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What lowers should I buy for AWB 2.0? Leftists no longer pr

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What lowers should I buy for AWB 2.0?

Leftists no longer pretend to care about "what the founders intended." They admit they want the opposite.


Is this year even fucking real?
Nothing will get passed. Of 50 dead dags a couple dozen dead white kids doesn't kick off an awb, shrillary won't get shit passed.
the cheapest ones you can find.... Anderson or PSA. All lowers are the same. Except polymer, don't buy that shit.
>Is this year even fucking real?
Yes. The Berenstain timeline is just a tad bit more wackier and fun.
>Leftists no longer pretend to care about "what the founders intended." They admit they want the opposite.
im sure they speak for all leftist. just like the NRA speaks for /k/
>Nothing will get passed

Justices will
t. """""pro-gun""""" liberal
Sure, but what does that mean? Likely nothing. The Justices aren't going to come in and overturn DC v Heller or McDonald v City of Chicago.

Cases will have to be brought to them to be heard and they may not even be picked up by the SCOTUS.
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OP.... Please, please tell me that image isn't fucking real. I knew HuffPo was trash but holy shit.
and what southern states do you think will instantly pick up those cases?
Lol. Is this what Hillary voters on /k/ are telling themselves now?

Bloomberg will finance some bullshit case up to the SCOTUS where they'll allow families of people that got shot to sue gun manufacturers out of business. They'll get """universal background checks""" and another awb if she wins.
And any kind of federal AWB is political suicide and they know t. But it's really easy to talk about it and rile up the grabbers and let the states take the heat for bans instead.
It's real alright
Correction, we don't have Hillary voters, Correct The Record has been making it's rounds hardcore these last few months
I'm not a Hillary voter. But damn dude, there won't be another AWB.
I'm sure there's a few Hillary voters on here that aren't getting paid to tell us, but with all the shit those emails are confirming I'm sure ctr has us in their sights too.

They don't have to do it through Congress. Go read the dissenting opinions on DC vs Heller. Now imagine the court tipped in their favor and what they'll do when they get the chance. Judges can't get voted out so they won't care. Go read Men in Black by Mark Levin too. Shits fucked.
>political suicide

lel, Democrats have the majority in terms of demographics and everyone knows it

majority rules here

>anyone who disagrees with me is Correctin Tha Record.

CTR must be the most well funded political organization in history. I bet (((they))) even paid all those millions of people to vote for hillary to rig the election.
Well go start organizing peaceful demonstrations nationwide to promote positive firearm education and support for the second amendment. Show the nation that we aren't all a bunch of Alex Jones tier whack job extremists.

Seriously, going out and buying 5 Anderson lowers isn't going to stop them from deciding to rule on a case. It's already too late for Trump. Hillary, unfortunately, will be our next president. And to be honest, it's at the fault of everyone who voted for Trump in the primaries.

> Overturning DC vs Heller

Little early for that one. When they shit all over Res Judicata, it tends to be 20 years or more. Commerce Clause is the only one I'm aware of that they waited as little as 11 years.
AWB wont happen this year or maybe not until she wins again in 4 years. She's too busy securing the majority with amnesty this year.
by this year, I mean 2017/year 1
Honestly Amnesty might be good because then the illegals wouldn't have a reason to vote Democrat anymore.
I'm not OP, I already build my ar. The polls now are showing Trump and Hillary in a dead heat. I wanted Cruz in the primaries but ive been volunteering for Trump because I'm in a swing state. Giant open carry events do more to freak people out than Alex Jones. He can totally win, stop being so pessimistic. Buy your ammo but hope for the best. This constant "Trump's already lost don't even bother voting!" schtick is an attempt to get Trump voters to stay home on the big day.

I don't trust activist judges like Ginsberg to give even the slightest shit about that. They've been fighting for this since the 20s, they're not going to waste any time once they get the majority they need.
She's going to be a one term president IF, and it's a big IF, the republicans can do some self reflecting and choose a decent candidate.
I don't have a meme arrow big enough for this one.

Reagan's amnesty in the 80s didn't create a bunch of Republicans out of the people that got amnesty, this would be no different.
>I wanted Ted Cruz but ive been volunteering for Trump

Two of the worst possible choices in the 2016 republican primaries. You are the reason why she will be president.

If you want to win, find a conservative candidate. Not a social conservative candidate. We need someone who will work to uphold the constitution for all, not just for one side. Stop voting for candidates who want to overturn Roe v. Wade. Stop voting for candidates who care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom.

Focus on the economy and cutting spending.
>Who are you going to vote for, the party that gave you citizenship or the party that nominated a evil racist 4 years ago?
So Rand/Ron Paul. Were a little late at this point desu
After Rand dropped out, John Kasich was the best option. Hillary would assuredly have lost.
>The polls from two months ago are showing Trump and Hillary in a dead heat

The only polls where it's close now are Texas and Georgia.
Its not 1996. Stop buying into fear and stand firm on your beliefs and this shit wont happen.
Sheeple are easy to manipulate.
Also vote in your fucking state, local, and senate elections u fucks.
>She's too busy securing the majority with amnesty this year.

Give me a break. Democrats already have the majority in demographics, all they have to do is get those people to vote.

Adding millions of illegals would just be expanding what's already there.
is that not precisely what "securing" means, autismo?
The Republicans are finished in national elections after Trump loses. People won't forget who they nominated.

Kasich was the best by virtue of being a RINO (pro-TPP, for instance).

