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Starship Idols Quest #13

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 260
Thread images: 8

PREVIOUSLY ON STARSHIP IDOLS: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Starship+Idols

A hotel room had been set aside for you and Danner and some executives. You sat back and listened to them talk for a little bit. You normally wouldn't, but Danner insisted. Whatever this was, these guys better have some money pronto. “My name is Evan Ames.” He presents himself pretty handsomely, nice slickback blonde hair, cool blue eyes behind some shades, and a smart cut black suit to go with it. “I represent the Matanza Arms Corporation, we're a security and weapons firm that develops particular defensive options for colonists in the Outer Rings. Everything from your basic PDW and carbines up to building transports and the big guns,” he explains. “We couldn't help but notice that your Idols happened to be here on Titan Station and we happen to have an offer for you, to our mutual benefit.”

“What do you want?” you ask.

He smiles, pointing and grinning at you. “To the point, business like!” He sits down across from you at the table, tenting his hands. “Let's make it clear cut and simple. We'd like to sponsor your Idols, and in return your Idols try to 'talk up' and advertise the Matanza Arms Corp product line.”

Danner nods. “It's a simple enough procedure, Lieutenant. Plus, Matanza is perfectly willing to throw a lot of money behind this.”

“What kind of advertisement are we talking?” you ask. “Because at heart, this is a Federal effort to bring people into the war, not an economic... wish-washy...” Words, words, please, words come! “This isn't like a sporting event where every five minutes we say our sponsors or anything?”

“Well we're not asking that you adopt Matanza Arms products right away, we're well aware of Morita Arms' monopoly on the MI weaponry line,” he says very coolly. “We'll start simple, The Federation brings you the Starship Idols! A short five second special thanks to us maybe. But before that, we'd like for your Idols to come and try and test some of our weapons out too in our personal proving grounds here on Titan.”

“Really?” you ask. “You're going to trust us with experimental weapons?”

“We're planning on releasing them in the next few weeks. A star endorsement from the Starship Idols my shareholds tell me will help sales, bring us to a bit of a darkhorse status in the arms production world,” he says. “What do you say, Lieutenant?”

> “Let me convene with the girls first.”
> “I say let's do it!”
> “No thank you. We're not interested.”
> Other

> “Let me convene with the girls first.
Mand it only cost had to leave work to see doc .
Probs ask some of the feds
Mybe make it a 2 way thing
>> “Let me convene with the girls first.”
>> “Let me convene with the girls first.”
>"On condition, we'll use them if I decide they're more fitting for girls."
>“Let me convene with the girls first.”
We could ask Charlie if Matanza is really as good as they say, or if the Colonies actually prefer a different arms company.

Morita is still our number one, though.
>> “Let me convene with the girls first.”
They realy should be going tough the fed people for this but nice that there asking us
> “Let me convene with the girls first.”

You stand up. “Let me convene with the girls first. I'd rather they have final say on what they get to endorse and who gets to sponsor them, I hope you understand that.”

“By all means,” he says. “I'll be talking to Danner here then in the meantime.” You nod, then look to Danner. He smiles back, waving you away. Alright, alright. You start walking to the door. “So, Danner. I am fully prepared to listen to your life story. How'd a man like you get so blind?”

Danner smirks. “Comes with being a citizen.”



“Matanza Arms?” Charlie is the only one of your five Idols to even know the name. Olga, Stacy, Rosalie, and Naka look to her for a bit of guidance. It is a lot to spring on the girls, the ideas of endorsement, but overall what makes the Starship Idols program isn't a load of money, it's the load of heart that they have. No sponsor can buy that. “Matanza Arms is a pile of dogshit.” Oh.

“What do you mean?” asks Olga.

“Well, Matanza produces the latest stuff, yeah, and it's all cheap. The problem is that none of it has been QC'd properly,” she explains. “We had a set of 100 Matanza Modular Objective Individual Weapons, they can be made into PDWs, base carbines, DMRs, the works. The problem was that their pulse feed system tended to burst if you fired it for too long.”

“How long was too long?” you ask.

“Two seconds,” she says. Two seconds? Are they serious? “They boasted that it had an effective fire rate of 1000 RPM but the fact of the matter is that that wasn't even the worst issue with the MOIW. The buttstocks tended to split in half because they were made from a really cheap polymer, the sights tended to wander after extended firing, the safety could only be engaged if the trigger was pulled slightly and the charger cocked forward, the barrels wore out after 6000 rounds, which isn't that big of a deal until you get into the 1000 RPM thing.”

“Was there anything good about it?” asks Stacy skeptically.

“The firerate,” says Charlie. “The problem with pulse weapons now is that they don't do a lot of penetration unless you put a lot of fire down on one spot. 1000 RPM is like spearing them. Other than, complete pile of crap.”

Olga says, “Well maybe they fixed it since then. We should try it out, give them a chance!”

Rosalie shrugs. “I prefer Morita. They have proven quality over Matanza.”

“I'm fine with whatever,” says Stacy. Naka nods, being a Fleet Tactical Liaison it doesn't really matter to her for the most part. “And I guess Charlie is against. What do you want to do, Lieutenant?”

> Take the deal for now.
> Refuse it.
> Other
>> Other
"Its give and take. Let see if we can convince them to sorting out these problem in price of our endorsement."
optimistic, yeah. But someone, maybe in colony, might need to use their product irrelevant on our endorsement here and if we can help them sorting out we should try.
We can test their new equipment, see if it's up to snuff and if they've worked out the QC problems.

Also ask Charlie what arms company she does recommend; maybe we can go to them for a sponsorship.
>We can test their new equipment, see if it's up to snuff and if they've worked out the QC problems.
im sure the guns the cdf uses are from the dump pale since those guns are like 100 years old wel the teach is same with there ships
realy dont want to be going to them
Make sure we are allowed to randomly select samples. They will probably try to give us cherry-picked units.
we sholud ask Morita if they want to give us moneys
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>Take the deal for now.
> Other
Supporting >>1061519.
> Other



“We've agreed to endorse on one condition,” you say to Mister Ames. You and your girls stand before him in the conference room. “We'd like to first test your new equipment. Your newest stuff. If it's up to snuff, we'll endorse. But if it's not, we won't. We ask that you not waste our time.”

“Yes of course!” says Ames, clapping his hands together. “I'll clear the schedule of our proving grounds, we'll have you ferried over right away.” You nod to him with a smile. At least he's being cooperative. “We'll meet you there, Lieutenant.” With that, Mister Ames is away along with his group of executives.

Danner walks up to you. “You sure about this? I mean, they were willing to sponsor us with quite a bit of money.”

“If we're going to endorse a product, we'll endorse a product that works,” you say.

Charlie nods. “Yeah. Think about, we're using Morita Arms products in the CDF that's older than Matanza, that's how shitty their guns were.” Danner shrugs, accepting the point. “Can't wait to see though if they've improved anyway.” Hopefully they have.



For this particular part of the day, you brought along the Idols, Burkett, and Mills. The secret Matanza Proving Grounds on Titan Station was essentially that, a weaponry proving ground designed to test the very limits of their products. Everything from a one kilometer range, to a shaking device designed to rattle the weapons internals, to an immersion test in water, mud, sand, ice, and other alien environments, and more. You actually visited Morita's secret Proving Ground on Earth back in the Cotswalds, unsurprisingly Morita's was much more. There you were taken to the various stations by Mag-Lev, here you were ferried around by Range Rovers. There, the firing ranges were cleaned regularly of unexploded ordnance by robot and Skinny labor. Here, the firing ranges had signs indicating unexploded ordnance and residual CR gas pooling in craters.

Quite something, Matanza.

Mister Ames takes you all to one of the more basic ranges. “Welcome, welcome! Uh... Charlie, right?” Charlie nods. “Since you're coming from our primary demographic, we'd like for you to personally test these weapons. The guns we have selected have been randomly chosen from a pool of production weapons ready to be released, so don't worry about cherry picking.” Charlie nods as a cart brought forth to her, revealing the weapons.

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“Okay. Wait.” You step up next to Charlie. “What's that?” You point to the rifle with the glowing red lights running alongside the length of its barrel, and the bullpup magazine looking more like a battery than a magazine of ammo.

“That's the Lightning, it's our new production Laser Rifle.”

“Laser?” asks Rosalie. “I thought Laser was impractical for individual infantry combat.” Power concerns mostly. Plus heat.

“Not with Matanza,” he says. “Would you like to try it out?”

Charlie looks down at it, then at Ames, then at you. “Er. It looks kind of...” She hovers a hand over it, then steps back. “That feels hot just hovering my hand over it.”

“Well, yeah. The battery is uh...” He shrugs. “The battery might be giving off a lot of heat. But don't worry, we have goggles for that. Would you like to try it?”

> “Go on Charlie, take a shot.”
> “I'll do it.”
> “On second thought, maybe we'll pass.”
> Other
>> “I'll do it.”
>How about a demonstration first?
>> “Go on Charlie, take a shot.
Yeah, this >>1061687
> “I'll do it.”
> “I'll do it.”

“I'll do it,” you ask. One of Ames' cronies hands you some thick insulated gloves as well as a thick jacket, along with safety glasses right out of a welding shop. You put it all on. Uh. “Uh. Ames, is this really all necessary to fire this thing?”

