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Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 148
Thread images: 14

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Stage 126: Catastrophe, Catasstrophy, and Cataclysm.

“So, there was this soft golden light all around her, and it was much brighter than the warm pink light around Yui, so I decided to touch it. I was going to ask if Akari had been possessed by an angle, but it turned out that she possessed Nikne Kamuy.” Lying on the couch with your left arm cradled close, your head currently rests on the lap of your wife, while Akari hovers almost anxiously (!) behind the couch.

Yui is kneeling next to the couch, her Void Eyes glimmering silver and darkness, as she runs her hand over your belly and chest, a few inches between the soft silk and satin robe and obi you wear. You can see her aura interacting with yours, and it's actually quite lovely.

Yuuhi is by the front door, dozing off. Several kisses and head-pats seem to have mollified the distressed nogitsune-born after you seemed to pull off a miraculous series of moves. Ones that ended with Akari having two armfuls of hot chick and you tickling Yuuhi's cleavage, against all the odds. Despite the fancy footwork and managing to actually count coup on Yuuhi- chan (something you know in your right mind should never have been possible) you're still out of sorts, off balance, and having issues with your sense of self.

“But why did you defend yourself against everyone? They were only trying to help....” That would be Kaga Kei, possibly the most sane Kaga sorceress you've met. Granted, your limited number of comparisons is small, but even the more advanced members of her clan are a little whacked out. You fought a couple when the Hojo Group security decided you weren't fit for the job.

Boy did they learn better fast.

“Well, it wasn't so much that they were trying to help me, as much as it was they were all trying to help me at the same time, you see.” You cup one of your breasts absently, hefting it a little. “I mean , I've got some pretty biog booms, but six pairs of hands might be a little too much for me.”

Kei-san and Fuuta-chan both blush quite prettily, while Akari just looks....annoyed, more than anything else. Kiki-hime takes it in stride, while Yui-chan is busy and doesn't comment. Kiku-chan, who stepped joined the group when the commotion started just in time to see you tickle your samurai, holds her sleeve before her Cupid's-bow lips, and mutters something undoubtedly insulting, but you're not terribly concerned about it at the moment.
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“But you were totally off balance and having trouble just walking, otousan,” murmurs your wife softly. “How did you manage all that and not hurt yourself or anyone else?”

“....I'm secretly an expert in drunken boxing?” you quip mildly. “Because really, I think I'm seriously drugged on Er Yin's spell, whatever it was. I mean, I've had enough alcohol to make me pass out before and I've never been this out of it.”

Akari paces restlessly back and forth behind the couch, as agitated as you've ever seen her, except for maybe the few times she was disciplined for letting you get her into trouble when it was you defending her honor. Well, what honor you had as high-schoolers. Wasn't really all that much. “Aniki doesn't fight like that. She's NEVER fought like that.” You glance up at her and she looks down at you, clearly concerned. “You never have, even when you have been drugged or drunk, aniki.”

“Well, I'm not really either of those right now, am I?” That brings her up short.

“She's right, 'Ri. She's under a potent spell, not even possessed but simply....disconnected from her body. Like she would be if someone gave her a few hundred thousand sedative tablets.” Yui lowers her hand and looks up at her lover, her tail lashing slowly, calmly. “I mean, year, something like that would kill her, or any normal dragonette, but that's not what's really happened.”

“Er Yin-sensei's spell must have been really powerful,” murmurs Kiki-hime softly.

“Well, if it lasts eight hours, I will probably be healed enough by then I won't have to worry about my arm so much. Er Yin-sensei could probably get rich selling this to oni.” Kiku-chan's hair explodes into steamers of faux-fire. “I know, I know, baka hentai ecchi dragon.”

“Why are you up at all, Ryukusa-sama? Asks Kei-san softly, confused. “Is it that important to risk your well being over?”

You sit up slowly and carefully, and Yui moves back a little, while Kiki-hime leans forward and supports you on the softest pillows in the entire house. Except maybe Er Yin's, you haven't checked hers carefully enough to make that a solid fact yet. You shake your head, more to clear it, but the gesture is so common for you, it brings smiles to most of the faces who know you well.

[] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
[] Calmly let her know that it IS that important, always.
[] Instruct her firmly into the rules of your household, what few there are.
[] Ask her if she has a loved one or anyone she cares about, but kindly, kindly.
[] Well, that would depend on what she means by 'well being' doesn't it?
>[] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
Twitter: @XsQuestmistress

Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1035289/

Interlude: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/37879167/

Threads in Chronological Order, including writeups by XS : http://pastebin.com/Z53TyK0N
or search for tag: Ryukuza on Suptg

