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Shinigami Savant Quest #86

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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You are Kusajishi Riku, no longer the temporary Queen of Hell but still Captain of the Ninth Division.

After receiving separate requests from Inari Ōkami and the former Captain Hirako Shinji,you quickly realized that their concerns about Hell's guardians and the disappearance of a certain former Lieutenant were in fact connected... unfortunately you realized this after wandering into a region of Hell that had somehow become transposed over Mount Osore in the living world. This same confluence had entrapped Lisa Yadomaru as well as the humans whose suspicious deaths she had been sent to investigate, and were it not for your 'diplomatic immunity' you might have been in just as much trouble yourself. However with a little cooperation from Hell itself you were able at least to escort miss Yadomaru back to the living world, and with help from your fellow Captains you were able to use the powers of Hell to push the two planes apart before returning to the Seireitei for a debriefing.

Your office is unusually crowded as you lean back in your chair, a guitar in your hands but unplugged for now, strumming gently at the strings as you recount the day's events. Rangiku and Tenri are each recording the discussion in progress, one for the official record and one for your own records, while the Vizard whose aid you came to and the Captains who came to your own in turn have taken seats around the table.

“What I still don't understand is how...” Lisa mutters darkly. “What force could possibly have that effect on the entire realm of Hell?”

“My only guess is it was a divine agent of some kind,” Tenkotsuki suggests silently, and you immediately relay her thoughts on the matter while plucking out a funky strand... to flow as one as love's reward, lovin' you girl is so damn easy. “And a powerful one at that, I see no other possible alternative.”

“So who would have the ability and the motive?” Yoruichi muses, offering a subtle smile in your direction. “Tenri? Tenkotsuki? Any thoughts?”

“Deities don't often reveal their designs,” Tenri admits, seemingly embarrassed at her inability to tell you anything helpful. “Least of all to one such as myself, so I'm afraid I have no idea which among them might have motive enough to try and force a planar convergence.”

Tenkotsuki also confides in you that she's uncertain who among the various deities might have reason to do something so dangerous “Even our own mother never tells me everything, quite aside from the fact that deities hailing from other parts of the world need not inform her of their doings. I could only suggest a list of those who probably did not do it, and that list is rather short.”
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“All I know is what I could feel,” Kaoru sighs, leaning back in her own seat. “I got the distinct impression it was being pushed rather than pulled. What I can't tell you is what that actually means about how it was done, by whom, or from where.”

“Maybe it was someone who wasn't in Hell or the living world?” Yoruichi asks.

“I'd say that's a reasonable conclusion.”

Annoyingly enough, at this point the phone on your desk interrupts the discussion and you're forced to set the guitar aside. “This is Kusajishi.”

“This is Fireteam Kanisawa at the gate,” a female voice announces. “Sixth Division Lieutenant Abarai is here to see you. Shall we admit him?”

You really can't come up with a reasonable excuse to have him turned away, and quite honestly it's interesting that he's chosen to come here himself. “Sure, Kanisawa. Send him in.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

Rangiku glances in your direction. “Renji? Kanisawa say anything about why he's here?”

“No,” you shrug, “but I'm pretty sure we'll find out thirty seconds after he barges in.”

That's probably true.”

A few minutes later there's a knock at the door to your office that prompts you to sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose in disbelief. “It's open, Lieutenant.”

Upon seeing three Captains and one of his fellow Lieutenants already in the room Renji immediately bows, as if on instinct. “Apologies if I've interrupted something, ma'am.”

“We were just about done anyway,” you wave calmly. “Sit. Tenri, if you could be so kind as to bring some tea?”

“That's not necessary, Captain!” Renji tries to insist.

You scowl at him. “So my hospitality isn't good enough for you? Is that the message you're trying to get across here?”

“That's not it at all, it's just...” he tries to back out of the situation before realizing it can't be salvaged. “Sorry, ma'am. Just a small cup, please.”

“I was giving you a hard time,” you sigh at the young Lieutenant as he sits awkwardly on the cushion furthest from you, “but were this room full of the sort of nobles or even just older shinigami who actually give a shit? You'd have just offended at least one of them for sure.”

“Not only is it insulting to the noblewoman whom I chose to dedicate my service to,” Tenri clarifies sternly, “it offers me insult to reject the hospitality of her home, whether you intend it as such a statement or otherwise. I am still unused to being appreciated so it is quite difficult to offend me, but others in my position you might find more sensitive.”
“So, why exactly are you here?”

Renji, after having been thrown off by the last line of critique, seems to collect himself with a deep breath. “Are the rumors true, Captain?”

You shake your head. “Which rumors, Lieutenant? You have to be more specific.”

“That three of your subordinates have Bankai?”

You weren't really aware that was still considered a “rumor”: since Rangiku used Bankai against Tōsen and both Kai and Mirai have used their own Bankais in more recent fights you'd kind of expected that your subordinates' unusual growth rates would have become general knowledge.

“That's not a rumor Lieutenant, that's a fact,” you calmly correct him. “Yes, Matsumoto, Nikko, and Mirai can all perform Bankai. Where exactly is this going?”

“Ninth Division's top officers have unusually strong bonds with their zanpakuto,” Renji insists sternly. “You even released my zanpakuto at one point. Whatever it was you taught all of them, seems like you did something right. And I wanna know what that was.”

Rangiku raises her eyebrow in disbelief, but says nothing herself. Instead she lets you tell the young Lieutenant how far off base he really is.

“You're asking the wrong question of the wrong person,” you explain, knowing that there's no way you could simply leave it at that. “The only ones who can teach you how to use Zabimaru are Monkey and Snake, same as Tenkotsuki taught me to use Tenkotsuki, Haineko taught Rangiku to use Haineko, and so on.”

“And if Zabimaru still refuses to tell me?” he presses angrily. “What the hell am I supposed to do when a part of me is more open with someone else?”

>Figure it out yourself, for the sake of Zabimaru's respect.
>Use your noggin. What's the one thing you suck at, Renji?
>Can you still manifest Zabimaru? I'd like to talk with them.
>>Use your noggin. What's the one thing you suck at, Renji?
>>Use your noggin. What's the one thing you suck at, Renji?
>Use your noggin. What's the one thing you suck at, Renji?
Also, has the Vizards exile been formally lifted, or are we just no longer pretending to care?
>Use your noggin. What's the one thing you suck at, Renji?
>>Figure it out yourself, for the sake of Zabimaru's respect.
Quit being a jobber.
Official word has never come down from the Central 46, as it's hard to get a self-interested bureaucracy to revisit things that they fucked up to begin with... even if it wasn't the current batch that were directly responsible it would require admission of fault.

Though you can expect the issue to come up.
>Renji, If I were to give you a straight answer or any damn hint to help you, then you would lose more respect from Zabimaru than any other moment in your life. Because coming to me that makes you look weak in Zabimaru's eyes.
if Renji still doesn't get it....
>Use your noggin, the answer is figuratively right in front of your nose. What's the one thing you suck at?
>>Figure it out yourself, for the sake of Zabimaru's respect.
The last few interactions with Zabimaru seemed to hint that they just respect Riku more. Looks like Renji just needs to start earning their respect.

If he's really stuck on a rut, have him give Hats and Clogs a visit. With a piece of advice that it's extremely dangerous and not a guarantee.
The problem with Renji is that he's callous and impatient to the point where he doesn't really think things thoroughly, getting caught up in his own ego whenever he feels he gets the upper hand and quickly jumps to the conclusion.
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“Renji,” you sigh, “normally I'd tell you to piss off and figure it out for yourself. But that whole business with Muramasa probably made things worse, so I hope Monkey and Snake won't hold it against you if I give you a hint.”

“And the hint is?” Renji asks, leaning forward.

“Take Shunkō, the pinnacle of hakuda, for example,” you begin to explain. “Learning it requires immense proficiency at hakuda of course, but it also demands that you be just as proficient at kidō. The two arts are intimately related: great ability in one skill allows you to exceed the normal limitations of the other.”

“And you, Renji, still suck ass at one of the basic shinigami combat arts.”

Renji frowns. “So you're saying that I can't use my true Bankai because I'm lousy at kidō?”

“Exactly,” you nod, “and that shouldn't be news to you. If you can't control and harness your reiatsu well enough to use basic spells without blowing off your damn eyebrows how could you possibly hope to control a Bankai properly?”

“So go ask someone like Lieutenant Hinamori to re-teach you kidō, and prove to Zabimaru that you can actually handle their Bankai,” you growl. “Or you could keep insisting that you'll never be any good at it, and this is as far as you'll ever get. You'll never master your true Bankai, and you'll never amount to anything more than a strong but cripplingly overspecialized Lieutenant.”

“Your call.”

After thinking quietly to himself, Renji sets aside his half-drunk cup of tea and stomps towards the door. He stops in the doorframe and offers you a quick, wordless bow, and then he's gone.

“You really couldn't have been... you know,” Rangiku sighs. “Tactful?”

“Renji's too hardheaded for things like 'tact' to work,” you reply, leaning back in your seat and retrieving your guitar. “Sometimes it's better just to lay things out clearly and simply. Now he'll probably stomp off and find someone to help him improve his self-control, and maybe that'll be enough for Zabimaru.”

“I hope you're right.”

