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is UKRAINE a non country /pol/ ?

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no such country
back to /x/ with you
Ukraine is a made up nation that exists solely to divide and conquer Eastern Slavs and make them weaker as a whole.

why is russia in this weird color combination?
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the Ukraine is weak!!!
pick one
I don't get it
i honestly believe ukraine to be a non country like belgium basicly a buffer state to keep russia in check
No-country. Should be split and clay returned to rightful owners.
If owners refuse clay, that should be formed into Ukraine
Ukraine is a country and has a rich 25 years history of independence

go away chupacabra

More like a rich 25 years of being someone else's puppet, whether it's the West's or Russia's. Ukraine as an independent state has never had a time of political or economic stability, which is proof enough that it shouldn't exist.
The notion of Ukraine being a country is a work of fiction much like "alien crop circles" and "melt fuel cant jet the beam steals" , and belongs in /x/..
They're not so bad.
pretty much this
Leaf you don't know. 25 years its oficial, check any source.
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All of you are non-countries, only rightful country in the world is the USA
We were Russians before Russians were Russians. Check any Ukrainian or Israel source.
It belongs to Russia. Fuck Nato cucks that support the genocide of their own race.
Says the British clay in denial.
Shut up brit
i'm sorry for them, tho i see no reasonable way for them than to go a little bit more nationalistic and wait through the storm, also they should beg eu for gibs, than again hohols prepare for extreme jewing
about jewing, you're infested with actual jews so that's pretty shitty too
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>when the child speaks up to the adults.
hush now amerrypoop
Clearly Russian proxy fag
>check any ukrainian or Israeli source.
I see what you did there.. Here's a you for you
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crimea is rightful russian clay
>when a senile dying old man thinks hes still relevent

we've been kicking your ass since 1856, funny how the USA has always used the same jewy tactics. We have a word for you, Filibusters.
>being this delusional
You're one of many things that are wrong with this shithole.
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>terrain populated by pole-russian bastards that hate both groups they came from and posses animal tier intelligence
Ukraine is proof positive that borders should surround nations.

You get 2 or 3 nations in one country, you have problems.

You'd think people would figure that out after a while but I guess not.
but whats the positive case for joining RUssia? Why shouldnt Ukraine be in the EU?
It's good to be proud of your """"country"""", but don't forget - you live in a shithole and you helped make it shithole
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Your country is literally irrelevant. Only the petrodollar is keeping you about as well as that inflated blackhole tumor of a military industrial complex of yours.

What you gonna do nig when da joos stop working their magic for you?
it is a country, just part of russia.
It's like Alsace-Lorraine as a separate state. Aboriginal German land with the German population, which does not want to consider themselves as Germans due to political (the media) reasons, but associate themselves with the history of Germans and German roots, and are the bearers of German culture.
German - Russia, France - Poland, Als, Lorr - Ukraine.

It's a sovereign state of people who are racially and culturally superior to subhuman mongrelized asiatic barbarian Russians.
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Russia is evil, this cover convinced me.
EU+US along with their Soros-tier Jewish puppet masters are the reason thousands of Ukrainians have died in civil war and why chunks of their land are being taken from them. They see Ukraine as a political tool to hurt Russia. Perhaps also a giant brothel.
>Russia is evil
Earlier we were known as "Empire of Evil". Now we are just "evil". Is this decrease?
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>Soros-tier Jewish puppet masters
Explain then why Israel didn't join anti-Russian sanctions, and continues to expand economic and military ties with Russia.
>They see Ukraine as a political tool to hurt Russia. Perhaps also a giant brothel.
Haha thats true

But dont forgett how much money (((they))) make out of all the organs of ukrainian soldiers.
Ukraine is Russian
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bitiful girls ruined by rusky subhuman language
Because we are secret allies
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because jews arent turks which chimp out and shoot down rusian planes they do it covertly. jews hate russia tho. all oposition in russia are jews.
when are you gonna take it back
but why?
Nono ukraine facist we must liberate them from fasicm
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>jews and russians

more like business partners.

>only doing slightly doing better because of selling off all of its natural resources
>Most of those resources in Siberia will end up belong to the Chines in 50 years
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>It's a sovereign state of people
>and culturally superior
you lost me here
>to subhuman mongrelized asiatic barbarian Russians
and we're back
I was being sarcastic, the propaganda is getting too over the top.
he doesnt even want dnr or lnr

he want to keep ukraine at bay, so that they loose money trying to stear up war with russia.
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wow nigger
>only doing slightly doing better because of selling off all of its natural resources
20% of gas and oil 9%
>Most of those resources in Siberia will end up belong to the Chines in 50 years
chinese dont wanna die in a nuclear blast.
Its just a Russian abortion like all the Balts and Poland
Israel != The Jewish elite.
>Only the petrodollar is keeping you about as well as that inflated blackhole tumor of a military industrial complex of yours.
and yet you are their willing puppet

