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4chan Popularity

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While notorious world wide, 4chan's popularity has been significantly lower than many other community driven forums and social media sites on the internet. For reference, Tumblr is currently ranked 46th, Reddit is ranked 27th, and 9gag is ranked 197th. Historically, 4chan has generally hovered between 800-1100th place in web popularity. This figure adjusts for increased web traffic across the entire internet and has remained relatively consistent across its lifetime Post-2007.

The exceptions to this rule are occasional spikes in which massive news covered is directed towards this site. The most recent (and perhaps most influential) incident being the Jennifer Lawrence iCloud leak in 2014, colloquially known as "The Fappening". During this period of late August and early September, 4chan's popularity surged past 500th place as newcomers flocked to this site in an effort to discover the nature of this hacking and the denizens of the site it was leaked to. Traffic promptly dropped after this event, however, and 4chan returned to its standard placement of roughly ~1000th place.

An interesting trend has been occurring over the past 2 months, however. According to Alexa, 4chan's web popularity has been surging dramatically with an increase from ~950th to a current 764th. While there is some indication that the rate is slowing, there is no indication that this growth is stopping any time soon.

What are some of the potential causes of this sudden increase in 4chan's traffic?
>sudden increase in April
Strange, nothing notable happened in april to warrant this increase.
What makes this really bizarre is Moot has stated multiple times in the past that his experience with this site has shown dramatic decreases in site traffic during summer (frequently citing this for his belief that "summerfaggotry" wasn't a real thing).

Not only is this trend a reverse of past years, it's growing.
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Stopped reading here.
>What are some of the potential causes of this sudden increase in 4chan's traffic?

When school lets out for summer
That still begs another question, though. In this case, it becomes "What's causing the surge of Alexa users?"
Even if the precise numbers aren't accurate, theoretically, they should still be relative to previous models.
All Alexa is sampling is the population of people dumb enough to use their toolbar add-on to voluntarily give away all their traffic/browsing habits to a 3rd party.
In that case, why is there a sudden increase of alexa users?
>what's causing the surge

Dumbshits from leddit and tumblr coming here with their toolbars still running? I'm guessing various shills on /pol/ are responsible. Oh, also game of thrones on /tv/ could easily be called Game of Reddit and hence those fags also invade just for that show (hence it is wise to ban that general thread when the show isn't airing).

Seriously GoT threads all by themselves are like fucking 20-25+% of ALL of /tv/'s current daily post rate. It brings in outsider scum who will also start spamming more shitty unfunny memes to try to "fit in" (via shitting on the place) if allowed to stay after GoT ends.
This, subreddits get linked all the time on /pol/
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And obviously it's because of /pol/ and the general election, yes.
>The election
But why April, and why so suddenly?

I'd have expected a more gradual trend if this were the primary cause.
>people still claim summer isn't a real thing

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Trump memes, son. The man himself tweeted a pepe version of himself some time ago. It was only a matter of time until it's starting to spiral out of control, now that he has clinched the nomination.

Also, Shillary is spending literal millions of dollars on internet warfare. Wouldn't surprise me if that generated ever more traffic in the inofficial Trump HQ as well.
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Bump for justice.
5% of us are Chinese?
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So a good chunk of 4Chan are high school girls.
Yeah, I have some doubts.
They're all browsing /a/ right now.
I read the first sentence of your post and can already tell that you are a loser faggot with no gf and your opinions are complete trash.
It is the primaries
And /pol/ was right yet again
The aggregate sites that host /pol/ content (like memes and screenshots) are attracting the Alt Right circles from Reddit and other sites to /pol/. This is why /pol/ has further declined in quality these past few months.
/pol/, /pol/, and /pol/.
It's on reddit. It's on twitter. It's on facebook. It's on television. It's attracting attention from everyone the rest site wants to avoid.
Thanks, guys. Your epic legionz is doing a lot to improve the site.
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Trump's internet people, aka /pol/.
Shine on you crazy diamonds!

delete /pol/
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Hill's shills are out in force on /pol/, that's for darn sure.
/pol/ is the Jew that opened 4chan's floodgates to mass immigration.
It's also in twitch chats. 2 years ago everyone wanted to fuck the trappy boy or the tranny when they were on stream but now all you read is hateful /pol/ speak and anger.
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Got a better site?
The alt-right. It's akin to Anonymous around 2008. The Trump campaign, the #nevertrumpets, and people like Alex Jones know about /pol/.

Christ, this is ridiculously masturbatory.
Pick one
it's the presiential race. it's about votes, not belief.
Trump is definitely a moderate paleocon, or at least he pretends to be one. He's against open borders, free trade, interventionism, and political correctness.

Unless you're one of those people who thinks the alt-right only consists of white supremacists.
at this point, alt right just means conservatives that don't buy into the conservative narratives of shit like MIDDLE EAST BAD ISRAEL GOOD
its not just the massive amount of /pol/ tier people appearing outside of /pol/
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There's something hilarious about /pol/ itself being a meme archived on knowyourmeme.
Please let things die down once the election is over, no matter who wins. I hate these outsiders.

Almost the entirety of 4chan has been like this since at least 2013/2014, except maybe apolitical or small blue boards like /a/.
alexa is hilariously inaccurate
Narcissistic manchildren are essentially indistinguishable from teenager girls in a purely textual format.
Fuck it would be glorious if whatsisface the old guy they call a gommunist, wins. The arsehurt would be amazing.
In any case, the numbers on 4chan's homepage did go up.

Nice burn bruh.

He's already out, it's just not official yet. It would take a while for /pol/ to recover if Trump loses though.
>Nice burn bruh.
It's an observation based on years of interaction.

Anyway, I heard on the news that he is still trying to make it on his own at some political conference thing they ones left go to near the end of the year, or something. I don't know all that much about the Burgerstani election process, aside from the fact that it goes on longer than how long many African nations exist under the same name.
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oven dweller
I welcome you to post more accurate statistics.

I'm working with what I have available.
>using fucking alexa
You do know that its stats are fucking garbage based off of a virus, right?
I welcome you to post more accurate statistics.

I'm working with what I have available.
There's some truth to it, although "manchildren" isn't usually used for this type of person.
/v/, /tv/ and others can't give enough of (e)-celebrity gossip- it's like a group of teenaged girls when you see how much they scour social media for drama.
What an awful post
From rock bottom to even more rock bottom.
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Stats are consistent with this (pic related). While traditional boards like /a/ and /g/ seem to have declined in popularity (at about the same rate and proption i.e. a site-wide effect), /pol/ has shown a spike coinciding with the election primaries, specially these past few weeks. Also note the variety of the search terms, some of which are nothing but /pol/ memes.

This could also explain the Alexa stats. Since /pol/ users are most likely to be outsiders of the rightwing and normalfag category, this also means that that this people are very likely using toolbars, don't block scripts or ads and most readily (perhaps unknownling) surrender personal information to data miners such as Alexa.

Overall, I'm saddened to see that 4chan continues to be diluted by hordes of outsiders that have nothing to do with the site's culture or purpose and instead it becomes yet another hugbox for people needing to defend their snowflake titles--the tumblr for right wingers. What's worse, this is usually irreversible, with each cycle putting a greater toll on the sites quality across all boards reminscent of /b/ and Chanology.
>muh sekret klub
>the tumblr for right wingers

It doesn't surprise me that /q/ is against this, but this is precisely what makes 4chan so interesting.

/pol/ has never been this memetastic before, and unlike Tumblr, it has a great sense of humor, so I consider this a huge insult. I've been here for a very long time, and let me tell you, 4chan hasn't been this entertaining in a very long time. It's like 2007 all over again. I feel sad for the so-called centrists like you (unlikely that you are one) who have the inability to enjoy it. /pol/'s userbase consists of moderates to extremists, and we're just making fun of the regressive left. But stay salty. You should follow moot's advice: if you don't like it, ignore or hide it.
>Overall, I'm saddened to see that 4chan continues to be diluted by hordes of outsiders that have nothing to do with the site's culture or purpose and instead it becomes yet another hugbox for people needing to defend their snowflake titles--the tumblr for right wingers. What's worse, this is usually irreversible, with each cycle putting a greater toll on the sites quality across all boards reminscent of /b/ and Chanology.

I remember thinking this same thing... 5 years ago. Oh to be a newfag again.
>neo- /pol/ is funny
r u fugig redarded :-DDD
Tastes differ I guess. You're missing the boat tho, because it's been hell of a ride.
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>fuck all the niggers/muslims/librlrs!?!?!
>why am I better than everyone else who isn't in my narrow definition of race/nation/other
>advocating about killing and oppressing whole groups of people isn't edgy, it's just the only way >XDD!!

Ok buddy. If by "memtastic" you mean metastasizing, then I agree. Unlikey any previous time in history, 4chan was never a political hug box--things were done for the fun of it and anyone or anything were a target. These days, however, it's clear that people want to abuse the site to push agendas and create snowflake chambers like /pol/. Don't lie to yourself, you "enjoy" /pol/ not because you're some sort of impartial observer, but because you believe 90% of the content and like being able to hide under the cover of 'humor' like a coward.

It's funny because you thnk they carry no consequences, but the truth is that /pol/ is constantly being run by shills and other groups trying to push their agendas. And despite their glamor of "free speech", the /pol/ talk points are usually nothing more than parroted propaganda on unwitting users by outside manipulators. Of course, there's always the edgelord underage which are abundant, but that's in addition to.
Your SRS tears are delicious.

You're right though, there are a lot of CTR Clinton shills.
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>/pol/ content (like memes and screenshots) are attracting the Alt Right circles from Reddit
Exactly! Look at this shit. r/4chan encourages redditors to come to 4chan, especially to /pol/. I don't know who (reddit or /pol/) is to blame for this, though.
It's been like this for years now. It wouldn't surprise me if three quarters of 4chan's userbase originally came from reddit.
Wrong, all kind of shills, but primarily right wingers or other extremist websites. Face it, /pol/ is but the snowflake ball, dress and slippers included. The problem arises in that agendas are being pushed and people manipulated by the thousands affecting the livelyhood of others beyond the shithole containment board is supposed to be.
See :http://4chandata.org/q/Stormfront--4chan-Specifically--pol--a374189
>but primarily right wingers or other extremist websites.

nah, people are just sick of having their posts deleted or accounts shadow banned on other sites like reddit because they hold the "wrong" political views. You leftists SRS shills made too many enemies
>But why April

Well, news articles from march-april indicate that the US has just disclosed that it's trying to up the ante in cyber warfare.


