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Girls und Panzer: Lafayette Girls Academy Quest 2: #62

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Thread replies: 133
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> Saturday, August 7th, 2015

SITUATION: http://pastebin.com/ziMsX6th
MECHANICS: http://pastebin.com/49M2eE8Z
THE RULES: http://pastebin.com/BEsprkBZ
THE TANK: http://pastebin.com/sJsgig6B
THE DIVISIONS: http://pastebin.com/xCQZAdqU
THE SHOP: http://pastebin.com/v6xeDRXj
DANON’S THE TEAM: http://pastebin.com/bUU2v0z8

“Alright, everybody, listen up.” You all gather around Griselda after breakfast. All of the tanks have been fixed up and made ready for this weekend's match. “I just want to thank Oleg and the mechanics for getting our tanks up on such short notice. So please, give them a round of applause.” Oleg and the Hall Monitor mechanics bow to you all, a loud applause for them being given for their hard work. “And let's also thank Miss McPherson and Stack's sisters as well.” Miss McPherson bows to everybody, while Hoel, Fanny, and Lo wave and say hello. “We have so much to thank for everybody who has helped out the team the past week or so. And we owe it to everybody who roots and cheers for us to give them our best.”

Serafina raises her hand, serious expression on her face. “You don't normally give speeches like this, Griselda. What's the occasion?”

“This set is the 2nd to last set for our league. Next one will be J. Walter Christie, the division leaders.” Everyone murmurs nervously. “Then the All-Star game, then the interleague matches against Joan d'Orleans Academy, and... Zhou Enlai.” That silences everybody. ZES is on an absolute roll lately. They've won almost every set this tournament so far. “But we'll get them, I'm sure. And we'll make it to the postseason, I'm sure! We have to make sure we win every chance we get. We're in the home stretch. Please do your best. Thank you.” Griselda bows to all of you, and in return you bow your heads back. With that, she turns on her heel and returns to her tent with her crew.

Regina folds her arms, worriedly. “This weekend may be easy for us! But I have my doubts about ZES and Joan d'Orleans. We'll be knocked out of the wild card for sure if we end up tying any one of these sets.”

“So how about we make sure we don't tie a set then!?” yells Patton.

“Yeah!” yells Clausewitz. “Wars are not won by worrying!”

“Relax, everybody,” says Iris. “We will not be a coherent team if we worry about the future when the present is staring us straight in the eye.”

“Have you seen the team ZES is putting together?” says Serina.
“Yeah, and they're a bunch of mercenary moneygrubbing Chinese communist pussies!” yells Serafina as she butts into the crowd of commanders. All the commanders start arguing with each other. Even the Automotive and the Automotive Fan Clubs are finding an excuse just to yell at each other for their different tastes in cars. Hadley's own crew was yelling at everybody on her behalf.

Ugh. The minute Griselda leaves, things fall to pieces.

> Get Griselda, she needs to do something about this!
> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!
> Eh... you'll let them sort their issues themselves.
> Other
> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!
Enforce Discipline!
>> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!
We will get there when the time comes. We have also improved since we first started and will out pace these bitches when we face them.
> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!
Time to renew some faith and help Griselda out.
> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!

Lewds. They're for lewds. Especially Stacks.
>> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!
The Chains of Commanding. We might have to bring them out.
And I think too much Wot has made me shot in the brainpan. The "Chain(s) of Command", that should be.
> You're Griselda's XO, it's your job to try and calm the team down! Do it!

“Hey, hey!” you yell. You hurry to get on top of the King Tiger, one of the bigger tanks there. Then you shout, “HEY!” That gets their attention. Except for the Automotive Clubs.

“And I can't fucking believe that you think a Delorean is a good car!” yells Dalia.

“It is if you give it some mods!” says Benny.

“THEN IT'S NOT A DELOREAN!” You whistle to them, shutting them up.

You take a deep breath. “Listen. Everyone. Your concerns are valid, yes. But what you need to understand is that we've gotten way, way better since we first started out. And that we have a very good team here. We've been fighting against richer, better equipped, more skilled teams than us. And consistently they've outnumbered us in almost every fight! But you've showed them that we aren't going down without a fight.” Everyone looks at each other, then back up at you, attentive. “We are where we are right now because of all of you working together. This is an absolute miracle because almost every news outlet, every sports program before this tournament started had us listed as dead in the cellar last place. But here we are in the Wild Card, ready to take the postseason. Let's not worry about the future, let's worry about now, and let's show them what we're capable of!”

“Yeah!” Everyone yells out, cheering loudly. Dalia and Benny glare at each other, but reluctantly give each other a fist bump in cooperation. “That's the stuff! Let's get them-”

“That's all well and good but...” You all look over to the Judges. What the- “We have a delay in the match today. So you have a little more time,” says Judge Joyce.

“Delay?” asks Serafina. “It's bright and sunny out! What's delaying the-”

The sudden roar of airplane engines rushing past all of you answers her question.

Judge West says, “A skirmish between Glenn Curtiss and Kill Devil Hills has emerged and for the safety of the tank crews, we ask that everybody stay where they are until it's over.” She snorts dismissively. “Boys and their planes.” The Judges giggle a little.

Oh. Well.

At they didn't cancel.

> Go observe the skirmish.
> Hang out with your crew.
> Go meet the Glenn Curtiss Tankery team.
> Other

> Go observe the skirmish.
>Go observe the skirmish.
> Go observe the skirmish.
Knowing Curtiss, we'll probably run into a few of their girls watching it too.
>> Go observe the skirmish.
>> Go observe the skirmish.
>> Other
"damn. A flak or two would be nice here,"
> Go observe the skirmish.
We do have Anti-Aircraft machine guns.
> Go observe the skirmish.

