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Why does the Left defend Islam when it's so contradictory

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Why does the Left defend Islam when it's so contradictory to it's tenets? Islam is extremely conservative and right wing, so why has the modern left taken to defend it? Why doesn't the International conservative defend it instead?
Because people feel good about themselves for defending the "underdog".
>muh poor oppressed brown people
>muh spooky asian religion Orientalism
>muh "nobody takes their religion seriously where I come from just don't be a dick haha therefore muslims follow the same idea" protections
>muh Palestine

One of the above 4 or a combination of all of them.
Because Marxists fail even at being Marxists or are being accelerationary.

“Islam ostracizes the nation of the unbelievers and creates a state of permanent enemyship between the moslems and the unbelievers.”
— Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Because we can't secularize them if we pigeonhole them into being religious extremists.
because it's a minority religion and powerless
You can't securalize them either by patting them constantly on the back. Also you can't really make them secular they have to do that by themselves.
The worst any non-Western group acts, the more the left has to act to defend them. Muslims, like gypsies and blacks, act pretty bad, so they end up being defended by leftists.

It isn't even a Western phenomenom, exclusively. In countries like Nigeria and India, political Islam is also associated with left-wing parties.

Ironically, in the Muslim world leftists are hardcore secularists who hate conservative Islamists.
in the west
idk abu but the more powerless islam in the West is the better desu
>reading marx
pick 1
Because to leftists there are only two groups of people: the oppressed and the oppressors. The oppressors are bad while the oppressed are good.
So since Muslims fall in the oppressed category it is impossible for the leftists to think that a Muslim could be bad.
You can see this "divide" with other groups as well: whites/black, men/women, heterosexual/lgbt etc.

For the left if you fall under any group of people that the think are oppressed then you're immediately considered a saint that can't do any wrong.
This is why leftists ignore that many Muslims dislike homosexuals and treat women quite badly.
Yes goy hehehe birthrate and immigration statistics show them overtaking native european populations in the not too distant future... powerless hehehe
> in the not too distant future
Like in 500 years or so at worse case scenario. Totally point to lose minds now.
Nice memes OP
I recall some French poll in France that showed far-left supporters are more anti-burkini than centre-left supporters
currently they are a minority and powerless which is why liberals are tolerant because neo-liberal capitalism is only tolerant of things it can control

that doesn't mean it can't change

>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

This is obviously a bait thread and doesn't belong on this board.
You are painting with a pretty broad paintbrush there

How does it not belong? It's clearly a humanities topic and it raises a perfectly valid question about an obviously real phenomenon.
Why is everything the /pol/ bogeyman to /his/?
Shartia has been a big failure the last decades tho.

You're barely first world.
You have to go back.

That's the point. Did you even read the quote?
Not an argument

This isn't a /pol/ bogeyman shit. It's literally a question of politics on a history and humanities board, faggot. Now fuck off.
Oh it's a quote.
Well here in Germany right and left despise Shartia
>and humanities
> Please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
Can you name one left who defended Islam at least 25 years ago?
The left defends Muslims because of the mechanics it works with.

All people should be treated equally and therefore Muslims can't be excluded from immigrating for being Muslims.

Muslims are a minority now and shouldn't be discriminated because of their beliefs.

Here you have the moral debacle.

>this thread has anything to do with culture, literature, art, music and philosophy, things considered "humanities"

It not only violates the 25 year rule, but it's also explicitly political.
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>Left defend Islam
how exactly is this happening except in /pol/'s fantasy

defend individual people's right to have an acceptable life regardless of beliefs, origin, etc? the right of people who they disagree with to speak their ideas? the right of people to practice any religion they want?

plenty of people do that for reasons that are not "they like that specific thing".
Because their resentiment against white men is what fuels most mainstream leftists as opposed to any sort of ideological, intellectual, or moral reasons.
You forgot "religion"
>my political ideas were shaped by the straw men of stormfags on a chinese cartoon forum

Oh sorry, I did. Is this thread discussing theology?

