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Thread replies: 365
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Video of conveyor belt: https://youtu.be/umyXZkbhC2A?t=3m50s

Dreamworld REOPENING on Friday: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3872788/Dreamworld-never-open-employees-face-jail-safety-negligence.html

Former River Rapids operator suspected 'fatal flaw': https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/33014307/former-dreamworld-ride-operator-suspected-fatal-flaw/#page1


- Thunder River Rapids opened in 1986 and remains one of Dreamworld's oldest rides

- Ride located in the Gold Rush section of Gold Coast's biggest theme park and considered one of Dreamworld's most 'family friendly'

- Riders board six-person circular rafts which follow initial path through a cave before experiencing the rapids section of the ride

- Thunder River Rapids lasts four minutes in total and hits top speed of 45km/h

- Riders are usually splashed with water as rafts spin through the rapids and hit walls

- Conveyor belt takes rafts back to start of the ride for passengers to hop in and out
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Malcolm Turnbull did 25/10
Do you think it will be busy on Friday? Might go if there aren't going to be lines.
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Is this Australian shiposting gone too far?
Nth for aussies getting their panties in a bunch over a relatively minor event.
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Everything about this is horrible.
Americans please fuck off an never come back. Thanks.
/pol/ meetup at dreamworld then we can all go to the boathouse tavern afterwards?
Mate it's gonna be fucking packed the car park was already full today with people just wanting to put flowers down. You're better off going to one of the other theme parks they should be much less empty.
Still feeling it, lads. Went on that ride a lot growing up. Was always a celebration or good times. So brutal, and the kids saw it all.

Not being soft, I'm just a nationalist patriot who hates seeing this kind of tragedy in his country.
Are your feelings being hurt?
just as plan'd
>The reopening follows revelations the ride's emergency stop switch was reportedly being controlled by an 18-year-old woman on her first day on the job.

hahah ahahahah
Calm down sharty pants
Next final destination incoming.
Only if you make me
Otherwise I'm here to stay
>controlled by an 18-year-old woman
This is what happens when you let women out of the kitchen. 4 people die on a relatively safe ride.
What's the purpose of this general? Are we just trying to investigate EXACTLY what went wrong?
You can stay, only if you shake your man tities for us though
Helensvale Gold Coast here
you blokes reckon this ride''ll be re-opened by halloween? gonna be fuckin sick riding it on fright night with the lads aye
Stop giving the faggot American (you)s please
This isn't the happening we were promised? Why KEK why???
>Tfw if this was 10 years ago, The Chaser would pull an edgy stunt.
If they have any sense, they'll take a shovel to the whole Gold Rush section and the flume ride.
Jesus fucking Christ. Looking at the set up of all that it's a miracle no one has been killed before. I'd rather ride the conveyors in an iron ore plant, they're safer than that.
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Huh... really makes you think...

90% of the threads on here are discussing american politics. Let us have one thread about Australian news without seppo cunts shitting it up.
Who the fuck cares, abo
I'm underweight, so I don't have any of those.
what has this got to do with politics?
I suspect it was due to human error. The operator should have dislodged the empty boat, but likely had stopped it so other people could get on.
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>tfw Sea World closed Bermuda Triangle
same mate, I've lost count of the amount of times i've been on this ride, both as a kid and with my own kids. cant imagine what those kids are gonna grow up like after witnessing that.
Absolutely nothing. Some cunt will try and excuse it by saying Turnbull tweeted about it. But in the end absolutely nothing.
I'm surprised that there is a market for thrill-ride parks in Australia, as I kind of view the entire country like a giant trill-ride park.
Yeah, I fucking loved that ride.
world events
Who cares?
there is a news board you know?
Seaworld removed any worthwhile rides last time I went desu
I remember going to some sketchy fun park with a giant water slide for rubber boats. It had a jump like in the middle with some air time. In retrospect I think we were too light and the air time probably wasn't intended. When we realized we were flying too far we all got a bad feeling and stopped going to that attraction.
theres also other threads, i want to know if the children have to go into foster care
>/pol/ sticky
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
But the fact that there is no space for multiple boats to accumulate, that there is no buffer is literally criminal in Australia. Engineers here (and I assume elsewhere) have a code of ethics and take oaths, that simple a mistake is literally murder
I hear buddy more than mate these days and I live out of the city, same with trash and rubbish. Pretty sad Burgerbro. We want to be American so bad.
unfortunately its boring and shit. people just get drunk every day because there is nothing to do and we live in a total nanny state. thats why there are so many shitposters online from australia despite our small population
underweight for an american is dangerously obese for the rest of the world fyi
Sorry we don't have 4+ people killed in daily shootings
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american engineering strikes again

how many more must die?
No doubt, I can see some dumb ass stoner just letting the boats pile up because he thinks he was being efficient or that the operator simply thought the next boat would dislodge it.

