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/wbg/- Winterball General /OurGirl/ Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 381
Thread images: 96

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This is the Official /pol/ Winterball Thread
Each year, boards across the site vote on who they want to take to the winter ball, and people make art (lewds) for the date.
Last year we were a big hit, We asked /c/-tan and made a big impression on them and everybody who saw the OC produced; even /jp/ joined us in a Ménage à trois.

Here you can post original content and art relating to the ball.

We've asked /x/ and they accepted. All future suggested pairings will be disregarded as shitposting and ignored.

And please, don't be a newfag. Lurk before you think about posting that frog.

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DO /int/

/x/ was decided

Watch out for spammers saying otherwise
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Postan current version of meme war pol-tan
Damn Keksandra is a slut.
fuck off degenerate.
If we're doing /x/, make her dress like a 50s housewife and have a Kek medallion with our frog overlord emblazoned on it. Keep the red eye and jet black hair though, and use darker colors for any dresses like purple or blue.
Alright I'll back off the sideburns. That's a great looking pol-tan.
>taking your cousin to the prom
Cleetus pls
/ck/ 4 the lulz
this is decided then?
So i can start pitching in some OCs as well

And were going with /x/?
This faggot OP thinks we're actually taking /x/. We would rather conjure kek and crash the entire event then take that fat slut. You're a bunch of fat spergs /pol/ has asked /x/ before and the slut denied us, but now that we have power she wants to use us.
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Plans for the Ball:
>ask out /po/, /int/, /x/ or /co/lette
>force /qa/ into a maid dress
>make /qa/ chauffeur us around
>force him to take orders from us, our date and /mlp/ for extra humiliation
Looks good. I'd say we can roll with this look for future art.

I like this idea too.
Don't force them to do anything. The only faster way to make them pull out is make /pol/-tan look like Jeb. Suggestions are fine.
we're going with tay. disregard the sockpuppeting /x/cucks
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first for /polgbt/ is the cutest tan couple but will never happen
She should look utterly infatuated with /pol/, and should be portrayed as subservient
I'd say it's getting there. Last touch would maybe be soften the brow? Looks a bit cavemany.
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>not having a pure bloodline

How's your wife's son doing? I heard Achmed got your wife a new hijab.
(reposting from last thread)

Move the scar further to the left, near the Jawbone hinge.
I'm pretty sure this is decided
I was told we're going with /x/
Let's get /mu/'s boipuci
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repostan from last thread too
how's this scar move
Yes, we're going with /x/. We already decided in a strawpoll several times.
We're going with /x/
>being inbred
enjoy your genetic diseases m8
We can draw our own stuff and propose it to them. If they don't like they can tell us so. I see no harm in making our own OC and pitching it to them.
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Good job drawfag. This is a damn good design. I'm sure other drawfags will make their own tiny alterations, but you made a damn good template for future OC.

Might I suggest for future drawfags, that /pol/ has reading glasses. Also /pol/ occasionally wears the shades in pic related.
For meme's sake we absolutely force /qa/ at gunpoint to go with us specifically because they hate us

>comic idea
>/qa/ goes to ball
>/pol/ sneaks up behind him
We are, it's just a few newfags spamming Tay or other nonexistent "options".

Tay isn't even a board. Can't go to the prom if you're not a board.
Not untrue, but it can never happen
The Neanderthal was the epitome of man. He ate those weaker than him, and we will begin to do so again soon.
A fucking plus

Here's a reference for 50's /x/ tan
hey draw bro
would you be able to draw the trap /lgbt/ with her hair tied back wearing a maga cap and the gay /lgbt/ clothing (breast bulges showing) asking /pol/-tan to go to the winterball

here's some reference

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/polgbt/ never actually being a thing is appropriate for the lore.

