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Syria General /sg/ - Moto Edition

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Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 83

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Everything you need to know


>SF on Mosul

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Mosul OCT 20
>Aleppo north OCT 19
>East Ghouta OCT 19
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 18
>West Ghouta oct-16
>Aleppo oct-15
>North Hama oct-13

Developments OCT 21
> Russian jets launch first airstrikes since ceasefire in east Aleppo
> US Congressional aide asks about assassinating Assad

> Syrian Army reinforcements pour into Aleppo ahead of jihadist offensive
> Jaysh Al-Fateh prepares to launch massive offensive in Aleppo
> Iraqi security forces kill 48 ISIS terrorists in Kirkuk
>UN: ISIS seizes 550 families as human shields in Mosul
>UN Human Rights Council votes to open probe into Aleppo ‘war crimes’
>ISIS allows families to flee Kirkuk province for cash
>UN Monitors: Saudi-led Coalition violated law with Yemen funeral strike
>Arseny Pavlov (Motorola) died in a terrorist attack


Last thread: >>94023053
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>must watch
What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg
Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
White helmets truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAaReVn2I4
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
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“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…”
(Genesis 15:18)
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Egyptian court confirms 20-year-prison sentence on Morsi - report

An Egyptian court confirmed a 20-year prison sentence against former president Mohamed Morsi on Saturday, judicial sources told Reuters. It is the first final verdict against Morsi on charges arising from the killing of protesters during demonstrations in 2012. Morsi faces charges in other cases including leaking secrets to Qatar, conspiring with the Palestinian militant group Hamas to destabilize Egypt, and organizing a jailbreak during the 2011 uprising against Hosni Mubarak. (Reuters)
i don't know, man.

Did they ever bomb Al-Nusra / Al-Qaeda?
Where to cop sweet Assad patch
Dont worry Im here
they were not so keen on hitting nursa because where "fsa" is there is also al nursa...


apparently they killed that guy
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post qtkurds
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some people in here got some.. not mine.. just some anon posted this here.. maybe they can help you out
>those hideous creatures
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Seems good for me, it's a starting project

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top kek i can smell their commie stench from over here
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only posting for left side grill
ok hillary.
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Daily reminder that iraqi shiites and other shia shouldn't be allowed to govern something.



>Bridges without stairs and roads closed to walker

And another daily reminder that iraqi shiites are shitskins (pic related)
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they look like more retarded and sandniggery jews. which coincidentally is exactly what they are... well, well...
daily reminder you should go back to sunni rule utopia that you took so much humiliation to escape, because when i see the french flag i expect a human behind it not a sunni
reyka is some nice vodka
Hi cher!
far as I'm concerned, any poster from Europe who posts ITT is some arab or turk sunni unless they specify otherwise
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what are you?
amerifat? turkish? arab?
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Fucking disgusting gypsy
Holy Fuck, that's an romanian shitskin Gypsy with an internet connection.

Hey gypsy, just dropping by to remind you to take your yearly bath. You like to call your masterruler Turks filthy, while you and your countrymen shit and bathe in the same creek (I've witnessed it). Also just a reminder that it's not healthy or sanitary to wipe your ass with your hand. Indoor plumbing really is amazing. Running water and sewage systems... you should google them! Hell, even the Arabs had plumbing! Also, they wiped their ass with a sponge on a stick. Some 2,000 years later, and here you guys are. Still shitting in a hole in the ground or a stream and still wiping your ass with your hand. Have a good day, and try not to die in a suicide bombing. Maybe when you guys get out of the stoneage and stop focusing all of your time, energy and money on killing one another you can improve your infrastructure and ammenities and invest in something more worthwhile... like roadways, showers, toilets and toilet paper. Have a good day!
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My gallery stills alive

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Hello from Armenia!
Why is Bashar so fucking incompetent. The Baath party should have chosen someone, instead of letting Hafez choose his opthamologist son, because the original successor died racing his car in an airport (indicating he would have been a shit leader anyways).
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lad, did you post this on liveleak? I remember seeing a collection like this one
>being that triggered
What has the DPR done in response to motorola's assassination?
bassicly dick waving nothing else
Is it true that Douma will surrender?
I had the original ones
But no more, I fucking lost the USB drive

wew lad
>this t*rkroach getting triggered over seeing un-genocided Kurds

Hey, look behind you, a living Armenian!!
Long live the PKK

Proving since the early 70's that whole the turkish roach army is a joke.
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I can't believe they killed Motorola. I don't want to believe it.