Either way it's the operators fault imo.

Sure it's a crappy design but the operator should be liable.
>Fuck Off, We're Full: The Ride
How did no one spot the malfunction and stop the ride?

Has there been any time frame released?
we have nothing like U.S theme parks. Theme parks are outdated here some rides over 50 years old. Here is the best roller coaster in melbourne.

>mourning the death of two faggots and a kiwi
You've gotten soft aussie
It has wider political repercussions. Debate about safety/regulation, politicians response to the tragedy, should/shouldn't the company who runs Dreamworld be held accountable etc.

Even still this is a world event. This is the 4th Thunder River Rapids gen thread I've made and the mods haven't deleted it so go complain somewhere else dickhead. This has wider political implications in Australia.
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Tony Abbott would never have allowed the boats to do this.
too busy shitposting.
>Public servants Kate Goodchild, her brother Luke Dorsett and his partner Roozbeh Araghi were killed alongside 42-year-old Cindy Low when the ride malfunctioned just after 2:00pm on Tuesday.

wait so 2 of them were faggots? hope the other riders that afternoon all got fucking aids tests and shit after the water got infected with hiv blood

good fuckng riddance

your parents must be proud that you spend all day on the computer

fucking worthless neet
have you guys been on the spooky coaster
were you spooked?
Luna Park is so fucking old. I'm surprised the entire place hasn't collapsed yet.
What's wrong with that slide?
Oh yeah, that's for damn sure. Between design, the operator and that chick monitoring the E-stop there's a lot of repercussions to be had. What a wonderful welcome to the workforce that 18 year old will have
this anon is right, every thread so far has reached the bump limit so people obviously care about this.
Well now there is literally no reason to go to Australia.

Australia will be a third-world country in 5 years tops because of this.
CCTV Footage when?
4 people died

60 pakis died the same day and nobody talking about it.
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The sound that ride makes is horrendous and that's just a video of it working normally, two children watched that thing drag their mothers and two gays under the water while mangling and or ripping them apart. Not only that but apparently two of them where still alive for at least 20 minutes suffering from injuries incompatible with life. It must sucker to be the person fishing mangled flesh and organs from the water.
So are you self-loathing of all kiwis, or do you just hate the ones that come seek a better life here?
kek as if you're any better
The loading bay ahead of the conveyor functions as the buffer under normal conditions, but the possibility or the effect of a low water level after the conveyor was obviously overlooked. It seems like the designing engineers made dangerous assumptions when designing this ride and no-one questioned them for 30 years
Come back here in a few years to find out.
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>tfw I will never get an Aussie bf and take them to Six Flags Over Texas
Killing myself right now
had some people accuse me of trying to slide trumpgen threads. I've been browsing trumpgen threads and these rapidsgen threads at the same time. What's the fucking problem? If the Americans don't like it they should stop bumping the thread an leave us aussies to talk about it.
Fuck you if you ever found those leftist propagandists funny.
4 people die on a kids ride tens of thousands of us have been on. it also raises questions about how safe our theme parks are, a major part of our lucrative tourism industry.
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When they open the ride up they should rename it "The Mangler"
If you don't make the loop, you're stuck at best and you're stuck with the next person colliding with you at worst.
lol I growing up in the state of New Jersey, I went to this place quite frequently as a child, before it was shut down.

It was legendary for being completely out of control and unsafe. It was called Action Park, but had the nickname Traction Park.

Here's some more info for those interested:
haha underrated
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underrated as fuck
A Banished image huh

>r-really anon?
tfw astroworld was so overrun by spic and nigger gangs it w a forces to shut down.
the 60 people that died in the middle east weren't on a ride 90% of us have been on at least once in our lives. of course we are more interested in something that hits pretty close to home for most of us. we can all picture the 4 victims being ourselves or our loved ones
Mate it only became Leftist Propaganda after the APEC stunt where they had to toe the ABC Line in order to keep their jobs from there on.
>One worker told a local newspaper that "there were too many bloody noses and back injuries" from riders, and it was widely rumored, and reported in Weird NJ, that some of the test dummies sent down before it opened had been dismembered and decapitated.

Jesus Christ.
my favourite part is an anon from overseas going "omg who cares?" and stays the whole thread lambasting us for caring all the while asking for gore.
I made it myself.
>we can all picture the 4 victims being ourselves
yea i bet you can especially picture urself as 2 of them at least u fucking poofter lol

People are so pathetic these days.