Not to sound tinfoil, but perhaps there are undisclosed operations going on here in order to monitor/counter potential Russian cyber brigade operations?
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>primarily right wingers or other extremist website
>agendas are being pushed and people manipulated

You are one ass-blasted cuck. Please keep posting. You might have an aneurism or something and that would be hilarious.

>shithole containment board

Ah, so you're just plain ol' retarded. Go find a safe-space and cry more. The alt-right bogey-man is coming for you. Booga booga!
People like Milo and Alex Jones talking about 4chan.
Alt-righter admits he and his buddies are from reddit. >>561343
Fuck off if you have nothing to add.
What's happening is that this site became /pol/.org and all the retards of the world are flocking to try to get everyone implanted with loyalty implants, to kill humanity and make us into mindless zombies like them.
>stupid Reddit, with there strict moderation, censorship, and stupid board culture enforcement
>I know guys! Let's delete /pol/! Since it's like the only place ANY* opinion can be posted, and whose board culture I don't like!

The victim card has run out Commie. We aren't the ones scrubbing the Internet of anything we don't like.
I agree that /pol/ and the election are likely to blame but the sudden immediate increase as april started makes me think something just changed with the calculation of traffic.
>What are some of the potential causes of this sudden increase in 4chan's traffic?

Say goodby to these increases and the advertising revenue! The /pol/ mods give a shit about the constant raids the last 2 weeks and people are leaving in masses now, new people will not stay because /pol/ is total shit now
>he thinks Trump, an incredibly media savvy billionaire, isn't spending money on internet viral marketers and shills
>he thinks that 4chan's support of Trump is 100% organic
How fucking naive are Trumpfags? Holy shit.
How can /qa/ hate /pol/? Is everyone here from Tumblr?

Sure, they're a bit autistic and abrasive, but they're the only place on the Internet that allows free-flowing, unbiased political discussion. Sites like Reddit censored articles about the Orlando shooting.

>frog image saved 3 months ago
Are you enjoying your time here, friend?
Please lurk other boards for a few months before posting on them if you insist on leaving your epic meme zone. Shitposting on /qa/ is fine since it's turned into /q/ anyway but other boards have things worth protecting.
>implying voting for an orange-coloured billionaire will save my life
>implying trumpcucks want free-flowing political discussion
>implying trumpcucks don't have autistic fits if you don't fellate their "god-emperor"
>implying trumpcucks don't accuse you of shilling if you point out his nonsensical platform
There is nothing people hate more than someone who wants to save them from themselves.
yes. white knights are annoying faggots and proselytizing faggots from /pol/ are no less so

what matters is the ability to post and your post have the same weight as anyone's, unpopular opinions aren't removed and no one is voted down or shadow banned.
I think the concept of the bump might be lost on you.
You reek of Reddit, get the fuck out
>baww, someone is calling out my snowflake ville for its bullshit
Try harder /pol/erina or better yet, go back to /pol/mblr and stay there--that's why it's called a containment board.

Don't let the blood seep through sister. /pol/ is far from a 'free-speech' zone because is loaded with mindless shitposting, fan-boyism, shills and the never ending horde of edge lords. If /pol/ was truly a 'free speech zone' you wouldn't have a thousands /pol/erinas jam packing the report system and spamming threads for triggers they dislike and it would certainly not be a right-winger hug-box. In fact, if it were truly a free speech zone it wouldn't have any kind of affliliation at all, yet we know anyone immediately recognizes /pol/ shitposting from hundreds of boards away. The only thing /pol/ actually does is amplify the bullshit that comes out of 90% of its user base. Think /s4s/ with politics.
A lot of /pol/tards seem to disregard rule 10.
>cuckservative is a wikipedia entry
how did this happen
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>that huge dip when school starts again in January
So many kiddies on /v/
That doesn't explain the surge 1 week later.
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>/pol/ isn't free speech because I'm not allowed to dump my interracial cuck porn there and people make fun of me for linking to huffpo.
Yeah okay.
wgho thef fuck are you are quoting??
I'm >quoting (You), you ridiculous faggot.

There is a list of reasons that /pol/ is not actually free speech, but I promise you that "They don't accept my post-modernist narratives" is not a one of them.

>In fact, if it were truly a free speech zone it wouldn't have any kind of affliliation at all, yet we know anyone immediately recognizes /pol/ shitposting from hundreds of boards away.
What does this mean? What the fuck does any of this post mean?
I mean, it almost sounds like you're accusing /pol/ of creating the atmosphere of casual racism prevalent across this entire website. But I know there is no possible way you'd be retarded enough to believe that /pol/ somehow created something that's been around since this website's beginnings.
4chan is one of the few examples of something Left wing being subverted to Right wing.

moot and Hiroyuki might not like /pol/ but it's where most of 4chan's traffic comes from so they need it.

in related news.

Casual bigotry ruined this website along with other "ironic" types of behavior and it was never prevalent until edgy asshats/Poe's Law kicked in. Stop sipping the /pol/ kool-aid my friend.
>casual racism
Casual racism is me calling you a double nigger. What you /pol/tards are doing with your constant proselytizing and infographics is a different thing entirely.
The racism was always "semi-ironic", and you're fucking stupid for ever thinking it wasn't partially serious.

The only thing that ever really changed is that tumblr's existence dragged hamfisted political correctness onto the internet, and turned everything into SRSBSNS. That is THE thing that fuel's /pol/'s existence; the latter's attempts to censor the former.
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>we need to be popular
Who could be behind this post?
>Left wing
4chan has consistently been contrarian, anarchist, and libertarian.
This. 4chan has always been kinda provocative, apathetic, elitist, and mean too, and it explored the limits of what's acceptable. This is exactly what /pol/ is today, aside from a few extremist fuckheads who don't have a sense of humor and take it all serious.
4chan has never been afflicted by SRSBNS, and /pol/ has a larger presence on 4chan than Tumblr ever had. Whatever miserable activists did to the rest of the internet, /pol/acks are the ones who brought it here.
You can't just try and treat 4chan like it's an entity separate from the rest of the internet, numbnuts. Nearly every board has some fandom or another that is directly affected by the scourge of political correctness that is sweeping the entire web.

These discussions would happen on their respective boards regardless of /pol/'s existence. In fact, /pol/'s status as a quarantine zone is *the* reason that they don't happen even more often, just because we now have a board that is dedicated to these discussions.

It's not a coincidence that /pol/ is growing. It's a reflection of things happening to the internet as a whole. /pol/ didn't bring the internet here, the internet came to /pol/.
>Nearly every board has some fandom or another that is directly affected by the scourge of political correctness that is sweeping the entire web.
4chan never encompassed the entirety of the fandom for anything. The Western anime fandom has always had the roleplaying Gaia kids and the rabid Inuyasha fangirls, but they didn't come to /a/ and /a/ didn't bother them, other than telling them to fuck off when they wandered in.

>These discussions would happen on their respective boards regardless of /pol/'s existence.
Sure. But they would be people who came to 4chan for their hobby first and discussed the topic from that frame of reference, rather than an army of agenda-driven people who flocked to 4chan because they hated the politics elsewhere.
>rather than an army of agenda-driven people who flocked to 4chan because they hated the politics elsewhere.
It is impossible for me to describe how wrong you are. Shii explicitly stated that the reason for creating anonymous culture in the first place was politically motivated for the sake of separating identity from content when delivering information. You're trying to create some sort of distinction from this that, quite frankly, doesn't exist.
>Shii explicitly stated that the reason for creating anonymous culture in the first place [for] separating identity from content when delivering information.
Shii didn't create anonymous culture. And what the fuck was even the purpose of putting "politically motivated" in that sentence? Did it add any clarity to the issue?

No, you added it there just so you could shoehorn politics into the subject. This "everything is political" shit is retarded even on its face. Buy yourself a better argument.
>It's not a coincidence that /pol/ is growing.
/pol/ is growing because it actively reaches out into the rest of the internet and asks for people to come shit up this place without filtering for quality.
/pol/ is the group of yuppies with the REFUGEES WELCOME signs when the rest of us just want to continue living our lives.

Shii created usenet? Or was it the BBS he created?
This was an awful attempt at an appeal to authority.
>advertising for more people
Uwot. So because /pol/ is now known as alt-right central, they're begging people to come shitpost on other boards? No. When redditors see something they tend to disagree with, they just spam "go back to /pol/ and since this site is now full of redditors, it's a common place thing to say. Not necessarily /pol/tards. Just people who don't have the same view points as you. That's like me saying you're a faggot. That's a simple term that gets used around this site in general, right? A redditor who got triggered at that would just say go back to /pol/ even if it has nothing to do with /pol t
/pol/ is not out there to maintain the quality of some shitty little Burmese basketweaving board like the rest of 4chan, it's out to see its worldview gain supremacy in the world. That means influencing both real life, the internet, and what parts of 4chan they can reach. And in order to make a difference you need numbers; that's what mass movements are about, and it's why the alt-right won't stop shiilling /pol/ on other websites at every opportunity.

They don't care where the people they are recruiting is coming from as long as they back their cause. That's because they are activists. Activists of all kind want to see change in the world and 4chan is simply a vehicle for that means, as opposed to everyone else, who just wants to quietly jack off to their cartoons.

>A redditor who got triggered at that would just say go back to /pol/ even if it has nothing to do with /pol/.
Nobody actually does this, you fuckwit. I would have called you a complete faggot but it didn't have the right nuance. Now fuck off back to /pol/.
Fuck off and stay in /pol/, redditor.
What I have gathered from this thread is one thing: 4chan was a mistake and should've never been created. You guys beat out SA for being awful that's pretty respectable at least.
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>No, you added it there just so you could shoehorn politics into the subject. This "everything is political" shit is retarded even on its face. Buy yourself a better argument.

He's right though. Anonymity has always been an inherently political part of image boards and the internet.

