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Britain is leaving the EU. Get over it.

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Stop being so butthurt on here about it. The Anglos have beaten the continent again. Just accept it and move on.
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I think they're the ones that are having trouble accepting now that their economy is getting BTFO.
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Some things in life are more important than money.

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>You'll never get a referendum
>You'll never win the referendum
>You'll never actually leave
we're the world's fastest growing developed economy

>oh no your money has dropped in value from extremely high to high how the fuck will you cope?

Well gee.
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Feels good.
Eurocucks BTFO!
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Brexit fuck yeah!
Just here pressing F to pay my respects to the Dutch poster than often backs up the British decision to leave the EU.

Thank you for your support Dutch poster, I hope that you are soon blessed with Nexit.
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Senpai working as harbor master in Syria while all this shit was going on. Came back just to vote leave.
>17 TRILLION in debt
National pride over money any day
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Come on guys, it's two thousand and sixteen
>Stop being so butthurt on here about it
>So buttblasted on here about it
>Anally ravaged on here
>On here

Are we on the same /pol/?
O fuck yeah thx.
Not going to lie, i really hope we get on par with the $$...

I've been going to the US/Canada for a good 15 years now and the increase in UK scum going pisses me right off (Last 5 flights theres been UK chav families and their kids in Business class)....
Even St Lucia where i go for diving is being ruined by UK families, every year it gets worse..

Hopefully this devaluation will get these bastards to bugger off back to European destinations again or stay at home altogether.
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You've been watching too much MTV telling you money is all that matters.

Thank you and Fuck Europe.
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hopefuly the eu collapses soon
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also that poll is the exact pic i saw when i googled "brexit" results in the morning. thanks for the memory.
>Moved to the uk mid june from Australia
>dad was born in uk so have citizenship
>meet girl at club in brighton
>fuck her
>find out she is a refugee welcoming bitch
>so i just nail her over the next week
>vote night comes
>she talks to me about the referendum and that
>play dumb and ask what its all about
>says that its led by ukip which is a racist party
>says shell be really fucked off if we leave
>kek in my head
>pretend i don't knwo anything about politics little did she know she got pumped full of right winged nationlist cum
>see online that stay vote took a 10 point lead
>depression sets in
>stay up all night slamming her
>awake in the morning to her saying "Oh no what no way omg no"
>ask her whats happening
>says that we voted to leave
>she starts rambling on saying how bad it is blah blah
>stare up at the ceiling with her complaints slowly going silent as rule Britannia starts playing in my head and single tear streams down my face

And then she gave me an STI.

Deserved the STI lad.
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HARD BREXIT, slap on those tariffs lads!
Yeah i didn't know it was the gay capital of the UK lol.
But i have seen way more faggots in glasgow than i did in brighton.
This is beautiful, thanks mate.
He's not wrong Aussie. You're only gonna get lefties there.

There is good reason to believe that PM May is not going to be able to enact article 50 due to several legal challenges in the high court.

Northern Ireland Peace Process effected by leaving Brexit also the Peace Process made constitutional change in N.Ireland which stated that only the people of Northern Ireland could decide their fate and not people in England, or Scotland etc.

From that it means that Northern Ireland can not be forced to leave the EU. Parliament could decide and failing that Stormont / some place in N.Ireland.

So in short. May is fucked. Brexit is fucked.
We live under a common law system, nothing is set in stone and it runs case by case.
hm gave me some reading to do. 17 million disenfranchised voters though? Sounds like that would be a hell of a lot worse than the IRA making a comeback.
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I actually really like Bastille's music and I hate the fact they have to get involved in politics, especially on the wrong side.

At least I pirated both their albums.
Reminder all nationalists support Brxit buy British and support Democracy.

Only left wing cucks support the Eu Dictatorship.

