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Demonic Invasion Quest: II

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
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The black void before you is impenetrable. You can see nothing. The cool air still and the silence unnerving. You stare forward at the endless black and see...

You see...

A speck.

A white speck before you. It glows softly and with it comes a low hum.. a low deep hum. As it gets closer the sounds get louder and soon become a cacophonous scream of words far before and far after your time. Then silence and darkness falls again. A voice calls out and gets louder to the point of being able to be heard. It speaks as if it was made of many voices with one mind.

"--ilure. You cause weakness. This.. is.. unacceptable." The many voiced thing says as if all the voices were angry. Immense rage. It seeps with it. "You will be--"

The voice cuts out and and your eyes open to a dim light. You jerk up from a large bed of thatch and look around. Sleep. Even demons need it. you stand up and leave the iron box. The news of a possible child lost eats at you in the back of your mind. The feeling of something you forgot that was important. An odd feeling. You walk to a large opening within the prison, your realm, and find several voices coming from the storage room in the back. You follow the voices and find several tieflings sitting in a circle of chairs talking about ideas and plans as well as reminiscing about things of the past age. "Ten whole years. Makes this some kind of cruel celebration then?" One of them remarks.

"Cruel? Yes. A celebration? No. We have the force -- the power -- now and what can some southern fanatic do against a foe they've never known existed?" Another exclaims as he stands to refill a large wooden cup. "Who can defend against the shadows they themselves cast?"

"Subterfuge may be the best of we wish to stay hidden. Then again I just want to watch those pricks cower at our feet. Only just thing to do." Another says leaning over. One of them raises his cup and drinks to his statement.

"That's the best way to die early Aetri. Forlinde would be on us like they are on that group in the tower. Should we ever try some release of that tower and the whole nation would know. I say we should keep quite for now." Another says.

"No no no.. if we are to stay silent now what will we do when we should scream later? We will eventually be found. This prison was smart but will last even less of a time as the temple." One says. Baskil sits silently watching the discussion and drinks occasionally. They all seem to not notice you and they continue to talk about food and drink, what cities they were born in, lost family, the war..

Baskil stands as he seems to have noticed you standing there for quite some time. He walks over to you and folds his arms as he turns around and looks at the gathered. "They seem to be adjusting. You heard anything from the ones out there?"

"No." you say plainly. Baskil furrows his brow making him look worried.

"Have you looked over the book I gave you? It's been a week and I thought you'd have said something by now."

"Not yet Baskil."

"Hmm.." He says absently. After a few minutes he returns to his seat and you look around one more before turning.

"Woah there~" Lilith says. "In a hurry big guy?"

"Just leaving."

"Oh good.. so, it seems I have some news for you." She pauses and then gives an annoyed look. "Oh no comment? No fun. The lord is hearing things.. seems that a ship came in last night for a message. Had him spooked. Don't know what it is because he put it in a fire and then left the morning after with a small company on horse. The parents are out.. you think he would get mad if we throw a party~?"


What do you do?

>[A] "Party you say?"
>[B] Talk with a demon (specify)
>[C] Consult Jim the Human
>[D] Talk to a tiefling (specify)
>[E] ( write in )


Welcome back to the Demonic Invasion Quest! I'm back and I'm ready for some fun! I've completed a character sheet as well so check that out for summoning demon options and questions about certain things could probably be answered by it. I will be updating it throughout the game so keep an eye out for it.

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT
Previous thread:

>[A] "Party you say?"
>[A] "Party you say?"

Btw, are undivided demons like us looked down upon?
"Party you say?" A smile graces your lips and Lilith looks appeased.

"Oh yes.. the lord is out and we have a whole city to ourselves.. anything could happen~. Though there are still his little guards to deal with.. hmm.. what possibilities!" She says with a sick grin.

"What did you have in mind then?"

"Oh... just that we can probably take it all with ease.. but then the whole world will know and they would just want to ruin our fun. We can always just get the lord to our side.."

You look at her for a while as you think about think about it and she just sighs and walks off. "If you want some fun we can start soon~"

Though taking a hold would be beneficial you have very little knowledge of the layout. Even if you would want to take the city she is right that it would alert the rest of Forlinde about your cult and from earlier conversations some disagree with showing force so early.


What do you do?

>[A] Talk with Jim the Human
>[B] Talk with Baskil
>[C] Talk with.. ( specify )
>[D] Agree to take it now
>[E] ( write in )


Depends but generally they are seen as unemployed or kind if wasteful.
>[A] Talk with Jim the Human
>[E] ( write in )
I feel Roc needs some alone time... Let's go somewhere peaceful, and just think about these weird dreams, what Lilith said about our son and maybe make some more plans. We could even use this to level up our skills.
Also, where do you get your pixel art images, Kov?
>[E] Make Lilith set up a cult among the nobles of the city (shouldn't be hard, since they're into fancy shit), once they are devoted enough we'll mark the most powerful people of this city. The plan is to travel to the underdark in the north and build an army there so having supportes in a few cities seems like a good idea. They can provide us with resources and information later.
Google "demon pixel art"

That's where I got the set

>Turn the town into one giant sacrafice full Metal alchemist this this.

I can join Lilith cult with either meditate or Jim conversation
I'm for talking with Jim.
We can meditate later.

Alrighty then.

"Sounds fun." You say and Lilith turns around on her heels. " But less flair. You said there's a good bit of people in your little club?"

"Ahh... I see where you're going with this.." She says.

"Can you see what they think about something a bit more..."


"Demonic. Don't make it so obvious. Bring one of the marked humans with you. Maybe we can see about marking a higher up." You finish and she smiles.

"Delicious it is.." she says and walks away. You then decide to call on another marked human -- Jim. You wait for a while and then a sluggish groggy Jim walks in.

"What do you need me for so late in the night?" He looks like he hasn't been sleeping regularly but what he does alone is of no concern.

"What can you tell me of Blackmoor now that I claimed a portion I feel like there is much still."

"Yeah yeah.. this is one of four prison blocks. They say it was done in case of a riot or something." He yawns. obnoxious. "There is a small court of officials that advise the lord but he left to do... something I guess. The officials are from Forlinde. Though this hold is mainly a military hold there is a sizable residential area. Damn good bakery too. Uh.. that's all I can think of right now though."

You stare at him and he just shrugs and walks away.


What do you do?

>[A] ( write in )
Talk to Belophus and Necromancer about new beasts
You walk around the prison. The rusted iron bars of the cells and the red brick are all becoming familiar as you've walked this prison for a week now. After some time you come across a marked human in black robes hurriedly walking to an upper cell. You follow him and find the necromancer standing over a corpse with the flesh golem looming over near him. He stares at the corpse for a few minutes before he turns and to his surprise finds you. "Oh my! Hello master!"

"Where did you get the corpse?" He looks worried and seems to try to block it with his thin body.

"Oh uh.." He moves over a bit. "I.. uh.. found it. Near the cemetery. I found it."

"Mhm.. well. I need to know what you've been up to." You say a bit annoyed.

"I.. uh.." as the necromancer begins to fumble around with his words his eyes wide as he spots something behind you. "Ah! My friend Balophus!"

"I.. uh-gotsa-name.. ah whatever.." the belophus says as he drifts in the room. He turns and looks at you with half closed eyes and the sighs. "Hey. You told me to-be-re so I'm-er."

"Alright well you both tell me what kind of things you two are doing."

"Ah.. uh.." the necromancer again fumbles. "We've been seeing what we can about my work. So far he's been helping me with some ironing out of a few things. He is mainly saying I'm putting too much work in for something that isn't effective enough with the flesh golem though I don't know what he means. He also told me about soul magic which I thought was something that would be interesting but he didn't actually tell me much. Ah.. he helps some but.."


What do you do?

>[A] ask more about soul magic
>[B] ask about improving the golem
>[C] ( write in )
>[A] ask more about soul magic
>[A] ask more about soul magic
that is something we can use, we have 8 souls

"Soul magic? Sounds disgusting. Continue."

"Ah.. well.." The necromancer continues.

"Soul magic is-jes-things-like the stuff with.." the Balophus trails off. "I show can you basics.. it's jes using souls for.. ah.. hmm.."

The Belophus seems to become tired just during his small amount of talking. "Show me Belophus."

The thin demon floats over to you an he raises his hand. He pokes you and then his eyes turn into a bright ethereal blue. You feel the winds of magic turn and move. It turns to his eyes and with that it grants him sight. Then he moves his finger and it stops. "Yeah that's bout it. You're going to have to do the rest yourself."


>Soul sight - [[Enchantment]] - Grants the ability to see souls. Souls can be seen through objects. With sight activated you can see the dead as well as the living.



I'm really sorry about this guys but I'm feeling waaay out of it. I know I didn't post much today but tomorrow starts the weekend and I'll be posting much more. Also I'm actually feeling like the quality of everything right now is really taking a beating so I'm going to stop it right now before it degrades too far. See you in the afternoon tomorrow.

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT
>Return to Sender - [[Ritual]] - Return to the great beyond.
if we return the is a way to go back?
and what do we have to do there?
thanks for writing
hope you find your muse :^)
>if we return is there a way back?
Yes. The same spell. If we didn't have marked followers then we would have to be resummoned.

>what can we do there?
Demonic Contracts which are proposals you can make with higher powered demons or demons of your power to help or grant you something you want to have/know.
that's is cool for the future
>[B] ask about improving the golem
more info is good
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You sit atop a large wooden chair within the dimly lit storage room. It's been a few days of eerie silence. A week and a half of conjecture and speculation about the lord and your own wonderings of your possible son. The storage room has became a hub of inquiry as well as rest. Many have asked you over the past days if you have heard anything more upon hearing the news of the lord leaving. Although you've heard little of the Lord you have heard plenty of Lilith's endeavors within his small court. She says most of them seemed disturbed when she brought up some more devious acts yet they still agreed to do them. The nobles haven't prayed to Lust but they are using goat blood in a ritual drink to enhance their senses before performing their little acts of hedonism. She said she's holding off on child sacrifices until next week. You think she might be joking. None of them suspect demons but are weary of it.

Though her tales have some tieflings encouraged, others are simply annoyed that those fools are allowed to still exist and insist on reclaiming the city. Two parties have formed based on the want for or against attacking which is a topic within the storage room often. You have taken to enjoy the conversations yet you never join although the Fallen occasionally talks and is usually on neither side or brings up both but is prone to start arguments.

Sitting on the large wooden chair you watch and listen silently observing when you see a marked unwilling come in. A hunter. He walks toward you and he quietly hands you a letter before leaving. The letter is crudely written as if someone was in a hurry. There is a seal of a wreath encasing an elk head with a broken antler. The letter reads..

"Demon, I implore that you to stop. There are many who wish to find you and not all are allies. Seek them..."

The letter ends. The hunter is gone and you sit again. Waiting.


What do you do?

>[A] Inspect letter or ask someone to
>[B] Find Baskil and talk with him
>[C] Ask the Belophus and the necromancer about spells
>[D] See about the book Baskil's sister wanted
>[E] ( write in )


Sorry about yesterday's short session. Today I will be writing until I fall asleep and hopefully not mess up and ruin something.

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT
>[A] Inspect letter or ask someone to
Ask some humans who uses that kind of seal. Of they don't know anything, ask the tieflings. If they don't know either, ask Lilith.
Alright writing

You sit silently looking over the paper and the seal. The seal itself is made with a black wax and looks to be painted with a silver or white on the top. Though you stare at it you cannot remember seeing the seal before. You stand and bring the letter to a small group of humans who have gathered around a barrel of oats and are eating them by their hands. They all turn and face you when they notice your arrival and nod absently. Holding up the paper you ask, "Have you seen this seal?"

To much of your disappointment they seem to all agree they have not seen the seal before. "It looks familiar. Maybe an old house used it? It's not official Forlinde though."

"Official Forlinde? What is their seal?"

"Depends who sent it. Generally it's blue wax with a fleur-del-lis but I haven't received one before."

You nod and then go to another group who seem to agree with the others as they too haven't heard or seen of it. You then find a tiefling who seems familiar with the seal. "That looks like the one my father sent with a letter before my home was attacked."

"Do you know who uses the seal or what your father was a part of?"

"He was a carpenter so I don't know of any group." He doesnt seem to know much so you leave him and find a group of tieflings. They all seem to have seen the seal once before but claim that it's been a while since then. A particularly old tiefling has been silent for quite some time before he starts to speak. "That. That's the seal for Aranlius. Though both horns are attached unlike this one."


What do you do?

>[A] Who would use this seal then?
>[B] What can you make about the letter?
>[C] Isn't Aranlius destroyed?
>[D] ( write in )


Sorry for the long wait, pizza arrived
>[B] What can you make about the letter?
>[C] Isn't Aranlius destroyed?

"Wasn't Aranlius destroyed by Forlinde?" You ask and the old tiefling quickly nods his head no.

"Aranlius is destroyed. Yes. It is destroyed but not broken. An important difference as we are still here. Still fighting." The old Man says with a hint of pride.

"And what of the letter then?" You unfold the thin brown paper showing the words scrawled in black ink. The elder leans forward and furrows his brow squinting at it.

"Chicken scratch for sure but it is in our tongue. Seems someone wants to warn you but isn't being helpful." The old man's eyes begin to narrow. "There is a saying that I know that works well for this. It's not word for word but it's close."

"What is it then tiefling?"