It goes to show that the only way a Republican can win nationally is by acting like a Democrat.
You mean the people voting from beyond grave, or those guys voting multiple time at different voting locations because "voter IDs are racist".
Americans are a goddamn joke.
Securing implies it's not already secure.
Shudda gotten a republican with libertarian values. Wudda been gudd
The republicans aren't finished. Stop with the whole "woe is me" bit.

Just stop voting for social conservatives.
>political spectrum is one-dimensional
>t. american intellectual
t. not him
Cruz is literally the most conservative person to run and have a chance since Reagan. He had no plans of making being a homosex illegal, and overturning roe v wade gives the power back to that states where it belongs.

Kasich is half of the reason the term cuckservative came about, along with Jeb. Hes a fucking RINO in the extreme.
Check the twitter link, 100% real
There's already a party for those who aren't socially conservative; it's called the Democratic Party.

>and overturning roe v wade gives the power back to that states where it belongs
You can argue state's rights all you want, but it's blatantly clear by now that the majority of the public doesn't feel that way.

You leave it to the state's, and suddenly a bunch of states start banning it. Now people have to up and move, or travel to, certain states just to get an abortion.

They should be able to live life as they want in the state of their choosing.
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>Interpretation of constitution is reverted to that of the founders
>Obama declares he's running for a third term because he no longer has term limits.
>Obama overwhelmingly wins against both Hillary and Trump
In today's episode of "Science of Stupid" with Richard Hammond:
>huffpost tries to strawman Trump, but ends up looking like treacherous cunts
The Dems aren't fiscally conservative, then again, neither are the Republicans these days.
>John Kasich was the best option
I'm convinced this stance is just b8 at this point.
Enjoy your Hillary, m8.

She would have beaten Cruz, Rubio, and Carson as well as Trump.
It's true though. Kasich would've trounced Hillary.

He's a RINO, so he'd have no trouble appealing to Democrats.
If we are going by that then he can't run because he is black
Good thing we're just talking social conservatism.

Fiscal conservatism seems to be dying anyway. The majority of the public seems to want more government spending.

Mo' money for dem programs
Your interpretation of homogenized States is entirely contrary to the design of this county. You're not SUPPOSED to do whatever wherever. The founding fathers expertly knew that Americans were too divided politically and culturally across geographic lines. They wanted states to be different so people could live in an area that upholds their values while being part of a greater nation.

It's at this point where Americans are so divided and inflamed that States Rights are so important. No one will EVER be satisfied with the president having as much perceived power as it does. This divisiveness is only going to get worse and worse while we try to claim the whole cake.
Senate is not likely to stay republican, especially if Trump loses.

So I would go ahead and buy magazines and semi auto rifles/shotguns.
I agree with you, actually. My belief is that, despite the US being technically one country, the states tend to differ wildly from each other. Local customs, culture, whatever.

In that regard, letting the people of each state decide what they want for THEIR state seems like the right idea.

But, as I pointed out, it's clear that the majority of the public these days doesn't see things that way. To them, the US is one country in every sense of the word, and the law should be the same all across it. At the federal, state and local levels.

The Founding Fathers had a lot of ideas. Unfortunately for them, time, history and demographic change has all but killed what they envisioned.
the fuck does t. even mean
oh and i forgot. Paul Ryan is a massive cuck. So he will sell us out in a heartbeat to appear "bipartisan".
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Hello, newfriend.
it means lurk more
some mongoloid finnish meme, its like, signed [whatever]

if it sounds retarded thats because Finns are fucking retards
It's a dank finnish meme.

It is a short hand for a Complimentary Close, something like "regards".
>implying they aren't
He is talking about interpreting the constitution not repealing constitutional amendments.
Also there is nothing to interpret about the constitution. The Federalist Papers, post-1776 court cases while the founders still lived, and the letters they wrote, clearly explain what the founders meant.
Sorry, your liberal education failed you.
T. is short for terveisin, "regards".
Establishment Kasich would have been squashed by Hillary.
A literally "who?" candidate who couldn't handle Trump bantz.
Enjoy your Hillary
>Kasich would've trounced Hillary
He couldn't even Trounce the GOP primaries.
>an establishment candidate would've been squashed by an establishment candidate
Hillary will stack the Supreme Court upon inauguration.

She'll get in, have them agree with whatever she wants, and will continue to fuck us over some more.
Yeah, and how's that working out for you now?
Establishment Republicans getting squashed by establishment Democrats is pretty much a given now. Their entire party plan for elections is to be "the good guys" and apologize for every scathing accusation the DNC throws their way.
Remember how Obama said "hey guys, we need to start taking in refugees NOW, and every state has to do their part"?

Do you remember how Texas then said "hahahaha... No."?

What do you think's gonna happen if they try to pass an AWB?
A shitload better than your little unknown pro-TPP manlet would have managed you noguns shill
>Still not automatically calling Veritas/O'Keefe a lying asshole after proven multiple times he fakes his videos so the victims say whatever he wants them to

Just the name of that group is a huge lie.
Yeah, and look how that's working now.

The GOP base is not only out of touch with their own party; they're out of touch with reality.

Kasich lost the primaries because he didn't appeal to Republican voters. Yet, he could've easily won a general, because what matters is appealing to Democrats and Independents.
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>it's real
>Hurr dis video is saying things I uhgree with, it must be twue!
There was no good choice for Republican candidacy this election. I actually remember Romney and McCain and they both suffered horrendously.

