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Board-Tan Thread - /polomint/ Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 75

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Let's ride.

More Board-tan pics here
First for ignore the asspained anti-/pol/ Malaysian shitposter
/pol/ starting shit in 3...
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/qa/ a cute! A CUTE!!!
Please, we have to decide on an actual time for the ball. I'm still pushing for Dec 3-4.
Oh FYI, I'm not that boogeyman you're painting me to be, I'm a proud Canadian, couldn't care less about /pol/'s views, just want to remind people of who you truly are.
What comes next boys and girl?
Go ahead and poke fun of that.
It's the only thing you got going.
Who gives a shit about this Winter ball?

Only /polo/ are getting all the artworks
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I already gave up on it.
Mate I envy boards who immediately purge these wb threads

On /a/ that shit doesn't get purged and I don't know why since they're filled with /pol/ users

Why are we not like /jp/

What went wrong?
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/wsr/ and /aco/ has got a few.
Yeah, seconded.
This is the last thread I'll participate, only seeing /pol/ is boring as fuck.
could always try to attract more drawfags
>blame /pol/ for other boards not having drawfags while ignoring /tg/ and co., /mint/ and /aco/wsr/.
It's just the same 3 or 4 shitposters who want to ruin the threads by stirring up drama.
Nobody blamed /pol/, you guilt tripping asshat
Friendly reminder from /pol/ the guy who admitted he's a Malaysian is a shitposter that is ignored on /pol/. I apologize if he's been antagonizing people and trying to stir up drama between boards.
Nah, if people were interested they'd apply.
When you're feeling like a lover
Nothing really matters anymore
I saw you standing there in the supermarket
With your red dressing falling and your eyes are to the ground
Nothing really matters, nothing really matters when the one you love is gone
You're still in me, baby
I need you
In my heart, I need you
Shit, I just noticed this. Pottery.
I'm not blaming /pol/ you retard
'm just saying they have more drawfags and other boards don't which is normal because /pol/ is the most popular board right now
I'm saying that other boards aren't getting artwork so what's the point of giving a shit about this winter ball
I'm not saying /pol/ should not enjoy his artwork either
Good on /pol/ and on his partner
Also reminder that we also had a leaf shitposter who wanted to make a harem who is also being ignored.
It took a lot of sockpuppetry to pull that one, friend.
You're welcome :)
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Cause nothing really matters
I'm standing in the doorway
You're walking 'round my place in your red dress, hair hanging down
With your eyes on one, we love the ones we can
Cause nothing really matters when you're standing, standing
Good thing they cencored that filth.
Unfortunately we can't force people to draw for other boards. If you'd like I'm a writefag and I'll take requests, hell I'll even through it out in a couple threads to try and help other boards out. The only thing I'll ask is that people stop spamming and arguing in other boards threads and if they do ignore it since we unfortunately have trolls who have tried to cause problems on other boards.
>tfw your board wasn't asked out
I'd love to draw art for other boards but I'm so against this rampant shipping shit that's currently infesting the ball and I don't know their cultures enough to make proper jokes.

I thought about drawing /pol/ neglecting /o/ in favor of a swastika, but they're getting so much shit already it'd just get drowned among the rest.
I think /g/a/y has been confirmed now.
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don't forget us /cg/u/l/s
You could always try and find a board with a thread and offer to make non lewd art for them.
Should add that way you can ask about references they'd like to see and such.
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Can I get a list of the current pairings atm?
that's not /aco/, that's anon

who's fucking up the artwork?
it's some drawfag pushing his tan. Nevermind it's a faceless shit design
I think he's cute.
Some dumb anon trying to force one of the -tans that nobody gave a shit back on the earlier war. The cowboy girl, cousin to /co/, is still the most popular design
it literally lacks design

what else can be bad design?
You're not going to make me think he's not cute by telling me it's a bad design.
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>cross board tans
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Die Aufgabe dieser Front ist daher nicht mehr der Schutz einzelner Länder, sondern die Sicherung Europas und damit die Rettung aller.

Ich habe mich deshalb heute entschlossen, das Schicksal und die Zukunft des Deutschen Reiches und unseres Volkes wieder in die Hand unserer Soldaten zu legen.

Möge uns der Herrgott gerade in diesem Kampfe helfen!

