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Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint

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Thread replies: 122
Thread images: 19

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Human Ryukusa.jpg
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Kiki-hime sits in the bed next to you, looking confused, cradling a bowl of steaming soup as you look down at you lap.

It's one thing to feel responsible for having caused Rie to suffer injury and discomfort, which you did by allowing her to take responsibility for the part youkai, part ghost, mart human sorceress Melinda Blitzenberg. True you didn't want to force the issue with your guardian youkai at the time; a God's-Eye Nekomata is not a force to be trifled with. But to be inadvertently responsible for her being transformed into what may as well be a human? Rie has no power, no special abilities, not even a hint of her original nature, save that she can still see into the world that you see and inhabit still.

The worst part is she doesn't know what has happened yet.

You're not sure which you feel worse about, Inau-kun's injury – not your fault at all, really, but she was fighting at your side when it happened – or Rie's curse. Though....if it is a curse you might, just might, be able to do something about that. Your abilities of Fire are still forming, still unstable, and that gives you a slight advantage over the sorceress Er Yin and the priestess Kiku. Of course, that could also make things worse by the some token. But you still have a few tricks up your sleeves.

“Ghuh!” You double over slightly as Kiki-hime pokes you in the belly with the back end of the spoon. She flips it over and then fills the deep Chines style spoon with broth and bits of onion and peppers.

“Eat, Ryu-chan. You can think about these things when you have gotten better.” You really can't argue; your left arm is in terrific agony after you caught a magical fan to the forearm. Apparently you count as a divine weapon when acting on Amaterasu-Omikami's instructions, because that demon fan was utterly destroyed. Your nearly indestructible left arm was badly injured as a result, but it is healing. Very slowly, but healing none the less.

“Yes, waifu,” you murmur, much to Kiki-hime's chagrin. She can't help but smile and blush, because she knows you actually mean it as an endearment.

You let her feed you, and as she gives you spoonfuls of incredibly delicious hot and sour soup (made by Er Yin undoubtedly, given that it is actually a spell in the form of soup and Chinese style at that) you consider how exactly you're going to tell Rie what has happened.

[] Let Kiki feed you then relax for a while, get better first.
[] Finish your soup, then go see to your injured loved ones and guardian spirit.
[] Ask Kiki-hime if she would mind helping you up so you can see your companions.
[] You're not going to be ale to rest until you take care of things, so get up – Er Yin said you could try.
[] Seek them through the Void, and use that to investigate your wounded lovers and friends.
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Twitter: @XsQuestmistress

Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/1014127/

Interlude: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/37879167/

Threads in Chronological Order, including writeups by XS : http://pastebin.com/Z53TyK0N
or search for tag: Ryukuza on Suptg

Barrier Combat Guide: http://pastebin.com/rZLwzvGx

Ryuu Ryukusa is tall at 5' 8"; 6' in her true form. She is fully grown. Lesbian top.
Matagama Kiku is 4' 1” for ever and ever. Lesbian submissive.
Ryuu Akari is 5' 3" and has another few inches to grow. Sexuality is weird, switch, cosplayer.
Ryuu Yui is 5' 8" and will only grow due to circumstances beyond her control. Dyke, switch.
Ryuu Kiki is 5' 6" and is at full growth. Bisexual bottom.
Er Yin Long is the tallest at 5' 10" and is fully grown. Lesbian dominant.
Ryuu Jinyuu is 5' 7" but persistently hovers an extra three inches. Straight.
Hinata-hakase is 6' 3". Sexuality is terrifying.
Hidesato is 5' 5". Straight.
Kushinada is 5' 8". Straighter.
Taisho Ryoga is 5' 9". Who knows.
Hyun Chisato is 5' 4” and is fully grown. Lolicon with plausible deniability.
Rie is 8” tall or 5' 5” and is fully cat. Her sexuality is cat.
Hagyu Genso is 12' 5” standing upright. He is by and large gay.
Mizumi Shoko is 7' 2” is fully grown. Bisexual top.
Yuuhi is 4'11” and is fully grown. Yuuhi a cute.
Tokei Isusangi, Inau-kun is 5' 3” and still confused.
Reiha is 5' 5 1/2” and is milfy.
Peta is 3' 2” Peta is \>.</ aka Her Most Imperial Highness Patanjali Piri Yokuhime Kuronogitsune Pa
Detective-san aka Mugon Chujo is fully grown at 5'11” and straight.
Kenji Soomi is 5' 4” and gothic lolita.
Musumi Kanako is 5' 6.5” and is pretty straight.
Hebiki Naoto is 5' 9” and belligerently omnivorous, sexually. You hope only sexually.
Kodachi Umetsume is 5' 4” and fully grown. Practicing asexual.
Melinda Blitzenberg is scattered to the winds and blessed in death.
Toshida Ginka is 5” 3” and fully grown. Turtles have a reputation.
Ryuu Wakaba is a head shorter and also deceased.
Margaret Steinhausen is gratefully dead.
Ryuu Sakumo is dead and spread far and wide.
Ryuu Nabiki is 5' 3” and fully transformed. Embarrassingly straight.
Ryuu Shinju is 4' 11” and fully grown. She is coy, maybe a dodomeki-child.
Ryuu Himeyuri is 5' 5” and is supposedly straight.
Ryuu Fuuta is 5' 6” and slightly less soft.
Kaga Kei is 5' 4” and fully grown. Might be experimental.
Kyubi-san is 6' 3” and fully grown. Hard to say.
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>Ryukusa's Treasures

