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Evil Sorceress Quest #10

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 650
Thread images: 83

We are Sirena Le Doux and we seek revenge against our former master. So far, we've grown powerful enough to become the Witch Queen, but there is much more to learn. With our list of allies and teachers ever expanding, we won't stop until we've reached the top, because that's where our former master waits.

After returning to the prime material plane and reuniting with her friends, allies and minions alike, Sirena began putting new plans into place, and started by travelling west. Along the way she ended up fighting a giant green sanke and then facing a barbarian demigod's giant snake immediately after.

Current Spells and Inventory: http://pastebin.com/YnqXjSpm
Past Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=evil+sorceress

Shill Stuff:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DamashiKonquest
Discord: https://discord.gg/HBz5u9v

Our story continues!

With the dragon taken to Aran by your servitors and a new teleportation circle in place in Francis' basement, you inquire about easier means of communicating with him. He digs through his messy abode until he comes across what he seeks: a crystal ball.

"I already have one of those," you say, holding up your shining orb.

"But this one is a flawless two-way communication orb, linked to one that I possess," he explains. "I just need to, uh, find it."

You roll your eyes. "You're ever so helpful as always, Francis." Taking the orb from him, you see that it is at least twice as large as the other one. "How am I even supposed to carry this?"

"Huh? Oh. Here." He casually tosses a small rag over his shoulder that you barely catch. You then see that it is no rag, but a small leather bag.

"Not very fashionable."

"But practical! Go on, put it inside." He then snickers to himself, doubtless about some dirty inuendo.

You discover, upon placing the orb within, that the bag retains its size and empty weight. It is a bag of holding!

"Fantastic," you say with a smile, immediately taking several of your heavier items and placing it within. You then tie it around the loop at your waist. "Much abliged, Francis."

"Don't mention it, baby," he says with a wink.

After returning upstairs, you find yourself somewhat tired. Krom did, after all, give you the ravishing of a lifetime last night and your legs and back are still delightfully sore. Still, you've had bad experiences spending the night at the tower of this perverted archmage...

>Spend the night here
>Stay here, but ensure no sillyness happens
>Teleport back to Aran
>Try to get in contact with Faye; what has been keeping her?
>Try to get in contact with Faye; what has been keeping her?

Head back to Bridgetown and meet up with Faye and then deal with the pirates.
>Try to get in contact with Faye; what has been keeping her?
>Try to get in contact with Faye; what has been keeping her?
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Upon casting your spell of minor scrying and focusing on your mirror-world twin, you find her out of the brothel and out on the town, walking, talking, laughing and flirting with none other than Amanda Lightguard, that female law-enforcing paladin. The tall, strong blonde woman strides with her arm around Faye's as your twin hangs off of her and laughs at one of her jokes.

"So then, they leave just the three of us to guard the tomb's entrance. And that night, we heard the most ghastly of moans coming from within. My companions, they were too frightened to leave their post to investigate, so I ventured forth alone."

"That's dangerous. You could've been killed! You're so brave~." She flutters her pretty eyes and Amanda continues.

"So, I snuck into the tomb, only to find that it wasn't ghosts or ghouls or some hellish spawn -- it was just my superior officer, who had made up the story, just so he could get some alone time with a young initiate!"

Faye laughs along with her. "So then what did you do?"

"I knocked them around and duly berated him for his foolishness, then took command of the operation. We had a job to do, no time for such dalliances."

"Not like now, though?" Faye says with a wink. "There's never a better time for dalliances than the present."

Amanda gives her a smirk. "Perhaps after dinner and wine, we'll see how I feel about that."

>Teleport to Faye
>Let her have her date
>Send a message to Faye with magic
>Watch them longer
>Let her have her date
>Send a message to Faye with magic

Will need her help with the pirates.
>>Send a message to Faye with magic
We're not dealing with the pirates tonight. It's late.

What manner of message do we want to send to Faye?

>Ask her for her help
>Tell her to have a good time
>Inform her of your plans but you've got it covered
>Tell her to enthrall the paladin for further use
>Inform her of your plans but you've got it covered
>Tell her to enthrall the paladin for further use
>Tell her to have a good time
>Inform her of your plans but you've got it covered
>>Tell her to have a good time
>>Inform her of your plans but you've got it covered
>>Tell her to enthrall the paladin for further use
>>Tell her to have a good time
>>Inform her of your plans but you've got it covered

First and foremost, with your new whispering spell, you inform Faye that you plan to take over the river pirates. Next you assure her that you have it covered, and tell her to enjoy herself with the paladin, and finally in regards to her, to further enthrall that blonde dominating woman for future use. You scry upon Faye and see that she received the message and nods clearly, even though Amanda could not hear.

With that settled, the previous matter now comes back to mind...

>Spend the night here
>Stay here, but ensure no sillyness happens
>Teleport back to Aran
>Inform her of your plans but you've got it covered
>Stay here, but ensure no sillyness happens
None of this bullshit, Francis. Fuckin' tired of your shit.
Teleport back to our tower and spend the night there with Ben.
>>Spend the night here
sometimes good sometimes bad
>>Teleport back to Aran
Teleport back to Aran, and from there to the manor, spend the night in our own bed.
(If we can of course, teleport directly to the manor)
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Wishing Francis well and after collecting Xerro (the remants of the wagon will simply have to remain for now), you teleport to Aran and then back to your tower in minutes. It's still only the late afternoon, so you have time, but it's best to just take a day and relax after a night like that.

Who do we want to interract with?

how is the swolebold. Did he get away safely?

There seems to be a problem, we need to know why.


pat him on the head
>how is the swolebold. Did he get away safely?

Yes, he made it to Francis' tower in the last thread.
MOther him
oh. then talk to kay about her issues.
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You find Kay out in the forest, practicing his archery. He's an excellent shot, this you know from your time in battle, but he is held back by his personal issues. Upon entering the clearing he is in, he turns towards you.

"Oh... It's you, Mary. Sorry, let me just get my shot." He walks over to a tree and takes his arrow out.

You approach him and sit him down on a log. "I ran into Krom again."

"He's still alive? Well, he was strong. I suppose that isn't surprising."

He pays more attention to his bow than you, clearly trying to act busy. You scoot closer to him. "What's been the matter, Kay?"


"Come on, now. Talk to me."

He lets out a long, low sigh. "I can hear them when they... Well, you know. You're the one who pushed them into it."

"Merriam and Ben?" You are silent for a moment before asking, "Are you jealous of him?"

He closes his eyes. "She makes such noise with him, and I know, deep down, that I couldn't make her scream as such. Right now this is the only place that I have but even here I feel inadequate. But I don't want to leave, either. I just feel... weak. Small."

"Aren't you being hard on yourself? Merriam likes you."

"She likes you, too," he whispers. "What kind of hope do I have if I can't be as good a lover as her own brother? Or you?"

>It's not all just about sex.
>What do you want to have happen? I can make it so.
>Have you tried seducing Ben?
>What if you really were a girl?
>>It's not all just about sex.
>It's not all just about sex.
>What do you want to have happen? I can make it so.

>Have you tried seducing Ben?

Kek. Give him the options.
>It's not all just about sex.

But that being said

>What do you want to have happen? I can make it so.
>Have you tried seducing Ben?
>What if you really were a girl?

(All of these in quick succession, should give him some ideas and an open ended area to put in his own two cents if he wants to go a different way)
>It's not all just about sex.
>>Have you tried seducing Ben?

"It's not all about sex, Kay."

"I know that, but I like her! It's just so frustrating sometimes. She's been... nice... to me lately, doing things to me, but I still feel like second best. To her own brother."

"Love takes many forms."

"I don't want to judge, it's just... I like her."

"Well, I know for a fact that she likes you. I think you're very lucky in that regard. But there other things available to you. What do you want to have happen? I can make it happen."

"I don't suppose 'having Merriam all for myself' is on the menu, is it?"

"Not likely. She's mine too, after all. Why don't you join us, as an equal instead of setting yourself apart? You'll always be miserable if you don't see yourself as one of the group, as inadequate. We once shared something wonderful in Francis' tower."

"Yeah, but... Well, Merriam and you and I have all done stuff, but you both have done stuff with Ben. To be an equal, I'd have to..."

"...Well, why don't you?" He turns red and looks away. "I remember what you told me that night, about what you did once and how much you liked it. Why not do it again? Why not do it as much as you please? Take pleasure and give pleasure. As much as you like."

He is silent, and apparently contemplating what you have said. "He's not... unattractive, it's just I don't think he would want me."

"You just let me worry about that," you say, pulling him close and giving him a kiss on the ear. "Do you think you're ready? To join us, as an equal?"

"If it means I could start... stop, rather, feeling like I don't belong, maybe."

"You're a fine archer, Kay. If you would just leave all your inhibitions behind, your fears and doubts and worries, embrace what you are and what you could be, and join us... Your possibilities would be limitless."

Slowly, he nods. "Okay. I'll do it."

>Speak more with him
>Talk to Ben
>Talk to Amber
>Talk to Merriam
>Talk to Alex
>Talk to Alex

Give him a kiss then go see alex
>>Talk to Ben

Lets make Amber feel inadequate by finding out Ben will fuck an elf (male) before her.
>>Talk to Alex
>>Talk to Alex
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Next, you find Alex in his room. He is praying, kneeling alongside his bed with his holy book in front of him. You watch him from the doorway for a moment and wait for him to finish before entering.

He turns and perks up. "Hello, Mary!" He hops over and you give him a hug. "I was just praying for you."

"Oh? What do you pray for?"

"I thank all of the gods for their gifts. I thank them that I am alive and in good health and in a good place. I pray that Ben will stay strong, and Merriam wise, and for Kay to stay true with his bow. I pray for Amber to be nicer, but I understand and hold no grudge against her. And then I pray for you, hoping that you will defeat the darkness within you and stay the wonderful person that you are."

You smile and run a hand through his hair. 'Such a good-hearted and naïve child...' You take him over to the bed. "Do you also pray for guidance and protection?"

"I do! I pray that I will find my path in life, that I will remove the curse on my family name, and that I will be protected and allow others to be protected with the power of my faith. I also pray for an end to all wars, hunger, disease and other such things. It is a long prayer, but with it I keep myself on track to help save others from the darkness in this world."

"You're a very noble boy, you know that?"

He blushes and looks away. "I try."

"So humble and well-mannered. If I were ever to have a child, I'd want him to be just like you."

"Y-you don't really mean that, do you?"

"Of course I do."

Though he is quiet at first, he replies, "If I ever were to have a family, I'd want it to be like this one."

You smile warmly. 'Oh, sweet child, if only you knew half of the things going on around here...' You rock him slightly, comforting his head against the side of your bosom. He closes his eyes and relaxes, and you smile to yourself as you continue to slowly indoctrinate him with kindness and attention.

>Read to him
>See to his dinner
>Give him a bath
>Pamper him with kisses
>Read to him
>Pamper him with kisses
>>Read to him
>Pamper him with kisses
>>Give him a bath
>>Pamper him with kisses
>Give him a bath
>Pamper him with kisses
>Read to him
>Pamper him with kisses
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Getting comfortable on the bed with your back against the headboard and him in your lap, you place his book in his lap and open it. He's read it front to back countless times, but is just happy to be read to. The section is of the proverbs of Indar, god of civilization, community and family.

"Blessed is the mother who cares for and nurtures her child as one cares for and nurtures a tree. The tree will take route and grow mighty and large; it may bear fruit to feed others, or shade for a weary traveller, or be made into a home for animals and men. So too a child will grow, and if tended to, will become a valued member of civilization."

You take a moment to pause and give him a kiss on the forehead. As you read more passages, you slip in more little pecks, working your way down his cherubic face to his cheek. He turns to look up at you, his blue eyes shining curiously before you lean down to plant a simple kiss on his lips. You haven't done this since that night you returned from the crypt, and he clearly hasn't forgotten about it -- and likely has been hoping for another chance to get this kind of attention. He shivers slightly against you, and you hold it for a few moments.

When you pull away, his red face turns redder. "Th-thank you," he whispers. "That's nice... when you do that."

"Do you want another?"

Though he is embarassed, he nods and admits, "Yes, please."

You smile and run your fingers through his hair. Leaning down, you kiss him once more, pampering him with lovely attention as you gently rock him back and forth. His small body shivers again and he lets out a tiny gasp against your lips.

>That's enough for tonight. See him to bed
>See to his dinner
>Give him some enchanted tongue
>Take it further
>See to his dinner
>See to his dinner
>>See to his dinner
And go to sleep (not alone of course).
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You give him one last kiss on the forehead and leave him with his book, promising to fix him dinner. After heading downstairs, you work with Merriam on a dish for dinner. That's when Amber comes downstairs with a dead deer slung over one shoulder. "Venison for dinner tonight," she announces, slumping it onto a table. She wastes no time in gutting it, taking the organs out and skinning it with her knife. After a moment she catches you both looking. "What?" she says. "Something wrong?"

"Nothing," you say as Merriam goes back to her stew. "Blood is a nice look on you."

"Well someone has to do the dirty work. Can't let the men do it all." She begins cutting out choice sections of the meat and handing them to Merriam to prepare. "Though, this is one of the worst kitchens I have ever worked in. Hardly any seasoning or vegetables for flavor."

"Worked in many kitchens, then? I didn't take you for the type."

"Why? Just because I'm a warrior doesn't mean I can't be good in the kitchen, too," she says defensively. "Is there a problem with that?"

You smile and shrug. "There's no need to be so touchy."

"You'll know when I'm 'touchy' because my hands will be balled into fists. I don't get 'touchy', I get 'punchy.' Got it?"

Merriam walks out to get something from the storeroom. "By all means, please do your work. I'm sure Ben will love it."

Amber looks over at you. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know you'd like to impress him, is all. I can tell."

"Impress him? Hah. That's like impressing a child. He's impressed when the weather is clear. Big oaf wouldn't know fantastic if it stared him in the face every day for three weeks."

"Oddly specific," you say, cocking a brow.

"I'm just saying."

"Saying that he doens't notice you."

She stabs into the deer with her knife. "I don't WANT him to notice me. I just want to TRAIN him. NOTHING more." Each of her accented words is accompanied by another impalement on the deer. "Not that he ever LEARNS anything, with how much he gets DISTRACTED by OTHER things and girls."

"Other girls? So you do want him to notice you."

Again she slams the knife in, deep enough to bury half the handle in its hide. "What are you getting at?"

>I can help you.
>There's no hope, give up.
>You're going about this the wrong way.
>You know he's already taken, right?

Just smile and ignore her.
>>You know he's already taken, right?
>>You're going about this the wrong way.
Let me show you.
>>You're going about this the wrong way.
>I can help you.
>I can help you.
>You're going about this the wrong way
>You're going about this the wrong way.
>I can help you.
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Amber Graves 3.png
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Setting down your supplies, you smile and walk over to her. "You're going about this the wrong way."

She seems confused. "What?"

"I can help you, you know."

"But... aren't you and he...?"

You shake your head. "Technicalities. Now, do you want Ben to notice you?"

She huffs and looks away. "As if."

"...Alright, well, to get Ben to notice you wouldn't be too hard. We just need to emphasize your feminine qualities."

"My WHAT?"

"You already like cooking. That's good. But what else can we do?" You walk up to her and look her up and down. "Perhaps a nice dress, or some makeup, or--"

"Stop right there, sister. I'm not gonna wear some dress like a sissy. I'm a warrior. I fight in my armor, I eat in my armor, I sleep near my armor, and if I feel like it I might even fuck in my armor. I do NOT wear DRESSES."

>Try to convince her that Ben would like it
>Shrug, your call then.
>Attempt seduction
>Thrall her
>>Shrug, your call then
>Shrug, your call then.

"Fair enough. Dont let me and Ben keep you up all night"
Then ask him to help you take your armor off.
then you be all manly and gruff and warrior-like, and we'll wear our dresses and see whose bed Ben falls into.
>>Shrug, your call then.
"It would be stupid to wear a dress on the battlefield, right? You've gotta pick the right armor for the fight; metal armor when you're fighting metal swords, and sexy armor for... other... swords."
>Attempt seduction

Oh? And just how does one fuck in armor, I should like to see that
guess that's technically
>Shrug, your call then.
so the choice is that

You shrug. "Fine. I do see your point, though, about your armor."


"It must help you a lot on the battlefield. It would be stupid to wear a dress on the battlefield, right? You've gotta pick the right armor for the fight; metal armor when you're fighting metal swords, and sexy armor for... other... swords."

She blushes hard and returns to her work, grumbling to herself as Merriam enters. Soon enough dinner is prepared and you take a bowl up to Alex, handing it to him. You give him a kiss on the forehead and are about to leave when you hear him say, "Thank you, mommy."

You stop for a moment, then smile and walk downstairs to the dinner table, stopping only to put on your best and most alluring outfit. There, with your allies gathered around you, you make extra effort to attract Ben's attention. It isn't very difficult, and much to Amber's frustration he spends more time talking to you and listening to you than her, even when she tries to get his attention. Merriam and Kay spend most of the dinner in quiet observation, curious about the proceedings.

It gets to a point where Amber gives up and spends the remainder of the dinner with her arms folded, looking away. Ben notices, but this is perhaps the worst time for him to do so. "Something wrong, Amber?"

"NO!" She grabs her bowl and leaves the room.

"I wonder what's up with her?" he says, but then is quickly distracted by you taking his hand and kissing it.

"Nothing," you assure him. "Just womanly concerns." You drink your wine and then plan the rest of your night.

>Foursome: You, Ben, Merriam, Kay
>You and Ben in one room, Merriam and Kay in another
>Get Ben to seduce Amber
>Seduce Amber yourself
>>Foursome: You, Ben, Merriam, Kay
>>Foursome: You, Ben, Merriam, Kay
>>Get Ben to seduce Amber
>>Foursome: You, Ben, Merriam, Kay
>Get Ben to seduce Amber
>Get Ben to seduce Amber
even better, it gets Kay to feel more irrelevent, so he's easily manipulated for praise. Its like omega tier negging.

>Seduce Amber yourself
Gota train her
>>Get Ben to seduce Amber
>Seduce Amber yourself

Suggest Ben, Merriam and Kay get friskey with eachother
ben gets to give her the D when he finaly bets her in a fight, then has here right there and then.
also most likey stop her beening soo bitchy
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As Amber storms out, you give Ben a big kiss, pouring your magic into it. With him in a suggestive state, you begin to whisper things into his ear. You cast several lewd suggestions, and each one takes root as you cement them with magical kisses. Soon enough he knows exactly what to do, takes a big drink and gets up to follow after her.

Merriam and Kay watch him go. "What's that about?" Kay asks.