Barrier Combat Guide: http://pastebin.com/rZLwzvGx

Ryuu Ryukusa is tall at 5' 8"; 6' in her true form. She is fully grown. Lesbian top.
Matagama Kiku is 4' 1” for ever and ever. Lesbian submissive.
Ryuu Akari is 5' 3" and has another few inches to grow. Sexuality is weird, switch, cosplayer.
Ryuu Yui is 5' 8" and will only grow due to circumstances beyond her control. Dyke, switch.
Ryuu Kiki is 5' 6" and is at full growth. Bisexual bottom.
Er Yin Long is the tallest at 5' 10" and is fully grown. Lesbian dominant.
Ryuu Jinyuu is 5' 7" but persistently hovers an extra three inches. Straight.
Hinata-hakase is 6' 3". Sexuality is terrifying.
Hidesato is 5' 5". Straight.
Kushinada is 5' 8". Straighter.
Taisho Ryoga is 5' 9". Who knows.
Hyun Chisato is 5' 4” and is fully grown. Lolicon with plausible deniability.
Rie is 8” tall or 5' 5” and is fully cat. Her sexuality is cat.
Hagyu Genso is 12' 5” standing upright. He is by and large gay.
Mizumi Shoko is 7' 2” is fully grown. Bisexual top.
Yuuhi is 4'11” and is fully grown. Yuuhi a cute.
Tokei Isusangi, Inau-kun is 5' 3” and still confused.
Reiha is 5' 5 1/2” and is milfy.
Peta is 3' 2” Peta is \>.</ aka Her Most Imperial Highness Patanjali Piri Yokuhime Kuronogitsune Pa
Detective-san aka Mugon Chujo is fully grown at 5'11” and straight.
Kenji Soomi is 5' 4” and gothic lolita.
Musumi Kanako is 5' 6.5” and is pretty straight.
Hebiki Naoto is 5' 9” and belligerently omnivorous, sexually. You hope only sexually.
Kodachi Umetsume is 5' 4” and fully grown. Practicing asexual.
Melinda Blitzenberg is scattered to the winds and blessed in death.
Toshida Ginka is 5” 3” and fully grown. Turtles have a reputation.
Ryuu Wakaba is a head shorter and also deceased.
Margaret Steinhausen is gratefully dead.
Ryuu Sakumo is dead and spread far and wide.
Ryuu Nabiki is 5' 3” and fully transformed. Embarrassingly straight.
Ryuu Shinju is 4' 11” and fully grown. She is coy, maybe a dodomeki-child.
Ryuu Himeyuri is 5' 5” and is supposedly straight.
Ryuu Fuuta is 5' 6” and slightly less soft.
Kaga Kei is 5' 4” and fully grown. Might be experimental.
Kyubi-san is 6' 3” and fully grown. Hard to say.
>Ryukusa's Treasures

Her name: Ryuu Yorihokura

Eight hundred and sixty-one cat youkai live in your aura

Matagama-no-Shitoki, a necklace kami in its own right that protects Ryukusa from inimical magic.

Ame-no-Omukade-no-Musume – Ryukusa's mukade possessed wakizashi; a kami. “Daughter of my Centipede of Rain.”

Gendai-no-Muteki-no-Buki - Invincible Weapon of the Present Age, a secret kami-blade given to Ryukusa by Wakaba that appears to be made of some alloy of titanium.

Seido-no-Shinpi-Tekina-Ken – a mysterious bronze sword given to Ryukusa by the mermaids of Japan; actually found to be the legendary blade Ame-no-Ohabari.

Go-Yurei-no-Rensa, the Five-Ghost-Chain, used to summon or send messages to your (actual) older sister Ryuu Nabiki.

Her Penthouse in the Secret Apartments of Tsathoggua in Shikoku prefecture, Tokyo.

Kyubi-sama's Black Jade Button

Ryukusa's Family.

Akari – Black Jade Centipede (Mukade)
Er Yin – Black Jade Scorpion (Sasori)
Kiki – Black Jade Toad (Hikigaeru)
Kiku – Black Jade Lizard (Tokage)
Yui – Black Jade Snake (Hebi)
Inau – Black Coral Ear Cuff (Amatsukami)
>[x] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
>[x] Calmly let her know that it IS that important, always.
>[] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
>[] Calmly let her know that it IS that important, always.
Oh, new thread eh. I figured you'd reuse the last one.
>[x] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
[x] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
[x] Well, that would depend on what she means by 'well being' doesn't it?
>[] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
>[] Calmly let her know that it IS that important, always.
>[] Calmly let her know that it IS that important, always.
>[] Instruct her firmly into the rules of your household, what few there are.
Ryukuza Quests staging requires a new thread every episode - that way it can be archived more effectively.

It's 22 pages shy of 1600 pages of document after all.
>Stage 126
Shouldn't that be 147?
Makes sense enough.
>[X] Ask her if she has a loved one or anyone she cares about, but kindly, kindly.
Ryu quest twice in one week? What is this 2014?
>What is this 2014
You know when I first started reading quests if you had told me I'd be following one 3 years later I woulda laughed
>still following a 4 year old quest
>80% of said quest's updates were posted by summer 2015
Sometimes it can be suffering.
>there are 170 threads in the archive
It looks like you've been losing stage numbers quite a few times over the last few years, or maybe the stage number isn't tied to the thread number?
Sorry about the irrelevant shit, this just really messed with my mind for some reason.
146. Mistyped a number, thank you. Last session was a continuation of the one before, and did not have a stage number.
Stage number is not tied to thread number - sometimes the stage is continued over a session or even three.
It is also only XS's quests I could keep reading.
>Reveal to her that you are Ryuu Ryukusa, Protector of Smiles!
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[XX] Explain to Kei-san gently about these smiles.
[X] Calmly let her know that it IS that important, always.