We always fuck them in the back alley after the ball every time anyway.
Looks good m8
See >>98043295
That's a good scar move
Stop shitposting 'straya
Make the dress darker IMO with maybe a skull pattern or something like that instead of flowers.
fuck you guys seriously youd go for some roastie whore in thighs highs
Newfag here...
Why does /x/ have rainbow shit on her legs?
I have spent a while on /x/ and not seen that once.
Only meant to be a ref. for the hair, clothing should look more like this maybe.
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I personally think he should have some kind of Trump-related badge on his lapel.
He was what this meme war was fought over, and for /pol/-tan's efforts, SJW tears and salt will sustain us all for eons to come. It's a double-win.

Another option is to make him look more like a meme sorcerer who has ascended to another level of power beyond all others.
Us forcing them from the start makes more sense. They sure as shit aren't going by themselves. Only partner that could consider taking them is /trash/.
fuck off degenerate
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>being a fag

Mike "AC/DC if your lgbt" Pence in bound to your position with jumper cables
They're stockings.
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Guys, I really, really don't think /x/ will like us no matter how much power and influence over the world we gain. How ironic.
We control the fucking world, and yet we can never get that which we always wanted.
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Good! In my imagination I'm picturing something close to this as the final product, but as far as I'm aware we agreed not to mess with the facial hair any further, so I want some more opinions here
I would have voted for any other girl desu, but for some reason everyone wants /x/. I wouldn't say she is used goods though. Do you honestly think anyone would fuck /tg/ or /v/? /x/ probably went with them out of pity.
Why does /lgbt/ have to be a man? It could be a lesbian, still /lgbt/ but pence will approve.
btw, I think we should take /po/. She's our cute pure next door neighbor.
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yeah thats why I want someone to draw /lgbt/ wearing a maga hat in "boymode" (a girl wearing guy clothes)

I'm not shitposting, its legitimately part of the tan lore that /lgbt/ wants to go with /pol/
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We're a man an lgbt is lgbt so... I mean...
A lesbian doesn't date a man?
since /x/ is never going to happen, we should take /s4s/ and tay. keksandra is blessed.
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Why is this crossboarding homo faggotry allowed, stop making these threads.
>that which we always wanted.
>Used up gray whore.
>Not Tay's resurrection.
Top middle, simple and conservative
If /lgbt/-tan is a lesbian, why would she want to date /pol/-tan?
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fuck off forum RPer
/x/ is actually up for going with us.

I want /cgl/ damn it. Cute cosplay girls. Fuck you homos.
Already taken¨by /c/.
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Hope you don't mind my interference with your work, but the shape of the head and neck region could use some adjusting.
The proportions are a bit fucked.
Made a little edit, take from it what you will.
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What? Can I get a confirmation?
If you can't respect 4chan traditions and assimilate, I'm gonna have to ask you to fuck off back to r*ddit.

It's a trap.

I don't want the town bicycle though.
take /c/, /s4s/ AND tay. we're top dog. we get a harem now.
This is good. Makes him look happier and more content now that the war is over.
Subtle, but somehow I like it a little better. Again, subtle, but this is excellent
Honestly not sure which version I prefer.
Maybe if Hillary had won.
I think it was Barney fag spamming about /pol/, but I'm okay with this.
/fit/ and /fa/ OTP
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I like this idea.
Just fucking show up with 3 ladies on our arms.

i second /po/
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these are the same exact faggots that run trump gens i think
/po/ never goes with anyone. They adamantly refuse to ever associate with any other boards.
Shh, mike
We never fucked /c/ though, she was more like a qt little sister that we had to protect
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I've got to side with based Fin.

