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Are we missing something here? Steve Forbes analyzed Trump's

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Are we missing something here?

Steve Forbes analyzed Trump's scores at Wharton and estimated his IQ at 157, meaning Trump is a literal genius.

We're political junkies. When we watch Trump debate, it drives us nuts that he doesnt skewer Shilldog time after time. But maybe there's more to this strategy. The people who care to understand her scandals likely already do.

Try to think like the average uninformed American. Does Trump's approach appeal to you more than confusing explanations about Clitoron dodging Congressional records laws and pay for play schemes?
He's literally gone down every road for appeals. He's basically maximized his undecided voter turnout.

Hillary has literally only had one avenue of persuasion. She's only convinced people who were already convinced to vote for her.

The difference in capability here is rather astounding.
I have an IQ of 131 and Trump's an insult to even dumb people's intelligence. He has a 3rd grade vocabulary. When I heard fucking "bigly", I tried unsuccessfully to mock him by coming up with a synonym for "largely", but failed to do it until I realized I had to use first grade level words and just add "ly" to them. Only then could I come up with "uply" and "underly", etc.

Donald Trump is a god damned fucking moron.

That's what I see about his more measured approach. Gingrich called it on his Sept. 29th interview with Hannity where he said Trump needs to outline the high and big picture approach.

He already has his base, the entire purpose of this was to pick up undecideds and he gives them more reason to vote for him vs hillary.

The CNN focus group agreed too
So now you have the word bigly stuck in your head. Maybe thats what he wants

By calling him stupid, you're just saying that you're a whole lot dumber. He's not stupid, hes clearly up to something. Think of this as if you're an average American
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You miss an important point, he adresses the entire nation with his vocabulary, he is humble when he talks on the same level of less successful people, he makes them feel confortable and warm around him, he is a true Tribe Leader

he says big league not bigly, go read his tweets he never wrote bigly but he wrote big league a few times
Bigly is actually a word
>Being illiterate is an asset in a president
You people are getting the president you all deserve: Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Subtle bait, I give it 7/10
Your dumb
He says big league and he speaks like that to reach out to people. It's part of the art of the deal.
Bigly is a word
Has no one seen how George W. Bush actually talks? He went to fucking Yale and doesn't even have an accent hardly at all. Yet when he was running and talking to the public he'd put on a thick yokel Texan accent.

Some retard plumber watching in Kentucky isn't going to vote for someone who uses big words and confuses him.
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>falling for the IQjew
It's just another trick, anon.
It's big league you pretentious fuck.

he uses that all the time
Media trys to paint trump supporters as "low info" and i wouldn't disagree, but the bernie sanders supporters are absolutely clueless about politics, I feel that whole bernie movement was just some groupthink phenomenon, they probably wouldn't have even voted if bernie won the nomination
Yeah you are too stupid to realize that a genius can create his own words.
4 D C H E S S

he's getting old, and his memory is failing him. Don't forget he is 70 years old.

He's had plastic surgery done on his face, but that doesn't change the fact that his mind is on the way out.

Most very intelligent people lack social skills. Trump is well versed in acting like a normie from being on tv but his autism still shines through.
We're discussing persuasion techniques, not Presidential qualities
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You refuse to understand he apeals to all people, simple and succesful, nobody likes Assholes like Hitlery Cunt
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>IQ or 131
>thinks someone has a 3rd grade vocabulary for "making up" words that are in the dictionary
You played yourself, idiot.

IQ of 135 here, so this is what a difference of 4 points means.

He says big league.
He's a billionaire. You have to have good logic and reasoning skills to become that successful. He knows what he's doing. He'll prove it to us when he wins in a few weeks.
Limbaugh talks about that, how GWB doesnt talk anything like he did at his donor events. Gore was the stuckup intellectual type and it got him nowhere
Nice, get fucked Hitlery Cunt fanfuckboys
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>When we watch Trump debate, it drives us nuts that he doesnt skewer Shilldog time after time. But maybe there's more to this strategy.
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Also, I personally thought he did better the second debate, but CNN, NBC, and FOX are saying that tonight was his best performance. Did he strike a chord with normies that is /pol/lacks can't comprehend?
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>yfw Hillary is a Trump plant
I don't think being smart automatically makes you a master debater. It takes practice to become "good" at debating. People like Hillary have been debating and have been coached for years. She should be ashamed that she's doing so badly against a steak merchant with no experience whatsoever.
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>He went to fucking Yale

That doesn't mean shit

Daddy can buy your way into Yale

Bush is an idiot, no doubts about it.
You just don't understand marketing.

He uses a simple, 3rd grade volcabulary for the same reason why the pizza place uses simple language in their tv advertisent jingle. Its the same reason why the local law firm uses a basic, three word phrase as their slogan. And its not because the average pizza eater or law client is stupid. It's not because chefs and lawyers are stupid.

No matter how smart you are, simple, short phrases stick in your mind more than anything else anyone can say. This has been proven. It's common knowlege in the business world, and someone like Trump, who has spent his entire life selling things, would be very familiar with this technique.

Trumps selling himself to the american voter. And he is doing it in the way any business would sell anything. When you are trying to sell something, you don't try and impress people with big words or quick wit. It's all about the slogan.
Everything Trump says is a slogan. That's the main reason why he got where he is now.

Shut up, CTR shill.

Use the right words for the job.

I could have said, "Declaiming Trump's duncehood delineates degenerates whose disgraceful delusions of deity deserve defenestration", but that's less persuasive.

You want more persuasion?

You have a micro-penis, CTR shill.
>i-it's b-big league!! h-he said b-big l-league!!
Nice try Big League Truth Team, but he lost the debate and is going to lose to Hillary come election day.
Watch how he talks here in the 80s: https://youtu.be/OCabT_O0YSM

Completely different mannerisms.

>oh look a photo of two people together, they must be involved in an elaborate conspiracy to rig the U.S. Presidential elections muhahahaha
He really isn't though. Watch or listen to some of his shit where he doesn't put on the accent.
Shakespeare invents words and everybody calls him a genious

Trump invents words and everybody call him a moron

I just don't get it
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>Steve Forbes analyzed Trump's scores at Wharton and estimated his IQ at 157

>implying daddy didn't pay out the ass to get his dumb-as-a-rock boy excellent scores

lol you don't know how the world works, do ya?

The world works differently when your daddy is rich and can pay for anything
yes he was able to speak more or less coherently for thirty minutes before completely losing his mind. good job, donald!
Bigly is literally a real adverb.