People being able to reject the identities (and the political and social norms that come with them) they were constrained to in real life, or even in the form of forum accounts and names so they could be judged on the content of their posts, or not judged at all. Then social media exploded, people wanted everyone to know who they were, which threatened the anonymous model of 4chan and the internet as a place away from the rules of mainstream society. With that came leftists and identity politics. They hate anonymity and want to destroy it because they can't claim "PRIVILEGE" or destroy someone's life if he's anonymous. They absolutely need identities to enforce their PC model of thoughtcrime and privilege.

And with anonymity has always come everything associated with /pol/. If you don't like what /pol/ represents, you probably don't like anonymity because /pol/ is the natural progression of anonymity on the internet as the Left uses the lack of anonymity on the rest of the internet to force their cultural hegemony.
>(frequently citing this for his belief that "summerfaggotry" wasn't a real thing).
Yeah, if you lurk long enough, you realize the only bad thing about summer is new friends thinking it's worse over the summer.

Posting things like, "Ahh, summer is here" for every shitpost is an excellent indication that that person is still new. Be sure to call them out on it when applicable.
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Summer really used to be a problem especially in the 2000s though. That was when the internet wasn't as popular and most people only used desktops. So during summer, you would have kids who now had all the free time in the world spending all their time on the internet and 4chan and it was a drastic difference.

Nowadays everyone from everywhere uses the internet at anytime every day, and from any place since they all have laptops and smartphones, so it's like eternal summer. The internet isn't just that one place (mostly) for geeks you go to once in a while now, it's where everyone gets to their information, their news, and even social contact with social media. But to say it's not an issue or has never been an issue is retarded.
>People being able to reject the identities (and the political and social norms that come with them)
Yep. 4chan has always been rejectionist. The ones bringing political norms, social norms, and identity politics to 4chan are usually /pol/, because they're busy crusading against degeneracy, claiming implausibly but aggressively that they "are 4chan" and that people who disagree with them (or just think they are retrarded) "aren't 4chan", and calling everyone they don't like nu-male libtard beta-cuck redditors.

>They hate anonymity and want to destroy it because they can't claim "PRIVILEGE" or destroy someone's life if he's anonymous. They absolutely need identities to enforce their PC model of thoughtcrime and privilege.
If the government ever decides to outlaw anonymity no doubt the rest of 4chan will stand behind you. That said, you are currently committing the thoughtcrime of making the people around you that much dumber, and possibly also the thoughtcrime of believing your own bullshit. (Not that it matters, but you're also probably a first-world straight white able male nerd like the rest of us anyway.)

>And with anonymity has always come everything associated with /pol/. If you don't like what /pol/ represents, you probably don't like anonymity because /pol/ is the natural progression of anonymity on the internet as the Left uses the lack of anonymity on the rest of the internet to force their cultural hegemony.
This is some of the most vacuously idiotic logic I've seen here to date and as /qa/ is usually completely fucking retarded this is actually quite impressive.

Here, try this one: with anonymity has always come the posting of child pornography. It's one of the natural progressions of anonymity on the internet. Therefore, if you support anonymity, it's probably because you are a child molester, as pedophiles use the anonymity on the internet to safely distribute pictures of the chidlren they have fucked.
Not an argument.
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>The ones bringing political norms, social norms, and identity politics to 4chan are usually /pol/
Like that other guy said, a few of them are, but mostly it's just reacting to what's happening on the internet, in media, and society. I didn't really post on /pol/ that much before, these issues came to me, and they're everywhere I go too. old /pol/ was just ahead of its time, and I realize that they were right all along because they were talking about these issues and predicting this before they entered the mainstream.

>(Not that it matters, but you're also probably a first-world straight white able male nerd like the rest of us anyway.)
Anti-/pol/, everyone.

>Therefore, if you support anonymity, it's probably because you are a child molester, as pedophiles use the anonymity on the internet to safely distribute pictures of the chidlren they have fucked.
Except CP is actually illegal. And yeah lolicons have always posted here, they have a right as long as it's just drawings or words, just like you have the right to tell them you want them to hang themselves.
I've never really bought into the summer meme but this actually is a very valid point. most underages are probably posting on mobile now because that's the way the internet is shifting. so "summerfag" is certainly obsolete as high schoolers could very well be posting during class, but posting as a "mobilefag" continues to be something that should be justifiably shamed. never trust a "image.jpg" filename, they're almost always shitposts anyway
/pol/ actively has raids or crusades or whatever you to call it on various platforms. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, comment sections on articles that were posted on /pol/, and so on. It's full of kids spouting memes and mentioning /pol/ by name if not outright linking it. How would Reddit even know to tell people to go to /pol/ if they kept to themselves?
/pol/ has no regard to maintaining quality and instead invites anyone to post there because they are an epic legion that needs more soldiers. As a result, /qa/ is getting inundated with threads from /pol/ saying that their post quality has plummeted, but they think it's a conspiracy instead of the result of seeking the lowest common denominator.

People value anonymity so they can get away from the politics that you people are obsessed with bringing to these boards. Real life is often awful and they want to talk with others about their hobbies- a simple Point A to Point B discussion free of constraints. 99% of the internet is already full of idiots talking about themselves or what they value in real life, but you feel it's necessary for it to be 100%. Everything is a battlefield and all anons must be recruited under your banner.
Your images are epic, though, dude. Epic for the win.
>Real life is often awful and they want to talk with others about their hobbies- a simple Point A to Point B discussion free of constraints.

You're free to talk about your hobbies in the countless threads dedicated to them, just like you're free to talk about the politics of your hobby in the threads about that.

Go to lebbit, and you'll be able to downvote anyone who triggers you, and even create your own safe spaces in the form of subreddits.

>As a result, /qa/ is getting inundated with threads from /pol/ saying that their post quality has plummeted
No it's not, it's inundated by concern trolls like you who want to cry about /pol/ all day long, get it deleted, and derail every thread including this one to talk about how horrible /pol/ is. Kill yourself.
>mostly it's just reacting to what's happening on the internet, in media, and society
Yes. They are reacting to something that happens _elsewhere_ and bringing it here for the first time. This has been stated so many times I'm not sure whether you're deliberately ignoring it or simply incapable of telling the difference.

>Anti-/pol/, everyone.
When you're done grandstanding for the audience, maybe you should step back and realize that the only people who would find this comment remarkable in any way are the deliberately blind.

>Except CP is actually illegal.
This doesn't actually affect the argument in any way. It's part and parcel of anonymity. People traded CP back in the days of pre-2ch archaic Japanese anonymity, it's part of Tor's stock in trade, and they do it on /b/ today. You should pay more attention to the fact that the logic involved was facetiously retarded.

>And yeah and yeah lolicons have always posted here
I didn't conflate these in any way, so what was the point of bringing this up when I was obviously referring to actual child pornography? For that matter, what was the point of bringing Shii up? As far as I can tell you're engaging in manufactured in-group status signaling in order to get other people to identify you with early 4chan, and it's vomit-inducing, so do us a favor and please stop.
>No it's not, it's inundated by concern trolls like you who want to cry about /pol/ all day long, get it deleted, and derail every thread including this one to talk about how horrible /pol/ is.
If you didn't want to read a thread about how 4chan is being ruined by a massive influx of normalfags and Redditors forcibly dragging all of their oh-so-very-fucking-important real life issues into 4chan, you shouldn't have come to /qa/.
Reread my post. Just because they say something that's politically "incorrect" doesn't exactly mean they're from /pol/
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>Yes. They are reacting to something that happens _elsewhere_ and bringing it here for the first time.
>for the first time

Are you retarded? People have always brought issues from somewhere else here, ever since the beginning especially on /b/. Almost everything discussed here inclucing your hobbies comes from somewhere else, we don't live in a vacuum.

>When you're done grandstanding for the audience, maybe you should step back and realize that the only people who would find this comment remarkable in any way are the deliberately blind
Maybe in your Reddit circlejerk, AIDS Skrillex. Too bad your post had no fucking relevance. You respond to someone saying 4chan isn't limited by identity politics by bringing identity politics into the discussion because you passive-aggressive redditors are fucking programmed to do that.

>It's part and parcel of anonymity
Except in this case moot and Hiroshimoot would be breaking the law by not banning it which would lead to the site being shut down and the owner being sued, so there is a valid case for it. That's like saying "people murdering each other is the natural of product of a free society" is the same as saying "people being able to drink Coke is the natural product of a free society".

>what was the point of bringing Shii up?
I'm not the one who brought him up. I was just agreeing that the anonymity of this site will always be correlated to its politics, and if you don't like it, you can leave to any other site that doesn't have anonymity. The second you go out of line, you will named, shamed and banned. Then all the evil "/pol/tards" will be gone.
>Almost everything discussed here inclucing your hobbies comes from somewhere else, we don't live in a vacuum.
And these people, in general, leave people who don't like their hobbies alone rather than using it as a platform for >>564258. None of these people have an agenda; they are not out to create converts; they are not out to wage war on people to disagree. /pol/ takes these things, brings them to the site, and then spreads them everywhere.

>Maybe in your Reddit circlejerk, AIDS Skrillex.
Please. Nobody actually cares. I doubt even you actually care yourself. The fact that you are pretending to care right now is deliberately manufactured outrage and it's genuinely fucking sad, seeing as how people manage to scream about FUCKING LEAVES on a semi-regular basis and I doubt you ever managed to give even a tenth of a percent as much of a shit about this horrible infiltration of identity politics into your lofty fortress of ideals.

>Except in this case moot and Hiroshimoot would be breaking the law by not banning it
Yes, yes, we all know what the law is, but the law cannot identify you if you're anonymous. Let's talk about Tor, which operates legally because third parties are not liable for transmitting illegal content unless they know what it is. Do you support anonymity? Do you support child pornography? If the answer to these questions is different, even someone as dense as you should be able to figure out why your initial argument was full of shit.

