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Thanks for all, murrican-bos. This is were nice years, but now

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Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 98

Thanks for all, murrican-bos.
This is were nice years, but now is time for war.
Tomorow I will go to mobilization point. I served as conscript, my specialty - operator of AA-complex "Osa-AKM" (you know it like SA-8 Gecko).
Nothing personal. May be we wil see later...
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that helmet ...
We will try to kill each other. praise kek.
please kill all the niggers and nuke the cities, we won't hold a grudge about it.
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If you promise to shoot only the niggers, we'll aim our guns at the sky above you

Navy here, hope you're ready for our carriers :^)
what is the context for that picture?
There so much shit going on with that flag I don't even know what I'm looking at
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US Air Force, Worlds biggest Air Power.
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US Navy, Worlds Second Biggest Air Force
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And this ones just to say fuck you.
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Pacific Fleet is coming for you communist fucks
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Wow great post OP! I had a question about your post though. Why did Hillary Clinton personally authorize the murder of Seth Rich? Doesn't she know that murder is illegal?

Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance!
God speed rus-san.

Maybe we can climb out of the trenches on Christmas and drink some vodka together.

Until then, see you on the battlefield.
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There can be only one. The world isn't big enough for the both of us, Ivan.
what a time to be alive

potentially at the verge of a world war and just days before we can crack jokes with someone thousands of miles a way who will want us dead soon.

god can you only imagine the level of shitposting during a world war?
what are you going to be doing exactly
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There is only one ultimate rule in war:
Will be hoping Russia wins, maybe is the only way to stop globalism
>I served as conscript
russians literally can't get legit military...
which is why you will lose to america... even in asia
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Judgement Day.webm
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How did we let it come to this?
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nice trips

>tfw I have nothing against ruskies but when clinton wins my ass is getting sent to Ukraine
I can only dream of such bants
US posters and russkies shitpost each other into oblivion while one by one they each get drafted into their military and killed in combat by the same people they called niggers and slavshits just weeks before
Any nation would have to be literally insane to attack US in a way that would provoke nuclear response. 20 mins. after initial strike hundreds of nuclear tipped warheads would land in every major city in your nation and destroy it 5 times over. With the rise of the nuclear sub fleet there really is no way to throw a first punch KO, it's mutual assured destruction and Russia knows this which is why they would never start a nuclear war. The only real threat is North Korea, because they are the only ones stupid enough to try anything. I'm pretty sure Russia is only acting brave right now to give Trump a bump because they know they can get more out of him than Hillary.
if it happens, i'm gonna be fifth column for your side. i've got nothing against america, but i'm a russiaboo and i just like russia better
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will be here in monkey land shitposting while you and Ivan die in nuclear holocaust

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It's been real, Dmitri.

Time for us to fuck your shit up.
>be ruskie
>go to war with murica
>become dead ruskie
this is how you're going to end comrade
Good luck and godspeed
Always kill a traitor before an enemy you fucking commie scum
that is a good thing, mateusz
could you imagine being up on the ISS while nuclear war went down below you, that would be sight to see
You are willing to fight for kikes? Why?
spot on mehmet
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>Slav Asmr for viewing pleasures
see you
Did you miss the part about nuclear war?
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Ivan, I hope one day we can be friends again. I want to show you my big Texan farm.
I want to sip vodka on the designated squatting playground.
Soon, we may be enemies, but one day, I hope we can be friends again.
Yeah it would be totally rad to watch the world burn... the same world youre relying on for oxygen and supplies.
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dont nuke us, conquer the place and kill all the kikes and niggers, then we can all stay cheeki breeki
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BTW, that was only pic 1 of three on current U.S. Air Force branch, there is 2 more slides
Part 2
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Slide 3 you communuist faggot
manlet putin about to be BTFO
i can only imagine paramilitaries being formed around here to join russia
I was going to restart college next semester, so that I could be a pilot. I am directly descended from a Russian high noble family, so I hope it doesn't have to come to war, but I will fight if it does
Not if I kill your traitor ass first you commie scum. you'll hang from the trees with the niggers
>yfw you survive world war III
>yfw get beaten and burned by nig
implying you will do anything with niggers over there
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Got any bakelites for sale sovannon?
Would it be such a big deal to not bomb syria and just bomb somewhere else?