No it's not. Now stop defending this poor excuse for bait.
Islam doesn't know the difference between political and religious views. It is totalitarian in that is a complete and total way of life. You don't invite a political fifth column unless you want to wreck the host to install gommunism in the wake of crisis and destabilization. The animus the west has against itself manifests as xenophilia as well as self loathing.
But this is a discussion of theology
Left didn't defend Islam, just Muslims.
>Islam doesn't know the difference between political and religious views. It is totalitarian in that is a complete and total way of life.
They said the same thing about puritans. You know, those crazy Christians that had their women cover their hair and show no skin. The ones that had this military leader named Cromwell that usurped the government and tried to set up a Christian Caliphate where stuff like dancing was illegal. Also the people on the Mayflower who genocided the natives. Those people.
and yet some people are against censorship racism and other such things even in this case.

how dare they, it's probably a conspiracy by the juice.
I like the part where GB encouraged them to migrate to the new world. The same way we should encourage Syrian refugees to migrate to KSA instead of Sweden and Dearborn, Michigan.
America started the shit in the ME. That's why we're sending them to you, Europe.
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>modern mainstream left

wew lad
Could it be because they have a word for warfare by migration and demography and a hostile paragon? Liberals are considered as enablers by Islamists and it a stark contrast that such a sterile entity invites it's undertaker and replacement.
>America funded rebels in Syria therefore we should now open our borders and bend to the whims of camel fucking primitives
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you don't get it. that is fine. it just means you're stupid.

Naw, 7 years of watching these people operate in academia did it for me. I don't visit /pol/ and am against white nationalism.
The modern day political movement of the left is nothing more than "ressentiment" given political vigor.
Capitalism is the reason they are allowed here. You are the reason they come here.

Basically cheap Labour for our factories destroying the opportunity of our own youth.
>Corporatism is the reason they are allowed here. You are the reason they come here.
>Real capitalism has never been tried
Well, your post is false for the immense majority of leftist parties, and the majority of leftist intellectuals, perhaps with the exception of american postmoderns.
I didn't say that.
Hey Marxists why are you trying to import voters?
It's simple, liberalism would defend their right to preach Islam. Right cucks in the other hand well they can't even tolerate black people, or white people who disagree with them so it's only natural that the left would take the Muslim side.
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>look at this dude, he isn't mentally disabled from birth like every Shartian.
>I have to call him words

Sharters gonna shart
I defend Muslim people from discrimination but the religion is shit.
how about you defend all people from discrimination
First it was America's fault now it's capitalism's fault. >implying any of them come here to do anything but suck the welfare state dry.

Like all Marxists, you're a disingenuous piece of shit.
the vast majority of the left these days don't know what they're talking about, just that everyone else on their campus is left-wing, so they should be, too
the rest is this: >>96212807
>corporate capitalism is not capitalism
my favourite meme
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>right wing
The infamous Muslims that prefer lawyer's law to legislative regulation (sharia) or those engulfed in millenarism like lefties?

>"The rapid expanse of socialism has been compared to that of Christianity. More appropriate, perhaps, would be a comparison with Islam, which inspired the sons of the desert to lay waste ancient civilizations, cloaked their destructive fury with an ethical ideology and stiffened their courage with rigid fatalism. Thus Marxism finds it easy to ally with Islamic zealotism. Full of pride the Marxist Otto Bauer cries: "In Turkestan and Azerbaijan monuments to Marx stand opposite the mosques, and the Mullah in Persia mingles quotations from Marx with passages from the Koran when he calls the people to the Holy War against European Imperialism." See Otto Bauer, "Marx als Mahnung" in Der Kampf, XVI, 1923, p. 83. "
From pic related.
The more I watch how the left acts in my native Britain in regards to islam the more I am convinced it is because they are scared of what Islam will do if it is allowed to be treated like other religions.
>the control of a state or organisation by large interest groups

>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

There's defending every religious person's rights to not be discriminated against and there's defending them discriminating against others. Of course we should keep them separate things and never knowingly do the latter, but drawing that line is often tricky and yes some people are bound to do it wrong.
Why do the poor defend capitalism when it's so contradictory to its tenets?
Some of them work already and companies like Mercedes promise to hier them.

Why are you mentally disabled? Is it really genetics or do people in Shartia get poisoned food?
Don't all religion create enemyship between the followers and unbelievers?
Capitalism made them too fat and splice to chimpout like revolutionary LARPers wanted.
I guess if I have had the iq of a Congo nigger I would have lived in a meme world too.
In both case you get unelectable workplace owners, aka. capitalists. In corporatism's case using connections and state power to attain profits and such does not make their system non-capitalist.
I don't see any correlation where there isn't privately owned.

