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Earthbender Quest #20

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 468
Thread images: 50

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This quest takes place long before the events of The Last Airbender. Long before Aang, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, or Yangchen. You play as a young Earthbender from a small village in one of the many Kingdoms scattered across the main continent. As a powerful villain strives to dominate the world, you will be forced to make choices that can stop it, aid it, or have no effect whatsoever.


After each update I make, there will be a voting period of ten minutes. Once ten minutes have passed, whatever option has the most support will be the winner.

Write-ins are accepted, but only when specified If you see a write-in option, suggest whatever you like. If not, choose from the options I have provided.

Sometimes, rolls will be required. I will assign them, and they will operate under a d100 system. You will have three chances, and if one of the rolls succeeds, you pass. There are no crits, but I do take into account how much you succeed or fail by.

I reserve the right to veto certain write-ins, but will try to avoid doing so.

I hope you all have fun

>>Previous threads

The riverboat that brought you so far South now transports you and Sansha in a northward direction, back toward the village where you left your other friends. Once you reach your stop, it'll still take about a week to reach the village. Sansha assures you that you have enough supplies for that trip, but also that the two of you should be cautious. After all,there may be somebody following you.

"Hopefully, we can catch up with Lantana and Mauya," Sansha tells you. "Or, at least find someone who can point us to them."

>A. Why wouldn't you be able to track them down?

>B. Assuming they're alive

>C. Don't say anything

>D. Something else
>A. Why wouldn't you be able to track them down?
>C. Don't say anything
This just seems like a shitty thing to do after putting up such a big fight
You don't respond to her.

Sansha frowns. "Sei, look, I know you're not happy about this, but it's the right thing to do. We wouldn't have accomplished anything with what we were doing before. Once we lost Gava, there was no way we were going to catch Kalana, you know that."

>A. She's right

>B. You would have been fine

>C. Tell her she's a coward

>D. Don't say anything

>E. Something else
>D. Don't say anything
I feel like giving her the silent treatment. Bailing on our quest is lame as hell.
>D. Don't say anything
Sad Sei is sad
We can deal with this later.
Once again, you don't respond.

Sansha growls, and you notice her hands clench into fists. "Sei, don't give me the silent treatment right now."

>A. Apologize

>B. Tell her to go away

>C. Don't say anything

>D. Something else
>>D. Something else
"It has been such a waste of time, and we even lost Gava. i don't know how I can face Lantana and Mauya when we get back."
I'm going to go with this.
>D. Cry
Sounds good. I'll vote for this as well.
Why does this sound familiar?
Going for this anon.
God damn man this was some bullshit
We chose an actually interesting path and then two mercs suddenly reconginzed who we were even though we were wearing a disguise and killed our only means of transposhamefulforcing us back onto the main path of the story

It makes what could have been a interesting moment in character development completely trivial

This over all just feels shameful
"It's been such a waste of time," you tell your friend. "We even lost Gava. I don't know how I can face Lantana and Mauya when we get back."

"Is that really what you're worried about?" Sansha asks in disbelief. "They're your friends, Sei. You just tell them you made a mistake and that you're sorry. Then, work to get past it. Both of them have made mistakes before, and you never held it against them. Trust that they care enough about you to do the same."

>A. Ask if she forgives you for dragging her into this

>B. Thank her

>C. This is different

>D. Something else
Gava's death in particular could have been avoided if we actually tried to attack the man before he striked.
Just admitting who we were was kinda stupid.
Then >A
>C. This is different
"You are also forgetting the fact that I had to "rip their hearts out" in a sense before leaving. For guys its different, when we say we are going to do something we usually have to own up to it, even if we get hurt. This is basically a blow to my pride."
>For guys it's different

Oh lawd
>B. Thank her
with the past avatar's warning, this is potentially an higher stake than previous mistakes anyone could have made.
"This is different. Not only did I fail Lantana and Mauya, I failed the spirits and maybe the whole world. Who know how powerful Kalana will become without us stopping her?"
This is a big no no
And that was just pure autism by anons or them trying to get us killed on purpose because they think it'll be funny
My pride!
You're just gonna piss her off

>muh pride
We should never have went anyway
>My ID
Anon trying to deny the fact that it happened is wrong

Accept that we left and add that to our character
You can accept something and still criticize the end result.
"This is different," you tell her. "I mean, do you forgive me for dragging you into this whole mess?"

Sansha doesn't even hesitate. "Of course I do, Sei. You're my friend, and you would have done the same for me. You've stuck by me in terrible situations before, I have no problem doing the same for you."

>A. Then why did she insist on coming back?

>B. You appreciate that

>C. Give her a hug

>D. This is different

>E. Something else
>B. You appreciate that
B, but then D.
>B. You appreciate that
>C give her a hug
>E. I've always tried to be the one that tried to keep us all together and I don't know if I can look themore in the eyes after what I made them feel when I left
"I appreciate that," you tell her.

Sansha smiles fondly, and the air between you seems to clear. The rest of the boat ride is uneventful and without incident. When you reach the village from which you departed, you find yourself being given a wide berth by the men and women who saw your previous battle with that big guy here some time ago. Thanks to that, you're able to make your way through the village without incident.

"So, think we should look for another boat to take us farther upriver?" Sansha asks. "Or should we just keep going on foot from here?"

>A. Boats are faster

>B. Might as well go on foot

>C. Something else
Methinks there are some saboteurs in this thread. Keep an eye out, Som.


>C. Something else
"Depends if the port further ahead isn't being controlled by the army and if we go by foot we might run into that female bounty hunter who might be better prepared."
>A. Boats are faster
>go on foot, it's probably safer
Nothing too bads been voted for.
"Boats are faster," you tell her.

"Alright then, we'll keep going by river," Sansha says, turning around and heading back for the docks.

