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Star Wars: Kuat Collection Quest #5

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PREVIOUSLY: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Kuat+Collection

OPENING CRAWL: http://brorlandi.github.io/StarWarsIntroCreator/#!/AKTjy2VjkQBEpB9AEgU-

“One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!”

Redemption is busy leading your Starship Girls in stretching exercises. They'll want to limber up, half of them are going on a combat sortie, the other half will be on expedition. The reason everyone is working at double time right now though is because it's the end of the week, and Lord Vader's task force is expected to arrive some time today. They should be in hyperspace, but they haven't communicated where they are or how long they will be until they arrive. Truth be told, you're not looking forward to a visit from Lord Vader. His Starship Girls, sure, but not him personally. He's like a giant black mass of death and destruction.

Even your skill in cheating the system has its limits, and Lord Vader is the limit.

F4 rolls into your leg, shaking you awake from your day dreaming as you watch the girls from nearby. It's at least a relatively warm day out in Mygeeto, hence why the girls chose to go outside to exercise, and why you're sitting back and watching them exercise. “Sir. Are you just going to sit out here and watch the girls exercise?”

“Yes, why?”

F4 stares at you. “Well, sir. Should we not try to make the base a bit more presentable for Lord Vader's arrival?”

“What do you think Prosecutor has been doing all of yesterday? The industrious girl has been at it,” you say. “Besides, as much as I do want to try and score brownie points with Lord Vader, I don't think he'll be concerned with a clean base. I think he's more concerned with results.” F4 whirls his dome skeptically. “Besides. I need to relax myself, calm myself, you know?”

“With what?” he asks. You point to the girls as they do push ups. Finalizer and VP's very generous assets were tapping the ground each time they went down, squeezing gently- “Sir. Really?”

“What?” You glare at him, annoyed. “They don't mind! They love a vigilant Admiral who cares about their being-in-shape. Don't you, girls!?” you yell to them.

Redemption waves to you. “Yes, we do!”

“Besides, I-” You sneeze, quickly rubbing your nose a little. “Excuse me. Look, F4. Have some faith in me.”


“The only faith I have in you is that you'll try to turn this fleet into your personal harem,” he says.

“That's all the faith I need,” you say simply. He's not entirely wrong. A harem of very skilled warrior girls such as these would be amazing to have at your beck and call. Mmmm, Prosecutor's food, those huge tracts of land, the- You sneeze again. “Ah, blast it.”

Redemption slides over, as does Prosecutor too. “Admiral, are you sick?”

“No, no.” You wave her off. It's actually just some irritation of the nose to be honest. Must still be the spices from that breakfast Prosecutor made. “I'm-” Redemption and Prosecutor look worried.

Worried enough to take care of you for the day.

> “Yeah. Yeah. I'm sick. Dang it, guess I'll just confine myself to my quarters.”
> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
> Other
> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
Eclipse is best girl.
>> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
>> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
As much as I'm sure we need their care, we also need to be a responsible admiral.
>> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
>> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
Under any other circumstance I'd surrender myself to their tender care, but not when Vader is about to show up.
> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”
> “No, I'm perfectly fine.”

You shake your head, sighing. “Unfortunately, I'm perfectly fine, Redemption. It's just an itchy nose,” you say. You stand up out of your lounging chair, smiling at the two of them. “Thank you for your concern though. Please, return to your exercises.”

Redemption nods. “Okay, but if you ever need someone at your bedside...” She places a hand over her heart, bowing to you. “I will be there.” She winks at you, then turns around to leave. Oooohhhh, you missed a chance with Redemption! Ugh, that's what you get for being honest! You look to Prosecutor, who bows out as well.

“I'm surprised, Admiral,” says F4. “I was sure you would've-”

“Quiet. Come on, we've got some work that needs to be done anyway.”



You and Arc Hammer stand in her workshop, which has already been cluttered and filled with all kinds of bits and bobs, scrap and junk. Arc Hammer shows you a hologram of Force of Commerce, the ship you chose to remodel. “Her new squadrons will supplant her fighter capability,” says Arc Hammer. “Plus, the new Tri-fighter Squadron should provide some elite firepower to her little swarm, sir.”

“Is she taking the remodel well?” you ask.

“Yes, sir,” says Arc Hammer. “Hopefully though the next expedition will be more fruitful with remodel kits or with Life Crystals. Or better yet, just more resources in general. Deploying Finalizer and VP will be incredibly costly.”

“How costly?”

“If the expedition fails to turn up more resources, this will be the only deployment they make until the next expedition succeeds, sir,” says Arc Hammer. Oh, right. Yeah. “You appear nervous, sir. I guess Lord Vader's arrival is keeping you on your toes.”

“I'm fine, please!” You place your hands on your belt, grinning at Arc Hammer. “Lord Vader doesn't scare a man like me.”

Arc Hammer rolls her eyes. “That's what they all say.” Really? “Anyway, our logistics at least is evened out for now. Sir, I would suggest tomorrow that-” An alarm suddenly cuts Arc Hammer off.

A Stormtrooper busts through the door into the workshop. “Sir! A medium-sized Yuuzhan Vong force has entered the immediate area!” What!? “They're led by a Star Destroyer Princess! Commander Fiennes is already engaged!”

> Deploy all the ships!
> Deploy only the combat sortie team. (VP, Finalizer, Force of Commerce, Resolute, Redemption)
> Deploy only the expedition team. (Prosecutor, Tellstar, Black Hawk, Agility)
> Other
> Deploy only the combat sortie team. (VP, Finalizer, Force of Commerce, Resolute, Redemption)
>>> Deploy only the combat sortie team. (VP, Finalizer, Force of Commerce, Resolute, Redemption)
>> Deploy only the combat sortie team. (VP, Finalizer, Force of Commerce, Resolute, Redemption)
They're the Combat Sortie Team for a reason.
> Deploy only the combat sortie team. (VP, Finalizer, Force of Commerce, Resolute, Redemption) Hold back Finalizer or VP so we don't lose too many resources.
Since it's an attack should we attach eclipse too? Wasn't her specification base defense?
This, Keep Finalizer as back up.
Deploy everything but Finalizer and VP.
Backing up this
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> Deploy only the combat sortie team. (VP, Finalizer, Force of Commerce, Resolute, Redemption)

“Get the combat sortie team out there! Have Prosecutor and the expeditionary hold back now!” You and Arc Hammer rush out. “Arc Hammer, you stay here! Trooper, get me a shuttle!”

“Yes, sir!” The Stormtrooper waves over a few navy troopers. “Get a shuttle ready for the Admiral!” The Combat Sortie team quickly dresses into their battle kit, hurrying to the shuttle that'll take them into combat. Right! Time to show them what for! A Lambda-class shuttle quickly lands down for you, lowering its entrance ramp to you. You hurry aboard.

Time for battle.



You arrive aboard your light cruiser Arquitens, and see the action occurring overhead. Yuuzhan Vong cruisers are now engaging against your flagship, commanded by your XO Commander Fiennes. He appears to you on hologram. He calmly reports, “Sir, the Yuuzhan Vong force is comprised of five cruisers, a carrier, two corvettes, and the Star Destroyer Princess. Your flagship is holding, but we will need the Starship Girls here soon.”

“Don't worry,” you say. “Help is on the way.”

“We're inbound,” says Resolute over the comms.

A technician comes into view on Commander Fiennes' end. “Sir. The Star Destroyer Princess is closing in!”

The Star Destroyer Princess is flanked by two escort cruisers. She rides on a giant V-Shaped hull lined with teeth and black fleshy tendrils. Her own outfit is a dark red sweaterdress, torn to reveal bits of her hips, her thighs, and her belly, with the collar covering her mouth. Her glowing red eyes pierce even through the vastness of space, with a shining white hair split and messily flowing behind her.

> RE@%W^ <

Resolute, Finalizer, VP, Force of Commerce, and Redemption arrive to escort your flagship. “What are your orders, Admiral?” asks Resolute.

> Attack!
> Form defensive positions!
> Other
The best form of defense!

> Attack!

>Keep those ships off the gladiator.
>> Attack!
> Form defensive positions!
Form a concave hemisphere formation, facing towards the Vong positions, that way if they continue their advance they'll expose themselves to the full brunt of our firepower. Once they break off to reorganise, reform into a standard blockade spread.
What about the Gladiator?
Would form the centre of the concave, as it's what they're currently advancing towards. By forming up around it we give the vong of advancing through a killzone or burning retros and pulling back. A concave will prevent us from pursuing effectively when this happens but it's also likely to limit damage to our forces in the opening engagement as we remain relatively passive. This will let us mass all our forces and then reengage once we've got a fuller understanding of the situation.
CHanging my vote with this

Supporting this
>Defensive positions.
I don't trust this. It might be a trap to lure us out.
Well it's obviously some kind of ploy, the only question is whether it's a trap or a diversion.
My credits are on both. We might want to put the expedition team in battle gear too, just in case.
> Form defensive positions!
> Form defensive positions!

“Alright, form defensive positions!”

“How so, sir?” asks Commander Fiennes.

“Er.” You blink, looking around. Hm... how to do this?

“Sir!” A technician looks back from his screen. “Perhaps if we were to form a concave hemisphere formation facing the Vong positions, we'll entrap them as they advance on the Flagship! If they break off to reorg, we can reform into standard blockade spread and allow them to try again!”

You stare at him. “I have an idea. We'll form a concave hemisphere formation facing the Vong positions, entrapping them as they advance on the Flagship with our full firepower. If they break off to reorg, we can reform into standard blockade spread and allow them to try again on a more prepared defensive line.”

“Very good, Admiral,” says Commander Fiennes.

The technician blinks. “But-” You glare at him. “Yes, sir.”

“Me and Redemption will take the left flank, VP, Finalizer, and Commerce on the right.” The Starship Girls split off to form teams of two around the Gladiator Star Destroyer. You watch closely as they deploy their fighter screens. Some red lights indicate the new tri-fighter squadrons, immediately engaging and destroying a lot of YV fighters incoming. Just as you predicted, the cruisers are closing in, but are getting caught and entrapped by the incoming firepower from all sides. They attempt retreat, but the combined firepower from a Lucrehulk and a massive Star Destroyer like Finalizer is far too much.

Two cruisers go down instantly, a third immediately is set aflame while the other two beat feet. The Star Destroyer Princess however carries on, heedless of her damage. She fires off a spread of turbolasers. “Incoming!” says Commander Fiennes. The bolts smash into Force of Commerce and Finalizer. Finalizer is ok, being Finalizer, not much damage.

But Commerce is critically damaged. “I'm hit! I'm sorry, big sis!” She floats through space, bruised and with torn clothes. You make the order to deploy recovery craft to retrieve her.

The Star Destroyer Princess is your biggest threat, ignoring almost all damage thrown at her.

> Close in and engage with ALL weapons.
> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.
> Fighting retreat, you can't take her on!
> Other
>> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.
>> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.
> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.

>The Star Destoryer Princess is fighting off FInalizer's weapons

> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.
> Other
Tell the base communications centre to monitor sector wide communications and look for any disturbances, it's probable this attack is meant to distract us from something else, somewhere else.
>> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.
Okay, let's see what we're dealing with here.
>Wedge shaped hull.
>Turbolaser batteries.
>Ridiculous frontal armour.

Okay. That's clearly based off of an Impstar, which means it is designed to fight front-on. Its armour will be thickest at the front, its cannons will be designed to all fire forward.