“Safely, yes,” he says. The others get their own shades. “I'd wear the glasses if I were you. Last subject caught a bit of the muzzleflash at the edge of his FOV, was blind for a week.” … right. Okay. You've made a bit of an error in judgement. But whatever, if he's confident it'll work, then sure. You grab the rifle. “Now, to use the Lightning, cock back the charging handle on the right side.” You nod, cocking the handle. “It's ambidextrous, just in case, now the safety is a little switch on the trigger guard.” You switch it off. “Good, now you're ready to fire.”

“What am I shooting at?” you ask.

“Concrete block there about a foot thick at 500 meters,” he says. You nod, sighting in the target. You brace yourself, then raise the weapon up. It actually feels very good to handle, not something you can say for a lot of bullpup weapons. But heck, it feels pretty light too. Apart from the searing heat, it'd be really comfortable. Gingerly, you sight in, then squeeze the trigger.

A bright flash explodes out of the barrel's end. And in an instant, the concrete block has a very sizable hole smashed through it. Whoa. You grin a little, looking at it. Huh. Not so bad. The girls clap and applaud, and even Charlie looks a little jealous she didn't get to fire it. “Wow. That's a foot thick?” He nods, proudly. “That's not so bad. But uh... heat issue-”

“We have people working on it,” he says. “Don't worry.” A technician takes the rifle from you. “We also have conventional weapons here for the girls to try out as well. Heck, we can make it a range day if you want! Break out some of the previous products! I'll have my people cook us up a nice picnic as well.”

> “That sounds nice. Make it happen.”
> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”
> Other
What's she going to do? Jam at them?
>> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”
>> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”
> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”
> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”
>> “That sounds nice. Make it happen.”
> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”
> “No, we're just here to test and we'll go.”

“No, we're just here to test and we'll go,” you say. “Charlie?” Charlie nods, stepping up. She takes up one of the new MOIW rifles. “How's it feel?” Ames seems a bit perturbed, but does not let it show quite visibly.

Charlie says, “It actually feels a lot better now than the last MOIWs we got,” she says. Does it? Ames smiles, proud of it. “Come on, feel it out.” Stacy, Rosalie, and Olga come to pick up MOIWs of their own, one with an underslung grenade launcher, another with a shotgun, and one with a highpower scope and a long heavy barrel. “Did you strengthen the stock?”

“Used higher quality polymer, straight from the Skinny's mouth who built it,” he says. “Plus, the issue of the feed system bursting is no longer an issue.” Charlie smiles a little, looking down on it. She flicks the safety off, then raises the rifle. Stacy, Olga, and Rosalie do the same with raising their weapons. The four of them start putting pulse rounds down range, sending shards of blue pulse energy ripping through the grass and through wood and concrete targets. You can't even make out any individual reports as well. It's a very distinct ripping noise from each of the MOIWs. And yet despite the intense RPM, the girls barely budge.

“What's the RPM on the new MOIW?” you ask.

Ames declares proudly, “1,500. We used a new feeding system along with a very ingenious system to generate power from the recoil to help cycle the weapon faster, it was developed by our best in RnD. Plus, with new developments in pulse energy, we were able to sink the heat into other parts of the weapon more effectively.”

“Why is the barrel of mine glowing red?” asks Rosalie, hers being the long barreled scoped one.

“Means you need a new barrel!” Ames smiles, then walks on over. He pulls down a handle on the side of the barrel, then simply pulls out the hot one. He carefully drops it down onto the ground, and allows Rosalie a new one. “There you are! And it's simple as inserting, then turning!” Rosalie nods approvingly.

Charlie looks to the MOIW. “Wow. I-... I gotta say, this is an improvement from the last one. How much is it?”

“Each unit is only 300 quid,” he says. “What do you say, Lieutenant? Would you like to endorse Matanza Arms?” The girls look to you, expecting an answer. There's still clearly problems. For one thing, why does a weapon like the MOIW need a QB anyway? Or the fact that the laser rifle doesn't sink heat properly despite being only weeks from main production? Though...

> “I'll let my girls decide.”
> “We'd love to.”
> “No thank you.”
> Other
thank you for letting us test them
glad you fixed some issues
but might we take a few of these to test in the fire of combat?
if they perfome as well as in here out there then we will be happy to proment your weapons.
and i hope you can understand
have a nice day we we will be in tuch
>> “I'll let my girls decide.”
> “I'll let my girls decide.”
> “No thank you.”
They've got some cool ideas, but they need to refine and ruggedise these designs before we'll feel comfortable endorsing them. Of course, maybe we could discuss a premium line of products from them that we endorse which meet these higher standards.
> “I'll let my girls decide.”
if the fire rate fucks with the barrle y not make it a burst fire soo not to mealt it?
but way make it go even faster?
wounder if they keept it at 100 rpm would the barrle still die from over heating?
We need to see these in actual combat conditions, not just on a firing range. If these can handle real combat, even with the heat dissipation problems, then we'd be proud to promote these weapons.
> “I'll let my girls decide.”

“I'll let my girls decide,” you say. Ames nods, understanding.

Stacy shrugs. “Well. I mean, it's not like we've seen them in actual combat conditions.”

“Yeah,” says Rosalie. “I might be more inclined to believe them if these were battle-tested but they're not.”

“Agreed.” Olga grins. “My dad would never send out a product if he didn't know it was the right one! Maybe Mister Ames can give us some to use in the field before launch and we'll see how they fare!” That's dangerous, but you won't fault the logic. Honestly, it's just nice that the girls are being reasonable about this and not getting caught up in fancy new toys. Though that laser rifle, if they got the kinks worked out.

Naka says, “No opinion! Fleet girl!” Of course.

As for Charlie. “I'll go with Olga's idea. We take some to test out, and then we'll decide for ourselves later.”

“I hear a trial period,” says Ames. “Lieutenant?”

“We'll take five MOIWs and the accessories. But not for free.” Mills blinks, surprised, as does Burkett. This is going right out of the budget. “We'll use our own money to test them so it doesn't look like we're playing favorites. We'll call you later with our decision, okay?”

He grins. “By all means! Your feedback will be instrumental to improving them. In the meantime, if there is anything we can do to help your stay here on Titan Station, we can do it. In fact, Matanza happens to have a slot in the monthly weapons fair this weekend! We can arrange for you to perform there if you'd like, ahead of your primary performance on Titan!”

> “That'd be great.”
> “No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”
> Other
> “No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”
Schedule to keep etc.
>“No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”
>> “No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”
> “No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”
>> “No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”
Places to go, people to see, propaganda to spread, blah blah blah.
> “No thanks, we're sticking to one performance here only.”

“No thanks, we're here for one performance and one performance only,” you say. Ames frowns a little, but nods to that. He seems disappointed that he didn't suck you in. Admittedly, you were a little up until the flaws in the weapons came out. Maybe they'll take the lesson of this and develop some better weapons in return. “For now, me and the girls should probably get back to the hotel.”

“Alright,” says Mister Ames. “If you say so. I'll have my people arrange for transport.”



When you arrive back at the hotel, you're greeted by Nonon penning a song for Charlie. The two of them sit at the piano in Nonon's hijacked songwriting room, where Charlie softly sings the tune of it. “Sweet home, Myrmido. Where the skies are so blue. Sweet home, Myrmido. Lord, I'm coming home to you.” Rosalie, Stacy, Olga, and Naka watch over her shoulder, almost entranced by Charlie's song. She hums along to the piano tune Nonon puts out for her. And you stand by the door with Mills and Azuma.

Mills says, “She has a lovely voice.”

“Yep,” says Azuma. “Might just overtake Stacy once we introduce her to the galaxy proper.”

“Yeah. There's still the issue of the whole colonial stuff though,” you say.

“Is it an issue?” asks Mills. “I quite like her blunt charm. She's boyish yes, but... it may help her.” Well...

> “I'd rather we make her a bit more feminine.”
> “Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle.”
> “We should make her more princely.”
> Other
>> “Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle.”
> “Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle.”

I heard that some guys love them tsuun-dar-eys.
> “Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle.”
>“Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle

The kind of girl who speaks her mind, takes no crap but still puts on that dress for a dance.
> “Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle.”
> “Let's play up her blunt colonial tomboy angle.”

“We'll play up the blunt colonial tomboy angle.” You fold your arms, smiling. “Though, I imagine Nonon probably wants the whole princely flirting thing.”

“There's no reason it can't be both,” says Azuma. You and Mills look at him, skeptically. “What? That's she'd say.” You roll your eyes for now, then step up to the stage where Charlie and Nonon are working on the song. Nonon stops, looking to you. All the Idols turn their heads to you, expecting something out of your mouth.

“Lieutenant?” asks Charlie. “Something the matter?”

“Just making sure you're getting the song memorized. We're gonna be set for a performance hopefully soon. And you're going to be mainlining it.” She blinks, nodding slowly. “I hope you understand that.”

“Yeah,” says Stacy. “No pressure.” Charlie flips her the V, glaring at her.

“Anyway, Charlie. We're just hoping that you can be yourself up on the stage for now,” you say.

“Really?” Charlie tilts her head. “You don't want like princely flirty tomboy girl or... whatever the fuck you wanted?”

