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Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2: #63

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> Sunday, August 9th, 2015

SITUATION: http://pastebin.com/ziMsX6th
MECHANICS: http://pastebin.com/49M2eE8Z
THE RULES: http://pastebin.com/BEsprkBZ
THE TANK: http://pastebin.com/sJsgig6B
THE DIVISIONS: http://pastebin.com/xCQZAdqU
THE SHOP: http://pastebin.com/v6xeDRXj
DANON’S THE TEAM: http://pastebin.com/bUU2v0z8

You and Iris stand outside of Griselda's tent as Jack and Griselda discuss the cost of the Hudson. “... I mean I hate to be kind of a jerk about it, Griselda, but that Hudson costs as much if not more than one of your tanks here. And they're not exactly selling kits to just build new ones, we have to send the engines to spare parts, anything intact but isn't usable goes to scrap. Trashing a plane like that costs us a lot of money.”

“Jack, Jack, please...” Griselda rubs her temples, sighing deeply as she sits at her desk. Jack stands by it, arms folded. “I know your coaches aren't exactly happy with Elodie crushing your plane.” You bite your lip, looking away. “And I am perfectly willing to compensate you. Just name your price.”


“...” Griselda glares at him, incredulous. “Is that extra zero a typo?”

“Planes aren't like tanks. We can't put out a vintage like Tankery can. Low quality planes with crappy engines, crappy control surfaces, dials that don't work, oil that doesn't stay in the plane, those are safety hazards,” he says. “We have three dimensions to consider here. You have two. And speaking of two, it's 200,000 dollars that Hudson, I'm sorry.”

“How the fuck do you even afford to do Skycraft?” asks Griselda.

“We do a lot of barnstorming,” he says as he leans on the desk. “I mean, truth be told, we could make that money up doing airshows. And not like the boring flyover ones, I'm talking acrobatic stuff like the Blue Angels,” he says. Griselda sighs, slouching in her chair. “But it takes a year to pay for the purchase of a single plane. Those things are expensive. Crashing them in one piece is one thing, we can fix most damage yeah, but getting them crushed or split in half?” He shakes his head. “Griselda, that's-”

“Can I pay this over time?” she asks quietly. “I just don't have the money now.”

Jack smirks a little, then shrugs. “We can talk about it over morning coffee.” Griselda grumbles a little as Jack moves to her coffee machine.

Iris says, “They seem to be getting along nicely.”

“I feel so guilty,” you say.

“It was either crush the tank or possibly lose the match,” says Iris. “I'm sure they would've done the same.”

> Let Griselda and Jack work things out.
> Apologize to Jack personally.
> Other
> Apologize to Jack personally.
>Apologize to Jack personally.

but throw in there that we don't get to pick our battlefield, or its condition.
>> Apologize to Jack personally.
>> Apologize to Jack personally.
>> Apologize to Jack personally.

Wait the fuck on. Why isn't the organization paying for this?

Doesn't tankery pay for any property damaged during a fight?

and if they are playing the play as they lie card then the planes are very well property in which the organization has to pay for.
> Apologize to Jack personally.
Might as well.
There's a quest for the future, lawyer the fuck up and tell the Association to hack up the money.
I mean it was a fucking safety hazard to begin with and a third party.

and the judge did a play as they lie where heavy tanks are running around, even with simulated rounds.

and what about the planes having 'armor plating' for skycraft? We split that shit in half. If they stayed put we could have heavily injured them.

Who takes responsibility here? I think its NATO.
>Let Griselda and Jack work things out.
Griselda already threw herself under the bus. No need for a double roadkill.
> Apologize to Jack personally.
But don't let Griselda weasel her way out of coffee with him, they're too cute with each other.
Might be one of the 'It's your responsibility!' situations.

NATO and Skycraft are bitching at each other who's fault it is and neither are willing to pay.
The why would the judges allowed it. If anything we have a case in which the judged allowed it and both tank teams protested this.

If anything its Nato's responsibility for allowing the match to happen before skycraft removed the planes.
> Apologize to Jack personally.

You step in. “Jack.” Jack looks over to you, two cups of coffee in hand. Griselda as well rubs her forehead, looking to you curiously. “I just want to say I'm so sorry that I crushed your plane and basically totaled it. I- I honestly didn't expect the plane to be torn in half by me going through it.” You smile nervously. “I mean-... I'm sure NATO will compensate you.”

“The Kill Devil Hills Skycraft team has been compensated by NATO,” he says. Griselda looks over, confused. “But. The coaching staff and the Principal feel that LGA has to pay damages for the tank as well. The school feels that it's your responsibility to-”

“Hold on, hold on,” says Griselda. “We're essentially giving you double what the plane's worth?” she asks. Jack nods, grimly. “The fuck? We're not agreeing to that. I'd barely agree to paying for the plane over time with interest, I'm not going to pay for the plane just because your coaches want to be greedy.”

“Hey, listen. They're great people,” says Jack. “But it's pride, you know?”

“That's not pride, that's extortion,” Griselda says firmly. “You can tell them to take NATO's money and leave or you can tell them to talk to me -in person- without using you as a fucking sockpuppet. LGA's already wasting space letting you guys fly in our skies, now you want to steal our money too? Fuck that. You can tell them to jump off the edge of the ship and right into the fucking Atlantic, maybe the goddamn water will give them the wake up call they fucking desperately need.” Jack stands there, getting roasted to shit. “And I assure you, if this were Gertrude you were talking to, she'd have you roasted on a spit and served up to your coaches for brunch. I am being reasonable! Tell them that!”

Jack holds up a hand, smirking. “Alright, alright. Jeez.” Griselda huffs, shaking her head. “I'll tell them, don't worry. Don't shoot the messenger, Griselda.”

“I'm tempted, I really am,” she says simply. She glares at him. “Are you still fucking here?”