Kill yourselves.
>In 2016 a new similar Cannonball Loop will open. The ride will feature a vertical drop, a teardrop shape loop, and a coffin shaped cage riders will ride in.
>coffin shaped cage

Mhm, I wonder if someone will realize the irony while drowning.

Does the Aussie park plan any spooky attractions in the wake of that boat flipping over? They could advertise it too skydivers or something.
spot on
>people just wanting to put flowers down


Gas Australia.
Hell I have almost the exact ride half an hour from me in the states. It's scary stuff.
Is there total darkness inside of the tube?
Yeah this pretty much.
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>Even when rides were designed to be safe, the staff often took pains to make them unsafe. The Super Go Karts were intended to have a top speed of 20 mph, but park staffers learned that wedging a tennis ball into the engine could give the cars a top speed of 50 mph, leading to some very dangerous games of high-speed bumper cars. Employees were also known to ride the park’s race cars on nearby Route 94.

Holy fuck this park sounds awesome..
if i was grieving, i would be so annoy'd by these unknowns
Don't you think it's a bit of an overreaction?
I don't know. It's possible to have either.
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Alright who has been on the superman ride in the front row? Shit was so good.
im surprised more of this stuff doesnt happen, sadly. a lot of staff treat these rides worse than useless industrial machinery. coupled with constant use every day, and its a recipe for disaster
yeah good1 m8
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Absolutely, we just have nothing to actually report in Australia until the next natural disaster
cheers dipshit
Gassing Australia? Fine. Just gas Queensland and Melbourne for a start.
It's amazing this didn't happen once before in the 30 years the ride has existed.
cyclone hitting sydney WHEN
Here in Perth strong winds blowing over some bins makes it to the news
Excellent. I made colonial charter

>here, have a rare Pepe
anytime edgy cuck
i have, the scariest fucking part is the earthquake news story. fuck earthquakes.
The park I go to is the one that had someone die on the Superman coaster. They changed it to "Bizarro" after that and they only changed it back to Superman this year, like 12 years later.

Although that guy was too fat to ride.
>Worst South Welshman detected
This isn't the first water ride with a raft to kill someone this year. You think ISIS is bad? We got an international epidemic of water rides butchering people you fuckwit. This is just one instance in a global crisis.
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>I made colonial charter
No, I mean, it's just some people who brought flowers. Even if motives are selfish, so what?
the one thing that always made me fearful was the seemingly high centre of gravity of the rafts. I thought that if anything was gonna happen it would be to do with that.
It bothers me that you Australians don't seem to value the joy of living in a quiet country. Boring is good. I for one would like to send all those cunts who crave some action to the middle east.
Holy shit what friday? I was expecting a longer time off
though I guess it makes sense. If you want people to forget it ever happened, opening as soon as possible is the easiest way to do that since it prevents a big re-opening months later that only brings up memories of why it shut in the first place. Doing it now and handling the initial hesitance to return is probably the smartest thing to do
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how did they get crushed and mangled though? i dont understand it. the dinghy fell on its side but the belt is far apart. it should have not been too bad.
its no news when it happens in america, we all know you have shit standards.
what was the last event? some child got eaten by a croc because there parents let them play by the lagoon what had a warning sign saying keep away?
>muh freedom, no one tells me what to do for my own safty
This demands rapid response obviously. Total ban on waterslides.
there is something morbidly funny about changing a rides name to bizarro after a fat kid dies on it. it would be like naming this ride the mangler or toddler orphaner
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i bought this off ebay.
Do you think they washed the boat of blood before removing it? They had black sheets covering it when it was still there
I dedicate this to the 4 lives that were lost. Just leave it playing the background.
In the future the boats all should have overoll bars and a breathing apperatus for every seat.
Flipped up tipping them backwards into the conveyor, grinding them between conveyor and raft.
Please explain?
>60 pakis died the same day and nobody talking about it.

do i even have to say it
Does anyone have a picture or video of the conveyor working normally (can be of a similar water slide too)?
pretty sure they're opening cause it cost them millions to be closed wednesday and thursday plus the millions they will get sued for.
I found that shit funny. I was 10 at the time.