RIP, hero.
I understand them
K*rds have harmed the T*rkish society so much, a lot of terrorist attacks.
Who is this motorola and why is he a hero?
>Philippine President Declares: It’s ‘China, Philippines and Russia’ Against the World

"In this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States," Duterte told Chinese and Philippine business people, to applause, at a forum in the Great Hall of the People attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.

"Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost."

"I've realigned myself in your ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," Duterte told his Beijing audience.

In Washington, the U.S. State Department said it was "baffled" by Duterte's comments and would seek an explanation when Daniel Russel, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, visits Manila this weekend.

"We are going to be seeking an explanation of exactly what the president meant when he talked about separation from the U.S.," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "It's not clear to us exactly what that means in all its ramifications."

That dude looks more middle eastern than half the kurds do.
>terrorist attacks.
pesticide operations*
Please don't.
Duterte is fucking crazy. Holy shit.
He'll get democracy soon.
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Ukrainian separatist warlord.
Manlet with a vinking beard and a big titted wife

I wish so much I could have a president ballsy enough to tell nato and eu to fuck off and who would start building the future with russia and china.
He was a rebel commander for a very successful unit in the Ukrainian conflict.
He was very popular with the rebels and their sympathizers.
while your at it, try to find out what a moot is.

i think it's the same thing as a leppo, but i'd like some confirmation.

he died in ukraine? how?

Oh thanks for posting this
I was looking for this one

>China, Philippines and Russia’ Against the World

Last time we were alone against world. Now us 3. Well we have good chance.
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Syrian soldier comes home to visit his kids.

Kind of sad, puts the war into perspective. Every time you see explosions, families like this are being ruined by Obama.
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Ukrainians put a bomb in his house.
The Ukrainians had tried to assassinate him many times before and claimed to have been successful at least 3 different times.
They really should have their own country. Not their fault they didn't get the memo when people were drawing maps
Please don't fight the world through Poland.
gommunist war hero

He was a dipshit kid when he fought in Chechnya, went on to become a carwasher, then the Maiden happened and he became a badass military militia commander, and was instrumental in rustling many hohols jimmies but killing a few thousand of them and taking Donbass and that fucking slaughterfest of an airport

Loved the cunt though, he became best buddies with a former mall cop turned Mechanized infantry commander named Givi and a bald dipshit brit journalist

he leaves behind a wife and 2 small children
IED in his appartment.

Read : CIA assassination
Check these out:
The one about ISIS oil is especially interesting.
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Ok. This time through Bulgaria.
sad but true


>us 3
More like 2.0001
Phillipines are worth selling for a hand full of almonds
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but anon, didnt you read the news?

it's evil Assad and eviler Putin who are bombing these poor children
But they are brave. Number doent matters. Brave and logistics is the main.
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I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!
fuck off wikishill.

That shit isn't welcome here. Take your cia psyops somewhere else.
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Is it true that al baghdadi is in Israel and nobody gives a shit about it?
Get rekt Morsi
>a journalist giving political tips to HRC's best buddy

Brent and John harwood are hillary's house niggers
He kinda backtracked already.
>"It's not severance of ties. Severance is to cut diplomatic relations. I cannot do that. Why? It's in the best interests of my country that I don't do that"
But not on this:
>Duterte has also repeated his denunciation of Obama on Thursday as a "son of a whore".
Is that what incest looks like?
Methamphetamine makes them brave, but they are still just a brave army of 160cm manlets
Noice. Tweeting this to Trump
now that's just not kosher, man

this shit produces angry jews claimingit's not real/it's the russians.

of course it's real
there is nothing wrong with a meth'd up army

havent you seen DS9?
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Fuck off HRC
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>Odds that Putin agrees to remove Assad are only slightly better than the odds the College of Cardinals chooses me to someday succeed Pope Francis.
Listen m8.