The two of you embark on another boat trip further to the North, then proceed to travel on foot toward the village at which you left Lantana and Mauya.

After a long day's trip, the two of you settle down and set up camp. Sansha gets a fire going, and you set up Earth tents for the two of you.

"So, Sei, if I go to bed, you aren't going to run off on me, are you?" Sansha questions half-jokingly.

>A. It's a little late for that

>B. You might

>C. Tell her not to worry

>D. There's something you want to discuss with her (specify)

>E. Tell her that you're going for a walk

>F. Go to sleep

>G. Something else
nothing compared to the end of last thread, the whole suicide faction was there.
>C. Tell her not to worry
We have no reason to trick her, if we wanted to continue toward the desert we would just have told her back then.
>G. Tell her that she should sleep with us in our tent to discourage us from running away

>A. But in a joking manner.
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Bold, sir
I'd like to support that in addition to my previous vote. Seems fun.
>A. It's a little late for that
>C. Tell her not to worry
>G. Something else
Work out on physical strength for a bit

This as well, but more around as a joke and to see her reaction.
>>G. Tell her we're gonna train.

Try and make sharp pointy objects with our bending.

For fucks sakes people, our projectiles could aerodynamically pierce through bullshit wind bending.

She brings up a good point though, we could definettly continue to the desert without sanshas constant harping. just leave her a note telling her to continue while we leave.
Thanks desu
You could absolutely do that. It would essentially be suicide, but you could do that
"If you're worried about me running off, you should just sleep with me in my tent," you tell her teasingly. "That would definitely discourage me from leaving."

Sansha's face turns as red as a tomato, and she begins stammering in embarrassment.

"I...you...." she can't seem to manage a complete sentence, and just sort of stands there, blushing and trying to figure out something to say to that.

>A. Tell her you were just teasing

>B. Tell her you're going to bed, and the offer's on the table

>C. Tell her you could sleep with her in her tent if that would make her more comfortable

>D. Tell her she's cute when she blushes

>E. Tell her she's fun to mess with

>F. Tell her to get some sleep; you aren't going anywhere

>G. Laugh and go to bed

>H. Something else
>D. Tell her she's cute when she blushes
>E. Tell her she's fun to mess with
>H. Laugh and go train
The offer is still on the table though
>A. Tell her you were just teasing
>F. Tell her to get some sleep; you aren't going anywhere

More than that would be pushing it too far.
>D. Tell her she's cute when she blushes
>H. Get into our tent and destroy her earth tent and ask her if she's coming.
>H: Go Train
>D. Tell her she's cute when she blushes
>F. Tell her to get some sleep; you aren't going anywhere

Goddamn it somnius, stop influincing shit.
We'd be at the desert by now if you didn't keep giving us info that sei doesn't know.

Or maybe you've lost your mean streak?
Its ok everyone, somnius is a big softie now, no ones gonna die and we're gonna end the quest with sei banging all three waifus at once.
After we beat the big bad with the power of friendship of coarse.
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What kinda training you want?
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Cmon dude, you know som doesn't like softies.
He likes it HARD.
Cock training using some wet tight hole
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Bending sharp earth pieces.

Did your DBZ quest end yet?
we can play spirit detective quest with easier opponents and maybe play an overpowered character to with an easy ice girl waifu to.
Oh, we could even be the new spirit king when we get stronger.
Sand bending again?
Let's try and make the pebble into a magic missle

Valid option

You are not in a sandy area

maybe train to earthbend with minimum movement? Sei has been restrained a few time in dangerous situations.
Take the basic principle of the pebble, right? Make it a little bigger and pointy.
So bending sharp objects?

Also we abandoned are almost suicide mission?
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Looks like this wins

Give it a roll, then I'll make the next post
I suppose
And tight, lithe ones
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 93 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

That'll do
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>Trying this hard to bait the QM.
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Tfw he says jack shit about but these screencaps bother him
"You're cute when you blush," you tell Sansha, resulting in her lowering her head and somehow managing to blush even brighter. "And a lot of fun to mess with."

The redness begins to slowly fade from your friend's face, and she looks at you with mild annoyance. Still, she seems satisfied that you aren't just going to abandon her.

"I'm going to go train," you tell her. "Get some sleep."

Sansha doesn't say anything, but doesn't seem all that worried as you go off to do some training.

You have an idea for your training tonight. It's sort of an improvement on your stone bullet. You take little bits of rock, and sharpen the ends, almost like arrowheads. Then, you practice throwing them, finding that your aim is great. You can already use this technique effectively.

When you return to camp, you find Sansha sitting by the fire. She smiles, standing up and heading for her tent, wishing you a good night.

>A. Ask why she waited up

>B. Ask if she wants to join you in your tent

>C. "I told you I wasn't going anywhere"

>D. Go get some sleep

>E. Something else
>>E. Something else
Run off when your sure she's asleep
>C. "I told you I wasn't going anywhere"
>D. Go get some sleep

>E. Smile, and thank her for waiting.
>>C. "I told you I wasn't going anywhere"
>>D. Go get some sleep
>>C. "I told you I wasn't going anywhere"
>>D. Go get some sleep

don't tempt me fourstar
>B. Ask her if she wants to join us in our tent, of course
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>B. Ask if she wants to join you in your tent
Suicide mission now
The WEW prevents you
"I told you I wasn't going anywhere," you say to her.

Sansha turns back to you, the smile still on her face. "Yes, you did. Goodnight Sei."

She goes into her tent, and you to yours, enjoying a peaceful night of sleep.

The next day finds you well rested, and the two of you continue your journey largely without incident. After a few days, you have nearly reached the village. Sansha clearly looks forward to seeing Lantana and Mauya again. But, as you've already expressed, you have your worries.