“Hey, coffee.” He places a mug down in front of Griselda, then walks up to you. “Hey, listen, Ellie. No need to apologize to me. In your situation, if it were me, I'd have done the same. The real people though that you should apologize to...” You lean your head up, ugh.




“Ellie.” Jack introduces you, Griselda, and Iris to a crew of six guys, wearing the school uniform of KDH with the bomber jacket and the goggles as well. They have their arms folded, a little grim it seems. “This is Jimmy Patterson, his co-pilot Jeremy, navigator Preston, gunners George, Lee, and Kenley. Apologize to them.”

You take a deep breath, sighing. “Guys, I am so sorry for wrecking your airplane. If you ever need anything from me, just ask. I hope NATO has properly compensated you all, and I hope no one was hurt.” You bow to them. “Please forgive me.”

Jimmy smirks. “To be fair, that looked pretty badass.”

“Yeah,” says Jeremy. “We- we forgive ya, Ellie. I'm sure Jack would've done the same anyway.”

“That's what I said!” says Jack. The guys all laugh a little while you girls simply stand around awkward. “Now listen you guys, we're not gonna be flying Skirmish today, so let's just enjoy the match today, alright?”

“Yeah. You want us to really forgive you?” Jimmy points to you, smiling. “Win the whole fucking thing. Don't let our plane go to waste.” They all agree to that, nodding in solidarity.

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
Nice roast, Griselda. Too bad they'll still be around, but it's a decent start towards fixing that.
>> Boast
> Boast
We'll do our best!
You got it.
> Polite
Gris certainly let out some tension there. Poor Jack.
>> Boast
TBF, He could have mentioned this earlier. Sockpuppet or not, omission of information to get extra cash does not make him look good.
He kinda deserves it. He tried to extort the team out of money it doesn't have and, worst of all, he's still not taking a long walk off a short pier.
He was a messenger but what I'm annoyed with is this

Omission of information fucked him, BADLY.
Oh of course, it is deserved. But I do feel for the guy. He likes Griselda, after all. But yeah, no issue being angry at him.
> Boast

“Nothing goes to waste on my watch,” you say. The boys all shake hands with you, reaffirming a bit of camaraderie at the very least. “Rest assured, we'll win today, we'll win next week, and the next week, and the next week, and the next week, then take home the gold.”

“Hell yeah!” yells Jimmy. Jimmy again slaps hands with you, gripping it tight before letting go. “Get 'em, girls.”

“We will,” says Griselda. “And as for you, Jack.” Jack looks over, smiling. And to that, Griselda punches him on the arm. He jumps up, almost spilling his coffee.

“Ow! What the-”

“That is for not just coming straight out and telling me! You're a goddamn terrible messenger anyway!” yells Griselda. “You couldn't tell Adolf Hitler that his dog died, good Christ.” He motions you and Iris to follow you. “Come on, let's go.” You wave back at the boys, who wave back politely. They walk away on their own.

“Woo, GrisGris lit you up, Jack,” says Jimmy.

“Ah, quiet,” Jack says, pushing Jimmy a bit. The two of them laugh at it.

You, Griselda, and Iris start walking to the front of the bleachers. And at this, Iris says, “The judges had the plane wrecks moved today, so we should be fine regarding that. No more running into tanks I should hope.” Griselda grumbles a little, her arms folded. “I am sorry about the extortion thing.”

“Leave it,” says Griselda. “Today's match is probably going to be a bit more harder. We have a flag, they have a flag, they also have shitloads of arty leftover. Only saving grace is that Glenn Curtiss couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if they were standing inside of it.” Jesus Christ, Griselda. “Anyway...” She takes a deep breath, cooling down for now, then she takes a drink of coffee from her mug. “I'm excited for today, you guys excited?”

“Perfectly,” says Iris in her more default polite mode.

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
> Polite
We too have a default polite mode.
>> Polite
>Remind Griselda about them trying to do a Tank Destroyer role.
>> Polite

Absolutely. But slightly saddened that we can't paintball helpless boys.
> Polite
> Polite

“I am excited as well. Hopefully today's match will go just as well as yesterday's did.” Usually you'd say that with a bit of sarcasm, but you think today you can say it with complete seriousness. There's not much you can do to top yesterday's turkeyshoot. All you have to do now is just win today, get an easy victory, then start preparing for J. Walter Christie. That will be the real challenge.

“Of course,” says Griselda. “Come on.”

With that, you arrive at the stage with June Bug and her Officers. The three Judges stand between you, ready to start after you take a few words. June Bug smiles, arms folded. “Yesterday was a complete disaster for us.”

You shrug. “Well, we can understand if you guys are new to the sport.”

“Ha!” June Bug smiles. “We may not have money like JWC or their ingenuity, but we do have one thing up on them!”

“Skycraft?” asks Griselda.

“... well, yes. But we do! And today, we're going to put up a much better fight, so watch out! We might just accidentally snipe your flag!”

Griselda smiles, holding out her hand. “Good luck out there, June Bug.” June Bug shakes Griselda's hand in return, wide grin on her face. At least those two are getting along nicely.

“The match between Lafayette Girls Academy and Glenn Curtiss School of Engineering and Technology shall now begin! This is a flag match! The team that renders inoperable the opposing team's flag tank will be victorious, regardless of how many tanks remain! Here are your teams!”

