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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 178

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Cowgirl Live MAGA.jpg
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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Trump TH in Sandown NH 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Johnstown PA 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Gettysburg PA 10/6/16
>Trump interview NBC3 Vegas 10/5/16
>Trump visits ICA preschool 10/5/16
>Rato phone banking for Trump

>Trump Rally in Reno NV 10/5/16
>Trump at ICLV 10/5/16
>Trump Rally in Henderson NV 10/5/16
>Pence Rally in Harrisburg VA 10/5/16
>VP Debate 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Prescott Valley AZ 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Loveland CO 10/3/16

>Eric Trump vs CNN 10/4/16
>Nigel: Dont Take Abuse from a Clinton
>Trump on CNN 9/29/16

>America Will Win Again
>The Lion
>Trump Ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero

prev >>91807096

First Debate: Lose slightly
Second Debate: Tie but show improvement
Last Debate: Victory
Post Debate: Nuclear Blast of ads.

Voters that are undecided even now will remain undecided up until they are in the voting booth. Everyone else picked their candidate a long time ago.
These undecided voters have very short memories.
So this trend of improvement will be stuck in their head and then all these positives messages from ads. Trump is going to put 2 years worth of Ads in 2 weeks.
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Liberals in Florida literally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
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DEFEND IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What do i do if i have no references?

do i just call a mate up and ask him to lie for me?

i didnt get a reference from my previous employer because im salty at them for cutting my hours and sacking me without telling me at all.
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Colorado awoo.jpg
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very comfy thread tonight
>>Rato phone banking for Trump

Tbh I kinda feel bad for him.
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>that pic

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I have not been feeling well.
Came here to say MAGA.

Signing off to get comfy. You're all smart and inspirational lads.
We have a chance for a great future. Hold on to that passion only about a month to go.

Can't stump won't stump. No brakes.
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What did he mean by this?

Texas, AWOO~
>yahoo not in the code
what is this skypery
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Do the CTR shills even realize they are all public record now?

The CTR Shills:


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If Hillary gets elected I hope she drafts every cuck and feminist who ever voted for her including those she gives amnesty too.

Get ready for WW3 and a North American Union folks.
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what would happen if trump put us back on the gold standard? canada have no gold so they should go instant broke right?
Based hurricane will win Trump the election
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chocolate milk > white milk
prove me wrong
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Pssst... how's Trump doing in the polls, lads? Did Pence's performance in the VP debate bump him back up? Or no?
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Pepe is a frog of peace damn it, he is not a racist for wanting to make America great again.
gold standard is a dumb meme and makes no sense
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>What do i do if i have no references?
Moe is misogynistic

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Cowgirl MAGA.png
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Is this one better?

Or do you just prefer the flat ones :V
Why are humans so fake, /pol/? What happened to be being honest with others?
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>a fucking leaf
>milk bags

> car salesmen

i don't even get it. liberals and dems are still faggots
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>Yes, Maam. I want to order 1237 sausage pizzas with no sauce sent to Trump Plaza. Mr Trump will pay cash upon delievery. God bless.
Strawberry is best.
Is anyone else having fun with CTR on twitter or are all of these people slamming Hillary actual people?
Rooftop Koreans
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>Can't stump won't stump. No brakes.


Get some rest, senpai. I hope you feel better later.
>gold standard
m8 that's like going back to the 19th century

Fed needs to be audited though tbqhfam
might as well get a mate to do it if you can't get references elsewhere.

If you actually want to get references, I would suggest going on work for the dole and joining up to some volunteer work at say St Vincent de Paul. Gives you exprience, looks good on a resume, and the old folks are a wealth of knowledge.
Trump should do some campaigning there and help the people of Florida like he did in Tennessee.
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YOU'RE a dumb meme!
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It means Killary is fucked.
yeah, speculation is a much better currency. why try to enrich your country, when you can just print money
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That is a cute puppers
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Hell yes. I'm going Saturday morning. It's gonna be packed.