>I was just agreeing that the anonymity of this site will always be correlated to its politics
It's not. It never has been. It's like saying that "people shouldn't shitpost" is political because it endorses the broken windows theory of policing, or that "moderation should exist" is a political statement about freedom. The impetus for world2ch and all that early weeb shit was never to escape from identity politics anyway. Claiming that it is revisionist history as its worst.
>and if you don't like it, you can leave to any other site that doesn't have anonymity. The second you go out of line, you will named, shamed and banned. Then all the evil "/pol/tards" will be gone.
Vacuous double-standard. 4chan and anonymity existed long before /pol/ did. Why would should I emigrate just because a bunch of retarded upstart immigrants arrived and started shitting all over the place?
Why does reddit hate /pol/ so much? If you dumbasses weren't so new, you'd known by now to ignore threads you don't like. Like most of Anons have done and still currently do. But instead all you faggots do is bitch and moan about /pol/. And I'm not even a /pol/tard.
Ignoring things you don't like is a surefire way to give cancer a foothold onto your board.
See, that's a retarded analogy to use because most /pol/tards were here since /new/ and like most anons, either came from /a/ or /b/
True. Fix the shit on your own board first. And reminder that not every post is automatically /pol/ because you disagree with it
>See, that's a retarded analogy to use because most /pol/tards were here since /new/
Why do /pol/acks insist on repeating this pathetic lie when it doesn't stand up to even the most cursory analysis?

Tell me, did all the /news/men generate copies of themselves by magic, or do they just post five times as much?
If you could learn to read, you could see I said I don't even go on /pol/ you fucking dumbass redditor. You guys are hopeless. Whine all you want, /pol/ ain't going nowhere because it works excellently as a containment board.
>If you could learn to read
I read the post >>565003, which seemed like it was written by a /pol/ack. I had no way of knowing it was written by the same person as >>565001 because it sure would be fucking stupid to make blatantly false statements about the composition of a board you don't even visit.
Newsflash, most of us did start out on /b/ and /a/ Lrn2 4chan history first then I'll take you seriously.
Who's "us", you shitstain?
You really have to ask? The users of 4chan you illiterate redditard.
The site isn't homogeneous and hasn't been in ages. Early 4chan users are long since outnumbered by newcomers.

You sound like you're reciting things you read out of a book. What is it with /pol/acks and their infuriatingly poor attempts to claim 4chan heritage as their own? If you're going to lie at least have the decency to lie well.
I don't know why you keep claiming I'm a /pol/tard. Is it really that big of a boogeyman to you guys? I just don't understand why you guys keep whining about it. Other than it hurts muh fee fees and you want it gone. Even going so far as to claim everything you don't like needs to go back to /pol/. Even if a good chunk of that doesn't frequent or go on /pol/ at all. Anyways this is the equivalent of arguing with a brick wall so I'll just leave you some advice and tell you to lurk moar newfag.
Because you made a sweeping (and wrong, but convenient) assertion about the composition of a board you claim not to browse. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.

Alternatively you could be a kool-aid drinking retard but that's rather less likely.
>Even going so far as to claim everything you don't like needs to go back to /pol/. Even if a good chunk of that doesn't frequent or go on /pol/ at all.
What I actually want is /pol/ deleted precisely for the reason that it is entirely incapable of containing its trash.

We could be friends; once the board is dead nobody can tell you to go back there anymore and you can shitpost to your hearts content.
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>containing its trash.

le containment-board may-may. My favourite.
Protip, fuckboy: there's one containment board on the 4chans and it's called /mlp/.

Now go back to being petrified of the alt-right boogey-man and pissing your pants at mean posts that don't give a shit about your feelings.
>Now go back to being petrified of the alt-right boogey-man and pissing your pants at mean posts that don't give a shit about your feelings.
All I have been doing this thread is calling out a bunch of shit-eating /pol/acks out on their hamfisted and inaccurate attempts at interpreting 4chan history, when they're lying openly. If all of /pol/ is as full of shit as you guys are we would be far better off without any of you.

If you don't like that, you can respond to my points, or go back to your hugbox.
when they're not lying openly*
I recognize that horse.
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>go back to your hugbox.

;^) You seem a little obsessed, friend. Perhaps it is you who have wandered out of your hugbox. Otherwise, why are you here on /qa/ complaining about having to read opinions contrary to your own and demanding every be changed to suit you.
I liked your other image more.
>Otherwise, why are you here on /qa/ complaining about having to read opinions contrary to your own and demanding every be changed to suit you.
For the countless reasons that I've elaborated on above, which have been met with first lies and now shitposting.
>All I have been doing this thread is calling out a bunch of shit-eating /pol/acks out on their hamfisted and inaccurate attempts at interpreting 4chan history

You haven't called out anything, By the way, you're ironically doing the exact same thing you're reproaching "/pol/" of doing. Making up history about 4chan, and desperately claiming "oldfag status" because it's the only way you can try to lend your shitty points more credibility because unlike on Rebbit, you don't have an identity or karma to get more credibility. I just stopped arguing with you here: >>564888 because it's obvious that it's going nowhere and that you're gonna keep posting wall of text after wall of text whining about /pol/ like you do in every fucking thread on this board because you want 4chan to be a tumblr/reddit-tier hugbox.

Hello Rebbit!
>Making up history about 4chan, and desperately claiming "oldfag status"
I haven't claimed it for myself. If you would like to correct me, you're free to try.

>I just stopped arguing with you here: >>564888 because it's obvious that it's going nowhere
Yes, when you're getting your shit kicked in at every opportunity and exposed as the lying pieces of shit that you are, it's often convenient to leave the argument or retreat into open shitposting.
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I forgot /qa/ is a blue board. I hope you saved it.

>first lies and now shitposting.

If these things trigger you, I respectfully suggest that maybe 4chan may not be the site for you.
I didn't save it, but I'd have left the image up anyway.

Anyone who bans for vagina flaps is a faggot.
>because it's the only way you can try to lend your shitty points more credibility because unlike on Rebbit, you don't have an identity or karma to get more credibility.
It didn't hit me until later, but the irony here is actually staggering. The amount of 4chan in-group signaling the /pol/acks - sorry, the pro-/pol/ users that happen not to use /pol/ - have engaged in over the course of the thread has been fucking stellar.

The only time I have ever brought up "oldfag 4chan" myself has been in response to completely brain-dead claims by you lot. Why you don't you ring up Shii yourself and see what he has to think of your horseshit.

>If these things trigger you, I respectfully suggest that maybe 4chan may not be the site for you.
Well, as long as it's clear where everyone stands.
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>I haven't claimed it for myself.

You keep claiming that "not-/pol/" like you are the real oldfags, while those "/pol/tards" are the newfags who should be banned because they're invading you and their board should be deleted. You use oldfag status for this claim. Then when people say they've been here for a while, or that what you associate with them isn't anything new, you start complaining that they're "lying" or "attempts at interpreting 4chan history".

>Yes, when you're getting your shit kicked in at every opportunity and exposed as the lying pieces of shit that you are, it's often convenient to leave the argument or retreat into open shitposting
Whatever makes you sleep at night. Keep "calling out" people if it makes you feel better.

>You keep claiming that "not-/pol/" like you are the real oldfags, while those "/pol/tards" are the newfags who should be banned because they're invading you and their board should be deleted.
One could infer this from what I say. I even suspect that it is true. But then, I can't prove that any of you are miserable johnny-come-lately scum, so I will have to settle for blowing holes in your miserable claims.

>When when people say they've been here for a while, or that what you associate with them isn't anything new
I haven't accused anyone of being new unless they've made a blatantly false statement that even a retard could see through about early 4chan. Two people have done so in this thread so far. It's insulting, really.

As for the "everything is political argument," I've pointed out why this is shit multiple times. You're free to address if you ever get over the intellectual activation energy necessary to respond to a long post.

>Keep "calling out" people if it makes you feel better.
I'm sorry I used a phrase that triggers you and that you associate with identity politics. I'll be sure to modify my vocabulary to spare your feelings in the future. Please suggest a new, /pol/-acceptable term for identifying complete bullshit for what it is so that I may attempt not to trigger you vapid fuckwits in the future.
>You keep claiming that "not-/pol/" like you are the real oldfags, while those "/pol/tards" are the newfags
But they are. See: >>565117
Moot was right to delete the hive of racism and general hatred for others that is /pol/. Shame he changed his mind before he left. It could've been gone for good.
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>You're free to address if you ever get over the intellectual activation energy necessary to respond to a long post.

I don't think literally everything is inherently political. But 4chan's structure and moderation can be seen as a political system, and anonymity itself is political, and that's also why most anonymous boards end up with similar politics and userbase.

Anonymity has a long-standing political history. For a lot of old writers and journalists, it was a way to avoid persecution or to have their ideas judged on their own merits by being anonymous or writing under pseudonyms. The US constitution was first discussed anonymously by people like George Washington through essays. Groups like the Klan or AA always used anonymity for political purposes. You can see the same dynamics online now, people and ideas that need anonymity to fully thrive will gravitate to where it can be found, while ideas that are only obstructed by anonymity will go somewhere else.


/pol/ gets a lot of newfags because it's like the new /b/. It also has a lot of oldfags because of that reason, and also because when anons grow up, they're less invested in their hobbies but they still have to follow politics. Every board on 4chan is at least 95% newfags, so it's not specific to /pol/. Every major board like /v/, /tv/, /co/, /b/ and /a/ on 4chan has been attracting newfags from other sites for years now.
>But 4chan's structure and moderation can be seen as a political system, and anonymity itself is political,
Upvotes are a political system, too. And yet different boards of Reddit manage to have wildly differing politics from time to time. Closer to home, 2ch is anonymous, and yet different boards also manage to have significantly differing political views.

The system does not determine the content. The fact that people thought about how people would post when they designed their system, whether it's an anonymous imageboard or a pseudonymous forum, does not mean that it's then natural to discuss politics on that board - that's a bar so low it applies to literally everything.