Seems like you just ducked yourself with your pseudo logic.
Not to mention that in his historicist view, islamic nations are objectively more backwards than western ones and fighting islam would be just being "the unconscious tool of history".

>England, it is true, in causing a social revolution in Hindostan, was actuated only by the vilest interests, and was stupid in her manner of enforcing them. But that is not the question. The question is, can mankind fulfil its destiny without a fundamental revolution in the social state of Asia? If not, whatever may have been the crimes of England she was the unconscious tool of history in bringing about that revolution.
Leftists hate power and wealth accumulated through nefarious means. It's OK to be successful, just don't fuck over the rest of the world in your quest to become so.
& humanities was a mistake.
Nope, Christianity says to love everyone and to pray for those who aren't saved. Of course, some people take offense to the notion that they need saving and become hostile to Christianity as a result but that's on them.

By contrast in Islam the world is divided into to "houses" you have the "Dar al Islam" (house of Islam) and the "Dar al Harb " (house of war) whose names speak volumes about the way their inhabitants are viewed by Muslims.
If you think all muslims are out to get you you're retarded.
Why do /pol/tards defend christians after what they've done?
>whose names speak volumes about the way their inhabitants are viewed by Muslims.
That they need to be saved, even if that means the faithful need to wage war to save the souls of the unfaithful.
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Really makes you think.
>we behead you to save you kuffir
It's more
>get your soul saved or we behead you
...is this supposed to prove me wrong?
No, I'm just busy being Asian laughing at your ironies.
And many a smog filled lungs to you too
Most of it is born from post-9/11 and post-Iraq War sentiment. A lot of it is simply "fuck you dad" backlash against Bush and the neocons.
One is because they're not defending Islam, they're defending Muslims. Leftism in general disdains organized religion. Secondly, because you associate leftism with retarded 20-something SJWs and think their contradictory rhetoric is something all leftists believe.
I know sjws who have read marx. they just don't get it
>be hardcore lefty
>be american exceptionalist, western supremacist, a bit racist
None of my friends like talking politics with me.
I really hate seeing this reposted constantly. Ted wrote it to make a point about socialization and over-socialization being a problem of the industrial system, and that leftists (likely the ones in the counter-cultural movement since he wrote it decades ago) are a great example of this. He didn't write it for edgy teenagers to shitpost about their ideological opposites on the internet.
>implying teddy wouldn't be happy to have his writings proliferated
He'd be happy if people actually read them and understood them, not used by teenage reactionaries to shitpost with. Then again maybe they're doing some good; maybe some of them will read it and gain a deeper understand of the world.
I'm talking about mainstream leftists/ left centrists/antifa/ etc, not actual far left/communist groups. I get that traditional leftists are not ethnomasochists, but I'm not talking about those people.
Bullshit. Leftists hate meritocracy.
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The same way the Right defends Christianity >universal religion welcomes all converts. Oh wait, you're a nationalist? Too bad XD.
and Capitalism
>Whats wrong, you hate Globalism? I thought you liked the free market and competition XDD
whenever I go off about Islam to my dad he says "you sound like fox news"
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Why should they have power here?
Mass immigration is the inevitable conclusion of democracy. When the votes of the public decide political power, the public becomes a malleable means for you to propel your ascent to political power. The left is trying to change demographics in the hope that Muslims will always vote left to create a one-party leftist state.

Would right-wing dominance in a democracy stop mass immigration and demographic wars? I don't think it would. The right hates and fears Islam, and they are wise to do so. But would the right (or at least the U.S. right) be opposed to mass immigration of non-white Christians? I sincerely doubt it. Through demographic war, they could permanently put themselves in power and create the theocracy they've always wanted. Sheer numbers are the nature of power in a democracy.

Mass immigration is an inherent feature of democracy. Left or right isn't the problem; democracy is the problem. The only way to stop it is to switch to an altogether different method of government, like a meritocratic aristocracy.
Japan is democratic and is also ethnically homogenous.
So is South Korea.
if immigration was actually put up for a vote in a referendum in any country it would be overwhelmingly struck down
For the moment. Japan is already using Filipinos, Indonesians, and other South Asians to fill out its workforce. It's only a matter of time before some ambitious psychopath or egalitarian nutbag figures out how to exploit the system for all it's worth.
Temporary embarrassed millionaires
Even here in Canada, where we love to jerk ourselves off over being so much more multicultural than the evil AmeriKKKans, the government struck down a proposal of increasing the amount of immigrants allowed into the country annually, and most Canadians want immigrants to "fit in".
Because modern leftitsts are a terrifying cross between hipsters and the Borg. Because conservatives were constantly starting wars in the Middle East and killing Muslims, political/ideological polorization demanded the left throw open its collective arms and embrace Islam as the victim.