I understand you need to be bombing something at all times but this one time just chill and have a beer, I hear new zealand needs a bombing.

>1 post by this user
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>>>91831363 (You)
Fuck you, I go out of my way to shit on niggers daily.
That's gonna be the best part about this war honestly

All the Russiaboo traitors on this board posting under American flag will come out and identify themselves. Can't wait to be the guy in charge of rounding them all up for executions, have fun praising Putin in hell!
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Hope we see each other in heaven Russia bro. None of us real patriotic Americans hate you guys, its just the libs.


fuck off

Putinboo cucks are a vocal minority even on /pol/. If war breaks out they'll be satisfyingly easy to cull.
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Imagine if I got paid one dollar every time there is "its happening" thread
I would end up being billionaire

Can you faggots return to shitposting and discussing autistic shit like nofap

We will always have our memories together. I'm glad I got your visit saint pettersburg 5yrs ago. Loved it.

Keep your head down Ivan. God's speed. You're gonna need all the help you can get.
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Love you Rusbros!! I'll always member the good times
Most of the Russian males served ~2 years as conscripts, but most of the Russian military on duty are on contract. That gives huge mobilization potential which America doesn't have
FUCK off with your shitty thread. Monarchism is dead and gone.
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Bad times ahead friend.
Maybe no computer.
Maybe no shitpost.
I will go away but we are two of soul.
I will return.
whatever you say kike.
when the white nations come together, you are fucking done.
I'm scared too Ivan, I don't want us to go to war. I dreamed of us fighting together against the Muslims, Jews, hell even the Chinese. I don't want it to end like this, it was supposed to be no more brother wars.
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When I'm ambushing you it's nothing personnel kid. :^)
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you are already dead ivan

I love you anons, if this is it, if this is the final happening we've all been waiting for. I just want to say it's been a pleasure lurking, shitposting, and discussing with you all
I have respect for the kremlin, i have none for Washington D.C.
I have respect for the americans, some for the russians.

Fuck your government America. Do something before we all die, thanks.
I don't want to fight Ruskie Bros. I just want to sit down, drink some vodka and maybe play some card games with you. Why can't we just do that instead?
can't wait to kill amerifats.

Love you Brits.
fine, but stay south this time. And don't be hiding radar stations in denmark this time please.
No you arent.

No you won't.

Kill yourself.
Go back to sleep. Nothing is happening. It's just meaningless posturing.
thats the american nazi flag
Well we're at war in Syria and Turkey and the bantz that happen amount to just telling them to fuck off.
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See ya Ivan.

I wish it didn't have to end this way. Fucking assholes hiding in their bunkers damning the rest of us to death.
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>Lining up traitors against the wall
>Some anon sees 4 of clubs card on my helmet
>"A-anon, spare me! I used to go on 4chan too! We're brothers!"
>"Yeah I know all about that, anon. Like your post #91526521 that said Russia should invade the US. Or your post #89925152 that said Putin should take over the White House."
>"T-that wasn't me! It was a proxy!"
>"But I'll tell you what, I'll let Kek decide your fate. Guess the double digits I'm thinking of right now and you live."
>"Heh. Nothing personnel, kid"
Just bunch of meat for our Surface-to-air missiles

You Russians are spooky as fucks.
True. (((They))) will just send the last remaining good white men that didn't have their line destroyed in WWII to die so they can rule over nigs and slimes.
US has the equipment but how are soldiers like? Can majority of US troops actually endure big war?

Can't get them all. Watch how America stormed the beaches at Normandy with German high powered machine guns.

Drunk Russian vodka rape your women.