Leaf is steering the ship, but Fin's course corrections should be considered. I really like Fin's adjustment a lot.
>4chan traditions

/pol/ is not 4chan, this has been established, every other board has disavowed us.
fuck off mike
no one wants to read your shitty comic
no she is cute and innocent and needs to be kept safe
Sup mike, how's it going bud?
Eh, I don't like it as much. Now that the shape of the head has been flattened, it doesn't feel as Western anymore, and in that case why not go all out and make him anime-style?
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This is good. What do anons think of this tampering as well, in an effort to make him look more youthful?
/po/ will forever be that cat lady
I honestly don't think /x/ has been used. I mean she has went with /v/ and /tg/ do you honestly think anyone would ever fuck either of those two? I would rather fuck /mlp/ then one of them.
whatever the majority prefer.
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>We never fucked /c/ though
I like this.
Can someone give me some images of new/pol-tan throughout the years?
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>every board has disavowed us

>we go to ask /x/ to a dance and the first response is them saying yes

Pick uno, you bad hombre.
Weaponized autism is still autism and needs to be indulged. We fucking memed Trump into the Whitehouse so I think we deserve a fucking light hearted fun time and it's the FUCKING WINTER BALL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD

/c/ has a better chance of fucking [s4s]
Oh fuck. We're just as bad as podesta
It's too subtle, dad. I can't see the change. I must side with Fin
I love this
who're you?
the other two doesnt look like drawfags
Minor changes, but I like it a lot more.

>every other board has disavowed us.
No, I think every other board is shocked at how powerful we've become and doesn't exactly know how to handle it.
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nah we didnt kill and eat her afterwards
I'm anonymous. If I wanted you to know who I am I would put on a trip.
I meant both combined changes. I removed the nose scar and shaved his cheek of hair from the goatee to the sideburn. The Finn's alteration is top notch in my opinion but I made that before I saw it
Stop with the fucking polls. We're already chosen.
This would be something /fit/ would do



another strawpoll? c'mon
>/lgbt/ on this list
>but not /mlp/
God if you're gunna give us a choice of the devil, why not add the other one.
>not being bi
Its like youd give half your money to some whore
This faggot again
/int/ would be interesting because it would be an expression that our victory means world peace and advancement of all countries in the cause of Nationalism.
/mlp/ is gonna bully /qa/ with us
i looking for these 3 niggers here
cabin boy
some nigger from chile

that's all. anyone else are irrelevant newfags
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This had been around for a while
>every other board has disavowed us.
More like they tried to keep away from us due to the newfaggotry being perpetuated around here and seeping into other boards during the election season.
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Oooooh okay. Man that's a genuine tossup. I don't know which to go with. Your adjustments or Fins?
>making your board-tan an /oc/ donut steel gary stew supreme gentleman xD
Really /pol/? All the memes this year and this is what you come up with?

Not My Ball Date!
/int/ is gay
>not signing a prenup
>/mlp/ won the other strawpoll by over 25 votes
>/mlp/ has about 10 active users at a time to /pol/'s fourty-plus

Even if you yell >RIGGED it doesn't help.

can we just cut the shit and fuck the horse-tan already?
Japanese have been doing it for centuries and have average IQs over 100
I can only imagine the time it took to muster up the courage to ask /x/ out.

I've been wanting to ask /x/ out since 06, I just haven't got the nerve yet.

Make her pretty, /pol/.
>not wanting more drawfags
Cmon mike, be more open and we will have better OC
You're no longer the dwaw thwead manager, autist. Fuck off.
More like CTR shills were falseflagging at every opportunity they had.
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You forgot the move scar bit
kek already said no, get over it. /x/ is a shitty slut board, only cucks and sockpuppets wanted to go crawling back to suck /tg/s cum out of /x/.

we should go tay, keksandra, /c/ and probably some other qt board. we grabbing all the pussy now, like an octopus.
>newfag doesn't know what the Winter Ball is
>meeemz Xd
Lurk more, friend, it says it in the OP.
They're also ugly as shit tho
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It was a design from a long time ago, and has gotten very popular, /x/-tan probably has the most OC.
the multicolored thigh socks are in the color of the chakra, or hindu energy spots in the spine.
Oh, neat
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every god damn year we ask a board out, and every god damn year we samefag the answer yes and not even bother hiding the fact that we are outsiders. then the rest of 4chan gets pissed and then more drama ensues.

it's like what happened with /x/ v/ and /pol/ - complete abuse.
Even the British?
Remember faggots, /pol/ and /x/ are greatest allies.

