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Remember, If you post a frog then you are a horsefucker , according

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Thread replies: 140
Thread images: 18

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Remember, If you post a frog then you are a horsefucker , according to >>1370599

Dumb frogposter
All of these threads were made by the same poster (notice the IP counter):


Which is the same person who made this post since it has the same hash and filename as the last archived link:


They are still bitter that not only did they not get their joke board back, they weren't able to take over /qa/ either.
a lot more likely than every anime poster being from some /jp/ spinoff
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Perhaps... Perhaps not...
There's the proof right here: >>1370814

You can't deny it.
Yes I can, 4chanX saves filenames.
Hahahahaha. Dumb horsefucker.
No really, that single fact blows your whole theory out of the water. 4chanX saves files under the original file name so you have no idea who those posters were. On top of that, anyone in the original thread the horsefucker was in who saved the same file would have a file also named that. It's like you didn't think this through well enough before you started accusing people.
No. Come up with a new boogeyman.
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t. brony furfag
It also only saves as the original filename if you use the download button. Right click, "save file as" gives you a new UNIX timestamp.
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Do you know what crosslinking is?
At least you're trying.
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Yeah, why would he save that as the original filename? Makes no sense. Who is this brony retard trying to fool? People who post frogs out of malice here are always guaranteed to be horsefuckers. I wonder if they're collaborating with 8gag now since he was spamming them at the same time 8gag was spamming their threads as well.
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based niggy made the horsefucker give away himself in every thread. he's evading a ban too because he was banned for three days for the spam and yet here he is, see 5th ban: http://bans.4tan.org/?board=qa

horsefuckers btfoed
People save every file that way, retard.

There haven't been any horsefuckers on this board in almost a month.
>People save every file that way, retard.
Is that why the vast majority of images posted on 4chan have UNIX timestamp filenames?
>There haven't been any horsefuckers on this board in almost a month.
[citation needed]
Do you not understand that it saves the original filename no matter what it is? If the original filename is a unix timestamp from the time the other poster saved it then it will preserve the timestamp.
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It's you who doesn't understand. Every image in this thread save for >>1370889 has a UNIX timestamp. Are screenshots saved in that filename format? Does image editing software use that filename format?
No really, you don't understand. I get what a unix timestamp is and how every file saved from 4chan typically has one, what you don't get is how 4chanX can preserve the original one. That isn't even the only way a file could have duplicate timestamps. Anyone else who was in the original thread who also saved the file also has the same timestamp.
What you don't understand is that 4chan X users are not even close to the majority, and there's nothing to suggest that most 4chan X users save images with the original filename either. Moreover, this is about a phone filename, not a UNIX timestamp filename.
What does the majority have to do with anything? We're talking about specific raiders with cross site experience, not to mention the modus operandi to troll the shit out of you... You're also missing the point that phone filenames would also be saved by anyone with the proper 4chanX settings on a PC.
Because your "counter-argument" assumes that he uses 4chan X and saves images with the original filename.
Not necessarily. My argument is that there was more than one poster with the same filename. This happens more than you think. 4chanX is just one of the reasons why.
No, you're saying it's possible, which no one ever denied.
>there was more than one poster with the same filename

That's a filename generated by a phone. Unlikely.
You don't know what site it was originally saved on, which is my point. For all you know someone saved that somewhere else and preserved the original phone filename.
Clover too, I save original filenames because it btfo cyber detectives like
I didn't know clover did that but it makes a lot of sense. All I'm saying is that it happens more than these guys are taking into account.
>Memetoad era 4chan
aww OP is defensive
how cute
Actually, i am the OP and i also made this post >>1370814 and this >>1371442 is me too.
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"Dude its totally a few spinoffers posting anime, here is all the internet evidence to prove it."
The more someone actively tries to disprove something the more likely it is that it's true and that someone is going into damage control mode
Then why are acusing one guy to be a horsefucker?
or are acusing mutiple people in her to be horsefuckers?
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I agree. Therefore, it makes more sense to assume that the people posting MD5 hash + filename combinations that were first used on this board by /mlpol/ raiders are the same /mlpol/ raiders, and not other people who use 4chan X, save images with their original filenames, happened to be on /qa/ during the /mlpol/ raids, and happened to save images posted by /mlpol/ raiders.
I don't know why it matters anyway. The spinoff weebs are just as bad as /mlpol/. It's a pot calling the kettle black situation.
>muh discord