Buy British. Screw Merkel
We'll get over it. Their economy and currency won't.
Not there anymore brother, i'm in a worse place scotland haha.
Everyone around me is leftist mate, they won't change me. It was so funny the other day i said to this guy when we were having a little debate "what would the world be like without whites?"
And he full couldn't believe that i said something like that. was lol as
I thought BFG had closed down.
Meanwhile, the pound is dropping like a brick

>Get over it

Says the guy from the group that have spent 40 years campaigning on an issue.
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I thought Scotland was better than that. I'm sorry senpai.
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Nah come on lad, Brighton would actually be pretty alright if it wasn't fucking shitty.
Not really. UK courts trump any court, english scottish etc.
I saw a fat, black, obviously underclass group of brits shuffling around time square with shopping bags under every arm waaaay back in 2011.

Really broiled my french fries desu with you.

Look at the did future. They are kicking it's ass.
Further if the High court Challenge rules that May can not enact Article 50 on her own due to the constitutional law of Northern Ireland....

There's going to have to be a new general election.

May has no mandate on dealing with the EU so... Further she has not the confidence of her own MP's if it was to go to a vote... Also... Majority of MP's don't want to leave EU.

Look what happened with the UKIP MEP's over it. Brexitshit is really beginning to burn...

Brexit is not happening anytime soon. Hue. The Court cases (numerous) in the high court could also force the high court to issue an injunction to May enacting it pending their ruling.
Northern Ireland and the status of Scotland after Brexit has pretty much fucked England and Wales over.

There is a LOT of reading to do on this subject.

The reality is that the Courts however are not below the PM. The PM can be found in contempt of court. The Queen can't but the PM can be.

If she tries to use royal prerogative. There would be hell with Northern Ireland simply going away. The Queen ofc does not want to lose Northern Ireland... or Does she? I am not sure. I'm just like super hyped right now.

Also if Brexit occurred would we have a hard border on the Island of Ireland?

It's just too much... The PM alone can not make this decision and the Courts would so rule that Parliament is Sovereign and Parliament enacted joining EU (not the Queen) and as Sovereign body Parliament can not be surpassed.

It's certainly more to think and read about.

Precedent exists where sitting MP's have been trialed in the High Courts. They're not immune from it. This can be argued to include the PM.
the case brought by several on Parliamentary Sovereignty is going to be a tough one of the courts to rule against. The Judges can't say Parliament is no longer sovereign.

Constitutional Monarchy??
>UK courts trump any court, english scottish etc
>UK courts
>English courts

What is the difference exactly?
But this comes under international law, Judicial case precident is irrelevant.
England and Wales have a different legal system than Scotland. But English common law is essentially UK law.
Yea that's the Court where the cases have all been brought to.

There is so much to read on as someone else said.

The case which is put forward is that "Parliament can not be avoided in Article 50 due to Parliamentary Sovereignty"

I mean I'm not genius, ADD like a bitch but I know that the Highest of all Courts in the UK would not jump to saying "Parliament is not Sovereign" or "The Royal Prerogative usage in an effort to avoid a Parliamentary vote is justified"

Remember the referendum was only an advisory one. FOR PARLIAMENT TO ACT ON. NOT THE QUEEN.
honestly mate i would be more worried if things were not a bit chaotic as that would mean people had planned for us to brexit
You are now all aware that Brexit is never going to happen because UKIP, Boris and all the rest are controlled opposition.

Step 1. Vote Leave
Step 2. Make leaving as complex, expensive and brutal as possible.
Step 3. Have someone be the sacrificial lamb to put the brakes on Brexit "for the good of the nation, as unpopular as it may be"
Step 4. Further EU laws and control systems are put in place to make referendums on leaving even harder in order to "make,every sure something like this doesn't happen again"
Step 5. Britain will accept the Euro as part of the negotiations to stay. Noone will really care as the value of the pound will be driven down to, but kept at the same level as the Euro, so it's a like for like swap for most people.