>Anonymity has a long-standing political history.
Yes, anonymity has been highly politically relevant. It's been very important in the political history of the world. But so has literature, and music, and nobody would ever claim that arguing about the American presidental election is therefore a natural extension of music discussion.
>he thinks shit/pol/sting doesn't exit
>that /pol/ doesn't have an army of snoflake spergs smearing their agendas everywhere they can

Yah nah buddy, /pol/ is not just a hug-box shitbole, it's a hug-box shithole with proselytizing mania. The shit/pol/sting is real and people are fully justified to tell them to keep the trash in the trash bin.
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Okay, anon. So let's feed your illness and imagine that /pol/ is some monolithic hive-mind that is actively working to proselytize the beliefs of the """"alt-right"""" by infiltrating other boards, invading other websites and... oh, I don't know - 'hypnotising' or 'brainwashing' impressionable kids to becoming part of their evil empire of Trump-posting and dank-memes.
So what are you going to do about it? M00t didn't give a shit (only time he acted against /pol/ was when they shamed him for an unfortunate romantic failure) and Hiroyuki chan obviously doesn't care to 'fix' the 'problem' (in fact, the only time Hiroyuki has ever got involved is when /pol/acks came here to complain about the rampant shilling and he came to ask for possible solutions).
So where from here? Your bitching and moaning here on /qa/ isn't working. What on earth can you do?
I love how /pol/faggots here literally believe they are not spreading political ideology and take their beliefs very seriously

>"We're not serious!!! We just dox and death threat anybody who slightly disagrees with Stormfronts views, literally have Fox News shills post, get mentioned in the mainstream media for being a major Trump userbase hangout, literally campaign for the Republican party, spread our propaganda over every other board trying to convert others to our views, get triggered by literally anybody that disagrees with us, get triggered we get banned from any forum with a the slightest of moderation for spouting hate speech and calling for violent actions, not to mention now numerous /pol/ users have been involved in real world crimes. TOTES NOT SERIOUS GUYS, WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP SAYING WE ARE SERIOUS? GET A SENSE OF HUMOUR!

Seriously, Why do people keep arguing with /pol/faggots and the alt-right. They are literally the most disingenuous tryhard fuckheads on the internet and are the biggest cancer on 4chan bar none.
Oh also I forgot
>Literally have Briebart editors do AMA's for us, yeah, not serious guys, it's all done as a joke. See milo is a faggot he he he, not serious. Now let me post these infographs and arguments from Briebart and Stormfront to show you why gays are degenerates and why women are subhuman. ITS JUST A JOKE GUYS!
>Why does reddit hate /pol/ so much?

reddit likes /pol/.

look at /r/4chan with 11 million subscribers, it's /pol/ screencaps that get the upvotes.
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>replying to your own post

dam son
>this thread
Alright, reddit. Where did /pol/ touch you? Do you need a safe space? You could always go back, you know. Instead of being immensely triggered.
>look at /r/4chan with 11 million subscribers
Jesus christ, I felt better when I didn't know the scale.

>the subscribers are called "shitposters"
>the banner references "cuck"
>half of it is /pol/ caps
Then cretins come here and think this place is all about Trump, epic screencaps and shitposts.
4chan has been reddit's toilet for a long time now.
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>the banner references "cuck"
it's not even spelled right

it's seriously fucking creepy, the daily top posts are always just completely forgettable jokes made in passing. and they get literally like 5,000 upvotes

this screencap is currently leading with almost 3000 upvotes and 178 comments of people doing weird imitations of what they think 4chan posters sound like, it's surreal.
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What the fuck is wrong with them, seriously. Everything top scoring is just generic shitposts. This is more bizzare than those nip blogs that translate entire threads into Japanese.

Pic rel is third most popular on r/4chan right now
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Yep. Thing about /pol/erinas is that they are huge man children that will throw tantrums whenever someone calls out on their bullshit or their septicbox. Just like the tmblerinas and their many boogie men they constantly ramble about, they get triggered and can't bear the thought that someone doesn't agree with their ridiculous agendas.

>I have no real arguments so let me distort yours and pretend we still win XDD_le_ebin_noscope_trole_XDD.jpg
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Keep whining SRS.


Why do you think no one who's been here for more than 2 years takes you seriously?

This is the fucking problem with people on /pol/. How about you stop projecting political leanings and identities onto others to divert the argument away from the actual point?

When I am trying to discuss shit on any given board which has a minimal amount to do with politics, I'd rather not hear about Trump, leftists, the alt-right, cucks or even fucking country banter from /int/. What pisses me off is that you autistic fucks can't restrain yourself and feel an absolute need to shoehorn these things into any conversation. I mean, for fucks sake, just by using the word "problematic" with its proper meaning will trigger 50 /pol/tards because the word was even said, nevermind the fact that it wasn't used in a context of social justice or so.

Just fucking kill yourselves, please. I'm sick of the constant shoehorning of /pol/ shit into discussions which are hardly relevant at all. If there's a thread on /g/ about some argument on a mailing list or a github issues tracker regarding social justice, fine, I don't mind that thread. What I do mind is when I'm trying to discuss programming or so and some autist gets triggered over the use of a word, or jump into some Firefox discussion about how SJW Mozilla is. It's absolutely fucking irrelevant.
No one is forcing you to go onto /pol/ you triggered redditor. In fact, no one is forcing you to whine about muh boogeyman. Jesus christ you redditors are fucking childish. Don't like it? Don't fucking go on /pol/ just fucking kill yourself already you waste of fucking oxygen.
/r/4chan creeps me out a little bit to be honest.
Imagine if you and your friends were trying to have a conversation, and there's a group of nerds hiding in the bushes writing down all your jokes and copying your inside jokes without really understanding them. And then to make things weirder they start dressing like you, but they use cheap chinese bootleg clothes.
>you triggered redditor.

Proving my point. I never use reddit.

>No one is forcing you to go onto /pol/

I don't mind it if it's on /pol/. It isn't the opinions expressed on /pol/ that bother me. In fact, I even go there. The problem I have is that you idiotic fucking retards don't have the capability to restrain yourself and contain /pol/ to /pol/. You shoehorn politics into absolutely fucking everything where it doesn't have a place at all.

You're even proving that fucking point right now. Just because I complain about the behaviour of a lot of /pol/ users, I'm suddenly:

#1: a redditor
#2: triggered
#3: complaining about a particular boogeyman when I'm only complaining about observed behavior

Neither of these are true. I am not bothered by /pol/'s opinions, /pol/ is not my boogeyman and I don't use reddit. I am just sick of /pol/ users shoehorning their shit into every fucking conversation, regardless of how irrelevant it is.
well you're in luck because to reddit, 4chan is /b/ and /pol/.
/r9k/ and /pol/
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I suggest you make an alternative chan where hate speech and political memes can be mercilessly banned. Considering /qa/, there seems to be a market for it. Name it SRSchan or tumblrchan or something.

>inb4 no u; ban /pol/

That's not going to happen.
>copying your inside jokes without really understanding them
Please elucidate, anon. What is the deep meaning behind Pepe, Wojak, 'go 'za, coolface, and baneposting?
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>hate speech
no such thing
>which has a minimal amount to do with politics, I'd rather not hear about Trump, leftists, the alt-right

So you want political discussion, but only one you agree with. You can't talk about contemporary politics without talking about the left and the right. Half the people on this site are Americans, so the current election will often be relevant. The only people obsessed with the "alt-right", whatever that is, are people like you.

>even fucking country banter from /int/
Country banter has always been a big part of /int/, it has nothing to do with /pol/.

>autistic fucks can't restrain yourself and feel an absolute need to shoehorn these things into any conversation
Kind of like you're doing by shoehorning how much you hate /pol/ in every thread, including this one which just about an increase of traffic on 4chan.

>jump into some Firefox discussion about how SJW Mozilla is. It's absolutely fucking irrelevant.
Well depends on the context. Unless you're specifically talking about functionality, it can definitely affect which company you'll decide to support, you can ignore the post or report it at worst instead of derailing the thread if you see it (which is usually the real problem; redditors can't see a post they consider "/pol/" without sperging and starting an argument over it). But I suspect you only saw one comment about Firefox 5 months ago even though it really doesn't happen as often you make it out to be, and now you talk about it like it happens in every thread.

Also you say people get "triggered" by the word "problematic", right after writing an essay about how triggered by such harmful terms as "cuck", and right after you complain that "/pol/" calls anyone who disagrees with them "triggered".
Nigger, his entire point is that he DOESN'T want political discussion at all. He wants to discuss his code, anime or video games in peace, without you barging in with your shitty Trump memes every fucking time.
>hate speech

just move to somalia
We don't need to go to /pol/, because /pol/ comes to us.

If a bunch of your shit-eating emissaries hadn't decided they owned 4chan and paraded their shit all over the place professing to save us from our own SJWs, I wouldn't have jack shit to say about /pol/ to this day.
Then ignore it. Is it really that hard for redditors to ignore it? I don't like anime but I don't whine every time I see it. Lurk moar until you get a basic understanding of 4chan.
>Lurk moar until you get a basic understanding of 4chan.
The only "understanding" you guys want is for every board to understand that /pol/ should be permitted to shit on it with impunity.
>I suggest you make an alternative chan where hate speech and political memes can be mercilessly banned.

>So you want political discussion, but only one you agree with.

Oh my god you two are fucking retarded and deluded beyond salvation. I'm saying I don't want political discussion on completely UNRELATED boards, I am NOT saying I only want political discussion I agree with. And no, I don't want to ban /pol/.

I do not give half a shit what you say, or what you think. This is fucking 4chan, where we call each other nigger, faggot etc. every single day and have been doing that for over a decade, and more recently we've been calling each other Pajeet etc.. If you think I give a shit about "hate speech" then you're legitimately retarded because I wouldn't be here.

>Country banter has always been a big part of /int/, it has nothing to do with /pol/.

I know that, which is why I specified the board. You'd see that if you weren't fucking retarded.

>Kind of like you're doing by shoehorning how much you hate /pol/ in every thread, including this one which just about an increase of traffic on 4chan.

>implying I do this in every thread

Let me give you a hint: I started reading this thread for the first time a few hours ago and I don't typically discuss this at all. I wasn't the one who shoehorned anything.

>Well depends on the context. Unless you're specifically talking about functionality, it can definitely affect which company you'll decide to support

Yes, I'm talking specifically about functionality, yet I always see some retarded fucking /pol/lack shoehorning in politics like SJW etc.

>But I suspect you only saw one comment about Firefox 5 months ago even though it really doesn't happen as often you make it out to be, and now you talk about it like it happens in every thread.

It's not just Mozilla discussions. It's a lot of discussions everywhere on this site, and it's annoying to have politics shoehorned into something apolitical.



>Also you say people get "triggered" by the word "problematic", right after writing an essay about how triggered by such harmful terms as "cuck", and right after you complain that "/pol/" calls anyone who disagrees with them "triggered".

