed, but so long as you did not cause trouble passage was free among the different regions.

As more characters get established world events will occur to encourage interaction with eachother, let's see if this works! And remember, help point out major flaws/aesthetic ideas for future iterations of the OP image
File: Alpha Character Creator 0.1.jpg (3MB, 2300x3000px) Image search: [Google]
Alpha Character Creator 0.1.jpg
3MB, 2300x3000px
Just realized how small the text ended up in the I.D/Number information, fixed
Seems kinda interesting, I'll join in when I get back from work later, so I guess I'll just reserve my trip now?
What do?
I got free time today. So I'll give this a try.
1.) Make a post
2.) Use the info on said post to figure out the details of your character
3.) Create character
4.) Start making actions

Sorry for how cluttered this is, a lot of editing is in my future
In gameplay, is this a party civ (we stay in one place and improve our settlement) or more of a party quest (we travel around the world and take quests)?
It's based more on following the stories of each character, whether that means you stay in the same area or travel outside of it is entirely under the control of the player, but I'll be managing the narrative of the over-all storyline.

In reality its going to be switching between those genres (Party quest and party civ) but primarily quest
Rolled 52 (1d100)


Finnleik Shaman of a Nord Tribe
Tribal Clansmen
Minor Criminal

Finnleik is a cheerful person on a quest to learn of the Invicta's people. For his clan members and in hopes to master his arts in ways unsought before. With his guard Thorgrima Bergfinndottir. They do tend to run in to trouble do to culture differences and aiding the wrong people for some money to get by. Yet so far have stayed out of jail in the city.

50gp / 1 Clansmen

City Proper

I hope this will word. I'm not a good writer of back stories.

First action is for us to find a new place to stay. Possibly a part time job as well. I think an tavern could fill both of those things. Get us a room to work from and I could make chilled drinks with my powers or maybe cook if need be.

If no luck I guess we'll be sleeping in a near by forest again.
I'd usually like more detail, but that's good enough for a start, after we get 1-2 more characters in here I'll finish the first turn. Thanks for joining!
Sounds interesting, OP.

I'll see if I can mix something together.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Name-Ropekane Hzrawm
Law abiding citizen
Ropekane spends his days in the city slums making mince meet as a street performer/children's party entertainer. Illusionism has been the family trade for five generations, in spite of each Hzrawm man proving again and again it's not fit for the blood line. After a long day of collecting pennies for petty illusions, Ropekane heads home and stashes the fruit of his labor under his hat trying to avoid the local muggers.

First action, try my damnedest to get home without being mugged
Finnleik's search for a new home in the city of Invicta was a struggle at first for sure. The common language of the town was similar but had many inflections differing from the dialect of his tribe, so for many hours he seemed to be a confused man speaking gibberish to those he encountered until finally gleaning an understanding of his needs. "Tavern, I need to find a tavern" he asked of a kind passerby, a young woman. She pointed to a rather large hovel, "They always need work at my father's Inn! Tell him that Sarah sent you, and he'll hopefully get you right to work. It's called the "Red Fin" by the way!" she tells you as she carried her basket to the market.

Ropekane packs his hat from a day of street performance, walking back to his family family home on the nicer edges of the slums. Until he hears the ragged breathing and the smell of stale piss and ale from a man standing behind him - "Gimme the hat 'ser or else you is getting a taste of my little shivy here!" he is wielding a rusted kitchen knife. Today is definitely not your day.
Rolled 27, 45 = 72 (2d100)

Hand over the hat and use slight of hand to dump the money down my sleeve, guiding the hat so as to block his vision from this action.
Glance around for law enforcement.
How many characters are you taking?
No limit until otherwise stated

Do me a favor and try copy-pasting the character sheet to each post you make, to make it easier to keep track.

