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Is there any Actual, Real Pizzagate evidence?

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Thread replies: 115
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I want to believe.

Is there any evidence that isn't just conjecture or guilt-by-association?
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This whole guilt by association discourse is just distraction.
If you find, for example, this collection of podestas favorite artist "normal", you are in with it and supporting RITUAL CHILD ABUSE.








It's just revenge smearing of the owner, side project of Brock big hair fag guy. CTR is posting the pizzagate threads and you dipshits fell for it.
End yourself
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> Muh CTR is posting pizzagate

Look whos talking YOU MINDLESS DRONE.
Having fun defending RITUAL CHILD ABUSE?

An email from some weird artist to Podesta's brother.

So what?

there's no actual evidence to anything. they are trying to make connections that aren't there. this first popped up a couple days before election and it reeks of shilling and disinfo. remember /pol/ had the very successful #draftourdaughters campaign and that panicked the absolute shit out of a lot of people. all of a sudden efforts get diverted into this wild goose chase. this pzizagate thing is an absolute farce and redditard bait. whether it's still being actively pushed by shills in order to give credit to the fake news narrative i can't say. there does seem to be actual underage schizo fuck head retards from /x/ who actually believe this shit though
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Pedo lingo, PIZZA related things?
What like gay hanky codes?
Dahmer Victim inspired Art in Tonys home?
Spirit Cooking influenced by the father of childfiddling magic Alistair Crowley?

Or just say you find this collection of his favourite artist not disturbing.

You didnt even look at stuff, start think for yourself again> >>99973964
>Pedo lingo, PIZZA related things?

The logo of 2 ping pong paddles crossed looks like a butterfly pedo symbol! Send them to jail!

You've got to be kidding me.
Fuck off shill

Conjecture, guilt-by-association... I forgot to add "attack the messenger" to the list.
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Pedo lingo like, "theres a pizza related map on that hankerchief"? Common now you are just defending CP, KYS.

If you like pictures

Voat is the new reddit. Pizzagate is the featured subforum
Ok james...now hush back in your rape dungeon
Can I say something
I was framed
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Thanks for the bump! :)

All child molesters will meet their demise.
>chicken lover is a euphemism for gay pedophilia
[citation needed]

>yellow bead necklace hug code for anal sex
[citation needed]

mods need to start banning you fucks. you're either shills or legitimate mental retards
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>online community dictionary
If you don't realize an active scheme on this board to try to get people to stop looking at this ever since it broke you don't belong here. Ctr my have left but there is without a doubt controlled opposition that has been trying to steer board away from this topic. If you belong here you would never tell people to stop looking into this.
Kill yourself shill

Anyone looking at the facts and how they tie together understands that shit is real
>Pedo lingo like, "theres a pizza related map on that hankerchief"?

Let's see. Here's the actual quote from the email to Podesta: "The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus?"

So, a handkerchief that may not even be Podesta's is somehow evidence of a pedo ring at a pizza place? Maybe Podesta just owns a map of NY pizza places handkerchief and lost it at a rental property? Which is more likely?

i'm sorry, but there isn't. And if there ever was, it's gone now. (protip: you are not suppose to send death threats to the person you are investigating)
watch first minute of a video
think you've made an informed choice
>whew lad
Pretty much anyone on /pol/ not discussing pizzagate is a schill attempting to create dismay and confusion.
Is there a problem?
what were you wanting?
a merriam-webster's entry for some underground gay street slang?
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>If you belong here you would never tell people to stop looking into this.

I want to look into this. I want actual evidence, not conjecture and guilt-by-association.

A serious accusation requires serious evidence and I've yet to see any.

Same with those women that accused Trump of sexual harassment. A serious accusation, yet they had zero proof.

the only real evidence is that liberal adults are obsessed with children
that white code entry doesn't exist and was clearly added to this pic. you guys are so full of shit. getting a good laugh at trolling these mentally ill redditards?
/pol/ posted it, I read it, I believe it. Faith in /pol/ being always right means not needing evidence
These guys are pedophiles. Obviously no one's found ACTUAL cheese pizza yet but there's a mountain of circumstantial evidence: James Alefantis' instagram account that he has since deleted, Besta Pizza literally having a logo that's a symbol for boy love that they just recently changed after getting exposed, etc. Of course with a massive influx of info there's going to be a few threads that are bogus but the connections are there.
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I find it funny "She" turned up shortly after this
>Is there any evidence that isn't just conjecture or guilt-by-association?

yes, they used it to convince Hillary to accept defeat

another universe where she convinces the globe to accept pedophilia keeps trying to break through but the pope keeps slapping that universe silly
pause and read the Instagram accts slowly...not event the best evidence though....like when someone went to somialia for 'pizza'.
ya but if i posted it id be arrested ;^)
>Obviously no one's found ACTUAL cheese pizza yet

FBI and NYPD have it, backup up in many places,

The natural vitamin vendor says so
The evidence is clearly laid out in hors of YouTube videos. Pole has been discussing it for over a month. There was immediately thread after thread telling people to stop looking into it. Reddit shut down its board. 15 man outlets came out against it on the same day. Assange internet cut and he goes missing withing days of people catching on. If you think the Instagram posts are normal you are a fucking idiot. If you need more proof your a fucking idiot. We who belong here and were here before the primaries know how our board was and can see through the bullshit.