Her name: Ryuu Yorihokura

Eight hundred and sixty-one cat youkai live in your aura

Matagama-no-Shitoki, a necklace kami in its own right that protects Ryukusa from inimical magic.

Ame-no-Omukade-no-Musume – Ryukusa's mukade possessed wakizashi; a kami. “Daughter of my Centipede of Rain.”

Gendai-no-Muteki-no-Buki - Invincible Weapon of the Present Age, a secret kami-blade given to Ryukusa by Wakaba that appears to be made of some alloy of titanium.

Seido-no-Shinpi-Tekina-Ken – a mysterious bronze sword given to Ryukusa by the mermaids of Japan; actually found to be the legendary blade Ame-no-Ohabari.

Go-Yurei-no-Rensa, the Five-Ghost-Chain, used to summon or send messages to your (actual) older sister Ryuu Nabiki.

Her Penthouse in the Secret Apartments of Tsathoggua in Shikoku prefecture, Tokyo.

Kyubi-sama's Black Jade Button

Ryukusa's Family.

Akari – Black Jade Centipede (Mukade)
Er Yin – Black Jade Scorpion (Sasori)
Kiki – Black Jade Toad (Hikigaeru)
Kiku – Black Jade Lizard (Tokage)
Yui – Black Jade Snake (Hebi)
Inau – Black Coral Ear Cuff (Amatsukami)
Yay time for most comfy quest.
>[x] Finish your soup, then go see to your injured loved ones and guardian spirit.
>[x] Ask Kiki-hime if she would mind helping you up so you can see your companions.
>[x] You're not going to be ale to rest until you take care of things, so get up – Er Yin said you could try.
Try to get up ourselves first, and rely on Kiki if we have trouble.
>[] Let Kiki feed you then relax for a while, get better first.
>[] Seek them through the Void, and use that to investigate your wounded lovers and friends.
>[X] Let Kiki feed you then relax for a while, get better first.
Seconding >>1035306.

>Rie is 8” tall or 5' 5” and is fully cat. Her sexuality is cat.
I expected something to be different?
Well, it's not like her mind changed, just her metaphysics.
Oh right, no cat form. Well we'll see how long the curse sticks.
We will see - anon can surprise me.
>[x] Finish your soup, then go see to your injured loved ones and guardian spirit.
>[x] Ask Kiki-hime if she would mind helping you up so you can see your companions.
Heya XS, hope the glasses are treating you well.
The world is teeny tiny and curved. I knew my vision was bad, but this explains why throwing knives and darts was impossible. With contacts I can definitely go back to that hobby though.
Darts eh. Now I'm imagining you throwing darts at an old hole-filled dartboard in some British pub, surrounded by hooligans.

Also, throwing knives seems like the kind of hobby where you COULD do it at home, but only if you're not very attached to your walls. Do you go to like, throwing ranges or what?
>[] Let Kiki feed you then relax for a while, get better first.

And I have a fenced in yard, as well as a target I made a while ago. i made some glass darts out of fused silica when I was working in the laser optics lab, but I don't throw those at wood.
>[] Let Kiki feed you then relax for a while, get better first.
>[x] Finish your soup, then go see to your injured loved ones and guardian spirit.
>[x] Ask Kiki-hime if she would mind helping you up so you can see your companions.
>[x] You're not going to be ale to rest until you take care of things, so get up – Er Yin said you could try.
Ah, yards sure are convenient*. The benefits of living in a spacious area rather than exorbitant rent I hope.
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I fail pictures.
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[XXX] Let Kiki feed you then relax for a while, get better first.
[XX] Finish your soup, then go see to your injured loved ones and guardian spirit.
[XX] Ask Kiki-hime if she would mind helping you up so you can see your companions.
[X] You're not going to be able to rest until you take care of things, so get up – Er Yin said you could try.

You sit calmly and let Kiki-hime feed you, something she seems to rather enjoy doing. Truth be told you're kind of enjoying the pampering, despite the trouble and pain that your family is suffering through at the moment. Your left arm aches dully, but the sensations of broken glass and steel grinding against your bones and flesh is slowly fading. You frown slightly, and then blink, opening your eyes. Yes, there is a definite haziness to the world, not a blur so much as a softening glow that surrounds everything.