And your women are worth a good fight for the white race.
Russia has collectively taken black pill, just like much of eastern Europe. It has produced very hard, strong people

Who is the asshole?
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You jelly of muh heritage?
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>Fucking assholes hiding in their bunkers
That's actually sad, because Russia has bunkers all over the country for everybody, but here in America only preppers and farm boys have a chance to survive.
I wonder who has more chances to rebuild the country after nuclear exchange
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Forgot pic related
>Can't get them all
Easy peezy Obamaballs sweezy
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Sailors and officers of the USN
kek, didn't even notice
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We can't even suggest such a thing, we're so policed now and the media is so warped/biased that even the slightest of implications would have us locked up and the liberals are so fanatical they'd just applaud whatever rights-infringing method the government would use against an opposition.

Our election is our hope because it's a real eye-opener as to how our media/government is operating and it's going "decently" but if Obama wants war, he will get it at the cost of all of us if need be. So it should be though, we've allowed it but it's a sad day to see another white/christian nation as an enemy, considering whites are only 8% of the global population, we are minorities. And soon we will be minorities in the countries we founded if the trend continues.

Before everyone screams cuck, unpatriotic, etc. I'm not saying the U.S. would lose a force on force battle, there's literally no chance but the cost of life, especially with the option of nuclear war on the table is catastrophic... It literally benefits nobody but a few select people within our government.
>with German high powered machine guns
Normandy was poorly defended by children and foreign volunteers
You can always duck and cover, like they say in your training movies.

You Russians come on our home land. I will personally kill you and cut your dick off you asshole mother fuckers. Some of American 4channers have nothing to lose.
Hey, if you guys start bombing the shit out of each other can you just kill the niggers please?
The only thing you are capable of is being a loser with a dirty ugly mind.


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If kek wills it, we will kill each other. PRAISE KEK!
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It's official: happening canceled.
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>like they say
They don't say that for decades now. American Millennials have literally no idea about civil defense while it's still a thing for ex-soviets

Really? America might have the best military, but it can't be everywhere at every time.

Of course half the south will welcome white Russians like the Germans in World War 2.

Fuck that noise.
go back to your skateboard park
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>You Russians come on our home land.
Why Russia need your shithole for?
record corrected
I'll remember you.
When ill be rounding up capitalist pigs and their servants, i'll shoot you in the head,as a gratitude for nice joke.
eh. you need to have a life worth preserving to follow those instructions.

> be Germany
> have to read about Brits and US whipping grandpa and great-grandpa's ass in history
> know that grandma and great grandma took the Freedoms deep and liked it
> be mad
> decide to open borders to people who hate you
> salivate at the mouth to kill Americans
> We'll be seeing your woman soon
> We'll save your country from your own stupidity.... Again.

So, Britbongs, Berlin by when?
When you have a high ranking military general telling the US government how much Russia and China have copies and studied the US' every military moves since 1992. I don't think this is time to act nice. This is some serious shit.

Syria is the one country Russia needs. All they do supply oil and weapons to Syria. They are a gun running country to evil people.
>America might have the best military
and NEVER win the one fucking war by alone fair &squiare
>best military my ass
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All these fags willing to fight foreign nations and not their own government. This is what the second ammendment is for.

Quality shitpost.
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>operator of AA-complex "Osa-AKM"
If you shoot down something, plz post on youtube!
All Russia needs is a nice terrorist bombing from ISIS or other Islamic group to kick them back in to place.
>can't wait to kill amerifats.

With what? We're your army. That's why you have all of those fancy social programs and free women to offer all of the refugees on Merkel's dime.
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Lol, you can't rape anyone but your hand.
Just accept it, you will be crushed by the will of God-Emperor Putin.
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>implying you'll ever set foot on our soil
I won't remember you, you'll be a dot on a video game screen.
American Revolutionary War
WW1, (they only showed up on european soil the day before medals were cast.)
WW2, (Again, spend the majority of the war supplying the communists, swooped in a few weeks before the medals were cast.)
Gulf war (only war they won where they participated from the beginning.)

Korean War
Afghanistan War
Iraq War

Outright lost:
Bay of pigs (US OBLITERATED.)
Vietnam (US ASHAMED.)

Americans can only destroy and supply, not win wars.