>A. Ask Sansha how you should explain yourself to the others

>B. Thank Sansha for sticking with you through all of this

>C. Ask what she thinks the others have been up to

>D. Don't say anything

>E. Something else
>C. Ask what she thinks the others have been up to

And with that i'm off. I'm glad i could participate in a thread for once. Have fun, all of you!
>A. Ask Sansha how you should explain yourself to the others
>>B. Thank Sansha for sticking with you through all of this
Thanks, anon
"Sansha," you say, glancing over at your friend.

"Hmm?" she asks, looking toward you.

"Thank you for sticking with me through all of this," you tell her. "But I still don't know how I'm going to explain myself to the others."

"What do you mean?" she asks you. "Just tell them the truth."

>A. That's it?

>B. But the truth makes you look like a jackass

>C. Alright, you'll try it her way

>D. Something else
>B. But the truth makes you look like a jackass
And it makes the capricious voices in my head that tells me to do things feel like idiots
>>C. Alright, you'll try it her way
>B. But the truth makes you look like a jackass
>>C. Alright, you'll try it her way
"But the truth makes me look like a jackass," you tell her.

"No, your hair does that," Sansha responds, trying to be funny. "Sei, we all make mistakes. Maybe they'll be mad at you, but they'll forgive you. Just tell the truth, and say that you're sorry."

You hope that's really all it takes.

>End Updates

That's all for tonight, guys. I hope you all had fun

Hang onto your butts, because tomorrow night you might find your friends

Follow me @qmdralo to see when I'm running

As always, I will stick around for a bit
no u
So should we be prepared for Mauya's ice bondage when we meet up with them again.
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For real though may have been pissed about out bison but now hes floating on clouds with his master. Kinda glad to see the group reunite
Might be good to come up with a safeword

Hopefully everything will be good and happy
Any chance of us coming across a stray animal and befriending to have another mount to replace Gava?
You got Pengsong
Never been a fan of it though lol kinda wish it was a Sabertooth Moose lion lol or a Badgermole

Hope you're prepared for all the Broly related quotes and lines when DB Quest comes back online.

>Doyu got stuck in the head while we could do nothing
>Gava got stuck in the head while we could do nothing

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I'm so disappointed all that talk about going it alone and braving our own path was for nothing. If we just go back to the group and carry on then why did even leave? Oh right, it seemed cool at the time and those people either weren't here or changed their mind, or some combination. Too bad we couldn't make something interesting and cool out of an odd (and honestly bad) decision.

We got Gava killed, and WORST of all we have a pompadour. Brb off to kill myself over the plot direction of a quest, glad you all understand.
I dunno. I guess the fatality chance of the girls (barring avatar) now will be higher and someone might definitely die in the future...maybe mauya or sansa
Goddamn, for as much as these quests tend to get derailed by different anons being on at different times, I can relate to where Sei is right now and I can't say that about a lot of quests. I don't think I'd be able to face Lantana or Mauya in his position. He fucked up and came back in a day from his supposed super important save the world mission. I'm not suggesting we change direction or that it's bad, but fuck we got rough times ahead.
With luck, the sheer stupidity of Sei's haircut will take all the attention and nobody will notice all his fuckups.
I told you we should have trained to bend without moving.
Ah i missed the thread.
Well time to get scolded by Mayua and Lantana.
Mostly Mauya
And when we don't fight back or use rock pun's she will think she was being to hard on us.
You promised air bitch would have caught up to them and they'd all be dead by the time we got there you teasing faggot.
The only thing SOM can promise us is true despair.
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mauya and lantana should be dead then
Waiting for the right time to slide in the knife, anon
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Any time is the right time to slide the knife.
Jokes on you. My favorite character is actualy you.
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SOMNIUS is guaranteed to kill off your favourite character, then.
I've considered it
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>All these people insulting the glorious pompadour.
I've never been this disappointed. For shame!
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We back, I guess
fuck off
Welcome back Som. Suffering when?
Well time to see how good at fire bending Lantana is.
Follow your own advice first
you can fuck off too
Samefagging isn't going to help you
It's called dynamic IP faggot
What ever helps you sleep at night retard.
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>I-I don't care b-baka
Finally, weeks after your departure, you return to the village where you left your friends, relieved to find it still standing, and still out of the hands of Kalana's forces. What's more, you see even more of the armored warriors Lantana had allied with than there were when you left.

A few seem to vaguely recognize the two of you, though you notice others eyeing you carefully, preparing to draw their weapons or unleash some bending attacks.

Sansha glances around, looking for any signs of the others. Her face lights up, and she grabs your arm, pointing toward the main building.

You spot Pengsong enjoying some lunch, and Mauya making her way toward the well.

"Let's go talk to her," Sansha says, starting toward the young Waterbender.

>A. Go talk to Mauya

>B. Go to Pengsong

>C. Hide

>D. Something else
>A. Go talk to Mauya
Here we go lads.
A and D
Kneel.before her and bow our head and say "I'm sorry"
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>A. Go talk to Mauya
>B. Go to Pengsong
>nobody wants to talk to best bro
We did kinda kill Gava and caused them alot of heartache. They're gonna be mad as fuck
Bracing yourself, you follow Sansha over toward Mauya, who hasn't noticed either of you yet. When Sansha calls the girl's name, Mauya drops the bucket she was carrying, whirling toward her friend's voice.

Her eyes go wide with disbelief, and she stares at Sansha, unable to speak.

"We're back," Sansha tells her pleasantly.

"You-" Mauya starts before looking toward you, her face contorting in anger. "YOU IDIOT!"

>A. Tell her that it's nice to see her, too

>B. Apologize

>C. Don't say anything

>D. Run

>E. Something else
>>A. Tell her that it's nice to see her, too
"It's nice to see you, too," you tell her, quickly regretting that as a torrent of water strikes you in the face, throwing you to the ground.