I know this may be a hard pill to swallow but assange is a cia/MI6 baby, he has been his whole life, and wikileaks is a cia psyops.

I'm not memeing. You may think "why would they do that?" and shit and I can tell you all about it and give you sources to if you want.

Bottom point: don't take the bait like 90% of millenials did. You're better than this.
not much you can do when your international opponents fund a rebellion and bomb your troops
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with such alies, Assad could sleep well
>160cm manlets
In war its better then 180. You dont need many energy and water. Also you can be sniper or drive tank
So it's all a massive psyop to push moderately heavy shit on the DNC and the chosen candidate?
Why would CIA do that?
that's pretty sad mate :( .. yeah thinking at it on a larger scale takes out all this detail's many of us overlook....

On a happier note, not sure if you remember back in the kuweires liberation there was a story like this one:

“When the war began, my son who now came to liberate me was only 16. We talked on the phone and he promised he would come,”
“Now he is 20 and he came and saved me,”

this one really touched me desu..
/pol/ is a lost cause but I'm not gonna let wikishilling pass on /sg/. Fuck off with it.

This general is cia free. Go to reddit with that shit.

Thanks you based Wikileaks, now Latin America can fight against marxism-payed shit
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Oh shit, a cockhol

havent seen you in a while
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that picture!!
What is the goal of that alleged psyop?
At the end they'll hop out and say it was all an elaborate ruse and that they trolled people?

>why would they do that

I should make a pasta. You're asking me to work here.

But ok, I'll do it, and this time, I'll make a pasta of it.

Give me 10mns.
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>This general is cia free.
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Motorola was a fag deal with it ... Givi next
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Wow! Hohol in SG! Lads I catch him!
It's what I thought too to be quite honest, I'm just not seeing the goal currently

Maybe they really are concerned with getting back on track and safeguarding democracy (thus per original policy)

Idk man, current CIA director looks like a puppet but I could understand this way of approaching it, they want democracy and freedom back while avoiding civil war or collapse because then Russia/China can swoop in

But sources or info is appreciated
No, but it makes sense if you think about it? Who's the REAL Russian candidate?

Who sold uranium to them? Who took 35 million from them? Our good friend podesta

They're enemies of the state but they can't defy them openly
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>not seeing the goal currently
destabilize USA.
kill dollar.
bring in martial law.

when the common man has no trust left in the democratic process, and both the major parties have declared they will not accept defeat as being a truthful result, that's when civil war starts.
civil war will result in martial law.
>Iraqi interior minister says Mosul city battle is not expected to end quickly, Islamic State putting up fierce fight

no shit.. but their leaders already are in raqqa
> Iraqi and Kurdish forces have taken a total of 30 villages from Islamic State near Mosul city
>Phillipines cucking america with russia
America on suicide watch.
Settle down there frog fucker. He went to China and saw how shitty they were and called off the separation the next day.

those are sons of mutaah.

They are sexual diseases collectors.

Saddam died for this...
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That makes no sense, it would lead to civil war and that's a war they could never win, makes more sense to make the entire country patriotic again through Trump, stop the cultural Marxist subversion, I'm just afraid it will create hardcore nationalism and a repeat of WW2 when their puppets get out of control

I hope they really got it figured out good this time around
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>Nearly 1,000 admitted with breathing problems to hospital in south Mosul city, Iraq, due to sulfur plant fire
that picture got me!