We need to get behind her, shoot out her engines. Get our fast ships on that, force her to divide her firepower.

>Keep Distance, have our fast ships flank.

Also this. Get the other shipgirls armoured and have comscan doing the paranoid lookaround.
>> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.
>Okay. That's clearly based off of an Impstar, which means it is designed to fight front-on. Its armour will be thickest at the front, its cannons will be designed to all fire forward.
>We need to get behind her, shoot out her engines. Get our fast ships on that, force her to divide her firepower.
Transition the hemisphere to a full encircling sphere. Normally it would risk the enemy fleet 'globing up', but a single ship can't do that.
And, if it punches through our more vulnerable centre...well, our orbital cannon IS standing by.
> Keep distance and try to kite her towards the planetary defenses.

“Keep our distance! Start taking us back towards the planet and into range of the orbital guns!” Force of Commerce is quickly recovered by a Lambda shuttle, hurrying back to the Gladiator. In the midst of the Yuuzhan Vong fighters, your own TIES, as well as the smaller fairy TIES keep the screen up. That leaves you plenty of room to work with.

“This is Prosecutor, we're suiting up as reinforcements!”

“Roger,” you say. Okay, good to have reinforcements at least, just in case. The Star Destroyer Princess tries to follow up, firing another intense barrage of turbolasers at everything. For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to have any kind of fighter screen. Strange. “Snipe her engines!” VP and Finalizer again try another barrage of turbolaser fire, very visible impacts, but she is not giving up. Even with blood coming from the mouth and with fury in her eyes, she barrels at the closest ship, Resolute.

Resolute blinks, looking at her. “Resolute!” you yell. She snaps out of it, firing at the Princess. The shots don't stop her.

What do stop her is Redemption, managing to flank past and fire shots into her thrusters. The thrusters explodes and burst into fires, sending the Star Destroyer Princess skidding to a halt. “She's almost done for!”

Prosecutor and the expedition team arrive. “We're here!”

“Fire everything at her!” is what you want to say. But-

“Sir! Incoming transmission from orbital command! They're detecting hyperspace exits in the system!” The technician looks back, fear in his eyes. “More Yuuzhan Vong!” What. Blinking into the system now was a Star Destroyer-class, ten cruisers, two carriers, and a massive screen of fighters. Oh sweet mother of...

> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
> Hold what you got!
> Attack! Attack! Maybe you'll get lucky!
> Other
> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
>> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
>Fall back into the range of the planetary defenses.

Our forces are divided and hurt. We need to regroup before we take them on. Let's just hope they don't have anything that outranges the planetary guns.
>> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
>> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
Stay in as high an orbital profile as we can while still inside the envelope of the base's guns, we want to keep as much room for us to manoeuvre as possible. Bring up all the reinforcements and focus on forming a strong defensive line with our capships and the girls, while laying down an AA barrage like a shield in front of our position. We should position our own TIEs above and behind our position, ready to dive down and engage Vong fighters amongst our fleet once they've run the gauntlet of flak.
>> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.
> Fall back into range of the planetary defenses.

“Into range of the planetary defenses, let's go!” you yell. Your ships fall further back towards the planet. At this range now, you'll be completely covered by the planet's defense system, which should buy you a healthy amount of time against the Yuuzhan Vong. The Star Destroyer Princess cries out, trying to charge out at you with damaged engines and severely damaged ancillaries. She's dead in the water for now. The rest though. “Spin up the planetary guns.”

After a few minutes of charging, the planetary guns fire away past your ships and right at the advancing horde of Yuuzhan Vong. One cruiser is completely destroyed in the barrage, and the rest hurry away to scatter in a loose, wide, formation of a single rank. The carriers have deployed a massive screen of fighters to attack your own Starship Girls. But they're met by their match, Agility and Black Hawk. “The Admiral is gonna love me, Black Hawk!” yells Agility. She fires off an overcharged spray of laser cannon fire, shredding fighters on her side of the formation. Black Hawk glares at Agility, before firing off her own spread of laser cannon fire. The culling lets your own fighters take a breather, reorg, then get back in there and keep your ships safe.

Your planetary guns keep on pelting the line, taking down another cruiser. However, that doesn't stop the Star Destroyer-class from bumbling its way in, crashing to point blank range with your ships. “Attack, attack!” yells Finalizer. Everyone fires their turbolasers at it, cracking and splitting its armor apart, but not stopping its advance. It's like a suicide attack!

“Evasive action!” says Prosecutor. Everyone dives away as the Star Destroyer-class continues its mad course. “Oh no! It's gonna head straight for the planetary grid!” And crash into it, regardless of it dying or not. Damn!

“Not if I can help it!” screams Finalizer. She flies up to the Star Destroyer-class and quickly pushes against it. “AAAAHHH!” What the hell is Finalizer doing. The engines on her kit start burning bright white hot. “THE DARK SIDE GIVE ME STRENGTH!”

“Sir.” The technician looks at you, baffled. “Finalizer has cut the Star Destroyer's thrust by 20 percent!”

> Tell her to quit it, she'll get crushed!
> “You can do it, Finalizer!”
> Other
>> Tell her to quit it, she'll get crushed!

Sorta cliche, but it fits.
> “You can do it, Finalizer!”
Then if everything starts going tits up.
>> “You can do it, Finalizer
Tell the prosecutor and resolute y-bombers to attack the engines and the ships to attach the bridge.

Cut it to piece meal and have it burn up in the atmosphere
>> “You can do it, Finalizer!”
> Other
While she's slowing it down send any and all strike craft still alive to disable the Star Destroyer's engines. Without its drive systems offline, we can push it back at our leisure.
Tell Finalizer to be careful! She's too cute to die!
> “You can do it, Finalizer!”

“You can do it, Finalizer!” you yell. “Stop that ship with all your might!”

“FOR YOU, LORD ADMIRAL! ANYTHING!” she screams. You can visibly see the big ship start to slow down. She's actually doing it!

“Sir, Star Destroyer thrust down by 35%!” he says.

“Send what bombers we have left down there to cut those engines!” you yell. Prosecutor deploys a squadron of Y-Wings, as does Resolute. They scream in towards the Star Destroyer, and fire off a spread of proton torpedoes. They slam into the engine banks, erupting into showers of sparks and fire. “Techie, what's their thrust!?”

“No thrust sir!” says the technician. “They're completely dead in the water!” Yes! You can see Finalizer start to push it aside and redirect it away from your base, with the Y-Wings continuing to pelt it with bombs and torpedoes.

“Sir!” One of your tactical officers calls to you. “The Princess is getting her second wind and rallying the remaining ships!” Uh oh. You look out the window to see the cruisers regain their formation again.

“Sir! Orbital command has more hyperspace exits!” says the comms tech.

“More Vong?” you ask. Please no, please no, please no.

“No, sir! It's Lord Vader's task force!”

A carrier and a cruiser turn around to engage the reinforcements coming in from deep space. But they are immediately smashed aside into pieces by the Starship girl ISD Devastator. “ISD Devastator reporting! Lord Vader has arrived! Let's make room for my favorite man!” she orders. Backing her up are five other Starship girls, SSD Executor, ISD Stalker, ISD Accuser, and ISD Chimaera. And exiting out of hyperspace behind them was an actual Star Destroyer squadron of three, flanked by several Arquitens, a Victory-class Star Destroyer, and more Lancer-class frigates.

Sweet mercy.

The Star Destroyer Princess screams out again, her eyes going completely solid red from rage.

> N^! %O! I W*N'& SU&R(NDER!

“Finalizer, are you-” You check Finalizer's status on the tactical computer. The process of stopping the Star Destroyer has completely drained her energy. Like it or not, she's completely out of the fight. Damn it!

“Admiral!” yells Devastator. “We're at your disposal! What do you want us to do?”

> Focus fire on that Princess!
> Wipe out the ships first, we'll handle the Princess!
> Cover our retreat!
> Other
>> Focus fire on that Princess!
Finalizer is gonna get a little sister for her efforts dammit!
>> Focus fire on that Princess!
> Wipe out the ships first, we'll handle the Princess!
>> Focus fire on that Princess!
>Wipe out the ships first, we'll handle the Princess!

Let's show Lord Vader we appreciate the help, but we don't need him to do things for us.
> Focus fire on that Princess!
Head of snake, cut off, etc.
>Focus fire on that Princess!
>Focus fire on that Princess!
> Focus fire on that Princess!

“Focus your fire on that Princess! We kill her, we'll kill the leadership for this Fleet!” The actual Star Destroyers break off, beginning to engage the YV Fleet as you move in on the howling and crying Princess.

“Follow me!” yells Resolute. All your ship girls follow Resolute in single column, zooming towards the Star Destroyer Princess. Her turbolaser barrages get more erratic and inaccurate, but no less deadly. Resolute is grazed by a bolt, shearing her skirt off. The other girls fire away, cracking apart her shield and even bits of her skin, exposing a red glow from within. Tellstar flies underneath the Princess, firing off laser cannon shots into the Princess's back. The Princess shrieks, trying to fire away at her.

But incoming now from behind Tellstar are your reinforcements. Devastator howls as she smashes herself into the Princess, sending her spinning out of control into space. Chimaera, Stalker, and Executor follow up with a devastating barrage of missiles, turbolasers, and TIE squadron attacks. The Princess shrieks more in pain and anger. Cracks in her skin begin to glow red, lighting up from within. “We're breaking through! Accuser!” yells Devastator.

Accuser flies up, getting a good angle on the Star Destroyer Princess. “Concentrating. Maximum firepower.” She raises a giant proton proton beam cannon, raising it to her eye like a sniper rifle. “Firing.” The massive yellow beam shoots right through the Princess's chest, silencing her. She gasps, redness lighting up from the hole within her body.


“Sir, energy readings are off the scanner!” says a techie.

“She's going to blow!” screams Resolute. “Evac!” Your Starship Girls get as far away as possible. Your own ships turn away to speed off. Even the YV ships and your reinforcing fleet turn away to get back.

The explosion is brilliant, a massive colorful ball of light. Energy shrapnel rocks and shakes your ships, scratching the armor. One of the reinforcing Arquitens is even completely shredded by the blast. You're almost thrown to the floor by the force, and you're almost blinded by the light. But what's more important is that the YV have been defeated, for now. The meagre remains escape into hyperspace. The stardust of what remains of that Star Destroyer Princess sprinkle around in space, along with a new Life Crystal.


“We did it!” yells Agility. She locks hands with Black Hawk, flying around in triumph. “Wooo! We did it! Yeah! YEAH! WOOHOO!” They speed towards Devastator. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” They realize their mistake, but too late. They collide with Devastator's very ample chest, bouncing off and flying off into space.

Devastator looks around, confused. “What the-”




You stand in parade formation with you and your Starship girls, the remaining ones at least. Commerce and Finalizer were committed to the repair docks for now. Shame for Finalizer, you know she idolizes Lord Vader. Maybe another time. Around you in parade are the base personnel, your XO and his officers, the quartermaster, the Stormtroopers, everybody is here. A Lambda class shuttle comes down in front of you. Lord Vader.

Prosecutor looks at you. “You look nervous.”

> “Nah, I'm not nervous.”
> “A little bit.”
> “Please, Lord Vader should be nervous of me.”
> Other
> “A little bit.”

>She thinks she was fighting the CIS and/or is sorry for having turned on the Republic.

>> “A little bit.”
>> “A little bit.”
>> “A little bit.”
>> “A little bit.”
>“A little bit.”
> “A little bit.”
> “Please, Lord Vader should be nervous of me.”