I didn't. What I was complaining about is that some fucking idiot from /pol/ immediately gets triggered by a picture or a word and then goes onto a tirade of things that belong on /pol/. I don't _need_ to hear about leftists, the alt-right, Trump, Shillary or the red pill on a board which is not political unless the topic is specifically political (in which case, most of the time, it belongs on /pol).

Again, I don't mind threads that discuss some SJW shit on a github issue tracker or something. I do mind when people shoehorn this stuff into a regular discussion. It's about as obnoxious as those people who will immediately police you when you say faggot or nigger.
Frogposting or catchphrases from other boards can be equally annoying, so where should the line be drawn? If we delete /pol/posters, maybe people will start complaining about that too. In the end, the only thing that's left is an echo chamber where fun and memes are not allowed. 4chan should remain sort of unfiltered, unlike reddit.
How about you lurk your way towards the rules page instead and pay attention to any board-specific rule 1?
I don't like anime either and I don't whine every time I see it because I don't care about some harmless moeblob reaction image. I whine when one of you derails a thread with LET'S TALK ABOUT SJWS INSTEAD and 10 of his fucktarded /pol/ friends flock like flies to shit drowning the discussion in a hundred posts about the leftists. Over and over again.

I try to, but it's hard when a thread I'm lurking derails entirely because some fucking retard insists on spewing politics into it. It ruins the whole thread and I don't even need to comment.

Someone gives even the slightest indication of being German for example, and someone will disregard the entire argument with "Don't you have a rapefugee cock to suck?". I don't mind the sentence itself, but I do mind when it's used to disregard an argument or derail the discussion.

Fucking this. It's as annoying as those who do actually go >anime and are incapable of ignoring it.
>>implying I do this in every thread
>I wasn't the one who shoehorned anything.

Well the thing is that you all generalize /pol/, so it's fair to generalize anti-/pol/ posters. I agree that political discussion should be kept to a minimum on other boards, but it's gotten to a point where talking about something like an employee being fired because of politics is considered "/pol/" as if it's not relevant to the board's interests. Any post that remotely triggers the local redditors is "/pol" and should be kept in /pol/. And people on 4chan nowadays honestly get upset by anime girls Trump hats. I don't post them but seeing how mad people get by it, I understand why people would do it. People complaining about SJWs isn't exclusive to /pol/, it's just an internet thing since they're everywhere, has happened for years. And everyone who complains about /pol/ loves to ignore the reddit/tumblr pushing their own politics. 90% of the time it's just because they see politics they disagree with.
>Well the thing is that you all generalize /pol/, so it's fair to generalize anti-/pol/ posters.

Look at my posts again:

>some retarded fucking /pol/lack
>a lot of /pol/ users

That isn't generalising. I certainly don't shoehorn in these things despite the fact that I visit /pol/ (good source for updates on the refugee crisis for example, as well as Brexit nowadays). I acknowledge that /pol/ is not one person and I wouldn't say it was.

>it's gotten to a point where talking about something like an employee being fired because of politics is considered "/pol/" as if it's not relevant to the board's interests

I don't mind threads like that.

I would like to bring your attention to something though, have you considered that it might be the rhetoric? If you go off on a tirade about leftists, liberals or what have you and only think in terms of political labels, you are definitely going to piss someone off. It's like when feminists claim that if you're against feminism then you must be a fascist MRA shitlord.

The fact of the matter is that each individual issue have individual opinions which, more often than not, go across political leanings and any given graph of political positions. The left/right spectrum in particular is flawed. This is something that those who are politically entrenched fail to recognise and, for me at least, that's what pisses me off the most.

>local redditors

Here we go with the projections again. Just because someone disagree with you does not mean they're a redditor. It might be that they don't even disagree, they're just sick of having to read about the bullshit every single day.

>And people on 4chan nowadays honestly get upset by anime girls Trump hats

I remember people got upset about anime girls in 2010. What's your point?

>People complaining about SJWs isn't exclusive to /pol/

Yes, I get that. If there's some flamewar on a GH issue tracker or some shoehorned quota nigger in a video game, I get why people are upset.



They're usually upset for the same reason that people get upset about this particular issue too. Shoehorning. Putting something where it doesn't belong or fit.

>it's just an internet thing since they're everywhere, has happened for years

I miss pre-2012, when these people were mostly confined to tumblr blogs.

>And everyone who complains about /pol/ loves to ignore the reddit/tumblr pushing their own politics.

Yeah, that's definitely why people complain about SJWs despite not browsing /pol/. Totally.

Has it occurred to you that people are just upset about needless politicising in general?
Delete the cesspool that is /pol/.

Hiroshima do one thing right in your life.
And release the /pol/tards across 4chan? Man you redditors are something different.
Whoa, right, that would be a huge change. They stay contained so well right now.

/pol/ and Reddit now are virtually identical, wtf are you smoking ? /pol/ is full of redditors from r/the donald and the now closed sub-reddits that were shut down to reddit's anti-racist policy.

I have been in 4chan since 2006, and I can tell you with 100% certainty the drop in quality on this site has been due to /new/ and /pol/. Now I barely visit it because of you insufferable faggots.
Fuck off SRS
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SRS shill detected.
I have been here since 2008, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that you are a faggot.

I predict that the reply to this will be:

"You should check out reddit, it might be the place for you"
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Hello Rebbit.

>people complain about SJWs despite not browsing /pol/
Yeah actually, people who complain about SJWs are called "/pol/" by the redditors and tumblrites who make up a large share of 4chan now.

>redditors make a hundred stealth fat acceptance thread
>when people tell them to fuck off they're called "/pol/" and that's just "politicizing"

SRS needs to go home.
>You're even proving that fucking point right now. Just because I complain about the behaviour of a lot of /pol/ users, I'm suddenly:
>#1: a redditor

Because you are.




/pol/ and reddit are the same, you are destroying this site by popularizing a board worse than /b/.
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>/pol/ and Reddit are identical
Do you actually believe this?

It's the new meme SRS is trying to push on 4chan. They're obsessed with "/r/TheDonald" since it's probably one of the only subreddits that threatens their SJW influence on Reddit, and they try to frame it like it represents the entirety of Reddit here.
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Nice projections you have there.

It must be convenient when you can write off any criticism as "Well, he's just part of x boogeyman!"

>Yeah actually, people who complain about SJWs are called "/pol/" by the redditors and tumblrites who make up a large share of 4chan now.

/pol/ accounts for about 15% of daily posts on 4chan. I'm not sure what you're deluding yourself to believe.

>SRS needs to go home.

I don't see "fat acceptance" threads on /g/.
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>/pol/ and reddit are the same, you are destroying this site by popularizing a board worse than /b/.

Stop being bigoted towards /pol/acks, we're harmless refugees who just want to spread our memes
The same thing happened to /b/, /v/, /r9k/, /tv/, /sp/, /qa/, and a few other boards, one after another. 4chan has been successfully invaded and colonized by reddit since 2011/12.
>more horsefuckers and furries than /jp/ weebs
moot is rolling in his grave
>can't you just ignore the shit on your plate?
>woooow what do you mean I'm expected to stay on topic
>All the bootyblasted newfriends and cucks in this thread
/pol/ is board of peace.
/pol/ was a mistake

I don't think /pol/ should be deleted, just ban the crossborders
/pol/ should really be treated like the containment board that it is
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Nice job faggot, you just admitted you are SRS.
>It must be convenient when you can write off any criticism as "Well, he's just part of x boogeyman!"

Just like you do with /pol/?

>/pol/ accounts for about 15% of daily posts on 4chan. I'm not sure what you're deluding yourself to believe.
How is that relevant to what I said? And why don't you back up the stats in that image, seems inaccurate or at least outdated: >>557888

>I don't see "fat acceptance" threads on /g/.
That's because you're on a board about technology, you/they only do it on boards where you can like /r9k/, /v/, /tv/, etc
The only people who appeal to authority and want hugboxes/safe spaces are people from reddit and tumblr.

Why don't you go back there friend?
but /pol/ is a hugbox like the sites that you mentioned
Cry more, fagot.
I wouldn't have a problem if /pol/ would stop shilling for reddit to come here.
Bunch of fucking idiots holy shit, why do they support shilling them here? Fuck me.
/pol/posting is literally a non-issue. if your thread gets derailed by politics then chances are your thread was fucking shit in the first place.


This isn't 2012 freindo. How long are you gonna strawman everyone hating you into a sub-reddit that isn't even relevant anymore?
I agree, but sometimes a political discussion will inevitably show up. A recent example I can think of is on /mu/ when there was a thread with the topic of Radiohead fans (at a listening party for their new album) being attacked in Istanbul because they were drinking during Ramadan. Of course there will be /pol/-esque discussion that arise from that, but at the same time, the topic has relevance to the board's main topic
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You landwhales are still here, you never stopped shitting up this site.
/pol/ is a hugbox safespace
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>This isn't 2012 freindo.
Of course it isn't, it's [THE CURRENT YEAR].
The difference being that /pol/ is apart of, and always has been quintessential to 4chan.

I hope hiro bans everyone on /mlp/ like moot did with /fur/
Stormfront and reddit are quintessential to 4chan?
i don't think that is the issue

the issue is stormcucks who have to bring their racial politics into every thread
Almost nothing but blatant OP shitposts and porn gets deleted on there tho. We have a wide range of different ideologies and opinions, including communists and Hillarybots, so that actual discussion is possible, something which the holy upboat does not permit.
/pol/ raiding reddit and other sites.

When /b/ raided sites a lot of the natives from those sites visited /b/ and ended up staying.

/pol/ is just the new /b/, the politics part is a facade.
political discussion and spamming /pol/ memes are two completely different things

yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man
You have proven your inability to keep your hero worship in one board and bring it to literally every major thread I browse without fail.
>political discussion and spamming /pol/ memes are two completely different things

shitposting exists in all forms. /pol/ memes don't derail threads.

know what derails threads?

/pol/ is beyond the turning point. The majority are redditors who have no problems with inviting their fellow redditors. Well, another board ruined by outsiders, just like /b/ and /v/. It's sad.
this is the problem with you guys, you act so fucking gullible when it comes to chan culture that I'm positive you came from offsite somewhere

you literally just see a random post on an imageboard and take it at face value, not even with any tricks like fake irc logs or inspect elements

I am a professional JIDF gangstalker who has been monitoring your board since 2011 so I am qualified to comment on this
>le Stormfront meme

Hello SRS!