> Hometown: Norfolk, Virginia
> Motto: “Dum vivimus, vivamus”
> March: Lafayette Girls Academy March
> Commander: Griselda Pool

> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>> FLAG << BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)


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> Hometown: Wilmington, North Carolina
> Motto: “Ad Astra per Aspera”
> March: “Into the Wild Blue Yonder (Glenn Curtiss SET Edition)”
> Commander: June "June Bug" Weathers

> **JUNE “JUNE BUG” WEATHERS (M3 Lee CDL – 75mm M2 “Cicinnurus”)
> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Haast”)
> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Eagle”)
> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Condor”)
> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Roc”)
> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Hen”)
> FINA “CANUCK” COX ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Dodo”)
> ROSARIA COX (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Carrier Pigeon”)
> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Pelican”)
> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Seagull”)
> YMIRA YOUNG (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Kagu”)
>> FLAG << MIKA FUJISAKI (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Loon”)
> GEMMA O'CONNEL (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Blue Jay”)
> LILAH GAGE (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Cardinal”)
> VICKY MILLS (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Cuckoo”)
> DINA CAUL (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Naynay”)
> ZAREEN TEHAT (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Tit”)
> GEORGINE MCCORD (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Booby”)
> ASHLEY ZACHARY (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Mockingbird”)
> JUNE NGUYEN (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Warbler”)

“Let the match begin!”



“Alright, Benny, you're our flag tank,” says Griselda. “We should go with the same plan for today. This time, there won't be any Stuarts to slow us down or spot us out for their artillery. Today, they'll be firing blind, but that doesn't mean I want you all to start charging in like a bunch of headless chickens. I want engines quiet, no smoke unless your engine is dying, and I want caution as we move. Got it?”

“Got it!” everyone declares.

And with that, the flare explodes in the sky, signalling the start of the match.
Whoops, forgot the commands.

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Start heading for the bridge quickly.
> Hurry to dig in.
> Take your time, stay with the column.
> Other
> Take your time, stay with the column

Something to note, they actually have the high ground and have a good view.
> Start heading for the bridge quickly.
We want to secure the Western Bridge off Verona Island before their Lees get there, if we take just us and the Hellcat we can beat their Lees to it (assuming same travel times as last match). Send Benny away North after the team crosses the first bridge to hide in the woodland/scrub. It's kind of cheap but they'll basically be unable to kill her if she never gets to the action, and they haven't the artillery to saturate such a large area.
>Start heading for the bridge quickly.
Chihatan rushing worked last time. Why exercise caution? They still have a lot of arty.
This isn't bad. But should we maybe drop one more nearby as a guard? Even as a stop gap if they get a lucky shot close? Allows for repositioning.
Chi ha tan rushing never works
Nah, they'd have to use the Bridges to get to us anyway, better to send more forces to secure them directly than waste one hanging back with Benny, besides, the Pz IV H is more than a match for a Lee if one does sneak through. As for arty, no point sending more and risking creating enough dust and smoke that they could actually figure out our location.
It is when OPFOR has a lot of arty but no spotters.
I guess that is fair. I just worry that they have snorkels too and will surprise Benny...
> Start heading for the bridge quickly.
The Penobscot River proper's too deep to ford, they'd need Sherman DDs. It's why I changed my plans yesterday so Iris crossed the shallower Eastern Channel. Plus, by the time their Lees get to somewhere they can cross, we'll be about to cross the Western Verona Island bridge, from which we could pick them off as they waded across.
This same formation
Fair enough. I am still very warry. But maybe its just me being prepared/concerned for/about Hobart level sorcery.

But I guess this is a time trial...sort of.

Just expect some intuition calls at some point.
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“Let the match begin!”



“Alright, Benny, you're our flag tank,” says Griselda. “We should go with the same plan for today. This time, there won't be any Stuarts to slow us down or spot us out for their artillery. Today, they'll be firing blind, but that doesn't mean I want you all to start charging in like a bunch of headless chickens. I want engines quiet, no smoke unless your engine is dying, and I want caution as we move. Got it?”

“Got it!” everyone declares.

And with that, the flare explodes in the sky, signalling the start of the match.

> Start heading for the bridge quickly
> Other

“Dalia, how's your coolant?”

“We fixed it last night, it's working like a dream! I could chill a razorback in this coolant!”

“Yeah, yeah, uh... just follow me.” You and Dalia start speeding past the column. It's your job now to get to the bridge. And that means needing to go pretty fast. Your tanks speed down the road as fast as they possibly can while still maintaining close formation. “Everyone know what to do?” you ask.

“Yeah, yeah. Gonna be boring,” says Benny.

“It's necessary,” says Griselda. “They don't have spotters. Even if they somehow kill us all, they'll never find you. Tankery has no time limit so you'll have room for a comeback if it comes to it.” Of course, they'll bounce back in the worst case scenario. For now though, you just have to secure that bridge.

You hear a few loud pops in the distance. Only three. You see the artillery impacts at the far western bridge, and the north bridge.

Hm. North bridge was weakened a little yesterday. There's no way city council would fix it overnight.

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Move down past the bridge.
> Hold up next to the bridge.
> Other

Gingerly tiptoe across the bridge while praying fervently.
> Other
Both of our tanks are relatively small and light, even if the bridge is damaged, if anything's gonna make it across it'll be us, send the Hellcat across first, once it reaches the other side then we cross, this'll place the least stress on the bridge, report back its condition to the rest of the column as we cross too.
What will happen if the two sides cannot engage each other? If the bridges are toast, and the arty's out of ammo, will the match be called a draw?
Do we have a winch cable available? Would it be wise to attach one to the Hellcat so that we are safe? Maybe even with Suvarov?

If it starts to creak and groan, we go to the other bridge?
There is no other bridge. If the Northern bridge gives out there's no way for us to get to the enemy, nor them to us.
If Glenn Curtiss were to trash the bridge and somehow run out of ammo as well, but LGA still had ammo, they'll be expected to figure out a solution.

A draw is only called if A. the remaining tanks in elimination OR the flag tanks in Flag wipe each other at the exact same time or B. the Judges conclude that the match can no longer continue.

The match will continue as long as a team has ammo and there's reasonable ability for the one team to engage the other.
Alright. I guess that makes sense. I saw Western and Northern bridge and got confused.
Whoever is still combat capable I suppose.

