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Evil Sorceress Quest #4

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Thread replies: 990
Thread images: 103

We are Sirena Le Doux and we seek revenge against our former master. So far, we've grown more powerful, but there is much more to learn. With our list of allies and teachers slowly growing, we won't stop until we've reached the top, because that's where our former master waits.

Having successfully slain most of the Digger clan and brought prosperity to the Cutter family, as well as exposed that pig of a mayor, the new adventurers hit the tavern for a drink or two! But the next morning, we discovered that someone strange had spent the night with Ben...

Our story continues!

Current Spells and Inventory: http://pastebin.com/YnqXjSpm
Past Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=evil+sorceress

Shill Stuff:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DamashiKonquest
Discord: https://discord.gg/HBz5u9v
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You are in the room of an inn in Bridge Town, with a snoring Ben in the nearby bed. Merriam is in another room, thoroughly spent from last night's activities. And you are staring down a thin, light-haired and cream-skinned elf with narrow eyes and a smirk that could start a fire.

"Well, thank you for looking after him," you say, walking around the room until you are on the opposite side of the bed than she. Ben, completely out of it himself, remains blissfully unaware of your conversation. "I don't suppose that in addition to elven hearing, you have an elven name as well?"

"Kaylessa," she replies with a slight bow of her head. "And he told me about you already."

Your eyes narrow. If a drunken Ben whispered your secret to an elf, he's officially outlived his usefulness. "Did he..."

"Your name is Mary, and you're the one I should talk to. The 'brians' as he put it."

'Flattering, Ben, and not incorrect.' You smile again and say, "Well, here we are, talking. But what about? Perhaps you could start with why, exactly, you spent the night with my companion?"

She folds her arms and leans back against the nightstand. "I want a job."

"A job?" you blink. "I wasn't aware we were hiring."

"You might not be, in which case I'll leave and we'll go our separate ways. But Ben here was going on and on last night about how he is an adventurer now, and how he slaughtered three giant bats and a legion of undead."

"Well, he's at least a third correct," you smile. "But yes, it's true. Ben's going to be a big hero someday."

In the bed, he lets out a snort and rolls onto his side. You both look up from him and back at each other. Kaylessa speaks first. "Well, every hero starts somewhere. Maybe I can help, in exchange for some occasional coin, and a share of the loot, food and campfire warmth. And companionship, too."

You size her up. She's an elf, which usually means she's got more going on than what appears on the surface, but you can at least see a bow. She may be an archer, but she might also have some magic about her. It's often difficult to tell with elves.

>We're not interested, thank you.
>What are your skills?
>What is your going rate?
>Can you convince me it'd be worthwhile?
>What are your skills?
Let's get the key info first so we know what we're haggling for.
>What are your skills?
>What is your going rate?

Let's figure out what we're buying and for how much, before we make any decisions.
>What are your skills?
>What is your going rate?
>What are your skills?
>What is your going rate?
>Can you convince me it'd be worthwhile?

I'm down if she's got some thieving skills as well

Ah, one important detail I forgot: the new pastebin. It will contain work for both of my current quests, including pastebins from last time, finished and in-progress alike.


And before I forget this as well: Happy new year, readers both new and old alike! I hope you had a good holiday vacation. I know I did. It's good to be back.
>What are your skills?
Aren't there adventurer/freelancer guilds that help with stuff like this?
>>Can you convince me it'd be worthwhile?
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You raise a brow and prepare to negotiate. "Very well, firstly: what are your skills?"

"I'm an archer, in case you were blind. I'm also a tracker, and a hunter. I'm skilled with natural medicines."


"Some, not formally you understand. I learned in the wilds."

"You're a wild elf, I take it?"

"Half-wild, half-high elf. My mother was a wilder, my father was from the northern capital."

"I don't suppose you have any of that fancy elven magic then, do you? From your father's side, I mean."

"Some," she admits. "Nothing too flashy. Simple things. Speaking to animals, listening to the wind, picking locks."

Your brow raises slightly higher. "Is there much call for lockpicking out in the wild?"

"On chests and cages, yes," she slyly replies. "Especially when their owners aren't looking."

You stroke your chin. "Hm. How good of a shot are you?"

"Would you like me to shoot an apple off of your head?"

"No, but I could find someone to do it for me," you smile. "How about in a straight-up fight? Without your bow?"

"I'm not really the confrontational type," she shrugs. "I prefer to do my work from a distance, unseen."

'Well, we do already have a fighter with Ben. I do cover the ranged spectrum quite nicely, but it never hurts to have backup, and if she's a good tracker...' You bring up another point. "What is your going rate?"

"An even share of the loot, one-fifth, and if I kill someone then I get first pick on whatever is on their corpse."

>Ask what else she can do
>Bargain for better terms
>Ask about her past experience
>Ask about her past experience

>Bargain for better terms
>Ask about her past experience
She fills a niche, so assuming no red flags pop up,
Just warn her we're currently out of work, after the whole mayor fiasco.
>>Bargain for better terms
>>Ask about her past experience

Is she outlaw?

Does she have problems with powerful or less powerful people?

Does she have the sympathy of powerful people or communities/guilds?

Plus if she kills someone, it's also one fifth.
>>Bargain for better terms
If something is blatantly well suited for a sorceress we get to keep it, even if she killed the person first. Same goes to her if we find something suited for her.
She's already asking for a 1/5 share in a four-man party. I'm sure we can let her current terms slide.
Concur with this.
>Ask about her past experience

And this >>1035909 stipulation, it's one that shouldn't have to be said but wouldn't want to be screwed over pettiness

I mean we can always work on her and get ber to give up loot latter own by become sex slave addticed to us like we working on others.
Have any one read the dune booms or the ones after it?
Big thing about thise wemon giving such good sex that it makes men slaves to them, they start a huge war with thr men doing anything fir them.
We should do this

Also go on to say if she wanted a job then y didnt she come to us for the V?
We're not turning everyone we meet into a sex slave. We don't operate like that.
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"Do you have any experience doing the kinds of things we're talking about?"

"Do you?" she asks, somewhat cocky. "More than this one, that's for sure." She points down at Ben. "I've seen 'first-day heroes' before. I've also seen a few last-day heroes as well."

"You'll pardon me for saying that you don't look particularly weathered."

"I've been around others, is what I'm getting at. I know my way around, both a map and a bow. Now, do we have a deal or not?"

"First thing's first: your terms about getting first pick on a body. So long as you don't withold anything that could be of use to me as a mage, I won't withhold anything from you that you would find more useful."


"And you agree to a one-fifth split?" You ask this, knowing full well there are only four of you. Where she got the idea of there being five, you aren't certain, but you can safely bet that Ben had something to do with it...

"I do."

"Then it's done," you say, walking about the bed to shake her soft and thin hand. "Welcome to the group, Kaylessa."

"A pleasure," she replies, shaking your hand back. "What's first on the agenda?"

>Wake up Ben
>Ask her a few more questions
>Go see Merriam
>Head down to the tavern and see how things are going
>Wake up Ben
>Kaylessa wakes up Ben
>Go see Merriam
Then, breakfast and consolidating our leads.
>>Go see Merriam
>Wake up Ben
>Go see Merriam
>Ask her a few more questions
Ask for more about how she came to be in this place at this time, what she's been doing before this.

>Head down to the tavern and see how things are going>>1035981

Not every one j7st people close to us/ important people in power.
>>Go see Merriam
>>Head down to the tavern and see how things are going

"Since you were so kind in spending time with him, perhaps you could do me a favor and wake him up as well?"

She shrugs. "Very well."

You leave the room and head back to your room and unlock it. Within, Merriam picks up her head and stares at you with half-lidded, droopy eyes. "Mary...?" she asks in a dull tone. "What happened?"

"Nothing, I just got dressed before you," you tell her. You walk over to the bed and sit down on it, taking her head into your lap and running your fingers throug the magnificent red hair you gave her. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mmmhmm..." she says, closing her eyes again. "I could sleep like this forever..."

"Oh, believe me, I know. But forever won't wait for us to get there, and we won't get there in here. So let's get up, dressed and some food in our bellies, hmm?"

It takes some more coaxing, but eventually she does leave the bed. She is rather shy in getting dressed; sweet really, considering you know her body better than she did before last night. Once she is dressed, you meet Kaylessa and Ben downstairs for breakfast. His head is throbbing, and so is hers.

"A shame you don't have any elf in you," she says with a joking smile. "It helps on mornings like these."

As you sit and order a simple breakfast, helping Ben and Merriam get over their light hangover, you consider what to do next.

>Look for a job
>Explore the wilderness
>Follow up on rumors you heard last time
>Ask Kaylessa for advice on good adventuring locales
>Look for a job
>Look for a job

Get some gear for Merriam and Ben.

Did we get any reward for our little event with the Mayor ?
>Follow up rumours
>Did we get any reward for our little event with the Mayor ?

We took about five-hundred coins from his office, that was a bonus.

As for a reward, nah, just Ben getting a pat on the back from the lead paladin.
>As for a reward, nah, just Ben getting a pat on the back from the lead paladin.

Cheap bastards
>>Look for a job
>Buy some supplies/equipment for our merry group.
>Ask Kaylessa for advice on good adventuring locales
We've got a pair of local greenhorns in our party, and Sirena is mildly out of her depth, so it may help to find out how to get started on this whole "adventuring party" business.
As a reminder, we are promised a regular payout from the Digger farm once they get that operation up and going again.
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After a fairly decent breakfast (for a backwater place like an inn in Bridge Town) you and your companions head outside.

"Wait, where is the other one?" Kaylessa asks.

"What other one?" Ben replies, rubbing his eyes.

"The one you said last night was with the other two," the elf says. "You said there were two others than your sister."

You stop, freezing in place. You turn and look back at Ben. 'Choose your words very, very, VERY carefully, Cutter...'

He blinks a few times. "Oh... Must've spoken out of turn, I suppose. There's only one Mary."

"But I said I would take a fifth of the loot!"

"Yes, you did," you snicker. "Oh well!"

As Kayless chews Ben out, you and Merriam approach a nearby board and look at it. "What is this?" she asks.

"I saw this the other day. A board where people post problems they are too stupid or unskilled to solve by themselves, so they are willing to pay. I like that, it seems like a good place to start."

You start inspecting the various parchments, running your finger over the paper and reading.

>Give me some 1d100s for whatever is posted on the board!
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Please no rats in the cellar.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Uhp, time to stop rolling, gents.
Kek. Think it is better we keep Ben from drinking too much from now on.

No, no, please, give me one or a few more, go ahead.
That's not a guarantee it's going to be a good job.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

I'll bite
Rolled 43 (1d100)


I'm guessing these just match up to a random encounter table, also I was going to throw this out anyways if we're incorporating an adventuring group I think we should all get a 5th potion of loot anyways and keep a 5th (in our hands) set aside for party supplies and emergencies

Let's look at some headlines.

>Red Goblin raiders!
>Bounty on Demon! (Note: "may not actually be demon" is scrawled underneath it)
>Barbarians from the west!
>Haunted tower!
>Other/search elsewhere for work
>>Haunted tower!
This. If we end up clearing the place, we find ourselves a nice headquarters.
>Haunted tower!
Sounds fun.
>Haunted tower!
This is good logic.

Haunted tower
>>Haunted tower!
Looks like we're about to get our spook on.
>>Bounty on Demon! (Note: "may not actually be demon" is scrawled underneath it)

You focus on one headline in particular, about a haunted tower.

>Reward offered to any and all who can cause the terrible specters that emerge from the lone tower near the eastern road, before the first river crossing from Bridge Town heading north, to cease.

'Hmm... Haunted tower? Specters? This could be up my alley.'

>For additional details, visit the local guard garrison and ask for Lt. Blont.

"I actually think I know that place," Merriam says. "It's east of the Digger farm. I've never been, but I've heard stories."

"What kinds of stories?"

"You know... ghost stories. Figures in the night and sky, howling banshees, monsters... Nobody really knows. Could all be stories."

"Well, there's a post here asking for help in dealing with them, so I'm thinking it's not all stories," you say, taking the note off the board. "We could very well be looking at a halfway-decent reward, depending on how hard the work is..."

'And,' you think to yourself, 'I might be in the market for a new tower...'

Ben and Kaylessa walk over then. "I heard some of it," she says. "Ghosts? You've picked a bit of a doozy for a green party, don't you think? Unless you've got magic that can hurt them, my arrows and his sword aren't going to do much."

>Look for another job
>We'll take this one
>Shop for supplies
>Take Kaylessa off to the side and discuss >>1036219's idea
>>Shop for supplies
We got some coinage, let's put it to use.
Are anti-specter enchantments a thing?
>We'll take this one
>Shop for supplies

Yes, magical encompasses a broad spectrum, but finding an enchanter in a place like Bridge Town isn't likely.
Hmmm...we might want to take a smaller one for now, then, and come back to this one. Maybe the raiders.
>Take Kaylessa off to the side and discuss >>1036219 (You)'s idea

Yes please, there's no disadvantage to just having the idea out there in the first place (since we'll hold onto the extra portion) and it smooths out any tensions that might be there for feeling tricked

>We'll take this one
>Shop for supplies
>We'll take this one
>Shop for supplies

We currently 568 coins (lost two for breakfast).

How much do we want to spend? Let's just say,

>Some other variable

With less meaning worse gear and more meaning better gear. If you want me to pull up prices, I can, but I'd rather not -- I could use a generic D&D gear list but prices can vary depending on location, availability, etc.

We're fairly good on non-combat supplies, and currently Ben and Merriam are both unarmored and Ben has his father's sword.

We want to invest early, no sense in losing anyone due to a lack of supplies and allies are more important than money
We can easily obtain more coins in the future.
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After a short period of shopping, you, Merriam and Ben are all decked out in new clothing and gear! For Merriam, you went with a simple and functional set of leather armor, enough to allow her to move and not tight enough to choke her. You purchased for her a dagger, which you instruct her to keep with her at all times.

For Ben, he was more costly. A nice, barely-used set of chainmail for his torso and his upper legs, along with some shoulder plating. A few leather belts to hold it all together, along with a shield to allow him some defense, and a helmet. That, along with the new boots and pants have him looking almost like a warrior! 'Still quite young and green-looking, though,' you have to admit to yourself. 'Still, if half of success is looking the part, then we're halfway there!'

Kaylessa didn't need much. A few more arrows, some other supplies. She seems rather minimalistic in this regard -- likely due to her wild elf parentage.

For you, however, you faced a unique problem. Look like a mage, or not? You wouldn't be able to hide it forever. So, you need something to distinguish yourself, something unlike most things other people wear...

You find it in the form of a hat. Not just any hat, but a nice, classic witch hat, the kind you used to look down upon. This fashion is very last-century, but for the sake of disguise, you'll wear it. It's not like the REAL Sirena would be caught wearing one, right? That makes it a great disguise.

Or does it make it a poor disguise? Would they be looking for someone who looks more like Sirena, or the least like Sirena?

'...Better to play it safe than sorry. I've already encountered one group of bounty hunters, and who knows if those paladins are still around...'

All in all, with the purchases you've made and additional supplies for ten days, you now have 142 gold.

>Head to the tower!
>See if you can research it first
>Let's hold off on going to the tower until we're slightly stronger
>Ask the others for ideas
>See if you can research it first
>>See if you can research it first
There's no downside to preparation. If it seems too dangerous, we can just hold it off for later.
>Research first
Inb4 Sirena gets attached to that hat
>See if you can research it first
>See if you can research it first

Maybe get water from the magical healing well. If there is undeads in there holy water might be useful

"Hm, I'd like to learn more about this place, first," you say to them. "Ben, what say you? Want to kill ghosts?"


"But how, dear Ben, do you kill that which is already dead?"


"Exactly. We should learn some more, first. Perhaps studying on the history of this place..."

"We could start by going to that lieutenant," Kaylessa suggests. "Or I could ask around for rumors."

"I know a local scribe who has a lot of old, dusty books in town," Merriam offers, and the idea intrigues you.

>Go to the lieutenant who posted the job
>Go to the scribe and see if he has the history of the place
>Have Kaylessa prowl the streets for more info
>Head up north to Elder Grey; see if she knows anything
>Go to the lieutenant who posted the job
>Have Kaylessa prowl the streets for more info
>Go to the scribe and see if he has the history of the place
>>Go to the scribe and see if he has the history of the place
>Go to the scribe and see if he has the history of the place
>Head up north to Elder Grey; see if she knows anything

Everybody split up, Ben talk to the LT, Kaylessa hit the streets, Merriam talk to the scribe and I'll go talk to a source up North a bit we'll meet back here to review what we've found

You motion for Merriam to lead the way. She takes the group to an old shop near the outskirts of the loosely-defined town and knocks on the door. An old man answers, poking his head out. His face is mostly hidden behind a large, bushy beard. "Eh? What do you want?"

He looks your group up and down. "Bah. Adventurers, no doubt."

"Actually, researchers!" you say, pushing your way to the front. "Hello, sir, my name is--"

"I don't care! What do you want?"

You keep your anger in check and remain composed. "Ahem. We're looking for information on a nearby haunted tower."

"Oh, is that all? What's your offer?"

"My what?"

"Does this look like a STORE to you, little missy? This is my HOME! And my knowledge, a wealth of it gathered through YEARS of travel, study, apprenticeship and actual research does NOT come cheaply!"

"Well, I--"

"Make an offer or shut up!"

He slams the door in your face before you get a chance to answer him. Merriam clears her throat and puts her fingers together. "Perhaps I should have mentioned that he isn't exactly a... people person."

You straighten your hat. 'He wants an offer? I'll make him an offer...'

>Go elsewhere
We still got enough to bribe this guy hopefully.

We've got magic, it's a renewable resource
Teach him a spell I guess, but do so in private.

"Alright, I'll handle this," you tell your allies. "Go talk to that lieutenant or something. Dig up rumors. Leave the old man to me."

They slowly back away as you knock on the door. He opens it and is about to speak, but this time YOU cut him off. "HOLD IT! We're going to go inside and TALK about this, RIGHT NOW. Got it, old man?"

He stares at you with milky eyes under bushy white eyebrows, but then moves aside. You stride past him and into his home, which smells like old paper and ink.

"Well?" he says as he closes the door.

"Magic," you say, rather simply. "I have it, and I can use it. What do you want done?"

He sits in a chair alongside two massive stacks of paper. "I suppose the weeds around my property have been getting rather long."

Your eye twitches. "Excuse me?"

"And I reckon that I could use a new latrine dug."

"These tasks are... menial labor! I have magic, you old fool!"

The thick spectacles on his face shine. "So do I. Now sit down and shut up." You brush some papers off of a chair and sit, folding your arms and legs. "Now, as I was saying... Your offer. Magic. I have magic to help me see things, but I don't have much in the way of making things happen."

"You speak of divination," you reply.

"I know what it's called, thank you very much! My spells help me read ancient languages, see into the past, see things far away, gain visions of the future..."

His voice trails off and your eyes widen slightly. Could he have ascertained your true identity? Could he be reading your mind? 'Oh no! Think random thoughts... La, la, la, I'm not Sirena, I'm not Sirena Le Doux... Curses!'

However, his expression doesn't seem to change. "It just so happens that I want something... And you can help me get it. I have studied it for a long while, seen it in texts and in my spells, but I am too..."


"BUSY!" he shouts back. "Now then, you made an offer, so here is MINE: get me what I want, and you'll have free access to all of my knowledge! In fact, I might even see fit as to teach you a thing or two."

>What is it?
>Set the terms
>What is the extent of your power?
>Make a counter-offer
>>What is it?
Let's hear what he wants.
>What is it?
>What is it?
>What is it?
>>What is it?

Divination nice :)
Why are all good mages cunts though?
because they can afford to be.
>What is it?

These are better terms than I expected so I am guessing the task is also going to be harder than I expected
>Why are all good mages cunts though?

We haven't met more than half of the teachers; I'm sure we're just getting the rotten eggs out of the way until we get to the level-headed ones.

They can't ALL be jerks, right?


"So be it. What is it that you desire?"

"A bath," he says, and this is followed by several moments of silence. Suddenly he bursts into laughter, right around the moment when you were starting to think he was serious. "What? That's a JOKE! Bah, kids these days."

"Har har..."

He reaches for a book and flips through its pages. Finally, he finds what he is looking for and holds it up. "Behold! A lantern."

Sure enough, it is a picture of a lantern. "...Yes, yes it is. You want it? Because I can go buy you one and--"

"This cannot be BOUGHT! It must be taken from its resting place in the tomb of its master! Retrieve this lantern for me, and I shall uphold my end of the bargain, witch."

"I am NOT a witch."

"But the hat -- ah, kids, nevermind."

"So, where is this tomb?"

"It is beneath a destroyed village to the north... There lurks an old woman, surrounded by dead cats."

You blink for a moment. "Wait, what?"

He clears his throat. "It is BENEATH a DESTROYED village to the NORTH... There lurks--"

"I heard you the first time! But I've been there. I saw no dungeon!"

"Did you see a great tree in the heart of the village, hm?"

"Yes, well--

"And did you INSPECT IT? Perhaps discovering a secret hole beneath its roots? No? Then shut up! You know nothing."

'You're very, very, VERY lucky I could get some use out of you, old man...' You clear your throat. "Very well. I shall return to this place, and find this tomb, and bring you back the lantern."

He nods. "Good! And if you see my ex-wife, tell her 'hello, have you died yet?' for me."

>You were married to Elder Grey?
>What dangers may lurk in this tomb?
>Ask him more about what he can teach you
>Get going
>>You were married to Elder Grey?
>What dangers may lurk in this tomb?

Let's bring up the marriage with Elder Grey first, we already have a good relationship with her and I am not sure how he would react to finding out we know her
>What dangers may lurk in this tomb?

>Get going

Lets not reveal that we know Elder Grey. It is fitting we can also ask what she knows about the tower.
>You were married to Elder Grey?
>>You were married to Elder Grey?
>They can't ALL be jerks, right?
I'm afraid that's a possibility...

Haha nice one QM, the mad catlady and the egocentric oracle...

>Get going
She might teach us how to talk with the spirits, so that we could get the haunted tower done on our way back.
>You were married to Elder Grey?
"Also do you really think she'd stay dead for long.?"
>What dangers may lurk in this tomb?

Or just get going. Don't let him know we know Grey. He clearly dislikes her.
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'Well, that's a surprise.' You smile and ask, "You were married to Elder Grey?"

"Hah! Is that what she's calling herself these days? Fine. Let her play like she is some wise old woman and not some bitter old hag. Bah... So, you met her, I take it?"