I can't read that
My guess is that it's an excerpt from Hitlers book Mien Komf. It's just random kek-guesses tho
>Mien Komf
/pol/tards, everyone.
>Mein Pomf
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Requesting any and all drawfags to redesign /g/'s board tan as a girl (male).
/g/'s board-tan should literally just be Maki, but with a dick like you suggested because that's hotter.
Oh my gosh, I went in the thread after posting that and someone had already said the same thing. This is fate telling me it needs to happen.

Meanwhile I have some art to look up.
I return disappointed.
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>mein pomf
/g/ is okay as a autistic neet, you faggot. They don't need to arouse you
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typical /c/
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Don't forget he was originally a /ci/ reject. And invaded the /pol/ OC/Drawthreads and scared off some good drawfriends. One of his victims drew this for him.

>granted, his behavior is a lot better than it used to be
they have good writefagging too
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>black hair
>red eyes
>hates Jews

Is /pol/-tan the long lost brother of Nico Yazawa?
Best couple.
/cgl/ seriously has the prettiest board-tan. I can't get enough of her.

Which is weird because the board sickens me because they constantly talk about vaginal discharge and other disgusting stuff. Basically going to /cgl/ is like watching Galko but not as cute.

Looks like EternalFlip and one of the writefags are going to help /g/ with their board-tan.

What could possibly go wrong
/cgl/ did nothing wrong.
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Hey guys, I'm the one who runs the Shimmie.

It's become pretty obvious that the software being used on the entirety of the site is absolute garbage (although I've changed thumbnailing settings so large PNGs should maybe have less issues now). Web standards have moved on apace since 2009!

I'm thinking of migrating to another booru implementation and possibly moving the site off the current hosting to AWS or Azure, because while I have had no problems with the current hosts, support is spotty and I'm pretty sure the server is in a cupboard somewhere.

The discussion boards aren't actually being used, and have very little value, especially since kusabax has been unsupported for years now, so I'm thinking of dropping those completely.

Does anyone have any input? There's no migration plan right now (just looking into the feasibility), and I'm almost certain that is no way to back up comments or the discussions on the kusaba end, although archiving images is pretty straightforward.
You are doing god's work.

>I've changed thumbnailing settings so large PNGs should maybe have less issues now

Does this include the 4k height limit? It'd be nice to be able to upload long comics.
Yeah, remove the discussion boards. Nobody uses them and they end up being spammed with illegal shit anyway.

I don't think the comments matter that much. As long as you can put all the images onto the new booru, that's cool.
Can you try some and let me know or post an example so I can troubleshoot? I'm slightly concerned that uploads will now silently fail without giving any error or warning.

It happens because of thumbnailing, by the way.
While you're moving it, give it a different name instead of Shimmie. I recommend "Dougie."
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Seems to be working fine now for the one in question.
I'd call it a booru because that's what it is. Shimmie is the name of the implementation of the booru-style imageboard.

Cool, if there are problems, let me know so the site can still be usable before the migration happens.
Will do.
/pol/ had a great year.
>The discussion boards aren't actually being used, and have very little value

>tfw I've been posting there since 2010

the hell

>Yeah, remove the discussion boards. Nobody uses them

I use them. Not for the past few months since I have been away but I visit occasionally to see if there are new posts.
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Its very weird.

i typically hate /pol/ but this is my favorite so far this year.

this year's weird.
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I'll keep them if there's a use case for them, which it sounds like there is. I want to migrate away from Kusaba X because it is insecure and feature-poor, but there's not really an easy way to move a bunch of posts between two different systems.

If anyone has suggestions or insight into the hottest (and most supported) imageboard suites, I'd like to hear them.
If only a few people use it, just make admin approved registration a requirement to post.
So we can agree this will be the last Winter Ball?
You should use the new booru format that danbooru has and also allow searches for multiple terms.
No, but we can all agree that it will be YOUR last Winter Ball.
*Fucking shoots you*
What kind of unholy hell did you just suggest
Woah did you just make this? It's good.
hope to see you next year with the same post
/pol/ you're not welcome here.
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Just my thoughts on /int/ going with /m/:


Thank you for hosting.