your ignorance is pathetic.
non-countries, since countries don't exist
only artificial social constructs like borders, culture, and race
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soros is an antizionist
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I knew I'd get at least one butthurt Polack
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Time will pass and they will imbued with our common historical destiny. Even now, if you ask Ukrainians, whether he is Russian, he will answer that he is, but because they stupid anti-historical propaganda some of they dont' consider us as russians (they really think, that we are finno-mongols, i am not joking). But you can never figure out where "Russians" begins and ends "Ukrainians", because it is one, common roots, a common history, cultural, yes, ukranians has regional culture, as other parts of russians - novogorodians, pomors, ryazans, terek cossacks. And for the preservation of our cultural heritage and for future, we should be together, without political and ideological division. They will understand over time. Now they are hostage to the situation in which they fell. When they are, and feel part of the Russian people and the Russian civilization, but are subject to anti-Russian propaganda and a complex about it.
Well duh that kinda happens when someone has both the most money and power in the world. Although most of it has been a fucking sham for decades now.
Just fucking spit yourself and fucking give you clay to Poland, Romania and Russia whey they belong in the first place.
>The world would me much better off and happier.
Bueno, voy a entretenerlos con mis chistes de Polacos.

¿A cuantos Polacos les toma a comerse un burrito? Dos.

¿A cuantos Polacos les toma a manejar a Panamá? Dos.
what about belorussians they belong to russia too right , both just states created to keep u guys in check
>I was being sarcastic
I know bro
Just joke.
(((NATO))) wanted to build a base there. NOT good for russians.
What do you think the JEW.S.A would do if russia tries to build an air base in cuba?

looks like a frog
There you fucking go. Back to the fucking cold war we go.
But if US and EU are puppets of Jewish elite, then surely Israel is as well.
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Firstly intented to be just a buffer zone between Russia and NATO, now thinks its something more than just an American protectorate.

So, no, it's not a country.
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2014 may well have been the year of birth of the actual Ukrainian nation. Only time will show.
Not necessarily. The Jewish elites see Israel as their holy land or whatever you Jews call it, but Israel as a state is wholly sovereign and self-interested.
>what about belorussians they belong to russia too right
Yep. Belorussian language morphologically it has no differences from the standard Russian language. The difference is only in some part of lexis. Like the ukranians people on the modern Belarus territory called themselves russian people as ethnicity.
They looked at the EU and thought 'that looks good I want to join'.

That alone tells me Russia should annex the entire place. Throw Poland in too. I am sick of them leeching.
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israel state haz nothing to do with jews.
>of the actual Ukrainian nation.
For what purposes? This does not change the fact that an independent Ukraine is a historical and civilizational stub, but not the whole.

what the hell is under the EU and UKR puzzle - a bacon?
You post same shit in every of this threads. Do you even sleep?
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no, just because some turks converted to judaism doesnt mean it is your clay.
Yep, a Salo.
Mmmm, it's really fucking tasty.
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do YOU even sleep¿
every day fearful that bad evil pootin will take your precious country
so afraid cant sleep
I remember when people actually called out the RIDF for their shit. Same for JIDF.
dont forget AIDF
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>It's good to be proud of your """"country"""", but don't forget - you live in a shithole and you helped make it shithole
Literally Russia
Ukrainian living in NL there. 90% of Ukrainians and Russians, just as the rest of the Slavs are pure trash and should have been flushed down the toilet when they were born. Every decent Ukrainian/Russian will leave their cucked country at any possibility. It is pretty funny to see brainwashed Ivans fighting with each other even though both Ukraine and Russia are going to shit.
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It's an artificial country.

It's such an failed country it makes Albania look good. This is African level of incompetence.
Had too much cocaine today? Your nose is bleeding.
This is a really cool picture toothpaste, I'm saving it
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It's a Country, a country called Russia
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That's some weapon-grade hamstering one can only see on /pol/.
Shut up Poroshenko.
Why must there be a purpose? A persistent will to distinguish themselves from Russia can be enough.
did you ignore my post? soros in an anti-zionist
A sad reminder of the tragic fall of the Russian Empire, along with Belarus and Kazachstan
Baltics, Caucasus and the rest of Central Asia can go though
>White Russia