" 'Seek allies within enemies and find enemies in allies.' Old virtue. Taught the young to keep sharp." The old tiefling seems to stare off and remember something fondly. Silence falls and then he wakes up from the trance. "Though those times are long past."


What do you do?

>[A] Who do you think would know of me now?
>[B] What do you know of Aranlius?
>[C] What do you know of the war?
>[D] Do you know any who would use the seal still?
>[E] ( write in )
>[E] Ask about the enimes of enimes
that is what i understanded about that
>[B] What do you know of Aranlius?


"Allies in enemies and enemies in allies? Hmm.. and what of the enemies of our enemies, wise one?" You ask and the old Man furries his brow and taps his finger on his chin for a few moments.

"They are allies. Would be best to use mutual hate for one to our advantage."

"Ah yes. I assume you remember much of the old empire?" You pause and the elder simply nods in affirmative. "What do you remember from that time?"

"They were powerful, the leaders, and were kind in a way. From my town, a old farming town out in the plains, we had a monument built after the defeat of Dorund -- a nation Aranlius used to neighbor. I heard so many stories as a child about the heroics of our 'Immortal Army.' Yet in merely six wars Forlinde invaded and captured Aranlius and her capital. Ten more and it nearly squeezed the life out of it. Gone but not broken. United we have a chance but scattered like this... it will result the same."

The old man stares out and returns to a familiar trance of remembrance. There are a few tieflings who gathered around to listen. Many of them are young faces. Baskil is near and leaning against a wooden keg of strawberry wine while sipping his wooden mug. taking your leave from the small huddle of tieflings and other Willing you walk to him and he looks up to you while drinking. " You know anything about old Aranlius?"

"Not much. Father always had a story about something or another." Baskil says and takes another sip. "Always talked about a great campaign."


What do you do?

>[A] What did he talk about?
>[B] Do you know of the seal?
>[C] What do you know about it then?
>[D] How are you?
>[E] ( write in )
>What do you know about it then?
>[C] What do you know about it then?
Double double dubs GET

pray to the double double dubs gods or demons
"What do you know of Aranlius then, Baskil?" The tiefling stares for a bit. That trance of remembrance.

"Hmm.. well I was very young when the invasion started so I personally don't remember much. Father always talked about the onyx gold towers and walls of the greatest city. Though from the inside I don't see much except this red brick. Blackmoor was said to be the last hold out in the last year of the war. It lasted until eight years ago actually which ended in some terrible battle. Father always said that the Blackmoor that was left is only a quarter of it's true magnificence." Baskil sighs and pulls back a chair to sit in. "Father talked about his plan a lot though. To get out and head to the North but he never was able to. Mother never wanted that he said."

"You said he talked about a 'great campaign' what did he say?"

"Oh.. he was always going on about some war Aranlius fought before they were crushed by Forlinde. Told me and my sister about how Aranlius was once only a city or two and then after another nation blocked Aranlius from trade they just rose up and conquered the rest of the island pushing off the other nation into the southern realm. Probably why Forlinde hated them." The tiefling takes a large gulp of the wine and puts it on a shelf behind him. "Though that was long before now."

Baskil narrows his eyes at something behind you and so you turn to see his sister look surprised from around a corner and pop back behind it. He chuckles a bit and puts his head in his hands. "Ahh.. well she probably wants something. She's been like that her whole life. Can't blame her though."


What do you do?

>[A] Find Lilissa and talk with her
>[B] Ask if Baskil knows anything about the letter
>[C] Ask how Baskil has been holding up
>[D] Go and talk with the Belophus and Necromancer about spells
>[E] ( write in )

Another double dubs! Triple double dubs!
More dubs is coming

>[D] Go and talk with the Belophus and Necromancer about spells
holy shit check em again
>[E] Talk to the Mammous
Get him into town in disguise. We'll give him some of our capital and send him on a mission to gather supplies and make more money.
We can't stay here that long.
Here's what I would propose we do later:
Our destination is the underdark in the northern mountains so we need to do some things to get there:
1. A map: can't travel somewhere without knowing where it is
2. Reliable information about our destination: would be pretty shitty to find out that the demon-ish dwarves are already dead
3. Long range communication: I want to leave Lilith in the city so she can control the nobles, maybe the balophus has some spells for that
4. Transparent: we've got a significant amount of people already so we should consider travelling by sea for most of the way since we're on an island.
4. Transportation goddammit
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>Pic related

Talk to Belophus & the Necromancer and also the Mammous

You give a grunt and walk away with thoughts drifting away from the letter and toward the future. Securing the future would need power -- power and coin. Both equally easy for any demon especially those specialized in it. You make your way out of the storage room to go searching for the little greedy demon Mammous. As you leave you turn to look back and you find Lilissa hugging the wall with her back and you furrow your hairless brow at her. Her eyes widen and then she hurriedly turns the corner and enter the storage room tail dancing behind her. Ignoring that you walk off to find the Mammous. Unsurprisingly he is the farthest away from the berserkers in the cages and he sits in a cell above the ramparts and scaffolding. He is messing with a few things he found. "Mammous."

Your words startle him and he jumps from his thoughts and sets his eyes on you. "Ah! Yes! Okay! Hello!"

"I need you to go out and earn some coin in the city. Shouldn't be any hunters so just wear some normal clothes and a beard. I'll talk with the Belophus about a way to keep you hidden if there is one that shows."

"Coin you say?" The Mammous' eyes widen with the very word present. "Gladly!"

"You can find a pouch of gold here later. Use it to purchase and sell what you can. We need supplies and more income." With that you leave him to be and you hunt down the Belophus and the necromancer to speak with them. After a few minutes of walking you come across the familiar sight of the flesh golem and the two thin figures standing above a table.

Both seem engrossed with what they are doing and take several minutes before looking up still not noticing you. "I need to ask you about magic that is to be able to be taught to the Mammous and the other tieflings."

They both jump at your words and the Belophus seems even more uninterested than he did the first time. "More things to do?"

"Teach then quickly and it will be over faster." The necromancer comments. "They can learn to help here too if possible."

"Hmm.. whatever I guess. Whats-they want?" The Belophus' body slowly bobs up and down as he floats.

"The Mammous needs to disguise himself. Would be best to use him to trade with Blackmoor."

"Yeahsurewhatever. What bout the teethings now?" The necromancer looks at the Belophus in a slightly annoyed look and then turns to you.


What do you do?

>[A] Tieflings need to learn more combat magic
>[B] Know any illusion spells? I know someone who would like to learn.
>[C] What defensive spells do you know of? They will be helpful
>[D] Utility spells of things to do things easier. You would like that.
>[E] ( write in )
>[B] Know any illusion spells? I know someone who would like to learn.
She might help in the future, and she will like he more
D, utility is probably our best bet right now, also have pride(the fallen?) start training the melee tieflings and other willing demons ETC
use the obvious ego to bend him to our will if he doesnt want to

1 for utility
1 for illusion
we can go D too
change to THE D

"We need to get things done fast. Know anything that would help?" You ask and the Belophus stares at you for a little bit and then shrugs.

"Yeah. Teleksis wouldelp I guess. I'll dewit later. I knowzum other spells that'll help." The Belophus then floats away past you. The necromancer proceeds to then fiddle with the corpse on the metal table. You look around at the dark room. Hooks line the black walls with entrails and viscera painting the floor. Small piles of gore are set in the corners and in spots around the room with bones set in a large basket. A single light hangs from the ceiling by a chain. "What are you working on necromancer?"

"Oh! Uh.. hmm... this corpse is serving as a tool for medical experiments. Though I have only bodies of humans I learned quite a bit from it. I can identify the major organs and most of the bones." He picks up the heart and holds it up inspecting it. "It's amazing that the entire spirit of a man could be held in something so delicate. This is the heart, it's where they think and where the soul is stored. If I only had some documents for this it would go a lot faster. Though I've also been thinking of ways to make skeletons since that was my second choice other than the wonderful meat sack behind me."

He sets down the heart and pats the golem behind him with a bloody hand. "Tieflings would be the most wonderful resource for medical information though..."


What do you do?

Allow experimentation on tieflings?

>[A] No
>[B] Yes but only on the dead
>[C] Yes


>[A] Focus on medical information
>[B] Focus on more minions
>[C] Focus on Flesh Golem improvements
>[D] ( write in )
>[B] Yes but only on the dead
but no one must know
>[C] Focus on Flesh Golem improvements
a tank is always good
And i think we need an orgy, and participate in it to make tieflings+
another demos can participate?
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Tiefling orgy? L-Lewd!
Didnt you guys want to wait until you're secured?

Lilith will like to, but be security is more important
for now
"Tieflings?" You stare at the necromancer in a disdainful pity. "Use the dead. If you touch the living or let anyone else know except the Belophus about it then I will personally deal with you."

His eyes widen in not only trepidation but also in a sick curiosity. "Ahh... yes master.."

"You should focus on improving the flesh golem for now though. He will be an instrument in which the tune of vengeance plays."

"I will do my best master, the golem will be like stone and the strength of demons!" His eyes widen further in an immense passion for... something. You leave the necromancer to complete his work and you make your way down. A certain voice pings through your head as you walk. Hello sweetie~ Lilith. Oh don't be such a stick in the mud! I want to talk with you all about today.. the nobles are really enjoying themselves.

She goes quiet for a little bit and you make your way to the larger cels toward your own and you spot the Fallen standing and staring at the sky. He reaches out an arm and grasps at the air. His black wings spread and then come back to fold.


What do you do?

>[A] Talk with the Fallen
>[B] Wait for Lilith in your cell.
>[C] Go find and talk with Baskil some more
>[D] Go find and talk with Lilissa
>[E] ( write in )
>>[A] Talk with the Fallen
to make he training the melee
>[B] Wait for Lilith in your cell.


I'm just going to assume most people are just lurking.
Usually I only read, but to walk faster I'm voting here.
You watch the Fallen for a couple of seconds before walking over to him. He turns quickly and stares at you. "Fallen. I heard you're a great swordsmen."

"Oh? Hmm.. I don't mean to brag.. but yes. Yes I'm a great swordsmen. I've fought in many battles.. Oh the bloodshed.. hmm.. wonderful. Yet I doubt that's the true reason you came to talk with me, demon."

"Of course. Your bladesmenship was foretold by many.. if only my own force knew of such skill.. I wonder if you'd be willing to show something of your skill?"

"Hmm... maybe they will learn to appreciate true skill when they see it. Fine demon. I will perform my art before them. Perhaps they will be able to comprehend such wonder?" He says and then snaps back to where he was and stares blankly at the sky. "Such wonder.."

You leave him and walk to your cell. Candles lay burning on the ground in corners dripping wax on the iron floor. Each step is hollow and metallic as your bare feet hit the floor. In the far right is a large pile of thatch covered by a small white blanket. You look around the room and wait for Lilith to come. After several minutes you hear the sound of walking so you turn to see Lilith.

"Hello darling.. did you fix the bed just for me?" She smiles.


What do you do?

>[A] Ask her what she wanted to talk about
>[B] Show her the letter
>[C] Ask about illusion spells
>[D] ( write in )
>[A] Ask her what she wanted to talk about
maybe good news?
>[B] Show her the letter

I'm going to assume everyone is lurking and I'm just going to keep writing after an answer to speed things up instead of waiting half an hour for each vote.
as you wish my lord
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"What did you want exactly?" She smiles and stares at you for a moment placing a finger on her bottom lip.

"I'm so glad you asked.. the little fancy pets we've been keeping in the house seemed to be potty trained and are starting to explore much for themselves." She gets closer and pauses looking you over. "The nobles are experimenting using spells along with the little drink. Soon they will probably try.. something more.."

She places a finger on your stomach and traces over the defined muscles. "They seem to be more open and only in a few days.. they really were depraved. Too bad.. less fun that way. I wonder when they will start to seek to quench the needs of more.. interesting things."

She stops at the belt and plucks out the letter. "Oh? A mistress now?"

She traces her thumb over the seal and looks at it for a bit before opening it. She reads it silently and then tucks it back into your belt. "Hmm.. seems like you have yourself a fan. The seal is definitely Aranlius."

"What do you make if it?"

"Oh.. must be someone found a seal and simply wanted to send you a.. warning of sorts. Doesn't seem to be much." She stops smiling and her face turns more disdain than anything. "Guess the person knows where you are or knows of you. Which is certainly a problem."

You shrug.


What do you do?

>[A] Ask her about Aranlius
>[B] Ask her what she knows about the surrounding area
>[C] Talk to her for a while see if she knows anything about the letter
>[D] ( write in )
>>[B] Ask her what she knows about the surrounding area
To find out if the person in the letter is hiding somewhere near

>[C] Talk to her for a while see if she knows anything about the letter
"Since there is some down time here what do you know of the surrounding area, and towns or any landmarks?"

"Only other place near here is Highill Castle. That tower to the North and to the south is a small village on a crossroads connecting Blackmoor to a place called Claybrook, a fishing port and Fort Thaford. Both sound weak but are near the capital Prantolm." She sighs. Clearly bored of it already. "There are forests that surround the crossroads and gets a hilly heading north and more plains and flat near the capital. I could just draw you a map but I think you just like the sound of my voice."

"Ah yes, that's the reason. You know me so well Lilith."

"Actually.. hmm.." she giggles to herself and walks past you and sits on the pile of thatch. She pats the white blanket and stares for a bit. "This bed is pretty bad. Can't do anything on it."

