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>American """democracy"""

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>American """democracy"""


we did it hillarybros #imwithher
>The electoral college was created so the popular vote wont elect a massive idiot
>The electoral college elects a massive idiot
Yea this is the funny thing. This is *the* scenario for the Electoral College, and yet it's likely they won't do their jobs and elect someone else. "Faithless Electors" aren't a thing - faithless is what they're supposed to be when things go wrong.
We aren't a fucking democracy.

Fuck off
Didn't she get millions of votes from illegals?
I think the votes that eventually came in also showed trump winning the popular vote
Illegals can't vote no matter what /pol/, /pol/ tier source, or anyone on 4chan says
I know you just got this off of reddit you fucking faggot
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Why not just scrap the elections completely and let the elite decide who runs the country? That way we poor peasants who doesn't understand better won't have to worry about voting for the wrong candidate.
Seriously why is the EC a thing. I read the thread over at r/politics and it looks like it was made to coddle racist white people. This need to stop and will once the old people die white votes will drop drastically and America can finally progress.
we aren't a democracy
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oh, canada
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Mafia make america great again
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I hope people in this thread are memeing.
oh man are you retarded
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They theoretically can in some states, it's just that people are pretty sure it doesn't happen.
Also, OP we explain to you how it prevents places like NYC and CA from just putting in presidents who only represent them and give zero shits about smaller states and rural voters.
>We aren't a fucking democracy.
>we aren't a democracy

>A non-democracy exporting democracy
It all makes sense now
>trump is dumb

loving every laugh

WTF!? Now I hate Canadians.

We need two walls now.
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muh popular vote
>it's just that people are pretty sure it doesn't happen.
no they aren't, there is literally no way to know, and there is no way that any of them stayed home in states where they can do it for this particular election
If the president was elected by popular vote then both candidates would've campaigned much differently.
They both knew the rules of the game.
People defending or opposing the electoral college are just shilling for their candidate of choice.
Listen, Black people! Latinos! Muslims! Gays! Refugees! I hear your desperate pleas, and I feel for you, I really do! But my hands are tied. I have no choice. Trust me, if I could stop TPP, and overturn Obamacare, and bring back the coal jobs, WITHOUT taking away your rights, or booting you out of the country, or sending squads of military-armed policemen into your neighborhoods to enforce “law and order”, I would! Believe me, I would!
It's not that I hate you. It's that this is just the hand I’ve been dealt. Gotta take the good with the bad. I’ve done the math, really pro-and-con'd it, and all I can say is that I take no joy in reaching the conclusion that my thirst for vengeance against the political class outweighs the pain that Trump has publicly and repeatedly promised to inflict on you.
I know it's gonna be bad, but your suffering is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I mean if you really think about it, this whole thing almost hurts me more than it hurts you.
The Good Trump Voter (literally you)
this, you can't play by an agreed upon set of rules and then complain about them once you lose.
Illegals elected Hillary, Russian KGB hackers elected Trump. I don't know how much of this is true but that's the story.
with every canadian post, the election of trudeau makes more and more sense

what an embarrassment of a country

Thank you for Correcting the Record!
kys fagronto resident
>r/politics and it looks like it was made to coddle racist white people
>racist white people
This checks out.

Also, only "racist" white men could vote when it was conceived so to develop that train of thought would involved in shoving one'sown head deeply into their own ass.
America isnt a democracy and was not intended to be one.
do farners really vote? lol
they typical people in american movies who waste their day with moonshine in one hand, sewed-off shotgun in the other and organize mud fight competitions during NASCAR races as banjo music plays inthe backgrund?
Yes it is. Americans just use retarded definitions of existing words.
We're a republic and mostly export republics and parliamentary democracies (essentially republics) you dumb dildo.
the US is a federal republic. Republic and Democracy are not exactly the same thing and plus you're nitpicking.
no. it's representative republic
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Thats because a straight democracy is fucking stupid. A lot of users based their votes on them being a woman or the other because they liked their memes. There needs to be users that are aware of the actual insides and understand how they work.

The ones that understand should be given more power than those that vote based on facebook pictures
Blue collar and rural voters are pretty active politically. Farmers and factory workers are affected a lot by government policies (we have a department of agriculture that stabilizes and subsidizes farming).
To who crusty white folks afraid of progress? Sorry but white folks time is up. While you are crying because you are to dumb to go to school I'm getting grants and scholarships because schools want PoC.
How long until the vote count ends?
It was made to stop populism from electing a poor candidate for president.

