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Thread replies: 306
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What can be done to remove the raiders from /jp/ and /a/ ?

Don't post that stupid picture about contacting the moderators on IRC. That doesn't work and you know it.
Solve your own fucking problems. /qa/ always did.
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It isn't /a/, it's just /jp/. Also you are dealing with literal wanna be /jp/ers who were introduced to /jp/ culture through /qa/ and now try to fit in as hard as they can with their /jp/bros
>who were introduced to /jp/ culture through /qa/
So you're saying that they're from /qa/ and therefore not raiders.
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Nothing. I think we're really going to have to live with them. If you've been here a while you know someone else will raid this board eventually, and when that happens these filtering cowards won't be able to take it. That's /qa/'s only saving grace.

The sad part is that there are some genuinely nice weebs here who are getting caught up with the normalfag exclusionists.
Explain the '/jp/ culture' you see around here.
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>It isn't /a/
I've been coming to 4chan for almost 12 years, /qa/ for almost 3, and not one single time did I ever come here to discuss /jp/ or /jp/ culture. Not ever. The fact that I have managed to have hundreds of thousands of conversations without discussing /jp/ or /jp culture in that time should be your first clue.
There are some faggots from the spinoffs, and there are some newfaggots from post election /qa/ that try really really hard to fit in
>they're from /jp/ they're from spinoffs they're newfags
it seems like they are whatever you feel will advance your dumb argument at any given moment
I'll take "Things that never happened" for $500, Alex.
They belong on their containment board. They are raiding.
Why can't >>>/qst/ raid instead?
I'm enjoying this /qa/ because I never was able to enjoy /jp/.
That doesn't answer my question.

>not one single time did I ever come here to discuss /jp/ or /jp/ culture. Not ever.

That doesn't mean they don't exist. Don't kid with me now.

What point are you trying to make? Those are standard 2016 /qa/ meta threads.
You have to go back.
>I've been coming to 4chan for almost 12 years, /qa/ for almost 3, and not one single time did I ever come here to discuss /jp/ or /jp/ culture. Not ever. The fact that I have managed to have hundreds of thousands of conversations without discussing /jp/ or /jp culture in that time should be your first clue.

Read your own post and read mine again.
This is Hiro's playground. There's nothing you can refute about this.
>I'll take "Things that never happened" for $500, Alex.

I wonder who ran a bumpbot during /mlpol/'s raid.
I'm not that guy tho
You're as retarded as him so you might as well be.
I guess we need more idol generals and monster girls. You heard him boys.
Tyger Tyger, burning bright
In the forests of the night!
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Really makes you think tho how sensitive these /jp/ers are
see the list in
see the 2-3 well behaved otakus? They're accounted for.
>its a everyone who disagrees with me is a boogeyman episode
I know right. Wish I had a personal /jp/ boyfriend
Hope to find one on /qa/ soon....
Thank you... I will get to bettering myself!
I heard Trevor is up for grabs.
See >>1363278
I liked it better when you claimed they were /pol/ in disguise.
lmao there are still those falseflaggers
Are you the Anon who pretends like just one person hates the spinoff takeover of /qa/?
>one person
Then surely every person calling out your bullshit must be too?
he is also the person that likes acting ignorant
that was a falseflagging /jp/sie
Big A (owner of this board) is part of the QA-12. That's all that matters.
glad that we agree
William Blake's is better.
Unless they use the same typing patterns and sentence structure, which is possible but improbable, yes.
It seems like cancerous faggots from /ota/, actually.
Agreed, most seem to be afraid of 4chan's /jp/ for various reasons. Some of them were telling me that's why they are here instead.
It's actually warosu time travelling into the future.
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That's pretty pathetic.

To me it just seems like these people are just a poor imitation of users from /jp/, and they're trying their hardest to force the idea that they're bonafide weeaboos too. "Oh my gosh, wow, just look at how quirky, random and NOT NORMAL I am for liking anime! Maybe if I continue to act like this people won't think I'm a tryhard faggot and am the real deal!"

The phrase "The /qa/ Twelve" puts a grin on my face and a sick feeling in my gut. That's just stupid.
They're afraid of a big, mean cat.
Could you answer this? >>1363267

The other guy backed out.
Listen brothers.

The earth is not a ball to which we are glued by the mystical force of "gravity", no.

The earth is flat, just as the ancient peoples believed. Heaven is above you, hell is below you.