"Ah well most prisoners weren't carpenters before they came here so.." you say jokingly. She just sits there so you lean up against the doorway arch and cross your arms and legs. "You seemed to know that seal pretty fast Lilith."

"Well I've seen my fair share around the block."

"I'm sure you have."

"Oh funny.. I've been here before." She takes her hand and runs it through her hair and then quickly turns and faces you. "You know.. seen the sights."

"I bet. Who do you think would of sent something like this?"

"Probably just someone here unless you got a seer on your tail." She smiles which then quickly turns into a frown as she looks at something behind you. You turn to see the Mammous standing there.

"Oh hello, the gold. You said gold. Where is it?" You stare at him for a moment and he shrinks away. He seems jittery and odd.

"I have the gold. Talk to the Belophus about the disguise. Most will find you repulse." You turn and walk to a corner of the cell and the succubus on your bed simply smiles and waves fakely at the Mammous. You find a small pouch of gold and gems and toss it at the small pudgy demon. "That should do it."

"I'm getting bored Roc~." Lilith says as the little demon scurries away.


What do you do?

>[A] Retire for the day
>[B] Find and talk to someone
>[C] Ask Lilith something
>[D] ( write in )


A few more posts and I'm going to call it for the day
>>[A] Retire for the day
Let's see what the fallen does tomorrow.

No lewd though. yet.
You walk over to the bed and look down at Lilith sitting on it. "Oh Roc, I don't think I'm ready for such an advancement in our relationship~"

"Good. Get out." You at plainly. She pouts and looks disappointed before she gets up and walks off shutting the door. You lay down on the prickly bed and close your eyes.


Darkness floods your vision. The void returns only to be replaced by visions of scattered events. A crying woman. A bloodied sword. A broken throne. A black figure standing in a doorway. Each vision fleeting as soon as it appears. Light floods as well as a cacophony of sound.

Soon there is a large red creature the size of mountains with the voice of a million men. "Roc. Transgression against the.."

The images fades to black. "..Soon memory..."

"Morning sunshine." Your eyes blink at the dimly lit cell and you see a figure standing over you.


Thanks for playing. Tomorrow I'll start near the same time. I'll update the paste bin later but I'm going to go sleep.

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT
He could have finished the night with her, so tired I'm not thinking straight anymore
Good night, better tomorrow, more people are going to participate.
"Lilith." You say as you get up. "What do you want?"

"Sleep well Roc?" She then ruffles through her limited clothing to find a note. She extends it to you as you sit up on the bed to face her. "This just came in for the nobles. Seems that the Lord has been over at the capital with the other lords. They went to go talk with some high up nun lady called 'Arbiter Palatine'. They were talking about her last time and seem afraid of her. Seems the lord is going to stay there for another week or so then head back."

You thumb through the short letter and read it carefully. You turn the paper to see the seal which is indeed the official Forlinde seal, blue wax with a fleur-de-lis. You hand it back to Lilith and sit for a little bit. She takes it and says, "if you wanted to do something you got a week to do it. Your small group seems to be bored from the way I saw them. That or they're just tired."

"Probably just tired. This prison isn't going to last forever we would need to find a more secure place if we are to keep this everything protected."

"There are two other prison cells other than this one. If you break them free and hitch a boat to the tower I bet you'd have quite the army. Then again you could just slip away to the North now." She says as she runs her fingers through her long hair. "Forlinde has no jurisdiction to the North anyway."


What do you do?

>[A] Gather the council to discuss a plan
>[B] Talk with the Fallen maybe he will know something
>[C] Find Baskil and see what he thinks about this
>[D] ( write in )
our objective has been get more tieflings/anything we can get our hands on, especially willing marked, so i vote A( as in everyone that will answer our call)
>[B] Talk with the Fallen maybe he will know something
>[A] Gather the council to discuss a plan
agree, I was wondering if there is a way to turn those unwilling in willing
see if they want something
Gather everyone for a plan.

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You nod at Lilith for a while as you think. You stand up and tower over Lilith. "We should discuss this with the others then. Go and gather one of each group and tell them to meet in the storage room."

She straightens up and gives a weak salute. "Yes sir!" She giggles and walks off. You find the Fallen in his cell and find him awake and staring at a wall.

"Fallen, I need you're expertise in a discussion. Care to join?" The room is dark but you can clearly see him smile. He stands and walks behind you as you leave to the storage room. As you enter you arrange the chairs in a circle facing each other with a large chair for you at the head. You sit and the Fallen sits a few seats away from you. As you sit you call for Jim and soon you see him come in with a few others. First Baskil, his sister, and another of the original twelve tieflings come in and sit together. Jim the human along with three marked humans come in and behind them the necromancer and Belophus. Lastly the Mammous comes in along with Lilith and they sit near you. The gathering talks amongst themselves and you see a few more groups come in and stand in the back.

One of the humans lean over to another and you hear him mockingly say, "so.. I bet you're all wondering why I gathered you here today.."

You ignore him and you stand up spreading your leathery wings. Silence falls on the room and you look around. "This morning I was told about a letter amongst the Forlinde officials. In a week the lord of Blackmoor will return. Seems they were there to speak with an 'Arbiter Palatine'."

"That's a nephilim!" One human exclaims. "I heard stories about her. They say she burned down a whole village without even blinking because they were called heretics! And that was in Forlinde before they invaded Aranlius!"

"If she is here how are we safe in a prison?" Baskil says. A few more begin to talk and the ones standing start to yell. "And what of the others? I heard about more prisons in Blackmoor."


What do you do?

>[A] Ask the Fallen to speak
>[B] Ask Jim's concerns
>[C] Bring up the tower
>[D] Discuss the other prisons
>[E] ( write in )
>>[A] Ask the Fallen to speak
les't see if he is good
I'm going to the store real quick. Once I get back I'll begin to write. I still need to update the pastebin
>[A] Ask the Fallen to speak
>[C] Bring up the tower
>[D] Discuss the other prisons
>[E] Bring up the plan about going to the north and see if we can make the journey if we get the guys from the tower involved.
We'll probably have to get the guys from the other prisons later. I'd like to send a few extra succubi to support Lilith's infiltration later and maybe some shades (I think they were called shades) for political assassinations.

"There are also those in the tower." You say as the now crowded storage room roars with conversation. You wave your hand in the air and many stop but not all. "Silence! We are here to discuss this not yell. There is a right way to do this. Fallen. You have been quiet this whole time. What do you think?"

The dark angel leans over in his chair with his elbows on his knees. "Like you said. The tower. If I'm correct -- and I know I am -- the fanatics know of the tower. If we are to make contact with them we could save them before.. what time is the Forlinde supposed to be there by?"

"Blackmoor decided to abstain from that debacle." Lilith smiles. "Highill is having great difficulty trying to do anything against the tower and I would assume is asking for help now."

"So we have a week before Highill moves on the tower. If we get there we can help them slip away." His black feathers ruffle as he leans back and crosses his legs. "There we can join forces as well as find out more. The prisoners in the other prisons would certainly help but is not needed."

"And if we find another nephilim warden in the other prisons?" The necromancer remarks. A murmur falls on the room as people think.

"What is North of the North Sea?" You ask and many puzzled faces turn to you.

"Far north is the.. hmm.."

"The great mana wastes and The Thundering Mountains. Why?"

"The thundering mountains? Isn't much there but it's good because no one ventures that far. We could set up a colony there." Some seem disappointed and other seem perplexed. A strong muscular tiefling moves his way through the outer crowd to get to the front.

"There is an entrance to the underdark there. Heard stories of gray dwarfs there. Heard they were demon worshippers." The older tiefling from before is now also at the front.

"They are called Duergar." He takes a long pause. "We once held trade relations with them. They could see to us in our time if need as is the dwarf way which they kept."

"How would we get there?" One exclaims.

"What fate would befall Aranlius if we leave then?" Baskil says as he stands. "If we abandon Aranlius we must promise to return. The prisoners here will not last and I fear the tieflings left would die off. The sons of Aranlius flee in its great time of need."


What do you do?

>[A] If we leave we should take the prisoners and free them.
>[B] The prisoners are weak. They will not survive the journey across the sea not to mention through the wastes.
>[C] The tower has more. We can take the Tower with us when we leave.
>[D] We shouldn't leave. Baskil is right. Take the fight to the Forlindians.
>[E] What are these Duergar?
>[F] ( write in )
>[B] The prisoners are weak. They will not survive the journey across the sea not to mention through the wastes.
>[B] The prisoners are weak. They will not survive the journey across the sea not to mention through the wastes.

>[B] The prisoners are weak. They will not survive the journey across the sea not to mention through the wastes.
However, they shall not lose hope.
Send Lilith to visit the other prisons and bring them a message via telepathy to not fall to despair and prepare for the day we will free them.
"The prisoners are weak Baskil. They will not survive the journey across the sea and if they do they would be too weak to travel the wastes. Either they die here or they die there." You say calmly. Baskil sits down and furrows his brow.

"Then they will die in a cage and not be free. What life is that?" He says crestfallen.

"Theirs." Lilith says.

"That was not the plan Roc. It's simply wrong to leave them. They too deserve that right." Baskil says as he shakes his head. "I cannot abandon my people so easily like you."

A few tieflings agree with Baskil and some are beginning to talk about staying. Lilissa, Baskil's sister, tries to reason with Baskil. "You cannot stay here brother. All you are doing is stubbornly going to the same fate as the others. You will.. "

She doesn't finish her sentence and simply falls silent. Baskil puts his head in is hands and thinks quietly.

"As far as I'm concerned the tower has more and I'd rather not be dragged down by some weaklings." The Fallen says. "It's foolish to believe in saving everyone."

A few tieflings accept the Fallen's logic and nod their head. "What about the weak of the tower? Will they too fall the same fate?"

"Yes." The Fallen says simply. "If you feel like you cannot make it to the duergar then you will not come."

A few decide to opt out in going including Baskil. Lilissa looks saddened about it but doesn't want to stay and tries to push Baskil to come with her. Others seem distant about it as they too realize that all they have known will be gone by the time they return from a journey like that.

"How long would it take for one to cross the North Sea?" A human asks.

"Three weeks at sea twice that when on land." The old Man says as if he was an old sailor. "We would have to follow the coast of the mainland if we are to make it safely. The North Sea is a tempestuous lady."


What do you do?

>[A] Will there be stops along the way?
>[B] Those who are strong will be forced to come. That means you Baskil.
>[C] If you want to stay then you signed your own death papers. I'll release you from the mark though.
>[D] We should take the Tower and head north as soon as possible.
>[E] Mammous, what supplies can you secure before we leave?
>[F] ( write in )
>Mammous, what supplies can you secure before we leave?
And do what I proposed here:


Also pastebin is updated. I don't think I left anything out.

"We will not abandon them. Do not fall to despair so quickly. Lilith, you will stay here and I expect bimonthly reports about the other prisons and the lord. I want you to tell the other prisoners to not fall as they too will be free once we return." You say and a few more tieflings agree along with Baskil raising his head from his hands to only seem less worried. Lilith seems to make a sad sound but stays quiet. You turn to the small pudgy demon. "Mammous. What can you secure for the journey ahead?"

The demon looks up quickly and smiles wide. "All sorts of things. Ropes, food, -- we should also take this food from here -- some armor, weapons.. anything you want and I will get it."

"Work on getting supplies for traveling through the cold. Cloaks, boots, snowshoes, thick clothing, timber, tents, and dried meat should do fine. You should also buy things for trade. Make as much coin as you can as well." You turn to Jim and he straightens up. "How many ships are in the harbor?"

"Uh.. around four or five any given time. Two are The Monarch's Tempest and The Red Blade which are both large military ships the rest are usually small fishing boats." Jim says. "The docks are pretty well secured during the day but the night they seem less."


What do you do?

>[A] What are the differences between the ships?
>[B] Ask the Belophus & Necromancer what they think
>[C] Can you monitor the docks?
>[D] Anyone know what the status is of the tower?
>[E] ( write in )
>Can you monitor the docks?

>>[A] What are the differences between the ships?
>>[B] Ask the Belophus & Necromancer what they think
>>[C] Can you monitor the docks?
>>[D] Anyone know what the status is of the tower?
>>[E] How many ships do we need to transport all of us and how many are we capable of operating?

"The Monarch's Tempest and The Red Blade, what is the difference between those two ships?" You ask.

"Monarch is the largest of the two and has more artillery. The blade is a smaller military ship but is fast from what I hear."

"How many ships can we command?"

"Currently? Well from my guess you can either take one of the military ships and would be completely fine. Or smaller crews of for two of them. You can't take them all but if you take one military I bet you can take two fishing ships along." Jim says oddly enthusiastic about it.

"Keep a watch on the docks. I need to know rotations." You say and Jim nods acknowledgingly. The majority of them seem at odds with what will happen but are generally relieved at the thought of leaving the grips of Forlinde. "Who here was from the tower?"

A few tieflings raise their hands and you nod at them. "What do you know of them?"

"There is about double what we have here." One says.

"They were finding more last I saw them." Another remarks. "I doubt they found a whole lot and a couple of them are children and pregnant women."

"My brother is there!" One of them exclaims. "Haven't heard from him since I left."

"I've seen them fight. Most can hold a sword well."

"Heard their leader was tall."

"I think that was about this group."

You nod and then turn to the Belophus and the Necromancer. You lean in closer to talk to them. "You two have been quiet for a bit now. What do you think about this?"