Do you think they will release the barrel bomb mod?
Judging by the rise of nationalism pretty much world wide, I highly doubt they do.
At this point going through with an op to destabilise the country from within would be the most anti-ZOG shit you could pull.
There is no way, no way at all that a civil war could lead to open borders and cultural marxism rising. Martial law doesn't ever lead to this shit either.

So they would be bringing down the fucking house OR the goal is to actually fuck over DNC.
>Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declines Turkey's offer to help in Mosul city battle following meeting with US Defense Secretary Ash Carter in Baghdad
Btw, is Russia really funding nationalist parties in Europe or is that just a meme?
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>That makes no sense
may be not to you, double 69.
but that's exactly what'll happen. may be they'll be able to curb the civil war using UN corps.
may be USA will attack Russia at the pretense of interfering in their elections.
in any case, christmas is going to be fun - even if no one is going to be able to celebrate it, as the pope said last year.
I imagine it smells like a giant fart.
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Wrong Last thread in the OP.

Last thread: >>94087901
Not unlikely. Would kinda make sense, even.

Funding your enemies' opposition is a classic
Plausible deniability. In other words, they most likely are but it's hard to find hard proof. Russians don't want United States of Europe surfacing there, as then EU as a whole would have the same policies and interests, and that would hurt Russian influence there heavily.

As it is now, some EU countries are pushing to sanction Russia to shit, others oppose hard, some are doing business with Russians not giving two fucks, others don't and try to stop Russian investments.

But on the other hand, EU shitting itself completely and dissolving is against Russian interests, as they're still using EU as a crutch for their economy.
Nationalism is forbidden in RF. 2 years in prison.

We dont play in this game.
well would usa support nationalist parties? the answer we know it, they don't want such thing and they still push for a forced globalization... anybody opposed is ebil and they just blame it on russia.... but even if they did how is that not wrong since usa is sponsoring everything opposed to them anyway. Nationalist parties follow the interest of their own not usa therefore a threat ..
Has always sounded like bullshit to me and a cheap copout by the opponents of such nationalist parties

> Huge if true!! #BreakingNews Sources close to Assad regime: Putin informed Assad that war between #Russia & the West in #Syria is imminent..
> samefag
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What do you think of this man's apperance?
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>Iraq TV reports that state security forces are in full control of Kirkuk, north Iraq, curfew partially lifted
>Iraq TV
>iraqi security forces in full control
You're asking people on the Frontline who can see globalism fail to keep promoting and implementing it

Idk just doesn't make sense you could get agencies to work that much against their own interests

Iraqi kurds are fucking savage elitists, period.
Ah fuck it was a good run boys, good thing I can't be conscripted anyway, too fucked in the head
Wikileaks/assange is a CIA psyop:

Julian Assange was born in Townsville, aus. Ever since his youngest age, he was part of the Anne-Hamilton Byrne cult, a cult setup by the australian MI6 to endoctrinate young children. The children had their hair tainted blond/grey and were experienced upon. For instance, they were given large quantity of LSD and left alone in a pitch dark room. Sexual stuff, too (which could explain the rape, but that's just speculation).

So, we know that assange had ties, or rather was controlled by the australian MI6 ever since his youngest age.

He later became the main character of a large CIA/MI6 psyop which we now know as "wikileaks".
What is wikileaks? Wikileaks is a CIA/MI6 psyop designed to pander to and control western nihilistic millenials who have lost faith in their governements and media. Assange is an engineered "anti-hero" to which they can identify.Wikileaks works by attacking western institutions in a way that a) can never really damage them b) will not make anyone who hadn't already lost faith in those institutions do and c) will seem "heroic" to nihilistic millenials who distrust those institutions.

Wikileaks also serves the purpose of helping to identify and eliminate third party hackers/ whistle blowers. (I don't have the source but about a year ago someone came to assange in London with guenuine damaging info about a US general and his car strangely crashed when he tried to leave town. The info never made it to the wikileaks site.)