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great dubs my friend also, 139 IQ here lets just says 4 more points has shown me that he has in fact gone to the 4D
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It was a more well thought tactical fight, where the moderator exercised actual impartiality and even went as far as to say "Thank you sir." when Trump agreed with him on his fact about Hillary Cunt
"Bigly" is a word, dumbfuck.

IQ of 500 here, and I say your full of shit.
A 26 IQ difference is the same difference as you and a nigger.

your IQ is 105 at most btw.
I thought it was big league?
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>still thinking the bought out wall street candidate has your best interests at heart
>basement dweller refutes a claim by telling everyone how the world actually works
>no evidence required
I must wonder.
Never got normie thinking. Is it really all about him being "presidential"?
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>Drumpf's IQ
>being higher than 90

Pick one.
All of you averagefags implying IQ measurement is accurate and talk shit without understanding animal's intellect.
>if you call your enemies dumb than youre dumb
>unironically forcing the Drumpf meme
>IQ higher than 70

Pick one.
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>IQ of 131
>too dumb to look up if "bigly" is actually a word

For normies, no. It's about who you think you can relate to the most. Lots of millenials praise Obama as being a great president because they think he's cool

It's a mixture of confirmation bias since this debate is the most recent in their memory, and that he was actually pretty well behaved for most of the debate(whereas he was awful in debate 1 and was more aggressive in debate 2).

It also depends on your viewpoint.
If you were already supporting him #2, past the first half hour, was his strongest.
But if you didn't already support him #3 would probably be the best/most consistent.
That's what the MSM is saying. They say all that matters in these debates is him being presidential. I guess he accomplished that tonight. Idk. I wanted him to continue grilling her on the Clinton Foundation. She almost shat her pants when he brought it up.
>"Let me tell you how the world works..."

Stopped reading
Even though he says big league, I wish bigly would become popular.
>and even went as far as to say "Thank you sir." when Trump agreed with him on his fact about Hillary Cunt
Um...I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic

It's ridiculous that Trump interrupted him to "agree" in the first place.

You don't need to agree with facts. That's why they're facts.
>Steve Forbes analyzed Trump's scores at Wharton and estimated his IQ at 157, meaning Trump is a literal genius.
I tried looking this up and all I found was this article doubting that IQ.
trump's a genius. lousy vocabulary tho.
hillary has people do the thinking for her. she's middling intellect. not a single original idea in her brain.
trump said to bomb the oil. everyone called him an idiot. turns out isis was making half-a-billion a year from oil. lol. they start bombing the oil.
trump said refugees are a trojan horse. everyone called him an idiot. europe BTFO by terrorists posing as refugees.
trump said brussels was a hell hole. everyone called him an idiot. turns out it's euro-terror capital.
trump says japan and korea should get nukes. everyone calls him an idiot. he backs off, but it's still a brilliant idea. the threat of allowing nukes in korea can be used as leverage against nk. also deterrence against aggressive chinese expansion.
trump says we're in a massive economic bubble. nobody says anything. because they're scared.
list goes on and on.
I guess that makes sense. He was aggressive in #2 so that appealed to us. He was pretty relaxed this debate so it appealed to normies.

> https://youtu.be/OCabT_O0YSM

I gotta admit that's a whole other man.

If this guy would have showed up instead of the big dumb caricature he is now he would win by a landslide

This is why that guy >>93785932
believes that it's a Trump/Clinton conspiracy, because Trump has said a lot of stupid shit that, if he was as smart as OP claims, he would KNOW that you can't say if you're running for office.


1. Either he's in cahoots with Hitlery Clinton


2. He really is too stupid to understand that calling immigrants drug dealers and rapists and saying John McCain is no hero will lose him a lot of votes

Sure it's stuff we might ponder but a person who isn't literally brain dead can tell you that it's not something you say on national television....

The time has come to settle this once and for all...

So which is it, /pol/?

Is he in cahoots with Hitlery, or is he literally retarded? You can only choose one.
>tfw to intelligent to measure IQ
You're dumb...
This. It's a hilarious word--almost on par with "cuck."
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to many libtards are to indoctrinated by the academic-jew.
it is the onyl thing hey can be proud of.

a generation of desperate loosers. they will never reach anything relevant.

i have the highest degree that you can have in germany and honestly i wish i never did this shit.
Language is not set in stone. Trump always uses 'bigly', he's trying to introduce it into the English language. While the national presidential debate might not have been the best time, the most important thing is Trump was able to use the word well under pressure.
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>Trump has a masters degree in economics
>went to a big school for this as well
>didn't totally destroy her on the economy

High intelligence doesn't necessarily make you better at a debate though. As an example psychopaths and sociopaths are often geniuses when it comes to manipulating people but that doesn't mean that they're more intelligent. Most psychopaths have average or below average intelligence but because of their social skills and confidence they come off as being much smarter than they actually are.

I just don't think Trump is very good at expressing himself. I believe he has a plan but he's not that good at saying what his plan is.
I think its the rumours that she might drop out next week and be replaced by Michelle Obama who would have a much better chance even as a last minute entry. Seems like a gamble to keep her in the game, and pull out something big towards the end.
just like the word normalcy

except he's saying big league, not trying to make a new word which is already a word
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Ok, then explain all the stupid shit he's been saying in this campaign

Saying John Mccain is no hero

He's literally shooting himself in the foot.

All the stupid shit he says, is he just stupid or in cahoots with Hillary?

If he wanted to he could be this guy again:


And not be a big stupid blowhard buffoon

So which is it?
What is language game?
I already told you

Graduating college when you're rich doesn't mean shit

You could be dumb as a rock and daddy can pay for your degree

He probably partied his way through college and daddy bought all his grades
Hillary was putting on an accent today at start of debate .
Harry Potter don't sound good words.
143 IQ here. Grab em by the pussy
Given his statements of the wellness of the real estate industry before court, this seems very unlikely.
He doesn't say "bigly" Mr Genius, he says "big league".
>american intellectual
In other words, who is the best lying pollie
John McCain isn't a hero. He was flying below the recommended elevation to give adequate time to react to a SAM and got himself shot down. He was a cocky fuckoff that had lost or damaged government property due to his own arrogance and negligence in the past. He's also a blue falcon of the highest order when it comes to active duty and veteran's benefits. Fuck that guy.
Isn't it kind of like how W said "misunderestimated" and all that other faux-retarded shit? Presumably the average person feels under siege by smug liberals sneering at them, so it is good optics to have mug liberals sneering at a candidate. There was no need for Trump to talk specifics on what a corrupt piece of shit Hillary is, it's all over social media and people can take their pick of numerous scandals.
can you not associate the Fuhrer with that rabid whore pls?
167 IQ here.

