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4chan Discussion Thread

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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 52

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You can discuss anything you want in this thread.

It's on page 1. Why do you care so much about creating it?
Should wait to respond but divorcing the old conversation from the new one isn't a bad idea.
question: how many types of posters do we have who actively are trying to control the board?
so far i'd say
-meta fags
-wholesome discussion fags
-otaku culture fags
-fags who try to create drama
-troll posters (mostly in the form of frogs)
-(anti-/pol/ isn't even real anymore, it's just a running joke now )
-spammers trying to destroy threads(chaotic neutral)/ bumping threads they like
missing any?
And yet /qa/ manages to be far less elitist than /a/ and /jp/ (this is a bad thing).

People come here because they don't feel welcome on those boards, and rightfully so because they have very un-4chanlike personalities. They gather on /qa/ with like-minded individuals and it becomes a circlejerk of people who have no idea what they're talking about but think they're the smartest guys in the room.
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Probably not.
This board is something else.

Sometimes we all need to just take the chill pill.
Keep that conversation in the old thread.
No one wants it here.
Yeah, that's just like you. Run away from anything resembling real discussion.
>-wholesome discussion fags
>-fags who try to create drama
Can you give an example?
we'll never chill, i made a post in the previous thread that "we feed off drama", this thread is discussion of drama, the happenings thread is news of drama, most threads are mindless posts that are then filled with posts that spark drama, even now talking about it is drama, this is the truth of /qa/, we can't run away from ourselves
It's not a real discussion, it's you venting your pent up anger against imaginary enemies.
>we'll never chill
That's just wrong
It's sad that you're a dumb /ota/tard who thinks reposting other people's posts is the height of hilarity.
There's that ``constructive criticism'' again.
It's easy, just realize that other people's opinions are your own and that fighting people on the internet is just stress relief, not a grand mission to change the world.
Your definition of "drama" is pretty wide. Care to expand on this?
Make a separate thread if you wish to have your shitstorm.
Is this really something you should respond to ?
Calm yourself niggz.
Shit. I fucked up my grand philosophy.
Other people's opinions are different from your own.
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>nice meme qa
Isn't it funny that whenever someone interrupts /qa/'s little circlejerk, the thread starts getting dozens of posts at a time spouting shitty /jp/ memes? Really makes you think.
Like when?
they need you over at /v/ my man
this thread is wholesome discussion, and sometimes there's a good thread that promotes it as well (haven't seen one in a while and too lazy to search archives)

drama fags can really be anyone as long as they actively try to show they dislike something in a thread or post, sometimes there's falseflaggers who do this, but then respond to themselves, what a mess of things

course it's stress relief, and it gives something to talk about

yeah, i know i'm being kinda vague about it, i could have phrased it better, a controversial or popular topic or event to talk about, pretty much just the neighbourhood gossip group

also, read the posts right before this one, just drama, shitposting, flaseflagging, and bringing attention to other shitposts i'm guessing by now
Is this the troll I've heard about in the legends? The puppeteer of man.
That gif was a few weeks before Hiro gave up talking on /qa/
Like in any 4chan discussion thread. I know what you mean. It's almost as if these once peaceful threads have been invaded by disgusting generalfags, as usual.
This thread was never peaceful. It was the designated containment thread for dumb arguments shitting up the 4chan happenings thread.
i just realized the spacing in my post by accident, heh, when's that guy gonna come by to call me reddit?
Hello? Troll hotline? I think I'm getting trolled please help
I created these threads and I never intended for it to be that. I just wanted a place where people could talk about anything without having to create a new thread for it. Unfortunately people interpreted that as "use this thread to bicker about meta."
General/reoccurring threads are so easy to fuck up.
You don't even need to try.

It's kind of funny, but it distracts from everything going on outside of the board.
Generals really do become the board.
Should we stop linking previous threads?
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Please attach cute photos with your arguments so it can fuel my imagination while I read.
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Friendly reminder.
We need a pastebin and a reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
add /4dt/ to the thread title.
Just put "discussion" in the subject that's it. Done.
I honestly almost didn't when I created this thread. But I didn't want people to throw a fit so I left it.

But if I create the next one I will not link the previous thread. This settles it.
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>Please attach cute photos with your arguments so it can fuel my imagination while I read.
Excuse me if I don't.
That's like browsing [s4s] without seeing all the posts.
Don't you mean that's like browsing /s4s/ instead of [s4s]?
Refusing to use reply links is on the same level as phoneposting. It means you are going for a very low-effort post.
So who won in the previous thread?
Who were you rooting for?
I would say the same exact thing even if I was quoting. The only difference is the poster knows we're connected to each other without a sparkly (You).
What is the point of this?