And social conservatism is part of conservatism, if you wanna go be a democrat, go somewhere else.
So assassinate Ginsberg.

>lel this post is for educational and entertainment purposes only I hold no accountability for your actions please mister lawman don't shoot my pup
What is that from?
>establishment GOP candidate
>what matters is appealing to Democrats
Un-fucking-real, it's like you've actually managed to keep your head in the sand the past decade.
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>noguns shill
You think that I want to put the thousands and thousands of dollars I have invested in firearms and ammo in jeopardy?

You say it's working out better, but all I see is Trump self destructing.
> I actually remember Romney and McCain
Ditto, which is why these dipshits saying Kasich would have dominated are making me laugh. Shills or babby's first election, I'm not sure which.
Well, I guess I'd better go vote democrat then, just for you.
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Should be easy to disprove then. Or do you only have the bleating of the huffing and puffington post to say that its "totes fake guise"?
>H-he must be a liberal because he disagrees with Donald.

So is this what /k/ looks like in a post /pol/cuck invaded world? Advocating for the repeal of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago? Unbelievable.
>And social conservatism is part of conservatism
Apparently, it's the only part

>if you wanna go be a democrat, go somewhere else
No I just think the government should mind it's own business.
>"give Hillary 2 justice spots to appoint and national sympathy"
>implying Ginsberg hasn't said she was going to step down anyways so Hillary could appoint fresh SJW blood into the seat

how dumb are you
hey man, I'm sure all this rampant identity politicking and increasingly polarized social and political environment is all just an illusion, we TOTALLY could have made good headwind with some limp-wristed notaRepublican who literally voted for the AWB in 1994
>I actually remember Romney and McCain and they both suffered horrendously.
In McCain's case because he abandoned his more moderate record to chase the loud "base" voters and came off as disingenuous and fake, and the selection of Palin as running mate was clearly as a token "historical first" to try to counter Obama.

Romney mainly because he was an out of touch wealthy corporate pirate who was aggressively against the ladders that were in place to help his parents get where they were for him to have the start he had.

Carson's a similar case, except he wants to pull out the ladders that helped him personally so no one else can use them.
Keep crying boy. YOU are the reason that we're getting Hillary now, because you had to go out and vote for a fucking meme.
They're just retards that believe the media. Thinking Kasich it anyone else wouldn't be getting attacked just as viciously is naïve in the extreme. Look at all the shit they said about Romney and McCain. Trump certainly gives them more to attack, but he's also fucking Teflon Don.

It's the meme election, people don't want what makes sense unfortunately.
Kasich was a fucking joke. He wanted to make it easier for the Mexicans to get citizenship. Effectively committing suicide against his own party.

That's why Trump is so strong for the convservative party. He's a breath of real, actual conservative-ism. He's not perfect and his breath smells like he's had one too many matzos, but it's better than nothing.
How angry are you?
>I actually remember Romney and McCain and they both suffered horrendously.

Obama was just more charismatic and likable. Republicans could have put either of them this year and they would have won against Hillary.
She's a Rule 63 Demoman from this comic.
Those ladders need to be kicked out until mass deportation of spics and niggers occurs.
And he'll be taking conservatism with him to the grave when he loses.
I'm sorry your lukewarm RINO who couldn't even muster up to Cruz got snubbed out like the bitch he was.
Rand Paul

He was the only one that could have easily beaten Hillary and expanded GOP voters.

Yet his presidential campaign exposure in the media was basically nothing, after he filibustered the Patriot Act. Because the media, democratic party, and the hillary campaign wanted it that way. The media then showered Trump, Cruze and Carson in free media attention to promote the worst possible candidates for general election.
Dude, we get it. You've entrenched yourself even deeper knowing Trump is running himself into the ground. It's unhealthy, though.
I'd rather vote a somewhat real conservative rather than another Burkean conservative.
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>it's another Cheef O'Keef bullshit video episode
And here we see the core Trump voter in all his glory.
>Yeah we lost the last two elections and everyone is still salty over Dubya, but THIS time-
You can't make this shit up.
>everyone that votes for Trump disappears after this election

What? The number of conservatives isnt going down, it's the number of Democrats going up that's the problem. Why do you think they cry about voter ID laws being racist and push for open borders? They want to flood the country with more Democrats.
Constitution was written by Cis-white males owning slaves, Gtfo racists
The only time socialism ever worked was when the word National got put in front of it.
McCain would have done better if he just hadn't had Palin as his VP. Most of the attacks were centered around her, not him. At the time, I can get why the republicans would want her. Obama had just trounced Hillary and the republicans were hoping to catch some windfall from the voters who were still sold out for the idea of "muh woman in the whitehouse," but they unfortunately picked a candidate who was more suited to porn parodies than politics. They took a gamble and it didn't pay off, but at least it gave the world Lisa Ann.

Trump got an insane amount of free media coverage.
so why foval was fired and other guy stepped down
>itt: "pro-gun" lefties pulling the "Obama won't try for increased gun control" card, again.

Yeah that worked out fantastically, ammo prices and rifles are cheaper then ever!

>inb4 he didn't get an awb so that means he didn't try and take your guns!