But it has not operated how it was originally designed for about 130 years now
Because you lost?

American education
theyre not done yet with illegals
Never. Your life is now u.s. politics 24/7
Not him but we're a Republic. Try not to insult someone's intelligence/education if you're not correct.
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>waaaaaaaah I don't understand the concept of a Federation
What the US need is to abolish the vote. Allow a group of intellectuals from the UN from around the world for optimal cultural and racial diversity (yes that means no white domination) to choose the candidate. It's stop populism and the will of white racists from handing the american military over to them.
>Dutch education
Bernie was the best option
You literally can't prove me wrong on this
What does that entail? Being a republic simply means you arent being ruled by a monarch or central power you have no influence over. And a democracy simply means the people (as a whole) can rule themselves, directly or indirectly through representatives. It's not mutually exclusive.
we need the same here, only people with a certain degree of education or cultural level should be allowed to vote, and prevent idiots from voting based on whatever kind of mentality they may have or influence on them.
it' sad, but many of these people vote out of ignorance, it's not like they are trying to be evil, they are just idiots.
It's not mutually exclusive but people here clearly mean direct democracy.
He's a socialist. He's literally the worst choice
That would mean we arent a democracy either, which is bullshit.

>Bush Jr. just barely wins the election in 2000
>figured it came down to one county in Florida that eventually decided everything
>first order of Business for Bush is to assigned an election review committee
>they review almost 200 million votes over the next 8 years
>find just under two hundred credible cases of voter fraud

So between 2001 and 2008 a well funded voter review committee supported by republicans found the rate of voter fraud to be 200/200,000,000 or 0.0001%
>worse than trump and hillary

What is this irrational fear that you guys have of new things
Socialism isn't new, just shitty
Can't believe you spend half an hour looking for some bullshit study just so you can mass reply to everybody that called you retarded. All that is required to vote in California is a driver's license. Illegals in California can get drivers licenses. Illegals vote in California whether you'd like to admit it or not. But thank you for correcting the record.
>seriously asking an American why he hates socialism

That's like asking an Amazonian tribe why they don't like loggers
>All that's required to vote in California is a driver's license
Nope. You just need to give them an address and a last name
t. Californian who worked the polls in 2012 and also voted this election
Hillary Clinton didn't do a Bush v Gore so that america wouldn't implode after the election.
Also, both Trump and Clinton stated before election day that they would be in favor of reforming the electoral college.
It's because some dumb people allowed niggers to vote.

In a normal democracy, only white people who live in the said country for at least 3 generations should have the right of vote.
His numbers never added up so to deliver he'd have to fuck over anyone who want poor with taxes which wouldn't happen even with a democratic ruled Congress. Also, as far as the economy as a whole he was a failure in life untill he was older.
>Hillary Clinton didn't do a Bush v Gore so that america wouldn't implode after the election.
lol no, she didn't because she complained about Trump saying he was potentially going to be contesting the result several days before the election and backed herself and her entire party into a corner about the issue.
tbqh your prez is more of a socialist than what he thinks he is.
He's just outright banning the main fundamental core of modern capitalism which is free trade and is pampering work unions with scapegoats instead of increasing productivity through an effective work reform.
Just mark my words, you can't subsidize the whole manufacturing industry forever Tyrone.
lol and drump and other republicucks started crying when obongo was elected. they called for the abolition of the electoral college, swore obama was about to take their gunz and kill them all in fema camps.

now cuckservatives and trump won and the electoral college it's all good and nice
Sometimes I wonder would a presidency be reconsider if the candidate who lost is ahead by more then 10 million votes.
>lol and drump and other republicucks started crying when obongo was elected. they called for the abolition of the electoral college
never happened
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The lefties faggots can't understand the american election system was always the fucking same?
I don't even know if it's possible to win in the EC and be down by 10,000,000 votes
You know, Trump probably would like Hillary to win back now that he know what he had to do as a president, and the crazy promises he had to keep. Also it would make him look like a hero in the eyes of his supporters.
The funny thing is that it was the democrats who started the Electoral College. This confirms that both southerners and democrats have been the country's biggest crybabies since the birth of the nation
Everyone understands how it works, retard.

The same fucking thing happened in 2000 and it ended with the most thoroughly discussed supreme Court case in American history.