Also I love how you fucks can only repeat insults used against you.

>if you don't want our board to be safe space for Reddit, you're a hugbox safe space!
>if you don't like redditors, you're triggered by redditors!
>/pol/ is the immigrants of 4chan!

It's almost like you're using tactics from the same book.
it's sad we get so many shill posts people who don't have filters running don't get to see the actual discussions that go on.
/v/ can be saved, it's so goddamn toxic that even reddit doesn't want to go.
/pol/ is fucked.
>and always has been
Quality shitpost, I smirked.
>he supports redditors coming onto the board
>probably isn't big on 4chan as a whole
You know how I can tell you're from reddit? It's your bullshit additude towards people who hate them. Fuck you I had sick fucking kicks hanging out on /pol/, until it went to shit mid into the elections because of those fucking shills you, yes you, like to support. Mods need to nuke the place again and wipe it out, that will remove the cancer that is gonna spread.
Moot allowed them to stay. He didn't do what he should have done. >>565926

All race discussion does not translate to stormfront. "4chan used to be a liberal paradise" is probably my favorite forced meme because I can instantly tell who is full of shit.

I'm sorry to disturb your trap threads king cuck, I'll refrain from triggering you next time.

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That's how liberals usually deal with dissent.
Share your filterlist?

I actually have seen an occasional good discussion on /pol/ but can't be arsed to wade through the hysterical retards
>4chan used to be a liberal paradise
I never said that, my nigga.
>All race discussion does not translate to stormfront.
We aren't talking about that. I'm talking about how these redditfucks keep invading the /pol/. And it's now filled with more redditors. Like niggers swarming to Detroit for jobs.
>>he supports redditors coming onto the board

When did I ever say that? I said the opposite, that I don't want the board to be a safe space for redditors.

You need to make up your mind. Either /pol/ is a "hugbox safe space" for "Stormfront" or it's an accepting place for all sorts of redditors.
>>le Stormfront meme
>We just want to lynch niggers, gas kikes and believe hitler was the messiah, how dare you call us stormfags

Seriously nigger?


>Just like you do with /pol/?

That's not what I'm saying. I am saying that /pol/ is the board for politics, and that if you're shoehorning politics into a subject which has nothing to do with it then you should go to /pol/ because it's where politics belong. There are, of course, cases such as SJW shit on a GH issue tracker or someone getting fired over something retarded, and I accept those threads.

What I don't accept is when people start using political alignment terms or politicise a subject which is completely fucking unrelated. Having a discussion about Firefox? Some cumguzzling retard comes into the thread and starts to complain that Mozilla is just full of leftist SJWs and you shouldn't use Firefox. Trying to have a discussion about anything and someone reveals that they're British, German, Swedish or what have you? Another cumguzzling retard comes in and starts to talk about how Sven should go back to his cuckshed and that the britbong should suck Muhammad's cock.

It's infantile and derails the discussion.
this is outdated
/pol/ should be
trump memes
It's so goddamn toxic I don't want to go there either. And it used to be my homeboard since 2008.
Fucking christ you can't say anything on /v/ nowadays without it instantly turning into a shitflinging contest.

Point in case

honestly if you are up in 4-5 hours and want to see a decent discussion just search /zhg/ we got pretty decent discussion that goes on every night
That's maybe 15% of /pol/, and they're usually mocked by the more moderate posters.
I didn't say shit. I'm saying it's filled with chuckle fucks that aren't from here, refuses, point blank refuses to you know accept the culture, and cry like a fucking cuck over the culture and nothing is changing. Fuck off man.

/pol/ has less "stormfags" than ever before because of redditors like you, even the actual "stormfags" mostly don't want to lynch niggers, they just want to close the doors. You just say anyone who says RAYCISS shit on my 4chan is a "stormfag".


Hello Rebbit.


Every board on 4chan has these people.
>Every board on 4chan has these people.
And you say that's a good thing? Fuck you. Fuck you for accepting these goddamn migrants.
Says the redditors. I'm certain you're extra salty because Bernard Gutman lost. The current state of /pol/ is the norm. You'd realize that if you were here for the last election.

>I can't take banter. I need a big strong mod to save me!

I'm not accepting them, just pointing out the facts.
>Says the redditors
Oh okay, I'm from reddit, because I don't like these goddamn migrants coming here, and ruining the place. So this leads to two things, either you're from reddit, or you're a cuck that accepts these goddamn migrants.

I don't need a mod to save me. I need you fucking autists to have some basic self-control. Instead of accusations, how about you try to deal with the discussion at hand instead? With real arguments, not ad hominem and projection.
Most of the time I see go back to /pol/ posted on another board it's in response to a /pol/ leaning response to an issue that has to do with the board like the GH example.
>I don't like these goddamn migrants coming here, and ruining the place
>And you say that's a good thing?

No one said that you tard. Instead of filtering and reporting like you should, you're immediate response is to cry and bitch about /pol/?
Well, I'm gonna tell you something, there are too many fucking redditors spamming the goddamn board. No one is doing anything to stop it. Unless the mods burn the board again, and wait for it to prop back up.
>I don't need a mod to save me.
>These people on 4chan are talking about killing nigs, jews and gays! Someone do something!
You didn't answer my question. Are you from reddit?
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How many /pol/ posters legitimately believe that secret agents are trying to sabotage their cambodian cockfighting forum? They obviously have struck a nerve with some crybabies and if most posters are just further trying to get a rise by saying "shill" and shit the effort would be commendable but I'm deeply concerned that the vast majority of /pol/acks are actually that fucking stupid
>moderate posters
about as moderate as "moderate" muslims

>W-W-We never wanted to lynch any niggers, anyone who says we're stormfags must be a kike shill
Yes untermench, we wuz good boyz, only wanted more leibensraum for dem ethnic germans, we dindu nuffin :^)
Neither you cunt.

Though I'm certain you are because as I said you do nothing but whine and complain about /pol/.

>W-who will defend all these niggers and faggots being killed from these white, right wing death squads on /pol/~ Moooooodds!! I hate 4chan now!
If you see moderate Islam as a problem too, you are, in fact, a /pol/ack yourself.
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Is this the new "delete /pol/" concern troll now?


Hello Rebbit.


Stay mad SRS. You're the one who browses an anonymous site then gets buttblasted when people have opinions that don't align with what you see on CNN.
>Neither you cunt.
So you're from stormfront, which makes you on par with Moslems on /pol/. Because you can't adapt. And you cry like a bitch over shit.
>Though I'm certain you are because as I said you do nothing but whine and complain about /pol/.
The only reason I'm bitching because I'm not in the goddamn mood move to deal with so many fucking newfags that no one will you know, do anything about.
/int/, but pls answer my question
>delete /pol/
And have it spread? Unless the mods delete the twitter threads, delete people posting to that goddamn reddit shit. Just scare the fucking newfags and watch them scattle like roaches.
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Seems you lads just can't handle the banter.

>Having a problem with a backwards fascist ideology makes you a stormfag.
It makes you an islamophobe by definition.
>Is this the new "delete /pol/" concern troll now?
I'm really convinced it is. Just look at this shit

>W-W-We never wanted to lynch any niggers, anyone who says we're stormfags must be a kike shill
This faggot thinks every post on any board is complete and utter fact or an event that will take place in the immediate future.
This clown keeps alluding to anything he doesn't like as Stormfront. He also keeps complaining about newfags, yet he doesn't know how to deal with them.
Now he's pretending to be an epic bantz man.

This is all wide spread face level memes. These people aren't even from here.
>This clown keeps alluding to anything he doesn't like as Stormfront
Where, where am I implying this? I want no one to be goddamn site crossposting, are you telling me it's okay to do that? Because that's cancerous.
A phobia is an irrational fear.

>complete and utter fact or an event that will take place in the immediate future.
I never said that you nigger, but if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a fucking duck.
>muh stormfront
>which makes you on par with Moslems on /pol/
>again with the "/pol/ is immigrants" Alynskt tactic

Back to Rebbit.


Back to SRS, you won't see your "Stormfront" boogeyman in your Rebbit hugbox.


Hi Rebbit. Why doesn't everyone just embrace our beautiful progressive not fascist at all ideology where we delete boards like /pol/ and ban anyone from /pol/? "Antifascism" in a nutshell.

>Seems you lads just can't handle the banter.
>he says this as he keeps whining about /pol/ and brands anyone who disagrees with him as a "fascist stormfag"


They realized that "DELETE /POL/ THEY HURT OUR FEELINGS" didn't work, so they now masquerade as "/pol/acks concerned about their board".
It's seriously like watching an elder figure out a computer.

I guarantee another nonsensical post by them.

Here he goes again.
>Hurr you're from reddit
>Durr you're from stormfront
>I hate newfags
>What! you like crossposters?!
Your circular logic is astounding.

How much does it pain you to type nigger?

Don't even engage with these people.
They aren't from here. It's apparent in the way they type and argue.
>>again with the "/pol/ is immigrants" Alynskt tactic
Are you autistic? Because I fucking see all these goddamn redditcucks, which you fags support so much that you fucking support bringing them in. Stick you head out of your ass and look.
You like crossposters? You like people from 8cuck coming in here and shitpost? You like redditors coming in here and shitpost?
>which you fags support so much that you fucking support bringing them in.

Where can I see this? People on /pol/ complain about redditors shitting up their board all the time.
Fairplay, I knew about Clinton's social media efforts but I didn't know about "Barrier Breakers" and I appreciate you posting something from a solid source rather than an unverifiable reddit post or bullshit screencap as I've seen in the past

Still, you autists have been doing this for a while and go way fucking overboard with it, I've tried to ask genuine questions on /pol/ or politely suggest that they may be getting trolled by someone else and without fail get shouted down as a shill. If there's sheer hysteria with zero dialogue it only encourages more trolling, once I ended up convincing some dumb fuck that Clinton agents were watching his house and he admitted he had been up for 24 hours with a gun by his side lmao
>People on /pol/ complain about redditors shitting up their board all the time.
Doesn't stop shit from people actively posting to reddit, that little "raid group" is bringing more in.