Never show fear. until Vader actually arrives

If Vader is pleased with us, perhaps he would like to meet all our ships.
> “A little bit.”

“A little bit, yeah.”

Prosecutor smiles at you reassuredly. “Don't worry, Admiral. I'm sure Lord Vader will think highly of you.” Yeah, yeah. That's... optimistic. You suppose you can't fault Prosecutor for trying to comfort you, she is your Secretary ship after all.

The Lambda's boarding ramp drops down, with an eerie mist escaping from it. First walking out is a pair of blue striped Stormtroopers from the 501st Legion, along with a Captain with much more heavily customized armor. Then come Devastator, Executor, Chimaera, Accuser, Avenger, and Stalker.

And finally the man himself, Lord Vader. He steps down the ramp, silently, his dark eyes hidden beneath that mask and helmet. You go stiff, taking a deep breath as he approaches you. Devastator walks behind him, hands behind her back, smiling warmly. Executor as well takes up a guarding position behind him, as does the Stormtrooper Captain. “Admiral.” His booming voice is even more loud in person. “Report.”

“Sir. As you can see, the base is operating at full efficiency,” you say. “And with your help, we managed to beat back the Yuuzhan Vong, sir.”

He glares down at you, then looks down to Prosecutor. Prosecutor respectfully looks away. He then glares at the other ships, before settling for you again. “Well done, Admiral.” Oh thank goodness. “Now, we shall begin the final phase of removing the Yuuzhan Vong from the area.”

“Yes, Lord Vader,” you say. “With a day to rest my wounded ships. I will immediately begin operations-”

“That will not be necessary.” Oh no. No. Nononononono. You step back. Stepping around from behind Vader is the Chiss himself, clad in his signature white uniform, that of a Grand Admiral. He places his hands behind his back, a very smug and calculating look on his face. “Lord Vader has personally requested that I lead the task force against the Yuuzhan Vong. Admiral, your ships will remain in reserve, until they are needed.”

You stop yourself. What. Beaten by an Alien? Beaten by... HIM!? No, no. This is not happening.

“Do you object, Admiral?” asks the Grand Admiral.

> “I do! This is my system, my fleet, and I will lead us to victory.”
> “No. Grand Admiral.”
> Other
>> “No. Grand Admiral.”
> Other
It is not my place to question direct orders. We will refresh and stand ready.
>> “No. Grand Admiral.”
> “I do! This is my system, my fleet, and I will lead us to victory.”
>Yes, I at least request some instant repair buckets if I'm to act as reserves. I want to be at full force in case my girls are needed
>Yes, I wish for my smaller ships to still remain on expedition duty to collect resources in case they are needed.
This seems good >>1033705 add in a remark that surely if the Grand Admiral's reputation is deserved he will have no need of our forces anyway. Questioning Lord Vader tends to significantly reduce one's life expectancy though so don't get too uppity.
> “No. Grand Admiral.”

“No. Grand Admiral.” He smiles, looking down on you. “But I do request that smaller ships be able to remain on expedition duty, to collect resources on the... off-chance that we're needed,” you say. “I'd rather not have my girls remain idle for very long.”

The Grand Admiral nods. “Very well. I will allow it. I always did enjoy the jubilant energy of a light starship girl anyway. As for the Life Crystal recovered during the attack, that is yours, you deserve it, Admiral. And as for myself, I shall take jurisdiction of the base out of your hands.” You clench your fists, nodding slowly. “And I will need your office as well, Admiral. I shall begin the planning phase of the Operation with your permission, Lord Vader.”

“You have my permission, Grand Admiral,” says Lord Vader. “Admiral. See to it that the Grand Admiral is accommodated well. I will be aboard my personal Star Destroyer if needed. Do not waste my time with any petty disputes.” He turns around, heading back to the shuttle. Oh thank goodness that he's not staying. You sigh in relief. “Captain Rex. Take command of the Stormtrooper contingent here. Make sure that the base security is drilled extensively.”

“Yes, sir!” Captain Rex salutes. More Stormtroopers of the 501st step down, ready to roll. “Secure the area! Kix, Dogma! On me!” They start spreading out through the base. “Fives, Appo, your teams! Get on the Grand Admiral!” The Grand Admiral starts walking towards your office, head held high as he's escorted by a force of Stormtroopers.

Resolute steps up to you. “Seems you're no longer in command, Admiral.”

> “Ah, shut up.”
> “Fine. Gives me more time to spend with you girls!”
> “Whatever. Get back to your duties.”
> Other
>> “Fine. Gives me more time to spend with you girls!”
>I'll kill him.
>> “Fine. Gives me more time to spend with you girls!”
> Other
"Not now, Resolute."
>“Fine. Gives me more time to spend with you girls!”

Remain irrepressible for morale.
>> “Fine. Gives me more time to spend with you girls!”
Change my vote to >>1033846
This one
I'll support this
>> “Fine. Gives me more time to spend with you girls!”
> Other

“Not now, Resolute.” Resolute blinks, surprised. You look at her. “Dismissed. Back to your quarters.” She nods, then leads away the concerned looking ships. As the 501st Stormtroopers rush past you to get to their positions, you glare at the Grand Admiral as he walks away. He's taking your base, he's taking your office, he's taking your glory! You clench your fist, steaming mad.

F4 rolls up to you. “Sir, you should just let it go. He is your superior after all.”

“He's just an alien,” you mutter. “Rest assured, F4. If he fails, I'll be there to swoop in and take my rightful place at the top.”

“The Grand Admiral? Fail?”

You nod. “Yeah. Who knows. A lot can happen.” You shake your head, grimacing a little. A lot can happen, Grand Admiral. “Now piss off. I'm thinking.” F4 stares up at you, then turns around and rolls away. No one takes your victories from you. Nobody!

He'll get his, and you'll get yours.
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That's it for tonight's Kuat Colle. We'll be back tomorrow for more. Hope you all enjoyed.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.

Discuss who the best boat is.
Thanks for the run Schteel.
Overall best? That's a tough one...
Still Prosecutor for me.
Redemption, Prosectutor, and Resolute
GermanSchteel best ship
Finalizer and Resolute

She's perfect.
Thanks for the fun, Boss.
Speaking of Chuunis, anyone else hype as fuck for Konosuba S2?
I like my other SDs and my Nebulon B

Kind of yes.
Fuck yeah i am
Schteel, given the yavin IV simulation was considered impossible and other IC conversations (someone saying the death star was fuckinSlow) am I right to think that the death star was never destroyed and the rebellion was succesfully quelled(that last part is obcious)?

Is it possible to get a death star on the cubes?
The Rebellion was destroyed completely at the Battle of Yavin IV, and in fact the Empire is already in the process of constructing another Death Star to combat the YV.

As for getting one in the Life Crystals, different story. They're more like giant space stations than anything else really.
Lousy Grand Admiral, thinks he can take your office, your base, and your glories all in front of Lord Vader? You should bash his damn blue skinned face in and leave him for the mynocks. You're the Admiral of this Fleet! You were here on Mygeeto before he was! And he's going to be called in to take your victory away from you by mopping up the YV fleet and that worldship? You don't think so! You pace around the room, muttering to yourself, hands behind your back. Of course, he didn't just take your office. You see, he needed to feel “comfortable” on the base too, which is why he even evicted you from your own quarters too!

“Admiral. Breakfast.” Prosecutor places a tray of spicy omelettes for you on her desk. For now, you have to bunk with Prosecutor. Her bedroom is done up neatly, with the only personal affects being Mandalorian books on her bookshelf, Clone Wars Republic propaganda featuring Clone Commandos, and even a souvenir Mandalorian helmet. Her bunk is laid down on the floor, owing to her graciously sacrificing her bed to you to stay for the night. “You seem distressed, Admiral.”

“No, really?” you glare at her a little. “The Grand Admiral steals all my stuff and you expect me to take it lightly? I don't think so! This is the Empire! We live and breathe competition I know! But I will not be the runt of the litter! I will show him how things are done on this base, Prosecutor.”

Prosecutor nods, rubbing her eyes, a little frustrated. She still wears her pajamas from last night, yawning. “Admiral, perhaps you should calm down a little. I know things seem a bit... strange now. But the smaller ships are still at your command. Heck, Agility, Tellstar, and Black Hawk are on expedition now. They'll be back. And we also have that Life Crystal the Grand Admiral graciously rewarded us.”

“What-” You sigh. “Okay. Fine, fine.” You sit down at the desk, leaning back against the wood.

“The Mandalorians have a saying, 'Life is not life if it is not a fight',” she says. She places a comforting hand on your shoulder, smiling down on you. You're not sure that's an actual Mandalorian creed you won't say anything. “Admiral, you tell me what to do, and I will do it for you right now!”

“Anything?” you ask.

“Anything!” she says with a grin.

“... anything?” you ask again, more sure.

She blushes a little, realizing the implications a bit. “Eh- um. Anything.”

> “Just a massage while I think will do.”
> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”
> “Let's head to the training rooms to see how the others are doing.”
> Other
>> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”
Massage is nice but we have to seem productive now
> “Just a massage while I think will do.”
>> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”
>> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”
>> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”
>> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”
> “Walk with me while I head over to the workshop to talk with Arc Hammer.”



The workshop now has a personal guard of two 501st Stormtroopers guarding the door. That doesn't seem to affect Arc Hammer though as she starts pounding the resources into something usable. You're not exactly sure how it actually works, and honestly you don't care either. Right now, what you do care about is the logistics issues. “Arc Hammer, what can you report?”

She says to you, “Things are going well since the Grand Admiral arrived actually. We now have a surplus of instant repair buckets, our resource flow is quite good and-” You glare at her. “You don't like me saying that, do you?” You shake your head. “Well, why did you ask? Goodness, is the Grand Admiral that much of an enemy to you?”

“A little,” you say. “What can you tell me about the Life Crystal?”

“It could be anything that isn't a Star Destroyer and above,” she says. “Other than that, Admiral. I could probably craft you a new item. Right now, things are stable with the Grand Admiral-” You fold your arms. “I don't know what to tell you, but the Grand Admiral's arrival was the best thing that happened for our logistics chain, and I can't NOT tell you about that.”

Prosecutor shrugs a little, concerned. “You could at least comfort the Admiral a little, Arc Hammer.”

Arc Hammer takes a few seconds, thinking. Then she says, “You're at least pretty funny.”

“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes.

> Hatch the Crystal.
> Craft us an item.
> “I should get going.”
> Other
>> Hatch the Crystal.
>> Hatch the Crystal.
>> Hatch the Crystal.
>> Hatch the Crystal.
> Hatch the Crystal.
>> Hatch the Crystal.
actually adding onto my other post, Afterwords have Arc Hammer steal/stockpiles the resources for once he leaves + make us... a refit item?
> Hatch the Crystal
> Hatch the Crystal.
Here's hoping for a Bright Hope girl who can hide in her hull plating like a turtle shell.
> Hatch the Crystal.



You decide that the best course of action for now is to simply hatch the crystal. So you shove it into the hatching device, and let Arc Hammer work her magic. You and Prosecutor watch from a safe distance nearby as the device spins up and starts giving birth to your newest Starship girl. It whirs loudly, shooting smoke out, shaking wildly. Arc Hammer keeps her data goggles down, scanning. “It appears to be a cruiser, sir.” Darn it. “But... Wait. Here we are. It's Imperial.”