Yeah, the senate/house will be Republican for ever and anot anti-gun SCOTUS for however long it takes for those fucks to croak will surely help any state fighting back against gun control and any law passed on the federal level when the pendulum does swing the other way.
You're not helping your image here.
>what leftists sincerely believe: the post, the novel, the movie, the video game, the direct to DVD sequel
>it's real
Clinton would have fucking destroyed him with this alone and caused disenfranchisement, holy fuck...
You could do some research on this anon
Because everyone but the candidate is easy to replace in a campaign, and having them gone gets rid of distractions.
I know this term is overused here, but holy shit you either have to be literally retarded or CTR to deny those hidden camera videos.
even that only worked because slave labour and looting of conquered nations
>implying I give a fuck about my image
You can't make racism PR-friendly.

>Post WWI Germany
>In an economic boom
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member when Feinstein was the worst enemy of /k/?
Problem isn't the president, it is who the president nominates for SCOTUS. All of the conservative judges will be retiring in the next 10 years.
Hillary will stack it with living constitutionalists who will play fast and loose with the constitution.
>Videos put out by group with a long, repeated history of editing "gotcha" videos to make their political targets say whatever they want them to
>Believing Falsitas ever after their track record
>gun control hysteria wasn't pushed by manufacturers
Investors are sitting pretty with 957% gains since Obama took office.
The enemies were always the same, they're just coming out of hiding now.
Point is, conservatives are outnumbered. Your ideology can't survive in the current US.
I hope that Kool aid youre sucking down tastes good, holy shit. How the fuck could they have edited that video to get those assholes from the DNC to say what they said? It's whole fucking sentences on fucking video.

Okeef has already been exposed for selective and deceitful editing in past videos.

Even if this shit was true good luck getting enough people to believe it to care.

This is what 30 years of witch hunting against the Clintons got us. By the time something real comes around nobody gives a shit because they assume it's more sensationalist bullshit.
>people who can't deal with the fact that the Constitution is a living document
If it isn't real, why did one of the higher-ups get fired and another step down?
The same way they did with ACORN and Planned Parenthood you propaganda-sucking fuck.
Getting paid by the DNC*

Tell me how you edit footage to get their latest video. Fucking how?

And it's only people like you that call the Clintons getting away with repeatedly breaking the law a "witch hunt" that don't care.

Liberally hope this is CTR, because people being this blind and not getting paid for it is sad.
> selective and deceitful editing
>Even if this shit was true
How in the fucking fuck do you just dismiss
>"So you pretty much truck around homeless and lunatics to Trump rallies so they can incite violence?
>"Hell yeah we do! We call it bird-dogging!"
>all in one 20 second cut
as 'deceitful editing'? Have you even watched the videos or are you just spouting off what you read in HuffPo?
Dont argue from the stance 'If it isn't real', the videos show damning evidence that it IS real, attacking the source of the proof is a tactic used by desperate guilty people looking to distract

never be defensive when your right
How did they edit this VIDEO?

We're at the point video evidence apparently isn't enough for you people. Christ.
Post a pic of guns you own with a timestamp.

Or these people know who oKeef is and are trolling the fuck out of him.
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Just a reminder that numbers aren't on their side and they know it. They just use gun control to fire up their base.
We're dealing with CTR here, or people that only read huffpo/vox/salon and are raiding k. I refuse to believe anyone can actually watch the video and call it fake.

Yeah being forced to step down after he released the video which half of was obviously recorded by a woman and not him is such a great troll XDDDD.
>Even if this shit was true good luck getting enough people to believe it to care.

This. He's the boy who cried wolf; even if he's right this time he already burned through all his credibility.
I'm at work, eat shit. Not going to run home just to make some idiot on a Jarawan bead corkboard eat crow.
Go to /pol/, fucking newfag.
>Bloomberg will finance some bullshit case up to the SCOTUS where they'll allow families of people that got shot to sue gun manufacturers out of business.

SCOTUS wouldn't have grounds to find the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act unconstitutional, and they can't just circumvent legislation because they feel like it.

>Correct The Record

Jesus fucking Christ dude, you are paranoid as shit.
>how did they edit this VIDEO

professional editor here, the answer you're looking for is: easily. Just cut up the original audio and then blend some room temp under it so it sounds natural. Seriously, I could take your valedictorians speech from graduation and, in the span of a weekend, turn it into a 10 minute long spiel about the medicinal value of sucking horse cock.
>We're dealing with CTR here
unless /pol/ has been crying wolf so often that newfags and shitposters now know exactly how to bait everyone

shocking theory I know
You first. Something tells me your mom doesn't let you keep guns in her house.
Or a bunch of "muh /k/" /pol/ crossposters who think just because we like guns we have to have the exact same political beliefs as they do.
the average trump supporter would probably believe it
What's with the uninterrupted footage, complete with lip movement, of these heads saying they do exactly what the vid says they do?
this is true
I agree with some of /pol/ but I've never brought it to other boards because it shits up the place

the thing I love about /k/ is the only thing that matters to us is firepower, everything else is irrelevant. I think people are forgetting that
>Official, hand-signed White House document from Slick Willie himself congratulating him for supporting his AWB
yeah, truly Hillary would have been obliterated by K-man's hand when there's this kind of ammunition laying around....
Not just lip movement, but people walking in the background, hand gestures, and more.
You should, the chick that was the valedictorian at my HS was hot as fuck.

If you're going to claim this was edited, including his fucking mouth which matched up perfectly with his words, I guess we have to stop using video evidence in court then if it's that easy to fake.