“I just need you to be yourself,” you say. “If yourself is a flirty tomboy from the farms, so be it.” Charlie quirks her brow, then shrugs. “So, what it'll be then?”

Charlie leans on the piano a little. “Well, I guess I can.”

“Good.” You fold your arms. “And another thing, I think I've already said this before, so I'll say it again in case. Please try not to... flirt or otherwise fraternize with people unnecessarily. It looks bad if people around these parts think you're a slut.”

“Well maybe you should've hired ugly Idols, it's pretty hard not to,” says Charlie. You look to the others, who whistle and look away innocently, blushing. You roll your eyes. For goodness sakes, girls. She's a girl! She can't be that charming! “Hell, I can't imagine why the Prime Minister would hire you to be a producer, Lieutenant. You got mainline talent written all over that nice rack of yours.” She- what? Who-... She smirks, winking at you.

No. Don't fall in love, please. PLEASE.
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Things are slowing down for me so I'm gonna end it here. We'll resume tomorrow hopefully. Hope you all enjoyed.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.
Thanks for the fun, boss.
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Me Everyday.jpg
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>Just arrived in the thread
>OP calls it a night

Life is suffering.
Sorry anon, I got an interview tomorrow so I gotta call it early.

I'm around for questions and such though.
Good luck. Remember to wear pants.
No problem, reality takes precedence. Good luck, and wear clean underwear.
sorry had to pass out trying to get better.
good luck.
Thanks for the run.
Is this post from someone who ranted about yurifags forcing him into yuri scenes?
“One, two, three, four, one two, three, four!” Faraday is teaching all the girls new dance moves quite nicely in the training room. “There you go, ladies!” They pant and breath heavily, sweating their butts off. Faraday has been working them tirelessly since this morning, and it showed. They've kept amazing pace, but at the same time you wonder how long they have before they collapse of exhaustion. “Come on, come on! Again, faster, with more energy and poise!” Even Naka looks like she's about to die. Faraday, the big man he is, hasn't broken a sweat. He kicks his leg up, holding it up in the air straightly, smiling. “Like so!”

You stand at the side with Burkett, Mills, and Azuma, watching. Danner has said that the venue has been booked. And in a week's time you'll be introducing Charlie.

And already the media was on you like a bad itch. “Lieutenant!” Several reports ganged up on you. “What was the process in selecting your CDF Idol? Was she handpicked? Did she audition? Was-”

“Lieutenant, now that the Starship Idols have a girl from the CDF in their ranks, does this mean the Federation as a whole will start integrating the CDF into the Federal service?”

“What is your opinion on the CDF now, after you've fought alongside them?”

“What are your comments regarding rumors of Charlotte's promiscuity?”

“Guys, guys...” You hold up your hands, trying to quieten them down. “My girls are practicing, please remain calm-”

More journalists burst out of the door at the other end of the training room. “Where are they!?” yells one of they. “There they are!” yells another. They start marching in one great blob, approaching the shy and nervous looking Idols. Except for Olga and Naka, they look eager to start answering questions.

> “Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”
> “Hold on! One at a time, please! We can do this in an orderly fashion!”
> Other
>> “Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”
>“Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”
>> “Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”
> “Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”
Maybe a comment about how we don't barge into their offices while they're writing up their articles and badger them to file their taxes.
>“Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”
> “Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”

Burkett SMASH!
> “Burkett. Disperse these people until practice is over.”

“Burkett, get these people out of here.”

He nods. “Alright, people! Show's over! Let's go!” Burkett, being one man after all, is helped out by Mills. “Come on, fuck on outta here! Let's go, go! Get that camera out! Don't make me smash it! Go!” The two start to disperse the journalists and force them out of the room by sheer presence alone. MI troopers are nothing to shake a stick at after all, even if its two versus like thirty people. The thirty wouldn't stand a chance. After a few minutes of struggle and fighting, the crowds are dispersed, to the disappointment of Olga and Naka.

“I wanted to show off my new hairdo,” says Olga, having now put it into a smart ponytail.

“I wanted to show off how far I can stretch my leg up,” Naka says as well. “Stacy-san, how far can you-” Stacy responds by doing a standing split, her leg upwards, almost effortlessly. “Nevermind.”

You walk up to Faraday as he allows the girls a quick five minutes break to hydrate and keep themselves warmed up. “How are they?” you ask.

“Oh, they're lovely!” says Faraday. “Though Rosalie and Charlie are quite a bit behind the others.” That's actually a big problem if you plan on making Charlie the center for her own show. “But don't worry, Lieutenant! I can whip those two into shape! I've had far worse to work with after all!” You and Faraday look to see Rosalie prove him wrong by trying to do a standing split. She succeeds only in accidentally axe kicking Olga in the shoulder and falling over onto her face. Charlie simply doesn't do it at all, resting on her gym bag. “Ehehe... yeah.”

> “I've got faith in you, Faraday.”
> “Let me see if I can talk to them.”
> “We're doomed.”
> Other
>> “I've got faith in you, Faraday.”
>> “I've got faith in you, Faraday.”
>> “I've got faith in you, Faraday.”
> “I've got faith in you, Faraday.”
> “I've got faith in you, Faraday.”

“I've got faith in you, Faraday. Don't think I've ever seen a dancing instructor quite like you.” You've never even seen a male dancing instructor, but you suppose that's just more because you've never seen a lot of dancing instructors at all. The life of a civilian and non-combatant is just foreign to you. There's a lot of things that you seem to be missing.

Faraday grins, his muscly arms folded. “That's fine, Lieutenant! I'm happy to serve any way I can.”

“How did you get to be a dance instructor anyway?” you ask.

“My father's a citizen, his pensions helped pay for my college education. Majored in Theatre Arts, starred in a couple of plays, but my real passion was in the art of dance!” He stomps his foot, hissing and pounding his chest. Uh. “The most basic expression of feeling in humanity! Once I got my degree, it was actually quite easy to find a job. With the new Idols coming in, people need to learn how to dance, want to learn how to dance like their favorite Idols, all that jazz! Means people like me stay in business!”

“And I guess Danner picked you up?” you ask.

“Yep! Danner and me actually go way back. We were classmates. But when I graduated high school I went to college, he joined the Mobile Infantry. He decided to pay me a favor by hiring me for this,” he says. Interesting. Though you don't find it surprising Danner has that experience in the MI judging by his blindness and his work in the MWI. “You dance a lot, Lieutenant?”

“The Lieutenant can dance!” says Olga.

“Eh...” You shrug. “I can. But I'm not warmed up, I'm in...” You motion down to your utility dress greys. Can't really dance in a skirt and knee high boots. “Not in a condition to dance right now.”

“I see,” he says. “Don't worry about it. I will give you lessons for free if you ever need it, I do owe Danner for this job after all.” You smile a little. “And Olga!” He bends over to meet her eye to eye. “Great work this morning. You've really improved your footwork!”

“Aw! Thank you, Faraday!” Olga grins, blushing a little.

With that though, you should leave a lot to Faraday. Dancing is important, and you're not in any position to question the expert.

> Watch the girls practice some more, see how they fare.
> Go drinking with Azuma, Mills, and Nonon. Watching practice gets boring after a while.
> Go see what your parents are up to. They're still in the hotel somewhere.
> Other

> “I've got faith in you, Faraday

Watch the girls practice some more, see how they fare.
Try to kearn some moves that you can do when your alone only to get walked in on
>> Go see what your parents are up to. They're still in the hotel somewhere.
>> Watch the girls practice some more, see how they fare.
>> Watch the girls practice some more, see how they fare.
> Go see what your parents are up to. They're still in the hotel somewhere.
> Watch the girls practice some more, see how they fare.

Also, ask Faraday what forms of dancing he knows. I'd like a little bit of salsa thrown in the lessons, just for a bit of zest.
> Watch the girls practice some more, see how they fare.

“Come on, girls!” Faraday drills them more in the extensive legwork they need to succeed as Idols. They tap their feet up and down on the smooth wood floor, getting their knees up and down as fast as they can. It's sort of like training back in the MI, only this is emphasizing looking good while doing so. Military training in its way is easier than being a showman, you're not expected to look good, you're expected to survive. But in show business? Every action you perform on stage has to look good. Even falling down has to look coordinated.

“Whoa!” Rosalie trips and falls over. Charlie backs away and trips on her heels, falling onto her back.

“Stop, stop!” Faraday steps on over. “Come on, Rosie. Charlie.” He helps the two of them up quickly. Rosalie groans, rubbing her arm. “Don't overthink it, it's natural movement. Keep the head still, alright? You're not boxing here.”

“Yeah, yeah...” Rosalie sighs.

“Alright, girls! Again!” They start kicking their legs up and down to advance to the other side of the room. This movement is to get them to get used to spreading their legs as wide as they can while maintaining movement. “One, two! Three, four! One, two! Three- Rosalie, pick it up!” Rosalie groans, sitting at a split, apparently unable to get up. Faraday quickly comes over, and slightly helps her up. Rosalie groans, then starts moving forward again.

Mills steps up. “Rosalie is having trouble it seems.”

“She did fine during the first performance,” you say.