You, your crew, and most everyone on the team who was interested got together on your tanks and broke out the binoculars. You can tell judging by the flaming Hellcats and the crashing Privateers that KDH is actually winning with their Spitfires and Warhawks and Hudsons. “Oh, look over there!” says Josephina. “It's a Lockheed Hudson by KDH, they're under attack from F6F Hellcats! Now, this is the thing because those Hellcats appear to be F65-5s which have stronger control surfaces and a more powerful engine as well. And over on Glenn Curtiss, they also have PB4Y Privateers and-”

Ingrid asks Josephina. “When did you get so into Skycraft?”

“Well.” Josephina blushes a little. “Helicraft and Skycraft are kind of similar so I... did my research a little.”

“Let's not shame Josephina, Ingrid,” you say. Ingrid rolls her eyes. You do watch the Skycraft boys attentively though. They're at least clearing the skies so that there won't be any recon plane shenanigans today for the fight, so that's good. Still, there was something about Skycraft that felt way more... open than Tankery? It wasn't exactly civilized, but the way the planes moved, and the way they fought. In Tankery you have your crews to deal with, you've got the other tanks to worry about too. But Skycraft ultimately, it looks like a proper tourney with lots of one on one fights.

Nowadays, with modern jets and fly-by-wire and missile locking software, you can engage other planes at impersonal distances. But this? This was like a lost art revived. Dogfighting.

“So. You must be the LGA team.” You look down from your tank to see lots of girls wearing blue jumpsuits, with the Glenn Curtiss sigil on the sleeve. They look more like they're about to fly planes than to drive tanks, but you have to guess they're the Glenn Curtiss Tankery team. You drop down to them. “I'm June Bug Weathers,” she offers her hand. “You must be Elodie! Heard a lot about you.”

“You've heard of me?” you ask.

“Yeah. We saw your dancing on the internet.” GIRLS. You look back to them, and they innocently look away, whistling. Someone leaked a certain something! AUGH. “But seriously!” June Bug smiles, folding her arms. The girl is actually quite large. Very large in fact. Makes you wonder how she fits in a cockpit. She could even stand eye to eye with Josephina. “We've seen your tanking, you're really good!” She rolls up her sleeves, showing off her vast muscles. Stack immediately is entranced by them. “Yep! Maybe someday you and I can get together and talk shop...” She winds her arm up a little, smiling at you. “I'm usually more of a Skycraft girl but I can understand the appeal of tanks. They're a really fun thing to take part in and-”

You hold up a hand. “Are you flexing?”

“Ha! No!” she says as she flexes. She's flexing. She must be trying to intimidate you. And it's actually working. “Still, good luck in the match?”

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
> flirt
> Boast
Intimidate us will you?
>> Boast
> Polite
Let's not get drawn into the macho bs, we're here to win, not talk smack.
> Polite

Stiff upper lip.
>> Polite
>Sure, Hopefully the spying of yours gave you much insight.

Still salty the fact they had the balls and then lied to us.
American Muscle versus (not)British Stiff upper lip?
> Polite
As always.
This was there best rap. Period.
> Polite

“Good luck in the match to you too.” She grins, huffing as she flexes a little bit more. “And by the way, tell Heidi Fabre we said hi.”

“Will do!” says June Bug. “So sorry about the spying thing, Heidi thinks she's some kind of super spy.” Does she? It shows. “We try to indulge her, it's harmless after all.” Of course, of course. “Anyway, we should get back to our tanks, can't wait to meet GrisGris in person,” she says. And with that, the Glenn Curtiss team takes their leave.

“We should probably start getting ready for the match too,” says Ingrid.

“Alright,” you say. “I'll go find Griselda.”



“What do you mean!?” You find Griselda, June Bug, and the Judges discussing things before the nearly empty bleachers. They're starting to get filled in as people realize it's almost time for the match. “We have to take the time to recover those planes! They'll get in the way of the tanks!” says Griselda.

Judge West keeps her hand up in defense. “Listen, it has always been a tradition of Tankery to play the field as it lies. No slow, no sleet, no rain, no heat stops a Tankery match. If we have to take the time to delay the match even further just to recover all those plane wrecks-”

“What's going on?” you ask.

Griselda is furious. “The Judges are continuing the match anyway even though the darn field is covered in shell craters and plane wrecks! They haven't even recovered the pilots!”

Judge Joyce says, “We've considered the risks, and decided that as long as the pilots remain in their craft which are armored and have GPS tracking, we can allow them to stay and let the match continue unimpeded. Recovering all the wrecks and filling in the craters simply isn't feasible to do within a reasonable timeframe. We can do it overnight for the next match, but we ask that this match you please try and deal with it.”

June Bug says, “But there's a Hudson wreck in the way of the south bridge! You at least have to recover that, or they'll never be able to get out of their zones!”

Judge West folds her arms simply. “I'm sorry girls, that's just how Tankery is. My mom and her mom have had to fight in far worse conditions.” Griselda and June Bug aren't too satisfied with that answer.

> “Come on, let's just do it.”
> “That sucks, and you know it.”
> It's not in your position to give your opinion on this.
> Other
> “Come on, let's just do it.”
"We're tankers, we'll make do with what we've got."
>> It's not in your position to give your opinion on this.
>> Other
"So uh. How armored are these planes? Also, will we get penalized if we say, accidentally shot them or, like, using them as cover?"
The most heavily armoured of them only have an inch of plating at the thickest, even passing through the fuselage they'll barely slow a shell down. The armoured cockpits though should stop shells in their tracks, but we know the judging software can simulate around stuff like that so it shouldn't be an issue. Honestly we could just say sorry to the boys beforehand then drive the KT or Churchill straight through the Hudson blocking the bridge with little fuss.
>> “Come on, let's just do it.”
>Come on, let's just do it.
>> It's not in your position to give your opinion on this.
>>Your mom and her mom did but did you?
Heavy tanks can get through, what about the lights and fast movers?

They just blow it up with HE I suppose.
Once the heavies are through the lighter vehicles can follow through the gap they left.
Didn't we want move forward with all possible haste?
Yeah, but there's not much we can do about this, though honestly the Cromwell could probably get through it will little fuss too.
> “Come on, let's just do it.”