“What may have started off as a job I really didn't want to do has become far more than that. Even the fact that I am an incarnation of the God of Destruction is completely coincidental as far as I am concerned. All the people around me are precious to me, to others, and our clan is more a family than it is a clan. Even the Yakuza would see these people as more than merely a clan to me. These people are precious, beyond value, and certainly worth me risking my well being over – I am willing to risk everything for these precious people, because they are precious.”

She looks more confused than not ,and Yui-niji-chan is giving you an odd look. Akari has her sweet, delicate little smile back, as though your gently delivered diatribe makes her feel better about you. Reassuring her, you guess, that you are in fact you. Kiki-hime leans into you and smiles, nuzzling into your shoulder from behind. Raising your right hand, you cup her cheek, and also keep her from pulling on your kimono too much.

“You were willing to risk your life to protect innocents you were sure I might hurt eventually, weren't you?” She nods, her brow furrowing faintly in a very ungirlish fashion. “For these few people, these precious smiles, I am willing to risk destroying the world rather than seeing any of them hurt and crying once more. Everyone has scars upon their hearts – even me. I am not willing to let more scars be placed upon those hearts around mine when I have the slightest opportunity to do something about it.”

“Even if it means endangering the whole world?” Kaga Kei sounds unconvinced.

“If trying to harm the people Ryukusa-dono protects places the world in jeopardy, wouldn't that mean the fault is upon those whom try to harm her smiles?” The seemingly innocent, earnest sounding question comes from the delicate nogitsune-child near the door, where she sits with her nodachi cradled in her arms like she is hugging a tree for support. “Because really, if I want to poke something dangerous with a stick, I probably deserve to get mauled, right?”

Kei-san opens her mouth to reply, and then looks confused and slowly shuts. Her expression becomes – predictably – thoughtful.

The dulcet tones of Shoko-chan's voice comes from the hallway, where she leans upon the entryway corner like some kind of huge gangster. “Actually, the fucking ridiculous part about this idiocy is that they hired her to protect one kamidamned person. It just so fucking happened that they chose the fucking Ame-no-Horobi-no-Mikado to protect her from themselves.”
Shoko-chan walks in and leans heavily on the end of the couch. You press back into hime-chan in alarm as the couch shifts under her considerable weight as she bends over to look more directly into Kei-san's eyes. “Are you saying you fucking condone the things your piss-blasted clan did to Kiki-hime that resulted in the creation of fucking hideous things like that youkai that nearly ate the damned nekomata, or that you are fucking all right with the exorcisms that killed the yako-children like Yuuhi there?” Yuuhi tilts her head, one ear flopping over as she looks at Kei and Shoko with bemusement.

You're not quite sure she's faking that bemusement either.

Kei-san's brow furrows uncutely, but you lift a foot and tap on Shoko's hand gently. She turns her glare at you, and then looks shocked at her inattentions and carefully straightens up, letting the couch relax slowly instead of a jarring drop, which you smile gratefully about. She blushes, her cheeks blackening prettily. “You know, you can't really blame her for all that. Following order sis something we have both done and I'm the last person to blame for following bad orders, Shoko-chan.” She looks down, abashed. “Not that your points aren't good ones.”

You start to rise, and Kiki-hime helps you sit up. You stiffen as she reaches for you arm, but it is your waist she lays her hand against, helping you turn. She smiles understandingly and you duck your head and raise your hand in silent apology. When you get your feet under you you look at Kaga Kei with concern. “My family is precious to me. My clan is no less precious to me, but this is my clan now. These are my family now. And it is the only one I have that matters. I am a child of a Dragon Kami, and I am a scion of the most fearsome spirit-child clan in Japan, but those things matter less than even just one of these smile that shine around us.”

Kaga looks confused and then looks rounds the room, her eyes widening as she takes in the soft, warm, happy expressions of your loved ones and family.

[] Do you understand now, Kei-san?
[] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
[] Let her know, if she desires it, if she is willing to take some time, there may be a place for her here.
[] Leave her with one last serious thought to consider.
[] Walk over and kiss her on the forehead before seeing to Rie....just to make sure.
>[] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
>[] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
I am all for inviting her, but seeing to Rie comes first.
>[X] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
>[] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
>[x] Do you understand now, Kei-san?
>[x] Walk over and kiss her on the forehead before seeing to Rie....just to make sure.
>[] Leave her with one last serious thought to consider.
>[] Walk over and kiss her on the forehead before seeing to Rie....just to make sure.
>[] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
[XX] Let her think on that – you need to see to Rie.
[X] Walk over and kiss her on the forehead before seeing to Rie....just to make sure.

You rise with the help of your wife, and Yui-chan scoots over to let you by, looking up at you with a smile, while Akari merely leans over the back of the couch to let her fingers drift through your tail fur fondly. You let your fingers slide across the tightly spiraled brass horn of your Herald, while your fail vanes caress your Harbinger's wrist lightly. Fuuta-chan nods slightly to you, some kind of encouragement or perhaps even letting you know you've done something important; you can't be sure, which is not necessarily a bad thing, considering how seers and visionaries tend to suffer when their work is honestly recognized for some reason.

Stupid way to run a universe in your opinion, but that's probably why the kami don't ask you for it, right?

