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Jedi Knight Quest 13

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Character sheet:
You are Paxious Dromus, a Zabrak Jedi Initiate on Tython in the middle of your first trial in becoming a Jedi Padawan. You have wandered through Tython’s crystal cave in order to locate your own. You and your friend Nazz have chosen to search for your respective crystals together.

Schuen bu Tosoi,” you say, “It means, In the center, we Struggle.”

A passageway opens in the middle of the two paths, revealing stairs that reach down into blackness. The glow from the crystals around you seems unable to penetrate the darkness descent into wherever the stairs lead.

“It’s down there,” Nazz says as she points a finger toward the middle path. “I could sense the crystal, but it was just below us and I couldn’t find any way to get to it. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong or was sensing something else. It’s gotta be down there, though! Let’s go!”

Nazz grabs you by the shoulder and begins to walk down into the cavern.

What will you do?

> Follow Nazz
> Take one of the other paths
> “Let’s look for my crystal first.”
> “Hey, slow down! We need to be careful going in!”
> Write-in
>Follow Nazz
> Follow Nazz
> “Hey, slow down! We need to be careful going in!”
The crystal probably isn't going anywhere
>Follow Nazz

Help her overcome her fear of the dark
>Follow Nazz
>Follow Nazz
>Follow Nazz!

Hell yeah!
And then we ran headlong into darkness and stubbed every individual one of our toes one by one.
>> “Hey, slow down! We need to be careful going in!”

Woah, slow down there Satan
No problem, I'll be happy to slow down.
You guys are all welcome to run into the darkness without me, though.
We got force vision. We won't stub our toes twice.
You let Nazz pull you into the cave with her and start to run down the stairs.

“Hey,” you say, causing Nazz to turn around and begin to fall down the stairs. You catch her arm and pull her back with a slight chuckle, “We need to be careful. It’s dark here.”

You continue down the dark staircase, using your Force Vision cut through the darkness. Nazz follows just behind you, keeping on hand on the wall and another on your shoulder, squeezing it gently in apprehension every so often. As you make your way down, you notice more and more the walls becoming smoother, more crafted. The stairs seem to go on forever, with the light behind you at their top fading away.

Suddenly, you see a light forming and some sort of end to the stairs. Reaching it, you see a number of stone pillars along with a glowing pool in the center of a large cavern. Crystals glow all around on the walls, illuminating carvings of some sort. Nazz’s eyes reflect the glow of the crystals as she looks in awe at the room.

“It’s here somewhere....” she remarks.

What will you do?

> Investigate the carvings on the walls
> Investigate the pool
> Try to meditate with Nazz to locate the crystal
> Write-in
> Try to meditate with Nazz to locate the crystal
> Investigate the carvings on the walls
Why meditate and take a long time doing a deep scan of the room when the carvings on the walls could potentially be literally pointing directly at the crystal we came here for?
Investigate ALL the things! Leave no crevice untouched!

Ahem. Start with the carvings, there might be clues in them.
>craving for carving
>> Investigate the carvings on the walls
>Investigate the carvings on the walls
“Wow. So, you think Flesh Raiders made this?” Nazz asks as she starts to walk toward the glowing pool.

You laugh as you go to investigate the carvings, “I doubt it. Everything’s too old. Plus, look at these carvings.”

You see that they’re in the same language as the writing on the stone that led you here.

“I think this is some kind of old Jedi shrine.”

“So the Jedi really liked glowing pools of water back in the day?” Nazz says, “Whatever floats their boats, I guess.”

You laugh as you discern the writing, “Okay...that’s ‘rest’ I think...and there’s the word for ending or final. Okay so, “Here...Resting...Final...Je’daii Bendu…”

“Um, Pax?” Nazz says.

“Poua nai phi rouzmas o tu Je’daii Bendu...yeah Nazz?” you say as you turn around and see the water rising in the center, a large wave taking shape and becoming the form of a person. You can make out a head and arms. A voice echoes around the room, coming from everywhere.

Here lies the final resting place of the Je’daii Bendu.

What will you do?

> Run!
> Fight!
> Try talking to it.
> Write-in
>> Fight!
> Try talking to it
Try talking to it.
>Try talking to it.

Refer to it as "Ancient Master Bendu" and identify ourselves as padawans
>Try to feel the apparition through the Force
>Try talking to it

>greet politely
>Ask it about Bendu
>Ask about the eerie pool
>Ask for permission to grab some crystals

Hello, apparition
>Try talking to it, commune with it through the force.
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You grab for your practice saber on first instinct and Nazz does the same. The apparition made of water seems to grow long, flowing hair and walks out of the pool toward you and Nazz. You reach out with the Force and feel its presence. Powerful, overwhelming, dangerous, but somehow also calming. You loosen your grip on your saberstaff and let go altogether as the creature stops in front of Nazz, who looks up at its tall frame and says, “Do you...do you need a towel?”

The creature stands motionless in front of her.

“Because you look a little wet and--”

Why do you not try to strike me down, robbers?

“Robbers? No, we’re--”

I sense you are seeking treasures. Come to rob the long-empty tombs of my brothers and sisters.

“We-we’re Jedi,” Nazz says to the creature.

The apparition moves toward you.

Jedi? Curious.

The creature stops directly in front of you, its face empty of any features, resembling a mask of some kind.

“Master Spirit,” you say with a bow, “We are Jedi. We’re Initiates looking for our crystals to power our lightsabers.”

And what makes you believe these crystals belong to you? Why not take a crystal from the wall or from the cave above? Searching for the most powerful?

Nazz answers for you, “We find the ones that call out to us. Like, I can feel mine right over there!” She points beyond the pool to the cave wall.

“Spirit,” you say, “What should we call you?”

A laugh echoes through the room like the crashing of rapids against boats.

Young Jedi, I have what you are searching for. You may call me Bendu.

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>Do you need a towel
“Bendu,” you say with a bow, “I would like to ask you some questions if that’s okay.”

With a chuckle, Bendu answers, That would be fine, child.

“Were you...are you a Jedi?” you ask Bendu.

Bendu is older than the Jedi, child. When the ancient Je’daii order roamed Tython, Bendu guided them between Ashla and Bogan. I believe you call them the Light Side and the Dark Side. I’m not sure why. It makes it all seem so black and white.

“Bendu,” you ask, “What are the Bendu? I know it’s not only you. The writing on the wall says that the Je’daii Bendu lie here. It’s plural.”

Eager to learn I see. That is very good, young one. The Bendu and the Je’daii were two become one, their teachings intertwined. But they were betrayed and destroyed by slaves of Ashla and Bogan. This is their final resting place and I am its guardian.

“The pool,” you say, “Is that where you come from?”