I mean, you could build an ad hoc bridge or boat using local materials.
This but send the Hellcat as a advance scout to see where the other tanks are.
Don't forget the handy combat logs!

Alright, supporting this.
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> Other

“Dalia, you go first.”

“Why do we have to go first?” asks Dalia.

“Cuz I said so, now go.”

“Ugh...” The Hellcat drives up to the bridge, then turns down southwards. It starts moving across, slowly at first. But as Dalia hears the creaking grinding metal of the supports beneath her, she yells, “FLOOR IT!” The Hellcat flies right across the bridge. No damage it seems. Right, judging by the look of those supports, that bridge is probably only going to take at best you and the other mediums. The heavies will have to find another way to cross.

Even worse, if the bridge collapses behind you, it'll just be you and Dalia.

You hold on tight to the cupola as you cross the bridge. “Reasonable speed, Josephina!” you yell.

“Oui, oui!” yells Josephina back. You can feel some pavement get crushed and fall beneath your treads. Oh fuck. Come on! Come on! Come on! Your tank Oliver speeds right across, and you see the bridge still intact. Oh thank goodness.

“Ellie, Dalia.” Dalia calls to you over the radio as you advance. “I see the M3 Lees across the river, north of the west bridge. All the Lees, looks like they're setting up on the bank.” You take out your binoculars and take a look. Through shrub and bush, you do see the dull blues of Curtiss tanks on the other side of the river. They're out there. “How do you want to deal with this? I don't think they've spotted us yet.”

If they haven't spotted you, that means you'll be safe from artillery for now. So...

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Move down past the bridge.
> Hold up next to the bridge.
> Other
My bad, updated prompts.

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Charge across now.
> Hold position and wait for the others to catch up.
> Other
Are these the right commands? Same as last update?
> Hold up next to the bridge
I'd like to see as many as us across the bridge as possible before advancing into their entire team.
> Hold position and wait for the others to catch up.
You get the idea.
Won't the arty destroy the bridge.
>Hold position but try and break sight from the Lees, they're spotting so we really don't want to be seen
> Hold position and wait for the others to catch up.
Get ready for it though. I expect that we're going to have to engage soon, because the heavy's are delayed, we'll need to hold them at bay while we wait for them. And you have to expect that they will be holding the riverbank now because they know we can cross it.
> Hold position and wait for the others to catch up.
> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> Other
Damn, I was hoping we could beat them across that bridge.

So, move the Jagd and King Tigers to the marked position on the map, as they're too heavy to make it across the now damaged bridge anyway, from there, they can fire on the Lees lined up on the other side of the bridge, hopefully drawing their attention and killing a few (I think a Jagd shell could just about pass clean through a Lee or two from the side at those ranges), when that happens, we smoke up and rush the bridge with us and the Hellcat first and the Mediums following behind, leave the rest of the Heavies to catch up as crossing the bridge will be painstakingly slow for them (Churchill and IS-2 as relatively 'light' Heavies with good ground pressure should be alright, but the Pershing's touch and go and should cross last).
I am okay with these addition with what we have voted for already.
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Verona 3b.png
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and forgot the map, derp.
I support this. I want the jadtiger to shine

But their entire force is lined up. A charge here is suicidal. We need support before we can head over.
Indeed, our !not-keions are based, especially !not-Mugi loader.
Arent these the early M3 Lee too, the one with the big door and a weak point in the armor? Won't this give us more penetration with the Jadtiger.
I don't think a JTiger needs any extra pen against an M3 Lee.
They need to stay the hell away.
I meant to penetrate multiple M3 Less in one go.
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> Hold up next to the bridge.

“Hold up, Dalia. Take cover.” You and Dalia find some bushes to take cover in, then decide to wait for the mediums to show up.

Griselda calls it over the radio. “The bridge is fucked. Mediums with me. Iris, Regina, Serafina, you cross with caution. Serina, Jane, you girls don't cross at all. You go west and find a good bank to show yourselves at and try to put some fire down on them from the north.”

“Got it,” says Serina.

“There's a Bad Moon Rising, girls!” yells Jane.

“Oh for PLEASE NO MORE CCR!” screams Pam.

“Too late! CCR Time!” screams Jane. All the Light Music Club girls scream as CCR starts blaring over their channel.


Griselda asks you, “Is it all of the Lees there?” she asks.

“Yeah. Except one. I can't see the Flag Tank, they must be hanging back,” you say.

Dalia says, “I was sure it was there.”

“It must've moved while we were waiting,” you explain. “Griselda, what's the plan?”

“We move in fast and move in swiftly. Ellie, I want you to lead the charge then swing north and cause chaos in their formation, you take Dalia with you too. We'll follow behind and mop up. Serina and Jane should provide supporting fire and maybe hopefully distract the arty. You get all that?”

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Follow Griselda's plan and attack.
> “No, I think we should try and prod them into attacking us.”
> “I think we should wait a little bit more.”
> Other
>Follow Griselda's plan and attack.
Let's go!
Anything picked up on intuition? Thought it had the lead.
Far as I saw, it was the two votes for intuition, Danon and person supporting Danon.
Actually wait, that's three votes for intuition, I just saw the other guy. I need to pay better attention to votes.

I'll do a free intuition for next post to make up for it.
> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> Follow Griselda's plan and attack.
> EXECUTE TACTICAL MANEUVER: Shimada Death Blossom (- 15 CP)
Chaos she says? Chaos it will be. Between this and the fire from the North we could wipe their Lees in a single fell swoop.
>> Follow Griselda's plan and attack.
>I want the opening salvo to be aimed at the lees and me and dalia go for the Arty while they panic
I agree with deploy smoke but no shimada blossom, it will fuck our suspension and we are not being pursueled but the persuer
> Follow Griselda's plan and attack
>Deploy smoke
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> Follow Griselda's plan and attack.
> Deploy Smoke (3/3)

“Alright, let's go! Now!” Your tanks break across the bridge, with Griselda leading the medium tanks behind you. Here we go, here we go, here we go! The M3 Lees spot you, turning slightly to face both their 75s and 37s. That's twice the firepower, but thankfully, none of the bite. Shells bounce or explode around you or miss entirely. Dalia as well is earning her keep today, trying to maintain formation with you. “That's the stuff! Come on!” you yell.