Turns out that reality is a little more complicated than a single basic "us vs. them" dichtotomy, but dogmatic groupthink is a hell of a drug. Combine that with the left's eternal need to feel intellectually superior and you've got a bunch of idiots who can't question the party line without going through an existential crisis.
You don't need to vote to get immigration; the legislature (i.e. the elite political class) decides it for you.
to be fair, the right also side them selves with Islamic fundamentalists too

for instance, many far right activists in Europe all seem to support Assad

Go on youtube.

Search for "Sam Harris Islam"
This is the result of Americans thinking in two-party politics. Just look at /pol/, they're not so much conservative as they are anti-left. They just try to be the opposite of what they think the left is.
Explain their love of Musk and Shark Tank.
No they don't. How many layers of /pol/ memes are you on?
Leftists like shark tank?
I can see Musk since he's more of a le ebin science is AWESOME type of memester, but I've literally never heard of a self confessed liberal liking Shark Tank.
>leftist as hell
>love shark tank
It's literally about self-made rich guys helping the not-so-well-off enrich themselves. I saw an episode where the guy was capable of bankrolling his whole operation himself so they told him to fuck off. Shark Tank is leftist as all hell.

You're completely delusional if you don't see how this thread's topic is exactly what he was talking about with leftism. None of this contradicts his argument about industrialization either.
>comparing blacks to fucking gypsies

How cruel.
Yeah, blacks actually have the capacity for self improvement.
Except he's mentioning leftism as an example of oversocialization, not because he disagrees with them and is trying to prove them wrong. People who quote that don't even quote his reasoning or why he's talking about them all at, they solely quote him so they can feel smug that an intelligent and famous person supposedly agrees with them. He also says himself how he is generalizing and can't speak about pre-modern leftism or leftism outside the west. He's obviously right about many leftists, particularly SJWs, but to say that all leftists defend Muslims because of their own inferiority is intellectually dishonest.

>the left

>defending Islam

You mean SJWs?

Don't lump me in with those faggots, I don't lumb right wingers with stormfags


>they solely quote him so they can feel smug that an intelligent and famous person supposedly agrees with them

No, they quote him because his description of leftism is so spot on.

>Except he's mentioning leftism as an example of oversocialization, not because he disagrees with them and is trying to prove them wrong.

The post you responded to didn't disagree with them or try to prove them wrong either. You're chasing after your own imagination of arguments that haven't been made.
>No, they quote him because his description of leftism is so spot on with what they already believe
>The post you responded to didn't disagree with them or try to prove them wrong either. You're chasing after your own imagination of arguments that haven't been made.
That's true, but I've seen people solely quote that enough times to get an idea of what kind of point they're trying to make.
They'll just use the excuse that Marx was a Jew and all Jews do is hate Arabs
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At the core of leftist beliefs is some kind of manifestation of white guilt, or belief in cultural marxism.
>mfw there are leftists who are neither white or Marxist
Why did you lie to me anon?

>At the core of leftist beliefs is some kind of manifestation of white guilt, or belief in cultural marxism.

t. underage who has never read any leftist philosophy and probably thinks """liberalism""" is leftism.
Because the left/right divide hasn't been relevant for some time now, and is really just a party line pushed to get votes.
Also most white leftists tend to be extremely Eurocentric, and only think of things in terms of what other white people think. "Oh, this group of white privileged republicans doesn't like X? Then I'm going to love X. It doesn't matter that I don't really understand X, I know those guys (who are always unequivocally wrong) don't like it, so by supporting it I must be right!"

Not to mention our immigration standards are among the highest in the world and we only share borders with one ethnically identical first world country.