I read through your boards about a year ago. Some of those threads provide context for why images were made. There's also lots of intermediate and WIP images that aren't in a booru or shimmie. The slow nature of the boards means that completed storylines hang around forever, and have become the defacto archive for a lot of it. It's all pretty interesting stuff from a historian's viewpoint. Please keep it going!
There's actually a lot of pics and comics and stuff on the discussion boards that aren't in the gallery.

If you end up dropping the discussion boards, please make sure you get all the relevant pics on them into the gallery first.
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Iktf anon. I love /int/ SOOO fucking much, and all of you as well!

But /m/ is a total bro so I'm kinda okay with them hanging out for awhile.
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dear god
Meant for >>843100
More of this
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She is quite the qt.
Welp looks like /g/'s Winter thread go pruned I'll throw this up here hoping they find it:

Hi guys writefag back form last night, went to bed before I could work. I wanted to clear up some things on the suggestions I got last night. Also I'd like some pics of each board-tan, mannerism, some memes you guys would like to see and find funny things like that.

>>>/g/57580890 →
I get being traps, but is there any back story on why each board is a trap? The more detail the better I can make a story the boards will be happy with. Also I'll have to look into Maki since I've got no clue who she is aside from pictures last thread.
>>>/g/57581247 →
As for this one is it a certain board? or is that a combination of the two?
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New /g/ thread.

Also behold the new /g/-tan
>Not white as argentina.

You fucked up that one, anon.
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Somebody should do pic related with /pol/
He would of course shitpost politically.
*teleports behind you*
>MAGA posting intesifies
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it's all your fault
/r9k/ is by its nature incompetent. There exists no possible future in which it achieves happiness.
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>/g/ stole their board-tan from love live
/g/-tan isn't a Love Live character. He's a Love Live cosplayer.
A pretty good one too
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Had a bit of a board """debate""" on drawing a hypotheticalfem!/pol/-tan. This is what I came up with.

let's not sugar coat it for them, damn near caused a meltdown from a couple people.
I think a female /pol/-tan is about as appropriate as a female /r9k/-tan. It's a nice idea, but it just doesn't reflect the board culture.
You deciding to draw a female /pol/-tan, despite everyone in the thread telling you to not to is not a debate.
If you want to draw a female /pol/tan sure go ahead, but don't try to make it official.
linking because lewd
Who's /e/ going with?

>Let's make boards that have nothing to do with anime into moe girls uguu

>implying you wouldn't
Why would I? There are plenty of cute girl boards already.
/r/ing all the tans shopped getting married.
I can't find a thread on /a/ so I'll ask here, also asked in /g/, if any of them can give me information on their -tan, such as memes from their board and explanations for them, mannerisms their character might have. I know a couple anons were interested in a story of how /g/ and /a/ met so I wanted to get what I could to make it better for both.
Being from /tg/, im compelled to spoon feed you lore.

>Once upon a time, an image was posted on the /r9k/ board of 4chan labeled "4chan house" that showed all the then-boards of 4chan as little stick figures doing board-relevant things. Then a drawfag named Three Angled Blue drew a comic immortalizing /b/'s failed invasion of /v/, showing both boards personified as characters. A new era dawned unexpectedly.

i know right? /r9k/, before it was a virgin hugbox.


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repoastin CUTE! CUTE!!!
Thanks m8
Eh it's just a trace,nothing too complicated.

Hell no
what is rule 63
you'll just end up being hated like the malayfag
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Rule 63 /pol/ was made before. There was also a comic of /pol/ in drag.
>what is rule 63?

hey but if you want to draw it just draw it, OC is always welcomed.

If you are looking for something to draw you could look for other winter ball threads other boards
He actually is, I think he was helping /g/ and /a/ last I knew
oi baka

>helping /a/
>a board that has one of the most productive continuous drawthreads on the site
never been to /a/ my man could be he was just helping here

I'm only helping /g/. And the Boardtan thread on /a/ got pruned last time I checked, so I'm doing my best keeping /g/'s thread alive before I get home from this party I was dragged to.
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/g/-tan is not a trap
We know it, but you know how stupid are the weebs. Fuck them.
Do you know what the fuck a -tan is meant to be?
But boys are cuter.
Hi, /a/. We know you hate other boards and we know what "-tan" means, but here, in 4chan, we gave it a different meaning. A board-tan can be from a little girl like /c/-tan to a fat and ugly man like /ic/-tan. Deal with it.
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Amateur drawfag here

What is /g/ looking at?
>/pol/ likes animu

see this: >>843406

We'll see which tan becomes accepted by the board and its artists.