We never lost to the Japanese either, but you sure got your ruskie shit pushed in by them. I'm pretty sure we helped you sue for peace too, so let's stfu about all that.
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Our shitposts will block out the sun, Ivan.
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I refuse to fight a war for Hilary Clinton or Barrack Obama.

Help us rid our country of the swine politicians instead.
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don't talk to me spic, nigger or whatever brown shit you are

Love or hate America and Britain. But without them the world would fall. After you government falls from dictator Putin. You can come to America like everybody else. Americans get drunk and make noise in their own house and NOBODY calls the police, but if the outside world wants to fuck with us. Watch the fuck out.
>Bay of pigs (US OBLITERATED.)

None of our soldiers fought in that war--we gave a bunch of rebels some weapons and hoped they would win just like in Syria.

You also forgot Mexican American war, Spanish American war, Cold War, Bosnia, Kosovo, and on and on. Stop being a dumb faggot.
But I like Russia, why must we fight
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Oh, Hans. Will Merkel make you 0/3 for WW's?
>path of light
Top post bud.
Remember this phrase kid
"Ne beyte, luchshe obossite", this could save your life.
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I'd rather have a civil war than a war with Russia.
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how can russia even compete
Yeah, we have bunkers, but they are not valid.
every american who fights for clinton deserves to be shot

You're missing a shit ton.

And if you think Afghanistan and Iraq were stalemates then I can only laugh at you.
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Kek has spoken

I don't HAVE to talk to you Germinicuck. I'm just going to watch you fail again. It's becoming a German Family Tradition.

The only phrase Americans need to know is ruki vverkh, kek
>mfw only Turkey will survive to repopulate the planet
what is this?
a navy for ants?

Delet this
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And how to make all of this shit instantly useless.
I truly deeply hate my countrymen, they're the most braindead ZOG stooges in the world and they just pretend like they're not because it's too damaging to their massive egos. Fuck this piece of shit country, why couldn't my ancestors stay in europe?

>It's real!
He's pretending that we only "swooped" in so we could take in all of the credit in Europe when in reality, the European theater was an after-thought for us when we were so focused on ass raping the Japs. He has to be trolling because no one is that stupid.
You should know that we can jam your toy or make it toss bombs on your pity ass.
In Iran one of your UAV was hijacked as easy as a candy from a child.
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I believe you're trying to say that many are abandoned. They can be resupplied and ready for a blast pretty quick
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All that and ISIS are still around ... yeah
When all this is over I'll buy you a beer.
Fuck off normie I look forward to raiding and killing your family in the apocalypse
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You fucking idiots, the Jews are laughing at us. We should be fighting side-by-side, not against one another. Pic related, it's us.
>that helmet ...
Is Ivan going to war, or doing some welding?
we have to leave anon
But you could just go out for a space walk and push off the station for a cozy glide through emptiness for all eternity
The goal was destabilization of Iraq since they refused to embrace the petrodollar, my blue pilled moronic friend.
underrated post

He's from Denmark, I expect him to be assblasted for having a country with one of the most badass histories with no modern day importance.
Hard to do that when your 400lb hackers are incinerated in their mom's basement from a 2,000 pound laser guided bomb, Ivan :^)

Abandoned, right. But our goverment doesn't give a fuck, they will not restore bunkers for people. Only for themselves.
>that arm
>quintessentially british
>That TF2 copypasta
Wasn't ready man
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Forgot pic :^)
Just deal with it- America is no longer superpower now, cos China is rised, and Russia will rebuild it's glory.
Wars like Bosnia were over so quickly that most Eurofaggots don't even consider them a conflict because we BTFO irrelevant nations like it's nothing. Iraq before the Gulf War had like the third largest standing army in the world or some shit and they were rekt in a few days. Denmark couldn't have done that alone. Does Denmark even have an army?
And? You cucks created a mess more than anything.

Being smart sometimes implies not to involve and help sandniggers.