“The first performance is usually their best,” says Faraday. Charlie at least is getting the hang of things. “Rosalie! Come on! Before we get old now!” Rosalie nods, hurrying to the other end of the room. “Right! Breath, breath!” The five of them take deep breathes, breathing in and out. “Into the belly, out of the belly!”

Mills says, “Think you should talk to Rosalie?”

> “Nah. She'll be fine.”
> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”
> Other
>> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”
>> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”
> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”
>> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”
> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”
> “Sure. Might as well see where she's at.”

“Rosalie!” You wave her over. She looks to you, then sighs in frustration. Faraday calls the practice off for now, allowing everyone a few minutes break. “Come on. Let's talk.” She nods, picking up her water bottle and heading outside into the hall with you. “You don't seem to be catching up very well.”

“No, I'm not,” she says simply. “Never was the big dancing girl. I-...” She shrugs, taking a quick drink of water. “I feel like I'm dying in there. And honestly, I'd rather be fighting up at the front than back here and telling other people to fight.”

“You know how important this is,” you state simply, reminding her.

She nods, somberly, leaning on the wall. “Yeah. I do.”

“But you're not happy.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “No, I'm not happy. I-... I feel like the minute you find somebody better you're going to throw me aside.” You frown, folding your arms. What makes her think that? “I mean, I can't dance, I can't sing, I can't keep up with the other girls. I'm just-” She motions to herself. “I'm barely a grunt. Heck, Charlie is more of an Idol than I am.”

“Hey, listen. You are much more than just a Grunt, and more than just an Idol,” you say simply. “Once your service is up, you'll be a citizen. Isn't that what you wanted?”

She shakes her head. “More than anything else.” She looks down, rubbing her arm nervously. “But... I know the Federation kind of looks down on people who can't throw their weight around. I mean-... I try to catch up, I try to do my part but it gets harder and harder when the people around you are doing things you can't. I-... I don't know how to deal with that.”

> “You deal with it by pushing through it.”
> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
> “The Federation doesn't take kindly to those who skim off of others. Just remember that.”
> Other
>> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
> “You deal with it by pushing through it.”
> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
> "Remember, no-one can blame anyone for putting their all into their work."
>“You deal with it by pushing through it.”
> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
> “The Federation doesn't take kindly to those who skim off of others. Just remember that.”
>> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
>> “You deal with it by pushing through it.”
>> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”
> “You deal with it by pushing through it.”
> “Just know we're here for you, Rosalie.”

“You deal with it by pushing through it, Rosalie.” Rosalie listens attentively, nodding. “The Federation is never going to look down on you for trying and failing. You remember the ceremony?” Rosalie blinks. The empty chairs of those who tried and failed. “The Federation doesn't value blind strength, it values determination. We'll look higher on you for trying rather than never trying at all. But hey, if you do feel like giving up.” You place a comforting hand on your shoulder. “We're here for you, just know that.”

Rosalie takes a few seconds to process this, then slowly, she leans forward into your chest, hugging you. Then she starts sniffling. You sigh, smiling. Weight of what's going on must be really hitting her now. You hug her tightly, squeezing her tight. “It's alright,” you say quietly. She nods, keeping on holding her. “There there, you're alright.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” she says softly. “I've never had a friend like you.” That sends something into your heart. She lets go, wiping some tears out of her ears, hiccuping a little. “Oh... my.”

“It's fine. Do you need a minute?” you ask.

“Just let me go wash up,” she says. You nod. She steps down the hallway, heading to the bathroom.

“You know, Lieutenant.” You look back to see Burkett standing there, apparently having watched from the door. “You can't baby them like that forever.”

“Sure I can,” you say. “Watch me.”

Burkett frowns a little, hooking his thumbs into his belt. “They're troopers too like you and me. Nobody's gonna fecking care one bit about them once their service is up, once their Idolship is done too. They'll find new Idols, they'll find more troopers.”

You glare at Burkett a little. “Are you saying there's no point?”

“I'm saying it's going to get tough.” He grunts a little. “And you can't be Mommy forever.”

> “Like I said, watch me.”
> “I'll be a hell of a lot better than you were to your men.”
> “Maybe you're right.”
> Other
> “I'll be a hell of a lot better than you were to your men. Most of mine came home after all.”
>> “I'll be a hell of a lot better than you were to your men.”
Cut deep.
>> “Like I said, watch me.”
>> "Also, did you know that apparently Rosalie has tear ducts in her ears?"
>“Like I said, watch me.”
>> “I'll be a hell of a lot better than you were to your men.”
>> “Like I said, watch me.”
telling her to get good wont make her do better
and she did fine durning combate
super bitch is ago then.
its also y he drinks so much. and he fills shit about as is
well its currently tied.
> “Like I said, watch me.”
> “I'll be a hell of a lot better than you were to your men.”

“I'll be a hell of a lot better than you were to your men.” Burkett stiffens up, glaring at you. “I mean, most of mine came home after all. I'm not gonna abandon them. Like I said, watch me.” Burkett opens his mouth to say something, but once he sees the angry expression on your face, he relents, shutting himself up. “Let's get back, Burkett.” He nods, walking with you back to the training room.

There you find the four remaining girls idly discussing things. “So, Naka, where did you go to school?” asks Olga.

Naka says, “Hokkaido Federal Prep Academy. My parents had me earmarked for Federal Service as soon as my grades started coming in from elementary school, they really pushed me hard to go Fleet. So here I am!”

“Was it good?” asks Stacy.

“Pssh!” Naka waves it off. “It was the best! You got to train with real citizens, we got our education from college professors, all that stuff! Plus, we got a chance to fly real TAC Fighters! Not the modern stuff, the old ones, the obsolete ones, and even then we weren't really flying them but...” Stacy, Olga, and Charlie stare at her. “I really liked the Starships though! We got a chance to work with a real live Captain on his ship on a supply run! I actually distinguished myself there and got a citation!”

“Aren't citations for misbehavior?” asks Stacy, obviously knowing what a citation is.

“Er.” Naka blinks, looking away. “Well.”

“What happened?” asks Olga, bemusedly.

“Erm. I might've accidentally input the wrong coordinates,” Naka says softly. The girls start giggling at her. “We were supposed to go from Earth to Mars.”

“Where did you go?”

“Earth to Venus,” she says quickly. The three other girls start laughing at Naka. “Come on! It- it- was an honest mistake! Don't laugh!”

Olga hugs Naka, laughing in her ear. “I'm so sorry, Naka! Ahaha! Oh, how do you do something like that!?”

“Being a Fleet crewman is hard!” she yells.

> “Ahahah! What a nerd!”
> “Don't laugh, girls. She's right.”
> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
> Other
>> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
Friendly service rivalry and all that.
> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
>> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
>> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
>> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
was it a better route?
>“Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”
>“Take it like a champ,”
is this what Charlie says when see bangs them all?
Depends if she strapped on Goliath.
would she use anything smaller?
fed wants the best trains the best they can take itt
> “Take it like a champ, Naka. It's not personal.”

“Take it like a champ, Naka, it's not personal.” Naka grumbles a little at your request. You say, “Really, it's not. Just a bit of friendly interservice rivalry.”

“It's usually never friendly when MI talks about the CDF,” says Charlie. “So consider yourself lucky.”

“Heh.” Naka smiles a little. “Alright, alright. Just don't be so hard on me! That was way back before I knew had to do anything Fleet related! I couldn't even weld stuff!”

“You weld things?” asks Olga.

“Of course! I took an apprentice welding course during my time at the Academy,” says Naka. “I can do a lot with just an arc welder and a lot of time. Just you worry.” That's not bad, not bad at all. “But really though, my pursuit in my life? To be the best Idol there ever was! To have my name up in lights! To be Kyoko Nakagawa, the galaxy's #1 gal!” She hugs herself, sighing in bliss as she starts to fantasize about the potential. “Aaahhh!”

Stacy looks at you, bemusedly. “Man. Fleeties sure are weird.”

“Yeah,” says Charlie.

“Hey!” Naka looks over, offended.

“Alright girls, a bit more practice then we're done for today!” says Faraday. As they're led away, you hear someone calling to you. You look over.

Your parents. “Sweetie.” Mom calls to you while Dad stands to the side of the door, not looking very happy. “Come on, we need to talk a little bit. Won't take five minutes.”

> “I'm busy, another time.”
> “Anything you can say to me, you can say to my girls too.”
> “Sure. What's up?”
> Other
>Can we do this with my girls, or do you need me privately?

The second one seems a little too rude to say to Mom. If it was just Daddy, though...
>> “Sure. What's up?” pick this one

> “Anything you can say to me, you can say to my girls too.” couse this always ends well dosnt?
>“Sure. What's up?”
>> “Sure. What's up?”
> “Anything you can say to me, you can say to my girls too.”
> “Sure. What's up?”
>> “Sure. What's up?”
> "Sure. What's up?"
> “Sure. What's up?”

You walk on over to them. You assume they want to talk in private even though you've already been out there the past few minutes or so. “What's up?” you ask.

Mom looks over to Dad. “Your father would like to apologize for his behavior at dinner.” You look to Dad. Dad does not look like he wants to apologize. “And he wants you to know that he loves you dearly, Sweetie.” Mom looks to him, smiling sweetly. You can already tell already that Mom and Dad had the discussion, Mom basically flatout told Dad he had to apologize or else. And Dad obviously isn't satisfied with it.