The Belophus shrugs and the necromancer's smile beams. "I've heard so much about the duergar. I heard they know a lot. I'm excited to see what is to happen."


What do you do?

>[A] Finish up the council and dismiss the rest.
>[B] Ask if the Belophus knows any magic to protect them from the wastes
>[C] Ask about the terrain of the mana wastes.
>[D] ( write in )
>>[B] Ask if the Belophus knows any magic to protect them from the wastes
>>[C] Ask about the terrain of the mana wastes.
>>[D] Visit the guys in the tower and mark them. Only go there with the important people. Then we'll inform them about our plans and tell them to get ready.
>>[B] Ask if the Belophus knows any magic to protect them from the wastes
>>[C] Ask about the terrain of the mana wastes.

"Does anyone know about the Mana Wastes? What are they?" You say.

"It was once a large forested area supposedly."

"I think that a city of mages used to live up there."

"It's damn cold."

"The wildlife is all mutated by the foul magic there."

You turn to the Belophus again. "Do you know of anything to protect us from such feral magic?"

"I guess.." the lanky demon says and folds his arms. "Let me guess you want me to teach the others?"

"Yes." You say and the demon just rolls his eyes and then nods in the affirmative. "We should meet those at the tower before we set out. Baskil choose a few to come with. Lilith and the angel will come along."

"You're probably going to have to steal one of the fishing boats to go." Jim says with the same odd enthusiasm. "I can help, we need to do it at night."


What do you do?

>[A] Take Jim with you
>[B] End the council
>[C] ( write in )
>>[B] End the council
>>[C] I'm suspicious of Jim. Demand him to tell us why he is so focused on the fishing boats.
"Hmmm.." you think for a moment and then turn to the rest of the council. "Meeting adjourned. We will continue later if there are still things to talk about."

The majority shambles through the exit and you stop him from getting up. He seems surprised and you just stare at him. "What's with you and the ships? You seemed.. odd today."

"Oh.. uhh.." he takes his hand and rubs the back of his neck. "I uh.. just like ships?"

"I doubt that's just that simple."


"Don't lie to me Jim."

"I just always wanted to be a sailor." You sneer but Jim doesn't seem like he is lying.

"You're not joking?" You say plainly.

"Oh uh, no."


What do you do?

>[A] Gather a group for the tower expedition
>[B] Ask Lilith ..
>[C] ( write in )
>[B] Ask Lilith if she is ok with this
>>[A] Gather a group for the tower expedition
a son of the fallen is a Nephilim or a Cambion ?

You leave Jim and search for Lilith in the crowd except she is still sitting down. You walk over to her and she seems a bit disappointed. "Hey there Roc, been planing to leave little ole me by my lonesome here? Woe is me!"

"Already said you will stay here until we return. Don't get fingered by some noble while I'm gone, you're still useful."

"Don't worry honey there is plenty more than just being fingered by a noble." She says with a sneer and you give her a puzzled look.

"Jim. What do you think about him?"

"That little thing? I don't trust him. Why what about him?"

"He wants to help with the boats. Seems he wanted to sail or something."

"Let him. He can't do anything you don't want him to." She says and you nod at her logic. You leave her and find the Fallen and tell him to follow you as you find Baskil and a small group of tieflings in a huddle.


What do you do?

>[A] Tell them to prepare for the trip to the tower.
>[B] Find Jim and bring him along
>[C] ( write in )
>[A] Tell them to prepare for the trip to the tower.
lets brin some demons too, the dogs a bat
that's sonds op
It's just a mixture of the two. White hair pale skin, horns, affinity in magic as well as physical abilities, and tall.

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"Prepare. We are heading to the tower." You say to the group. Baskil still looks worried and just doesn't say anything to you. You walk pass them and see they too are all worried maybe for today or tomorrow but you don't know. You find you're way down to a cell with the hounds in it. They whine a bit as you unlock the door. You wave to them to follow.

Walking for a few moments to clear your head you come across Lilissa pacing back and forth. You've never really had a conversation with her nor have you really looked at her. Her soft face is partially covered by her long wavy red hair with her short horns poking out from under. She is wearing somewhat simple clothes compared to the long robes or armor the others are wearing. You approach her and she stops pacing and turns to face you. "Baskil really is a good person. He's just worried about the future but really who can blame him."

"Hmm.." You say. "What do you think then.. Lilissa?"

"Oh uh.." she blushes and hides her face nervously. "I don't know.. I never really knew anything else other than how it is now. He does though. See I was born just before the whole thing started so.." she sighs and pauses. "I just don't want to leave Baskil here. I lived with him my whole life I just.."

"Don't worry. He's not staying."

"Really? I thought he seemed pretty serious about not leaving or abandoning this place."


What do you do?

>[A] I'll force him to follow if he is truly wanting to stay.
>[B] You're brother isn't dumb. He will see that if Aranlius is to survive retreat is necessary.
>[C] Him staying is his choice. A choice you won't make I hope.
>[D] ( write in )

The picture doesn't really represent Lilissa completely but the face is basically the same without the tattoos and the skin is a very slightly darker red like a peach red.
>>[B] You're brother isn't dumb. He will see that if Aranlius is to survive retreat is necessary.
he should make some of this
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"You're brother isn't dumb. He will see that if Aranlius and its children are to survive a retreat is necessary."

"Ah. Well. Yeah I guess so. There's not a lot of options out there right now." She says with a nod and a shrug.

"Did you want to come with Baskil and I to the tower?" The tiefling's eyes widen and blink a few times.

"Oh well.." she laughs nervously. "Baskil said that I should stay here because this can be dangerous."

After Lilissa speaks Jim pops around the corner and jogs over to you. "Oh good! You haven't left yet." He then turns to Lilissa and looks her up and down but turns back quickly. "I wanted to know if I can come along with you to go and talk with the Tower group. You left me hanging last time and you didn't answer so.."

"Oh I was thinking about it too. You should let Jim come then. More the merrier." Lilissa says.


What do you do?

>[A] Fine then Jim. Come along.
>[B] Go and search for a boat and we will meet you there but no promises on you coming with.
>[C] No. Now leave me be Jim.
>[D] ( write in )
>[A] Fine then Jim. Come along.
but do you accept to become a willing for this?
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"Fine the Jim." You sigh. "Is this you becoming willing to partake in what we are doing then?"

"Eh.." Jim pauses. "Hmm.. might as well."

His hand lights up a familiar light and so he becomes Willing. He removes his glove and stares at his hand for a few moments. "Huh."

You doubt he will be that way for long but you could care less. You lead the group out and meet with Baskil's group standing near the gate. Baskil's eyes widen and he grows in anger. "Lilissa? What are you doing here? I told you to stay!"

"I-" she says.

"I told her to come along. It will be fine Baskil." You say plainly. And then you place your massive hand on Jim's back and shove him forward. "Jim, secure the vessel. Take a guard or two with you and make sure the path is clear."

"Righto." Jim says and leaves through the small exit. Baskil seems annoyed to say the least and Lilissa looks saddened. You wait in the awkward silence for several minutes until Jim returns with news of the way. "Let's get a move on then."

Your entourage moves quietly through the city's streets in the dark following Jim and a guard who leads you to a small fishing boat on a beach just outside the city. Soon you are off to find the Tower.

After several minutes of rowing in the moonlight you reach a shore. On top is a large stone tower with red banners swaying in the calm wind. The tower blocks out the moon as your boat reaches it. Around the shore is a large wooden palisade reinforced by a stone base and iron plates nailed into the wood. On the iron plates there are runes etched into them. Protective magic.

You hear a voice call out suddenly. "Who goes there? Why are you here?"


What do you do?

>[A] I am Roc.
>[B] I am a Messenger.
>[C] I am your new lord.
>[D] ( write in )


>[A] I have to speak with your leader.
>[B] I am here to save you.
>[C] I need help.
>[D] ( write in )

Going to cut it here for tonight.

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT
>[A] & [A]
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>Fine the Jim

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"I am a Demon." You say as you stand in the small boat trying to not capsize it in the calm water. "I am here to speak to whoever is in charge."

There is silence and a bit of movement in what you can guess is heavy armor. After a moment you hear a new voice call out. "A demon? Who is your Primal?"

"Undivided previously of Wrath."

"Undivided demon, why are you here? What did you want to speak about?" The voice calls from over the palisade. You can see several small boats not unlike your own nearby swaying in the water as they are anchored to the small island. The tower hides their presence in shadow just barely out of reach by the moon.

"I wish to speak with your leader. Gaze upon me and you will see I do not lie." After a few moments of standing in the boat and listening to movements beyond the wall you hear a new sound. A loud horn calls out from within and then you hear the creaking of wood.

"Go around." The mysterious voice calls out. "I'll see to you then."

You sit down slowly and the rest begin to paddle turning around the small island to find an open wooden gate near a beach with crates and barrels strewn about and ropes tied to husks of small boats. Debris. You disembark on the sandy soil and it gives in to your massive stand. You pull the boat in and tie it to a heaven barrel. Through the gate you can see the tower and it's entrance and soon people coming to greet you.

The foremost is in thick plates of red ornate armor which you guess is most likely magical. He walks in a uniform and rhythmic fashion as if in a parade. He stops a few feet away from you and you notice he is oddly tall which comes apparent once he removes his helm, a red helmet that resembles the head of a horned beetle, revealing himself. His skin is a dark gray and he has a small ridge of horns atop his bald head which has black tattoos etched throughout it. A Cambion. "I hear you ask for me."


What do you do?

>[A] Ask about the Tower
>[B] Warn him about the meeting with the lords
>[C] Ask him how he has survived this long
>[D] Introduce your own group
>[E] ( write in )
>[ D] & [ B]
We can mark a cambion?
>[E] ask who them about their allegiance
Cambions are like demons in that they cannot be marked.

Introductions and pleasantries before we questions his allegiance and warn him of impending doom.

"Cambion," you say and he straightens up and runs a gauntleted hand across his horns.

"-No no, please call me Malatish. You are.." he gestures to you.

"Roc. I need to speak with--"

"Ah. More tieflings. Thank you for bringing them to me. What are your names.." and then points to the Fallen. "Not you though."

A few of the tieflings are hesitant but most of them rattle off their various and lengthy names though most stay silent. "Oh good. What is it.. six here? Not that many..." He looks over a few and sees Lilissa and Baskil. "though.. some say quality over quantity. Demon can you go and find me more then?"

You sneer and stare at him flaring your nostrils as you blow a sarcastic scoff out. He looks puzzled. "Is that not why you are here?"

"I'm here to tell you that you will die if you do not leave."

"Oh a threat? From something like you?" He scoffs. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Take it or leave it. Nephilim march on you as we speak. In weeks time I will call on you again. Do not make the mistake you are now mortal." You say with less and less control over your temper. "Hope that I will come to save you."

"If that time comes.. Ruck? If that time comes then pray that you can help with your little fishing boat back there. Maybe the nephilim is try to starve us out hmm?" He laughs at himself and then nods disdainfully.


What do you do?

>[A] Threaten him
>[B] Leave him
>[C] Ask how they survived for so long
>[D] ( write in )
Oops. Disappearing name
>[B] Leave him
Speak that when your pride ends, come and look for us
>[A] I have a couple of demons of my former primal who would do anything to get a little "relief".
I will come back in a few days, if the nephilim won't kill you until then, your pride will.

Threaten him and walk off.

You laugh a hardy laugh and wave your group onto the boat. In a quick kick you push them off into the water. "I have connections with demons of my formal Primal who would enjoy a little.. relief. If I return and the pets if angels haven't killed you your pride will."

"I--" you wave your hand dismissively at Malatish.

"Do not speak. You are done." You then spread your wings and in a gust of wind from the massive wingspan you lift up and drift to the boat. Landing inside you turn back to the Cambion who was pushed back and covering his eyes from the dust. "If I return and pray that I do. Speak to me once your pride ends mortal."

You sit back down and point off to return to the prison. The calm waters glow under the white light of the moon. The sound of water being pushed by paddles returns and continues in the silent night. The return is in quiet except for the paddling and the cool breeze. It takes an hour to return to the beach and all of you disembark and return quickly to the prison.

"So. Malatish was an interesting character. A cambion at the head of a tiefling warband. Most cambions died off but I guess he survived through sixteen years of adversity." Baskil says. "Though.. there will be difficulties if we have him to help we would surely be safe from Forlinde until we are to make a proper attack."


What do you do?

>[A] Forget him. We should try and capture the other prisons. Malatish is too much of a showboat.
>[B] He would definitely be useful to our cause. Though he is a tool and nothing more.
>[C] We need him to survive. We should pander to him for now until we are ready.
>[D] We should focus on preparing instead of worrying about others for now. He will come to us soon.
>[E] ( write in )
Sorry about the long post wait. I got distracted a bit.
>>[B] He would definitely be useful to our cause. Though he is a tool and nothing more.
>>[D] We should focus on preparing instead of worrying about others for now. He will come to us soon.
>[B] He would definitely be useful to our cause. Though he is a tool and nothing more.
>[D] We should focus on preparing instead of worrying about others for now. He will come to us soon.
>[E]We should try and capture the other prisons while he stays with his pride
ist ok man

"He is useful, you are right Baskil, but he is prideful. He would only be a means to an end. For now let's focus on preparation for the journey to the underdark." You walk away from your group as they begin to relay information to others. You find yourself several minutes later in you cell pacing back and forth thinking about the tower and their leaders arrogance. So deep in thought you didn't notice the Fallen walk in. He clears his throat and you turn to him and unintentionally glare at him.