But, heh, brits love sandniggers.
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Helmets with face armor used mostly by Russian special forces
Just remember there's a lot of Americans who don't want to fucking fight you over dirt in a desert.
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>hurr durr the US military has no idea what an EMP is and has taken no steps to harden against it since WWII
we've had Mil-Std for this since before you were born, kiddo.
The only phrase you'll get from me is idi nahuy soboka
He probably also means they won't stand up to a nuclear blast and were always for show, except for the ones for government employees lol.
>not uniting with the west for the final holy war
>more whites killing each other pointlessly

thought you were better than that, Sasha
>"I want mutual destruction, hell yeah!"
USA please collapse already, you're the worst empire to ever exist on this planet and I hope you'll go out in flames of the second civil war.
It still better to survive the blast in a bunker with no supplies than don't have any place to hide at all
what glory? russia had glory? was this during the time of the tsar when the rest of europe still found them to be barbarian or was the glory coming from the genociding of your own people? maybe the glory was steamrolling and raping the germans. i spit on your glory.

your hero putin himself said usa is still the only superpower. deal with it.
Yeah, cos after this phrase they have to drop shit they call weapons and knee before their masters. And do it quickly.
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Let's just hold off on this bickering until election day.

If pic related happens to win, nuke us before she can push the button.
Why is Russia's rightful clay bothering to speak ITT?
Nah, it's not true. 99% of them were built by soviets and they didn't fuck around with any military related stuff
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I don't want to fight with you in a desert over some goat-fuckers desu Ivan. We should be working together to liberate Constantinople for the glory of Byzantium.

Instead we will murder each other to gain some miles of sand for the sheer amusement of the Jews.
Lool. I used to swear like this in kindergarden.
Show me somethin scary.
We still have 6,000 nukes, slavnigger. I'll meet you on the battlefield.
War. War never changes.
You built your country far too close to our bases and nuclear silos. Sorry, but you have to go. Nothing personal, kid.
Stop posting this in every thread.

Also nice digits.
>being THIS delusional
How do I pronounce vverkh again? Like a vee-yerk? I wanna know because I don't want to confuse Russians when we take thousands of them prisoner
if you have to nuke us can you nuke California?
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>mfw my fellow americans would rather die for Israel than die to liberate the Holy Land from Jews and Muslims
Nice pic, but your electronic warfare forces officially suck.
You really imply that we don't have anything on your precious electronic toys?
>we will win this war by editing wiki
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I had hoped that I would never see a Russian/USA war.
To be fair, those in uniform aren't precisely women
>Hitler dubs guy swallowing happy merhant war bait
Cali and Jew York must be the first to go.
Please don't nuke Texas, Yuri. My sweetheart lives there.
This welding helmet can protect from all directions, and do it good.
It is not some fancy-pansy toys your soldiers given.
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Her lastname Fernandez?
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Buddy, we have fucking space-age magrail guns and lasers.

You have SAMs from the 80s.

Reminder that Saddam Hussein said the same thing as you, "technology doesn't matter, our fighters are more spirited and stronger than the Americans"
Nope, but I know someone there named Fernandez.
Top kek. No you won't. You'll be fapping in the basement to cuckold porn.
I know, but it is always nice ti piss off some "basement patriots" who so easy to troll.
Peace and love!
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I am sad today
proof or fag

That thing in action is fucking sick. I want new video to come out. Live fire video of scrubs getting completely wrecked by that fucking gun. It's so God damn fucking cool.
No one can win this war, as the loser would just go nuclear as they are about to lose.
Hopefully russia will liberate Europe from faggot-liberals. Sweden desperately needs 50 ears of russian occupation.
I'll be seeing you, don't worry.

We will meet. I will find you.
the Jews will find a way to win. They always do.
We need a second civil war. Too many people are willing to take big daddy guvment dick in their ass and ask for more. They forget that our forefathers went to war with King George over a consumption tax on a luxury item that was shipped half way across the world to help cover the expenses of providing us troops. No representation they say; does anyone really think the common person is represented right now? Conflation of love for your country and being a slave to your government is the death of this nation, it's been a long time coming. Life is not so dear, nor peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery, and yet that's exactly what we've bought for our apathy.

Fuck a war with Russia, they are the wrong enemy.
We were destroying superarmies when your contry didn existed as a paper project.
Your military never won a war aganist equal foe, even worce they got pwned by japs in pearl harbor, and muslims in muslimstans.
>Buddy, we have fucking space-age magrail guns and lasers.