You do pause and then walk over to Kei-san and look down at her. You cover your left arm with your right, holding it in place as you lean down, smelling her innocent scent, and her confusion and worry. Her aura, sparked with bright bits of color, is mostly shifting warm colors. You kiss her on the forehead lightly. “If you find that you can no longer accept the teachings and ways of your own clan, you may find a place here, you know.” she looks up at you with real worry as you stand and walk slowly and unsteadily towards the hallway Shoko entered from.

As you pass Shoko, you let your fingers caress hers in passing, a light lacing of them that makes her blush, and Kiki-hime smiles wickedly at your softer smile for Shoko-chan. That only makes her blush more, and you slips past them on your way wound the house towards the temple room.

Out of earshot, you wife whispers softly to you. “Do you think she'll accept that? She's been so earnest about how she believes you'll destroy the world....”

[] She might not be wrong, Kiki-hime....but that won't stop me.
[] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
[] Do you believe her, Kiki-hime?
[] It's not about th world, or Japan, or anything except my loved ones.
[] Imagine you have been forged into a weapon....
>[x] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
>[x] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
>[x] Imagine you have been forged into a weapon....
>[] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
>[] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
>[] Do you believe her, Kiki-hime?
[] Do you believe her, Kiki-hime?
[] Imagine you have been forged into a weapon....
>[] Sometimes worlds need to be destroyed, like the worlds that orbit peoples' heads.
>Kiki you do realize I am 100% serious about doing anything to protect your smile. That includes but is not limited to destroying the world.
Maybe add in a reminder of how destruction is torment or suffering, just change.
>Of course if not destroying the world would make you smile I will make that my new top priority.
I dunno, Family first and all but I don't really feel like Ryukusa is doing this FOR them so much as for the (long-term of course) spiritual health of Japan as a whole.
>[] It's not about th world, or Japan, or anything except my loved ones.
>[] Imagine you have been forged into a weapon....
Are you suggesting that Ryukusa will stand up to Amaterasu-Omikami for that to happen?

I'm inquiring so that I am clear on what you're suggesting.
I'm going to not support that, regardless.
That seems like something that is fundamentally impossible to do. Ryukusa had a literal heart attack from just thinking lewd thoughts about her, right? Or was it some other form of instant "your body not working" and I'm misremembering?
>[] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
Amaterasus smile is important too so not to that extreme. So ignore my 2nd post.

Mind you, Ryukusaa has stood up to people before in protection of her loved ones, so it isn't entirely impossible that she might be at odds with Amaterasu. It's incredibly unlikely, but best to be sure about these things.
Well we're just as aware of the whole need for purification, it's one thing to put it off for maybe better results but I can't see us not being willing to go through with it.
Not that anon, but the way I see it is that Ryukusa hypothetically might, but only if Amaterasu wasn't acting like herself at all (at least, how we've seen her act).

Ryukusa cares about those who do their bit and protect the smiles of those around them, so, based on what little I know of Japanese spiritual legend, Amaterasu would almost never act like that.
If Amaterasu stood in the way of her protecting there smiles seriously then we would need a long hard talk with her. But that seems unnecessary for now.
Meant to link >>1039088 to >>1039133

Basically >>1039135
It kind of seems very unlikely that Amaterasu, instead of wanting to spiritually cleanse Japan through disaster, as she said, actually desires to send the whole world both spirit and mortal, spiralling into chaos and destruction leaving nothing but misery and death like Kaga Kei fears.

Like it seemed implicit that, after the disasters, Japan being rebuilt healthier than before is also Amaterasu's will, and I'm not sure if her nature allows deception.

So I don't know, it might seem treasonous for Ryukusa to even consider the possibility that Amaterasu has gone insane/let her suffering turn to hatred.
All true, but remember that other king in yellow timeline. I'm not sure how well japan fared, but all the other apocalypses went off at once and it was kinda a mess.
I remember that, and that does make me wary, but technically we don't really know how that happened. Like it could have been Susano'o, or Ryuukusa not being subtle.

Also, I'm not really clear on why Ryukusa being Horobi would destroy the world, while there have been several Horobis before her. Is the backlog just too massive and most Horobis are replaced immediately? Or is it more just the 20th century in general brought such an unprecedented level of spiritual malaise?
It's not treasonous to consider 'if the boss isn't acting like herself and is starting to cackle maniacally in relation to that big disaster that I'm going to cause, maybe I should have a talk with her'.

If Horobi was dead while certain things that made Japan worse weren't dealt with, that might explain it.

My thought here is that the holder of Horobi's soul doesn't serve forever, and 'leaves' the post when they don't feel that they can do it anymore.
But then again, I'm not sure how much it is in within Ryukusa's nature to consider distasteful and impossible things.
I guess, but right now it seems much more likely to believe that Kaga Kei has been misled then to consider that Amaterasu has turned her back on the world. Like shouldn't we save the suspicions until we have a more reliable source?
Also, in regards to 'destroying the world', consider that quite a while ago, someone's world might have just been their village or their neighbourhood, not the entire planet. 'The world' is just the structure and circumstances of how people interact with those around them.
You're taking an extremely hypothetical situation as one I'm saying is fact. It's the difference between someone saying 'I've thought of the suicide' (aka, they've someone talking about it) vs. someone actually contemplating it now.
>'The world' is just the structure and circumstances of how people interact with those around them.
So we might destroy the internet?
Cancel plan, cancel plan!
More like Facebook and Google.
She'll consider distateful things - impossible rarely occurs to her. There are some things she simply wouldn't consider, such as destroy kami casually or harming the Imperial Treasures.