The only place I've seen people do this recently is hima.
>Refusing to use reply links is on the same level as phoneposting.
Not if you can tell from context or quote what you are replying to.
It's not low-effort posting if you attach a cute image!
My feeling is that he will come back sometime soon. I have no data, just my feeling. Of course it may also be that he abandoned the idea of interacting with /qa/ because of the haters, but oh well.
>Please attach cute photos with your arguments
Will I be judged or bullied?
No, keep linking them. I at least like to see them.
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We are all friends here, just teases! And cooling down while searching for a cute image never sound like a bad idea for everyone arguing.
Refusing to use reply links on this board is the equivalent of tripfagging. There are only two or three people who do it and they have distinct posting styles from each other. You're just like that avatarfag who "cuteposts" all the time and then says things like "Wow rude!".

If you refuse to assimilate, that just makes you an attention whore.
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Fine then, I will try it for a while. I saw the thread where someone was asking about the lack of images attached, that made me realize why I stopped doing it.
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/qa/ is known for taking away (You)'s. This board is really evil.
Kill yourself.
/qa/ is beyond (You). Why does it even matter?
We're demons.
You don't want to be talking to demons now would you ?
>Refusing to use reply links on this board is the equivalent of tripfagging.
I'm thinking about adopting it as an experiment.
>Refusing to use reply links on this board is the equivalent of tripfagging.
Are you the same person who said it's the same as phoneposting?
>You're just like that avatarfag who "cuteposts" all the time and then says things like "Wow rude!".
How is writing out a post and replying to the other posts the same as avatarfagging?
He's at it again. Remember to report them.
I reported one of those earlier. I am afraid of seeing a warning if I report too much.
Good job pointing out page2 threads.
I'll split the thread if you do that, faggot.
>I'm thinking about adopting it as an experiment.
I wonder how other boards might react. I don't think anyone on /b/ would care, but other places might get hostile towards it.
>He's at it again. Remember to report them.
I already reported them. I'm surprised how well the "farts in thread" posts seems to have stopped any discussion.
>I'll split the thread if you do that, faggot.
I bet people would simply link to it within the first 10 posts anyway.
More threads is always better.
This thread is still garbage.

I decided I'm going to identify garbage threads by linking them in this thread.
>More threads is always better.
We don't need more than 3 recurring threads here.
no please stop
go away
If it rids my thread of people like you, that's all the more reason to do it.

You won't win this war.
t. closeted tripfags
Go back there.
>Go back there.
Go back there.
There's nothing currently to discuss. Discuss this.
Why not have 4chan discussion threads exist as 4tan ghost and 4chan posts ?
I just got shit all over my hands
Go back there.
>Why not have 4chan discussion threads exist as 4tan ghost and 4chan posts ?
Because 4tan doesn't have ghost enabled and desuarchived goes down too often.
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Can we discuss the whereabouts of Hiro
He's in Africa. Journalism.
Remember there's discussions all over the board as well.
>reddit spacing
Go back there.
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Frankly, we don't care where he is, because it's clear he doesn't give a fuck about this site. We just want him to leave /qa/ alone.
Why do beef jerky packets contain that random thing of salt you're not supposed to eat? What is the point of those?
I'm also getting uncomfortable with the current post-rates these threads are receiving.
>using reddit spacing
Go back there, faggot
The problem is /qa/ is a board of posters.
We never had many threadstarters here and I barely see any new threads when I briefly visit o**.
He's here
The packet contains a desiccant (usually silica gel) or an oxygen absorber, or both. The desiccants sop up any moisture in the jerky, which keeps it from going bad, while keeping oxygen levels down inhibits spoilage and flavor changes to fats. The reason why they make a point of telling you not to eat them is that a surprising number of damn fools figure any small packet found in a food container must be some kinda condiment.
>We never had many threadstarters here
It's at a fairly normal rate for this board's speed, which I would estimate to be slightly less or comparable to /jp/ (excluding generals).
What I mean by that is that these boards prefer to talk about pointless shit rather than topical shit.
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The thread just needs to be respected. Sage if you can. Remember to wait until page 8-10 when creating the next discussion thread.