Think about it this way: wikileaks hasn't make anyone who used to trust the US governement loose their faith in it. It has also never really damaged it. All that it has done, practically, is create an authority (assange, and through him wikileaks) that western nihilistic millenials, who before refused all authority, now accept. It's a control tactic. A Psyop.

>wikileaks pushes open doors
>wikileaks, a political diversion
>wikileaks, a big dangerous us government con job
>is wikileaks a CIA operation? By webster tarpley
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their leaders are already in Saudi arabia and Israel
get it right
My current assessment is that they're trying to do a peaceful transfer of power without making the institutions themselves fall, what do you think about their current goal?
>implying iraqi forces can control something

>wikileaks hasn't make anyone who used to trust the US governement loose their faith in it.
But it did. That's the point. There was even an e-mail which claimed that Soros machines rigged elections in South America.
The e-mails that are currently surfacing hurt the DNC and US government too, even if it's just a thousand papercuts it erodes people's faith in the system.
So either the psyop went wrong or there is some other goal unknown at this point.
> pander to and control western nihilistic millenials
Which is an incredibly small and irelevant part of the voting force.

Dans la poubelle ça va
It's also why I think Trump will win by a big margin

It will be a big reinforcement for institutional trust as the 'dishonest' establishment as he calls it gets 'defeated'
I don't think they see if, their views are so fucked up that they see the sovereign state itself as a threat to to globalization.

Reports in germany where peoples german flag were taken off

germany- take off flags not to upset muslims

Christian Ad Banned by UK Movie Theaters
Muslim charity to put 'Allah is great' posters on buses

Why does nationalism = nazism in their mindset?

this are just a few examples,you see they work by positive discrimination where they discriminate against the host country and push for the super privilege of minorities



The goal of wikileaks is just what I said: to create an authority that western nihilistic millenials can accept.

Look at /pol/ nowadays: most /pol/acks beleive in wikileaks and want to defend it and fight for it, there are threads about going to fucking london to "help" assange. They have completely took the bait.

For all their life, now, they will look at wikileaks as a sort of herald for freedom, something they can trust. Whatever wikileaks tell them, they will beleive. It's that simple.
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>trusting anyone that has Lol in his name
woops i apologize a lot, a commander in the tiger forces is rip. i am sorry guys.
That's not Tiger.
see >>94108690
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>google name
>only pages are reporting his death
guess so man. when you die, you are just a statistics.
nothing went wrong.

No one listens or cares about wikileaks, appart from people who have ALREADY lost faith in the US gov. No one else even listens to it.

Do you really think it's a coincidence that Assange was part of a CIA/MI6 cult when he was a kid? Do you really think it's a coincidence that he's still alive and lives in london? If he was a real threat, he would have to either die or go in a non-aligned country, like syria or china.
I always knew cunts would be the downfall of western civilization
Oh yeah I agree, just like Breitbart but they push bullshit just like the next news source, it's just how much bullshit they push or what kind of

People aren't looking at the source anyway in that case

But what gave wikileaks away for me was the Arab spring which was triggered by the cables leak, a question i never see asked is how they can always find the sources of these leaks like Bradley Manning
it's not about their voting force, they don't vote anyway, it's about what they beleive and what choices they will make as adults.


>not trusting voltairenet
>of which the founder was nearly assasinated by french secret service and now is in syria helping assad
>not trusting one of the last few real western journalists

you didn't support new revolutionists in Soviet Union either but you exported them
>The children had their hair tainted blond/grey and were experienced upon. For instance, they were given large quantity of LSD and left alone in a pitch dark room. Sexual stuff, too (which could explain the rape, but that's just speculation).
Assange confirmed for Witcher.

Assange (Wikileaks) is fighting against Gaunther O'dimm (America)
But the current leaks are actually being discussed in the MSM. More people are getting exposed to Wikileaks due to that, and people whose e-mails leaked pretty much confirm the data.
>Arab spring which was triggered by the cables leak

exactly, it's these kind of things that just give it away, along with the fact that assange lives in london and not in China/syria/russia.

Snowden is the real deal, assange is a puppet.