99% of the "ctr" posts people call out on pol are trolls trying to get a wall of replies, but it's confirmed ctr exists. When you present people with video evidence and they can only resort to "it's edited" or "it's a really good bluff meant to trick the cameraman even though the person recorded stepped down", those people are either gold medal mental gymnasts or being paid to lie.
2A voters would've been fucked either way in a Kasich/Clinton match-up.

That guy won't do it but I will. Not pictured is AR at the funsmith.

And yes that's a Timberwolf.
It would be easier to hold the senate without such a bafoonish character like Trump being the face of the party and Kasich would not be putting in Clinton's justices.

Kasich has not done a single thing to restrict firearm ownership rights in Ohio. In fact, our rights have continued to increase since he took office.
Totes edited d00ds.

Also not pictured is the huge amount of CTR money in my bank account.
Kasich is an open borders liberal, he would have gladly thrown the election, just like Romney did

Kasich isn't even a fucking republican, unlike Mccain or Romney.
Whether they exist or not is irrelevant, we know they don't have the manpower to bother with a site that has no permanence. This thread will be gone tonight at the current post rate.
Take your L
Throw in his immigration policies and his TPP endorsement and she wouldn't have even had to try to spark backlash from the GOP voterbase.
>b-buh the pixuls...
>Muh ACORN...
>all this Trump v. Kasich talk.
So this is the future of the GOP? Constant infighting?
Their immigration polices are virtually the same, and anyone with a brain knows Hillary is pro-TPP.

She'd have nothing to use against him that didn't apply to herself. Other than that he's a "mean old Republican", of course.
Trump is going to win

You think Kasich would survive against the anti-trump media frenzy that has been going on? It's Her Turn after all.
>She'd have nothing to use against him that didn't apply to herself.
Yeah, hence
> she wouldn't have even had to try to spark backlash from the GOP voterbase.

Try reading next time.
Yep, regardless of whether Trump wins (lel) or loses.

The bonus is that, if Trump somehow does win, then there will be infighting in both parties.
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>Trump is going to win
>GOP voterbase sees that their candidate is pretty much Hillary; Penis Edition
nice, let's just hand FL, TX and the whole fucking election it to her on a silver platter
Well that doesn't sound fun at all. Hopefully we can still get the DNC to infight as well.
Dems can have half the vote and lose every state other than their strongholds like NY and Cali
>So this is the future of the GOP? Constant infighting?
>Implying it wasn't before Trump even took prominence
They rolled out the Clown Car this year for a reason.
But they're not going to lose those states. Hillary will win several historically red states.

Vote for him, I don't care, but at least be emotionally prepared to take that L
>"it's a really good bluff meant to trick the cameraman even though the person recorded stepped down"

Someone resigning because of a video can have absolutely nothing to do if they are actually guilty or not, but the optics involved.

Just like

>you're a teacher
>you end up alone with a student in a room
>that student accuses you of sexual assault later
>you didn't do it
>you resign because regardless of the truth the optics aren't in your favor
>Trump is going to win

2012 wasn't great either in terms of clown car primary.
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Tbh, maybe another term of Obama sitting on his hands for another 4 years is better than Hillary/Trump being the only ones "good enough" to win, still voting for best meme though.
>Hillary will win several historically red states.
Oh my, you actually believe Nate and his predictions of AZ, FL and GA going blue?
Arizona and North Carolina do not count as several.

>T-Texas and Georgia will go blue! I swear!
Nah, he'd have been an inoffensive vanilla who could've sat idly by as Hillary's own corruption asphyxiated her campaign. I know many traditionally-Democrat voters who would've taken him over Clinton. And as an independent (libertarian socialist), I'd much sooner have voted for him than Hillary, or even "my own" idiot candidate, Johnson. (Speaking of, why the hell couldn't we have had Ron Paul run in the one election he'd have had a chance of winning?)
I actually feel a little sorry for you. This is going to be emotionally devastating for you.
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oh jesus christ, fuck this thread
>He believes the (((polls)))
Nate Silver got the last two elections right, fuck off Trumptard.

>m-muh rigged polls!
>Libertarian socialist
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>having any trust in the polls
>having any trust in the media
His analyses have been pretty spot on for years.
>tfw Arizonafag
Please make the California rejects leave.

Yeah, until this election where Trump, according to him should not have won the primaries.

Even my lifelong 65 year old West Texas Republican parents are voting Hillary because they hate Trump so much.

They figure that if their choices are between two yankee democrat pieces of shit they're better off with the one who's honest about being a yankee democrat piece of shit
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>His analyses have been pretty spot
Honestly, it's a wonder your state lasted as long as it did, considering its proximity to Mexico.

Same for Texas, but at least it's staying red for now.
Several things here, there would be no hillary corruption exposing without Trump
Kasich would have never attacked Hillary because he's a RINO shill at heart.
Kasich would not have had ANYTHING approaching the Republican enthusiasm that Trump enjoys

And he's been all wrong this election because he's a partisan little jew terrified of the second coming of Adolf J Hitler

I guess they just want to Make Texas Mexico Again huh
Look what lots of free publicity and no solid counter candidate can do when you're only dealing with the voter base that can vote in GOP primaries.
Our only hope is Right-Wing Death Squads.

I seriously don't know how to make these fags go away.
Yeah, your personal anecdotes don't mean shit.

Texas is not going blue this year, sorry. Trump will lose the election, but he will get Texas.
>Honestly, it's a wonder your state lasted as long as it did, considering its proximity to Mexico.