Does that mean Russia is the Niggers of Russia?
True. But too bad that will is based on eternal butthurt and we wuz kingz tier delusions, all the while running your own country into the ground because you lack foresight, being basically a low-tier African country in Europe.
So? What does it matter? Are you saying he doesn't care about State of Israel enough to make it his puppet like US and EU?
They are not even close to my level
But to continue to associate themselves with Russian history, Russian roots, culture and so on? It is very strange.
Persistent will not cancel the fact that the russian roots of the Ukrainians.
Persistent will not give the independent Ukraine civilizational and historical integrity, because they always will understand how ephemeral is historical boundary between the "Russians" and "Ukrainians".
Now is not the 8th century AD, when the related tribes could go separate ways and become different people. Ukrainians have already been formed as part of the Russian society, they are inseparable from the image of the Russian state and Russian culture in their society.
We had belorussians (white Russians), malorussians (the russians of Malorossia- Ukranians, "small Russia"-Southern Ukraine), and velikorussians (Great Russians, the modern ones)
They will end up like belgium
It should be noted that all this - not aboriginal self-designation. This is only a formal 18-19c. designation. The aboriginal name is one - ruskije lyudi (russian people).
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>Forever butthurt
Pick both, our first independence war was the beginning of your kike run empire's downfall.
>b-b-but not a real country!
Truly a retarded delusion, might as well say Portugal and Finland aren't real countries.
go look at historical maps of europe mate.
Nice argument. You fail to realize that the Jewish elites are not the same people as the leaders of Israel. They are separate groups with mutually exclusive interests.
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Don't listen to them ukbros, I actually love ukrainean women's...
Country from 12c.
Has specific ethnicity.
No. Ukraine more like Kosovo or Rep. of Macedonia.
So you think that Moldavia - an independent country and should remain independent forever, right?
>our first independence war
You're talking about Russians living in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, ye? :^)
ikr, I also love Moldova)))
Lol, because even there it is written, "The Cossacks of Rus/ Ruthenia".
ehh, check, even if it's similar to Russian

Verdict: more a country than non-country

its called R.Moldova you russian pig.And no, by 2018 we will unite.But this is a different story, Romania-R.Moldova business != Ukraine-Russia.

R.Moldova was the upper part of Moldova(that united with us) that was annexed by you russian thiefs.
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much to learn, they have
>its called R.Moldova you russian pig
I will not stoop to insulting of your people, idiot. Your insults towards my people are pathetic and ridiculous.
>Romania-R.Moldova business != Ukraine-Russia.
Oh, lul. No, it's literally the same.
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Soon, there wont be any Russia anymore.Everyone senses how weak you have become, you are barely a regional power now
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Um, ok.
We dont need in world domination. We already have so much territory.
So the Jewish elites are strong enough to impose their will on America, but not strong enough for tiny Israel?
Moldova is a shithole wtf you just fuck money on it
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In 2020 Ukraine will become world's 3rd biggest food exporter even though, in comparison to West, it uses old farming technologies.
Ukrainian land is godly-tier fertile. It's Ukraine's biggest treasure.
No wonder the (((IMF))) grabblers want to put their hands on it.
In 2020 Turkey will be a superpower.
one thing i dont agree on with russians , kalinigrad belongs to germany though originally Konigsburg
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>Invade another country
>Kill tens of millions of its people for no fucking reason
>They beat you the fuck out and take chunks of your land
>Wahhhhh it's our land
ITT: Olginos working hard
Superpower? No.
Powerful country and regional superpower? Absolutely.
>2020 Ukraine will become world's 3rd biggest food exporter
A bunch of that is earmarked for China since they own the farms.
Why do you think that we do not agree with this?
We think so too, it's german clay.
It's just our military trophy.
Russia is born in Kiev, so I assume Ukraine is theirs. However, our country was was assembled in Brussels and Dijon, but neither of those are ours,
This. Kaliningrad is giant, nuclear-armed land landing craft. Right at polish border.
Pls remov.
it has been historically part of prussia named konigsberg

>canadian education everyone
>Russia is born in Kiev,
In Novgorod actually.
But Kiev is very important city in our history and culture.
What's your point?
This leaf is good. I approve of you, Leaf.
Oh for fuck's sake, Poland! Calm down already, you are useless! Only reason you'll get any bombs dropped on you to begin with are the NATO bases.
Just remove them, stay neutral, and we'll more than gladly get our tanks down your highways straight to Germoney.
look at the beaner with a high school diploma. Look at him and laugh.
>Novgorod actually
That's what school programming wants you to believe.
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>is literally a country

Soo no?
Cossacks finally gained a country
They can't rule themselves, but they are trying
Wut? What scool programming?
I say to him some about history of Russia.
You also can read this on wikipedia.
Oh yes, tell us what our school programming wants us to believe.
Don't forget to tell us what is the truth, too! In details. With sources.
They're not Cossacks, Poland.
They're your holops and our holops who think they can into country through furously bashing their country's head against a brick.
you burgers even cant into maps to post this pic. not every country today can handle 25 years being independent and stuff. you should respect ukraine ok?
One poenis is removed time to give back the other poenis,Ucraina. Only America can have penis/
Of course it's a country. Wen did russian shills take over this board. Can't wait for the eventual collapse of Russia. Us finns, baltics, poles, turks and others will share the russian land and reclaim our glory.