"I learned a thing or two from her."

"Ah, so she isn't dead yet. Fantastic. Don't spend much time around her, girl, or you'll find yourself swept up in the business of the hags."

"She said she left their coven, actually."

"And I'm sure didn't mind at all," he mutters his warning. "Sooner or later, they'll come for her. You had best hope you are not there when they do."

Through narrow eyes, you watch him turn and look towards the nearby fireplace. For a moment, the only sound is the crackling of the fire. You decide to change the subject.

"What dangers may lurk in this tomb? Surely you've seen those as well."

"There is danger, yes... What old tomb isn't full of it? Ah, I remember one expedition to a grand desert in a faraway land... filled with mummies, it was! What a time."

"Right, but about THIS tomb..."

"And another, golems! Ah, so many golems..."

"Old man..."

"And then there was the snake cult's ancient temple, yes, that was quite a tomb!"

You sigh, stand up and walk out. Even after closing the door, he continues to rample, now lost in the sight of his own memories. Heading back to town, you discover the others near your stabled horses. It seems Kaylessa has her own, a golden-haired mare with a white mane.

>Sirena will go north alone
>The party will go north together
>A brief stop at Cutter farm
>Ride for the old village, but avoid Elder Grey and Boris
>Sirena will go north alone

If we haven't followed up with the other sources let's split down the middle. We'll take Kaylessa with us on our way North (we'll be able to see how she does dealing with whatever is in the tomb with us) and Ben and Merriam stay and track down extra information
>Sirena will go north alone

Tell the rest to head for the Cutters farm, we will meet up there.
>>The party will go north together

Meet Elder grey and ask her to teach us some spirit stuff if she knows anything about it. Also ask her about the tomb.

I'd also like to know what are the goals of the coven...
>>The party will go north together
>Sirena will go north alone
>If we haven't followed up with the other sources let's split down the middle. We'll take Kaylessa with us on our way North (we'll be able to see how she does dealing with whatever is in the tomb with us) and Ben and Merriam stay and track down extra information

I am actually seconding this, we might use a little privacy to estimate her potential and show her our relation with (yet another) necromancer without alarming the others.
Think Ben will take kindly to us knowing a necromancer?
Ehh, switching support.
Know what? I'm changing my vote to this as well.

He already knows we are
He knows we know a little, but him figuring out we've had multiple masters... too risky.
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1MB, 985x726px

"We're going to split up," you say to the others. "Kaylessa, you'll be coming with me to a tomb. Ben, Merriam, you'll remain at your family farm."

The elf cocks a brow. "Any particular reason?"

"Consider it a test," you reply. "I know them and what they can do, so I'd like to see what you can do."

"Fair enough," she concedes. Climbing up onto her horse, she asks, "Where to?"

You, Ben and Merriam mount up on the two horses. "Follow us," Ben instructs her. Soon enough, by late afternoon, you have arrived at the Cutter farm. The two boys, Frog and Toad, run out to greet their siblings. You and Kaylessa ride by, offering a wave to them and to their mother from the doorway.

"We'll be back soon," you say to the siblings, blowing them both a kiss.

As you ride north, Kaylessa speaks, not content to let a certain matter rest. "Listen, about this one-fifth share business..."

>Change it to one-fourths, even
>Keep things the way they are; you get two-fifths
>Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group"
>Dodge the subject for now
>Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group"
>Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group"
>Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group"
Might as well. I see it as somewhat of a personal savings.
>Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group"
I like the idea of having a group fund pool.

Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group

Wink wink but we get to hold it
>Keep one fifth of each loot haul for the "group"

"There's nothing to talk about, really," you shrug.

She grows slightly indignant. "So, I get one-fifths. What do you get? Two-fifths?"

You smile. "My dear Kaylessa, you wound me. As a matter of fact, I was going to suggest that we have a group... fund, if you will."


"We all will take one-fifth. The fifth portion will go to the 'group' itself. We can spend or save our money as we see fit, but this way we will always have something saved up in case one of us, or all of us, need help."

She pauses. "That... makes sense to me. But who holds onto it?"

You shrug. "How about we rotate? If you can't trust me."

"It's not that I can't trust, but we hardly know each other."

"I'm sure that will change soon enough," you reply.

It is not long before you come upon the outskirts of the town. It is curious, whenever you look upon it; this was the first place you found when you ran away. Strange that fate keeps bringing you back to it.

>Head straight for the tree
>Tell her to wait here; go see Elder Grey
>Go and speak with Elder Grey with Kaylessa
>Tell her to wait here; go see Elder Grey

Elven Rangers/Rogues and Necromancers dont go well together.
>>Head straight for the tree

Let's just get this one finished. We can talk more with Elder Grey when there aren't elf rangers around.
>Tell her to wait here; go see Elder Grey
Ask her about spiritism!
>Head straight for the tree
>Go and speak with Elder Grey with Kaylessa

"Here is one of the various teachers I have picked up some magic from."
>Go and speak with Elder Grey with Kaylessa
Quick break; dinner and a chat on the phone. I'll let you know when I'll be back to write the next update.
>>Go and speak with Elder Grey with Kaylessa
>>Tell her to wait here; go see Elder Grey
We should probably probe Kaylee to see how she feels about necromancers and such before we start exposing our secrets.
Plus we can talk about Grey's husband without having to explain all the relationship mess to Kay.

>Ask her about spiritism!
This is why we need to spend a little more time with The Plague Doctor. He had a nice book on spirits that we were going to read until we ended up voting to leave prematurely.
But yes, if Grey can teach us something new, by all means.

I'm personally hoping we can control the spirits of the tower to join us. We could keep them invisible or in a bottle next to our backpack skeleton. which we also need to improve on.
>>Tell her to wait here; go see Elder Grey

Let's not reveal all our secrets, she doesn't need to know more than Ben and Miriam do

Well, that took longer than expected. Sorry about that, folks, my sleep schedule got messed up yesterday and I ended up dozing.

"Do me a favor and wait here; keep an eye on things."

"Going inside yourself?"

"Not to the tomb, no. I won't be too long," you reply. "Just give me a signal if you see anything coming."

Kaylessa nods, though she doesn't quite believe you, something you can tell from her body language. She remains here, keeping a lookout as you enter the village. You ride past the dead tree and straight to Elder Grey's house; you can already see undead eyes of cats looking upon you, but they do not move to intercept you. Seems like they remember you.

You dismount, tie up the horse and walk in to discover Elder Grey in a different room than usual, with Boris slumped up against one wall. You do not have to announce your presence for her to know who you are. "There's a different wind about you today," she says. "Something's changed."

"A few things," you reply. "I've come back with a purpose."

>Ask about the tomb
>Ask about her ex-husband
>Ask more about the hags
>Ask how she is doing
>>Ask about her ex-husband

So I know why you broke up with him. Man is he insufferable.
>Ask about the tomb
>Ask more about the hags
>Ask about the tomb
>Ask about her ex-husband
>Ask about the tomb
>>Ask about the tomb

>>Ask more about the hags
>Your husband says Hi. He was an ass
>Ask how's she's doing
>Ask about the tomb
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31KB, 400x372px

"Purpose? What might that be?"

"Firstly, to just say that I met your ex-husband. I can see why you split."

Her wrinkled face twists into a smile. "Ahahah! I'm surprised he's still alive."

"He says the same."

"We're both too stubborn to die. Ah, but what a gentlemen he used to be..."

"Secondly, I'm here about a tomb, under the tree. What can you tell me about it?"

"There's not much to interest you down there, I am certain," she says. "A few trinkets, perhaps..."

You narrow your eyes as she pets one of her dead cats. "You aren't hiding something from me, are you? You neglected to mention it last time I was here."

"Because I and my lovelies keep well enough away from it," she says. "There is something that lurks down there that is beyond my power to control."

Now she has your full interest. "Go on, then. What is it?"

"When this village was destroyed, the only place that was protected was that tomb. That is because the elders of this place ensnared a guardian to protect it and keep the dead placed within it safe, and their belongings."

"Well, I'm just here for a lamp. Though, if I happen to see some other things, I won't mind if I help myself."

"Be cautious, girl," she warns. "It has been long since that guardian has stirred, and it is doubtless... hungry."

"What is it?" you ask, but she shakes her head and says nothing more. You roll your eyes and let out a short sigh.

>Check out the tomb
>Get Kaylessa
>Bring Boris along
>Ask her some more questions
>Get Kaylessa
>Bring Boris along
Time for our very first zombie to strut his stuff.
>>Get Kaylessa
>>Bring Boris along
>>Check out the tomb
>>Get Kaylessa
>>Bring Boris along

Before I catch some more Z's, let me get a few 1d100s so we can generate this guardian.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 42 (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)

>>Check out the tomb
>>Get Kaylessa
>>Bring Boris along

>All these green ID codes

How wicked

Anyway, I'll finish up on my sleep now, we'll resume when I get up.
Interesting sleeping cycle you have boss, reminds me of me when I was still overworked.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolling for the fun of it.
Rolled 82 (1d100)


Thanks for the rolls. Writing the next update now.
"Come along, Boris," you say to the stitched-together corpse, who moves for the first time since your arrival. He stands up in an awkward, stiff way and lumbers towards you. "I'll be borrowing him for the time being," you tell her, and then leave.

Boris follows you to the edge of the town, where Kaylessa immediately sees him accompanying you. Her ears seem to perk up, not unlike a cat's, as she focuses immediately upon him and sensing potential danger. But she can also clearly see that he is following you, and so she doesn't move to attack, but she is immediately prepared with a few questions.

"What is that?" is the first.

"This is Boris. Don't worry, he is harmless, unless I command him not to be."

"Did you find him in the tomb?"

"No, he was made before I ever knew of the place."

"I see... So you are a necromancer, then?"

"I don't consider myself a necromancer just because I know a bit of necromancy," you explain. "Do you consider yourself solely an archer? No, of course not, you explained that to me earlier today."

That seems to satisfy her to a degree, but she is still wary. "Very well... I take it he's extra muscle?"

"For now. Let's go see about this tomb, shall we?"

She dismounts and follows you up to the tree. Finding the hole is an easy task, but it is small wonder you didn't find it before, as it is covered with a disguise. A blanket of grass and leaves and held there by rocks, but once you remove it, you discover a passage that leads down into a hall of dirt.

The three of you descend, though Boris has the most trouble, being the least coordinated. Once within, you look down the hall and into the tomb beyond. There, you can see a single light burning.

'Must be the lamp,' you think. You take out a torch and set to work on lightning it. 'It must be magical, because there is nobody around to have lit it. I wonder what the old man wants with it...'

>All three proceed
>Send Boris in first
>Send Kaylessa in first
>Sirena goes in first
>>Send Boris in first
>>Send Boris in first

Yay. Boris is back!
>Send Boris in first
>Send Boris in first

"Boris, you first. Go on."

Kaylessa has her bow out and ready, with an arrow ready to go, as Boris lumbers into the tomb. After the descending hall, it widens to a somewhat-tall room with stone floors, walls and ceiling. The corpse shambles into the room and walks to its center, but nothing happens.

Your eyes become thin slits as you observe and wait. "Hm. That doesn't seem quite right."

"Expecting a trap?"

"A guardian of some kind. I was warned there would be one." You and the elf move up to the tomb entrance and look inside, where you see a few coffins, rows of wooden caskets in the walls with faded names, and the lantern at the opposite end, burning brightly in the darkness.

"So, now what?" she asks.

>All three move into the room, do not near the lantern
>Send Boris to get the lantern
>Have Kaylessa attempt to get the lantern with her speed
>All three move up to the lantern
>All three move into the room, do not near the lantern
Let's look around first before we grab the lantern and trigger anything.
>Have Kaylessa attempt to get the lantern with her speed
>>All three move into the room, do not near the lantern
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66KB, 620x453px

"Let's move up," you suggest.

As you and Kaylessa enter the room, something changes. A strange wind blows, almost like the chamber is reacting to your presence. You then hear something from a corner of the room, sounding like a loud plob of some kind, like hoof on stone.

'What? Why didn't it react when Boris... It must be because we are LIVING! It hungers, of course!'

You don't have long to contemplate your mistake as a massive figure steps forth from the shadows. You and Kaylessa both take in the sight of a minotaur, one long since dead, but moving all the same. The corpse is no usual zombie, it is highly magical in nature, and covered in a series of runes that bind it to this place. Its mouth opens and a terrible stench emerges.

'This is no ordinary zombie, this is a ghoul!' you realize. The monster's mouth drips with a vile saliva as its rotten tongue flops out of the side of its cheekless face. 'It is not driven to protect, but driven to kill, to consume flesh! My spells of controlling undead cannot stop its hunger -- I have no way to control an undead of this size or caliber!'

The minotaur hefts a mighty weapon upwards and lets out a long, low groan as it moves to stand between you and the lamp.

Slowly, you and Kaylessa back up as Boris faces this titanic undead thrall.

>Battle time!
>1d100 and an action to accompany it!

I know last time it was 1d20 but I'd like to see which one you guys prefer.
Rolled 36 (1d100)


Well Boris good luck man.

Blast runes with Arcane Bolt
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Shoot an arcane bolt at the dude's knees. Shouldn't take much to hamper his movement.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Take it over forcefully with willpower magic 'n shit
Replied to the wrong post
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Minor Create Skeleton. Let's put those spare bones we have to use and make an extra body.
Rolled 31 (1d100)


Target it's knees with Arcane bolt
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164KB, 774x1032px

Immediately you throw up your hands and blast an arcane bolt from each, aimed at the minotaur's knees. Your hope is to cripple it. Though your attacks strike true, they seem to do minimal damage! Your eyes widen as you realize this minotaur must have some kind of magical resistance or further subtle protection that you cannot see!

Boris charges at the creature and tackles into it, slamming his fists into its neck. The larger and stronger creature grabs the back of his neck with one hand and hurls him off to the side, where he crashes into a coffin.

Kayless wastes no time in letting loose an arrow. It strikes the creature right between the eyes, and this seems to stop it... for a moment. Despite the new unicorn-like horn in its head, the minotaur takes a step closer!

The elf falls back and prepares another arrow.


You hold up a hand. "HOLD!" you shout, pouring as much power as you can into the command. Your knowledge of necromancy doesn't give you much about ghouls, but he is still a corpse! Though you cannot control him, it seems your command word has given him pause for a moment, confused him!

'A chance is all I need!'


Taking out your bag of bones, you pour them out onto the ground and quickly mutter your incantation! This is the first time you've used this spell in combat, but you are successful! The bones assemble themselves in nearly a second, shooting up to form a full and complete skeleton. The bones are under your complete command, just as Boris is!

>Current Health: Full
>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Disregard my other posts.
The minotaur doesn't see Boris as an enemy yet so we should try to use boris for any close combat.
Try to talk with the beast to test intelligence.
Get some distance between us.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Is there any spare essense or blood dripping from the minotaur? Anything we can use to Drain Life?
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Arcane " Taste my lightning sucker" Bolt.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

The thing is covered in runes so we should look for a way of destroying them.
Does Kaylessa have anything we could use to set the thing on fire? If we destroy it's outer skin, that should destroy the runes too, right?
What the fuck is wrong with my rolls
This. Let's just leave it at this.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Arcane bolt its kneecaps again.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

6, 2, 1, 99


Try not to suck!
We ded
We so ded

For a moment, the minotaur doesn't seem to move. Perhaps your command was more effective than you thought? Perhaps you'll be able to--

The minotaur then springs forward with unnatural speed and bashes right through your skeleton, shoulder-checking you! You fly backwards and hit the ground rolling, your head spinning and throbbing from a new bruise.

As you are about to get back up, the minotaur then bring forward a hoof and kicks you in the stomach.

Pain. Real, honest, actual pain. What a curious thing... In the brief moment between him kicking you and you hitting the nearby coffin, you consider that up until now, you've never really gotten your hands dirty. Sure, there was when you assembled Boris, that was a rather dirty affair, but this... this is a whole new level.

At least if you survive this you'll be able to say that you were kicked by an undead minotaur.

Your body hits the nearby coffin and crumbles to the ground and you let out a groan of pain. Your stomach aches terribly and your mind is temporarily flashing white, unable to articulate thoughts, much less verbal spells.

As the minotaur advances, Boris suddenly leaps on it from behind, grabbing its horns! When he pulls back, this exposes the monster's neck! Kaylessa fires an arrow into the throat, embedding it deeply within! The minotaur struggles to pull back its head, but Boris' grip is strong and his feet are sure!


You look up as the arrow flies into the monster's neck. Though you at first let out a cough when you open your mouth, you raise a shaking hand and mutter the simple incantation for another arcane bolt!

It flies to the arrow, causing it to explode within his neck! The monster's entire throat bursts from the impact, exposing the black and rotten musculature within, as well as the spine of his neck. There are holes at the top and bottom visible that lead to its mouth and stomach.

Rather than defeat this creature, however, it only seems to enrage it!


The minotaur thrusts forward, taking Boris with it! He causes the corpse to fall right in front of him as he swings his head towards the ground. He then stands up straight, lifts up his axe, and slams it down upon the corpse, cutting him nearly completey in half! Boris lets out a muffled grunt and then grows very, very still.

The minotaur withdraws its axe and sets its sights upon you two.


Your hand, still raises in defiance, points at the minotaur and blasts an arcane bolt at its knee again. However, perhaps due to your earlier attack weakening the creature, this one manages to go through! You blast a chunk a flesh off of its knee, causing the leg to buckle and the minotaur to fall to one leg. Kaylessa then fires an arrow into its eye, then another in its nostil!

The minotaur is far from finished, however, as it tries to get back up on its leg!

>1d100 and an action!
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Forceful Push to blast it off its feet before it can reconstitute.
Rolled 11 (1d100)


Force push like this guy said, but try to roll better.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Give him an arcane bolt to the eye, specifically the one with an arrow lodged in it.
I thought the arrow was between his eyes?
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Try to blind it with a an illusion.
>Kaylessa then fires an arrow into its eye

She may have done that twice, but I was referring to this one.
Oh shit that is three arrows in its head, all which can be exploded.


Explode all three arrows please.
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606KB, 1024x576px

>Health: 60%


You bring your hands together and enact a forceful push, managing to unbalance it further thanks to its already-weakened leg. The undead minotaur stumbles back, but isn't quite down and out for the count.

But this gives you an opening.


As he picks up his head, you aim for the arrow stuck in its eye and fire another arcane bolt! You narrowly succeed, and the arrow similarly explodes into small splinters of wood, destroying half of his head.

The minotaur's head swirls for a moment, and just when it seems like the fight is not over, he falls forward and dies. Well, dies again. The beast slumps back, dying underneath the lantern.

Kaylessa walks over and offers you her hand. You take it and she pulls you up to your feet. "Are you alright?"

"I've been... better," you reply, rubbing your wounded stomach. You wince as you try to walk. Your head is throbbing with pain. "Give me a moment..."

"I can help with that," she says, helping you to sit down. She opens her side pack and takes out a small bottle, uncorking it and holding it up to your lips. "Drink."

It isn't so much an offer as it is a command, and you graciously do so. Almost immediately, your muscles seem not quite as tense and the ache from your stomach and head seem to lesson as well. "A healing potion?"

"A personal recipe," she replies. "Some herbs mixed in to help it go down."

She takes out a salve and rubs some of it on her fingers. "May I?" You nod, and she rubs it on your forehead and stomach. "This will also help to ease the pain and encourage healing. Ground-up roots and some other useful ingredients. You should be more careful, you know; like me, you're better at a distance."

"Well, I'm glad I was able to make use of your arrows," you reply. "You are a good shot."

"I try. Now wait here, I'll check the body."

>No, I killed it! I get first pick.
>Insist on checking it together; it was a mutual kill
>Let her go; you heal up
>Focus instead on the lantern
Rolled 85 (1d100)


Target the arrows in his head to explode them
>Insist on checking it together; it was a mutual kill
Let's search the rest of the tomb, i'm sure the lantern isn't the only thing of worth here.
>>Insist on checking it together; it was a mutual kill
Fix Boris :(
>Focus instead on the lantern

We've already agreed that if she finds something better suited for us she will give it up and we still have a goal here
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maze necklace.jpg
395KB, 800x800px

"Hang on, it was a mutual kill!" you insist, crawling towards the corpse.

"If you say so," she says.

The minotaur has two things of note; an interesting necklace with the design of a maze with a green gem at its center, and a bag of coins. After attempting to detect any magic upon the amulet, you find that it has none. The coins, something around a few dozen, will be evenly split in accordance with the rules.

"So, who gets the necklace?" Kaylessa asks.

You look at it, studying its surface. It's strange... Though you are certain you have never seen it before, it seems somewhat familiar in nature.

>You keep it; do not sell it
>You will keep it and sell it
>Let her have it
>Keep it aside for now; nobody 'keeps' it
>>Keep it aside for now; nobody 'keeps' it
Search the rest of the tomb!
>Keep it aside for now; nobody 'keeps' it
Fix Boris :(
>>Keep it aside for now; nobody 'keeps' it
>Keep it aside for now; nobody 'keeps' it

"It seems weirdly familiar, but I can't place it right now."

Keep it aside for now; nobody 'keeps' it

Mybe just mybe guys you could have just walked back out of the tomb waited an hour then sent zombro down and pick up the item without this fight happening
Yeah, but we killed him. And now we get loot.
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67KB, 458x516px

"I can't quite place it, but it looks familiar. I'd like to set it aside for now."

She shrugs. "Very well. Shall we search the rest of the tomb?"

You nod and move to stand, wincing as you do. Again, Kaylessa helps you back up. "Don't push yourself too much, now," she cautions. "You just hired me. It would be a shame if my new employer died on the same day I was hired. What would that say about me?"

A small smirk graces your lips. 'I'm starting to like this one,' you think.

>Give me some 1d100s to see if the tomb has any more loot, now that we can search it properly.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

By the RNGods, may we roll high and get all the loot!
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Rolled 84 (1d100)

Fix Boris :(
Rolled 89 (1d100)

After are done here we should head to the Cutters farm and get some of that healing water before returning to the traienr.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)


Well we didnt get very much loot so wasnt very worth it to almost die.
But the tomb might have nice things wich yet again could just sent zombro down an d pick things up for us
>Well we didnt get very much loot so wasnt very worth it to almost die.
Dude, we're still rolling for loot. Calm down.
Put Boris's head on the minotaur body
Fix Boris :)
This WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! We can rebuild him
While I'm checking these rolls, let me ask you guys how you feel about the combat.

1d20 vs. 1d100?