The devil first spread the idea of a ball earth revolving around a ball sun in the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mystery schools. These teachings were passed down to Pythagoras. They were handed down the ages to the occult mystery schools of the European Renaissance, who adopted them as their own. Then the occultists Copernicus, Kepler, Bruno, Newton, published the idea and started the "Copernican revolution".

The ancient Hermetic principle is "As Above, So Below". This has many applications. One of them is this: what people believe about the heavens above them, well determine what they believe about the earth below them. In other words, how they interpret the sky will correspond with how they interpret their own lives. Our materialist society would be impossible without a materialist cosmology to justify it. A mechanistic Newtonian cosmology justifies a mechanistic view of human life, a mechanistic politics, sociology, and economics. It sounds like a joke, but the idea that the stars are giant balls of gas reflects the modern obsession with fossil fuels / material goods in general. Copernicus wasn't going for a mechanistic religion, by the way; he was a Pythagorean and Heliolator, and hoped that the belief that the sun was at the center of the universe would usher in a return to a sun-worshipping priesthood like those of ancient societies.

The reason why the Devil spreads the idea of the ball earth is that it totally overturns mans relationship to the world. Instead of man being a spiritual being with heaven above him and hell below him; instead he stands on a ball where there are infinitely many ups and downs, where heaven isn't "above" but only "outside" the earth - moral and epistemological relativism, infinitely many points of view.
Answer what exactly? What /jp/ culture that I see? Let's start off with the idea that this isn't exactly /jp/ culture that we're seeing, but it's really just faux /jp/ culture at work. It's a shitty knockoff, the Chinese counterfeit water down version of /jp/ culture. Putting it shortly there really isn't an influence of /jp/ culture here, provided you understand just how /jp/ acts.

It can't be argued that /jp/ isn't a bit obsessive with otaku culture because that's the entire basis of their existence as a board and a collective; they're definitely obsessive about their hobbies and they're not at all afraid to show it. Sure you get a few autists that go overboard and what not, but that's better than doing it "ironically" like these /jp/ knockoff wannabes are doing.

These people who are exhibiting this faux /jp/ facade just seem to be doing it just to be imitating /jp/, and not because they have an interest in otaku culture or anything like that; if they do it appears to be nothing but an aesthetic thing, something to signal to other retards like them how CUH-RAZY and ABNORMAL they are for posting the stupid shit that they do. They're literally the gamer girls of /jp/, the ones that post the images and the dumb inane shit that goes with them without understanding what the hell they're even posting or talking about for attention or worse, just to post something, anything at all.

This guy here (>>1363261) has it down halfway right. It's not /a/, it's not /jp/, it's literal wannabe /jp/ers who can't keep up with /jp/ but pick up their mannerisms, but of course it feels shallow and inane because that's what it is. A shallow imitation of /jp/.
That was unnecessarily verbose, but I don't think anyone denies the spin-offs of being terrible-- not even themselves, I'm certain. Probably.

That being said, you're not going to find 'tru-/jp/' in 4chan's /jp/ either.
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Nothing is unnecessarily verbose. It's better to be thorough and doubtlessly understood than to have some retard approach with stupid greentext in an attempt to totally misrepresent what I'm saying, therefore causing a shit-flinging festival of back and forth retarded, half-assed replies.

>but I don't think anyone denies the spin-offs of being terrible-- not even themselves, I'm certain. Probably.
Whether or not people agree or disagree with the notion that the spin-offs are terrible isn't really my concern, I was just answering what I thought was posed to me regarding "what /jp/ culture" was lingering around today, insofar as /qa/ is concerned.

>That being said, you're not going to find 'tru-/jp/' in 4chan's /jp/ either.
Why would that matter? I was just answering a question, I didn't say anything about /jp/ being more or less 'genuine' than anybody else other than what they're currently being mistaken for or compared to.
you're mistaking autism for actual bots and script usage
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>I don't understand your obsession with identity.
Nice misrepresentation of my discussion, now would you like to address anything that I said instead of what you're claiming I'm saying?

Because addressing what I'm saying would seem to make you seem like you have a modicum of care for the quality of this board, rather than deliberately misrepresenting it all.

You claim I'm preaching but yet, oddly enough, here you are preaching about me instead of staying on topic and addressing anything that was actually stated. I wasn't preaching, I wasn't giving a sermon on identity, I answered the question was it was asked.