It obviously isn't a drug or poison. When Kiku-chan said the soup was a spell, you had thought she meant it was enchanted or bespelled. It didn't occur to you that she was speaking literally. Still, it isn't making you sleepy or feel dull, so that is a good thing. Trust your sorceress and priestess to give you a spell that doesn't compromise your combat capability, even when you're badly injured.

Kiki-hime tell you what happened when Rie stumbled in and your warriors and you went to do battle. Apparently Rie fainted upon your departure, and Er Yin, Yui and Kiku-chan – despite her terror – preformed immediate triage and got her settled and stopped the bleeding and injuries from becoming worse. Kiku-chan and Er Yin performed a ceremony to protect her from further sorcery and youkai influence, which they could not have done if Rie had still been a youkai herself, while Yui-chan performed quick surgery and first aid.

When that was complete, Er Yin sent Kiku-chan to avenge Rie, while Shoko moved Rie into the temple to help protect her as well as help her recuperate, with Yui-niji-chan in attendance. Er Yin remained with Kiki-hime, along with Fuuta-chan and Kei-san, to await your return. When you did, however, it was badly injured and unconscious.
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“We were terribly concerned, especially when you didn't wake up after a few hours. My sister kept vigil over everyone in the temple-room, trading places with Yui and Er Yin when she needed to rest.” She goes on to explain that Rie recovered her wits during the first day, but she seemed strangely disoriented and didn't make much sense. She became more coherent the second day, but acted like a human even though she talked as if she were still a youkai. “She's awfully imperious, unless you start petting her.”

“Well, she is a cat,” you murmur, and she laughs softly. This keeps her from noticing you placing your left arm across your midriff, which hurts like not much else, but isn't the horrible agony it was a short while ago. “Would you mind getting me a slightly heavier kimono, kasan? I'm feeling a little chilled, despite the soup.”

“You're not going to try and get up, are you?” she asks, her voice chilly. You look at her calmly, and her expression becomes stern. Which is really cute, you loved it when she lectured you in school, because after stern came exasperated, which was even cuter.

“Er Yin gave me permission,” you remind her gently, and her stern expression falters into worry. “If I can't, I can't, but I don't like not seeing my warriors and my loved ones after so long. It might have been days only, but it worries me. I could try and contact them through the Void, but it isn't the same.” She bites her lip and glances at the closet. “Really, hime-chan, I won't get up if I don't think I can manage it. If I need your help I'll ask too.”

Kiki-hime nods slowly. “All right, Ryu-chan. As long as you don't overexert yourself.” She gets up to fetch you something warmer, setting the tray aside.

[] Wait for her to get back.
[] Carefully try to get up now.
[] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
[] ….inquire about the call from her agent.
[] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.
>[x] Wait for her to get back.
>[x] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
Patience does it.

Those look cool! And honestly, more fun than lawn darts.
[x] Wait for her to get back.
[x] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
While their mother is bound to our dagger, does this make us the stepmother? Godmother? Auntie?
>[] Wait for her to get back.
>[] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.
>[X] Wait for her to get back.
>[X] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
>[X] ….inquire about the call from her agent.
>[X] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.
>[] Wait for her to get back.
>[] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
>[] ….inquire about the call from her agent.
Seconding >>1035434.
Wonder if Yuuhi is feeling awful that she couldn't protect Ryukusa.
>[X] Wait for her to get back.
>[X] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
>[X] ….inquire about the call from her agent.
>[X] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.
Been wondering about the egg for ages, we most be careful that once it hatches it does not eat Rie.
>[x] Wait for her to get back.
>[x] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
>[x] ….inquire about the call from her agent.
>[x] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.

It's not as if she shirked her duties, and I doubt she's much for wallowing in guilt anyway. Now, as to being sad at how things turned out? Probably.
>[] Wait for her to get back.
>[] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.
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[XXX] Wait for her to get back.
[XX] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
[X] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.
[X] ….inquire about the call from her agent.

You carefully work your shoulder out of the kimono and the sleeve over your injured arm as you wait for her to get back. You can wait for her to be nearby; besides if you do need help you want it to be handy. The spell was potent, but all it really does is dull the worst of the agony; you can still feel pain of you move your arm too much. As a result, you use your right arm and tail to do most of the work of \partly disrobing. You don't expect you'll be putting your arm through the sleeve of the new robe in any case.

You're not much of an M-type yourself, after all.

“How is the mukade egg doing, Kiki-hime? I know your sister, Akari-chan and Yui-chan are doing most of the taking care of it. I don't know much about such things, but I think it won't be too long before it hatches.” You suspect it got caught in the transformed mukade youkai's armor or chitin when it was possessed. You suppose you are its godmother, though technically that's not a thing in Japanese culture as much as there are spiritual guides and personal priestesses and priests.