You make it across the bridge and powerslide around to face them. The M3 Lees back up, realizing just how absolutely boned they are. They try again to face you, only for one to be shot in the back.

> KO: ASHLEY ZACHARY (M3 Lee “Mockingbird”)

Jane's shot misses unfortunately, but the shock of facing you and having shots from the north starts to make them panic. “Right in there, let's go!” yells Dalia. The two of you rush right into their formation. And to make things more difficult on them, you pop smoke canisters. It'll stop your cover fire, but it will confuse the Lees even more. “Get 'em!” You fire a shot.

> KO: GEORGINE MCCORD (M3 Lee “Booby”)

> KO: VICKY MILLS (M3 Lee “Cuckoo”)

You fire another shot into the chaos.

> KO: DINA CAUL (M3 LEE “Naynay”)

One of the Lees screams past you. Another is turning around on its tracks, trying to figure out where's where. This is going to be another turkey shoot! Suddenly artillery lands among you all. The smoke cover is immediately blown away by the blast force. Thankfully, nobody was hurt but- They're shooting while you're in the middle of their formation!

“Hey, hey!” yells Serina. “I see the flag tank! They're westbound! Trying to get a shot off now!” The flag tank must be on the run for higher ground, or at least a defensible position. And while the Lee isn't exactly fast... No, what's more important is that if you stick around, those artillery shells are probably going to nail you, and probably the bridge to keep the flow of tanks from getting out of control.

> Deploy Smoke (2/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Drop everything and chase that flag.
> Mop up the Lees now and hope you don't get hit by artillery.
> Other
>Drop everything and chase that flag.
Hope those Lees don't turn around and shoot us in the ass while we go.
> Drop everything and chase that flag.
If they turn around to hit us they'll get nailed by the mediums crossing the bridge. Bit of evasive driving should do the trick.
>Drop everything and chase that flag.

Nothing matters but that flag

Radio our group on the other side of the river, if the Lees chase us down highway 174, they'll pass just in front of them (ish) a few shots may put them off our backs.
> Drop everything and chase that flag.
>Shimada Cherry Blossem

Their going to follow us so we can use it
>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
>> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
>> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
>> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
>> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
>> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
>> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
>> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>>> FLAG << BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
>> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
>> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)
> **JUNE “JUNE BUG” WEATHERS (M3 Lee CDL – 75mm M2 “Cicinnurus”)
> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Haast”)
> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Eagle”)
> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Condor”)
> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Roc”)
> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Hen”)
> FINA “CANUCK” COX ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Dodo”)
> ROSARIA COX (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Carrier Pigeon”)
> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Pelican”)
> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Seagull”)
> YMIRA YOUNG (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Kagu”)
>> FLAG << MIKA FUJISAKI (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Loon”)
> GEMMA O'CONNEL (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Blue Jay”)
> LILAH GAGE (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Cardinal”)
> ZAREEN TEHAT (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Tit”)
> JUNE NGUYEN (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Warbler”)

11 vs 16
>> Drop everything and chase that flag.
>if we are Perseud shimada cherry blossem
> Drop everything and chase that flag.

You speed past a Lee that gets its side blown out by Dalia.

> KO: Lilah Gage (M3 Lee “Cardinal”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Dalia Earnhardt (M18 Hellcat “Mifune”)

Right now, your priority was the Lee. You weren't going to worry about your now exposed rear armor. Right now what you were going to worry about was taking down that flag. “Come on, come on!” you yell. You look back to see the Lee CDL trying to chase you. It shines its bright light at you. “Ah! Son of a-” You blink the second sun out of your eyes, looking away. No, it won't matter if you keep moving! Just go, just go! The 37 mill bounces off your turret side and the 75mm misses. And in the end it doesn't matter because it gets shot in the side.

> KO: June “June Bug” Weathers (M3 Lee CDL “Cicinnurus”)

Meanwhile though, the medium tanks were arriving. You hear more artillery pops in the distance as you try to close down the flag tank. As you thought, they landed at the bridgehead. “We're hit! Aah!” screams Carver.

> KO: HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson “Pain Train”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Tanner “Tanager” Risinger (M40 Gun Motor Carriage “Condor”)

Damn! There goes the perfect score! Oh well! More artillery lands amongst the group, scattering everybody from what little you can see through the smoke. Even one of the Lees ends ups getting blown to pieces.

> KO: GEMMA O'CONNEL (M3 Lee “Blue Jay”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage “Roc”)

“Fuck!” yells Griselda. “Everyone spread out and take down as many Lees as you can!”

> KO: ZAREEN TEHAT (M3 Lee “Tit”)

> KO: YMIRA YOUNG (M3 Lee “Kagu”)

“They've completely routed!” yells Serafina. You see the flag tank just ahead of the road however, 500 meters out. “We got this in the bag, let's start stealing some kills!” The Lee is pretty much helpless at this point. At this point, Glenn Curtiss doesn't have much of a chance. Their medium armor is gone, their artillery has no chance and will run out of ammo too.

“Ellie, you see the flag!?” yells Griselda.