That's the beauty of board-tans.
>Eh it's just a trace,nothing too complicated.
Can you explain how that kind of thing works when it comes to gifs? Is there some software that speeds up the process greatly so you don't have to trace all the frames? Because that is really smoothly animated.
Requesting an interpretation of /qa/-tan with more human characteristics. I just want to see what it would look like.
thing is it has to be that board though. A board the size of /pol/ could remake a tiny board's through force
Last I knew two of us, a drawfag and a writefag went over to help because people were asking. I've gotten bored here and there went around to different boards and a couple seem to want to stir up trouble using us as a scape goat. lgbt had set up a raid, some /pol/ shit posters have been starved of attention and moved to start trouble with other boards. A lot of us are more focused on the /polo/ thing but there are always bad apples.
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Prepare to be disappointed,because I did trace every frame.(30-something altogether)
I just ripped the frames off an existing gif using photoshop,then started tracing with sai
It would look like a person wearing a headset.
Yeah, that's fine. I want to see someone draw that instead of the current white blob.
/r/ing a bruised /qa/-tan in a dog house with a leash tied to the ground and an empty dog bowl, and /pol/-tan says (either off-screen or on-screen)
>You've been bad, you don't get to eat today
Requesting the same thing but with /qa/-tan and /pol/-tan's positions reversed. Also, /qa/-tan is stomping on a slice of pizza in the picture.
>/qa/ assmad as always
oh am laffin
reminds me of all the pics during the polocaust where poltan was beaten into submission by keksandra. good times.
you mean tumblr
I always find it funny how triggered people get when the "wrong" tan gets drawn.
this is cute anon
just needs cargo pants, maybe 7506 and xiaomi phone
/r/ing /qa/-tan eating a delicious pizza
/r/ing /pol/-tan eating a delicious pizza
You mad? It's just a request, bro.
People who frequent /pol/ are very insecure.
As I /pol/ack I have to say yes, the main thing is the people actually interested in the Winter Ball are more wanting to focus on making content, but a couple shit posters that are ignored, or other boards who have attempted planning raids on us, want to stir up trouble.
LOLS, /pol/ drawfags are helping all interested boards for the winterboard and /qa/ can only complain about it.

/pol/ oc isn't even that numerous relative to the oc we get every year.
Nobody but one or two people on /qa/ is actually complaining about it
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Where's your god now?
>tfw the fucking jews got to /c/
Need an edit with every board-tan now.

I don't get this meme.
It upsets the waifu fags.
fat faceless old man with the power of dick
ever read one of those doujins?

sounds like something for faggots who are into NTR shit.
That's exactly what it is.
If the Day of the Rope occurs, all NTR-fags will go first. Then the traitors.
Do you think /qa/ will hit puberty like [s4s] did?
Only in porn.
What did he mean by this?
>the innocent cute /qa/
>grow into a tasteless, angst pre-teen
That's pretty depressing
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What is with this weird "mommy" meme that's been popping up lately? Like, did 4channers accept that they can't get a girlfriend and have to resort to a mother instead?
Ignore posts like that. People who post stupid generalizations aren't the ones contributing OC.
Its an /r9k/ meme.
Wacky Race participants and their vehicles:

/mlp/-/d/-/x/-/toy/-/whoknows/: An undead horse-drawn carriage with Lego wheels
[s4s]-/c/: Tandem bike with Beary Pink in the basket
/tg/-/vp/-/his/: A Scoliopede-drawn red chariot with ork bitz stuck onto it
/m/-/int/: Equus
/pol/-/o/: Toyota AE86
/r9k/: Running with a katana and losing hilariously

Somebody draw them at the starting line with /qa/-tan in his meido outfit ready to signal with his flag.
Add in /a/ and /g/ with an anime sponsored racing car that has no one driving it and it's on fire.

It's because /r9k/ is a creepy weirdo, of course since /int/ is taller than him and busty he'd start calling her mommy.