I like trains.

Now, you're thinking about "Bigly", and you're thinking about Trump. Mission accomplished.
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Yeah that's right, no answers

It's time to redpill you, /pol/

You're being fucking played

Trump and the Clintons have a history of friendship.

Trump got himself elected to the Republican nomination just so he could shoot himself in the foot and let Hillary win

They could have gone with Ted Cruz or Rubio, and honestly Paul Ryan would have fucked up Hillary's shit with this email bullshit.

It's a trap and we all fell for it.

Accept Trump is a puppet and you will see the light.

After the election he'll start going to the clinton dinners and clinton parties again, you wait and see
Trump hasn't taken a real IQ test. Trump's IQ was estimated based on the fact that he went to Wharton, and the average IQ of those accepted. However, he basically just took some classes there and bypassed the traditional acceptance process. His grades weren't anything special while he was there either. So basically, the estimation is worthless.
bigly is a word faggot. Go be a salty faggot on reddit
yeah, often trump's got multiple threads running in his head, and he mashes them up so it's hard for a neutral to follow what's he talking about unless you've already heard some of what he's said before.
So apparently having an IQ of 131 also makes you too stupid to realize persuasion tactics, why you would you use one and how they work.

Good job, retard.
You sound just like the Republicans who said Trump wasn't going to be the nominee.
>He isn't presidential
>He says offensive things
>He's too angry
>He's unpolished
Do you know who else fits those parameters? The average American citizen. If Hillary does win, it will drive the American people even further to the right. It's almost a win-win situation at this point. Trump ignited a spark in Americans that no other candidate has before. That fire will grow stronger even if Trump loses. We are past the point of no return.
bigly is an adverb. But he was saying Big League because he started BigLeagueTruth
>Does Trump's approach appeal to you more than confusing explanations about Clitoron dodging Congressional records laws and pay for play schemes?

That's about the only reason I could think of for him not to roast that bitch on every point she set up for him tonight. Glad he brought up veritas, soros,podesta emails, the foundation and haiti though.

He did very well really we just were expecting a kill shot .
it is, but thats the point.

were sitting here talking about it STILL
>Steve Forbes analyzed Trump's scores at Wharton and estimated his IQ at 157

That's obviously bullshit

Wharton is a business school, not physics Ph.D. at Cambridge. It's a fucking joke. Anyone with a half decent memory can ace a business degree.
Bigly is a word. It's just a really dumb sounding word and an non specific adjective. Also, you should avoid over-using words like good.
147 iq here
Dicks out
I only came to that conclusion because of all the stupid shit he says

I mean seriously, even I know that saying some of the stupid shit he's said is not done if you're running for office!

I'm not even a politician and I can tell you that.
This Orange 70 year old autist, FUcking literally need to just say open boarders open boarder open boarders for 1 hour. but gets fucking baited with putin.
wow made me think
go fucking kill yourself faggot no one fucking cared everyone is in it for the memes you fucking CTR retard beta virgin nigger autist obese downy fag
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he says big league, not bigly. you fucking inbred.
shutup monkey
151 IQ here, I hate niggers
Check this out. Now that libcucks realize that "bigly" is a word, they're saying, "He actually said big league." Jesus Christ, you can't make this shit up.

>estimated his IQ at 157
My IQ was estimated at 152 when I was 17 years old, and yet here I am currently in a dead end job with little prospects. IQ doesn't mean shit and anyone who takes it as an indicator of any promise is a fucking aspie.
If I was running for office I'd keep all my controversial remarks, all my negative thoughts about black people and immigrants to myself and never let them out

I mean seriously, it's politics.

Fuck off retard.
Military vets don't even respect Mccain because he got his own platoon killed. They even call him songbird, because he willingly gave away state secrets as a pow.

Why respect a loser who'd sell out the lives of his men just to keep his own life?
Being a pow isn't a badge worthy of respect.
Especially if they endanger other mens' lives while detained. I'm shocked that Mccain hasn't been shot for treason.

I never understood what was so cool about King Nigger, he always came off like a prissy faggot to me. Then again, so do most millennials. I also hear high praise for Obama's oratory skills yet again I don't really see the big deal. Is his English considered good simply because he doesn't speak ebonics?

Trump seems way cooler to me because he has the hot wives and shit, dresses like a pimp, and he has manly swagger. If I were millennials' age that's who I'd be thinking was cool.

I'm technically a millennial since I was born in 1982 but people from my age group generally identify much more with Trump. He's like a typical hero character from the 80s.
>they could've gone with Ted "Confederate Money" Cruz or a host of milquetoast Republicans that have compromised on important issues during their time in Congress
Yeah, that would be great if we wanted the populace to be completely unaware of TPP and oblivious to immigration problems. Trump has brought issues to the mainstream that were taboo for decades. He's given legitimacy to the alt right. If that was the DNC's big plan, they fucking goofed bigly.
155 here and totally not an emu
Wow arent you a special snowflake
Gee wiz go fucking an hero faggot
He's saying 'big league' but badly
Putin is a much more toxic topic for Clinton than Trump. No one really wants a world war. Except Clinton.
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>everyone is in it for the memes


epic memez huurrrr durrr amiright?

wow you're a sad little man aren't ya?

also all that projecting lol
>physics majors
>being good at anything to do with politics or business

Merkel is exhibit A
141 here. My dad is 135, and my mom is 116.
we're talking IQ not kilos, fatty
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>They could have gone with Ted Cruz or Rubio, and honestly Paul Ryan
here is le redpill
*tips fedora*
You sound like a fucking Bernie fag who smokes weed and think they are so clever because you read some conspiracy online
You must be an autist too to think some petty presidential campaigning will ruin a friendship between elites
Let me weigh in as a dirty mexican.
My take is that he is so deeply into the real state world, that he is ignorant about a bunch of other stuff.
He has concentrated all his life into real estate and media as any billionaire would in their respective field.
>Paul Ryan would've fucked up Hillary's shit
>not edgy
The dude is fucking sharp. He always listened and is on point as soon as it is brought up. If you don't see this, u r dum
fugg amerifat :DDD
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Interesting post. I'm from the city and you can't be a phobe-anything and get along. Everyone's living together in a tight space and you don't want everyone armed so I vote liberal so gays can buy a pizza and the intercity gets schools and young poor mothers can get safe cheap abortions.