Would have liked for the hurricane to completely smash into Miami-Dade county. Just send all the spics voting for Shillary scrambling like monkeys.
You mean Arkansas?
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I concur
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milk tastes better from the bag, less flavour contamination from a jug or cardboard container
Unedited pic?

Matthew comes around for the second round!
so you can suck it straight from the bag and feel like youre sucking on tits
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IS there a mass awoo?
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the gold standard is just a meme. It would never work. Just Audit the FED and control the circulation of money.
You will still work with fiat money in the end
It's simply obsolete
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Lord Kek.jpg
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I'a Kek.
The gold standard would work if there were enough gold.
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Info Wars MAGA.png
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tfw 4chan comes up with a fun way to get around Google's censoring by associating groups with search engines and candy. Then normies just create more without any unifying them.
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Red Sux lose as the anti-pc Indians embarrass them with a bullpen win. Libshit team BTFO.

Indians WS
Trump wins OH
It was foretold at the convention.
This election has been the most fun I've ever had.
I imagine this is what losing my virginity would feel like.
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Vermont :(
exactly. not enough gold.
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Confirmed sneak attack
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goodnight everyone, I wish you swell dreams
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hi styhx
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MA awoo!!!.jpg
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last call for my awoo
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Holy shit i have been looking all over the place for some New Mexico Awoos, and here are two in one thread

you understand we have to vote gary to steal New Mexico from clintron right
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Really, how many other ethnicities are there? He's supposedly not doing well with Asians. Do they count slavs as nonwhite?
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Post YFW Trump goes into the White House.
just vote trump and steal it from both of those retards
I still use the timeless classic: nigger
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Waiting for the Hurricane in SC
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pic related
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THere is no way New Mexico could possible vote in Trump, either though we have a republican as our governer
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This is a comfy thread

Get out
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What is /that/ opinion of Mark Halperin?
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Has Colorado seen this?
They're probably mixed race people that don't see themselves as one or the other.
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Wisconsin, Awoo!

Business nontraditional student here, still voting Trump despite the liberals telling me to vote Hillary. They'll be livid, and there may be blood.
I suddenly have cravings for milk.
not with that attitude
we're going for the record lad, we need every vote we can get
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what did he mean by this?
It's more likly Trump takes the state than Gary

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I'm still an undercover Trump supporter, so I've been shilling Aleppoman to people who can't stand him.

The world is already on a shadow gold standard.
I expect to see a giant mob forming around the white house to protest him entering
Just everyday some liberals gathering in front of the white house to protest trump without a cause
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/pol/ tells me he's a cool enough dude.
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Illinois reporting in...all states report.


I think Halperin is pretty fair, but I think he probably slants towards being moderate progressive. I think he likes Trump.
>He's supposedly not doing well with Asians.
mayhaps he actually is
[ citations needed ]
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No. You simply need to match the dollar against gold at the proper level. Gold is the perfect reserve currency as you simply can't print more of it on a massive scale.
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awoo ken
waiting on my absentee ballot.

Hopefully it doesn't end up "lost in the mail"
I thought Kayla wasnt this much of a slut
With Trump doing three rallies in FL next week, I wonder what the internals look like there...

The amount of gold does not matter. It's a means of exchange of one good for another.
Its a damn shame that there is a real possibility you'll be banned for this.

I don't like the anti-fun on 4chan these days.
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go cruz go
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^^ trump being a total racist
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Really Makes you Think ?
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Trump is consistent both in business and in politics, for the most part. Everyone gets new information and has new experiences, some will adapt their viewpoints better than others, so his evolution on some political issues is not only natural, but shows his maturity.