I love the hypocritical 4chan police.
>seem to make you seem
Oh boy, I really am tired.
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Does anyone here consider themselves /jp/?
I always will refer to myself as /qa/.
Though there are similarities, it's not my goal to imitate or do the same thing /jp/ does.
>Though there are similarities
That's a rather dubious claim that you have there.
I'm about to make a JAV thread right now though.
Of course making /jp/-tier threads on /qa/ would make /jp/ and /qa/ similar; you're posting /jp/ shit on /qa/! Duh! Fuck! That doesn't make them organically similar, it just makes them similar by means of you posting shit where it doesn't belong!
You're a zelot of /jp/ purity.
You're defending a husk of something that no longer exists.
Let dead dogs lie and let /qa/ do it's own thing.
The types of threads and posts within a board is about the only way you could quantify similarities or differences between (anonymous) boards though.
What? When did I defend anything exactly?
Stop putting words in my mouth and start answering what was written, and not what you put into my mouth, please.

I would tend to think that whether or not it's organic instead of forcing off-topic shitposting makes a difference between whether or not similarities are genuine.
Sure, /qa/ was quite forced initially, but it has since moved on.

It's /qa/.
>It's /qa/.
"Questions and Answers," I'm glad we could both remember that little tidbit of relevant information together.

Posting /jp/ stuff on /qa/ doesn't make /qa/ /jp/. The two boards absolutely have their own separate identities, and the similarities only exist because people keep forcing them.
>Posting /jp/ stuff on /qa/ doesn't make /qa/ /jp/
Nobody claims /qa/ is somehow /jp/ anymore. Besides the militant concern freaks, that is.
>Questions and Answers
Not plural.
Then you should clarify what you meant by "It's /qa/," as you seemed to infer that it had no topic.

Goddamn it you're right. I need to go to bed.
Let's get back on topic. Credit where credit is due: /mlpol/ raided and the /jp/ spinoff weebs drove them off. That, however, doesn't give them license to try and turn this into a nijura board like some of the weebs >>1356213 seem to think.
We're not talking if your knowledge of /qa/ only stems back to April 1st.
I think it's worth noting that someone or something has to dominate a board at any given time, it's just the way that it has to be. You're right that people don't have carte blanche to start shitting on everything that they don't like.

People wouldn't be satisfied with this being a board about 4chan with cool meta discussions or meeting people from different boards. I think the 4chan Happening Thread actually has the best format and means of accomplishing this; they do their job very well.
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Time for your nap time. This is Hiro's playground and you're being an angwie widdle child.
We're not listening to any advice you give so whine as much as you want, that's all /q/ posters are good for anyways.
>I think it's worth noting that someone or something has to dominate a board at any given time
It'll simply be a dead /q/ 2.0 screaming at a wall otherwise.
>Implying I'm angry or the slightest bit upset
I love that "you mad" is still the default goto for "I don't have anything to say or anything to add but by God I want to end on a high note."
One of them told me in a thread about a week ago that they were invited here during the time /qa/ was offline. Who ever that was made a deal with the devil. They got rid of the raiders but then they became the raiders and wouldn't leave. The justification they use to stay is that 4chan was always a weeb site based on /jp/ culture.

I didn't even care for the longest time until I got tired of being called mlpol one too many times by that one paranoid weeb (you all know which one) just for posting a non-2D thread.
/qa/ has experienced every kind of argument, you're not fooling anybody
I think that having a place for the contemporary 4chan user to vent his frustrations isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I'm this guy
>>1363266 just so you know. I think your hostility is misplaced.
and nothing these people say will change anything...
>Implying some sort of nebulous underhanded dealings on my part
Whatever you say, whiner.
Butt devastation is /qa/ culture, after all.
/qa/ has tried the ignore strategy for a week or so odd.
We ignored the shitposting, hid in the corner and only saw it start to grow as more spinoff groups filled the void left by us rewritting /qa/ history.