It is where my soul rests until I decide to become one with the Force.

What do you say?

> “Can you show us where are crystals are?”
> “Why were the Bendu betrayed?”
> “Slaves to Ashla and Bogan?”
> Write-in
> “Why were the Bendu betrayed?”
> “Can you show us where are crystals are?”
>> “Why were the Bendu betrayed?”
> “Why were the Bendu betrayed?”
> “Slaves to Ashla and Bogan?”
Changing my bottom vote for an write in "Help find Nazz's crystal"

>How were the Jedai/Bendu betrayed? Why?
Caught in a fight between followers of Ashla and Bogan? Or perhaps the two caused a divide?

>Will you let/help my friend reach the crystal that calls to her?

>Do you have any advice? Or perhaps message for the masters up top?

Oh and don't forget to thank the apparition for being so forthcoming with information. Ghosts can also be morose at times.
“Why were the Je’daii Bendu betrayed?” Nazz asks.

Bendu’s face seems to sullen, When the Je’daii split between the powers of Ashla and Bogan, Bendu were few and urged to choose a side. When brothers and sisters fight, it is the family that suffers. Bendu chose no side and this was respected in the beginning. The Je’daii Bogan captured this temple, taking us captive in the last Bendu temple. The Je’daii Ashla thought the Bogan had ended us all and so they destroyed the temple.

“Slaves to the Ashla and Bogan?” you ask

Yes, the two sides which must be balanced to wield The Force.

Nazz speaks up, “Mister...Miss?... Bendu, could you show us where our crystals are?”

Bendu giggles like the first drops of rain in the spring. You notice water coming out of the pool and making its way toward the walls. The water seems to flow under the cave walls and opens two passages.

A thousand years ago, I found two crystals which called out to me. It seemed it was the will of the Force that they be placed in here. Leave your weapons at the entrance and enter to find your crystals.

“Thank you for all your help, Bendu,” you say with another bow.

You immediately sense that your door is the one on the right. Nazz’s must be on the left.

What will you do?

> Enter your door
> Ask if you and Nazz can face each trial together
> Hug Nazz for good luck
> Ask what each cave entails
> Write-in
> Hug Nazz for good luck
> Enter your door
>Hug Nazz
>> Hug Nazz for good luck
> Enter your door
>> Enter your door

You guys trying to waifu nazz so hard make me hate her.
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the waifu wars have yet to even begin properly. Just you wait.
Nazz is alright but not waifu material. I'm leaving more towards blind girl right now
Nazz is best girl.

How old even is Veen?
I'm leaning more towards the blind boy
Depends, what's the galactic age of consent?
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You face your door and place your saberstaff on the ground.

“Any advice, Bendu? Or a message for the Masters up above?” you ask the spirit as you face another dark entrance.

Bendu thinks for a moment before saying, Tell them to look to Jedha for truth. As for you, young one, remember what you have read today and remember that knowing the past and fixing the future are two very different things.

You think on this and take your first step to enter the cave before you’re ambushed on your side by Nazz hugging you.

“Good luck!” she says as she embraces you. You return the hug for a second before Nazz breaks away and runs into her cave.

With a smile on your face, you take a step into the cave.

Your Force Sight isn’t working. You’re completely blind except for your hand on the wall and the sense that your crystal is just ahead.

After a moment, you run into a door. It’s locked. What do you do?

> Break it down
> Knock
> Find the lock and see if you can pick it
> Write-in
> Knock

Should of said:
>Enter Nazz for good luck
>Hug your door
> Knock

>Nezz runs into her cave that has no fucking light in it
inb4 we hear her audibly smack into a wall.
>> Find the lock and see if you can pick it
>> Knock

Also, Nazz had the same thing with the door and ran headfirst into it.
You knock on the door and wait for a moment. It swings open, leaking blinding light into the dark cave. You walk out into a marketplace you don’t recognize. Sand whips your face, course and rough. In the center of the marketplace, a woman holds her child close as three thugs surround them, holding vibroswords

What will you do?

> Attack the thugs
> Question the thugs
> Pretend to be the thugs’ boss and sneak the mother and child away
> Write-in

Sorry for the delay, a friend is unexpectedly visiting from out of town. Gonna call it in a few posts.
>> Pretend to be the thugs’ boss and sneak the mother and child away
> Pretend to be the thugs’ boss and sneak the mother and child away
> Pretend to be the thugs’ boss and sneak the mother and child away
>> Pretend to be the thugs’ boss and sneak the mother and child away
>Thug boss Pax go!
> question the fugs
Three guys with vibro swords to take down a woman and a child? They are probably replicants.
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Thinking quickly, you take off your outer Jedi cloak and tie it around yourself, ripping one knee in your pants. You close one of your eyes and grit your teeth, practicing a sneer you aren’t very used to.

You walk into the thugs and proclaim loudly in a voice much gruffer than your own, “The hell are you doin’?”

The thugs look at each other in confusion. One speaks up, “Uh, this lady owes Saul G’dooma credits.”

“It’s not true! They’re Saul’s slavers and--” you slap the woman before she can finish.

“You idiots,” you sneer, “Saul sent me because instead of taking her to him, you decided to make a scene in the middle of the street. Now if I were you, I’d go to the nearest cantina and drink until I was brain-dead. That way you have at least some excuse for your complete incompetence. I’ll take the woman and the kid.”

The three thugs look at each other in confusion but wander off once you take the sobbing woman and her child away.

After they’re out of sight, you whisper, “Get to the nearest spaceport and find a new place to live, got it?”

The woman shakes her head silently and separates from you.

Once she’s gone, you have time to try to figure out where you are.

Until the sound of a lightsaber opening behind you interrupts your train of thought.

“Jedi,” comes out a voice in a sneer and you look to see crowds of people running from a red Lightsaber.

You have no weapon and a Sith chasing you. What do you do?

> Fight anyway. No matter the odds, the Sith must be stopped.
> Run. Try to get him to follow and lead him away from any possible civilian casualties
> Run and hide. Try to lose him and hide out until he leaves.
> Write-in
> Run. Try to get him to follow and lead him away from any possible civilian casualties
> Run. Try to get him to follow and lead him away from any possible civilian casualties.
Catch me if you can edgy McEmoPants
> Lead him away from civilians.
>Run. Try to get him to follow and lead him away from any possible civilian casualties

Taunt him the entire time, put that wit to use
>I hate everyone who wants to waifu a girl

Anon, you are the cancer.
More like i hate everyone who tries to speed waifu there girl so desperatly, first to make it worst, before everyone else got a shot.
>Sand whips your face, course and rough.