I am closing this tab until tomorrow.
Yes, we have plenty of non-topical threads that discuss pointless shit and I'm completely fine with them. As long as they aren't malicious shitposts or trolls, those threads can help build a sense of community or camaraderie- something you can't achieve through purely topical or informational discussion.
93 posts from 19 posters within 2.5 hours comes to about 2 posts every minute. Would slowing it down a bit be a good idea?
We went overboard with /qa/ meta in the past few days. It's a good idea to take it easy now.
just in time for my weekend!
who? i really do have trouble knowing what post to refer to from re-reading the thread
I recently read a post on here saying that bots are widespread on 4chan. Do we have any on /qa/? I personally doubt it.
I recently read a post on here saying that bots are widespread on 4chan. Do we have any on /qa/? I personally doubt it.
Ugh, great. If this is the weekday crowd I'm not looking forward to the weekend crowd which is invariably worse.
I think it's funny how you bastards took /qa/ from the redditors, but you've made the rest of the site worse as they've scattered to other boards and shitted them up with their anti 4chan horseshit.
Go back to those shitty boards. /qa/ is an autonomous splinter now.
fucking retard
faggot bitch
It's just /s4s/ for autistic weebs
It's clearly some /pol9k/ subhuman
Filtering some stupid phrases which are never used in a good context: "meme game" and "meme anime".

Any other "meme ____" phrase that people like to say a lot? I don't want to filter the word meme, just idiotic uses like this.
>go away and let us wallow in our filth. we LIKE being shitposted to death by anime spergs!

/qa/ is finished.
They really do talk like the worst parts of /jp/ and act as if they represent the best. Of course if you point this out they'll just stammer "B-but generals!"
It's not even visible you sperg.
Dont burn yourself out. Good night.
Stop this joke. It isn't funny.
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Assimilation is death.
This is the great lesson the depressive learns: Nothing in the world is inherently compelling. Whatever may be really “out there” cannot project itself as an affective experience. It is all a vacuous affair with only a chemical prestige. Nothing is either good or bad, desirable or undesirable, or anything else except that it is made so by laboratories inside us producing the emotions on which we live. And to live on our emotions is to live arbitrarily, inaccurately—imparting meaning to what has none of its own. Yet what other way is there to live? Without the ever-clanking machinery of emotion, everything would come to a standstill. There would be nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be, and no one to know. The alternatives are clear: to live falsely as pawns of affect, or to live factually as depressives, or as individuals who know what is known to the depressive. How advantageous that we are not coerced into choosing one or the other, neither choice being excellent. One look at human existence is proof enough that our species will not be released from the stranglehold of emotionalism that anchors it to hallucinations. That may be no way to live, but to opt for depression would be to opt out of existence as we consciously know it.
Can concur; for my part, my life got infinitely better once I stopped thinking about important things and started focusing on petty things.
If you enjoy spending your time using the discussion thread to fail at half-hearted detective work then maybe Reddit is more your style.
What did he mean by this?
/qa/ has gotten unbelievably condescending these last couple days. Not sure if it's because some newfags showed up and think they run the place or if some cancerous oldfags have come to have a massively inflated sense of self-worth. Either way, they're here basically 24 hours a day so you can't escape them. These are people with literally no life.
>What did he mean by this?
Probably a Jewish conspiracy. (((They))) are behind everything.
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I'm sorry, I'll try to do better next time.
No, that's exactly the problem. Next time you see some post you disagree with and are getting ready to type up some assholish remark, here's an idea: Don't.
So, you expect us to prostrate ourselves to people who don't browse this board?
/qa/ was always condescending
Hello, troll hotline? It's me again
I miss all caps anon.
Answer my question: Are you newfags or are you oldfags who suddenly decided there's merit in being an asshole? /qa/ was never as aggressive as it has been today, and the two of you are responsible for this.
I miss when white men were the majority in this country.
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I'm the culprit, it's me!
No, seriously, why have you fucking Jews been here all day? Mommy left you home alone?
I have consistently been an asshole to people I found wanting every day since the /q/ days.
u mad bro
why u so mad bro
This is the fate of people who make generals.
They always corrupt things.
Looks like it's time to let this thread die for a while until those people leave.

People really try so hard to control /qa/. It's pitiful.
Joke's on you, I'll remake your shit thread after it dies.
The /pol/ raid was just two days ago and other new shitposters are here and its puts people on edge.
Plus people get angry when any attempts at self-moderation inside blatant troll threads are blanket deleted which wipes out their good posts/threads elsewhere.
Like I said, people really try so hard to control /qa/. It's pitiful.

Regardless of your shitposting, the thread will die as people disavow it.
All it takes is two people having a shit argument or a bot to keep a thread alive indefinitely.