"Don't give me that shit right now," Mauya growls, storming over to you.

She bends down, grabs you by the collar, and roughly yanks you back to your feet. Her face is right in front of yours, and she looks so furious that you feel every instinct to cower in fear.

"After what you pulled, you just think you can come back here and make jokes?" she growls/ "You've got some nerve, Sei!"

"I'm sorry," you tell her sincerely.

"Oh, you're sorry?" Mauya asks. "Well that makes it just fine, doesn't it?"

She pushes you back to the ground. "Do you have ANY idea how worried Lantana and I were? We thought you'd gone off and gotten yourself killed! But that's okay, because you're sorry!"

>A. Ask what you can do to make it up to her

>B. Tell her that you made a mistake

>C. Tell her to calm down

>D. Tell her that she's being a bitch

>E. Tell her that you didn't mean to hurt her, you were just doing what you thought you had to

>F. Tell her about Gava

>G. Something else
G. i'd still be gone and doing something instead of cowering from doyus killers if gapa hadn't died.
>B. Tell her that you made a mistake
>E. Tell her that you didn't mean to hurt her, you were just doing what you thought you had to
>A. Ask what you can do to make it up to her
I really don't think trying to justify ourselves right now is going to do us any help. We fucked up, plain and simple.
We don't always have to give the correct and proper answer guys.
We are allowed to be a little mad or whatever
"I made a mistake," you tell her.

"A mistake?" she asks in disbelief. "Is that what you call abandoning your friends and going off on a suicide mission?"

"Look, what can I do to make this up to you?" you ask her.

"You can give Lantana and I back the weeks of worry we had," she tells you. "You can give back the weeks Sansha spent keeping your stupid ass alive."

She glares at you. "Can you do that?"

>A. No

>B. Tell her you're tired of her attitude

>C. Tell her again that you're sorry

>D. Tell her that it won't happen again

>E. Don't say anything

>F. Something else
>E. Don't say anything
>E. Don't say anything
>F. Glad to hear that you were worried, don't blush, I'd miss me too.
>F. I was tired of lantanas wait and see attitude. She is out there, getting who knows what while we dicked around a village trying to strengthen a rebelion thats gonna get destroyed by a single woman.
>F. Something else
"I can leave again, if you want."


Suicide is never the answer, anons
I understand that she's upset, but she's acting like a cunt. A passive aggressive cunt. More aggressive than passive though.
You don't say anything else.

Mauya stands there, glaring at you for a few more moments, before turning around, picking up her bucket, and heading back toward the main building.

"I'll see you later, Sansha," she says to your friend.

"See you later," Sansha sighs, coming over and helping you up. "Don't worry too much, Sei. She just needs time."

>A. Tell her that you really screwed up

>B. You don't want to see how she reacts when she hears about Gava

>C. Coming back was a mistake

>D. Something else
>>C. Coming back was a mistake

Sorry for not being a doormat
A and B
>B. You don't want to see how she reacts when she hears about Gava
>C. Coming back was a mistake
We're probably the strongest combatant in the group other than Lantana herself, Mauya can take a long walk off a short pier.
You should tell her that
The pussies that make your player base don't have the balls.
Earth maybe strong, but like wind, water erodes us easily.
Probably true, they did turn around rather quickly
What, her tiny flask of shit? Motherfucker look down, she's in our house.
Okay, half the posts have you saying that coming back was a mistake, half don't. Need a tiebreaker
>>C. Coming back was a mistake
I really wish we had went a little further at leasthe, or not left at all
"I don't want to see how she reacts when she hears about Gava," you tell Sansha.

The warrior seems a bit nervous herself at this prospect, but shrugs it off. "I can tell her if you want. I don't imagine she'll take it well."

You sigh. "Coming back was a mistake."

Sansha glares at you. "Don't start with that crap, Sei."

>A. It's true

>B. This is cowardly

>C. You could have stopped Kalana

>D. Something else
>>D.We were right to turn back after gava fell but ive been putting things off for so long. I have to find my family.
>A. It's true
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>A. It's true
>B. This is cowardly
>D. It really wasn't much of a choice, to be honest.
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>D "I'm going to go training. I need time to myself."
Nothing good can come of this right now.
"It's true," you tell her. "This is cowardly."

Sansha turns to you. "Alright, Sei, I wasn't going to say this, but I'm sick of your pissing and moaning. Your plan didn't work out. Man up and move on. And don't you dare insult our friends for doing what they think is right. They're not being cowardly. Want to know what's cowardly? Running off to get yourself killed because you're afraid of what's coming down the line."

She sighs. "You're better than this. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, deal with the consequences of your mistake, and move on. Otherwise the only coward here is you."

>A. Tell her she'd know all about cowardice; she ran away from her village

>B. Tell her that she's a bitch

>C. Tell her that you're sorry

>D. Tell her that you're leaving

>E. Tell her that you'll try

>F. Something else
>F. We left together, Sansha. I wasn't the only one who was scared.
Your town knowingly died fighting for their pointless honor sansha. We were actually going to do something with an admittedly slim but important chance of doing something important. It leaves ash in my mouth that that fucking hunter took that from us. He died too easily, he deserved to suffer more.
>F. You ran with me, for one. For the other, I was doing what I thought was right. Furthermore, if running off to get myself killed is cowardly, what's hiding in a village?
>F. Something else
Say nothing then go off to train
obviously we need to git gud
>F. Just go and train.
Somebody seems to be a bit frustrated.
What kinda training you want, senpai?
Can we just leave these people and go to the ember islands to become a fisher?
Relearn the basic of eath bending and learn from the hunters we've faced?
Physical, might as well try and see if we can end up punching or pulling a tree by the end of the day to burn the frustration and tensions of these events.
Basic earthbending. We gotta drive that modifier through the roof.
Seconded, we need to work out that sexual tension somehow.
Straight up physical. We need to vent more than anything else.
But anon we're a terrible fisher.
Air tight earth armor.