“I think right now it is in Akari's possession,” she calls out from the closet.

“That's a really unfortunate way to put that you know,” you chide her gently, smiling.

“Well, it really is in her possession, so I suppose she possesses it now.”

“Is that something you picked up from your sister?”

She walks out, holding a satin sleeping robe that has a nice thick layer of cotton in it, and an extravagant inner lining of silk. It is a soft champagne color, and patterned in several rising streamers of darker color from the borders. A thick obi of the brighter coloration of champagne accompanies it, with a nice thickness to it to keep your dan tien warm. “I pay attention too, ryu-chan,” she admonishes you gently. “My sister has been a priestess for as long as I have known her after all. I understand what possession means – I didn't learn about that in school.”

“Sorry, sorry!” You bow over your right hand slightly, testing the kind of pain moving is going to cause you. “Hmm. I think I can stand by myself. But I'm definitely going to need help dressing, tail or not.” The worried look she throws your way makes you grin sheepishly. “I am aware of my limitations sometimes, hime-chan. This isn't the first time I've had a broken arm. It might be the first time I've had one broken in such a literal fashion though,” you muse thoughtfully, which makes her giggle softly behind her hand.
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A simple thought causes Yuuhi to open the door and peek in while kneeling outside of it still. You smile and wave her in, and she scoots in on her knees, before shutting the door behind her. Which is odd, because it is a swinging door, not a sliding door. Kiki-hime watches with as much confusion as you do. Once the door is shut the delicate fox hops up onto her feet and quickly prances around the bed to kneel at the side closes to you, while Kiki-hime walks carefully across the bed to bring you the robes.

“How are you feeling Yuuhi-chan?” Her tail sways slowly as you smile at her, but her expression is rather blank, though her eyes are bright and wide.

“I'm okay, aniki. I was worried about you.” Her unusually serious expression doesn't change and you realize she isn't referring to your health or injuries. She offers the button back to you. “This won't help the cat person. She's mortal.” You take the button carefully and sigh.

“It was all right, Yuuchi.” Her tail sways faster and she smiles a little. “Nothing bad, not even unpleasant. But I wasn't really there for much, not like you might have been or I might have been if it had been a more serious injury.” you lean forward and get one foot and leg under you quickly.

Kiki-hime stares at you. “Ryu-chan, I know that even you think this is a serious injury! How much worse of an injury could you have gotten?!”

[] Deflect, deflect, DEFLECT!!!
[] A fatal one, actually.
[] Just give her a kind, sympathetic, honest look, that lets her know.
[] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
[] Kiki-hime....do you really need an answer to that question?
>[] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
>[] Wait for her to get back.
>[] Ask her how the mukade egg is doing.
>[] ….inquire about the call from her agent.
>[] Call Yuuhi-chan in for a bit.

>See if you can do some drawings to pass time
>[] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
>[x] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
>[X] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
Damn, I'm late

Hi XS! How are you?


>Me and Yuuhi shares a neighborhood in Hell, as it turns out.
>[x] Just give her a kind, sympathetic, honest look, that lets her know.

And I'm now imagining Ryukusa and her wives wearing outfits like in the music video of M.I.L.F.$
>I didn't even get cursed as a result, I don't think, so I don't see it as serious as it could have been.
Wow, that was 15 seconds of horror I'll forget in a few hours of Lacuna Coil and Volbeats played at high volume.
But most of them aren't even MILFs yet anon!
Oddly, Kiku is the one that qualifies.
Er Yin is really the only other one who'd be in a position to possibly be one before the events of the quest, right?

Of course, the loli being the mom is quite the situation.
[] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
>[] It might have been better if I had used the Ruyi earlier, or it might have been worse.

XS, does the mark of office no longer reside in Nowhere? I noticed it's not in the list of Ryukusa's treasures, so I was concerned. Can Ryukusa check nowhere for it?
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Good to see ya again XS, and to catch one live! such a rarity lol.

[X] Just give her a kind, sympathetic, honest look, that lets her know.
[X] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.

Sorry. The music is not great, I know.

Yuuhi and Shoko are both older than them, and probably had more occasions.
True enough. But they aren't Ryukusa's wives!
>[x] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
You only have yourself to blame foe loading up a music video with that title. Rookie mistake.
Kiku's already had a son.

Careful, I know a video so mindbogglingly horrific that you'll hate yourself for watching it all the way through. And you WILL watch it all the way through, because it's utterly hypnoticly horrible.
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The Hell of Oni.png
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[XX] Well, there is serious, and there is Serious, and there is serious, and there is serious. And maybe SERIOUS, but that's a special case.
[X] Just give her a kind, sympathetic, honest look, that lets her know.
[+] It just so happens Yuuhi-chan and I share a housing tract in Yama....
[+] I didn't come away cursed, so that's all good, really.