“Come on, let's just do it,” you say. You and Griselda walk away from the judges. Iris as well comes by, ready to go. “Listen, Griselda. I know things are a bit bad, but she is right. We do play the field as it lies, no matter how bad it gets, alright?” Griselda nods, grumbling a little. “Let's just hope the boys aren't going to try and help them out.”

“Yeah,” says Griselda.

With that, a few minutes pass as you discuss the plan a few more times. Rush them, hope you get there before they chuck artillery at you. It has to work, it just does. If not, you're going to be completely screwed. June Bug as well discusses things with her own Officers, who nod along with her. They seem pretty solid. Hopefully this match goes well, please let it go well.

“The match between Lafayette Girls Academy and Glenn Curtiss School of Engineering and Technology shall now begin!” yells Judge Joyce. “The delay is no longer in effect! The match shall be played as normal!”

> Hometown: Norfolk, Virginia
> Motto: “Dum vivimus, vivamus”
> March: Lafayette Girls Academy March
> Commander: Griselda Pool

> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
> BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)

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3MB, 1720x794px

> Hometown: Wilmington, North Carolina
> Motto: “Ad Astra per Aspera”
> March: “Into the Wild Blue Yonder (Glenn Curtiss SET Edition)”
> Commander: June "June Bug" Weathers

> **JUNE “JUNE BUG” WEATHERS (M3 Lee CDL – 75mm M2 “Melampitta”)
> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (T40 Whizzbang – 75mm M3 “Macaw”)
> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage – M115 Howitzer “Ostrich”)
> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Heron”)
> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Petrel”)
> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Sooty Tern”)
> FINA “CANUCK” COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Emu”)
> ROSARIA COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Albatross”)
> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Kingfisher”)
> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Osprey”)
> YMIRA YOUNG (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #1”)
> MIKA FUJISAKI (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #2”)
> GEMMA O'CONNEL (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #3”)
> LILAH GAGE (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #4”)
> VICKY MILLS (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Clay Pigeon”)
> DINA CAUL (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Shrike”)
> ZAREEN TEHAT (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Buzzard”)
> GEORGINE MCCORD (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Vulture”)
> ASHLEY ZACHARY (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Crow”)
> JUNE NGUYEN (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Jackdaw”)

“Let the match begin!”



The flare shoots up, signalling the start of the match. You look around for a bit, and do see some smoke and crater here and there.

And of course, there's the KDH plane stuck between you and Iris, simply because he was there right on top of the start location. The pilot looks up at you two, smiling at you two happily. “So. You girls come here often?” he asks.

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Move towards the bridge fast.
> Hurry to dig in.
> Other
>> Move towards the bridge fast.
>Cromwell and Hellcat lead the way

>Mediums follow up in full speed with Heavy follow shortly after,
File: Curtiss Plan.png (2MB, 1720x794px) Image search: [Google]
Curtiss Plan.png
2MB, 1720x794px
> Move towards the bridge fast.
Follow plan, keep an eye out for any Curtiss planes, if we see one with its cockpit visible, slap a paint round on it so they can't pass on too much intel.
> Move towards the bridge fast.

Also this with regards to the Curtiss planes.
This. Have the fast tanks cut them off
Um...won't firing on them mean a DQ?
Nope, their part of the scenery now. so destructible property.
Is firing at terrain isn't counted as a DQ Satan.
Okay. See I thought this was still in flight planes being talked about...my bad...

Just a little tense from last weeks anti-cheat preventative measures being constituted as cheating itself. I don't want a DQ
Nah, these are crashed/shot down planes with their pilots still inside, some of which belong to Glenn Curtiss. Taking precautionary measures to ensure they aren't going to supply info to the tank team is entirely within our right.
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2MB, 1720x794px
> Move towards the bridge fast.

“Alright, everyone follow my lead,” you say. “Griselda?”

“I'll bring up the middle with the mediums. Ellie, Iris, you manage the rest.” Alright, got it. Iris will take care of the heavy tanks for now. Your tank roars out into live, strolling past the stricken plane and down towards the road. You lean back in the cupola, looking around.

Stack pokes her head out of the loader's hatch. “Jesus! Look at all this smoke!” The huge amount of smoke columns up in the air from wrecked planes was really something. But it wasn't your prime concern. Your prime concern was being spotted by a Curtiss plane that was wrecked. “Man, the boys really let them have it!”

“Hey, at least they're getting a nice show,” says Ingrid.

“Yeah, I'd pay to see me too!” says Winona.

“Quiet down,” you say. You roll past another plane, crashed into a building in the small town of Prospect. It's a Glenn Curtiss plane. “Hey! You!” The boy inside looks out to you, his plane being crashed right into the side and hanging out like a comical 80s decoration. “You better not be telling them where we are!”

“I'm a pilot, not a radioman, what do you take me for!?” he yells. You roll your eyes. At least it's an elimination match.

As you keep driving outside of town, you hear lots of explosions from behind. You turn around to see plumes of black smoke up in the air. What the-

“Artillery shots,” says Griselda. “They must be trying to hit us on the move. We better split up I think.”

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Split the column up.
> Keep the column together.
> Other
>> Split the column up.
> Split the column up.

Let the faster tanks get going.

Expect resistance soon. Punch through it anyway.
> Split the column up.
But keep the three elements tight within themselves to keep speed up. And hit those fucking Curtiss planes with paint, the ONLY way they could know where we are by now is if they're relaying the information back to them and observing their fall of shot, so don't be polite, just paint them up and keep rolling, they're either blind shots now or they will be, not much point in trying to avoid them.
>> Split the column up.
> Split the column up.

“I'll take the fast tanks and keep going! Dalia, Suvorov, that's you guys! And if you see a Curtiss plane, hit them with paint!”