> Deploy Smoke (2/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Take the shot and end it.
> Let the flag go and let the girls pad their stats.
> Other
>> Take the shot and end it.
>Let the flag go and let the girls pad their stats.
Earn those purple points like everyone that ever did get to purple did so: by playing a couple dozen thousand battles in T67s.
>>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
>>> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
>>> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
>>> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
>>> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
>>> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
>>> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
>>> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>>>> FLAG << BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
>>> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
>> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Haast”)
>> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Eagle”)
>> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Condor”)
>> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Roc”)
>> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Hen”)
>> FINA “CANUCK” COX ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Dodo”)
>> ROSARIA COX (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Carrier Pigeon”)
>> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Pelican”)
>> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Seagull”)
>>> FLAG << MIKA FUJISAKI (M3 Lee – 75mm M2 “Loon”)

10 vs 11
>Take the shot and end it

The longer this goes on, the better chance something goes wrong.
Track it and start wrestling Stack. Other teams have as long as it takes Stack to pin you down to get kills.
>Take the shot and end it
Sorry girls. I hope they get some more kills before ours lands.
> Take the shot and end it.
We can't afford to drop a set, let's not get greedy.

>> Take the shot and end it.
> Take the shot and end it.

You hesitate to call it for a second, then realizing that there are no more Lees out in the defensive line, you decide to end it. “Hit it, Winona.”

“Firing!” The six pounder shoots and scores. A shot directly on their rear sends them burning. The white flag pops up in defeat.

> KO: MIKA FUJISAKI (M3 Lee “Loon”)





> + 20 CP
> + 1,000 DOLLARS



You and Griselda along with Iris move to meet with June Bug and her team after the match before you leave. The sun is already setting, and you're already starving for dinner. You might get some on the plane actually. Their food is decent there you suppose. “Sorry for the loss June Bug,” says Griselda. You all shake hands amicably.

June Bug takes it with a smile, nodding. “I'll admit, this year we don't have it. No way we're making it to the postseason.” This many losses on their record? They've been mathematically eliminated. Even if they were to turn it around, they'd never qualify. “But hey. We're taking the lessons we learned this year, we'll turn it around and get you all next year.”

Griselda smiles. “That's really mature of you, June. We hope to see you fight us next year, maybe?”

“Not maybe,” says June Bug. “Definitely. And next time, we'll win for sure.” Griselda and June Bug grab hands again, squeezing them tight. They let go, with Griselda flapping her hand around in a bit of pain. “Ellie, you too. As well as you, Iris. Can't wait to see more of you.”

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
We'll be waiting!
>>>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
>>>> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
>>>> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
>>>> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
>>>> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
>>>> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
>>>> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
>>>> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>>>>> FLAG << BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
>>>> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
>>> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Haast”)
>>> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Eagle”)
>>> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Condor”)
>>> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Roc”)
>>> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Hen”)
>>> FINA “CANUCK” COX ( M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Dodo”)
>>> ROSARIA COX (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Carrier Pigeon”)
>>> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Pelican”)
>>> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Seagull”)

10 vs 10
> Polite
"Oh, you're too kind. I really look forward to see what you pull off next time with some different lineups. You definitely made us think out of the box."

I have to assume the morale of our girls went up too.

And another great boost in rankings. Still expect us to not be over the red line for all star.
>> Polite
> Polite
Pastebin updated with set MVP, kills and Hadley's death: http://pastebin.com/bUU2v0z8
Sooo close to 50! Still good to see us up there. And Iris is almost at 60 too!

What I really love though is that we're starting to see a really even spread. Makes us versatile, which I will take over all star games any day.

Though I still hope we make it!

She's nice. And she understands that this should be fun.
> Polite

You shake hands with June Bug. “I look forward to seeing more from you too. Given some time and a bit more practice, I think you guys could really give us a run for our money one day.” June Bug grins, placing her hands on her hips. “Maybe we'll see each other during FleetFest or the All-Star game.”

“Maybe we will!” June Bug waves goodbye to you. “Til next time!”

With that, you, Iris, Griselda start heading back to the trucks that'll take you to your planes. Iris says, “June Bug handled that well. Even though her team is in the barrel, she understands that Tankery is for fun.”

Griselda nods. “That's why I like her.”

“Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her,” you say. Griselda rolls her eyes. Maybe she could, come on! “Anyway. This was an easy set, no offense to June Bug. But we have to prepare the crews for the next set.”

“Agreed,” says Griselda. “Come on, we'll take my truck to the plane and brainstorm.” You all get into Griselda's Dodge truck, you in the passenger seat and Iris in the back. “First thing's first, we need manpower and lots of it. We can't keep scraping by understrength. That's going to bite us in the ass.” You nod. That is a serious problem. “Second, we need more tanks. I can talk to Yutani about that, thirdly...” She sighs. The truck drives with the others to the runway where you'll be taking off.

Iris says, “You should not stress out about it.”

“I'm not,” says Griselda. “I'm just- It's hard. Okay? And did you hear the news? J. Walter Christie got pulled into a draw.”

Iris blinks, then her eyes go wide in uncharacteristic surprise. “And if we won today...”

“We're in first place!” you declare.


Griselda smiles a little. “Yep. For just one week.” She holds up a finger. “LGA is in first place in the Western League Central Division.” Oh Sweet Jesus Christ on a henhouse. “If we can hold it, we won't have to participate in that Wild Card Match. We get an extra day to rest, we go straight to Divisional Championships.”

You arrive at the runway, and start heading up the steps into the plane. First place, it can't be! It feels too good to be true!

And speaking of too good. “Surprise!” You all jump in surprise at the entire Tankery team surprising Griselda, Iris, and yourself with a large cake. Luisa and Yuno smile happily, holding the knife and plates. Luisa says, “Griselda, we were planning on breaking out this cake for you to thank you for everything that you did for the team!” Griselda looks at the cake, white frosting and everything, wafer tanks, all that stuff. She smiles happily, less nervously. “I know, we would've looked like idiots saving it for a loss just in case but still. This is for you. We want to celebrate some good times!”

Griselda takes a deep breath, sighing deeply. She looks like a very bemused but frustrated mother at this rate. “You guys didn't have to.”