/qa/ will only survive if it has a reigning power.
The group has decided. If you do not like how /qa/ looks, leave.
And yet faggots like you and >>1363590 still get mad about everything and anything that leaves /qa/'s mouth. That's pretty funny actually.
Literally shaking right now.
Put on a jacket?
Laughing at all the newfags in this thread who don't think /pol/ still owns this board's soul no matter what the /jp/enises think or say. The elections pretty much netted us /qa/ as a reward as well as THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY.
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See >>1363571
you forgot your goldface brah
/pol/ = /jp/ = ota = warosu = hima
Oh look it's the /qa/umblr/,/qa/eddit guy. It figures that you'd be in here too.
lol that's rich
More like /pol/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weebshit faggots.
Enjoying /pol/'s boot on your throat? No avatarfags or /gaypee/ faggots to save you. We own the country, we own 4chan, we own this board so fuck off.
Whatever old crew that fell for /pol/ baits are now over at /bant/ anyways.... he's a real no where man
QA-12 has his soul...
>One of them told me in a thread about a week ago that they were invited here during the time /qa/ was offline.
Yeah, 8gag invited themselves.
They always seem to do that at opportune times.
It's funny seeing people crosslink their /qa/ bait threads on /pol/. Not even /ptg/ cares about this board anymore.
Of all the spinoffs I've seen linked, I liked hima the most. They're so fuckin' based.
It should all still be on the /meta/ board on desuarchive. i haven't checked enough.
Nah, it's trash.
That's the funny thing about this place. Everyone thinks they have any control, but at the end of the day...
>What do you think you said that was worth discussing?
Now THAT is a fine fucking copout if I've ever actually seen one. You seemed to think it was worth discussing when you thought you could get away with distorting what I actually said and could put words in my mouth but when that didn't get you far you picked up your retard ball and went back to your retard cage and claimed "O-oh you're not worth addressing anyway but here's yet another misrepresentation of your argument I'm winning la la la la la!"

You can't say I don't have anything worth discussing, then discuss it with your stupid retard spin and say that I said it, you fucking mouth breather. I didn't say anything about identity so, again, stop putting your words in my mouth and arguing from there.

What's really pathetic is that it took you this long to type all that out and it doesn't make a fucking bit of sense whatsoever, you just like thinking that replying with whatever bullshit you're pushing is fine enough.

You're an idiot.
It's all a matter of perspective I guess, but somehow reading their blog thread makes me smile and feel really nice.
hima is based i'm with you
Well, each to their own. Out of curiosity, have you posted there?
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>The crux of your post is people are having fun and you feel that they don't deserve to have fun.
Did you not literally try to say this earlier with your whining about avatarfags or whatever, the very people who actually used to make up this board that you were crying about? You were condemning them for their "fun" and yet you're bawling your eyes out for something that wasn't even said about restrictions on the fun of others. I don't think you actually have a set of morals or principles to work from. I think you decide what is and is not okay based on entirely arbitrary decisions and put your whole victim complex on display, up to and including lying about input received, when it suits you. You're a hypocrite not worth discussing anything with and have no explicit points or ability to refute anything that is posited to you. Is there anything else you would like to add before your butt has been filed under blasted?
I never post on spinoffs, I don't want to contaminate them with my presence.
Go back to whatever you're talking about and stay there, cancer. Fucking nu-Gaia up in here.
Oh. I was wondering how they'd react to new users. I know that when some people from the Starcraft 2 general went there they were all IP banned.
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But I'm from here...
We should invite them both to /qa/ one day again.
How is this any different that mlpol or 8gag?
Or you should fuck off and get these faggots off /pol/'s property.
I'm positive that they want nothing to do with /qa/, and as far as I'm concerned the feeling is mutual.
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The only right thing to do is to stop caring about assigning identites to these supposedly "raiding groups". Whether it's "/jp/, /jp/ wannabe, /pol/, /mlpol/, 8gag" or whatever name they are all here with the same purpose to gain domince on /qa/ so that they can suck their own dicks.
Just post things you like because you can't stop others from posting anything. Caring about drama is not only not doing anything productive at all but also giving them relevance.
Hima: Yukkuri shitteite ne
mlpol/8gag: teenbros
No one invited those two.
Not him but there is no use arguing with people who discount your opinion for being a 'normalfag'.
They're pretty rude too. SC2 & hima are pretty cool.
uh https://imgur.com/a/CShTq
Hima is based.
>The "weeaboo" thing is a label, an identification. You also seem to care greatly about the fact that they may or may not pass your personal test for whatever the fuck it is you're saying.

Nope. Stop typing. I blew you the fuck out, you whined about "th-there's nothing to argue!", then you thought you'd come back?
>Identity again. Who the fuck is trying to impress another anonymous people on an unlisted board? Why does this matter to you so much?
You have one guilty-ass conscience.
>Again, this coming from someone I recognize as an avatarfag of 2016. Your circlejerks had nothing to do with anything other than pseudo flirting and blogging.