Always remember "In the end, they'll beg us to save them".
That's why I was skeptical about the implication that English law =/= common law.
So at this point I believe 2 things can happen:
>EU collapses and UK becomes a safe haven economy, pound recovers, robust growth etc-rehash of UK exit from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992
>EU moves closer to becoming a federalist union with the national governments/commission essentially making it impossible for further exits to happen and UK goes through a shitty 15-20 yrs

I think the 2nd option is infinitely more likely and I don't believe there will be a middle ground. It's either sink or float for british economy
Sorry forgive me but I feel that the case is on Parliamentary Sovereignty and their rights on Article 50 or even discussing or repealing the decision an earlier Parliament brought or would it be the right of the PM to use Royal Prerogative.

It's not about International Law. It's about Constitutional UK Law.

N. Ireland Constitution is effected if PM alone decides. Parliament can decide on behalf of Northern Ireland and it'd probably be legal but without that and it gets a bit fishy.
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The will of the people will not be ignored.

Face it, there is no turning back. No amount of reasoning or bargaining will change this.


Until you have another referendum or general election that changes to 50%+ voting to remain and then THAT becomes the will of the people.

There doesn't need to be a border. We could unilaterally suspend checks from people coming in. You need documents and numbers to register to work in the UK so illegals could only work in N. Ireland (they can't exactly fly from Belfast to London) and there's nothing in Northern Ireland.

It would only be Ireland that is the problem. And that situation can only be negotiated by Ireland and the EU. We don't really have much say on that.

If the same referendum could be held in every nation, germany would be left alone. Well, maybe the dutch and belgians could keep them company.
I think he means that the violation of the requirements of the treaty with the Irish republic would give them a causus belli to finance the IRA and give separatists a legal pretext for justifying declaration of ownership via their own parliamentary system.

Plus the dual-boot citizenship that northern irish people have gained could be revoked.

High Courts > Scottish First Minister.
High Courts > Northern Ireland Assembly Head Honcho
High Courts > MP's on criminal cases.

High Courts > On issues of ruling on legality of Constitutional Law.

Sorry but do I sound like a retard right now or something? I am a bit edgy on Caffeine but I want to know if my point is clear on this. There's a real risk it's not going to happen.

Seems likely. "If you want continued special status then you accept Euro". Seems likely. Very likely.

But recently the President of EU Jean Claude Wanker made some Presidential order saying no Country could discuss Brexit. Hue. Now let's see if the EU survives if the locals are like "what? This French cunt is ordering our country around?".
As I see it, the vote was as the UK as a whole to declare the will of the people.

Now it is down to international law for the UK as a whole to negotoate with the EU.

UK constitution does not come in to it as far as I can see.
It's fucking nothing
Links to read on court cases, NI and implications?
I assumed that the "British supreme court" would basically be turned into nothing since a huge aspect of its legitimacy is based on the UK being signatory of the EU charter.

The british supreme court has never made a ruling on the legality of a parliamentary declaration afaik

>inb4 there is no british supreme court
British Supreme Court works with Common Law and Equity, Lesser courts are expected to follow the example of Higher courts unless Equity causes issue and the Supreme court can over rule common law on grounds of equity.
Naaaa the butt hurt jooz are doing everything in their power to sink UK so the rest of members don't get cheeky with immigration controls.

No Brexit Referendum was an advisory one. Everyone knows that. David Cameron made sure of that.

The will of the people however is so that Parliament is Sovereign and it can decide if it wants to just ignore Brexit "It'd be too harmful to us".

And the Court cases in the UK High Court could just about confirm that it'd require a Parliament decision as whole instead of May.

It could also mean that yes. War or the breach of the treaty anyway. There'd be no war because Ireland would / EU and UK going to war... Hmm no.

But yes it's just going to mean that the Courts have to decide if May can use the royal prerogative or not. "Parliamentary Sovereignty" - it was the Queens Parliament and not the Queen that decided to join the EU.

Courts will decide: Did Parliament intend that on making law to join EU that a PM can just over turn it? or would it be something that Parliament as a whole would have to decide on.