“You don't have to apologize, Daddy,” you say. “I understand completely.”

“Do you,” he says. You nod. “Maybe you wouldn't have enlisted in the first place then if you did.” Mom's smile drops, and she rolls her eyes in frustration.

“Dad. We've been over this,” you say simply. “I enlisted because I wanted something of my own in life. If that was citizenship, well, here we are. I'm a citizen, I earned it. So thank you. I don't need you to thank me for my service either, I get plenty of it at bars sometimes.”

“I'm not here to apologize anyway,” he says. Mom sighs, rubbing her face in defeat. “I just want to tell you good luck with this venture.” You blink. Oh? “I've seen you talk with your Idols, I've seen the clips of the performance on Earth. You treat your girls well and with respect. I hope they do very well and I hope that you do just fine on your own.”

You stand there, then nod slowly. “Thank you, Dad.”

“Right.” He looks to Mom, then steps past her. “I'm out of here.”

Mom stands there, sighing. “Well, it's a start,” she says.

“If you thought Dad was going to just say sorry, you were dead wrong, Mom.” You shake your head, smiling a little.

“Well, he's right though. Those girls of yours are very interesting.” She leans on the wall. “I'm... I do worry for you, Sweetie. I mean, those four years you were at war killed me. I can't imagine losing you. You mean the world to me. And you mean the world to him even if he doesn't show it outwardly.” She places her loving hands on your arms, looking to you with pleading eyes. “Sweetie. Promise that after this ends, you'll come home, be our daughter again. Please?”

> “I promise.”
> “I can't promise that.”
> Other
>> “I can't promise that.”
but il try to come by more
or at lest let you kow how im doing mom
>> “I can't promise that.”
But we can still try.
>> “I can't promise that.”
We will try, though.
> “I can't promise that. I can try.”
> Other
"Mom, I'll always be you're daughter. You know that. But I've made a promise to myself that I'd stick with these girls, no matter what. I've failed to do that once. I couldn't take it if it happened again."
> “I can't promise that.”
But I'll try.
>“I can't promise that.”
"I'm not just your daughter, I'm my own woman and I have my own life to live. I'll call and write more often, though. You deserve that much."
> “I can't promise that.”

“I can't promise that,” you say.

Mom sighs. “Well. I guess not.” She frowns deeply, as if she were 100 years old rather than the 50 or so she was pushing now.

“I'm not just your daughter, Mom. I'm my own woman. I got my own life. But I can call, I can write more often. You two deserve that much at least,” you say simply. “I love the both of you. We might not get along but that's the truth, deep down.”

Mom's frown turns into a slight smile at that, and to that she hugs you. “Oh... baby. You'll always be my little girl. No matter how big you get, what suit you wear, how many people you kill... you'll always be my little girl.” You sniffle a bit. It hurts to listen to that. You never got to hear that much when you were a child, Mom and Dad were always so busy working their asses off to get you a nice life. Now look where you are. She gently pulls away, looking you in the eye. “And hey, those girls of yours, treat them like your own daughters. Remember that, okay?”

“Okay, Mom.” She kisses your forehead, then pinches your cheek a little. You playfully bat her away. And to that, Mom sighs, then turns away to leave with Dad.

You fold your arms, biting your lip. Like your own daughters. The daughters you might not ever get to have.

The daughters you might've had at one point.
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That's it for tonight's Starship Idols. We'll pick up again with this chapter's conclusion tomorrow around the same time. Hope you all enjoyed.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.


Well guse we going to get even more like a mum now
Thanks for running Schteel.
Thanks for the fun,boss.

How'd the interview go? did you wear pants?
horribly, i wore my miniskirt instead of my pants.

It went well actually. The interviewers actually liked my theatre background
will we see a theare play of this quest one day?
>Schteel is best girl.
Cheer up, Lieutenant. You get to skip all the diaper changes and obtain five ready-to-use daughters!
File: Kill la Kill - Ragyo Kiryuiin.jpg (315KB, 1152x1284px) Image search: [Google]
Kill la Kill - Ragyo Kiryuiin.jpg
315KB, 1152x1284px
>five ready-to-use daughters
Do try to seduce them first.
>Seduce anyone
She could seduce me.
But would she?
Probably not.
im sad now
mybe a live action?
You open your eyes, panting heavily. You sit up in your bed, sweating intensely. BUGS! Blood everywhere. Dizzy. Dune. Where is everybody!? Bugs, bugs. You reach for your MPAR. Fuck, where is it!? Your pistol!? WHERE THE FUCK-

You take a deep breath. You're not on the battlefield. You're in your hotel room. Very luxurious, yet dark hotel room. The bed was massive and so comfortable and yet... It just doesn't feel right. The dresser was full of your spare clothes too, but it didn't have your suit. Your cabinet had makeup and books, but not grenades and your service pistol. You shudder, rubbing your eyes a little. Fuck. How did it come to this? You never had nightmares before and now this.

What is going on with you? Did the shrinks fail their job with you? What time is it anyway? You slide on over to the cabinet then check the clock. 3 AM.

You lean back, sighing.

You're never going to get back to sleep at this rate.

So for now, you decide to find something to try and tire yourself out. After a quick shower to eliminate the terror sweat, you pull on a thick sweater and some shorts, then step outside of your hotel room. Maybe a quick walk around will soothe your thoughts. You fold your arms, tucking your hands below your breasts, hunching over. The rush is still there. The instinct to check every corner, turn your head, keep your profile low. You're not armed, you turned in your service pistol when you ended your service. You don't even have a knife. No suit either, they're all back on the ship.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. You hear some footsteps behind you. Shit.


“AH!” You slap them hard.

Mills stands there, holding your hand. He didn't stop the contact, but he did stop the follow through. “Easy. It's me, it's Mills.” You stand there, blinking. “It's alright. I- I'm sorry for sneaking up on you.” He gently lowers your arms. “It's okay. Easy now, Lieutenant.” You take another breath. Fuck. What have you done? “It's alright.” You see the red mark where your hand landed. Aw, Mills. You poor thing, you didn't deserve that.

You stand there, shaking. “... what are you doing up, Mills?”

He frowns a little, then says simply, “Took over for Burkett, watching the girls. But erm...” He holds up a coffee can. “Rosalie's taking some time to practice. Come on, I'll show you.”



Rosalie raises her hands up in the air, then slowly raises her left leg forward. She's breathing in, she's breathing out. Dressed in a light t-shirt and some breathy shorts, she exercises. You and Mills watch from the door. “Shouldn't she be sleeping?” you ask.

Mills shrugs. “I couldn't get her to sleep. She's determined.” You smile a little. Reminds you a little bit of you. “She's a hard worker that girl.” You nod, hugging yourself a bit. “Are you alright, Lieutenant? Do you feel better?”

> “I'll feel better when you get me a drink.”
> “I always feel better around you, Mills.”
> “I'm fine. Honest.”
> Other
>> “I'm fine. Honest.”
>> “I always feel better around you, Mills.”
> “I always feel better around you, Mills.”
> “I'm fine. Honest.”
>"I think I`ll join her.
>> Other
i think the battle we had reawaken things in me
im looking for bugs to kill and dreams didnt have them like this well not haveing the fear staying after i get up, the war has all come back to me
>“I'm fine. Honest.”
> “I always feel better around you, Mills.”
>> “I'm fine. Honest.”
Obvious lie is obvious.
I feel better now, after seeing Rosalie.
> “I'm fine. Honest.”

“I'm fine, honestly.” You shake your head, and at that Mills offers you a mug of piping hot coffee. You take it gratefully, then take a deep sip of it. The hotness warms your belly. “Ah... it's just a nightmare.”

“Right.” Mills nods, leaning in the doorway next to you. You both watch as Rosalie takes each step slowly and carefully, as if calculating her every move. “Lieutenant. If you ever need to talk about it, it's okay.” You look down, grimacing. “Do you remember what the nightmare was about?”

“I wish I'd forget,” you say. “It was...” You shift on your heels, clutching your mug of coffee. The room's big. Rosalie probably won't hear you if you talk quietly. You look to Mills, speaking softly. “It was the action that got me my Terran Cross. In that bug tunnel. Seeing that Queen. I warded off the Queen with a mini-nuke, tried chasing it towards our snagger teams. But the Royal Warriors didn't take kindly to that. They swarmed us, there were hundreds of them and maybe ten of us. Got the two prisoners behind us, we were forcing them away. Steady retreat under fire. Then Dizzy got hit.” Mills looks up at you, nodding slowly, mournfully even. “Plasma shard hit him dead on. Didn't even see the shooter. He wasn't dead, but we damn well couldn't drag him out of there.”

“Article Six?” he asks. The mercy kill. You look away, biting your lip. “It's okay, if you don't feel comfortable. I mean, I myself-”

“I loved Dizzy.” Mills blinks, stopping himself. “I don't know. I-... I'd rather forget what happened down there. Officially, he grabbed the nuke from my hands... told us all to get out of there, he'd cover our escape.” Mills nods slowly again. “That-... I've lost people before, each one seriously hurt me. But losing Dizzy was like losing my right arm.”