Watching now is pretty cringe.
Head probably got stuck between the segments and the belt kept moving while the body couldn't.
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Look up Thunder River Rapids Dreamworld on YouTube
well those 2 children grow up and ji-had aginst dreamworld?
cant wait to see suicide bombers blowing them selfs up on the flume
It's the very first link in the OP.
wtf is this? I thought we were going to see the nice little family get ground up into mince. Then nothing happened. I want my money back.
the raft feels longer rather than wider. the rafts are quite lanky compared to others i've been on and it feels unstable when you go round
What about that one kid that got decapitated on the tallest water slide?
Kek I never thought of that

Anon, i don't you would be able to handle our bantz you americans are pussies that get offended by everything.

now spread them gayboi buttcheeks you little fruitfairy i'm gonna dunk my crusty prawn in your fair dinkum dunny poo pipe
To minimise their losses it makes sense to re-open sooner rather than later. It's not christmas holidays yet but every day shut is still a lot of money lost
I bet that attraction was packed as fuck after the incident. People love stuff like this. He theme park probably thanks its lucky start for this free publicity.
To my understanding: Anon is mad because that kind of act reminds him of the fake fucking braindead normies that he deals with every day. As well as the constant cacophony of "look at me I'm so moral, I'm so sensitive" that flows like blood through fagsbook and the like.

I AM projecting here, and if that's all we have to whinge about then we're doing pretty ok. Better than being swarmed with mudslimes.

The government should start a program that allows Australians to turn in their waterslides for destruction.
Yep I'm from Brisbane. The other dudes who worked on it are from the US and Sweden.
Good point I was on it the other day and I was thinking the same thing
Fuck. Dem bodies must have been shredded like lettuce.
Does this really need its own general? Not that big of a deal.

I gotta agree.
it would have been more than there head, the machine destory'd one of the chairs.
can someone post the pic please
He's just surprised at your compassion with foreigners
You are now imagining the group having a waterproof camera with them that was recording during the entire incident.
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>It's not christmas holidays yet but every day shut is still a lot of money lost

pretty soon it will be too cold for water rides anyway, and everyone will forget about it.

pic realted is another fine read I bought off ebay.
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sorry, i know it must have been pretty tragic, the name just caught me off guard
This was our 9/11 mate show some respect.
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and our boomerangs too

KEK my sides
didn't even get a mention.
was said person, somewhere they shouldn't have been?
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holy shit my sides.
We're grieving you fuck. This is a national tragedy.
>it'll be too cold

The legends of amerifat retardation are legitimate
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Either way it's pretty stupid to have the heads stuck out over the edge of the seats. If those had been higher and more stable at least this wouldn't had been a meat grinder.
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I love that mod. Really makes the game worth playing. Is development still ongoing?

I have nothing to offer you except this cool picture from Sunless Sea, but I know and admire your lovely work.
National tragedy???

2 gays and a Kike minced up

I'm thinking otherwise
Anon we're literally coming into the summer holidays
Christmas break is the longest holiday of the year and peak theme park time
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so it was basically a huge dishwasher?
>I am smarter than every engineer that worked on this ride

Drumpftkins are delisional

Holy fuck who cares?
being higer would make it less stable
>transparent strip represents the Thunder River Rapids
>4 wattle represent the victims
>the 2 chopped in half represent the 2 victims that had their heads cut off
>The pergola is supposed to represent the front of Dreamworld (aka Underworld)
You're pretty tough then mate, super impressed.
the children, will they be going into foster care?
Best silde ive seen (there is a pun for the observant)
you're just giving it free bumps, if you dont care dont post.
>thinks we have northern hemisphere season pattern
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lol. why do you have christmas in the summer.
thanks! yeah man there'll be more, probably for Xmas.

>floating down artifical river with water jets pushing you along
>spinning around in circular boat
>slow moderate thrill
>4 minutes later, reach conveyor belt
>slow boring climb back up to where you started
>at the end of the conveyor belt, boat fucking flips over, presses you against the belt and fucking grinds your body to shreds while your kids watch
yeah, a dishwasher that crushes all the plates.
Not if you made the base larger in diameter.

There's a reason nobody buys Australian cars.
Once people learned he was too fat to buckle in and rode anyway people didn't feel very scared or bad. The raft could've happened to anyone.
they'll probably live with close family, or their grandmother, but I'm sure they'll receive a fuck-ton of financial recompense for this.
I think what you said sums it up perfectly. This is why this is so fucked up.
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Holy Shit!!!

I knew this image would come in handy one day
Is it true that you'll shed three tears if I only say the word "Diana"

Fuck if I know
parents always try to get us to eat cold chicken for christmas lunch, it's fucking shit
Eh Aussies are a little different. Everyone from the city will be going for "muh Facebook, I'm so caring :'(" but anyone who's been outside the city will understand having a real sense of community and remorse.