We have one or two trillion dollar experimental weapons or some shit that are impractical just like this galloping piece of shit.


We need to stop focusing on fancy fluff and mass-produce the things that already work like Russia would be doing if they had Murrica bux.

Also, Russia and the USA won't go to war any time soon; this is more pointless saber rattling and I hope you faggots are just roleplaying ITT.
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good luck liberator
western bitches and terror crators must pay with barrels of blood
>even worce they got pwned by japs in pearl harbor

Hope you're trolling, man. They didn't really do much at all during Pearl Harbor since most of our fleet was just slightly damaged and easily repaired. The Japs completely failed at their objective--they wanted to annihilate our Pacific fleet and all that they did was sink a boat or two.
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I nust remembered there's a NATO base relatively close to my hometown
If you gotta do it, just make it quick
Only thing you can imprison faggot, is your dick by your hand. Even our woman can beat you to agonising meatbag state.
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>tfw theres only 1 anon like this in a sea of dumbasses
Yeah, go on, poke that bear with pointy stick.
You mean too close to target dummies?
Our missles would gently obliterate them, to make the world a better place.
You're welcome for lend-lease, Ivan.

If you guys ever need a patriotic boner, look up USA military production during WWII. The real secret of our strength was our ability drown the Axis in an unending deluge of materiel.
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>Our missles would gently obliterate them, to make the world a better place.

>Nuking the entirety of Europe, South East Asia, and much of the Middle East would make the world a better place
>The mainland would still be untouched

Good luck with that, Ivan. Sleep it off, man. You're drunk.
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>tfw no ivans to be friends with irl

I just want a russbro to talk to now and again

is that so fucking hard?
Both you and Britain were on Japanese side though.

Britain even forbid our fleet to go through suez so they lost 2 or 3 months circling Africa.

Not even mentioning all the ships you guys sold to Japan.

Still, If not the 1905 revolution RE would never sign peace treaty. We could allow prolonged war and Japan couldn't.
>itt petushinnie boi
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According to the Russian Defense Ministry, any airstrike or missile hitting targets in territory controlled by the Syrian government would put Russian personnel in danger.

“Russian air defense system crews are unlikely to have time to determine in a ‘straight line’ the exact flight paths of missiles and then who the warheads belong to. And all the illusions of amateurs about the existence of ‘invisible’ jets will face a disappointing reality,” Konashenkov added.

>COCA COLA niggers still believe in ‘invisible’ jets
Just admit that that base was caught with their pants down.

Sure thing Ivan
>May be we wil see later...
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>we have fucking space-age magrail guns and lasers
Pearl Harbor was bait by FDR, a crypto-jew, to get the USA directly involved in the war. The base was "caught with their pants down" because intel about the attack was never passed on to them.
You started land lease only when german elite was crushed.
You landed in normandy only to steal some glory, like a jackals.
they bomb your country not ours pierre :^)
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fuck all of you. i bet clinton could give you a rifle and tell you to genocide all whites in europe and you'd call it "patriotism"
Yeah, it was. You should be mourning that fact, though, not celebrating it. If it wasn't for Japan attacking us, the USSR would probably own all of Europe today. You guys already had the Germans on the run well before we entered the war. The direct aftermath of Pearl Harbor started USA global hegemony.
>could you imagine being up on the ISS while nuclear war went down below you, that would be sight to see

>Yeah it would be totally rad to watch the world burn... the same world youre relying on for oxygen and supplies.

look at timeline nigger and turn ON your CNN brain
Just admit, that your contry put the world into corporate shit-state. So, obliterating it do a favor to the world.
Why are you so desperate to bend your ass over for Putin like some sort of pathetic cuckold? When shit hits the fan, weaklings like you will be the first to go. You remind me of some sort of beta inverted hippy.

Also, I don't want war with Russia, but that doesn't mean I can't partake in bantz with them. Go suck some more Slavic dick.
i support trump mate

i just dont like being threatened...i would rather russia stfu and stop being cucks.
So, in your army you cant trust your comrade?
>nigger want die for satanic psychopats
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>how did we come to this

I'd say quite naturally.
CШA apми здecь.