You stand up and saunter over to the elf. "Don't worry about that. Let's worry instead about what we're going to do about you." Placing your hands on his chest from behind, you throw a wink at Merriam. Her own smile grows.

"I, uh, I'm not sure if I--"

He stops when he sees Merriam get up onto the table and crawl seductively towards him. His eyes grow wide and you grin madly at this delicious display. Merriam doesn't stop and crawls right up to his face, planting her lips on his in a fiery kiss. You sit back and watch her attack the elf, crawling to sit in his lap.

'My, how she's grown. She's even got her own moves and everything!'

>Watch them
>Join them
>Watch Ben and Amber
>Join Ben and Amber
>>Join them
>Watch Ben and Amber
Kay may need a little space still, and I want to see how this first encounter goes.
>Watch Ben and Amber
from another room like a voyeuristic pervert. But sexier.
>Watch Ben and Amber
>>Join Ben and Amber
>>Watch Ben and Amber
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Amber Graves 2.png
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Deciding to give Kay some more space for the night, but also subtly slipping a few suggestions into Merriam's ear, you then slink off to the storeroom where an argument is underway. You crack open the door and watch it unfold with great curiosity.

"Don't act like you weren't all over her, you idiot!"

"What of it? I care about her a lot."

"And all the while you ignore me! I've taught you more than she has!"

"Well, she's taught me a thing or two that you haven't."

"And what is THAT supposed to mean, huh?" she asks, picking up a small box and throwing it at him. "Admit it: you like her more than me!"

"You're making this out like I don't care at all!"

"Well you definitely don't show it!"

Suddenly, Ben moves in close, grabbing her and pinning her up against the wall. She grows quiet and stares up at him.

"Maybe I just wanted YOU to notice ME..." he says, before leaning down and kissing her.

She gives in almost immediately -- and then just as quickly pulls herself back, pushing him off. "You big IDIOT! I already noticed you! You're the one not noticing me!"

"Then maybe we should both shut up and start noticing each other," he says, and she grabs him by the neck and pulls him back down. Kicking herself off the wall, they both bump into a shelf and knock over some precariously-balanced items. A bag of flour falls on Ben, covering him in white.

Amber bursts out in laughter. "Look at you! That wheat almost makes you as pale as you are right now! Hahah!"

He then picks some up and throws it back at her, stopping her laughter. She sneezes and brushes her short hair clean of the stuff, though she can't get all of it. "You IDIOT! You'll pay for that!"

She tackles him to the ground, where they alternate between kissing, biting and disrobing. Ben, following your instructions to the letter, moves to pin her to the floor as she writhes and struggles for control. She headbutts him, then gets on top of him and furiously makes out as she wraps her legs around his waist. In response, Ben gets up and pushes her back up against the wall as she moans, burying her hands in his sandy-blonde hair and pulling on it.

He breaks away from the kiss as she pants, looks him in the eye and says, "I am going to fuck you RAW tonight, you stupid oaf."

"Not if I do you first, you pint-sized strawberry shortcake."


She pushes him back down onto the floor where the struggle continues until they are both naked, half-covered in flour and sweat, and going at it.

And all the while, you keep yourself amused with your "back massager" and watch.
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>The next morning...

Stretching, you get up and get some breakfast. Everyone else in the tower, save for Alex, is quite out of it due to last night.

'I should rename this place from Redford Tower to the Tower of Lust or something,' you amuse yourself as you eat, drink and then get dressed. 'Well, as much as I would like to stick around, I'm all rested up and ready to move on. There's business to take care of! It's high time I dealt with those river pirates and brought them to heel...'

As you open the door, you see Faye standing there. "Hey!" she says with a big grin. "So, anything fun happen yet?"

"Oh, have I got some things to tell you," you say with a smile, putting an arm around her shoulder and walking off.

>Harvest the corpse of the green dragon snake
>Head to the lair of the hags and reunite with Elder Grey
>Head straight to the river pirate gang hideout
>Drop by Digger Mine and get some info on his former gang
>Harvest the corpse of the green dragon snake
>Drop by Digger Mine and get some info on [the vagrant's] former gang

I kinda think we shouldn't fuck with that corpse; it might not be the best idea in case we run into Krom again to have reanimated the dragon he killed.
> Drop by the Digger mine
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We'll continue tomorrow. G'night folks!
>Harvest the corpse of the green dragon snake
>Drop by Digger Mine and get some info on his former gang
>>Harvest the corpse of the green dragon snake
>>Harvest the corpse of the green dragon snake
>Harvest the corpse of the green dragon snake

Faye listens, greatly amused at your tale, especially at the parts concerning Krom, Francis, Ben and Amber. Halfway through your story, however, you suddenly remember the corpse of the green dragon... snake... spawn... beast. It slipped your mind at the time, due to being busy with Krom (and what a handful he was!) but that corpse is ripe for exploitation.

Upon returning to the tower, you teleport to Francis' basement with Faye through use of the Aran teleportation circle and quickly leave, heading northeast. There you find the corpse, lying just as you remember it, but someone else has beaten you to it.

Several dirty-looking hunters scamper about its hide, trying to pry loose scales, teeth and anything useful. These scavengers work messily, one of them chopping into the side of the snake.

"C'mon boys! 'magine the coin this'll bring on the market! Work harder, damnit!"

You and Faye hide behind a rock and consider what to do next.

>Frighten them off
>Make a deal with them
>Attack them
>Attempt to get them in your employ
>Attempt to get them in your employ
Approach them cordially; ask what resources they're gathering in particular.
>>Attempt to get them in your employ
>Attempt to get them in your employ

"Let me handle this," you say to her. "Wait to spring if I need you."

Faye nods, and then silently casts a spell of invisibility. You step out into the open and approach them. "Excuse me," you call out.

Several heads turn. "What? Who is that?" "Never seen her before..." "Careful! She looks like some kinda witch with that hat!"

"Now, boys, I know you weren't planning on looting my property."

"What? We killed this thing!" one of them eagerly shouts.

You put your hands on your hips. "Really now? And which of you used the battleaxe you don't have to deal the killing blow on its head that I personally witnessed?"

They all look at each other, then back to you. One of them approaches to speak for the group. "Big story, lady. Scram. This find is ours even if we didn't kill it."

"I'm afraid not. You see, this creature is mine, and that means its corpse is mine, and if you want to loot it you'll go through me."

He puts on a tough face. "Oh yeah, will we now?"

"I can pay handsomely for some big, strong gentlemen to do the dirty work for me."

His body language changes and he seems to reconsider. "Oh... Well, uh, maybe we could work something out?"

"I'll pay each of you to do what I say and help me dispose of this body. Better than what you would get on the market."

"Five hundred each!" the man says, and the others seem to agree. Six of them comes to three thousand. An amount you have, but is it one you're willing to pay?

>Force them to serve you
>Bargain down
>Pay them their asking fee
>Kill them instead
>Force them to serve you

Hah. Adorable. A bit of thralldom should do the trick
>Bargain down
Leading into
>Force them to serve you
You have to be graceful about this sort of thing.
>>Force them to serve you
>>Force them to serve you
>Bargain down

"Now gentleman, trying to take advantage of a woman, I'll give you one more chance."

If they don't come back with something reasonable

>Force them to serve you
>Bargain down
Instead of letting the town idiot shout random numbers to the sky, how about something realistic.
then if they don't budge
>Force them to serve you

"How about two hundred each?"

The man scratches his chin. "No deal, little girl."

Your smile vanishes. "Two. Hundred. And fifty." You accent your final words with a small, brief hint of your domineering gaze -- which seems to have the desired effect.

"Yeah, uh... Yeah, two-fifty, that'll do. Right boys?'

"But you said--"

"Shut up!" he says. "Now then, uh, miss... What'd you want done, exactly?"

>They will help haul it to Francis' tower
>Scrap it for useful components; scales, teeth, poison sacks
>Kill them and use their souls to fuel a necromantic ritual to reanimate the large snake
>Bring in some servitors, then everyone is going to Aran, where you will enslave them
>Scrap it for useful components; scales, teeth, poison sacks
>Bring in some servitors, then everyone is going to Aran, where you will enslave them
use it or lose it. and we get to establish if anyone would miss them
>Bring in some servitors, then everyone is going to Aran, where you will enslave them
>>Kill them and use their souls to fuel a necromantic ritual to reanimate the large snake
>>Bring in some servitors, then everyone is going to Aran, where you will enslave them
>Kill them and use their souls to fuel a necromantic ritual to reanimate the large snake
>Scrap it for useful components; scales, teeth, poison sacks
Having a band of scavengers and informants in the payroll can only be helpful

"Curl the snake up into a ball, as tightly as you can. Coil it about itself. You shall have help."

"Who?" the man asks.

You cast a simple spell and conjure up several servitors; they proceed towards the snake.

"What kind of trickery magic is this?" the man says. "You said you were going to pay us for work, then bring out your own workers, what is this?"

"You will be paid what you are owed," you reply, and the men get to work. You and Faye, still invisible, work subtly to create a teleportation circle around the snake and the men. When this is done, you turn to one of the servitors and whisper to it. "Send the snake to Xiax'zas, and send the men to Sheldrake."

The lead man turns. "Well? What will it be?"

"Your payment, then."

You raise your hands, speak a few words, and as the rune glows the men only begin to guess at what is happening before they are gone. The rune, written only in dirt and leaves, goes with them as wind gusts through the area. Faye turns visible and clips with glee. "What fun! Are we going to torture them next?"

"No, Sheldrake will handle them. They'll beg to serve us if it means they can go back home. In the meantime, we don't mention them at all; don't want to attract attention to ourselves if they are missed."

"They didn't seem like family men," Faye replies. "I'm sure it'll be fine. We should do it more often!" You give her a stern look. "I mean, not TOO often..."

>Head to the river pirate hideout
>Head to the hags
>Head to Digger Mine
>Search the forest more
>Head to the river pirate hideout
>Head to the river pirate hideout.
>Head to the river pirate hideout
>Head to the river pirate hideout
>>Head to Digger Mine
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Riverside Landing.jpg
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Heading straight west, you find the river and gaze across it at the landing for the pirates. It seems quiet, but every now and then you can see someone moving about, and their ship -- the Azure Serpent, a sleek and fast riverboat -- is still docked there.

"That's the place," you tell her. "I've seen it a few times but always avoided it."

"Until now. So, how do you want to swing this?"

"First thing's first, we need to get across the river. The bridge is further north, but we could just turn into birds or you could have your water elemental take us across."

"Or, idea, why don't you grow wings and fly over the water, crash through their roof, and make a dramatic and intimidating entrance! Maybe kill one or two of them to demonstrate your power, and then demand fealty!"

Your brow slowly raises. 'Points for theatricality...'

>Go with her idea!
>Water elemental
>Go north and sneak across the bridge
>Turn into birds and fly over, then approach the building
>Turn into birds and fly over, then approach the building

Scout the area first. Have her water elementals scout the water around the building(s)
>Turn into birds and fly over, then approach the building
Showing up out of nowhere is just as jarring as showing up loudly, but it won't get us immediately shot by pirates watching us cross.
>>Turn into birds and fly over, then approach the building
>>Go with her idea!
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cedar waxwing vs spider 1.jpg
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"Let's be subtle instead." You call upon your druidic knowledge -- your very limited pool of druidic knowledge -- and transform into a bird. Expecting Faye to do the same, you watch as she instead turns into a spider.

"What the hell?" you caw. "You're supposed to be a bird!"

She waves her forearms and abdomen in a way you can inexplicably understand. "No, no, birds are your thing. I'm a spider."

"Well, this is just great. I'll carry you over." You attempt to pick her up in your talons, but she hops back.

"No way!" she signs. "I'll climb up onto your back."

"We're wasting time! Don't make me peck at you!" you caw threateningly.

She rolls all eight of her eyes and allows you to pick her up. "Just don't damage the goods."

You fly over the river with her in hand, whereupon you both land on the roof of the building.

"So, now what?" she asks.

>Spy for a while
>Turn back into people and sneak inside
>Turn back into people and approach them openly
>One will turn, the other will not
Guys i think we shouldn't OPENLY take control of the pirates... if we enthralled the leader and had him carry out our orders, we cut down on risk of exposure (we're wanted by multiple organizations + the hunter) and still get the benefits.
>>Spy for a while
>>Spy for a while
>Spy for a while
>>Spy for a while
you are right
How would you guys feel if we used them to abduct not only girls for Vincent, but people in general for Aran? Either as new worshipers to swell the ranks, or sacrifices.
Seems like a good idea.
I dig that plan, and what's better, if we get close to getting found out, we could actually look like the good guy by "busting up this evil ring"
that's brilliant thinking anon

Choosing for the time being to remain as animals, you and Faye sneak around the spy on the pirates. The gang itself seems to be about twelve or so strong, all dressed similarly. Their leader, a fairly large fellow by the name of Treca, busies himself on wine and meat while the others keep watch. You catch conversation from two others.

"Carl jumped last week. Leon last month. Two others are talkin' about up and leavin'. Thinkin' about it meself."

"What do we get outta leavin'? Ain't no place gonna take us."

"Ever since them hags stopped comin' for their tribute, we ain't done nothin' but sit an' wait. Gold's almost dried up like every damn bottle of wine the captain takes for 'imself. This ship is sinkin', lad."

"The 'ell are you on about? The ship's right over there, fine!"

He slaps his comrade on the back of the head. "I ain't talkin' literally ya stupid bastard. This gang's goin' nowhere while Treca stays here and drinks us under the table and into an early grave. More'n half the gang we started with is either dead or gone or good as dead once they got taken by them witches."

The other folds his arms. "Yeah, well... Ain't nothin' to be done about that."

You look down at your spider-twin and smile in the way that only a bird can smile -- which isn't really smiling, but still. You've got a plan brewing.

>Kill the captain, take control.
>Poison the captain, frame another.
>Enthrall the captain, use him as a puppet.
>Find a new leader for this crew.
>>Enthrall the captain, use him as a puppet.
>>Enthrall the captain, use him as a puppet.
If we fail to enthrall him THEN we can kill him
>Enthrall the captain, use him as a puppet.

If it fails we can always find a new one. Also he need more men. Tell him to recruit more.
>Find a new leader for this crew.
>kill the captain, frame another.
but frame him as a good thing, the strongest on the power
>Enthrall the captain, use him as a puppet.

Flying down to the window of the captain's quarters, you find him lounging on his large behind, smoking a fat cigar, drinking red wine, eating a fat leg of lamb while a woman pleasures him orally, her head bobbing in his lap while a small chain around her neck jingles; the other end is connected to his wrist with a leather strap. He lets out a sigh and a laugh before puffing, drinking and biting in the span of ten seconds.

'What a revolting specimen,' you think to yourself. 'Is this the kind of scum I want bringing me my spoils and women?'

You look around the room. His door is locked, meaning you could take care of him quickly and without interruption. Still, how to do this with that woman in the room?

>Be friendly; charm
>Dominating gaze
>Magical kiss
>On second thought, kill him
>>Dominating gaze
Shadow it too
>>On second thought, kill him
>On second thought, kill him

Enthrall the woman, have her kill him and declare that she's in charge of the gang now
This works. Perhaps tell her to bite down.
daaaamn, i'll go with this >>1402399
What the fuck.....

She'll have literally no experience or have any real idea of how to do the job.
>Dominating gaze
>>Dominating gaze

That's why we're enthralling her, we'll give her the instructions
We dont know anything about piracy either. Whole point of having him do it for us.
Instructions/=/experience or knowledge anon.

You can't make an experienced pirate just by controlling her mind.

>Dominating gaze
and make him nicer to the lady,
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Bruut Fasebash.png
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Flying into the room and transforming, you waste little time in his surprised state to hit him with a dominating gaze. He shrinks away in fear -- in more ways than one -- as the girl parts from him.

"Look at me," you command him, and he stares into your eyes. Speaking to the girl now, you say, "Pick up that knife and stab him in the throat."

Shakily, she reaches over and picks up the knife, then quickly stabs him. He doesn't move an inch, even when he starts choking; he just continues to stare into your eyes, fear overwhelming all other instincts. He dies as he lived; in a disgusting state. His soul attempts to flee before you but you capture that as well, sealing it for later.

You dust yourself off and look at the girl. She is cowering in the corner, useless and afraid. You blast her free of her chain with an arcane bolt; she quickly hides herself from you.

"I suppose the gang will need a new leader," you muse to yourself. You look over at the captive; she clearly won't do. You might need to hold some kind of review with the rest of the crew and pick the most likely --

Suddenly, there is a loud banging, a banging so loud even you can hear it from within the room. "Oy! Open up! I'm here ta apply!"

Poking your head out the window, you behold a shirtless, tall half-orc with a broad, hairy and scarred chest with a warhammer in one hand. The other pounds on the door some more. One of the brigands answers, whereupon he gets a swift fist in the face. The half-orc strides in. "NOW THEN! I 'erd there were some 'ard boys around 'ere! But all I see is a bunch of little sissies! Wot kinda gang is this, anyway?"

'Wait, don't I know him? I swear I saw him in Bridge Town once before... Ah, well. His timing might just be perfect.'

>Let the gang handle him
>Have the girl run out and declare the leader dead
>Reveal yourself to the gang and the half-orc
>Wait until the half-orc is alone and then speak with him
>Have the girl run out and declare the leader dead

What a waste
>>Wait until the half-orc is alone and then speak with him
Can we animate the leader's corpse, have him stick his arm out then window, and wave the orc in?
>>Have the girl run out and declare the leader dead
>>Have the girl run out and declare the leader dead
>>Reveal yourself to the gang and the half-orc

You look down at the girl with flaring eyes. "Go out there and tell them that he is dead. Do not reveal me, or else."

She nods in fright and runs out after unlocking the door. "He's dead! Captain Treca is dead!" She cries and makes for the door, but the half-orc stops her.

"Ey now, ey now, easy girl. Easy. You done 'im in?" She apparently nods, as his response is, "WELL! Sounds ta me like you boys need new leadership up in here! An' seein' as how I'm the biggest and strongest, I nominate myself. Any seconds?" You watch his shadow as he flexes and then acts as though his muscles are speaking. "'I second!' 'Roight, me too!' Aw, you guys always got me back. SO! What've you lot got to drink 'round 'ere, anyway?"

One of the men stands up, apparently the one he punched. "Now wait a bloody minute. Why the hell should we let you lead us, half-breed?"

Suddenly there is a smack, and the man's head goes flying from his shoulders as the half-orc lowers his now-bloody hammer. The head hits a wall and falls to the floor.

"Now y'know why they call me Bruut Fasebash. The first face bash was a little love tap, it was. That second one there? Not so much, eh? So! Any further objections, mates?"

Silence across the room.