"If the cambion does not accept defeat and come with you then your plan will surely fail." He says as he crosses his arms behind his back. "Perhaps I could negotiate. Though he didn't seem to want to speak to me previously."

"If you do talk to him what do you think the chance of him coming along would be before he sees the nephilim march?"

"Before? I don't think he could believe his own folly. But after I think that there is a good chance he will come and I would like to continue relations with him until that time. Feed him information and him feed us."


What do you do?

>[A] Yes, find out all he knows and continue to press the idea of him losing.
>[B] Yes, keep distant from him though. He shouldn't be trusted.
>[C] No, we must prepare for the journey and you will train the others in combat like I told you to.
>[D] No, you two are both too prideful to get along in any relation. It would only degrade it and most likely ruin our chances.
>[E] ( write in )
>>[A] Yes, find out all he knows and continue to press the idea of him losing.
He needs something that acts as a memento mori to put him under pressure.
>[E] Get the tieflings in the tower on our side.
If he loses the support from his followers he'll probably give up.

"Alright. Find out what you can and let him know little about us. Feed him a constant reminder of him losing against the nephilim. Talk with his tieflings and make them believe in us rather than him. He is a fool and even from our short encounter some are weary of him." You finish and he nods thanking you briefly for accepting before he bows and leaves you to continue your pacing. After some time you decide to rest and retire for the day. You climb atop the prickly bed and lay your head to rest and shut your eyes.


Darkness envelopes you. This reoccurring event of sounds and lights continue in an odd dance of dreams scattered about. Again you find yourself standing but this time in ankle high water. There is little light and you feel as if you are emanating it yourself. Around you are feathers of a dove. A light appears before you glowing harshly yet it is welcoming.

You blink again and you find yourself staring at an iron ceiling. You don't know what time is it but from your groggy feeling you can guess you're not supposed to wake until later. You shake your head and rise from that deathly grave and stare blankly around at the dimly lit box. The door is shut and yet you feel a cool breeze. You stand and walk over to open the door with your bare feet hitting the floor. You feel much shorter and you look down to find yourself to be a man. Flesh. Mortal. You look back to see a snarling beast of black smoke. "Foolish." It says in archaic whispers. It etched across your mind and and soon the beast is upon you. Darkness envelops you.


You wake up with an odd sensation. Sweat? You haven't felt this feeling in ages. Fear.

You leave your room and walk. You see that there is no light pouring through the Fallen's cage sun roof and know it is well past the time you should of awoken.


What do you do?

>[A] Find the Belophus and overlook the training.
>[B] Find and talk with Lilith.
>[C] ( write in )
>>[A] Find the Belophus and overlook the training.
let's see if he is doing something good
>[A] Find the Belophus and overlook the training.
>[B] Find and talk with Lilith.
How are the nobles doing?
>[C] Talk to the Mammous
Do we have enough supplies to support the tiefling in the prison and the tower for the journey already?

You shake your head to clear it and you find yourself near the Belophus and a few robed tieflings standing in front of him. He tells one to attack him and he puts both arms up and a blue shield of light appears before him. A tiefling stands back and begins to toss flames at the Belophus and the fires die out once they touch the shield. The tiefling doesn't give up and continues to pelt him with fire which harmlessly falls onto the shield which begins to crack.

The Belophus just continues to block the fire until it breaks which he then pushes the tiefling away with arcane force and then remakes his shield. The Belophus seems to smile and then say "Cool."

You couldn't understand how the Belophus was able to produce the shield or the force so you leave it to ask him later. The other tieflings then pair off and each produce small shields of their own and their sparring partner pelts then with fire. This goes on for some time and each time they seem a little bit better. For starting just yesterday they seem to learn fast. You leave them and you head into the storage room and find the Mammous rolling in a few barrels of food into it. He notices you and comes scurrying to you leaving a barrel rolling back before a tiefling catches it. "Ahh good. I've found a nice deal on these here. They will be good for the trip yes?"

"How much supplies do we have right now and how long will they last?" The Mammous then begins to rattle off numbers at you question and comes to the conclusion that with food from the storage and the new food that you have enough food for just the group right now for around three weeks. He says he has only gotten some food and hasn't taken the time to gather anything else.


What do you do?

>[A] Continue to gather food.
>[B] Gather warm heavy clothing
>[C] Gather camping equipment
>[D] Gather tools
>[E] ( write in )


>[A] Find Lilith and ask her how the nobles are doing currently
>[B] Learn something from the Belophus
>[C] Find Baskil and talk with him to see about training combat
>[D] Find Baskil and talk with him about how he feels about things currently
>[E] ( write in )
didnt you say demons cant be marked? im confused, are tieflings demons or some kind of cambion? maybe i dont remember but yea

if we dont have sufficient warm heavy clothing then i think it should be top priority, winter kills more armies than humans sometimes.(B)
and can we do both A and B (learn from belophus and speak with lillith?
>[A] Continue to gather food.
>[B] Gather warm heavy clothing
Give him a little extra funding
>[A] Find Lilith and ask her how the nobles are doing currently
>[E] see if we know more about the ships now
Tieflings are like drow, if you know anything about their past, in that they were both once a different race and then were corrupted/tricked/shenanigan'd by demons. Duergar are the same. So tieflings may have demon magic stuff they are not demons themselves. Cambions are born by/from demons and mortals making them demons.

"Clothing. We need heavy thick clothing if we are to survive the mana wastes but if we starve before we even arrive there then it would be of no use so if you see a deal with food take it." You say as the pudgy demon turns into a wealthy looking merchant before you and then wanders off. You shake you head and find an apple to eat on your way to see Lilith. You again pass up the Belophus and his pupils. You stop again and walk to the Belophus. "Can you show me how to do that... the shielding you were teaching?"

The Belophus sighs loudly and looks very agitated by this. He waves his arms around randomly and then push them both up and sighs again. "Fine. If I have to."

He flattens his palms and focuses on them. Soon you feel the magicka gather at his palms and become solid. It takes great patience and focus to harden the magicka and then produce it before you. You can see the strings and once you pull one the rest fall.


> Hardlight Aegis - [[Enchantment]] - Produce a shield of hard magicka to dispel any projectiles against you or anyone behind the shield.


You leave them to go find Lilith. You finish your apple and toss it in the cage with the three berserkers and watch them stare at you. You hear footsteps and turn to find Lilith approaching you. "Hello darling."

"Lilith." You day with a pause. "How is your little project developing?"

"Oh it's going just swell! The pets are beginning to beg for it. Hmm.. such good mortals. They are continuing to grow and it seems a few more are joining in. I was thinking they would have more fun if we tried something more... interesting though. I think they might be ready for a live sacrifice."


What do you do?

>[A] Gather more and try to keep it open.
>[B] Corrupt them further and sacrifice a goat. Goats are the safest bet for beginners and we would want to scare away some delicious prospect.
>[C] Tell then to sacrifice a tiefling from the other prisons they should be fine with the death of an outsider.
>[D] Tell them to sacrifice a human from the other prisons. those who are worthy will enjoy the spectacle of human sacrifice.
>[E] ( write in )
>>[C] Tell then to sacrifice a tiefling from the other prisons they should be fine with the death of an outsider.
it's safe but no one must know
>[E] sacrifice one of their enemies.
They are nobles so they should have at least one person they would like to disappear.
It's better if you start with something they would have done anyway. This won't alienate others since those people would probably get assassinated by other nobles.
i believe we should do both B and >>1048945
unless theres another pet that would resemble us more...like a bull instead of a goat- it will make them accept us more on behalf of a symbol(of the sacrificed animal)
kind of like the devil and the goat are "symbols"

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"Live sacrifices? Hmm.. they are nobles so I expect them to have plenty of enemies. Find them and use them but start with using goats. Let them get a feel for something alike who they will be making their sacrifices to." You say and Lilith's eyes light up with glee and bounces up and down clapping.

"Oh that sounds just wonderful. Just wonderfully devious. I do so hope that they will enjoy it as much as I will." She says. "Hmmm... so why not the.. I mean.. your friends? Have the nobles sacrifice them."

"Should they survive until we return we would need them. You will monitor them and keep them safe." You say and Lilith mewls while pouting.

"Mmm.. Fine!" She says. "Hmm.. I was thinking since we are sacrificing should I summon more succubi or..."


What do you do?

>[A] Yes. With those souls summon more succubi and continue to corrupt the noble court.
>[B] Yes, summon more but tell them to move to a different city and let them infiltrate the nobles there.
>[C] No, the souls will be sacrificed in my name. If I wish to have a proper Invasion I must be strong so why not improve myself whilst corrupting the nobles.
>[D] Yes and No.. Summon one or two succubi and the rest of the souls will be sent to me.
>[E] ( write in )
>[B] for now
>[D] for when we have mor succubi
Don't just focus on succubi, get some shades too for "problematic people".
The succubi have to report on their actions frequently so it doesn't get out of hand.
If they want to operate efficiently, we should establish a command structure.
i'd rather be pro-active in this case, so do D unless the other succubi will not be loyal to us(not really sure how loyalty works in the demon world?)

also can u elaborate on how tieflings were made? does roc know?it may help us later on to know how they were corrupted to help the tower tieflings to our side.(dont have to spoil the meta if you wish not to)

Aranlius is the home of tieflings in this region. Tieflings can be from other regions but are usually small sects or isolated villages. Did you want a number of the tieflings in Aranlius before it fell because it's a large number. After Aranlius fell many scattered or hid or both or were killed/enslaved/imprisoned. To know how many are in your current group check the pastebin which I just updated. You'll have to find out a rough number of tieflings in the tower to guess at the rest.

Roc knows just about as much as you. His memory was wiped/magically sealed and hasn't been on the world for a long time.

no, i meant just like how the drow got corrupted, i would like to know how the tieflings got corrupted(and possibly what they were before?) im assuming the duegar were dwarves that got corrupted and elves=drow? but what about tieflings?

if roc doesnt know then dont tell us(unless we can ask another(like baskil or something)
The info about the tieflings is in the pastebin
Tieflings were humans. How they changed isn't really known only that Forlinde and the previous nation of Dorund believes they are actually demons.

Reason why drow and duergar simply had skin change and some other effects is due to their previous race's resistance and affinity to magic. Tieflings were once human and they are not resistent to magic so they corrupt quite interestingly. In other regions tieflings can look very different with tentacles forming as beards or hair or they could be in shades of black and gray like the drow and duergar. It just depends on region and affinity/resistance to magic for Demonic corruption.

He's asking a bit more specific questions than what the pastebin allows. Although a certain amount of speculation should be applied
cool, im always interested about the world building and how things come to be in the worlds
"More of you? Who wouldn't want more? Don't use the first sacrifices to summon though. Send the first souls to me it would be best if you don't try to startle them by summoning demons now." As you finish saying this Lilith practically beams. "The succubi should be sent to other cities so we can spread the joy around."

"Well isn't that smart of you there Roc-y! Hopefully my sisters will think the same." She winks and strolls off bouncing with each step. You leave and find yourself aimlessly walking around. You notice you're being watched by a pair of golden eyes.

"Hello?" You call out and quickly you hear hurried movement and someone running into a wall along with a hushed scream. You decided to walk to the sound and find Lilissa facing a wall while sitting on the floor with one of her shoes off. "Lilissa?"

"Oh.. uh.. hey?" She jumps a bit at your voice and looks up at you tilting her head back. She is rubbing her foot and you guess she just stubbed her toe.


What do you do?

>[A] What are you doing?
>[B] Where is your brother? I need to talk with him.
>[C] Were you following me because you're not doing a very good job at that?
>[D] ( write in )
That's it for me today
(D) (if shes not young) then "are you...interested in me lilissa, because it seems like shes being extremely coy around/near us."
then (A)
She's 16. Also read the pastebin.

You going to sleep?

Or . . . . ?
guess it depends on where you live(sorry i read the pastebin now, totally forgot wthere was one)
btw i was always wondering why you kept saying succubi are not female? did you mean that they are male demons that have taken upon themselves to ""change gender" to fit the sin of lust? or they are demons who look like what the person that is staring at them lusts for?
i think you made a hint towards the latter but i really cant tell..

but yea, see whats she wants, and start seducing her(if everyone else agrees?)
i understand she is marked but no need to force her
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Generally speaking demons don't have genders. Succubi use illusion magic to seduce.

>No need to force her
Oh no. I don't think Baskil will like you raping his little sister man.


"Uh.. may I ask what you're doing?"

"Oh! Uh.. running into walls apparently." She says and continues to run her foot before she puts her small leather shoe back on and stands up. She turns to you and places her knuckles on her hips. She's nearly half your size and has to tilt her head a bit upwards. "Why what're you doing?"

You narrow your eyes and look at her puzzled for a moment. "Walking."

"Oh me too... or.. I was until someone put a wall there." She stifles a nervous laugh and straights up a bit. "Mhm.. um.. have you seen Baskil recently? I was just looking for him before but I couldn't find him and I kept walking around and then I found you but then you seemed busy so I turned around and didn't see where I was going and I ran into a wall and now I'm telling you because..." she pauses. "How are you doing?" She said quite quickly.

After a moment of figuring out all she said you just simply say, "No I didn't see Baskil recently.. are you sure you were looking for him because no one comes over here often."