I wish I hadn't gotten a shitty id

Not really interested in playing a human. Looks like a fun quest though.
It was really in the interest of making other races rare that I made human a likely roll, do you think that detracts from the quality?

not trying to sound shitty, just taking opinions to improve in the future
200 gold
Criminal: i live in the forest due to a accident while practicing with my elements, I fled before the guards could capture me and I've been living in the forest.
(What kind of elements can I use?
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Isa Enchant
Average citizen
>Criminal status
Never broken the law
Elven society in Isa's home country is very rigid and secluded, providing few opportunities for anyone else than the nobles to explore and expirience the world.
Having been born to an enchanter smith father and a healer mother, Isa's future seemed to lie within the borders of this familiar land. Seeing this as too dull and boring Isa decided to join the military. With her basic skills in both enchanting and first aid, she had no trouble being accepted.
After completing her basic survival and combat training she was sent out on patrol after patrol. Fearing that this would be her life she has set out on an adventure to discover and learn about the incredible unknown world.
Lone elfs being a rare sight outside elven territories, Isa finds herself in a royal court in the first big city she enters.


>Current location
Royal Court

(Should I fill out this field?)

Action: Inquire why she has been taken here.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Finnleik Shaman of a Nord Tribe
Tribal Clansmen
Minor Criminal

Finnleik is a cheerful person on a quest to learn of the Invicta's people. For his clan members and in hopes to master his arts in ways unsought before. With his guard Thorgrima Bergfinndottir. They do tend to run in to trouble do to culture differences and aiding the wrong people for some money to get by. Yet so far have stayed out of jail in the city.

50gp / 1 Clansmen

City Proper

[Smile] Thank you, Sarah. I will owe you one for your help.

Now to the Red Fin with so many things to try to get work. I can use air to blow dust away and fire to heat things up.
I will try to go to town and buy supplys while avoiding the guards.
I think it depends on the setting you've chosen.
It definitely doesn't detract from the quality.
Gonna have to ask that you provide more detail and a bit better grammar than that before I accept your character.
Sure I was in a hurry when I posted that.
I lived in the city proper doing jobs that are needed of a Elementalist to gain a living. I would quit 3 months a year however to practice my abilitys solely. However one day while practicing I miscalculated and accidentally crushedva women passing by. There were witnesses, I collected my meager belongings and ran into the forests to avoid prosecution. Here I have been trying to practice and live. I am somewhat arrogant and constantly tring to think of ways to improve my abilitys. However I care for my friends and family deeply.
(Ohh, rough roll)

"Why have I been taken here?" Isa asks of the two guards who had taken custody of her.

"We had reports of a deserter of your kind entering our city, Elf. The high justice has been summoned to determine what use we have for you, or if you should be returned to the lands of your degenerate kind." The man was quite young, no more than 18 summers at his oldest. He is equipped with a full suit of iron armor and a shoddy iron sword, his companion is of a similar age and equip. If you do not find a way to convince them of your worth, or escape the guards, you will be shipped back in chains to the elven lands.

Sarah grins back, looking over her shoulder, " Don't mention it, there is much wrong in this world, if I can be kind to a man seeking to change his fortune, why would I reject?" she disappears around a street corner and you head to the Red Fin.

Opening the door, the heady scent of smoke, meat, people, and ale assaults your sensitive tribal senses. You quickly wreathe through the throng of people to the bar, asking to see someone about work in the busy inn.

"Aye! We have work for ye' boy. You say you one of them magey types? Ya can do a lot for us 'ere." The fat manager grins with missing teeth and points out several drunks passed out in the corner, "Drag 'em out back and give em a good arse kicking for sleeping 'ere without getting a good room." He hands you a key to the back entrance, and leaves you to your own devices to serve more customers.

You hand over the hat, but in your attempt to sleight the coins into your sleeves, a big portion falls back into the hat and the drunken man snatches it and runs, you've now lost 50 coins, but have survived intact and unharmed.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Name-Ropekane Hzrawm
Law abiding citizen
Ropekane spends his days in the city slums making mince meet as a street performer/children's party entertainer. Illusionism has been the family trade for five generations, in spite of each Hzrawm man proving again and again it's not fit for the blood line. After a long day of collecting pennies for petty illusions, Ropekane heads home and stashes the fruit of his labor under his hat trying to avoid the local muggers.

Head to the nearest tavern for a drink.
Rolled 51, 88 = 139 (2d100)

Finnleik Shaman of a Nord Tribe
Tribal Clansmen
Minor Criminal

Finnleik is a cheerful person on a quest to learn of the Invicta's people. For his clan members and in hopes to master his arts in ways unsought before. With his guard Thorgrima Bergfinndottir. They do tend to run in to trouble do to culture differences and aiding the wrong people for some money to get by. Yet so far have stayed out of jail in the city.