>Pull Bruut into a room
>Animate the body of the (former) captain
>Reveal yourself to the gang
>You and Faye will sneak onto the ship in animal form
>Pull Bruut into a room

He will work for us.
>>Pull Bruut into a room
>Pull Bruut into a room

Let's get him on our side
>>Animate the body of the (former) captain
>>Pull Bruut into a room
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"You get the ship ready, boys, I'm gonna have me some fun!" He walks into the former captain's office with the wench over one shoulder when you slam and lock the door. "What the--?" He turns and drops the wench to the floor, forgotten entirely, when he looks upon you. "Why, 'ello beautiful... How in the hell did this low-end gang snag a bag like you?"

You look down at the girl. "Get out of here." She stands up and scrambles out; no need to have her witness your business with the new leader.

Now you meet his gaze. "They didn't. I'm the one who killed that captain over there."

"I like me a dangerous woman," he says, leaning down to smile in your face. "How do you like your men? Dangerous? Wild? Perhaps a bit o' green to 'em?"

"Calm down, big boy," you say, placing a hand on his chest. "First, we talk business."

"I like me a bit 'o negotiation," he grins, booting the dead man off his chair and sitting down in it. He picks up his old cigar and puffs on it.

"Firstly, I want control of this gang. You can run it, but I want the goods."

He puffs again. "What's in it fer me?" He looks you up and down. "You gonna make it worth my while, I hope?"

"Tell me what you want," you say, sitting on the edge of the table and folding your legs.

"I can think of a few things," he says, raising and lowering his eyebrows. "Course, money's good too. But then I don't really see much of a reason ta hand over some o' the loot to someone who didn't work fer it."

"I can provide all manner of beneficial things. Protection, magic, and no questions asked. We can both benefit... Bruut, was it?"

He smiles a toothy grin. "Ya know it, sugar-tits."

>Call me Sirena.
>That's Mary to you.
>Set the terms
>Seduce him
Thrall 'em
thrall em

Gaze him

Thrall him.

But if he need a name i suggest we use the name "Hag" so if a name does come up they just think the Hags has returned.
>That's Mary to you.
>Thrall 'em
this is better
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With a smirk, you think, 'Thralldom should be simple on a mind like his.' Your eyes seem to glow softly along with your ruby. "Stare into my eyes..." you command him. "Now, do as I say..."

"What? Sorry?" He's too busy staring at your chest.

You roll your eyes and open your shirt, exposing your bust to him. "Now, do as I say..."

"Yes, I will..." he says, as though in a trance.

"You will command this crew, and raid the river and lake to the west. You will raid coastal villages, inland farms, kidnap people from the roads, and bring them here. I only want girls. For every three girls you bring, you may keep one for yourself. Understood?"

He nods dumbly. "Yes..."

"Good. Well, I suppose that if you bring men, that is fine as well, but you are not allowed to keep any unless they swear to join your crew. When you bring them here, you will also leave a portion of all of your treasure that you plunder, at least half. Understood?"

Again, he nods. "Half... Treasure... Plunder..."

"You will bring them to the teleportation circle I will set up in the basement, and send them to me. If you do will, you will be even further rewarded. Understood?"

"Yes, boobie godddess."

>Mark him with your Brand
>Send him off
>Give him a magical gift
>Refine further terms
>>Mark him with your Brand
>Refine further terms
Any children or men unsuitable for pirate work should be sent through the portal as well.

Old men for sacrifices in Aran, children to become new worshipers.
>>Mark him with your Brand
This is good
What power do we receive for making sacrifices?
I think some general buffs, and Damashi mentioned something about free wraiths possibly.
this is nice
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Raven Symbol 3.png
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"In this moment, you are completely loyal to me. You will not deny me anything."

"For you? Nah... Nothin'..."

"You will never betray me or consider the notion. You will do as I say."

"Yeah... Sounds good..."

'Thank the gods for low intelligence,' you think with a grin. "Then with this mark, I make you mine." You place your hand upon his forehead and impart a black tattoo which permanently stains his skin, that of a raven surrounded by thorned vines. As it appears, he becomes connected to you, allowing you to track his location anywhere in the realms and know his current condition.

"Good. Wear a helmet to cover that up from now on."

"Yes... I will."

"Good." You pause for a moment. "Wait, one last thing: any children or men or others who are generally unsuitable for work will also be sent through the portal. Now, go get busy raiding and pillaging like a good boy."

He rises and walks out the door. Faye, having crawled into the corner, pops back into human form. "Nice one!" she compliments your handiwork. "I always love seeing the hypnotic power of the girls at work."

You put your breasts away and shrug. "They have their uses. It isn't easy having such perfection hanging off your chest every day, but we manage."

"That we do! So, now what?"

"Well, first thing's first, we need to set up that teleportation circle in the basement."

"Too easy. Then?"

"Then? Well, I've had my eye on a certain mine for some time now... and a means to double our profits from Digger Mine."

"Oh, that one with the bad luck curse on it? That could be fun!"

>Track the pirates on their first raid
>Leave this place and head home
>Travel to the realm of Aran
>Return to Francis' tower
>Return to Bridge Town
>>Leave this place and head home
>>Track the pirates on their first raid
>Leave this place and head home
>>Leave this place and head home
>Leave this place and head home
>>Leave this place and head home
> Threesome with Faye and the Orc
Can´t help supporting this

After establishing your third teleportation circle of the region in the basement of the river landing, you teleport to Aran and then back to your tower. You part from Faye and walk upstairs, only to encounter Amber, who is surprised but not unpleasantly so, by your sudden appearance. The reason for this becomes apparent soon after. "Well, hello there," she says with a smug grin.

"You seem in high spirits," you say with an air of detached curiosity.

"You could say that," she says, stretching her arms out. "How did you sleep last night? Well, I'd hope, given that you were alone."

You slowly cock a brow and repeat her words, "You could say that."

"Now, me? I wasn't alone. I had a damn good time, too." She sticks her chin up. "Guess armor won out over pretty dresses after all, hm?"

A smile cannot be helped but grace your face. 'She actually thinks she won Ben's affections last night. How adorable.'

>Let her remain deluded, for now
>Establish that you let it happen
>Why fight over him when sharing is more fun?
>Knock her down a few pegs
>>Why fight over him when sharing is more fun?
>Let her remain deluded, for now

Then walk over and give Ben a deep kiss right infront of her.

>Why fight over him when sharing is more fun?

Variety is the spice of life my dear
Get the feeling she would take that as a surrender on our behalf.

"I-im ok with sharing!"
>Let her remain deluded, for now

I see it more as turning it into a non-issue, as it stands the romances are only slightly effecting our cohesion as a group and that has it's heart in the fact that we don't really have to fight over anything
>>Let her remain deluded, for now
>Let her remain deluded, for now
nice dubs

You smirk and shrug. "You're right, I suppose. It seems Ben truly did choose you over me."

Amber holds her head high and strides out. "Try not to be too jealous," she snidely remarks. "After all, it only makes sense for warriors to fall in love with warriors." She walks out the front door, leaving you in the entry hall.

'We'll just see about that,' you think to yourself, utterly unconcerned. After all, Ben was yours first and he'll always belong to you. Amber isn't even aware of his true relationship with his sister, after all. And while you could use a little magic, you prefer her acting this way -- it's more amusing. Soon enough you'll see how useful she truly can be in a fight, and how well she's trained Ben. Those two things will determine how much longer you intend to keep her.

Now comes the time to prepare for the trip north to the mine. You would be capable of leaving today, if you were so inclined -- the supplies should already be stocked and everyone seems in good health. You recall it being but a few hours to the north.

>Gather everyone up and move out as soon as possible; arrive in the evening
>Give everyone some time to prepare, leave tonight and arrive at night
>Leave tomorrow morning, early, to allow everyone a good night's rest and arrive tomorrow afternoon
>Push back the trip by a day or two
>Leave tomorrow morning, early, to allow everyone a good night's rest and arrive tomorrow afternoon
Let's do it when we have daylight.
>>Give everyone some time to prepare, leave tonight and arrive at night
>Gather everyone up and move out as soon as possible; arrive in the evening
>>Leave tomorrow morning, early, to allow everyone a good night's rest and arrive tomorrow afternoon
>>Leave tomorrow morning, early, to allow everyone a good night's rest and arrive tomorrow afternoon
>>Leave tomorrow morning, early, to allow everyone a good night's rest and arrive tomorrow afternoon

Before the next hour reaches you, your allies are gathered in the dining hall of the keep. Ben, Amber, Merriam, Kaylessa, Alex, Faye and Xerro all listen as you lay out your plan to travel northwest to Bad Luck Mine, enter it and clear it of its curse. Your plan is rather simple: find the item that has cursed the mine and get rid of it, or bend it to your will.

"Easier said than done," Amber says with her arms folded. "We don't even know how big that mine is, or just how 'unlucky' it will make us. Plus, we don't even know what might be inside it."

"Xerro knows this mine!" the kobold suddenly pipes up. "Kobolds no go in there. Bad luck for their traps and things. But goblins, goblins no care! They already unlucky so they not notice anything."

Amber shrugs. "I'm down for some goblin-killing. Still, I say we need to take precautions."

"I recommend helmets for everyone," Faye adds in. "Safety first!"

"What manner of bad luck are we talking about?" Ben asks. "If I swing my sword, will it break?"

"Maybe my bowstring will snap or I'll miss every shot," Kaylessa adds in.

"We could trip on a rock or something?" Alex offers.

You hold up a hand. "Regardless of whatever may happen to us, we should clear out the mine. Dangerous things could be lurking in there. Plus, claiming it for our own would be beneficial in a number of ways."

"We do have quite the advantage in numbers by now," Merriam says. "I'd feel safer in a group like this."

"What about Brutus?" Kay asks. "We could go and pick him up."

>Brutus will come along
>Brutus will stay at the farm
>Not everyone here is going; someone should watch the tower
>Only half of our group will go
>Brutus will stay at the farm
>Not everyone here is going; someone should watch the tower
I don't see Kay's bow getting much of a workout in such tight quarters as a mine.
Brutus can tower sit for us, he might be too large for the mine.
>Brutus will stay at the farm
>Not everyone here is going; someone should watch the tower

Would get too crowded. Xerro will stay and watch over the tower, It is his outmost duty and we trust him with this. Guard Tower Xerro!
Xerro needs to drive the cart.
The Cart is still broken i thought

Cart's broken.


It is.
>>Brutus will stay at the farm

And Xerro stays at the as suggested
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"No, Brutus can stay at the farm," you reply. "Xerro, you will stay here and watch the tower." The kobold at first seems disappointed. "Xerro! It's your responsibility. I'm trusting it to you. Understand?"

"Xerro will not fail!" he declares.

"As for everyone else, I want you to be ready to move out tomorrow morning. Gather up whatever things you'll need, and come to me if you have any questions."

Everyone stands up and spreads out to prepare. Merriam is the first one to approach you about supplies; she suggests a few practical things like lanterns or torches. Giving her some money, you send her and Kay off to Bridge Town to pick up a few things.

Alex goes off to prepare prayers and spells for tomorrow while Amber takes to sharpening her sword and polishing her armor. You decide to check up on Ben, when you realize you can't find him or Faye anywhere. Checking your bedroom, you find them both up there in a compromising position; she has him pinned up to the wall and is fiercely kissing him.


She breaks the kiss and looks back. "What?" Ben, apparently enthralled, continues kissing her neck and groping her ass.

"What did I say?"

"C'mon! Don't I ever get a swing at him? You've shared him with almost everyone BUT me! Ever since coming to this world, I haven't had a single man. I have needs, Sirena! Large, dick-shaped needs!" She goes back to making out with him.

You put your hand under your chin and think. 'I need everyone at their best tomorrow morning. If Amber learns about this, she could be distracted or angry. For the sake of cohesion, I might need Faye to hold off...' As you watch Ben carry Faye over to the bed, you're reminded of your earlier 'Tower of Lust' joke. This place really is starting to feel like one of those noble parties from back in the day...

>Keep Faye off of him; this might upset Amber
>Let her have her fun; you'll deal with Amber
>Join them
>Bring Amber up and have her join
>Let her have her fun; you'll deal with Amber
>>Join them
>Join them
>>Join them
Running interference with Amber will keep her on top of her game, since she won't have to find out the stud she bagged last night is now fucking someone else literally the next night.
Right. Changing vote to

>Let her have her fun; you'll deal with Amber
>Let her have her fun; you'll deal with Amber
I agree with >>1404793
we should just keep her in the dark
>Join them
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For a moment, you sit and watch them, tempted to join in. Your mirror-twin rides him wildly, with gleeful abandon, and deciding that she should have her fun, you slip downstairs and shut the hatch behind you. 'After all, I had my fun with Krom. But it is best that Amber doesn't find out about this one,' you think to yourself.

You find her downstairs by the fireplace, sharpening her sword. She doesn't pay you much mind as you sit in the chair alongside the one she sits in.

"So, looking forward to the adventure ahead?"

"It isn't my first," she replies. "Crawled through many a dungeon in my travels."

"Well then, we'll be glad to have you." You lean forward and smile. "I want you to know that I'm not angry about Ben. I think the two of you will be happy together."

She pauses and looks over, giving you a strange glance. "...Really?"

"It's not often that you can find someone you really care about and go so far out of your way to be noticed by. You talk a tough game, but I think you're a big old sweetheart underneath."

Her face grows angry again and she returns to her work. "Yeah, right."

"Come on, it's obvious. You're head over heels for him. There's nothing wrong with admitting to it and owning it."

"I don't care. Feelings are dumb."

"Really then? Well, you won't mind if I take him back for the night, then?"

She shoots you a nasty look. "As if! He's mine now."

"Possessive, aren't we? Certainly seems like you 'feel' strongly about him."

"He's a good fuck. So what?"

"He's not THAT good," you laugh.

At that, Amber actually cracks a smile. "Yeah... He's clumsy. Just like in his swordplay. Hah."

"Though he is rough around the edges, there's 'plenty' of him to love, if you know what I mean," you wink at her.

She lets out another small laugh, then catches herself. "Yeah, well, just remember that he chose me over you. So no funny tricks, alright?"

In your mind, you can practically see Faye on all fours getting rammed from behind at this very moment. "No tricks."

>See what Alex is up to
>Keep trying to make friends
>Start using light thralldom magic on her
>Attempt to seduce Amber
>Relax until morning
>>See what Alex is up to

If the mine is haunted he will probably be the best bet to dispell it.
>>See what Alex is up to
>Attempt to seduce Amber
>Attempt to seduce Amber
>Start using light thralldom magic on her

Yeah this possessiveness needs to be nipped in the bud now, will only lead to issues later on down the line
Would be fine with thralldom, but dont seduce her. We got enough pussy as it is.
>Keep trying to be friends
>>Keep trying to make friends
>Attempt to seduce Amber
>Start using light thralldom magic on her
>Attempt to seduce Amber

>See what Alex is up to
Y dont any one want to see alex?
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Placing your hands on your lap, you lean back into the chair and ask her, "Tell me, is Ben your first lover?"

"The hell is that supposed to mean? You think I can't get a man?"

"Calm down. Just a question. Ben certainly wasn't my first, but you always feel something of a fondness for the first one to claim you." Briefly, in the back of your mind, you think of that young noble lad from back when you were sixteen before Amber's response snaps you out of the past and back to the present.

"No, he isn't my first."

You smile. "Any women on that list?"

"No," she says firmly.

"Have you ever thought about it?"

"No," she says again, just as firmly.

Wiggling your fingers slightly, you ask again, "Come on, you can tell me. We're all friends here."

Her expression softens as your charm spell begins to take hold. "I said no, but..."


"Once I was at a tournament, and the winner was a woman. I didn't even know it until she lifted her helm and walked up to the crowd to give me a flower. She was an amazing warrior... inspired me to become what I am. I never thought about being with another woman, but her... She made me feel funny." She pauses for a moment, then snaps at you, "And if you ever tell anyone that, I'll break your nose!"

"Your secrets are safe with me," you promise her. "But you know, you don't have to spend the rest of your life wondering. Especially here, with how close we all are." Your eyes twinkle as your ruby sparkles; she stares into your eyes, entranced. "Wondering what it feels like, what it tastes like. It's a fruit that should be plucked, at least once. Just to try it. And you wouldn't have to try it alone, either... Perhaps alongside someone familiar? Like Ben?"

Amber says nothing, she merely stares. Her sword, forgotten at this point, suddenly falls from her lap and makes a loud noise, startling her out of your spell.

"Think about it," you whisper before slipping away.

Upstairs, you walk in on a very sweaty Ben and Faye. He is asleep while Faye is cleaning herself off. She slips into a robe, stands up and gives you a kiss. "Thanks. You want a go?"

"No, I just need to get him into Amber's room for the night so she doesn't suspect anything."

"Any progress made?"

You wink. "A little."

You and Faye use your magic to get Ben into her room, where he falls asleep. Before dark, Amber retires and Kay and Merriam return. Everything is ready for tomorrow. Briefly, you see Alex to sleep, tuck him in and give him a little kiss, wishing him sweet dreams. You and Faye settle into bed, arms around each other as you both drift off to sleep.


Next morning, you round everyone up and prepare to leave.

>Summon horses
>Use your fly spell to get there early
>Have Kay scout ahead and make sure the path is clear
>Have Kay scout ahead and make sure the path is clear

>Have Kay scout ahead and make sure the path is clear
>Summon horses
>Have Kay scout ahead and make sure the path is clear
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1MB, 3558x2376px

Heading north, you send Kay on ahead to scout. You reach the river and head straight west, remembering well the mine's location. About halfway there, Kay comes back and reports no activity that seems dangerous, and with the way clear you proceed onwards.

At about mid day, you stand before the entrance to the mine. Ben and Merriam hand out helmets to everyone who needs one, just in case. He approaches you and places one in your hands. "No matter what happens in there, I'll protect you," he promises.

"I know," you reply with a warm smile. "I'm counting on it." Nearby, Merriam and Alex work to cast blessings of protection and luck upon everyone.

With lanterns, torches and other items ready, you and your party prepare to descend into the mine. First thing's first, you and Faye cast a number of divination spells in an attempt to learn what dangers may lie ahead.

"There are definitely beasts," Faye confirms. "Animals, mostly... There doesn't seem to be any powerful magic-users or magical beasts. Definitely no golems."

You turn to your twin, who is more well-trained in the arts of seeing without seeing, and ask, "What of the item? Is it still in the chest?"

"Still locked away, yes. I also see... Gold. Not just coins, but in the walls. Gold and gems aplenty, as well as other metals. This mine extends into a rich natural cavern waiting to be exploited."

"But we need to find that cursed item first," you reply. "Alright, let's get to it."