>There are still empty positions in the Gotei 13. Maybe you should coordinate with the other Captains to fill them.
>It's only fair that you take a moment to swing down and give Rukia a pointer or two. Can't do to have Renji outstrip her too badly.
>You're tired of being caught on your back foot by Aizen's minions. Time to do a little recon work.
>It's dumb that the Vizards are still persona non grata to the Central 46. You should make an appeal.
>It's dumb that the Vizards are still persona non grata to the Central 46. You should make an appeal.
>>It's dumb that the Vizards are still persona non grata to the Central 46. You should make an appeal.
this would also help solve the vacancies
>You're tired of being caught on your back foot by Aizen's minions. Time to do a little recon work.
Silbern Ho!
>Talk to Harribel about what happened in in Hell, see if she might know something
>It's dumb that the Vizards are still persona non grata to the Central 46. You should make an appeal.
>>It's dumb that the Vizards are still persona non grata to the Central 46. You should make an appeal.
what makes you think sharktits has knowledge of Hell's inner workings? She's an arrancar, not a sinner! Have there been any sinners that escaped Hell? I think not.
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This is actually a pretty good idea, so even if it garners no real support I'll have Riku delegate the task.
I'll toss in my support since this qualifies as an "Other" option. I'm a sucker for write-ins
Kaoru and Yoruichi suggested that something outside of Hell and the Living World was "pushing" Hell out of alignment. Hueco Mundo makes as much sense as any other place to do that from, more so than most in fact.
>Talk to Harribel about what happened in in Hell, see if she might know something
great... now I can't help but imagine the realms as floating soap bubbles gently pressing up on each other in a dimensional bubblebath.
Sadly, the Quincy hidden city Ywach was hiding in that Aizen discovered may also meet the requirements, and if that's the case then we're still SOL.
Silbern counts as it's own dimension right? or is it in the same dimension as Seireitei but just located a fuckton of kilos north of the city behind a giant no-man's land?
The Schatten Bereich is described as "in the shadows", and in canon penetrates the Seireitei's defensive barriers because it was "already there". But what that means in terms of planar mechanics is fairly unclear. It's one of those situations where I've simply made a ruling, and since nobody in the setting right now other than Aizen and a few of the sternritter that are higher on the pecking order know the truth it'll be revealed in time.

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“Do me a favor, Rangiku, and speak with Halibel about this,” you ask, delegating a task that you'd do yourself were things less hectic at the moment. “I'm willing to bet Hueco Mundo should be on our short list of places someone could've pushed Hell out of alignment from, maybe the Queen knows something about it that can help us narrow things down.”

“Right,” your daughter nods. “What are you going to do?”

“I think it's dumb that the Vizards are still banished,” you declare, sparing a glance at Lisa. “I intend to get them to do something about that.”

“It'd help to have a second noblewoman making the request,” Yoruichi suggests thoughtfully. “Specifically someone who's not you.”

“Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence,” you grumble.

“Love you.”

Lisa stands suddenly, her face stern. “I suppose you're going to ask me to come with you too?”

“Couldn't hurt, you're already here,” Kaoru observes. “So why not go the rest of the way?”

“You have a point.”

Your party selected, you strike out for the Central 46 chambers intent on showing yourself in person. Much to your surprise however it seems like the guards at the entry level were expecting you, just perhaps not at that moment.

“That was quick,” one of them nods. “Guess that's a Captain for you. The Court is ready for you.”

“Ready for us?” Yoruichi muses. “That doesn't sound good. Were they expecting us?”

“I thought you'd been informed?”

“Talk to us like we haven't.”

“Well,” the guard begins, “a messenger was sent some time ago to find Captain Kusajishi and the former Lieutenant Yadomaru. You're wanted for questioning.”

Oh, good grief. You can't help but heave an explosive sigh.

“What is it this time?”

“Something about Hell, ma'am?”

“Kisuke?” Yoruichi asks.

You nod. “Kisuke.”

>Head in, listen to what they have to say, and answer any questions truthfully.
>March in, demand that they either charge you with something or accept your report as adequate.
>Demand to hear the details of Kisuke's report, find out what rustled their feathers.
>Present your case on behalf of the Vizards first, take the initiative.
>>Head in, listen to what they have to say, and answer any questions truthfully.
>Present your case on behalf of the Vizards first, take the initiative.
>March in, demand that they either charge you with something or accept your report as adequate.
I dunno about this one Queen, the first half makes it sound like we're pulling their leg for laughs, care to elaborate?
>Demand to hear the details of Kisuke's report, find out what rustled their feathers.
Basically Kisuke is scared shitless that Riku's divine heritage is giving her perks and access to things that was not meant for mortal beings and that Riku may one day pull an Aizen and cause worse collateral from the shenanigans. Not to mention Riku getting a debt from Hell makes it even scarier because it implies that Riku would simply become Queen of Hell instead of being sent to Hell as punishment should she cross the line and becomes too powerful to the point where the C-46 feel illegit.
It's basically forcing their hand by telling them to either accuse her of wrongdoing or drop the issue rather than trying to rake her over the proverbial coals.
>>Head in, listen to what they have to say, and answer any questions truthfully.
Either that or the fact that we haven't "disposed of" the reigai in the manner that the like.
I've been trying to come up with a good write-in to tell them to stop wasting everyone's time, we got shit to do, but we were just sitting in a room brainstorming earlier, and C46 would not be pleased that we consider them to be a waste.

Huh. I was gonna say that I don't think Hell would appoint an outlaw or criminal to King/Queen of Hell status, but....no, no I could see it happening if Riku and Hell felt the outlaw status was illegitimate.

In which case Riku being able to ask Hell for asylum may be a real concern. I mean she won't WANT to, but she would have the option.
>Demand to hear the details of Kisuke's report, find out what rustled their feathers.
then I'm voting for that. its what the C-46 would want to do right? the option to rightfully outright accuse her of crimes.
>also, writing
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“Alright, let's hear it,” you begin the second you step out onto the center floor, amid a small sea of numbered screens. “What exactly did Captain Urahara tell you that made you react so strongly?”

“We have not recognized your right to speak,” one of the many advisers objects.

“I'm a Captain and a noblewoman, and I haven't been officially charged with a crime yet,” you counter. “No regulation or tradition allows you to silence me or demands that you speak first... and in any event I've already spoken first, so the point's moot now.”

“I am however entitled to hear the reasons you called me here, so let's hear them.”

“Captain Urahara Kisuke informed us that your reiatsu signature disappeared abruptly from the living world,” a vaguely familiar voice informs you. You think it's a relative of Yoruichi's. “Shortly thereafter instruments at the SRDI recorded a spike reiatsu matching the signature of a Hell gate opening and Captains Shihōin and Shiba were dispatched to investigate.”

“What we wish to know is what transpired between the point where you disappeared and when you returned, after which it seems the three of you were able to reverse whatever phenomenon it was you found.”

“We also want to know why you deemed it appropriate to bring an exiled criminal here, into the Seireitei, without informing us,” another voice adds.

“Lisa Yadomaru is no criminal,” you insist sternly. “She and the other Vizards are victims, not just of Aizen's depraved experiments but of your own predecessors' bullheadedness. I'm actually here to propose that their exile should be rescinded.”

“They still possess hollow powers. The cause of their banishment has been in no way changed by ten decades of absence.”

“We're under-manned,” you counter. “You know that we could use their help if some of you'd only hold your damned noses and swallow your damned pride!”

“We do not need to be lectured on our duties,” one of the six Judges reprimands you. “The absences will be filled in due time, as they always have been. That has been the ruling of the Central 46.”

“Father,” Yoruichi interrupts. “You know that she has a point.”

“That...” Yoruichi's father admits from behind the screen numbered '2'. “I fear that's beyond the scope of our current discussion, Captain Shihōin. But rest assured, it will come up again, as all contentious topics do in time.”

“For now, please limit your focus to the incident under examination... and please avoid such personal forms of address in the future. My colleagues tend to take that sort of thing very seriously, even if it is completely stupid."
>“For now, please limit your focus to the incident under examination... and please avoid such personal forms of address in the future. My colleagues tend to take that sort of thing very seriously, even if it is completely stupid."

I love this family
Yoruichi rolls her eyes, but can't help smiling a little. “Of course. Captain Kusajishi was there firsthand, and I take it Miss Yadomaru's testimony would simply be ignored?”

“Again, it's completely stupid... but yes, that's about the size of it.”

“So you want to know how it happened?” you muse.

>Give them the full story, beginning to end, in complete detail.
>Avoid the implication that you had divine support in doing all this.
>Avoid describing your interactions with the Kushanada, focus on the threat to the living world.
>Only give the most basic details, enough to account for your actions but no more.
>Give them the full story, beginning to end, in complete detail.
>Give them the full story, beginning to end, in complete detail.
Let's scare the crap out of them
>>Give them the full story, beginning to end, in complete detail.
>>Give them the full story, beginning to end, in complete detail.
>Give them the full story, beginning to end, in complete detail.
Hmm. I'm honestly not sure whether letting them know is better or not. I mean on one hand, an asset they don't know about.

On the other hand, if they don't know about it, we can't threaten them with its use.
>Other: Give them the Full story, but leave out the part where Hell gave Riku a debt of gratitude upon closing Hell's gates, and also leave out the part where Riku and Yoruichi had a photoshooting session with Riku being Queen of Hell. wait... actually submit a photo of Riku in her Skullclad form as proof that her testimony is true. They can't argue with that.
shit. so sorry mate, didn't mean to delete it. was gonna improve my post with something else.
It's fine, shit happens.
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>implying time is on their side
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>pray to RNGsus for a good 5* off a ticket
>get blue Soi Fon
Okay. Back to writing, I guess.
It's okay Queen I'm sure someone out there wants little bee.
>queen playing bleach gacha
Queen pls. you know rng is shit when it comes to gacha.

I don't know what this means.
What game?
Bleach Brave Souls. A RPG where you spend money and hope RNG gives you legendaries

Suppose pay2win does represent the canon.

Be ichigo to win. syndrome.
I am now as confused as that time Queen posted Christmas harribel on twitter. (Which I am still wondering where that picture came from, some sort of game?)
See >>1044686 to know what game Queen is playing.
It gave me Christmas Halibel on one pull, so I guess I can't complain. I also kind of make it a subgame to never spend money to play FTP games, except for ones I especially enjoy and want to support. So I've spent about $7 on the game over the last few months.

3% is a bitch, but at least it has actual gameplay. Unlike certain mobile games one could mention.
>$7 spent over the last few months
Queen pls. how could you? you were supposed to be true FTP filthy casual with bullshit rng on gacha. But still, $7 over three months is pretty gud for someone who tries to be as FTP as possible.
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“Well, it all started when I received two separate requests to investigate the area around Osore-zan...”

Several uninterrupted minutes later you reach your conclusion, the faces of the various members of the Central 46 still hidden behind their screens so that you can't get a good read on their expressions. But based on the dead silence that fell in the room you expect a good deal of panic on their part.

“No more thorough a report on Hell has ever been compiled,” Yoruichi's father admits with a heavy sigh. “We know desperately little of the place due to the laws prohibiting our interaction with it. You say that the wardens were not hostile towards you?”