But killing a arogue god? Not unthinkable.

Amaterasu-Omikami can be bitchy at times, but she is entirely sane and loves the world and the people in it. Be at peace - that is not a plot twist you'll have to suffer through.
[XXX] Her views are based on a set of carefully coached lies to ensure her loyalty....
[XX] Imagine you have been forged into a weapon....
[X] Do you believe her, Kiki-hime?
[x] It's not about the world, or Japan, or anything except my loved ones.
[+] Destroying worlds isn't limited to the one we all live in, princess.
[+] Though I should point out I am 100% srs bzns.

You don't glance at Kiki-hime, but the thought of the little cultist influencing your family brings a smile to your lips. “I hope you don't believe her, hime-chan. She's been told a very carefully selected number of lies and half truths, and a few facts, in a particularly grim mixture of right and wrong, entirely to ensure her loyalty to a cause. She's not yet old enough for a human to have seen through all the lies. That's what happens when you grow up in that kind of environment.”

She looks at you, her expression a little fraught. “But you grew up in that kind of environment, Ryu-chan.”

When you nod agreeably, she looks even more concerned. You gently guide her to the wall, and stop to admire one of the rather abstract paintings in the hallway, placing your back against the wall and slipping your good hand into hers. “Most weapons don't think, Kiki-hime. When you are forged into a weapon, your world view is inherently skewed by what you are taught. Water dragonettes and dragonnes are already weapons from birth.” Her hand squeezes yours and she nods slowly. After seeing it first hand, she believes it. “Human minds are more malleable than ours are. But that also means they can be shaped more accurately. Most Water dragonettes don't rebel because they don't want to rebel. Our nature is dangerous and clever, and killing, being a weapon makes us feel like that is a purpose to enjoy.”

You sigh and lean your head back, looking at the ceiling. “Imagine being a weapon. You are held close, cared for, used for things that make you feel needed and wanted, and you are good at those things.” Your princess listens quietly for the moment, but attentively. “A human mind, once it is in that place, is more like water than even my mind can be. It fills the role perfectly and fully, unconcerned about what else there might be.”

Turning you look into her bright, lovely sky-blue eyes. “But I found a better purpose. I can still kill, still be clever, but now I am a tool, fashioned by my own hands, to become more than a weapon. I am a tool to protect, to heal, to help, to hold you and our family.” She smiles warmly, her expression melting into love at the simple words: 'our family.' “So while I was forged to be a weapon, I instead became something greater, while still being true to my nature. Human nature....” You glance back down the hallway. “It's far more dedicated, when it's given the right shape.”
But its your fault boss, that aftermath story had everyone paranoid.
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“So you're saying you had an easier time changing loyalties because even with your changed loyalties, you are still everything you were trained to be?” You shrug mildly and grimace as your left arm starts to throb painfully. “But you are more than that.”

You look back at her, and she steps away from the wall, and frames you with her arms, sliding her hands deep into your thick hair and pressing her breasts to yours. You're rather thankful she's bigger than you are up top, because your arm would not appreciate being trapped between your body and hers, soft and lovely as she is.

“You are the father of our children, Ryuu Ryukusa. You are the defender of our hopes and dreams. You're not just a tool, or a clever mind. You're a warm, living, lively person, holding us and soothing our pains and fears.” Tears start to form in your eyes and you blink them back, but don't stop them. “You are our lover and our daimyo, our protector, but also our beloved Ryukusa. You were never just a weapon. A weapon wouldn't have protected Akari-chan as much as you did. I remember, watching you with her. Even when you knew she wouldn't be hurt, you protected her. Pointlessly, uselessly, and totally out of love.”

She lifts herself up on her tip-toes and kisses your tears away. “Don't sell yourself short, kasan,” she murmurs softly. “You're better than that.”

The rest of your words are stolen away by hers; there isn't anything to say to that. You're not stupid enough to deny truth when you're slapped in the face with it.

Several breathless, glorious minutes later, she lets you breathe and the throb in your arm is much worse. The bruising of your lips and the taste of cherries upon your tongue makes the dull ache meaningless after her kisses.

She leads you carefully to the temple, and opens the door for you. You both bow, and cleanse yourselves at the threshold, before bowing twice and entering the incense filled room. Inau-kun is resting on a thick set of futons, and Rie is curled up on the futon at Inau-kun's feet, seemingly asleep. Er Yin's tail flicks motioning you inside. You close the door after you, but take Kiki-hime's hand in yours once more as you approach the seer.
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Er Yin is dressed entirely in white. Her tabi, her hakama, her broad shouldered robes, her sleeves, even the stitching of it all is white. Her silver hair is carefully slicked back and it gives her a strangely masculine cast, though her face is feminine enough. And of course those lush curves of hers. Rawr.

A smile lights her face as Kiki-hime boldly studies the fully exposed scars that cross the bridge of her nose. “I see that my spell is wearing off. I hope you found some use in it.” She slowly turns to face you, lifting one leg and turning until she sits seiza before you. Your sorceress is even wearing white gloves with white stitching.