Why did he have to align with the GOP if he isn't a fuckwhit? He could have ran independant and won over lefties.

Since I'm trolling trumpies here's a pic of Hitler's Walther.
This guy sounds like a poor person, nerd virgin that was too dumb even for mensa. meanwhile he's criticizing a billionaire

top lulz
>implying another world war is always a bad thing
She wouldn't be wrong to want one.
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holy fuck who let reddit in here?
People don't care about that kind of shit anymore though. They just want an honest person to run for office. Trump is loud and obnoxious, yes, but he says what he feels. He doesn't have "private stances" like Hillary. What we see is what we get.

you're a big league cuck, and pissing me off bigly

learn to fucking adverb and adjective shitter
We all figured this out months ago, you're a bit of a retard for only just now catching up.
IQ 143, and I'm black so get at me.
IQ of 146 here.

You're an idiot.
Didn't Hemingway and Dickens have a long standing feud about each other's choice of words in writing (specific vs simple diction.?)
>143 IQ
Sorry famalam, but you're at least 25% white.
I honestly think he doesn't want to confuse people. IIRC in the first debate he spoke about how the federal bank is fucking terrible at it's job. This is a great point for the whole less federal government shitting up everything. Less taxes, revoking federal laws in exchange for state laws, etc.
And what we get is a blowhard unelectable buffoon

I'm telling ya, and let me make this really clear for you

If ANYBODY else, any republican nominee save for Rick Perry, was in Trump's place

If it was Pence vs Hillary

If there was some alternate universe where Paul Ryan was the candidate

Shit especially Ted Cruz because he'd have the latino vote just because he was latino even if he wanted to kick all the beaners out

If any of those guys were in this position, I'm fucking telling you


Trump is literally the only one that could lose to dirty hillary.
When Kerry debated against Dubya in 2004, Kerry was talking like Shakespeare.

It did jackshit for him.
He's a narcissistic normie. Maybe he is that smart but it doesn't mean he has the outward appearance of an intellectual.
yeah, but he thinks like a problem solver. not like a politician.
- illegal immigration -> build a wall.
- muslim extremists -> ban until vetting is fixed.
- trade deficits -> renegotiate deals.
it's action-oriented thinking. not just a bunch of meandering politico-speak.
Kerry has the personality of a potato

He could have given everyone toilets made of solid gold and people still wouldn't vote for him
>Big league or bigly?

I'm disappointed this wasn't a question in one of the debates

>Now Mr. Trump, the question everyone in the country wants answered. Is it bigly or big league?
Gore got the popular vote.

...and that is the most retarded thing i have ever....ok, i have heard/read much worse.

Why are you separating "manipulativeness" from intelligence? Does intelligence only count if it is "nice"?

> High intelligence doesn't necessarily make you better at a debate
> geniuses when it comes to manipulating people but that doesn't mean that they're more intelligent.

Intelligence is about manipulating. It is thinking up the best retort to something said or solving a problem dynamically. I hope that manipulation becomes more and more focused on using fact and provable evidence as the competition increases.

Intelligence might not mean that they are more CORRECT. But we know the value of "correctness" in this shit show. Unless you are dealing with objective facts nothing matters. Look at your seasoned debaters like Harris, how much shit they have to go through to TRY and get a slight truth out of a situation. Even to be honest with themselves.

There were a lot of facts against Clinton and the flaws of the system she supports. Trump grabbed a pussy or something.
the dacadent dissipated american population does deserve the most corrupt exploitive person in politics as their president
Look at you go!!!

Getting all mad

Yep, that red pill, it can be bitter sometimes.

When hillary is elected and Trump goes to state dinners at the white house, you take a nice screenshot of this post, and you look back on it and remember how you got played.
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b t f o
Modern Trump vs. Russel Brand. And guess which one is the Hemingway
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>20 points lower
>can't comprehend 150 IQ
>pretends he does
>I have to read it

Sure, but they wouldn't MAGA, that's the ingredient you're missing, you utter retard.
Everyone knows spics illegally enter via sewer tunnels. It's why they're called wetbacks. How is a wall going to fix that?
I wish there was some alternate universe

Paul Ryan would be 10 points ahead
>He's given legitimacy to the alt right.
>an edgy group fueled by memes
Shouldn't left that one out. I agree with everything else.
This. Ordinary guy for ordinary people.
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I'm not going to screenshot this post though, because it's not a redpill. It's the same shit Randbots and Cruzcucks were saying last year. You're no different. Clinging bitterly to Confederate Money and incandescent light bulbs. Trump has changed the direction of the Republican Party like none of candidates could have. Paul Ryan would've gotten bitch slapped into agreeing with Hillary, like he did with Biden in the VP debate in 2012. Pic related is you right now.
>IQ at 157
>literal genius

Why hasn't he found the cure for cancer, wiseguy?
>Accept Trump is a puppet and you will see the light.

All his children are either married to or dating Jews OF COURSE HE WAS A FUCKING PUPPET someone with a 150+ IQ would not have said that his rape accusers are too ugly to rape 4 weeks out of a presidential election.
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And let me tell you, as a republican supporter, Trump is the most unelectable sleazy piece of shit greasy car salesman idiot they could have ever picked

I tried to like him

I really did

But it just kills me to know that this email shit was just what we needed for a landslide victory, all we had to do is get a clean cut guy who wouldn't say something stupid

And then we got the guy who looks like a cheeto and makes a little asshole with his mouth every time he speaks

for fuck's sake

He's pretty much guaranteeing another 4 years of libtard bullshit
But it would just be more of the same. People aren't only fed up at the Democrats. They're fed up with Republicans too. You say they would win the general election, but they couldn't even win the primary. The only reason people would vote for them over Hillary in a general election is solely because they wouldn't want Hillary, not because they liked the Republican nominee.