You Mongols have been saying that for over 1000 years. No matter how shitty Russia gets its not going to collapse.
>can't wait for the eventual collapse of Russia
You're better sit down and grab a drink.
San-Marino exists since 301. Did you even try? Or were you just selling Daddy Soviet's stuff and living off it?
>No matter how shitty Russia gets its not going to collapse.

Russia has collapsed twice in the last 30 years. Once you let living standards get that low, you are not really a country anymore.
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The less there is of Russia the better tbqh
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People have been predicting the imminent collapse of Russia for like 500 years.
They were under Yanukovich

> weather great recession better than most western countries and Russia.
> shake Putin down for 10s of billions while pretending to be his friend.
> have Russia pay for Sevastopol instead of them owning Crimea

Of course ukrop bydlo pissed away the one guy gaming everybody and replaced him with literal happy merchant and Ukraine is now white Somalia
>2 times
>Russia has collapsed twice in the last 30 years.
And over 9000 in the last 1000 years.
But we are still exist, buddy.
Lol now. Ur gonna get your asses kicked then bitch about Russian occupation while they literally rebuild your country. Just like all the other times
break up made up slavland
gib back clay to rusland, romania, poland and hungary and make Kiev a city state and give it to the EU; along with azov homosex crew
Temporal loss of territory isn't significant.
Surely you tell that to yourself when you cry yourself to sleep while cuddling a map of your ex-colonies, Lord Maximillian?
Ukraine is as much a country as Bayern or Bretagne. You are Russians.
Deal with it.

Better to then to be a Nato Meatshield 3rd world shitcountry that gets exploited by everybody.
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>reclaim our glory
Are you fucking serious?
What locals don't seem to understand is the fact that Ukrainians in their majority are not civilized.
I am not saying this in an attempt to insult or ridicule them.
They're simply uncivilized. Incapable, en masse, of creating something new, high-tech.
They had to be forced, by the Soviets, into working. And they did good while they had an overseer: they made aircraft carriers, tanks, bombs, giant planes.
But then, the overseer left. And the genetical slaves, inferior due to their upbringing and conditioning, were left to their devices.
Result is a country that had spent its quarter a century selling Soviet equipment, giving out aircraft carriers - even selling one for 1,6mln to the Chinese, - cutting up their strategic bombers, willingly giving their nukes over...
They are slowly regressing to what is their true, natural state when no overseer is around.
Simple folk. Farm folk.
We are evil, I believe. Trying to force Ukrainians into rising to glory... It was, debatably, a bad idea. They don't want fame. They don't want glory. They don't want to be the best.
They want to be farmers, with locally-made booze, a few herds of pigs, and fields. That's as much as a usual Ukrainian can desire for.
After Russian Empire was destroyed unfortunately by damn brits, we should have stay out of soviet Union as Ukranian People Republic, would be less problems and more prosperity! Look at these beautiful borders.
As if someone would have allowed you to stay separately, Mykolai.
We all know you're supposed to be ours.
Gibe Lwów back
>school programming
cockhole - stealth mode
Ukraine is that one slav country that liked Hitler right?
take this shit for free. ugly city ugly people.
you're just boring and stupid, ussr was terribliest thing taht happened in Russia history after mongols, its just not natural for russian people
Says the 3rd world shithole
Why don't you team up with Russia and split Ukraine between you rather than bitching and crying about them 24/7?
And you're butthurt.
Calm down, spare clay. Once we're done in Syria we'll return to chomping you up.
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You are forgotten "kurwa!".
Yes, it's polish clay, i think.
>after mongols
Why all hate mongols? They were not so bad.
Because they don't understand what a suzerain is.
And they think they're not vassals of ours that went rogue.
Said the country, which owes its existence to the 3rd world shithole.
Thats why you violent motherfucks prefer our cities eh? You have to go back
Top kek. Learn some actual history and stop watching rt.
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>Learn some actual history
two faggots trolling fat and boring
retard with genetic hate to all russian formed in losing clay and wars to Russia
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so how do ukranians actually feel about being a sovereign nation??
>eugh you're so boring i will write a reply and solve captcha to say that you're boring
ukranians are actually a nation, just a very young and mostly formed during soviet times with politics of ukrainisation which USSR been having. Russian Empire was anti-ukrainian but was generally much better country for living for all members.
>Crimean tartars
fucking kek
you can't be anti-nonexisting nation, you silly cockhole
Ukraine is Russia's crusty dick sock.
Fuck all those ruskies. Russia is doing the same ratrace and is the same shit as the E.U. and U.S and A. Ukraine have some real interesting history, and some of the best nationalist music is from there. As far as I understand Kievian Rus' was the old Russia in it's full glory which also was ruled by varangian vikings. What is there not to like about Ukraine?
There's about as much relation between current Ukraine and Kievan Rus as there is between you and Vikings, coalburner.
Ukraine is a non-country. It is the peripheral district of Russia.
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lol, that video, jesus what a fucking shithole.
>As far as I understand Kievian Rus' was the old Russia in it's full glory which also was ruled by varangian vikings.
That is why we want to reclaim our ancestral territory and a large part of our people, which is separated from us for political reasons.
Modern Russia comes directly from Russia the 9th century. Ukraine was formed during the Russian Civil War.
Says the ruskie. Was it not glorious seeing the Russian Empire being ransacked by askhenazim kikes? Just a little worse than british christfags enabling Israel to wage war against other europeans, mongrels.