1d20: more likely to roll 1 and 20, but this means crits will have less impact.

1d100: less likely to roll 1 and 100, but this means that crits will have more impact.


With your system, 1d100s
Hard to say. I like d100's just for the sake that we have less 1's.

Prefer d100's

As you and Kaylessa search the tomb, you find a small chamber off to one side. This was the burial place of a warrior, and his precious possessions were kept with him. Upon his coffin is enscribed, "Trust not the witch."

Upon the coffin itself is his shield. It immediately catches your eye for it glints with a light that can only mean it has something special about it. The first thing you notice is that its runes match those that were upon the minotaur's chest. Sure enough, upon closer examination, you discover that this is indeed a shield designed to repell magic.

'Trust not the witch? Good advice.' You lift up the heavy shield and smirk. 'Arming Ben with this could prove very useful... The enchantment upon it is powerful. But would it be wise to arm him with it? What if he ever discovers what I truly have done to him?'

>Keep it and arm Ben with it
>Leave it here, for now
>Keep it but hide it somewhere other than this tomb
>Fix Boris and instead arm HIM with the shield
>>Keep it and arm Ben with it
>Keep it and arm Ben with it

Makes the most sense. Bens first magical item.
>>Fix Boris and instead arm HIM with the shield

[Evil cackling intensifies]
>>Keep it and arm Ben with it
damn, we already got a dispelling shield. GG Minotaur.
>>Leave it here, for now
>Keep it and arm Ben with it

Might tip our hand if we came back with a great shield for Ben and had it with a zombie that he'd never seen before
>Keep it and arm Ben with it
>>Keep it and arm Ben with it

wounder if the neackless would do something with it??
so are we going to make ben take down evil people so we can take there powers for us and sneakly rule in there sted??
I am afraid the cat lady could actually be a minotaur lady...
>Trust not the witch.

Where is the goddamn lantern?
>>Keep it but hide it somewhere other than this tomb
Maybe give it to Ben once we "modified" it a little bit.
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186KB, 1200x1200px

'Yes, I think Ben will make good use of this,' you think. You carry it out and grimace at the weight. 'I need Boris back up on his feet. Goodness...'

Kaylessa walks out with some more coins. "Not much. Just some gold given to the graves."

"Every little bit helps," you say. "This magical shield will be for Ben."

"Smart," she agrees.

Now you approach the lamp. Upon ensuring that there doesn't appear to be any curse or trap protecting it, you lift it off the hook and take it. You inspect the lantern's ornate surface, observing how the fire within stays lit no matter what. Your magical detection skills tell you that its only enchantment is to never go out.

'A silly thing to have me fetch,' you think distastefully. 'My talents are wasted. Better hope this is worth it, old man.'

Now, for the issue of Boris...

>Sew him back up the middle and keep him the same
>Replace parts of him with the minotaur's corpse
>Keep him the same, but give him a set of horns
>Combine both bodies into an amalgamation
I'm mostly against giving him the shield now cuz it could possibly repell our thrall.
>Combine both bodies into an amalgamation
>Replace parts of him with the minotaur's corpse
>Combine both bodies into an amalgamation

Ben is not under any magical influence anymore. He is a thrall by choice now, the best kind of thrall.
>>Combine both bodies into an amalgamation
>>Keep him the same, but give him a set of horns

cant repel good ol fashioned female pheremones
>Replace parts of him with the minotaur's corpse
Let's not use the parts we just blew up.
>Keep him the same, but give him a set of horns
>>Combine both bodies into an amalgamation

Operation Robo-BORIS is go!

"I'm going to need some time down here," you tell her. "I need to put Boris back together."

"Fine by me, I can wait," she replies. "In the meantime, I'll count out our shares."

She finds a spot nearby and props herself up against a wall and begins to sort through the coins.

You look down at Boris. He was a good first creation, but now you have a chance to make him even better. And you even have a new body to work with...

>1d100+15 to see how successful the ritual is.
Rolled 95 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

Fix Boris :)
Rolled 50 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

harder, beaeter, faster, stronger
Rolled 89 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

are we just going to keep him and just slowy keep beefing him up as we go along?
Boris the frist of his name will end all
Yes, we will continue to add bodies until Boris blots out the sun

The ritual takes about an hour and a half. Preparing the corpses is tough work, but once you have them where you want them, the process is fairly simple thanks to the stitching spell and your now greater command of necromancy. You take the best of both bodies and fuse them into one glorious servant. The new Boris rises, half man and half minotaur, stronger than before. Mino-Boris is perhaps your finest work yet.

"That's rather handy," Kaylessa remarks. "Are you going to do that with everything you come across?"

"That depends on what it is," you reply. "Boris was destroyed, so I put him back together. Only this time, I made him better."

"He is quite impressive. Seeing as how difficult the minotaur was to put down, he makes for a good meatshield."

You stand up and dust yourself off. "You aren't offended by my magic?"

"It's not my school, but I'm not one to judge either. I'm a pragmatist, not an idealist. If that thing helps your cause, and we're working together, then it helps me, too."

"I like the way you think."

"I like the money we made today," she replies with a grin. She stands up and hands you your share; thirty-four coins. "It's not a fortune, but it's a nice start. I split it into five shares, like we agreed." You take the coins and add them to your own. "So, now what?"

>Return to Cutter Farm; leave Boris here
>Spend the night here
>Take Boris with you to Cutter Farm
>Camp out in the woods for the night
>Spend the night here

Let's see if we can get Elder Grey's advice on the haunted tower, swing back to the Cutter Farm in the morning (sans Boris since we'll be taking the lantern back to town) and then on to town
>>Camp out in the woods for the night
>>Spend the night here

Bond with the elf. Figure out if she's secretly an evil bitch.
>>Spend the night here
>Return to Cutter Farm; leave Boris here
>Camp out in the woods for the night
>leave BORIS guarding here

We can use this as a place to store our evil shit
>Return to Cutter Farm; leave Boris here
>>Return to Cutter Farm; leave Boris here

So he's half human half minotaur... Does that make him 3/4 human 1/4 bull?
Ehhhhh, switch support.
>Return to Cutter Farm; leave Boris here
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239KB, 800x1017px

"It's rather late. Nothing will bother us down here; why not camp?"

"Do you often camp in masoleums?" she asks with a grin. "Are you certain you aren't a necromancer?"

"There's nothing up there in town more comfortable than down here. Besides, you aren't afraid of sleeping among the dead, are you?"

"Hardly." She readies her things for the night and you do the same. When you return from your horse with your sleeping roll, you find that she has started a small fire and is cooking some stew. "Would you care for some?"

You take a bowl and taste. It's surprisingly good, given her sparse materials. "Let me guess: your recipe again?"

"I have a lot of experience making things that grow in the wild taste better."

You finish your bowl and set it off to the side. "So, tell me more about yourself."

She shrugs. "What is there to tell? When I'm in the city, I want to return to the wild. When I am in the wild, I want to return to the city. It keeps me from spending too much time in either place."

"No home?"

"The world is my home. I just don't always sleep in the same place." She looks up from her stew. "What about yourself? Who taught you magic?"

"I'm just naturally gifted," you say with a wink. "But I've been visiting a few masters lately in various schools. I've learned quite a bit lately."

"You do seem quite skilled in magic. More than I, anyway. How much elf is there in you, anyway?"

"The right amount, but there's always room for a little more," you reply with a sly grin.

"Careful. Talk like that might breed bad ideas. I was going to remark that a sorceress like you could make a lot of money... with the right people helping you and sharing in it, that is."

"I take it that means you'd like to stick around?"

"Well, today was profitable. If we're going to hit that haunted tower soon, that might make us even more money."

"Is money all you think about?"

She wink. "Not ALL that I think about, trust me."

>Go talk to Elder Grey
>Talk more
hung like a bull??
>Talk more

Then sleep

But just a bit

>Go talk to Elder Grey

Get advice on spirits
and talk about how you could use her bow....
>Talk more
cuz, why not?
not want to bind the sheelf sexual to us whats wrong with you?
You gotta take things slow. We only just met her today.
This, even with Miriam and Ben we got to know them better than this

>>Go talk to Elder Grey
I'd rather keep her having fun with it than rush things badly...
Plus she's probably older than we are, and seems not to be bothered by this kind of play. We can't just play the same exact game with every single character we meet, can we?
at lest mind fuck her? tease so shes thinking about it
i mean way cant we??
we will bend all to us
You're putting the horse before the cart. Besides, Sirena's only thralldom spell requires a willing kiss from the target, and our new elf friend isn't very willing at the moment.
Jesus at least wait until we're certain she's not looking to get our bountie or has an inkling about who we really are

I'm all for smut but not if it compromises our safety rashly or without regard for anything else
we better start working on that thralldom
just tease her enguh and shel come begging for it.
or could be like well that iteam you want is part of the groups shair, want it? better kiss me for it. there done
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You scoot slightly closer to her. "So, what were your past employers like?"

"Well, none of them were as lovely, for starters."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," you say, placing your hand on her own.

"Why go anywhere else when we're right here?" she replies, leaning back and stretching out her legs.

Reaching up, you brush a strand of hair away from her knife-like ears. "You know, I've always admired elven ears. Mine aren't quite the same."

"There's nothing wrong with yours." She does the same to you, tucking some of your hair behind an ear. "I rather like the shape. Not quite human, but not quite elven. Unique."

Your fingers lightly trace along hers, causing her to shiver and let out a small, pleased coo. "Still, nothing quite compares to full-blooded elven ears. I'm sure you can hear every breath I take."

"And your heartbeat as well."

"You know, I wasn't sure what to make of you when we first met. But I'm starting to think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

"I think so, too."

With a smile, you pull away and crawl back over to your bedroll, climbing in. You find yourself sorely missing companionship, remembering how many times you shared this roll with Merriam and the lovely time you had with her last night, but you'll survive without her for now. Besides, this new girl is still very much so a stranger. No need to risk something so soon.

You roll over and settle in as she puts out the fire. "Goodnight, Mary."

"Goodnight, Kaylessa."

You close your eyes and begin to sleep.

>Let's have a 1d100 for purely innocent things that happen in the night.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Not sure where this is going.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)

what gose bumb in the night
Rolled 11 (1d100)


Oh sure don't go talk to the necromancer who is right there and has lived in the region forever
Rolled 39 (1d100)

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You awaken in the middle of the night. Something is amiss; the night air seems strange. You look over and see Kaylessa snoozing away, and crawl out of your tent. You walk up and past Boris, who is standing with the lantern and the shield.

You climb the ladder leading out of the cave and stand out in the night air. Though you are not wearing much, it is not cold. In fact, there is very little wind blowing at all.

At first you know not what drew you out of the tomb, but upon looking up, you know exactly what it is. The sky is alive with light; a shower of falling stars. They streak across the sky in bright lines that fade as quickly as they appear. This meteor shower is beautiful to behold, and yet... something feels wrong.

There is magic in the air. Strangely familiar magic... As you look upon this event, a single name comes to mind, rising from the depths of your memory.


He is behind this, somehow you know he is. But what is it? A simple trick, or something vastly more sinister? What kind of power must he have to conjure up this meteor storm?

"Mary," a voice suddenly causes you to jump. You look back at the hole and see Kaylessa poking her head out. "Is something the matter?"

You look up at the sky and see that the event is over. "No... Nothing."

Kaylessa heads back down to her bedroll, and you follow soon afterwards, but you cannot shake the image of the meteor shower from your mind.

Wherever Mordrax is, the capital or elsewhere, he is doing something... furthering his plans. His agenda. The plot you were going to help him in.

The shower is a painful reminder that you still have a long way to go if you ever hope to defeat him... and you do not have forever to make it happen.


Come morning, you and Kaylessa both get dressed and carry your spoils out to the horses. You bid Boris to remain with Elder Grey for now.

>Head straight to Cutter farm to collect the siblings
>Send Kaylessa to the Cutters; spend time with Elder Grey
>Spend time with Elder Grey and then go to Cutter Farm with Kaylessa
>Head straight to the old man; send Kaylessa to Cutter farm
>>Send Kaylessa to the Cutters; spend time with Elder Grey
>Head straight to Cutter farm to collect the siblings
>Head straight to Cutter farm to collect the siblings
>Head straight to Cutter farm to collect the siblings
>Send Kaylessa to the Cutters; spend time with Elder Grey

We need to know about this celestial event, great events are in motion I fear
>Head straight to Cutter farm to collect the siblings
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Riding south to the Cutter family farm, you are greeted by Ben, Merriam and Jonah. You give Ben his new shield, which he holds up and examines. "Thank you, Mary," he says, sliding his arm into the bands and testing it out. "I promise to always use it to protect you."

'How sweet.' You look at Jonah, who holds up a canteen.

"Here, I thought you might want this. Water, from the magical well." You take it and thank him, then look out over the mill. You can see their mother working in the garden, watering plants and crops with the very same water.

Merriam climbs up onto your horse and slides her hands around your waist whie Ben gets his horse. He rides up, looking positively dashing in his new armor, his sword and new shield on his back. "Where to first, Mary?"

"We'll be heading back to Bridge Town. I have an old man to see. Now that we have what he wants, of course."

Ben waves goodbye to his mother, his uncle and Jonah as you ride off towards town. Merriam's grip on your waist tightens as she leans her head against your shoulder.

>Straight to the old man's house; they will wait outside
>Talk about the meteor shower
>Send them into Bridge Town while you talk to the old man
>Have them come inside with you
>Talk about the meteor shower
>Straight to the old man's house; they will wait outside

On the way
>>Send them into Bridge Town while you talk to the old man
We'll head out the next morning after we learn what we can from Grey's ex
>>Send them into Bridge Town while you talk to the old man
>>Talk about the meteor shower
>>Send them into Bridge Town while you talk to the old man
>>Send them into Bridge Town while you talk to the old man
>Talk about the meteor shower
Be vague.
"Anything interesting happen while I was away last night?"
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"So, anything interesting happen while I was away last night?"

"No, not really," Ben says. "It was nice to be back home, though."

"Hm. You didn't notice anything out of the ordinary? Or extraordinary?"

He looks over. "No. Why?"

Merriam also shakes her head, so you resume looking forward. "Nevermind."

Upon reaching Lake Town, you and the others split up. You send them into the town proper to find out more info on this haunted tower while you speak with the old man. You tie up your horse and knock on his door.

When he opens it, you lift up the lamp. "Now, about our deal..."

"Good, good! Come in." He closes the door behind you and sits down in his chair. "Bring it over here, child."

You do so and hold it up in front of him. He takes it and inspects it. "Ah, yes... Just as I remembered it."

"I thought you learned about it in study."

"I did! But I've also seen it before."

"What is it, truly?" you ask.

"Nothing beyond what I value it for sentiment," he replies, hanging it nearby. "Now then, about our deal..."

>Learn Two New Divination Spells this afternoon!

>Comprehend Language - Allows you to read and understand the spoken words a specific language you focus on
>Detect Secret Doors - Reveals all hidden passages, doors and trapdoors
>Detect Undead - Reveals all animated undead within sixty feet
>Detect Weakness - Allows you knowledge of any specific weaknesses in scanned target
>Arcane Sight - Normally invisible magical auras become plain to see
>Comprehend Language - Allows you to read and understand the spoken words a specific language you focus on
>Arcane Sight - Normally invisible magical auras become plain to see
No secrets will be safe.
>>Detect Weakness - Allows you knowledge of any specific weaknesses in scanned target
>>Arcane Sight - Normally invisible magical auras become plain to see
Detect weakness is too valuable for our inexperienced fighters to pass up on.
>Detect Undead - Reveals all animated undead within sixty feet

>Detect Secret Doors - Reveals all hidden passages, doors and trapdoors

Sounds very useful for what we are going.

>Comprehend Language - Allows you to read and understand the spoken words a specific language you focus on
Useful if we want to take over the barbarians later.
>Detect Weakness - Allows you knowledge of any specific weaknesses in scanned target
>>Detect Secret Doors - Reveals all hidden passages, doors and trapdoors
>Arcane Sight - Normally invisible magical auras become plain to see
>>Detect Weakness - Allows you knowledge of any specific weaknesses in scanned target
>Detect Undead - Reveals all animated undead within sixty feet
>>Arcane Sight - Normally invisible magical auras become plain to see
>Comprehend Language
Utility as fuck.
>Comprehend Language - Allows you to read and understand the spoken words a specific language you focus on

>Detect Weakness - Allows you knowledge of any specific weaknesses in scanned target
detect weakness + arcane sight like this guy said
>Comprehend Language - Allows you to read and understand the spoken words a specific language you focus on
>Arcane Sight - Normally invisible magical auras become plain to see

>Arcane Sight

>Comprehend Languages
>Arcane Sight
>Detect Weakness
We can always come back for more later.

NOW, let's visit Plague Doctor to learn to control spirits and ghouls and improve our skeleton a bit. Might even have Detect Undead.
Also see if we can borrow his book of offensive spells, since he doesn't seem to care for it much.
Y'know what.

Mordrax taught us like, 4 spells max.

Literally some old ass nigga who doesn't give a shit taught us half that in a fucking afternoon. And he's teaching us some useful ass spells.

Mordrax was a buster.
He was too busy with his schemes and getting in her pants.
Final tally:

Comprehend Language: 6
Arcane Sight: 8
Detect Weakness: 6
Detect Undead: 2
Detect Secret Doors: 2

Arcane Sight is a go.

Arcane Sight: This spell makes your eyes glow blue and allows you to see magical auras within 120 feet of you. Normally undetectable or invisible magical auras, such as those that surround enchanted items or objects, will be visible as if glowing in an aura. The size and color of the aura can be different depending on the nature of the enchantment or magical runes that you are looking at. This spell will also highlight mages and people with high amounts of magical power or talent who are raw with magical energy. This spell lasts only a few short minutes and requires intense focus if the effect is desired to last longer than such.


Comprehend Language: By focusing on a certain language while casting this spell, such as dwarven or draconic, you can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it. This lasts for a period of ten minutes before wearing off.

Detect Weakness: By casting this spell while focusing on a specific target, be it a person or an object, you will receive information about any specific weaknesses that subject has. This extends to elemental weaknesses, such as a fire element being weak to water, or physical weaknesses, such as an exceptionally weak ankle. For objects, you will receive information on their physical deformities and what they are weak to, such as loose hinges on a door or the melting point of the metal bars of a prison cell. An object's weakness may not always be easy to exploit and this spell does not affect how easy or difficult it may be; it merely informs you of what it is.
>Detect Weakness:
>Comprehend Language: By focusing on a certain language while casting this spell, such as dwarven or draconic, you can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it. This lasts for a period of ten minutes before wearing off.

Although Detect Weakness does seem pretty rad. We should get it soon.
Comprehend Language prevents people from scheming against us by using the language barrier.
>Detect Weakness

As much as I love the utility of the Language spell, I think this will help keep us alive long enough to learn more div spells later.
>Detect Weakness: By casting this spell while focusing on a specific target, be it a person or an object, you will receive information about any specific weaknesses that subject has. This extends to elemental weaknesses, such as a fire element being weak to water, or physical weaknesses, such as an exceptionally weak ankle. For objects, you will receive information on their physical deformities and what they are weak to, such as loose hinges on a door or the melting point of the metal bars of a prison cell. An object's weakness may not always be easy to exploit and this spell does not affect how easy or difficult it may be; it merely informs you of what it is.
There are just a lot more uses for this than language comprehension. We can escape from shit, use it in combat, use it during exploration, etc. We don't even know how many other languages there are in the region, maybe there's like two or three? That can wait.
>Comprehend Language
Comprehend Language: By focusing on a certain language while casting this spell, such as dwarven or draconic, you can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. The ability to read does not necessarily impart insight into the material, merely its literal meaning. The spell enables you to understand or read an unknown language, not speak or write it. This lasts for a period of ten minutes before wearing off.
>Detect Weakness
We can always get the language one later. This will help us stay alive long enough to need it.
>Detect Weakness
All these comprehend language guys, why
>Detect Weakness
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Option 1:


Option 2:


I'm finalizing this vote with a roll.
>All these comprehend language guys, why

Being unable to comprehend a language is literally a weakness I detected with my detect weakness spell, senpai.

I made this post at nearly the same moment these two posted (>>1039550 >>1039557) but I'm going to stick with my decision, as I had already decided to end it with a roll.

Comprehend Language it is.

We'll be moving on, now.
Weaknesses are a universal language fampai, but >>1039578
has spoken.
>>Detect Weakness:
dont need to know what they are syaing to know how to kill them or anything?
also would have the detect wekness helped us like say this guy little boy is his weakness??
like not just how to kill someone but other thigns as well?
all this peopel not wanting to be op:(
I need the comprehend languages spell to read your post my man
>being unable to discern this admitted word scramble
you're a weak guy
Every fucking time I see your name, I think of his Anarchy Reigns theme.
Arcane Sight and Comprehend Language. These are both ideal spells, and will serve you well in the days to come.

With this knowledge secure, you are now free to learn more about this haunted tower. Sure enough, the old man does indeed have records for this place. He quickly finds them and hands them over; a collection of old papers, town records and a small book on the history of the region.

It once belonged to a family of some repute, the Redfords, and is not far from the trade route road that runs through Bridge Town. It is said that the man went mad and had to be locked away in the highest reaches of the tower. What caused his madness is not known. Rumors of what happened to the family are few and far between, but all reach the same conclusion: they were killed by his mad spirit. Now they all haunt the ruin, occasionally venturing out to frighten those who travel the road at night.

It is said that the family was quite rich, but thieves have avoided the tower out of fear and superstition. It is rumored that the tower is built atop something, an ancient keep belonging to the family's ancestors, long buried and hiding secrets of its own.

'A keep beneath the ground, eh?' you think to yourself. 'Fascinating...'

As you busy yourself with learning more about the history of this family, the old man settles back into a book of his own. He seems lost to you, buried in his research about something.

>Look up more about the Redford famliy
>Look up something else
>Leave and find your friends
>Ask him some questions
>>Ask him some questions

Why did you and Elder Gray break up? You two are perfect for each other.
>>Leave and find your friends

We're good here for now.
>Look up more about the Redford famliy
>Look up more about the Redford famliy
>>Look up more about the Redford famliy
>Look up more about the Redford family.
Hell yes, Days of Old.

Let me get a few 1d100s to see what additional information we can dig up.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Keep on rollin'.
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Learn all the things!
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 17 (1d100)

Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

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63KB, 200x233px

Try as you might, pouring over more and more texts, you cannot find any worthwhile information. That is when you are interrupted by a knock at the door. You go and open it for the old man, only to find Ben.