When you live out bush you learn to get along with everyone and look out for each other, because if you don't you're fucked. That is both the original source of bantz and the reason why we give a fuck about strangers

well at least one part of the ride wasn't fucking boring.
they be swinging in it
German """"""""""engineering"""""""""" is a shitty meme and nobody worth their salt believes it

Enjoy getting assfucked by muhammad, cuck
they be swimming in it
Keep up the good work. I always end up overwhelmed by the amount of build chains I end up having to manage, but it's still the only way to play Banished. Any hints about the new content?
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>German """"""""""engineering""""""""""
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>Sea World doesn't heat up the spas when temperature is cool
The one weekday I go there and hop into one of their "spas" on a cloudy day. Fucking cold spas, why is this allowed?
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true mate, very true. I was on this with ride some family I was babysitting just last week, and my sister worked there at the beginning of the year so all this hits pretty close to home. It could have been me or any one of my family
Only cunts who have been on this ride can post itt
To be fair, it can't just be being reclusive in an hostile environment because last time I checked I didn't see any eskimos bantering around on 4chan. But who knows, maybe they are just waiting for internet.
kek, you rotten bastard
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>Only cunts who have been on this ride can post itt

i was floating on an inner tube recently and it flipped over.
Same here mate, had heaps of fun at Dreamworld and on that ride before. It's pretty fucked up.
Ya know the funny thing is when I was a kid i'd image my head being cut off by the cave entrance. Not actually trying to be edgy, it was a real fear.
>Be aussie woman
>go on amusement water ride
>get blended apart by machinery as my child watches
Rode it a couple of years ago, seemed pretty standard
its the ride I go on at the end of the day to relax. it looks like this family did the same judging by the time of day this happened.
Who's been on that ride at waterworld where you stand in a tube and the floor opens up
It was fully nuts boys
I bet that dumb 18 yo bitch in charge of the e brake was sitting in another room browsing facebook on her phone instead of watching the track because "lol what could go wrong, there haven't been a need to use the ebrake one single time yet, so why waste time standing next to it"
Did they deserve to die?
We broke the world record for factory genocide. All you did was build a rabbit fence across the country, but it only helped the abbo kids to find back home after you stole them.
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Did she die?
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why is everyone so fucking upset by this 27 people were killed in car accidents last week, like fuck every news stn has a hard on for this story wait for the actual incident report you silly wankers
from what I hear she's not responsible for pressing the button, some one else is. the button also malfunctioned earlier in the day
The seats were literally ground up along with the occupants >>94626187 Higher seats wouldn't have saved anyone
Basically this, you talk to anyone about it and they've been on that ride.
did you know them?

you're not grieving you're pretending. If anything people like bad news like this makes them feel better about there own shitty life.
because it happened in a public area full of children on the safest ride in one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country

c'mon think mate
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See the pic, The people at the back were the squishy bit between the floating raft and the conveyor
Are those rafts really that heavy that 2 people trapped under it can't lift them up with the roid rage of mortal danger?
Do you think the security camera footage will get released once the court cases for compensation start and it's presented as evidence?
Cheers Ausbro, I love the mod.

Could I request some quests/achievements or something? I completed all the Banished ones relativly quickly and don't know what to really do anymore.
>my child walks over to the freshly made dog food
>cans it up
>feeds me to some homeless guy instead
>child is a sick bastard
Yes. They're solid as fuck to prevent them from tipping over in any normal circumstance
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Wait, how did the other two end up where they did?
yes, they are very heavy. you'd need cranes to lift them.

Amazing mod btw
doesn't matter if it was her job to watch the ride and alert the vice-president of button pressing department of the need to press the button
anyway she is fucked job wise... no company will touch her because she is tainted meat now and they don¨t want to damage her their image..
also she is the perfect sacrificial lamb to pin the whole fault on because she is a "you dumb bimbo female who fucked everything up" so it's literally game over for her, she will be lucky if she will be able to get a job as a manual scavenger after this
Definitely not when they are drowning and upside down at the same time.
I used to love those rides, now I'm less inclined to go on them.

Then again I'm pretty sure I'd be fast enough to jump out when I realise the fucking thing is going to tip over.
>browsing facebook on her phone instead of watching
KEK I was thinking this aswell.
That is one killer ride
i am thinking mate and i think people love the drama and have little to no respect for the actual victims.
Hard to say, maybe they got flung straight up in the air when it happened or they floated underneath. Or its only one part of them.
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I bet the emus did this
Do you really believe this brother?