The doors open, shooting out more steam. Out of it comes a girl a little shorter than Prosecutor's size. She falls to a knee, groaning in exertion. Behind her is her Starship Kit worn on her back. And the first thing you notice is the missile racks, LOTS OF MISSILES. Around her arms are the plates of a split prow, armed with rails for firing even more missiles. Her grey Imperial dress extends down to her ankles, looking quite noble. The belt is lined with more missiles, wrapped around her waist and showing off both her nice figure and her decently sized bust as well. She brushes back her straight brown hair extending past her shoulders, and pulls on a plaid flat cap, and a pair of white gloves. With a pair of smart glasses as well, she looks the part of an old-time hunter.

She stands up, looking to you. “Who are you?” you ask.

“My name is... Acheron.” She holds out her hand, smiling to you. “And you must be my new Admiral.” You shake it, smiling down on her.

> Broadside-class Cruiser <

“That's a lot of missiles,” says Arc Hammer. No. Really.

“Of course!” says Acheron. “Why wouldn't you want to engage a fleet without missiles such as mine?”

You roll your eyes, bemusedly. “Well, it's nice to meet you, Acheron. This is my Secretary ship, Prosecutor.”

“Charmed,” says Acheron to Prosecutor. The two shake hands amicably. “Well, I feel like a nice delightful lunch is in order. I don't suppose you have any game to hunt and peel for me that I can serve?”

“Not on Mygeeto,” you say. She frowns a little.

> Show Acheron around.
> “Prosecutor, give her the full tour. I'll be right with you.”
> “Still, I can't believe all the beautiful women that come out of the Hatchery. You must be the prettiest.”
> Other
>> Show Acheron around.
>> Show Acheron around.
> Show Acheron around.
She should meet Finalizer.
> “Prosecutor, give her the full tour. I'll be right with you.”

Guys we got a shit ton of stuff, lets use it to make as many items as we can for our girls.
> Show Acheron around.
>> Show Acheron around.
> Show Acheron around.

You wrap your arm around Acheron, leading her away. “Uh, Arc Hammer. Would you do me a favor? Get to work on an item, I don't care what it is. And distribute any items that have not been equipped to anybody who might need them.”

“Isn't that your job?” asks Arc Hammer.

“No, it's yours now,” you say. “Now let me show you around, Acheron.” She nods, stepping with you while Prosecutor walks behind. “Here at this base, we do things fairly by the book. Though here, I am not just your Admiral. I am also your best friend!” Acheron nods slowly, understanding. You step out of the workshop. She squints a bit, getting used to the sunlight as she shades her eyes with her arm. “Welcome to Mygeeto, your home in the short term. Over there is the barracks! That's where you'll be staying for now. We'll have a room lined up for you.”

“What's that building over there?” she asks.

“That's the training dome. We have the simulators lined up in that building. And you already know the workshop behind you. Over there are the hangars for your kits as well. And then we have-”

“Who's that?” asks Acheron. You look over to see Devastator, wearing an apron and some oven mitts , carrying a pot of noodles...? You tilt your head.


“That is Devastator. She's not part of our Fleet though and uh...” She looks over, then smiles at all of you in greetings. “Hi, Devastator.”

“Greetings, comrades!” she declares. She walks on over, holding her pot of noodles that smells whoa that actually smells absolutely delicious. Prosecutor takes a whiff, her eyes getting stars as she looks inside. Acheron as well looks in, enamored. “Oh, by the way, Admiral. I am so sorry the Grand Admiral has supplanted you here on the base. I suppose you were not expecting it.”

You shake your head, then motion to Acheron. “Yeah, uh. Very surprising. Devastator, this is Acheron, the newest addition to my Fleet.”

“Oh, I'd shake your hand but I have my hands full!” says Devastator. “I just got busy cooking lunch for Lord Vader!”

“... you cook for Lord Vader,” you say. She nods. “Is- how does he eat?”

“Oh, I feed him,” says Devastator. “He's such a picky eater, I swear! But don't tell him I said that. It's nice to meet you, Acheron. Good to see you too as well Prosecutor! Anyway, I must-”

“ADMIRAL!” Black Hawk and Agility rush at you from the skies, carrying large bags of resources. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” They speed right into Devastator. You'd expect the Star Destroyer to be knocked over with her pot of noodles be thrown free from her hands spilled onto the ground. No, what actually happened was that the two collided with her and simply bounced off into the ground.

“Eh?” Devastator looks to them. “You two should really be more careful! I swear!”

Agility looks critically damaged while Black Hawk appears to be nursing a serious bruise. Black Hawk squeals, holding it. “Owww...”

> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.
> “What did you two find?”
> Other
>> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.
>> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.
>> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.
> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.
Well, we have to show Acheron the docks as part of the tour anyway.
> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.
> Take them to the repair dock. Ugh.



They splash around in their separate pens, Agility swimming around in hers like a duck while Black Hawk simply relaxes back. Tellstar at least is standing next to you, and surprisingly she's the one who didn't get damaged bouncing off of Devastator's impressive rack. “So what did you three find today?”

Agility pops her head out of the water, then squirts water at Black Hawk. “Ah! You little-” Black Hawk splashes water into Agility's pen.

“Girls,” you call sternly. The two stop, looking down. “Come on, what did you find?”

“We found plenty of resources,” says Black Hawk. “Plus, two remodel kits!”

“Great!” you say. Two remodel kits isn't actually that bad of a haul. “Just so you know girls. Please try to be more careful. I can't afford to keep you here in the repair docks. I need you all on expedition as soon as possible to gather more resources.” They both nod, giving a thumbs up between the two of them. Even with their rivalry, at least they're thinking alike. You look over to see Finalizer stewing in her repair dock, as well as Force of Commerce, and Resolute. Resolute is napping, resting on a waterproof pillow while Force of Commerce washes her legs.

Acheron says, “So this is the repair dock then?”

“Yep. And these are some of our girls. Finalizer, Resolute, Force of Commerce, Agility, Tellstar, and Black Hawk.” All of them wave hello to the new girl, who waves back in return. “They're quite nice, hopefully you can be a team player, Acheron.”

“Indeed I can,” says Acheron. She looks over at Finalizer. “She looks quite sad though.”

“She actually does.” You step up to Finalizer. Finalizer pouts a little, folding her arms over her bare breasts. “Something wrong, Finalizer?”

“I missed my chance to meet Lord Vader,” she mutters. She stews a little, dipping her mouth below the water and blowing out some bubbles in anger. Oh. Right.

> “You didn't miss much.”
> “That's a shame, Lord Vader is uh... quite the dark man. He would've loved you.”
> “I'm sure I can make an arrangement, Finalizer.”
> Other
> “That's a shame, Lord Vader is uh... quite the dark man. He would've loved you.”
Sadly, I don't think he does house calls.
>> “That's a shame, Lord Vader is uh... quite the dark man. He would've loved you.”

>>I'm sure, He made note of your excellent performance on saving the planetary grid.
>I'm sure I can make an arrangement, Finalizer.

Vader seems to be someone who's actually pretty bro to his starship girls. An introduction might well be possible. Especially since there's a good chance he hasn't seen a Resurgent-class yet.

Remember, they're FROM THE FUTUREEE!
But he's gonna steal our finalizer!
On second thought,

Supporting this as well.

All we can do is improve their Morale, so at the very least requesting a autograph (at the risk of our life) is the least we can do for these girls.
>> “I'm sure I can make an arrangement, Finalizer.”
He's expecting us to whine at him about Thrawn sooner or later. We can avert his expectations by introducing him to Finalizer instead!

Furthermore, if he DOES take her, he's sure to reward us very well for finding such an excellent ship. Not only with major kudos (which we need to get our base back), but possibly with a ship we can actually feed.

I love Finalizer, but damn she hungry.
>blah blah blah words
>send away best girl.

I'm hoping he doesn't, but if he DOES, she'll really shine in Death Squadron.

It's not about what's best for us, anon. It's about what's best for her.
We're best for her! Vader is always doing dangerous awful stuff! Like getting blown up in death stars!

He'll just drag her off to her doom!
> “I'm sure I can make an arrangement, Finalizer.”

“I'm sure I can make an arrangement, Finalizer.” Her eyes light up, and she sits up in the bath looking to you. “Yeah, yeah. I mean- I can talk to Devastator, Devastator can talk to Lord Vader... and Lord Vader I'm sure will love you, especially given your performance yesterday against the Vong.” Finalizer nods, stars in her eyes. “We'll see what happens.”

“Yes!” She pumps her fists. “Excellent! The scion of the Dark Side shall meet the Dark Lord himself! Aaahhh!” She places her hands on her cheeks, waving back and forth in her bath as she dreams of the encounter. “Oh, to feel his power! That would just be the greatest thing that could ever happen to one as unworthy as myself!”

“Right, right.” You start to step on out. “Well, girls. I expect you all to be at the dinner table later, alright?”

“Yes, Admiral!” they all declare as you, Acheron, and Prosecutor leave.

“Very interesting girl that Finalizer,” says Acheron.

“Yeah, she's one of our best,” you say simply. “As I'm sure you'll be too.” Acheron nods politely, bowing to you. “You'll make a valuable addition to our fleet.”

“I feel I am acquainted then. I shall make use of your training facilities, see where I am with my abilities.” She bows to you again. “Until next time, Admiral.” With that, Acheron takes her leave. You really do have to note how form hugging that long skirt of hers is. Even if you don't get a glimpse up it, it certainly doesn't leave too much to the imagination. You smirk a little, watching her.

“Admiral.” Prosecutor stands there, waiting your orders. “What now?”

> Walk around. You don't feel like doing much else today.
> “How about we prepare dinner?”
> See where Lord Vader's Fleet is. They should be around here somewhere.
> Other
> See where Lord Vader's Fleet is. They should be around here somewhere.
If we're going to arrange this meeting might as well do it now.
>See where Lord Vader's fleet is.

We made a promise, time to start making good on it.
>> See where Lord Vader's Fleet is. They should be around here somewhere.

> See where Lord Vader's Fleet is. They should be around here somewhere.

Least get a autograph
>> “How about we prepare dinner?”
> See where Lord Vader's Fleet is. They should be around here somewhere.
We should try to observe how Thrawn runs the place/manages his fleet/what his tactics are.

Considering the admiral it'd need to take the form of 'stealing his tactics/secrets' or 'finding his weaknesses to exploit later' but this is a good chance to try and learn something so the admiral doesn't feel so useless in the future
voting this man >>1037048
Ooooh. I like this. I like this a lot.
We'll learn from Thrawn! Then finalizer won't leave!
Change my vote to >>1037048
> See where Lord Vader's Fleet is. They should be around here somewhere.
> Other



You and Prosecutor wander over to what was formerly your office building, and find Lord Vader's fleet together. At least, you do find Accuser, Executor, and Stalker. You walk up to them, only for somebody to come around the corner. You trip and smash your face directly into her amazingly soft tits. “Ah! I'm so sorry!” She pushes you away, blushing intensely. This gets the attention of the other ship girls. “Admiral! I'm so dreadfully sorry, I didn't see you there! I was just walking by, and I'm so sorry!” This must be Avenger.

“It's fine, it's fine,” you say with a very grateful smile. Hehehehe. “I'm just wondering though.” The other Starship girls walk up to you, curious. “How does Admiral Thrawn run things around here? I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with his tactics and I feel I must learn a bit from him.”

Executor folds her arms, quirking her brow. “The Grand Admiral is in his office.” Hmph. His.