“Got it!” everyone says. The column breaks up to allow Suvorov and Dalia through and allow them to join you. With that, your little squadron gets moving. You keep things tight for now as the rest of the column gets split up. They'll follow behind though, you're assured of that. And if things get hairy, hopefully they'll be able to back you up.

You pass another Glenn Curtiss plane sitting in a ditch by the side of the road. “Hey, girl-” Suvorov sprays his cockpit window with paint from her AA mount machine gun. “Ah! Son of a bitch! Ah, that paint's gonna take forever to wash out, damn it!”

You sigh, then look to see another Glenn Curtiss plane on the side of the road with holes in the side, a Corsair by the looks of it. You see though the pilot. She looks at you, surprised. “Hey! That's Heidi Fabre!”

She folds her arms in a huff, glaring angrily. “You'll be happy to know that it was Jack who shot me down. AGAIN.” You almost want to laugh, but that'd be impolite. So you allow Suvorov and Dalia to spray her cockpit with paint rounds. “AH! Dang it! My cockpit!”

You hear more artillery sounds again. This time they impact still pretty far away. Hopefully they haven't figured out you split the column yet. Though you a KDH Plane on the side of the road. “Hey, girls!” The boy inside waves at you. “I got the inside scoop on where them Curtiss tanks are!”

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Not interested. Keep going.
> “Where are they?”
> Other
>> Not interested. Keep going.
Can't cheat.
> Not interested. Keep going.
I'm confident they're going to be dug in around where Route 46 and 1 converge with their Lees and Stuarts, or they'll send their Stuarts ahead to spot near the Eastern Channel Bridge. The key there will be to charge them down and crush them quickly, our new frontal armour makes us impervious to their non arty tanks from the front at any range. Otherwise they'll underestimate our speed and we'll probably hit the Lees as they move forward just after crossing the Eastern Channel bridge. The Stuarts might be spread along the Penobscot banks spotting or otherwise they could rush Verona Island but then we'll probably run into each other as we cross the two bridges about simultaneously.
>> Not interested. Keep going.
File: Verona 2a.png (2MB, 1720x794px)
Verona 2a.png
2MB, 1720x794px
Map with possible/probable enemy positions.
>>> Not interested. Keep going.
>Not interested. Keep going.
Paint him too. See how he likes it.
All my this >>1045970

All of it
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2MB, 1720x794px
> Not interested. Keep going.

You wave him off, then keep driving along. He shrugs, going back to his plane, which Suvorov immediately shoots up with paint. “Hey!”

“Hahahaha! Payback!” yells Patton.

As you keep on trucking, you keep your binoculars up and ready. Let's see...

Wait. There! The Stuart tanks, all of them. “I have Stuarts across the river on Verona Island, heading southbound!” The Stuarts are painted a dull navy blue, much like their Skycraft squadron fighters. “I think they mean to take the bridge before we do!”

“Well don't let them!” shouts Griselda.

You keep scanning the area, then see the biggest obstacle right now. There is indeed a Lockheed Hudson at the other end of the bridge. And you can see its crew trying desperately to push it out of the way before the tanks arrive. Oh for... COME ON! They're not gonna push it out with just them!

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Ram through it. You can apologize later.
> Stop and wait for them to get it out.
> Stop and help them push the thing out, at least clear the way for everyone.
> Other
>> Not interested. Keep going.
>Ram through it. You can apologize later.
Time for niceties is past. Specially towards these annoying everpresent spotlight hogging boys in fucking planes.

Same goes for Curtiss' ones.
>> Ram through it. You can apologize later.
Sorry, boys but Arty.
>> Ram through it. You can apologize later.
> Ram through it. You can apologize later.
Thing's probably the better part of totaled anyway. Nona seems to have aviation contacts, maybe we could get them a discount on repair parts afterwards to make it up to them.
>> Ram through it. You can apologize later.
>> Ram through it. You can apologize later.
Least we can do is shout at them to dive to safety. Don't want them to get hurt when we plow through.
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2MB, 1720x794px
> Ram through it. You can apologize later.

“GET OUT OF THE WAY!” you scream. The boys look over, and immediately duck for cover into a ditch by the road. Your turret reverses, presenting its rear. Josephina drives full speed in and smashes right through. Pieces of Hudson go flying everywhere onto the road, the entire plane has been split in half.

Stack looks out, pointing across your chest. “Stuarts on the left!” They start speeding towards you, guns ready. They fire. They fire. Thankfully, one hit bounces, the rest miss. They scream past you, and immediately powerslide back to try and charge you again. You press Stack's head down to get her into the loading position.

“Load, load!” you yell. AP round going up. You hang on for dear life. .50 isn't going to do much against the Stuart's front here. So you're going to have to rely on the main gun. They charge again.

This time however, they're interdicted by Dalia and Suvorov's arrival. Two of them are immediately blasted apart on their arrival.

> KO: Zareen Tehat (M3A1 Stuart “Buzzard”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Dalia Earnhardt (M18 Hellcat “Mifune”)

> KO: Ashley Zachary (M3A1 Stuart “Crow”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: “Suvorov” (Panzer III Ausf. J “Frederick”)

The three remaining Stuarts break formation and head into cover of nearby bushes and random buildings.

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Keep going! You can't stop now!
> Wipe them out. Curtiss isn't going to risk friendly fire on their tanks, are they?
> Other
>> Keep going! You can't stop now!
Let the second wave clean them up.
>> Keep going! You can't stop now!
"When does Curtiss care about danger close...."
>> Keep going! You can't stop now!
> Wipe them out. Curtiss isn't going to risk friendly fire on their tanks, are they?
> Other
Split our tanks into a pincer, us up the middle heading East, Pz III going around North to cut off their retreat while the Hellcat goes North but then continues around to hook in from the East. If they want to run they'll have to run South, where we can chase them down and kill them all. Stay mobile, if you're gonna fire from stationary, fire at the short stop and then move while loading and don't be afraid to ram the enemy, with our new armour and sturdier welded frame we can take the punishment a lot better.