“Only because I had good cause to be there, and the relevant connections to handwave my trespass,” you reply. “Otherwise I would probably have been attacked by the Kushanada rather than helped by them.”

“And this 'skull-clad' form. You say that you lost that power?” a different voice speaks out.

“I sacrificed it, yes. It interfered with using my zanpakuto, so even if I wanted to keep it I had to choose... and the choice was easy.”

“You chose to be a shinigami,” Yoruichi's father muses. “As you have done consistently since Lady Yoruichi brought you to the Seireitei all those years ago with nothing but the rags on your back. Something others would do well to recall.”

“Well, it also didn't hurt that it was literally the only chance I could think of to separate Hell and Japan. Right now we're more concerned about what caused the overlap in the first place rather than how we individually dealt with it.”

“Also commendable,” one of the advisers agrees, though you can practically hear the next word before he gets to it. “But I am not so sure that we can dismiss your actions so easily. You did after all enter Hell, and by all accounts you have made a deal with its denizens. You say that this left a mark on you somewhere?”

>Similar to what Hummingbird did, yes. Sort of like what humans might call a Visa I think.
>It did, but I can only guess as to its true meaning. The Kushanada aren't really talkative.
>Irrelevant. A marking is just a marking, it has no effect if I choose never to return.
>I may be able to show it to you if you'd like.
Hmmmmm..... to talk about Hell's favor or to not talk about Hell's favor. That's a tough decision.
Give us some time to deliberate on the decision yes?
>It did, but I can only guess as to its true meaning. The Kushanada aren't really talkative.
Sure, so long as there's actual deliberation being done.
>It did, but I can only guess as to its true meaning. The Kushanada aren't really talkative.
>Other: And before you inquire any further, no I can't show it to you nor can I explain further about the mark. If you want exact details try and appeal to the Royal Guard or even whatever ruling deity of Hell that presides there, I was just their yes-man/courier/messenger. I'm not hiding any details.
>Similar to what Hummingbird did, yes. Sort of like what humans might call a Visa I think.
>It did, but I can only guess as to its true meaning. The Kushanada aren't really talkative..
>>>It did, but I can only guess as to its true meaning. The Kushanada aren't really talkative.
“I can only guess what the mark actually means,” you admit, “because the Kushanada aren't exactly big on explaining their purpose when they do things, and I got the feeling that they're not what you'd call the brains of the operation. They likely take their orders from another force, one which I never saw directly... representatives of two interests meeting in the middle to tackle a common problem.”

“You're willing to speculate on many things, Captain. Speculate on this matter.”

“It's probably a precaution,” you offer. “A way to identify me in the future. For what reason they'd want to do that I can't even speculate, the Kushanada are too alien to really understand their mindset that well.”

“One final issue remains,” one of the Judges who has remained silent thus far speaks up. “And regardless of what some others may think, this is the final point which matters. What is your current thinking on how it was that Hell came to overlap the living world, as all evidence indicates it did? What forces could possibly have achieved such a feat? And since we have long since established your rather troubling position as an intermediary between many parties, we may as well put it to use... what does anyone outside of the Seireitei know of the situation?”

>Try and explain it as best you can between yourself and Yoruichi. Make it clear how little you're actually certain of and maybe they'll let you get back to work.
>Ask for permission to manifest Tenkotsuki to speak before the Central 46. Have her try and explain the situation, from the divine perspective only she can offer.
>Observe that you haven't had chance to meet with any outsiders regarding the events. Try and suggest to them that opening lines of communication would serve their purposes.

A note: trying to push them on too many issues at once will likely cause them to entrench themselves to show their own authority.

> Open communication

>>Observe that you haven't had chance to meet with any outsiders regarding the events. Try and suggest to them that opening lines of communication would serve their purposes.
>>Try and explain it as best you can between yourself and Yoruichi. Make it clear how little you're actually certain of and maybe they'll let you get back to work.
>Try and explain it as best you can between yourself and Yoruichi. Make it clear how little you're actually certain of and maybe they'll let you get back to work.
>Observe that you haven't had chance to meet with any outsiders regarding the events. Try and suggest to them that opening lines of communication would serve their purposes.
This option gives them the best way to move forward and get the info they want, but it's the option that's the most abrasive for a council that's self-interested and Conservative.
Is this the soi fon you're looking for?
>>Try and explain it as best you can between yourself and Yoruichi. Make it clear how little you're actually certain of and maybe they'll let you get back to work.
>>Observe that you haven't had chance to meet with any outsiders regarding the events. Try and suggest to them that opening lines of communication would serve their purposes.
>>Observe that you haven't had chance to meet with any outsiders regarding the events. Try and suggest to them that opening lines of communication would serve their purposes.
Actually, I'll be banking for a past arc Yoruichi because then I'll have strong 6* options in each attribute AND another of my favorite characters. I've even got all the Raid rewards to feed her 6* version.

A man can dream.
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“I haven't had a chance to communicate with anyone,” you remind the Central 46. “I had only just concluded my own report when I decided to come and petition on behalf of the Vizards. Since, you know... one's here right now. In the room.”

“Hi,” Lisa nods sullenly. “I'm still alive, just so you know.”

“Forgive us for making assumptions,” Yoruichi's father apologizes on behalf of the others present.

“That being said, it makes sense to try and expand our communication with other realms,” Yoruichi presses. “We have a proverbial foot in the door, it seems like a waste not to follow up.”

“Isolation has suited us for many centuries,” one of the Judges observes.

“The same way it suited the Tokugawa?” Yoruichi smirks. “Please, I think we all know that isolation only leads to irrelevance and collapse.”

“Only when confronted with an outside force.”

“Like one that can push Hell into the living world?” you counter, coming to your wife's aid. “Those things exist whether you acknowledge them or not. Even I was warned of the danger by Inari Ōkami, otherwise who knows what may have happened?”

“We will take this into consideration,” Yoruichi's father replies, amid a sea of murmurs and one vocal dissention.

“We should do no such thing!”

“We will take this perspective into consideration,” the elder Shihōin reiterates. “I've said it before, we absolutely must avoid the sort of stagnation and insularity that plagued our predecessors if we wish to remain relevant, as I feel we must for the sake of the Seireitei and all souls under our charge.”

“Can I... you know, go now?” Lisa asks you quietly as the six Judges try and regain control over the many bickering nobles. “I don't think I want to come back anymore if this is what it'll be like.”

>It'll get better, I hope.
>Don't say that. You and the other Vizards still belong here, I'll keep pushing for it.
>You may have a point. Making a life in the living world sounds nice about now.
>Screw 'em. There's a place here for anyone who wants to come back.
>It'll get better, I hope.
>Don't say that. You and the other Vizards still belong here, I'll keep pushing for it.
>Don't say that. You and the other Vizards still belong here, I'll keep pushing for it.
Sup King
>>Don't say that. You and the other Vizards still belong here, I'll keep pushing for it.
>>Don't say that. You and the other Vizards still belong here, I'll keep pushing for it.
Y'know, we shouldn't just let Lisa and by extension the rest of the Vizards walk out the door...

But godDAMN if potential allies just walking out while the C46 are busy arguing with each other doesn't hammer home the message of stagnation.
>Don't say that. You and the other Vizards still belong here, I'll keep pushing for it.
>>Screw 'em. There's a place here for anyone who wants to come back.
>will require a few extra minutes here, something came up
You place a firm hand on her shoulder, staring up at the Judges as you speak in a voice just a little louder than you would were your words meant only for your neighbor.

“You all gave decades of your life to the Gotei 13 and asked for nothing in return,” you declare. “The Seireitei is your home, and it owes you better than what you've gotten. One day I'll make these idiots see that, but clearly this won't be that day.”

“Is there anything else you need from us?” you demand of the Central 46, “or are we free to get back to work?”

“I see no reason to keep you any longer, so long as the official reports match the details you've given us here.”

After leaving the Central 46 you create a garganta and lead Lisa back to the living world, where she'll reunite with her fellow exiles in Karakura town. She glances at you at the door to their protected warehouse, as if wondering if you're going to follow or not.

>Follow her, speak with Shinji at least before returning.
>Find Isshin and speak with his family before returning.
>Head back and see what Halibel had to offer, you have work to do.
>>Follow her, speak with Shinji at least before returning.
>Follow her, speak with Shinji at least before returning.
>Find Isshin and speak with his family before returning.
Time to visit our favorite nieces!
>Follow her, speak with Shinji at least before returning.
>Find Isshin and speak with his family before returning.
>Follow her, speak with Shinji at least before returning.
>Find Isshin and speak with his family before returning.
>Follow her, speak with Shinji at least before returning.
>Ask about how their revised hollowfication progress is going.
>Make a phonecall to Isshin.
Queen is ded.?
Queen is a shinigami, (s)he already died and is running from the seiritei
You follow Lisa inside the barriers, then down into the training cavern.

“I'm back,” she calls out in a tired voice. “And you're not gonna believe what happened...”

She was right. Some of them probably don't quite believe it, not even after you show them the photographic evidence of it. Hiyori definitely makes her doubts clear, and Hachi seems dubious. Love however stares long and hard at Lisa while she recounts the story from her position, and eventually nods to you.

“Yeah, I get you. So we've got somethin' else to worry about besides Aizen.”

“You can't be serious,” Kensei frowns. “This is all just a little too much to believe without some real evidence.”

“What reason would either of them have to lie?” Love points out. “You should try and be more open minded Kensei, there's lots of stuff we don't really understand about the Universe... only second to what that we think we understand but probably don't.”

“It's good to recognize when to be humble,” Shinji shrugs. “I'll admit I don't know enough to say whether all that was true, but I don't know enough to challenge it either. I'm more concerned about what to do in case it's all true after all.”

“Just keep an eye on things for us,” you ask politely. “We only get remote readings and occasional feedback from short-term missions. You guys have more eyes and ears than any of our Divisions. You were the ones who started looking into the deaths at Osore-zan first after all.”

“Yeah,” Shinji nods. “We'll do that. The Central 46 ready to see reason yet?”

“No,” Lisa shakes her head before sparing you a quick glance. “But maybe one day they will.”

You nod back to her just as subtly. “So, you figured out how to work on your hollowfication?”