“Well, on a scale of one to ten, this counts at about a nine and a half, really, as far as injuries go,” you comment mildly, glancing at your arm as you slowly rise to your feet, careful not to catch your kimono on anything, like an errant heel. The spell has your sense of self slightly muddied, so you actually have to check. “But I really wasn't talking about injuries, Kiki-hime.”

She starts to protest until you favor her with a soft, gentle smile, and a sympathetic look. Your wife swallows the words down, and becomes an unbecoming shade of pale. “....oh...” she says in a very small voice.

“Even then, there's a few degrees of seriousness.” Yuuhi nods emphatically. “I suspect bleeding out would be serious, but drowning would be Serious. Serious would be....” you lower your other foot onto the bed, and actually use your tail for support too. Yuuhi hops onto the bed lightly and assists you in removing your robe, as Kiki-hime steps up slowly, listing with unusual intensity.

“Organ damage,” supplies Yuuhi-chan helpfully as she carefully peels your kimono away.

“Right, like damage to my spleen or pancreas or liver. Then you would get into serious which is....mmm....probably heart and lung damage, or brain injuries aside from concussions and shaken brains, which are only serious.” You glance at Kiki-hime, who nods slowly, as she helps you put on the new robe. “And I didn't get cursed, so there's that at least.”

“What would you consider throat damage or organ removal, or burning, Ryu-chan?” Kiki-hime asks softly.

Yuuhi-chan answers happily. “That would be SERIOUS because those kinds of injuries aren't ones she can tolerate well!”

You sigh and look up at the ceiling. “Thank you, Yuuchi.” Kiki-hime smiles a little at you.

“You're welcome!” she says in the most chipper fashion. That earns her a soft laugh from Kiki-hime, which make her beam.

The hard part is liftign your arm so they can tie your obi, which is terribly painful, but not the utter agony it would have been a little while ago. You bite back the pain and murmur softly. “Besides, it turns out Yuuhi-chan and I share some prime real estate in the Yama Hells when we're dead but not really dead,” you comment mildly.
Don't tempt me to ask what this video might be now, I dont want to see but my curiosity is ever boundless....
Kiki-hime starts to laugh, but notices Yuuhi's expression, which makes her look at you. “As in...Hell? A real Hell?” You nod mildly. “Number Ten is apparently reserved for immortals while they wait for return to life.” you feel funny and then comment mildly, “We can't talk about what happens there, so please don't ask.” Kami stuff. Not surprising.

“Can you tell me what it is like there?”

Both you and Yuuhi speak at the same time, without even a glance at one another. “No.

Kiki-hime looks at both of you with wide eyes, but you both studiously ignore the look, as you adjust the robe a little to cover your left shoulder and tucking the sleeve out of the way so you don't snag it on anything. She isn't offended, just...perhaps a little weirded out by your reaction. For which you, personally, don't blame her because you're a little weirded out by it too.

“Speaking of immortal powers, did you get that call from your agent?” you ask more brightly, as she finishes tying your obi for you.

“Well, yes, he said I should probably come back to work for a bit, the fandom forgets so quickly....” She catches herself suddenly and gapes at you. You look back with a faint smirk. “You were comatose,” she murmurs softly.

[] I think it would be a good idea, actually. Get us all out of the house.
[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
[] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
[] Not a good plan....you might have to consider giving up the career for a while.
[] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
>[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?

I'm not quite sure qwhat I just watched

>[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
>[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
>[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[X] I think it would be a good idea, actually. Get us all out of the house.
>[X] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[] I think it would be a good idea, actually. Get us all out of the house.
>[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.

[X] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
[X] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
[X] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
>[x] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
>[x] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
Not too suspicious but it always pays to be careful.
>[x] I think it would be a good idea, actually. Get us all out of the house.
>[x] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[x] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
>[x] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
[] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
[] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
>[] Check for the Ruyi in Nowhere, we need to get it back safely, after all.
It definitely would be fun to follow Kiki to work if we have the opportunity.

>[] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
>[] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
>[] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?

>What do YOU wish to do?

>Can I make the outfits?
>I'll have to check your measurements...
>But you know mine already Ryu-chan!
>Just gotta double-check...
Would also be good to let her fans see her soonish anyway. Not sure if the 'not seeing spirit stuff' would extend to her being pregnant, which IIRC goes against the idea of an idol.
How far along is she anyway?
[XXX] Depends on what he has in mind; can you choose the venue?
[XX] It might be okay, I'll have to consult on this one.
[X] Are you're sure he's not being influenced?
[x] I think it would be a good idea, actually. Get us all out of the house.
[+] Check on the Ruyi of Horobi.