This is probably one of the reasons she dumped him.
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Add /qst/ and /cm/ in a cardboard car with dice for wheels.
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That's just her dad

Nothing more
>/m/-/int/: Equus

Stop trying to force Equus
Dick Dastardly better fucking be participating.
/b/ as Dick Dastardly when?
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New /polo/ comic.
I will be hosting a tabletop game linked to this Wacky Races idea on the day of the ball. I look forward to playing with anyone who is willing to learn rules / have a good time.
>still no art of /cm/ and /qst/

Are they the only pairing that still doesn't have art?
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They do, just not any together, yet.
That's what I meant.

Hopefully they get some before the ball ends.
/qst/ and /cm/ but with /y/ asking them if they want to take up ice skating

This Must Happen
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/toy/'s dress is coming along nicely!
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/toy/ a cute
>Gamer Driver
>RX-78-2 skirt

There are more and one of us who want it to be Equus. Face it, people love Equus. If you watched the show you would too.
My skype is lailainai, for those interested in participating.
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posting more art from the /m/ thread
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And a homage to /toy/
That Yotsuba reference on [s4s]
All this art portrays /m/ as significantly taller than /int/, which is interesting because /int/ is already supposed to be pretty tall. Just how big is /m/?
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Kek that's great
I know you guys enjoy playing up the overreaction to give /r9k/ its reputation, but you can give it a rest now. We get it.
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Don't be like that. /m/ is really nice to us and they won't do anything lewd to mommy
>won't do anything lewd

That's a relief. /int/ surely wants to remain pure for us.

She already got fisted by an 11 year old shitposter, she's not pure.
i love this.
It's too late now man

unfortunately, the maki fags have already won
Yuri is pure.
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Now make it lewd
Wow. For people so willing to attention whore, none of you can actually draw.

I guess learning how to draw from "How To Draw Anime and Manga" books is the only way any of you can bother to shit out this pandering garbage, but it's all the same bland minimalist Tumblrshit.

Thanks for promoting more crossboard and more cross-site cancer, I guess. Means we'll die quicker.
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yeah old 4chan was just dripping with accomplished professional artists
Do it again but this time, don't, because it literally looks like Tumblr drew it. It's just generic. Do you not even bother using your own style or do you just ape the whole anime thing because "omg 4chan will luv it!"? Do better or don't try at all.
That's not the point.

This whole attention whoring "roleplaying as 4chan" thing would be worth it if anybody involved could actually draw something more than the aforementioned way, but these people can't even do that.

This was cancerous without the shit art but I mean, be sure to follow them all on Tumblr or something, you won't have a problem reaching them there.
So cute!
>People bitching about anime style art
>On a Chinese bootleg anime discussion forum
>All people bitching don't put up any of there own work

WEW lads
>People with no talent samefag as anonymous individuals as if they're only involved as spectators while making the old fallacious claim that just because you criticize something you should be able to do it better
Wew lads indeed, don't forget to say "if you don't like it don't look at it!" and all the other 13 year-old go-tos for criticism.
>muh tumblr shit!!!
Post link to tumblr as a proof or fuck off.

If you don't like it contribute your own OC for us to shit on.
nice discussion you have here
I think you better start accepting some criticism for what it is instead of reading into it literally.

It's typical Tumblrshit art using anime cliches as a basic means of constructing it.

That's a non-argument and a refusal to accept criticism.

Why are you all white knighting for 4chan RP cancer if I can ask?
I think you're dumb

you know who you are.
>Why are you all white knighting for 4chan RP cancer if I can ask?

Because I enjoy their mediocre work more than your bitching.
>Makes this bold claim
>Wont link the posts for fear of being BTFO

Never change 4chan
>Because I enjoy their mediocre work more than your bitching.
That's too bad, because it's my right to criticize whatever I want on 4chan, and that includes your autistic roleplay and the "art" within it.
Or did you forget that this isn't your Tumblr blog where you can block people?

>Takes claims literally and pretends he didn't get blown the fuck out
If you don't like typical 4chan, you should have never left Tumblr.
Don't worry, we're looking at you too.
It's not me selling myself on 4chan, so why you felt the need to insinuate that I'm doing this for attention is an interesting means of projection you got there.