>Roll 1d100 please.
>>Have Kay scout ahead and make sure the path is clear
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 56 (1d100)

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Map 1.png
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After descending downwards into the first large chamber, you immediately hear noise from nearby. Merriam points her hooded lantern and shines it upon a nearby wall covered in strange egg sacks. Small insects scatter from the light.

"What are those?" Ben asks.

His answer comes in the form of the ground shifting at your feet! You all look down as large insects with scythe-like mandibles begin to emerge -- ankhegs! There are two large specimens, bigger than a man, and about a half-dozen smaller ones. Prepare for combat!

>Remember our new spells!
>Current Shadow Points: 3

>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Grasping Tentacles from all the walls.
Rolled 94 (1d100)

gust of wind them away from our party's legs.
Rolled 48 (1d100)


Fayse summons an elemental of earth!
Rolled 55 (1d100)


Forceful Noose to pull them from the ground
Rolled 17 (1d100)


Fayse summons an elemental of fire
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>Setting off a fire in a mine shaft
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Raising your hands, you immediately cast grasping tentacles on a nearby wall. They emerge and reach out, ensnaring one of the smaller creatures which struggles to escape.


As Ben plunges his sword towards the face of one of the larger beasts, you raise your hands and create a gust of wind. The sudden burst of air kicks up dirt, rocks and carries away the smaller ones, one of which is ensnared by the same tentacles to join its brother.


Amber shouts and charges forward, joining Ben in hacking at one of the larger ones while Faye summons up her small earth elemental. She uses it to launch rocks at the smaller creatures, smashing one of them like a, well, bug.


You look down and see another one emerging from the dirt that your gust missed; you wrench it forth with a forceful noose to get it within attack range. Kaylessa then shoots it with an arrow, pinning it to the floor. He then launches another at one of the larger beasts.


The other large creature then descends on Faye, attempting to pin her and eat her! You look over as Alex and Merriam combine their spell to create a burst of light that blinds the insect and allows her a chance to escape with but a scratch on her leg.


Next, as the beast reels backwards, you shove a fireball down its open mouth and set its throat aflame, burning it from within. You look over and see Ben and Amber successfully hack the other adult down, chopping into its carapace. Ben lifts his shield and slams it down on its head, smashing it in. He stands back, bug guts gripping from his shield and sword, as the young ones scamber. You command your tentacles to crush the two in their grasp, squeezing them out from between the constricting apendages.

You help Faye to her feet. Everyone is on guard, but it seems like the others are all either dead or retreated. Ben suddenly looks down at his sword, which is bubbling slightly. "What the?"

"Acid," Amber says, taking out a flask and pouring it onto the sword.

"Is it damaged? That's my father's," he asks desperately.

"I know. Relax. It didn't wear down the metal... You're lucky."

>Burn the eggs
>Inspect the eggs
>Move on
>Set up a safe zone/fallback point/camp here and establish defenses
>Inspect the eggs
Our bag of holding should suspend them and would be a safe place to tuck them away
>Set up a safe zone/fallback point/camp here and establish defenses
>Inspect the eggs
>Set up a safe zone/fallback point/camp here and establish defenses
>>Inspect the eggs
>Set up a safe zone/fallback point/camp here and establish defenses
>>Inspect the eggs

>Burn the eggs
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Map 2.png
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After ensuring that the only two ways out of this chamber are to go back the way you came or proceed onwards, you instruct your allies to clear the area and make it defensible. They go to work, moving away the bodies of the insects and setting up torches and other fortifications while you and Faye approach the wall of eggs; you count about a dozen or so.

"Disgusting things," Faye says, casting a healing spell on her leg. "We should smash these."

"Now, now, they can be useful. Don't be too hasty in discarding these creatures."

Kaylessa walks up and looks at the eggs as well, but something catches his eye down low. "There's a tunnell here," he says, crouching down. He pushes aside some of the eggs and looks. "These burrowers worked it through the mud and the stone to another chamber beyond, about ten or twenty feet or so. Either that or it was already here and they covered it up."

"Good eyes, my elven friend. What do you see on the other side?"

"Hmm... Looks like a pool of water. Some black tar-looking stuff on the floor. Hard to see with so little light." He sniffs. "I smell something foul, though... I can't tell what it is from this distance. A bit like something rotten."

"Mushrooms, perhaps? Or dead bodies?"

"Leaning more towards the latter on that one."

Ben and Amber walk up. "We've got this place secure," he reports. Nearby, Alex casts a spell of light to add on the ceiling near the entrance to cast some extra illumination upon the area. "Should we move on?"

>Head west, primary cavern path
>Head south, ankeg tunnel
>Wait here for a while
>Cast some spells

>Head south, ankeg tunnel
>>Head south, ankeg tunnel
This is probably a terrible idea
>>Head south, ankeg tunnel
>Head south, ankeg tunnel
>Cast some spells
Eyes in the Darkness
do >>1405913
and check the other side fo the south tunnel

This as well and our Stealth Spell
Darkvision isso good too
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Map 3.png
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Gathering your allies close, you and Faye work to bestow a gift of stealth upon them with your magic spell. You then also grant them and yourself darkvision, and one-by-one you send them through the tunnel southwards.

On the other side, you discover a pool of water, only a few inches deep, surrounded by small bits of oil on the floor. At first everyone is careful to avoid disturbing anything, but as Merriam and Faye are coming through, he steps on some of the oil and slips. When he slides and hits the ground, it breaks away beneath him, revealing that these oil spills cover -- or are at least nearby -- concealed pits of filthy water!

Amber immediately goes to help him, but she also slips and falls into a pit. You are about to curse them both when you step forward, and some oil that you are certain was not there a second ago sends you tumbling down to the ground and into a pit of your own!

'Gods damn this place already,' you think as you sit up in the small pool of oily murky water. 'Bad luck indeed...'

Then, you hear the moaning. Kaylessa, who was about to help you, looks up. "Undead!" he calls out, bringing up his bow. They were apparently both what he smelled earlier and drawn to the noise your falling made.

'Fantastic,' you mutter.

>Current Shadow Points: 3
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Try to assume direct control.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

take control of them
Rolled 70 (1d100)

assume control part tres
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>take control of them
Rolled 94 (1d100)

take control of them
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73KB, 640x875px
Got to get to bed, folks. G'night.

It's rotgrub-infested zombies, btw, just a head's up
and night
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These were the only two in the ten-minute time limit, but given the circumstances I'm going to allow the next few rolls, and I'll extend the limit to fifteen minutes due to the nature of when I am running.

You struggle to climb out of the pit, but the walls are slippery. You hear Alex and Kaylessa above working to stem the flow of undead, and grunt to yourself in frustration before activating your wind form and bursting out of the hole with a push of air. When you land, you get a good look at these corpses; they are bloated and walk in a stilted fashion, a bit different from usual undead. The surface of their skin ripples and shifts as though something, or indeed a great many somethings, are beneath it.

Alex casts a holy lance that cuts one of the undead in half, right up the middle, but this proves less than desireable as the body's repurposed function is then revealed; these undead are walking nests of rot grubs. These corpse-maggots pour out onto the floor in a great wave, wriggling and writhing, drawn to the light and heat of your bodies. "Look out!" Kaylessa shouts, hopping back. Amber, nearby, manages to get out of her hole before the maggots reach her, but Ben is not so lucky. You look on as several of the creatures fall into his hole, with more threatening to pour inside.

You waist no time from there, raising your hands and casting several firebolts in rapid succession. This burns away most of the group, and Alex joins you in casting a ray of holy fire that utterly annihilates the first wave. More undead, four in total, approach, but these are easily controlled. While you cannot stop the rot grubs within them, you can manipulate the dead bodies they inhabit, and so you take command of them and urge them back. Faye comes in with her fire elemental, Sparky, who cleans up the rest of the rot grubs.

Ben climbs out of his hole, and several of the maggot-like monstrocities can be seen on him, searching for his skin. "Get them off!" he shouts, making the situation worse by not calming down. As you keep the undead at Bay, Amber and Kaylessa work to remove any of the attached grubs from his armor and skin. Alex casts a spell of cure disease, which will kill any that managed to burrow inside of him. Faye has her fire elemental sweep the area for more grubs, and everyone begins to check themselves. Just one unnoticed grub, whose bite is not felt due to the secretions of its hide, can become a serious issue.

>Burn the corpses and the grubs within them
>Attempt to capture a number of the grubs
>Put the rot grub zombies in the pits to save them for later
>Take some time to search everyone for bites
>Burn the corpses and the grubs within them

Ew ew ew ew ew!
>>Burn the corpses and the grubs within them
>Take some time to search everyone for bites
Oh yeah and also
>Take some time to search everyone for bites
>Burn the corpses and the grubs within them
>Take some time to search everyone for bites
>Burn the corpses and the grubs within them
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Map 4.png
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You, Faye and Alex work to herd the undead into a tight area up against the wall, and then all three of you unleash fire upon them. Every rot grub in the nests of their bodies is incinerated, particularly from Alex's holy fire and Faye's larger fire elemental. Meanwhile, Kaylessa uses his keen eyes to check everyone else for bites, but finds none after several minutes.

Looking ahead, you see a green pool of bubbling liquid, as well as strange clouds hanging around in the chamber beyond, concentrated around curious mushrooms on the floor and ceiling. Faye holds you back. "Poison," she divines. "And the pool is acid."

Your arcane sight reveals no magic to these obstacles, but it would be nearly impossible to circumnavigate the pool of acid without dealing with the clouds of poison gas. Unless, of course, you had some magical means to deal with them...

>Attempt to get past the poison and acid
>Use your wind powers to make the way safe
>Dimension Door the group to the other side (Daily Spell)
>Shadowstep (only you and Faye can use this spell)
>GO BACK the way you came, explore westwards
>Other (Perhaps check the spellbook for ideas? https://pastebin.com/3KtAZiTt)
>>Use your wind powers to make the way safe
depending on how dense the gas actually is, this should work quite nicely.

>Use your wind powers to make the way safe

BLow that shit away.
gust of wind a couple time to get the poison out of the way.
Oh adding to >>1408425

Gather a few mushrooms if we can.

1d100s, please.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

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Map 5.png
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Transforming back into your wind form, you blow the poison away and allow everyone to get past. Faye uses her small wind elemental, the owl, to assist you in keeping the poison from accumulating. As everyone sneaks by the acid, careful not to disturb it, a rock suddenly falls from the ceiling and lands inside of it, creating a splash. Everyone freezes in horror and then pauses... thankfully, not a single person was hit by the acid.

But it was close. Some small hissing drops can be seen along the wall.

"Lucky..." Ben mutters.

"Could've been the opposite," Kay notes. "But perhaps we have something with us that is counter-acting the bad luck curse..."

Your thoughts suddenly drift to your coin. It is an item of luck -- could it be that, around you, the group truly is safer?

Past the pool of acid and mushrooms of poison, your party enters a large, wide chamber with, thankfully, nothing in it -- nothings that wants to kill you, anyway. You search the walls and floors and come to discover several things that are evidence of prior passage through this chamber by others: footprints, discarded bones and broken chains along with bits of clutter.

"Look at this," Kay says, looking up at a wall. There is writing there in what looks like black charcoal or some similar material. He reads aloud, "Symas and his men died here. There was nothing left for them."

Alex says a small prayer.

"I see something down this passage," Amber says, drawing your attention south. You see it too -- fire. Up ahead, you can see bits of red reflects on the walls, light from a fiery source.

"Did anyone hear that just now?" Merriam asks at the opposite end of the chamber. Ben walks up to her protectively. "I heard a strange clicking noise... There it is again!"

"I heard it as well," Ben whispers.

>Go North, clicking noises
>Go south, fire
>Go back the way you came
>Wait here for the time being
>>Go south, fire
>Go south, fire
>Go south, fire
>Go North, clicking noises

Always clear your rear before advancing, I don't want to be caught between two forces

Proceeding south with caution to those noises in the north, your group comes upon a large brazier burning with old meals and bones lying about. That's when you see a fat, snoring goblin. He wakes up, blinks and looks at you. He hops up to his feet. "Ah! Intruders!"

Amber holds up her sword. "Finally. I've been waiting for this!"

Suddenly, a wave of green gas emerges from within the chamber beyond, a horrible stench that is so god-awful that your entire party is stopped in its tracks. At first you fear poison, and clasp a cloth to your mouth and nostils, but then you realize it is just a spell... a smell spell.

Three goblins have appeared in the entryway to the chamber, one short, one tall (for a goblin) and one fat, each wearing filthy mage-like robes, colored red, blue and green respectively. Their skin is a dull greyish blue, indicating they are related to the lake goblin tribes not far west, not unlike those you freed from enslavement under the old Digger patriarch.

"Hold it right there!" the short one says. "You may pass no further!"

The blue one looks down at the red one. "It's a dead end anyway, idiot."

"Well I'm bettin' THEY didn't know that until you said it, git!"

"Do you have any food?" the green one asks.

"Silence!" The red one steps forth. "What is your business here? Did the other goblins send you to kill us? Because we will defend ourselves! You saw -- and smelt -- Moldy's spell. All three of us are POWERFUL spellcasters! We will set upon you a fire and storm and smell unlike any you've ever dreamt of!"

Slowly, your brow raises in amusement. 'Spellcasters, eh?'

>I am a spellcaster and now you work for me.
>What other goblins?
>You think yourself powerful? Please.
>We have not come to harm you.
>I am a spellcaster and now you work for me.

You now work for me.

Probably useful for something.
>What other goblins?
>I am a spellcaster and now you work for me.

"I'll get you a steady supply of food."
This >>1408543
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Map 6.png
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You put a hand on Amber's shoulder and hold her back as you step forward. "I, too, am a spellcaster," you tell them. "And now you work for me."

The green one seems confused. "Wait, we do?"

The red one scoffs. "Yeah, right, lady!"

The blue one scratches his chin. "What's your offer?"

"Hey!" the red one protests.

"I can offer you food," you say, and the green one nods eagerly, "and higher forms of magic," and the blue one nods eagerly. You look at the red one. "Seems I have two of you on board. What about you?"

Amber rolls her eyes. "You can't be serious. Recruiting? Here?"

"They know this place better than we. Plus, if you're so hell-bent on goblin slaying, I believe one of you mentioned there being more goblins?"

"Two clans!" the blue one says. "They've been fighting over territory for the longest time. Each of them wanted us to help, but we weren't trusted. Those goblins are idiots, brutes! Not like us. We're geniuses."

The green one burps loudly.

You smile. "So I see... What are your names?"

"I am Scoldy," the blue one says. "This rotund fellow is Moldy, and the shortstack here is--"

"Oh, no you don't! I never agreed to anything!"

"...is Toldy."

Toldy the Red looks up at you. "If you want to hire me, I want women! Goblin women! Goblin ladies of all sizes, shapes and shades!"

"Aren't you charming," you say, forcing a smile. "That can be done. Now you work for me, and you will help us clear these mines."

"Do we give her our treasure?" Moldy asks, and Toldy stomps on his foot.

"Treasure? What treasure? We have no treasure, no ma'am," he says.

>Hand it over.
>Keep it, do as you will, but we're moving on.
>Tell me more about the dangers in these mines.
>What do you know of the curse on this place?
>Hand it over.
>Tell me more about the dangers in these mines.

We take half the treasure
>Show me your treasure; if it is of no use to me, you may keep it.
>>Tell me more about the dangers in these mines.

Check that treasure up. It might very well be the cursed artifact.
>Show me your treasure; if it is of no use to me, you may keep it.
>Tell me more about the dangers in these mines.

Well now we're all in this together and we distribute our treasure out so that those who need it most can use it

"Show it to me. It may be what we are looking for."

After some more prodding, they take you to their chest, which is "hidden" by a very obvious blanket thrown over it. They open it up and you look inside.

>54 gold
>722 silver
>512 copper
>2 x Small Blue Quartz (38 gp each)
>2 x Small Rhodochrosite (45 gp each)
>Uncut Banded Agate (28 gp)
>Uncut Rhodochrosite (31 gp)
>Small Bag of Incense (72 gp)
>+1 Magic Wand (360 gp)

"This is it? This is all you have?"

"But look at all those coins! We're rich!" Moldy exclaims.

"Most of that is copper and silver." You nearly facepalm and sigh.

>Take it
>Take half of it
>Take some of it
>Take none of it
>>Take some of it
Don't want them to get too pissy.
>Take the wand and the incense
"The wand we can use for magic, and the incense... for the smell."
>Take half of it
That one.

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92KB, 241x185px

You pick up the bag of incense and wand, placing them on your person. "The wand we can use for magic, and the incense... for the smell."

Turning towards them, you ask, "Now, tell me about the threats down here in these caves."

The blue one gives you the rundown. "The two tribes fight all the time, killing and kidnapping each other. There's two bosses, big goblins, and they hate each other. Then there are the giant ants."

"What do we have to go through to get to the cursed artifact down here?"

"The giant ants... and one of the goblin tribes. But mostly the ants. They live in the part of the caves, the deepest part, that nobody goes to. Too many bugs and traps, that's where things go from bad to worse."

Moldy pipes up, "So we just stay up here, eating mushrooms and junk!"

Toldy the Red then adds, "Those two chiefs? Thems brothers. Hate each other. Think a girl got between them or something but there will never be peace between them so long as one of them lives."

You then ask, "How big are these tribes?"

The blue one, Scoldy, scratches his head. "Hard to say. Numbers come and go. At their strongest, maybe twenty? Fifteen? Each, mind you."

"And what of these giant ants. Do they have a queen?"

"Supposedly, but nobody's ever seen her. She'd probably be deep, deep in the mine."

You look back at the others. "Well, if we're going to make this place our own, we'll have to take care of that problem."

Scoldy then speaks up. "And that's not even mentioning some of the other stuff that lives down here. The giant spiders, the burrow-bugs, rot-grubs, old traps... It's a nasty place, but hey, it's home."

>Take me to the goblin tribes.
>Take me to the ants
>Take me to the spiders
>Let's go back to the entrance.

>Take me to the goblin tribes.
>Take me to the ants
>Take me to the spiders
all the intel time
>Take me to the goblin tribes

Cannon fodder
>Take me to the goblin tribes.

Let's try to mediate their conflict, have them sit tight while we clear out the rest of the mine, they get a safe place to live and a steady supply of food and we get some miners to work in the newly opened mines (worst case scenario we just thrall the two goblin leaders and force them to give these orders anyways)
>>Take me to the goblin tribes.
>Take me to the goblin tribes.
We bring them to Aran and turn them into Shadow Goblins and use them to create an army.
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48KB, 400x269px

"Take me to these goblins," you command them. "I will deal with them."

"Oh! Are we going to try diplomacy?" Alex asks. "That would be wonderful if we could get them to stop fighting!"