“Well, maybe I'd like to see him now,” you say. The Starship Girls glance at each other.

But Stalker however says, “Come along, Admiral.” She leads you and Prosecutor along to the door into YOUR office. There, she opens the door and allows you inside. “Please try not to disturb the Grand Admiral too much.” Duly noted. You step inside.

Only to find that your office has been taken over by holopanels of all kinds, displaying art, paintings, statues of all kinds. There in the certain of the room is the Grand Admiral himself, a cup of tea in hand, with Chimaera standing by his side. “Grand Admiral.” He looks over to you, quirking his brow.

“Admiral,” he says. “What a surprise.” He turns around fully, hands folded behind his back. “Is there something you wish to report?”

“No, Grand Admiral, I just-...” You look around at all the art works. Everything from Twi'lek cave paintings, scrawlings of slaves in Zygerrian cells, even a bunch of floating metal as well from goodness knows where. “I was just-...” … is this all he does in your office? Just stare at art all day? He can't be serious! “Consider myself curious. I wasn't aware you spent so much time dabbling with art.”


He shrugs. “I will be sure to post a warning for you, it is not for the faint of mind after all.” He- what?

“Well. I only wish to see how you do things around here,” you say. “How such an Admiral like yourself with such fine taste in the arts manages a Fleet.” He quirks his brow again, his red eyes regarding you quite closely. “Grand Admiral.”

He smirks a bit. “Very well. Chimaera. Prosecutor. Would you give us a minute?” They step out of the room, leaving the two of you alone to talk. “You see, Admiral. I have very good faith in my subordinates. And in return, they reward me with victories and success.” So that's just a way of saying he's lazy, huh? “I can see that you are in many ways the same as me. Though you have a certain flair to you.” Oh? “What is your opinion of art, Admiral?”

“... art?” you ask.


> “I don't see how art wins a war, Grand Admiral.”
> “It's culture. I suppose.”
> “What's yours?”
> Other
>It helps us get a better understanding of our enemy, and who we are fighting. If we can see what they hold closest, it makes it all the easier too outright destroy.
> “It's culture. I suppose.”
>Depends on the species? People from Corusant often host extravagant art displays getting backers to pour millions of credits into it. While someone like Wookies just crave some wood together and call it just that.

>It is lost on me but it depends on what resources they have on hand and what they can do with it.
This. It shows that our boy is somewhat sophisticated and appreciates art, but hasn't hit on the strategic value of it (which I doubt our admiral knows).

...But shows some small potential.
> “It's culture. I suppose.”
>“It's culture. I suppose.”
I like the sentiment here, there's inklings of analysis but no outright understanding of the deeper meaning yet

>It can be useful for morale, pleasant distraction or propaganda. However, the debates on what is art are a waste of time.
I feel like it would be something that would have to coaxed out of the Admiral though, even if he knows/thinks it he'd first respond with a glib or offhand comment and only elaborate if pushed.
> “It's culture. I suppose.”
> “It's culture. I suppose.”
> Other

You shrug. “It's culture I guess. Lots of different people have different kinds of art, so what?”

“Mm.” The Grand Admiral nods, placing his hands on his hips as he files a hologram away. He shows himself a picture of the Yuuzhan Vong, infesting an unknown planet in the Outer Rim. “What do you mean by different people have different kinds of art, Admiral?”

“Well. You know,” you say. “Different species I guess? I mean, Coruscant you have people hosting huge art displays, get people to pour millions of credits into those. They're wild, flamboyant...” And you have indulged in them at least twice, mostly for the cute art students. Fun for one night, but not fun for the politics. “And uh... a Wookiee, back on Kashyyyk, he makes something he calls art when it's just a bunch of wood carved together. I mean, people do art based on what they have, right? It's not really my forte, Grand Admiral.”

He smiles a little, looking back at you. “The Yuuzhan Vong are a far more ruthless enemy than the Rebel Alliance that I fought so many years ago. Their tactics are much more brutal, much more destructive, violent, and terrifying. And yet, there is evidence to suggest that they themselves may think like we do. But unfortunately, we must exterminate this enemy before we are ourselves exterminated. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Grand Admiral.” You nod.

“Observe as you may, the Princesses.” A pair of holograms displaying a pair of YV Princesses, a Super Star Destroyer-class and a Corvette-class. “They are the most foreign YV we have seen yet, and yet they are the most familiar to us.” You feel your eyes start to sag a bit. Oh no. You're falling asleep. Oh jeez. “An interesting dichotomy, would you not say?” You shrug again. “Hmph.”

“Where are you going with this?” you ask.

“I feel that once we understand the enemy, we can beat it,” he says. “But for now, we have little idea as to their culture, their true natures, their ability to think. And the ability to think is most exemplified by the creative mind of a being, Admiral.” He walks up to you. “What they call art.”


“... right.” You nod. “Okay.” He's a complete lunatic. How did this guy become a Grand Admiral!?

“You are dismissed, Admiral. Remember this, to defeat an enemy you must know them.” You nod, walking to the door. “And Admiral, one more thing.” You stop, turning to face him. “I actually read your records in the Academy, very impeccable.” You smile, of course they are. “You should consider yourself quite lucky that nobody else but me has found out about how you secured those grades. Lord Vader himself would surely not approve.”

“What do you-” The door opens, revealing Chimaera.

Chimaera brushes her blue skin a little with her hand, then starts unbuttoning her blouse as she carries an easel and several paintbrushes in. “Grand Admiral. It's time.”

“Ah, yes.” The Grand Admiral takes the easel, setting it up. “Do forgive me, Admiral. Me and my Secretary ship have something to do here.” She drops her shirt, baring her naked chest to him. He- what!? The-

… so that's why most men like art.

You exit the door, and there you find Prosecutor. “What did he say? Did you find anything out?”

> “Plenty.”
> “He's a complete lunatic.”
> “He's smarter than I thought.”
> Other
> “He's smarter than I thought.”
doesn't mean we can't like hate him.
> “He's smarter than I thought.”
> “He's a complete lunatic.”
> “Plenty.”
>> “He's a complete lunatic.”
>> “He's smarter than I thought.”

>>"Has good taste in 'art'.

He's crazy but he's good at his job.
> “He's smarter than I thought.”
>Come, we must learn this ART too defeat him!
>> “Plenty.”
>>"He's smarter than I thought."
>> “Plenty.”
>> “He's smarter than I thought.”
> “He's smarter than I thought.”
>>"Has good taste in 'art'.
>>We may learn a thing or two from him, even if he is an alien
> “Plenty.”
> “He's smarter than I thought.”
> “Plenty.”
> “He's smarter than I thought.”

“Plenty. That blueskinned freak is smarter than I thought.” It's good that the other ships have dispersed out of earshot for now otherwise that might've earned you a beating. Prosecutor follows you out of the offices back into the open. “Likes to ramble on about art, but he at least makes it sound like he knows what he's doing.” You hold up a finger, smiling. “Here's my theory, he doesn't.”

“What do you mean?” asks Prosecutor.

“He just talks a load of stuff about art, about how art is the center of culture, how it's how a people define themselves, to make himself look smart!” You slap your hand into your other hand. “That little freak is making himself look smart to one-up other Admirals like myself. But I've seen through him, yes sir!” You grin, rubbing your hands together. “You'll see Prosecutor! I'll have this base back, and everything else back in my hands by the end of this month!”

Prosecutor takes a few seconds to process. “Right. Okay.”

“You have no idea what I'm thinking do you?” you ask.

“Well, it's just- Is it really that important to be in Command, Admiral?” asks Prosecutor. “A fighter can take a live just the same if he were a Grand General or a lowly footsoldier.” Ah, more Mandalorian creeds. Ugh.

“Well it is to me,” you say. Besides, he's painting nude pictures of Starship Girls. The man's not only a fraud, but he's also a very clever pervert! Can't believe you didn't think of that! “Anyway, Prosecutor. We must start planning ahead. He'll slip up, and that's when we swoop in and save the day.”

Prosecutor nods, smiling. “I suppose, sir. Shall I cook dinner for us then?”

> “You may.”
> “I'll help.”
> “No. Get me an easel and a canvas. I'm going painting!”
> Other
> “No. Get me an easel and a canvas. I'm going painting!”
>I'll help cook afterwords!
>“I'll help.”
> “No. Get me an easel and a canvas. I'm going painting

As a joke

>>I'll help
>“You may.”

We must brood. On art, specifically, should we paint Starship Girls on canvas or paint on Starship Girls and have them roll around on canvas for artistic reasons
> “You may.”
> “I'll help.”
> "Get the other girls, we need more team building exercises!"

Sure he can paint! But can he cook?
> “You may.”
It is time for us to mull pensively on the nature of the galaxy and how we shall return to our rightful command.
>> “I'll help.”
> “I'll help.”

“I'll help out,” you say. “Surely I can learn about more from my favorite cook, right?”

She squints at you, skeptical. “Didn't you elect Resolute to be the best cook?”

“Well, Resolute...” She had the best presentation, so to speak. It's a shame that she doesn't do any of the cooking here, you'd make it a standing order to have that all day every day. “She had better presentation. But you?” You point to her, grinning and clicking your teeth. “That spicy food of yours really grew on me.”

She smiles a bit, then snickers a bit. “Heh. Well, thank you, Admiral. I will gladly accept your help in the kitchen.”

“Of course, of course! So what are we cooking today?” you ask.

“I'm thinking something fresh,” she says. “Though, Admiral. Unrelated. Can I ask you a question?” You nod. “Tonight, when we sleep together, do you think I could just share the bed with you?” Oh? She blushes a little, twiddling her fingers. “It's just- the floor is very hard and I didn't get too good a sleep last night.”

“Aw, you may,” you say. “All you had to do was ask!” Plus, it's nice having a fluffy pair of somethings to use as a pillow. “Just don't let Resolute know, she might get jealous.”

“What do you mean-”

“Let's go cook!”
File: ResoluteVSD.png (448KB, 1033x544px)
448KB, 1033x544px
I'm done for tonight. Got an interview tomorrow morning so I gotta head to bed early. Thanks for reading, we'll close it out tomorrow.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.

We've been making her sleep on the floor?!
_________ is always going to be lewds.
Thanks for the fun, boss. Good luck in the interview tomorrow.
Thanks for running Schteel, good luck with the interview.
Not the little ships, they're too cute and young.
>Got an interview tomorrow morning
Good luck, consider letting us know next time if you got a $$$ job.
You got the interview in the bag!
Just channel the Elodie!
Just stumbled into the threads and im liking what im seeing

Not too serious not too crazy

And waifus
File: ArcHammer-FoC.jpg (159KB, 1200x679px)
159KB, 1200x679px
The next day, you and Prosecutor are in Arc Hammer's workshop. Prosecutor pours both of you cups of tea as you try and converse with the introverted factory ship. “Has the Grand Admiral requested anything of you, Arc Hammer?” you ask.

“Only that I divert my attention to building instant repair buckets,” she says simply, her data goggles flipped over her eyes as she works on a new repair bucket. “Currently, the Grand Admiral is working on a broad front plan which is expected to induce attrition in the Fleet, which means he needs Lord Vader's Starship Girls working day in and day out. That means they can't stay in the repair docks for longer than a day.” All business as usual. “Why do you ask?”

“Simple reasons,” you say. “The Grand Admiral is a very interesting and very...” How do you call him a complete maniac without seeming like a Wookiee? “Crazy.” Damn it.