What people are upset about is how this abortion of democracy will literally never be fixed.
>Democrats vs. Republicans: The election
Why is the aftermath always comedy gold? :D
It never worked, not even a little and not even briefly. If it produces a rough tie between popular vote and electoral votes the way it's done recently, it's by sheer accident. In the good old days you'd have stuff like the 1860 elections.

>Abraham Lincoln: 180/303 EC with 39.8% of popular vote
>John C. Breckinridge: 72/303 with 18.1%
>John Bell: 39/303, 12.6%
>Stephen A. Douglas: 12/303, 29.5%

So Abe gets ~59% of EV with 39.8% of PV, while Douglas takes ~4% of EV with 29.5% of PV. Fair and Balanced (tm)

If memory serves, there's a video on Youtube that worked out the minimum amount of popular votes required to win the presidency - as a percentage of course, since raw numbers depend too much on turnout. I think it was something like 35%.

Also, since turnout for this year's elections was only 53.9%, unused votes beat both Trump and HC. :^)
>Why is the aftermath always comedy gold? :D
You have the easily triggered leftists and the easily triggered dixiefags
>What people are upset about is how this abortion of democracy will literally never be fixed.
lel cry some more
minorities breeding like rabbits in New York and California doesn't give them a right to decide the future of people in Nebraska and Missouri
If you can't win with an absolutely guaranteed 84 electoral votes from both of them maybe you should stop running shit candidates that can actually appeal to people beyond minority pandering and appealing to urban tumblr sensibilities
Correction, you can win with 22%. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wC42HgLA4k#t=4m17s
Don't worry Nigel, we will just start being like rabbits in Nebraska and Missouri then since you whitebois are to busy masturbating to anime to actually leave your basement and fuck women.
If you subtract the illegals who were told to vote because they'd get amnesty afterwards, he still won the popular vote too.
>we will just start being like rabbits in Nebraska and Missouri then
Sure you will, how's that plummeting birthrate working out?
>faithless is what they're supposed to be when things go wrong.
No, it was. Past tense. This isn't a thing anymore.
Why do I have to explain this to an american.
What is left is the state system which allows for small states to have a say and not just big cities on the coasts.

>Trump is an idiot
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> My source for illegals voting comes from a tweet highlighted in a 500 word article on Breitbart by a guy caught up in a corruption scandal and who can't explain how he got his figure in detail
Its no surprise to me that flyovers that live on government subsidized welfare systems also demand that their votes be subsidized.
Also when they would in fact go through with not electing Trump, Hillary wouldn't be president, it would be decided by the republican congress.
Which, guess what, will vote for Trump.
I heard you can vote in US without bringing passport (or id, or whatever you use there) with you. You can just say, my name is John Smith, I live on Cucky Street.
And you can order vote ballots by email without any docs, and not only for yourself.
Is this true?
Don't really care what you think, show some respect for the country that took you in instead of whining like the arrogant little beaner fucktard you are.

If Mexicans knew how to run a country you wouldn't have to leave it to find some other country to ruin.
who are you quoting?
Beaners are arrogant and incredibly entitled.
Don't bother.
>Constitutional meaning changes over time
>Valid conservative viewpoint
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Still higher than yours, mr. 30 year old virgin
Voting is handled by the states,it isn't nationally standardized.
As I heard the logic of this system is that electoral college eveolves state votes to absolute numbers and fthat fixes manipulations with votes that could affect when they'll be calculated in whole country.
t. Mohammeds
I was actually going to seriously reply to you but since you're just some jumped up little beaner never mind.

Not taking any Mexicans opinion on successfully running a country seriously.
This was changed when political parties emerged.
The idea was also that the people would vote for the electoral college knowing who that person voting in the end was, he would make a decision.
Which now, is not the case.
All this happend with the founding fathers still in charge.
t. actual fucking third world shitskin who thinks he's an American because his mom shit him out on the northern side of the border and is now calling the system of the vastly more successful country that he fled away from cartel beheadings and poverty to an "abortion of democracy"
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
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Yes Paco
why do you post my wife and my son?
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Is the election rigged?