People are fed up with with the establishment, Republican or Democrat. Nominating another establishment candidate would just allow the cycle to renew again. This election, whether Trump wins or Hillary wins, will have a lasting impact on this country. If Hillary wins, the rebellion will grow even stronger in those four years. Electing Trump, even if it costs us the election, is a necessary step in the evolution of American politics.
Last I checked he doesn't get hacked every other week
They've gotten the attention of the DNC, SPLC, ADL, and Antifag groups on college campuses across the country.
Because not all geniuses have a career in medicine, dipshit.
Yes, he would. But it wouldn't fucking matter because another uniparty puppet would be in office. Nothing would change and we would keep slowly descending into our country's grave. Get that through your fucking skull.
Honestly, that's debatable. With all the revelations coming out about the cabal of corrupt crooks running the show, it would be a set-up deal in which Paul Ryan would accept defeat (Clinton fought for POTUS for the past three elections, it's her turn) but at least he would get majority house.

Trump complete changes the dynamic. Almost absolutely. If he gets into office, all these fucking crooks can say their careers goodbye. THAT'S WHY YOU VOTE TRUMP, YOU GODDAMN UNDERSTAND???
He's such an idiot he just calls everything a disaster and doesnt say anything more
I have an IQ of 144, all of my best friends have IQs above 130 (we all met in a special school) and fuck you for suggesting Trump's IQ is even higher than average. I would be honestly stumped if you asked me to find someone more retarded than Trump. Then again maybe he's just acting like a complete retard to get idiots like you to vote for him.
>not posting that stupid big brain wojak picture

Come on man. You need to step up your bait post
You know how I know you are a useless CTR Nazi collaborator? You say you're a "Republican supporter" (what the fuck does that even mean?) and then call Trump a cheeto like some Trendy fag on kikebook.

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be honest polbabies
if trump was smarter and didn't make so many mistakes during the campaign, he could have easily crushed clinton
but he didn't do that, not because hes playing 4-d chess but because he is arrogant and incompetent
That doesn't make them legitimate, just noticed by gullible idiots.
Thank you for correcting the record

you lost me at defenstration. never before has there been a word that tries harder to sound smart.
He's still human. I think a lot of it is nerves and trying to process dozens of top political experts advices.

When it comes to IQ, the average of the most succesful people in the world is around 130-135, those in 157 are a lot of the time "losers" and aren't able to hold a conversation with people in the normal range.

kek, this.

>B-but Red Team would win!!!
>Declaiming Trump's duncehood delineates degenerates whose disgraceful delusions of deity deserve defenestration

lol trying to sound smart eh?

Not doing very well, you just sound stupid
Trump is actually running a campaign. Clinton just throws money at people to do it for her. If you honestly can't see why that changes the dynamic of the election, then you better quit your Nerd Virgin job, grab your cell phone from your locker, and fucking run as far as your feeble legs can take you
We are going to have Hillary choose fucking supreme Court justices, just because of /pol/ autists. We are never going to have another Conservative leader till the collapse of the American empire THANKS TO YOU FUCKS. Hillary is going to make the 30 million illegals in the country into America citizens and import hundreds of thousands of Syrians, the demographics are fucked because you wanted le orange meme man instead of a respectable adult as your party leader.
If Hitlery wins, which due to Trump's bungling of this election is a very real outcome, it would be worse than Paul Ryan winning

And yes, I would rather have anyone other than Hillary in office, even Trump, but let's be realistic here

He's gonna lose.
>2. He really is too stupid to understand that calling immigrants drug dealers and rapists and saying John McCain is no hero will lose him a lot of votes
Hillary's abortion comments were equally stupid. They're both having fun watching things spiral out of control.
he's like a reverse savant
because there are so many shills I had to watch the whole fucking thing myself and I gotta say, who fucking cares. They're both such shit candidates. No doubt they're both wearing diapers. Clinton looks so fucking weak and fat. Trump sounds stupid. What the fuck are you doing America? I mean seriously. We've elected some fucking monkeys here in the past but this election in America is by far the worst fucking election I've ever seen in any country. I'd prefer to vote in a completely fucking rigged russian election that in your shitty American election this year. What the fuck happened America. This has to be a sign of an empire in decline. Like maybe this is what Rome was like right before Caesar swept in and fixed it all up. I think at this point you either need a great dictator to sort your fucked up corrupt greedy shithole of a country up or else you need to fucking die in a fire. I just can't believe how much of a fucking failure your country is right now. Is it because all the fucking hamburger greese is getting into your synapses and your fucking neurotransmitters are shitting themselves or something? What the fuck. This is the country that brought electricity and computers and motor vehicles and air travel to the average person and yet look at it now. A bunch of rich cunts shitting on the rest of you and you all just stand around and take it like a bunch of pathetic poofters. Are they putting benzos in your fucking water supply or something? is that what's happened?

Fuck you America. You're fucking pathetic.
Actually, this is false.

If Trump came out of the gate as the best thing ever, never had a scandal, said all the right things etc, he'd have simply been executed late in the game.

But because he's stirred up so much controversy on all political rings, it means he can no longer be assassinated or it clearly looks like government.

I know people spam it, but he really is playing some kind of underwater cross dimensional blindfolded hungry hungry hippos
Oh also let me add to that,

When Trump says something stupid people are already expecting it and everyone points their fingers at him. This stigma is another reason I believe he was terrible for the job.
Anon, all Americans are like babies. It's common sense to talk to you as were you some babies
See >>93791869

Nominating Trump was necessary in order to change American politics for the better.
I couldn't find any reliable source backing up OP's claim that Steve Forbes "analyzed" Trump's at Wharton and determined his IQ to be 157. Furthermore, how would that even make sense? The school he went to initially (Fordham) is just ok, so I'm going to assume that he wasn't an exceptional high school student in terms of grades and standardized testing. Now, given that he successfully transferred into Wharton, one could possibly assume that he was strong student at Fordham. It could also just as easily be assumed that his family money/influence is what allowed him to transfer into Wharton. There doesn't seem to be any record of Trump graduating with any type of academic distinction from Wharton, and he has never released his academic records so let's assume he had like a 3-3.5 gpa or something to that effect. How could you use that information to determine that someone has an IQ as high as 157? I mean, econ/finance isn't a cakewalk but it isn't an incredibly rigorous major either, even at a great school like Wharton. Even if Trump had graduated as the valedictorian with ease, that would still be an absurdly bold claim to make based on academic performance alone. IMO the only way you could logically assume someone was that intelligent based on grades alone would be if they accomplished something truly rare and difficult, like graduating from Caltech/MIT as a teenager with a tough STEM major (or something to that effect.)