Зa тpи мecяцa , мы нaчaл изyчaть pyccкий язык...

Пoчeмy? Я нe знaю. Oни нe cкaзaть oб пoчeмy мы изyчaть этo..

Copи фop мaй пop pyшэн. Aй хaв бaд филингc тoвapдc ди фйyтyp.
We can trust our comrades. We can trust them to die next to us to amuse the jews.
That pepe was literally made by cnn
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>Well we're at war in Turkey

d-did I miss something?
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Ha здapoвe
At least let's promise that those of us who'd end scoping each other heads won't choose heads with 4-leaf painted on them.
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Inspired and blessed.
and you still couldn't beat Korea,Sandniggers or vietnamese
why is your ego so bad you cant admit a war with russia is playing into the hands of globalists and their (((backers)))?

you're the weak motherfucker for spreading your asscheecks for washington first chance you get. why dont you aim a rifle at the right people?
That's what happens when your wars are fought by politicians and not generals, potato nigger.
No! Don't go to war with those fat fucks, Ivan! Let's build a better Europe, occupy our governments and gas the shitskins and subhumans. At that point USA will be forced not to go to war
Иди нa хyй
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Fair enough, See you in the fields.
See you around out there.
>Just admit, that your contry put the world into corporate shit-state.

That's all relative and it depends on who you ask; at the time, Western powers wanted their sovereignty and they feared that the USSR would annex them. They sought out American protection--keep in mind the world was very different in late 1945 - 1946. At the end of the day, European /pol/tards and many others enjoy a comfortable NEET lifestyle where they can bash the USA while leeching off of social programs their government can provide them since we're basically their military. Why spend money on national defense when the USA has bases nearby? That's more money for posh social programs and other assorted gibs. Other Western Europeans earn a healthy living working for a living and strive to make the most of their capitalist system. Would life have been better if we were all united under one socialist USSR government? Who is to say, really.
you have given up on friendship maybe, but I have not!
I will find a way to fix this Russiabro. please be patient. don't be hasty friend.
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praise kek
Welcome to Capitalism
I've already said that I didn't want war, you fucking knuckle-dragger. Click my ID and read my posts.
I'm sure the trannies women and faggots you have on the frontlines would vastly improve your chances this time m8
Yep see you at the brothel sweden
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See ya there, Ivan.
>Russia rounding up capitalists

What year do you think it is?
Дoбpый вeчep
>1 post by this ID

You're all fucking retarded
>implying you're ever leaving your island
>implying we went all in
>currently riding bus with other navy sailors
>reading this thread
>get sad
>"I had the Time of my life" starts playing on the radio
>fighting back urge to shed tears



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you're saying dont want war but then
>When shit hits the fan, weaklings like you will be the first to go. You remind me of some sort of beta inverted hippy.

implying you'd fight regardless. and apparently even though you agree, my stance = "sucking slavic dick"

dumbasses dont last long when "shit hits the fan". good luck.
>ii-i let you win
cute m8'y
Sane American here, if my country (Jewmerica) goes to war with Christian Russia, I'm moving to Russia and joining the Russian military. It's a holy war as well as a globalist war, I'll side with the Christians v. Jews and the anti-NWO v. the globalist strongarm that is Jewmerica.
The fact that you're more loyal to a foreign government that rules a nation that you've never even stepped foot in is the very definition of a cuck. You'd bend over and turn traitor at the first sign of conflict like the beta faggot you are--assuming you didn't flee to Canada like all of the other progressive draft dodgers did. I don't want war, but if I was forced into it, I'd have no choice but to serve my country.

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>Tfw you will have to kill your /pol/ack brothers for the sake of Israel war.
I'm sorry you guys. One day we'll make it right.
Forgot to turn your proxy off, Ivan.
My brothers, we will send you aid in the form of pic related
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>Russia threatening
The neo-cons, Hillary Clinton herself, the DNC, MSM and even some republicans have not only blamed Russia for the DNC leak without any evidence to support that accusation, they've also been calling Putin a bully, a tyrant, threatened to take MILITARY ACTION AGAINST THE "RUSSIAN" HACK and have AN AMERICAN GENERAL LITERALLY THREATENED RUSSIA WITH WAR.