Wikileaks is a psyops, it is always, always used in a way that benefits nato.
>what choices they will make as adults.
Again, it's a small and irelevant part of the population
Yeah....I'm going for peaceful transfer of power with a figure that can reinforce trust big time in institutions, see his focus on ethics and the drain the swamp thing
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hey, off topic question, but what's the difference between a Shia and a Sunni?

it'a 1am here and im too drunk to google, and i think the "it's not muslims committing terrorist acts, it's islamists" argument feels uneducated as fuck.

maybe it's there to wash down easier though.
And so?
The only effect it has is making trump voters think wikileaks is against the establishement.
Hillary voters think wikileaks is a russian thing anyway.

So, once again, it's a way to pander to people who have lost faith in the system. Man looses faith in the system, votes trump. Wikileaks votes trump, too. Man: "hey! wikileaks is on my side!"

it's that simple.

Think of it this way: nothing game changing ever came out or ever will come out of wikileaks.
>muh bloodline is important muh caliph
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why does snowden work with (((them))) though?
Cheers mate
it's not irrelevant. They are the coming generation of western citizens. Their choices will define what the west becomes. Bottom point is: it's better to control them than to have other people do.
>shakes ass like a shanequia in yoga pants
nice 80's jeans
read the last sentence "wether you agree with them or not". If snowden was in the west, he would be dead.

Now that they can't touch him anymore, better play friends and make good figure than insult him and curse him when you can't do anything about it anyway. Simple diplomacy.
did not know that girls were also degenerate in turkey
I respect your opinion but I still think you're wrong Mr. Baguette and that Trump is a peaceful power transfer figure but I think only time can truly tell us

2016 will go down in the history books thats for sure
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>you exported them
I don't know if trump is legit or if he's a puppet, like you say.
Time will tell, for sure.

But I'm 100% sure that wikileaks is not legit, though.
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The warhawk neocons like Lister and the general who shilled for Clinton at the DNC convention are pushing super hard for a war in Syria NAO:


They think all is lost if they don't act now, even before the Hawk in Chief is in place. They know if Aleppo falls, so will their plans for regime change in Syria. They say USA should not be in the business of regime change while openly advocating for regime change in the same article. Unbelievable. These fucking """people"""

Obama will almost certainly buckle under the pressure since he's a weak as fuck president and they've already convinced all the important people like Clinton, Brzezinski etc.
Nice gun, is it yours?
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This shit happened after she go for university at Europe before that she was ok
Europeans are satan
I just don't see the benefit in feeding potential dissenters more reasons to dissent.
Sudden revelation from Wikileaks that you should go and lick the globalist penis because it's healthy won't actually make them do so.
>pushing for a war with Russia
He was always about outmaneuvering Russia geopolitically, never about direct confrontation. I highly doubt they managed to get him on board.
Who is this girl anyway?
All women should be killed.
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>I highly doubt they managed to get him on board.

Wrong. They all know the jig is up if they lose Syria, they lose US hegemony.

>he thinks we can own shit like that
fuck me, dont i wish, but our government has a hard on for stripping personal freedoms, and the average citizen just says "why do you need a gun, you dont live in Syria"
Cognitive dissonance is an American specialty after all though
Think of it this way: we now live in the age of information technology, a lot of future hackers/whistle blowers are in the teens/early 20s now.

If wikileaks keeps on going the way it's going, it will become the number one institution of information leakage.

Future hacker/whistle blower discovers damaging info, leaks it to wikileaks, gets killed, info is never shown. That's one less problem. multiply that by a whole generation of hackers.
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I know we can't own guns like that m8, it really sucks/
>Philippines Trying to ally with the BRICS in a post-US hegemony world

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tfw men of history want to be nice to their women and they ruin the world
Whistle-blowers and hackers are extremely paranoid. They probably already know all this and take precautions, such as publishing information through multiple channels.
In the end, the dissenting people who aren't ever going to be whistle-blowers get hardened in their dissent and see more and more reasons to do so.
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not all of them do.