“No, we didn't have to,” says Serafina. “We -needed- to. You deserve it! Come on!” More girls encourage Griselda to have some cake.

Even Iris says, “One slice wouldn't hurt.”

> “Go on, Griselda.”
> “It's up to you, Griselda.”
> “Guys, you shouldn't have, honestly.”
> Other
File: FUURRRRYYYY!!!.gif (1MB, 659x660px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 659x660px
>“Go on, Griselda.

For the love of God! Its cake! Eat the cake! Its victory cake, we have a victory EAT THE DAMN CAKE WOMAN!
> “Go on, Griselda.”
She deserves it. And it allows her to have some good clean fun!


I expect this to go arry somehow.
>If you don't want to then dibs for me
>Grab the cake
GS, this question is important: what wafer tanks did they make?
>Go on Gris
>“Go on, Griselda.”
This cake needed a stripper Elo inside it, right? There is still time for that.
> “Go on, Griselda.”
Eat the damn cake woman.
Jagdpanzer IV and Hetzer wafer tanks.
“Go on, Griselda.”

First Place? Talk about a surprise. And we even have a boat load of CP too!
Which means we can be a tiny bit lax on work. Though we should probably get two to three days in. Inevitably we'll be spending CP on a skill. GS will dangle that in front of us and we'll bite.
>Inevitably we'll be spending CP on a skill.
Our ghost loli friend is still around, and that's not counting whatever we'll pick up while checking on Gris or Winona.
We do need to stock up on those.
>> “Go on, Griselda.”
Oh totally. We need skills. Skills would have gotten us some MVP points. But now we get to shock people. I mean "The Zumwalt" was shocking enough!
> “Go on, Griselda.”

You smile at Griselda. “Go on, Griselda.” Griselda seems a bit incapable of processing this for a second. She steps forward, then allows Yuno to slice the first piece for her, one of the bigger corner pieces which means she gets all that frosting too. Griselda takes it, nodding gratefully to Yuno and Luisa. She takes a deep breath, and you notice that her hands are shaking a little.

“Th-... thank you, everybody.” Griselda takes a deep breath again, rubbing her eyes a little. “I uh... I'm not sure I deserve something like this. You're better off rewarding Elodie or Iris. I just make sure the team runs as all.” She looks down a little. “And um. Yeah, but...” She rubs at her eye again, a light blush on her face. “You all do more than me around here anyway, so-”

Regina immediately hugs her.

Griselda looks at her. “What are you doing?”

“Rescuing your heart,” says Regina. Griselda takes a second to process this, then immediately bursts into laughter. Regina as well starts laughing intensely, which sparks everyone to start laughing as well. Even you have a little giggle at it. Laughter's contagious after all. “You deserve it. Come on, let's cut more cake!”

“Ladies and uhh... gentlemen, this is Marina, your pilot speaking.” You all look up at the intercom. “The weather uhhh... is a very nice temperate day with barely a cloud as we start our takeoff. I just want everyone to know that we are about to take off. So please be seated, fasten your seatbelts, and hold onto your butts.”

Oh shit. Everyone scrambles to a seat. You help secure the cake before the takeoff ruins everything.



After takeoff though, everyone went back to get some cake. You look over to see Griselda and Serafina apparently having a conversation not in Polish, but in English now. Regina and Suvorov as well give kudos to Griselda for having them aboard the team. You can also see in the back Dalia and Benny having another argument, a friendly one at least, about cars. Carver as well gets ribbed gently by Serina for getting sniped, the only one death in today's match.

Winona sits down next to you, smiling. “Feels good to win, doesn't it?”

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
Right, we still need to pick her as our mentor... unless she is already locked in?

And assuming it's been long enough, we could go do the last part of Kathy's quest. Unless it's mining our her spaceship and she was a dog all along, we should get her to join and her her dogs crew the rest of the tank, whatever it is.

Or like, it's the Kugelpanzer for whatever reason. I wonder if that would even be allowed?
>> Boast
> Boast

A good clean victory always feels good. If it doesn't, then we did something wrong.
> Boast
Like Gertrude boast
> Boast

“It feels great.” You take a munch of the cake, and watch as Stack, Josephina, and Ingrid talk. Ingrid is apparently explaining to the two of them the fine basics of baseball, and the two of them are actually listening very well to her. “We keep this up, JWC is gonna be nothing to us.”

Winona smiles. “Of course not!” She points to your lip. “Ah, Ellie. You got a little here.”

You blink, pointing to it. “Here?”

“Here, I'll get it.” She brushes your lip with her finger, then quickly sticks it in her mouth, smirking very smugly at you. What Is she- You- What. You start blushing intensely. Winona! Winona that's lewd, no! “Mmm, tastes good.”

“Y- yeah.” You look away. “Cake's really good.”

“I wasn't talking about the cake.”

“YOU-” You slap her on the arm, making her yelp. “Stop it!” you yell. “Augh!”

Still, even though you were yelling at Winona for doing something monstrously lewd at a time like this, you did have time to reflect. LGA is in first place! We could coast into the postseason easily. But at the same time, the tournament was not over yet. Three sets were still remaining to be played. And of course, during the party you had a look at your opponents. While everyone was cheering and celebrating, you couldn't stop yourself.

Oh jeez.



File: Week 8 Standings.png (54KB, 1171x614px) Image search: [Google]
Week 8 Standings.png
54KB, 1171x614px
That's it for tonight's LGA2 and this weekend. Hope you all enjoyed and congrats on your sweep against Glenn Curtiss. And with the sweep, LGA is now 1st in the WL Central. Let's see if you can keep it.


- JWC: Perrine Hobart debates at length for three hours with judges, delaying match, to try and convince judges that she can deploy a Schwerer Gustav Railway gun. Judges object first on grounds that there are no railroads around on playable area. Perrine argues she could simply build railroads to accommodate it out of stuff left over in map. Second and final objection comes stating Schwerer Gustav is not self-propelled.