Amber grumbles. "I'd rather we try the OTHER kind of diplomacy... the kind with swords."

You pat her shoulder. "Now, now. Perhaps we can do something about these goblins, but those ants should be plenty fine for you to cut down."

The three goblins go on ahead, arguing amongst themselves about some inane thing. They continue to do so as they blunder right into the path of several large insects making clicking noises with their mouths; the ones you heard earlier. They shout and run back towards you, screaming, "Save us, boss!"

You roll your eyes and look at Amber. "See? Plenty of bugs to cut down."

>Current Shadow Points: 3
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Cast: Create Illusion

To distract the beasts
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Arcane blast
Rolled 87 (1d100)


Arcane Bolt
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Rolled 78 (1d100)

tentacles to crush the bugs
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198KB, 480x202px

You attempt to conjure up an illusion, but one of the syllables slips and your spell fails. The kruthik beasts, scuttling forward on all jagged fours, leap at your party, one of them leaping on top of you! You feel a sharp pain as you are scraped by their talons.

>Health: 90%


As your allies engage the others, you blast the one on top of you off and it falls to the side with a smoking hole through its carapace.


Sitting up, you attempt to cast out a web on the floor, but another creature attacks you, stabbing your leg and causing the words to halt in your mouth as you shout. Ben notices and charges up to you, slicing off the offending limb and pulling you back.

>Health: 80%


In your rage, you summon up tentacles before you, which catch two of them. Their hides, however, are much stronger than those other creatures you encountered. These ones curl into a hardened ball, a spiked shell your tentacles cannot crush. It does, however, hold them in place for Amber and Kaylessa to fire arrows off into.

>Current Shadow Points: 3
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 84 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Forceful Noose
Rolled 6 (1d100)


Drain Life
Rolled 54 (1d100)

drain life
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Map 7.png
185KB, 3651x3651px

Loosening a firebolt, you burn one of them as Merriam casts a defensive ward that blocks two from attacking Alex, who is preparing a longer spell. Faye and Kaylessa lay down further ranged support as Ben and Amber work to hack and slash at the hard-armored chitin shells of the beasts.


As one of the creatures scuttles back from Amber and Ben, wounded, you cast a noose of force out and pull it back, allowing them to chop at it and stab through the gaps in its armor. It clicks madly and dies as they both move onto the next few.


You are about to use your drain life spell when Alex finishes his longer spell, creating a flash of white that neither harms nor blinds any of you. The bugs scuttle away suddenly in great fear and peril, retreating back into the caves, up walls and into holes. All goes quiet as the party looks at Alex.

"I called upon them to run away," he explains. "They listened."

The goblins run up to the front and taunt the bugs. "Yeah, that's right! Run away! Get outta here you lot!" Moldy kicks a dead kruthik, causing his foot great injury. He bumps into Scoldy who bumps into Toldy, who then slaps Scoldy in anger and error for thinking Scoldy had intentionally done bumped into him. Scoldy then slaps Toldy and when the short red one winds up a reply, Scoldy ducks and Moldy takes the hit.

"A lot of help you three were," you reply, walking up to them. "Now lead on before I lose my patience for goblins and their antics."

"We helped!" Toldy insists. "You just didn't see us cast any of our spells."

Before you can reply, you hear a scream in the darkness up ahead and the clashing of blades. Soon, those two sounds are echoed multiple times.

"Oh, the tribes are fighting," Scoldy notes. "This way, big magic lady!"

Your party follows the goblins into a very large cavern where thick mist is everywhere. "This is the foggy room," Scoldy explains. "This is where all the fighting gets done, because it's halfway between both of their territories!"

You can vaguely make out images within the fog, small figures fighting each other. "How do they even know who is friend or foe?"

"They don't!" Toldy laughs. "That's half the fun of it!"

>Let the battle play out
>Interrupt the fighting
>Seek out the two goblin bosses
>Blow away all this damn mist
>>Let the battle play out
>>Blow away all this damn mist
>>Interrupt the fighting
>Dominating Gaze
>Seek out the two goblin bosses
>Blow away all this damn mist
>Interrupt the fighting
>Seek out the two goblin bosses
Nicely put.
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133KB, 1600x654px

Returning to your wind state, everyone stands back as you conjure forth a great wind to clear the area. All the goblins, perhaps thirty or so of them, are revealed, some of them suddenly realizing they were fighting friends or family members. All turn towards you as your eyes begin to glow. "YOU WILL CEASE!" you shout, your voice ringing through the caverns into the deep reaches of the mine. The goblins panic silently but do not move, other than shaking in fear as you cast your eyes upon them. "YOU WILL SERVE!" is your next command.

Behind you, your allies watch in wonder and, for some of them, worry as you force the goblins to kneel. Your call, however, has roused the leaders of these two tribes and they come forth, blue in skin and larger than their subordinates. One of them stands tall, but the other, upon seeing you specifically, falls to his knees. "It's you!" he shouts. "The one from the mine to the south! You!"

Your eyes narrow and you tilt your head. "You were one of those from Digger mine?"

He looks up, but upon meeting your gaze averts his. "Yes, yes! I came here after being freed! My brother has refused to let us make this our home!"

"That's because this is MY home now! You and your idiots allowed yourselves to be taken by that vampire, so you don't derserve to live here any longer!"

You gaze upon this other brother, and though he is afraid, he continues to hold his ground. "I ain't afraid of you!" he says. "Goblins, goblins, goblins! Quit this kneeling! Stop it right now!" You intensify the power and he begins to shake, his voice becoming more uncertain. He is either very brave or extremely stupid; the latter is more likely.

>Let Amber kill him.
>Force him to serve you.
>Have his goblins turn upon him.
>Make him kill himself.
>Have his goblins turn upon him.
>Make him kill himself.

Have the rest transported to Aran
>Keep the gaze on him, amp up the power and use illusions of fire
"You can choose to serve, goblin... or you can choose to burn"
maybe we shouldn't reveal aran around amber and alex just yet huh? i don't think they know we're witch queen, seems kind of unwise to tip that card for some little goblins
No one in the party knows we're the Witch Queen, I'm fairly certain.
Ofcourse. We will not bring up Aran rght now, but later.
Glad we're on the same page. I don't even think we need to send the gobbos to Aran, if we can have them work the mine for us and pay them in food it'll be cheaper than using the diggers and we won't have to split any loot
>>Make him kill himself
I need 1d100s.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)

Have a roll.
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 13 (1d100)

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259KB, 1100x1593px

You gaze upon him and stand forward; the goblins scamper away as you do, except for the one you stare at. Raising your hand, you focus your power into your dominating gaze and command, "Take out your knife." Shakily, he does so. "Now, cut your throat."

"Mary!" Alex shouts out in protest, but Merriam holds him back.

Slowly, the goblin does just that, cutting his throat. He stands, choking and gasping for a moment, before he falls over dead. You look upon the rest of the goblins and they seem to immediately fall in line.

"What the hell was that?" Amber says, stepping forward.

"Mary, that was wrong!" Alex protests. Merriam doesn't hold him back this time, allowing him to run forward.

As you turn back and your eyes return to normal, you see the looks upon their faces. They are mixed, but none of them show approval (except for Faye), especially Amber. "You care so much for goblins, now?"

"Goblin or not's got nothing to do with it. How would you like it if someone forced you to slit YOUR throat?" Amber asks in an accusatory tone. She looks back at Ben. "How about you, Ben? Would you rather die fighting or be forced to kill yourself?"

Before he can answer, Alex runs between you and them. "Wait, everyone, wait!" He looks up at you. "Mary... Was this because of... the 'darkness'?"

Slowly, you nod. Alex looks back at them. "When Mary was transported to that plane of evil and darkness while we were exploring the Redford crypt, she brought back a shard of darkness within her. I fear that it is beginning to influence her actions..."

Taking advantage of the trustworthy cleric's defense of you, you admit, "This is true. I've kept it a secret, but..."

Ben's expression softens to one that is more sympathetic. "I thought I rescued you from that place."

"You did," Alex explains. "But this evil shard is stuck within her."

Amber slides away her sword. "So, what? Over time it will corrupt you? Are you some kind of lit fuse waiting to go off?"

"I am NOT evil," you insist.

Amber isn't convinced. "Right, only good people make others slit their necks wide open and use mind control."

Faye walks up. "Now, now, let's not be too hasty. Look at those other goblins." Everyone looks at the goblins, cowering in fear, waiting for your commands. "None of us are hurt. Only one of them got hurt, and come now Amber, you've killed plenty of goblins and other creatures, right?"

Alex attempts to further add on, "We're trying to find a way to rid Mary of this darkness, before it goes too far. I think... given the circumstances, even though I don't like it... this could have been worse."

>I didn't mean to do it.
>It was efficient, like Faye said.
>I'm sorry I kept this a secret.
>I only did it to free the other goblins.
>I'm sorry I kept this a secret.
>I only did it to free the other goblins.

And we have a perfect place to put them where they can be safe and sound.
In times like this there's only one solution

Crocodile Tears
>I only did it to free the other goblins.
This and
>I only did it to free the other goblins.
Changing my vote to

>I didn't mean to do it.
>I'm sorry I kept this a secret.
>>I didn't mean to do it
Dont think we should admit to doing it on purpose.
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312KB, 1000x500px

"I didn't mean to do it quite so..." your voice trails off. "But I had our best interests in mind, and I wanted to free the goblins from all this fighting. It's better that they work towards a common goal than constantly bickering."

"Kind of like us!" Faye says, trying to piggy-back off your words.

"The point is, I'm sorry I kept this a secret from everyone."

"I am too," Alex says. "It wasn't right. You all should have known about this potential danger."

You place a hand on his shoulder. "As long as I have friends by my side, I won't succumb to the darkness." You look up at Ben and add, "They'll save me."

He smiles and Alex places his hand on yours. Kaylessa looks over at Merriam, who is also smiling, though he and Amber carry neutral expressions.

"Let's just get going," Amber suggests. "We've still got stuff to do, right?"

"Wait!" some of the goblins call out. They drag out their chests of loot from both tribes.

"Now this is more like it," Amber says, and Kaylessa shares her sentiment. Your party looks over the loot.

>3976 gp
>3 x Chalcedony (470 gp each)
>2 x Carnelian (350 gp each)
>2 x Jasper (360 gp each)
>Uncut Moonstone (330 gp each)
>+2 Dwarven Armor Chainmail (2600 gp)
>Hunter's Headband (2600 gp) (Magical Item: Bonus towards finding food/foraging above or below ground)
>Lens of Reading (2600 gp) (Magical Item: Allows instant translation of texts if read through this lens)
>Silver Buckle (790 gp)
>Small Vial of Exotic Perfume (880 gp)
>Fox Fur Ribbon set with Moss Agate (610 gp)
>Lacquered Wooden Miniature (of a Temple) set with Banded Agate (620 gp)

"So, how are we splitting this up?" Kay asks. "Is our old deal still in effect? Because we have a lot more people here than we used to..."

"Mary's in charge of this expedition," Merriam says. "She should decide how it gets split up."

"I didn't come up here for nothing," Amber replies. "I like that armor..."

>Everyone gets an even share of the gold and gems
>Everyone can share the gold, you keep the rest
>This all goes in the vault for later
>Hand out some of the items
>Everyone can share the gold, you keep the rest
>Hand out some of the items

Ben get the
>+2 Dwarven Armor Chainmail (2600 gp)

Amber gets the
>Silver Buckle (790 gp)

Alex gets the
>Lacquered Wooden Miniature (of a Temple) set with Banded Agate (620 gp)

Kay gets the
>Hunter's Headband (2600 gp) (Magical Item: Bonus towards finding food/foraging above or below ground)

We put the rest in our own pockets and the Vault.
Support this
+ keep the Lens of Reading
This works for me>>1410991
Since Ben already got something that is equally good. Give the

>+2 Dwarven Armor Chainmail (2600 gp)

To Amber then. We will find another way to reward Ben

Not bad, though Ben already has +2 Magic Armor Finemail (worth 1800 gp) that we got near the end of the Redford Crypt.
changing >>1410997
to let amber have the armor
Do that

This, but give the Dwarven mail to Amber.

This but give the chailmail to Amber
You hand everyone the gold to share amongst themselves, along with the armor for Amber (which she is very enthusiastic about) as well as the silver buckle, the miniature for Alex and the Hunter's Headband for Kay. You take the remainder of the items as you confer with the goblin leader alongside Toldy, Scoldy and Moldy.

"What is your name?"

"Gubnumb," he replies.

"Gubnumb, you are going to lead these goblins here, but you work for me now. You owe me your life, after all. And you've seen what I can do."

He bows his head in fear. "I will!"

"Good. Because I have plans for you..."

>Stay back while we clear out the giant ants
>I need you to get rid of the spiders.
>You and your goblins are going to help us kill the ants.
>Give me half of your numbers as cannon fodder.
>>Stay back while we clear out the giant ants

The more we can turn into Shadoblins the better
>>You and your goblins are going to help us kill the ants.
>If you do this for me I can take you to a place safe from harm, where your kin can live in peace and breed without danger.
>>Stay back while we clear out the giant ants
The more workers, the better.
>Stay back while we clear out the giant ants

Lets pretend to be all noble and shit then we take them to Aran
>You and your goblins are going to help us kill the ants.
this >>1411047

"You're going to stay back while we deal with the giant ants. When we clear this mine of primary danger, you and your goblins are going to sweep it for more. If you do this for me I can take you to a place safe from harm, where your kin can live in peace and breed without danger."

He nods his understanding and you walk back to the others with your three goblin lackeys. "Shall we kill some ants, then?" you ask them.

Amber, suited up in her new dwarven chainmail, smiles. "At least they can't think." She draws her sword and nudges Ben with her elbow. "Kind of like you, eh Ben?"

He rolls his eyes and nudges her back. Alex approaches you and gently gets your attention. "Mary? Are you certain you're able to continue? This place... it may have an effect on you that wouldn't be pleasant."

"I can't abandon my friends, nor would I hope they would abandon me," you reply with a smile, softly petting his hair. He smiles and nods, understanding that you won't go back at a time like this.

>Go after the ants and their queen
>Take on the spiders
>Regroup and rest for a while
>Explore more of the northern caves
>Go after the ants and their queen

Give Alex a small hug. We are going to read him a bedtime story when we get back.
>Go after the ants and their queen
so are we waiting for Alex to grow up into a man, or are we planning on /ss/
We wait for when he is 16+
>>Go after the ants and their queen
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Ant, giant bull.png
81KB, 405x290px

Your goblin lackeys lead you to where the ant territory begins.

"This is it," they explain. "From this point out, it's just ants!"

Looking back at the others, you nod for your warriors to take point. Ben and Amber do so, with Kaylessa and the spellcasters behind. It doesn't take long for you to hear scuttling noises up ahead in the dark.

"The walls!" Kaylessa is the first to notice. You all look up and see large forms of ants approaching you on the walls, floor and ceiling!

"Don't let them gang up on you!" Amber calls out. "They'll rip you to shreds in large numbers!"

>Current Shadow Points: 3
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Gust of Wind blow them onto their backs and off their feet!
Rolled 29 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

seconding a firebolt here
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Web to slow them down.

We should probabl use a Shadow Point with these rolls
>Use Shadow Point
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566KB, 1404x936px

With a tremendous gust of wind, you manage to knock some off the ceiling! They fall in front of Ben and Amber, who quickly cut them down. Kaylessa fires a volley of arrows, pinning some to the wall as Alex summons small spears of light. Merriam stays close to the boy, keeping him protected with a magical shield. Meanwhile, Faye conjures up all four of her smaller elementals at once and sends them off to work, further up the tunnel and past the front line of ants.


As the first wave of ants fall, you begin to hear a buzzing noise. From further in the tunnel, moving fast and coming upon your party before it can react, winged warrior ants descend from the darkness! One of them pounces on you and you hit the ground. The ant's limbs lightly scrape at you but it is its jaws that are most dangerous, and it bites you as you struggle to throw it off!

>Health: 70%

>Current Shadow Points: 3
>1d100 and an action!

Shadow points must be used in the casting of a spell that has a shadow varient. A complete list of spells we know can be found here: https://pastebin.com/3KtAZiTt
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Grasping Tentacles

Use Shadow Point.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Grasping Tentacles.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

arcane strike the one attacking us

the melee spell
Rolled 71 (1d100)

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69KB, 888x560px

Raising your arm, you cast a shadow spell, and summon a new group of tentacles. These appendages are larger, thicker and more permanent than the others you have cast, and they reach down to pick up several of the ants, wrapping around them and crushing them. This spell not only frees you, but allows the group to once more focus and begin killing the ants in large numbers.

Nearby, Toldy, Scoldy and Moldy hop up and down on one of the ants, crushing it. They attempt to cast spells, but one of them trips, causing the other two to fall over him when they move to catch up.


One of the flying ants comes right for you, but you slice it in half with an arcane strike. The corpse falls at your feet, evenly split down the center, and as you lower your knife-hand you raise the other and begin firing bolt after bolt of fire, blasting ants off walls and upon the ground.

Ben and Amber work like a well-oiled machine, stepping and slashing and shielding each other. Ben stabs his sword into the head of one ant while Amber holds up her shield to keep another from biting his arm, then she pulls it back and quickly cuts that ant's head off with a downward chop!

You press onwards further into the mines, where the ants call home. Others have come here before, evidenced by old rusty blades and armor you pass on the floor. For a moment the ants seem to die down in number, but that is only before now the largest of the guards emerge. Three or four massive ants, twice the size of a man, bear down upon you! Their jaws snap like the clapping of hammers as they draw near!

>Current Shadow Points: 2
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Order the tentacles to strike
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Good ol firebolt
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Let's try that spirit rend
File: Fire_Ant_Warrior.png (57KB, 767x548px) Image search: [Google]
57KB, 767x548px

Ordering the group to fall back slightly, you get the giant ants within range of your tentacles. You call them down upon the lead ant, and though they cannot crush it, you are able to keep it in place. One of the other ants attempts to chew down on the rubbery tentacles from their place of origin on the ceiling, but cannot quite cut into them.


"Now, close your eyes!" you shout to your allies. They all blink and cast glitterdust upon the area, illuminating it and blinding the ants! They go wild as they attempt to clear themselves of the golden sparkling dust, and you give Ben, Amber and Kay the perfect opening to take down one of the beasts! Meanwhile, Alex takes down a second with a fiery lance of holy might, impaling the beast up against a wall where it dies.


The ant above finally succeeds in cutting free its friend by slicing through your tentacles, which shrivel up and wither away. Now freed, the ant descends upon your company, knocking you all aside like a rampaging bull! You are knocked up against the wall when it swings its head and smashes you with its mandibles, hitting your head on a rock. Your vision swims slightly and your head feels fuzzy.