whoa there you, do you exist at all my Poo-land?
Shut up Ádo.
Ukraine is less of a country than Catalonia. At least Catalans have some of their own culture and heritage.
You know what the difference between you and I is?
Russia rises again and again.
Nothing can bring it down once and for all.
We are not an Empire that lives. We are a force of evil, I guess.
And Sweden is meeting its final days, rotting slowly, being overtaken by muslims.
You were supposed to be the best of all whites, and instead you are... This.
you stupid shit, was no ukranian language back in Russian Empire, only small russian dialect, no books, no education. But there was already a term ukranian, only geographically attached. It wasn't a nation, but still ethnic group.
I think same.
The civilization of death, like phoenix.
Sweden was the great empire. But it falls.
And it will never be so great.
You're a soviet waste of energy and resources.
And like all wastes, you should be cut down in order to make space for improvements.
I wish it did not fell.
Scandinavia was great.
>but still ethnic group.
Term "ukranian" also were not old, and very popular.
And there were books in ukranian. Shevchenko as most famous.
>It wasn't a nation
>nonexisting nation
So what's your point?
>Scandinavia was great.
Now even we have more scandinavian nature then scandinavians.
However, I hope they will regain their culture and glory.
Everything goes in cycles, my friend. Altough I doubt Russia would not be anything else than a empty vodka if it were not for the fact your distant rulers had some of that precious nordic blood running in their veins. I don't have anything but praise for you slavshits but I sure as hell don't understand why you ruskies hate Ukraine.
>Now even we have more scandinavian nature then scandinavians.
I mean except icelendians, they are pretty cool.
Mr. Porosenko, go to sleep.
>why you ruskies hate Ukraine.
Where arent. We love Ukraine and it's culture, because it's our culture and we want to there will no political division within our culture and ethnicity.
They are basically the Russian version of Scotland. They are irrelevent, have a perpetual chip on their should and won't stop whining about how they're going to leave.
You don't seem to understand.
We do not hate Ukraine.
You do not hate a dog that ran off in the night.
You are discontent with it being unruly. You let it have its fun and retrieve it when possible. Perhaps let it in when it realises getting food without you is hard and it has to return.
Exactly how I imagine Ukraine.

Almost forgot.
No, never.
It's more of a Rothschild colony where its people that have been purposly been driven out of Europe are expected to live in fear and die for their aims of controlling the region. If ((they)) lay their protective hand off you,as in no more US protection no more subsidized economy(20% of your exports are diamonds) you'll sooner or later have the same fate as the crusader kingdoms. And no,nukes won't save you,Pakistan has nukes and has the ability to take a few and keep going while three nukes could wipe out most populated areas of Israel and the surrounding arabs would then wipe off the rest.
Fiy it's why you're not allowed to spread your dominion across mena,which would actually be preferable to the curent situation. On the other hand you have golden boy status and can orchestrate the downfall of cunts like Irak,Libia or Afghanistan,so it's definitely a complicated game.
Ukraine existed before Russia.
It cannot be a non country.
Ah yes.
The 'Ukraine is Kievan Rus' meme.
no, not you, go away.
>Ukraine existed before Russia.
And before the rest of universe.
The joke might not be as funny as, say, 10 years ago, but still...
And who is "me", might i ask?
Your country is a tank highway.
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Do you guys eat this there? I really like it,more than our halva and def more than the sesame one's from greek and the roach.
How much do you pay for it,I think I payed around 90 eurocents equiv,I want to know how much am I getting jewed
Ah yes the "everything that people take seriously is a meme" meme.
Truly, a classic.
i hear russia wants you back. love you long time.
>ukrainian nationalists
the one who looks very delusioned. You can't ignore historic processes to put facts as you like. If you still want to put a thought you did, than do it according to facts. Like, the lands where modern ukraine is situated were populated first, cities were built there first. But they were obviously very russian, not ukranian at all. It's still part of your history, you may be proud. just use slava rusi form than
Because then we would have to be neighbours.