Fuck, that shit gets everywhere. So irritating.
Put it as you like. "YAYIFICATIONS!"
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You turn around and charge the Sith, causing him to pause in surprise before holding up his lightsaber to cut you down. Rolling beneath his blow, you run using the Force to accelerate yourself. The Sith follows at a similar speed and even at your fastest pace, he seems able to easily keep up. That’s okay, though. You only need to outrun him long enough to get him away from civilians.

Clearing the town, you head into the desert until you find an abandoned shack. You stop and put your hands on your knees, a little out of breath.

“You can run all you want, Jedi. Your cowardice will only save you for so long,” the Sith says.

You smile, “Actually, I was just getting you out of a crowded area. Didn’t want any civilians getting hurt.”

The Sith sneers, “Draw your lightsaber and dual.”

“Oh, that,” you say, “Yeah, I don’t have a lightsaber. I’m only an Initiate.”

The Sith laughs, “Then you will die like a dog, Jedi.”

What will you do?

> Face off against the Sith
> Try to talk him into a fair fight
> Try to talk him into sparing you
> Write-in
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> Try to talk him into a fair fight

Fucker refuses then jam something in his eye.

Motherfucker, you got a problem with my girl Recette?!
> pretend to be the sith's boss and send him to the cantina for remedial bingeing
>> Try to talk him into a fair fight
>Full fledged Sith not able to take a Jedi initiate without a handicap? Weak sauce man.
> Try to talk him into a fair fight
You are currently 15 and Veen is 13. She is a bit young but you guys are only actually 2 years apart.
>Try to talk him into a fair fight
taunting usually works. go with the "typical sith, scared he'd lose in a fair fight. You don't want to test your strength? or are you scared you're actually weaker than an initiate?" or something
> Try to talk him into sparing you

I don't even know who she is, the tone doesn't match your other words.
“Really? Just like that?” you taunt the Sith, “I’m only an initiate. You’re a full-fledged Sith. You really can’t even fight me on even grounds? That’s a little bit sad.”

The Sith growls from beneath his helmet, “Very well. I shall indulge your final request.” He closes his saber and puts it down in the sand. The wind blows loudly for a moment as you both face off against one another.

Finally, it dies down and for one second there is silence. The Sith charges forward and punches your chest with lightening speed. The wind is knocked out of you but you remain on your feet. His next punch you dodge, quickly grabbing and twisting his arm before he pushes you off. He charges in again and this time he puts you in a headlock only for you to stab the small bit of exposed neck below his mask with your horns. He yells and pushes you off, letting you punch him twice in the body before delivering a kick to his stomach. After this you get behind him and put him in a headlock, trying to knock him unconscious. He slowly stops struggling and grows weaker. You think he’s out cold.

Suddenly you’re hit with a Force Push and land on the ground, your body pinned there.

“I will not be done in by a child, even one as powerful as you,” he says through the distorted voice in his mask.

His lightsaber flies to his hands and opens. He says, “You lose, Jedi. Do you admit defeat?”

You can’t move. What do you do?

> Admit defeat. You’ve clearly lost and denying it would be giving in to your emotions.
> Never. You’ll keep fighting until the very end.
> Try to talk your way out of this. He didn’t give you a fair fight like he promised.
> Write-in
>> Never. You’ll keep fighting until the very end.
"That depends do you admit that your ugly"
> "if I took of that mask, would you die?"
Can we just levitate him, we are good at that.
> Admit defeat. You’ve clearly lost and denying it would be giving in to your emotions.

"But if you strike me down now, you're just admitting you're too afraid to let me reach my potential"
>> Never. You’ll keep fighting until the very end.
>Nah, I'm stubborn, and you're a shit head. You still needed ta cheat to get better of me.
> Admit defeat. You’ve clearly lost and denying it would be giving in to your emotions.
> Never. You’ll keep fighting until the very end.
>> Never. You’ll keep fighting until the very end.
Anon, you picked two contradictory options. Luckily one of the choices already had a majority

> Never. You’ll keep fighting until the very end.
“Never,” you say as you fight against the power keeping you pinned, “I’ll fight until the very end.”

“Noble, but prideful,” the Sith says as he lifts you up and throws you into the door of the abandoned shed.

You look up, dazed, to see the Sith approaching you. He gets to the doorway of the shack before halting and saying, “Tell Ambrose that I am coming.”

He slams the shack door, leaving you in darkness.

As your eyes adjust, you realize, you’re back in the cave.

A small light appears in front of you.

That’s...your crystal!

> To be continued

Tomorrow or Sunday, we'll get your lightsaber crystal and choose your lightsaber color!
Hot dog. Good run Bumly
Nice, good run tonight Bumly
What was our dad's name again?
Bo Dromus
John-Billy-James-Raul-Talamoose-Sinkhole-Jumpman-Planetoid III.
We know anyone named Ambrose?
You don't recognize the name.

Thanks for the thread OP!
Thanks for playing!
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You make your way through the pitch-dark tunnel, unable to see using your Force Sight. Your crystal is just up ahead, still glowing just as brightly as before. You put one hand on the wall and inch forward toward the light carefully.

A cold wind hits you from the side and on your next step, you realize the wall that you’ve been guiding yourself with has vanished. There could be a thousand foot pit right in front of you for all you know. You’re about to try to reach out for the crystal with the Force when you’re suddenly knocked off your feet.

“Ow, ohh, ah!” sounds from whatever knocked you down as you both bounce on the hard stone.

You regain your senses and look to see Nazz sitting just a few feet away from you, rubbing her head where you ran into her.

“Okay,” she says, “You get to be the one to get hit in the head next time. Ugh.”

What do you do?

> “Nazz, what are you doing here?”
> “Did you get your crystal?”
> “Have you had any visions?”
> Help her up.
> Write-in
> “Did you get your crystal?”
> “Have you had any visions?”
> Help her up.
>Help her up
>What are you doing here
>“Nazz, what are you doing here?”
> “Did you get your crystal?”
> “Did you get your crystal?”
> “Have you had any visions?”
> Help her up.
>Help her up.
> “Did you get your crystal?”
> “Have you had any visions?”
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“You okay?” you ask as you move to help her up, “Didn’t get you with any horns?”

Nazz smiles at you and blushes slightly when you take her hand to help her up, “No, I’m fine. Just shaken.”

“How’d you end up here anyway?”

“Well,” Nazz begins, “First I was running through the cave after I...well yeah I was running and I ran into a door and that was awful.” She points to a bruise on her shoulder.

“Did you go through the door? Did you have visions?” you ask.

Nazz looks at you curiously, “I went through the door, yeah. I picked the lock and got to the other side of the cave. I’ve just been wandering around ever since.”

“So you haven’t gotten your crystal?” you ask.

“No. It’s close, though,” Nazz says before looking toward the glowing light and giving you a smile, “Seems like you’ve got yours, though.”