>Health: 50%

The large ant then attempts to pick up Merriam in its jaws, but she holds up her hands and wards herself from attack. The two large mandibles clash around her shield as Ben attempts to stab at its belly from below!

You look up and see the other remaining giant ant, the one who cut through your tentacles, crawling down towards you, shaking off the dust as it vanishes!

>Current Shadow Points: 2
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Cast Ray of Exhaustion
Arcane bolt
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Arcane bolt
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

drain life out of any injured ant for the health

You fail to remember the words to ray of exhaustion, and the giant ant scoops you up in its mandibles, chomping down and causing great pain!

>Health: 40%


You manage to raise a hand as its jaws loosen slightly and blast it in the eye with an arcane bolt, causing it to let you go. You fall to the floor and roll away as the ant shakes its head, angered by the attack!


But now, even as it comes back upon you, you bring up both hands and blind it with a stunning display of light. This color spray causes the ant to back up and lose its sight temporarily, but that is more than enough time for you to put the next bit of your plan into action.


As Kaylessa fires several arrows into the ant you are fixated on, you begin to drain its life from the eye wound you left it. The antennae of the ant twitch madly as it is wracked with great pain; you, conversely, feel rejuvinated by its life essence draining into you.

>Health: 60%

The ant falls and dies as you drain it to the last drop. Nearby, Amber leaps atop the back of the other remaining guardian and stabs down into it as Ben attacks from below. The creature shrieks and chatters as it, too, dies, but not before you drain some of its life for yourself.

>Health: 70%

The party collects itself and moves on, further into the caverns. You pass by smaller ants and kill them before reaching the final chamber, bathed in strange light from glowing runes lining the walls. You and your allies look upon this place in strange wonder, for it is not part of the mine, but rather a temple, ancient and buried, now currently the residence of the ant queen. The large, fat queen lies upon a blood-soaked altar at the center of this chamber, which itself is built upon a raised dias that can only be reached by stairs. Eggs line the walls, writhing things that are tended to by many smaller ants.

The queen ant seems to look upon you with alien emotion; but even as you enter, none of the ants move to attack until you reach a certain distance.

Your eyes narrow as you behold the altar she lies upon; at its base is a chest, and you know it to be the chest you seek.

>Destroy the queen and all of the eggs
>Destroy the queen but try to preserve a royal egg
>Destroy the ants but keep the queen alive
>Attempt to get the chest without destroying the ants
>>Destroy the queen but try to preserve a royal egg
>Destroy the queen and all of the eggs
Sirena's not the insect type, I think.
>Destroy the queen but try to preserve a royal egg
Keep the Queen and the eggs alive and get them brought to Aran
File: antdevelopment.jpg (7KB, 550x242px)
7KB, 550x242px

"Let's do what we came here to do," you tell them, and the party goes to work. The ant queen rears up and seems to issue a command, or perhaps a plee, for help from her children, who swarm in. But you, Faye and Alex make short work of most of them with area-of-effect attacks while Ben, Amber and Kaylessa work tirelessly to take out the larger ones, all while Merriam keeps you protected with shield spells and healing. The group advances towards the queen, who is helpless without her protection. Ben strides up the stairs and impales the queen upon his sword before Amber joins him. Together, they hack down the queen.

You walk over to the walls and clutches of eggs where you have Faye pick out a queen pupae through the use of divine magic, before subtly sliding it into your bag of holding for safe keeping. The others turn their attention on any remaining eggs and burn them or smash them, as well as any ants left alive.

Finally, the chamber is cleared of insects. You look around at the walls. "What is this place?"

"The miners must have stumbled upon it long ago," Kaylessa guesses. "I don't recognize any of this writing. I don't think it's dwarven or elven in nature; I'm familiar with both."

"I have spells and items which could help, but it would take time to translate all of this fully," you say, running a hand up the wall.

Alex, more studied on such topics, says, "This temple seems like it belonged to the first empire of mankind," he speaks up.

"How can you tell?" Ben asks.

Alex points to a large symbol over the archway of the entrance, that of the ancient human empire. "That's how."

You are not as well studied on ancient history as the little boy, and so you approach him and ask, "These ancient humans... They used magic? Did they have powerful spells?"

"No, actually. Magic didn't enter humanity until much later in their history, and only in the later stages pre-dating the downfall of the empire and the rise of the many kingdoms that laid the groundwork of the lands today as we know it. Texts on the subject are few and far between, and often contradictory, but the ancient humans used technology instead of magic, some kind of advanced knowledge that was lost to time. An art of mechanical engineering that allowed them to build armies of conquering machines."

"Fascinating... But then what is this place?"

Amber kicks the dead body of the queen off the altar. "If I had to guess, it was built to keep whatever this thing in the chest here away from others. The miners found this place, opened it up and then bam. Mine's cursed."

"I have to agree," Alex nods his head. "Whatever is in that chest was clearly the focal point of this temple, as I do not see any further exits, entrances, rooms or otherwise. The ants were clearly attracted to it, so it must have some kind of natural draw..."

>Open the chest
>Seal off this chamber, leave it here
>Take time to study the runes, see what you can learn
>Destroy the chest
>>Open the chest
>Bring the chest to a secure location and then open it.
>>Open the chest

We got our coin but maybe let the group get out first. If the worst happen we can just use twin teleport

I could use a tie breaker, please.

Hey folks. Like usual on Saturdays, I'm off to a game of D&D. We'll resume when I get back, there are still a few things that need to be wrapped up. See you then.
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114KB, 605x327px

Approaching the chest, you lay a hand upon it, feeling a curious sensation. "We'll open it elsewhere," you tell them. "Somewhere safe. I do not know if I can trust this place."

As your group spreads out and searches the area, Kaylessa calls out, "I've found something!" The group approaches and he picks up a gold coin.

"Is that it?" Merriam asks.

"No... There's a trail here," he says, following the coins. Everyone goes along behind him until you discover a place where the ants left their garbage and inedible pickings, as well as corpses of their dead. But what the ants considered garbage is far from the truth: this room is filled with treasure. Gems, armor, weapons and more! In addition to this, several things were left here from adventurers, explorers or dead miners, including a host of mining equipment and other items. And the gems! Likely collected from all over the mine or from treasures brought within, the ants collected it all here, discarded and not useful to them, but the possibilities for you are quickly mounting. The gold alone numbers in the thousands...

"By the gods," Ben gasps, never having seen so much treasure in one place.

"One any colony's trash is a group of adventurers' treasure..." Alex whispers, though few pay heed to him.

Your eyes widen as you behold a mighty silver pearl. Your lips curl into a smile and you say, "We're rich."

It takes an hour and a half to count it all, even with everyone working together.
17302 gold

Polished Silver Pearl (750 gp each)
Small Pink Pearl (530 gp each)
3 x Small Silver Pearl (590 gp each)
3 x Uncut Amber (530 gp each)
Uncut Amethyst (550 gp each)
2 x Uncut Chrysoberyl (410 gp each)
3 x Uncut Chrysoberyl (580 gp each)
3 x Uncut Deep Green Spinel (460 gp each)
3 x Uncut Red Spinel (570 gp each)
3 x Chalcedony (470 gp each)
2 x Carnelian (350 gp each)
2 x Jasper (360 gp each)
Uncut Moonstone (330 gp each)
2 x Small Blue Quartz (38 gp each)
2 x Small Rhodochrosite (45 gp each)
3 x Crown Rose Quartz (570 gp each)
3 x Fine Carnelian (480 gp each)
2 x Fine Zircon (430 gp each)
2 x Large Carnelian (580 gp each)
Uncut Banded Agate (28 gp each)
Uncut Rhodochrosite (31 gp each)
3 x Crown Moss Agate (91 gp each)
Fine Azurite (108 gp each)
2 x Large Blue Quartz (100 gp each)
3 x Large Rhodochrosite (109 gp each)
Small Jasper (107 gp each)

Lens of Reading (2600 gp)
+1 Magic Wand (360 gp)
+1 Magic Wand (360 gp)
+1 Lifedrinker Knife (1000 gp)
Parry Gauntlets (1000 gp)
Helm of Heroes (5000 gp)

Small Vial of Exotic Perfume (880 gp)
2 x Small Bag of Incense (72 gp)
Fox Fur Ribbon set with Moss Agate (610 gp)
Silver Diadem (910 gp)
Painted Glass Necklace (240 gp)
Rosewood Comb (1080 gp)
Ceramic Ring (174 gp)
Jewel-Encrusted Longsword Scabbard (2450 gp)
Pewter Brazier (169 gp)

+2 Mithral Armor Plate Armor (5000 gp)
+1 Symbol of the Sun (840 gp)

1 x Potion of Invulnerability (3000 gp)

(This includes the stuff we got earlier in >>1408597 and >>1410984, minus the items/gold we gave away to our companions)

So, what should we do with this now, or should we save it for later splitting up?
Ben gets the armour, Alex if he wants the symbol of the sun, and the rest we can divide it later
Ben gets
>Helm of Heroes (5000 gp)
>+2 Mithral Armor Plate Armor (5000 gp)

Alex gets
>+1 Symbol of the Sun (840 gp)

Sirena gets

>Rosewood Comb (1080 gp)
>1 x Potion of Invulnerability (3000 gp)

Merriam gets

>+1 Lifedrinker Knife (1000 gp)

Put the rest in the vault.
Stay with the usables, split the rest
this works for me>>1413608
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Having claimed the treasure and packed much of it into chests and other means to carry it, everyone makes for the entrance of the mines. Your three goblin lackeys, in particular, drag large sacks behind them filled with coins and items.

"Hey, we can't forget this!" Faye says, bouncing along with the chest containing the cursed item.

"Are we certain we want to remove it from this place?" Alex cautions. "We don't even know what is within it..."

"We should at least take it out of the mine," you suggest. The others agree and you reach the area of the caverns where the goblins live.

They look at you curiously from the shadows and such, not engaging you out of fear, even to grovel. "What are you going to do with them, anyway?" Amber asks. "I thought you wanted this place to be used as an actual mine again."

"They could be useful," you reply.

>Open the chest outside the mine
>Open the chest back at the tower
>Don't open the chest at all for now
>Remain here and deal with the goblins first
>Open the chest outside the mine

While the others drag out the loot we teleport the globlins to Aran while the group is distracted
>>Open the chest outside the mine
>Remain here and deal with the goblins first

basically this >>1413726

but my autism demands I format it!
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Sending the others up to the surface to haul out the loot, you have Faye give the chest to Ben and then pull her off to the side. "We're going to send these goblins to Aran," you tell her. "They will make excellent servants. Or cannon fodder, either or."

"I like it!" she says, and the two of you get to work. In a dark corner of the mine you both work quickly and efficiently, setting up your forth teleportation circle. When this is done, you gather the goblins and hand the leader the ant queen pupae.

"Now stay still," you tell him as you and Faye walk into the circle. The goblins are confused, but dare not disobey. When you and she raise your hands and speak the words, you are all whisked away to your new realm.

The goblins are frightened of being in this strange place, some of them scrambling away. Sheldrake appears.

"Your majesties," he says with a bow. "You will be happy to know that the men you sent us are in the process of conversion to your worship."

"Good. These goblins, too, shall be given the same treatment."

He cocks a brow and looks down at the greyish-blue creatures. "Indeed."

You take the ant queen pupae and hand it to the butler. "And find a good place for this, won't you? She'll need to be tended to."

"Your servants will be happy to do so."

"See that the goblins are given a home. Some unused temple, perhaps? Let them breed and become infused with the essence of this realm." You look upon the small horde and smile. "Shadow goblins."

"Shadoblins!" Faye says giddily.

Having left your instructions with Sheldrake, you and Faye return to the mine. There you walk outside to join the others. In the distance just above the horizon, the sun is setting and the moon is rising at the opposite end of the sky. You look down upon this chest and prepare for whatever this may hold.

>What precautions do you take before opening it?
Cast Identify or detect magic? Cast whatever divination spells we got.
Clear a small area around where we want to open the box, cast identify magic and any divination spells that may be useful. Tell the necessary info to Alex who may have some divine magic that can help.

Summon a servitor to open the chest itself, and cast shield on ourselves while it is being opened.
Don't we have any boundary circles we can draw or something?

spell book
Clear the area. Cast all protection spells we have and wards. Make the rest of our group stand back. Hope that our coin will offset bad luck
Pretty much all of these
have Alex cast whatever divine protection magic he might find useful, like protect from evil and such

Nearby, you find a forest clearing, and take about an hour to prepare in opening the chest. Protective wards, prayers from Alex and all manner of divinations are attempted though none of the latter seem to work.

"The chest is protected," Faye tells you. "The chest itself is magic, as it blocks all things from seeing inside."

"...Or all things from within seeing out," you reply. "Still, we're here, we might as well open it."

Everyone is put into a circle a protective distance away. Ben holds his shield of magical resistance in front of him protectively while the others stand back and watch. Wards in place from you, Merriam, Alex and Faye make up the remainder of your protective preparations, as well as a small circle of containing evil drawn around the chest.

You then push Moldy out to go and open it. The goblin grumbles and approaches the chest, gulping visibly while his two brothers cheer him on.

Slowly, he undoes the latch and opens the chest... and then looks back and says, "It's a book!"

"A book?" you say with narrow eyes. "What manner of book?"

"I don't know," he says, holding it up. It is a black tome bound in dark leather with a chain wrapped around it. A few of the others look at you and wonder what should be done next.

"Alex, do you recognize that book?" The cleric shakes his head. "Well then... What to do next?"

>Burn it.
>Have Moldy open it.
>You will open it.
>Put it back in the box.
>Attempt to identify the book now that it is out of the box.
>>Attempt to identify the book now that it is out of the box.
>Attempt to identify the book now that it is out of the box.
>Attempt to identify the book now that it is out of the box.

Have it sent to Aran for further study.
Wrap it up in cloth and take it to our Divination trainer. If anyone can identify this thing, it's him.
Have our handy old blind divination guy study it.

Also carve an Aran teleportation circle inside the mine

We did that.

Two posts ago. >>1413806
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Moon Elf.png
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Standing up, you walk over to Moldy and demand that he hand it to you. He does so then scampers off.

Upon holding it, you feel nothing malign or otherwise dark from within. Passing your fingers over it, you learn that the chain wrapped about it has been forged to be unbreakable. As for the book itself, it holds some kind of power. You are unable to understand what it may be, only that the pages are more than they seem.

Suddenly, as the last bit of the sun vanishes beyond the trees, and the moonlight shines upon the chains, they wither and die. Your eyes widen as you watch these unbreakable links rust and turn to sand, causing the book to suddenly start vibrating.

It then violently flies from your hand and onto the dirt, whereupon you back up and everyone reacts defensively. The book opens and the pages turn rapidly and of their own means until the heart of the book is reached.

That is when a great white light emerges, blinding you and lighting up the area. Everyone shields their eyes as small orbs of light shoot out and circle the clearing, resembling small moons rocketing around and leaving gleaming trails behind them.

A figure takes shape, a darkening mass that becomes humanoid. When the light dies down, all that remains... is an elf, wearing some manner of archaic clothing with white skin. Her hair is dark as the void, with matching lips, though her eyes are like piercing stars in the black of night, glowing with a luminosity that only hints at a power contained within. Her strange and ancient clothing, complete with a strange staff in one hand, gives her a dark and regal appearance. And her ears, long and pointed, are elven in nature, though she is unlike any elf you have ever seen.

Her black lips curl into a smile. Her voice, echoing even from a mere few meters away, speaks to all within the clearing and to none in particular. "At last... AFTER TEN THOUSAND YEARS, I AM FREE!"

She laughs and holds her hands up to the sky, pointing her staff at the stars.

>Who are you?
>Why were you in the book?
>You're welcome.
>>Who are you?
>Who are you?
>You're welcome.
>Who are you?
>You're welcome.
Now explain yourself before I kill you.
>>Who are you?
>>Why were you in the book?
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Your question is simple and the most prudent. "Who are you?"

She looks now upon you, and does not speak. She raises her staff and points it at you. "Mary!" Ben shouts, but the elven woman holds up a hand and he is paralyzed by magic.

You suddenly find yourself unable to move as well. The woman strides forward, unimpeded by the circle of repelling evil, which she ignores as much as the grass she steps upon. Actually, you realize as your eyes cast downwards, she doesn't even walk on the grass; she hovers inches above the ground even as she steps.

"Well, what have we here?" she asks. Around you, your allies are frozen in place, struggling to move but unable to do so. "I sense something about you, my dear..." She looks you up and down. "Something... familiar. But what could it be...?"

She then grows close, very close, and smells your flesh. Then, without warning, she bites into your neck. Pain shoots through you, but only momentarily; she pulls back and licks the blood from her black lips. Then, her white eyes grow wide indeed. "This blood... my blood!"

You are then released from your paralysis and put a hand up to your neck. "What?!"

She smiles and lifts her hands to the stars above. "Of course, it is as the prophecy predicted, laid down ten thousand years ago! My blood bound me into the book, and now my blood has released me."

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

"You are here because I laid the plans of destiny to bring you here. You are my descendant," she says. "Though, I must admit, I am disappointed in the souring of my bloodline... Your ears are so small. Inbreeding with men, bah. Disgusting. What a shame. But, I suppose congratulations are in order." Putting a white finger to black lips, she walks around the clearing, looking at your companions. "My, my, what a colorful bunch." She stops in front of Faye. "What is this? A reflection? Curious. Oh, I like this one," she says, looking at Kaylessa. "But her skin, so... pink. Is this what has become of the elves since descending?"

"Descending? From where?"

"The moon, of course." She laughs and waves her hand. "That knowledge is probably lost. Ten thousand years is quite a long while, after all. Ten thousand years of plotting, and planning, and waiting, and thirsting... Oh, the thirsting..." She takes a smell of the night air. "What a horrid stench this place has... I must away to the moon. But first, your reward!"

She turns around and smiles. "As you are my descendant, and I am grateful that my plans eventually came to fruition, I shall give you a gift. How would you like to die?"

You take a step back. "Excuse me?!"

"Not everyone gets to choose. Some die slowly and painfully. It's a gift to choose how you end; I'm afraid I can't have any loose ends left untied. So, choose."

>Of old age, a long time from now!
>I will never die.
>Wait, we can work together!
>Attack her first
>>I will never die.

Look her straight in the eyes and declare that shit. We aren't shitting about, we're going to get our revenge and rule this whole damn place.
>I will never die.
>I will never die.
>I will never die.
>>I will never die.

Staring her right in her glowing eyes, you declare, "I will NEVER die. Not until I have had my revenge."