Just to be clear, none of this matters. I believe that multiple studies have shown that an IQ of 120-130 is typical for individuals in the highest leadership positions (CEOs/billionaires/world leaders etc.) Both Trump and Clinton have the requisite intelligence to be president. What one (or both) of them may lack is the proper judgement/temperament/moral compass etc.
Respectable adults have lost the last two elections by 5 and 10 million votes. Nobody would leave the house to vote for Randlet the Manlet or Confederate Currency Cruz.

Guess what, Einstein: when you are heading up a populist revolution of the electorate, you talk at a 4th grade level on purpose.

Ask Rand how much the masses rally around you when you dont tailor your speech to the middle of the bell curve.
It's not about R winning the POTUS...Trump is the kind of candidate that we will never see in our lifetime again. This is the only chance to blow the lid off this shit show and do something about it. It's historic on the level of Julius Caesar and Napoleon, that's why we support him unapologetically. You can shill all you want, but Trump is a goddman Godsend.
being intelligent doesn't automatically translate into you doing everything right.

trump's problem is that whenever someone attacks him, he attacks them back and the traits he attacks them on can often be generalized to larger groups
>attacked by mccain, attack the fact that he got captured
>attacked by disabled reporter, attack his disability
>attacked by woman, attack her appearance/weight

and I believe this is part of his nature. he can't stop doing it, even if he tries he'll do it anyway
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>candidate running the campaign
>a good thing in any capacity
there's a reason why modern campaigns exist and work so well
the amount of dumb shit trump has said and or tweeted is hilarious
the only reason he wasn't laughed off is because the alternative is so bad
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That's a stupid sacrifice

You're basically giving Hillary fucking Clinton, crooked Shillary the election


Let me level with you guys

I don't give a fuck about your meme candidates and all that shit

I don't.

I just don't want Hillary Clinton, crooked Hillary of all people in the fucking white house

And I would rather get Trump.

I really would.

But with all the stupid shit he's said, and the knowledge that Paul Ryan would have fucked her up in the polls with all this email knowledge,

It kills me.

It makes me sad.

We gave the dems the white house when we went with the Trump and we're all fucking gonna pay for it
Fucking this. Persuasion requires the vocabulary of the common man. You cannot persuade the masses by speaking intellectually or by using political jargon. Trump is purposefully dumbing down his language and actions to appeal to the average American voter.
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Naturally, Low IQ types have their own plane with Rolls Royce engines. all the time. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
>iq of 131
Low energy, so low Russia and China are laughing.
Ryan tries to force votes on the Democrats' agenda when the bill can't even get past committee. Joe Biden made him his bitch in 2012. Ryan would've been walked out to the last debate by Hillary on a leash with a ball gag in his mouth.
What's the alternative? The Republican nominees which he crushed with ease? Or the goofy old man Socialist which would be easily brought to heel by the establishment if he won the nomination?
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Even if he does have a high IQ, that doesn't automatically make him a great debater. Trump's strong suits are negotiating and motivating.

It's called appealing to the lowest common denominator.
What about Cruz?

What about Rubio?

Fuck, even Bush

I'd even take Rick Perry over Hillary
Hillary is going to turn even more people away from the establishment. I guarantee that this will be the last election that involves the establishment Dems and Republicans. There will be a major structural shift of the parties by 2020.

Clinton is a disgusting, traitorous, criminal who has no business running for any political office, let alone POTUS. But we need to destroy the system that allows someone like her to run in the first place. Simply defeating Clinton with a Rubio or Cruz would temporarily stop the symptoms, but wouldn't be attacking the cause. By nominating Trump, we are attacking the cause head on.
Who would be your ideal candidate instead of Trump?
He talks like an idiot on purpose, its to gain the most amount of traction


Really? THAT is Hitler's Walther?

Looks tacky as hell.
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for someone who started debating a year ago, he's done pretty good.

but for some people..

>I want an outsider, I hate slick politicians
>I want a professional debater

pick one
>IQ of 131
>takes statements by billionaire mogul, highly successful presidential candidate at face value
>thinks idiots turn one mil into multi bil
>thinks idiots become major political party nominees

youre not smarter than trump. these people become successful and powerful for a reason and you're an absolute nobody for a reason
It looks like the gaudy gun skins you can buy on GTA V.
¿Rubio? You'd still get the amnesty that he pushed with the Gang of Eight. No more Republican presidents after 2020.
¿Cruz? He would get crucified on social issues and I guarantee you he'd say he would try to get the gay marriage decision reversed. Guaranfuckingtee it. He was also polling pretty poorly against Hillary in the primaries.
¿¡Jeb!? Republican voter turnout would probably be lower than 2008. Seriously, it would probably be under 55 million. That guy is an empty suit.

Says he gets $2 billion worth of media attention... hmmm




fucking top motherfucking kek
Trump is the only Republican I liked. I was actually a Jim Webb guy, but he didn't make it far.

>Steve Forbes analyzed Trump's scores at Wharton

What? Trump has never released his grades from Wharton.

SAT scores? Never been released either, and he was a transfer student from some mid-tier school to Wharton, so I'm not sure what scores he could have done to put him at 157.
>these people become successful and powerful for a reason

Because they inherit money and don't care who they backstab on the way to the top?

Not taking the obvious hits generates social media discussion of what obvious hits Trump should have taken. Even Democrats will smugly repeat what is wrong with Hillary if it makes them feel superior to Trump.
>Implying having a high IQ means you will do well in school.

Tell that to Albert (((Einstein))). He dropped out of school at 15.
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There is really no way he can possibly lose at this point.
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spelling = IQ

do you even know how an IQ is measured?

He is literally playing 9-D chess,
Initially I bought this 4D chess hypothesis, it seemed plausible, that he would deliberately use simple language to connect with the average voter. Then I watched him debate, give interviews and debate some more, and not once did I get the impression, that he is smarter than he appears to be.

He has good social intelligence to be sure, he can work a crowd and control the frame, but he is often way too incoherent to be a "literal genius" or a deep thinker. I would put his IQ 5-10 points above the mean at most.
>When it comes to IQ, the average of the most succesful people in the world is around 130-135, those in 157 are a lot of the time "losers" and aren't able to hold a conversation with people in the normal range.

Those would be 4chan know-it-all autists

I just want to know how much his father's influence is part of that assesment

I'm pretty fucking sure he partied his way through college and daddy bought him the scores but I guess there's no way to prove it
IQ of over 6 gorillion here.