Arc Hammer looks over at you, staring at you. She flips up her data goggles to reveal her bright blue eyes. “I would agree that the Grand Admiral is a little crazy. But that comes with the territory of being an alien for one thing. He already gave me the lecture and everything on art and while I found it very informative, I am not particularly interested in art in general. It gets in the way.” She huffs, folding her arms. “If anything, I believe that the Grand Admiral may be too arrogant to realize there's more to a species than its art forms.”

“Right, right.” You smile. At least someone agrees that the Grand Admiral is full of himself.

“So what's the real reason you're here, Admiral?” she asks. “Did you come for more logistics reports? Perhaps want to spend those remodel kits?” She rolls her eyes. “Or perhaps you're here just because you want to flirt with me?”

> “Can't it be all three?”
> “The remodel kits take precedence.”
> “I don't need to flirt with you, I already know you love me.”
> Other
>> “Can't it be all three?”
>> “Can't it be all three?”

>I'm a great multitasker

> “Can't it be all three?”
>“Can't it be all three?”
> “Can't it be all three?”
> “I don't need to flirt with you, I already know you love me.”

That line is way to good not to use.
>> “I don't need to flirt with you, I already know you love me.”
>"I could always regale you with my views on the finer points of Corellian abstract painting, if flirting doesn't suit you."
> “Can't it be all three?”

“Can't it be all three?” you ask with a smile.

“No,” she says simply. Fair enough. “I assume you're mostly just here for the remodels, sir. Let me very quickly explain a few things. The remodels were will upgrade the Starship girls' equipment to the next tier. The second remodel will... change a lot of things entirely.”

“How so?” you ask.

Prosecutor says, “Well, I knew a few Venators like Resolute who had their second remodel and they were um... a bit more orderly after that.” Oh? Interesting actually.

“Precisely,” says Arc Hammer. “The remodeling process is relatively efficient and quick. All I ask is a couple of hours and that you do remodels one at a time to keep things simple. I still have things to do here. Right now, we have two remodel kits that you can use. I can do the two of them today if you wish.”

“Any candidates you suggest?” you ask.

“None at the moment, sir,” says Arc Hammer. “I'm not exactly field officer material. I will say though a remodel for Prosecutor will grant her a few boarding parties, along with upgrading her to Acclamator-II spec. Generally remodels will scale the ship to the next better variant of ship in the line of production.” Alright, that's uh... Good to know. “So, which ships would you like me to remodel?”

> Prosecutor (Acclamator I Assault ship) – (Acclamator II)
> Resolute (Venator-class Star Destroyer[Early]) – (Venator-class Star Destroyer[Late])
> Redemption (Nebulon-B Frigate[Early]) – (Nebulon-B Frigate w/ TIE Fighter squadron)
> Agility (Tartan-class Patrol Cruiser) – (Tartan-class w/ Advanced Tracking)
> Black Hawk (Lancer-class Frigate) – (Lancer-class Frigate w/ Advanced Tracking)
> Tellstar (Arquitens-class light cruiser) – (Arquitens-class light cruiser “Jedi light cruiser”)
> Finalizer (???) - (???)
> Force of Commerce (Munificent-class Star Frigate Mark II) – (Munificent-class Star Frigate “Rebel Frigate”)
> Vuutun Palaa (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship) – (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship [Clone Wars])
> Acheron (Broadside-class Cruiser I) – (Broadside-class Cruiser II)
> “On second thought, I'll hold off.”
> Vuutun Palaa (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship) – (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship [Clone Wars])

Dear god, The fucking firepower she'll have. We could split the combat groups into 2 if we had two large capital ships like this.
> Vuutun Palaa (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship) – (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship [Clone Wars])
> Force of Commerce (Munificent-class Star Frigate Mark II) – (Munificent-class Star Frigate “Rebel Frigate”)
Adding too this >>1039364
> Force of Commerce (Munificent-class Star Frigate Mark II) – (Munificent-class Star Frigate “Rebel Frigate”)

Everybody else already has the fire power now that I think about it. The Older ships are..well older.
>> Prosecutor (Acclamator I Assault ship) – (Acclamator II)

> Force of Commerce (Munificent-class Star Frigate Mark II) – (Munificent-class Star Frigate “Rebel Frigate”)

Prosecutor needs the upgrade due to the face we lack any real fire power from our ships besides Finalizer.

and VP needs one for the possibility of gaining strike craft, like more Hyena bombers.
>> Prosecutor (Acclamator I Assault ship) – (Acclamator II)
>> Vuutun Palaa (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship) – (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship [Clone Wars])
Actually, Redemption has reduced firepower due to being converted to a hospital ship.

Prosecutor lacks fire-power since she was originally designed as a troop transport ship.

VP makes sense to upgrade but I think we need a refit other then force of commerce.
You uh realize we'd gain more firepower from upgrading Vuutun Palaa then from upgrading Prosectuor right? Including possibly better fighters/bombers?

Also Force has already been upgraded once so we might as well finish her off.
I just want those separatist girls to realize the CIS was a mistake and that the Empire is the true power in the galaxy
Shit, I meant
> Vuutun Palaa (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship) – (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship [Clone Wars])

> Prosecutor (Acclamator I Assault ship) – (Acclamator II)
But weren't most CIS ships turned into Rebel ships after the clone wars?
Indeed. Which is why i kinda wanna see Force of Commands reaction too her final refit.
>Tellstar (Arquitens-class light cruiser) – (Arquitens-class light cruiser “Jedi light cruiser”)
We nned to buff Tellstar, at least until she stops being such a klutz.
What is your second pick?

Also Tellstar is more support which is decent for now since we have Black Hawk and Agility backing her up along with our own regular ships.

What we lack is hitting power to take out heavier ships like Heavy Cruisers or Star Destroyer class. We have Finilizer but she is not economically viable.
That would require double overhaul.
Oh right we get two. Well since you said we need better anti-capship uhhh...
Damn. I'd say Acheron but in my heart I want Prosecutor cus she's our secretary.
And best girl, plus maybe after the second remodel she'll stop being a Mandalorian Weeabo and become a proper Imperial Ship... dare I even hope for a frontal armour upgrade.
Forgot to make it official
Archeron, is not that great in taking out capital ships, depending on her ammunition she is at best anti-starfighter or anti-corvette/Frigate and maybe light cruiser.
>Need firepower
>Picks the Light Crusier and Acclamtor

You what?
Acclamator makes sense, we need more turbo lasers.
More Turbo-lasers would come from Vuutun Palaa, Resolue or hell even Acheron because missiles usually ignore shields in star wars.
Sorry anon, voting with my feelings here.

Besides we want firepower that doesn't take ridiculous resources to deploy. So that rules out our own large Capital ships.

I think that leaves Resolute who's pretty powerful but not quite SD tier.

Are their any ships that are like torpedo boats or something?

Also why can't we remodel Arc Hammer? Is the only reason because we need an engineering ship to do the remodeling? Or are their simply no better versions of Arc Hammer?
Also Why are you wanting firepower but NOT touching our 'easiest' to deploy large ship, Also I don't think our Droid control ship is resource heavy too deploy. She's a carrier in terms of Kanti I believe.

> Acheron (Broadside-class Cruiser I) – (Broadside-class Cruiser II)

A refit of Arc Hammer gives her better boarding crews.

Not much benefit for her for now.

She doesn't get more turbolasers iirc, she's not a battleship, she's a droid control ship. At best she'll get better starfighters and strike craft like Clone Wars Spec Vulture Droids and Hyenas, and Droid Tri-fighters.
I forgot to include Arc Hammer's remodeling to be frank. Her remodeling would be kind of boring anyway since they don't affect the ships but her boarding parties.
Not to mention, I think she is working on improving her boarding parties on her own, so she may very well refit herself.

Phase II Darktroopers?
>Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship

Pre–Clone Wars refitting:

Quad turbolaser batteries (42)[1]

Clone Wars refitting:

Ring carrier:
Point-defense quad laser batteries (164)[5]
Assault laser cannons (472)[5]
Turbolasers (48)[5]
Core ship:
Point-defense quad laser batteries (21)[5]
Assault laser cannons (48)[5]
Turbolasers (3)[

How about you fucking check before running you're mouth next time mate, I know my fucking facts about god damn Starships in Sar wars. This does not count the fighters/bombers upgrade that'd go with it.
That's the Battleship modification idiot.
This is the droid control ship.


It says it in the name.
> Prosecutor (Acclamator I Assault ship) – (Acclamator II)
> Vuutun Palaa (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship) – (Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship [Clone Wars])
>> SHORT LIST << Force of Commerce (Munificent-class Star Frigate Mark II) – (Munificent-class Star Frigate “Rebel Frigate”)

> Ships put on the short list will be recommended for remodeling the next time you find another remodel kit. <

“Eh!? Me?” says Prosecutor in surprise. “But why? I'm just an Acclamator!”

“Exactly! I think you need a firepower boost. Plus, hopefully you'll get better fighters out of it. Right, Arc Hammer?” She looks to you, then shrugs. “Very helpful.”

“I will call in VP in a little bit. We can do Prosecutor now though,” she says. “Step into the remodel chamber, please.” The remodel chamber resembled the Hatching device. It's much like a bacta tank though in practice however. Prosecutor strips down to her underwear, very plain white today it seems. She has a very heavy blush on her face. “Come on, it's nothing we haven't seen before.” She looks at you, very nervous and shy.

“What? I think your underwear is cute!” you say.

She grumbles a little, then nervously steps inside, looking around. “Prosecutor, you're going to feel a slight tingle. Put on the respirator please.” Prosecutor nods, grabbing the respirator and hooking it up to life support. The chamber seals around her. Arc Hammer then proceeds to flood the chamber with bright blue glowing liquids. Prosecutor floats in the middle of the chamber, looking around quietly.

“What does this do?” you ask.

“To be perfectly frank, I don't think you'd understand,” she says.

“You're right, I wouldn't,” you say. You look to Prosecutor, smiling. She still seems a bit nervous.

> “Welp, I'm out of here, later Prosecutor!”
> Give her a thumbs up and a smile.
> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”
> Other
> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”
>> Give her a thumbs up and a smile.
>> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”
> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”
> "I'll wait right here for you, or wait how long does this take?"
>> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”
>Give her a thumbs up and a smile.
> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”
> Give her a thumbs up and a smile.
> “Hey, don't worry. You look great!”

“Hey, don't worry Resolute!” You give her a thumbs up, grinning. “You're looking great! Can't wait to see the end result!” Prosecutor smiles meekly, then gives a thumbs up in return. “That's the spirit. You just keep hanging right on.” Prosecutor nods, steeling herself for the remodel process. You look to Arc Hammer. “How long will this take?”

“It's a bath of a couple of hours,” says Arc Hammer. “In the meantime, I get to fixing up her kit as well.” She snaps her fingers, and a trio of Dark trooper fairies immediately brings her an arc welder. “Thank you.” She takes it, hooking it to her belt. “Once that's all done, she's considered remodeled.”

“Nice. Uh...” You look to Prosecutor's chest, then back at Arc Hammer. “Anything drastic with this remodel?”

She rolls her eyes. “No, Admiral.”

“Okay, just making sure.” Maybe the next time. “So after this, VP then?”

“Yes, Admiral. VP is going to take a little longer owing to her sheer size and the amount of resources she consumes but overall, it should be a relatively painless procedure. Commerce handled it quite well earlier you may remember.” Yeah, yeah, Force of Commerce. She did actually, in fact you didn't even notice she was remodeled. Huh.