We got info on the bitch. just have to prepare for her.

Id rather reunite with mom and rescue dad.
>We suffocate our self
Good job anon
Suicide is always the answer
>Mom and dad still alive
Good joke anon
Goddamn it yellow, stop rolling 1s!
Eh, theres a way around it im sure.
Just need to think about it instead of righting it off. like putting a tank of air in the back or limbs or something.
Point is, its workable if we try.

We can know for sure, find them if they are being held hostage and go on a rampage if ALL of them are dead.
That is an option

Hell, you can go join Kalana if you want
>tank of air
Kek how? I'd rather go off and live some quite life instead of tarding out over ded mom and pa
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>Like putting a tank of air in the back or limbs or something.

Oh anon you crack me up.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 83 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

Gains time?
Rolled 74 (1d100)


Im not talking scuba tanks ya dork.
We just need it to have a few seconds of air so we can keep switching between air tight and not. So the cunt doesn't have us in the same place rooted while we try to breath.

Imagine that bitch trying to suffocate us and we switch and keep coming at her.
Even if she held her vacuum that'd give our allies time to attack her while shes focused on us.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

You don't get a modifyer for this roll

Not with that roll
Nigga you said a tank of air on our back. How the fuck would I not think of a scuba tank
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Punch that fucking rock!
None for you, anon, but for the others
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Somehow this outcome doesn't surprise me in the slightest
This isn't korra motherfucker, theres no way to make that.
Just a huge hollow but tough shell or something on the back to allow extra air in there maybe in the cuffs or something.
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>mfw I catch up on this quest
I know, I know, it's fucked.
I know that dude I was making fun of the other guy
Not saying anything further to Sansha, you go off on your own, finding a spot outside of the village in which you can train. Instead of bending, this time you decide to train in a purely physical manner, and actually do quite well at it, pushing yourself through various exercises that are sure to help you build some muscle.

Your training's just about over, when suddenly you're tackled to the ground. At first, you think you're being attacked, but you quickly realize that the person is hugging you rather than harming you.

You find yourself looking up at Lantana, who has tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"You came back," she says.

>A. You came back

>B. No, you're a ghost

>C. Tell her that you're happy to see her too

>D. Something else
>D. No, I failed.

>C. Tell her that you're happy to see her too
"Well at least I didn't get thrown to the ground with water this time."
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So, who should Sei waifu?
>A. You came back
>C. Tell her that you're happy to see her too
At least Lantana isn't acting like a cunt like the other two.
Sansha is best girl
> D. Hug back and apologize for losing Gava
Still faithful to Mauya.

We really do need another guy friend, though. Maybe we can actually get to know Hei now.
>>C. Tell her that you're happy to see her too
>>D. I failed though.

She was the only one that went with us, thats fucking loyalty right there.

Lantana was too hard headed to even consider going and she was or did ride that fire benders cock like a whore.
Sweet sweet firebrand future spinster mauya.
Shes nowhere ready to ride seis obelisk.
We gotta matchmake for her. Lets be honest, thats the only way shes gonna find someone.
Sansha, although that tough love routine she was giving us a bit ago was pretty stony.
She's just frustrated and hates to see you getting all broody
"I came back," you tell her. "And I'm happy to see you, too."

"What are you doing here?" she asks, getting up and helping you to your feet. "Did you find Kalana already, or did something happen?"

>A. Gava died

>B. You realized it was pointless to try and catch Kalana

>C. Sansha dragged you back

>D. Something else
All of them, with emphasis that A resulted in B.

She's going to kill us.
After Hava was killed, there was no way we could ever catch up to Kalana
Let's not keep kicking that can down the road.
>>A. Gava died
>>B. You realized it was pointless to try and catch Kalana
Honesty is the best policy
>>A. Gava died
I do with there was a better way of putting it than just "Gava Died" but I can't think of one for the life of me.
Gava has gone to that great air temple in the sky?

Gava can fly above the clouds forever now?

Gava's no longer eating daisies, he's pushing them up?

Gava got stabbed in the head?
Som decided that he should no longer live for plot?
I figure we have a 50/50 shot she's gonna either beat us to death or break down into tears.
Som, you already told us Gava got hit by a meteor.

>Gava has gone to that great air temple in the sky?

I like this one.
Gava got attacked by a bounty hunter.
He died regretting every choice that led him to that day.
>These people talk too much

>My feet hurt

>I miss Doyu

>I wish I was flying somewhere right now
>Whatever happened to that big monkey-elephant guy? I miss hi-
"Gava died," you tell her. "After that, I realized it was pointless to-"

"Wait, Gava's dead?" Lantana asks, looking like you just punched her.

Staying silent, you answer with a nod.

Lantana looks down, hiding her face. "How did it happen?"

>A. A couple of bounty hunters ambushed you and killed Gava

>B. A couple of people kind of like the Hunter ambushed you and killed Gava

>C. Gava got captured and stabbed

>D. She doesn't want to know

>E. Something else
>>A. A couple of bounty hunters ambushed you and killed Gava
Stabbed in the fucking head he was
>>B. A couple of people kind of like the Hunter ambushed you and killed Gava
>>E. If it helps even a little, the one that did it also died soon after.

>A. A couple of bounty hunters ambushed you and killed Gava
>E. "Sansha and I tried to stop them, but they already have Gava at knife point, and were too quick. We killed one, but the other got away. It wasn't supposed to happen..."
>E. We avenged him, but it didn't feel worth it, it was a waste, and it cost us Gava's life.
>E. "And it's all my fault. But hey did you see my new Pomp?"
All hail the pomp
"A couple of bounty hunters ambushed us, and they killed Gava," you tell her. "But, if it means anything, the guy who killed him is dead."