“Apparently we get weird little flashes of the future like that,” you admit, smiling a little more normally. “And while it largely depends on the venue, it might be okay. It might be more than okay.” Yuuhi kneels, and helps you on with some tabi socks, and the sight of you using one hand to support yourself against Yuuhi-chan's shoulder seems to alarm your wife more than anything else you've done yet. You studiously ignore than in favor of reassuring her with conversation. “If we can choose the venue, that would be perfect, but if not, I'll see what we can do with who and what we have.”

Yuuhi switches sides, but kneels behind you instead of to the side, so you can use your tail and her back as support with your good hand. You place your left leg behind your right as well, makign it even easier for her.

The excitement that sparkles in Kiki-hime's eyes is fascinating; there is a livliness you haven't seen before in her manner. “My main concern,” you caution her gently, “is that he might be being influenced by others, or tricked into doing what is against your best interests....”

Yuuhi looks up in surprise at the bright, child-like laughter that erupts from your wife as she covers her mouth. “Ryu-chan....of course he's being influenced! He's an agent, that what they do!” You shakes your head, not following her line of reasoning. “His job is to be influenced by the most expensive venues, the best designer brands, the most popular music, and make sure that I represent the ones that pay the most with the least amount of trouble on his part! That's what agents are for!”

Yuuhi stands up and places her hands on your right shoulder to boost herself up so she can peer over your shoulder at the giggling pink-haired dragonette. “That's a battlefield I wouldn't want to try and fight on,” she admits softly, and you nod in agreement.

“You do have a point there....did you have any idea what he has planned, or do you want something specific?” Her eyes narrow and her smile widens appreciably. “Uh oh.”

“Oh, I already have the venue planned. All I need is some time to set it up and to borrow one or two of our loveliest warriors.”

“You can't do that, Kiki-hime.”

Her expression becomes confused and she pouts a little. Cutely though. “Why not?”

Yuuhi rests her chin on your shoulder and her ears flick, as she looks at you sidelong.
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“Because there aren't any loveliest ones. They're all beautiful.” Her smile returns, and you feel the urge to look away from such sparkling brightness and anticipation. “....Yuuhi-chan, should I be feeling like I have made some disastrous mistake I am not yet entirely aware of?”

She nods rapidly.

“....uh huh. Thank you.”

“Yer welcome.”

You take a deep breath and Yuuhi slides off of your shoulder and gingerly hops off of the bed as you hold your hand out to Kiki-hime. She takes it and you make your way to the side of the bed instead of walking over it as you intended. While your body-sense is off kilter, you still manage grace and decorum as you make your way out of bed. You check carefully, seeking the sense of the ruyi waiting Nowhere, and nods slowly. Kiki-hime keeps your hand, but laces her fingers with yours rather than acting as support.

As you enter the hallways, Yui-chan, who is sitting on one of the barstools, immediately looks up and hops off, bounding over to you. She halts in front of you and opens her mouth to admonish you and then blinks in confusion as she looks into your eyes. Directly into them, without looking up at you.

[] “Disconcerting, isn't it?”
[] “Er yin-sensei said I could if I felt up to it.”
[] “Yes, lovely one?”
[] “Hey, Hime-chan, could you use a couple of oni?”
[] Head pats!!!
>[x] “Yes, lovely one?”
>[x] Head pats!!!
>[] “Disconcerting, isn't it?”
>[] “Er yin-sensei said I could if I felt up to it.”
>[] Head pats!!!
>[] “Yes, lovely one?”
>[] Head pats!!!
>[x] “Disconcerting, isn't it?”
>[x] “Yes, lovely one?”
>[x] Head pats!!!
Seconding >>1035919.
>[] “Er yin-sensei said I could if I felt up to it.”
>[] “Yes, lovely one?”
>[] Head pats!!!
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>[X] “Yes, lovely one?”
>[X] “Hey, Hime-chan, could you use a couple of oni?”
>[] “Er yin-sensei said I could if I felt up to it.”
>[] “Hey, Hime-chan, could you use a couple of oni?”
>[] Head pats!!!
Noting now for later, to check in on/ask about that sorceress we broke out of storage shortly before everything went to shit.
[] Head pats!!!
[] “Yes, lovely one?”
>[] “Hey, Hime-chan, could you use a couple of oni if they're willing to work under you~?”
>[] “Yes, lovely one?”

>"If you want to punish~ me for getting out of bed, you're going to need the appropriate uniform, you know?"

Teasing the Yui
Your noting of my noting has been noted.
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Yui as Human.png
538KB, 1131x1400px
[All the votes.] Head pats!!!
[XXX] “Yes, lovely one?”
[XX] “Er yin-sensei said I could if I felt up to it.”
[X] “Disconcerting, isn't it?”
[X] “Hey, Hime-chan, could you use a couple of oni?”
[+] They would make good underlings.
[+] You know, if you want to punish me, I have a more appropriate uniform.