I wonder how far this stuff will go... think it'll end up like 2000 all over again?
>I read the thread over at r/politics
Try not doing this next time
> So far, six electoral college voters said they would not vote for Mr Trump.
I love this one because those are all Hillarys electors
Get over it shill. She lost, end of discussion.
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>mfw this triggers the /pol/tards
It's already decided. Unless they have verifiable evidence that it was rigged in Trumps favor, they have no argument.
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they never did
Scary stuff. Neither candidate came out as pro-anime anyway.
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Tasty b8
>irrational fear
Maybe because he would have destroyed our way of life and thrown the world into the worst depression in history

Bernie was not looking to create a Nordic style democracy no matter what the retards from reddit would have you believe
Faithless elector laws can't stop faithless electors, they can only punish them.
Parties aren't even enshrined in law. Washington's farewell adddress railed against the concept.
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Kek are you all wound up because your government took away your porn again?
> http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/digital-economy-bill-porn-censorship-just-the-start-a7434631.html

I would tell you to kill yourself, but you lads can't even buy plastic knives to slit your wrists with. Great democracy you have there kek.
Because we really don't want our economy to end up like the socialist paradise that Venezuela is.
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I cant believe people outside the press still support clinton fucking hell people are so fucking stupid,
Its to fucking easy to manipulate the public fuck the press
*your wife's son
The DLs illegals dont allow them to vote.
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So wheres the proofs?
I wish our beaners were like the muslims posting under yuro flags and at least deny the fact that they're third world leeches and pretend to be natives instead of continuing to embarass themselves like this.
Seems that 2M votes is an interesting fact.
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What, you don't trust unabashed leftist shills posting under the guise of a political news site?
And you fucking morons still say that Trump is "literally hitler OMG he want to deport ILEGAL inmigrants wth CRIMINAL RECORDS so unfair OMG!!"
You fucking pussys He is backing off
He isnt deporting shit just 3 fucking millions, He isnt putting croked hilary in prison
I am sure that he is not going to build that wall
He isnt even going to start a fucking genocide
And he aint making anime real let me tell you that. So sad!
Nah i just want to see american civil war part 2.
The american system was great when pussy lover mk ultra master kennedy got his fucking election and was also great when fucking non american obongo won his
now Its shit because croked hilary lost
>t. Mehmet a European flag
>"I am Greek"

>t. Pablo and American flag
>global warming is a Chinese hoax
Trump is pretty stupid.
That is an irrelevant statistic as the national presidential election is not based on a pure popular vote

that would change everything in the context of election factors
thats right goyim climate change iz real goyim give up your jobs goy chinese pollution doesnt affect global warming goyim, only bad western pollution affect global warming goyim
The purge begins soon my friend
trump is backing off he is turning into a pussy he wont purge shit just 3 million ilegals obongo deported 4 millions and hilary wont get in fucking jail
At least he got out of ttip and ttp
>ttip and ttp
heard this shit was bad news
>one side has 5 million AR-15s
>the other side is afraid of pistols
Hmm, yes, """civil war"""

>global warming is absolutely an existential threat to humanity, you should destroy all of your infrastructure and kill millions of third worlders to make sure that people on the coasts don't have to move 10 miles inland
>let's ignore the complete lack of evidence that says that we can't survive this
That doesn't change the fact that it's real.

He has appointed a few anti-immigration hardasses to positions already

I think if there's one thing he's going to do it's crack down on immigration (at least compared to past administrations)
Most of those posting under the US flag on /int/, are millennial progressives and self-hating whites of the following type:


Every waking moment, they are attempting to reverse the outcome of the election. Claiming they won the popular vote is the foremost of these tactics.

Where the American progressive is caught, he should be disfigured with acid, beheaded, or raped.
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Noooooo shit sherlock.

But this guy built his campaign on this. Now we have no idea of what he is gonna do with all that power.

And it was shit according to Trump who said the election would be rigged. So...
55% of the country lives in those and if they fall we'll be forced to take your shit.
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Yeah OK nigger, whatever you say
There's no evidence to suggest he'd backing off on immigration. It's just the new media line of attack to say he's backing off on things.

A week or so ago they were attacking him for saying a small part of the wall for being fence when it's not actually possible for 100% of it to be wall and despite the fact that he's been saying that since like last year.
civil massacre?
>he's been saying that since like last year.
Can we please stop fucking talking about this shit.