Even if they do risk the friendly fire, they fled into cover, which will reduce the effectiveness of arty.
They need spotters for their SPGs to be effective, and the only worthwhile spotters they have are the Stuarts. Once we kill them, they'll have to expose the large and much slower Shermans to observe, which we can easily spot and eliminate. These Stuarts are the crux of the Curtiss gameplan and they've fucked up by exposing them like this, we have to punish that.
> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
> BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)


> **JUNE “JUNE BUG” WEATHERS (M3 Lee CDL – 75mm M2 “Melampitta”)
> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (T40 Whizzbang – 75mm M3 “Macaw”)
> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage – M115 Howitzer “Ostrich”)
> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Heron”)
> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Petrel”)
> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Sooty Tern”)
> FINA “CANUCK” COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Emu”)
> ROSARIA COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Albatross”)
> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Kingfisher”)
> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Osprey”)
> YMIRA YOUNG (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #1”)
> MIKA FUJISAKI (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #2”)
> GEMMA O'CONNEL (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #3”)
> LILAH GAGE (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #4”)
> VICKY MILLS (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Clay Pigeon”)
> DINA CAUL (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Shrike”)
> GEORGINE MCCORD (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Vulture”)
> JUNE NGUYEN (M3A1 Stuart – 37mm M6 “Jackdaw”)

11 vs 18
Well change
But try to do it fast.
Changing my vote as well to this.
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2MB, 1720x794px
> Wipe them out. Curtiss isn't going to risk friendly fire on their tanks, are they?

“Josephina, take us up the middle of the road, eastbound. Suvorov, north and cut off their retreat. You too Dalia, but hook around from the east.”

“Are you sure, Ellie?” says Suvorov. “I don't imagine we'll be safe standing in one place!”

“We take them down now, let's go!” you declare. Your tanks fire up and roll out to their places. You see Dalia continue northwards, then wheel around and use that superior speed of the Hellcat to chase the Stuarts out of cover. She fires live ammo from the .50 instead of paint, spraying it into bushes to prod and scare the three Stuarts out into the open, where you can take them on. “Fire!”

One shot smacks a Stuart in the side, sending it tumbling over.

> KO: June Nguyen (M3A1 Stuart “Jackdaw”)
> Kill Credited to: Elodie R. Zumwalt (Cromwell VIIw LT “Oliver”)

“Good shot, Nona!” says Stack. She loads in a new shell. “Gun ready!”

Dalia takes another shot, smacking another Stuart in the rear. It goes spinning out into a fence.

> KO: DINA CAUL (M3A1 Stuart “Shrike”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Dalia Earnhardt (M18 Hellcat “Mifune”)

“Nice, nice,” you say. “Keep it up.” The last Stuart tries to spin around to face his front towards the two of you. “Come around, come around!” You speed around his side, Dalia taking the other. The Stuart decides to face you instead of Dalia, Big mistake. “Alright! Alright, fire-”

You're interrupted by a blast annihilating the Stuart and sending Dalia's Hellcat spinning out. Your Cromwell is sent pushed back, dust and dirt flying down.

> KO: GEORGINE MCCORD (M3A1 Stuart “Vulture”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Kiki “Gold Bug” Goldstein (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage “Ostrich”)

“Holy shit in a handbasket!” yells Dalia.

“What's going on!?” yells Griselda. “Everyone okay!?”

“We just took a big hit but everyone's okay!” you say. “Stack, damage!?”

“We're fine! We're fine!” says Stack.

“We're okay too! We got a coolant leak but that's it!” says Dalia. Another shell strikes nearby. They're shelling you! The bastards!

“This is Suvorov! I see Shermans across the bridge! They're locking it down tight AND AAAGH MY EYES! SON OF A-” Agh, what now!?

> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Head north to the bridge now!
> Other
>Take cover

>> Head north to the bridge now!

Fuck, we need that bridge.
> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
> BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)


> **JUNE “JUNE BUG” WEATHERS (M3 Lee CDL – 75mm M2 “Melampitta”)
> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (T40 Whizzbang – 75mm M3 “Macaw”)
> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage – M115 Howitzer “Ostrich”)
> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Heron”)
> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Petrel”)
> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Sooty Tern”)
> FINA “CANUCK” COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Emu”)
> ROSARIA COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Albatross”)
> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Kingfisher”)
> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Osprey”)
> YMIRA YOUNG (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #1”)
> MIKA FUJISAKI (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #2”)
> GEMMA O'CONNEL (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #3”)
> LILAH GAGE (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #4”)
> VICKY MILLS (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Clay Pigeon”)

11 vs 15
> Other
> Deploy Smoke (3/3)
Tell Suv to pull back into cover and pop smoke while we move up to the NE and the Hellcat even further to it, before firing our own smoke. The CDL can blind us true, but only one at at time, and by popping smoke the beam will become clearly visible, and tracing directly back to its position (most gunners couldn't make the shot, but Nona's Elite now, so I have faith) while we are free to fire and reposition behind it, making their artillery far less effective, even beyond us simply being spread out so they can't concentrate barrages.
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Verona 5a.png
2MB, 1720x794px
Forgot map.
supporting this, if only to get rid of the CDL.
Please add>>1046509
To my vote.
I still think we might need intuition, but danon's idea is sound.
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> Other
> Deploy Smoke (3/3)

“Pop smoke, Suvorov! Let's go!” You and Dalia start heading up northeast, just as Griselda arrives with all the medium tanks. More artillery lands inaccurately on the island. At this point, thanks to the lack of spotters like the Stuarts, they're now completely firing blindly. However, you don't want to risk standing still for too long.

“Spread out!” says Griselda. “Call out if you hear artillery!”