"What is it? I'm in the middle of research!" you snap at him.

He holds up his hands. "Woah, calm down!"

You blink a few times. "Sorry. I think the old man's starting to affect my personality... I should get out of this hut."

"I heard that!" he calls out as you close the door behind you.

You shake your head. "Now then. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that we found a guide to is willing to take us to the tower," Ben relays. "We spoke to the guard lieutenant who posted the job and he assigned one of his men to show us the way."

"Fantastic," you reply. "But I'm not sure we're ready, yet... I have some spells that may be able to help us, but we still don't quite know what we'll be going up against."

>Go to the tower today
>Go to the tower tonight
>Hold off on going to the tower
>Make plans to go, but first visit another trainer
>Go to the tower tonight
>Spend the day doing research, go to the tower first light tomorrow
Maximum daylight necessary
>Make plans to go, but first visit another trainer
I don't think we're fully equipped for spirits just yet.
>Make plans to go, but first visit another trainer
>>Go to the tower today
>>Make plans to go, but first visit another trainer
We need better control of spirits and stuff.
We can tame the spirits and keep the tower as our ""haunted"" hideout.

Let's go visit Plague Doctor real quick to learn spirit stuff.
Spirit stuff is cool stuff

Alright, let's go over our current trainers.

>Francis the Archmage: Evocation (and sexterity, not technically a school of magic)
>Albert the Plague Doctor: Necromancy (all around a neat dude, but lives near barbarians)
>Vincent the Vampire: Thralldom (Still willing to make a new deal with the new owners of the mine and well)
>Herbert the Re-Animator: Alchemy (we haven't met him, but we know how to get to him)
>Old Man Grey: Divination (we still don't technically know his name)

We haven't met other teachers for other schools as of this moment.
>Albert the Plague Doctor: Necromancy (all around a neat dude, but lives near barbarians)
>>Albert the Plague Doctor: Necromancy (all around a neat dude, but lives near barbarians)
As bothersome as it may be to keep dipping into the school to the exclusion of others, if we're dealing with spirits, we'll have to go back to Albert the Necromancer and bone up on how to deal with them.
>Francis the Archmage: Evocation (and sexterity, not technically a school of magic)

We could use some more offence.
Was there a teacher who dealt more with spirits than albert? if not
>albert the plague doctor
also, following up >>1040110
it might be useful to leave ben and the crew here to practice, while we go practice ourselves
>>Albert the Plague Doctor: Necromancy (all around a neat dude, but lives near barbarians)

Bring the party. Don't want to get ambushed by barbarians again.
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"Hmmm... Let's get back to the others, first. I have a plan and will need to go over it with everyone present."

Ben nods and walks you back to Merriam and Kaylessa, who are chatting up and getting along wonderfully it seems.

"Do you think you could teach me?" Merriam asks her. "I've always wanted to learn."

"I'd love to," the elf says, taking out her bow and placing it in her hands. "I can give you a lesson right now, if you like."

You interrupt the two of them just as the elf was about to get behind Merriam and teach her how to shoot a bow. "Ahem." You place a hand on Merriam's shoulder and pull her away to step between them and speak. "I want us to go to the tower, but I'd like for us all to be better prepared when we do. We could be dealing with a great many things, like spirits or wights or banshees."

Ben folds his arms. "So, what should we do, then?"

"Merriam and I have visited a necromancer in the west," you explain. "We could go there and--"

He interrupts you. "I don't like that man. Merriam told me about how much he creeps her out."

You look over at her. "Well... he does..."

"You must understand, it's only so that I can learn spells that may repulse harmful spirits." You place a hand on his arm. "Please understand, Ben."

"I understand, it's just... If I go there, I'm not going to like it. She said he has undead guards..."

'Well, you do hate the undead,' you think with a sympathetic-looking smile. "But those lands ARE dangerous, Ben. I may need your help while I am there. It is barbarian territory. And Merriam, we could practice your magic as well."

"I don't mind going," Kaylessa says. "I could help us avoid barbarians. I've done it before."

"I'm just not sure..." Merriam says.

"It wouldn't take more than a few days," you promise her. "Tell you what: anyone who doesn't come with us, will stay here near Bridge Town or the farm and train in their own way. Deal?"

"Deal," Ben agrees, and the other two do as well.

>Take the entire party
>Take only Kaylessa with you; leave Merriam and Ben here to train
>Take only Merriam with you; leave Kaylessa and Ben here to train
>Take only Ben with you; leave Merriam and Kaylessa here to train
>Take Kaylessa and Merriam
>Take Merriam and Ben
>Take only Merriam with you; leave Kaylessa and Ben here to train
>Take Kaylessa and Merriam
Merriam gets her bow training from Kaylessa, we get our necromancer training, and Ben can hang out with the guards and practice sword-and-board, now that he's got a fancy shield.
>Take the entire party
>>Take Kaylessa and Merriam
There's nothing for Ben there, and it's good for him to spend time in the town if he's gonna become the party face
>>Take the entire party

We need to start breaking Ben in to accepting the undead.

By becoming a sexy vampire!
Let's not make Ben uncomfortable. He'll get better practice with his weapons here in Bridge Town, and we need him to improve his form. He can't be sloppy forever.
Ehh switch
>Take Kaylessa and Merriam
>Take Kaylessa and Merriam

"Ben get close to the garrison here if you can, pick up some training with them, it will be good to have the guards on our side."
>>Take Kaylessa and Merriam
I'd rather not split up again, we have been doing that a lot also it might calm Merriam down while we are there.
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Ben Trainer.png
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Alright, just Kaylessa and Merriam.

But this is an opportunity for Ben! There are plenty of people who pass through Bridge Town on any given day. Ben will need a babysitter (read: trainer) so he doesn't get into trouble and will actively improve.

Who do we want to leave him with?

Default: He goes home to his family.

Other Option: Anyone in pic related

I knew saving all these BroQuest assets would come in handy someday
The NRAFS. Gotta start with the basics, and he matches Ben's current armaments.
>>Take Kaylessa and Merriam

They can practice archery and herbalism to keep Merriam occupied.
If we took Ben too, he would just get restless and resentful sitting by himself surrounded by zombies while all the girls are training.
Initiate Eddie. Holy Hero of Justice Ben!
>Turning Ben into a paladin this early
That's self-sabotage, my dude.
Gotta be Initiate Eddie
Nah he wont turn into a paladin just from this. But it will be the start of the road for him.
+Duty is greater than turning him into a Detect Evil casting Holy Zealot with Eddie
>Wanting ben to be a paladin
We do not need paladins on our ass this soon in the game. Keeping him a regular, magic-less brawler has none of the disadvantageous of INQUISITION that paladins bring.
Why on earth do you think he will turn into that ?

He will just practice with him learn a few skills and start on becoming a heroic knight.
>NRAFS or Barbarian

NRAFS would match his existing skillset
But Barbarian would teach him to hold is liquor so he doesn't spill our identity at taverns and get him used to grimy, dirty stuff, like necromancy.

Avoid Paladins at all cost and we already have a ranger.
Pugilismbro seems cool, but Ben's not a boxer atm.
Do you not see the stats under initiate eddie?
>+Holy Magic +Faith +Zealotry
How could this ever backfire?
Once we establish a stronger base of power for ourselves and Ben is more fully under our control, THEN we'll let him look at paladinhood. Nothing brings legitimacy to a self-serving sorceress with dreams of megalomania quite like her own holy attack dog.

I mean from a meta perspective this could bite us in the ass.

And apparently Sirena is the one deciding who Ben gets to train with.

But in-character, if Ben is making this decision by himself, he would choose the paladin and thus that's what I'm going with.
>>Take the entire party

i mean ben could train agest the undead gurds same as every one eils, as long as they dont kill/ damge them too much, i mean we can aways put the undead back together after woulds. just ask the doc
Agreed that let's not rule it out completely, but at this stage, we're just too vulnerable
I read QM's
>Ben will need a babysitter
as Sirena making the call. That's what you're saying as well, so why are you intentionally choosing an answer to a scenario that's not what the QM presented? I think as a QM yourself you'd know better

Changing my vote to



Alright listen here you little shit.

I read

>Ben will need a babysitter

as the QM asking the playerbase what Ben should do. I mean the entire style change of the post feels very "you are now playing as Ben!" to me and I wrote in what I thought Ben should do.

It was only after consulting with the QM specifically that we were not voting on Ben's choice but on Sirena's suggestion of who to train with that I decided to alter my vote as you can see up above.

So if you could take the passive aggressive snark in your post and shove it up your ass that'd be nice.
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"Well, I'll take Merriam and Kaylessa with me," you decide. "Ben, if you could, stay here and train?"

"Alright. I could go home and train with--"

"No need. You need something different..." You put a finger to your lips and think hard. "I have an idea! Wait here."

You approach one of the nameless rank-and-file soldiers who guard the town.

"Excuse me, sir," you say to get his attention. "Could you help me with something?"

"..." His stare is cold, unemotional and expressionless from underneath his face-obscuring helmet.

"My associate needs some lessons in the basics of swordplay, shield-wielding and moving in his new armor. Could you please teach him some lessons?" You bat your eyelashes at him.


The reply is the same.

You pout. "Fine. How much gold?"



You count up your coins and hand them over. You wave Ben over and introduce him to the guard. "Ben, this is...?"


"...Ben, this is your new trainer. Listen to what he says, when he is inclined to actually speak."

"Alright, Mary, I will. How long will you be gone for?"

"Only a few days," you assure him with a kiss on the cheek. You whisper in his ear, "Try not to have too much fun while I'm away... When I return, we'll have some of our own. I'll miss you until then."

He nods eagerly as you walk back to Merriam and Kaylessa.

>Spend the night in Bridge Town
>Ride; you can reach the graveyard just after dark
>Ride but camp halfway there
>Let Merriam and Kaylessa off while you return to the scribe for more research
Whoa what got up your ass, jeez
>change of style of the post
You're kidding about this, right? QM's formatting is consistent with the usual, its certainly not enough to think WE BEN NOW
>Consulting with the QM specifically
He didn't post in the thread, so I'm assuming you spoke on discord? Either way, how the hell did EVERY OTHER PERSON in this thread figure it out?
>passive aggressive snark
You're making consistently poor reads. It's not passive aggression, just facts. No need for you to be an ass.
>>Ride but camp halfway there
>>Ride; you can reach the graveyard just after dark
Let's ask Kaylessa to scout, if she sees trouble then
>Ride but camp halfway there

You're both equally pretty guys. Let's save it for the scrub who deserves it.

Damashi Our Master.
>being a reasonable guy when you could be updating Cabin quest
you dog
>just facts

>I think as a QM yourself you'd know better

These two statements do not add up.

Fuck off, cunt. At least don't be a giant pussy and back off when you're clearly insulting people.
get back to your cabin!!!

I asked if thread was autosaging and nobody replied I considered that yes.
I d-dont know, senpai. I am ashamed.
Okay yes your digital penis is gigantic now lets get back to questing, post your vote
I could use some more votes.
>Spend the night in Bridge Town

Give Ben a little so he wont miss us too badly.
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Suka (accurate).jpg
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Have a Suka. Even though we're not talking about that quest.

> Ride but camp halfway
>>Spend the night in Bridge Town
i didnt know:(
hmm tasty
>Ride but camp halfway there
>Ride; you can reach the graveyard just after dark
Let's get stuff done. Camping outside in barber land is dangerous.
Taking a quick dinner break. Be back in a bit.

Back from dinner. Writing update now.

Not long afterwards, you, Merriam and Kaylessa ride from Bridge Town on two of the horses, leaving Ben the third. About halfway there, in the forest, you decide to make camp for the evening.

"If we get up early enough, we'll be there at a very reasonable time," you tell them as you unpack some of your things. Merriam dutifully helps you, trying to make herself as useful as possible. With her and Kaylessa, the camp is set up in no time, though you don't have much in the way of firewood.

Not far away, Kaylessa takes up her bow. "I think I'll do a bit of hunting for firewood and perhaps dinner," she says. "Would either of you care to come along?"

>Have Merriam go with Kaylessa and learn a thing or two
>Merriam will prepare dinner
>Give Merriam some more magic lessons
>Go with Kaylessa
>>Have Merriam go with Kaylessa and learn a thing or two
>>Have Merriam go with Kaylessa and learn a thing or two
>>Have Merriam go with Kaylessa and learn a thing or two
>Have Merriam go with Kaylessa and learn a thing or two
And see if we can't spy on them with far sight while they're at it
Stuff seems fine.
Kaylessa is probably gonna flirt with Mirriam though. We might want to do something about that in the future.
I mean I guess we can just fuck her too and then assert ourselves as the harem dominant because blah blah blah
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"Why don't you go with her, Merriam? Perhaps she could teach you a thing or two."

She seems somewhat surprised. "You don't need my help here in camp?"

"I'll be fine," you assure her. "Go on."

She stands up and brushes her hands on her shirt as she moves off with Kaylessa. They begin to chat lightly as they leave the camp and head off into the forest.

'They seem to be getting along nicely,' you think. 'Good. The last thing I would need is for the group to not work well together.'

After finishing setting up your camp, you decide to check up on them -- from a distance. Using your spell of farsense, you focus on them from a distance. Kaylessa is standing behind Merriam, very close, guiding her hands as the human girl holds the bow.

"There you go," you hear her say in a low tone. She shifts her body to gently press into Merriam's back as she takes aim. "Don't be too stiff, but don't have too little pressure, either. Lift your chin, like this..."

At her bidding, Merriam lets fly an arrow. She misses her target. "Don't worry, we all miss at first," Kaylessa says. "But we'll have plenty of time to practice." She takes out another arrow, and to your surprise, starts talking about you. "What do you think of Mary?"

"She's wonderful," Merriam is quick to say.

"You admire her quite a bit?"

"I'd like to be more like her."

"She must mean quite a lot to you. Have you ever met another woman you like as much? Maybe you could tell me more about her."

"I... Can we try again?" she takes the arrow and prepares to fire.

"Of course."

When next they shoot, they move further into the forest, out of your sight. You blink a few times and you scrunch your nose as you think about the conversation you just heard. Kaylessa is trying to learn more about you... to what end? Someone interested in friendly conversation, looking to charm their way into Merriam's love life or a bounty hunter seeking the grand bounty on the missing sorceress?

'Careful, Sirena, I can't get too paranoid... Or too close. Kaylessa may be more than she appears to be, but even so, I must be careful not to appear too suspicious even if she isn't. There's no reason to invite suspicion upon myself by acting strange...'

You continue to prepare your things. As you do, you come upon the bottle of truth serum you took from Francis' tower.

'Of course! I could use this... or save it for later.'

>Use the truth serum on Kaylessa
>Wait for a more opportune time
>Don't use the truth serum on her
>Go and spy on them more
>>Use the truth serum on Kaylessa

This bitch can hear our fucking heartbeat.

And y'know what. I think she may just in fact be the fucking witch hunter.

Maybe I'm being stupid as fuck but fuck it.
>>Use the truth serum on Kaylessa
>>Wait for a more opportune time
Let's talk to Merriam to make sure she won't rat on us.
Meanwhile we can keep working to enthrall Kay so we can have lesbo threesomes.
>>Wait for a more opportune time
>>Wait for a more opportune time

Am I being paranoid. For some reason I think the guy we met who Damashi implied was the witch hunter bounty hunter was in fact not the real witch hunter bounty hunter and in fact a red herring decoy to make Kaylessa appear less likely to be the Witch Hunter.

I believe in the same moment we encountered that dude in armor Kaylessa spotted us and followed us since, deciding to utilize the drinking revelry in the inn as the perfect time to ingratiate herself and figure us out.
>Wait for a more opportune time
It is suspicious, but we don't have much truth serum. We should just put in an effort to not have her in a position of power over us.
idk, but if she is, she seems to be taking it slow for now. So I don't think she'll turn on us anytime soon, as long as we keep putting gold in her purse anyway.

I'm just leery of truth serum because I don't know if we can use it without her noticing. Or if she'll taste it and know that we don't trust her.

I think for now we should make sure Merriam doesn't tell her anything and attempt to enthrall her.

We could make it seem like a prank.

Like, teehee, we used truth serum.

Now, tell us, what do you think of me?

Ask it vaguely enough so that if she thinks we're a dirty rotten Sirena she'll voice it but if she doesn't she'll just say "ugu, I think Mary is really kawaii!"
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'Later,' you think, sliding the drink away.

Eventually, Merriam and Kaylessa make their way back to the camp. Merriam is alight with laughter and stories. "I've always wanted to meet an elf. I never had the chance before! I'd love to see the elven capital sometime, I've heard it's so beautiful there!"

You notice Merriam carrying some firewood and Kaylessa carrying two dead rabbits; one is a nice fat one, too. "Sounds like you two enjoyed yourselves."

"Kay is very nice. I'm glad we hired her," Merriam beams.

The elf doesn't say much; she sits down and gets to work on the rabbits.

Soon enough, you have a fire going and are enjoying some fine rabbit stew. Ulterior motives or not, the elf is a damn fine cook.

Finally, it comes time to sleep. Merriam crawls over to you and curls up in your arms as you both get comfortable in your sleeping roll. You wrap your arms around her and give her a small kiss on the forehead to make her feel good before looking up.

You catch Kaylessa's eyes staring for a moment before she curls up in her own sleeping roll. After staring at the back of her head for a moment, you close your eyes and sleep.


>Give me some 1d100s for anything that might happen in the night!
Rolled 52 (1d100)

elf rape
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 15 (1d100)

cant evven get mad since its a ranodm table
Rolled 78 (1d100)


Just jealous or what?

Ugh, we need to learn thrall magic so we can turn this elf into a house elf.

Writing now.

It's dragon time
That is actually pretty terrifying. Why do I think it involves our old master in some way
I voted for Detect Weakness, but now I'm suddenly glad we might be able to understand draconic.
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Sleep, as it turns out, is not meant to last. You are awoken in the night by shouts and cries from not too far away. You sit up, as does Merriam, who fearfully clutches your side. Kaylessa is already out of her bedroll and prepping her bow.

You hear the shouts of men, or perhaps more accurately their screams. It sounds like a battle, nearby, but the noise they make pales to the sounds of whatever it is they are fighting. A screech, loud and inhuman, like that of a hissing viper and a crocodile, is heard along with a great roar.

Hurrying to get dressed in case something, whatever THAT thing is, should come your way, Kaylessa moves up to investigate. You are glad your fire is out, otherwise it would have given away your position. You pull your pants on, followed by your jacket (and hat) and follow the elf to a nearby hill.

At the top, you look upon a grisly scene indeed. A group of men are fighting a great beast. At first you think it to be a dragon, but then you realize it lacks the traditional dragon shape -- it is actually a wyvern, or some kind of draconic spawn. It certainly looks like a dragon, a green one in fact, and the men it is picking apart appear to be... the bounty hunters you encountered only a few days ago!

The warriors stand bravely, but they are ill-equipped to take on such a creature. It picks up one in its mouth and all but bites him in half. Merriam crawls up alongside you and gasps. "It's the dragon! The green dragon!"

"Silence!" you order her, slamming a hand over her mouth. "Go back to the camp!"

She obeys, happy to get away from the rampaging dragonspawn.

Kaylessa looks over. "This seems like a fight beyond them. Should we pack up and run?"

>Help the men finish the beast
>Remain hiding
>Attempt to pack up and run
>Run, leave your things behind
>Remain hiding

Then we loot the battlefield when the Dragon is gone.
talk to the dragon and help it kill the men
>>Attempt to pack up, goal is to hide
Pack up and leg it.
Would you be amenable to packing up, but hiding? I think >>1041543
has a good idea, if we loot the battlefield we'll at the very least get another boris and some coins, and maybe even some magical items or even some info from their papers
This is under the presumption the dragon doesn't find us and roast us.
Agreed, high risk, high reward. I think our illusions and understanding of draconic are enough to make it worth it, but I could see if you disagree.
Sometimes you just gotta realize when you're in a place you really shouldn't be.

Time to de-ass the area posthaste. And let's try to not leave much of our scent.

>Attempt to pack up and run
>>Help the men finish the beast
>>Attempt to pack up, goal is to hide and loot afterwards

"Back to the camp!" you tell her.

Once there, you hastily pick up everything you can. It isn't pretty; essentially, just putting everything in the bedroll and making for a better hiding spot. Both of your horses are taken along, pulled to a thicker cove of trees.

Kaylessa works to calm the steeds as you and Merriam work to pack things back in the actual packs and roll the bedroll back up. After this is done, the three of you hunker down and wait.

The sounds of the screaming men go on for a while. Merriam shivers at each howl. "Gods, that dragon is a monster unlike any other..."

"It's not actually a dragon," you explain to her. "Dragons have four limbs and two wings. That thing has two legs and two wings."

Kaylessa speaks up. "The green dragon who lives at the Gate has produced children in the past. Not all of them are quite like him. There are whispers among the wild elves what exactly he breeds with to make these half-spawn things."

"What kinds of whispers?"

"Ones I'd rather not repeat in good company," she replies.

Eventually, the shouting ceases, ending with one final, desperate cry as its punctuation. Then the night is deadly still, until the beast takes off into the air. It flies overhead and Merriam nearly screams, but manages not to. It flies northwest, towards the swamp.

Then, all is quiet.

>Go check the bodies
>Sleep; check the bodies in the morning
>Head further west towards your destination
>Go check the bodies
>>Go check the bodies
>Go check the bodies
>>CAREFULLY go check the bodies
we might not be the only scavengers drawn to a fight
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After checking to make sure the horses are not going anywhere, you, Merriam and Kaylessa all go to check the bodies. It seems the beast left quite a few; perhaps half a dozen or more, all lying about in various states of dismemberment. But it also seems the dragon was followed!

Small figures move about the bodies, looting them quickly and effeciently. You look upon these thin, reptillian creatures and don't know what they are.

"Kobolds," Kaylessa explains. "Weak, but good in large numbers."

There appear to be at least six or seven of them... It is hard to tell in the dark of night.

>Attempt to scare them off
>Go down there and talk to them
>Pick a fight
>Let them have it; don't attract attention
>>Go check the bodies
so the draagoon is rapeing girls ok then
>Ambush them
>>Attempt to scare them off
Make dragon noises and shoot off fire illusions
>>Go down there and talk to them
>>Attempt to scare them off
>Go down there and talk to them
It might be nice to make some slightly more draconic allies, or at least see if they're intelligent.
>>Go check the bodies
Well that was uncomfortable. You'd think they would have retreated at some point.
>>Attempt to scare them off
>Attempt to scare them off

Give me a 1d100.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Let's see if we can disguise ourselves as monsters while we loot so they won't try to retaliate.