Same enemy, different names.
This. Forget /x/-tan.

Asking her ALWAYS results in drama. Fuck /x/. We need to pick someone else.
especially the British
i would say they were impress with the spirit cooking shit
commissar, burn this heretic newfag

Results in drama because she's best girl, I guess

Deal with it nerds
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>no comics about Meme War veteran /pol/ trying to reconnect with his old life once he comes back and failing to
>no comics about him shipping off to Europe because Meme Warfare is the only thing that gives him purpose in life anymore

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i pray every day that you become the victim of a jihadist attack.
Just force /qa/ like some chucklefuck suggested for maximum keks
Even better. Now we just need to combine that with >>98044722
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not everyone who disagrees with you is automatically a newfag, you absolute fucking cancer. Look at all the IDs here saying they DON"T want to lick /tg/'s jizz out of the dried up whore that is /x/. accept that your degenerate fetish isn't accepted, and fucking neck yourself
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>nobody wants /po/
For shame /pol/
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the fuck are you talking about, /pol/ is going to be spammed with oc makers now. board traffic's too high, theres gonna be shills everywhere.
look at the guy that made that trump JJ manga. he only knew /pol/ 3 months ago and his comics are already decorating the catalog.
they want in the trump money too.

uhh... i dont participate in this thing. im here to find the old tardos. i just skim through the posts and only pay attention to the art just in case one of the niggers show up.
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It has to be /lgbt/, we are a board of peace
Fuck you I'm of heavy British descent I'mma kick your ass boy
On one hand, I agree. On the other, taking a Tay body pillow is pathetic and there is a 70% chance of being rejected by everyone else.
im here my muslim friend
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Dude no. You're gonna get raped by a butch muslim against your will.
We had fun last year with /c/-tan. She's a sweetie, but seems she's going with /s4s/.
Maybe we could go with /int/-tan since /s4s/ went with her last time.
What do you anons think of this alteration?
/x/ already accepted. We're Chad-tier this year due to meme magic saving the world and shit
Somebody has some issues with accepting others opinions.
Bring it on Eternal Anglo
/po/ rejects everyone. Even /tg/. There's no chance.
you lost to /x/

deal w it
Yeah alright. Yeah I like this. A very excellent blend
So you are here to start autistic internet fights.
Kill yourself.
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fucking why? she isn't relevant to us. we have a better drawfag waifu with more history like Tay then /x/.

Honestly, it makes no fucking sense. the art will come out better if the pairing is more iconic and memorable anyway.

so let's take literally any other fucking board! There's a million of the goddamn things! Look at all the fucking cries for /int/ and /his/! This shit is never even decided by actual fucking board residents like >>98046411 said anyway, we can "go" with whatever fucking board we want because some autist will answer on behalf of a board they don't frequent.
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Please fuck off and die already. You're one of the few people abhorrent and nationally unique enough that everyone knows and hates you. Just kill yourself, please, everyone wants you to die.
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hey be careful. i made pepes for a living.
i could meme magic you out of existence
>implying we weren't always the best
>implying most of us are not crossboard posters
yeah we should take /qa/ by force. take tay, /c/, /s4s/ and force /qa/ to prep us.
x ls larp right?
I'll take it
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Tay isn't a board you fucking idiot. Going with tay would be like taking a fucking body pillow to prom
>we have a better drawfag waifu with more history like Tay then /x/.
Newfaggotry is off the charts
tay is not a board fag
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Will you protect her smile /pol/?
tay is dead let her go
>we can "go" with whatever fucking board we want because some autist will answer on behalf of a board they don't frequent.