You see smoke popped on the southern end of the north bridge. Suvorov. Alright. Now your turn. “Dalia, pop smoke now!” Your smoke canisters pop, shrouding your tanks in huge clouds of grey. Alright. “Alright, just wait and-” Your eyes are suddenly assaulted by light. “AH! FUCK!” you scream. You cover your eyes. It's not as powerful as it would be without the smoke but Jesus Christ! You squint, and see the beam of light slowly scanning across the smoke. Ha! You have them now. “Winona, do you have a-” A 75mm shell bounces straight off your front armor.

“Ah! Fuck me! Agh!” yells Ingrid.

Okay, that was close. “Winona, do you have a shot!?” you yell.

“Hold on!” Dalia fires her cannon, dispersing some smoke from her position. Nothing. “Dang it.

“Wait, I think I got it, hold on.” Another 75mm shell bounces straight off the front. Wow, that conversion is paying off. “... firing!” Your 6 pounder fires. You can't see through the smoke unfortunately.

> KO: June “June Bug” Weathers (M3 Lee CDL “Melampitta”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Elodie R. Zumwalt (Cromwell VIIw LT “Oliver”)

“Ha! We got them!” you yell. Artillery suddenly bursts your smoke cover away. Oh fuck.

“Problem!” says Suvorov. “They set up the Whizzbang behind two Shermans and I can't get a shot off!”

“We're moving up to the bridge.” Griselda calls out. “Stand by, we'll lead the charge!”

> Deploy Smoke (2/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> “No! We have to wait for Iris! Let her take it!”
> Go in with Griselda now.
> “No, we have to wait!”
> Other
>> Deploy Smoke (2/3)
> “No! We have to wait for Iris! Let her take it!”
File: Verona 6a.png (2MB, 1720x794px) Image search: [Google]
Verona 6a.png
2MB, 1720x794px
> “No, we have to wait!”
> Other
Pull everyone back out of visual range of the bridge, set up spread out defensive positions to the South and then send Regina and Iris to the South East, the shallowest part of the Eastern Channel, then they can use their Snorkels and Deep Wading gear to cross, loop around North and flank the Shermans in the town. Once they've made contact, the town will give them cover from arty and with their Captain knocked out, they'll panic, then and only then will we rush the bridge. The KT, JT and Pershing will help mop up their mediums while the rest of us rush East (splitting to cross both bridges so there's less risk of us getting nailed by arty) to get their sky cancer.
> “No! We have to wait for Iris! Let her take it!”

I'd prefer to send the heavies in.


I was going to suggest a Nishizumi Special to zip someone across the bridge to get in close to them, maybe even just bowl into the arty, but then I remembered it's 30 CP.... So going with Tactics seems smarter.
This. Need to find cover though
> “No, we have to wait!”
> Other

“No, Griselda, we have to wait!”


“Just trust me, we have to wait!”

“Ah! Fine! What's the plan!?” she says. You explain the entire thing over the radio as you consult the map. As that happens, more artillery falls among the island, starting to center in around the bridge. They clearly want that thing right out of commission if they can't fight back. Hopefully they prepared snorkel equipment. “That's bold, Ellie. Iris, Regina, do you have your snorkels?”

“We can have them ready in two minutes!” says Regina.

“Alright!” says Griselda. “I want defensive positions south bound, spread out! Ellie, you be prepared to move!”

“Got it!” you say.

With that, you all start to hunker down. You just pray to God that that channel is shallow enough for those two to ford. Please, please, PLEASE!

Almost an hour of intense barrage goes by. Nobody's been hit yet, but the damage is starting to make itself evident. “Fucking coolant! Goddamn it!” The Hellcat is smoking out of the engine. Another shot lands among the formation, thankfully this time not killing anybody.

“Agh! Damn!” yells Carver. “Damn it!”

“Stay steady!” says Griselda.

Iris says, “We've arrived across the channel safely.” Oh thank God. “We're spotting out their bridge guard. It looks like they're actually breaking up their defenses, they've must have seen us.”

> Deploy Smoke (2/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Charge in, now!
> Let Griselda lead in first.
> Keep waiting.
> Other

>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
>> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
>> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
>> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
>> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
>> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
>> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
>> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>> BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
>> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
>> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)

>> *RIALLA “REIMS” FRANKLIN (T40 Whizzbang – 75mm M3 “Macaw”)
>> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage – M115 Howitzer “Ostrich”)
>> TANNER “TANAGER” RISINGER (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Heron”)
>> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Petrel”)
>> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Sooty Tern”)
>> FINA “CANUCK” COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Emu”)
>> ROSARIA COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Albatross”)
>> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Kingfisher”)
>> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Osprey”)
>> YMIRA YOUNG (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #1”)
>> MIKA FUJISAKI (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #2”)
>> GEMMA O'CONNEL (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #3”)
>> LILAH GAGE (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Pigeon #4”)
>> VICKY MILLS (M4 Sherman – 75mm M3 “Clay Pigeon”)

11vs 14
> Charge in, now!

We got them very outnumbered now. Make it happen before the bridge gives way.
> Let Griselda lead in first.
But hold until Iris and Regina actually engage the enemy. Our focus should remain on breaking through and heading for their artillery, Griselda can choose how many she'd like to leave for mopping up.
>Have Eli, the hellcat, and the panzer iii move in.

Keep the fast tanks as the vanguard/hammer while Iris and Regina act as th Advil
Supporting this
Changing my vote to danons
> Let Griselda lead in first.

“Alright, follow me in! We'll kick their asses!” Griselda and the mediums fire up the engines and go rushing in towards the bridge. Please for the love of God, don't let the artillery wipe you all out. Please, please. Please! You take the lights and the remaining heavies behind Griselda. Here we go, here we go.

“This is Iris, I'm breaking off from Regina.”

“What?” Griselda calls out to her. “Why?”