You slowly raise your right hand and stroke her hair, that peculiar white-bronze that looks like it should be stiff, cold, and metallic; instead it feels like smooth, warm silk. Her eyelids flutter. “Was there something, my lovely one?” Kiki-hime leans into you slightly, and Yuuhi casually moves her sword from an upright position to a diagonal extension to prevent you from being knocked sideways.

That she has to do so at all is alarming in the extreme, but your alarm really isn't that important at the moment.

“Ah, you shouldn't be out of bed, aniki,” she murmurs half-heartedly, as expected. Mostly because of the soft, slow strokes through her hair that you are giving her.

“Er Yin-sensei gave me permission, if I felt up to it. I do, so I am.” Kiki-hime is smiling warmly as you gently reassure Yui-niji-chan that you are pretty all-right.

She lists her head slightly and then lowers it immediately, blinking as she finds your eyes again. “Disconcerting, is it? Well, that's all right, it's something new for you. I got my growth spurt before anyone else in my class. I kept turning around and looking over their heads when they addressed me. Embarrassing.” Kiki-hime giggle, having been there for that episode of your school life. “I'm all right. Kiki-hime and Yuuhi-chan wil take care of me just fine, my lovely hero.” Yui-chan gapes at you, and Kiki-hime glances at you, then at Yuuhi-chan who looks back at her and makes a tipping motion with her hand.
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You glance into the living room, where Akari-niji-chan, Fuuta-chan, and Kei-san are all seated. Something occurs to you and you glance at Kiki-hime. “Could your venue use a couple of oni? I have a couple of cute kohai who would fit the bill perfectly. I'm certain they would enjoy serving under you.”

Akari looks up her expression slightly concerned. Yui-chan closes her mouth and blushes bright rose light. Kiki-hime smiles. “I think Yui-chan and Akari-chan would be perfect.”

You consider and nod. “Take Shoko-chan too. I think she'd do well.”

“Oh, yes, definitely, that lovely voice of hers!” Kiki-hime's excitement makes you smile and you kiss Yui-chan on the nose.

“Also, if you had planned on punishing me, Yui, you would be better suited in a different outfit.” Her blush deepens and she looks shy, even though she doesn't try and avoid your soft, gentle petting.

Akari rises slowly and walks over you you, gently pulling Yui-chan away as she looks into your eyes. “Are you all right, aniki?”

You blink at the bright golden halo that surrounds your best friend.

[] I think....I may be a bit drugged.
[] I'll be all right, just don't push me over.
[] ….not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
[] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
[] Nope. I need to be in bed.
>[x] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[x] ….not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
>[X] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[X] Nope. I need to be in bed. But need to check on some stuff quick.
>[x] I'll be all right, just don't push me over.
>[x] I assume I'm the only one seeing you glow?
>[x] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[] ….not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
>[] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[] I think....I may be a bit drugged.
>[] ….not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
>[] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
[x] I think....I may be a bit drugged.
[x] I'll be all right, just don't push me over.
[x] I think it's the medicine working.
>[] I think....I may be a bit drugged.
>[] ….not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
>[] The situation with Rie is important and I need to speak with her about it whether I am okay or not.
>[] obligatory angel pun
>[x] I think ... I may be a bit drugged.
>[x] … not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
>[x] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
And >>1036249.
>[] Nope. I need to be in bed.
>[] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[] Nope. I need to be in bed.

>I'm seeing a golden aura around you.

>Could you tell Shoko-chan to come see me before you go? I'd like to talk with her a bit.

Wait, both Yui and Shoko are the ones who can create those super-fast clouds. Not sure if sending both is indicated.

Though, each of our amazing family member deserve the best protection we can offer, so 4 of them protecting each others fit the bill.
[] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[] Er Yin made some soup for me.
>[] Rie has a smile too, Akari.
>[] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
>[] Nope. I need to be in bed.
I gotta be in bed myself, thanks for running XS.
anons requested a very big, detailed post.
uh oh
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Deadlier than Ever.jpg
294KB, 2100x1438px
[XXXXXXXXXXXXXX] Touch the aura lightly, and carefully.
[XXX] ….not quite sure, get back to me in about eight hours please.
[X] I think....I may be a bit drugged.
[X] Nope. I need to be in bed.
[+] Apparently Er Yin makes some bad-ass drugs.
[+] And while you may be an angel Aki-chan, I'm not sure this isn't a side effect.
[+] Rie is still important, and she has a smile as well.

“I think,” you say cautiously, focusing on the golden glow surrounding your best friend, “that the medicines Er Yin makes might be classified under 'illicit substances'.” Slipping your hand free of your wifes, you slowly reach out, and let your fingers lightly, ever so lightly, brush that faint glow.