"Oh.." her eyes widen slightly and she blushes and she falls silent for a few moments. "Well if you see Baskil can you tell him I was searching for him?"

She quickly scurries off before you can say anything in reply. It's getting late.. or early.. she's probably just be tired.


What do you do?

>[A] Go search for Lilissa or Baskil
>[B] Retire for the day
>[C] Call on Jim the Human and ask him about the docks
>[D] ( write in )
>Call on Jim the Human and ask him about the docks

You decide to leave it and see what Jim has came up with the situation on the docks. After a few moments you see Jim sluggishly walk his way over to you. His eyes are darkened and he looks as if he had just woke up. "Hey there."

"Jim." You say with a nod. "What have you learned about the docks or the ships?"

"Oh yeah. I've been watching them for a while now even before you asked me. The Monarch's Tempest is getting ready to sail in three days time which is perfect for you. I know that the Monarch can be crewed by nearly a hundred men after a bit of a discussion with one of the sailors on the boat while The Red Blade can be only crewed by half of that and even less for some of the fishing boats. Each seem to be able to carry quite a bit though. If the monarch can be crewed by a hundred half of that would work fine for a skeleton crew and same goes for all the other ships and then I would guess it would be around the same for passengers." He yawns loudly as he rattles off. "So.. around a hundred and fifty for the Monarch, a hundred for the Red Blade and most likely just twenty five for the fishing boats as most of them are just small but not like the one we rode to the tower that was just a row boat to ferry people and that could fit around ten."

"Okay.. so what about the docks when would be the best time to take the ships?" You ask and Jim stares somewhat absently before jumping up as if he fell asleep.

"Oh! Sorry. The docks are guarded by a shift of sixty during the day and twenty at night. Though the tavern keeps most of the guards at night so I'd say it's more like ten guards. They rotate on the hour and usually don't go near the ships and stay near cargo holding areas. There are two large bells near guard boxes at the sides of the docks. If they get to that and they ring it more guards will come." He finishes and then seems to doze off while he is standing there. You shake him and tell him to leave.


What do you do?

>[A] Retire for the night.
>[B] Search for Baskil and talk with him about what Jim just told you.
>[C] Search for...
>[D] ( write in )
>[B] Search for Baskil and talk with him about what Jim just told you.
>>[B] Search for Baskil and talk with him about what Jim just told you.
if is just 10 we can just mark them and leave
Oops forgot to say writing
You sigh and make your way to, where you normally find Baskil at, the storage room. As you enter you look around to see there is no onere there except for a few humans who are drunk and unconscious. You sigh and leave and as you do so you run into someone and they make a surprised sound. Unsurprisingly it's Lilissa who is once again near you. "Oh hey there.."

"Where is your brother?"

"Probably in bed." She says calmly with a shrug. Just as those words come out she goes quiet and blushes.

"Weren't you supposed to be looking for him?" You say with a sneer.

"Oh uhh.." she stutters. "I mean if I had to guess because that's the only other place that I haven't checked for him."

"Let's go then. I need to talk to him about something that came up recently." You stare at Lilissa as she just becomes quiet.

"Why...?" She whines. "I wasn't stalking you or anything!"


"Oh.. uh.. nothing!" Her eyes widen and she quickly turns around and slaps her arms down to her sides. "Let's go then!"

The two of you walk in silence as you follow her up to where they both sleep. She stops at an iron door on the ramparts and slowly opens it with some struggle. Inside there lies a few clothes strewn about the floor a burnt out lamp with a single candle inside and two cots on separate sides of the room with one occupied by a comatose Baskil. "205! That's where we sleep. Looks like Baskil is a bit ahead of me right now on that though."

She lights the lantern with magic plops down on the empty cot as you bend your head to enter the room. Not as spacious as mine.


What do you do?

>[A] Wake up Baskil and tell him about the news.
>[B] Leave and retire for the night
>[C] ( write in )
>>[A] Wake up Baskil and tell him about the news.
Quick break right here in going to eat some dinner and then return to write what ever is most popular
>[A] Wake up Baskil and tell him about the news.

Alright writing!
You go over to Baskil's cot to shake him awake. After a few seconds of roughly shaking Baskil he begins to stir. "Lilissa go away.. oh.. Roc, what did you want its kind of late?" He speaks in a groggy slur.

"I need to talk to you about transportation for the journey in a few days. It seems we have luck on our side." Baskil slowly pushes himself off of his cot and props himself on the wall while still slouching.

He covers his mouth with his forearm and yawns quietly. "Okay, what is it."

You sit down on the floor in-between the two cots propping yourself on the wall behind you cross your legs. "Jim, the hunter who I marked, was working of surveying the docks and their ships. He found out that the largest ship will be leaving in three days time, two days by the time you wake up again." He yawns again but this time loudly and Lilissa throws a small pillow at him.

"So what does that mean for us" he says as he catches the pillow.

"Meaning the ship will most likely be stocked and ready for sea when we leave. There are two ships that are of prize. The Red Blade and The Monarch's Tempest with the latter being the largest and the former being the fastest of the two. We can crew both ships with a skeleton crew."

"Isn't there more boats out on the docks though?" Lilissa says and yawns. Baskil throws the pillow back at her but it hits her in the face and she falls back.

"We can burn the others before we hop on the two prize ships and head to the tower." Baskil says.

"There are bells that can alert more guards, which, by the way, are very few at night." You say and stand up. "We can talk about this later tomorrow. As for now get some sleep."

You leave them and make your own way back you your cell. Closing the door behind you and find the large bed of thatch and lay down. You bones thank you and you doze off.


You've been here before.

Blinding light bears on you as you wade through black water. You feel it stick to your feet. The fouls stench rise. Feathers. Looking down you see the liquid twist and turn. Churning into faces and frightening images. Wings.

You've been here before.

The black faces call out for mercy as you stride through. You've been here before. You look through the light. Singing. You've been here before. You. You've been here before. See. You've been here before. Them. You've been here before. Smile. You've been here before. Again.


You wake up suddenly to the sound of creaking metal. You look up to see the familiar face of the Fallen. "Greetings. I've returned from the tower with news. I flew and I've seen the armies that march on them. It seems they were to be there before the lord of Blackmoor returns. That or he has decided to aid in the battle."


What do you do?

>[A] What is the news then?
>[B] Did you find out the number of tieflings there?
>[C] Do you think they can hold for a few days?
>[D] You said the Forlinde army is there, what of their armaments?
>[E] ( write in )
[ a] [ b] [d ] [ c]
>[B] Did you find out the number of tieflings there?


"Well.. what's the news then?" You say as you prop yourself up with your elbows.

"Malatish says he wishes to speak with you." The Fallen moves inside the cell and closes the door behind him. "He says that there shouldn't be bad blood between two like-minded individuals."

"Yeah should of told him that he shouldn't of disrespected me then."

"I did." The Fallen chuckles a bit before he returns to his regales stance.

"What did you find out about the tower's forces? How many tieflings?"

"Hmm.. that I was unsure but there were documents about the population. The eldest child I saw was twelve and it was Malatish's son though there were plenty of five to eight year old children. I saw plenty of armed men there. From what I can tell the only non tiefling was Malatish and I don't think he has any contacts with demons."

"So its mainly just a population of tieflings. About how many do you think, a rough estimate, are over there?"

"I would guess in the low hundreds. Maybe two hundred or so as I didn't see the rest of the tower and I can only guess by the size and density of what I saw within."

"You said Forlinde is march there now. What was their army like-- their composition?"

"I guess much of it is footmen soldiers. I saw a large portion of them in brown robes with maces or something like that and I think I saw some artillery in the far back. I couldn't see a nephilim though they must of been on horseback near the front of the forces as I only saw the back."

"How close are they? Do you think Malatish's forces would hold until we can secure a ship?"

"I can't say. I do think that most of the artillery will be focusing on the tower proper to bring it down."

From what Jim told you last night that the ships can't completely fit the others. Either take same fishing boats along or take less along. From largest to smallest it's one hundred and fifty, seventy-five, and twenty-five. Perhaps if you left the humans back and took the tieflings and perhaps the elves and took the two main boats and three fishing boats.


What do you do?

>[A] Call the council
>[B] Ask what the Fallen thinks
>[C] Find Baskil and ask him what he thinks.
>[D] ( write in )
>>[B] Ask what the Fallen thinks
>>[C] Find Baskil and ask him what he thinks.
"What do you think of this situation then?" You ask the fallen angel. He scoffs at the question and simple waves his hand.

"This plays directly into your hands. You have ships, or more precise you will have ships, and they are in a tower on an island. The best thing is that we were getting ready to leave anyways. If we leave tonight we can probably get the ships and be near the tower to evacuate them before Forlinde begins their assault though I do give it another day it would be best to leave early so Malatish's forces will be able to bring shared goods. This is potential for a really interesting event I would assume." The Fallen's wings ruffles in excitement and betrays his stern face.

You nod thoughtfully and stand up. Patting the angel's back you leave and head to find Baskil. You arrive at cell 205 and enter cautiously. You see Lilissa still asleep but Baskil seems to have left early. You walk over and see Lilissa's bare back and decide to wake her. Quickly she get's startled and raises the sheets to protect her modesty as she blushes profusely. "Where is Baskil?"

"Have you tried the store room?" She says in an embarrassed yet too tired to protest voice. "He's probably there."

She points out the door and sighs loudly as she plops backwards into her cot. You leave and head for the storage area where you are greeted by the Mammous who you simply wave away. Soon you spot Baskil sitting in a circle of tieflings. "Baskil. Remember what I told you last night? About the ships?"

"Ah yes. What about them?" He asks as he stands up and hands someone else his wooden cup.

"Well Malatish's Tower is going to be under siege soon. The angel says that he saw the forces march and will soon arrive to attack."

"Oh my.. that seems like quite the problem..." he mumbles to himself and the quickly jolts up. "How many are in the tower, did we get a number?"

"Roughly two hundred and fifty." The angel pipes in and Baskil places his hand on his face again.

"We should call the council. Best if we see what others make of this." Baskil says with a nod.

"The council will take too much time and is really unneeded as of now. We should act swiftly to secure the ships and provisions." The Fallen says.


What do you do?

>[A] There must be order. Call the council.
>[B] I act with supreme authority. We must not waste time.
>[C] Discuss things if you will Baskil but I wish not to let more die than what is needed.
>[D] ( write in )
i agree with the fallen, plus the council isnt really needed, we know we need the boats pretty much tonight or risk the tower and its people
maybe summon jim and the hunters and try to stealth it?(D)
im not sure
>>[B] I act with supreme authority. We must not waste time.
just do it

So.. I act with supreme authority and summon the hunters to try to secure the ships?
yea, they should be sufficient in stealth to be able to steal them(or add as many people who would be able to steal them without getting caught as possible)

not sure if its exactly wise to rush in with everyone..

Next few updates will be faster so bare with me. Also dice rolls imminent.

Alright writing!
"No. I act with supreme authority. We must not waste time with being hesitant less we wish to loose not only the other prisons but Malatish's Tower as well. The council is unneeded for now." Baskil shakes his head in disagreement and leaves the store room. You quickly call upon all the hunters including Jim. While you wait for them to arrive you look through what the Mammous has brought you.

"Greetings my lord.. we have more clothes here. Yet I don't think it's enough." He says as he waves through a few marked humans in who are carrying crates of blankets and clothing. "And I have seemed to not have much coin left and I doubt any stores are open this late."

"We can always steal clothing and cloth. I believe we have enough food but if they freeze to death it wouldn't be wise." The Fallen angel says as he gestures to the marked humans. "And I doubt we can fit all of them on the ships."


What do you do?

>[A] Send the marked humans out to loot stores and bring the goods here.
>[B] Send the marked humans to loot the cargo on the docks and bring the loot to the boats.
>[C] Send a few to each.
>[D] Set them loose to loot and pillage the city.
>[E] The humans stay. They will help move goods from here to the boats.
>[F] ( write in )
>>[C] Send a few to each.
but go to the boats, and brin some dogs or demons
stealth mode
can the flash golen move the goods ?
Slowly. There is a chance of being spotted and it will cause mass a hysteria of fear. I mean who wouldn't shit their pants if they saw a large lumbering pile of meat bone and flesh walking around.
i guess if we dont have the material and we are most likely leaving before the army gets here...is the dock away from the city?we might just have to do D and B with the whole group that we have(literally everyone who will answer)
try to get as many as we can and ferry the people from the tower to the docks and back

obviously leaving sufficient force to defend the dock/(city?)
The army is heading to the tower. There is no real standing force inside the walls of Blackmoor currently.
also the city has a shipwright, if we keep him (or his team) alive, we can hold the city until we can leave with everyone
i think its a sound plan, as i believe that the army is marching on the tower?

idk or we can do what >>1051824
says if we need a consensus
we can still mark 11
if jin is correct we can just go and take without much problem

So you want to march the majority of your group towards the ships while carrying cargo as the marked humans go and wreck havoc on the city?
Mammous thinks we do not have enough clothes.
we need goods
Can be
yes, i would like the marked humans to go to the ships, and try to secure them, take the main force to attack the city- DONT SIEGE IT, keep the shipwright(and his team if he has one) alive and mark him- kill or mark the rest

sometimes its better to steal than trade my friend
>yes, i would like the marked humans to go to the ships, and try to secure them, take the main force to attack the city- DONT SIEGE IT, keep the shipwright(and his team if he has one) alive and mark him- kill or mark the rest
good plan

Would you rather have the humans or the tieflings riot/pillage/loot?
Which of the two has the best stealth status
have the guards go in the front(im assuming they are human along with the hunters??)
have the humans go in first, and see if they can tie up or restrain anyone- and if we need to, attack with the tieflings as well.

or that- if we can turn on most of the guards/whatever, then we can basically just send the humans to do it solo possibly, suprise is the best attack
the two elves have the best stealth stats.