“I'm going to hunt down their artillery. It's likely they have the bridge pre-sighted. If they see you crossing, they'll blow it.” That- that is actually a pretty good point. Even if they're running low on ammo which they should be after an hour of all that artillery, it's likely they'll save some ammo for the bridge. Griselda calls for slow advance at a steady 10 miles an hour as you approach the bridge. Right, right.

“Alright, call it Iris,” says Griselda.

“I've spotted their artillery and am now engaging.” You hear a distant crack.

> KO: Tanner “Tanager” Risinger (M7 Priest “Heron”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: IRIS Blackbourne (Churchill IV “James”)

“That's our cue, let's go!” says Griselda. Your tanks start rolling across the bridge at full speed. “Do not stop!” You look over to see the Shermans apparently in the midst of panic. Their formation gets shaken up by the 122mm blast from Regina as she comes in from the side.

The Whizzbang however is not giving up. It fires off a barrage of five rockets at all you. They hit the bridge, cutting into the pavement, shredding the girders and supports. Right, this bridge isn't going to hold long if it keeps doing that. “Full speed, go!” Griselda fires a shot, nailing a Sherman in the side.

> KO: Gemma O'Connel (M4 Sherman “Pigeon #3”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Griselda Pool (M4A3E8 Sherman “Janus”)

The mediums pour out of the bridge, firing away at all of the Shermans. The Whizzbang is forced to back up, but is completely overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Benny fires away, hitting them.

> KO: Rialla “Reims” Franklin (T40 Whizzbang “Macaw”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Benny Rodriguez (Panzer IV Ausf. H “Jose”)

“We got them!” says Benny. “Nice one girls!”

“Don't get cocky!” says Dalia. “Keep going!” You spread out among the bridgehead, keeping the pressure up.

> KO: LILAH GAGE (M4 Sherman “Pigeon #4”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Hadley Carver (M36 Jackson “Pain Train”)
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2MB, 1720x794px

“We got one! Yes!” yells Carver.

> KO: MIKA FUJISAKI (M4 Sherman “Pigeon #2”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Regina Taney (IS-2m “David”)

Regina celebrates with, “Yes! Score one for the Naval Studies Rescue team!”

> KO: YMIRA YOUNG (M4 Sherman “Pigeon #1”)

“It's a fucking turkeyshoot out here!” says Serina. “How are we not killing anything!?”

> KO: VICKY MILLS (M4 Sherman “Clay Pigeon”)
> KILL CREDITED TO: Jane Fogerty (Jagdtiger “Spinal Tap”)

“Haha! Nice one! Rock and roll!” yells Jane.

An absolute massacre. Their panic at seeing the heavies come in from the side completely destroyed their defense before you even got close to them. As for Iris.

“The artillery is running, I'm pursuing,” says Iris.

Serina rolls up next to you. “Let's wait and let Iris settle this. She needs her stats padded to catch Hoffmeister anyway.”

Griselda says, “I'm inclined to agree. Iris deserves some easy kills.”

> Deploy Smoke (2/3)
> APDS Shot (5/5)
> APCR Shot (5/5)
> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.
> Sit back and let Iris pad her stats.
> Other
> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.
Strictly cover fire, We'll just watch her back and make sure they don't pull any fast ones on her. Leave the Hellcat here before they do any serious damage to their engine.
>> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.
>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
>> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
>> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
>> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
>> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
>> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
>> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
>> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>> BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
>> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
>> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)

>> *KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage – M115 Howitzer “Ostrich”)
>> LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Petrel”)
>> ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Sooty Tern”)
>> FINA “CANUCK” COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Emu”)
>> ROSARIA COX (M7 Priest – 105mm M1 Howitzer “Albatross”)
>> FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Kingfisher”)
>> JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage - 155mm M2 Gun “Osprey”)

11 vs 7
>> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.
>> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.
Let her get the kill and only attack if they try to start something.
>> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.
cover her but don't killsteal.
> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.

Cover he back, but let her soak kills. Better to not let her get sniped.
>cover her but don't killsteal.
What ? This isn't an MMO. Finish the nemy asap.
> Go and back her up anyway. The match isn't over.

“Dalia, you stay where you are, I'm going to go and back her up!” You'll try not to steal any of Iris' kills today, but you have to make sure nothing goes wrong. Griselda wisely follows behind you along with the other fast moving medium tanks.

> KO: KIKI “GOLD BUG” GOLDSTEIN (M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage “Ostrich”)

> KO: ROSARIA COX (M7 Priest “Albatross”)

You arrive at the Orland town area, and find Iris just mauling the remaining SPGs. That's what happens when you rely too heavily on them for success.

> KO: FINA “CANUCK” COX (M7 Priest “Emu”)

> KO: LINDA “LINK” BEACHEY (M7 Priest “Petrel”)

Some of them try to get distance and try to fire away with their guns almost horizontal. But it doesn't take, they're too slow. Iris snipes anything that stops.

> KO: JANICE “JEEP” JONES (M40 Gun Motor Carriage “Osprey”)

> KO: FRANCINE “KINGBIRD” KINGSLEY (M40 Gun Motor Carriage “Kingfisher”)

Finally, the last Priest falls.

> KO: ASHLEY “THRUSH” THULE (M7 Priest “Sooty Tern”)






“Hahaha! Woo!” Stack cheers, pumping her fists in the air as you all march to your campsite. “What a fucking turkey shoot! I swear!”

“Yeah!” Serina nudges Hadley Carver. “And look at our newest commander, gets her first kill in her second match in her second tank! Took some of us weeks to get our first kills!”

“Oh, I wouldn't ehehe...” Carver blushes heavily as the other commanders and even her own crew chide her for it.

“Man, I can't wait for tomorrow now!” says Serafina. “It's gonna be like last time! Except with less boys!” They all laugh. “I'm gonna miss having them to shoot for once, see how they like having their stuff wrecked and covered in paint!”

As you all walk though, Iris steps next to you, cup of tea in hand. “This won't last you know.” Ah, grim reminder you suppose.