“No,” Shinji sighs. “I think whatever Urahara did to us can't be changed without his meddling again, and I'm not sure any of us really want that again.”

“We'll make the best of what we've been given, same as always,” Kensei grunts.

Without much else to discuss you take your leave of the Vizards, heading for the Kurosaki clinic. You can tell that Ichigo and Masaki are out at the moment, together as it happens: probably shopping for groceries. You do find your brother and nieces there however, and invite yourself in.

>Greet Isshin, get him caught up on what happened.
>Speak with your nieces, you're curious about their development and potential.
>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently.
Queen ate something for dinner that he's mildly allergic to. Queen may need to cut the session short and make up for it later.
>>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently.
what did you eat?
>>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently.
>>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently.
>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently.
>Queen ate something for dinner that he's mildly allergic to
Queen. pls. Bruce Lee and Monty Oum died form allergies. don't want you dying off for real. Do you have benadryl at hand? And make sure you find out what exactly you're allergic to.
>>Speak with your nieces, you're curious about their development and potential.
>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently.
It's never been that bad. At first I was positive it was just an intolerance.
>>Just see where your nieces are emotionally. Their brother's been out a lot recently
He's right you know.
Also, just because I feel like it... give me 3d10. Taking the second roll.
Rolled 10, 1, 10 = 21 (3d10)

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.....Are you sure we can't have the first one?
Rolled 6, 7, 8 = 21 (3d10)

.....Well that's not ominous at all.
queen why.
not bad.
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>Rolled 6, 7, 8
would you prefer 6,6,6?
Any reason we can't seal their hollow powers in swords? That way they eould legally like us and best cat. Even if the hollow swords suck power wise it would still be a good idea.
You find yourself suddenly regretting having never really sat down and talked with your nieces... you're always in to talk to your brother and sister-in-law, or to deal with your nephew. Karin and Yuzu have always seemed like a secondary concern, not old enough to deal with the situations that their family members find themselves in nor experienced enough yet to truly be concerned about such things. In a way, given everything that's been happening you're actually a little envious of that.

Yuzu you find in the kitchen, mixing what appears to be brownie batter in a big bowl.

“Aunt Riku!” she greets you cheerfully. “Are you staying for a while?”

Wait... she can see you? You always thought that she had trouble sensing spirits at all. “If you're baking I'm going to have to. Ichigo and your mom are out to shop for groceries?”

“We needed some fresh vegetables to serve with dinner,” Yuzu explains. “Could you get out a big glass pan for me?”

“Yeah, sure,” you tell her. “Just gimme a second.”

Thinking it best not to confront her about it so suddenly you have Tenkotsuki construct a gigai for you and grab what looks like the pan Yuzu probably wants and place it on the counter, then spread a thin coating of butter on the bottom and sides for her. “So how are you feeling, Yuzu? Anything out of the ordinary?”

“Ichi-nii is out a lot,” she sighs, scraping the deep-brown, chocolatey batter into the pan. “I get worried sometimes... it feels like he's in danger. I want to help him but he never talks about it, and mom and dad only tell me that it's fine and that I shouldn't worry.”

“Doesn't stop you from worrying anyway, does it?” you ask.

Yuzu shakes her head. “No. Sometimes it bothers me that I'm the only one who can't see spirits. Everyone else keeps treating me like I can't tell when something's wrong.”

“Well, Yuzu,” you muse, leaning against the counter, “seeing spirits is a dangerous business. Personally I'd prefer it if none of you were involved at all, and your parents in particular know that getting you involved the same way they've been all their lives would be risky. They want you to choose for yourself when the time comes whether you want to or have to engage with the spirit world.”

“It's a tough choice... and it may be coming sooner than you think.”

“Was it a tough choice to be a shinigami?” she asks you thoughtfully, probably not even realizing what that question really means. That many don't choose to be a shinigami, that the choice is so structured by need and obligation that there's not really a choice at all.

>It was a tough choice. Dealing with the spirit world is a huge responsibility.
>It wasn't difficult at all. I really had no higher calling, no other way of living.
>The difficult part was committing to it, gradually honing my skills over decades.
>>It was a tough choice. Dealing with the spirit world is a huge responsibility.
>Well it was either that or starve sweetie.
The implication is that Urahara wanted them to 'stabilize', not to advance or revert, because he wasn't truly aware of what the Plot Rock was at the time or what it could do. And so the Plot Rock obliged.

It's not clear whether their state of "hollowness" can be altered the way Riku, Yoruichi, and Ichigo (who all stabilized without the Plot Rock's help) could.
>Other: In a way Yuzu, I envy you. I really had no higher calling, no other way of living. I actually lived like an urchin when I was your age. But then stuff happened and now I have to deal with a huge responsibility that came with the luxury of being a captain of Seireitei.
>Yuzu shakes her head. “No. Sometimes it bothers me that I'm the only one who can't see spirits. Everyone else keeps treating me like I can't tell when something's wrong.”
>can't see spirits
>Knows Aunt Riku is in the house in spirit form despite not knowing.
Yuzu pls.
>>It wasn't difficult at all. I really had no higher calling, no other way of living.
Changing my vote
>Other: In a way Yuzu, I envy you. I really had no higher calling, no other way of living. I actually lived like an urchin when I was your age. But then stuff happened and now I have to deal with a huge responsibility that came with the luxury of being a captain of Seireitei.
>It wasn't difficult at all. I really had no higher calling, no other way of living.
>The difficult part was committing to it, gradually honing my skills over decades.
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“It was either that or starve to death in the streets, sweetie,” you admit to her. “Your parents and I might have come from different backgrounds, but in the end the only choice any of us had the luxury of making was one of degree.”

“What does that mean?”

You simply shrug. “Nobody made me become a Captain. Nobody made Isshin take responsibility for Masaki's fate and start a family with her. Nobody's making your brother fight now. We did those things because we chose to, because we thought they were the right choice at the time.”

“That's all I think we can ever do.”

With a hiss Yuzu withdraws her hand from the oven door, having evidently burned herself checking the brownies while you were ruminating. You grasp her hand lightly in yours, look it over, and end up running lukewarm water over it in the sink beside you.

“So, do you understand a little better now?”

After a moment's thought, Yuzu nods quietly.
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>Riku calling Yuzu sweetie
That's so cute my arteries are about to burst
Queen pls
And with that, I need to stop for now. I don't have a super long thread planned for SoZ tomorrow, so I can probably return to this thread for a few hours afterwards.

Keep an eye on twitter @QMKingofHearts and feel free to browse the archives or leave comments here/on ask.fm.

Thanks, and hope you enjoyed!
Just caught up on the archives (finally), just want to say thanks for running :)
thanks for run Queen. Have you figured out what you're allergic to? Yes? then good, now make a vow to stay the fuck away from that food/ingredient for life. Dealing with Allergies is serious business. Some people have allergies so severe that it's lethal to them. Stay safe and healthy.
Thanks for running Queen. Wish I was caught up on SoZ.
Now that you've caught up. What are your thoughts on the quest and how Riku started from the beginning all the way to the now?
Seems I missed the thread, but thanks for running all the same.
Also, for everyone’s consideration:
>Shihoin Yoruichi
>Unless you're very much mistaken, she's taller than she used to be...
>Tia Halibel
>After gaining even a small amount of shinreiryoku, her stature seems greater somehow.
This is hands-down my favourite quest, plot is better than the actual manga lol
The Riku-Yoruichi relationship progression has been straight up adorable
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Quick question, what would be Riku and Yoruichi's opinion on Bruce Lee and Jeet Kun Do?
>tfw gaining divinity makes you big as fuck like getting souls makes you big as fuck in the Souls series games

Backstabbing gods when?
Rku current: 172cm
Riku old: 169cm
>“It was either that or starve to death in the streets, sweetie,”
tfw Riku, the normally cold, distant, and slightly eccentric aunt calls you "sweetie"
Good philosophically, but difficult for most people to put into practice.

More along Tolkein-ish lines in that not all 'stature' is height.
Go home, Tom, you're carefree.

I just wanted to make references
So Yuzu, When Aunty Riku is in "spirit form", does she look transparent/see-through?
>“If you're baking I'm going to have to. Ichigo and your mom are out to shop for groceries?” “We needed some fresh vegetables to serve with dinner,”
I wanna see an omake of Ichigo shopping with Masaki, with Masaki teasing Ichigo about his alleged love-life and giving him advice while all Ichigo can do is stay silent and help her get the veggies on the shopping list like the 15-year-old mama's boy he is.
What's the current percentage of Conservatives vs. Liberals in the C-46?
>New nickname on stat sheet: "that devil woman"
hoo boy.
It's a tricky thing to say. Really the concept of "liberalism" in play isn't like the natural philosophy of the 17th century, it's more like the Magna Carta Libertatum's focus on the rights of baronies. Nobody's talking about the rights of some no-name soul in the Rukongai who's basically supposed to die and return to inhabit the living world anyway, though Riku harbors some sympathies and takes protecting all souls from hollows seriously. The politicking is all about the rights of Captains and Divisions to act independently in ways that may stretch the bounds of established norms. In that sense the Central 46 is narrowly split in favor of supporting individual Captains.

In the sense of "conservatism" that applies to protecting and maintaining the current power structure with the Central 46 at the top, most of the members fall into that category. Yoruichi's father is a notable exception in that he's increasingly felt that the Central 46 is making itself obsolete by refusing to even consider what its own position should be.

What do you mean, "spirit form"? You know it's not nice to tease people.
Is also.posible that Riku spirit being part Kami, is way more noticeable than a plain ghost. Is like the difference between reading a newspaper and a billboard.
The implication there was that Yuzu has started to be able to see/sense spiritual phenomena and hasn't realized it yet, because she assumes she still can't.
We should tell her and warn her family then. Has Karin started Quincy practice?
So who gave Riku the nickname "devil woman"? and is everyone more likely to call her that behind her back considering the Practical and Political Stunt Riku pulled, going to hell, becoming queen of hell, and walking out of hell unharmed with Lisa in her arms?