Not sure if I should roll or not.
Pls take first or best roll Damashi
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Welp. Shoo.
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An idea comes to mind. "You two, when I give the signal, jump up and be as scary as you can be!"

"What?" Kaylessa says. "You seriously think we're going to intimidate them?"

"Trust me," you say, working your illusionary magic. Though it takes some concentration, soon the three of you look like vampiric thralls with glowing eyes and glinting fangs, just like the ones Vincent had following him. "Ready... Now!"

At once, all three of you spring up and shout! You wave your arms down at the kobolds, who see your frightening visage and flee without looking back! You giggle as you watch them scrample away in fear before dispelling the illusion.

"A nice trick," Kaylessa admits, trying to sound less impressed than you know she is. Merriam is giddy; she thought that was quite fun, especially after that frightening encounter with the dragonspawn!

Now, you are free to loot the corpses. Many of them are torn up, unable to be properly resurrected without stitching them together. Thankfully the kobolds, in their haste to escape the "vampires", dropped their loot, allowing you complete access to the spoils.

"Let's sort it through," you say with a smile.

>Now give me some more 1d100s, just to see if there is anything really valuable among these dead bounty hunters.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)

Super late roll for the last roll, can I just count this for >>1041895
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)

Rolled 58 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)


Unfortunately, these low-end bounty hunters did not have anything in the way of magical gear. What they did have, however, is armor and weaponry. From the available materials left by the dragonspawn, you are able to put together a full set of plate armor. It could potentially be too big for Ben, but better too big than too small, right?

But what they lacked in armor, they made up for in coin. They had quite a bit of money on them, including some jewelry from rings to gems. You place them all in a bag for later sorting.

From here, you can now figure out what to do with the corpses.

>Leave them
>Reanimate four of them to follow you
>Stitch them together into an amalgamation
>Reanimate enough of them to carry our shit
We don't need four, that's a lot. one or two, cuz I doubt the girls are gonna carry any plate armor themselves
>Leave them

Wandering around with corpses in the open is a bad idea.
>>Reanimate four of them to follow you
>>Leave them
We've already got super Boris.
>Leave them
It'll take too long to put new zombies together.
>>Reanimate four of them to follow you
>Leave them
>Leave them
>>Reanimate two of them to follow you
We can make one zombie armored guard and one zombie porter.
Then disguise both with illusions.
What are illusions?
Remember when we disguised Zombie Knight as a guard?

There's always room for one more. Especially in barber country.

We weren't leaving until morning anyway. We can hide in the bushes + illusions while we work.

Gotta flex dat magic muscle to make it stronger.
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'Hmm... It would take too long to reanimate them as it is. I'll leave them be. There's always more corpses...'

After taking the spoils back to camp and packing the armor onto the pack of one of your horses, you sleep until dawn, albeit in a fashion that would make it easier to get up and run.

In the morning, you make it to the bridge where previously a highwayman belonging to a river pirate crew would demand a toll. There is one here, but not the same one from before.

You approach him, but he doesn't seem to be very active. He looks up at you. "Go on, then. I won't stop you. Cross."

You cock a brow in curiosity. "Doesn't your group usually demand a toll for this bridge?"

"Yup." He takes out a flask and drinks from it. He seems young, but his eyes are weary and he seems tired. "Go on."

>Cross and keep going
>Talk to him
>Ask him about his crew
>Throw him some coins, in case it is a trap
>Leave them
>Talk to him

Whats the catch ?
>>Ask him about his crew
Rough night hun?
>>Cross and keep going
Fuck em. Roll on out.
>>Talk to him
>>Ask him about his crew

Throw him some coins, in case it is a trap
Roght in the face
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"Rough night, hun?"

"You could say that. They took my friend. Captain sold him out. So fuck'em."

You look at the others, then back to him. "Care to explain?"

His face grows forlorn as his thousand yard stare drifts on upriver. "It used to be simple, you know. Things like honor among thieves mattered. You don't... You don't do the things the captain has done."

"Go on."

"Before we came here, we had a good thing. We just robbed people and drifted on out of reach. Coming here, they... They threw in with some... I don't know what they are. Witches. Hags. Evil bitches, dark magic. And now whatever they demand, the captain says, "Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am." They wanted my friend." He takes off his hat and places it over his heart. "He was my only friend."

Merriam vocalizes her pity for the man. "Aww... You poor man..."

You're not quite so easily swayed. You focus more on his other words. "You said hags?"

"I'd call them that, yeah. Old women. Some kind of coven."

'Perhaps the same ones Elder Grey and Old Man Grey warned me about....'

>Ask him about their base of operations
>Could your friend still be alive?
>Grill him for info on the hags
>Move along
>>Ask him about their base of operations
>>Grill him for info on the hags

Probably a good idea to know what to steer clear of.
>Could your friend still be alive?

>Ask him about their base of operations
>Ask him about their base of operations
>Grill him for info on the hags
File: Riverside Landing.jpg (16KB, 236x236px) Image search: [Google]
Riverside Landing.jpg
16KB, 236x236px

"Where is their base of operations?"

"The captain and the Azure Serpent are parked at the riverside landing not far south," he answers you. "On the western bank."

You remember, having seen it once before. "And where do the hags lair?"

"Somewhere southwest," he replies. "I don't know where. We never go to them, they come to us."

Kaylessa speaks now. "What kind of deal did they make with your captain?"

"Some kind of power, a spell, I don't know. Whatever it is, it ain't worth it. I don't care. They can all die for all I care." He takes another drink. "Next time I see the captain, I'm going to stab him through the heart myself if I get the chance."

"You could die," you point out.

He shrugs. "Sometimes I feel like dying."

"How can you say that?" Merriam asks him. "You can't just give up on life! You could do so much good!"

He lets out a soft chuckle. "Girl... Trust me, there's nothing 'good' left in me. But maybe I can take the captain down with me... That sounds like a good plan to me."

Merriam grabs your arm. "Mary..."

>Cross and leave him be
>Convince him to quit the gang
>Offer to help him kill the captain, and he can live
>Encourage him to go through with his plan
>Ask him to come with you
>>Ask him about their base of operations
>>Could your friend still be alive?
>>Grill him for info on the hags
Not really gonna try to save him unless it's convenient.
But we may as well ask.
>>Convince him to quit the gang
You can take the whole operation down if you're patient.
You might even find more folks to help you.from a distance to hide our involvement.
>>Convince him to quit the gang
"We, meaning I, have some issues with those hags, and I may be needing some help putting them six feet under soon. Way everyone speaks of them, they're way too scary to just let ride around here unmolested."
>Convince him to quit the gang
Clearly, this is a sinking ship you're on, so you may as well get out while you're ahead. If I find your friend, I'll let you know.

In reality, it's too soon for us to confront witches, so we need to cut our losses and let this one go.
We take over the gang and make him the captain but he answers to us. That way we will get a band of highwaymen and a source of income. Ofcourse we should do it without the rest of the groups knowing.

I vote for somet h ing like this and we tell him we can being his friend back to life....
And we can always send ben to kill them if the start bitching

"Quit the gang," you advise him. "Walk away. Leave your hat and just go."

"I'm a wanted man."

"What if I could change your face and hair? It would only last for about a month, but I could disguise you."

He is about to take another drink, but stops and looks up. "You could do that?"

"Conditionally. First condition: quit the gang. Go to Bridge Town, or elsewhere. Lay low."

Slowly, he nods. Though slightly drunk, he is listening closely. "Sure thing, ma'am."

"And secondly, you don't know us and never met us."

He holds out his arms. "Fine. Let's do it."

You smirk and point a hand at him, giving him a new hair color and face with your cosmetic spell, along with some new and brighter eyes. "There you go. Now get out of here."

"Thanks, lady," he says. "Maybe you saved my life. I can't place much value on it at the moment, but thanks anyway."

He drops his hat and starts heading east.

Merriam kisses you on the cheek. "Mary! I knew you could do something for him. You're wonderful!"

'Here's hoping it pays off in the future,' you think to yourself. 'I hate wasting time on lost causes.'

"What about those witches?" Kaylessa asks.

"We'll worry about them later. I've heard of them before, and I'm not willing to tangle with them yet."

You move on, both horses crossing the bridge and heading west, into uncivilized territory and towards the graveyard and chapel where Albert lairs.

>Give me some 1d100s, if you please.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 31 (1d100)

I do not please
Rolled 69 (1d100)

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Rolled 37 (1d100)

'Ere we go
Rolled 74 (1d100)


As you walk through the forest, noting the increasing amount of dead trees around you, a familiar sight that lets you know you are on the right path, Kaylessa spots something before you. "Smoke up ahead."

You follow her elven eyes to the sky and see a rising column of smoke in the direction you are headed. You pick up the pace and ride harder towards the church, where you see a battle underway!

It seems a group of barbarians are attacking the church! Undead and barbarian units battle throughout the area as the wild men throw torches and other burning tools at the church. Dead warriors of many shapes and sizes, some rising from the ground itself, meet their charge.

Albert, however, is nowhere to be seen. 'He must be underground, in the crypt,' you realize.

Kaylessa walks up and watches the battle alongside you. "Well... I hope this isn't where we were going," she says.

The fierce barbarians battle valiantly against the constantly-replenshing hordes of undead. Though one man could take out several by himself, the sheer numbers of the undead soldiers are overwhelming. Still, it seems quite a draw so far, but the church is burning.

>Watch the battle from here and stay out of it
>Join the battle and help repel the barbarians
>Ride past the enemy and try to get Albert out
>Remain hidden, but still try to lend aid somehow

That's my post for the night. I'll return in the morning! Goodnight everyone.
>Join the battle and help repel the barbarians

He will owe us.
>Remain hidden, but try to lend aid
>>Remain hidden, but still try to lend aid somehow
>>Ride past the enemy and try to get Albert out
>>Remain hidden, but still try to lend aid somehow

A few magic missiles there a couple of illusions there....

Maybe we can disguise some barbarians as undead?
>>Remain hidden, but still try to lend aid somehow
Use illusions for camoflage, have Merriam hide while Kay and self climb trees to snipe them from behind.
Try to take out the leader with a curse and an arrow.
Then summon skelly, a scary illusions, arcane bolts and arrows until they leave or die.

Then I guess we can just throw zombies at the fire afterwards. The church is mostly stone anyway right guize.
>Maybe we can disguise some barbarians as undead?
This is a QUALITY idea
Disguising them to cause confusion sounds pretty awesome.
>Maybe we can disguise some barbarians as undead?

I don't think we can make illusions complex enough to cause real confusion, especially from a distance, on plural moving target, and without getting noticed.

Would be nice to try though.
>Join the battle and help repel the barbarians

Anyone alive? Or should I give it a bit before starting back up?

You instruct Merriam to go into hiding, which she readily does. Of the three of you, she is the least interested in attracting the attention of the barbarians again. Kaylessa makes for a tree at your bidding, where she will provide ranged support.

And now, for your part: using an illusion to disguise yourself as a barbarian, you sneak closer to the battle, hiding amongst the dead. There, you begin to work your magic in subtle ways, taking advantage of the heat of battle to mask both your presence and voice. You cast illusion spells on the barbarians to make them appear as though undead, to confuse their brothers. Soon, several warriors have turned on each other, including one very amusing matchup where two barbarians who appear undead battle each other, each thinking the other is their enemy!

With your subtle assistance, and the occasional arrow from Kaylessa fired into the fray, the barbarians are starting to lose their numbers. Chaos and confusion wittles them down, but amid this chaos comes a triumphant cry! A large barbarian rides out of the burning church, holding a skull.


The barbarians echo his cry and shout as they retreat, apparently victorious. You wait until they have all left and the remainder killed. The undead begin to work on dragging the bodies into a neat line for sorting and putting out the fire in the church.

>Loot the bodies
>Go check on Albert
>Help put out the flames
>Return to your companions, then come back
>>Go check on Albert
>>Go check on Albert
>Go check on Albert

they took something?
>Go check on Albert
He better not be dead

You stand up and make your way to the church. The undead don't seem to pay any attention to you; apparently, you are not a threat. You make your way down the stairs and into the crypt.

"Albert? Are you down here?"

The only response is a howl of terrible fury and the sound of a crash, like furniture being thrown against a wall.

"Those FOOLS! Imbeciles! Savages, filthy savages, ALL OF THEM!"

You look down to see Albert in the midst of a terrible tantrum, apparently brought about by the barbarian attack and whatever they stole. You've never seen him this upset. With one hand, he smashes a wooden table in half.

"They can't see the beauty of it. No one can! I will rend the flesh from their useless bones! I will grind them into dust and scatter it to the winds! I will DESTROY THEIR VERY SOULS!"

He grabs half of the table and whips it against the wall, letting out a furious cry. Though it seems like a bad time for him, you step out. "Albert."

He straightens up, his back turned to you. Slowly, he turns his head, the eyes of his mask a pure red. "Did you... Just call me... ALBERT?!"

Your eyes widen. "Forgive me, Dr. Albert, I--"

He turns around and quickly moves to loom over you, dwarfing your height with his unnatural form. "WHY ARE YOU HERE, NOW OF ALL TIMES?!"

"I... have come to resume my learning."

He turns around and walks back to his table. "You have come at a very poor time indeed. I suggest you leave." Then, suddenly, something occurs to him, like a lantern being lit in his head. "Unless..." He turns around and looks you up and down. "Yesss... You are very lovely, are you not?"

That's a very unnerving question, coming from one such as him. You can only begin to guess at where he is going with it. "Well, yes, but--"

Suddenly, like the speed of a striking snake, he's looming over you again. "Yes, any filthy savage would love to get his hands upon you. You can assist me again, girl. You can be the instrument of my vengeance, and return to me what was taken."

>What was taken?
>Do you have a plan?
>What do I get in return?
>Barbarians? No deal!
>>What was taken?
>>Do you have a plan?
>>What do I get in return?

Also tell him the Merriam would make a much finer decoy.

Or perhaps Kaylessa
>>What was taken?
>>Do you have a plan?
>>What was taken?
>>Barbarians? No deal!

>What was taken?
>Do you have a plan?
>What do I get in return?
we dont work for free
>What was taken?
>What do I get in return?

We want knowledge we get it in return for your favour
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"What was taken?"

"Something precious to me. A skull."

You look over at a nearby shelf that is quite literally lined with skulls. "None of those are a good replacement, I take it?"

"This skull is unique! As is EVERY skull. But this one is specifically special to my designs. The barbarians claimed it because it is the skull of one of their ancient kings, as if that matters to me. I require it for my work. What will they do to it? Let it sit and gather dust? Turn it into a cup? THEY KNOW NOTHING!"

"Alright, alright, calm yourself," you urge him. "Do you have a plan?"

"Oh, yes, I do... I have been saving something for a day like today." He walks over to a room of his that contains various chests, some of which make odd noises. He moves to one in particular, and upon touching it, the chest seems to jump as whatever is inside tries to get out! "This is a particularly... nasty creation of mine. It is dangerous. VERY dangerous. If left unchecked, in fact, it could destroy the world..."

"What? How could it possibly do that?"

Albert turns his head, a bit further than you would think a man could normally turn his head with his back facing you, and glares at you. "I have created many terrible things. Plagues are MINE to play with. I could create any number of things that could destroy the living world as you know it... if left unchecked. There are forces who would seek to stop these events from happening. Paladins. Holy orders. Gods. I avoid their attention by not unleashing my work."

"So you just have a closet full of incredibly deadly plagues in case you need them?"

He turns his head back. "It hasn't worked against me yet."

'That's good to know,' you think.

He holds up the chest and turns around. "You will take this to the barbarian king. You will use the key that I will give you and open it for him."

"It will kill him?"

"It will do much, much worse than that," he replies. "You must get the skull, above all else. And once you do, I would advise not remaining in the area for too long... lest the plague come for you as well."

You look at the chest, trying to imagine what could be inside. Whatever it is, it wants out, evidenced by the shaking.

"And what will you do for me when I return with your skull?"

"I shall give you secrets," he says. "I know that is what you seek. Advanced knowledge of the necromantic arts will be yours... I will personally tutor you in my more powerful spells, spells that will enable you to become much more powerful." He sets the chest aside. "Now then... do we have an accord?"

>Bargain for more
>Ask for details on the plan
>No deal
>>What was taken?
>>Do you have a plan?
>>What do I get in return?

>Merriam would make a much finer decoy.
Kayessa perhaps, but not Merriam under any circumstances. She doesn't have the composure for it, she'd be traumatized forever.
>>No deal
>Other (how long do i have after i open this "holding up the cheast")
i see no resan too push for more here and we like to pay back from the last time thy insulted us
>Ask for details on the plan
How can we be sure that this thing isn't going to kill us?

Can't say as we're a fan of barbarians either.
>>Ask for details on the plan
So who do we say sent us bearing gifts?
Do we just stroll into their camp, shake our booty at them, open the chest and run?
Seems like we ought to be more clever than that.

"Deal," you say with a smile. "I'd like to get back at those barbarians myself."

"Very good," he says, setting the chest aside.

"One quick question... How do I know what's inside that chest won't kill me?"

"Oh, it will. It attacks only the living. Man, woman, child, it cares not. It will come for you. So, if at all possible, let it focus on the barbarians first. Be careful, however... it will spread quickly."

You look back at the chest as it stops shaking. Whatever is inside must be powerful... 'It could end the world? Perhaps just a boast of a proud necromancer of his work. 'If left unchecked.' There must be a way to stop it once it is released.'

"You have the key, then?"

"I will give it to you when you leave."

"Well, I'm going to need to learn where the barbarian king is, and a plan for gaining an audience with him."

He searches through some scrolls on a nearby desk before finding the one he seeks. He unravels it, revealing a map of the region.

"Here," he points at a village called Bloodmeet. "An appropriate name for what will happen soon. This is where the king holds his 'court' and where barbarians come to compete for his favor. It is an arena, where the savages face each other in deathmatches."

"Sounds entertaining."

"Sounds like a waste of good bodies," he mutters. "The barbarians burn their dead. Burn them! Leaving nothing useful behind. Bah."

He leaves you with the map and goes about cleaning up his lab. Several undead shuffle down the stairs to assist him, and a few skeletons pull themselves together to do so as well.

>Leave, return to the others
>Return to the others, but come back to the church
>Stay here for a while
>Research with some of his books
>Leave, return to the others
>>Leave, return to the others
>Leave, return to the others

Upon leaving, he grants you both the chest and the key, with another warning to not open it until you are in the presence of the barbarian king.

Afterwards, you return to Kaylessa and Merriam and tell them what happened. Merriam gulps. "W-well, I'm glad those barbarians will get what is coming to them, but... I don't want to be there when it happens."

"You could always remain here," you reply. "You've spent time with Albert before."

"Yes, but... Well, of the two, I suppose I'd prefer him. Guh, I never thought I would ever say that in my life..."

"And what about us?" Kaylessa says. "The deal was for knowledge YOU gain. What do I get out of helping you?"

"Perhaps barbarian loot?"

"Perhaps isn't a promise now, is it?" she wags a finger. "I'll go, but there better be something in it for me when we get there."

"Getting there is going to be the hard part. We need a plan..."

>Sneak into the camp
>Disguise yourselves as envoys of the king
>Disguise yourselves as envoys of the elves
>Get captured and brought before their leader
>>Leave, return to the others

Time to get his chest
>Get captured and brought before their leader

Oh no i am a pure and defenless, beautiful young woman with a treasure chest. Oh woe is me.
"Wait, one more question, how do you plan to contain the Plague?"
The real question is, "Does he plan to contain it?"!
>>Disguise yourselves as envoys of the elves

I mean we can leave Merriam (or Mirriam) behind and then because we're kinda elfish we can sorta bullshit that we're like, Kaylessa's half-sister or something.

And then we'll get captured and brought before their leader to be raped anyway because that's what elves are
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Honestly I think we should head back and ask him this. He just said to release it, with no advice on how it would be contained.
>find ruthless ambitious chief
>Seduce him
>get Chest
>consolidate his power while we learn magic
>turn said chief into our personal Khabgis khan
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Yeah we should head back and ask.
>tell him to gather his enemies in one spot and unleash this evil spirit and flee once he does

Can I get some more votes?
And we should do this when we get there.
I'll vote again.

>>Disguise yourselves as envoys of the elves

I mean we can leave Merriam (or Mirriam) behind and then because we're kinda elfish we can sorta bullshit that we're like, Kaylessa's half-sister or something.

And then we'll get captured and brought before their leader to be raped anyway because that's what elves are for

One more thing, when we get back we should see about getting him to loan us that book on offensive spells that he doesn't seem to have much use for.
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I mean he was pretty pissed, so he might've just forgotten to tell us how to contain it.
This sound aight, as long as Merriam doesn't get raped.

I'm sure he has it under control. If he wanted to destroy the world, he wouldn't bother having us deliver the box. He would just release it wherever and wait.
I'd rather just not use the plague box and find some other way of getting the skull.

Save the doomsday device for when we need to use it on something harder to wrap around our fingers.
>>Disguise yourselves as envoys of the elves

With Merriam sent to the crypt to be safe and study, that leaves you and Kaylessa.

"Here's the plan: we disguise ourselves as envoys of the elven nation and gain an audience with the barbarian leader. Then, when the time is right, we grab the skull, grab the loot, open the chest and get going."

"Sounds fine enough, but we don't exactly look like elven representatives."

"Too easy!"

Through clever use of your cosmetic and illusion spells, you are able to create a convincing disguise for you both. Now you appear to be twin elven sisters dressed in regal garb!

"Just let me handle all the talking," you tell her. "I can speak their language."

"We can ALL speak their language," she rolls her eyes. "When it comes to women, they only see breeding stock."

"We'll use that to our advantage, then. Let's go!"

You both climb atop her golden-haired mare and prepare to ride west with the 'present' carefully secured.

>Check in with Albert and Merriam before you go
>Ride to the village
>Find a barbarian scout party
>Announce your presence with fireworks
Ok, so the plan actually involves opening the chest, so let's go back and ask him how to contain it. This is way too risky!
>>Announce your presence with fireworks
>Ride to the village

Make an entrance to entrance them!
>>Ride to the village
Guys seriously, why is everyone ignoring that we have, NO WAY to stop the Plague when we unleash it? Am I crazy?

And you're overreacting
Someone else's problem. I really don't care.
Ok, what's the plan? What do we do when we unleash the Plague then?

We leave.