Put down your manga drawing instruction booklet and see past your own insecurities.
>Projects about who's taking stuff literal

It's ok man this is a safe space, just throw insults, it won the Democrats an election surely it'll work here.
>it won the Democrats an election surely it'll work here.
Oh, no wonder why you're so stupid, you're a social justice warrior for the right wing.

I'm sorry, I guess you can't help being stupid seeing as you've a one-track mind that's focused on politics.

You still can't draw though.
You sure said a lot for someone who isn't seeking attention.
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It would be a lot, given your illiterate nature. I'm imagining those manga books have pictures for instructions so that might explain how you're doing it so well.

>Any criticism is baaaaaiiiiiit!
Desperate as fuck.
>Makes a relevant analogy
>hurr you're the artist and SJW right wing

Its ok I know you wont actually prove anyone wrong, you'll sit here throw insults then pretend you won when people get bored of you.
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>Its ok I know you wont actually prove anyone wrong
If you're stupid enough to take it literally, then there's no way there was a point to prove you wrong at. It's not my fault your autistic brain stops you from recognizing anything other than your need to shitpost with politics and call it a "relevant analogy."

Also that's not what an analogy is. What you're looking for is called a "reference."

>That's too bad, because it's my right to criticize whatever I want on 4chan
The fact that you're allowed to say it doesn't make it intelligent. You're just bitching about a generic art style because you associate it with tumblr, and demanding that people stop drawing (or to git gud and come back in nine months, which is the same as telling them to stop).

Most amateur is art is shitty.
Is this the malaysiafag everyone talks about?
>Gets shit on by people in the thread
>I was just trolling guys!
>Autisticly picks apart every post
>You're the autist!

Wew lad
>The fact that you're allowed to say it doesn't make it intelligent
That's a matter of opinion in your case, as intelligence according to you is defined entirely by your personal preference.

>You're just bitching about a generic art style because you associate it with tumblr
Because it is.

>and demanding that people stop drawing

>(or to git gud and come back in nine months, which is the same as telling them to stop).
How fucking mad are you? No it's not though.

>Most amateur is art is shitty.
Yeah but when combined with the premise of roleplaying as 4chan, you kind of deserve to be picked on.

I'll just discard your post and note you as being butthurt as fuck.
>Yeah but when combined with the premise of roleplaying as 4chan.
People are having dumb, juvenile fun. If it were done up professionally it would be just as cringeworthy and a huge waste of artistic talent besides.

>No, it's not though
People who take the time to develop genuine skill at art eventually go on to do more important things than draw for the morons at 4chan. It's shitty fan art for a dumb niche project. It's all going to be scraps.
I believe so.
>People are having dumb, juvenile fun.
Trust me, that much is apparent. And what "talent?"

>It's shitty fan art for a dumb niche project.
Then you should probably stop taking criticism so seriously and getting mad as fuck over it.
>Is this the malaysiafag everyone talks about?

I really wouldn't mind if Singapore nuked the rest of the Malay Peninsula
>People should be nuked because one guy criticized meeeeeee!
Y'all are triggered as fuck. To answer your questions, what the fuck is a Malaysiafag, and do you all seriously equate all criticism to one person in a classic "only one person can possibly disagree with what I think, say and do" cliche?
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Oh, so it is you!
>Hey guys want to roleplay as 4chan boards through substandard mediocre art based on anime cliches?


I actually don't have much of an idea regarding what you're on about.
>every thread turns to shitposting when one guy takes amateur art really seriously

Damn this is fun to watch.
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Go back to bed, Mike
It's more so about what you're doing with said shit art, than the art itself.

Don't get the message confused or deliberately misconstrued. The art's just another reason to hate you all.
I have to admit, this autistic wailing is an art in itself.
We need to get back to the issue at hand: /qa/ lewds are still scarce!
At least it isn't ripped off or generic.
Give me references and I'll fix it.
And of course, pornographic pandering. It's like I really am on Tumblr.
Tumblr sounds like a really sweet place, we should be more like Tumblr.
> Just how big is /m/?
I'd say pretty big, she's a robot-girl.