That makes him more trustworthy and shows good judgment on his part.
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^download and spread
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I'm pretty sure it's her ex's posting these here. I just collect.
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1MB, 1920x1285px

>There is now.
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You're videos are great
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i agree though, halperin is good
Ugh, seconded
Isnt her ex a bernout?
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1MB, 2222x1936px
Here's a fresh one, just for you.
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Also she told me shes a mormon
Was i being memed
How long you been waiting?
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Can someone make a Nevada one?
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We are going to make google nigger because its funny. the other ones are overkill
Halperin may not be OUR GUY but he's pretty cool as far as joos go. He may not be voting for Trump but he definitely appreciates the bantz.
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Of course her ex is a bernout, thats why she comes here for real men.

You were probably being memed.

Simply go look at what Russia and China are doing. GDP to gold reserves. Both Russia and China are trying to match the current US ratio. Russia is buying it quickly and China is playing the slow game since they have too much of our debt. Price of gold inflates too fast, their US debt is worth less.
there's an ENTIRE board for futa

Its all linked here in the file titled triple maximum wageslave
I like your gif anon Bronson is a good movie.
>tfw yahoo
Y-you guys still like me right?
I don't have a Delaware Awoo, but here.
Are you here legally?
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Does anybody else listen to him while at work?
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I was born here.
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>what would happen if trump put us back on the gold standard?
>The gold standard would work if there were enough gold.
>No. You simply need to match the dollar against gold at the proper level. Gold is the perfect reserve currency as you simply can't print more of it on a massive scale.

The problem is that no one knows exactly how much gold there actually is, and how much there is in circulation.

That is a huge and unacceptable unknown and opens every country that adopts the gold standard and every country that has a currency pegged to another to an immense degree of manipulation and control.

When the new world was "discovered" what happened? What happened to Spain?

It's economy was promptly destroyed by flooding the market with gold.

The meme is that "fiat currency" is inherently bad and wrong. It is not - as long as it is backed by the productivity of the workers of that country. In that case it is very successful, especially if usury is eliminated.

And who is it that destroyed Spain's economy? Who had Spain exiled? Who are the historic usurers? Who are the international bankers?

The same people.
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Probably means he got an immunity deal.
There are some high up people that really want to stake illary with everything they can get.
This guy testifying to her organising, as secretary of state, the gun running from Libya to Syria which got a US ambassador (who wasn't on the CF donors list coincidentally) killed would be a nasty weapon.
i can't honestly, he's way too shock-jocky
that pic

Late night trumpgen is best trumpgen
She said I was cute so I added her on kikebook but she never accepted ;_;
Are you an anchor baby or were your parents here legally?
>The system is rigged

What did Joe "I accidentally murdered my intern" Scarborough mean by thus?
If you're here legally youre bro tier
i agree, anyone haggling to go back to the gold standard is full of it. a cursory understanding of the structure of the monetary system today understands how foolish it is.

the next big step will be, will the USD remain the currency of central focus to the world, or will it lose favour?
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Awoo Washington.jpg
1MB, 1991x1332px

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I love you guys.
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Oh that's embarrassing.
WA State checking in
enjoy your sexy & delicious boner fellow anon ;)
My father became a US resident somehow, and brought my mother over.
But I am a first generation.
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Im not convinced he wont vote for Trump. Baldy and cowboy hat are definitely Hillickers.
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Please, I don't want to fap, I just did.
What the fuck manga/show is this? I remember watching a clip where the warden asked him if he liked boobs or butts more.
You don't have to be Jewish to destroy someones economy anon.
Welp, wasn't planning on fapping tonight
If they came here legally, and you are legal, then we like you.
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^^download cultural enrichment
Prison School.
And that was the president of the school, not the warden.
love your work m8
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ask /a/
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Prison School
Pic related is best girl.

There is roughly 185,000 metric tons of gold in the world and it increases at a pretty consistent rate of 2500 metric tons per year.

Not all of that is in banks. Jewelry and machinery make up a good chunk.
But what if I was an anchor baby?
Would you still feel the same way?
when he's a guest on Coast to Coast AM I do
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That's what we used to think immunity deals meant. Now the FBI lets people with immunity just say they don't remember anything and go home.
I would tell you to vote for Trump, but I would think less of you.