You take another step toward your crystal when Nazz interrupts you.

“Hey,” she says, “Why don’t we take a break? I’m exhausted from running in circles around this cave.”

“What do you mean?” you say to her as you turn your head to discover that Nazz’s face is now uncomfortably close to yours.

“I mean,” she says as one of her hands rests itself on your face while the other sneaks to touch your chest, “We take a break.”

This seems incredibly unlike Nazz. What will you do?

> Kiss her
> No...something’s not right…
> No...this isn’t the Jedi Way...
> Write-in
>No...something’s not right…

The middle of trials is not the time for this, afterwards maybe if this is real Nazz but I doubt it is
>> No...something’s not right…

>While that sounds like a fine idea, how about after we get done with the tests, or at least out of the caves where we can see? Are you SURE I didn't hurt you Nazz?
>No...something’s not right…
>No...something’s not right…
Jam it in
Too good to be true also not how she acts.

>No...somthing's not right...

Agreed! This.
>No...something’s not right…

Another illusion?
> No...something’s not right…
Her face moves closer to yours.

“Nazz...this isn’t…”

She isn’t listening to you.

“Nazz,” you say as you push her off, “This isn’t the time or the place for that kind of thing.”

Nazz’s eyes widen in surprise and then narrow with a kind of venom you didn’t know she was capable of. “Of course now isn’t the time,” she says, “Of course you need to treat me like a child and throw a lecture at me.”

“Nazz,” you say, “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you? This isn’t like you.”

“Why, not enough puns? Not funny enough for you? Maybe I’ll find a banana peel here in this dark cave and slip on it. Would that make you happy? Maybe I’ll give a ditzy remark about your horns or the cave walls or how we always seem to run into each other. Get it? Like how you run from committing to anything! Maybe if I make enough of a fool of myself, you’ll make an actual decision for once in your life instead of clinging to the fence so that you can dip your pretty fucking fingers in everything you can. Maybe you’ll stop trying to be so perfect at everything and actually choose something to excel at, you aimless, over-protective ass!”

Nazz’s last words echo through the chamber. Even in the dark, you can see the bloodshot redness of crying eyes.

“Nazz,” you tell her, “Nazz, this isn’t coming from you.”

“This,” she says, “Is all coming from you. You’re the one who has yet to make any real choice. At some point in the future, you’re going to have to choose. Maybe it’ll be between saving me or saving Ara. Maybe you’ll have to save your brother or your dad. Maybe you’ll have to choose between the Dark side and the Light. But you can’t live in bad faith forever. At some point, you have to choose.”

Nazz stands in front of you, blocking the path to your crystal.

“You won’t always be able to struggle in the middle. So which is it? Me or the crystal?”

Nazz puts up her hands as if to fight you. This can’t be the real Nazz. It must be some kind of hallucination or vision. What will you do?

> Even if it’s a vision, you won’t fight a friend. Try to get the crystal without fighting her.
> This isn’t the real Nazz and it stands in the way of your goal. Take her out.
> Even if you're just a vision, friends come first. If you had to lose Nazz to become a Jedi, it wouldn't be worth it.
> Write-in
>Even if you're just a vision, friends come first. If you had to lose Nazz to become a Jedi, it wouldn't be worth it.
>This isn’t the real Nazz and it stands in the way of your goal. Take her out.
> Even if you're just a vision, friends come first. If you had to lose Nazz to become a Jedi, it wouldn't be worth it.
>> Even if it’s a vision, you won’t fight a friend. Try to get the crystal without fighting her.
BUT if we cannot
> Even if you're just a vision, friends come first. If you had to lose Nazz to become a Jedi, it wouldn't be worth it.

>That sounds awfully a lot like what happened to get the Bendu killed. Sometimes one has to struggle to due what's right, Light side or Dark.
>Even if you're just a vision, friends come first. If you had to lose Nazz to become a Jedi, it wouldn't be worth it.
>I'm not going to hurt my friends or innocents when pursuing a job, even if it's just a test.
>Try to get the crystal without fighting her

There may or may not be a way to succeed without compromising principles, but damned if we won't try to find it!
>tfw if you're perfect at everything you don't have to choose to excel because you're already perfect

It's a concussion. Or a really dumb illusion.
>> This isn’t the real Nazz and it stands in the way of your goal. Take her out.
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“Nazz,” you tell her, “If I had to lose you, or lose any of my friends to become a Jedi, it wouldn’t be worth it. I’m going to get that crystal, but I won’t fight you.”

Nazz flares her nostrils and snarls at you, “So for now, you struggle in the center.”

She rushes at you, fists clenched.

What will you do?

> Dodge around her and get to the crystal.
> Take the hits she gives. You said you wouldn’t fight.
> She’s not real. Hopefully. Punch her out and grab the crystal.
> Write-in
>Dodge around her and get to the crystal.
>Dodge around her and get to the crystal.
>> Dodge around her and get to the crystal.
>So which are you? A Slave to Ashla, or Bogan?
> Dodge around her and get to the crystal.
>Dodge around her and get to the crystal.

(Ben Kenobi would have something to say about absolutes here I'm sure)
This. Best answers so far
Roll me 3d10, best of 3, DC9
Rolled 6, 1, 9 = 16 (3d10)

Rolled 4, 9, 7 = 20 (3d10)

Rolled 10, 7, 9 = 26 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 4, 6 = 11 (3d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Damn, the illusionary Nazz is quite a piece of work

emotion manipulation feels pretty sithy
Rolled 5, 10, 1 = 16 (3d10)

fukken clutch lad
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Well, well, well...

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This isn’t the real Nazz. She’s charging you in anger. She’s snarling like an animal. She’s a poor imitation. Just how similar it looks to your friend makes you feel sad. That sadness soon gets swallowed in a sea of calm as you prepare to intercept her charge. With one swift move, you sidestep the charge and find the wall close to you. Jumping off it, you dodge around the faux-Nazz and quickly run toward your crystal. Screeching, she lunges toward you only for you to outrun her.

You pick up the crystal and tuck it in your hand.

Nazz is on her knees and a harsh wind has entered the cave.

“Maybe,” she says through distorted voice, “You’re strong enough. Maybe the center is your struggle. Or maybe you’re just too hard-headed to make up your mind.” She pauses to giggle before her eyes grow desperate, “Something’s coming through the Force. Something big is coming to Tython.”

Shadows envelop the room and you’re left in pitch darkness. Then, your Force Sight kicks in. The cave is empty and small. In fact, you can see the slight glow of the lake and Bendu straight ahead of you. You begin to make your way back out.

You hear Nazz outside, talking to Bendu.