At least one was already killed in the way that I described, and his info was never released. At least one. Could be dozens.
They already lost the US hegemony after Pivot to Asia failed spectacularly.
They also have absolutely no say in Africa, too.
Hello m8

Not heard that one in a while.
Boo, you suck
#Turkey tanks near #Marea firing at #YPG #SDF positions in #SheikhIssa in what looks now like 4th Phase of #EuphratesShield

So does Kek want guns or nah?
Faggot non-americans really need to leave /pol/. You're utter shit and you fuck up everything
cuck get

Wat does this mean?

Will Australia need guns night future??
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pretty much.. after each war you see females switching side and hitting it off with the invader, same with muslims. Most of them don't know what loyalty is. Unlike men who see somebody and want to either reach the same level or overpass him... women just bitch about it
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No, those are just cracks in the facade. Directly losing in a strategic country like Syria and having your supports humiliated on the ground is completely different. It's no crack. It's a demotion.

Moreover the whole world is watching. Shaky alliances after a halfhearted pivot in Asia mean nothing in comparison.
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ok now a bunch of newfags will pour in as we finnaly got a get .... should have been assad though
And losing fucking Philippines isn't?
>Faggot non-americans really need to leave /pol/. You're utter shit and you fuck up everything
Kill yourself you fat American.

Its difficult to translate you.
I lol'd when I read this. Piss off. I liked the one where you had Cia and Assange in the same sentence.
they had a meeting last week
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we don't know!!!
Does it feel good being a robot programmed by the CIA and at the service of nato?
>dont know

Oh you))
yob tvoy mat
Mosul gas attack

Its the last word before fighting
checked and fuck you cunt forreminding me about our lack of funs
Кaк вac зoвyт?
is not like we are moldova now... our parents did russian in school but that's about it :)
wait wait, is that motorola ?
Thats wery good. Where you learned russian?

I mean that in eastern europe we have a lot of similar words and after a week of beeing in some country youll understand everything.

I was terribly drunk in Karlovy Vary but policeman understand that I need to go to the train. And helped me.

oh fuck excuse me lads for my english
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that's okay pavlov
fuck =(, what about givi?
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im from caucasian,bitch slav.
Now he is a colonel and he is a guard colonel
>bitch slav.
But we are the most beautiful in the world.
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They didn't lose it:


>"It's in the best interests of my country that I don't do that," the Philippine president said of cutting U.S. ties.

And even if they did, it's not nearly the same. Syria is next to the GREATEST ALLY and all the arab countries that have for over half a century provided them with funding and cheap oil. This is a real disaster, Philippines is a crack in their long term plan of containing China, however again this is almost nothing since they have Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan and possibly even India still.
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>But we are the most beautiful in the world.
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They did. Philippines are going to Chyna. All this means is he's not going to cut the diplomatic ties as his previous speech suggested.
India is it's own thing, with it's own goals. Japan is currently frightened of China to the point of actually eyeing uncle Putin. Taiwan will go to China very soon as the US doesnt' even have a presence in the region anymore.
Putin is on "ok" terms with Israel and thus Syria being Russian ally doesn't concern them at all.
looks like a handsome slav to me
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You must be butthurt about the fact that Turks probably bone more Russian ladies than any other country (yeah, they 'liked' their vacation on Antalya alright)^;)
Ok. I understand. You have a pac. Well this is your appinion stay with it.
i'd fuck her
>Turks probably bone more Russian ladies
Of course. Even my grandmother had sex in Turkey. She was 65 and a boudght Mehmet for entertainment and sex.
This your job. Fuck and entertain my granny. Do it good Mehmet.
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what's with the cherry picking?
here have some latakia girll
i'm joking, of course there is a lot of pretty russians
Isn't Moto dead since a week or so?
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>Putin is on "ok" terms with Israel and thus Syria being Russian ally doesn't concern them at all.