The only reason the USD is still the world currency today is because of Saudi Arabia.
>The amount of gold does not matter.
The amount absolutely matters. Do you even know how much (mined) gold there is in the world? Do you know how much is in circulation? In every country's reserves? In private reserves?

Tell us - what happens if you think there is F amount of gold in the world and it's actually X?

What happens when the world is flooded with all that gold or even a large percentage of it? What happens to the value of all gold-backed currency then?

This should be common sense, but sometimes it's something that no one has ever pointed out before.
>those udders
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2MB, 1920x1200px

Gotchu covered, anon.
Nice! I was kind of hoping for a Vegas one though. If it isn't too much trouble that is.
why people shit on nixon for taking us off the gold standard then?
>I expect to see a giant mob forming around the white house to protest him entering
>Just everyday some liberals gathering in front of the white house to protest trump without a cause
They will. And while we will be MAGA, and everyone's life will be getting better and better, they will look stupider and stupider...
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Who rumps for Trump here?
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Here's another one. Lake Tahoe is one of the most gorgeous places I've ever visited.
he didn't want to make a thread about it, just post a single image.
that picture with the girls hugging the trump doggo has the best trump rumps
oh please.
the USD is the most traded currency in the world.

EIGHT of the top 11 billionares are american
The majority of the world's biggest companies are american

Please do tell how the USD is simply the puppet work of some robe wearing arabs...
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Nah. Tits are better.
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>God damned fiddly bangs

i don't think they do - fiat is great
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Who /nervousasshit/ here?

If Trump fucks up again at the next debate we're truly doomed.
Do you have a backdrop in mind, or should I just do the Strip?
That seriously looks like a man, my dude.
How was the Pence rally today ??
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Somebody please make an Ohio State Awoo in front of Ohio Stadium
The strip, but make sure it has the Trump Tower if possible.
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I see you prefer fake asses with milk
I came here LEGALLY, it's gotta be legal folks.
t. DR
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Tahoe is mine!
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Is anime redpilled?
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Something tells me you've never seen a woman naked in real life.
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I got way better
>fake asses

You know Kiyoshi was lying right
He clearly says "I'm actually a boobs man"
turnout is our best friend - as long as hillary doesn't have some moment that gives her deity status - and the 4-way race remains within the margin of error (currently Clinton +3.2 according to RCP, and average election errors are between 3 and 7 points)
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It was comfy, as per norm.
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You sure?
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you just got pence'd
Or you could do one with Red Rock Mountain if you want.
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a fucking leaf.jpg
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plastic flavored milk

No thanks. Maybe that explains the amount of estrogen in your male population
t. nigger
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still not as good
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who is ready for the silver foxxx
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Done. I thought LV was kinda over-played. I guessed wrong!
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In the sense that Western creations are bluepilled.
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What did she mean by this?
Milk is proven not to be healthy for you.

is there more of that pic?
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take the red pill CTR.jpg
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Someone say the Silver Fox ?
he wasn't racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist as the media would have you to believe
so he won the first debate in that regard

he wanted Hillary to hit him as hard as she could in order to test the waters and plan an angle of attack next time around
pence is just the preview of trump 2.0
Way to miss the point, anon. The people who usually ignore all the content of a post except where it pertains to jews are usually jewish themselves.

>There is roughly 185,000 metric tons of gold in the world and it increases at a pretty consistent rate of 2500 metric tons per year.
As far as you KNOW, as far as has been REPORTED... The point is that there is a lot more that hasn't been reported.

That is the problem.

Catherine Austin Fitts has talked about this a bit. It's worth taking a listen to her and realizing that this is a real and valid concern. It has happened before and these people use what has worked for them in the past.

I'm not the only one saying this, which was a bit of a relief for me to hear, desu.
Thanks! I would be okay with the Reno one, but it is an 8-hour drive from Vegas and is a completely different atmosphere.
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Minnesota reporting in for real wolfgirl hours.