It's irrelevant. And even if it was, this is not the board to post it on so fuck off.
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Stellar argument faggot, cry harder

>There's no evidence to suggest he'd backing off on immigration.
Why are Trump supporters such unabashed cucks
bad news for the fucking elites not for WE THE PEOPLE
I've already won the argument retard so there's no real reason to make another one.
>betas actually took him 100% seriously.
It was hilarious watching you guys cry tho.
Just the fact of not calling obongo a nigger when they met in the white house dissapointed me
I knew that he was lying about everything but no ever fucking listens.
Yeah and some of it has to be a fence because you can't build a solid wall over some terrain and can't lay concrete foundations in some soil near rivers. Drumpf BTFO amirite
>Everyone understands how it works, retard.
No, they really don't.
he knows that he cant do that YET because He would get shot like kennedy.
And the media would blame him for it
It would be too easy for ((them)) to kill trump, once he is dead the press would say that it was because """muh hate speech never again :(((""
There is no evidence of that. He's already set out plans to deport a ton of people.
>heard this shit was bad news
It's what the US has been doing since the 1940s. We bribe our allies with """trade""" deals and that's what allowed us to win the Cold War. We either go through with TPP so that we can contain China or we sacrifice everything to placate the asshurt retards in the Rust Belt who are too stupid to get service sector jobs

>he actually believes this
lying? no, deportations and wallfence is coming. He was just exaggerating as people tend to do when they run a political campaign and your tards thought he was going to make a wall upto space and right wing deathsquads were gonna go shoot all the faggots and illegals legally.
>be Californian
>live in solid blue county (2/3 majority every election)
>in a solid blue state
>don't vote
>stupid mongoloid on the internet talks about the popular vote like it isn't wildly distorted by people like me (and my solid red state vice versa equivalents)
If you don't understand that noone is playing for the popular vote I don't know what to tell you. No one campaigns for it or votes for it.
> he thinks the left is afraid of guns
we actually have expertise in killing pussy ass white bois, while all you've done in your life is shoot paper and you think you're hot shit JAJAJA
look here punk
no fucking trade deals with slave states
just fucking tarrifs on chinas ass and send them back to the 3rd world
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loving every second of it

>deport a ton of people
But fewer people than he promised to deport. He's also backing off on repealing the worst parts of Obongocare

That would cause a global recession
SO? at least we get china out of the way We win
We get our jobs back
The parts of it he is apparently doing a "U-turn" on according to the media he has spoken about keeping since forever. Whether or not they are shit is up to you but he hasn't gone back on anything besides maybe considering cucks like Romney for positions.
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I'm in San Jose, if I knew the popular vote suddenly mattered I wouldn't have voted wooby for president.
>at least we get china out of the way
We could get China out of the way without causing a global recession if we just went through with TPP. There are problems with it, but I want to btfo the CCP at every turn
ttp wuold ruin the US economy for good, no more real capitalism the productive one, just speculative one then those slave states get to powerful and enforce their trade deals over the west because we aint producing shit and we depend on them
While not the original purpose, now it works well to provide fairer representation to states that do not have large populations.

Look at all of this red! Trump won over 3,000 counties, Clinton didn't even secure 100. Pathetic!

The rules of the game were known beforehand, you should adjust your strategy so you can actually win.
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>tpp would ruin the US economy

>then those slave states get to powerful and enforce their trade deals over the west because we aint producing shit and we depend on them
You mean Mexico? Because we aren't moving our manufacturing to fucking Vietnam and Mexico isn't going to be blackmailing the West any time soon. We've been moving our shit to Mexico for years ever since China's labor costs began skyrocketing

>when Hillary turns America into Windwaker
Trade agreements only fuck up the rust belt, the US economy as a whole is diversified enough to benefit from free trade agreements
Thing is, the rust belt was a huge portion of the US economy. The main reason inequality is so bad here is because all the wealth is concentrated in large cities while small towns are left to rot.
Illegal here, not meeming or anything.
This is some dumb shit, I don't understand where you people get this illegals can vote, illegals can apply for welfare, illegals can etc.
it's simply wrong
Listen we did that in Spain, We sold our industry because of the european union and the german exports, then we all worked in the service sector. And guess what happened, unemplyment, poverty, wages went down. Learn from our lesson the service sector cant keep a nation and its people rich
>Illegal here

You have to go back
So, when do you guys stop voting? Here we have only one day to do it. Why are votes still coming?
Different states have different voting laws and processes. Wouldn't expect you to actually know anything about this country though, bon voyage.
>Rules have been the same for hundred years
>Still find a way to complain about it today

"You don't win a chess match if you have more pieces than the opponent"
-Nicolas de Teslat, famous french scientist
Voting is mostly only on November 8th. There's just a fuckton of votes to count as well as some very remote areas.
Does the number of electoral colege voices is determined by the number ofpeople living in the state?
>damage control
I am laughing. I'm illegal and I'll be here for the foreseeable future and you pussy ass niggas can't do much besides cry on the internet.
>muh trump
>muh wall
>muh niggers and jews
You're all pathetic, following into this personality cult and sucking a politicians dick
>Belgium: 11m
>USA: 300m
Hmmm, yes, it's quite a mystery as to why it might take longer to count the votes.
Name one state (1) where I can go vote you dumb jew
If there is people to vote, there is also people to count the voices.
What is the deal? We count all the votes a few hours after the office close.
All districts/counties are different here. Some have voting machines, some offer paper ballets, etc.