Lantana looks down. "I see. Well, that does make me feel a tiny bit better. Still, I can't believe he's gone."

You see a tear fall to the ground.

"Did you and Sansha bury him?"

You nod.

"Well, at least there's that," she sighs, stepping forward and giving you another hug. "I'm just glad you and Sansha made it home safe. I'm going to go find her. I'll see you later."

With that, she heads for the village.

At least somebody's happy to see you.

>End Updates

That's all for tonight, anons. I hope you all had fun

Follow me @qmdralo to see when I'm running

As always, I will stick around for a while
So how different are our physical aspects now compared to the beginning?
You've built up some muscles

And you changed your hair
We have the best hair, just say it.
It's fucking stupid
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We're keeping it, just so you know. This shit is permanent
>Implying I can't force it to change if I so desire
You Couldn't If You Wanted To
The bestest dumb hair
Its like you're coping or something...oh wait
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You wouldn't dare, Som. Kill anyone you want but touching the hair is going too far.
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I will destroy everything you love

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Don't make any hasty decisions, Som.
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>Som every thread

How well did Latana take the fact Gava died? I know she's devastated, but considering the circumstances did she understand the problem?
The problem?

Lemme reword that. Is she at least able to accept Gava's death? I was fearing she'd go nuclear on us like how Mauya did.
Mauya doesn't know yet

Lantana's lost enough people before to understand
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So how much of a bad time is Mauya going to give us if Sei decides to break the news to her instead of Sansha?
Ever been fisted up to the arm before?
Its a shame you always run when its around 2am for me.
Can we just leave the village already and go solo. The chance is pretty big we wont get to waifu one of the girls.
We've already discovered something more important than waifus. It's all about the hair now.
If you want, but that's not safe
damn straight

Som, why are you still up?
Hes false flagging you you dumb fuck, he wants you to get rid of the hair, don't fall for it like a rube
Sasha still best girl
False. Didn't you see how mad Mauya got? That just proves how passionate she was and how much she cared about us.
She didn't went with us. Sasha did. I find loyalty more sexy then tsunderes.
Now that I think about it, I don't think we had a chance to sing a duet with Mauya.
We can sing to her while she sleeps. Betcha she didn't have no one to sing to her while she sleeped after her parents died.
Would anyone be interested in a Republic City quest in a very slightly alternate timeline?
do it
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We back
Sure. How alternate?
I'm listening
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Crazy firebending action
Well, a Firebender might have been getting action while you were gone
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Fucking knew it, Lantana a slut.
a sluuuut
"A couple of bounty hunters ambushed us, and they killed Gava," you tell the Avatar. "But, if it means anything, the guy who killed him is dead."

Lantana looks down. "I see. Well, that does make me feel a tiny bit better. Still, I can't believe he's gone."

You see a tear fall to the ground.

"Did you and Sansha bury him?"

You nod.

"Well, at least there's that," she sighs, stepping forward and giving you another hug. "I'm just glad you and Sansha made it home safe. I'm going to go find her. I'll see you later."

With that, she heads for the village.

At least somebody's happy to see you.

"So, you're back," a voice says behind you. "Good, she was worried sick."

Turning around, you spot Huo, the Firebender in charge of instructing Lantana, walking toward you.

"Surprised to see you back in one piece, but glad just the same," he tells you, offering a hand to shake. "Fighters as good as you are hard to come by."

>A. Shake his hand

>B. Don't shake his hand

>C. Thank him

>D. Ask how Lantana's training's going

>E. Your mission was a complete failure, but you're happy to be alive

>F. Something else
>A. Shake his hand
>D. Ask how Lantana's training's going
>>A. Shake his hand
>>D. Ask how Lantana's training's going
Anon, pls
You brought it up.
Now we are shaking hands with the guy that grabbed lantanas pussy.
Betcha seis gonna notice a weird smell on his hand
You reach out and shale the man's hand, asking how how Lantana's training is coming along.

"She's got a lot of talent, and she's a fast learner," he tells you. "But she's seemed distracted a lot of the time. Hopefully she'll be able to focus a little better now that you and your girlfriend are back."

>A. Hopefully

>B. Sansha's not your girlfriend

>C. Ask if Lantana's been spending all of her time training while you've been gone

>D. Ask what he thinks of Lantana

>E. Something else
>>A. Hopefully
>>C. Ask if Lantana's been spending all of her time training while you've been gone
Sanshafags win?
I'm sure that it'll all come burning down regardless of what happens.
She is coming
Lantanafag 4 ever ;_;7
"Hopefully," you agree. "Has Lantana been doing nothing but training since I left?"

Huo laughs, shaking his head. "Spirits, no. She's been helping us launch attacks. The Lieutenant's dead, and all of the villages in the area are free thanks to her. Now we're hunkering down and waiting for Xiong to send his counterattack."

He looks toward the forest. "We've got more people than ever, the Avatar on our side, and with you back in the fight, we'll break Xiong's attack then take the fight to him."

>A. So, Xiong really has joined the other side?

>B. Sounds good

>C. Huh, Lantana's finally decided to fight?

>D. Ask if he's heard any news about Kalana herself

>E. Something else
>>A. So, Xiong really has joined the other side?
>B. Sounds good
>A. So, Xiong really has joined the other side?
>D. Ask if he's heard any news about Kalana herself
"That sounds good to me," you tell him.

Huo smiles. "I thought you might like to hear that. Lantana said you were getting a little impatient about dealing with this Kalana woman."

"Speaking of, have you heard any news about her?" you ask Huo.

"Not much," he admits. "All the Lieutenant seemed to know was that she went South looking for some kind of library."

You sigh. "So what we already knew."