Like Albert told us to do.
We leave and let whatever good two shoes show up clean up the mess
It will be our problem when it destroys the world! Albert straight up said this could destroy it if left unchecked.
Alright, how do you plan on outrunning a lethal plague that "spreads quickly". Keep in mind a wizard said this, so you fucking know he means it when he says quickly.
Fuck what if it gets into the river! Then we just killed the entire town! You don't think that'll attract some unwanted attention?
We watch as the world burn
>Ride to the village
>Ride to the village

Can I get some 1d100s, please?
Rolled 78 (1d100)

If we're going stupid evil, I guess we'll hope for the best.
Rolled 46 (1d100)


what can I say. I trust Albert knows what he's doing.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Yeah, the necromancer that doesn't give a shit about the living and who was super angry at the time knowingly putting a countermeasure to a Plague(something he considers art), effectively crippling it, sounds a lot more likely than him just forgetting to tell us how to stop it in his rage. Seriously, it would only take two seconds to go up and ask! Next to no effort.

>two seconds

>a whole post by Damashi that eats up my precious time

I'd rather just get to the mission senpai
Please stop posting
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Dude, I get it. I sound like an autistic asshole. But how the fuck else am I supposed to get your attention when you all literally have not presented a counter argument. I wouldn't make a big deal of something like this but this post.>>1043835 got my jimmies rustled. This has all the hallmarks the DM fucking with the players, and this could go so bad so quick. Ya'll have no plan. Ya'll have no reasoning, other than railroading. Ya'll are acting like fucking idiots.

You have a point but the vote is called. Let's just hope you don't get to say "I told you so."
i dont think many people like the barbs and would like to see them gone.
but like the doc said holye man and shit will come to stop the plague befor it kills all the things

With Kaylessa reading the map, you make it to the barbarian village in short order. When challenged by the first set of guards, you announce that you are emissaries of the elven kingdom and wish to treat with the barbarian king. Apparently this is good enough, and your timing is fortunate: many barbarian tribes have come together here to pay tribute to the king.

As you ride into the village and through the wooden gate, under heavy watch by the guards and escorted by no less than four warriors, you get to see some of the various barbarian tribes interracting. Strong men of various clans, designated by armor, warpaint or otherwise are all forced to get along while they are here. One thing you notice is common is orc heads on pikes. You remember the shepherds you met in these lands talking about how the barbarians are fighting the orcs in the west, and it seems that those who can claim the most orc heads gain quite a lot of status.

Another thing that impresses you is their numbers. You weren't aware that the barbarians had organized this many warriors. There is a veritable army here, one that could threaten a kingdom. If only they weren't preoccupied fighting the orcs...

You pass by a number of tents and cages of tributes for the king. Gold, weapons, slaves, beautiful women in skimpy outfits, it truly does seem a barbarian's dream.

Before you are allowed to see the king, you are first challenged by one of his lieutenants at the inner gate. "Why are you here, elf?"

"We are representatives of the elven kingdom, here to treat with the king."

"The elves have never cared to treat with us before," he says, suspicious of your intent. "Not even the wild ones. What brings you here now?"

>It is time for change.
>He has grown powerful, and we wish to be friends.
>We would seek his favor.
>We have brought him a gift.
You're right, I hope that I don't either.
>He has grown powerful, and we wish to be friends.

Ego stroking, mention the skull. That's got to be a point of pride.
No, you're being dumb.

>Here's this thought out plan of how you're going to sneak in, release this plague and then sneak out with the skull I want

>Oh wait no actually I'm retarded and you can't escape the plague I sent you with thus ensuring I don't get the skull

Your only argument is that Albert is simultaneously retarded and incompetent and I don't believe that's the case.
>>We would seek his favor.
If things get bad we can always sell the real elf
>>We would seek his favor.
"Ill omens have risen. The meteor shower, the rise of the demonic coven, the dragonspawn that grow ever more bold. We simply seek to know where the barbarians stand."
>He has grown powerful, and we wish to be friends.
>>It is time for change.
>And some would seek his favour.
>>We would seek his favor.

I don't want to wipe out this barbarian army with this plague thingie.

Barbarians = not the smartest

Not the smartest = easy to control

Killing these guys off with a plague when they might be the largest most powerful army we can manipulate in control that we'll ever find just seems like a waste of resources.
>>We have brought him a gift...
He wishes for a threeway alliance and told us to give you this box.

We really didn't think this disguise thing through.
This will likely start a war with the elves when we should be starting a war against Mordrax's Kingdom.
Ok man, how the fuck did he do it then? He didn't put a ward on us, we're not sneaking in, how the fuck are we going to escape the Plague, and you can make stupid decisions when you're mad(he literally just got his skull stolen, so he had all of 2 minutes to plan this out). All I was saying was that we ask him about the potentially world ending Plague a little more than not at all.

he said the plague was going to attack the barbarians first.

The plague is probably in the form of a creature that attacks things seeing as it can physically move.

We're going to escape because, like Albert said, it will be attacking the Barbarians.
That'd be great, but we don't have the means or skills to fully control them yet. Besides, the more immediate payoff by completing this mission is accessing high-level Necromancy spells.

After this, though, we definitely need to branch out and start seeing other trainers.
You're not going to get any concessions out of Trick, he's very argumentative and kind of a dick. You're the second person he's gotten into a tiff with in this thread, even.
I supported your idea to get some clarity, because Albert clearly wasn't in the right state of mind, but you should stop replying to him because we've moved on and its cancering up the thread.
Personally I agree and would rather use it to shore up someone we can more easily control/is more aligned to our interests.

For now I can settle with seeing how things develop

You are chronically overthinking this, and frankly getting on my nerves
They seem to already posess a powerful leader.
If we release the plague we will hopefully kill a lot of leaders and create a power vacuum.
We'll make the barbarian lands the middle east.
There are a lot of corpses in the middle east.
We don't need things to be dead before we can use them. Once we start boning up on other schools of magic, you'll learn to appreciate that.
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>We'll make the barbarian lands the middle east.

Complete with NOT! Islam?
>The plague is probably in the form of a creature that attacks things seeing as it can physically move.
What the fuck are you talking about? Regular plague's do that through little things called bacteria. Also,
"One quick question... How do I know what's inside that chest won't kill me?"

"Oh, it will. It attacks only the living. Man, woman, child, it cares not. It will come for you. So, if at all possible, let it focus on the barbarians first. Be careful, however... it will spread quickly."
He didn't say it'll be attacking the barbarians first. He said we should try to get it to. You're making a lot of assumptions based on next to nothing, when we could've confirmed if what you're saying is true, or if it's something else entirely.
What do you think is in the chest we're bringing them?

Yeah ok man. I just feel like a crazy asshole.
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Oh you cheeky buggar
>regular plague's do that through little things called bacteria.

Good thing this is a magic plague that does magic stuff. If this was a vial of anthrax I'd agree with you that we probably shouldn't walk up and just chuck it in a guy's face.

>You're making a lot of assumptions based on next to nothing,

I'm assuming Albert wants this skull badly enough that he gave us something that would give us enough time to get out of there. Or else he doesn't get the thing he wants. I'm assuming he has 2 brain cells to rub together.
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"We would seek the favor of your lord," you explain. "He has grown powerful, and we wish to be friends."

He scratches his bearded chin. "Very well. You may have an audience with the king. But we will keep an eye on you elves!"

As you are permitted entrance, Kaylessa leans close to whisper in your ear. "These barbarians are descended from older traditions... back when men and elf were at war. Thankfully much time has passed since then, but traditions die hard..."

"Let's hope the king is a man willing to listen, then," you reply.

"And if he isn't?"

"Well... We'll figure that part out when we get to it."

You ride to the heart of the barbarian land, and your eyes are treated to the sight of a grand arena. Built of stone and wood, you can hear cheers from the stands as blades clash. You stop your horse outside and dismount, carrying the chest with you as you and your 'sister' enter the arena stands.

Barbarians clash in the arena below as men and women, master and servant alike, cheer the bloodshed on. Your eyes drift around the arena until they focus on a man surrounded by large guards and with servant women bringing him food and lounging about his feet. He is... surprisingly young.

The king, Krom, is a man of black hair and large muscle. He certainly looks the part of a barbarian king, decorated in armor and with a large sword at his side, but you have seen other men here who look older than he, perhaps even larger. Among the barbarians, the strongest rule -- so could he truly be the most powerful?

Krom sits, apparently rather bored-looking, as he drinks deeply from a large flagon.

>Attempt to gain an audience with him
>Wait until the combat is over
>Speak to others in the crowd and learn more about him
>Interrupt the battle
>>Attempt to gain an audience with him
>>Speak to others in the crowd and learn more about him
>Speak to others in the crowd and learn more about him
>Speak to others in the crowd and learn more about him

Recon and figure out the political lay of the land, how ambitious is he and what does he lean towards justice or tyranny or simply being a good Barbarian?
>Speak to others in the crowd and learn more about him
Any ideas where they keep the skulls of long-dead kings?
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"Let's learn more about him," you whisper to your companion.

There are plenty of people in the crowd willing to talk about their king. You sit down next to a younger boy, an eager barbarian, and start asking him questions.

"The king? He is our king because he has the blood of our god running in his veins!" he tells you. "His line has always been the line of the king, because they are gifted with divine strength! Long ago, our god took a mortal barbarian queen as his woman when he came down in flesh to personally bed her. The line of our kings has since always descended from that first union!"

"He is a demigod, then?"

"Well, there's not as much god in him as his ancestors. That is because they have continually mated with mortals over time. But even though he isn't as strong as his ancestors, he is still the strongest among us! I once saw him pick up a fully-grown bull and heft it over his head, and throw it like it was but a stone!"

'Divine blood, eh?' you think to yourself. 'That would explain why he appears young, but is the strongest... I shouldn't underestimate this barbarian king.'

The battle in the arena ends when the final two meet in a bloody clash, only one emerging as the victor. He holds up the severed head of his opponent and roars as the crowd cheers. Krom remains unphased. "Well done," he says, holding up his cup. "You bring honor to your family this day. Give the man his reward."

He bows to the king and leaves the arena, covered in the blood of his enemies, and soon to be showered in gold and women. Krom lets out a yawn. "Bring out that recent captive. The bull man."

You watch as one of the arena gates opens and the minotaur you once encountered steps out. He is bound in chains and snorts defiantly. Krom leans forward and speaks. "You have always rejected our offers of joining us, Brutus, and you always kill the men I send to bring you to me."

"Not interested," Brutus replies. "Men you sent are dead now. That not reply enough?"

Krom chuckles, apparently amused. "Well, we have you now. What do you say to that?"

"Your men trick me. Cowards."

"Still, you are here at last. You can either join us in our war against the greenskins willingly, or I can break you. Your choice."

"You no different from others."

"We shall see," he says, standing up. "I hope this one is actually a challenge!"

There is a roar from the crowd as the king prepares to enter the arena and face the minotaur himself!

>See if you can interrupt the match
>Watch the fight
>Gain an audience with the king before he can enter the arena
>Leave the arena with Kaylessa and make a new plan
>See if you can interrupt the match
I don't want to lose a potential minotaur-bro.
>Leave the arena with Kaylessa and use the distraction to find the skull we're looking for
>>Gain an audience with the king before he can enter the arena

Gas the King, save the minotaur.

This is a decent option. I trust the minotaur to hold his own long enough for us to get back for him.
If we get the skull, we could always keep the plague...

You know, having a WMD in the closet might come in handy.
>>Leave the arena with Kaylessa and make a new plan
Albert loaned it to us under the assumption we actually wipe out the barbarians. If we take the skull back and don't take out the tribes, they'll just come back to torch the tomb again.
Agreed, plus there's no need for us to unleash a bioweapon and get the attention of powerful do-gooders while we're still in the area. Albert might even thank us for being so level headed.
Ahh, but what if we transmute something to LOOK like the skull? Then after the 30 days are up, the barbarians will have so many people to be suspicious of, I doubt they'll look back to Albert.
Fuck them we're here for revenge gas them all
Whatever we choose, I just want the minotaur guy in the party.
Well, what's in it for us NOT to wipe out the barbarians?
>Plagues are MINE to play with. I could create any number of things that could destroy the living world as you know it... if left unchecked. There are forces who would seek to stop these events from happening. Paladins. Holy orders. Gods. I avoid their attention by not unleashing my work."
That's straight from Albert. If we unleash one of his plagues, that's a great way to draw attention. That's not a good way to stay under the radar while we plot against Mordrax, wouldn't you say?

A power vacuum for us to exploit.

An army without a leader when we have thrall abilities we could level up.

An army near the do gooder lands who will ravage.

Chaos in short; and Chaos is a ladder.
On a general level, I agree with maybe trying to find the skull via that distraction. But, I'm pretty sure >>1044315 is right, here.

Sooo...I'm not sure what to do, but I don't think we should leave the arena.
Hmm. Well how would we explain that to Ben?
Even if you do ultimately want to unleash the plague, it's probably better for us to find the skull first then to to have to stick around and search for a skull in the chaos of a barbarian bloodmeet, right?
Honestly, he just wants revenge, and I'd rather have a guarantee at master level knowledge than the chance of an army we wouldn't know what to do with. I'd say figure out a way to use the minotaur to kill off the barbs, keep the plague, return with it and give it back.
I think it'd be great to play both sides. Control the barbarians (eventually, not now), have them ravage the countryside, Ben raises an army and puts them down, becomes a famous righteous warrior throughout the land.
I kind of want to save the Minotaur though. He could be a powerful ally, or a powerful corpse.

As the king leaps into the arena and tackles the minotaur, you take Kaylessa out of the arena. "We're going to find the skull while everyone is distracted with this match."

"Sounds fine to me," she replies.

After searching around, you find an area mostly confined to the women. Here, they cook, clean and tend to children. You manage to sneak in and speak to one woman of dark raven hair, pregnant with a barbarian's child. You hone in on her because she is better-dressed than the others, in the robes of a noble. You speak with her, using your noble tongue to get her to trust you.

She explains she was captured in the countryside when her caravan was ambushed. The tribal chieftain took her as a wife, despite her status as a minor noble. Her father attempted to pay for her freedom, but they took the gold and kept her anyway, since she was already with child. It was promised that she would be freed after she has given the chief the child, but she is not sure they will uphold that deal, either.

Now that you have spoken with her and gained some trust, you ask her about the skull. "The skull of one of Krom's ancestors?" she asks. "We have often heard of it. One of the tribes must have taken it to gain his favor. Likely, they intend to present it at the feast once the arena games are complete. There, each tribe makes their offering."

"Do you know who may have taken the skull?"

She thinks for a moment. "The last group to return today was a war party... they had taken heavy losses."

"Which banner did they fly?"

"The green one, with the goat upon it," she answers. "They camp near the outskirts of the village. I know not where they would keep the skull, but their leader likely has it."

"Thank you," you tell her, and then return to Kaylessa with the news.

>Attempt to gain an audience with this chief
>See if you can distract them and steal the skull
>Swap the skull with your chest
>Wait until the skull is presented to the king, and see if you can get in the King's good graces and steal it from him
>Swap the skull with your chest
That works, but we should also find a way to free the minotaur.
>>See if you can distract them and steal the skull
We have a lockpicking ranger and a seductress. I think we can handle this.
>Swap the skull with your chest
Barring that,
>See if you can distract them and steal the skull
wow this is cool
>>Swap the skull with your chest

wounder if we can get her to come with us?
she must want to purge this guys
and having a firend in the nolbes even if smal
>>See if you can distract them and steal the skull
>>Swap the skull with your chest

We do not want to be confronted to the demi-god.
She's been abandoned by her family and due to give birth soon. That's way too much trouble for us.
We are in the middle of a barbarian camp where she is held slave, about to release a fast-spreading plague, we can't take the responsibility of someone who can't run more than 300m...
nt that she has been giveing up just they tryed to pay her back but they didnt give her back.
the fimaly should still be very happy to have her back.
faouvers we can use.
well it might be a bit befor they open the chest so tell her to come with us as we leave
and the gurds here dont seem to care where we go pretty much just walk in and out,
she also could help us with find thigns and how to use the barbens stuff agest them
We're in an elf disguise we can't cash in on later. We're in a disguise within a disguise. You know that, right?
We really don't have the time or capability to get her out of here.

She'll have to settle for peace in the afterlife.
can still ask her to come with us.
or offer for her to do this and we can take her back to her fimaly.
yer and?? we can just drop the elf looks once we are out of here
Her family is probably in the capital, which is currently off-limits to us. The most we can do is send her back to Bridge Town, but we're technically on sabbatical with Albert, so we can't actually do that.
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You and Kaylessa make your way to the tribe camp with the green goat banner. True to the woman's word, their numbers look depleted and they are weary from battling the undead, save for their chieftain. He is a large and proud man with a thick beard, and has placed the skull within a chest. He is very boastful of it, and is ensuring that the chest never leaves his side. "This will earn us the favor of the king a hundred-hundred times over any other tribute!" he is certain.

To add to that, the guards are still watching you. They didn't interrupt while you spoke to the women, as men were not allowed in that place, but even as you linger outside the tribe's camp the king's guards are watching you.

"I was hoping the distraction would keep them from us," you whisper to her. "We might need a distraction..."

>You distract the guards, Kaylessa will steal the skull
>Both of you split up and one will go for the skull
>Try to get in good with the chief who has the skull
>See if you can cause a distraction and swap the chests when no one is looking
>See if you can cause a distraction and swap the chests when no one is looking
Let's see if we can let out the minotaur.
>You distract the guards, Kaylessa will steal the skull
Ask them what they're bringing, how they got it.
Did you ever have a walk with a pregnant woman?
Especially if she's been pregnant long enough for us to notice it at first sight... She'd be walking slowly, slow to react to threats, he probably has no fighting skills, we are in ennemy territory and we are about to release a deadly plague while stealing that army's artifact... Plus she's low-tier nobility and she's been BARBARIAN'D so she's going to be difficult to bride.
On a 0 to 10 worth-it scale, this is like 2.

Also please capitalize your sentences' first word, it will make you weight much more, trust me.
>>See if you can cause a distraction and swap the chests when no one is looking
>>See if you can cause a distraction and swap the chests when no one is looking
Even though they will probably recognize the chest itself...
>>See if you can cause a distraction and swap the chests when no one is looking
Maybe try illusions again? These barbarians don't seem that smart.
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So be it.

1d100s, please.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Rolled 4 (1d100)

>So be it.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 25 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Go ahead and use Baron's 96.
I'm just flexing.

Water you laughin at? You sayin this is a bad idea?

You and Kaylessa put your plan into action. You will attempt to create a distraction, and she will swap the chests. You split up and move around the camp with the intention of setting off some illusionary spells. You lose track of the guards and smirk to yourself, until you round a corner and come face-to-face with them.

"Where is the other elf?" one demands.

"Yes, well, the thing about that is--"

"You're coming with us, right now." One of them reaches for you, but you slap his hand away.

"Don't lay a hand on me! I have diplomatic immunity!"

They look at each other, both clearly not knowing what either of those words means. They both reach for you, and so you turn and evade them! Now they are chasing you through the camp. Unfortunately, they know their way around better than you do, and have many more allies. When you round a corner, you find yourself not surrounded by two, but by four.

"Can we talk about this?"

"Talk is over, elf! You're going to come with us, now! You'll be a prisoner until the king decides what to do with you. We'll find your friend soon enough as well!"

>Attempt to run
>Try to magic your way out of this
>Try talking them down
We have "Speak with dead" ability. Maybe we could use that to bargain with the chief? He'd probably like that.

Oh shit.
Well, shit.
>>Try to magic your way out of this
y did we use magic to make a distraion??
What are you talking about? We didn't.
Also "y" isn't a word.
Also "distraion" isn't either.
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'Well, fucking perfect,' you sigh. 'Captured by barbarians. AGAIN.' You hold up your hands. "No ropes, please."

They prod you with weapons and take you to a cell. There, you wait for what feels like three hours, under heavy watch the entire time. During this period, you do not hear any word of Kaylessa or her potential capture, and as she is not brought to join you, you can only assume she was not.

Finally, a guard comes to take you out of the cell. He stands you up. "You will see the king, now."

"About time. I will not accept this indignation any further! Why has it taken so long?"

"Because he was wrestling the minotaur for the past three hours," the barbarian says, prodding your back with his axe. "Now walk!"

You are taken to a large enclosed tent with a roaring fire at its heart. Within is the king, covered in sweat, chewing on a leg of meat and drinking heavily from a cup of wine. Two voluptuous slave girls are draped around him, but he doesn't seem to pay them much attention.

However, when you enter, he turns his attention to you immediately. "King Krom! This is the elven intruder."

"I was invited inside, thank you very much."

Krom looks you up and down. When he speaks, his voice is deep but somewhat refined; he is clearly more intelligent than the average barbarian, but then again, that's not saying much. "I have never seen an elf before," he says, beckoning you to come closer. "I have only heard stories."

"And what do those stories say?"

"Not nearly enough," he smiles. He pushes both women off of him and stands in front of you. He is at least a foot, perhaps a foot and a half taller than you. He is taller than Ben, that is for certain. Certainly broader as well. "Would you care for something to eat, perhaps? A drink?"

>Eat and drink with him
>Remark that you have lost your sister
>Tell him that you have come as an envoy of the elves
>Ask about the minotaur
>Eat and drink with him
>Ask about the minotaur
>>Try talking them down
A kiss on the cheek or hand is all we need.
>>Eat and drink with him
>Ask about the minotaur

someone is tuchy about the speeliings

We might be able to kiss the king.

If we do. We have a Khan under our thrall.
>>Eat and drink with him
>>Ask about the minotaur
A barbarian king who MIGHT be a demigod and could otherwise be resistant to our admittedly lacking thralldom.
could always take his blood somehow nad add it too ours?

>We're just about seduce the King

>kaylessa busts in with the skull and the chest, sets off the plague and grabs us by the arm

>The scene becomes a throwback to that Monty Python segment where John Cleese saves that one guy from the convent only with the genders reversed
>>Eat and drink with him
>>Remark that you have lost your sister
>>Tell him that you have come as an envoy of the elves
What the fuck are you talking about?
>>Eat and drink with him
>>Ask about the minotaur

Be casual, we are supposed to be ambassadors.
they say he has blood from a god.
and it has given him power wich we could add to us.
and theres a reasion way the doc wants the skule, probs for the god power in the bones.
You are jumping to conclusions so far beyond the horizon, you need modern-day ballistic missiles to hit them.
This isn't god of war dude, transferring the "god power", is possible, would likely require top-tier blood magic. Also, try to be a bit more literate please. thx
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"Yes, please," you say, putting on your most diplomatic air. He commands fresh food and wine, and servants are quick to bring you both.