There isn't any consistency here, all local districts like to do things differently.
No country in Europe is in the same position that the US is in, it's really apples and oranges here

>it's simply wrong
It's not and you're full of shit, I've seen it fucking happen

t. Pedro Gonzalez

Voting ended on the 8th, it's just that some districts are only just now reporting in
Yes, but everybody has at least three regardless of population.

Don't care desu
T. increasingly nervous man
Saying ilegals can vote is as stupid as saying gun owners can commit mass murder.

It's true, but there's absolutely no evidence it happens in any significant number.
It's determined by the number of Congressmen that state has
Yes, you have 30 time more people to count the voices, so it should go 30 time faster.
Go away John, this bait is pathetic and no one is biting
Yeah I'm sure they all stayed home for what was essentially a referendum on whether they would be deported or allowed to stay and potentially even be given citizenship.
If it is not on paper, and the ballot don't always stay where it is, you are not the one who is voting.
> I've seen it happen
> Hurr that guy about to vote just spoke spanish! Illegals are voting someone stop him! REEEEEEEE
welp, I'm out
I hate ayy lmaos discussion

Stay in your own fucking planet's websites you fucks
>t. Pedro Gonzalez
It's almost as though I might live in a neighborhood with a lot of illegals. I might just know illegals who were able to vote because the officials said that they wouldn't stop them from voting

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You guys really ned ID voting laws. How is that even a debate?
No one saying anything about the white flags>>99909982
Why are all flags in these thread question mark?
Because raycis!
we got moved here from /int/
deserved it desu, what can you do
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>Reddit education
>muh anecdotal """"""""evidence"""""""
You're so dumb holy shit. Not even permanent residents can vote.
Was just thinking same thing. The fuck is up with that are they all ctr vpn shills? Has mods put new flag for VPN?
>How is that even a debate
Democrats don't want it because it's racist to ask people to prove who they are(and because it takes away some of their voting base)

People have proposed mailing the dindus free IDs and the Democrats still oppose it

It helps that you live in a non-country
And you can't drive more than a certain speed.
Yes they can, if they live in a state with lax voter ID laws. Not sure why you think you're in a position to argue with actual Americans about what you perceive to be possible or not possible in their country.
>says that it doesn't happen at all
>I know for a fact that it does because I've seen it fuckng happen
It's not my fault you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
weak b8 m8
All you need to vote in California is a driver's license that's given to illegals. The only restriction from stopping illegals voting is some wording when you're registering to vote saying "don't do it!"

But I can guarantee you that your ID will be accepted and you will receive a ballot.
You really don't give much credit to the state checking the validity of documents and you seem to think we're all eager to vote or some shit.
Please give me an account of one illegal voting.
No bait, and I'm done arguing with you imbeciles. Specially here on /pol/, glad the thread moved here you should all stay you fit right in.
it isn't b8, thread was moved from /int/ where a good third of the American posters are beaners
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>I lost so I'm taking my ball and going home
Pathetic, cry harder
Maybe you can come continue the discussion once you have your Mexican flag back. :^)
how do we know they arent pulling these numbers out their asses? How do we know some/most of those votes arent for trump and theyre just saying otherwise? How in the fuck are they even still counting votes 2 weeks after the fact? People buying into this shit are probably in a fetal position in their safe space hoping they wake up to everything all peachy and nice. Sad!
Erk we're in /pol/ now, I'm feeling kind of dirty.
How would you check if all drivers licenses issued look exactly the same, even at the raw data level. The whole point of the drivers license for illegals law was to stop illegals from being deported during traffic stops.
It's literally true though. It just doesn't matter. Popular vote in American presidential elections is just about as important to the result as what the candidates ate for breakfast the morning of the election.
>How in the fuck are they even still counting votes 2 weeks after the fact?
Because some districts are only just now reporting in