I dnno how you can say shit like this, the only reason Cali is filled with spics is because of decades of blatantly treasonous federal government behavior. But that's true about all the demographic stuff in the west. There is no inevitability of Cali being filled with illegal mexicans.
>Our only hope is Right-Wing Death Squads
And this is why you will continue to lose us elections.
>I seriously don't know how to make these fags go away.

The only way to do that would be to make your state a shitty place to live.

You don't see those kinds of people flocking to states like Kentucky, West Virginia, or anywhere Deep South (save Atlanta).


Easiest way to spot a failed CTR
They're not Republicans if they're voting Hillary. If they refuse to vote, fine, but if they're voting Hillary they lose all right to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives by any measure.
>Nate Silver got the last two elections right
A chimp could have accurately predicted 2008 and 2012, holy shit...
Holy shit, you just don't get it. You retards who push and push for Trump are the reason why Hillary is going to win.
>Even my lifelong 65 year old West Texas Republican parents are voting Hillary
Dude, come on.
Not if all the Left-Wing voters are dead.
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Well it's only natural that being on the border with a Mexico guarantees an influx of Mexicans at some point; illegal or otherwise.

Things have gotten out of control though.
>No True Scotsman
You can build walls and enforce immigration policies, its not some impossible task
But with an open borders federal government that will aggressively crap on any state that tries to enforce the law.... not much Cali could have done.
Just because they're Burkean conservatives doesn't mean that they're conservatives.
You're the reason why Hillary will win and you're too immature to do any self reflecting at all.
Unfortunately this is the best outcome.
I want this bad dream to end.
I want this bad dream to end.
Please end this bad dream.
I just want my guns.

Old lifelong Republicans staying home because they refuse to vote Trump will do more damage than any handful of RINOs voting democrat this time will.

People love talking about the silent majority but this time they may actually be silent.
You can't build a wall on the US-Mexico border, it is logistically impossible and economically infeasible.
No one is going to come take your guns. Stop listening to the fear mongering.

The NRA just wants to sell you a membership.
Jesus Christ, can we please not have these very thinly disguised /pol/ threads
>inb4 mexico will pay for it
>vote guy in primaries
>suddenly decide not to vote for him in the general

I don't know what Republican voters expected. What people saw in the primaries was exactly what they got.
Are you a shill or a liar?
Yeah I'm sure our victory would have been much better had we sat around pandering to Democrats all day.
>I'm OK with continued and growing infringement on my rights so long as police literally don't come and kick down my door and shoot my dog to take my guns

Kill yourself.
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>babby's first election
Not shilling. Do you know how long the US-Mexico border is?

The US isn't some small country like Switzerland, and neither is Mexico.
The SCOTUS is coming for our guns?
You can't win a general election without appealing to Democrat voters.

Democrats make up the majority of registered voters, and urban areas hold the majority of the population.
Yea so we take some small fraction of the welfare money paid to illegal and legal mexicans, we take some small fraction of the money sent back to mexico every year, we take some small tax on the trade between US/Mexico, we apply a visa fee to mexicans travelling to the US, etc

And then we big a nice beautiful wall
Which is why Israel has done it successfully on their border with Egypt and cut illegal immigration from Africa by 99% from doing so. Surprise surprise, their economy hasn't suffered at all!
This is some twitter-tier shitty trolling right here.

Who does all the good construction work in this country?

The people you're trying to keep out. Good luck getting them to build it. Say hello to over budget and behind schedule straight out of the door when you have to hire pussy white boy union workers.

"lol how could we possibly build a wall? nobody has ever built a wall before!
They will when Hillary appoints 3 Everytown faggots.
I see why secession is a popular idea now.
Do you understand how the SCOTUS operates?
Can we go back to Berenstein, please?

Good luck with that one faggot. Worked so well last time.
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CBP doesn't want the wall though, because, guess what, they'll just do what they already are with current wall sections: going over or under.

What they want is more drones and sensors, because then they can actually react to crossings, not just passively try to block them. And again, the wall Trump is talking about would be insanely expensive.

Israel is a country smaller than even the state of New Hampshire. Building a wall there is completely different from building a wall on the US-Mexico border.
Have you read the liberal activist judges opinions on cases? Do you honestly think they care how the court is supposed to run? Ginsberg literally announced how she'd rule on cases before hearing them. They don't care, they see their seats as a way to advance their agenda and nothing more.
hnngg. wat rifle m8?
It wouldn't be insanely expensive if we used the successful Israeli model. Theirs was built very affordably and works superbly.

>people on 4chan really think that the polls are close
hillary has >80% chance of winning, dont kid yourself
Yea ok because a country 100 times the size can't build a wall maybe 4 times larger?

Having an actual physical wall that stops people from just border hopping is a necessary first step.
>Barrier 1/10th the size between two nations that regularly shoot at each other
Right, that's totally the same thing.

What are you going to bring up next, the Korean DMZ?
Their economy is much smaller too. Look at the per-km/mi cost of building it and compare it to each country's budget (or GDP if you'd prefer, even if that's less useful a comparison) and you'd see it would be less of a burden for the US to do it than for the Israelis.
>Either vote democrat
>Or vote democrat with a different name

Yeah we're fucked.
>Reminder that Switzerland has extensive natural borders gated by mountain passes
>we take some small fraction of the money sent back to mexico every year

How do you propose we confiscate money that has otherwise been legally earned and sent to Mexico as remittance?
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This anon gets it. Pic related.
Trump already said tax money orders sent to Mexico and Latin America.

