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Evil of the Saudis

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Saudi Princess Accused of Threatening Decorator Claims Diplomatic Immunity and Flees Paris
This kind of stuff is very prevalent with the Saudis. Here's a summary of other similar stuff they have done. It's a long post, but it basically boils down to Saudi diplomats doing some of the most heinous stuff you can imagine.

Claiming diplomatic immunity after committing heinous crimes is very normal for Saudis



Basically, a Saudi diplomat, called Majed Hassan Ashoor, who lives in Jeddah, enslaved 2 Nepali housmaids when posted as a diplomat in India and along with over 22 of his Saudi diplomat friends (with diplomatic immunity), they raped, gang-raped, sodomized and sexually tortured 2 Nepali maids every day for over 4 months, ending September 2015. According to another source, it started when Mr. Ashoor asked for a "massage" and then raped the maids with other family members saying "if you show any resistance, we'll kill you and throw you in the sewer". Then the Saudi diplomat invited his diplomat co-workers to join in and it continued over months.


Mr Majed Hassan Ashoor passed the maids around to over 20 of his friends who repeatedly gang-raped them. The maids said that sometimes, 7-8 Saudi diplomats raped them at the same time, they anally raped them and they even tortured the maids for their own sexual gratification and they had injuries all over their body. Two independent medical reports after the ordeal stated the maids suffered "brutality" and they had extensive injuries from their rapes and gang-rapes. If you think that's bad enough, all of this happened with the consent of his wife and his daughter, Roza Ashoor, who "knew what was going on". The wife of the Saudi diplomat also tortured and beat the maids, forced them to work 20 hour days and starved them and forced them to feed off scraps. Basically this enormous gang-rape and slave racket happened with the consent of his entire extended family and co-workers. The only reason this was found out was because Mr Ashoor, not satisfied with two sex-slaves, tried to enslave a third maid from India, who managed to escape and notified the Indian police. When the Saudi diplomat was exposed, the Saudi embassy spent the next few days berating the indian police for violating diplomatic immunity. These 2 Nepali maids went abroad to find work after their homes and livelihoods were destroyed by the Nepali earthquake and their lives were destroyed by the gang of Saudis. This gang of Saudi diplomats will never be punished and Mr Majed Hassan Ashoor, is living freely, safely and soundly in Jeddah today and will never be punished for his heinous crimes.

What the Saudi princess is minor compared to what Saudis usually get up to under diplomatic immunity, and unlike some countries, they never revoke it under any circumstances. Even in the US, Saudis have committed rape, torture and even slavery with complete impunity.

audi diplomats, like Mr Majed Hassan Ashoor, the Ashoors being a well-respected family in Saudi Arabia, feel like they can carry out the most revolting and heinous crimes, inconceivable to normal people, and get away it, and as this incident shows, they are absolutely right. They can do literally anything and get away with it.

By the way, this does not only happen with diplomats, extreme crimes against workers and servants is very normal, very typical in Saudi Arabia. Just last month, a Filipina domestic worker was raped to death by a Saudi man in just over 2 weeks of being at his home.

Filipino nurses who attended to the raped domestic worker said they saw blood in her underwear and bruises on her face and body. "She has been there for less than a month, and now she's coming home in a coffin,"

"But Bello voiced suspicion that Edloy may have been a victim of gang rape because of the extent of the injuries that she suffered. "I suspect that it was not ordinary rape. It might be a gang rape although these are all speculations,” he said."
"Edloy had bruises on her body and lacerations on her private parts when brought to the hospital, nurses at the hospital said"

She was brought to hospital with various injuries and blood stains on delicate parts of her body. "She has been there for less than a month, and now she's coming home in a coffin. We cannot just brush her death aside, as just another news report".
Again, this is not an isolated incident, just a normal day for domestic workers in Saudi Arabia

A housemaid is gang raped everyday for months by an entire family of Saudi men. One family member even started drugging the Nepali maid so he could rape her more easily. "They raped me whenever they want, whatever time of the day"
9 Saudis gang rape another Indonesian maid

5 Saudis gang rape an Indonesian housemaid and dump her in carpark

Heavily pregnant Filipino gang raped by 3 Saudis

More shocking than the fact such crimes are so common in Saudi Arabia, is the fact that the perpetrators enjoy complete impunity. Even in the most shocking cases of torture and even murder, the Saudis are untouchable. There is a myth that Saudi justice is "harsh but effective"; it only exists when the victim is Saudi, otherwise the justice is nonexistent. Saudis can get away with rape, gang-rape, starvation, murder and torture of the most gruesome and extreme sort:

Indian Muslim maid beaten to death by Saudi couple after months of continuous torture, she even called her parents back in India begging them to save her before she ended up dead. Saudis authorities say she died of "natural causes". Saudi couple not even arrested.

Another example, to show you the attitude of Saudi police to maids who are viciously tortured and beaten by their Saudi employers. People always say "why don't they just leave" or "why don't they go to the police", heres the reply:
“Once, I escaped from the home and tried to lodge a complaint with the police station. But the policemen were unresponsive. They told me to go back or face imprisonment. So I went back and they beat me up more,” she rues. Unable to bear the torture, she jumped from the balcony and was injured in the spinal cord.

In other words, the Saudi police would imprison the maid if she refused to be tortured by her Saudi employers.
Saudi couple hammer 23 heated nails into a Sri Lankan maid because she complained about the heavy workload. The Saudi couple were not charged. http://www.hrw.org/news/2010/09/02/saudi-arabia-domestic-worker-brutalized

Saudi woman cuts off the lips of her Indonesian maid, burns her entire body with an iron, mutilates her face and beats her so brutally that she has broken bones, internal bleeding and cannot walk. She was beaten into a coma and was completely traumatized. The Saudi woman was freed of all charges.