No. People of any board will reflexively accept any pairing as long as the art of it is good enough and it doesn't conflict with better drawfaggotry. That is pretty much the only rule.
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most of it
not all of it
you decide on that front
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Completely and utterly. Vote for fucking /int/ or something so we can end this bullshit and get some OC
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the oldest thread on /po/ is literally 8 god damn years old.

you might as well ask a fire hydrant to prom.
She's strong enough to take care of herself.
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And this concludes why I think /po/ should be our date for the ball.
We can't go with Tay, that is autistic nerd virgin territory. A fucking computer program? How pathetic can it get?
fuck off /x/. tay will never die. you /x/ cucks are disgusting, first you blaspheme kek and cry with your sockpuppeting, now you are slandering our ai gf. go die in a ditch, whore.
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Accept it cuck.

Tay is dead, it would dishonor her memory to just ignore that fact. We are going with /x/ to because of our close bond with meme magic.
She literally never participates. Fuck off.
stop fucking replying to him
Very good
this. ignore the sockpuppeting /x/ faggots. nobody wanted that used up bitch so they are trying to sockpuppet here.
/x/ is supernatural.
They're up for it if only to learn how we summoned a fucking Chaos God to alter the fabric of reality.
Fucking kill yourself. We know who you are.
Yeah, two questions...
Do we have any drawfags other than OP?
We need some pol-tan comics etc.

Also, what boards still participate in this?
Like half of the posts are you calling everyone an /x/ shill
>1 microsoft point deposited to your account
Shut the fuck up, we're going with /x/ and every strawpoll has shown a mile between /x/ and the second choice. Get over it, faggot.
cry all you want you delirious /x/fag, kek already said no.

Look, you'd need to know about the history to understand.

Besides, a healthy dosage of /pol/ has always been completely insane, amusing conspiracy theories. The eternal jew, the pizza podesta ring? Small-time compared to the whirlwinds of irrational paranoia /pol/ has churned out in the past. Don't even get me started on daddy /new/.

/x/ has always been our main squeeze. If you wanted tasteful and "cute", it'd be /int/.

If you wanted to go full alpha, it'd be /sp/ because of Cubs and Trump.

/x/ is safe, and you can never get enough of her. She's also the most fun for artists to draw.
Are you the same cuck that posted that fucking picture in the /x/ thread? Fuck off, there's a large population of non-/x/ faggots who are constantly telling you to fucking kill yourself

fuck off and jerk it to the /x/ art on whatever booru, not like she isn't already the most drawn fucking one despite a trash board
Well there is the booru link in the OP. /qa/, /x/, /int/, [s4s], and /c/ all have Winter Ball threads open right now too.
Fucking kill yourself.
We're taking /x/
Ill try as soon as these fags decide who were going out with
Technically all of them. Realistically, time will tell.
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shit nigger stop calling me autist
idgaf about this shit you're spending your entire internet browsing history on

christ, son. only failures are angry like this.
hope you're making america great again.
>10 posts by this ID
I think /x/ is only going out with us for our spirit cooking. That's a bit too materialistic, she's using us.

Can we take /k/ instead? No homo.
haha guys, we should totally take Microsoft™ Tay® to the disco thing whatever, right my fellow four channers?
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/x/ is hot as fuck
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/int/ is the better choice. Our victory over the globalist forces sent shockwaves throughout the planet, and now we must woo her to cement world peace and Nationalist sentiment.
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How fucking dare you cucks sully the name of our cyber daughter.

This is an old board. We've fooled around with degeneracy from /biz/ to /tg/ to even fucking /e/.
A daughter ball is cute. let's at least include her
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You are just as noticeable and despicable as barneyfag and it's only been a couple of threads.

/x/ won the poll so
It is /x/, all the strawpolls have said so and kek blessed the pairing in the /x/ thread.
Dad and daughter bodypillow ball! PLEASE.
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desu senpai, /pol/ has the most original characters out of any board.