You sit down on pillows and animal skins as you are treated to ripe fruit, freshly-cooked meat and good wine in golden goblets. You reflect on how, ever since your escape, this is actually the finest you've been treated and the closest to how life was in the capital.

Albeit with more barbarians and slaves around you.

Krom drinks and feasts his eyes upon your body as you lie back. Eventually, you speak and ask him, "I heard of your match with the minotaur. My people have seen him before. Tell me, does he live?"

"He does. He is a strong one, but so am I. We wrestled until we were both too tired to continue. A shame! I almost had him by the horns," he laughs. "Brutus has never joined us. But someday he will. If I can defeat him in battle, I know he will serve me."

"You are quite powerful to match a minotaur's strength," you observe, taking a moment to adjust your ruby necklace that hangs just above your breasts. "And with just your bare hands."

He nods, puffing out his chest slightly with pride. "It comes from my father, and his father, and his, and his and more. My ancestors fought with the elves in the wars of old. They no longer come to these lands."

"A shame," you say, tracing a delicate finger around the lip of the cup. "There are many strong men in this region that would make for good allies."

He leans back as he drinks. "I grow bored of this place, myself. Bored of this war with the orcs. You are the first new thing I have encountered that has captured my interest. Tell me of the elves; why have they sent you to me?"

>We seek to make an alliance.
>The elves did not send me; I sent myself.
>I have come to make a deal with you over a matter of some importance.
>Scoot closer and change the subject
I've seen better spelling from a 5 year old
Idle curiosity, more than anything. The barbarian tribes have become a rising force in the region, so we wanted to see what exactly was happening, if there was anything worth pursuing here. You know how elves love to play the long game.
>We seek to make an alliance.
>The elves did not send me; I sent myself.
Lets send these barbarians to the kingdom
Hmm. Safe. Support.

This except "we" and not "elves" haha.

Elves require information before wanting to set an alliance with former ennemies.

I think this is what he'd like to hear. It'd make us interesting.

>>The elves did not send me; I sent myself.
>>The elves did not send me; I sent myself.
>>The elves did not send me; I sent myself.

"The elves did not send me," you tell him, which catches him off-gaurd. "I sent myself."

"And why is that?"

"Curiosity. The barbarian tribes have grown strong in this region, as have other groups. Things are growing restless. I wanted to see if there was anything worth pursuing here."

"And what have you found?"

"A very strong army, led by a very strong man," you smile.

Your flattery suits him well. He downs his drink and has had enough conversation; he moves to sit alongside you. Soon, his arms are around you, one around your shoulders and the other on your thigh.

Subtly is not the way of the barbarian, it seems, as he propositions you, "I have never had an elven woman. I want you to be my first." His grip is strong, though not overly forceful. His eyes are lustful and greedily take in the sight of your body.

'My, so forward,' you think, slightly excited at the prospect of being in his arms. 'But he is also very strong. I may not be able to control him like I can with Ben. I would need a different tactic...'

>Delay his affections; play with his heart
>Attempt to use your Magical Kiss to sway him
>>The elves did not send me; I sent myself.
>>Delay his affections; play with his heart

> Delay, his affections. Make him ask again.

For the power play.


> Magical Kiss
>>Attempt to use your Magical Kiss to sway him
>>Delay his affections; play with his heart

Also bring the donation night on the table, and say you would like to be to his side to see what his warchiefs think he is worth, judging by the gifts.
That would give us an eye on the skull, and potential loot, as well as an opportunity to give our own gift...
>>Delay his affections; play with his heart
play hard to get for a litle bit.
to see how badly he wants you mybe ask for thigns
She's dying for that big manly barbarian cock
>Delay his affections; play with his heart
>Attempt to use your Magical Kiss to sway him

I'm thinking that we should pull the ole switcharoo on the skull before he sees it.
He won't miss what he didn't know he had.
And the green-banner guys will be too embearassed to admit that it got stolen under their noses and just give him the chest instead.
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You place your hand on his chest, holding him back. You playfully chide him, "So soon? Don't you know that the elves have very long courtship rituals?"

"Well, I don't!" he smiles, leaning down to bring his face closer to yours for a kiss.

You dodge his face, causing him to instead kiss your neck. "Krom, we've only just met! Am I to be ravished as a prisoner, or loved as a woman?"

"Hmm... You are indeed a better class of woman than any common wench. But I cannot fully trust you, either! Until such time, you will be neither free nor a prisoner. You shall be by my side until I can determine if you are to be trusted or not."

His hands explore parts of your body, and you push them away. "You shouldn't ruin your present by opening it too soon," you say as his hand attempts to get under your shirt.

"I am not accustumed to having a woman rebuke me," he growls.

"There's a time and a place for everything, Krom. If you mean to force yourself upon me, I have means to defend myself."

"That excites me as surely as your beauty!" he claims, kissing your neck more. "I am going to have you... you... Wait, what is your name?"

He pulls back and looks into your eyes before letting out a boistrous laugh. "What a fool I am! I know not even the name of the most beautiful woman in my kingdom, and here I am with her in my lap." He picks you up effortlessly and sets you down alongside him. "We shall play it your way, then. The elven way." He coughs into his hand, as though clearing his throat. "I am Krom. And you are?"

>Submit your own
Yes, but then there's the issue with oh having not killed the barbs. I'm not certain we'll get our necromancy if we don't.

> Joan of Arc

Because why the fuck not.
Might as well stick with it. It's important to have consistency.
> Wynleth

Necromancy sucks lets do something else instead anyway.
Meltheen of the Highhills

Spiritism can be fun.
To see if he's up on current events. If he remarks we share the same name as a criminal, then call it a coincidence. And if we're to ever reveal our true form to Krom at some point in the future, we can say "at least I didn't lie to you about my name."
Sure lets do this

could suck the life out of him?
wit hhave life drain just need to get a bit rough and slowy drain him as we fuck then make him tharil?
Yes, but these are going to be very high level skills. While our repertoire is varied, its mainly low level. We need some more power.
Have you not read the info on any of our spells? We're not a fucking succubus dude.

That's not how life drain works.
>we're not a fucking succubus

Not yet.
dosnt it need the person to be cut/ with a little bit of blood for us to drain them if we stake time to do this?
thats what we did in the bat fight with ben right?
so y cant we do this durning sex?
im sure the king wouldnt mid it beening rough
soon tm
That's assuming we a) are fucking him in the first place, b) are intent on killing him, and c) are hopeful he doesn't notice himself getting physically weaker.
Well, I'm with >>1045058

Because >>1045046
Is just plain too human and in the last case stupid.

It's a tool like any other and a good one up till now.

Because Life Drain is Necromancy and has nothing to do with enthralling, and Life Drain is damaging and potentially lethal.

It's not a matter of not being able to do it during sex, it's a matter of it not doing what you think it does and what you're trying to say.
Yeah, I'm kind of out of it now. Think I'll stop posting.
well you gernaly get weaker with sex so could just put it up to us beening the best sex he has ever had.
could just stop it from killing him, then which to making him your bitch.
also arnt we killing all of them anyways with the box? or are you all trying to take over the kign and his armys?
>trying to say

>well you gernaly get weaker with sex
That's the real problem with GHB
I cast comprehend languages on this anon's posts.

I demand to know what they mean, QM!


Look, I'm not going to keep replying, here's the bottom line: Life Drain DOES NOT enthrall people, and it hurts. It is a damaging spell, it is not subtle, it is not something you can cast without the target knowing.
You not the only one today. especially if I look at things like >>1045100
Seriously? making yourself vulnerable to most things holy? Aiming for becoming a lowly demon?
True power resides beyond reason and the tapestry of creation in unravelling and remaking as we please.
>I'm slowly cutting your throat but it's during sex so you won't notice right? You like it rough right?
>True power resides beyond reason and the tapestry of creation in unravelling and remaking as we please.

nice neckbeard fedoralord
The babbles of those that have no comprehension are no language and thus no target for this spell
This sounds good, like Kaylessa's sister.

That's the joke. The barbs will present the chest as a gift since they couldn't find the skull. And when he opens it, Hey Presto!

Spiritism falls under necromancy iirc. We need to learn to control spirits so we can take the Haunted Tower. That's why we came back to Albert in the first place.

You suck, you should do something else. ;P

I'm not saying we should become a zombielord or a lich or anything. But our necromancy is so subpar atm that it's hardly even useful. We should get at least halfway decent at it if we want to be well-rounded. That Choking Dust AoE, an upgrade for our backpack warrior, some resurrection/anatomy stuff and whatever his most powerful spells are should round us out nicely.
yes i know that but we have at lest one enthrall move, the kiss if i rember? and we can switch from useing them right?
just bite the guys lip hard and dig your nails into his back
It is a damaging spell, it is not subtle, it is not something you can cast without the target knowing. now thats the part which would mkae this not work but i wounder if we could make it hurt less or take longer by only draining a small but steady amount??
I'm freshly shaved, thank you very much.

Now do you have something to say that is not memery?
>Spiritism falls under necromancy iirc. We need to learn to control spirits so we can take the Haunted Tower. That's why we came back to Albert in the first place.
Exactly. That's why we're going on this sidequest.
I actually like the idea of having one super-BORIS, and maybe a backpack skeleton or two, but I dislike the zombie-army side of the thing.
I also like non-reanimating stuff (spiritism, curses...).

We could curse the king, if needed. Better safe than sorry.
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Your mind races. "Wynleth," you tell him.

"Very well, Wynleth. You shall be by my side for the feast and the remainder of the games. And, if you aren't here as an elven spy or assassin of some kind, you'll share my bed as well. And even if you are some spy or assassin, you might still end up sharing it!" He picks you up with one arm and carries you, cradling you as he walks out to his throne.

Soon, the feast is upon the tribes, and they gather for a grand meal. They all sing songs and cheer as meat, mead and women are enjoyed. You sit alongside Krom as his hand rests on your backside, occasionally drifting down to your rear. You slap at him and remind him of his proper manners whenever he tries getting a little too familiar.

All the while, you keep an eye and an ear out for anything important that may be happening. After the first round of feasting, now the tribal chiefs present their tributes to the king.

>Give me some 1d100s to see how things went with Kaylessa, if you please.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Please don't fuck up, elf.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

I apologize in advance for any shitty rolls.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 18 (1d100)

no prob man
Rolled 22 (1d100)


Anytime you please.
Okay, since I rolled high, that means I can blame you, right?
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Come ON, fucking rolls. Ugh.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

super boris is a ago.
i like the undead more for makign other peopel look bad hell we could even get them to attck peopel and we come in an kill the undead and look ike we saved them to get shit we want from them
Pretty good ideas. Borris will be something of a personal bodyguard, an additional hand we'll use when things are turning against us.
Depending on how versatile we can use the skeletons two should be more then enough.
Though spirits aremost useful as spies.
I thnk we should train our enthrallment abilities, we've had plenty of opportunities where more subtle and stronger spells would've come in handy. Also cajoling people into willing servitude in life and making both flesh and ghost rise to serve us even in death has something grim and poetic about it.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

hope my bad luck doesn't transfer to this quest.
I know full well why I'm not rolling.

Also wha thappened to our chestof terribly destructive disease?

She has it.
Maybe it wasn't our best idea to let the opportunistic rogue go her own way with a chest full of potentially world-ending disaster...
yer sicne its looking like we can just ask for the skule and walk out with it aha
I'm sorry I don't trust the elf that made it abundandly clear she's only in it for the money, perhaps got hints of us having everyone in the party under our thumbs and took her time pointing out again she's only in it for the money when things took a turn into dangerous territory.
I do NOT trust anyone we do not have under our thrall. Not anyone. And a certain amount of paranoia is necessary, because we have NO powerbase to speak of, nor the knowledge and power to get those easily.

As the chiefs present their gifts, from weapons to slaves to heads of slain enemies, two guards make their way through the crowd. They have your 'sister' Kaylessa with them! They bring her before the king.

"There are TWO of you?" he asks you with a wide grin.

"Uh, yes, my sister is... We were--"

"Snooping around!" the guard says. "They split up, and we caught that one. This one we caught only a few minutes ago."

Kaylessa looks up at you. You notice she has neither the chest nor the skull.

"Bring her here, then," the king says, and she sits on his other leg. Krom laughs, "Look at me! An elf for each hand!"

His men all cheer as the tributes continue. Kaylessa leans over to whisper in your ear. "This was the only way I could get to talk to you. We might have a problem!"

"Why? What happened?"

"I went through with our plan, and swapped the chests!"

"Do they KNOW you took the skull?"

"No, of course not! And I LET myself get caught so I could warn you! I have the skull stashed not far from here, and--"

At that moment, the chieftain of the green goat banner tribe walks up with the chest. The chest that doesn't contain what he thinks it does. "MY KING! I know many of your men are too afraid to travel to the lands east, to the lands of the necromancer and his vile hordes of dead, but today, we did! For you and the glory of your lineage, my king, we have brought you a gift from the hall of the necromancer himself!"

He prepares to turn the key to open it...

>Let it happen and get ready to RUN!
>Stop him!
>Warn Krom that he is deceiving him!
>Get Krom out of the area by pretending you want to make love now
>Warn Krom that he is deceiving him!
im all for makeing her a slave to us
>Warn Krom that he is deceiving him!
I'm assuming that if the trap is sprung, Krom will hold onto us, which will definitely kill us if the plague reaches us. We need to get out of his grip somehow. Either way, this will help stall for a bit of time.
>Get Krom out of the area by pretending you want to make love now
This leaves the most options open. If we want we could turn him against that tribe, or we could slip out post coitus and wait for the fireworks.Took some headache medicine and I'm feeling a bit better.
>Warn Krom that he is deceiving him!
Tell him, you brought your own present, and you and your sister are going to get it somewhere else in the camp (accept going with guards) while he opens the few next ones.

You might tell you have given it to the slave girl for example, that you need to get to their quarters.
>Let it happen and get ready to RUN!
Do not look back, do not listen, just run.

Fuck, of course, me too.
At best we learn how to do that with the wave of ahand to a whole town.
Don't make it obvious that we're the ones stopping Krom. Just whisper that we have a bad feeling about this, and let Krom drop us and investigate the chest on his own.
Guys, look at it that way: when they are dead we hae so many bodies and can finally learn about spirits from Albert so we can go to the damn tower we wanted to clear in the first place.
Did we just get sidetracked to the second degree?
>>Let it happen and get ready to RUN!
Honestly, I think w we should let the disease get out, but be far away when that happens. That's why I think we should book it post coitus. Stay away a reasonable distance, and run when the screaming starts.
This is an extended sidequest.

And we won't be able to come back for the bodies because the plague will be in the region, making it a deathtrap until clerics and priests and medics come to cleanse the region. Albert was very clear to say that this is a large-scale bioweapon we're about to unleash.
If left unchecked. I think Albert will be very interested in the many corpses of barbarians there and he might not want to bring he disease with him and kill his new ,dearest pupil.
I do not think he is the kind of person to build world-ending horrors without a backdoor to stop them should he need to.
>>Warn Krom that he is deceiving him!
>>Stop him!
WAIT, let's save the best for last.
Let it be a surprise for the end of the festival.
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Skin and Bones.png
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Your eyes widen and you whisper in his ear, "He is attempting to deceive you! That box belongs to the necromancer!"

He blinks a few times, caught off-guard by the sudden accusation. "What?"

The chief opens the treasure chest and reaches inside, but does not pull out a skull. Instead he screams and withdraws a hand covered in some kind of fleshy mass, which shoots out and wraps around him. His cries are muffled when the flesh, which you suddenly realize to be skin and muscle that once belonged to a living person, wraps completely around him. Blood leaks out as everyone stands up and backs away.

The fleshy coccoon completely encases him as he struggles. It twitches a few more times, then opens up and spits out the full skeleton of the man. The skeleton lands on the table, covered in blood and viscera, but does not fall apart. Instead, it gets up to attack the nearest man!

Meanwhile, the man's skin and flesh are then regurgitated by the first mass into a second shell. Both of these then leap upon the nearest victims, two other barbarians, and make quick work of consuming them both. When they are done, two more bloody skeletons are spewed out, and now there is not two walking skins, but four.


The barbarians begin to fight back, but when one attempts to cut into the flesh, it wraps around the sword, then his arm, and then he is encased.

'By the gods...' You are amazed as the skeletons attack the men while the fleshy masses multiply, producing more skeletons and walking shells of skin, each capable of attacking and reproducing itself and a new fully animated and hostile skeleton. 'One enemy becomes two threats! Albert, this is genius... or pure madness... or both!'

Krom quickly picks up both you and Kaylessa and takes you to a safe place while screams are heard from within. "Flee!" he commands you both. "And don't let them touch you!"

Kaylessa doesn't need to be told twice; she isn't interested in becoming a meat puppet today. She takes off and escapes the main hall with you hot on her heels. She takes you through the camp as the barbarians scramble to defend themselves and their king from this new horrifying threat.

You look up and see one of the skins spread out flat like a bat and glide across the air, tackling onto a sentry atop a tower and quickly overpowering him, wrapping around him like a blanket and consuming him. The flesh is stripped of his bones in a matter of moments, torn clean and then spat back out as another skin with his skeleton as well.

Kaylessa reaches the chest and picks it up. "This is what we came for! We need to leave, now!"

>Get Krom!
>Get the minotaur!
>Get the minotaur AND Krom!
>May the gods look well upon them, GET OUT OF HERE!
This sounds even better actually.
We can say we brought him an elven slave girl.
>Get the minotaur!
Most useful and safest bet.
Also,, I don't want to see what happens when the Plague get's a hold of a minotaur.
>Get the minotaur!
>Get the minotaur!
>>Get the minotaur!
>>Get the minotaur if convenient and maybe Krom?
Or tell Krom to save the minotaur and meet up later for a spitroast
This is pretty fuggin terrifying desu. Kinda like the Rated R version of Life Fiber suits.
Why exactly did we have to tell him the chest is from the necromancer? The guy's only gonna have more problems now and Krom will be pissed if he finds out that we work for Albert.
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I'd like some 1d100s, just because we're in the middle of a necromorph outbreak.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

We're in a disguise, so Wayleth can't be tied to Mary/Sirena.

Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Also, that barbarian tribe just said they raided the necromancer. They never said what exactly they recovered.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

God says fuck you apparently.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

We literally told Krom that the box belongs to the necromancer.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

This is as horrifying as it is genius, the best of flesh golem and skeleton and perfect against enemies thathave no means of magically scorching the skins from afar or preparing with fire.
The square of a zombie plaque if you will, in larger quantities these will overcome armies easily...

Holy shit.

>Necromorph oubreak
Okay, from now on you are the second greatest QM for me.

About to find out if we can run from a mintaurs bones and skin
>"MY KING! I know many of your men are too afraid to travel to the lands east, to the lands of the necromancer and his vile hordes of dead, but today, we did! For you and the glory of your lineage, my king, we have brought you a gift from the hall of the necromancer himself!"

Look man, I hear you, but place things in a context: he was confused when we told him what we did, and what we told him doesn't translate to: "we work for the necromancer." And as >>1045617 said, the tribal chieftain himself said it was from a raid on the necromancer.

Krom has other things on his mind at the moment, I assure you. There's no need to get caught up on this little detail.
>to the lands of the necromancer and his vile hordes of dead
He already knew. We could probably get brownie points for trying to save them if he survives.
Assuming he survives the ordeal. We're lucky if we didn't jut kill off the entire fucking country.
This is IF Krom survives, locates us later, and realizes that we were Wyleth.
>¨HERE have an apocalyptically spreading death curse that raises you as TWO undead!¨
Good thing we just saw a few paladins in the area!
They hould be thankful we are giving their QM a quest background!
Rolled 61 (1d100)

more flexing to shake off bad juju
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"Make for the exit, I'll meet you outside!"

"Where are you GOING?!"

"To see a man about a cow!"

You take off from her side, towards the prison. You pass by terrified women and slaves trying to break free of their confines, and eventually locate the minotaur.

"YOU! I'm getting you out of here," you tell him, pointing a hand at the lock and blasting it with an arcane bolt. The metal falls, melted, and the door swings open. "If you stay here, you're dead!"

The minotaur stands up and towers over you, looking down at you. He reaches for a nearby axe and picks it up, then grabs you by the waist and hefts you over his shoulder before charging out.

Several of the skins attempt to intercept him, but he slashes through them and stomps on one. The gate guards are being taken over as he runs out through the inner walls and into the open camps of the outer village. You look back as you see barbarians armed with torches attempting to burn the skins, but the skeletons are not deterred by the flames. The chaos and confusion only serves to benefit the undead.

Your eyes catch sight of the pregnant woman you spoke with ealier. She trips and a fleshy tendril wraps around her ankle, pulling her and her unborn child screaming and crying behind a wall and to certain, absolute doom.

The minotaur barrels through the outer wall and keeps running for some distance before setting you down. Kaylessa runs up to you both and the three of you look on as fires rise throughout the camp. Dropped torches, burning bodies, who knows how it spreads -- but it does, and soon the entire area is a massive conflagration. The fire rises high into the night sky, leaving the camp utterly destroyed.

'Well... that should take care of those skins,' you think to yourself.

>Reveal yourself to the minotaur
>Part ways with the minotaur
>Demand his service, now that you have saved his life
>Take the minotaur with you to the chapel
>>Take the minotaur with you to the chapel
>Reveal yourself to the minotaur
>Take the minotaur with you to the chapel
Let's get to safety first before the reveal.
>Reveal yourself to the minotaur
>Take the minotaur with you to the chapel
Also don't ask for anything, keep him in debt.
>>Reveal yourself to the minotaur
>Take the minotaur with you to the chapel

Perhaps look for any survivors?
>Thank the minotaur
>Reveal yourself to the minotaur
>Ask of his plans now
This >>1045767
Guys taking him to the chappel of the necromancer might not be the best idea after he just witnessed what is essentialy attempted genocide.
But the minotaur has no love for the barbarians who captured him, and at least the undead at the mausoleum will leave him alone because he's with us.
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Kayless climbs atop her horse, which she thankfully saved from the stable before the town went up in skin, bones and flames. You look up at the minotaur. "Come with us," you say.

"Why?" is his simple response.

"We know a place that will be safe from those things, if any of them are left at all. And you owe me!"

"I owe you not. You need me to get you out. I got you out."

"You're coming with us, and that's FINAL!" you demand.

He stares down at you with narrow eyes. "Okay."