I always laugh when Canadian leftists either:
-criticize other countries for being racist because they don't have the option of only selecting the 1%
-criticize Canada for being so hard on immigrants as if multiculturalism could be maintained by taking in every poor nigger with a sob story
Although the "immigrants are destroying out country" because their opiate addicted redneck ass can't compete with a Chinese kid who actually studies right wingers are pretty funny too.
There is nothing conclusive here.
Christianity being universal would not mean you can't have separation of populations.
In this specific case, are you implying states should be extended according to religion? Or that Christianity implies some form of unified government?
>leftist philosophy
leftist philosophy I agree with* ftfy, bud. Your breed of leftisim is unfortunately dying out, being replaced with the american style pseudo-leftist social justice consumerism.

But even this ideology has authors and academics behind it.
"Liberalism" is leftism. I say it as someone that would be termed "liberal" in Yurop.

There is no reason for meme socialists to cling to the words left, leftist, etc. It's been coopted by Anglo "liberals" just the way they did with the words liberal, liberalism, etc. When you are talking about leftists in the English language, you are talking about >>96212935 and pic related and nothing else.
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There's plenty of justification for nationalism within Christianity. Why do you think the Protestant reformation resulted in the establishment of lots of disparate national churches, each with doctrines suiting their own political/cultural climates? Also look at stories like the Tower of Babel, which literally confirms the separation of nations as beings God's will. The Christianity you are describing is only one interpretation.
>Leftists hate power and wealth accumulated through nefarious means.
that explains why they support Hillary Clinton



No it isn't, you dumb faggot. Actually read a book.

I bet you think you that they want to take your guns too.

>when you are talking about leftists in the English language

>implying you, being an uneducated dumb cunt who probably gets half of his info from Milo Yiannopolous, /pol/, reddit and a disproportionate amount of right wing sources, would know shit about leftism.

Think before you post you pseudo-int cuck.

>supporting Clinton

Dear lord Kek

Can you please remove humanities from the board name so pol can stop having an illegitimate excuse to shit up our board with their politically theology threads what would get shit posted on by their board because they're all emotional edgy teenagers?

>implying /pol/tards can curb their autism/ are capable of any form of intelligent thought that doesn't fall onto their own tribe

>implying they're capable of intellectual humility/ not sperging out on various other boards/ sites

Islam is extremely collectivist so theres that. It's also in a particularly bad fundamentalist epoch thatll probably shift with time. People also mistakenly conflate and misunderstand the, often quite subtle, differences between a religion and general local custom.

Though of course most leftists don't argue from this position and only defend islam because le evil west and le poor oppressed savages.

Saudi arabia and isis need to be destroyed.
Local custom and culture trumps religion in even countries like Pakistan I've traveled to. The actual idea of Islam is great in my opinion. But not even Muslims practice it dearly because their culture comes first. And then you have heretics making it out to be some barbaric cult when they've only read a few verses and refuse to contextualize it. And then wahhabism and the gulf states spreading terrorism and their own shit brand of Islam making things even worse.
Isn't he essentially saying that Trump is so shitty that both parties would rethink what the fuck they're actually doing?
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You are so superior desperately clinging to words.
Just call yourself socialists or another term, but not left. Perhaps invent a new word. You won't get the word "left" back anytime soon.

Le tru leftz of all people should know about subversion.
>Why do you think the Protestant reformation resulted in the establishment of lots of disparate national churches
The Protestant reformation and national churches marks a hallmark moment in Christianity with the religion being subordinate to the state. Becoming utilized first by monarchs and then by nationalists. Prior to that it was a force of its own.
>Also look at stories like the Tower of Babel, which literally confirms the separation of nations as beings God's will
>OT shit
Except you're CHRISTians. You know, the faggot who came for all men? Savior of Mankind? Cunt from the New Testament? Told his disciples to preach to the gentiles? Become Fishers of Men so to speak? With a good whole of the New Testament about creating a global religion what with some motherfucker writing letters to various churches.

Furthermore a good number of you fags here in 4chan fap to Catholicism. Which is all about creating an international brotherhood of Christians that crosses borders.

the left is stupid
Is this a thread of aliens shitposting?
It was moved from another board, newfag.
While you type this out on your iPhone. Nevermind that your likely overweight and have a fridge full of food. Man capitalism sucks because I'm not a millionaire. Protip: you wouldn't be a millionaire in any society.
It's an /his/ thread.
You can tell by the people triggered by the fact Clinton is indeed the left.
thanks, autismo
Where did all of the flags go?
It was a kekquake going through the fabric of digital space.
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