>inb4 Kaliningrad
It's more like a dog's poop than actual dog.
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>Ukraine literally means 'on the edge'

You're the edge of Russia, deal with it hohol.
try to find peanut one for next level
It wont be soon lmao
You're not even a state.
You're Europe's backyard.
Language isnt check. Ukrainian language was creating during all 20 century, 1930, 1980, 2015 versions are different, and its still forming - even modern ukrainian politicans do mistakes. Its hard to understand, why are they trying to replace normal languge by strange mix of russian, polish and local village dialects.
You can take it,we need the demographic boost made up by moldovan refgee tbqh
I'll trade you Moldova for Northern Bukovina and Bugeac.
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Why's there an ocean of piss on their flag?
Well, i mean, it does if you put it through google translate 10 times over in Asian languages but otherwise no, it doesn't.
Oкpaинa - Укpaинa
You're not even trying.
scierwo, please stop it
Бля, дa хвaтит нaд ним издeвaтьcя, y пapня впoлнe нeплoхaя иpoния.
Yes so was called the eastern most region of Poland/the Commonwealth:
>Ukraina: U+kraina - U kresu krainy - U krańcu krainy Korony Królestwa Polskiego, Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów.
>Ukraine: At+borderland - At the borderland of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Yeah but the nazis chimped out so much they turned them into enemies. I'm paraphrasing Albert Speer's book but he mentions that the first year of occupation he could drive unescortee in an open top mercedes across the entire country but bc of Himlers moronic behaviour lioke mass rapes and dinamitng old churches-symbols he turned that place into a giant nesthive of yugo tier partizans tying up insane amount of ss troops.
Hitler should have mememagic himself to them as the new Napoleon of the East that promised them freedom from Soviet oppression
.Never underestimate legendary German autismo
>a fucking leaf
may I suggest you something, leaf? pick up some good, but good history book. Poland created "Ukraine" - a wild, huge land with a bandits, outlaws from Lithuan and Polish nobility, some Russians and Tatars. Ta dah! you have Ukraine!
Both "Kievan Rus" and "part of Poland" are fakes, because ukrainian steppes was empty before massive fortification in the end of 17 century.
better tell me why you stole our flag. none of you swedes could ever answer this
Ukraine's a country with a long history. Its mentioned by the Cossacks, by Shevchenko, by so many others.
The word Ukraine is a mixture of the word borderlands (ykraina) and from the word homeland (vkraina).
Its not a made up country.
>and from the word homeland (vkraina).
A meme.
Ukraina - it's literalitally "near border, borderland". Average slavic word.
The word "vkraina" does not exist and never existed.
kpaina means country. You're talking about a word that is pronounced completely differently.
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Ukrainians are just Ruthenians, Poles, Lithuanians, Scots, Irish etc. etc. running away from the law in the old Commonwealth to the wild steppes. The traitor Chmielnicki himself was a Polish noble in fact. >>94419852

Because we can at+the+borderlander. ;)
Lol, it is one word. Word kraina comes from the word "krai" (edge, region).
Ukraina - near to border. This is a common russian word. Just no varian okrajina more famous, but in old chronilces there were "ukrajina" in modern okrajina meaning.
For example Pskovskaya ukrajina or Ryazan ukrajina. Pskovian borderland/ Ryzan borderland. Becouse there were border in those time.
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>Ukraine's a country with a long history. Its mentioned by the Cossacks
The cossacks were just a warrior class of multiple ethnicities (Ruthenians, Poles, Lithuanians etc.) that started forming shortly in Lithuania and developed in Poland in the 16th century. Poland is in fact the mother of the cossacks - a warrior class. Poles were cossacks as well, like their greatest leader Chmielnicki whom rebelled against Poland, even thought he said he loved the Commonwealth previously, but it was mostly a personal vendetta against Czaplinski and the Ruthenian Wisniowiecki magnates of Poland.
>The traditional theory (which was widely supported by historians and linguists in the 19–20th centuries, see e.g. Max Vasmer's etymological dictionary of Russian) is that the modern name of the country is derived from the term "ukraina" in the sense ‘borderland, frontier region, marches’ etc. These meanings can be derived from the Proto-Slavic noun *krajь, meaning ‘edge, border’. Contemporary parallels for this are Russian okráina ‘outskirts’ and kraj ‘border district’.