But by all means, do abandon your efforts to single-handedly keep this thread afloat.
This was the thread where it all went to shit. That's when a bunch of new people flooded in.
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Don't take the easy way out.
You could run or you could try to fix it.
We created the mess, it's our job to fix it.

Not like there's anything better to do ?
You really do underestimate how much I've done for this board. Just wait and see what happens to you without me. You're on your own now, kid.
Whatever you've been heroically doing behind the scenes hasn't stopped /qa/ from descending into an utter shitheap so I doubt anyone will notice.

People who don't make good on their threats are full of shit, so see you never.
There are bad people on every board. The only thing they accomplish is ruin it for everyone. On /qa/ more so than on other boards as there isn't any moderating. Good job "condescending" guy. Good job at being mean or something. Must feel proud.
The tears of passive-aggressive shitters are like fine wine.
That's because you're the one responsible for turning it into a shitheap. You, specifically, have been trying your hardest to drag this board through the mud. Well congratulations. There's no resistance anymore. Enjoy your hollow victory, because it's the only thing you'll ever accomplish in your pathetic excuse for a life.
>Well congratulations. There's no resistance anymore.
For someone "not resisting" you sure do talk a lot.

Try less talking and more going away.
Troll hotline? They're back
You're not doing anything talking to the guy you despise.
*tickles your butt*
You'll need to link/quote.
You can't be passive if you want to stop a fight.
*teleports in front of you*
that doesn't even work
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So is the discussion thread dead lol.
It didn't take long for infighting to start.

Think we all need to chill.
Words on 4chan accomplish nothing if the fall on blind eyes.
delete /qa/
I volunteer to mod /qa/. I will MAKE /qa/ GREAT AGAIN!
Ah, so you're retarded. No wonder it took you so long to accomplish your goal.
wtf i hate /qa/ now
>Think we all need to chill. Words on 4chan accomplish nothing if the fall on blind eyes.
So long as this thread still lives, I will ensure it never contains anything resembling good discussion. This has been my goal ever since someone gave me the idea to stop using reply links. All it takes is one stupid argument and the entire thread is ruined.
What can I say? I'm a Dick.
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All the people speaking in memes should make it pretty clear that these aren't /qa/ regulars, so settle down and take it easy and they'll leave like those before them.
Lol. So I'll oppose you at every turn like I've been doing every day since you made yourself a supposed enemy of /qa/.
I've never posted in generals before but I'm getting the hang of how self moderating them works.

Go to /int/ if you want to snipe generals.
You're in for a bad time.
No need to be a sore loser about it.
I'm not leaving.
So are you just going to post every day knowing the shane of defeat, wallowing in your loss?

I graciously permit you to continue shitposting in my domain.
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this discussion
What the hell are you people even fighting about
Shane, there is nothing you could possibly do to stop me from posting here.
This thread took a turn for the worse.
/qa/ blown the fuck out! How will it ever recover?
>Just wait and see what happens to you without me. You're on your own now, kid.
>This thread took a turn for the worse.
Every thread will from here on out. Consider this the curtain call for the 4chan Discussion Thread.
RIP 4DT 2017-2017
That's right. I don't intend to stop posting here, but I intend to stop helping you. You're going to regret this, Shane, but by then it will be too late.
>Every thread will from here on out.
I might refrain from posting as much in future ones, if only to help the discussion be slower and to ignore people arguing over nothing.
Let me point out the obvious and say it's two people that obviously know each other that are roleplaying as enemies to shit up the thread. You might have noticed that they stopped pretending to hold conversations in the eceleb threads since they're occupied here.
>>1169979 33 unique IPs
>>1173984 37 unique IPs
>>1175109 36 unique IPs
Does /qa/ only have ~40 people who post regularly?
real /qa/ only has 12 but yes 40 sounds right, probably lower considering how many proxies that the handful of spammers use.
if these 30 to 40 people would meet, I wonder if they would get along.
Obviously not, because about 5 of them just want to instigate discord. Wether or not the 12 would is a different, more difficult, question.
I'm pretty sure the two descalators and the two escalators would end up in a death match.
I'd look forwrad to the "beat up the phoneposter" game.
Can we take a minute to appreciate how good this OP image is.
First it was the Sachiko happening that got messed up, now this one.

Can wr agree to just use terrible photos for reoccurring threads ?
Not all of /qa/'s posters use those threads. Quite a few are anti-general.