> Boast
> Neutral
> Polite
>> Polite
"let them got their celebration for now, we'll reign them if they get it into their head"
>> Polite
> Polite
"I know, but that's our problem, it's good for the rest of the crews to get a bit of a boost to morale, as long as we reign them for tomorrow's match."

We should go find that Hudson's crew and apologise though. Don't want them focusing on us for the rest of the season as revenge.
Let the celebrate for a little bit. We'll calm them down later this evening and prep them in the morning.
> Polite
"Agreed, we'll have to do our best to make sure they don't get complacent. But we should let them celebrate a little. The team worked well together."

>30 CP

Agreed, we should probably pay a visit to that crew, lets just hope they aren't feeling feisty like the Kill Devil Hills boys do.
> Polite>>1047265
also this.
>>> **GRISELDA POOL (M4A3E8 Sherman – 76mm M1A2 “Janus”)
>>> *ELODIE R. "ZUMZUM" ZUMWALT (Cromwell VIIw (LT) – OQF 6-Pounder “Oliver”)
>>> *IRIS BLACKBOURNE (Churchill IV – OQF 6-Pounder “James")
>>> “SUVOROV” (Panzer III Ausf. J – 50mm KwK 38 L/42 “Frederick”)
>>> SERAFINA MACZEK (M26 Pershing – 90mm M3 “Sokol”)
>>> REGINA TANEY (IS-2m – D-25T 122mm “David”)
>>> DALIA EARNHARDT (M18 Hellcat – 76mm M1A2 “Mifune”)
>>> SERINA HILDEBRAND (Tiger II (P) – 88mm KwK 43 L/71 “Cub”)
>>> BENNY RODRIGUEZ (Panzer IV Ausf. H – 75mm KwK 40 L/48 “Jose”)
>>> JANE FOGERTY (Jagdtiger – 128mm PaK 44 L/55 “Spinal Tap”)
>>> HADLEY CARVER (M36 Jackson - 90mm M3 “Pain Train”)

11 vs 0

Perfect game.

And Iris took 8 kills today.
> x 10 M7 Priest
> x 18 M40 Gun Motor Carriage
> x 10 M3 Lee
> x 1 M3 Lee (CDL)

This is all they have left for tomorrow
On the one hand, that's a godawful lineup.

On the other, we'll have a harder time tomorrow. They'll know we are amphibious capable now and we have two single bridges to cross.

Perfect Team Bonus? Wow, so it is! It's a nice feeling. Granted I doubt we'll get many more without facing people with such arty filled teams, but hey, We got a nice boost of CP for it.
Updated pastebin with new killcounts: http://pastebin.com/bUU2v0z8

Highlights include Dalia finally breaking her tendency of getting a kill only to die in that match or the next without another with two kills and no death, the NSR crew have hit double digits with their 10th elimination, Iris has now hit 56 kills, giving her an 11.2:1 kill to death ratio and Hadley is the only member of our team to have 1-1-1 on her score sheet, having scored a single kill, died once and earned herself a set MVP to boot.
> Polite

“I know it won't. But morale is important. Le's let the girls have their fun for a bit, celebrate a little and all that. If they get too much air in the head.” You make a popping motion as the girls walk past you and Iris. “We'll air it out, reign them in. This was very important for morale though,” you say. “And that's really what matters. If we can keep their spirits high for JWC later on, we'll be set.”

Iris nods. “I understand. We should probably consider upping our training too but that will be something for later on I suppose. Two sessions a week won't cut it against the best teams in Tankery.”

“I'll have a talk with Griselda about that,” you say. “In the meantime though...” You take a deep breath, then sigh deeply. “I should probably find the boys whose plane I wrecked during that match. I don't imagine they'll be too happy. I need to say sorry though, in person.”

“I'm sure they will understand if it was for the good of the match,” says Iris.

“Yeah, but...” You pause for a bit. “Iris, is it wrong for me to not feel bad for not crushing that plane? At least initially?”

“Not really, no.” The two of you giggle. Those boys got a bit of karmic justice you guess. Even if it was just two planes, one of them getting crushed in half. Hopefully they don't charge Griselda for the money to replace it. “But hey, let's sleep on it for now, Elodie. We should get an early start tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah,” you say. Early start tomorrow, right.

Please, for the love of God, let tomorrow go right too.
That's it for tonight's LGA2. Tomorrow will be the flag match of the set, so hope to see you there and hope you all enjoyed.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.



- KGB: Rookie sensation Rozaliya Ulanova duels Mei Xiang's Centurion I tank with SU-76 tank at point blank range and wins. Goes on to eliminate five other tanks.

- LGA: Iris Blackbourne and Regina Taney perform river crossing which panics entire Glenn Curtiss defensive line, Iris earns eight kills and goes into three way tie with Dix Hauser and Meryl Hoffmeister.

- SGA: Rosehip and Orange Pekoe have intense disagreement before the match. Two band together to earn ten kills against William Adams Naval Academy.

- GWMA: Carolina Greene rallies her crew to rescue a fallen tank on its side. Fallen tank goes to earn five kills including taking the shell meant for Greene.

- JWC: Perrine Hobart and fellow Churchill crews scrap cars left in the streets to serve as improvised spaced armor against Joan D'Orleans Academy.
Thanks for today boss!
Knocked out arties are best arties.
Thanks for the fun, boss.

How'd the interview go?
Went well all things considered. I had to be pretty blunt with the fact though that my employment is no longer full time and that I'm going to be terminated in 30 days but you can't exactly sugarcoat that.
Perrine is a god damned witch. She pulls so much sorcery...

W-we're be a rookie sensation too...fon't you see?

As per usual, I have to ask how we're doing in All Star points.
Still above average but not good enough to hit the guaranteed All-Star Roster.
Oh if only we pulled more Shimada moves...then the masses would notice us more.

Oh well, our comrades know better. And kill counters know too...even if we're not "flashy" or "high profile/money"...looking at you ZES
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