>This suggests that it was being used as a semantic parallel to -mark in Denmark, which originally also denoted a border region (in this case of the Holy Roman Empire, cf. Marches).
Don and Ural cossacks explored Siberia and Far East. Taiga, snow, boundless north, mountains, voolcanos, far oceans, war with China and indigenous peoples.
It's much more romantic and interesting i think.
>Poland is in fact the mother of the cossacks - a warrior class.
And Don cossack were in one time with Zaporozhian, and Zaporozhians were not clearly part of Poland.
are you the pole from int
discussion gets too scientific, lets just put up some more memes
Guys, there wasnt any population before 17 century. Its very hard to make steppe safe againt nomads. You can google "зaceчныe линии", how hard it was to create earthwork, walls. Both Kiev and Zaporogskaya Sech were small fortresses.
In Russian it doesnt. But in Ukrainian Vkraina is absolutely a word.
Ukrainians helped found the Russian empire
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if only they invented time travel
before you pretend to be expert in russian or ukranian language, you should know something about it. You can say ukranians were opressed and the book was printed in St.Petersburg, but this very first reminding modern ukranian language book by Shevchenko is literally named "South russian alphabet"
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The language Bohdan Chmelnitski spoke was far closer to Ukrainian than Russian. Hroshi, for example is Staro-slavic for money, dengi, is turkic in origin.
The irony is that Ukraine lies on the territory of "Rus" and retains its symbol, the trident, but Russia coopted the name. Curious.
Not, lol.
You just cant understand slavic derivation, i think.
Word vkrajina just can not exist.
Im not denying cultural and linguistic ties of Ukraine to Russia. They're similar, but not identical. Like Portugal and Spain.
>The irony is that Ukraine lies on the territory of "Rus"
Part of Rus'. Lesser part of Rus'. And you say about modern Ukraine. In Medieval Ages Ukraine did not exist as a state.
And it's symbol coopted only in 20c.
It's Rurikid symbol. Rurikids were rulers of Russia until beg.17c.
Russia dont coopted the name, it's territory and people named so since 9-10 centuries. Russia were fragmented (principalities) and reunited.
The territory of modern Ukraine was not separate state and became to part of Poland-Lithiania.
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>Don and Ural cossacks
Were basically some of the resettled cossacks from Poland after Chmielnicki started losing after betraying his homeland and then begged Moscow to save his ass, in turn giving 2/3's of Ukraine >>94418959 to Moscow.
>Zaporozhians were not clearly part of Poland.
No, the Zaporozhians lived in the most south-eastern part of Poland around Sich. When they started developing stronger identity in the late 16th and 17th century they became harder to control and went a bit outside of the law and were somewhat semi-independent. That's when they started to bring problems, raiding the Ottoman Empire etc. and the Sultan wrote letters to the Polish king for an explanation why his citizens (of Poland) were raiding Istanbul without him officially declaring a war, especially in times when Poland-Ottoman Empire had a truce. So the Polish king lowered the cossack registry (one type of the Polish army) by half and many of those cossacks got angry because they were basically fired from a payroll - this was one of the reasons for their rebellions, some became jobless pirates.
Chmielnicki spoke many different languages: Ruthenian, Polish, Latin, Russian etc. etc. Ruthenian at that time in the Commonwealth was closer to Polish than Ukrainian is today to Polish - Ukrainian today is basically Russian with some Polish words there and there, while it used to be closer to Polish before the Russification.
Its a word in Ukrainian. As used in Bкpaїнi дaлeкi, for example. There are many Ukrainian songs that use vkraina or vkraini, referring to "the homeland".
Portuguese were not consider themselves as spaniards before 20c and were not associated themselves with spanish history, spanish kings and Portugal was not founded in 20c as ship of Spanish Empire.
But i think they are still one ethnicity by and large
>As used in Bкpaїнi дaлeкi, for example.
I never heard of this song.
Although that my Mom is Ukrainian, and I know very well the Ukrainian songs.
I think that you don't know what are you saying about.
yes, you are right. similar, but not identical. Like on picture, it's hard to tell, is the person in white russian or ukranian. He can be both, right?
>Were basically some of the resettled cossacks from Poland
No, most of them - for the sake of a free life fleeing residents of Russian Tsardom. Especially during Ivan the Terrible.
Sure, all of these languages are related. But Ukrainian has become a truly different language. What is at question is whether Ukraine retains sufficient sovereignty to maintain this unique language, which, I hope happens. Ukrainian like is a much softer sounding russian, with some polish words but without the traffic jam of consonants in Polish proper. Less shz like in polish and more ch or sh. Also written in cyrillics. Ukrainians, unlike Russian, is spoken exactly as is written. No knowledge's basically. Its a unique language.
portugeuse is a completely different language also then spanish
same with dutch and german its different
ukraine and russia is the same story as netherlands and belgium
>russian-polish mutant
You sound like you would love esparanto.
>become a truly different language.
If you know the "People" / "rustic" Russian language and well know Russian culture it will not be such different for you. It differs from the Russian far less than the Saxon dialect from Bavarian, for example.
Just a lot of Church Slavonic words in Russian literary language that are used more frequently than their traditional "folk" analogues, some of which are stored in Ukrainian. And in many Polish Ukrainian words.
Portugal was spanish region before 1640, such as Catalonia. It was separated (with help of "kind" neighbours such Britain and France) and refused to replace their dialect to common spanish. Ofc, Catalonia can also separate and start to use Catalonian dialect - "unique ancient local language". But what the profit?
And are you and germany have not in fact common roots and culture?
Tha name Dutch and Deutsch means one?
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Oh your moms an ykrainka? Im sure you've heard this in song by Shevchenko then. Bкpaїнi means homeland, the Ukrainian and Staro-slavic word for homeland.