SF Gay Area here. Last I check white hanky was mutual masturbation, not pedo.
is "chicken lover" a thing?
That's not what I said leaf. There were threads after thread telling people to ignore this days after it broke. Fuck off
Wikileaks emails beyond doubt show the connection between the Clinton campaign and Laura Silsby who was arrested on child trafficking charges and convicted. Unlike a lot of accusations flying around this is fact and not speculation.

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About the crazy lingo again...

Podesta's taste in art is naked children, children that are tied up, children with facial expressions of utter resignation to horror, bodies bent in extremes of sensation, and Crowleyan ritual magic.

Honestly don't know, I'm not queer myself, but work in the medical industry where there are a lot of smart, young, effete fags. I end up talking with them about some of their stuff. One did tell me the younger guy (boy?)/older man thing is EXTREMELY common in the homo world, another told me eating disorders and other weird shit is openly encouraged, etc.

In college had a gay classmate say that it was basically ok for an underage boy to have a relationship with an older man as long as the underage boy initiated or started it. The entire class actually shouted him down and shut him up, you could tell he didn't expect the reaction.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggvQdZXMGLw Again if this isn't real why,why,why are they posting Jean Benoit Ramsey crazy shit on Instagram?...FUCKING LOOK!
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I guess pedophillia is so rampant that they are getting really bored and cocky. Hence, social media posts

>(pedo lingo)
Good God you shills..... #jimmycomet
>"just a coincidence"
>"taken out of context"
>"confirmation bias"
>"consipiracy theory"
CTR, can you hire me?
yes, you must first register yourself at killerjo.net

We need to know your true intentions within the movement
That's some numbers station shit
'German baby 1200$'........ 'way overpriced'.....#jimmycomet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggvQdZXMGLw
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Let's say the shit isn't real and this is a smear campaign. Guess is the victim? Dems, fags, and degenerates.
(>implying they're not one in the same)
It wouldn't be a bad thing if more normal people realized who the Dems are. You may not like Republicans but at least you'll know who is the real enemy.
dude you missed it kek, spez admits he edits posts

>MFW u/spez is a legit CTR
I suspect Tony has always been top to John's bottom.
Who else here can't eat pizza anymore because of this?
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Allegedly, someone broke into the secret area of the Comet website and posted this on their FB page, which I can't find. Any info on this?
"""""""""""""""""CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION"""""""""""""""""
There has been real evidence turn up but for some reason the people with it are not reposting it. Descent textures and a few of the zips have come out as have other pictures in pictures.
When you find the real evidence you "commit suicide".
i feel like i have a lot of confirmation bias, or whatever. but i can't imagine a single way to read this without it being creepy,
that fucking wink ;)
"a very enjoyable night"
Very good
I'm seated with the kids so little wired

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:24 AM, "John Podesta" <[email protected]> wrote:
> How is the trip?
> JP
> --Sent from my iPad--
> [email protected]
> For scheduling: [email protected]
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:37 AM, Tony Podesta <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Yes
>> Only wanna see you and mike Berman
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 3:16 PM, "John Podesta" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
>> Are you free sunday mid-afternoon?
>> JP
>> --Sent from my iPad--
>> [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
>> For scheduling: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 10:12 PM, Tony Podesta <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> wrote:
>> Mary not free
>> Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over 'Dinner' trip to Somalia. It's in WikiLeaks.
someone post the full email I'm no good at this.
>sliding isnt working anymore so we have to start making counter-pizzagate threads

HOWS IT FEEL TO DEFEND PEDOS? Are the sheckels worth it? Faggot
OK La Boum Boum is a raunchy brunch event in DC, so the fact that you guys are cherry picking bullshit like this leads me to believe that you have nothing.
The picture alone should be proof enough

How can you own pictures like that and not be a fucking pedo?
But may have to go to somalia give me some dates
That might work. Somalia? Geez. Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over How is the trip? Very good
I'm seated with the kids so little wired
Because muh feelings and the owners feelings.