Where the fuck have you been? Russia isn't the one in the wrong here it's fucking warmongering Jewmerica.
Oh dear god please don't tell me these are real US soldiers.
>Serving globalist interests that want to dissolve national borders thus utterly desting the United States = serving your country
Kill yourself
You do realize that the USSR's goal was to unite the world under one government, don't you? You're a fucking moronic mouth-breather that is completely unaware.
They're not.

They're marines.
>bend over
Says the fucking autist joking about going to war against Christian Russia who is now more capitalistic and less degenerate than Jewmerica, they're the anti-NWO while Jewmerica is the fucking kike globalist strong-arm. If you had any balls at all you'd be planning on leaving to join Russia against the globalists—namely JEWMERICA.
Dual citizenship.
>The fact that you're more loyal to a foreign government
im not faggot. you're pulling assumptions out of your ass.
>I'd have no choice but to serve my country.

you're the fucking traitor. id sooner fight the government. you realize the irony in calling ME the cuck when you're the little bitch that gives in to whatever your corrupt ass politicians say?

being your governments pet bitch is not patriotic. i love this country, just not the people who run it.
You are an obvious shill; I have no hate for Russia, but it's obvious that it is a fucking corrupt nation that is basically ran by Putin's mafia. It's capitalist and Christian in word only. Aren't there more mosques there than the entirety of Western Europe?
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>The fact that you're more loyal to a foreign government
>im not faggot. you're pulling assumptions out of your ass.

>you're the fucking traitor. id sooner fight the government.

Top kek. You contradict yourself every other sentence.
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>.i would rather russia stfu and stop being cucks.

We're fighting against Assad you fucking retard.

We're the cucks.
sorts of pussyes
You fucking idiot, the Bolsheviks weren't Russians converting to communism they were Jews funded by globalist bankers to subvert Russia—the same subversion happening in America today—they killed the Russian Czar, his family, the Russian resistance and forced them under Communism. They treated the gentile Russians as slaves, they couldn't leave Russia or their family would pay the price, all the while kikes would go on vacations around the world. Karl Marx was a Atheist kike, Lenin was a kike, Trovsky was a kike and rumors are Stalin was also a kike. The Jews stole Russia from the Russians and forced the Russian people into collectivism, starving to death, some even turning to cannibalism, Putin has been trying to rebuild his Christian nation since taking office, they hate the NWO while Jewmerica now stands where they were over 60-70 years ago. Four kikes sitting in the supreme court, 90% of the MSM owned by SIX kike corporations, Hollywood owned by kikes, the music industry owned by kikes, politicians owned by kikes—both parties have a massive Jewish lobby of which all the politicians must pledge allegiance to—if there's a war between Russia and America you better be fighting AGAINST the globalist kikes that control you and the country once known as America before Woodrow sold it out to the Fed.
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>ran by Putin's mafia
>more mosques
average CNN monkey rhetoric.
>a corrupt nation
IT IS! But Jewmerica is even worse! Look at my previous post, you guys are literally controlled by 2% of the population!
hes 100% right but ofcourse lets just back out with
>hurrr s-shills!
no i dont. i have zero loyalty to foriegn governments. i AM loyal to my country. wanting to see my own government cleaned up doesnt change that.
and i wasnt making assumptions. you literally said.
>>I'd have no choice but to serve my country.

so, got any real arguments?
But who's gonna collect the spoils of war when the post war recession hits america and russia?

A: The jews (in the form of Israel or some other body?)
B: China (Vote TRUMP!)
C: The arabs? (saudi arabia?)
D: ??
one typhoon to rule them all
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>s a fucking corrupt nation
ahahah nigga

russia build plutonium fuel factory for only 260 millions bucks

burgers spent 7 billions and need MORE 17 billions.

>Christian Russia
Not only
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