Як yмpy, тo пoхoвaйтe
Meнe нa мoгилi
Cepeд cтeпy шиpoкoгo
Ha Bкpaїнi милiй,
Щoб лaни шиpoкoпoлi,
I Днiпpo, i кpyчi
Бyлo виднo, бyлo чyти,
Як peвe peвyчий.
I love all languages.
>Oh your moms an ykrainka? Im sure you've heard this in song by Shevchenko then. Bкpaїнi means homeland, the Ukrainian and Staro-slavic word for homeland.
Again, this is where the word "Ukraina" came from >>94418959
and how do you identify your gender usa
>Less shz like in polish and more ch or sh.
And yes, it's the same in russian. Just russian sounds more
Yes, she is. Consider herself as russian, ofcourse, but ukraine-birth and speaks ukranian sometimes.
So, it's Shevchenko poem.
That it is artificially.
Word "vkrajini" not found in folk ukranian culture.
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Im not saying Ukraine doesnt literally mean borderland, what Im saying is that the word closely resembles and also connotes the word for homeland. This linguistic connection is important for Ukrainians.
>Just russian sounds more
more brightly i think. Ukranian has more "ы" ( and "э", when russian has more "i", "je", "ju" has "jo" that ukranian has not.
>the word for homeland
It's word "krajina" or "kraj". The same in Russian. "Rodnoy Kraj" - literally homeland in russian.
But not "vkrajina", there are no such word in ukranian. I know ukranian.
Yes, the current president is an illegitimate zionist puppet put in by Jewmerica.
Kraina just means land or region. U is just at. At + land/region. U kresu krainy = at the end of the land/province, at the end of the borderland.
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Did you read the poem? The word вкpaїнa means homeland. Shevchanko's writes, literally translated, "when I die return me to the homeland".

straight white male, the worst of the worst
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Two Birds one stone.
Ukraine was a general name for the eastern most part of Poland, that's what people called eastern Poland = at the borderland - of Poland.
A la puta cama
deutsch is german for german

dutch is english word to say netherlandish person
>U is just at.
But yes, you are close.
>The word вкpaїнa means homeland.
Only in shevchenko poem. Artificially more "pathriotic" remake. Not a word.
I can explain to you in detail, why this word can not exist in this sense.
Becouse there already exists word "krajina" - mean homeland. This word denotes the space.
But if you attach to this word the preposition "v" (in) - this word will mean no space, and a point in space.
yes we are a germanic people we are descendants like germans from saxons/franks

but our nowadays language is too different from german we dont understand eachother , we were also one of the first countries in europe while germany was still divided with duchy's
>But yes, you are close.
U is at in Polish. Ukraina comes from Polish.
>Becouse there already exists word "krajina" - mean homeland. This word denotes the space.
>But if you attach to this word the preposition "v" (in) - this word will mean no space, and a point in space.
Literatelly "withinland". Can you use the word "withinland" in "homeland" sense?
>respect us. please.
It's word found in Russian chronicles from the 12 th century, as a frontier land.
you're shit in diplomacy. and your country is also poor
It independized from Leon around 1100ish, it was only our region for a few decades cause the Hapsburgs like inbreeding. Like, a lot.
Most of their culture is pretty different, too. Only region that freed from Spain that I respect.
What do you think, do you not associate yourself with a piece of the history of the Holy Roman Empire, are you were an integral part of German society? In addition, the Germans of Lower Germany are very close to you culturally, is not it?
You mean Rus, and what chronicles?
I'd rather be fucked economically than fucked in every way. How's that Double penetration going anyways?
Also, how are we bad at diplomacy if we took over the HRE by our king's son fucking some austrian bitch?
Rus and Russia literately the same, lol.
We called our country Rus', and ourselves - ruskije lyudy, you call our country - Russia, and us - Russians.
>juejuejue numero uno gibe money please
haha so stupid you are, spain
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No, he's referring to its as "from the homeland", in Ukrainian that would be вiд кpaїни, вкpaїни.
Yes exactly! You absolutely can, "withinland" is exactly right.
>hahaha we are numberi one haha please Rossiya stop shooting us thank u bye xx ))
>Rus and Russia literately the same, lol.
Not really.
>We called our country Rus'
You mean the Scandinavian vikings who conquered the East Slavs? The Rurik dynasty literally meant ru/ro - row, the viking rowing dynasty. Ruthenians = rowers.
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