There is a blaze of light, but you manage to control your reaction enough that you don't take a sudden step backwards, or worse, try to fling both arms to the sides. I powerful, incredible oni stands superimposed above and around your niji-chan, an oni to end all oni, a veritable god among oni-kind. His red skin is faintly scarred over its entirety, except for the massive raised scarifications he bears. His horns are polished resin, bright red and long. Silver hair is drawn back in a massive pony-tail, unlike any Japanese warrior would ever wear. His golden mask gleams in the light that fills the room, until he lifts his head and looks at you with blazing eyes of electric blue – lifting the golden metal of his eyelids to gaze upon your tremulous, delicate form.

It's not a mask – it's Nikne Kamuy's face.

He lifts one hand with two fingers upright and the other coiled in, and places it over his left hand, held flat. The golden light from the thirty foot tall giant breaks apart, washing through the room and making you stagger as his blessing falls upon you.

“Aniki!” “Ryu-chan!” “'Yu!” “Idiot!”

That last, incongruously, comes from Yui-niji-chan. You'd be proud if you weren't trying to cope with mystical insanity. You're reached for by no less than three pairs of hands, while the sheath of Yuuhi's nodachi is thrust past you to keep you from falling onto your left side.
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Your left foot falls forward and you catch yourself, your right hand sweeping Kiki-hime's hands into Akari's arms, making her stumble into the immovable girl and forcing Akari to catch her instead of you. You twist to the right and step back, nudging the nodachi's sheath with your shoulder and forcing Yuuhi to reposition it quickly so that she doesn't smack yui with it.

Reaching under your left arm and across your waist to grab Yui-chan's left wrist in a firm grip, you step back and down, pulling her off balance and then helping her regain it in a single movement as you lift your hand up, spinning her so she is facing Kiki-hime and Akari. A light push along the back of her head and she stumbles forward, already off balance and dizzied. Akari steps back and to the side and half-spins, half drops Kiki-hime into her right arm while she uses the left to catch Yui.

The shaft of the nodachi's sheath moves to redirect your seeming boneless body to the ground but you sweep your right leg out to push it away. The sheath is moved away and brought up towards your right arm, but you block it with an open hand and make a circular motion as you take another step back and turn, now half facing Yuuhi, who blinks as you force her to follow your hand on her nodachi, finishing with a turn of your palm and a thrust away from you. She reached for you with her free right hand but you sweep up with your right and move to block. Her hand goes under and down, but you sweep in and then out and she finds herself with your fingertips at her throat, your blue eyes gazing calmly at her as she stares at you in shock.

You smile and tilt your head. “I'm just fine,” you murmur, and ring your fingertips down her throat and across her cleavage, making her squeak and blush, clutching her jacket together and hopping away.

Everyone is staring at you like you've gone absolutely mad.

So, pretty much looking at you like normal, you guess.

>To Be Continued....
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We will continue with these choices tomorrow morning at 9:30 am PST.

Thank you very much for reading and playing.

For your enlightenment, this is the horrible, horrible video i mentioned earlier. Watch at your own risk.


I will stay a short time for questions.
Welp I know someone who's getting offerings.
Thanks for running XS.
Hah. Has she ever been in a more physically awkward situation?
Thanks XS.
Which she?
I was referring to ryukusa, but if anyone else has a notable incident I'd be down to hear it.
Well I'm not gonna say we -haven't- earned a blessing from Nikne Kamuy, but I'm not sure what we did recently to merit it.
Yes, Ryukusa has been in a more physically awkward situation.

It involved tag teaming with two other neophytes in a four vs four fight, and someone got the brilliant idea to gang up on Ryukusa.

Considering they were mostly pre-and-just-teens in a mixed gender group standing knee deep in water on fairly smooth stones, things got awkward VERY fast.
Why do you think it has to be recent?
Thanks for running!

What happened, at the end? Ryukusa sparred with Yuuhi for no reason?
Got Akari pregnant? Got her a (not so) little Oni BFF/lover? Made her more than the weapon Oba shit wanted her to be?
You missed two important points.

1. Ryukusa is drugged out of her mind to the point of not being able to rely on her sure-footedness, something that has been a fact of life through the entire quest.

2. She WON.
Did our potential fire Dragonette student show up?
You know Ryukusa could make a photoshoot for Kiki and everyone.
Very close. Yuuhi isn't used to someone being able to counter her movements so effectively. hat started as Ryukusa preventing the stick from getting in her way became a pair of warriors with higher than normal reflexive training one-upping one another until one succeeded in an unblocked attack.

According to everything everyone knows, including both Ryukusa and Yuuhi, Ryukusa should not have won that.

Not yet.
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