The Question on Referendum being binding is shit. Because it was an advisory one. Advice of public can be ignored and there is precedent in Parliament and high courts to back that up. MP's don't represent us 100%. But we elect them on their Judgement on issues.
But the conditions of a treaty passed by an act of parliament have nothing to do with common law whatsoever, right?

In the us acts of congress are distinct from 'common law' precedents.
Sorry it was a while back but you can simply google Brexit High Court challenges and probably find something..
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dubs of truth there my /pol.
>The will of the people however is so that Parliament is Sovereign
> MP's don't represent us 100%. But we elect them on their Judgement on issues.

I think you're playing with contradictory starting assumptions here. From what I was taught in history class the notion that the parliament's sovereignty derives from the will of the people is 100% bullshit.

FWIW, a lot of talk from the Telegraph have confirmed that May can use Royal Prerogative. Government lawyers have said that she can do it alone.
Statute is another source of UK law, motions passed by parliment.

We run under common law like your federal system so Judicial cases are more important and statute can be interpreted an amended.
I wonder who could possibly be behind this
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so now we can sell goods and services more easily to the world? Oh no, the horror.
There's a blog I've followed written by an english legal scholar tracing the developments and the precedents the high court has been establishing for itself, and he represents it as being a clusterfuck of vacant authority.

I even recall an instance where the high court made a judgement on the the severity of a persons sentencing for a crime they have been convicted of, set that sentence, then caved to public outrage and literally resurrected the case to change the length of his sentencing.

How could any body that pantsshittingly backwards when it comes to fundamental due process be allowed to adjudicate something like this referendum?
I really doubt the high court can amend statutes. Our supreme court can't even do that (exception: Obamacare, RIP my country). They can only determine if its constitutional or not.
Yes. THis.

High Courts will basically decide: Can this Treaty be repealed by the PM alone. Is Parliament as a whole to be consulted.

Note my mad disorganised schizophrenic brain... ADD shit is like effecting what I'm trying to say but can anyone like decipher what I'm trying to say to like clarify it?
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Chill mate, yeah we get the gist of it

No, we get it.

The question is can the PM excercise royal prerogative to take the UK out of the EU without a parliament vote or does she need a parliament vote.

My understanding is that since the EU is a foreign entity, she can. We negotiated and joined the European Union through the Royal Prerogative, and we will negotiate and leave the European Union through the same.
It's already been discussed between Kenny and May. Brexit is not a problem to the peace process. As for a hard border that's Eire' s problem. The British don't have to impose one.
Precedent is more important than Statute and Judges have the power to set precedent not just interpret the current law.
The High Courts will not decide on Brexit. They will simply say if it's allowed for May to use the royal prerogative and basically ignore a Parliamentary vote & if not why not.

One argument: It would effect the Northern Ireland peace treaty and in effect require new Treaty before it can happen.

So it kind of makes sense now why Junker just said that EU countries can't discuss Brexit because there's a chance with Ireland and UK discussing a new deal due to the troubles it could take a long time... which could hurt the EU but Ireland ofcourse doesn't want war again with IRA and shit so like it would ignore the EU.

Hmm. Maybe Ireland will simply ignore the EU hereon in now anyway with that Apple case. Many people say Junker is full of shit and not of any authority to dictate what individual states in EU can say on Brexit.

But the UK basically before enacting Brexit would have to look into the N.Ireland peace try deal & EU funds for victims and such and such.

2 years would be too little and the Courts could rule that all of this headache can not be done by a single cabinet but would require Parliament to discuss it ( something the EU doesn't want)

It can happen, I voted remain but like come-on Parliament can not be avoided... We need to discuss what Britain wants ... It's just too big a deal to have some wierdo PM decide with cucks like Boris and shit ... Parliament as a whole. The Referendum was an advisory one not to PM David cameron but to Parlaiment.
MI5 you alright brev? Please don't send my /pol/ post history to Obama bro it was just a prank.
Assuming the courts decision.
No pm has a mandate or ever had, the system doesn't work like that.
This whole peace process stops brexit has long been debunked.
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>mfw this post says the second post is deleted, but it still shows as not deleted in my browser

wew fucking lads
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Feels good.