Bix nood cracka ooga booga gun git muh reparations bigly muh nigga BIG LEAGUE sheeiit
You spoke on a level I understand and I now empathize with you

Shit, will you run for office?

I'd vote for you
the fact is literally any other non nut job establishment republican could have skipped through this election
i still don't like any of them
You'd rather get Hillary in the white house then

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>Red and blue pill[1].jpg

>It's time to redpill you, /pol/

>It's a trap and we all fell for it.

>and we all fell for it

>we all


Top kek this is some babby tier shilling my man. Time to go back to plebbit.
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Sheeeeit niqqa. I ddnt know WE WUZ on /pol/ n sheeit







>has enough smarts to turn a million dollars into billions of dollars
>finds a way to win the nomination of one of two major political parties in the U.S.

Seems about right.
If we had to do it over

2 Choices, /pol/

1. Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio and they beat hillary by 10 points

2. Trump and he says a bunch of stupid shit that gives hillary the white house

And you'd pick Trump every time?
In this debate Trump focused on every little lie and insult directed at him. He kept going off on long tirades to defend himself from dumb petty shit instead of cutting through Clinton's retarded rhetoric with simple and truthful statements.

I support Trump but he honestly comes across like a fucking retard because he chases any ball that people throw like a dog.

but yes bigly is a legitimate word you dumb cunts that is not the issue with his speech

Why don't you run for president and win if you're such an expert at not saying things?
>i didnt watch the debates

thats disconcerting, and these people will vote on nov 8th.

these people shouldn't even vote
the democrats are shit as fuck lad the inner city have been purposefully neglected, the democrats have a vested interested in the ethnic minorities being an underclass
Jeb or Rubio. I don't know much about ben carlson but i don't want another black president
I personally liked Rand the best, but he went nowhere. When Trump, Cruz, and Rubio were left, I naturally went with Trump because he is anti-establishment.

Again, electing another establishment candidate just to defeat Hillary would only allow the cancer that allows Hillary to run in the first place to grow.
I would if I could

At least I wouldn't say as much stupid shit as Trump is saying
>jews literally calling the white population of the USA aka it's historical backbone "monster vote"

Fucking kayaks, during the day of the rope no SJW rhetoric will save them.
I watched the debates. I thought Trump won, although not as decisively as he did the 2nd debate. I just put that up to prove to SHILLS that Trump supporters are far from the only ones who thought he won tonight's debate.
So you would rather Hillary win?

Where's the logic in that?

Cause, you know, Trump's time is pretty much up, let's be realistic here

I don't want her in the white house but I'm only 1 vote and I don't think trump can win now
trump is wildly popular, like bernie, because he's tapping into anti establishment sentiment that's been bubbling up for decades

do the shills in this thread actually think any of the establishment republican candidates stood a chance?
Shut up nigger
Like I said, winning this election isn't the important thing. Defeating the system that allows Hillary to run for president is what's important. It sucks that Hillary could be president, but nominating an establishment Republican would've just prolonged the problem. Nominating Trump sent the message to the establishment that they're done.
It's big league you fucking faggot.
coherence is not a measure of intelligence
Listen up faggot. You may have a high IQ but you have assburgers which makes it impossible for you to relate to Normie's. Hence why you have no friends and you annoy everyone.

Trump has a high IQ but no assburgers so he has the ability to persuade and relate to people that aren't robots.
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So what happens?

Hillary gets elected, people get sick of the establishment, then what?

We vote for Gary Johnson next time?
Agreed. I don't believe for a second that the likes of Yeb or Rubio could beat Hillary but assuming they did that does nothing to fix the broken system.
There's the big fucking key word. ESTIMATED. They FUCKING GUESSED. I can name a dozen kids with near perfect SATS who are goddamed retards. Tested to be 90-100 IQ level. What his aptitude scores project his iq to be aren't valid.

The truth is he probably has some form of undiagnosed ADD / ADHD. Which explains his incoherent ramblings. And the fact he was thrown out to military school as a kid for being a wild child.
Nothing. This was your last chance.

At least if you elected Trump, you'd soon have realized if he was a plant or not, now you will never know, and there will be this huge contingent of marginalized people who believed in the anti-establishment meme, who will be completely ostracized from mainstream society.

Yes. Fuck you.
Not necessarily Gary Johnson, he's a cuck, but hopefully we can start electing honest politicians who don't have ties to international banks or aren't persuaded by special interests and lobbies.

For example, although I disagreed with Bernie on almost everything he said, he was an honest guy who wasn't bought out (although he might be now). He was honest about what he believed and I think he was sincere in trying to make America better.
Shut the fuck up

Your flag has a purina logo in the middle

Your argument is invalid
Of course Trump is a genius. Not only has he had substantial success in business, his father built a ~$200 million empire from like middle class IIRC. That means his father was also very intelligent, so Trump's more likely to be a genius based on genetics.

Clinton is probably also very intelligent, but not as much as Trump. I think Bill probably has like a 140-160 IQ (remember he was a Rhodes Scholar), and Hillary would be around 120-130.
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No one here types with that many lines in their posts. This is how you can tell when someone's a shill or a newfriend from leddit. Filter out this clown's ID and ignore.
Lel. Vojislav Seselj has around 240. that's genius. Trumps just plain smart.
Your mom has a Purina logo in the middle.

I wish it was, I honestly see pretty much every common sense American being removed from "polite society" so to speak, it all seems very dystopian.
wow you put a lot of work into this!

I'm flattered but mostly disgusted by how pathetic that is
Thomas Jefferson himself coined the word "belittle" as well as "denigrate", which he often spelled as deniggerate because he was a strong racist
>Gore was the stuckup intellectual type and it got him nowhere

So is Obama. I guess being a "cool black guy" counteracted it? That fucker ain't black, lol.
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>Your mom has a Purina logo in the middle.
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Tested 143 when I was 12. I sell cars and surf 4chan so... Yeah.

If only we could have gotten Trump in his prime.
it's literally ctrl+f and copy pasting all your post numbers.

so much work

wew lad!

I mean like

it's ridiculous
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Holy shit for the last time its BIG LEAGUE
I can actually make an argument.

