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>From an anon a couple nights ago
Hey /pol/

I made a startling discovery last week. When it came out that the Voting Machines were compromised by Soros in 16 different states, I decided to call my Governor's office to see if my state could invoke their conflict of interest clause in their voting machine contract and fall back to a manual voting process/paper ballots.

When I informed them of this conflict of interest, they bounced me around a few times until someone at the Board of Elections said that I would have to contact each county's individual, local Board of Elections, as each county has its own fallback process in place.

Repeat this for 16 different states...


That's when I decided I needed some help.

I'm compiling a list of every single county's Board of Elections in all 16 states affected by the Smartmatic/Soros machines so we can spam it to the entire internet and get everyone calling their local government, and get them to switch to paper ballots.

Soros is trying to steal the election. We're going to steal it back!

The 16 affected states are:

New Jersey

Good news - I've done Arizona, California, and have part of Colorado finished. I need some anons to help me with the rest.

Process: Look up the alphabetical lists of Counties in each affected states. Look up the Board of Elections for that county. If none appears, you can also try County Clerk, Registrar, etc. You'll see examples in my lists below.

>States are in the pastebin




Portal Back for info
Bumping for my neighbourinos
Electronic ballots are a non issue.
Theyre held accountable by exit polling
Bump and watch for shills
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Then they'll rig the exit polling too.
Thats why we have election observers now.
Youre better off doing that on election day. A vigilant populace will keep them accountable
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If you see this help bump, until this thread sustains enough numbers to float
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Bump for freedom
No way is that real.
Murdoch Murdoch was right??!!
>because that worked so well for bernie
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It was caucuses and a refusal to contest results that did him in.
I'm 100% for trump and shutting down the global elite, but I think believing that all of the electronic voting machines in 16 states are rigged is tinfoil hat as fuck.

>Using Infowars as a source
Alex Jones is an entertainer, a Doomsayer if you will who is wrong about things 90% of the time.

If you can prove to me that this isn't some kind of advanced shitposting roleplay, then I'd be more than happy to call for Pennsylvania.
Some heroes should take their time to contact every county in every state. Flood everyone everywhere. Won't take more than a week.
spoke to my local board of elections today, they are using ES&S voting machines, and have a """"security plan"""" in place

are these compromised (to our knowledge)?
Yeah good luck making this happen in a little over 2 weeks.
Is it very difficult to request a paper ballot for yourself?

All we have to do is make calls and memes, bringing awareness to this so they can avoid the many machines that will skew their vote.
ES&S not to our knowledge as of yet, the research is still fresh, a lot of anons earlier were on it digging around
with the sheer amount of influence (e.g. shekels) that ((((they)))) have, i can't imagine it would be very hard to do

thanks tho, gives me at least a little bit of faith
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>Weaponized autism in service of the God Emperor.

(((They))) don't stand a chance.
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Yeah, thats sketchy as fuck. That on top of being a total conflict of interest, you guys need to get on that shit pronto. 2 weeks.
Is there a way to make a portable emp device that would fuck up the machines? Would be hard to detect and would help
There are no Smartmatic voting machines being used in the 2016 election. It's literally a meme.

You can check every polling district in every state
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and before you retards jump off the deep end

>Smartmatic will not be deploying its technology in any U.S. county for the upcoming 2016 U.S. Presidential elections.
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CTRProxyleaf you are literally here day round I am impressed. There are many sister machines of the Smartmatic and plenty of evidence in the last thread has found for MANY of the paperless machines in particular have had large donations to the Clinton Foundation

Now remember to kys
who is that fluid druid?
>there are many sister machines of the Smartmatic
What are the machines and what is the link to Smartmatic?
All I see is the same copypasta, despite the fact that you know Smartmatic machines are not being used.

Do you think that disseminating false information is helpful to your cause?
>Do you think that disseminating false information is helpful to your cause?

Holy shit CTR are you guys melting or something?

Remember why CTR scum is here boys, because this shit is important

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Why are you lying about Smartmatic machines being used in the 2016 election?

Who are you trying to fool?
The electronic voting machines are rigged that's all you need to know. Get yourself a papertrail
I'm carrying a prior anons thread. Not only about Smartmatic, it's a good example of sister machines being rigged in other countries

Projection is a cringy trait you should maybe purge yourself of that

Here's your you, kys
You know that Smartmatic machines aren't being used in the 2016 election. Why are you lying in every thread?

If you want to link it to Soros then say that sister machines have given fraudulent results in different countries

Why do you feel a need specifically to lie about Smartmatic machines being used in the 2016 elections? Do you not see a problem with lying to people?
Thanks for bump ctr

You didn't answer the question though. Do you honestly not see a problem with lying to people?

What does your normal day look like ctr?
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Did you really think it is only Smartmatic? Soros has his fingerprints over ALL the electronic voting machines, if you do 5 minutes research.
Keep it up Amy.
Today I wrote a memo about the potential s.7 Charter arguments against the criminal provision on incest. Then I got high and watched anime.

What'd you get up to?

do it faggot

good job

ya that sure worked for ron Paul fagoot
>if you do 5 minutes research.
please enlighten us

Beware of (((George Soros))), your American election affects Europe also.

Went to the gym, blazed to the point of uncomfortable. 4chan.

Looks like two fucking guys shitposting each other on a friday night

What are the criminal charges of incest
Anon. You do god's work. I'll get on this when I wake up.
We need bumps in here!!!!

George Soros is a billionaire Jew born 1930 in Budapest, Hungary, as György Schwartz. Various forms of criticisms have been directed at the sources of his wealth such as financial speculation. He has been argued to have financed various controversial political activists in various countries such as color revolutions, gun control, leftist protest groups, and leftist political parties and candidates.