“And so then, after the thing ran off with my crystal, I made a trap using a stone and some rations I always keep on me in case of emergency snacking. So, I didn’t end up throwing the stone, but--” Nazz pauses when she sees you and her face lights up, “Pax, I got my crystal! And I made a new friend!”

Nazz holds up her green crystal in one hand and a lizard that looks very frightened in the other. Nazz clutches the lizard close again and gives it a scratch on the head, which seems to calm it down.

“So, what color crystal did you get?” she asks you.

You realize you haven’t even looked yet. You open your hand and observe the crystal.

What color is your crystal?

> Blue
> Green
> Yellow
> Cyan
> Orange
> Viridian
> Purple
> Silver
> Write-in

I’m going to leave this open for a few hours before calling the vote. We’ll end here tonight and pick up either on Sunday or on Monday.

Let's scare the everloving shit out of everyone.
>> Silver
I love my sliver sabers they look so cool
> Cyan

Something that's different from the norm but not a scary color. Like us it marches tot he beat of it's own drum.
> Silver


It's actually possible if the electromagnetic field traps the light from the saber and the light entering it, which is something a laser lattice can accomplish in real life.

Does anyone else just kind of not give a shit about lightsaber colors? Seriously, I don't see the point. It's a stick with one color, it can't and shouldn't be used as a means to communicate everything important about an individual.

Silver with a black core that mixes together the closer it gets to the top.
Sith energy can turn a crystal's color Red or in extreme cases black.
>> Cyan
that pic takes me back...


Kick ass color
The Darksaber was ancient well before the Mandalorians stole it during the war with the Old Republic. It clearly held a place of honor among the Jedi.

Let's mix things up by introducing a second one~

No purple no black no gay edgy colors
Literally op said in the discord yesterday that Black is not an option.
>tfw the darksaber is a unique construction and is not necessarily unique because the "blade" is black
>implying anyone but hipsters and faggots use Discord

Discord is even more of a forced meme than Milhouse.
What's your source? I'm looking in Wookiepedia and it does talk about a darksaber, but there's nothing indicating that it's a corrupted lightsaber at all. It was made that way from the start and isn't actually aspected towards the dark or light side of the force. It's just a black lightsaber with a white corona.
Sucks to suck but OP uses it so..

Keep trying edgelord.
I don't use Discord so that's new information for me. If that's the case I'm just going to reiterate that i don't care about the color and let you guys decide. I'm more apt to care about the functional characteristics of the crystal.

I don't get this black shit. Lightsaber have a color cause they emit light. Lights is additive, black light isn't a thing, certainly not something you could emit. The only way you could make it look black is to absorb all incoming light, at which point it wouldn't be a lightsaber.

Also, discord is pure, unadulterated, top shelf, fine grade cancer

(I usually just lurk but saber color is a big enough deal for me to vote. Hi Bumly, love the quest, sorry I'm not more active)
> Orange
> Purple
> Silver
Meh. Silver. Even though it seems kinda bland and non-commital.

Which is actually alot like Pax, apparently.
Personally, I've always liked Orange as a lightsaber color.
The only silver sabers I saw were in that clone wars animated series. And they looked godawful. But that's just my opinion.
They were also a thing in KotOR 2, which was fucking awesome.
Actually, the only time a White crystal has been shown to happen is when a Red crystal is "purified" of its dark side. Which means that this crystal might have been red when we picked it up.

And that it'd have some history.

Given that Kyber crystals are sentient, force sensitive beings, that means we might get some interesting fluff from meditating on it.
>Given that Kyber crystals are sentient, force sensitive beings,

Is that new canon? I never heard of that being a thing. Or EU stuff?
It's from Ultimate Star Wars.
New canon is so fucking ass. Rey learns how to use her goddamn powers in a day, lightsaber crystals are sentient, the storm trooper helmets filter smoke but NOT other gasses. I would like a blanket statement from Bumly that new canon is subject to case by case approval.
>> Cyan
Let's not be different just to be different.
What about the Master Tera in the clone wars?
Green with a purple pulse.
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as you examine the clear but foggy crystal further, you realize that it is just a piece of quartz and you must have grabbed the wrong crystal. Out of frustration you forsake the jedi order and head to the space port to become...

>a custom helmet/hat designer, for non symmetrical skull shaped aliens

>part time salesman at the local mineral shop

>a no good smuggler with a large multi limbed companion

>a force sensitive member of republic intelligence
fuck off copy cat
> spider bandit
>the father of a /qst/ shitposter that makes piss-poor attempts to hijack quests.
>Other: A convincing shitposter.
>Other: Movie star
>Other: A man
>Invite all the pretty ladies at the academy, Nazz, Ara, Kay, Veen, Lu, Beril
>Other: Fucking Revan
>a custom helmet/hat designer, for non symmetrical skull shaped aliens

Thanks for the quest, Bumly!
Oh, also, I'm calling the vote and tallying.
Whelp, it seems we have a tie of sorts between Orange and Silver. However, several posts have given answers similar to silver (white, silver with a black core) that I did not include in the count for silver.

I've decided that at least the vote for white deserves to be included in the silver count. So silver wins.

We'll start up again tomorrow unless I'm preoccupied. Then Monday should be good.
>stuck with one of the ugliest saber colors

shiiieeeeet why is it always irrelevant things like cosmetics that are so angering?

Can't get mad over an important and liked NPC getting offed, but we aren't wearing a hat WITH a feather? Better stab someone in the throat.
Actually silver naturally boosts force usage do it'll come in real handy with our mostly force based style
That's cool. I think a semen colored saber suits us.
Honestly I liked the idea of it being a 'purified' red crystal that had been 'brought back to the center' for flavor value, but if that doesn't jive with your interpretations of the setting and ideas for the character that's understandable. I don't intend to be a faggot about it.
I've always preferred that the reason sith sabers are red is because most of them are the synthetic crystals and they chose to have them red. The synthetic crystals were chosen because they were more "powerful" than most naturally occurring crystals used in saber construction so they used the synthetic ones to get an advantage.

If the color is from the crystal rather than the user (which I believe it used to be a saber's color corresponded to where the user stood with the Force, hence why Windu had a purple saber because how he skirted the darkside blah blah) it makes it far less personal. Not that I have a problem with choosing what color we get, I just don't think the color should have any impact to the plot or mechanically affect the character in any way.

Also kind of makes meditating on the crystal to attune it and yourself to it kind of moot if it is some shenanigan crystal that belonged to a sith then didn't and blah blah, it wouldn't matter since the crystal is already a thing on its own.

Jesus, man, why couldn't things be simple with the colors? Why do they have to throw in all these different explanations and shit for why a saber looks the way it does just to change it the next day? Just make it a rock that produces a specific color and be done with it. Canon-fluid crystals goddamn.
I feel you
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You look down at the crystal shimmering in your palm and observe the pale silvery glow coming from the almost white core. Its presence feels calming, yet powerful.