[] There might have been some side effects....
[] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
[] ….wait, did you plan that?!
[] Remind me never to play cards with you; you cheat, Er Yin-sensei.
[] A little use, yes. I don't think I've ever been this drunk.

Ryukusa being Horobi wouln't destroy the world.

It's just that we're in the middle of Interesting Times.


Ryukusa loves Amaterasu. For this reason, in the incredibly unlikely event of Amaterasu behaving in a manner Ryukusa could not approve, Ryukusa would put her foot down, no matter how big or little her intervention would be. Of course, it's an hypothetical I don't think Ryukusa ever considered possible, because it would mean Ameterasu would behave un-Ameterasu-like.

That's true for all the people she loves.

Ryukusa is not a sword. She does not follows people blindly, either.
>[x] There might have been some side effects....
Just an itty-bitty-bit.
Eh, even within the Aftermath you could interpret it not really as Ryukusa's fault but more that she inspired a lot of imitators who were way more shortsighted.
>[x] There might have been some side effects....
>[x] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
>[x] A little use, yes. I don't think I've ever been this drunk.
>[] There might have been some side effects....
>[] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
>[] There might have been some side effects....
>[X] There might have been some side effects....
>[X] ….wait, did you plan that?!
>[X] Remind me never to play cards with you; you cheat, Er Yin-sensei.
>[x] There might have been some side effects....
>[x] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
>[] ….wait, did you plan that?!
>[] Remind me never to play cards with you; you cheat, Er Yin-sensei.
Ha ha Seers.
Are people forgetting that Amaterasu-Omikami is/isnot Inari who is/isnot Er yin, Kiku, Yui, Akari and Kiki? Or did I miss read something?
[] There might have been some side effects....
>[] Remind me never to play cards with you; you cheat, Er Yin-sensei. Unless I can cheat too.
>[] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please. We'll see, though.
>[] There might have been some side effects....

>Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs Ryuu-binson?

>Because it's totally working.

>Why the white robes, Er Yin? I'm afraid I'm too drunk to catch the symbolism. Unless it's the white robes/red robes dichotomy many in our family have been faced with, but if it was the case I think you would be wearing red.
It's a bit more complex then that but XS can explain it better.
>[] A little use, yes. I don't think I've ever been this drunk.
>[] Remind me never to play cards with you; you cheat, Er Yin-sensei.
No, you didn't. I was verifying where anon was going with his now retracted suggestion. I take write ins pretty seriously. except when it is desired that i should take them not so seriously.
>[] There might have been some side effects....
>[] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
I was just wondering why people suddenly thought Amaterasu is evil. It kind of came from nowhere so I was wondering if they had forgotten that whole thing.

No one thought this.

Also, Amaterasu is her own person, not just the whole of 5 of our other beloved, and thinking of her as it makes her a diservice.

And also, one should not forget Amaterasu-okami has her own flaws.
Probably XS wondering about a statement Ryukusa made many threads earlier, anon.
No one else is worried about Er Yin wearing pure white?
I don't know what it symbolizes.
Worried for sure, but I'm pretty sure we'll find out next update (or at least get an option to ask).
Busy with two or three other things, plus I keep forgetting what it symbolizes. Probably should be, though.

Well, it's the color of death

As in,how people are dressed when they die
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[x] ….wait, did you plan that?!
[x] A little use, yes. I don't think I've ever been this drunk.
[XXX] There might have been some side effects....
[XX] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
[X] Remind me never to play cards with you; you cheat, Er Yin-sensei.
[+] And are you trying to get me drunk to seduce me? Cause it totally (isn't) working.
[+] why the white robes? I have a saying about such things.

You can see the silvery haze that surrounds the sorceress dimly, the darkness of the room helping even though the spell is slowly fading. It seethes and pulses slowly with every movement she makes, every breath making it intensify, every exhalation letting it fade. “Oh, maybe a few side effects,” you murmur softly, which earns you an incredulous look from your wife. “I may need a little more to make it back to the room without too much trouble, but something slightly less potent, maybe? Because as drunk as I feel, the stuff you gave me was....”

Your words trail off as your sorceress and seer gazes at you with her sightless eyes. “Kamidmanit, I am so not playing cards or mahjong against you, like, ever, Er Yin-sensei. That was low even on my totally skewed scale of right and wrong.” Kiki-hime stares at you then turns that incredulous expression on Er Yin, who ignores it. Well, doesn't see it, which is mostly the same thing.

Er Yin's patient, indulgent smile is warm, though. “I am afraid that the planning may have been mine, but the request was Nikne Kamuy's, as relayed by your priestess, who was asked to contact him by your subordinate, Ryukusa-sama. So, I will only apologize for the minor deception of it, and nothing more.” Akari's letter from Yomi. You hadn't forgotten it of course, but you didn't realize that it involved you.

“Wait, I don't understand,” claims Kiki-hime. “You wanted Ryukusa to flip out?” You blink at her casual use of the term 'fip-out' as applied to you. “Why?”

“Actually, I didn't-” you murmur softly before Er yin interrupts you gently.