I would put money on her getting some money out of this because she had to witness all of this.
Wouldn't owners be eager to just settle it out of court?
I doubt she'll be liable, the fault lies squarely on the maintence crew who worked on it earlier in the day, and the management who didn't supervise her properly. She's more llikely to be fucked mentally,
Why would you need a conveyer belt in the downward direction of a slope?
t. Redit
This. Everyone that didn't know the victims and act like they care is full of shit.
Is it likely this ride will ever re-open?
It's certainly possible
But there's already stories of witnesses who are going to lawyers to ask for compensation
Witnesses unrelated to the families who died who were so traumatized by seeing it happen that they think they deserve millions
Nah, those crafty feather-gooks only engage in honourable warfare
It will almost certainly be demolished in an attempt to try and get people to forget that anything ever happened
did she show up for work on the second day?
youre a sucker
I love these rides too, this one in particular, it was so relaxing after an adrenaline packed day.

I think it happened so fast that there'd be no way you could react fast enough. I think people were actually flung out of the craft even with seatbelts on, that's how violently it happened.
what does 'incompatible with life' mean when not used to talk about unborn babies

why wouldn't they just say 'fatal injuries'
went on that the other day and it hurts the fuck out of your back, not to mention went on the river rapids that day as well
Will the park renamed into Deathworld though?
>Sea World creates 4D theater with passable Leslie Nielson pirate movie
>replaces it with god-awful Goosebumps movie where Christopher Lloyd looks ready to die in every scene
Here in Tampa they closed our ride at Busch Gardens that's similar indefinitely so they can have engineers come in and make sure such an incident is impossible. That should be a silver lining in this.

Fucking awful way to die though. Do we know how the two that drowned ended up under the jammed raft? It doesn't make sense given the angle they were launched
Maybe it could be named after the place where those victims are right now "Underworld".
LMAO a guy quoted that to me today. They received injuries that were incompatible with life. Like a doctor trying to break bad news.
>I'm afraid that the head happened to be a greater than usual distance from the body
I need some sort of video showing the physics of what would have happened or something so I can get my head around the whole thing. I can imagine the forces involved are pretty huge so that wouldn't surprise me.

They were mangled horribly, not yet dead, but not worth the effort to try and keep alive
Another anon mentioned it earlier. It basically means injuries so fucked that you're alive but not for particularly long. You could say fatal injuries, but presumably they say this so paramedics can tip-toe around the situation. No need to make things worse.
I genuinely feel sorry for these people because their last moments were spent worrying about the safety of their kids while getting eaten alive by machinery. It could have been you, me or anyone.

I agree all the flower shit and virtue signalling on facebook is way over the top though, it just seems disrespectful and self-centred.
I don't think this really qualifies as a happening. The difference is that these people didn't do something stupid to make it happen I guess.

I was at Disney the week after the guy stood up on Big Splash Mountain and died. It was a bummer because they had it closed.

Also remember the guy who got decapitated at six flags? That was on him. It's fairly rare to see people die at parks who didn't do something stupid.

Anyways, if you want some good leisure reading, the incidents and altercations lists from Disney World are pretty fun browse through. Especially the altercations.
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They need to construct this next
fatal injury would be used to describe someone DOA, injury incompatible with life is a term we use to describe someone who is alive but absolutely certain to succumb to the injury regardless of aid rendered.
Down Underworld

>I went to the land down under

They were lucky, they drowned in minutes, unable to get out of their chair probably from panic

The two who got thrown into the water, got their lower half minced up while being pushed along to the end of the ride while their nephews were small enough to float along safely

The injuries on the two from the water, were apparently so shocking to see, all the witnesses are off to counseling.
Anakin Skywalker just before becoming Darth Vadar. Shame we didn't have the tech to save them for the darkside.
You want to drink until we both throw up and start beating up shitheads?
It's a politely Aussie way of saying "yeah nah, shits fucked" really

it actually matters, because we're about to get amusement park rides banned.

this is like port arthur all over again

>something bad happens
>soccer moms love it
>thing gets banned

it's australia, we love our nanny state, so i guess we just lost amusement park rides.

unless of course you pay the government for an amusement park license to ride one ;)
Is there a video of them dying I need to masturbate on this canvas for my art degree it's entitled "From Death Do US Cummeth"
My bet is that they fell out to one side and were then dragged back under and into the center by jewelry or similar, before being pinned by the raft

This is some pretty good bantz Hans its almost like you have a mind of your own.
I reccommended the "Toddler ORPHANER" earlier in the thread but I doubt it would be chosen.
I actually agree with that, despite everyone calling me an SJW and over-emotional in the previous threads.
have you seen that gif of a man committing suicide off a train platform but he's wedged between the train and just spins? I'd imagine it was similar and just as brutal.
Also i watched the video and those boats move slow as fuck. Why not just jump off? It would be easy as fuck. Are they tied to the boat or some shit?

name it mario.