"Sorry," Huo tells you, patting you on the shoulder. "I'm sure whatever she's up to, she doesn't tell just anybody. But, there's a chance that somebody as important as Xiong would know something. So, if we can get to him, maybe we can get some answers."

He looks toward the village. "Assuming Lantana can keep it together when she runs into him. Apparently they go way back."

Huo looks toward you again. "What do you think of Lantana, anyway?"

>A. She's a great bender, and a good person, but she doesn't always use her head

>B. She's a pretty pathetic Avatar

>C. She's great. Nice, funny, pretty, strong, etc

>D. She's a good friend

>E. Something else
Do you hear that? It's the sound of friend zoning.
>>C. She's great. Nice, funny, pretty, strong, etc
>>A. She's a great bender, and a good person, but she doesn't always use her head

Stop being such a pussy and ask her out huo
>D. She's a good friend

Time to friendzone the avatar.
>Friendzoning the Avatar

The absolute madman
>Lantana winning the poll

>Gets friendzoned anyway

Now that's funny

Mauyafags, Sanshafags, it's down to you guys
>implying Lantana's winning isn't just a clever distraction mqde by mayua and sasha fags so you won't target their waifus.
"She's a great bender, a good person, and a good friend," you tell him. "She just doesn't always use her head."

Huo chuckles. "Yeah, she seems the stubborn type. Still, I kind of have to admire her for it. Anyway, word of advice, watch out for that Mauya girl. I'm pretty sure she wants to rip your head off."

>A. Too late

>B. Nah, she loves you, she won't hurt you too badly

>C. It's just because she cares

>D. Something else
>B. Nah, she loves you, she won't hurt you too badly
>C. It's just because she cares
"Its a weird relationship we have between us"
It was a coordinated effort to take down the more immediate threat. Her continued presence in the bowl was dangerous.

Well played
>>A. Too late

Eh, there might be chances later for them.
Im honestly hoping she tries to move things forward face to face so we can look her in the eyes when we tell her we don't want to be more than friends.
>B. Nah, she loves you, she won't hurt you too badly
>C. It's just because she cares
The real fight will be between Sashafags and Firebender waifu fags
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is that a nipple
Can't show that on a christian board
I'm sorry anon but it looks like Huo's already taken.
"Nah, she loves me," you tell him. "She won't hurt me too badly. Really, she just acts like that because she cares. It's, uh, sort of a weird relationship we have."

Huo looks somewhat confused. "Wait, I thought you were with that Sansha girl. Was it Sansha or Mauya?"

>A. Neither

>B. Neither, but you have a thing for Mauya

>C. Neither, but you have a thing for Sansha

>D. You don't kiss and tell

>E. Neither, but you kind of like both of them
>E. Neither, but you kind of like both of them
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>C. Neither, but you have a thing for Sansha
time to make our move
Incoming shitstorm
>E. Neither, but you kind of like both of them
>C. Neither, but you have a thing for Sansha

Embrace your fellings
>>C. Neither, but you have a thing for Sansha

Can we do a write in where we say we have a thing for all three of them?
I'd kind of like that, cause fuck huo
Shhh don't get greedy anon. Beside it's not like he will live forever, remember what happend with Doyu?
Sanshafags are relentless tonight

Mauyafags better step up their game before it's too late
You know what? I'm fine with either. Switching to
Surely this can have no repercussions whatsoever.
It's too late
Your fools!! What are you doing!
ya know, there was a bit of worry that doyu might fuck shit up for us.
Then he died, you're right anon.
"Neither, actually," you admit. "But I kind of have a thing for Sansha."

Huo stares at you like you're a moron.

"What?" you ask.

"Dude, you were alone with her for weeks. Why didn't you try to make a move?" he questions incredulously.

>A. Because you're a moron

>B. A lot was happening

>C. Because you kind of like Mauya too and are having a hard time choosing

>D. Something else
It's all good by me, Som. So long as you deliver on the despair I will be satisfied.

Your first mistake was assuming I was ever on your side to begin with! No mercy.

>>D. We were basically going on a mission with no good chances of returning. Not really the kind of mood for romance.
and This
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>B. A lot was happening
We were both in danger, we just had lost our old friend sky bison and also:

>A. Because you're a moron

I have true patriotism at my side! You will never win.
>D. Because people were trying to kill us most of the time. And I got a sick haircut.
>Not the perfect excuse for "you could die tomorrow" sex
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Wouldn't that make it the perfect opportunity to give into your lust? Surely you don't want Sei to die a virgin?

Hah! Your patriotism will mean nothing in the face of the inevitable defeat. Pragmatism shall always win.
Sasha is to pure for that.
A bit more time or if people hand't voted for the I love teasing you option, we could have slept in the same tent and given her seis stone obelisk
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Can pureness succumb to pure pressure? Also i want to acquire true gains before trying to invest in a girl.
"A lot was happening," you explain to him.

Huo shrugs. "All I'm saying, man, is that with the kind of situation is, you don't have forever. Anyway, I'm going to go get some sleep. Later."

He returns to the village, leaving you alone.

>A. Go find Lantana

>B. Go find Mauya

>C. Go find Sansha

>D. Go find Pengsong

>E. Go get some sleep

>F. Something else
Time to find our true bro
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>>F. Something else
Finish our trainning Need more muscles! Brake some rocks we still have plenty frustation to release
But, I'm kinda worried about Pengsong, all of our other bros have ended up dead when we were around them.
So what i'm getting is Sei's priorities list are:
Alright, Som, I'm just going to fucking ask. Do you know what happened to Humble? I got reminded of that old CYOA and it's gotten me all nostalgic. It's been two years.
>Forgetting about the pomp
Absolutely disgusting.
Pengsong is the one member of your group you haven't paid a visit since your return. Going back into the village, you take a look around, spotting the creature near the main building, being fed by Mauya.