“It’s silver,” you say, a smile permeating your face as you stare at the crystal that will soon power your very own lightsaber.

Interesting. Crystals of silver are rarer breeds, although certainly not unheard of. Some say they are forged in the heat of a desert sun over a thousand years. Others claim they are crystals cleansed in waterfalls after hundreds of years. Some say they were once crystals of red, but a great Je’daii Bendu meditated on them until the red faded, leaving only silver. These crystals were favored by my brothers and sisters for meditation aids. It will serve you well I think.

Nazz gives Bendu a confused look, “Well which of those is it? Oh, or maybe it was forged in the only waterfall on a desert planet while a Je’daii Bendu meditated on it for a thousand years!”

Laughter like raindrops echoes around the cave as Bendu answers Nazz, Indeed, child. Perhaps it was as you say. These are all merely legends and there are always some truths in legends.

You briefly wonder how the others have fared looking for their own crystals.

What will you do?

> Say goodbye to Bendu and go find the others
> Ask Bendu a few final questions (what?)
> "What will you do now, Bendu?"
> Write-in
> Say goodbye to Bendu and go find the others
>Thank the bendu for their help and ask where the exit is

>Have ancient Je'dai undergone these vision trials as well?
>Are there more spirits like you around?

>Say goodbye to Bendu, wish it a peaceful rest and go find the others
> "What will you do now, Bendu?"
>Say goodbye to Bendu and go find the others
>Have ancient Je'dai undergone these vision trials as well?
>Are there more spirits like you around?
> "What will you do now, Bendu?"

These are good questions
>Ask Bendu a few final questions (what?) Can we come visit again?
>> "What will you do now, Bendu?"
>tfw you remember Darth Maul's Saberstaff needed 4 crystals in it

We're not going to need to find three more of these apparently rare silver crystals to make the weapon we've been using this whole time, right?
Those were lame sheev's synthethic crystals.
This is artifact and natural superior one, it'll be more than enough methinks.
Synthetic crystals were just as good as naturally forming ones. You had to use the darkside to get them made correctly, though. They also had a higher energy output, and could "break" other sabers when they struck them occasionally.

They aren't exactly "lame".

Also the fact that a saberstaff is still two lightsabers more or less taped together would mean it takes at the very least two crystals. But let's say it takes only one crystal, it would be center set, which is the easiest place to hit and destroy a saberstaff and exactly where someone would aim to destroy your weapon and disarm you. Pretty big weakness that.

The hilts are made out of Lightsaber resistant material though aren't they?

And maybe once we get into actually crafting the saber we find that the crystal naturally splits along a small fault line
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“Bendu,” you ask, “the trial we just went through, the visions--”

“Wait,” Nazz interjects, “You had visions? Again?! All I did was chase Curtis around the cave for my crystal.” Nazz holds up the lizard she has apparently named Curtis. Curtis sticks his tongue out.

Describe me these visions, child. Were they of the future? Or were they to test your skills?

“Testing my skills,” you say, “First I was on some desert planet fighting a Sith and then I was back in the cave and was attacked by another vision.”

The Je’daii Bendu often used these caverns for their affinity with both sides of the Force. Visions would often appear to those struggling to maintain balance, being pulled one direction or the other. They would often appear to those whose future was destined to help bring balance, or unbalance, to the Force. I cannot say for certain which is correct.

Nazz interjects, “So, Pax is some kinda Chosen One? Does he get special Chosen One powers or like a black lightsaber or something?”

You laugh at the thought, “I don’t think it means I’m a chosen one, Nazz. I think it just means that a lot is going to change in the future and I’m going to have something to say about it. There’s probably a lot of people who would get visions like that coming in here.”

Very wise, child.

Nazz thinks on this for a moment before asking Bendu, “Are there a lot of people like you, Bendu? Force spirits?”

Bendu’s tone saddens slightly.

There were Je'daii Bendu scattered throughout the galaxy. Some were on Jedha, others on Atollon, and others still on Yavin. I do not know of any who remain. As for spirits like myself, I do not know. The process which made me like this is lost to years, as is my state before this.

“Can we come back and see you if we have questions?” you ask Bendu.

As long as you can remember the way, I shall answer your questions. I sense it is not long before I am no longer needed to defend this resting place but as long as a remain, I am happy to answer questions.

“What will you do now? Once we leave?” Nazz asks.

Meditate on the galaxy, as I have done for millennia.

“Thank you for your guidance, Bendu,” you say with a bow as you and Nazz prepare to head out.

“Yeah, thanks!” Nazz adds in with a hasty bow as you both exit to Bendu silently reentering the water it emerged from.

You and Nazz make your way up the stairs and find yourselves back in the crystal caves. You hear distant voices of your friends echoing, possibly carried for miles through the narrow tunnels.

“So, about those visions!” Nazz says, “I want to hear all about it! You only gave a vague description to Bendu but tell me the whole thing!”

I was merely memeing desu, but if we meet a foe that will beat our Force reflexes to the point where they can bisect our weapon, we'll be in deep trouble regardless how many crystals we've got in it.
What will you do?

> “I’ll talk about it once we’re with everyone.”
> Tell her everything
> Tell her everything except for fighting Evil Nazz
> Tell her everything except Evil Nazz trying to make out with you
> Write-in
>> Tell her everything
>Tell her everything except Evil Nazz trying to make out with you
as we're walking out, no need to stop to tell the story
>Tell her everything
>Tell her everything

As far as Evil Nazz trying to make out with us don't cast it in a judgmental light, but it is important to the vision and we haven't started lying about anything
>Tell her everything
Obi-Wan did it to Maul. And resistant doesn't mean it's impervious to it.

It's actually just one big flaw with the weapon. Even if you are equally matched with someone it's a big, obvious target. They don't have to "beat" you per se, just get close enough to actually hit it while you're doing things.

Or they could just grab it, but that seems like a poor idea.
>> Tell her everything except for fighting Evil Nazz
>> Tell her everything except Evil Nazz trying to make out with you
> "Well, I did get into an argument with some kind of Evil Nazz."
> “I’ll tell you all about it once we're all back together.”
I don't see any reason to keep that a secret from her, but I also don't see a reason to tell the story more than once.
>resistant doesn't mean it's impervious to it.
Cortosis casing!

ok ok I'll be quiet.