“We all lose people in war,” he says.

“Yeah. We do,” says Rosalie. “Hopefully the girls won't.” You all look over to Rosalie. She sighs, waving her arms up to fan some air into her face. She looks at you, then smiles. Good, she didn't hear a thing it seems.

> “You should be sleeping you know.”
> “Good work.”
> Silently wave back.
> Other
>> “Good work.”
>> “You should be sleeping you know.”
compliment her for her training and get her to sleep.
>> “Good work.”
> “You should be sleeping you know.”
>“Good work.”
Heard dogs will wake you from a PTSD nightmare.

Alternatively, sleeping with idols should ward the nightmares off.
> “You should be sleeping you know.”
>“Good work.”
>> Other
Put Rosalie into bed
> “Good work.”
> “You should be sleeping you know.”
> “You should be sleeping you know.”
> “Good work.”

You smile, giving a thumbs up to her. “Good work, Rosalie.” You walk on up to her, holding your mug. “But you should be sleeping you know. I value your work, but try not to have it at the expense of good rest, yeah?”

Rosalie nods. “Sorry. I just felt a little restless. And I figured, knock out two birds with one stone, right?” Ah, that's the spirit. You pat her on the head, and she blushes a little, giggling. “Hehe. Thanks, Lieutenant!”

“Come on, I'll put you up to sleep,” you say. She nods, following you out. “Mills.”

“Yes, Lieutenant.”



One of the good things about your parents owning this hotel was the fact that each Idol could get a room to themselves, allowing them some alone time. Of course in practice it usually just resulted in the Idols gather in one room rather than staying in their separate ones. For example, tonight Charlie was bunking up with Olga (with Stacy to supervise). Naka however was at the phones, getting lessons in Tactical Liaison work over the net.

Rosalie stripped down to some pajamas, allowing you and Mills to pull her blanket back and tuck her in for the night. “Anything you need? Milk? A bedtime story? Maybe a kiss good night?”

Rosalie turns on the lamp, illuminating you and Mills in a soft orange glow. “Actually. I wanted to know more about the MI. About the things you saw out there.” You and Mills glance at each other, then back at her. Oh boy. “I mean, I know it's all combat... but the galaxy is a big place. And the MI is at the forefront of almost all of it.”

Mills sits down on her bed next to her, smiling. “Ah, well. She's not wrong, Lieutenant.”


> “Nah, you need rest, Rosalie.”
> Tell her a funny story.
> Tell her a blunt story about combat.
> Other
>> Tell her a blunt story about combat.
Don't has to be long. Why deny her ?
>Tell her a funny story.
>Tell her a funny story.
More like tell ourselves a funny story.
> Tell her a blunt story about combat.
>> Tell her a funny story.
> Tell her a funny story.
> Tell her a funny story.
One about improper usage of a thirty second bomb as a sort of alarm clock for a drunk squad, or the one in which you challenged someone to a dance off while wearing your suits, and the only reason you weren't reprimanded was because your lieutenant at the time bet money on you.
>or the one in which you challenged someone to a dance off while wearing your suits, and the only reason you weren't reprimanded was because your lieutenant at the time bet money on you.
This has my vote.
>Tell her a funny story.
Explain to her why nobody is called "Yuri" in PsyCorps.
> Tell her a funny story.

You grab a chair, pulling it over to her. It occurs to you that this is probably the most motherly thing you've done for Rosalie yet, and she probably thinks it's the most motherly thing she's gotten all her life. “Well, funny story I think. We were on garrison on Hesperus. And if you don't understand how boring garrison can get, just ask me and Mills or even Azuma or Burkett. Bored MI troopers are more dangerous to themselves the bugs are.” Mills chuckles a little, as does Rosalie. “Mills probably has loads of stories.”

Mills leans back, looking up at the ceiling. “I remember very well that one time the Captain smoked us for using thirty second bombs as timers for our cooking pots.” You giggle a little. Now that is something. “But Lieutenant, you should tell your story.”

“Right, right.” You lean forward, your hands on your knees, looking at Rosalie. “This was when I was a Lance Corporal, leading my own fireteam for probably the first time... ever. And we had been on Hesperus for about two weeks. Hesperus, it's a planet only for fuel, not much else. No bars, no stripper joints, no brothels, and it was hilly as fuck so we didn't even have any flat ground to play football on that wasn't an airfield.” Rosalie nods, entranced. “But. We did have our suits. So, one day, we're limbering out our suits. We walk around, we test systems, stuff like that... And there's this other Lance Corporal with his own team with us. And we figures, bugs aren't going to attack this place, we're parsecs behind the lines. And he is the biggest pain in the ass about it, complains every day, every hour, every minute about it with this nasally voice of his. And he even complained about the suits he was given too, said he couldn't even move his scrotum in it.” Rosalie covers her mouth, snickering a bit.

“So what did you do?” she asks.

“Well I laid down the law. I told him, I could dance circles around him in mine, mine was plenty loose. And the Lance is like, 'I don't believe you.'” You throw up your arms, leaning back. “So guess what I did.” Rosalie squints a little, shrugging. “I proceed to smoke his ass with a dance routine from the stars.”

“Really!?” asks Rosalie, even Mills looks curious.

“Well, no. The suits weren't that flexible. It looked more like I was having a seizure.” Rosalie laughs loudly at that. “But get this, once I was done. The other Lance starts dancing too!” You laugh, folding your arms. “He's so offended by this, it's like- he's gotta be top dog with everything, even dance! So we end up spending like an hour dancing against each other, our fireteams standing there cheering us on. Finally, my Lieutenant at the time, Lieutenant Morris. Huge fella, squeaky voice. He comes in with Dune and breaks it up. Nobody wants to fess up who started it, but they suspected it was me. So I was brought in.”

“Did you get punished?” Rosalie looks even more curious now.

“Well... I should've.” You shrug. “But the Lieutenant saw everything through the Snooper drones and he saw how good I danced.” You smirk a little. “Put some money me. So instead, he just spanked my ass, told me to get lost. And thanked me for an additional 10 quid.”

Rosalie clutches her blanket. “Wow. That was something.”

“Well, that's war. Honestly, it's a lot of waiting around for something to happen most of the time,” you state bluntly. “But... those times of lull, you should really cherish. When you're in it, you really want to be out of it, you know?” Rosalie nods, understanding. “Anyway, that's just- you gotta get to sleep, Rosie.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Rosie shuts off the lamp. “Good night, Lieutenant.” She turns over, placing her glasses on the end table and curling up beneath the blanket. You and Mills stand up, heading to the door.

Mills smirks a bit. “Should I tuck you in too, Lieutenant?”

> “That'd be splendid, please.”
> “Nah, I'm fine. Thanks.”
> “I'll tuck you in you manky git.”
> Other
>“Nah, I'm fine. Thanks.”
>"You need to get me drunker then I usually get before that happens, Mills."
> “Nah, I'm fine. Thanks.”
>“I'll tuck you in you manky git.”
> “I'll tuck you in you manky git.”
>> “I'll tuck you in you manky git.”
> “That'd be splendid, please.”
What else are adjutants for?
> “Nah, I'm fine. Thanks.”

> “I'll tuck you in you manky git
> “I'll tuck you in you manky git.”

“I'll tuck you in you manky little git.” Mills grins, leading you towards your room at the end of the hall. “Don't be so quiet! I'm a fucking Lieutenant! I don't need to be tucked in!” He opens the door for you, taking your empty mug of coffee from you. “But thanks anyway.”

“No problem, Lieutenant,” he says. “I will say though, I mean, if you ever feel you need somebody to talk to, I'm always here. I'm your adjutant after all.” You nod, looking down a little. Mills, very industrious man he is. “And besides, I've gone through some of the stuff you are. Maybe even still do.” You're silent. “But, the most important thing now is to keep a straight face for the girls, and try make the most of what we got, okay?”

“Yeah.” You nod. “Thank you, Mills.” He smiles back, very proudly. Oh, what the heck. You open your arms, and hug him tight. He stands there, dumbstruck for a few seconds, before patting your back in return. You let go, looking to him again. “Don't tell anyone. Journalists might get crazy.”

“Mum's the word,” he says simply. “Good night to you, Lieutenant.”

With that done, you shut the door on him, and sigh.

You're wide fucking awake. Goddamn it.

> Go to bed and hope you go to sleep.
> Turn on something on the news.
> Call somebody, anybody. (Anyone specific?)
> Other
>> Other
Gym time. Probably should work on the glutes.
> Call somebody, anybody. (Anyone specific?)
Nonon, it´s time for some late night animu.
>Call somebody, anybody. (Anyone specific?)
NANI SO- I mean, Nonon. For the hats, the concerts and the world conquering clothes.
>> Turn on something on the news.
> Call somebody, anybody. (Anyone specific?)
> Other

You pick up your phone and dial Nonon's number. After a few seconds of waiting you get an answer from a surprisingly very awake sound Nonon. “Moshi moshi?”

“Nonon, it's the Lieutenant.”

“Ah, Lieutenant-san. What are you doing up at 4 in the morning?” she asks.

“... what are you doing up at 4 in the morning?” you ask back. How the fuck is she awake at this ungodly hour? You thought you were taking the piss getting a nightmare and staying wide awake. Nonon is something else. “Are you watching your shows or something?”