"And I won't take NO for -- wait, what?"

"We go."

You blink a few times. "Well, good. Come along, then." You climb up onto the horse as Kaylessa trots along. The minotaur lumbers not far behind.

"Well, that could have gone smoother," the elf remarks. "Did Albert tell you what was in that box?"

"Shh!" you say, looking back at the minotaur. "Later."

It is late in the evening when you make it to the church. Once there, you dismount and approach him, dispelling the elven cosmetic and resuming your Mary disguise.

His eyes widen. "You..."

"Yes, me."

"You cause monsters?"

"No, I didn't," you mostly lie. "I didn't CREATE them, no. But I happened to be there to save your life. And NO, I could have left you and escaped. I came back for you."

His response, blunt as ever: "Why?"

You put your hands on your hips. "I wish I knew right about now. You're big and strong. Your death would be a waste."

"Now what you want? Serve you? Not into serving small women."

>Demand his service!
>Hire him for gold, like Kaylessa
>Show him the necklace from the minotaur zombie
>Ask him what he wants
Yeah switch. Ask if he wants to come with though.
>Show him the necklace from the minotaur zombie
Sounds interesting.
>Show him the necklace from the minotaur zombie
>>Show him the necklace from the minotaur zombie
Nice setup.
>Show him the necklace from the minotaur zombie

Seriously, we should probably look for survivors. Cheap labor and what not.

Pretty sure that was successful genocide.
What would we do with them? Their home was just destroyed, where would we keep them?
I'm not going back there before paladins or priests clear it up.
Bridge town, they'll be grateful for work in the mines, considering they now have nothing.
>>Reveal yourself to the minotaur
>>Part ways with the minotaur
Hey, remember me? I was just in the neighborhood doing wizard business and noticed you got captured.
So, since I just saved you from a fate worse than death, give me your number so I can call in a favor later.

As you think, you look back at your belongings and open up the group pack. You take out the necklace with the intricate pattern and show it to the minotaur. "Do you know what this is?"

The bull-man stares at it, then reaches out and takes it. He holds it in his palm in the moonlight. "This is... Where did you get this?"

"From a... long dead minotaur."

The minotaur sets down the axe and sits. His hand slowly closes around the necklace. As Kaylessa tends to the horse, you walk around and look at his eyes; they are suddenly watery with tears. "What is it?" you ask him gently. "What is wrong?"

"This belonged to my son," he mutters.

'Well, shit. And I turned his corpse into a Mino-Boris.' You remain steady and tell him, "He rests now."

"I gave up long ago trying to find him. After my clan was killed... now I am only one. Only one left."

He clutches the necklace to his heart and his eyes become even more wet. "Leave me. Should not see me cry."

>Ask him what he will do now
>Convince him to follow you
>Tell him you are owed a favor
>Leave him be for now
>Leave him be for now
>>Demand his service!
He's even bigger than Krom.

>>Show him the necklace from the minotaur zombie
OH yeah, I found this while dungeon crawling a while back. Look familiar?
>>Ask him what he will do now
>If he doesn't want to talk, leave him be.
>Ask him what he will do now
Let's not be too much of a dick to a Minotaur in mourning. He'd probably never forget about that.
>>Leave him be for now

Offer to 'comfort' him, at least a parting kiss.
Evil sorceress, not slutty, dumb sorceress. Turn it down.
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"What will you do now?"

"...I know not."

Standing straight, you decide to leave him be and walk back over to Kaylessa. She shivers slightly and nearly jumps when you touch her shoulder. "Mary... What was that terrible plague? Did Albert tell you anything?"

"No... He only told me to not let it get near me. That it would spread quickly."

Kaylessa shakes her head. "I can't... I just... There were women and children back there, Mary. We..."

"It was Albert," you tell her. "He would have done it even without us."

"But still," she says, shaking her head. "This... isn't quite what I signed up for."

"You told me you were a pragmatist."

"There is NOTHING pragmatic about what happened back there!" she insists. "What did we get out of that?"

"Look, I don't like it either!" you tell her firmly. "I didn't know what was in that box. Let's just be glad that we are alive."

She closes her eyes. "I just... I have a HUGE problem with this, Mary. What good are we if we do something like that? They might've been barbarians, but did they deserve that? To die like THAT? Did ALL of them? Every man, woman, child?"

Your lips part as you think about the pregnant woman, torn to shreds. The other women, the slaves, the children. 'Gods, she's right... Albert wanted revenge on the men who raided him, but they were all casualties of his terrible vengeance...'

She hugs her arms close to her body and turns away. "If this is the kind of stuff we're going to be doing, then I don't know if I can stick around." She looks up at the sky. "That was... That was genocide. And I... I helped. I switched those chests... Oh, gods, I'm a monster..."

"You're not," you insist. "I'm just as responsible as you are for what happened. And we are NOT monsters."

Looking back over her shoulder, she asks, "Mary... Tell me you feel the same way. Tell me you don't condone this or that you'll ever do anything like this again."

>We will never, ever do this again
>We will find a way to make this right
>Better them than us, Kaylessa; only the strong survive
>I will do what I have to do to make what I want happen, happen
>Leave, then.
Comfort her, and you're just as emotion-fucked as she is. Also, confirm to her that you will never knowingly commit such an atrocity again.
>I will do what I have to do to make what I want happen, happen
>But not like this.
>We will never, ever do this again

This was way too overt and obvious. If we're ever going to commit genocide again, it will be through far subtler means.
This helps reinforce that Sirena's ambition will remain unchecked, but we will be much smarter and more efficient about how we realize it, not as intensely cruel and sickening as Albert did.
>Tell her about the pregnant woman you saw.
>We will never, ever do this again.
But we will wreak vengeance just as terrible if need be.
And Mordrax will wish he was there to die...
Meh, don't want to get on the bad side of someone who can create things like this.
Ah shit sorry didn't read properly, though you wrote Albert
This, we got kinda manipulated in the way that he told us nothing about the plague.
We don't have to approve that.
>>We will never, ever do this again

Also this

You pull her into a hug. "I promise you, we will never, ever do anything like this ever again."

She returns the hug, taking deep breaths. "And what about Albert?"

Looking into her eyes, you say, "I'm going to get what was promised to me. But listen to me: even though I want to make what I want to have happen, happen, I won't do it like this anymore. He went too far, and I didn't ask questions. I wasn't a fan of those men who captured me and Merriam once, but those innocents didn't deserve what happened to them. We were the instruments of Albert's vengeance... but we will never do this to others."

You hug her again as she gets calm. "I'll be okay... I'll be okay," she repeats herself. "You should go. I'll keep watch."

After grabbing the chest, heading into the church and down the stairs, you find Albert in the process of packing up, and Merriam helping him.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving," he says. "If you think I'm going to stay in this region after what I did, you aren't half as smart as you seem."

You open the chest in front of you and take out the skull. "Here. I hope this was worth it."

You toss it to him and he catches it in one hand, looking at it as he turns it over. "Yes... It was. I thank you."

"Now then... What the hell WERE those things?"

Merriam looks over at you, worried. Albert shrugs and goes back to packing. "Just one of my... experiments."

"You call that an experiment? I'd say it was a success. So much a success, that it could destroy entire towns, cultures!"

"Oh, I know," he says, seemingly amused. "A delightful bit of necromancy, don't you think? Not very subtle, not very pretty... but beautiful in its purity."

"You killed innocent lives with it."

He turns his head. "You'll have to excuse me for not understanding what you mean by 'innocent lives'. There is no such thing as an 'innocent' life, because that implies 'guilty' life. There was only life, and I took it away because I wanted to." He slams shut a chest and glides over to you, looming and looking down into your eyes through his mask. "There is nothing, not a single thing, from that group of savages that was of any value that was alive."

You stare up at him until he turns away. "A deal is a deal. Take this," he says, sliding a book off of his shelf. "This will teach you more about being a necromancer than I have time for." He slides it across the table and you stop it with your hand. "It will only be a few days, I imagine, until someone comes to investigate what happened. Then this entire region won't be safe for my work anymore..."

"Where are you going?"

"North. My brother Herbert has residence in the swamp. I will stay with him, and take my undead with me." He looks back over his shoulder. "Should you ever require further tutoring, that is where I will be."

He turns back to packing as Merriam stands near you, unsure of what to do now.

>Spend the night here
>Make camp out in the woods
>Ask Albert more questions
>Send Merriam up to Kaylessa
Lets search the tower for anything he might've left behind. If we find nothing than head back to town and study on the way.
Ugh. This was a clusterfuck on most levels, to be honest. We need to talk more with Merriam about how no, seriously, that was fucked up.
Also talk to Merriam.
>Spend the night here
It's not safe to spend the night in the woods; who knows what's crawling out there tonight after the stunt pulled at the camp? As long as Albert is here, the area is relatively safe, but we leave first thing in the morning.

Merriam wasn't there. She doesn't know what happened.
>get the fuck out of here asap
I really don't wanna encounter angry surviving barbarians
>>Make camp out in the woods
>>Make camp out in the woods
Gather everyone and get the fuck out of here. We need to cry ourselves to sleep.
No, but she still needs reassurance that we genuinely feel duped a bit.
It takes a full day to get from the mausoleum to Bridge Town. If we leave now, we're effectively spending the night in the woods, and I don't want to risk that.
>>Ask Albert more questions
How about that book of offensive spells that you said you didn't like? Can I have it?
Or are those spells in this book too?
This book does deal with spirits too right?
Also, do you know anything about killing hags?

>Make camp in the woods.
Can't stay in the pretty chapel anymore ;_;
...I think we need to admit to ourselves that we're not capital E Evil, we're more just a pissed woman with goals.
Haha NO we're evil
honestly... yeah it really seems like we're not playing very EVIL-y. We seem more chaotic neutral than anything, maybe just selfish as all hell.
Evil has a very lose definition. The act that we're learning necromancy, enthralling people, and killed lots of fukers, i'd say we fall in the definition.

I don't really mind this plague thing, except we have to act as if we did care because we need the others' support and they would hate us if we didn't...

But if we had a chance to kill Mordrax by releasing this thing in the capital, I would without hesitation.
And if it could cause a diversion that would allow us to get to him 1v1 because everyone else is busy, I also would.
Exactly he'll the only reason we really care is because if we didn't we'd lose serious face with Ben Miriam and Kat

Jesus Christ evil is in the quest title, were evil get over it
Fuck that, we murdered the sibling's father in cold blood to meet our own goals.

We're Neutral Evil to a T
>slutty, dumb sorceress.
Who said dumb?
sexy and slutty is pretty canon, but there's nothing dumb about wanting to fug powerful and attractive people.
I'm sure she's pretty pent-up at this point, especially after all the beefcake eye-candy that she just wasted.
just kidding. Serena does seem the type to be for loyal LTRs.

I thought this was the plan all along.
Especially with our ultimate revenge plan: Living a long, peaceful and happy life while waiting for Mordrax to die of a stress-induced heart attack

You take Merriam by the hand and leave. Once at the top of the stairs, you get on your horses, pack everything up and ride out with the minotaur following. You get a good distance away until the church is no longer in sight, then make camp for the evening.

As you sit around the campfire, all except the minotaur who sits nearby against a tree, you and Kaylessa both agree to keep what happened a secret. Merriam seems to understand; though she is curious, she seems mostly to be glad that she simply wasn't there.

You find yourself thinking quite a lot about what you've seen today. You consider yourself selfish, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure your own survival, but Albert showed you murder on a scale you've never seen before. He is a man devoid of morality, he has no conscience.

Yet you do.

Yes, you have killed. You've done it before, you'll do it again. Yes, you have manipulated, lied, cheated, enthralled, stolen and schemed to do much more. But you're not like that... not yet, anyway. Will you one day be like that? Or will you continue to place more value on life over death?

Do you truly care about those innocent lives? Or is it just because you have to care? If you didn't, that would be suspicious to your companions.

But do you, truly? So long as they don't get in your way, you don't have a problem with them living. Yet you went along with his plan and condemned them.

'...What's done is done. I have no regrets. In the end, it's better them than me. I'm still here... even if they are not. All that really matters is my revenge... So long as no one gets in my way.'

>Talk to Merriam
>Talk to Kaylessa
>Talk to Brutus
>Talk to Merriam
After that, glean some insight as to what she learned studying under Albert. Then read the book.
fuck theses fillings away with the girls
>Study dat book!
>Talk to Kaylessa

Save the tome for when we're in the safety of Bridge Town. We can bone up on dealing with spirits there.
>Talk to Brutus

Backstory time, maybe we can help him get revenge? And eventually take the knot ;^)
>Read the fucking book.
>>Study dat book!
>>Study dat book!
Better be worth some casual genocide and not just some lame-ass "make a skellington dance" bullshit
To be honest, i'd wipe out a country of orphans for a dancing skeleton spell.
If we agree to spend some time studying later, I'll switch to this.
This is rare opportunity to talk to this guy.
but also we should learn that as well
Yeah I'm all for studying the tome, once everyone has calmed down after alberts little genocide and We're relatively safe
>these guys wanting to make skellingtons dance
Truly the greatest evil
Actually, let's see if we can talk to Brutus a bit AND read the book some before bed.
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You take out the book and flip through its pages, but before you can read, you feel a hand on your shoulder. It is Kaylessa, and she is motioning for to talk to you in private. You look over at Merriam, who is getting ready for bed, and close the book. 'I'll read it more later on,' you decide.

You follow her out into the woods. "I'm sorry to interrupt," she begins. "There's something I want to get off my chest."

Standing in front of her, you put a hand on your hip. "Well, what is it?"

She shifts in place. "I haven't been entirely honest with you. There's... a secret I've been keeping. And now, I feel like I have to say it, if we're going to keep adventuring together..."

Subtly, one of your hands remains loose, ready to cast a spell. You've been suspicious of her for more than a minute now, and if she tries something...

She reaches up to her chest and starts to undo her shirt. You watch as she pulls it slowly open, until her chest is completely revealed to you.

Your eyes widen and you nearly drop the book. "You... You're a man?"

"Shhh!" he whispers, stepping closer. "Not so loudly!"

"I don't believe it," you say, pulling his shirt open. "You're actually a man!"

"I said be quiet about it!"

You look at her face. HIS face. But it's so... feminine. Everyone, every single person, thought he was a she. 'Sure, she wasn't much in the chest area, but that was just... she's an elf! I mean, HE'S an elf!'

You pause. 'Does this mean that elven men are girlish, or that elven women are mannish?'

"Why are you telling me the truth? Why now?"

"No other group ever accepted me when they found out what I was," he explains, a thick blush on his cheeks. "I made them... uncomfortable."

"So why reveal yourself now?"

"After what happened today, I thought... If you could stomach doing what we did, maybe, just maybe... you could accept me for who I am, as well. And I could do the same for you." He puts his hands together in front of his chest. "I don't like what happened, but if you can justify it, maybe you can justify having me as well. I made myself useful. I'm an asset to this team. I just... Please, don't kick me out of another group."

>Accept him
>Reject him
>Kiss him
>Bring Merriam over; she deserves to know as well
>Accept him
>Accept him
I wonder how Ben is gonna take this.
>>Accept him

Fuck it by accepting him when no else does will allow us to manipulate it

The question we should ask now is why the facade?
>>Accept him
He just said that any time his secret was revealed, he got booted out because he made them uncomfortable. If he can't be masculine enough, he may as well be feminine.
>You pause. 'Does this mean that elven men are girlish, or that elven women are mannish?'
Asking the real questions here.
>>Kiss him

>I wonder how Ben is gonna take this.
From behind.
>Accept him
Inspect his dick and see if it's feminine enough to make it not gay.
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I guess...?
>Bring Merriam over; she deserves to know as well
It's only fair.
Pfthahaha. I'm not laughing at you, I'm just laughing in general.

No we're not kicking you out. But Ben just became a source for a great deal of personal amusement for me.
>>Bring Merriam over; she deserves to know as well
>Accept him
so did ben get fucked or fuck this guy in the butt?
Ben didn't score with Kaylessa. He ALMOST did, but he fell short.
>>Accept him
So much for lesbo threesomes.

You smile. "Oh, come on already. There's no need to be so dramatic about this thing."


"Yes, I accept you. The others will, too. Now come here." You get him in a hug and pat him on the shoulder. "There, there. You'll be fine."

"Thank you!" he says, returning the hug.

As you hug him, though, you cannot help but think about what the others will make of it. Ben? Merriam?

'Ah, well, who cares. He's an elf, they'll understand.'

"So, is your name still going to be Kaylessa?"

"Well, it is a male name."

"It's a WHAT? That's an elven male name?"

You walk back to the camp with him and head off to bed. Studying the book will come later.


I'm going to call it for this thread for the night. I know it's early, but before we resume, I want us to choose the new category for our new MILESTONE! plus we're past autosage and I'd like to start fresh with a new thread next time

That's right, MILESTONE #2: Helped genocide an entire culture of barbarians

Though this is a sidequest on our road to clearing out that ghostly tower, this is a very big moment in Sirena's life; she's never seen death on a scale quite like this, and she helped cause it! That has all sorts of potential for character growth.

So, just like before, let's choose a category!


Could be useful in a number of ways.
We need to be able to kill fuckers, now. We just saw shit hit the fan, and we need something for such an event.
If we hadn't gotten caught, we could have gotten away with the skull much more easily. I think that Serena would appreciate the ability to just get what she wants without having to resort to all that pointless running and genociding
There are no teachers for this, and if we want to learn Evocation, we could just we could just head back to the other guy.

That we have met yet.

Each school has a teacher.

We need to be able to dominate at least a little more so Men like Krom aren't such a threat to us

That or

I agree plus this would fit the lore.

Sirena just contemplated the damage of magic, and she suddently realizes she cannot defend against any kind of magic.

So she instinctively develops some dispell. It would fit the lore even more if it was specifically against necromancy, but I should let that kind of choices to Damashi.
Swapping to Abjuration as per >>1046653
Makes sense

Hm tough choice, but considering what we know IC:
We can get the things we want without large scale murder if we learn how to be more subtle, seductive and clever.

Abjuration is a close second tho. We definitely need to pursue it in the future.
I change my vote to abubjuration
Switch to Thralldom


It's a tie between abjuration and thralldom.

So, let's vote JUST between these two now.

Please cast your votes a second time.
Abjuration. We've already done Thralldom once; we need to branch out. I'm certain that the options we get for Abjuration will be very good.
Abjuration, then.
Yeah, I'll switch to Abjuration
Since we already got thralldom resistance and getting bonus spells and stronger effects would be a waste when we can just as easily learn them from Vincent.

So should we waste our abjuration bonus on basic spells that we'll learn later anyway, get Abj-resistance or get enhanced Abj.?

Alright then. Abjuration it is.

Let's decide on our perk!

>Two Starting Spells in Abjuration
>Increased chance of success with all abjuration spells
>Passive latent magical resistance (chance that offensive-based spells used on us will fail)
>Passive elemental resistance (constant resistance to chosen element)
>Passive anti-scrying field (cannot be detected outside of the more advanced forms of divination)
That feeling when your argumentation is actually having some impact on 4chan :3
>>Passive latent magical resistance (chance that offensive-based spells used on us will fail)
Spell resistance is pretty cool.
>Passive anti-scrying field (cannot be detected outside of the more advanced forms of divination)
We are the most wanted woman in the world. What we want more than anything at the moment is to not be seen. This will immediately take a lot of pressure off of us.
>>Increased chance of success with all abjuration spells
What are the elements?
>Passive latent magical resistance (chance that offensive-based spells used on us will fail)

Fire, heat, magma, flames, humidity, inferno, hellfire, double fire, double hellfire and fairy.
>Passive anti-scrying field (cannot be detected outside of the more advanced forms of divination)
I dunno, resistance to double hellfire would be pretty neat.
>>Passive latent magical resistance (chance that offensive-based spells used on us will fail)
>>Passive anti-scrying field (cannot be detected outside of the more advanced forms of divination)
>Passive anti-scrying field (cannot be detected outside of the more advanced forms of divination)

Oh sorry, the 2 starting spells are ONE perk...
Anti-scrying field then
>>Passive anti-scrying field (cannot be detected outside of the more advanced forms of divination)
This sounds most useful long-term

Yeah, but Fairy is the one you least expect.
The elf is going to be the death of us because we didnt pick resistance to fairy!
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Alright. Anti-scying it is! Our girl is now harder to find.

>Sirena has a passive resistance to scrying. Only advanced forms of scrying will work, and if someone attempts to scry on her and fails, she will be alerted to it, including the general direction of its origin.

I'm going to call it there for this thread, folks. I hope you enjoyed it.

Archived: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Evil%20Sorceress%20Quest

Tomorrow I'm taking a break to play D&D, but I'll likely start a new thread tomorrow evening, and we'll be continuing on Monday as well (four day weekend and all).

So, I'll keep you posted in the discord chat and on twitter!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DamashiKonquest
Discord: https://discord.gg/HBz5u9v

As always, thank you for playing. I'll see you in the next thread!
Cheers, QM.
Thanks for running playing a conniving Sorceress is fun
thanks boss, see ya
>four day weekend and all
what's going on? I didn't get a holiday.
Fun quest.
>A milestone gives us an upgrade entirely unrelated to what we did to achieve that milestone.

You people disgust me
>Being a little bitch about not getting what you wanted
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>How dare you want narrative and gamist elements to work in tandem rather than jarringly conflict and just seem so incredibly "gamey".

Look, I think necromancy is overrated. But how the hell is delivering a box full of super plague to a bunch of barbarians make you harder to detect via scrying?

It's just unrelated bullshit. No justification for the power up.

(pic related)
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Maybe seeing the power of the spell and how hard it was to escape reminded her of Mordrax's power. Thus making her want to hide and avoid being targeted by such powerful magics in the future.


At least you sorta tried.
>Who said dumb?
You did, because jumping every D just for the sake of it is poor impulse control and contraproductive to our goals.
Even suggesting seducing someone of a species so different is questionable at least, especially if you consider our values of attractiveness and behavior aren't likely tobe the same.
If you add what the fuck just happened, him witnessing genocide an being reminded of how his clan died, this is most unfitting and indeed poor decision-making.

We ARE evil. And more importantly we are driven by a lust for revenge and power.
I actually did emphasize that earlier, and we should have taken the two basic spells which would probably included a basic targeted dispell... But the other choices were so tempting.. *.*
>We ARE evil. And more importantly we are driven by a lust for revenge and power.
I don't want to stay that way though. Character developtment and progresion is fun; but I don't want us changing allignment too fast cause then it just seemed forced.
New thread up!

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