Create a thread asking how many /qa/ regulars there are and the IP count will be a lot higher.
It warms my heart seeing that someone likes the image. It's cool though, I have like five different images of Uni with a gun. I'll put them to use in threads that don't suck.
So, we could report those posts right? For flaming.
Only if the mods know, which likely won't be the case.
Alternate solutions might be needed.
It's could be any 3 types of people.

We'll have to do some water testing.
I just did for ones with the name mentioned at least, that should be enough. I mean, that seriously does not belong here.
That's the mistake all boards make.
Mods don't have the time to individually deal with this kind of stuff.
You can only stop them by making it no longer fun.
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Can we post more things that we like that others may not know about in these threads? Someone posted that /qa/ is a melting pot from all various boards, and I tend to agree. What is widely known on your board may be rather unknown outside of it. I would like to see an open and encouraging atmosphere so that everyone does share and enjoy new stuff. What do you guys think.
I'm /qa/ only right now so idk.
all me
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What is the reason of this on /jp/? A valid complaint imo.
Can we get an archive link.
Maybe give it to the happenings thread.
yes https://warosu.org/jp/thread/16738718#p16740350 and >>>/jp/16738718

I'm not sure this would count as a happening, idk.
From what I gather, /jp/ stopped producing culture a long time ago.
If a board can't produce """memes"""" then it'll eventually be absorbed by another board.

If you want your board to be preserved you have to respond to every cultural attack.
/jp/ stopped responding adequately.
>this thread is awful
>but I'll still come back for the rehashed touhou image dumps
You know things are bad when the shitposters can't take it anymore.
Who are you WEEDtexting
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I make images for flanfly and enjoy seeing others do the same. Hell, it was my whole new year's goal for 2016 to try and create more things for /jp/ and flanfly turning into an OC factory was my only success.
So does anyone know why /qa/ is getting raided today? Even the baneposter tard is ramping it up.
Fucking hell, I can't believe you guys let the ``faggot quote'' thread die.
I woke up at 4PM so I couldn't bump it. No one can predict a raid.
Yeah, I just woke up too. Sucks.
I hope everyone is making good use of the report function.
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slipped away...jpg
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We'll hopefully settle down in a few hours...
If that eceleb spam continues I must admit that I will leave. Congrats spammers. I see no point in fighting a spam war.
Take it easy.
It can't end here.
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You can't break my /qajp/ spirit
Can someone contact a mod?
If I get banned and my threads get deleted for spam, so should his.
Could someone do me a favor and check if those links are working? I fear it might be something on my end.
manga-zip DOT net SLASH archives/4193.html
At this point you look like the e-celeb shitter trying to make the board give into his spam.
What a pussy.
I don't participate in the spam wars, you're confusing me with someone else.

やめ、I'm staying.
If you don't like the spam waves, hide what you don't like, read what you do.
There goes the Asukaspam.
I was just chanting a rosary to the blessed moe. I believe.
what would the board look like if every hour there were flood threads like askuposter's + there was a bot to bump predetermined threads when they were spamming at the same time and deleted all it's post and threads after a few minutes by the same guy, if someone did this they would have total control over the board in all ways

y'know, just putting that idea out there (´・ω <`)
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Yeah, わかりました。 Also some cheap OC.
It's 2 times slower this time around, don't get too hopeful.
Asuka is here so it's the time to do it.
You have to believe in the moe moe
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I like the way you think senpai.
I can't believe I'm rooting for the asukaspam
Bless you whoever you are
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did my share of bumping the good ones
I'd say all the e-celeb threads could have been wiped if Asuka was at her usual speed. Now if only Vektor - Terminal Redux was here too...
thanks! (^▽^)

but really, just the way /qa/ has been the past several months give it a real "king of the hill" theme
-mods give up on it
-hiro stops posting
-under constant threat of raiders
-controversies over topic of board
-"sekrit board"
-near 60 regular visitors according to poster counts
-always a cashgrab when there's thread spam

it's just in a disarray, but that makes the board interesting
I wish it was faster
It still managed to kill a bunch of threads before the butthurt retard realised what was happening
time to bumb this one too
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Things are looking very hectic right now.
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make a few new 2D threads please. need more content to shove down

busy defending /qa/
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>/qa/ - Quality Anime
He's lost too many threads.
Now he keep bumping the 4 he has left.