Whoa, didn't you get blown the fuck out again at >>1363646? You did, especially when you contradicted yourself when you lied about shit that I said or meant and then you bitched about how me and some other faggots had fun.

Please, just die.
Oh so when you invite spinoffs it's somehow different? Why is that? Because we're all one big happy weeb family here?

Protip: it isn't any different.
He's so jealous it's cute.
Oh shit, you've got a screencap... I guess this board belongs to /q/ now...
It's never good to invite any spinoff here, no matter how you think it compares to 2011's hottest meme.
/q/ or not, the only point is that it doesn't belong to you faggots like you think it does.
>don't reply to me subhuman
It's fine if you would rather not confront your hypocrisy that is inherent in everything that you're saying but at the same time you give up your right to discuss anything, considering that you don't care for the notions of honesty, truth, proper argumentation, the works. You seem to be so upset because you were one of the people who were described in one of Lulucoposter's prior posts, and for someone bitching about whether or not people qualify for a personal litmus test you claim Lulucoposter has you too are obsessed with identity. Someone who cares about identity as much as you as well as misconstruing what you are told should just hang it up at this juncture. You have no argument.
qa-12 always steps ahead of the game...
I'm just saying hima might be more teenbro-infested than you imagine.
Don't reply in my stead, freak.
If 8ch or /mlpol/ wants to paint /qa/ natives as an evil occupying force, I'm ready to oblige.
The underhanded tactics these groups use require no sympathy.
Shut up poser,, or I'll go get a real /jp/ user to tell you how much of a poseur you are.
You sound really butt bothered. I wish I could somehow astral project my spirit to assemble all the /jp/edos in existence and make them congregate on this board.
there are literally people here who are angry and live to stay angry on /qa/ lol
This is what mad people look like.
unbelievable reality they live in huh
Just stop with that tired old red herring, nobody believes it
If there's one similarity between /qa/ and /jp/, it's 24/7 bickering about what the board should or should not be.
And it has butt blasted faggots like you on it.
they don't even realize
what's going on as they speak
What did you expect, "yes sir!" ?
/jp/ wannabes got some seriously blasted butts.
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I believe it.
Any meta discussion otaku here?
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17 IPs.
God damn you're one mad faggot.
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18 now
Reporting in
So the no-argument having coward cops out.
You got that ass whipped.
What are her ten goals in life?
wake up bro... didn't you take the square pill?
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19 now
She's mastered the 10 styles of dick play.
Stop phoneposting.
You realize that this prolongs your shame, yes?
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The weeb mafia can't spambot threads like this anymore because we're on to them. So they fill it up with shitpost replies. Just a threadly reminder, they can't have threads like this around for too long confusing crossboarders.
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>stop posting things
see >>1363667
20 now
how do I join the weeb mafia?
>/jp/ likes meta because the only thing they like more than being disgusting pedo creeps is complaining about their shitty ass board
>the meta thread about /qa/ is the fastest thread
>this undeniably proves that /jp/ is in fact raiding /qa/

Check fucking mate you goddamn weaboos I'm going to the IRC and you're all getting fucking banned.
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The good thing about dealing with /pol/ is that most of them can't process inputs.
They don't confuse any crossboarders unless those crossboarders also happen to be huge newfaggots.
just post an anime image and you're in
A thread just got spammed this past week, don't get your hopes up dudebro.
You need to suck at least one hundred dicks while cosplaying as an anime girl of your choice.
I love spending my life with you guys too
>most of them can't process inputs.
Are you unaware that /pol/ is probably one of the highest IQ boards on this whole site? I don't know why you people have such a fucking hate boner for /pol/ but let it go. Your board might not be as successful but you don't have to be such an assravaged faggot about /pol/'s success regarding politics, the social sphere and other things. Proof that this site's been overtaken with underaged liberals if you're making fucking comments about /pol/ like that.
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I dont reply to those threads so 21, i dnt have ip counter
I hate it but I do it anyways because I fucking hate my life.
join the /qa/ discord
I don't who said that, but he got us good.
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>Are you unaware that /pol/ is probably one of the highest IQ boards on this whole site
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Can we get that IP count up to 100 or will the no fun wannabe troll whine about spam while spamming trolling replies himself before we can reach the goal?
Where? I can't see.
Please just fuck off back to 8gag.
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Here's Karen. Maybe she will improve your life!
Great thread.
Best thread
She wants to play the new Zelda game.
Why are you so fucking gay?
1 - Cum in her armpits
2 - Cum in her ass
3 - Cum in her pussy
4 - Cum on her face
5 - Cum on her tits
6 - Cum on her ass
7 - Cum in her hair
8 - Cum in her eyes
9 - Cum in her ears
10 - Cum in her nose
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The thread which will pierce the heavens
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kuso thread
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Japanese cat failing to eat corndog
sugoi thread
We have to be more nice to the angry kid in the class.
dont post boats or touhou
It's not his fault...
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Flying boat?
Can I post Love Live!?
Why ARE you so angry?
This thread gets made by a new person every night anyway because they piss so many people off; Even more every day.
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Stop looking.
any willy wagglers around here?
there's like five of the old /qa/ guard in here
avatarfags assemble
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Sachiko is a phoneposter.
mlpol, get in here!
i mean the avatarfaggots from before
You think you're worth seeing my trip, bitch?
cool overwatch shit teenbro
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literally worse than horsefuckers
i'm so f*kn angry... why couldn't hiro give mlp a chance??
It's fine, /jp/sies are merely butthurt that no one gives a fuck about their views. Sorry /jp/, we prefer having fun instead of being stuck up elitists.