Will we get a passing mention of our social link with Hell?
What is the procedure for nominating a captain. And is there any precident for the C46 rejecting multiple attempts to fill the slot?
Because I was thinking that the Gotie can publicly nominate Rangiku for the slot, let them reject her, then start publicly nominating the Vizard Captains. Lets see if the C46 wants to be seen publicly rejecting 5 qualified captains in a week.
There are three ways to ascend to the rank of Captain, all of which rely on gaining support in the council of Captains.

The first and by far most common is to take the Exam, overseen by three Captains including the Head Captain: Rangiku would pass with flying colors if she wanted. The second is to be recommended by six Captains and approved by three of the others. The only sitting Captain to have attained their rank this way is Retsu (SSQ canon). The third way is through a combat trial in front of 200 Division members as witnesses, which in the 11th Division is the only means of ascent and is always to the death.

The Central 46, as an executive body of nobles, would be worried about Riku and Yoruichi getting their way because too many Captains are either from the Shiba or Shihouin Clans or their loyal retainers. Give them a block of six or more Captains and they could basically control all Captaincy appointments for centuries.

As for the Vizards you might have difficulty finding three Captains to agree to it in light of the Central 46's refusal to walk back their guilty verdict. In theory Riku or Kaoru could request one of the Lieutenant Vizards to serve under them, but the Central 46 would throw a shitfit same as it did in canon when Shunsui tried to have two Lieutenants.
Could we reccomend Rangiku, let the C46 object, then compromise on what we wanted from the beginning? Such as an appointment of one the LT vizards or something. I realize that Rangiku doesn't even want a captain spot, but we can still use the Central 46 wanting to refuse the most qualified applicant as a bargaining chip.
You COULD game it that way if you could convince one of the Vizards to abandon their comrades. Hachi is the only one likely to do that, filling the vacancy for Kaoru's Lieutenant. At this point Lisa respects you enough that she might consider becoming a Commando or an adjutant to Shunsui's Division as part of a longer-term plan, but that would be a real stretch.
Well, making the offer would probably be appreciated anyway so we should make it. As for long term plans, If they accepted one of the LTs then in the future if said LT had a bankai and a recommendation for captaincy then maybe we could use that as an additional wedge. Or just hope that the sheer silliness of the situation finally causes them to have a sense of shame.
the drawback to this is we'll lose our recon and intelligence gathering by having outside contacts in the field for better domestic infrastructure.
We might be able to trick the C46 to let Kensei come back. Somehow I believe that the holdouts will get over their reservations if they can be convinced that Kensei and Riku cordially despise each other.
Will pick up where I left off for an hour or two.
“I heard what you told my daughter,” Isshin tells you when you walk out of the kitchen a few minutes later, still wiping down your hands with a towel. “You called her 'sweetie', sis.”

“Yeah, I guess I did,” you admit quietly. “Look at that.”

“You're not going soft on us after all these years, are you?” he teases.

You rait-tail him in the balls for the trouble. “In your dreams. You just got to see a soft spot that was always there for the first time, that's all. How's my other niece doing?”

“Who, Karin? She's always been what you'd call the adult-oriented kid in the family,” Isshin explains. “She worries about her brother of course, but Masaki's teaching her basic Quincy techniques. We agreed she was ready.”

“The cat's out of the bag then?”

“Yoruichi? Here?” Isshin asks playfully. “But yeah, pretty much. There's really no hiding it from her anymore, no more time for her to grow up.”

“I hate to be the bearer of news, good or bad,” you sigh, “but Yuzu knew I was there before I got in my gigai. I was trying to surprise her... I don't think she knows.”

“That so?” Isshin grunts. “Yeah, that complicates things alright. Man, it never rains but it pours.”

“If it's not too bold, don't teach Yuzu combat yet,” you suggest quietly. “I don't think she has the personality for it... kaidō on the other hand?”

“You're nuts,” he grunts. “That takes a shitton of reiatsu, Yuzu's barely sensitive.”

“Yeah, but she's also half-quincy,” you observe. “She should be able to draw on ambient reishi to do the work. Train her right and she could give Retsu a run for her money.”

Isshin nods thoughtfully. “Never looked at it that way... guess I just assumed our girls would take more after one of us or the other. Speaking of Retsu though, how's everyone back at the ranch?”

>What, you mean your old Lieutenant? Or your family?
>We're scrambling to get ready for Aizen's move, and the Central 46 still hates me.
>I may be having a duel with Retsu pretty soon, she's gotten kinda serious.
>>We're scrambling to get ready for Aizen's move, and the Central 46 still hates me.
>What, you mean your old Lieutenant? Or your family?
>We're scrambling to get ready for Aizen's move, and the Central 46 still hates me.
>>We're scrambling to get ready for Aizen's move, and the Central 46 still hates me.
>She let her hair down Ishin, She's training Zaraki.
On one hand, Shunsui's really taking up the mantle the old man left behind. On the other hand, it's a REALLY heavy mantle.
>What, you mean your old Lieutenant? Or your family?
>I may be having a duel with Retsu pretty soon, she's gotten kinda serious.
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“Family's doing well enough, Hitsugaya's training hard with some of the other Captains to get ready for Aizen's big move, and the Central 46 still doesn't believe I'm not an agent of chaos sent to destroy order in the universe,” you shrug. “So basically the way it's been since Ichigo burst onto the scene and I had to reveal the whole conspiracy.”

“Good to hear the first half of that at least,” Isshin nods. “Surely some good stuff's happened too though?”

“Well, Retsu may be sparring with me at some point.”

Isshin's face turns pale and his eyes widen. “Shit, really? That monster of a woman's going to fight you? Like, with swords? You... you've gotta get out of here! It's not safe!”

“Relax,” you sigh. “She's been acting differently lately. Much more honest, let her hair down too. I think she's taken a real interest in the world again... I'll tell her you said hi.”

“Please don't.”

A few minutes later Masaki and Ichigo arrive from the store, Ichigo overladen with bags of broccoli and other fruits and vegetables.

“I didn't know what would go well with the chicken, so I bought a bunch of stuff!” Masaki smiles. “I'm sure we can find a use for it all... you're welcome to stay for dinner, Riku.”

“Sorry, Masaki,” you offer quietly, “but I really need to get back to work at some point. There was an incident recently and I've been taking the lead on investigating it.”

“Oh?” she asks, suddenly very interested in whatever it is you've been up to. “What kind of incident?”

>Tell her the full story, but insist that the problem has been solved.
>Tell her the full story, warn her than things may be getting dangerous.
>Tell her an abridged version and suggest she be careful.
>Ask how much the living Quincy know about the spiritual realms.
Oh hey, You have your old name on. Neat.
>>Tell her an abridged version and suggest she be careful.
I'm not a clever person sometimes.
>Tell her an abridged version and suggest she be careful.
>Tell her the full story, warn her than things may be getting dangerous.
>Ask how much the living Quincy know about the spiritual realms.
>Tell her an abridged version and suggest she be careful.
>I got to be Queen of Hell for one day. with the pics to prove it.
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“I got to be Queen of Hell for a day,” you grin stupidly, remembering the moment. “See, I've got pictures!”

You even show Masaki and Isshin the pictures on your phone to prove it, prompting a peal of laughter.

“What the shit!” Isshin exclaims. “That looks so dumb!”

“Yeah, I kinda thought so too,” you admit, “but it was a nice gesture. And it was useful in the end. There's something I need to tell you.”

“Hell bled over into the living world for a while,” you inform them. “We figured out a way to fix it, but it may mean things are going to get dangerous from here on. So please, be careful.”

After enjoying one of Yuzu's brownies, you head back for the Seireitei to meet with your daughter and Halibel.

“So, what have you figured out?” you ask them.

“As I mentioned to Rangiku, both the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo have moons,” Halibel explains. “However the moon in Hueco Mundo has a hole in it, which is... bizarre, to say the least. And there is little water to asses whether it exerts any sort of tidal force. I have often wondered about it over the centuries...”

“I'm... not entirely sure where this is going either, mom,” Rangiku admits quietly. “But it does feel like she's working something out in her head.”

“Is there any evidence of tidal forces here, in the Seireitei?” Halibel asks.

For a moment, you struggle to connect the dots that have apparently come together for your friend. And then it hits you: tidal forces. Whatever cause Hell to move must have utilized some manner of existing phenomenon to do so, and if celestial bodies within spiritual planes exert tidal forces...

“... then maybe the planes themselves exert it the same way?” you wonder aloud. “Tenkotsuki, is she on to something?”

“I have no idea,” Tenkotsuki admits quietly in your mind. “A new experience for me, and not a pleasant one. I well and truly cannot say anything useful to address that question, because to my knowledge no one has ever tried to learn the answer. But if her suspicion is correct, it may have been the direct cause we are searching for.”

>This seems like a job for Kisuke.
>Come to think of it, is there even an ocean in the Soul Society?
>Maybe the Shihōin family records have some insight.
>This seems like a job for Kisuke.
>Maybe the Shihōin family records have some insight.
>>Come to think of it, is there even an ocean in the Soul Society?
I think you mentioned there being a lake in one of our vacations?
>Come to think of it, is there even an ocean in the Soul Society?
>Wait... Yoruichi and I went to a lake for our honeymoon...
>Hold the phone. Hell also had an ocean on the 2nd level during my time as Queen of Hell.
>This seems like a job for Kisuke.
>Come to think of it, is there even an ocean in the Soul Society?
>This seems like a job for Kisuke.
>Come to think of it, is there even an ocean in the Soul Society?
I smell a beach episode.
>writing, and have been for a bit
>got maybe another hour in me
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“Is there even a beach in the Soul Society?” you muse aloud. “I mean there was that lake Yoruichi and I went to on our honeymoon, when we found the time...”

“That sounds like just the place!” Rangiku claps her hands enthusiastically. “I'll get everyone ready, so you just do your thing with Captain Urahara and let me handle the rest!”

You stare at your daughter in surprise. “Wait... what?”

“Well, everyone's been really tense about all of the recent disasters, so we should head to the beach and relax!” Rangiku insists like it's the most obvious thing in the world and your inability to keep up is a personal insult. “So you go talk to Kisuke about measuring tidal forces in the various spiritual realms and then we can take the day off!”