“What about you though?” you ask. “How come you're not on the list for remodeling?”

“Reasons,” she says. Well then.

> Head to the training room, see who's working.
> Flirt with Arc Hammer, see if you can see what ticks inside that girl.
> Walk around the base, see what's what.
> Other

> Flirt with Arc Hammer, see if you can see what ticks inside that girl.

>Or get Vader's autograph. A meeting might be a bit much but getting that much should not kill us. (might lose a limb, but hey morale.)
>> Walk around the base, see what's what.
> Flirt with Arc Hammer, see if you can see what ticks inside that girl.

Hey we get to flirt with Arc hammer and we don't leave Prosecutor to come out alone.
>Walk around the base, see what's what.

Quest for random disasters
>> Flirt with Arc Hammer, see if you can see what ticks inside that girl.
Want to distribute the ties
> Flirt with Arc Hammer, see if you can see what ticks inside that girl.
>Ask if shes just that perfect too not need remodeling
> Head to the training room, see who's working.
We need to aim for the top if we want to surpass Grand Admiral Blueberry, and that means making an effort to learn things.
> Flirt with Arc Hammer, see if you can see what ticks inside that girl.

“Oh? Do those reasons involve you being too perfect for remodeling?” She rolls her eyes again, turning away from you as you start working. You see Prosecutor has shut her eyes, apparently now sleeping. “What? Come on, I'm curious!”

“I'll tell you another time,” says Arc Hammer. “Right now I'm busy.” You lean on one of her workbenches next to her as she starts assembling a new repair bucket. “Are you just going to stand there?”

“Maybe,” you say. She huffs. “Look, can't I have a little conversation with one of my favorite girls?”

“You can, just don't expect me to pay attention,” she says simply, flipping her data goggles down. “My concern right now is to make sure these repair buckets are done for the Grand Admiral. And I'd really rather not have you around to distract me.” You smirk a little, looking up and down her body. That's a shame, she's really distracting you after all. “Admiral, perhaps you should consider waiting for Prosecutor or going to flirt with Resolute, she might take it better.”

“Hey, I just want to get to know you a little more,” you say simply. “I'm guessing you'd have a lot of experience as a Starship Girl.”

“Actually, I do.” She stops, looking to you behind those data goggles. “I was one of the first ships hatched. And when they found out what I was, they immediately put me on the duty of building things for the Starship Girls initiative. I like where I'm at, currently. I don't like the battlefield. Much too chaotic. Here, it's more controlled.”

You point to all the scrap wrecks. “Controlled?”

“Controlled.” Hm. “Unlike you, you don't strike me as a man who has inhibitions, do you?”

“Well, my only real vice is appreciating you girls too much I think,” you say simply. She tilts her head, obviously rolling her eyes again beneath the goggles. “Come on! You love it, don't you?”

“You spoil me, Admiral,” she says simply. “And I don't like being spoiled. I just want to work.” She turns away in a huff, a light blush on her face. Ah, you're getting to her now. “Now if you excuse me, I-” The door opens, and the two of you turn around to see what it is.

It's Devastator, with a big cake in her hands. “Helloooo!” She steps in, grinning. “Am I interrupting?”

“Yes,” you say. Arc Hammer slaps you upside the head. “Ow! Well- no. What's the cake for?”

“An apology cake!” says Devastator. “For stealing your command. I figured our fleets should try and cooperate and mend bridges, I know there might be a little resentment for being sent to the reserves. So I made this nice vanilla and chocolate cake!” You look down at it. It has nice bluefrosting trim and candy flowers bordering the white frosting. On it it says, SORRY WE STOLE YOUR COMMAND. “What do you think?”

> “Send it to Prosecutor's room, I know what's for dinner tonight!”
> “Send it to the mess hall, we'll share it with my girls and your fleet.”
> “Thanks, Devastator. My fleet will appreciate it..”
> Other
>> “Thanks, Devastator. My fleet will appreciate it..”
>Wipe the 'We stole your command' frosting out of the cake. That might be taken the wrong way.
> “Send it to the mess hall, we'll share it with my girls and your fleet.”
That's very thoughtful of them, actually.
> “Send it to the mess hall, we'll share it with my girls and your fleet.”
> Other
Tell her about Finalizer's request to meet Vader, ask if it could be arranged.
> “Send it to the mess hall, we'll share it with my girls and your fleet.”
> “Thanks, Devastator. My fleet will appreciate it.. Can you uh...remove the 'sorry we stole your command' Bit however?”
>send it to mess hall.

Also, is she vader's ship? We could as a favor for Finalizer
> “Send it to the mess hall, we'll share it with my girls and your fleet.”

Will Lord Vader be on the base today?
Devastator is Lord Vader's secretary ship, yes.
Fine supporting this.
> “Send it to the mess hall, we'll share it with my girls and your fleet.”

“Send it to the mess hall, Devastator. Thank you. Just uh...” You point to the SORRY WE STOLE YOUR COMMAND bit. “I wouldn't have that there. Just maybe something a bit more friendlier?”

“Oh, of course!” says Devastator. She starts to turn around, but you catch her again. “Oh, and uh... Devastator. Since you're here, can I ask a very big favor from you?”

“Anything!” she says. “What's up?”

“So...” You rub your hands together, smiling warmly at Devastator. “How do I put this? So one of my ships, goes by the name of Finalizer, she is a really big fan of Darth Vader.” Devastator blinks, surprised, but she nods in understanding. “And I think to reward her for her excellent service, I'd like to see if we can arrange a get-together or something of the sort with Lord Vader and her. Do you think you could do that for me?”

“Unfortunately...” Devastator frowns a little. “Lord Vader usually spends his time in the bacta tanks.” Really? What for? “Doesn't like to be woken up, doesn't like to be bothered. Trust me, I know. My lungs are quite powerful to show for it. But...” She smiles at you, twiddling her thumbs together. “Maybe I can see if I can arrange something over dinner!”

You smile. “That'd be great!”

“Alright! See you at dinner then!” you say. Devastator smiles, taking the cake and walking away.

Arc Hammer though looks at you as if you just stomped on a tooka. “Did you really just ask Darth Vader to make a visit for a fangirl?” You nod. “My goodness.”

“What? You can't say I don't do things for you all!” You smile at her.

> Go see the training rooms.
> Head to the dining hall.
> Walk around the base.
> Other
>> Go see the training rooms.
>> Go see the training rooms.
> Walk around the base.
> Go see the training rooms.
>> Walk around the base.
>> Walk around the base
>Walk around the base.
Random encounter go!
>> Walk around the base

We can hit the training rooms when our girls are all upgraded.
> Walk around the base.
>> Go see the training rooms.
>She's a good girl, if she wants to meet Vader I don't see why not.
Guys. If we want Vader to see her, we just have to say we discovered a previously-unknown type of shipgirl, who is more powerful than a standard Star Destroyer.

If we put it in the form of a report/inspection, then Vader doesn't get mad at us for wasting his time, because it's relevant to his autistic military interests.
But then he steals my waifu.
> Walk around the base.



You decide to walk around the base for a little bit before dinner starts. VP should be taking her remodeling right now, but the two that you requested should be getting walked through their new remodeled selves by Arc Hammer. All in a day's work you suppose. Right now, the big question was whether you'll get a chance to show up the Grand Admiral in battle. You've fought off way worse YV than he has for sure.

Still, as you walk around the base, you can't help but note all the 501st Stormtroopers running around, making sure everything's nice and secured. And you also can't help but notice Redemption carting Tellstar around on her back. “Redemption.” She looks at you, then smiles happily. “It's good to see you.”

“Likewise, Admiral.” She smirks happily, nodding to you.

“What's with Tellstar?” You look to see her and notice that she's asleep.

“Oh, she's just tired. Expedition yesterday tuckered her out some. I was just taking her to the barracks.” You nod, walking along with her. “I must say, it really isn't fair to you, Admiral. I thought you were doing such a good job commanding the base and the Fleet. And to have your command be shunted to the rear? Deplorable.”

“Well, thank you for the concern, Redemption.” You smile a little, feeling some pride swell in your chest.

“It's no problem,” she says. “I noticed though that you and Prosecutor are now sharing a room though.” Oh? You look to her, and you see a very smug smile on her face. “You two must be very close.” Well, wait. Is she assuming something?

> “Me and Prosecutor are just rooming together. Nothing lewd.”
> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
> “Please, not in public, Redemption.”
> Other
>> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
>> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
> “Me and Prosecutor are just rooming together. Nothing lewd.”
> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”

Both of these are entirely correct.
>> “Me and Prosecutor are just rooming together. Nothing lewd.”
>> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
>"Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked."
> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”
> “Hey! If you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked.”

“Hey, if you wanted me to bunk with you, you could've asked,” you say.

“Oh, I didn't want to be a bother,” she says simply with a smile. “You and Prosecutor are much more cuter together anyway. I can just imagine it.” You roll your eyes, snickering a little. She leans closely, whispering in your ear. “I wouldn't want to come between you two.”

You blink, then look at her. “Whoa, hang on, Redemption. Me and Prosecutor have a very professional relationship,” you state. Besides, Prosecutor's cute, but she is your secretary. Now Redemption though, hello, nurse. “Besides, you're much more likely to-”

“No, no, say no more,” she says. “I know.” She gently taps your cheek with her finger, winking at you. “Just... you're a very interesting Admiral regardless. You're still finding time to spoil us I see.” You shrug. “Never met somebody like that. Most Admirals would treat us ships as weapons at best.” She smiles happily, looking up and down you. “I think you have a nice heart, Admiral.” You and her step into Tellstar's room, then let her lie down on the bed. “We'll let her nap for an hour.”

You and Redemption step out. “Have you taken to the new ship quite well?”

“Acheron has integrated quite nicely,” says Redemption. To prove her point, she opens the door into Resolute's room. You find the two in the middle of a tea party.

“... and I do believe that the Republic was at no fault of its own during the Clone Wars,” says Resolute. You find Acheron patiently listening to Resolute's tirade on the Clone Wars. “I just don't see what VP and Force of Commerce make such a fuss about to be honest. They were the ones that started the war, and we were the ones to finish it after all.” Acheron nods again.

Redemption shuts the door, smiling at you. “They're going to get along fine. Acheron is such a good listener.” Redemption continues to lead you on, hands behind her back. “Though, Admiral. I am curious to know a bit more about you. It feels like forever has passed and yet we barely know each other.”

“Well, I consider myself a gentleman,” you say.

“Ahahaha! Ah...” Redemption looks at you. “Oh, you're serious. No, no. It's fine. I think you're a gentleman too!” Really? “Seriously though. How does a man such as yourself even reach the rank of Admiral. You are quite young for the job after all.”

> “My father helped me.”
> “I earned it.”
> “Oh I could regale you about it in private some time.”
> Other
> “My father helped me."
Honesty is probably the best policy here.
> “My father helped me.”
"Frankly I think he did it just to watch me fail, the crotchety old fart." The old man didn't seem very fond of us during our call.
>> “My father helped me.”
> “My father helped me."
>> “My father helped me.”
I want to add Danons quote in our vote.
> “My father helped me. He...hates me.”
> “My father helped me.”

“My father helped me out. Though I get the feeling he only put me in just to see me fail,” you say. “He's a crotchety old man. We don't get along, him and I.” Redemption nods, a bit worried. “He's kind of the reason I am the Admiral I am today. In more ways than one I suppose.” The two of you step out of the barracks and into the open air again.