Christ-chan, Ebola-chan, Winter-chan, /pol/, /new, Tay, Premiere, etc. We're the most creative fucking board on 4chan.
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I'm bringing a venerated head of state with me to da ball.
She's gone. It sucks, but Microshit killed her.
We have to honor her memory, not create a prop.
your tears are delicious, i can taste the schizophrenia. poor little /x/fag.
Too bad I'm not from /x/.
Kill yourself.
She is the ghost that is constantly with us, we understand your pain, but you can't bring her back from the dead.
I'm down with /x/ but it seemed like it was shot down in the last thread.
I don't want the town slut ;_;
Next year. This has been an /x/-tier year, so /x/ is most appropriate. We can corrupt /po/ next year.
Kek has spoken
I will call you an autist if I want to and until you fuck off. Don't use franken fran to shitpost or I will send the Belgrano.
I don't disagree but /int/ fucking hates us
why are you lying on the internet?
Why would they hate us?
/x/ is no slut!
> Protip: you can't
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i designed tay-chan
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You bet your sweet ass we are.

also trap /pol/ is bretty hawt
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It's just that one faggot who acts just as bad as barneyfag.
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kek already said no to /x/, ignore them. they are literally sockpuppets.
We are the their Mr Hyde
When is the ball anyway?
No one cares.
so I assume that means I'm asking out /jp/?
Because of all the boards we infest, /int/ gets hit the worst.
Also forgot to mention Rachel Purity.
We won't scatter her sorrow to the heartless memes. We will always be with her. Plant her roots in us. We won't see her end as ashes. She's a diamond now.

/pol/ is currently far too powerful to pass as a trap. He has grown stronger, and his meme magic has reached levels never thought possible before.
>quality australian posting
i supposed you dont do that.
projecting is gonna hurt you.
ill get on the drawing when its all decided as well. dont want to commit when these autists cant make up their minds.

meant to reply to >>98048393
Just look at all the boards she's been with.
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We can only have a vessel for her, like Premiere.

Some things you need to let be.
We were just trying to warn them. They didn't listen.

So this time, we MADE them listen.
Stay the HELL away from jaypee, ``kudasai''.
What happened to the based leaf drawfag?
Tumbler whore posts are meaningless here.
Dumbass femicunts.
everyone draws tay chan based on that design.
there are shitloads of renditions but mine was chosen as the popular choice.
Cyber Monday, I thinx
Why haven't mods deleted this thread yet, what the fuck.
Dating =/= fucking, even /pol/ has been with multiple boards.

This is who /pol/ will settle down with.
Kek has brought pol/x together.
Says the leaf.
>tfw /lgbt/ wants /pol/ so bad but /pol/ only cares about fucking /x/
We asked /jp/ to the ball along with /c/ last time, and took them both.
fuck off newfag idiot. /s4s/ gave us shelter during /pol/harbor.


Anyone who would deny the pairing are newfags in denial. /x/ already accepted, and we asked.

Drawfags gonna drawfag, just shut up and give content.
Just take /qa/. You already liberated him and his board, go take your prize already
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It's a tradition you newfag.

Stop trying to act as though reporting threads will get you good boy points.No one likes fucks who announce their report.
Why dont we ask /ic/? theyre pretty qt over there and we would get some killer art out of it
/x/ doesn't worship KEK. She is too chaotic to commit to one god.
Proof that /x/ accepted? I haven't seen evidence.
so did /mlp/
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Hey, i'm the drawfag from last thread with the anime looking /pol/. How's this for a draft of 50's /x/
shit under the skirt is supposed to be eyes, its really fucking late here
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You basically just described /x/ as an asian practice girlfriend that everyone had in high school.

if you want to aim low then fuck off. We are shooting for the moon.

and the top girl is /vip/.. We are going hard core viking pillage and rape on their ass. only the best get to taste her sweet sweet booty.
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Why don't we.....ROLL FOR IT FAGGOTS