based retard

I post non-2D random without needing discord.
uhh i do it for the epic buttmad reactions even though i need to keep samefag bumping my threads because everyone hides them
>Because you are retarded and you choose to interpret posts in your own retarded way.

Firstval i don't used a (you) because i don't wanted to accuse you of being the detective
the fact is i'm just a guy looking a fight!
second you are retarded for even thinking i am a faggot like OP
But any way only this post makes me puke now totaly lost the respect for (you)
Frogposts are almost as heavily bumped to fish for replies and the replies you get are ironic at best, mechanical reposts at worse.
why do you talk like the people you hate?
i gonna give you a
>you're correct
Because i am 3 world nigger
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Na, this was my first post in this thread.

I am already longer a /qa/ regular than most 2D/Random fags.
My high-quality pepes where here one year ago, they where here when my fellow horesfuckers attacked, and they are here now.

I know that the butthurt 2D faggots will now start to build their conspiracies… and i have fun watching you doing this… i usually don't join your discussions, i just want to make sure that the fellow pepe posters know that they have friends here.

Also please analyze the filenames of the two pepes i posted here in this thread.
Do you want to tell me that the butthurt Kraut does not exist?
>why do you talk like the people you hate?

Would it impress you to get replies from Barneyfag for posting a pony?
>I am already longer a /qa/ regular than most 2D/Random fags.
Tell us a bit about what /qa/ was like a year ago, oldfag.
>Also please analyze the filenames of the two pepes i posted here in this thread.
They're reddit filenames. You're trolling people pretty hard by ``pretending'' to be a redditor, congratulations?
People answered meta questions cheerfully, for one thing.
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Feels good that I am not alone at least
And yet you were shitting up /qa/ then and you're doing it today. You only see it as a place to "attack".
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You aren't the only two.
horsefucker = anyone you don't like. Truly you people are just as bad as /pol/kids screaming about shills
So what made you /pol/ kid(s) so upset to spam today?
>They're reddit filenames.
They are filenames from a pepe-archive some guy posted here years ago.
>I hate you horsefuckers ever since you started spamming garbage here.
I know… please keep crying… you are a little bit late to the party, because your 2D friends here are already constantly butthurt for a little bit longer.
/qa/ was always a warzone. If you can't handle this, you shouldn't be here.
but we are /qa/ regulars my friend :)
The same thing that made you weeb spinoff kid(s) get so upset to spam /qa/ with threads like >>1371580 since it came back.
You are talking to a different person now.
Yeah, I'm glad we still have threads like that, such as:
Those all have something in common, other than being recently archived threads. Can you figure it out?
Yeah, asuka threads are only a few weeks old. Tell me more about the old days.
for all the muh filters and lol hidden posts, these weebs sure aren't taking it easy
Why didn't you answer my first question?
Besides you don't like them, there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of them. Those are normal /qa/ threads, threads like >>1371591 are not.
And where did I say I didn't like them? I do and I agree that there's nothing wrong with them. Now try to figure out what I'm referring to.
Only you think it's interesting, everyone else is just glad the horsefuckers went away.