And money earned by someone here illegally, wasn't earned legally.
>1/10th the size
>Needs military defense whether fence is there or not
I dnno m8
How does the government confiscate any money that is legally earned?
why are people this retarded? this is like when people say that all scientists are colluding to make vaccines cause autism or hide the cure for cancer. it just shows a lack of understanding about how polling and poll analysis work
>Having an actual physical wall that stops people from just border hopping is a necessary first step.
Except they don't stop people. At all. A wall without active guard is just a minor speedbump.
Cut US aid given directly to the country proportionally. Keep American taxes for Americans.
This guy is right.

Whether secession is the right idea or not is irrelevant.

The US government would not allow secession under any circumstance.

Things would get violent, and most people do not want to upend their quality of life over politics.
>implying with the rampant cartel activity that the US doesn't

Both the governor and state legislature have basically said this, not just in Texas, but several southern and far norther states (real north, not east coast pussies).
>Trump already said tax money orders sent to Mexico and Latin America.

And how does he propose to do that?

>How does the government confiscate any money that is legally earned?

So now you're pro tax (which hasn't been actually explained) as long as it's someone else?

>Cut US aid given directly to the country proportionally. Keep American taxes for Americans.

Remittances aren't US Aid.
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Are you implying the US border guard doesn't exist?

Except the US media IS colluding. That's the fucking point. Pretty much all mainstream media is actively shilling for Hillary and the established political system that's full of corruption. Have you not followed the election at all? Do you literally get your information of the MSM's trustworthiness from the MSM itself?
Buy polymer upper and lower for a lightweight dedicated .22lr
You know it's funny. The original idea of socialism (worker-owned industry, not government-owned like every idiot seems to think), and proper libertarianism (not the neo-conservative bullshit we have in the US) are actually pretty compatible ideas. But thanks to strict bipartisanism and general ignorance, there's little hope of any success in US politics.
>So now you're pro tax (which hasn't been actually explained) as long as it's someone else?

No, you are just being a faggot talking about how the US is somehow physically unable to tax mexicans living here, when they would be TOTALLY within their constitutional authority to seize all mexican assets while deporting them.
>Implying the Cartel activity isn't directly the fault of the high-profit drug market in the US due to the stupidly aggressive War on Drugs
>are actually pretty compatible ideas.

No they aren't
Cartel activity is rampant because Americans can't stop their drug addiction.
What the fuck do you mean how? You put a tax on money orders being sent out of the country. Do you not know what a tax is it something?
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It's been good while it lasted.
>implying that I disagree with you about that
>implying that it isn't irrelevant to the need to secure the southern border against criminal organizations with enough money, reach, and personnel to match some governments
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>negative attention is a positive thing in a presidential election
Are you being serious here, anon?
>Remittances aren't US Aid.
No shit Sherlock, way to miss the fucking point.
Probably as long as the GOP keeps sucking on wall street dick.
>What the fuck do you mean how?

You have not explained beyond

>W-well just t-tax it!

>when they would be TOTALLY within their constitutional authority to seize all mexican assets while deporting them.

Zadvydas v. Davis

Clark v. Martinez

Illegal residents have due process protections you schmuck.

>No shit Sherlock, way to miss the fucking point.

Then why reply to my post about remittances with bullshit about US Aid you fuckin potato?
They're gonna have to push Hillary out of the way first before they can suck that dick.

If you're too dumb to understand a tax I don't know what to tell you. It's not complicated.
>They're gonna have to push Hillary out of the way first before they can suck that dick.
Nah. They take turns sucking the dick and giving a rimjob.
The bipartisan system is complete shit.
>how will you make up for all these millions of dollars mailed home to mexico
>>just proportionally cut the millions of dollars we send to mexico officially so the net result to the american taxpayer is zero
>but that isn't the same moneyyyyyy i don't geeeeet iiiiiiiit
Yeah, as if you could ever actually stop people from getting high. The better way is to make sure it's safe, from a taxable source, and provide options to help people get away from dangerous habits.
>machine gun ban
>amnesty for illegals
>from (((California)))
It's a monster with thousands of dicks, like a Medusa of dicks.
Social conservatism is dead in the water politically, it almost like people don't want the government telling them how to live their lives.

you gotta figure out how to do that first, because gaining a grip on an illegal industry that's evolved to survive and take over no matter what you throw at it isn't a matter of passing a bill or two.

the prohibition doesn't compare, people made alcohol before and just picked it back up.
>it almost like people don't want the government telling them how to live their lives.
It's amazing that there are people who don't want the government to tell them how many or what kind of firearms they can own but want the government to be able to do with your genitals.
People don't want to eat their vegetables either. What people want the most, they need the least.
States rights is the last bastion of a failed cause. When something becomes so unpopular and morally repugnant that it can't possibly be upheld at a national level, its supporters start crying states rights in the hopes they can win locally.
>What people want the most, they need the least.
Does that apply to firearms and social conservatism as well?
Of course not. Because what that anon believes is always right. It's not muh feels over reals.
No, it doesn't.
cognitive dissonance
Firearms are a political matter, not a social one, so I don't have any issue with these two positions.
Except the illicit alcohol trade devolved back into a hobbyist activity post-prohibition.

Look at states that have legalized Cannabis. They had a massive budget flip as weed-related law enforcement costs dropped while tax income skyrocketed. In fact, now they're looking at how to reduce the current tax rates to make it more competitive with black market sources.
National Socialism started a world war and got its hist nation completely destroyed. Not exactly a resounding success.
National Socialism started a war because it pulled itself from the World Banking economy and that made Churchill sad.