“I might be. Why?”

“I was going to hit the gym. Do you want to come with, I could use some company.”




Nonon is not one for doing gym work, exercising, running, all that stuff. So she simply sits by as you squat up and down, hands behind your head, body in good form. “Mmmm...” Nonon is studying you carefully behind those glasses of hers, squinting.

“See something you like?” you ask.

“Maybe,” she says. You roll your eyes. “I can see why Azu-chan has that crush on you.” You snicker a little. Poor Azuma.

“Don't take it personally, Nonon.” You squeeze out one more squat, then stand up. Your ass and your thighs feel like they're on fire. But damn, good work out regardless. Next is working on the legs altogether. You walk with Nonon to the treadmills. “You could just say Azuma has good taste in girls. He met you after all.” Nonon giggles a little, folding her arms.

“We still broke up,” she says. Of course.

“So how are the songs going?” you ask.

“A bit of a block to be honest. But I think I'll have Charlie-san's down soon. I got an idea for her voice,” she says. “Naka-san is different. We'll need to discuss it when she has free time.” You nod, fair enough. Leave your songwriter some autonomy, no need to get into detail about it. She's the expert, you're just the Grunt. “Mmmm...” She whines a little, leaning on your treadmill as you walk on it.

“Something the matter?” you ask.

“I'm missing my shows,” she says. “There's a show on about a guy who goes to space and meets all kinds of aliens, and it's pretty lewd.”

You laugh a little. “Sounds like my kind of show.”

“And they're all gay,” she says simply. Oooookay. Too weird now. Nonon breathes heavily, rubbing her blushing cheeks. “Haaa... I don't know what it is about guys like that but they give me the vapors.” Nonon, please.

> “We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”
> “How did you and Azuma break up anyway?”
> “How'd you even become a songwriter anyway?”
> Other
> “We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”
> "Want me to bounce off ideas for songs with you?"
> “We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”
Time to let anime desu-troy our life.
> “We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”
>Please don't make any lewd songs for my Idols... until we're in that 'phase' of marketing.
Should we mention the command deck platform for Naka that we thought up to her? It might give her some much needed inspiration.
>“We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”
I hope it's the really fucked up kinda ayys because I sure don't want anything to do with a fujo.
>> “We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”
> “We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise.”

“We can go watch your shows after I finish my exercise,” you say simply. She nods, smiling happily. “You're not going to join me though?”

“Nah. Exercise isn't my thing. I mean-... I'm more of a thinker, not a- not a grunt like you.” Just as you thought it'd be. “Besides, I get enough of the whole exercise and stuff like that at home.”

“Do your parents push you a little?”

She shrugs, leaning on the treadmill. “Eh. I moved out of my parents' house when I graduated from High School. Spent a year being homeless. That was how much I didn't like my parents.” Oooh... “They kept driving me to do things to the best possible way. I like singing, they made me sing until my throat gave out and I couldn't speak for weeks. I like writing, they enter me into light novel contests, never won first place, that really made them salty. They- Once they saw that I liked something, they made such a big deal of making me the best at it.”

You nod. “They were citizens?”

She blinks, nodding. “How'd you guess?”

“That's the attitude most citizens have. When you get out, you start thinking a lot of people are beneath you,” you say. “We try to discourage that attitude. When you go through the end of service classes, they tell you up front, civilians probably won't care about what you did. It's your actions that they witness you do that matters.” She looks down for a second, then back at you. “I try not to be like that.”

“Well. My parents were,” she says. She sighs a little.

You stop walking on the treadmill, then smile at Nonon. “Come on. How about those shows?” She grins widely, cheered up.



You sit on Nonon's bed, holding a pillow as she streams the show from her PDA to the hotel TV screen. This show is just the fucking balls. What the hell is going on!? “So... Hiro...” You point to the actually pretty handsome 2D man on screen with the black hair and the nice space uniform. “Hiro has a harem.”

“Yep!” she says. Nonon has changed into a plain t-shirt and pink short shorts, curled up beneath her blanket. “See, there's Specimen #622-11, affectionately called 622-chan.” 622-chan was an amorphous glowing blob of jelly. “And then there's Rocky-kun.” A rock monster barely resembling a man. “And then there's Spider!” Spider was literally just a giant spider. “And they're all in love with him! But he can't consummate their relationships though because of biological concerns.” Yeah. Obviously.

“So. Are there any real aliens?” you ask.

“Well, there are Arcturians,” she says. She pouts a little. “The Arcturian girl is pretty cute but she doesn't get enough attention. She doesn't even appear in this episode or half the entire season despite being Captain Hiro's adjutant.”

“What about Skinnies?”

“Yuck.” She sticks out her tongue a little. “Nobody likes skinnies.”

> “I like Skinnies. Not sexually, they're good people.”
> “Eh, you're kind of right.”
> “Skinnies are a weird bunch.”
> Other
>> “I like Skinnies. Not sexually, they're good people.”
>“I like Skinnies. Not sexually, they're good people.”
Give them an AK and they'll make America run away from their country like bam.

>"Nobody likes skinnies."
Says the woman watching a harem featuring a monster and the several aliens that lust after him.
>> “Skinnies are a weird bunch.”
> “I like Skinnies. Not sexually, they're good people.”

“I like Skinnies, Nonon.” She frowns a little, looking at you as if you were a confused man driving down the wrong side of the road. “Not sexually of course. They're good people. After the raid on Tophet, I've had the pleasure of working with some Skinnies. They're very dedicated to our cause. And the ones that aren't, they're reliable enough that the fight alongside the Arachnids rather than be shoved into second-line duties. That's respect right there.”

Nonon sighs. “Skinnies do get a bit of a bad rap I suppose. They're ugly as sin though.”

“And these aliens that like Captain Hiro aren't?” you ask bluntly.

“Yeah, but it's a cartoon!” she says. “Look at their designs! They're gorgeous!”

“It's a blob, a rock, and a spider that want to fuck a man,” you say simply. “I would rather watch the Arcturian adjutant go at it with Captain Hiro than this.”

Nonon pouts a little. “Mmmm...” She quirks her brow, then looks at you. “Have you ever met an Arcturian?”

“They're very uh...” You shrug, trying to figure out how to say it. “Well-”

“Nevermind.” Nonon squints at you. “I think I know.” Oh fuck. “But anyway. I probably should actually get some sleep. Were you gonna stay over here, Lieutenant?”


> Eh, you got your bedrest before that nightmare. Grab some coffee and prepare breakfast.
> “Sure, I guess.”
> Go back to your room and try and go to sleep.
> Other
>> “Sure, I guess.”
>> “Sure, I guess.”
>> “Sure, I guess.”
>> “Sure, I guess.”
> “Sure, I guess.”
> “Sure, I guess.”

You lean back on her bed. “Sure, I guess.” Nonon nods, crawling beneath the blanket. You get underneath as well, sighing. “You know Nonon, you got any ideas for Naka's song?”

She shrugs. “Not yet. Why?”

“Well, I was thinking, control platform.” You hold out your arm, as if to wipe on an imaginary picture of it in the air. “She comes down on a control platform, the Idols are groundside looking up to her. How's about that? Make anything of it?”

Nonon purses her lip, pensive. “That's actually... not bad. I might make something of it. Calling on a hero...” She reaches for her notepad on her end table, then starts writing it down. “Just so you know, Lieutenant, it's a good idea to write these things down as you think of them. You'll forget them otherwise. Can't tell you how many good ideas I've lost because I didn't write them down.” You never were the creative one anyway. “Thanks for the idea.”

“Yeah.” You smile a little. “If you need more, I'm a fountain of them.” She immediately rolls over and throws her arm across your chest, hugging you like a security blanket. “Ehehe... eh. Um, Nonon.”

“Ah... so soft.” Nonon puffs her cheeks out, rubbing up against your arm. “You're not going to have any nightmares, right?”

“No, why?” you ask.

Nonon frowns a little. “Azuma used to have some.” Ah. Go figure. “But, hey. Helps to sleep with someone who cares. Good night, Lieutenant.” She hits the lights, dropping the two of you in darkness. You sigh, shutting your eyes. Please, please. Just go to sleep. And stay asleep.



You sit at the breakfast table with your girls. “And then boom! Down she went!” The girls all laugh at the story Olga tells. “But me, I was a complete natural with the suits! Goes to show what a daughter of the man who builds these suits can do!”

Charlie takes a sip from her coffee, then gently pinches Olga's cheek. “I always did think rich girls were cute.” Olga bats her away playfully, light blush on her face.

You kick your feet back, watching them for now. At least they're nice and happy and- “Lieutenant.” Mills looks frantic, holding a PDA. He whispers into your ear. “Horrible news.” You blink, then he drops the PDA into your hands.






Oh sweet Jesus.

Charlie looks over at you. “What do you got there, Lieutenant?”