All of you pro EU shills are LOSERS

All of you slav countries are LOSERS

Have fun being mined for all of your wealth by Germans.
Ok but the issue then moves towards "we were lied to" x).

& people in the Courts would basically use that if they wanted to say "PM May must consult Parliament or act in accordance with Parliament. Not doing so would be an affront to democracy. The Referendum was not binding. It was an advisory one for Parliament. "
I double posted, I have a poor connection.
On different ID's within 20 seconds of one another?

Not to mention both IDs have been active throughout this thread.

Come on.
My wifi keeps dropping and my 4G kicks in.
"A legal bid challenging Brexit has secured its first major success ahead of a High Court hearing. A senior judge has ordered the Government to reveal 'secret' legal arguments which it says means parliament does not have to be consulted on when to trigger Article 50. The decision has been heralded a major victory as a series of legal challenges trying to block Brexit are beginning."

The numerous high Court challenges are huge.
They could halt Brexit for a while.

They could also force the PM to vote no confidence in her self to get a mandate in being re-elected if Judges agree that the public should have a greater say beyond the referendum (through their MP's) instead of an un-elected PM that is Theresa May.
The same could have been said of the referendum in 1975. If one is overturned why not the other.
There was supposed to be one for Maastricht, Lisbon dodged it by political chicanery.
The fact is we are leaving, how far we leave is up for negotiation.
We're leaving...

But not without a new Parliament or newly elected Government with a clear mandate & Parliament being allowed to be the statute making body that it is.

" Brexit will not go ahead if it means hard border in Ireland"
"Governments idea on Brexit deal to be made will be agreed by public"
"Scotland & Northern Ireland will get an equal seat alongside central Government on the debate stage"

All of this is just too much to avoid.
As soon as all of that is decided then yea, we'll enact Article 50. But before that. It's a rotten deal for the British Public who could have wanted to keep free trade and free travel just wanted to avoid the EU courts or MEP's like Nigel Farage.
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>he thinks we're leaving the EU
>he thinks we aren't leaving the EU
>he thinks we haven't already left the EU
>he thinks we didn't form the EU
>he thinks we didn't join the EU against our will
You know nothing. We are in all states simultaneously. This is the nature of the Eternal Anglo, some call it Schrodinger's Anglo. Either way, we will fuck you over and you still won't have learned.
>le weak pound is bad for the economy maymay
Do you even export?
So what? They were never Europeans to begin with
Then when exactly will they leave?
Nobody even wants them anymore since all they do is block everything and literalky start fist fights with other politicians and then cry about getting beat up so hard that they have to be sent to hospital.
You sure as hell dont
Who are we going to export to? :)

The EU? Not without a tariff or taxes.
China? Yea they've a deal with the EU.
India? Yea maybe but not too much because they are better off dealing with EU.

The list goes on.

Britain needs to make sure it remains a part of the trading zone in EU or else it's going to get railed hard.
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>A redhead Pajeet Scotsman.

Yeah, eurotrash needs to get exported to the third world. White societies used to do it before, time to start up the old practice again.
You realise that the massive drop is believed to be a computer error which the Bank of England is investigating, right?
It does make me laugh how all the middle-class liberal arts students had such a culture shock when they left their leafy suburban communities to find dirty shithole towns that are full of niggers and are surprised the towns voted to leave.
All the gibsmedat useless yuropoor eastern countries would stay because they're the niggers of europe
Eurozone countries would stay
Finland would stay.
I imagine Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, maybe Czech Republic (President really loves the UK - said he always trusts the British and he would have one if we left) & France would leave.
Why would Spain stay? Parliamentary inertia?

Great meme :)
They get a hell of a lot of funding. They also get vast amounts of intra-EU tourism.
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