During the years before war happened, the economy was a resounding success.
Your picture makes it seem like Carson is uniquely qualified to make this claim.
>I used all of this stuff to get to where I am
>Fuck everyone else who started where I was
They fucking annexed all their neighbors

we're not talking fucking weed here.
>Der Lebensraum
National Socialism's economic rebound REQUIRED the war.
That's still annexation
Are reproductive rights and gay rights not political issues?
>Romney mainly because he was an out of touch wealthy corporate pirate
Which is hilarious, because he's not any of those things. Those are just what the media told you he was, and people believed it.

Hundreds of average Joes know Mitt Romney personally because he literally would sit and talk with them as part of his lay-clergy duties in his church for 4 hours a day, 4+ days a week for years.

and the "corporate pirate" nonsense? The man gave 30% of his income to charity. What corporate pirate does that? He "pillaged" a fucking typewriter factory and made it into a profitable business.
They shouldn't be.
Because we cared so much about Poland, right?

Oh wait, then we just threw Poland to the Soviets after the war where they got to commit one of the worst mass murders in history.
He was also the wrong type of Christian for the Republican base. McCain had a much better chance except he went ahead and chose a Jenna Jameson level IQ porn star for VP.
God gave us the right to protect our homes, lives, possessions, and Nation with firearms.

He didn't give us the right to fuck each other in the ass and kill unborn children.
It's a useful demonstrator (and a great example of the DEA blatantly miscategorizing a drug by it's own scheduling guidelines) of how you can look at drug controls.

Option A: Spend trillions making use more dangerous, in both product adulteration and enforcement and imprisonment costs. Creates linked increase in medical expenses due to risky use habits and fear of proper medical care.

Option B: Provide safe, taxed sources, controlled facilities with safe use options and provide risk reduction, and for high-risk drugs counseling and assistance in use reduction, weaning away.

One of these is a massive drain on our resources. The other is functionally self-funding.
Good thing God doesn't dictate the laws of the US.

weed is actually harmless though, the controlled sale of heroin is only going to be like the medicine people get hooked into already but worse.

you can't keep greed out of this.
more examples of cognitive dissonance.

You guys are literally the reason why Hillary is going to win. Stop giving a fuck what consenting adults decide to do if it isn't hurting you.
>and the "corporate pirate" nonsense? The man gave 30% of his income to charity. What corporate pirate does that? He "pillaged" a fucking typewriter factory and made it into a profitable business.
His entire fortune was built around doing hostile takeovers, saddling the company with extensive reorganization debt, then walking away with massive profits and leaving the company to succeed or die without him.
It hurts Civilization, and Civilization is the only morality.
No, you being assholes to other people who are not hurting you or anyone else is hurting civilization.
My party isn't the one demanding mass open immigration and the legalization of pedophilia.
Do I get all four if I'm a centrist?
most illegal immigrants come on temporary visas, or as part of the dreamer program and disappear into the larger Latino community in one of the dozens of sanctuary cites in the south west. The wall ain't gonna do shit.
Guys it's silly of you to argue that people cant abort, but can own guns because it's a personal choice. Either give people the option to abort babies and own guns, or move to russia. You wont win over any liberals by holding guns hostage with babies.
>weed is actually harmless though, the controlled sale of heroin is only going to be like the medicine people get hooked into already but worse.
Yeah, but the only control right now on opiate prescription meds like Oxycontin is a doctor's script, and they get handed out like candy and are a far serious problem than heroin.
Wow, both parties have extremist fringe groups?!
No if you're a centrist you get airshit.
>legalization of pedophilia.
Last I checked nobody supports this. Except maybe some extremist libertarians.
Trump has mentioned the need to deal with visa overstayers, to be fair.
I'm pretty convinced that for most people still supporting Trump here with their heads in the sand, this is their first presidential election.

how does a CO2 powered dildo work
That's pretty gay, why?

It's got a CO2 operated piston.
I don't know enough Lesbians to find out, but I'd assume it's pneumatic.
>Are you implying the US border guard doesn't exist?

It's badly understaffed as is.

DESU, if there's only so many 'good' law enforcement people, I want them walking the beat in the inner cities so they won't shoot kids with toy guns.
Because centrists don't fight wars until one of the other squares gives them a rifle and tells/forces them to.
>>>/pol/ needs to leave

Thank you for Correcting The Record. .02 cents has been deposited into your account.
>I don't have any actual counterargument
>It's badly understaffed as is.
That's why we need a wall.

But I totally would. To be more accurate, I guess I would be a radical centrist.
>you being assholes to other people who are not hurting you or anyone else

They're hurting those babies
>That's why we need a wall.
No, as Border Patrol is actually asking for, we need drones and sensors that can optimize personnel resources and responses.
What would radical centrists even be fighting for?

The ability to have all parties be mildly unhappy? Compromise above all else?
Because a physical wall is extremely expensive and does little to nothing along such an extensive border. It's superfluous with the virtual wall resources.
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Peace, stability, freedom, power, well-being. The things everyone else fights for, only unrestricted by a retarded left-right political axis. Why the fuck would you want to compromise with people who are objectively harmful? Just because centrist parties are chicken-shit do-nothings, doesn't mean (radical) centrists themselves are.

It's not extremely expensive.
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