See >>565850
>I do not give half a shit what you say, or what you think. This is fucking 4chan, where we call each other nigger, faggot etc. every single day and have been doing that for over a decade, and more recently we've been calling each other Pajeet etc.. If you think I give a shit about "hate speech" then you're legitimately retarded because I wouldn't be here.


I'll go to /g/ right fucking now and give you some pointers:


I'm sorry, but I really don't need this shit in every second fucking thread.
>Yo fellow mememaster 4channers, I hate newfags too
>You're froom reddit/stormfront/8ch I know it

>You from one of them "raiding groups" huh? Let me talk to your guild master
Again, I'm new, because I don't like this new wave of shitposters coming in.
>defending means you're from there
>Anon supports the /pol/ "crusade" on reddit that brings more people in
>I don't know how to ignore and filter. I need a mod to do it for me~

>I'm new
>Still talking in circles
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Organizations and groups like the JIDF, SRS, and CTR have been confirmed for posting on /pol/ all the time. /pol/ has gotten so much media attention that those efforts have obviously intensified. It's not just /pol/ that gets hit, other boards like /v/ and /g/ also have advertising agencies posting on them. /pol/ gets hit by all sorts of groups because of the subject matter, you see it mentioned all over the place on social media.
You sure are fitting in well.
Bofuckingho, I'm talking in circles. So what? You upset?
Thanks :^)
I've been here since 2006.

I already told you I don't need a mod to do it for me. I said I need you autists to shut the fuck up for a moment.

I know how to set up wordfilters, but it doesn't help when the entire thread is ruined.
I suggest you take a break from the internet, friend.
>I've been here since 2006
You guys don't sing the same tune when your threads are being overrun by cuck porn and evil paid Hillary sliders.
/pol/ needs to go

It adds nothing to 4chan
I'm not surprised at all. While 4chan is probably overwhelmingly male, there are definitely a fair amount of grills here -- just look at /soc/ or a family tree thread on /int/

And at least 15% of the users here are 18 or younger. I guarantee it.
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>How many /pol/ posters legitimately believe that secret agents are trying to sabotage their cambodian cockfighting forum?
There have been plenty of legitimate cases where viral advertisers have been confirmed to post on 4chan. Despite the fact that this website is only worth 2 tacos (Hiroyuki confirmed), companies will still attempt to probe the market periodically.

I think /pol/ is paranoid, but make no mistake; it's not outside of the realm of possibility.
>I'll go to /g/ right fucking now and give you some pointers:
/g/ posted shit like that long before /pol/ was even a thing.

I'd go as far as to bet some of those posts are even made by /g/ oldfags who started browsing /pol/ after the fact.
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You're talking to a SJW. They don't really care about "/pol/ staying in /pol/", what they want is for anything politically incorrect or right-wing to be removed from 4chan by branding it as "/pol/", then for /pol/ to be deleted. Then they'll be able to use 4chan to push their own ideology unopposed.

Read the second post here, and it's what they're doing.

Kill yourself. You are quite literally what I was complaining about all the time.


Fuck off.


No, that garbage did not exist on /g/ before /pol/ existed. Was there garbage? Yes, but not this type of political garbage.
>No, that garbage did not exist on /g/ before /pol/ existed
It is blatantly obvious that you don't understand how or why /pol/ was created in the first place.
It's because these attitudes have always existed on the majority of 4chan, and moot's constant pathetic attempts to remove it consisted of never-ending failure.

Get it through your head.
/pol/ culture existed on 4chan before /pol/ did.
Claiming that /g/ was somehow immune is nothing short of historical revisionism.
Keep using SRS and you'll water down the meaning of whoever/whatever the fuck it is.
They've been bitching about SRS/JIDF and various other bogeymen for years. It's already meaningless and is just used to try and shut down conversation.
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Explain the raise of the traffic on /pol/. It's surely not a "raid" but you are letting a shitload of outsiders shitting up your board. You should be concerned about it. Your paranoid fear of being raided by SRS is making you blind for the real threat that is ruining your board.
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Are you gonna arrest me for hate speech if I name the SRS?
It's an election year. This peak in traffic is normal, especially with a meme candidate like Trump.
From my observations the use has escalated the last half year.
Hang yourself
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Newfags can at least be molded and integrated, and a lot of them eventually go away if they can't. Persistent subversive faggots with an agenda purposefully want to destroy individual boards and 4chan, and they never go away or integrate. I'd rather have a couple ignorant people joining in for the memes than shills. Hiro should be happy about it too.
The problem is that /pol/ has never done a good job integrating people. /pol/ was so flooded with reddit refugees and stormniggers that the board very quickly became a majority of strangers on the site. Because of this the site quality is in rapid decline. Now days shitposting is the norm and threads are constantly getting derailed because /pol/ feels the need to proselytize the rest of the site. I'm done tolerating it. Treating them like a containment board hasn't been enough because they won't keep /pol/ in /pol/. It's time to cut the cancer.
Try harder. Shiposting, flaming and racism outside of /b/ are already against the rules yet /pol/erinas have a need to bring their shitbox culture everywhere they go. Have you even read them? Read >>565840.

Oh yeah, just ignore blatant shitposting and rule break violations. I guess we should say the same thing about mlp and furries, right? Yet clearly we have a containment board for the former and the latter is completely banned.

Get it through your snowflake skull: keep /pol/ in /pol/.

This is typical /pol/ behavior right here: ignore all opinions and simply evoke boogeymen. Unlike /pol/, SWJ or other tumblrite crap is hardly every seen anywhere on the site or brought out by anyone. However, it's not difficult to go to a completley unrelated site and see someone say something about jews, blacks, trump shilling etc--/pol/ is the oblivious autist shrieking whenever something doesn't go his way, yet accuses everyone else of doing so.

You couldn't pull a bigger shit out of your asshole even if you tried. /pol/ was a late comer to 4chan and was axed not once but twice, first with early news /n/ and then /new/. /pol/ is about as quintissential as /mlp/ is.

Try harder. Trolls galore aside, people that disagree with the mainstream of the board get spammed, and derailed to death. It may not seem like a form of censorship, but it's nothing that the 4chan equivalent of down voting and drowning out unwanted discussion. /pol/ is about as close to free speech, as /g/ is about wilderness survival.

You've got it wrong. /pol/ tries to be the new /b/ by putting trolling as the facade, while pushing actual political agendas. Old /b/ was true and genuine: anyone and anything was a target as long as they delivered lulz. /pol/ is the opposite: they only target views they don't like and will readily support anything with right wing agendas.

I'm actually laughing at this ridiculous paranoia.
>reddit refugees

Not exlusive to /pol/. In fact /pol/ was probably the last board to get a large influx just because it offends your average redditor so much which keeps them out. Boards like /v/, /b/ and /tv/ have getting swarmed by Reddit for years.

Have always been here, there are less of them than before, which is sad since they had a lot of insight and information that you don't find anywhere else. The reason you had so many "stormniggers" is because they won over people with their arguments and information, that's what happens when you have free speech.

>Because of this the site quality is in rapid decline. Now days shitposting is the norm
Not /pol/'s fault. 4chan has always had a large amount of shitposting, and the decreasing quality of posts has more to do with social media and the site in general losing good posters for probably at least decade, it started way before /pol/ existed.

>constantly getting derailed because /pol/ feels the need to proselytize the rest of the site
Ignore or report. People really abuse the meaning of "/pol/" though. People have to deal with all sorts of shitposting and trolling on every board, /pol/ is just one kind.

>It's time to cut the cancer.
Well good luck. HIro already said he wasn't gonna delete the board.
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But that's nothing but lies. /pol/ was created as a general interest board the same way /sci/ and /lit/ were. The only difference is that /pol/ quickly riled up all the shitposters and edge lords and converted the place from a simple politics discussion board, to stormwienie central and why it was axed later on. 4chan was never about politics but about shitting on anyone for any reason for the lulz. This is the opposite of what /pol/ does, targeting and anyone and anything that opposes their right winger hugbox agenda.

I'll end with pic related.
>In fact /pol/ was probably the last board to get a large influx just because it offends your average redditor so much which keeps them out.
/pol/ has gotten the largest and most rapid infux due to alt-right subreddits getting banned.

>Have always been here, there are less of them than before, which is sad since they had a lot of insight and information that you don't find anywhere else.
A lot of them left for 8/pol/. Go join them on the cripple faggot's website so we will have one less of you.

>The reason you had so many "stormniggers" is because they won over people with their arguments and information, that's what happens when you have free speech.
It's the opposite. They have lowered the bar so low that anybody can feel welcome reposting some of the shittiest memes this site has ever produced.

>Not /pol/'s fault.
It IS /pol/'s fault. The decline has been to various influxes, but /pol/ has cause the most recent and disastrous.
This. They're project chanology 2.0. They drag what should be an apolitical hobby site into endless political faggotry. All of this activism/raids/etc. ruining our site has to come to an end.
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>edge lords

>le chanology activism raid meme



Oh, okay.

Here, lemme tell you the REAL story of /pol/'s creation.
>Once upon a time, Moot created /n/ then deleted it because racism. After successfully removing the Nazis from 4chan forever, Moot got bored and created /new/. Having welcomed back his old foes, he promptly deleted /new/ and successfully removed the Nazis from 4chan. Again. After successfully removing all of the racists from 4chan forever, Moot got bored from having no one to ban, and created /pol/ so that all of the nazis could be welcomed back. The end.

Is that what you think happened?
Is that why you think Moot deleted /n/, created /new/, deleted /new/, then created /pol/?
The reality that you STILL have not come to grips with (something even Moot finally realized before he left) is that /pol/ has always been here.

>I'll end it with pic related
Your pic is like a teapot calling a kettle black.
The guy who wrote that is just a standard FORBIDDEN ONE shitposter who is genuinely offended by racism, but eagerly tries to convince everyone that he's cool like the rest of us but the rest of us went too far.
Ohh you poor, poor Bernard Cucklet
No more tears, please.

>against the rules
>rule break violations
Still appealing to authority? :^)

>SWJ or other tumblrite crap is hardly every seen anywhere on the site or brought out by anyone
Ohh, you're just a triggered shitposter.

>rapid infux due to alt-right subreddits getting banned
Please, tell me more about you're beloved reddit. You seem to know a lot about the place.
I'm a leftist and I don't want to see your dumb fucking nazi shitposting on lit or fit.
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