Not saying that politico is right, but it takes a while to count all of the votes
American "representative republic with an electoral college to disperse voting power through the states and not the people"
People are stupid. Democracy is Mob Rule. "There isn't a democracy in the world that hasn't committed suicide" -Mays.
We all knew the rules going into the election. The "popular vote whine" has been used for years. Never works.
Must be difficult when most Mexicans can't count above 10.
I thought we were a comstitutional republic
Blank flag and tripquads. Yessss
constitutional federal republic
I wouldnt mind if we could vote n shit but fact is we cannot.
You're just giving me all these what ifs and bullshit.
Still waiting on proofs that there is widespread voting by illegals.
But of course you can't provide proof, later jews enjoy browsing /b/2.0
So what. Our voting system also discriminates against city dwellers to protect the diversity of opinion of people living all over the country and preventing a tyranny of the majority.

It's sort of a paradox but if you really think about it it's much more democratic this way.
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Jesus, he's still at it
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>Cities should be able to overwhelm the rest of the country so that elections become nothing but pandering to a dozen big cities that produce nothing tangible but a fake credit economy and service sector.
>States with a sparser population should be entirely ignored and have any concerns or issues ignored because pandering solely to NYC or Chicago is much more viable for elections.
>95%+ of the country should be ignored so that a few huge cities can be focused on and decide the election for every other state.
>The fact that different states are facing different issues that they want addressed should be ignored so that the only issues that will matter will be those of a few big cities.
>I lost, so the rules that we both knew beforehand are now unfair and must be changed so that I win instead.
Keep crying.

tl;dr --> We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections.

Fuck off, its peer reviewed by university leftists and published in academia.
Stupid nigger
Some of these first replies are pretty fucking retarded

Don't even know what board this was moved from but lmao all the same
>it's the 4534th incarnation of the same bait thread
>for the sake of variety, on /int/ instead of 6pol/
>mods move the trash here instead of just deleting it

Fucking piece of shit mods need to be sodomized with white-hot iron. Saged.
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Clinton confirmed for ayy lmao. Alex Jones was right again.
but they dont count all the votes. Absentee ballots are only counted when the margin is smaller than the amount of absentee ballots. So if there are 20,000 absentee ballots and Trumps margin of victory is 21,000 votes, they do not count the absentee votes since if every single one was for hillary, it would not change the outcome

Even better, absentee ballots have a history of being about 67% conservative and 33% liberal
That's not at all what I was talking about, but whatever
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Is this a dubz thread?
Why are all these unknow............
well, dont say they count all the votes when that statement is categorically false.

To answer your earlier question directly though.....according to places like CNN, they show a state reporting at 100% but then show individual counties reporting at rates below 100%. I get what you are saying and it doesnt make sense to me either. How can they say the state is reporting 100% if all the counties are not reporting 100%
What popular vote?
There is no such thing in deciding a president and America is not a democracy.
>gets more votes

America is fucking dumb
We're a republican you fucking degenerate cunts go back to civics class
I am terribly sorry republics are hard for you to grasp.
no nigga, you're fucking dumb
Lets play a thought game....
Say we were an absolute democracy. The 60% of whites could vote to disenfranchise the 30% of latinos and 10% blacks and you wouldnt be able to say shit about it because muh democracy. And please, before you say "that would never happen" take a look back through history and see example after example of fearful people voting away their own rights and liberties.
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Threadly reminder not to fall for the current coordinated demoralization effort.

Sage & hide.
Sage & hide.
Just more proof /pol/ is the new /b/ filled with newfags and general cancer.
Fuck you moot, the plan was to make /pol/ a containment board not draw more edgy kids to 4chen. Hiroshima Nagasaki pls delete /pol/.
Check my repeating numbers anyways

All that happened with the current system. Its pretty simple, more americans wanted her as president
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funny how you are choosing not to respond to the scientific evidence I posted proving your earlier assertions false
Yes, that is American democracy at work. Thank you.
>the popular vote elects a President
>liberals would be complaining about this if the situation had worked out in their favor
If you don't like how things work here then leave.
It's pretty simple. America is a republic and it doesn't fucking matter.
actually, the current system evolved from one that disenfranchised blacks to one that gave them voting rights, but whatever anon.

Your proposed system would actually allow them to be disenfranchised, stripped of their citizenship, and deported from the country.