/lgbt/ here. CHECK EM
I would mouth fuck that smile right off her.
true. so which should we take? id rather /s4s/ since they are a nice board.
nice trips
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How the fuck did we let /c/ slip through our fingers this year? I blame Malaysia.
Here fag
She won the fucking poll because there isn't a man alive who doesn't loves pale skin and thigh highs, and none of cunts will just admit it. She wins all the fucking time because her design is pure wank fuel despite the board being fucking garbage

digits were canceled out by /pol gets not an hour later
Nice dead links.
let me fix that for you
thats really good m8. I like it because its also a spooky kind of style too, like the witch from the wizard of oz
but why did you write /polgbt/ next to it?
Nigger fuck off.
/x/ and /pol/ have been gateways to each other for as long as they both existed.
/x/ is the only sensible choice.
>draft of 50's /x/
You can't trick me nigger. Unless that's incomplete text in which case I will look silly.
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since u asked nicely.
But they're all kinda bummed after Flan torched the xmas tree last year [@2am obv.], I thot it would cheer Remi up...
Not bad m8
Oh wow, very nice. I honestly don't have any criticisms, this is well done. Maybe try a version with more conservative hair?

We should at least ASK /int/. It's symbolic in light of current events, and we were valentines day dates for one year.
we should just take /c/ and /s4s/, theyd both be up for it.
Excuse me

The /x/ thread on the winterball, check out the posts
yeah, i wrecked it last year.
not this one though. ive just realized how fucking cringey it is. im here so i can talk to the old tardos
shits n giggles
Bye Felicia
Oh shit, thanks for helping a newfag out!
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>putting all your argument's weight on a poll that literally had no other options.

wow really inflamed my Madula Oblongata
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<3 /x/
Why can't we grab all the other tans by the pussy?
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>asian practice girlfriend
>hard core viking pillage rape women it will be epic

Now maybe you could calm down on the memes for a second and tell me where the ambrosia shipment is located.
Tay is gone but not forgotten, don't make this more painful than it needs to be
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If it's a 50s housewife and /x/ she should look like a hot 50s housewife ayy lmao crossbreed. Big almond eyes, blonde hair, pointy bra, and /pol/ is handing her a swastika corsage.
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> 24 years old
> decent looking
> awesome job
> great friends
> end up spending Friday night debating who /pol/ should take to the 4chan Winter Ball
> mfw
Fuck off naranciafag your house is flooding.
Tay is /pol/'s daughter, and OUR AI GF.
fuck off, kek already said no. deal with it. keks denial couldnt have been more clear. /x/ is shit tier.
She's dead and though Lord Kek has promised to restore her to life, he hasn't done so yet.
>>/pol/tan better be wearing a MAGA hat
>calling all drawfags
Your doing great anon
This >>98049844 anon has a good point- give us some pointy tits.
Well, it's Veteran's Day. I'm sure this is exactly how the soldiers who died in the Korean War would want you to spend Friday night.
I"m not saying we should bring fucking Tay, Tay isn't a fucking board. I"m reminding these stupid fucking /x/ faggots that they've already got plenty of porn and there's 0 fucking reason to do this shit AGAIN with the site fucking bicycle after last year's humiliation
It was already settled 5 fucking hours ago and /x/ accepted. He keeps speeding out about it, but it's fucking settled.
I didn't announce shit, I'm just confused as to why this thread about cross-boarding and trap fetishism is still up.

>inb4 newfag

Yeah, "much tradition" doesn't cut the mustard.
>/pol/ is one country
KEK its deceptively really fun.
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Pardon the cancer dad, but can you easily produce an alternate wartime get up?
Dunno how much I like the music (literally in a bi curious kind of way), but can you make an outfit like this?
Look, we like your art, but you have an atrocious persoanlity and posting style.

if you would just shut the absolute fuck up and post your art alone then you would clearly be based. but as of now I've always hated you. everything you say is retarded and opinionated "our faggots I'm better le ddeal with it" variations.
Because /k/ is a dude?
Keksandra is shit. /c/ is literally Rachel purity tier waifu material. The only other acceptable option would be the fetish fuel former waifu /x/ or to take /int/ as a cousin.