>They don't have to "beat" you per se
well they have to penetrate your guard and land a hit powerful enough to break the weapon. If they can do that, they can kill us as well.
They don't have to penetrate your guard, because that particular spot is a hole in it. Because unlike with a regular saber you have to hold the hilt out in the open rather than at your side when maneuvering and attacking. It's simply harder to defend that specific spot, it's a weakness. If someone can exploit your weakness then naturally you want to be able to circumvent that weakness, like having each end of the blade be a functioning saber. Then if they do hypothetically cut your staff in half you now have two sabers, rather than a broken staff that won't function. It would turn absolute defeat into a fighting chance.

And I'm pretty sure a cortosis casing would fuck up the saber, since coming in contact with cortosis in high enough concentration will short out a lightsaber wholesale.
Well apparently it's not enough of a weakness for concept of a saberstaff to be abandoned entirely. If it is, maybe we should just switch to single or dual wielding regular sabers instead.

Or we can just not overthink it and roll with it.
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“Well, it started with this door. I knocked on it and it opened into a desert planet where a bunch of thugs were harassing this woman holding a baby.”

“That sounds so much more exciting than getting a lizard to throw up your crystal,” Nazz tells you as the two of you walk toward roughly where you think your friends were heading.

“So, I pretended to be from their boss and got them to go away but then a Sith showed up out of nowhere and started hunting me all through the town and I managed to get him away from large crowds before I fought him and it seemed like I won but then he used the Force to pin me to the ground. Then he told me to tell Ambrose he was coming or something. After that, I ended up back in the caves and saw my crystal.”

“Huh, you didn’t even win?” Nazz asks, “I feel like you’d need to win to ‘pass’ the trial or whatever.”

“I think I was supposed to lose. I think it might have been a test of how I lose. Anyway, I went to grab it but ran into you. So, after you tried to make out with me--”

“Wait, WHAT?!” Nazz exclaims, red-faced, “I DID NO SUCH THING!”

“Relax! I’m getting to that!” you say, “I realized you were actually another vision and then the Evil Nazz fought me but I didn’t want to fight Evil Nazz so instead I dodged around her and grabbed the crystal. After that, she disappeared after telling me something was coming.”

“Okay,” Nazz says, “Just so you know, I would never make out with someone--”

She pauses as if thinking of the right words, “Okay, I would never make out with you...no that’s not what I…”

Nazz takes a deep breath and covers up her red cheeks, “Okay, Pax, I would at least wait until we got out of the caves.”

You laugh, “Force, how are you not failing Jedi Ethics?”

Nazz laughs in return before saying in an exaggerated voice that reminds you of the holochannels your dad used to block, “I would do anything to get an A, Master Jedi!”

That’s when you come to an intersection where you can hear your friends voices clearly. It seems like Lu is down one hallway and Jorraan and Ara are down the other.

Which way will you go?

> Left, to Lu
> Right, to Jorraan and Ara
> Write-in
> Left, to Lu
Jorraan and Ara can probably handle themselves.
Going to take a dinner break! Be back soon!
> Left, to Lu
Lets see how our friend is doing.
Let's check on the lonely one first.
>Left to Lu
>Left, to Lu

Let's check up on him and reply to Nazz "That was actually the exact response I gave Halluci-Nazz. Simply irresponsible to ignore the tests for that."
It's a big enough weakness that it is addressed as such and not ignored entirely. So at higher levels of skill and play it would be much more important in combat since it is inherently exploitable. I'm not saying it's a neon sign that says "kill me" but we shouldn't ignore it as a possibility, either through bad luck on our part or them going exclusively for that bit eventually it will happen that someone hits it. And it's better to be prepared for it than ignore it.

Don't brush it under the rug. You should be aware of any and all shortcomings of everything you'll use in combat regardless of their level of severity.
> Left, to Lu
Jorraan and Ara have each other to stay safe. Lu is all alone, and could use a couple spare pairs of eyes since he's fresh out
>> Left, to Lu
I'm no expert on lightsaber fighting but I'd say that the way in which saberstaff is limited in maneuvering compared to regular saber is a bigger weakness than the fact its hilt can be cut in half.

Besides, wouldn't making the hilt big enough to house multiple crystals just cause it to be physically larger and making it even easier target?
It's already physically large compared to regular sabers. It has two full-sized blades on either end which would require two full-sized amplifier and emitter assemblies on either end just to begin with.

The way a saberstaff is used is sometimes considered a strength in how unusual it is compared to regular lightsaber combat. At least according to the few guys who got really fucking good at using them. Something about the "treating it like two lightsabers instead of one big one" or something like that. The fact of the matter is that canonically the saberstaff has been split in half, but never has it been shown that the way it is used is inherently weaker than a single saber or a saber in each hand, since that boils down to individual skill.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce Lu
“Hey, I think Lu is down this way,” you say, pointing to the left.

“Yeah,” Nazz agrees, “Ara and Jorraan should be fine together but Lu might need some extra eyes.”

You raise an eyebrow at Nazz before she back-pedals, “Okay, that was a complete accident. I swear.”

That doesn’t stop her from giggling to herself as the two of you enter the winding cave and make your way through it to find Lu in a stone cage. It seems like it fell from above. Behind you, there's a series of elaborate doors that look to have some type of movable pieces.

“Thank the Force! Pax, Nazz! Help me lift this thing off! It’s too heavy for me to do alone,” Lu says.

> Help Lu
> How’d you get trapped in this?
> Where’s your crystal?
> This is why we didn’t want to split up!
> Write-in
>How’d you get trapped in this?
> Write-in
Have you had any luck finding your crystal?
> Help Lu
> How’d you get trapped in this?
>Help Lu
tell him he can do it, he just has to calm down and focus
How’d you get trapped in this?
> Help Lu
> How’d you get trapped in this?
> Where’s your crystal?
> Where'd your pants go?
>How'd you end up in that?
>You sure you don't want to try lifting it yourself again? We believe in you! Do eeet!

Help him if it doesn't work though.
Changing my vote
>How’d you get trapped in this?
>You sure you don't want to lift it yourself? We believe in you! Do eeet!
There is no try.

> They don't have to penetrate your guard, because that particular spot is a hole in it.
Not sure that's what your guard is buddy.
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Your guard involves this whole thing and how you move it. With any part except the middle you can intercept, redirect or block, that's your guard.

They aren't aiming for anything you are guarding, they are aiming for your weapon. You can't guard that part of the saber owing to how the weapon is constructed. With a single saber you can put the dull end right up against yourself and hit everything incoming in front of it, that's something you can't do with a saberstaff because the other end will kill you too.

So you have to hold it out and away from your body and move it that way, which means holding it out alongside yourself, above yourself, or in front or behind yourself whilst spinning or otherwise moving it. Taking into account the third dimension which is simply thrusting towards it which means you have to simultaneously raise/lower it whilst spinning it to deflect the attack or disengaging entirely.