Now please tell me, which system is better, the one that protects minority rights or the one that gives in to mob rule?
Why is everyone here unknown
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nigga you dumb
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Kek you actually think I'm about to waste my time watching your /pol/tard video.
Here m8
America is not a democracy dumbass it's a constitutional republic. Democracy sucks.
No that's what happens when the thread gets moved from another board
>to make sure that people on the coasts don't have to move 10 miles inland

What happens when the coast is now 10 miles inland?

What happens when that coast becomes another 10 miles inland?


Is humanity really going to end because Americans want to pander to the 80 thousand people that want to keep their shitty jobs instead of learning an actually useful skill and joining the modern world?
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>>99909982 >>99909983 >>99909984 >>99909985 >>99909986 >>99909987 >>99909988 >>99909989 >>99909990 >>99909991 >>99909992 >>99909993 >>99909994 >>99909995 >>99909996 >>99909997 >>99909998 >>99909999 >>99910000 >>99910001 >>99910002 >>99910003 >>99910004 >>99910005 >>99910006 >>99910007 >>99910008 >>99910009 >>99910010 >>99910011 >>99910012 >>99910013 >>99910014 >>99910015 >>99910016 >>99910017 >>99910018 >>99910019 >>99910020 >>99910021 >>99910022 >>99910023 >>99910024 >>99910025 >>99910026 >>99910027 >>99910028 >>99910029 >>99910030 >>99910031 >>99910032 >>99910033 >>99910034 >>99910035 >>99910036 >>99910037 >>99910038 >>99910039 >>99910040 >>99910041 >>99910042 >>99910043 >>99910044 >>99910045 >>99910046 >>99910047 >>99910048 >>99910049 >>99910050 >>99910051 >>99910052 >>99910053 >>99910054 >>99910055 >>99910056 >>99910057 >>99910058 >>99910059 >>99910060 >>99910061 >>99910062 >>99910063 >>99910064 >>99910065 >>99910066 >>99910067 >>99910068 >>99910069 >>99910070 >>99910071 >>99910072 >>99910073 >>99910074 >>99910075 >>99910076 >>99910077 >>99910078 >>99910079 >>99910080 >>99910081 >>99910082 >>99910083 >>99910084 >>99910085 >>99910086 >>99910087 >>99910088 >>99910089 >>99910090 >>99910091 >>99910092 >>99910093 >>99910094 >>99910095 >>99910096 >>99910097 >>99910098 >>99910099 >>99910100 >>99910101 >>99910102 >>99910103 >>99910104 >>99910105 >>99910106 >>99910107 >>99910108 >>99910109 >>99910110 >>99910111 >>99910112 >>99910113 >>99910114 >>99910115 >>99910116 >>99910117 >>99910118 >>99910119 >>99910120 >>99910121 >>99910122 >>99910123 >>99910124 >>99910125 >>99910126 >>99910127 >>99910128 >>99910129 >>99910130 >>99910131 >>99910132 >>99910133 >>99910134 >>99910135 >>99910136 >>99910137 >>99910138 >>99910139 >>99910140 >>99910141 >>99910142 >>99910143 >>99910144 >>99910145 >>99910146 >>99910147 >>99910148 >>99910149 >>99910150 >>99910151 >>99910152 >>99910153 >>99910154 >>99910155 >>99910156 >>99910157 >>99910158 >>99910159 >>99910160 >>99910161

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The thread was moved
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You people are dumb holy shit lel
In other news, scientists discover that Hillary votes are capable of asexual reproduction when placed into a ballot box.
good thing we don't only have to deal with our shitposters now we are also importing shit threads from other boards. can /pol/ build a wall too?
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>We aren't a fucking democracy.


Amerikkka should nuke itself already.
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yfw america does it again.gif
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I feel dirty for being on /pol/, why did the mod move the /int/ thread here?
lurk more you fucking newfags

this is what happens when a thread on a board without flags is moved to a board with flags

We got Amerikans for decades trying to tell other people the meaning of freedom and democracy, often by bombing those people.

Now when it comes to it we realize that it was all nothing but bullshit and lies.
>Now when it comes to it we realize that it was all nothing but bullshit and lies.
When what comes to what?
For some reason the flags on this thread are coming up as question marks for me.
/int/ has flags nigger

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Oh look, the the "Trump is an idiot" meme.
America was never a full on democracy.
We have always been a Republic
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Oh look, the Oh Look meme.
t. newfag
Only newfags, homos, and the JIDF browse /pol/, /b/
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>this much autism
Cancerous board you got here
>only 2mil
Is this supposed to be a big number?
Thats only . 6% of the populace
Thread posts: 304
Thread images: 56

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