"why do you call it mario?"

"cuz it's an organ grinder".
>The injuries on the two from the water, were apparently so shocking to see, all the witnesses are off to counseling.

probably never been on /b/ or the ync.
It could have be prevented.
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>useless cunt is useless at her job
>4 people die

Gotta meet those diversity quotas

Why do i have a feeling she was texting at the time, should have been simple enough to turn off the machine the second she spotted one was stuck, at the very least when they saw another full raft heading right too it. There are cameras everywhere there.
That shit looks ancient. As in old Russian amusement park ancient.

Why would renewable belt never land on the park admin's head?

Also, nasty way to die. I've seen dismembered bodies irl so it is not a very pretty picture for 5 and 12 year olds to see
The canal looked pretty narrow so I dunno how they went around their upturned raft without landing on something. It's just weird how we have so many conflicting reports when we've confirmed that the cops there have CCTV footage. Like just play the fucking tape and look
I watched gore shit for most of my life, saw somebody get pushed in front of a metro a couple of months back.

This shit still leaves you shocked no matter how used you are to seeing violence online tbqh
> grindr.webm
Cheers mate, haven't seen this. Was about what I expected.
hmm a similar thing happened in the UK on a ride called the smiler. A young, inexperienced operator left a test cart on the track after maintenance. A cart filled with passengers careened into the back of the stationary cart, as the operator hadn't made sure it made the full cycle. The people in the cart behind the stationary one had serious injuries and several of them needed their legs amputated.
They were tied to their seats.
Well, that looks painful.
Why did you push him then if you mind it so much?
You know, I saw a lot of gore but this is one of the few times where I really don't want to see it.
The whole addition of water makes it much worse somehow
What the fuck is wrong with this country if it doesn't just suffice to say "4 dead in accident", but rather we need 3d rends of how shit went down? Is Australia turning into /b/?
How the hell did they end up pinned UNDER the other raft then?

It's a gatdayam conspiracy I tell yer
eh I deal with human dead bodies and body parts/organs a lot and I'm used to it now. No different than seeing fake gore in a movie or something
how were 2 flung to safety?
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pic related is what actually happened once the raft hit the conveyor

it's a slow news week, there's fuck else going on in this country at the moment



No they don't. Only the mothers got minced.
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>>94628243 they might have fell through the belt might have taken injuries falling through it and drowned under the carriage
What is the problem with showing how it went down?
have you ever been flipped in water? It's disorienting. Let alone having a heavy seat on top of you. Their legs or something probably got caught between the wide gaps in the conveyor belt and dragged them under.
Guess they'll never be the heads of a MAJOR corporation

The two that survived were children, they were small enough to avoid the grinders
If that boat really flipped like that it would pushed their heads right into the belt...

>conveyor belt: How would you like you hair done sir?
>occupant: "Just fuck my shit up"
studying to be a doctor
Death is not a bad thing mate. Morbidity is a huge part of our culture and wanting to know how someone dies isn't some sort of novelty it's a calming thing for the most part, it's closure.
>this thread

Who knew Aussies were such fags.
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Come one! You must know how to pin people under streams of water. You do it all the time.
That was an awful accident.
it was a lunatic that had escaped from his mental institution in Hamburg.
He traveled to Berlin and pushed a poor girl in front of a metro because he thought she was following him around.

Well if you deal with dead bodies irl regularly you might harden up, but I dont think that watching violence online will have the same effect.
It didnt for me
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Oh wow, thos 2 kiddos sat up there and watched the whole thing with front row seats
I guess the engineers got their degree on Theme Park Tycoon 2.
How do you know she wasn't though?
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I mean the two that didn't get grinded but instead drowned
Better than being pinned under your wife's rapist Kraut

>world's largest water slide
>has a hill 8n the middle to give you an extra run time
>only age restriction, regardless of physice
>you go down on a raft with safety harnesses ingeniously patched together with duct tape
>there's a net, over the slide, after the hill, to prevent you from fly8ng out
>some stupid parents let their kid ride with them
>surprisingly, he fl8es out after the hill and is decapitated on the netting
>some bimbo also broke her jaw during the incident, presumably on this kids corpse