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Lol, you know thats a so called "artist",
the favourite of John Podesta,
he has pictures of them in his appartment.
that picture is a collab by assumengly shit you can find of him on the internet, and its sick i dont want to have this.
But damn if you support a pedo scum which has "original PAINTINGS' of that shit, you are truly lost.
This isn't a court room and you fucking suck at being a shill OP...
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There's definitely some weird pedo shit going on with the pizza, but connecting Hillary directly will be near impossible.

Why would a pizza site have pic related.
Those fucking eyes, holy shit.
Please read the post
what the fuck
What's the password?
upload/download members area

uploading LGL and MK

Little...G something?

MK? what does MK means?
"Legal"? "Little girl"?
why would you need a 'download key' once in the protected area of the site?

Sounds super secret. It's probably some hipster music FTP right?
no fugging way
*.mkv ?
matroska video format within the zips?
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>government shills propagating the belief that the government is hosting massive underground child trafficking rings
It would likely say "MKV". The filenames are 16-character hashes, so the tags are there to describe what's inside of these archives
some other anon got into this but didn't have any DL keys. The keys are probably like MD5 hash or something you copy-paste.

If any anons want to check it out it's still up
http://www.cometpingpong.com/protected. Could be a honey pot tho.
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We don't currently have proof, but that does not mean that there isn't any. Really, it's unlikely that we could obtain hard evidence from our computers without hacking, which is illegal.

I think right now, the best we can do is build a compelling enough circumstantial case that the general public demands an investigation from law enforcement.
I think MK is someone's initials
i heard the download keys are written down on a very important pizza map
ya'll are fuckin stupid
Map can also mean DNA evidence.
Go on a crypting translation website, and find a key to the word ''Pizza'' or Cheeze pizza and try to put it in the DLkey space.
If you look MK is for zip, and LGL is for .txt
>pizza-related map
Where's the pizza?
Putting it in perspective, compare what we have now to the evidence from big pedo cases that actually HAVE been uncovered like the Saville case.

What we don't have is enough for the slam dunk search warrant that we'd need for a judge to sign off on, particularly since these dudes are well connected.

They'd have to be completely moronic to not have wiped anything connected there by now.
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what about just searching for the filenames on google

i wouldn't be surprised if someone saved them somewhere else without changing the name
cause it was found at a fucking pizza place

what's more likely? that they meant "they found a handkerchief, I think it has a map on it. [lack of closing parenthesis is cause of the bad grammar, considering they probably send a million emails a day.] It seems pizza-related [as in, from when they had a pizza fundraiser as many other normal-ass emails talk about]"

or that they had a map with coordinates for a pedo ring or whatever the fuck you guys think it means?

the total lack of context in this email doesn't mean you can inject your own context, it just means what it means as it is. it's still THE MOST CRYPTIC SHIT EVER even if you inject your own meaning into the words and think of them as "codes."

why would they print this shit on a handkerchief of all things?

it's all a big fucking conspiracy theory where conjecture and injecting your own ideas and connecting dots leads to this shit. go google other conspiracy theories and they are NO DIFFERENT from this shit.
Podesta replied saying it was his. There's no ambiguity about who owned it.
I'm too scared to even check that address, jesus christ
>James Alefantis' instagram account that he has since deleted,

Yeah, if I were the target of a witch hunt I would delete my social media accounts too.

>Besta Pizza literally having a logo that's a symbol for boy love that they just recently changed after getting exposed

If I owned a pizza place and found out a spiral triangle was pedo code, I would remove the spiral from my pizza slice logo.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggvQdZXMGLw Even if your a skeptic paid shill....pause and read the Instagram msgs and take a good look at the 'art'....slowly.
Shill here, I get paid $0.40 for every (you) I get.

keep going on with what you're doing, just remember that you're hanging onto threads of evidence, and your fellow posters on t_d have ruined the public face of your cause by actively discussing witch hunts. Yes there's pedo rings in high places, but a witch hunt against them is still a witch hunt. By vehemently telling anyone who'll listen to you that you are right, you discourage anyone who may have doubts. My handlers are not too concerned with actively influencing you, because your /x/ tier behavior drives away any regular person, and those are the one's whose opinion we are very afraid of.

Good luck!

Yea wow, it proves some liberals like disgusting art. So what? Have you been to a modern art museum ever?
i checked about 50 accounts selected randomly from the 15K google.doc twitter handle list and every single one of the 50 i checked were suspended accounts, all directly after there were posts here saying that twitter was refusing to remove the accounts or whatever.

It's crappy if it were true, crappy if they weren't removed and did that kind of stuff, but for what its worth i got a 100% deleted/suspended account rating from a completely random sample so for who fuckin' knows it may as well have just been a list of already suspended accounts with someone going "LOOK THEY'RE ALL PEDOS" with zero proof.
Not a court Sir...just soooooo fuggin' weird....Especailly the Jean Benoit Ramsey 'pizza' one, or idk...the 1200$ baby one....
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