No they really aren't any longer. Since Ruskies brought the S-300 to the southern parts of Syria (capable of stopping Israel's stuff) the bottom fell off from any goodwill they might've had. Jpost.com which is basically the government's mouthpiece has been badmouthing Russia nonstop ever since.

Israel has also been pushing for intervention in Syria the most out of any country from behind the scenes since the beginning:


It's no secret that all the neocons want to overthrow Assad for Israel to cut the logistics between Hezbollah and Iran.
checked.. and yeah he is!
>Hacked "Motorola" phone: wife was worried about absence of guard the night before murder

Possible false flag? You'd think Russian Intel would pick up on something like this
yeah, about a week.
No kidding. She and her friend had a tour. Russian tour as usual. And after it she invited one young man.

Also your hashish is really good
Are the ladies in West turkey easy if you're pretty muscular/handsome?
Jews are actually sensible and they do not want a war next to their borders. Especially one that could as well turn into a fucking Middle East battle royale.
Of course. And one them is my granny. If you want Ill give you her number
RIP Motorola

Holy shit they fucked up big time once more
can you teach me this?

ISIS is at least 20km far from there
It's obviously Russian propaganda and those were all terrorists.
t. John Kerry
Yeah but the coalition will investigate itself and apologize so it's all good, anon.
South russians. A mix of russian cossaks and caucasians.
Im from the north its not our culture
Whay kind of cuckoldry is this?
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(ya beat me to it)
>will investigate

reminds me when they whitewashed the saudi funeral bombing saying unlike russia the saudis will investigate it ...
did they """investigate""" about the Tukhar massacre near Manbij?
But Russians aren't allowed to be so good looking. This is nothing like my daily propaganda.
Thats mostly because almost everyone who is 50 and older in Czech Rep can speak Russian and Karlovy Vary is particulary known for having tons of Russian tourists.
from what I recall nope.. I wonder if anybody is investigating those belgiam bombs that dropped in the aleppo region.. so far nobody takes the blame
Ask french anon about it. He has a special pac.
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really dudes, reallyu?
that's pretty nice music and video! Thank you for sharing lad!
Its a very long and difficult story about our relations with Caucases.
If its really interesting you can read Hero of our time (Lermontov)
This is better variant of this song. And moments from movie based on theis book
this for next thread?

Syria General /sg/ - US bombs civ's in Iraq UN, Germoney, France: war crimes investigation NOW! Edition
Song caaled "Dont be afraid of we I would kill you"
old cossaks song
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>of we I would
of me I wouldnt
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Thank you I will look more into it.

>of me I wouldnt

I was thinking that it does not sound that good the first way you translated it :))
Its like a joke. Dont be afraid we will kill you fast.

>lose Syria

the US never had Syria
#FSA Levant Front | clashes in Sheikh Issa village against #PKK/#YPG 3rd phase #EuphratesShield N #Aleppo:
wait, in the end he will or he will not kill me?

Would it be like: Don't be afraid I would not kill you?

I only heard of cossacs when this happen

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No, but they decided they need to, after Assad wouldn't step down with the protests they machinated. Ever since then US proxies have been on the ground fighting in Syria, having at least parts of it. Getting pushed out now is thus a genuine loss that a country claiming to be the only superpower in the world can not stand if it wants to retain it's status.
Of course he would. But the song is about "relax and dont worry I wouldn toгch you come closer to me"

They are not cossaks.
new bread


After aggressions by Assad and weapons sharing among Putin/Assad/Hezbollah, etc. the West knows war is coming. might as well meet it, eh?

>Getting pushed out now is thus a genuine loss that a country claiming to be the only superpower in the world can not stand if it wants to retain it's status.

You can't lose something you never had. plus, this is only the beginning

and aggressions by Putin
i am not at all confident of brics surviving much longer.
india will always refuse to see eye to eye with china after what they did to us in 1962. fuck the chinks.
brics is somwwhat doomed.
a nuke ww3 will ensure it's demise that much quicker.
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