Still somewhat confused you leave for the SRDI, taking the shortest possible route and pondering Rangiku's sudden bizarre behavior the whole way. You find Kisuke in one of the number of labs, pouring over a stack of research notes. He's so absorbed that it's Lieutenant Kurotsuchi that first notices you.

“Captain,” she bows graciously, ever polite in her own way. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

“I need to know whether the moons of the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo exert any tidal forces,” you explain, getting straight to it. “And if you can explain to me why my daughter is suddenly so insistent on taking everyone we know to the lake district, I wouldn't turn down the information.”

Kisuke stares at you blankly for a moment. “I could do that gravity thing at least. The other thing is a mystery.”

“What, my daughter?”

“No, women in general.”

“We're simple enough really,” you insist.

“So you'll explain it to me?”

“Maybe when I understand it myself.”

Satisfied that Kisuke will get the job done for you, it comes time to return to your own Division through a garganta. Rangiku is nowhere to be found, so you simply lie down on the couch in your office and stare at the ceiling for a few minutes.

Eventually there comes a knock at the door.
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Halibel walks into your office, sitting on the couch by your feet. "Captain Kusajishi..."

"Here we go," you muse. "When the 'Captain' comes out it's something important coming right after."

"Lady Riku," she amends herself. "It's my opinion that certain prisoners in the Ninth Division's custody could use some... recreation. If we are to be traveling to a beach, that is. They will be well-supervised there."

"Who were you thinking?"

"Menoly Mallia and Neliel tu Odelschwanck," she explains. "The former Tres Cifras have kept one another more or less amused and seem content with their situation, but Menoly has been in custody the longest, and Neliel has seemed unusually distant lately."

>Approved. They can come along, but you'll be responsible for them.
>Menoly, yes. Neliel hasn't earned my trust yet.
>Denied. They'll stay where they are until I'm confident they won't abuse my trust.
>Approved. They can come along, but you'll be responsible for them.
>>Menoly, yes. Neliel hasn't earned my trust yet.
>>Approved. They can come along, but you'll be responsible for them.
>Approved. They can come along, but you'll be responsible for them.
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>Approved. They can come along, but you'll be responsible for them.
I'm not really worried about nel trying something in front of everyone
but do you want to bring Menoly and Goat girl with us?
>Approved. They can come along, but you'll be responsible for them.
I am slightly worried that Nel might take this as a form of insult in Riku taking time to loaf off instead of doing recon or making plans to rescue Donchakka or Pesche. If we are gonna bring her along, we might as well do some recon on Aizen's forces to help bring her around and reassure her that Riku's doing the best she can.
But then again, leaving her alone to sulk in sadness will not be good for her health. And Goat girl can't cope with her situation.

>approved and canon
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“I don't trust Neliel,” you sigh, “but I do trust your judgment. So long as you accept responsibility for their conduct, they can come too.”

“Thank you, Lady Riku,” Halibel nods quietly. “That sounds fair.”

Some time later you step outside into the garden to find Yoruichi standing out front in a brilliantly-orange two-piece swimsuit and her tattoo on full display. “I see you're ready?”

The swimsuit Tenkotsuki designed for you is an unusually modern design, crossing bands of white and deep blue with sets of silver rings at your collarbones and hips, somewhere between a sling bikini and a normal two-piece. At the moment your towel is about your waist, and your painfully expensive Gin Tonbo sunglasses are still adjusted so that they're not totally opaque. Both the moon tattoo on your thigh and the one wrapping around your wrist are left visible for once, but Tenkotsuki insists that it looks fine.

“Ready as I'll ever be.”

After surrounding the two of you with familiar white bands of cloth, you're greeted by the lovely scenery of the lakeside you spent your honeymoon on. Also here are other officers, whose attire is... not actually all that surprising. The Eleventh Division's seated officers are dressed exactly how you'd guess, with their only difference from Kai being the patterns on their shorts. You think that Tetsuzaemon has fallen asleep in the sand already, and nearby Shunsui and Starrk sip from the sake one of them brought. Rangiku and Nanao each wear two-piece suits, the latter blushing as your daughter insists that she looks fine, and Gin of all people is already way out at the center of the lake swimming... you can see his pale, skinny self like he's reflective.

It's Retsu who really shocks you however. Lieutenant Isane went for a deeply-conservative and somewhat boring one-piece, but her Captain is wearing a sling bikini that places the scar at the base of her throat on full display. She honestly seems not to care.

“I know, right?” Yoruichi mutters into your ear. “I'd be careful around that one if I were you.”

The Tres look like they're having a blast of a water fight, and even Menoly seems to be quietly enjoying herself making something with Lilynette that looks vaguely like a sand castle. Halibel is simply enjoying the sun on her skin, while Neliel sits staring at the water morosely.

>There's a fire pit near here, maybe you can get something cooking.
>Go try and talk to Neliel (write-in)
>Conduct the test you really came here for, even if it puts the fun on hold for a moment.
>Go try and talk to Neliel (write-in)
See how she's holding up. And try to get her to talk about the architecture of her home. Where spoony is located, and all of that fun stuff that we would need to plan a rescue of two idiots.
>>Conduct the test you really came here for, even if it puts the fun on hold for a moment.
Side note, but has she been checked for Mayuri's nano bug things. Because that seems like something Aizen would do. Also, if her fraccon are really fucked up we can break out the emergency ditz and pretend nothing was ever wrong with them.
>Go try and talk to Neliel (write-in)
If you're going to be miserable, you shouldn't have left. You're letting Aizen and his goons destroy you, and spitting in your follower's face by giving up hope.
>Go try and talk to Neliel:
>This place looks like paradise doesn't it? Makes you feel like you wanna settle down and get away from the harshness of life.
>How did you meet Pesche and Dondechakka?
>Other: Hug Neliel whenever she starts tearing up. "Nel, you're not alone in this."
>if out of topics, just enjoy the silence with Neliel.
>Other: Nab one of Kenny's BBQ Spits with permission and share with Neliel.
Did Nel pick up a swimsuit?
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“You're letting Aizen and his goons win,” you observe, sitting next to Neliel. “If you have time to mope around all day you certainly have time to do something more useful with yourself, something better than meaningless self-punishment.”

“I don't get why I'm here,” Nel responds sullenly. “How am I supposed to enjoy myself right now?”

“You're supposed to relax,” you counter, “to come back tomorrow refreshed and more effective than you were today. Even I'm here for a good reason... I wanted to know if tidal forces between planes were responsible for a convergence that happened earlier between Hell and the living world.”

You glance out at the edges of the water. “Seems like there are no tidal forces here, I'd be willing to bet the moon of Hueco Mundo is the same way.”

“And what purpose does knowing that serve?”

“I don't know yet,” you admit. “But something about this situation strikes me as fundamentally unnatural. So while I may not know the significance yet, I feel like it is significant.”

“So try and relax for once in your life, Neliel,” you insist. “You'll never know how much good it might do you until you try.”

To your immediate joy, Kūkaku and Kaoru arrive a few moments later with a simply staggering amount of barbecued meats and various vegetables and fruits to go alongside. You also notice something different about your older adoptive sister.

“Your arm!”

The elder Shiba flexes the prosthesis dramatically. “Hell yeah my arm! Thing's better than new, I don't even want the old one back. Look at this!”

She draws a large knife from her belt and after twirling it in her fingers with a flourish sets it to work hacking up meat effortlessly, with a speed and proficiency the envy of any shinigami present.

But even as you laugh, you hear an ominous and vaguely familiar splat behind a nearby rock. Motioning to Yoruichi you guide her around to see a message, scrawled as if it were written in blood at a murder scene, its content even more chilling than its form.

“Moon much further than 100 years ago.”
“Calculated three times to check.”
“Soul Society's plane is expanding.”
“Significance unknown. Tell no one.”
>“Moon much further than 100 years ago.”
>“Calculated three times to check.”
>“Soul Society's plane is expanding.”
>“Significance unknown. Tell no one.”
... Is someone trying to squeeze out the other afterlives, or is this a simple outgrowth of the population?
>“Soul Society's plane is expanding.”
Well shit.
More like Soul Society's planar boundaries is indirectly causing inter-planar stress on the other realms.
We might have to conduct more surveys on the other realms to see if they're expanding or contracting. And we just managed to get the Hell plane pushed away from the Mortal Plane. But if that's the case, wouldn't that mean there would be places of overlap?
And that's it for the weekend, folks! Congrats, this may be the tip of this particular iceberg but it's a damned important iceberg for the final arc. Hope you had a good time, and I'll see you... probably Tuesday, for an Omake.
There's a concept in paleontology, that you'll never see the first or last instance of a thing in the fossil record, so don't even consider it as a possibility. There may have been other indicators of planar encroachment between other planes that went unnoticed, and like the first overlap between hell and the living world the first few dozen will be temporary, impossible for denizens of any plane involved to take advantage of deliberately even if they wanted to.

But the implication should be quite disturbing: Kushanada and Sinners running around loose in the living world, hollows pouring through into the Rukongai, entire blocks of the Seireitei finding themselves in Hell, Humans getting lost in the deserts of Hueco Mundo... not pretty if it continues unabated.
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>final arc
oh shit. we're near the end of the ride boyos.
Thanks for the run. Queen.

Pastebin update?
Did Nel pick a swimsuit? did she remain a sad goat girl throught the day at the beach?
>Retsu wearing a Sling Bikini
So who had the balls to approach Retsu in that racy piece of clothing?
Retsu:would you go to the beach like in pic-related?
Kisuke: Again with the mysterious blood writing? Have you tried something more subtle then that?
So the complete convergence of planes was end goal that Yhwach wanted to achieve in-canon, but here this is happening naturally albeit at a slow pace as the the spiritual equivalent of Global Warming. Well shit. But we did deal with the Hell plane encroaching on a section of the Mortal plane for good right?
>no description of Riku being scandalized by her daughter's too small top

You hurt me sometimes King
>implying any top is big enough for Rangiku's monster rack
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>oh no, tits
>my one weakness
>aaaah, protect my delicate sight Yoruichi
Who says we're IN the final arc yet?
Nel did remain a sad goat girl, but eventually tried to take Riku's advice. And as for swimsuits she couldn't be persuaded to try one on.
Very few people had the balls required, though Shunsui and Gin both managed to politely compliment her.
>"Under no circumstances."
>"I tried being subtle once. It was awful. Nobody could figure out what I was saying."
Who said anything about 'natural'? All it means is that it's happening through a natural process, not that the process is happening naturally for natural reasons.
An amazing thread as usual.
Keep up the good work Queen.