Upon hearing those words, she lowers her staff. "Revenge? Revenge?"

Suddenly she thrusts her staff forwards, blasting you with incredible force which sends you hurtling backwards. The sheer blow she hit you with utterly annihilates a tree right before you fly through it. Landing amidst broken shards of wood and leaf, you cough up blood; she may have broken a rib, judging by the terrible pain in your chest. Or, perhaps, more than one. You struggle to get your breath back.

"What do YOU know of REVENGE?" she cries, rising into the air. "Ten thousand years I have waited, TEN THOUSAND YEARS! Not asleep, but AWARE, ALIVE, TRAPPED IN A STATE OF THOUGHT WITHOUT FEELING!" Pointing her staff at you, an invisible force grabs you around the neck and lifts you upwards. "And you speak of revenge? I have such a vengeance brewed within my mind that it is nothing BUT revenge. It has poisoned me until I have become the poison, sustained me like water and food. Who do you seek vengeance upon? A man? A lover? A king? WHO, TELL ME?!"

"A... wizard..." you choke out. "One... wizard..."

"That is all? You are pathetic. I wish to avenge myself upon the very world, the very fabric of life woven upon this wretched earth. Every plant, every animal, every OCEAN of life is an afront to me. It all offends me such that I will take my revenge not upon a people, not upon a country, but the very planet upon which you have only known as home when I have counted the moon itself as mine!"

She turns her staff and hurtles you across the clearing where you land near the book.

"I would almost admire what we have in common if you weren't so pitifully tiny compared to me." She lowers, levitating just above the ground. None of her spells have had any verbal components -- she merely thinks, and they happen! Such incredible power!

You pick yourself up and look upon her as you struggle to breathe. She points her staff at you again, then hesitates. "Go on, then. Show me you are worthy of taking your revenge. I want to see it. SHOW ME, OR DIE!"

>Current Shadow Points: 2
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Empowered Witch Queen's Aura.
Suspended Duel.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Combine all of our forms, the air form, the raven wings and the Witch Queen's Majesty into our ultimate form, then blast her with a gale of hurricane like wind!
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Cast Shield on ourselves
Rolled 23 (1d100)


Summon tentacles
Rolled 27 (1d100)

>Using one shadow point
>black fog
Rolled 27 (1d100)

curse her
with the -4 version
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Ultimate Form.jpg
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Standing up, you raise your hands and cast your new spell wrenched from the mind of the dark elf, bringing both you and this moon elf into a suspended duel. Time stops for you both, and she looks around, amused.

"Now this is interesting," she says with a wide smile. "Perhaps there is more to you than I thought."

Next you rip a shred of your shadow essence from deep within, empowering the casting of your Witch Queen's Aura with it. This greater aura surrounds you with a protective layer of darkness, obscuring you in a cloak of wispy shadow.


Next, you use that same power of darkness to change your druidic raven spell, exhausting your supply of it but allowing you to access your ultimate form. Combined with your elemental transformation of wind, great black wings sprout from your back as your skin turns pale with white leylines running across it. Your eyes become like the stars, much like your opponent and ancestor's, while your hair lifts and flows as though caught in a perpetual breeze. Spreading your raven-like wings, you push off the ground and hover in the air as your greater aura surrounds you in a haze of shadow through which only the keenest eyes may gaze.

Your ancestor folds her arms. "Am I supposed to be impressed?"


Knowing her great power, you bring up an extra layer of magical shielding in front of you with one hand and then cast a summoning spell of tentacles with the other. Your hope is to hold her in place and rain hell upon her, but as the tentacles appear she merely waves a hand and turns them into dust. The tentacles shrivel and crumble as she levitates forward, walking on air.

"Come now, you'll have to do better than that. And I'm not even really trying to hurt you... yet."

Your eyes widen and you summon up a fog to obscure her vision, but as she twists the head of her staff she turns the fog into water that pours upon the ground.

"I'm waiting." She lowers her staff and with her other hand she taunts you, beckoning you forward. "Come. Show me." Her eyes twinkle in a manner more malevolent than any you have ever glimpsed and her smile is deceptively simple.

>All out of shadow points!
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Try and use the Spirit rend.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Cast Stone Blood on her!
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>detect weakness
>arcane sight for the duration of the fight
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Curse her intellect
is the summoned succubuss affected byt the suspended dual, or can it operate, caus if so,
> summon succubus and tell it to attack the elf
or else just
> glitterdust to the face
Rolled 51 (1d100)

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ultimate form 2.jpg
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Raising your hands and lowering the shield, you shout and hurl a spirit rend towards her. The grey magic of the swirling vortex it conjures surrounds her, and she tilts her head back and smiles as the long thin hands of the rend tear at her. She seems to relish it rather than be pained by it, taking no small amount of pleasure in the sensation.

When it passes, she looks at you and smiles. "I do hope that wasn't meant to hurt me," she laughs, an echoing and spectral noise that shakes you to your very spine.


As she continues to walk forward, you then retribute her with a spell of stone blood. She pauses as she feels the spell working on her, then tilts her head in curiosity. Raising her staff, she slams it upon the ground, and a black oil seems to bleed out of her skin as she purges herself of the ailing magic in her blood.


'This cannot be happening,' you think as you desperately cast arcane sight and detect weakness. To your magical vision she appears as though a lunar beacon, and it is only after a moment do you understand that the light from her aura is being drawn on a thin narrow strand from the moon itself. 'It's the moon... her power is the moon itself!'


Leaping at her with the intent to curse her, you lay a hand upon her chest and cast the spell with the intent to harm her intellect. She closes her eyes and takes a long, deep breath.

"A curse... How quaint. You appear to have stunted my intelligence... But unfortunately you for, even while stunted it is far greater than yours."


She then lifts her staff and blasts you backwards, though your aura takes the hit and keeps you from harm. The moon elf rises upwards and laughs. "You think your curse will affect me for long? While I am in the light of the moon, I am unstoppable!"

'Good to know,' you think as clench your fists and prepare to cast.

>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Obscure the moon with a Veil of Darkness
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Drink Potion of Invulnerability
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolling for this.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

roll for this
Rolled 83 (1d100)

Cast obscuring mist
I already did that (attempted as black fog but we had no more shadow points)
Use your roll for another action
He isn't using black fog though, just the mist, it's valid
I wonder if Field of Moonlight counts as true moonlight for the purposes of empowering her, or if it obscures the actual moonlight and so disempowers her?
I have a plan, it involves shadowstepping next to her, then using dimension door to go back into the mine.

That should cripple her power, then if we're luck we can maybe get to the Aran circle and take her to a realm with no moon at all.
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Rasing your hands high, you shout out the spell of veil of darkness, creating a curtain of black within the sky above her. She turns around and sees the veil, about ten feet by six feet, and then laughs. She laughs long, and hard, and then waves her hand and banishes the shadow which covered barely a shred of the sky to begin with.

"My goodness, is this the feared power of the mages of today?"

She looks down upon you and her eyes shine white. "Let me show you the feared power of the mages of legend."


You quickly take out your recent acquisition, a potion of invulnerability, and down the bitter liquid. It takes effect almost instantly, which proves to be the only thing that saves your life as your ancestor raises her hand and calls forth lances from the stars to rain upon you. Spears of light shatter upon your aura, breaking through to your skin, your invulnerable state making them no less painful as you cry out in terrible anguish. Lance after lance assaults you in a rain of lunar star-spears that seems to have no end; it showers down like the fury of the universe itself. Each needle of light brings untold pain, but your invulnerable state ensures that you not only live but experience every moment of it. By the end of the hail, you aren't sure which fate would have been worse; death wouldn't have been so painful.

She ends the spell as you fall upon the ground, panting heavily and incoherently babbling as you attempt to regain your senses.

"That spell once destroyed an army," she says, floating downwards. "Entire armies of men fell before my might and my might alone. I was as a god, bringing death with but a thought."


You shakily lift one hand and attempt to hide yourself in mist to escape and make a new plan, but she once more turns it to water. It splashes down on you, cold and sobering. Your wings ache and your skin burns, but you push yourself to a kneeling position.

"This is more like it," she says with a smile. Walking up to you, she cups your chin and makes you look up at her. "Yield."

You blink, unsure of what to do.

"Yield, my descendant... And I will spare you." Your eyes widen in confusion, and she smiles warmly. "I have not had such an experience in ten thousand years... If there is anyone upon this planet, this miserable rock around which my home sails, it would be one such as you. That you share my blood is all the better."

She lets go and places her hands on her hips. "Yield. Admit that I am your better. Surrender completely to me and place yourself at my mercy, and you will not perish. You have my word."

You close your eyes as her words echo in your head, repeating endlessly as they fade.

'Dare I...?'

>Do not Yield
>>Do not Yield
Fuck her
>Do not Yield
We do this>>1414588

We will take her to Aran
>Do not Yield
>Do not Yield

To the mine and Aran
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Rolled 22 (1d100)


Opening your eyes, you look up at her and meet her gaze. With as much finality as you can muster in this pained state, you spit out a single word, "Never."

At this, her eyes slightly grow, and her smile fades. "Never... That word again. Your words... 'I will never die. I will never yield.' Never... Never is a very, very long time indeed. I felt that ten thousand years was an eternity after merely the first one hundred. But in all that time, I swore, again and again and again... 'Never. Never. Never. Never forget. Never forgive. Never yield.' And now, as you lie before me, you look up at me -- Me! -- and you say... Never."

She lowers her staff and raises her hand, and in that moment you are prepared to shadow step or dimension door your way to freedom and home advantage. You could do it -- teleport into the mine, bring you and her to Aran once she is lured nearby, then she'll be weak and yours to do with as you please... But then, rather then attacking you, she places her hand back under your chin. "Never..." she whispers.

The hand holding her staff turns and a shining blue gate opens. Before you can react, she hurls you through it and then walks through herself. You find yourself in a strange environment upon grey stone and dust, an odd texture. You feel... lighter. What you feel is not gravity, or at least, not nearly as strong. Looking up, you see a sea of stars in a night blacker than any you could imagine. No clouds, no sky... And no moon. Only a blue marble of a world, cloudy and pretty, floating off in the distance.

Your world. You are on the moon, with her.

"How?" you breathe, though it is not air you find filling your lungs. Still you breathe and live.

"Moongates," she replies. "The knowledge of making them was the province of the elves and the elves alone. We travelled to the moon through use of them, and here we built a great civilization..."

You stand up as she walks further along. Looking down, you see she is leaving footprints.

"You... You're walking. Not levitating."

"I swore long ago I would never set a foot upon that wretched planet. This place is the only place where I shall ever walk." She closes her eyes and holds her hands up to the sky. "At last, after feeling for so long like I would never, never return... I am home."

>And what of me?
>What are your plans now?
>Go back through the portal while she isn't looking
>Attack her while her back is turned!
>>And what of me?
>What are your plans now?
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Black Citadel.jpg
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"And what of me?"

She looks back. "There's the moongate. It will seal behind you."

You look at the square, shimmering doorway and then back at her. "And what of you? What are your plans now?"

"Now I will continue my work," she says, staring up at the blue marble. "I will find the remaining moon elves and bring them home. Perhaps they are all dead, or diluted with mortal blood as you are... But I find them nonetheless. And then..."

She turns, and with her staff in hand she points at the distance. Your eyes are drawn to where she looks and you begin to feel a tremor. The ground shakes softly at first and then not so softly, a quake of proportions you cannot guess at overtaking the landscape. The moon elf smiles as she widens her arms as though to welcome and hug an old friend as something massive, something utterly and completely gargantuan begins to rise. For ten thousand years it has been upon this satellite, undisturbed for none have ever ventured here, and now it rises at her command.

A fortress unlike any you have ever seen, black as the sky but lit with an aura that frames its towers, spires and jagged edges and allows you to glimpse its dark magnificence. This citadel rises from the ground, shaking dirt and moondust from its walls. The ground splits around it, creating a valley of rock and twisted geography resembling a torn-open wound. You watch as though glued to the spot, unblinking lest you miss a moment of this awe-inspiring display, and you shake both within and without.

Finally her spell is complete, and her citadel upon the moon grows still. She has brought you here to witness this, and now that it is done, you are no longer needed. "Go back to your world," she says without looking over her shoulder as she strides towards the black arch of its entrance. "Go back to your world and do as you will. In time it will not matter."

>Final words to her
>Go back through the gate silently
>Attack her
>Follow her

Cast twist of space to bring her back to us, then gust of wind to blow her through the gate. We should still be invulnerable for a second, once through the portal we should be able to dimension door her back into the mine away from the moon's power.

Go big or go home.
>>Go back through the gate silently
Tell the others.
Go and tell Francis ASAP.
Tell Dr.Albert (was that his name ? Necromancer guy) about this too.
>Final words to her
>"I'll come by and visit every so often. I don't think I should just leave you alone."
>Set up a teleportation circle here, if she lets us.
we win or we die +1 for this
>Final words to her
"Thank you."
We thank her for broadening our horizons, and giving us a new purpose.
Now, besides revenge, we have a new goal. The accumulation of power to rival seemingly godlike strength.

>Final words to her

"When you said Never, what was it you were saying Never to?"

> Follow her while talking
I'm just fucking mad combat ended before we could do this on earth.

And that I didn't think of it beforehand

Don't visit the monster that wants to destroy our planet

We aren't thanking her for this, she basically just cheated us up here to lecture us about how much better she is and to reveal that she wants to destroy the planet. Fuck her
You don't think she can just summon up another moongate and come after us?
Rolled 63, 56, 81 = 200 (3d100)

Or do this
>>Go back through the gate silently
Whatever we do my vote includes

"When you said Never, what was it you were saying Never to?"

If she HAS been trapped for so long it's likely she'll be starved for interaction - given how she acted in the fight I feel she definitely is.
We're taking her to where she has no power if it works.

Fuck letting this monster blow up our fucking planet.

Fuck her
We're invulnerable and she's cursed, Let's fucking try something before giving up like a bitch.

come on

Changing my vote to the hail mary attack plan.

>Final words to her
Well with this Attack has the most votes.

Final words?

>Thank you.
>Next time, things will be different.
>Why did you say, 'Never'?
>I'm going to destroy you.
>Write In


>Or attack her
>>Or attack her

>Why did you say, 'Never'?
>>Why did you say, 'Never'?
fine fuck it, exposition
> Follow her while talking
attack this slut

> Attack her.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Wasting rolls.
Rolled 59 (1d100)


Here I'll throw this one away too.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

What are the odds of 100?

Oh, the absolute hell with it.

Give me a 1d100. Prior rolls don't count.
Rolled 92 (1d100)


Like, 1 in 1000 or something
Rolled 76 (1d100)

why not
Rolled 3 (1d100)



Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 8 (1d100)

I'm just going to roll for shits and giggles
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolling for getting our soul devoured by shadow after dying and fucking up the moon kingdom.

As she walks off, you raise your hand and fire a lone arcane bolt at her. It hits her in the back of the head and she stops in her place.


She turns around and stares at you for a moment. Quite a long moment, truthfully -- and she says nothing, her expression betraying no emotion.

At least until she raises her staff and holds it in front of her. "Time to die, then. Let's see how long that potion lasts when you are hurled into space."

>1d100 and an action!

>Or go through the fucking moongate.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

rolling for this
Rolled 87 (1d100)

> Claim our right to be recognized by her as her heir
>Or go through the fucking moongate.
You've made your point.
No but in all seriousness
>Or go through the fucking moongate.

WAIT! Changing this to "We still got nicer tits than you BITCH! You must have been pressed flat in that book!"
Rolled 12 (1d100)

>1d100 and an action!

Changing my vote to attack heer with everything we got!>>1414801
fine changing vote to going through the moongate
>Or go through the fucking moongate.
Keeping my vote to hurt her feelings about her body while running away.
You know that people are generally going to try and fight no matter what, regardless of chances of winning. Quests like this are usually used as a power trip, so players have a terrible sense of scale. So, this basically comes down to whether you're willing to kill the PC or not. If so, it's a decent ending. If not, you'll have to have her force Sirena through the portal or pull some way for us to win out of your ass.
>>Or go through the fucking moongate.

You kick off the ground and soar towards the moongate, leaping through it. True to her word, it seals behind you, and you find yourself back in the clearing and under normal gravity. You dispell the suspended duel and your world returns to the proper flow of time. Confused, your allies look around for the moon elf but only see you.

Ben runs over. "Mary! Mary, what just happened?"

Alex, greatly concerned, asks, "Mary? Are you hurt?"

Faye grows near. "Where is she? Where did she go?"

You close your eyes and your head falls back onto the ground. "Take me home," you bid them. "I need rest."


Well, that was certainly a series of events that happened.

Let's talk about a MILESTONE, shall we?


Our Shadow Points have increased to 4.

Maybe we can get some more stuff that synergizes with our wind form, like a wind blade spell or something.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Rolling for Rita the moon elfs come-back.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

> Abjuration

This is the "Fuck Other Wizards" option right?
we need some better blaster caster stuff
we were outgunned by the moon lady
I'll change to

> Thralldom

Since Trick both fucked us and Un fucked us and refucked us this thread.
Evocation is the worst.

I'd personally prefer to get some stuff for shutting down other mages or bringing our back-up with us.

But I think we should just run away from 1v1 fights.
I'll switch back to Abujration if other people will switch. Just wanted to break the tie.
I'll go for abujration too I guess

changing >>1415194
changing my vote to abjuration

Abjuration it is.

>Two additional spells in Abjuration (staring spells already acquired)
>Enhanced form of current Abjuration power (Selected afterwards)
>Minor increased chance of success with all abjuration spells
>Greater success with counterspelling enemy spells
>Passive latent magical resistance (chance that offensive-based spells used on us will fail)
>Passive elemental resistance (constant resistance to chosen element)
>Immunity to Curses/Hexes
>Immunity to forced teleportation of any form
>Gain a SHADOW varient on an existing Abjuration spell
>Witch Queen Power: Armor of Aran (Daily Power: Surrounds us in a shell of dark plate-like armor that is both nigh-imprenetrable and impervious to all but high-level offensive spells. Shadow Varient is even more powerful and lasts longer)
>>Witch Queen Power: Armor of Aran (Daily Power: Surrounds us in a shell of dark plate-like armor that is both nigh-imprenetrable and impervious to all but high-level offensive spells. Shadow Varient is even more powerful and lasts longer)
+1 for this
>Witch Queen Power: Armor of Aran (Daily Power: Surrounds us in a shell of dark plate-like armor that is both nigh-imprenetrable and impervious to all but high-level offensive spells. Shadow Varient is even more powerful and lasts longer)
> Resistance to Shadow Corruption please
>>Witch Queen Power: Armor of Aran (Daily Power: Surrounds us in a shell of dark plate-like armor that is both nigh-imprenetrable and impervious to all but high-level offensive spells. Shadow Varient is even more powerful and lasts longer)
>Witch Queen Power: Armor of Aran (Daily Power: Surrounds us in a shell of dark plate-like armor that is both nigh-imprenetrable and impervious to all but high-level offensive spells. Shadow Varient is even more powerful and lasts longer)
>>Witch Queen Power: Armor of Aran (Daily Power: Surrounds us in a shell of dark plate-like armor that is both nigh-imprenetrable and impervious to all but high-level offensive spells. Shadow Varient is even more powerful and lasts longer)

Power gained. I'll write up the whole thing later on.