They hit the one part that still can't do anything. This is easily exploited by someone who uses two sabers properly (I.E. actually attacking and guarding simultaneously, which honestly fucks everyone up, even if no one who uses two swords ever does that in any media fucking ever)

Basically you can only move that part away which means exposing yourself or moving your entire body. Which is tiring by comparison. Also why Juyo and Ataru would best with it because they already involve a fuckton of movement/acrobatics anyway.

It's a hole. In your defenses. It's not complicated.
>You can't guard that part of the saber
You fucking move the whole thing dipshit.
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Lightsabers have a different type of guard, though. Because lightsabers can cut and defend from any side. So the guard for a lightsaber would look more like pic related. That combined with the fact that double-bladed lightsabers are generally wielded similarly to spears in a lot of their portrayals leads me to think that it wouldn't be too hard to overcome that hole in the guard.

That's just my two cents though.
I'm guessing you can't read.

There is only so much I can depict with lazy tegaki. The problem is still the same. Coming in perpendicularly requires far more effort to defend against than any other saber would require, and if not done properly can result in the destruction of your weapon rather easily.

Or your hand.
erm if you move the saber along the middle red arrow, you'll intercept strike from direction of the blue ones.

Blocking two attacks at once will be tricky regardless of weapon.
Which they can counteract your motion by moving their weapon in the same direction you are moving yours, albeit slightly more diagonally. Which means you have to be much faster or they will edge you out just slightly and connect. Hence why in that situation it is easier to move back entirely rather than try to intercept it. Which is more tiring.
I find it kind of funny nobody's addressing the way OP's been obviously making fun of our indecisiveness and super speshul chosen one syndrome this whole time
Or am I just imagining that?
Well it makes sense the Force test would aim for Pax's soft spots, no?

fair enough

at least the extra blade makes it easier to cover larger area even with its limitations, I suppose.
No doubt. Makes deflecting blaster shots almost trivial. Also those juicy saber throws are twice as nice.
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“Did you get your crystal?” you ask Lu as you investigate the trap that’s been sprung upon him.

“It’s on the other side of that door,” he says, gesturing toward the ornate looking door with movable parts on it. “It had some kind of manual lock and I was solving the puzzle on it when the cage fell on me.”

“Well did you move the stones away from the trap switch before you started the puzzle?” Nazz asks.

“No...Trap switch? Where?” Lu asks, clearly confused.

Nazz laughs, “Ha! It’s just to your left! You should’ve read the directions written over on that wall more carefully...wait...wait no…”

That’s when you notice the writing on the wall. Considering how the text is nearly the same color as the cave wall and the entire cave isn’t well-lit to begin with, you’re surprised you were even able to catch it.

Lu takes a very deep breath in and lets out very calmly, “Son of a lonesome lady kath hound.”

“Lu, I’m sorry, I didn’t--”

“No, Nazz, it’s fine. Two-dimensional written language continues to be the bane of my existence. I’m not going to get angry, I’m just going to get things done now that I know,” Lu says, managing to remain calm.

You get ready to help Lu out of the cage only for him to take a deep breath and tell you, “I’ve got this.”

Rather than lifting the cage off, Lu bends two of the bars and slips through, commenting, “I can’t believe I’ve been trapped for like 10 minutes and didn’t think to do that. Okay, before I solve the door puzzle, is there anything else written on the wall that I need to do?”

“Well,” Nazz comments, “It says you need to solve the puzzle while blindfolded and wearing a pretty pink dress.”

Lu can’t help but laugh at the joke before he lifts his hand and moves squares on the door until it finally opens.

“I think I’ve got this from here, although if you guys have your crystals, you can come along and read anymore writing on the walls,” Lu says as he enters the door.

What will you do?

> Go with Lu
> Go find Ara and Jorraan and make sure they’re okay
> Wait outside the caves for both to finish their trials
> Write-in
> Wait outside the caves for both to finish their trials

They have to go this alone.
> Wait outside the caves for both to finish their trials
> Go find Ara and Jorraan and make sure they’re okay
> Let Nazz stay with Lu to relay any writing he can't find

Who said this has to be done alone?
>> Wait outside the caves for both to finish their trials
Well we came down together, might as well help out a bit. The caves seem to have way of separating the tested when necessary anyway.

>Go with Lu for now at least
I say we escort him part way and let him do the actual test alone
>> Go with Lu
>> Go find Ara and Jorraan and make sure they’re okay
>Go with Lu

We are the best for interpreting these caves writing, Archaeology HO!
I fucking fell asleep. Still writing. Last post of the night.
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“I’m sticking around, at least for now,” you tell Lu, “Just in case you need us to read to you again.”

“Waiting outside sounds super boring,” Nazz says, petting her lizard.

“Wait,” Lu says, “Why do you have a lizard?”

“His name is Curtis and he swallowed my crystal so now he’s mine,” Nazz tells Lu matter-of-factly.

Lu shrugs, muttering, “Of course he is.”

The three of you enter the next room to find it completely bare. The only thing you can see is a large hole in the wall to your left. It looks just big enough for someone to crawl their way through.

“It’s in here. Not too far in from what I can sense,” Lu tells you as you look inside to see only darkness.

“I’m going in. Only follow me if I yell,” he tells you all as he takes off his outer cloak and drops it onto the dry cave floor before crawling into the hole.

You and Nazz sit together in silence.

“Force knows I couldn’t do that,” Nazz says, “I need my space.”

“Curtis disagrees with you,” you point out Nazz nearly suffocating the lizard with her embrace. She lightens up once you point this out and gives him a scratch behind the ears.

“So,” you begin, “What do you think Lu’s color will--”

You’re cut off by a shrill scream from inside the hole followed by, “Not good, no, not good!”

You move to climb into it but Lu bursts from the hole, kicking you in the face. You go down, your vision blurring for a moment before you look up to find and Lu picking you up and running out of the room. You look back at the hole to find spiders, the smallest of which is nearly the size of your hand, rushing toward you. The three of you make it out the door and close it behind you, fighting against the weight of countless spiders pushing up against it. You manage to shut it and Lu hastily relocks the door.

“Fuck it, I don’t need to have a crystal to become a Jedi, right? I can just focus on the Force!” Lu says laughing in relief at getting out of the room.

Nazz and Lu set you down as you rub your bruised face, “That could have gone better.”

“Yeah,” Nazz says, “How are you going to get your crystal now?”

Lu sits quietly for a moment before using the force to unlock the door again.

“Close the door as soon as I go in. Open it once I knock,” Lu says.

You raise an eyebrow, “Do you have a plan?”

“I’ve got something better than a plan,” Lu says, “I’ve got the Force.”

> to be continued

I’ll be around to answer questions for a bit.
Why spiders, Bomly?
Just squash em.
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