Send the hunters and guards to go out and take the docks killing the guards and finding the shipwright. Once they are finished the humans (and the berserkers) go out and wreck havoc while takeing and looting as much as they can whilst you and the tieflings ferry the stores to the ships.

Let's go straight to the tower? Are we going to take the demons together, too?
You agree with the Fallen. "Ships won't hold more than just the tieflings from here and Malatish's Tower. Gather the humans."

You turn to Baskil as the others leave. "Baskil, gather the tieflings and tell them to take all the stores and begin to move them to the gate. Get the necromancer to hook the larger stuff up to the flesh golem. We move now."

Baskil shakes his head in disagreement but leaves anyways. A few minutes later and the hunters arrive. "Take the docks. Gather the guards outside this gate and bring them with you."

They all nod and leave in unison. Jim stays back and watches them leave. "What?"

"I'm going to be a pirate?" He says before he turns and leaves. "Finally!"

Soon a large mass of tieflings and humans shuffle through. You gather the humans together as the tieflings begin to move cargo slowly. "Go now and cause a scene. Burn stores with birthing of value and take all that is. Bring it to the ships and you will have a fair deal of it."

They leave you and you find your way to the cage with the berserkers inside. "Hey there I got a treat for you. Go start trouble near the front gates of the city. Cause a distraction and leave most in smolders."

You unlock the cage and they barrel out quickly reaching the prison gates and tearing through the small makeshift barricades. Each savagely foaming at their mouths they charge into the night. You nod approvingly and turn to find the two elves standing behind. "And what of us demon?"

"Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you two. Go find the shipwright and bring him to the largest ship in the docks. He will be useful later and if you can find his team then bring him as well." They both nod in eerie unison sand gracefully sprint away through the gate. You begin to help move items to the gate and see the necromancer tying and chaining crates and barrels to the flesh golem and see a few peasants gather outside the broken gates and watch in awe and horror. Soon you hear flames roar up and windows break.


What do you do?

>[A] ignore the peasants.
>[B] Slaughter the peasants.
>[C] ( write in )
approach the peasants- make sure NO ONE but roc does- and offer it once and once only, to be marked- or DIE.

if not, slaughter-mercilessly and make a show of it- it might make others alot more willing after that.
>>[B] Slaughter the peasants.
We can see their souls dont we?
that's better
Yeah you can see souls but it's like seeing ghosts, you can't do much with them. You would have to sacrifice them for any actual soul gain.

>Roll 1d100
Rolled 6 (1d100)

oh boy here we go
File: IMG_7601.jpg (18KB, 329x281px)
18KB, 329x281px
" dice+1d100 "

In the options field

Pic related.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

sry senpai
Rolled 36 (1d100)

holy shit
save us

(rolling again incase u want me to)

cant wait for the peasants to stand up and rebel - GG
File: IMG_7706.gif (243KB, 787x600px) Image search: [Google]
243KB, 787x600px

Don't worry. Like I said I take Croats either way.
Oh boy.

>Critical Failure

The peasants begin to scream in sheer horror as they lay their eyes upon the large golem of flesh. You drop the crate you were carrying and run outside only to find multiple guards walking around the corner. "Do not fear me mortals.."

"Demon!" A guard yells and charges along with his group. You quickly brandish your sword and a peasant woman faints from screaming. Four guards close in and the group of six peasants are cowering before you.


What do you do?

>[A] Use magic (specify)
>[B] Charge the guards head on
>[C] Throw a peasant at the guards to distract them.
>[D] ( write in )
>[A] Ethereal Flames
When they are near

Wait! No!

>3d10 DC 5
Rolled 4, 6, 8 = 18 (3d10)

k..lets get some better rolls
Rolled 5, 8, 2 = 15 (3d10)



sorry my friend keeps texting me and I'm on my phone so
its ok, am probably going to bed after i read ur next post- kinda tired
>[4, 6, 8]
>1 fail, 2 success

You wait for the guards to edge forwards before you place your blade back and pull both hands out. You flatten your palms and jets of flame course through your Vienna and spew out through your hands. The quick gurgling screams of your victims announce your victory. You turn to the six peasants as they cower and try to help their unconscious friend.

You stare at them before you brandish your sword once more. Each swing like a painting their blood spews across the midnight streets. Around you the fall clutching their weak flimsy necks and you smell fire in the air. You turn to see much of what they had built will be consumed in ash. With a quick flick of the spellbreaker the blood stains fly off making it clean again.

You can hear voices gathering in the streets. Cries for help and fear of what is to come. Chaos. Chaos comes and it's price is all.


I'm going to end it here. Tomorrow I'll continue in this thread. Thank you all for playing and I really hoped you enjoyed it as much as I am.

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT

Me too.
gnight friend

Goddamnit. I'm pretty sure that I have way more mistakes than just that.

I'm going to start back up in a few.
ok senpai
Footsteps quickly move around you as you stand with your hands on your hips admiring the ship named "The Monarch's Tempest". It's a medium to large ship and from the four square holes on the side you can see you guess it is an eight cannon ship. Though you're unfamiliar with much of the ship terminology you know that it has a squared off and raised stern making the back of the ship flat or flat looking. Inspecting the ship you walk to find the name inscribed across the hull. Behind you is a similar looking ship but much shorter and longer.

Your own footsteps make the wooden docks creak and you hear a second smaller set. You turn to see Jim and behind him roars fires as if there was a great twisted bonfire behind held in the center of the city. "There wasn't much in the way of guardsmen like I guessed and since there is a fire most of them are probably going to deal with that... did you also send out those big red fellows?"

You laugh shortly but before you are able to answer you spot the flesh golem bring in boxes and barrels behind it with the necromancer guiding it. "Have you checked the ships yet Jim?"

"Oh.. no I haven't. Want to?"

"Should do it before they start loading to see how much supplies is on the ship itself." You both clamber up the steep netted side of the Monarch's Tempest and find yourself looking at a large wooden deck with three masts sticking upright. There is a square in the center which is closed off by a wooden grate which you assume can be removed to access the lower deck. On each side you see four cannons chained and anchored down to the deck. You step over to peer through the grate to see boxes and barrels lining the floors and walls. At the back of the ship you can see the raised square deck with two sets of stairs leading up to a wheel. Two doors lead into the square and you assume it's entrance to the lower decks as well as probably a room. In the corner of your eye you spot Jim pointing to the doors and you nod at him for him to go and explore the rest.

You climb down to see the golem standing still staring at some lady at the end of the docks. She has a pistol in one hand and a blade in the other. "You can't take my ship foul demon!"


What do you do?

>[A] Try to capture her
>[B] Let someone else kill her off
>[C] Attack her with magic
>[D] Charge her
>[E] ( write in )
File: IMG_7854.jpg (249KB, 1378x1920px) Image search: [Google]
249KB, 1378x1920px
I forgot the image!
>[E] "Well I guess the berserkers are gonna kill us all now. I was planning on keeping the crew alive but now we'll just have to wait until we're all minced meat. I heard that the Nephilim could come to help but since there are demons in town they'll probably purge everyone."
"I can't take your ship?" You stare blankly at the lady.

"Well.. that's what I said!" She says and raises her pistol to meet you.

"Hmm.. well I guess if I can't take the ship then we'll all be turned turned into mince meat. I was hoping to leave with the crew tonight and since you won't have me then we will have to wait until those nasty creatures wrecking havoc to reach us. I guess we could go and ask the nephilim to help out here but since I clearly see there are already demons they'll probably purge the city whole." You watch her as she gathers her thoughts and is genuinely surprised at you being reasonable.

"I.. hmm.. stay here!" She marches off and many tieflings just give her puzzling looks. You wave the others to start to board the ships and you see the elves arrive with three men in tow.

"Demon! We have acquired the shipwright and his apprentices." The Man in question looks to be in his middle ages and has slight balding. He is somewhat rounded as he has a gut yet he is not overweight like the Mammous. In one hand he has his apron with tools in it and in the other he has a small locket.

"Put him on the larger one." You say pointing to The Monarch's Tempest. You see once again the young lady who now has five tired men which you guess is the sailors. She marches past you and up the ship.

"Father would be very disappointed that I'm leaving so soon." She says as she helps the others get up. "But then again I'm leaving him as well."

You watch as the tieflings slowly move cargo onto the ships under the moonlight.


What do you do?

>[A] Help to empty the storage of the prison.
>[B] Find the cargo holding area and try to empty it out.
>[C] Talk with the eccentric lady.
>[D] ( write in )
>[C] Talk with the eccentric lady.
Get information about storages and mark her. No funny business.
>[B] Find the cargo holding area and try to empty it out.
Only take things that are neccessary.
You give the woman a curious look before you lift up with your wings to land on the ship. "What's all on this ship?"

"Oh uh.. food, weapons, munitions. There is trade goods too. Say, where were you heading anyways?"

"North. But before that I need to pick up a few.. friends."

"Hmm.." she says and simply ignores you as she heads to the back.

"Hold it." You say and she turns around seemingly annoyed. "Come. I would rather be safe than sorry. I will mark you for the duration of this trip."

She simply shrugs and you wave your hand and she flinches a bit as you hear the mark singe skin. You nod and leave her. Odd woman. You make your way to the cargo holding area and look at the large area which seems to be cargo stacked under a large wooden roof supported by thick beams. You spot the hunters inspecting several crates near the back. "Is there heavy clothing or food in either of these crates?"

"No, not clothing per se, but it seems to have gold bars in this one." One of the hunters walks over and places his hand on the crate. "There is also a few blankets and textiles over there."


What do you do?

>[A] Take the gold bars
>[B] Take the textiles
>[C] Tell your tieflings to raid the cargo warehouse.
>[D] ( write in )
>[B] Take the textiles
Take a little gold too but focus on the textiles.
Wealth is useless when you're freezing to death.

"Take the crates with the textiles. If you finish before we leave bring the gold too. However helpfulWealth is it is ultimately useless for the dead." You finish saying as you pick up two of the textile crates. You slowly make your way out and barn like structure and walk to one of the ships. You pile it on the Monarch's Tempest before opening the grate.

You hop down and sadly it is half your height so you simply push the crates already stored over before moving down the textiles. The moon seems to be almost gone and you feel that the sun will sure rise soon. The sky is just barely brighter but that could be the fires that still rage on. From what the earlier cheers could indicate you could guess that one of the berserkers have fallen. Your time is soon closing.

You climb out of the ship and drop down. You see the ships look to be over half way complete. Bend over and ask one of the tieflings, "How much more is still in the prison."

"I'd guess it's just a quarter left. Mainly trade goods now."


What do you do?

>[A] Tell them to ignore the trade goods and grab only the essentials.
>[B] Tell them to continue and try not to leave anything behind.
>[C] tell them to go and take the textiles from the cargo hold
>[D] Tell them to prepare the ships
>[E] ( write in )
>[B] Tell them to continue and try not to leave anything behind.
>>[A] Tell them to ignore the trade goods and grab only the essentials.
we can always make more money
>[A] Tell them to ignore the trade goods and grab only the essentials.
For tieflings
>[D] Tell them to prepare the ships
for sailors
>[E] roc should start destroying the ships we won't use

"Mainly trade goods? Ignore them. We need only essentials." You say as you walk away toward the textiles to grab two more crates. You see the hunters carrying one at a time and seem to be almost finished. You take two away from the rarest back.

"That's the last of the textiles. We're going to grab the bars now." The hunter says and pats another. You lift off of the ground and quickly move to deposit the textiles on another ship. There you see the Mammous is quick to find you.

"How are we going to be able to negotiate with the Duergar if we have nothing to trade?

"We have gold and the monarch already has some trade goods." You say as you enter through the grate to place the boxes. You see the Mammous look crestfallen and ignore him as you see the 'captain' of the ship come out. "Prepare the ship. We need to leave soon. We are taking this one, the Red Blade, and three of the fishing boats."

"I only have five men with me. I can't do that all by myself!" You shrug and fly out. You see now that most of the tieflings have moved away from the prison and are bringing the last of the crates though you cannot see the hunters.


What do you do?

>[A] Tell the tieflings to help the sailors in preparing the ships for sea.
>[B] Find the hunters and retrieve the gold.
>[C] Help prepare the ships for sea
>[D] ( write in )
>[A] Tell the tieflings to help the sailors in preparing the ships for sea.
>[C] Help prepare the ships for sea
>[D] Get some rope and tie throw it around the berserkers and tie it to the ships.
Hopefully we can retrieve them once their rage has died down.
>>[A] Tell the tieflings to help the sailors in preparing the ships for sea.
>>[B] Find the hunters and retrieve the gold.
>start destroying the ships we won't use
some tieflings can usa fire

You call out over to the tieflings who look to be doing nothing. "Prepare the ships. The sailors will help. Follow what they say to make it easier."