So, we retire to our tower with all of our loot. Now, with all of this money we've accumulated, the question now becomes what to do with it all.

Some suggestions from our companions, based on how they want to spend their share:

Faye: Pimp out the tower.
Ben: Horses! And a stable!
Merriam: Money for the farm.
Kaylessa: Find a business to invest in.
Alex: Investing in the church is a reward of its own!
Xerro: Just wants to roll around in the gold and pretend to be a dragon.
Amber: Opening up a local hall for the adventurer's guild.
>Faye: Pimp out the tower.

Should've mentioned: What would you like to do with our new wealth? Those are just their ideas.
>Ben: Horses! And a stable!
>Merriam: Money for the farm.
>Kaylessa: Find a business to invest in.
>Amber: Opening up a local hall for the adventurer's guild.

If we have the appropriate funds for it all

if not

Just the Business and guild
>Amber: Opening up a local hall for the adventurer's guild.
Nothing explodes the local economy and gets us info from the outside like mercenaries and adventurers.
>Faye: Pimp out the tower.
>Kaylessa: Find a business to invest in.
+1 for this
Amber: Opening up a local hall for the adventurer's guild.
> Alex: Investing in the church is a reward of its own!

Hey we happen to know of a good church too!

Combine with

> Amber: Opening up a local hall for the adventurer's guild.

And make it a religious army of Witch-Paladins.

Kay can make it into a business where we hire out protection services.

Ben can handle setting up a stables for the Witch-Paladins animal/arcane mounts.

Faye can seduce the Lady Paladin into helping us set it up as an "Advisor".

Merriam can have some money for the farm separately why not.
>Xerro: Just wants to roll around in the gold and pretend to be a dragon.

We should talk a bit more with Xerro. I would want him to power up a bit to go adventuring with us next time.
We should make him a zombie dragon power armor suit out of the worm corpse.
No matter what we do. Do let Xerro sleep on the pile of money intill it is spend. Little bugger has earned it.
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That evening, you stand upon the small balcony of your tower's highest room, frustratingly tapping your finger upon the stone rail. You are staring up at the heavens, specifically at the moon, and you are angry.

She had you beaten. She reminded you that you still have a long way to go. Here you are, manipulating goblins and investing in small businesses while she commands the power of the moon itself. You aren't even sure if you hurt her once during your battle.

Behind you, the sheets shift slightly as Ben sits up. He looks out at you on the balcony. "Mary? Are you alright?"

Alongside him, Merriam stirs. She too sits up but says nothing. Faye then wraps her arms around both of their necks. "Come back to the warmth of bed," she calls out softly.

Looking back at them, you think about how little they know. Faye is uncaring about most things, and Ben and Merriam's perspective on the world is smaller than yours. You have not told them yet of where the woman has gone or what she possibly represents, because you cannot yet be certain of the latter yourself. Is she even a greater foe than Mordrax? Your ancestor is powerful, but how much of a threat is she, truly?

You walk back to bed, slipping off your black darkwoven clothing to reveal your flawless body and you crawl upon Ben, kissing him passionately. As you push him onto his back, Faye and Merriam's hands rub both of your forms, and you kiss them both in turn as your own fingers explore Ben's chest.

Even in the midst of this pleasure, however, your mind is elsewhere, back upon the moon, outside that black citadel. How long will she wait to do what she plans, and what exactly does she plan to do?

You intend to find out. But rather than look forward into the future, perhaps you should look into the past... Ten thousand years of history, some recorded, some not, may yet yield the answers you seek.

>Next scene? Choose one or a combination of the following.

See how she felt about the last dungeon dive. See how confident she is in her magic and what other skills she's developing.
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The next day, in the forest, you encounter Merriam practicing her magic. At first you linger beyond her view, observing how she casts her spells, but then you make yourself known. She whips around, holding up her hands.

"Sirena," she whispers your true name, lowering her limbs. "You surprised me."

"You surprise me," you say with a smile. She returns it as you walk up to her. "You're growing stronger with your magic. Good teachers, or a good student?"

"Both I would hope," she replies. Holding up a hand, she causes it to glow blue. "I never in all my life imagined I would use magic... I have you to thank for this and I will forever love you for it." She waits for your permission before stepping forward to kiss you. You stand in the clearing, arms wrapped about each other, simply enjoying each other. As your tongues dance, you think about how far Merriam has come from the shy girl you first met. Through you she has come out of her shell and now wields magic; in a way, you have made her into the woman she has become now.

You pull away and lick your lips. "I am proud of your progress, Merriam. I know I am often so caught up in my own studies that I haven't had time to teach you since those earlier days, but you have done well learning from others and on your own. Yet I wonder, what will you do next?"

"Truthfully I know not," she replies. "Down in that mine, I couldn't do much on my own. Only help others. That isn't so bad, but I wonder if I am going in the right direction. What do you think?"

>Focus on Holy Magic
>Focus on Illusion Magic
>Focus on Abjuration Magic
>Push her to continue learning from all three schools; a generalist
>You need to learn a new school of magic (suggest one)
>Focus on Holy Magic
>Focus on Abjuration Magic

I can see Merriam becoming a supporter.
>>Focus on Illusion Magic
>>Focus on Abjuration Magic
This can work. Sirena already does work with illusions and would probably get more mileage out of it.
>>Focus on Abjuration Magic
>Focus on Holy Magic
>Focus on Holy Magic
>Focus on Abjuration Magic
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"Focus more on schools from abjuration and holy," you tell her, brushing a strange of hair from her eyes. "Abjuration will allow you to protect those you care about, and divine magic wielded through you will bless them."

"I will," she swears. "I'll protect everyone. Especially you."

"So much like your brother," you muse, leaning back in to kiss her. She moans as you take her to the ground, slowly pushing her onto the soft grass.

"Oh, Sirena..." she gasps. "I, I love you..."

"You do, yes?"

"I do!" she cries as you lightly bite her neck, tightly gripping your head.

"In this moment, you are completely loyal to me. You will not deny me anything."

"Of course not," she whispers, moaning as your hands roam about her form. You nearly tear open her shirt to get at her chest.

"You will never betray me or consider the notion. You will do as I say."

She gasps. "Always."

You sit up and look down upon her, staring into the green eyes you gave her. "Then with this mark, I make you mine."

Placing your hand upon her stomach, you bestow upon her the your brand. She closes her eyes and her lips part as the black symbol appears below her breasts. You look upon her facer once more and smile. "Forever."

Same treatment.
We can't allow him to be turned against us, especially if Amber follows him.
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With Merriam yours, you turn now to Ben. Amber, for all her fire and apparent independence, is glued to him nearly all day. Even breaking him away for moments and nights of pleasure has become something of a chore, but not incredibly so.

After a hard day of training, Amber sits back up against a tree. Subtly, from a distance, you fatigue her with a ray of exhaustion. She closes her eyes and takes deep breaths.

"Okay, I'm beat," she admits as Ben puts away his sword. He walks over and offers her his hand, but that's when you appear.

"Ben, I need to speak to you."

He listens, but also looks down at Amber. She tries to get up in protest but remains sitting, allowing you to pull the blonde youth away from her and deeper into the woods.

"What is it, Mary?" he asks.

Turning and giving him a devilish look, you wrap your arms around his neck and purr, "I just couldn't keep myself away from you for much longer."

Though he is hot and sweaty, especially in his new flawless armor, he takes off his helmet and sets his sword and shield aside. "I'm pretty gross in here," he admits. "I think I should bathe."

You close your eyes and breathe him in. "No, I like you like this. You're not some pampered prince who has to be kept clean, I like you dirty.You work for what is yours. Just like I do." Pulling him into a rough kiss, your bury your hands in his sweaty hair. After pulling away, you ask him, "Who do you love, Ben?"

He blinks a few times. "I... I love you."

"And Merriam?"

"Of course..."

"And Amber? What about Faye?"

He seems confused. "I... You told me to--"

"You've done nothing wrong," you assure him. "You big, strong, strapping young man. It's only right that you enjoy so many fruits dangling around you. But who do you love above all others?"


You put your hand on his neck. "Truly, now and forever?"

He nods, and in a low voice, he says, "Yes, always."

"In this moment, you are completely loyal to me. You will not deny me anything." He is silent, hanging on your every word. "You will never betray me or consider the notion. You will do as I say."

"I would never..."

"Then with this mark, I make you mine."

Keeping your hand on his neck, you brand him just like you did his sister. His eyes close as you and he become linked. The black circle of thorned vines surrounding the raven appears upon his right shoulder beneath his armor. "You're mine forever," you tell him, kissing him again.

Unlike usual, he is the one to pull away, and when he does he says in a whisper, "Sirena, I have to tell you something."


"A few nights ago, when Faye had me, she... She took my seed within her. I know you had me promise to never spill within you unless you desired it, but she... I had no quarter, no choice."

You purse your lips. "Is that so?" You remember well that Ben was under her thrall at the time, so he cannot be blamed. "I understand."

we should talk to faye about that eventually. A dual dimensional child could be trouble
I doubt that's an issue, but it might trigger her will to get back to her own world again.

You find Kay in his room, slowly getting dressed. He turns to face you, his shirt half-off, and he blushes. "Mary? Can I help you?"

Entering, you close the door behind you and approach him. Placing both hands on his face, his blush intensifies as you lean down and kiss him. His gentle elven features yield to your touch as your tongues meet, his smaller and thinner muscle wrapping about yours as they entwine. When you pull away, he is left breathless.

"Wow... What was... that for?"

"Need it be for anything?" you ask, running a hand through his hair. "You are special to me. I never want you to forget, no matter how you feel about Merriam."

"I do want you both," he admits. "I just don't want to lose what I have."

"You won't." You kiss him again, and though you feel a desire to brand him, you aren't certain of his complete and total loyalty yet. Best to avoid it for now until he is more permanently wrapped around your finger. Next you ask him, "Tell me something, Kay, and be honest with me: you know Merriam and Ben love each other very much. Have you ever watched them?"


"Come now, don't be like that. I've watched them. Have you? I know how you desire Merriam, your conflicted feelings, but I must know: have you?"

He averts his eyes as his face deeply reddens. "...Yes."

"And you were jealous?"


"Of who?"

"...Of them both."

You smile and plant a light kiss on his ear that makes him shiver. "Good. Stay patient, my little elf. You'll be rewarded soon."

Slipping away from him, you close the door behind him and allow him to rest once more.


Ruffle is hair damnit!!!

So will we get the chance to check in with the whole party?
I bet he's rolling for an event everytime but we've just been lucky until now.
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Alex Bath.png
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"T-this is a bit embarassing..." Alex's face, usually red and cherubic, is now more like a tomato.

"Come now, there's nothing wrong about it. Fresh water is always better when enjoyed at the source."

"It's just... Being n-naked in public is..."

"Nobody is watching," you say with a wink. "Now, just follow my lead."

Reaching up to your shoulders, you let slip your dress and step into the cool stream until you are submerged up to your chest. Turning around, you lift up a hand and beckon him towards you.

Gulping, he slowly removes his robes, hat and other vestments until there is nothing but his small, pale body. Modestly covering himself, he steps into the water with a probing foot and then pulls it back. "It's c-cold!"

"Don't worry. I'll keep you warm."

Nervously he enters the stream, wading towards you until it is too deep for him to continue. You smile and walk towards him, gently swaying your arms and hips in the water. He doesn't stare at you out of nervousness as you near him and place your hands on his shoulders.

"Let's get you clean," you say with a gentle, encouraging tone. You lead him back to the shore and sit down in a shaded spot with tall grass on all sides, allowing you complete privacy. Sitting down on some soft stones, you guide him to sit in your lap with his head leaning between your breasts where you begin to pour small amounts of water on his face and head. "I'll teach you how to wash my hair," you tell him as you clean him with a small, soapy rag. "Won't that be fun?"

"Y-yes, I sup-supose so," he stammers.

"It's important to be clean. They say cleanliness is next to godliness, and with how close you are to your gods, you should always be clean." The hand holding the rag washes across his chest. "Don't you think so?"

He nods. "Yes, Mary."

"Call me what you did before," you whisper in his ear. He blushes and turns to look up at you.

"Mommy," he whispers, and you reward him with a small kiss on the forehead. You pamper him with a few more on his cheeks as your hand drifts further down his cute little belly until -- "M-Mary, I--!"

"Shh, it's alright," you whisper. "I'm just cleaning. It'll be our secret...~"

"B-but, I'm!" His words are lost in your lips as you kiss him again, this time enthralling him with it. He grows still in your arms and lets out a tiny, cute little gasp as you do what you please. You take your time cleaning him with a nurturing touch, all the while drawing him deeper and deeper into affection for you.

When you lean back, you command, "Say, 'Thank you, mommy.'"

"Thank you mommy," he replies in a dream-like state. You lift the rag out of the water and ring it out, then wipe his face clean.

"Good boy."


Well that escalated quickly

Faye needs to know that we've got a potentially planet-destroying rival to take care of here and I eagerly await ranting about how out of scale we've been thinking this whole time, but I think she should be the last one to talk to.

Sorry for the delay, I'm just dealing with some terrible heat. Keeping me from writing.
Speaking of getting HOT, you plan on doing any more canon lewd pastebins?

Yes, I've quite the backlog, but I've been keeping track.
I'm sure my penis will thank you.
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"So, you just shot a spell at the back of her head?"

"I didn't have many more options."

"I suppose so." Faye leans back and puts a finger to her lips. "You know, I wonder if I have an ancient ancestor back in my mirror world..."

"If you do, she's still locked up. Hopefully. But that's not what matters. What matters is that, even as far as we've come, we're still only small players compared to those who are truly powerful. We must become greater."

"Well, it's not like we aren't trying," she shrugs.

You narrow your eyes. "Indeed. And how goes the 'trying' to get back home, Faye?"

She shrugs. "Slow going. No luck yet."

"Pardon me for saying, but you don't seem in much of a hurry."

"I will confess, I am enjoying my time here."

"Yes, you are... A little too much, I think."

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"You took Ben's seed within yourself."

She blinks. "Oh, he told you that, did he? Not surprised. Yes, I did. I was... excited at the time. I wasn't thinking. You know how it gets..."

"I don't think either of us will deny that I have a greater control over myself."

"That's not how you described your meeting with Krom," she shoots back.

"Point taken. But I'm not pregnant, am I? Are you?"

She puts a hand over her belly. "I don't know. If I am, I could always just get rid of it. Who cares? I'm not a fan of raising kids. I know you aren't, either. We don't really have maids around here yet, either, like how we were raised."

>Encourage her to keep it
>Encourage her to get rid of it
>Encourage her to not be so careless
>Change the subject
>Change the subject

Really none of our business. But yeah we should probably get a butler and some maids. Expand the tower a bit with a Hall for more room and storage place
>>Change the subject

I dont really care
>Encourage her to not be so careless

This is a partnership Faye, so I will not say whether or not to keep it. I ask that you think long and hard about that though and to please remember to be careful in the future with these things, you're a hedonist but careful planning can reap greater pleasures than that of the moment. You're right though, we need some servants around here.
>>Change the subject
grope her or something, gives us a chance to enthrall her with some kisses
Tell her that we don't care, but that she should tell us that kind of thing.
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>>Change the subject
"Anyways, how's your sex life?"
>Encourage her to not be so careless
it can play havoc on seventh son situations, or something, or magic in general. Everything needs to be done with purpose, not because you lost control of your self.
>Encourage her to not be so careless
Why do we even care if Faye wants to be a cum dumpster? Unless getting pregnant by Ben is part of some ritual to betray us, why not just let her have sex the way she wants to?
Because Faye being out of action for several months can fuck us over.
supporting saying something along those lines
I'm sure in this setting, where magic can basically do anything, there is an abortion spell. I can't particularly see Faye or Serina being opposed to using it.
"You know, your ACTUAL sex life?"
Scathing, I love it
May not be able to update today. Odd day at work. I'll keep you informed.
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"You shouldn't be so careless. Remember that situation at the election? Brash action can lead to things I need to clean up."

"There's nothing for you to clean up here, unless you feel like diving down and giving my pearl a wash," Faye says, giggling.

You roll your eyes. "I'm serious, Faye. I don't care what you do with your body, as flawless a body as it is, but don't make trouble that we can't clean up. Understood?"

"Yeah, yeah..." She shifts and crosses one leg over the other. "So, what are we going to do about this moon-bitch, anyway?"

"That I don't know. Yet. I only glimpsed a fraction of her power and nothing I had stood up to it. She wasn't even really fighting me. Next time, I want the playing field to be even. We start by devising a way to get her away from the moon somehow... Perhaps into Aran."

"That might work," she nods. "Maybe we could trap her there and syphon her powers."

"I like your line of thought as well, because I was thinking the same thing. We need to tap her like an underground spring."

Faye giggles. "Hehe, 'tap her.'"


"What? She's cute, right?"

"She's our ancestor."

"Oh, like that's ever stopped anyone in OUR family," she laughs.

You decide to change the subject. "We can start by figuring out what we can do with our new wealth. I liked what you said earlier... we could use some more servants around here. And I'm thinking about taking some of our assets and investing them... I've gotten some wonderful ideas from our companions."

"You need to spend money to make money," Faye winks. "Which reminds me: we need to scrounge up, oh, several million gold."

You nearly spit out your glass of wine at how non-chalantly she said that. "WHAT?!"

"That might be what it takes to get me home... give or take a million or two."

"That's utterly absurd. I could afford several castles for that amount of money!"

Faye raises her brow. "Just putting it out there..."

"Who told you this?"

"A mirror demon that I summoned. He said it's for the down payment."

"And what does HE need the gold for?"

She shrugs. "Perhaps lots of glass polish? His skin is like that of a mirror, you know."

"Several million..." you shake your head. "Lords and gods, I'm not even sure that much money could exist in one place, except the deepest darkest vaults of the deepest darkest dragon-filled dungeons." You bring your wine glass up and take another swig, downing the rest in one gulp.
Suggest her to use the temples of Aran to fuel her researches, some of those are probably mystics of various kinds, and might have lost knowledge.
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