> “Nothing.”
> “Bad news, Charlie.” Show it to her.
> “Oh, it's just uh... boring news.”
> Other

> “Nothing.”
Take her aside
> “Bad news, Charlie.” Show it to her.
Show it to her in private
Yeah, this >>1069759
>> “Nothing.”
>Take her aside
>> “Bad news, Charlie.” Show it to her.
>Show it to her in private
guse we going to have to post pone the concert
I'll back this guy >>1069759

Fucking bugs got through the orbital grid again, God damn it. Can we get these stupid fucks REAL weapons and guns again.
they need to be pulled into the fed service for reals befor that happens
or this concert realy makes people wana help them out now
I know, I just feel Bad for the Outer colonies. They really should be MI sponsored. Fuck if what the hell guns are okay, Maybe we can get them shipped too the colonies.
> Other

“It's nothing. Uh, Charlie.” She blinks, confused. “Come on.” She nods. The other girls look at her for a second, then go back to shooting the shit. You take Charlie aside into the hallway outside of the dining room. Only a few people are passing by here and there for breakfast service. You hold the PDA in your hands, looking to Charlie somberly. She sees this expression, and immediately she can tell something is off.

“What's wrong?” she asks.

“... it's bad news.” You hand the PDA to her. She takes a look at it. She scrolls down, squinting.

Then she sees the article on Myrmido's attack.

“Charlie?” She stands there dumbstruck.

She drops the PDA and runs off. “Charlie!” You chase on after her. She hurries up the stairs and down to your hotel rooms. She bursts into her room. “Charlie, what-” You find her grabbing her clothes and grabbing the MOIW rifle, trying to stuff it into a suitcase. “Charlie, what are you doing!?”

“They need me!” she says. “They need right now! My- my sisters need me now! I gotta go help them!” She grabs the suitcase and tries running out. But you block the entrance. “Get out of my way, Lieutenant.”

“I can't let you go-”

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!” she screams, tears in her eyes. She tries to push against you. “Get out of my way!” she shrieks. “Let me go!”

“Charlie, think. Just think-” You try to hold her back. She shakes her head, now completely bawling. “Just- stay calm.”

“Let me go!” she sobs, trying to push you away.

> “We'll come back after the concerts, I promise.”
> “They'll be fine, I promise.”
> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
> Other
> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm
>> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
Repetition is the only way to get through. Emphasize calming down.
>> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
Also point out that if its that bad, We'll need EVERYBODY. Suits included
>> “We'll come back after the concerts, I promise.”

one more cf sloder isnt going to make a differnce on the feild right now.
more then one way to help them what we doing can bring more mi to the battle front, better scanners so this stops happening, and more improtnaly bringing the cdf into the fed sevice and better arms to fight the bugs off.
yer i know but core people wlaking around with poles up there asses thining there better and shit,
and whats worse from this attack the cdf will get more shit from the mi for not beening abe to hold there own even though they have the shitest of training( if any) and iteams to use.
but also how this happen? we got the big gun online to us right? and also man that was fast for a counter attack.

fleat better just be doing gurd duty on plantes since thats all the bugs go for and naver space fights
> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
I don't like it. If we go, THEY will be there and with my luck they won't be dead
>> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”
I made it! Best quest on qst wheeee!
guys we arnt realy a combat team we are idols main job is to get more people to join the fight, give more money to the fedsevice and try to get the cdf into the fed for reals.
we only foguht there becouse we needed a cdf girl and we wore right there do you want to risk loseiing to girls in a fullblown bug raid?
hell charile cant fight in a suit yet or even has a proper one for her
> “We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm.”

“We'll go after them as soon as we can, just stay calm,” you say. You look to her, hoping and praying she doesn't get so crazy that she takes out the MOIW and try to gun you down. You saw your Idols take live ammo just in case. Instead, Charlie look to you, tears welling from her eyes like waterfalls. She's gone from a princely little colonial tomboy to an absolute wreck in the span of about five minutes. She looks like someone who just lost every semblance of their being in one fell swoop.

And to that, she simply collapses in your arms. You help her down so the two of you are sitting. She hisses, hiccuping and sniffling. Tears keep running down out of her eyes. “I need to get home,” she whimpers quietly. “I gotta get home. I gotta get home.” She says that over and again into your chest, pressing her face against it and soaking your blouse wet.

“Charlie.” You run your hand through her hair, sighing. “It takes days to get back home to Myrmido.” You gently pull her away, looking into her eyes. “Just stay with me. I'll go after them as soon as we can. We have to settle affairs here first.” She nods slowly, whimpering a little still.

“I want to go home, I want to go home...”



Danner leans back in his seat. You convened a meeting with him, Azuma, and Mills to discuss this. It is technically up to you to decide where to go. But you want to hear what your trusted have to say. “We've already invested money to book venues well in advance. Moving on a rescue mission would throw that into disarray,” says Danner coldly. “I'm not trying to be the bad guy, but our girls are not a combat team. They're Idols. They need to do what they do best.”

“Agreed,” says Azuma. “The only people with combat experience willing to drop is you and Burkett. The girls only have one drop to their name. Charlie probably a lot more but...”

“It is up to the Lieutenant,” says Mills.

> “We take this show to the frontlines.”
> “We stay the course.”
> Other
>> “We take this show to the frontlines.”
But then we go immediately back after a brief tour.
we will do one show here then go
charile gots to get this is part of the job she cant/wont be around every time something happens,
people die hell mi us have brrn ordered to leave troopers for the sake of the war
We're more valuable bringing attention to the conflict and getting support for it here than we will be smashing heads planetside. After all we already did that once and look how long that success lasted.
>Call the President. She wants these Idols to boost recruitment, we need to show that the recruitment is getting shit done. We recruited CDF, we took one of theirs, the Federation needs to give back.

We are going to make that position public.
Should say:
> “We stay the course.”
then the rest.
This >>1070685
Fuck it, third time is the charm. backing >>1070685
This one
> “We stay the course.”
> Other



“Prime Minister.” She does not look happy at being called. “Myrmido is under attack. It's Charlie's home. We-”

“I'm well aware of the situation on Myrmido,” she says. “I've dispatched a QRF there, three corvettes and their equivalent MI detachments.” The Prime Minister leans back in her seat. “Once Myrmido is liberated, they'll be gone again.” You shift in your seat, looking to the screen she communicates from uneasily. “Listen, Lieutenant, I'm not going to micromanage the war effort, I have Generals and Admirals for this.”

“You wanted these Idols to boost recruitment,” you say. “We need to show people that this is getting stuff done. We recruited CDF, we take one of theirs, we need to give back to them. And that means showing the CDF that we'll be there for them too. These people have so little faith in us, we need to restore it.” You lean forward on the table, watching the Prime Minister's stoic expression. “Please. We need to give back.”

“You're suggesting I send a larger liberation force and keep them there as garrison, correct?” she asks.

You shrug. “You do what you need to do.”

“I am going to dispatch the Atlantic battleship along with a small fleet to escort. For garrison, we'll see what happens when we liberate Myrmido. They'll arrive when they can,” she says. You nod. “But.” She leans in close. “This is a one time deal. I will not manipulate the war effort just for the Idols. We have a war to win, they do not dictate how we win it. I do.” She points her thumb to herself, glaring at you. “If you want, you can join them. But until then, Myrmido is now top priority for liberation. Prime Minister out.” Her screen cuts out.

Danner looks surprised. “I didn't think she'd do that.”

“The Prime Minister used to be a colonist,” says Azuma. “Maybe you got through to her.”

“Yeah. Maybe.”

“Are we still going to Myrmido then?” asks a confused Mills.

> “No.”
> “Yeah.”
> Other
We'll see how the campaign pans out as we do this tour.
> Other
First we're going to do the concert and have Charlie motivate the CDF at the concert until they're ready to choke a breeder with their bare hands. Then we're going to head back to Myrmido with them.
>Campaign first, Spin it to where the Federation does care about the Colonies. How if you enlist, You can do you're part and help the entire human race, ect.
> “No.”
> “No.”

We need to make Charlie understand. Her sacrifice for Myrmido is building support for the war, not fighting it. Not now.
this....an inspiration song will do em good + recruitment boost

Two birds in one stone
We should probably also remind her that her family wanted her to get away from colonial life so she could be the symbol of the colonial life away from the brutal existence.
> “No.”
> Other

“No. Not right now. We'll have the concert first, see if we can inspire people. And if the campaign on Myrmido is going well, we'll stay. But if it isn't, we'll go. Danner is right, we shouldn't waste the venues we've already booked. Plus, we've got people counting on us to be consistent with our release dates, if we're not, we'll never build up a fanbase that shows up to our shows.” You sigh, standing up. “Right now, our top priority, is letting the people know what's going on at Myrmido.”

“And the best way to do that is a show featuring our new CDF Idol,” says Azuma.

“A wise decision,” says Mills.

“Same.” Danner nods, standing up. “I know it can't be easy for you, Lieutenant. But in the long run, I think you're making the right choice. We should wait and see what happens.” With that, he salutes you politely and walks out of the room. Azuma and Mills as well take their leave.

But before Mills goes, he says, “Ma'am. Try not to eat yourself up about it, okay? Charlie will understand.”

You sigh.

You hope she does.
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That's it for this week's Starship Idols. Hope you all enjoyed it. Tomorrow should be a run of LGA2 so let's see what happens with Ellie post Glenn Curtiss matches, yeah?

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
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See you next time.
Hopefully lots of uncomfortably dodging lewds.
Thanks for the fun, boss
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