“You saw and felt everything as you were supposed to, Ryukusa-sama.” She doesn't turn to Kiki-hime, but she reaches out, and Kiki instinctively takes her hand, holding it gently, unafraid of those terrible talons. “My lady, forgive this servant her trespass. I promise that it was done at the behest of the kami, for the benefit of us all.” Kiki-hime nods and kisses the smooth metal talons lightly, rather to your surprise. And very much to Er Yin's surprise.
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Er Yin.jpg
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“Of course you're forgiven. If it is what the kami willed, or the kamuy willed, and you did it, then you must have done it with nothing but our happiness at heart, Er yin-sensei. Please excuse me for my excitement.” She releases Er Yin's hand and Er Yin places it on her thigh once more. Kiki-hime suddenly gives you a sly look. “Besides, she's adorable when she's drunk.”

“...and no shogi either,” you mutter softly. “Besides, if you want to get me drunk to seduce me, you'll have to do better than that.”

“Yes, you just need to tell her she's a wonderful young woman,” Kiki-hime announces brazenly, making your cheeks burn.

“Please Er yin-sensei,” you growl through gritted teeth (rather unconvincingly, unfortunately, so you give up the angry pretense since all it's doing is making them grin at you) , “would you mind explaining your unusual outfit? White robes with no other colors is a very unusual thing in Japan.”

“I am maintaining my purity as a defense against any backlash the spell might have created. The kamuy aren't always as calm as many of your kami are.”

“You didn't meet Susano-Oh's daughter,” murmurs Kiki-hime under her breath, making you stifle a laugh that would have been painful.

“As you say, Kiki-hime. But I suspect that isn't why you are here.” Er Yin turns her unseeing eyes to the futon, and you turn on one knee as Kiki does on both knees and her hands. This put all three of you facing Rie, who is sitting up and gazing at you with her shimmering blue eyes.

Human eyes.

“'Kusa. You changed.” Kiki looks at you and mouths the weird abbreviation of your name, and you shake your head slightly, as mystified as she is. Rie's arm and midriff are heavily bandaged, as are both her legs. Only her arm and her midriff show any signs of crimson spotting. Kiki's expression is horrified; having seen Rie at her best, the terrible, terrible changes wrought by sorcery and youkai are heartbreaking in their totality.

[] No, Ryiekatsumoun, you are mistaken about who has changed.
[] A little, yes, you're right.
[] We both have, Rie-sama.
[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
[] Beg for forgiveness and ask if there is anything you can do for her.
>[x] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[x] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>[x] Beg for forgiveness and ask if there is anything you can do for her.
>[] There might have been some side effects....
>[] I might need a little more soon, but not quite so potent, please.
>[] ….wait, did you plan that?!
>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[] A little, yes, you're right.
>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[] Beg for forgiveness and ask if there is anything you can do for her.
[] A little, yes, you're right.
[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>[x] A little, yes, you're right.
>[x] Beg for forgiveness and ask if there is anything you can do for her.
>[] Try to figure out what would be safe to say before you say it.
>[x] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[x] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>[x] Beg for forgiveness and ask if there is anything you can do for her.
>[] A little, yes, you're right.
>[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>Ryukusa will generally not say things that might worsen a situation unless that's her plan. It goes with the QM being her memory and other high intellect givens.
>[] A little, yes, you're right.
>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.

>>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>You more than me, Ryiekatsumoun.

>See how the cats Rie placed under your care are reacting to this situation

We can beg for forgiveness once she is more aware of what happened.
I figured bringing it up now was what the option entails.
>[] We both have, Rie-sama.
>[] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
>[x] A little, yes, you're right.
>[x] We both have, Rie-sama.
So how are we gonna save the cat?
Taking our time, figuring out what's going on, and moving carefully once we have all of the info.
Let's start with fire eyes. Or maybe one of our combo eyes techniques would be more useful? If we're up to that? I'm thinking Fire+Wood.
As long as she'll sit still, we can probably make all kinds of eyes at her.

Well of course anon, but even Ryukusa probably needs some concrete way to direct it!
If we are to use our Eyes on her, we have to ask for her permission.

Because that's going to shock her that she cannot influence them.
[XXX] We both have, Rie-sama.
[XX] Slowly approach the nekomimi, and see if she will let you pet her.
[X] A little, yes, you're right.
[x] Beg for forgiveness and ask if there is anything you can do for her.
[+] You more than me, kitten.
[+] Test the cat youkai reaction – carefully.

You swallow the lump in your throat at her softness, the simplicity of her. There was a starkness, an inhuman, intense cast to Rie that screamed her inhumanity, her strength, her sheer presence, even if it was an understated one in comparison to most youkai. It still stood out in your mind and in your sight as a beacon of her very nature. Now even Yui-chan at her weakest seems far more inhuman than the wounded, fragile human that sits before you.

“We both have, Rie-sama, in many ways. I think....you more than I.” You get one foot under you, and then Kiki-hime's hand is under your hand, assisting you with surprising strength as you rise to your feet.

Rie looks up at you, blinking slowly. She still lacks eyebrows, two patches of darkness above her all too human eyes of cornflower blue watch your every move. You can feel the cat youkai shifting inside your aura, and you carefully restrain them. Rie doesn't even blink, or witch her paired tails. She can't even sense the youkai surrounding you, and a pang strikes your heart at the loss she doesn't know she has suffered.