Asuka threads like that certainly are new. Asukaspammer was a plague before this. Before /mlpol/ raided on April Fools, the weebs never roleplayed here. Very few people ever made threads like >>1370585 and >>1370985 and >>1367828 before you faggots got here.
Yeah right kid, that's why you're still in here fighting imaginary horsefuckers.
I don't care whether you believe me, I just want you to answer my question: what do all of those threads have in common, aside from being recently archived threads?
This explains some of it today:
plus the usual 5 or so links from /pol/ daily that are mostly ignored, obviously.
I already told you, the only thing they have in common is that you don't like them. You don't have to say it, you already did when you singled those normal threads out like they were cancer or something.
He already answered your question.
If you don't accept it, don't be a stupid faggot and tell us your highly intelligent ultimate answer. Please enlighten us with your wisdom.
OK, thanks for showing you don't give a single fuck about that kind of thread.
For anyone wondering, all of those were being kept alive by the bumpbot and a few people bumping manually, like me. You can see the deleted posts in the archive. It appears that bumping threads like >>1368338 is a bigger priority to certain posters.
>you singled those normal threads out like they were cancer or something.
I did? I said I was glad that /qa/ still has decent meta threads and not just the transparent /pol/ bait that the board is currently filled with.
The transparent /pol/bait is much more preferable than whatever the fuck >>1366300 is
And both are preferable to real meta threads, it seems.
>when a bot has to bump meta-threads, because the 2D spam would slide it down immediately.
Fuck those 2D invaders. Go to [s4s] or /jp/.
Sounds like you'd rather have spam of a different kind. Too bad.
And the worst thing is, that whenever you necrobump your low-effort 2D shit, to slide the "attacking" frogs of the board, you also slide quality threads.
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last i checked i crawled from /gsg/ + /pol/ + /a/ + /b/
far too new for a "spinoff"
Of course not, but when all the factions involved are posting threads at maximum speed to get their respective 2D and non-2D threads, is it any wonder that bumpbots on all sides would be involved? Hell, I'll even admit that I've bumped a few meta threads manually that I thought didn't get answered correctly.
I see more low-effort 2D shit in the Catalog right now, than frog threads.
What quality threads?
Friend, there is only one bumpbot.
>kept alive by bumpbot
>still dies

kek, maybe your bumpbot has different ideas. I still see the Japanese/Crino/funny manga thread still alive. Glad you guys have you priority straight as well
now they switched to concern trolling...
The threads you claim to "protect" with your bot?
Everything which has more than just 8 characters + 2D picture in the OP?
They died because people didn't care about them. I would have bumped them if I wasn't sleeping at the time.
>your bumpbot
>you guys
>because people didn't care about them
I wonder how this is possible?
I wonder why there are no serious and helpful posters left, if the board is constantly under 2D spam?

Maybe people don't want to post on a board which gets constantly slided and spamed by threads like in >>1371689
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They are here, but they might not see those threads when the board moves at /a/-tier speed, and in that regard, see: >>1351032
Top kek, the butthurt /jp/sy got his posts deleted. Must be because of his spamming.
Are you talking about >>1371477 >>1371515?
stupid frogposter
dumb weeaboo
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no. it was because of the futa satania thread that i made. i keep forgetting they delete all your posts when they ban you. there was no need for that asshole to ban me anyway, i just told him to delete the thread.
So you're admitting that you're ban evading right now?
based ban evader
If you disagree with me you are a horsefucker
If you enjoy things I don't like you are a horsefucker
If a thread I like was bumped it is good content
If a thread I dislike was bumped it was a fucking bot

in b4
>hurr bait
>hurr projecting
>hurr wayq buttdevastated butthurt kraut smcd die retard hurr durr
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is he

dare I say

so many ebin red pills in this thread
holy FUCK
No anime image and immediately deemed as an evil raid attempt from weebs.
Who are you quoting?
bumping for weeb shame
>BTFO'd this hard
How will the frogposters ever recover?
by bumping the thread repeatedly to highlight weeb shame at being so tinfoil
huh ok
as you can see everyone is ashamed and saddened and has left now
I'm glad
gtfo horsefucker
i cry everytime
why does this guy keep deleting his posts.......
whats with tghe deleted posts
Johnny test
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Hey weebs, if you want this thread to die, you'll have to actually discuss things in it!
back to the top
still true
Thread posts: 140
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