- LGA: Elodie Zumwalt strikes panic into Glenn Curtiss defensive line, striking down a few Lee tanks before taking the killing blow on the flag, securing LGA's 1st place in division.

- ZES: Mei Xiang leads Zhou Enlai on fording attack, with several of her tanks completely submerged. Oryola impressed enough to personally congratulate Mei and discuss even though ZES lost the fight.

- CG: Meryl Hoffmeister earns school record 58th kill, sniping flag tank moving away from her at 1.2 kilometers away at 45 mph while on the move herself.

- KGC: Kuromorimine Maus tank blocks bridge for five hours, blocking Kasserine High School advance long enough for flanking forces to surround and entrap Kasserine.

Also note that we now have the Eastern League teams now tracked on the league table. As you can see, Kursk, Zhou Enlai, and Joan D'Orleans are the big contenders for the postseason at the moment, with St. Gloriana and Kuromorimine not too far behind in the wildcards.

Regardless. Good thread.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.
>Schwerer Gustav
Oh god what. We're not ready for Perrine at all, are we?
Good running, chief
Thanks for the fun, boss
Thanks for running Schteel.
Must acquire finnish team post haste.
Good thread boss.

>Schwerer Gustav is not self-propelled
The Monster is, and would technically be Tankery legal, but it remains to be seen why Perrine wants a 40 minute reload time gun with a monumental minimum range.

She should use that one gun Alice used in the GuP movie. What was that arty called?
When did Meryl become such a tank saint?
Its fun looking at the kill stats as well as the standings now. And I like the fact that our friends Dix and Meryl are up top. I like them a lot.

Neat seeing Kim-Ly in figured that there would be more ZES up there like the Swede who I currently forget her name.

And seeing this summaries about. I continue to understand why we are just not inpressive enough for Joe and Jane tanker. But its all good. I'll take the MVPs and unsung hero award at the end of the year. Seeing as I am sure the NATO league has such things.

Perrine is a god damnned witch that we must fear, but not TOO much lest we get caught up in everything...

That said, I expect that we'll have a split on our hands at best. Knocking Perinne out may be damn near impossible.

The Gagetown match was decieving. Because she played fair and honourable against us
The Karl-Gerat Siege guns, of which only seven were built. One belongs to the Shimada-ryuu trained University All-Star team. JWC actually owns three of them, two of which participate in the Tankery Unlimited circuit with extensive modifications.

Meryl has always been an elite gunner, but is usually held back by the crappy teams she's playing with. The perfect 20-kill no loss game she had probably helped her spirits too.
See you next time Schteel!

Anyone in Skycraft have pinups in their cockpits?
Good work on the Maus, doing what it does best.

Now I only wish we could see the results of Kuromorimine and the Hugo's Maus's going at it. 6 hours of pulse pounding waiting for them to get in close.
Lots of the boys have pinups up, some of Gertrude, some of Griselda.
Guess we need to go and work on that little side project...for Jockey of course.
Wouldn't be surprised if someone had pics of us dancing.

You know what that means, surprise inspection!
What's the record for KO's in a season? 'Cause Orly has to be getting close.
The current NATO season record is actually held by Orly herself at 95 kills. She stands a good chance of breaking it again.
The talk of records actually has me thinking. What is LGA's record? I say this as someone who hasn't read LGA1, but figure Iris has a chance.

You'd figure our video going viral may add to our All-Star chances. Someone has to be voting for things other than tank skill.
This is actually LGA's first year in the NATO League, so any records you establish here will be the records to beat the next year.

Last Quest was in the ITL where it was less about beating records and more about saving the school.
Yeah. I'm still more scared of Kursk than ZES. And I think for good reason. As nice as she is, Orly is an ass kicking machine.
Kill counts were more even in the last LGA. There was no Iris getting kills left and right.
There was an experienced crew with a very high kill count but most of that was carried over by their previous experiences in LGA tankery.
File: LGA - Trudy's wild ride.png (260KB, 1000x700px) Image search: [Google]
LGA - Trudy's wild ride.png
260KB, 1000x700px
>Last Quest was in the ITL where it was less about beating records and more about saving the school.
And getting the girls.
That too.

Oryola isn't just an ass kicking machine, part of what makes Kursk great is how well they established their doctrine both in the match and outside of it. Their big word is patience. Unlike ZES who buy up transfer students with high skill and potential, Kursk's doctrine in regards to getting Tankers is to basically farm them from elementary and middle schools around the world. Kursk has a hand in funding a variety of schools in Vietnam, Korea, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Norway, etc. The best get to represent their tiny schools in the lesser tournaments, the best of the best get to attend Kursk.
That's a fair point.

I actually like that the team is starting to even out, even if it is common knowledge that Iris and Ellie are the dangers of LGA. Gris would be if she wasn't hamstrung.
Ah, so the AAA farm team/Professional Football(soccer) youth development systems.

I like that system. But its frightening to look at on our end.
It's already produced several low-key stars for Kursk, including Kim-ly and Rozaliya Ulanova (who was actually fast tracked from Middle School to serve Kursk, being only 14 years old or so.)
Elo would be doing this but it's remarkably quiet on that front, and Trudy had more duties and pressure than Elo does.

Maybe it was the boasting. Elo should do that more to start raking in girls.
Now I'm wondering. With her experience in tankery and being kind of a low key star now, will Ellie be able to meet Oryola at the fleet fest without swooning this time?
It's impossible not to swoon for Oryola's husky ruskie charm.

Either that or its because the smell she gives off tends to make people faint.
This is Ellie we're talking about. She still thinks she's the empty space in between the stars. If she finds her way at the fleet, she's still going to be an awkward duck against the giants.
It's probably the charm. She was Ellie's favorite tanker for a reason after all.
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