The Waterbender glares at you as you approach, rubbing the Elephant Mandrill on the head before turning and marching off. Clearly, she's still upset with you.

When you approach Pengsong, he turns around, roars in your face, then licks you, covering you in saliva. He then proceeds to gently nuzzle you before turning around and resuming eating.

>A. Pet him

>B. Tell him you missed him

>C. Find Lantana

>D. Find Sansha

>E. Go after Mauya

>F. Get some sleep
Humble had health issues for a time, and while they made a full recovery, they lacked the time/drive to continue the quest, despite an attempt to do so on /tg/. Humble is still very much alive, and on rare occasion posts on /co/ using their trip
>A. Pet him

>B. Tell him you missed him

>A. Pet him

>B. Tell him you missed him

>inb4 we find out pegson is a girl.
Who told you?
Thanks. I was there for the /tg/ arc and the "early access" thing he did that never went anywhere. Hopefully I'll catch him the one time he posts with his trip this year.

You're still that guy who had awful ideas to me, but that one saiyan quest you did was kinda cool. Goodluck with this one.
It needs to be one to know the other. Besides this is the kind of thing your devious mind would have thougth about.
With a smile, you reach out and pet the large, fluffy creature, commenting that you missed him. Pengsong growls in return, and you choose to interpret that as him letting you know that he missed you as well.

You spot Lantana and Sansha emerging from the main building, the two girls smiling and talking to one another pleasantly. They stop in front of you and Pengsong, with Lantana reaching out to her pet and gently rubbing his chin.

"So, I don't know if Huo told you, but right now, our plan is to wait for Xiong to send a force to counterattack," Lantana explains. "We'll take down whatever force he sends, get as much information as possible, then go after him."

>A. Sounds like a plan

>B. Ask how her training's been going

>C. So Xiong really is one of them?

>D. That doesn't sound like a good plan to you

>E. Something else

>C. So Xiong really is one of them?
>E. "I still think Kalana is only using him as a piece to fistract you. If we think carefully if she looses Xiong her real power won't be affected that much. Maybe making him see this would be a better plan. But i may just be thinking to much into it."
>C. So Xiong really is one of them?
"So are we capturing him or..."
Got into the debilitating hobby of cock sucking and crashed their car.

Not even joking.
"So, Xiong really is one of them?" you ask.

Lantana nods, her expression sad. "It sure looks that way. Several soldiers and the Lieutenant all named him as the one in charge of managing the lands Kalana's taken over."

"So, are we capturing him, or...." you trail off there, not needing to say the rest.

Sansha looks toward the Avatar curiously.

Lantana sighs. "I want to find out the truth. Maybe we can convince him to join up with us, or sabotage Kalana in some way. But, I'll do what I have to do. Don't worry about that."

You can tell by her tone that she means it.

"I've pretty much mastered the basics of Firebending," she continues. "Earth's been mastered for a while, and Air is coming along well. Really, Water's my weakest point. I wanted to train with Mauya, but she hasn't really been in the best state of mind for that."

>A. Apologize for the trouble you've caused

>B. Tell her you're proud of her

>C. Tell her she'll need to be a master of all four elements if Kalana's the threat she seems to be

>D. Promise to train your hardest as well

>E. Something else

>A. Apologize for the trouble you've caused

>B. Tell her you're proud of her
>A. Apologize for the trouble you've caused
>B. Tell her you're proud of her
>D. Promise to train your hardest as well
>>D. Promise to train your hardest as well
Here we go, everyones getting their tampons out.
"I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused," you say to your friends.

Lantana shrugs. "We all make mistakes, Sei. You came back safe and we're ready to help each other again. I'm not mad at you. And Mauya...she'll get over it."

Sansha nods. "What's important now is how we do things moving forward. If we all work together, we can do this."

Lantana nods, raising a fist. "We'll put Kalana in her place, and I'll bring balance to the world the way I was meant to!"

You smile. "I'm proud of you."

Lantana returns the smile. "Thank you."

You raise your own fist. "And I'll train my hardest."

Sansha raises her. "Same for me."

The gang is back together. Though Gava is no longer with you, and Mauya's still mad, together you and your friends may have what it takes to overcome these challenges.

>End Updates

That's all for tonight, anons, I hope you had a good time.

Follow me @qmdralo to see when I'm running

As always, I'll stick around for a bit
*Mauya is still worst girl
Ah friendship. Well this was all good but next thread all wil come tummbling down.
SOM what were Sasha and Latana talking about before seeing us? Was is about how hard she rode the firebenders D?
Can Huo lava surf?
Even worse. How small our pompadour was
Thanks for running, Som. It's nice to be able to start getting over all that angst we've been going through lately. Huo seems pretty cool too.
Probably not


But he's a Firebender, that's oximoronic
Like i give a fuck for that stupid hair.
What were thei talking about then?
Oh, you know, girl stuff
Probably about the tent invitation.
Fire bender cock. got it

I figured they'd be talking about sei crushing that one guys nuts instead.
so vaginas and make up and dicks and stuff


>Discussing such things

Good times
So they were talking about that stupid hair and pairing boys up. Got it. So she must have talked about the tent.
>B. Neither, but you have a thing for Mauya
A little late there, anon
s-shut up
It's okay, fellow Mauyafag. We'll brave through this storm together!
Our time will come

That's the spirit
File: Smug.png (479KB, 484x563px) Image search: [Google]
479KB, 484x563px
And when that time comes, we'll be ready. Prepare your smug.

Giving up without a fight is boring. Besides, I always prepare a contingency plan.
Can't believe the Sashafags tried making their move (kind of) while I was gone. Thankfully nothing really happened, so we still got a chance with Mauya.
Bear the banner proudly my comrades. No war is won in a day!
Except, technically, belgium in world war 2.
They lasted 8 hours
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