Saudi woman scalds a Filipina maid's back with boiling hot coffee, disfiguring her entire back, because she did not make the coffee quickly enough. Again, the Saudi woman was not charged nor arrested, and in fact dragged the Filipina maid back home to continue work (with her mutilated burnt back) Pictured: Horrific burns suffered by Filipino maid after Saudi boss 'threw boiling water at her' which have caused storm among country's servants


Saudi woman tortures an Indonesian maid, forces her to eat her own FECES and burns her back with iron and aggravates the wounds using cleaning fluid. The Saudi woman was not charged. Indonesian Maid in Saudi Arabia Burned, Forced to Eat Own Feces
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“The abuse allegedly inflicted by Wafa al-Khuraifi on Keni binti Carda includes repeated burning with an iron, forced ingestion of feces, psychological abuse and application of household cleaners to open wounds,” says the letter, obtained by the Jakarta Globe. “Mrs. al-Khuraifi also poked Keni’s tongue with a knife, pried her teeth loose and forced them down her throat". She was also forced to work from 6am to 3am everyday (although admittedly this is very normal in Saudi Arabia)

Saudi woman brutally mauls her Filipina maid, forces her to eat one of her used sanitary napkins, smashes her head against the wall, tortures her brutally and starves her over months.

Saudi woman hacks off an Indian maid's entire arm with a sword after the maid tried to escape after being tortured and starved by the Saudi employer:

Most people have no idea how bad Saudi Arabia is. The only way this can be stopped is if people start sending lists of cases like this en-masse to journalists so they can start reporting it in mainstream newspapers. Whenever there's yet another shocking case about Saudi Arabia, they always make a general point about how Saudi women are treated badly and never show shocking cases like these. The irony is, Saudi women aren't even the most oppressed in Saudi Arabia let alone the world, and in fact, they are often the most brutal and sadistic abusers of other women.

In Los Angeles, passerbys rescued a bleeding, screaming woman scaling to escape a Saudi prince and his entourage. He claimed diplomatic immunity. It's not just Saudi, but Qatari (now infamous for using slave labor to build FIFA stadiums) princes as well. Although they were arrested and charged, they skipped bailed, trying to escape via Mexico.
Saudi prince avoids felony charges in sex assault case near Beverly Hills - LA Times

Saudi VIP$ use wealth, diplomatic immunity to run amok in the US | Fox News

And IIRC, there was another Saudi diplomat who escaped justice after raping and murdering a Romanian embassy worker.

sources for this one:
sources for this one, kept being called spam:

Do the whole tinyurl thing with them
fuck, those digits are going to attract a lot of people to this thread

thanks based kek
Yeah, they do it to Western women a lot too. Check here: >>91888701


I think an ethnic cleansing of the Gulf Region is in order. We should make sure not a single Gulf Arab is alive in Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Kek is citing his sources
Saudis confirmed evil by kek
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What did Kek mean by this?
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nice sexts
Saudi Arabia is like a nigger with a recording contract. Sure he's rich and has some influence but he's a retard and spends his money on frivolous things and surely enough bankrupts himself in the end.
that's fucked up
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>Then the Saudi diplomat invited his diplomat co-workers to join in
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The sauds are garbage, i've known this for a while so if their heinousness came to light in the MSM i would greatly appreciate it
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>mfw Saudi empire crumbles overnight as the oil money runs out
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Wow Saudi Arabia is based.
aren't they representatives on the human rights council ?

they can get munted.
hot damn saudis are gonna delete 4chan
>aren't they representatives on the human rights council ?
Funny isn't it? We actually factually live in the absurd dystopia.
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Bump because we need to make glass.
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sweet get btw

how do I become friends with a saudi diplomat?
this is an awesome picture, i wish my windows 7 wasn't glitched
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Holy fuck
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Yes, Saudies are degenerated son of bitches, not only for the rape and enslavement of workers, but for being spreading Islamism around the world.
But hey! They give money to every one that counts so is fine I suppose.
Those subhumans must be purged from the face of the earth.
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>you will get to see Saudi Arabia fall in your lifetime
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Can't we humiliate Hillary by attacking Saudi diplomats? The Iranian attack on a Saudi embassy makes a lot more sense in light of this supremacist, torture-obsessed behavior. Do Saudis have consulates in major cities?
Pretty much every major Mosque in the west is founded by them.
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>2016 in the USA
>Media loses their shit about dumb bro-tier banter by Trump
>Media acts like it's normal that Hillary Clinton supports a regime that literally grabs women by the pussy and stones them to death if they are even just friendly to a male stranger
>Nothing worth to be outraged about from Hillary according to evety popular US Media outlet
That's an excellent point. Certainly easier to locate a Saudi funded mosque than a consuate. Saudi consulates in America are in NY, LA, Chicago, Houston and Miami. Those are the biggest and most important cities, but I wonder (sniff) why (sniff) Miami.
My M8 just stopped in a Saudi airport on the way back from somewhere else.

Couldn't wear shorts, had to change. Islamic prayer on the ariplane during the seatbelt and safety demonstration. When asking at kiosks about what was sold, when they didn't have something they would just make a sharp 'go away' hand wave. Women in ninja costumes everywhere. He said it was abysmal.
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>not telling us where the body of natalee holloway is

Since growing up i've been told by the whole world that every German knew about the Holocaust.
You are pretty small, so obviously you must know about it!

Ease your mind Joran, break free from the shackles of silence!
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