Just fucking kill me already.
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That's by Dan Lacey, the painter of pancakes. He did some hilarious paintings with a naked Obama on a unicorn and other wild shit.
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what a cucksucker
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yeah it is kek just because some retarded nutritionist wrote an article saying its not, doesnt make it true. remember a few years ago when they said eating bacon would give you cancer? than it was just red meat in general. then it was eggs. yeah, of course if you eat nothing but garbage, youll get sick. but milk is not unhealthy for you, its an amazing source of vitamin C, but you need vitamin D also to make sure the calcium is well-absorbed into the bones
Its not healthy for anyone but white people
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I don't have an Oregon one.
But I happen to be in this thread.
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Ayy, well now you have two and you can switch it up.

Enjoy, with Kek's blessing. All is done in accordance with His will.
> he doesnt do GOMAD

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trump girls 68.jpg
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theres also plastic in carboard milk containers you fucking goof
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Praise Kek
I think most who advocate the gold standard are just ignorant, which is forgivable. What isn't is the stubborn refusal to accept new information.

I can't see the USD remaining the reserve currency, desu, with BRICS and the Chinese thingie (brain fart here)... the movement is away from USD.

But as we MAGA, we can reject the old and outdated usurious system and make the world better.
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what's the dropcanvas contain?
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>they don't suck on the cow's udders directly
It's like you want to get cancer.
someone should photoshop this to have a MAGA HAT

Absolutely haram. ويجب أن رجم!

Clinton 2016. #ImwithHer

None of that will matter. IMF is moving to the SDR and it will be shadow backed by gold.
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Nevada and Colorodo will most likely be deciding the election this time around. I'm honored to finally matter. So I will post them often to show Nevada spirit.
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trump girls2.png
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Why are most of the Trump girls I see on the internet so ugly?
>I really need to rape my mom, and baby kids.
>donald trump encourages my behaviour
>hillary clinton laughs at impoverished niggers
>she benefits off niggers
>we should gangrape hillary
>breed hillary
>make jewbabies with hillary
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Because you're a faggot who craves penis, probably.

Because it was an awful decision. Go look at the growth of the money supply and debt since.
Bacon is not healthy for you either along with eggs. Also there more sources for vitamin C than just milk.
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They are gagging for it go make some gun lovers, i mean, babies /pol/
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>I am blessed with His divine digits

Praise Him!

>You respond with another of my works

I am the happiest farmer in /trumpgen/, verily.
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How nice are these?

Because oil is traded in USD.
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Oh boy!
My two favorite things!
Cowtits and 'Merica.
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>With the exception of human breast milk
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>He doesn't get his milk delivered in glass containers
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Perfect, anon! Thanks!
milk is still the best source there is. its also tasty. eggs are a very good source of protein and a very good for you if you want them reasonably. bacon isnt healthy, but it also doesnt cause cancer
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^anti-hill archive, download and spread
Kek smiles upon your crops, you are a blessed farmer.
Trump girls are welcome but stop posting fucking hentai for crying out loud.
I'll Banana the fucking thread if hentai keeps getting posted.
Her ass is better,
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>None of that will matter. IMF is moving to the SDR and it will be shadow backed by gold.
The amount of ACTUAL gold won't matter.

Did you just type that without thinking? I can't understand that otherwise, it's so illogical and ridiculous...
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I matched with this girl from uni today. She's seen me in class sporting a MAGA hat so this happened natürlich
>Deplorables Unite

I really like video in the Inspiration section of the OP but find it weird that after showing all these nationalist movements from the different countries and having a fight against globalism banner in the video it ends with Make the World Great Again.
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>I'll Banana the fucking thread if hentai keeps getting posted.
>I'll Banana
What did he mean by this?
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you do realise that the US is still the number one producer of oil in the world?

the US is only screwed when OPEC decide to cooperate, and saudi arabia & iran aren't exactly buddies atm

i support trump from where i am because I know how wrecked the political system is over there - but we don't need to forget simple economic facts
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jesus dude, you're a sexist
fuck off
>he matched with a goth
Fucking nerd. Why are you using a Jewish computer to find a mate?