We either keep going for hours to no end or someone could make >>1177999
Which would effectively give him complete control over the board.
Who's spamming the I'm gay threads?
I hate them. I don't think it's one of us.
there used to be a guy who would make a
thread like "catalogs going so fast no-one will
notice i'm gay!" during original asuka spam, but
i dunno, e-celeb dudes? v(*^-°)v
lol he's really buttmad now

it's the same eceleb guy
I really hope it's him.
If he gets banned for spam all of his e-celeb kuso threads will also get deleted in the process.
Report them all
i'm gonna guess since he was able to make so many
threads that he's probably phoneposting and/or
switching out IPs, so even if he got b&, there's no
guarantee his threads will all be deleted (・_・)
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I bumbed a dozen of threads, created two, and reported him like three times.I need to take a break to shower and eat.
Thank you all who are fighting to save /qa/.
Time to see if they'll listen to my IRC plea.
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All gay threads wiped.
Three empty pages. Not the worst spam attack I've seen.
Can you please tell them to actually moderate this board?
I don't read moon runes.
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3 pages worth of threads are gone, huh
and the undesirable ones from some users have
disappeared as well, just imagine if the bumping
and thread spamming was automated and it
would be like that all the time ⌒(*^∇゜)v

i have a good feeling he didn't intend to have them stick around and just wanted to start neutral chaos,so in a way, nobody wins? or everyone wins?
And enforce which rules?
well asuka stopped once the other guy started and seemed to only posted when the e-celeb shit was on bottom or other spam shit. Also asuka was slower today.
Did we lose the GabDrop thread? I was looking forward to a reply there.
no you baka it's still there
I like the free spirit of the board when it's not getting flooded. But yeah, a mod listened to me and cleared it up so I'm very appreciative.
take it easy, don't be elitist about it
Jesus that was a shitfest
Why d people do this
That's fine. I wrote: We all did. (more or less)
Are you new to /qa/? Board-wipes are a semi-usual occurrence.
This has been happening for a while and it's the same reason it's always been because it can.
Why does the staff refuses to repurpose this board?
There's a clear and obvious demand for a 2D/Random board

>spamming is ok if it's weebshit
kill yourselves scum
phew I just found it, thanks.
You sound butt devasted my dude.
Maybe you should go back to your kuso board and stop fighting a war you'll never win by yourself.
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Probably the same guy who spammed Banana, Terminal Redux and Steve Buscemi
Shut the fuck up
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When will you stupid weeb shitters leave my board
i never said i was sided with /jp/ anon
it really doesn't bother me who spams or not
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>my board
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isis soldiers-1240x827.jpg
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The literal funniest picture in the world is /qa/ heritage; some of the longest lived threads on the board where about the naked banana.
Stupid 2hu shitter
No honking, $350 penalty.
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Stop using emoticons you obnoxius retard
Tears are delicious.
Screencap this shit bros
Got you covered dude.
Post this on reddit before someome steals it !
DANK AS FUK my man
You guys aren't even good at being ironic.
Absolutely butt devastated.
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How can someone be THIS butt devasted?
Is he 12 y/o or something?

Who the fuck would spend an entire friday night spamming a hidden board with fake e-celeb threads just because people talking about anime and weeb stuff triggers him even though he's posting on a website owned by a literal Japanese?
Please refrain from using this shitty phrase.
12h clocks are for plebs.

You wake at who knows what time, so you check. Oh, it's 9 o'clock. Except that means nothing without the AM/PM modifier to the right. It just cockblocks you for no reason.
>it must be one guy
Nice delusion stupid weeaboo
Before the spam I had around 40 hidden threads, now it's down to 7. Anyone else get similar results?
Spam is over, please help me /qa/族
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Do you really enjoy living in perpetual butt devastation?
Weeaboos are truly no better than horseufckers
At least bronies and furfags keep their shit taste to themselves
So tell me dude, what brings someone who despises anime into a Japanese image board?
>At least bronies and furfags keep their shit taste to themselves

Doesn't stop people from saying otherwise...
Yes the link works.
It says 404 but I get through.
Just to be clear, I'm talking about the sakurafile links, not the link to the blog itself.
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344KB, 549x376px
Yes I just downloaded the first link.
Keep proving my point faggots
Nothing found.
You didn't answer my question
Fucking hell, looks like it's only volumes 3 and 4 that are not working (server has been in "maintenance mode" for over 2 days). Thanks.
based teenbro
Never mind.
Mangled the link.
Found it.
Reminder to not make a new thread until this one hits page ~9
Everyone should report that one
His butthurt knows no limits.

Also, he's apparently a furry from the 5N@F general in /vg/ >>1179022
New thread:
Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 52

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