/jp/: "noh noh u not allowed to help odders" lmao shuddup retard

koko da
You could've had serious discussions.
No they couldn't. They are shitposting dorks who don't know when to stay on their containment boards.
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Agreed. We need to oust the avatars.
>People wouldn't be satisfied with this being a board about 4chan with cool meta discussions or meeting people from different boards.


No. Fuck off raider.
We don't want to delete quests, we want them reintegrated with /tg/.

Report every one you see.
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AHAHAHHA what a newfag, look at him and laugh
You only responded because you know he's right.
Wrong. If you knew the shit /jp/ actually got through and how /qa/ ended up the way it did, you'd know why I laughed at him and proclaimed him to be a newfriend. You, obviously, never been to actual /jp/. And I am not about to explain it to you newfags here so you can keep spamming my post pretending how ``oldfag'' you are. So get lost, faker.
So you agree with >>1364396?

Good to know.
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lmao stay mad
Why are you both so perturbed? You don't even post on /jp/.
Nothing else to add, dudebro? I'm glad we've reached an agreement.
What is a dudebro and why are you so lost in your own little world?
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>I-Im totally n-not mad or anything
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Nice copy pasta
>We don't want to delete quests, we want them reintegrated with /tg/.
I think the jury is out on that one.
Sorry, I meant "would be satisfied." I was tired upon the time of writing that.

/jp/ has nothing to do with your faggotry, and neither of you are from /jp/. Suicide is your only option at this point since your only "counterargument" is "LOL FUKKEN NEWFAG XD."
>Reddit/Imgur images
Anything else, /ota/?
All that can be done is to downvote and report them.
I don't know what the fuck is even going on /qa/, these jaypees and pols and otas you speak of
But I'll keep shitposting, like I always do
welcome back
>If you knew the shit /jp/ actually got through and how /qa/ ended up the way it did, you'd know why I laughed at him and proclaimed him to be a newfriend.
I've been shitposting on /jp/ for most of its existence, tell us more about how /qa/ represents the true essence of lost /jp/ culture.
>tell us more about how /qa/ represents the true essence of lost /jp/ culture.
I don't think that's what he was implying.
Accepting tag requests as long as it's -rating:e.
current tag set:

rating:s loli
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GARBAGE thread
Your avatar is garbage.
All avatars are garbage.
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Garbage is in the eyes of the beholder.
Hey guys, official threads back, get out of here
They are really, really mad now.

I miss the old /qa/
>256 posts, 35 IPs
How is it not /jp/ if it has /jp/'s autism?

This is hiden, unmoderated board without any rules. This board is what its users want it to be. If some users want to talk about otaku culture they talk about otaku culture. If some users want to post 2hus they post 2hus. If some faggots want to post pepes they post their retarded frogs. And isn't it nice?

I love this board. I love it because it still feels like something new and fresh on 4chan when everything else is stale and accustomed.
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Maybe we should all try to be friends!!
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too much weeb
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Any reason you didn't finish the job?
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Still 10 replies left
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Was on page 2 anyway.
naah you're just inviting more people to troll you by showing how butthurt you get
somebody make a new thread
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Thread posts: 306
Thread images: 99

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