Of course the world is moving away from the USD. It only benefits the US.

Move is to the SDR.

US should go to a gold standard and a flat national sales tax. Proper way to grow a non boom/bust cycle economy is from increasing the real savings rate.
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this is a bad idea in general honestly

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Cowtits are very versatile but one of the things they are not for is bullying.
Unless I'm doing it.
I do it out of love though.
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Man face.
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>purple lipstick
>19 years old
>a university
>likes: food dislikes: le american shit
Every red flag, standing tall and blowing in the wind.
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wow thanks for rare trump
Breastmilk is fucking delicious
Why did you start replying to her in arabic?

virgin autist detected
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Fuck the liberal out of her
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download and spread em
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Yes it will. All surplus countries that buy SDRs from the IMF will want it backed by something of value. Aka, gold.
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these are old but there are some good ones
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>liking femdom piss fetishist
I really wish you guys wouldnt desu. Why can't you just like mean bully bimbos like the normies tell you you are supposed to. (its ok anons, I secretly would want a HANA gf if she stopped wanting to watch me piss)
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anti-hillary propaganda mega

Add up all OPEC, Russia, and China. Then get back to me. Saudi Arabia controls it all.

They decide to move, all OPEC follows and Russia and China have been wanting off the USD for a long time.
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trump girls 159.jpg
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Fuck off bimbo faggot
Piss-chan is the greatest girl in the universe
Of course it is
Its the milk we're supposed to drink, not cows milk

The real question is; if they sold real titty milk in supermarkets would you buy it?

No, saudi arabia doesn't.

If you've been paying attention to the oil price, the very reason it has been falling is because OPEC has been unable to agree on production cuts, mainly from Iran's recent boost to supply.
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Gakuto is the best boy.
Nah, would not buy.

Under no circumstances would I drink a female nigger's bodily fluids.

They would not sell really hot girl breastmilk; or maybe, they would ADVERTISE that they are - the breastmilk dairy farm would look like school cafeteria workers

Yes and no. Saudi Arabia wanted it to fall to hurt Russia, US shale, and Iran. They could weather it but are having trouble getting the group to move back in the proper direction.

They all would move off the USD if Saudi signaled it.
What if you knew it was from cute white girls?
(and/or maybe cute asian girls)
But what you replied to was in reference to the AMOUNT of gold extant.

I asked:
>Do you even know how much (mined) gold there is in the world?
And you said
>>None of that will matter.

I asked:
>Do you know how much is in circulation?
And you said
>>None of that will matter.

I asked:
>In every country's reserves? In private reserves?
And you said
>>None of that will matter.

You are telling us that the ACTUAL SUPPLY is irrelevant.

Either you are ignorant or have a stake in everyone believing in this system you're selling...
Too all the anti-gold people, good debates :)

Just make sure to vote Trump! MAGA
>US should go to a gold standard and a flat national sales tax. Proper way to grow a non boom/bust cycle economy is from increasing the real savings rate.
No, it isn't.

You have a stake in selling this system. It does NOT benefit USA to do so. We don't need a gold standard, no one does except jews.

The amount of the supply won't matter if it's the IMF controlling it and printing SDRs.

If there is 1 global SDR currency that all nation state banks use....it becomes impossible to manipulate another country's economy via buying and selling gold in insane amounts.
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Yes, a proper real savings rate is the perfect way to grow a healthy economy.
If there was a cute girl guarantee, I would subsist solely on cute girl breastmilk.

I would take out a second mortgage on my house to buy it in bulk.

this election is way more fun than sex anon
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only noticed my juicy quads now
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Dear lord, I would as well.
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Thread posts: 344
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