And for the love of god be careful with what you eat!
Food allergy is no joke
I laughed at this for a solid minute
>The elder Shiba flexes the prosthesis dramatically. “Hell yeah my arm! Thing's better than new, I don't even want the old one back. Look at this!”
Yes, now we can use Kukkaku's arm as a replacement whenever we accidentally burn our arm off with a spell!
Maybe Riku’s own body hasn’t prepared her for the sight?
Also, I meant scandalized in the mom way.

Yeah, when I saw scandalized, I immediately thought of Riku saying “Young lady, you are not wearing that!”
The joke is that Riku is so desensitized it wouldn't occur to make a joke about it.
>Implying Riku even cares about that stuff
She's a grown ass woman now, She can flaunt it if she wants, Mama Riku don't care.
>writing a brief continuation at the beach as an omake
Any other ideas will be considered.
Hope you do continue the beach episode not as an omake also tb.h.


To the General populace of Seireitei: In light of recent events of Retsu suddenly looking more like an honest killer/healer, and almost everyone feeling the effects of an angry Riku in Bankai that one time.... Who is scarier? A bloodthirsty Retsu or an angry Riku?

How many bricks did C-46 shit when they heard Riku's report on her adventure in Hell? How relieved were they when they heard Riku stayed as a "normie" shinigami? How many more bricks did they shit when Riku speculated that Hell itself has put her on its contacts list? Were there any more scary implications they had amidst their discussion?

To 4th Division: Has the sudden change in your captain increased the stress levels when doing your duties due to the sudden increase in ambient killing intent?
Hanataro: How's life in 3rd Seat? Rate your satisfaction in getting revenge 30 years in the making.
Bambietta: What's your favorite modern cuisine you've discovered so far? Your favorite modern dish? Your favorite modern drink?
Riku: Do you guys celebrate Halloween?
Riku, Tenkotsuki, & Kisuke: What are your thoughts on H.P. Lovecraft's concept of the Old/Elder Gods, and existential horror?
What's Aizen's face/reaction when he realizes he forgot to beam up his stuff in 5th division quarters (his tea, his couch, etc.) after having just escaped from Seireitei?

>A convenience store inexplicably finds itself "Night Shifted" into Seireitei. Riku and co. figure out how to send the store back to the mortal plane while dealing with damage control in the form of muggle culture shock/trauma, and the rare redshirt shinigami not privy to modern human culture and customs.
>Riku is forced to put her foot down when she stumbles upon the scene of a division-wide prank war in 3rd division that threatens to encompass the entirety of Seireitei on a rare trip to drop off lunch for Gin.

To Ichigo: How are you feeling about Tatsuki being a human shinigami? The girl's spiritual weight class is at Lieutenant level as of right now.
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Omake: The Night Shift

You've honestly never been sure why anyone thought putting a Mos Burger out here in Nishihara made any damn sense. There's not really enough drive-through traffic coming off the main road to justify it, and there's hardly any walk-in traffic to speak of since it's so far out into the hills. And you definitely don't know why it has to be open until 1am, nor do you know why you volunteered to close today. Or should that be this morning? Whatever, it was a dumb decision and you know it now. Half past midnight on a weeknight and not a soul to be seen, no headlights on the road, and just the buzzing of the power lines to keep you awake. You've even sent home your sole coworker, since there's hardly a point to him being here.

The tropical air is stifling, warm and almost as wet as the Pacific itself, and you actually get a little water for yourself out of the drink fountain. If anyone deserves a little relief from this bullshit, it's you.

And that's when you feel it.

You almost think it's a heat stroke at first: the loss of balance and nauseating sense of movement where it doesn't belong, the sensation of having been suddenly upended which sends you crashing to the floor. Then you think it may be an earthquake, the long-promised “big one” ready to swallow Okinawa up into the same sea from which it came. But nothing else has fallen over.

Your first instinct is to reach for the phone, but you find that the line is totally dead. There's still power in here apparently since the lights are still on, but the phone won't even give you a disconnected tone. So you set it back on its cradle and pull out your cell phone: no reception, no internet connection.

You're about to freak out a little when to your relief, two men walk in through the front door.

“Hey,” you greet them wearily, “did either of you two notice something weird just now?”

“Just now?” one slurs... oh god, they must be drunk... and cosplaying as samurai of some kind?

“No,” he continues thoughtfully, “can't say anythin' strange happened. You open?”

“We were just about to...”

“Hey, what's this?” his friend muses, narrowing his eyes at the menu board. “A hamburger restaurant? Nice find, little Kogamaru!”

“They sell hamburgers here?” the first drunk's eyes widen. “Hey, I'll have one with bacon! And a diet... koh... lah, is it? One of those please.”

“Oh come on, Kogamaru,” the other man scoffs, “if you're going to do it, do it right. I'll have a royale with cheese and a Sprite.”

The first man starts laughing to himself as they each place a couple of strange gold coins on the counter and walk off to take a seat. These... aren't Yen, are they? It looks like they just paid with actual, honest-to-god gold!
But it's not long before you're worried again. Even more of these black-clad swordsmen arrive, each carrying a weapon of some variety. Long swords, short swords, and even a few rifles that all look disconcertingly real. Their orders are each paid for with the same gold coins as the first duo.

“So, what's with the outfit?” you eventually work up the courage to ask one of the strange visitors. He simply laughs the question off, insisting it was a 'great joke'.

As the hour passes you're starting to think that maybe you're in trouble, and eventually a slight figure clad in a similar outfit comes through the doors... this one wearing a long white coat over her shoulders. She freezes in the doorway, looking you straight in the eye with laser-like focus before approaching the counter.

“Who are you?” she demands quietly. “And where are you from?”

You give her your name and tell her you're from Tokyo originally, but that your parents moved to Nishihara when you were young for business. Something about your story leaves her with a grim look in her eyes.

“You are not supposed to be here,” you hear her whisper as she leans across the counter. “Stay indoors until I return. Try to remain calm.”

The fact that she feels the need to tell you to stay calm just makes it worse, and she leaves just as quickly as she arrived. Why did she want you to stay indoors? Is there something dangerous going on outside? And with that line of reasoning, you completely ignore the young woman's insistence and walk out the doors.

It's immediately obvious that you're not in Okinawa anymore. The real question is if you aren't there anymore, where are you?

It's dark, so you can't see as far as you wish you could, but the things you can see don't fill you with much optimism. It honestly reminds you of old pictures of castles and cities you saw in school once upon a time, with white plastered walls and lots of gables and eaves. But most importantly, it's not where your little burger joint should be. It's a totally different place. The weather is cooler and drier, there are no overgrown hillsides, no hospital up the road, no road for that matter. You feel your heart racing as the full impossibility of the situation becomes clear, your mind frantically searches for a rational explanation.

When the young woman from before returns, it's to find you cowering behind the counter and muttering to yourself.
A woman with a more elaborate uniform and two swords at her waist leans over you, placing her hand on your shoulder. You look up at her to find carefully-arranged hair and a concerned expression.

“You said you live in Nishihara?” she asks carefully, as if ready to weigh your response. “What's it like there these days?”

You tell her that it's actually kind of boring, still a lot of sugarcane fields but increasingly urbanized through the years: especially now that the University and the University Hospital are situated there.

“So has Untamamui stopped catching fire every couple of months yet?” she asks you with a knowing grin. How does she know about that? She doesn't seem old enough to have grown up in the reconstruction period.

You nod slowly. “Yeah, it's been like a decade I think.”

“That's good,” she nods. “I grew up on Okinawa you know, back when I was still alive.”

Ah, so that's it. “Wait, what do you mean still alive?”

“Well, this is the afterlife,” the woman explains, lightly prodding your face and looking into your eyes. “Things are going just a little bit weird right now, but we'll get you squared away as quick as we can. Get you back to Nishihara.”

“So am I dead? Was it an earthquake or something?”

At this the woman can't help but laugh. “No, not at all! This is just more like one of the old episodes of Star Trek where things on one plane or timeline end up stuck in the other. But we'll fix it.”

“Tell you what, you just focus on making me a late-night snack. Can you do that?”

You nod, and tell her that you think you can manage to stay focused long enough.

“Good. I'll have a yakiniku rice burger, a green salad, and some onion rings. And let's also get a Sprite.”

Setting to work on the order, you can't help but feel a little calmer. It's familiar, something that's not sword-toting ghost samurai or any nonsense like that. Over the sounds of grilling you hear a conversation begin between the two white-coated samurai women.

“So do you believe this is associated with the Hell incident several weeks ago?”

“Can't see how it's not.”

“So how do we get him back to his world?”

“Captain Urahara's working on a solution to test,” you hear what struck you as the more senior of the two respond. "We could just put the poor guy back just fine, but that wouldn't solve the actual problem."


"Teleporting array? Just needs reishi?"

"Yes. Is far from perfect because the power cost is massive but it only needs power so any strong idiot can do it."

"And that's why is Ichigo here?"

"Hey! I am not an idiot! I am at the top ten at my school!" The blonde idiot protests.

"Yes, now Ichigo, just put your hand over the glowing skull."

"Why you had to use that? A skull isn't what I would call family friendly."

"Because if anyone too weak touches it he or she will die. Now let's go Riku, to the Moon of Hueco Mundo!"

"I should never have let Gin show you those movies. A sane person doesn't watch Frankstein and think 'I can do it better', not at all."

The hat and glasses bastards just ignores the comment and makes Ichigo power the Teleporting array. It works but Ichigo falls asleep.

"Marvelous! Now I can finally study this moon. And place a few trackers in case a plane shift happens in Hueco Mundo, it won't be fast enough to save any human who ends here but it will still save time."

"That's it, I am not letting you watch the next two Back To The Future movies."

"Too late for that."

"Damn it Urahara if you try to make some kind of time traveling machine I will tell my wife."
“There would also be the issue of the missing burger restaurant,” her junior observes.

“Exactly. We'll have him stand outside when we try it, just in case... but we need to at least try.”