You smile gently and slowly reach your hand towards her head. She lowers her head slightly, and to slide your hand across the white silk of the albino girl's hair, her ear flicking when you accidentally brush it. The girl – she's barely even a cat-girl - smiles and hums softly, and the noise tears your heart. You swallow and smile at her, tears welling up in your eyes.

Rie looks up at you, and touches the shining liquid that spills along your cheek. She lowers her hand and looks at the teardrop, and then back up at you....her expression confused, almost...pained. “I'm so sorry, Ryiekatsumoun,” you whisper to her.

Her confusion becomes more evident, and she asks softly, “Why are you crying?” You smile a little, and wipe your tears away, stroking her soft hair and brushing her ears lightly.

“Because one of us has to, and I don't think you know how yet, Rie-sama.”

The beautiful albino girl in her sailor fuku of white and blue sits up, and slowly wraps her arms about your shoulders. You ignore the bolt of pain and slip your arm around her gently, holding her tight. “It's okay, 'Kusa-san. I'll take care of you,” she whispers into your ear as she holds you gently and pats your back , reassuring you as you shed tears for her.

And you're not the only one who does.

>To be Continued....
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Thank you for reading and playing.

I'll stay for a short while to answer any questions.
Thanks for running XS.
Thanks for running XS! Really looking forward to the next one.
Even if we restored her spiritual nature, she still would have fundamentally changed, wouldn't she?
Cheers XS.
Yes. Not necessarily for the worse.
Become a Kami rather than a Youkai?

At the very least she will always be more human in her behavior after living through this.
Someone shot me right in the feels. Thanks for running XS.
Thanks for writing.
Right now her nature is as close to human as it can be while still being a spirit child. She would more likely detect or sense as some kind of sorcerer or priestess than a youkai-child.

As posited, this does have the advantage of making her a sort of spiritually 'clean slate'. but yes, being human, even for a short while, will leave an indelible mark.
Probably my medication getting the better of me.

I managed not to cry.
Thanks for running!
How is This state of things gonna effect the neko-girl abomination that Rie had under her care? We're probably gonna have to go let her know what has happened at the very least, and possibly adopt her since Rie can't take care of her anymore..
Truly a heartless monster...
I'm sure you'll cry on a re-read!
Unurprisingly, that situation will be made entirely out of spoilers.
What's the consequences of such a state? I assume there's strengths and weaknesses to it.
That's a little tougher to explain.

Youkai are creates that are more sapient than they are sentient; they are literally embodiment of themselves, and that informs all their activities, reactions, and 'decisions'. a cat youkai is pretty much indistiguishablefrom a cat until it does somethign weird, like follwo you into locked rooms, slips through doors and windows, steal your breath, or become a massive monster of a cat to protect you from a ghost. Rie won't have that purity to her nature any longer, but she'll have an awareness of things most youkai have no awareness of - threats to her existence, the pain that a death can cause others, the sensation of lonliness, and the ability to cherish something more than it's nature. human qualities, that can cause them both pain and suffering, and bring new purpose and reason to their existence.

The chances of such a youkai becoming a guardian spirit or even a kami are very high - if they don't devolve into horrific monsters driven by insatiable needs they've never truly experienced before.
Huh. Maybe turning her back, if we can at all, should happen after some experience and guidance in her newfound human nature?
And with that, I bid you goodnight until work this evening. As always, I will answer questions that crop up over the next few days.

Thank you all again for your participation.
Good night XS and thank you for running.
I mean, it obviously won't be a quick process, though I'm kind of curious how she would have reacted to that evolution orb thing had we managed to resolve things with Nabiki without using it.
It's an interesting question. The possibilities are threefold from what Ryukusa could determine.

1: She becomes enlightened and becomes a nekomata kami of some sort, perhaps a guardian spirit in factual truth instead of merely a guardian youkai.
2: She becomes a purely youkai nekomata, rather than the God's Eye nekomatashe was before.
3: She becomes an actual, true human, n longer a part of the spirit world. this isn't necessarily bad - this is actually a state many demons and monsters in Chinese spiritualism envy and desire.
Interesting. Also I feel mildly conflicted. Like being turned into a human is clearly a curse, because it's not like one of those Devils was doing Rie a favor, which seems like the proper course of action would be to undo it, but at the same time, I feel like if a human/spirit-child were becoming a youkai, even a relatively benevolent one, that would in most cases be seen as a bad thing and something to prevent (also I think it might involve your soul dissolving or something?),

I don't know, I'm not sure I have a good grip on how the state of being a youkai is viewed.
Like with that one scary lady who chose suicide rather than becoming a youkai, was that an exceptional circumstance since usually your identity isn't destroyed in the process, and that just happens when you're going to become some kind of faceless spirit?
Your identity is almost always destroyed in the process of becoming a youkai (note that ghosts are not youkai). Sometimes there are a few fragmented memories, but those rarely help anyone. Rie's identity hasn't been destroyed, but her entire existence has been altered to the point where she is nothing like what she used to be. Her identity ha changed, because now she has a fully functional set of instincts where there were none before, while her sense of self-absorption is far less intense than it was when she was a youkai because youkai are very little BUT self-absorbed. what you are seeing in Rie at the moment is what she might have been like if she had been born human, or a spirit-child, rather than coming into being from nothing as a youkai tends to do.
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