Hnnnnggg, now I want to draw it. I woulda thought that /qst/ or /cm/ woulda been ON that already!
Did we ever settle on a date?
Lots of boards settled on their dates. :^)
Here you go laddie, make sure he's in his meido dress
Cheeky fuck. So first weekend in December then?
I've suggested December 3.
not even techiniacally winter yet
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/pol/'s being raided. Suppose I'll stay here and on /o/ for the night, even if it's much slower.
Lovely. Purest couple of the year
>Final stretch of the wacky race
>neither the /pol/x/o/ nor the /int/x/m/ couple is in first
>it's [s4sc/ or someone
>our heroes lock eyes
>/o/ drives on the /m/ech and they combine via the power of friendship.
They still lose to the lolis on a tandem bike.

shit, for a second i thought she'd found us again
I'd be agreeable to that.
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It's literally one butthurt malaysian guy.
Reminder to ignore Mike.
>lel good thing we got the archives cuz im gonna read this when i got old and die laughing
I love this guy.
lol holy shit he's the /aco/ waifu pusher.
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Extending thanks to that /d/rawfag a few /pol/ threads ago, you BTFO'd him pretty well, haven't seen him in a few threads.
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so uh
/pol/'s broken out in civil war, george is dead
call me back.
Over what?
Not sure what that post is trying to say but I just checked /pol/ because of it and apparently there's potential that there may be a recount and Hillary may win the election.
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The alt-right has been pegged as White-supremacists after some fuckhead 'leader' was taped zeig hailing trump.

>so half of /pol/ says

>the other half

its a real pain in the butt.
>The alt-right has been pegged as White-supremacists
You DO realize that the term was penned by white nationalist groups, right? It was always their movement, their attempt to rebrand. You dumb cucks just fell for it in the wave of PC backlash.
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Recap of 2014 Winterball. Not sure if I was here for 2015.
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Yes i do, and you see the problem.
at this point, 'the movement' is somewhat up for grabs, and the definition is now being written for the court of public appeals.
and with this hillary ballot counting thing, conservatives dont fucking want ties to hitler (at least publicly). the david duke shit also lingers like a bad fart.
god damnit. our serenity lasted 2 weeks.
A Nazi discovered many female sex hormones. Am I to believe that making a woman horny makes you a Nazi?
>A movement is discovered, not founded and led.
>This is what deluded alt-right useful idiots actually believe.
How's it feel to realize you're so low on the totem pole that you didn't even see the cucks leading you?

Just drop it. The winter ball is not for crying about the hole you dug yourself.
Is that Prinz Eugen from Kantai Collection on the left?
That's Rachel Purity, /pol/-tan's daughter.
I see. She's cute but she looks like she was based on Kantai Collection. Is that a bad thing? We'll let the viewers decide. *turns and points to TV screen* It's on you... America.
Who did /pol/ have a daughter with, or was it a birthed-from-the-forehead type affair?
And by the way, my IQ is 160 so I automatically won the argument, stormweenie.
I believe they're all adopted, except ebola-chan and winter-chan whom were chaos manifestations.
No one knows, but /pol/ likes to act like they matter.
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2015 Harvest Festival
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She's the personification of a very harsh European Winter that, with Ebola-chan, would drive away, if not wipe out the mudslimes in Europe.

On another note, new /polo/ comic.
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What did he mean by this?
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Damn you, jadednetwork, you failed me!
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Gonna finish this before Christmas. Hopefully I get some Winter comics done by the end of the year.
We're getting busy with Eye Wide Shut and other kikery. We probably won't be making as much OC. Also our drawfags are sick.
t. /pol/
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Since the election, I've been less active on /pol/ topics especially with recent shilling.
But as a drawfag I won't be going anywhere.
Are you a farmer? Because what you have there in front of you is a cow.

She's cute would fug
The drawing or the actual girl in front of me? That's an important detail.

show her your drawings

she'll like them

Her actual looks amount to her being just a friend desu. She's also significantly older than me.


You're better off with the 2D in this situation, senpai
she already conceded
One of the three states in question has an auto recount, surprise, surprise she lost it.
>civil socialists
you mean civic nationalists
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No thread up on /vp/ so I'll just toss this one here

There's still the thread up on /tg/.
(Someone already posted it there)

I haven't played the new pokemon yet, are Team Skull slavs?
They're Japanese delinquents, they don't have their heels touching the ground when they squat.
Thread posts: 335
Thread images: 75

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