You eventually serve up the burger and sides as requested, and the senior nods approvingly. “It's nothing like an actual hamburger, but that's not really a bad thing. I like it.”

“So should I be worried?” you work up the nerve to ask. The woman shakes her head.

“Nah, let us worry about this. It's not really in our job description either, but we're better equipped... ah, I need to take this.”

The woman retrieves a folding phone from her uniform and walks to the side, leaving you with her junior. After glancing once at what you assume to be her leader as she talks on her phone, she steals an onion ring for herself and munches it with an almost guilty smile.

“You can help yourself,” you hear her commander announce and the smile evaporates in an instant.

“I... may have already done so, Captain.”

“Why you little... no, Kisuke, not you. Let's just get this done before anyone realizes what happened.”

It takes about an hour, but eventually this 'Captain' leads you out of your familiar surroundings to meet with a messy-haired man in a similar coat. He looks the Mos Burger over thoughtfully. “I feel pretty optimistic about this.”

He retrieves a small device and sets it on the ground next to the drive-through window, then hurries back to where you and the other samurai ghosts are standing a what you can only guess one of them deemed a safe distance. Then he turns to face you, placing the restaurant behind him.

“And I now submit for your consideration... the Mark 0 Mod 1 prototype planar translocator beacon!”

“You made a teleporter,” the first Captain summarizes. “How does it work?”

“It's a planar translocator,” her peer reiterates, “and it works through scientific principles I first theorized...”

“It works because magic. Got it.”

The second Captain shrugs and presses a button on a small controller he produces from one of his sleeves. “Now you see it...”

The Mos Burger begins to warp and shimmer in iridescent tones, eventually fading from view and being replaced by a stretch of cracked and broken stone tiles.

“And now you don't!”

The first Captain cocks one of her eyebrows, pointing at the damage. “Was it supposed to do that?”
For a few moments after the nausea wears off from being apparently dragged through the space between universes, you can only stare silently at the scene. Finally, you find your voice.

“... how am I supposed to open up in the morning!?

The female Captain winces. “Jeez, not so loud. Just be thankful you weren't inside.”

“I was so sure that I had it right this time...” the messy-haired man muses, also staring at the rubble where a Mos Burger once stood. “This still isn't feasible.”

“You think?” both you and the woman reply in unison.

After taking a moment to appreciate the twisted humor of the situation, the female Captain finally shrugs. “Ah, well. Bombs and naval shells used to go off around here all the time.”

“Are you kidding me?” you snap. “How the hell am I going to explain this to my boss in the morning? Nobody's going to believe that the building was put in over a bomb!”

“Kisuke, I need you to reproduce fragments consistent with an American Mark 8 super-heavy shell,” the woman declares, rubbing the back of her neck. “Seed the area with them.”

“Sounds like it might work,” her partner Kisuke nods. “Give it about twenty minutes?”

“It won't work,” you insist again. “Besides, the afterlife, ghost samurai running around eating hamburgers, planar convergences? I need to tell someone.”

“There's just one little problem,” the woman tells you, producing a small silver tool from her sash. It looks kind of like a lighter. “There was a reason I told you so much about what was going on up there, and it's because I knew you wouldn't tell anyone.”

“Why would you think-”

The next morning you find yourself standing out front of a destroyed Mos Burger, explaining to the police how the entire restaurant blew up not long after you closed up around 1:30 the night before. When one of the forensics team on sight recovers a piece of American-made 16 inch naval shell, you're allowed to leave. Thankfully, all you're left with in terms of injuries is a minor concussion that leaves some of the details fuzzy. You should be grateful.

It could have been worse.
Damn, poor guy. Hope he wins the lottery or something as compensation for his trouble.
Well, he did get a bunch of gold coins.
That are made out of reishi.
damn ghost-gold.
mind if you answer some of the Q&A?
aww... no flag planting? Riku needs to claim the moon before Aizen gets there first in the spiritual spess race!
I can imagine Aizen and Mayuri's faces when they finally arrive via Rocket only to find Riku's Flag already there.
Out to get snacks, will do Q&A when I get back.
It's more a difference of the way in which each is scary. With Unohana it's more like a sense that things can go wrong and you might find yourself in danger, with Riku it's a fear that things already have gone wrong and your life is already at risk.
Brick shitting occurred at almost all stages. Oh shit what has she DONE, oh god why did she COME BACK, god dammit of COURSE she made friends with everyone EXCEPT us, etc.
>4th Division
"I'd say... maybe an 8 out of 10. I'd recommend it to my friends. The extra work really isn't that bad, turns out I was already doing most of it anyway."
"Sichuan, American dogs, and red wine."
"We're ghosts. That would be really, really weird."
>On Lovecraft
"Eh. Existential horror is better when it doesn't try and slavishly follow Lovecraft's setting notes."
>Aizen's reaction
"Though the couch and tea will be missed, I hardly find retrieving them to be an intelligent use of time and resources."
"Wow, she's... really not getting stronger as fast as I did. I guess Urahara's just a better teacher?"

"... I should go now, shouldn't I?"
To Ichigo: You're a spoiled brat you know. You had the luxury of shinigami noble and Quincy pedigree which gave you your captain class Reiatsu weight while your ex-girlfriend was some bloody muggle that had to go through the pain of having a ghost sword shoved into her soul heart just so she could go fight alongside you.

Yes. You should go, Tatsuki's pissed and has put on her shikai gloves.
Does Raijusenko cuddle with Yoruichi (the latter in cat form)?
To Ichigo: How terrified are you at eventually having to choose between Rukia and Tatsuki?
"Hey, I got stabbed too you know!"
Raijusenko isn't the cuddly type of feline.
"Choose, how?"
>"Hey, I got stabbed too you know!"

>implying that quick half-second poke from Rukia counts

I mean, Tats had someone holding a sword in her gut for a rather long time.
Unohana: Rate Riku’s killing intent from that one time.
I have finally caught up to a live thread. Freaking finally.

And now I have no idea what to ask...

Okita: How's life been going? Anything interesting happen?
Unohana: YES/10

>"Hey, I got stabbed too you know!"
Compare your half-second jab where your soul gobbled up almost all of Rukia's powers quick and easy to Tatsuki's 1-hour soul surgery your Aunt had spent almost all of her reiatsu on as both Surgeon and Life-Support extracting the power Tatsuki developed it into a soul sword without any Anesthesia. You even got the easy 3-day deluxe experimental Bankai training, while Tatsuki's spending weeks to refine her zampakuto to the point where she can manifest it. You have NO RIGHT to bitch about comparing your development to hers.

>Hates to cuddle, yet needs to be within cuddle range in order to receive the tummy rubs it demands.
>So Urahara, how scary is a pissed of Riku to you?

"Eh, still not as scary as her wife, who still knows way more about me than she does, including all my weak points. Funny how she is the... wait her wife is now a demi god too, right? And so is that Arrancar.. is a tad... no, is horrible frustrating how she does in days what it takes me decades. And without even fully understanding how she does it!"

>Watches the alternate universe were Riku ended doing MAD SCIENCE...

"What do you mean that other Riku is almost a Kami already? Who in their right mind would want that? Being a Kami has so many fucking rules of non interference that's ridiculous! And tell Urahara to stop playing around with my special gigai, they are very expensive!"

"But you made gigai that can turn any wearer into basically superheroes!"

"They just let the wearer do any physical activity they could already do with their real bodies, that's not excuse them to play being Kamen Raider!"

"And what about-"

"That was just one time, and I was drunk!"

"Whatever you say Kamen Rider Fox."
"I would give her an eight and a half out of ten. Less than average for a Kenpachi, more than average for a Captain. Her exercise of proper self-discipline and focus when exuding such killing intent is what truly excites me, as that is a quality each Kenpachi since the Second has seemed to lack."
"Not particularly. I've been reading up on the old samurai corps under the Tokugawa in my spare time, which after Head Captain Kyouraku's transition I now have again."
To be completely fair, every time Ichigo did those sorts of things it was a gamble under a serious time constraint.
>He's just like a real cat
>Do you mean to imply that there are cats that are real and CATS THAT ARE NOT?
>Kamen Rider
That's Mashiro's job.
>He's just like a real cat
>Do you mean to imply that there are cats that are real and CATS THAT ARE NOT?
I was originally referring to Raijusenko not Ichigo, but Ichigo considering how catty he can get when responding to these Q&As, Ichigo might as well qualify as a cat too.

Unohana: have you considered toning down the ambient killing intent once in a while? Records as of late report a 150% increase in stress and a 20% decrease in morale among 4th division staff. I know you feel great being finally honest with yourself but please remember that you're in 4th division not 11th division. Your subordinates are not used to you pumping out that much killing intent than what they're used to. Some of them look like they'd faint if they bump into you around the corner.

Menoly: So how was your day at the beach?

To the G13 Captains: What's your prospect on dealing with the oncoming "silver tsunami" in Japan's population and the population crisis that would inevitably come after it? No offense to the late(?) Jushiro or Toshiro.
>These days she's taken to braiding it down the front, in order to hide the scar she received from Kenpachi a long time ago. But now she's wearing her hair loose behind her, and unless it's lower than you remember it being the scar seems to be gone.

>It's Retsu who really shocks you however. Lieutenant Isane went for a deeply-conservative and somewhat boring one-piece, but her Captain is wearing a sling bikini that places the scar at the base of her throat on full display. She honestly seems not to care.

Am I missing something or did the Unohana's scar come back?
No, sadly it's just me. I completely forgot that I decided that she would heal it as part of this process, likely as a result of having taken a longer break than I anticipated.

Consider the recent reference to her scar as an unforced error on my part.

I just wanted to make an Azumanga Daioh joke. Other questions answered in a bit, technically supposed to be working.
"I fear I'm still trying to get used to my new outlook. Nobody ever said it would be an easy process, but if what makes them fear in the short term saves even one of their lives I'll consider it a worthwhile trade."
"The beach? I... had fun. Maybe for the first time in my life. Loly doesn't even realize what things could be like without Aizen, without Hueco Mundo, without fighting every second to survive. I... I want to help her, if I can."
General lack of concern. They've adapted to worse than slow demographic shifts.
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mission accomplished.jpg
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>Menoly having fun
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