You turn back to face the lady who rolls her eyes and tells the sailors to go and prepare the other ships. Though you know you're taking the main ships along with almost all the fishing boats you simply dislike the idea of Blackmoor being able to catch up. You land on the docks and head to an empty fishing boat which you stretch your palms out to. Fire flows through your veins and speed out in a fan dosing the small vessel in hellish purity.

The ship burns and you leave it and head toward the cargo hold and hear more cheering. As you enter you see the hunters gathered around the crate of gold bars. The six of them are unable to lift it. "Demon, The crate is too heavy. We will take our bars and leave if that is fine."


What do you do?

>[A] Let them leave and try to carry the bars yourself without the trade goods you will have to have something to trade with the duergar.
>[B] They will stay. Force them to help to raise the crate and carry it to the ships
>[C] There is little time. Leave it and let the hunters take the gold bars.
>[D] Take a few bars and allow the hunters to do the same.
>[E] ( write in )
>>[D] Take a few bars and allow the hunters to do the same.
>[D] Take a few bars and allow the hunters to do the same.
We don't have that much time.
Gather what we can and then get the fuck out of here.

You shake your head disdainfully and point to the exit. "Take what you can carry and leave."

They quickly take three or four bars each and jog away with metal clinking together. You look around thinking you could possibly carry the crate but quickly dismiss the idea once you tried to lift it and it only going a foot off the ground. You set it back down and you simply find a smaller box and place around twelve bars inside and close it. It's much lighter and you leave the warehouse.

You hear more cheering and that is when you know that most of not all of the berserkers have been slain. They were only a means to an end and they served their purpose well. You run to the monarch's Tempest and see that all the cargo has been lifted and the ships are filled though you know most are under manned.

The monarch currently has nearly twenty five tieflings working to complete tasks of three sailors each and that's the way it is for the other ships and boats. You find the lady captain as she is working at some ropes at the bottom of the masts. "How long till we can leave?"

"For this beauty? 'Round five. Shouldn't be too long." She says without looking up. You nod and look at the other ships as one of the fishing boats begin to drop their sails and push out of the docks. Though like fire to flies you begin to hear the sound of armored boots march steadily toward you. You cannot see where they are coming from but you begin to feel a yank as wind moves the ship forwards.

The other ships soon follow suit and pull out of the docks. You sigh slightly as you tell them to move out to head east for Malatish's tower. But your call is shortened by the thunderings of musket fire. Splinters fly out as you duck away from stay pellets.


What do you do?

>[A] Tell the Monarch to turn and fire the cannons onto the docks once the other ships are out safely.
>[B] Lead the caravan of ships out to sea.
>[C] Fly out and attack the humans with magic.
>[D] ( write in )
>[B] Lead the caravan of ships out to sea.
maybe let the balophus shoot back with some long range magic but don't endanger any of the ships
You look to the back of the ship where the lady is and tell her to move east. "The other ships will follow!"

The wind pushes and you feel the ship move in the water. The armed guards continue to fire volleys into the backs of the ships still in the docks. You see a tiefling get hit and fall to the deck of The Red Blade as it quickly makes it's escape. On that ship is the Belophus and you yell out for him to return the warm gifts they wish to leave us with. The christening of each ship is that of industrial firepower. The last of the fishing boats are out of the docks and are following The Monarch's Tempest as you move toward east to retrieve Malatish's forces.

The thundering of the weapons ends slowly and most of the tiny fleet is left unscathed. Four tieflings lay dead or wounded on the various decks of ships and the flesh golem seems to have sustained wounds as well. The necromancer and the golem both ride on The Red Blade while the bulk of the force rides atop the monarch.

Dawn comes quickly riding atop the victory of night and with it comes the silence of the waters. Within several minutes you find yourself at a familiar coast near the tower. In the distance not far off you can see the tower looming over casting a long shadow in the brink of morning.


What do you do?

>[A] Start to send out the smaller boats to ferry passengers to the larger ships.
>[B] Get near to the tower with the monarch and fly to it to begin negotiations with Malatish.
>[C] Get near with the monarch and let Malatish send small boats to boats the ship.
>[D] Stay back at a distance and wait several minutes to look for the Forlinde army.
>[E] ( write in )
>[E] only get near the tower in a smaller boat and negotiate with Malatish
"Now will they die under your command and throw their life away or will you follow me and have a future?"
You move over to the side of the ship and wave over to the fishing boats. They move closer and you spread your wings bracing yourself to move ships. With a gust of wind you lift off and drift downwards onto the fishing boat. As you land you see that one of its crew members has found itself with extra weight and seemed to have caught a stray round within their shoulder. Another is patching them up after they removed the small rounded metal pellet. "Get in close. I need to speak with Malatish."

You notice the Fallen decided to follow you and left the now stationary ship. "Malatish should be out here."

You wait as the boat draws nearer and help the small crew when needed. As you draw nearer you see a few row boats are getting loaded with crates and barrels. Soon the small boat docks with the island and you disembark onto the sandy beach once again.

Two heavily armored tieflings approach you and silently nod toward the tower and you follow them through. Ascending up the tower you see makeshift beds and walls along with clothing which litters the place. You noticed upon entering there is also stairs that lead downward yet did not ask. The two tieflings stop at a flat floor with a ladder that leads upward. "Malatish is waiting. Go up the ladder."

You nod and do so though you are slightly larger than the exit so the stone breaks and crumbles as you leave. Malatish extends a hand as you clamber out and then points out to the coast. "Look at them. They gather as if this is some spectacle."

The bright morning sun shines over the trees and displays white tents with a blue fluer-de-lis embroidered. Banners of blue and gold fly and the tents seem still. Malatish turns to you with his arms crossed behind his back. "I see you kept your promise of return. I have to say I apologize for my previous actions as I misread the situation."

"Do not grovel Malatish. It's unbecoming of you." You say and he reels back as if he was personally hurt my the very words.


What do you do?

>[A] Ask him for a number on his population
>[B] Tell him to ferry his people to the ships immediately.
>[C] Tell him to gather resources and prepare to board the ships.
>[D] Ask him how he has survived this long.
>[E] ask him about the tower.
>[F] ( write in )
Be realistic man
>[C] Tell him to gather resources and prepare to board the ships.
>>[C] Tell him to gather resources and prepare to board the ships.
>[F] demand control


You look Malatish and watch the still unmoving tents and then return your gaze back to him. "You should move while the enemy still lies sleeping. Prepare your people to board my ships. Gather what you can in doing so as there is little chance of the tower still standing once we return."

Malatish sighs and uncrosses his arms. "Reclamation was not part of my plan. This is fine."

Malatish walks to the ladder and climbs down gesturing you to follow. You take a last look at the tents and for an invading force you not that it seems a bit small. You shake your head and make your way through the hole ignoring the ladder and open your wings to land softly at the flattened tower floor. You follow Malatish as he makes his way downward stopping every so often to talk with someone before continuing.

You pass the entrance and begin to descend downward until you enter a large open square room with multiple pillars holding it up. "The reason why we lasted so long."

The room itself is seemingly unremarkable except for various tools and weapons which are near a forge, a few walled off areas where you see some tieflings have made it their home. Malatish walks over to a wall and it opens up before him in a complex pattern as the bricks of stone move. "We were once the residence of castle Highill. This tunnel leads under it and opens near a sewer system which connects to the castle itself. The tower itself was built as a means of refugee in times of uncertainty and is used as such in times for fear."

Malatish pulls a black shard from the wall near the entrance and the tunnel simply collapses on itself spectacularly. The black shard glows softly and he tucks it away between his armor. "Relics of a past time. I suppose we both understand that."

He turns to you and breaths deeply before exhaling. "Demon, I wish to make it clear that if we are to join together it should be that these people are my charge."


What do you do?

>[A] Ignore him and leave.
>[B] If we do not have any conflicts then you may do as you wish. If there is then you will wish that you hadn't.
>[C] You're below me Malatish. Do not try to challenge me.
>[D] ( write in )
>>[D] you can be my right arm but not my head
>[C] You're below me Malatish. Do not try to challenge me.

"Oh Malatish. You are not my equal. You are below me and you will stay there for that is your place. You can stand at my side or you can find a place within Forlinde." You say as you turn away from him. "I offer you a place within my court. I doubt that you will find such kindness outside of it."

"Demon. You are foolish to think such things. If you truly wanted peace you would beg me to come with you." Malatish says as you find the stairs.

"Yes and what if you stay here Malatish? You seem to have forgotten your manners when addressing your savior." You leave him and he quickly follows you to the beach. "Board the ships or don't Malatish."

You again lift yourself up using your massive leathery wings and leave the cambion to his thought. You watch as the tieflings move cargo onto small rowing boats and the fishing boat. You make your way back to the Monarch's Tempest and watch from afar as the white tents begin to move. The sun is now shining across and the Forlindians army awakens. They seem ill-prepared for what they.

They sound a loud horn and after several minutes you begin to hear the sounds of yelling commands.


What do you do?

>[A] Arc and fire the cannons of The Monarch's Tempest onto the coast.
>[B] Move over and protect the tieflings being ferried.
>[C] Fly over to them and begins to attack them yourself.
>[D] ( write in )
>>[A] Arc and fire the cannons of The Monarch's Tempest onto the coast.
will we hit our one doing this?
You shouldn't because the monarch is near the front.
Looking to the captain you move to the cannons. Though they are no mortars you angle it to face the Forlindians. A few tieflings catch on and begin to set up another cannon before more join. You fire off the first one and then it goes in a line. You see it misses the mark just barely so you begin to load it again.

Several volleys of cannon fire ring out in the attempt to protect Malatish's group from becoming under fire. You see the Belophus in the corner of your eye and order him to begin attacking them. It takes several minutes before the tieflings are ferried from the fighting boat to either the monarch and there are still many to still come. You see a few tieflings decide to unhook s cannon from the other side and roll it over to fire yet they did not count on it being so heavy and it falls off the side.

Soon you see the Forlindians gather and begin to fire in return. Several small splinters fly off of the monarch as the pellets make their mark. Malatish is now on the Red Blade and is trying to move it to be able to fire it's 2 cannons on its side.

Several tieflings still are waiting to be ferried and you have lost two more tieflings though you don't think the Forlinde forces will continue to try to pelt the ship with something so ineffective and inaccurate as they are quite a distance away.


What do you do?

>[A] Personally help the tieflings to board the ships.
>[B] Move the other cannons over to fire more.
>[C] Allow the tieflings to take over and use magic
>[D] ( write in )
>[A] Personally help the tieflings to board the ships.
we are fast and we can fly
You wave over the tieflings to handle your cannon and with a swift push from your wings you soar into the air. Malatish apparently sees this and decides to board the next boat back to help his people to board. You quickly land onto the beach with sand and dust kicking up. You see a pregnant tiefling woman and her small child struggling to board one of the boats so you put her into your arms and the child in the other and in a gust of wind you move back onto the Monarch's Tempest.

Doing this you move about half the load of a fishing boat in a few minutes time. Soon you see Malatish land on the beach. "Demon. How noble of you to help the unable. I do hope you are as equally.. useful.. in combat."

You sneer and give a short laugh as you lift off again with more tieflings. This time you spot something interesting coming from around the cliffs of Highill. Tall masts with white square sails.


What do you do?

>[A] Continue to help with the tieflings boarding.
>[B] Fly over and attack the incoming ships with magic
>[C] ( write in )
>>[B] Fly over and attack the incoming ships with magic
Belophus can use magic fire too
>[B] Fly over and attack the incoming ships with magic
Belophus can usa some fire to help too
>[C] call fallen to help kill the scum

Roc & friends going to go beat up son sailors!

You land and release the tieflings from your arms. As you do you wave over the Fallen. "Ships are coming in from behind Highill. They'll be behind us in a matter of minutes."

You point to the masts from behind the rock peninsula outcropping where Highill sits. The tall white sails plum out as wind pushes it forward. You motion to the Balophus to follow you and he slowly floats toward you. You and the Fallen move swiftly while the Belophus lags behind. As you get closer you begin to see the rest of the picture.

Six ships larger than The Monarch's Tempest and twelve the same. You collapse your wings and fall down to the first ship. A cloud of dust and wooden splinters spring up around you. The Fallen floats behind you and the Belophus begins to burn the ship.


What do you do?

>[A] Begin to spray ethereal flames at the ship.
>[B] Charge the first few
>[C] ( write in )
>>[A] Begin to spray ethereal flames at the ship.
The crew, we know how many are?
we still have 10 peopleto mark
You flatten your palms and flames course through your veins. Flame spews through and eats through the wood. The crew of the ship runs to try to douse the flames using buckets of water yet they only fall victim to the flames as they consume the ship.


"The ship is burning!"

The crew runs around to try to escape the fire and only burn. The Belophus spews jets of fire at the masts and in large cracks they fall. You spread your wings and in one gust of wind soar into the air. You feel the winds change to heat and watch as the foremost ship burns and the crew of it jump. You turn to see the tieflings from Malatish's tower finish boarding the last boat and the monarch begins to turn away.

You fly across to meet it in its voyage as the Forlinde ships try to turn away from the burning husk. You land and collapse your wings and watch as you sail away.

Into the North.

Where the wild ones sleep.


Thank you for playing! Next thread will be next weekend starting on Friday! If you haven't yet joined the discord server or followed me on twitter you can find updates there! The character sheet will be updated sometime soon!

Twitter: @Kov_QM
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/XumPZQq
Character Sheet: http://pastebin.com/JWZRCRwT


Sorry for the long wait between! I got distracted!
it's ok, gnight
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