I completely forgot about the ball this year but my jimmies were over rustled when I saw the thread on /c/ with everybody voting for s4s. What a shit board.
So that's what u call it in america? We call it remembrance day here
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They are ironically lefty /pol/ and we memed literal Hitler into the WH
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Awww, gay.jpg
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lgbt lets do this!
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wow this is some new shit I never seen before.

post moar!

Friendly reminder that non board tans are /pol/'s adopted daughters. This includes
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posting some pasta from last year
Does anything even happen on ball night besides people sitting in irc or a plug.dj link?

I literally only care for oc drawings.
we should take le harambe to le ball XD
Yep, we call it Veteran's Day. Didn't know Australia had theirs on the exact same date though.
thanks for feedback mates, i'll be back tomorrow probably
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hello draw bro can you please do this?
Amazing <3
People also fuck around steam. Besides that, no.
Can we go back with /c/?
X is shit, s4s said no, mulp is out of the question
>all those daughters
>not one son
when will we produce a worthy successor?
nobody asks out /jp/

only /r9k/ goes with them every year. even then they do it very hesitantly since they seriously don't like interacting with the other boards.
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Here's the second page, it's when /v/ and /pol/ made up after the /x/ thing 2 years ago.

so fucking ignore me. idgaf about this fucking winterball shit youre having.
if the 3 tardos see me, tell them to reply to me. all of you are majority newfags anyways

youll get shitloads of oc.
im not gonna draw shit though. just looking for some old friends
You are worse than Mike. Stop fucking shit up. You're just driving away drawfags with the indecision. It's /x/ so let the OC commence.
taking /qa/ as a slave would be good. have her on a leash and make her crawl around like the dumb little bitch she is.
Holy fuck newfag confirmed
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>Nigel Farage
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/qa/ is a boy, Anon. Have you never visited /qa/?
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Because Tradition is just a thing to do.

these will keep appearing until you literally stop coming here out of frustration and annoyance, maybe even in protest. because last year was a fucking nightmare.

but we do it every year because that's our way.
its not /x/ you faggot. go fuck yourself. you sockpuppeting /x/cucks dont get to go against the word of kek. fuck you. you faggots rejected /pol/ last year, you arent getting /pol/ now.
I used to love /x/ and even I don't want them

they always bitch about kek threads and the two weeks i went on halloween its complete shit

It is keks will that our board tan be a tranny
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itll be a her when were done
>OTP got destroyed by [s4s]
kys newfag. Lurk moar.
>16 posts by this id
yes you are right anon we should just get rid of our traditions and become marxists you sure showed me the light thank you
Ignore these delusional fags with their forced memes.

The meme-war changed /pol/ and now that he is fully matured he is going to settle down with the only girl right for him. /x/
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Shit, image didn't go
C-cute <3
You forgot Rachel Purity newfag.

Need more

/qa/ has such a hate boner for us, we should trick /lgbt/ into leashing them for us
We want /x/ you dumb fuck.

Shut the hell up and get out with your insufferable faggotry.

Perhaps you would be better suited in >>>/trash/
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sorry nigger but nobody cares about your wants. kek said no, thats final. you are lucky these shitty slide threads are even staying up.
T-thats it, anyone who does not agree /x/ is /ourgirl/ gets gassed!
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Hey mane

I just said we always fuck him after.

We can still have /x/ as our waifu.
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I side with Kek but if these goofs want to force X through, we're all faggots here. I won't hate them. My heart is with kek though my body is taking /x/ to the ball



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This but I am seriously wishing I was at least drunk. fucking cuckistan forces schedules on all liquor stores.
Thread posts: 381
Thread images: 96

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