(1) The office of the presidency is a high IQ job
(2) Verbal abilities are highly correlated with IQ
(3) Trump displays low verbal abilities
(4) Therefore, it is probable that Trump has low IQ
(5) Therefore, Trump is probably unfit to be president, since it is a high IQ job, and it is probable that he does not have a high IQ

You can make similar arguments for Hillary, although they will not involve IQ.
Yeah it's a lot of work for a senseless thread that will be erased soon

But hey whatever pacifies your autism

Truthiness or Truthfulness?
>Bwahaha You are suck big gay penis
well then the motherfucker needs to learn to enunciate
I have an IQ 140+ and you're an idiot. I can explain it with hip hop: It takes the least amount of intelligence to enjoy or comprehend and therefore resonates among a wider audience.

Or to translate to IQ 131: Simple words means bigger audience.
HOLY SHIT go to 2:32, it's the young Chris Wallace interviewing Trump at the RNC in 1988, decades ago! These two have known one another forever!
2005 here, this election is changing the gravitational constant of the universe
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Im pretty sure he said big league chew.
by that logic, any dumbass can become a fucking billionaire tycoon. you're not the sharpest crayon in the shed yourself
>I have an IQ 140+

But little little knowledge of music it seems.
As a psychologist I think the guy just has ADD/ADHD and doesn't take medication for it.
bullshit, Hillary was protected by an inpenetrable wall of 90's nostalgia. Everybody wants it to be 1996 again with a dotcom bubble and infinitely improving economy and bright future. No republican could break through this.
But now that's all in ruins because Trump, one of the biggest faces of the 1980's, has come out and torn her entire facade to pieces. No republican would have risked that.
Trump is maybe not the hero we deserve but he was the hero we needed right now.
he's an incredible negotiator, I guess it just seems like that would translate to debating ability as well

Why do all these people who gloat about college education like it's everything in life end up being retarded?

Took the b8 m8
you mean hemingway and faulkner

He doesn't have a masters, he has a bachelors in economics.

I can tell you firsthand that a B.S. in economics is literally useless. That piece of paper only gets you through the door and get some experience. Without a masters you are never going to touch bigger money than an average student loan.

Donald Trump Caused People to Look Up 'Bigly' and 'Hombre' During the Presidential Debate

the amazing thing is that people had to use a fucking dictionary to look up the word bigly..

IQ is irreverent,but trump does have to pander to stupid people, 10s of millions of people watch the debate, 10s of thousands flock to see him. if he used his normal vocabulary then he would probably turn people off, a big part of his political charm is his 'unrefined' nature.

there are lots of videos of trump where he is just being himself and he is clearly very intelligent .

he knows what he is doing. you can vote so vote trump and MAGA
Either way Trump wins. He'll become a president or a trillionaire.
This video makes me sad. I remember that guy in the 80s and 90s very well. I love the way he used to speak, quietly and thoughtfully. He's rich but so salt of the earth, so pragmatic and decent. I always liked him. It's been kind of heartbreaking seeing him so vilified, smeared and savaged by a bunch of rabid hyenas like the Democratic party and their pet mass media shills. When I see idiot normies spewing hatred at this very likeable, smart guy I feel like shooting them in the face. They literally don't even know what they're talking about, and worse, they don't care. The programming is frightening and disgusting. I despair for our country and our world if he loses.
dude can barely say huge and billion or trillion
his iq is bellow 100
Technically smart people can still do stupid things.

> Military vets don't even respect Mccain because he got his own platoon killed

He was in the Navy as a pilot dumb fuck. Fighter pilots are not organized into platoons, they are organized into squadrons. McCain has no ability to get his "platoon" killed unless he shot his own carrier.

Did you confuse McCain with someone else?
its meme magic obviously

This is bait but I'm pretty sure 131 is the IQ that online tests spit back. Everyone always seems to have an IQ of 131 on the internet.
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>Hillary was literally a Jeb plant
he shot his own carrier though

incinerated it actually
gwb wasn't an idiot, even tho he played one on tv. he put on an act that made it a lot easier for americans to 1 go along with something that they normally wouldn't have gone along with and 2 it was really easy to deflect blame to him because he was just a bumbling fool.
Hemingway is probably way more popular today.
this, man.
when I watch videos of what people who work close with him have to say, they have genuine loyalty and love for the man.
I feel so sad for the nature of things that he's having his name and reputation drag threw the fucking mud.
Thank you for being so observant.

I was curious as to where the few late-night hill-shills were.
He will become the world's first six gorillionaire.
That was someone else.

> At about 10:50 (local time) on 29 July, while preparing for the second strike of the day, an unguided 5.0 in (127.0 mm) Mk-32 "Zuni" rocket, one of four contained in an LAU-10 underwing rocket pod mounted on an F-4B Phantom II (believed to be aircraft No. 110 from VF-11[1]), accidentally fired due to an electrical power surge during the switch from external to internal power.

John Mccain flew an A-4 Skyhawk, his plane was parked on the carrier when the Phantom's rockets ND's and blew up a bunch of other planes.

2 bombs weren't enough.
alliteration doesn't make for a compelling argument tho. you literally sound like you are retarded, and that sentence makes very little sense.
This was a decent thread over all. Reminds me of old pol before CTR started shitposting.
Ok now you're making sense. I thought you were just another meme candidate supporter
>2 bombs weren't enough
most jap flags are burgers drydocked or stationed there
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youre wrong.gif
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He says 'Huge' with an 'H' but sometimes less pronounced than others.

He pronounces 'billion' and 'trillion' correctly too.

He doesn't say 'bigly' he says 'big league'

Clean the wax out of your ears
When addressing the masses you bring it down to the lowest common denominator. He's not giving a dissertation
Obviously, all the gooks go to 2chan
Rocket hit McCain's plane though
>Being this stupid

Are you the fucking president of Exxon or something?
if McCain's plane hadn't been parked right there in the way of the rocket it would have flown harmlessly off into the ocean instead of blowing up the whole carrier.
So basically it's his fault.
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Three points: nobody can 'analyze' a person's estimated IQ with much accuracy, Trump is throwing the election in a very particular way, and he is conscientiously making his appeal (rather badly) to the lowest common denominator voter - the misinformed populist.

Will make for a solid ground floor for his new news network, though.
While McCain was a shit pilot riding on his admiral daddy's name that incident wasn't his fault. He could have stayed and helped push the plane into the ocean with the deck crew but he had his future political career to think of.
yeah, he needed to go memorize some more secret documents to use as bargaining chips in case he ever got captured by the NVA
Logical coherence is, and the way he structures his arguments and makes his points reveals a poor thinker.
he said 'big league' you deaf fag
I think he sang hard enough as is.
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