I live near KC, you can see this water slide from miles away on the interstate. The first thing I thought when seeing it is, "some dumbshit will die on this thing"
this isnt politics
He didn't say she wasn't.
Examples of "incompatible with life"
The fact that we no longer have a shared mythology which encompasses and discusses death means that the part of our psyche which need to explore it finds other avenues such as morbid curiosity of tabloids and blockbuster action movies
Nah we need proper recordings of the event.
The first day I was exposed to bodies a few people in the class threw up. I found it strange but enjoyed and found it fascinating. I had seen a lot of gore before so I think that partly helped. I'm just not squeamish I suppose. My brother thinks I may be a psychopath but I doubt it
Did he get the shit kicked out of him?
it is, it has wider effects on australian safety standards in the future. this also happened in the most popular destination for tourists in a state reliant on tourism. its not major, but its still news especially for us aussies.
kids were probably on the other side, further away from the belt and it didn't pinch them.
Yes this subject is certainly a incorrect political thing that requires our attention.
Good insight bong.
I wonder if there are any studies on this
Tfw lord Tones could have turned back the boat

Did he die?
Honestly browsing /b/ definitely helped me to become less squeamish as a kid, I am a little bit still though.
That makes sense, the sudden deceleration would've explained them getting ejected and quickly processed then the other two being strapped in for a longer process.
I'm guessing the two ejected people were the ones that hung on for longer then?
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Here's my theory, sorry for poor quality image
/b/ is a large part in all of us that taught us to think outside of our sociocentric views
I think this is what probably happened. Someone said they saw a woman being hung upside down from the conveyor by her foot so I wouldn't be surprised if one was dragged under and drowned
I've only been to Dreamworld once ten years ago and that ride was so much fun, went down with my family in one raft.

For such a fun family experience to instantly just become a fucking meat grinder is really horrible. So glad the kids survived but they must be fucked up for a long time.

Read paramedic stories on here before. Shit is crazy what you guys deal with. Start a thread one day mate I'd be happy to read them.
>a long time
Like forever?
>tfw the Scenic Railway is still better than Melbourne's public transport
>a few people in the class threw up
Imagine being the victims and seeing this woman at her station as you are being disemboweled by gnashing metal teeth. "Push the button!" you yell as she stares with her mouth wide open and hands on top of her head. "Just push the button!". There goes your legs. Men from the waiting line are now rushing towards her shouting the same. Almost a minute has passed now. Steve, from the next ride over, finally reaches her and smashes his hand down on the big red emergency stop plunger. She notices his bronzed skin, dread locked hair, and coral necklace, and thinks to herself 'He's kinda cute'. He shouts at her "Why didn't you stop it!?"

Her only reply, "I don't know what to doooo!"
I feel like I could manage well looking at autopsies but seeing serious in injuries of people still alive will fuck me up I think

A bumped into a homeless looking guy at night recently in a wheelchair who was missing a finger. The wound was fresh and you could see the bone at the knuckle. He said it got caught in the spokes and had been discahrged from hospital and asked to leave.

It was late and he was asking me for money to get somewhere by taxi, he said he needed £18. I went and asked in the hospital we were standing outside about him and if it was true if theyd just asked him to leave, it seems like it might have been true

I didnt give him money, because I felt like he wasn't being honest even though his hand was obviously fucked up. One other finger was broken. I still feel like I didn't do the right thing
Think she would've been stunned enough for you to get a grope without her noticing?
Yeah, I've been there multiple times growing up. Used to travel up from NSW every few years to go to one of the theme parks, then went with my mates a couple of years ago as an adult.

Great theme park. I'm not torn up over this, but man, I'm having a "could have been me" moment.
let's do it cunt

cbf paying for dreamworld tho boathouse should just happen
Probably could've grabbed her by the pussy.

Link more videos I haven't reached the national average yet
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>those people at the top have to watch the bottom at the bottom get mulched into minced meat
>for minutes on end
>while nobody stops the ride
>have to watch the other 2 get dragged off to god knows where
>people around screaming and throwing up
>and yet, the ride isn't stopped, because of some useless cunt at the controls
I don't think counseling is gonna help for this one.
I want to do emergency med or trauma surgery when I specialize, something about being there for people when shits at its worst appeals to me. have heard some crazy stories from ER docs I know
They all washed out pretty quickly, who knows what they're doing now.
new thread when?
>Caleb, who weighed 74 pounds, should have been in the center of the raft. Instead he was in front of two women – one weighing 275 pounds and another weighing 197 –

fatties, not even once
There already is one
>new thread

>thread splitting
This already exists >>94629684
Fuck off I made this one first

What the fuck I already said your thread already exists literally one post above yours.
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