“That's a shame, I believe a good relationship with parents is instrumental to one's health,” says Redemption.

“Well, I'm perfectly okay,” you say. “No need to have my father spank my bottom or anything.” Of course it's not like he was ever around to do it in the first place. “Way I see it, Redemption, I'm just paying him tribute by being a better commander than he ever was. So how about that?”

“I'd say that's a good reason to succeed at the Academy.” Redemption smiles happily, then places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Admiral, I'm sure you and your father though will make things right with each other. You just have to believe in it.” Believe in a relationship with your father? That's like surviving an encounter with a Starweird. Absolutely ridiculous. But the earnest way that Redemption says that means you just can't brush it off. So you smile and nod. “There. Come on, we should cook dinner. It's almost time.”

“Right, right.” You let Redemption walk ahead of you. And there you see the sashay in her hips, and the way her skirt hugs her buttcheeks. Hm, very nice. Very nice indeed. She looks back, smirking at you. “Coming, coming.” You step on after her.



Dinner is served, fresh crayfish along with a salad, and black pudding. It wasn't just you who was invited though, Lord Vader's fleet of Starship Girls was invited to wine and dine as well with your girls. The six of them sat on one end of the table, quietly eating while your girls uh... “I bet I can drink my water faster than you can!” says Black Hawk to Agility.

“Oh yeah!?” yells Agility.

“Yeah!” The two start chugging their waters. At your sides are a very rejuvenated Prosecutor and a very polite Resolute. VP was sitting next to a moping Finalizer, being fawned over by Force of Commerce.

“I must say, Admiral, thank you so much for the remodel,” says VP. “I did not think you would consider me for such an honor.”

“Enjoy it, VP,” says Resolute. “I'm sure he only did it because you were lagging behind in battle last time.”

“Girls, please,” you say. “First, we-” There's a knock at the door.

Devastator grins. “Ah! That must be Lord Vader!” She stands up, hurrying to the door. Everyone goes quiet. She opens the door, and immediately everyone is silenced and stunned by the sight of Lord Vader himself, flanked by Captain Rex and a 501st Stormtrooper. “Lord Vader! Oh, it's so nice you could join us for dinner!” She hugs Lord Vader happily, giggling. “Oh, there's somebody you have to meet, Lord Vader!”

“Devastator.” He looks down at her. “Do not patronize me.”

Devastator puffs her cheek out, pouting. “Sorry. But come on.” Finalizer is in awe, looking at him, stunned. She leads Lord Vader and Captain Rex right past you, then to Finalizer. “Lord Vader. This is Finalizer. This is the girl who stopped the Star Destroyer-class from impacting the planet.” Lord Vader glares down at Finalizer with those soulless eyes of his. And yet Finalizer can do nothing except get out of her seat, and immediately bow down on one knee to him.

“I PLEDGE ETERNAL LOYALTY TO YOU, DARK LORD,” she says immediately and loudly.

Lord Vader stares at her. Then he looks to you. “What is the meaning of this.” Uh. Uh. UH.

> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
> “I'm so sorry, we wasted your time. Let's get you out of here.”
> Other
> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
A very energetic one.
> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
>> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
>> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
>> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
>> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”
> “She's a new kind of ship! A very powerful one!”
> “She's a really big fan, my Lord.”

“She's a new kind of ship, my Lord! A very powerful one! See, Arc Hammer and myself hatched her back on Dantooine,” you say. Lord Vader continues to stare a hole into you. Just try not to stammer. Please don't stammer. “And Arc Hammer told me that her class of ship isn't identifiable. But, what she is is a much more powerful kind of Star Destroyer than we have ever seen.” He remains quiet, then looks down at Finalizer as she bows down to her. “She's a really big fan of you too, my Lord.”

Lord Vader takes a few minutes to process this in quiet. Finally though, Lord Vader steps closer to Finalizer, then says, “Rise.” Finalizer looks up in surprise, then stands up straight and at attention. “Your loyalty to me is noted, Finalizer. I will be watching your career closely.”

Finalizer nods violently. “YES, MY LORD! ANYTHING! ANYTHING YOU WISH OF ME WILL BE MY ULTIMATE GOAL!” she declares loudly. Devastator stands at Lord Vader's side, bemusedly. “I am eternally sworn to be your servant, and I shall do everything that I can to be worthy of even a glance from you, Lord Vader!”

Lord Vader looks back at you again. You shrug. “She's a really big fan, My Lord,” you say again. He looks back at Finalizer once more, then nods.

“I must say, not a lot of people are usually very excited to see Lord Vader,” says Captain Rex. He sounds absolutely old beneath that armor. Clones, hmph.

“If this is all,” says Lord Vader. “I shall take my leave-”

“Wait, Lord Vader! You should stay for dessert! I made cake!” says Devastator. Lord Vader stands there as Devastator hurries into the kitchen. Black Hawk, Tellstar, Agility, and Force of Commerce vibrate in their seats excitedly as they wait for the cake to arrive. Lord Vader's ships meanwhile know better than to show any kind of excitement in front of him. You yourself try to keep yourself calm. Oh goodness, you just avoided getting an invisible garrote around your neck. You take a deep breath, just calm down. Finally, Devastator arrives with the cake. “Ta-da! To our newest partners in the Fleet!”


Well, she tried.

“I WANT CAKE I WANT CAKE I WANT CAKE!” scream Agility and Black Hawk. They try to reach out for it, but Devastator expertly pushes them all back into their seats. “Awwww!” She places the cake down on the table, then grabs a knife from her apron. She starts cutting portions for everybody at the table. But the first portion however goes to Lord Vader.

“Here, Lord Vader!” Lord Vader glares down at the cake, then back at Devastator. “Come on! You love cake, don't lie.” Devastator grins, looking up at him. His staring intensifies.

While this is happening though...

> Cut your slice of cake and excuse yourself for the day.
> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.
> See if you can coax information out of Lord Vader's fleet girls.
> Other

> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.

Make sure not to look at Vader. Maybe he can eat cake if we're not looking.
> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.
>> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.
> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.
>> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.
> Start cutting cake for everybody. Devastator's going to be a while.

You place cake out for everybody, including yourself. You made a conscious effort to try and save a very subtle big piece for Prosecutor however. Just for being Prosecutor mostly. “Thank you,” says Chimaera as you hand her her plate. The Fleet Girls of Lord Vader are very polite, owing to them being in Lord Vader's presence most likely. You watch as Devastator stands next to Lord Vader, holding the plate of cake up to his mask. He simply stares ahead, expressionless, emotionless. A killer. A killer if you've ever seen one.

But no, you won't keep dwelling on that. It's happy times with your fleet. “Thanks, Admiral!” says Tellstar, Agility, and Black Hawk when you hand them their cake. They immediately dig in, pasting their faces with frosting and spongy filling. Acheron silently nods a thank you to you with a smile as well when you hand her a cake.

“Thank you, Admiral,” says VP when you hand her her piece. Force of Commerce as well takes hers. Arc Hammer quitely takes hers, as does Finalizer, who is still standing next to Lord Vader. Redempt takes hers with a very warm smile, then Resolute and Prosecutor finally get theirs as well. Everyone's served up.

“Admiral. A word.” Lord Vader stops you before you can eat your cake.

“Oh, but Lord Vader!” Devastator holds out a forkful of cake to him. “You haven't eaten yet!” Lord Vader responds by taking the fork and jabbing it into Devastator's mouth. She suckles on it, pouting furiously at him as you two walk out of the room. Your girls all look at you with concern. Might be the last time ever that you see them. What does Lord Vader want with you?

He stands outside the mess hall with you, towering over you. “I can tell by your disposition that you are not entirely satisfied with your position in the reserve.” Hm. He's read you like a holobook. “Tell me, Admiral. Do you not like being subordinate to the Grand Admiral?”

this is a trick question. It has to be. If you answer no, he'll choke you. If you answer yes, he'll never respect you.

> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
> “Sir, I am appreciative of the opportunity to be subordinate to the Grand Admiral.”
> Remain silent.
> Other
>> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
Be honest. You CAN'T lie when it comes to Lord Vader.
>> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
>>"But I'm making the best of it with gathering resources and improving the fleet.
>> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
>>"But I'm making the best of it with gathering resources and improving the fleet.
>> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
>>"But I'm making the best of it with gathering resources and improving the fleet.
>> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
>But I love spending time with my girls.
> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
Vader doesn't have time for us dressing it up otherwise, he didn't ask us if we were doing stuff in our current position, he asked if we didn't like being Thrawn's subordinate.
>> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
>>"But I'm making the best of it with gathering resources and improving the fleet.
> Other
"Does anyone in the Imperial service like being anyone's subordinate, sir?"

> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
>But I'm using this time to improve my girls for when you do send us to the front.
> “No, sir. I hate being in the reserve.”
> Other

“No sir, I hate being in the reserve and under the Grand Admiral's command, but I am making the best of my situation by gathering resources and improving my fleet, sir.” You take a deep breath. Here it comes. He's going to choke you. You're dead, you're dead. You're dying, you're dead. You stare at him, and he stares back at you as you hold your breath. Oh god, he's suffocating you! No air! No air!

You breathe out, then breathe in.


“Your opinion is noted, Admiral. As is your honesty regarding the matter,” says Lord Vader simply. Oh. You- you were really expecting to get smoked at the very best. This is quite a shocker. Even your heart feels like it's about to burst simply from sheer excitement. “Admiral. There will be a time for you and your Starship Girls, but it is not now. It will come. Until then, I expect the best from all of my subordinates, the Grand Admiral and yourself included.”

“Yes, sir.” You take another deep breath.

“Tomorrow, you will combat sortie. And you will show me how your Fleet operates and how you command them.” Oh. Oh no nono no. Okay. Um. That's- well they can operate quite well, but... “Unless that is a problem.”

“No, Lord Vader!” you say. “Of course not. We'll crush whoever gets in our way.”

He continues glaring down on you, then starts walking away from the dining room. “Very good. I will be there to watch. And if you fail me, I do not believe I have to tell you the consequences.” You shudder, nodding slowly. “You are dismissed, Admiral.”

You take another breath as he walks on, his breathing low yet incredibly loud. You start to step back to the mess hall where dinner takes place. And there you find the jovial attitude of everyone immediately assaulting you. Prosecutor smiles, then when she sees the look on your face, she drops it. She quickly picks up her cake and your cake plate, then walks on over to you. “Admiral, is everything okay?”

“Oh. Perfect,” you say simply. “Just... we're going on a combat sortie tomorrow being supervised by Lord Vader.” Prosecutor blinks, understanding the implications. “So. Yeah. That's my life.”

“We'll do fine,” says Prosecutor. “We always do.”

You laugh a little, eating your cake. “Yeah. Yeah.”

You are completely screwed.
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That is it for tonight and this week's edition of Kuat Colle. Hope you all enjoyed, tomorrow should be LGA2 provided nothing happens.

Follow at: https://twitter.com/GermanSchteel
Ask at: http://germanschteel.tumblr.com/
Book Tumbles: http://germanschteelbookblog.tumblr.com/

See you next time.
Thanks for the thread.

I'm surprised the admiral didn't relish all those bodies pressing onto him,
Thanks for running Schteel, looking forward to the Curtiss match tomorrow.
>I do not believe I have to tell you the consequences.”

So, on a scale from fucked to dead, where are?
I think were between heaven and hell
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does VP look like this? Schteel did say them CIS ships looked like mobsters or something if i recall
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