50gp / 1 Clansmen

City Proper

Hm how to deal with this ... ne'er-do-wells? Normally some water and tell them to go home. Yet this isn't like home where everyone knows each other is it. Thorgrima help me take these people out back, if you would. I guess I could try frightening them with mist and some ghost sounds.

Yet if we do need to fight I better slap some ice armor on us to give them a chill.
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Noticing my supplys were running low I decided I needed to head to the city and buy some food, I needed to avoid the guards however.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Isa Enchant
Average citizen
>Criminal status
Never broken the law
Elven society in Isa's home country is very rigid and secluded, providing few opportunities for anyone else than the nobles to explore and expirience the world.
Having been born to an enchanter smith father and a healer mother, Isa's future seemed to lie within the borders of this familiar land. Seeing this as too dull and boring Isa decided to join the military. With her basic skills in both enchanting and first aid, she had no trouble being accepted.
After completing her basic survival and combat training she was sent out on patrol after patrol. Fearing that this would be her life she has set out on an adventure to discover and learn about the incredible unknown world.
Lone elfs being a rare sight outside elven territories, Isa finds herself in a royal court in the first big city she enters.


>Current location
Royal Court

Isa points out the poor quality of the guards sword and how any clash involving it will probably end with his early demise.
She tells the boy of her father and his superb smithing skills and how his enchantments can turn any sword into a trustwothy weapon.
She offers to enchant the boys swords in exchange of them letting her go free. She will also give them a discount for a new enchantment at a later time, when they have risen in ranks and acquired better quality weapons.
Thank the gods for this benevolent roll
Ragnar Frosteye
Average citizen
>Criminal status
As a young Orc growing up in the slums in his home country Ragnar had little opportunity. The most a boy could dream of becoming is a proud warrior on the front lines slaying enemies left and right. But Ragnar's parents were just average Orc's trying to build a life for themselves in the despondent slums.
For reasons unknown to Ragnar he joined up with a war band, instead of becoming a cobbler like his father. His time in the war band proved useful as he became an adequate bowman.
Ultimately the war band moved on and Ragnar had to find his own way in the world, not knowing anything else except shooting arrows at people he decided to join a group of highway robbers to shakedown weary travelers.
After some time word had begun spreading about the group, and Ragnar not wanting to get caught red handed in the woods made his way into the slums of the city under the cover of night.

200 coins
Bow and Arrows
Leather armor

slums of the city
Rolled 38 (1d100)

I forgot to list my action, Ragnar breaks into a house to try and find some rest from his travels roll to see if anyone is occupying the home.
I appreciate everyone participating in this first thread! It's given me a lot of info on how I need to set up the future graphic. All of these characters were tests, and in the next thread you'll roll for fresh ones, this thread is effectively done.

However, if I could have help setting this up, and make the rest of this thread's life for theorycrafting, I would be immensely grateful.

Questions I have for everyone-

1.) Should I redo the balance for races? Make it more likely for people to be non-human or keep it where it is, Humans are common and the others are rare?

2.) How should I keep track of the Character sheets, a publicly view-able spreadsheet?

3.) Item acquisition - I want to implement some simple form of market, and I think I'm going to accomplish that by making a pastebin with a list of common items and their costs so players don't have to ask the price/list of items everytime they wish to shop. Good idea or just remove markets fully?

4.) Classes - Any ideas to make classes more interesting?
I will not lie I like picking a race. Yet It's your story, if humans are more common it's fine.

The sheet would be helpful if public so others can see what people did. Give them ideas on making characters.

Markets would make it feel more like an rpg. So go for it.

Maybe list a few basic skills they can do. That way new people have a better idea of what they can do.
Only issue I have with skills is that it makes character sheets SOOOOO much longer, not sure how to concisely explain skills while also saving clutter.
I was a little confused on the criminal part. I dont know if we should add it in our backstory and just make it up or what even counts as a minor crime to a major crime when there are wizards and undead shit running around.

I think the options for numbers could be a little better maybe do something like A-g for swordsman etc but numerically.

I like the part where we have to come up with a name and backstory for our guy from the post id.

I think you should maybe list out surrounding areas for other races besides human to make character creation slightly easier
All we really need is a general idea of what we Can do. Like your a illusionist it would help if you know what you can pull off like street magician tricks to creating life like replicas of people.
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