A 2016 hack of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations have revealed extensive lobbying and funding of politically correct organizations and issues such Black Lives Matter and mass immigration
It has to be knowing sexual intercourse between parent, child, step-parent, step-child, sibling, step-sibling or half-sibling. Then you get nailed with a sentence up to 14 years.

The way it's looking, the SCC might be open to an argument that the provision is overbroad and thus unconstitutional. The scope of the provision is broad enough to capture conduct that isn't necessarily harmful (ie. estranged relatives who later get together as adults)

That might even be too much degeneracy for Canada though.

People that vote for shillary are really fucking stupid. They need education.
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Lurk more she's red pilled af
For a country where you can have sex with dogs, I find it interesting you can get charged for having sex with your sister
>For a country where you can have sex with dogs
what's that meme from?

*sigh* dont you people get it.

Psychological warfare, also known as Psy Ops, refers to an array a propaganda techniques that are aimed at influencing a target audience's value systems, belief systems, emotions, motives, reasoning or behavior. It is used to induce confessions or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favourable to the originator's objectives. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups and individuals. Those carrying out psychological warfare can be governments, secret societies and subversive organisations. Political correctness, ethno-masochism and Cultural Marxism are forms of psychological warfare prominent at present in European societies.

The hardcore pornography industry in film and image format is in particular associated with the United States and many of the most powerful people within the industry in ownership and distribution roles have been Ashkenazi Jews. San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles is to the pornographic industry, what Hollywood is to the film industry. It began to popularise between the 1950s-1970s with magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler. Contemporary hardcore film pornography began in the late 1970s with Lasse Braun leading the way. Since then, now on the internet, the material has become more and more perverted. The Jewish pornography industry also heavily promotes miscegenation, however while they will make endless "blacks on blondes" porn, they will never produce "Palestinian on jew" porn.

Murdoch Murdoch is always right.

Came here to say that the FL vote is fixed. Don't know by who or why, but I have seen a good man slowly broken trying to fight the election fraud there. Don't count on Florida, lads.
>For those of you who focus on the victims of war well that is just part of war. What do you think war is about? People DIE in wars that is why I am against wars. It brought me to tears because I used to think all of those horrible things about him [Hitler] until I learned the truth about the war and what Hitler truly did and he was not a bad person as they have painted him out to be. Here is a man who was not a coward, stood up for his country in a DESPERATE TIME OF NEED (unlike all of our cowardly leaders), and yet not only did he try his best to help his country and people get out of what was a time of depression, economic collapse, high unemployment, amongst many other things. ~ Tila Tequila

Depending on your state you can do whatever you want.
>on May 6, 2016, Nguyen tweeted that Jewish-American political commentator Ben Shapiro should "be gassed and sent back to Israel" and later posted that "There are only two things in this world, for which I would gladly sacrifice my own life; the destruction of all Jews and preservation of the white race" and "You know what will help Asians earn respect? An Asian version of Adolf Hitler… I want that person to be me; I want to save the world from this Zionist disease."

wew, how'd she ever even get these views to start with? Overdosing on redpills?

Much RESPECT to this man.

I absolutely boggles my mind how anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of computers could trust their goddamned blood won vote to an electronic machine especially in this day and age.

Because cowards prefer to live in Disneyland and pretend the world isn't a corrupt shithole
I remember when it was Republicans rigging voting machines

If you vote for Hillary you are either

1. Uneducated
2. One of (((them)))
Media and Dems assured me this never ever happens in America and there is nothing to worry about, Trump is completely crazy. Never mind all the hoopla over the 2000 Florida election, never happened.

Its like simple binary.
Am i ok if my ballot is sent in the mail
I remember there were election results from some machines where candidates received a negative vote count

I hope you patriotic Americans take your country back after that crooked bitch wins.
>Unless something changes with how votes are counted, there's just going to be more and more election fraud - that's the nature of capitalism. Why would they stop if they're being allowed to rig it? They're encouraged to do as much as possible.

Seriously. But I guess try if you want. Another good idea is to do citizen exit polls:
>Stand outside polling place
>Count how many people vote
>Identify yourself and that that you're just polling to prove it isn't being rigged
>Ask who they voted for

Also if you have time, sign up to be a poll place worker. (It'a possible that won't even matter though.)
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>by soros
I wish I could help in this specific regard. It's my biggest worry
Make infographic memes
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Have a bump my dudes.

Please give this to any OC/Anacrime Commiefornia anons who may have recycled this. It's where to go to vote in person. The entire area here uses the Soros machines.

Tell everyone to call these places too. I don't THINK they're allowed to refuse you a paper ballot, but I don't know.

I know San Diego has paper options.
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Bump this shit it's important
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Boobs so you'll read this
Wait. But I used to work the booths during the election. They aren't connected to the internet. They just count votes.
Then at the end of the night a " receipt " gets printed out.
3 of them.
Anyone working the booth had to sign the receipts all 3 of them. Then we call a number to tell them what the receipt said
Then we mail all 3 receipts to 3 different places.
How are the electronic ones fake?
I'm not a shill. Just explain it to me.
Like I said. I worked a few elections.
I'm from Bergen county NJ
The machines could be tampered with prior to fuck with how the votes are counted and printed out later, its a simple and easy thing to accomplish if the company that owns them intends to rig the machines.
I'm in York co. PA and I want to vote Trump. Any word on if we've got (((SmartMatic))) machines?
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ebin :DDD
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