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Brit/pol/ - #Pray4Woolfe edition

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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 118

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>Sky sources say Steven Woolfe's condition is life-threatening after being punched in the face by a fellow MEP.

>Woolfe is in a bad state

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
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> UKIP about to get assblasted for being violent savages
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first for are Raheem
tfw no half n half ukip bf
>UKIP MEP Roger Helmer was in the meeting where the altercation in which Steven Woolfe is said to have been involved took place.
Is Hookem on the run then?
I heard there was a car chase, which is probably bollocks, but I doubt he hung around once he found out what happened to Woolfe
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They need to spin this so that Woolfe does not appear to have actually fought.
Mike Hookem
More like
Right-hook Him
No, Woolfe is going to make a full recovery and he is going to be UKIP's leader.
>yfw woolfe gives his acceptance speech from his wheelchair
What MEP party member punched him? Labour? Conservative? UKIP?
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I think its a bit late now for that...
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Who attacked the Woolfe?

If he karks it will we see a Jo Cox style national blubberfest?
My favourite part about Brexit was how the EU did not even bother with their usual 'make them vote again' schtick. They accepted it immediately.
They, even at the very top level of globalist leadership, knew we are too pig-headed to back down. It made me extremely proud to be British.
Let's get some
>Mike "funny rhyming nickname" Hookem
going lads.
the absolute STATE of UKIP
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We're rounding them up lads.
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Guido Fawkes now reporting that a man in black matching Carswell's description has broken in through Woolfe's hospital window and shut his machine off. Woolfe now in critical condition.
dyke bitch lol
more like

Mike "tyson" Hookem
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From mailonline
Most British MEPs are actually UKIP . . .chances are it's another UKIP member.
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They can spin it so that it appears Hookem attacked Woolfe
>Mike "left hook, right" Hookem
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Suspect in steven Woolfe assault confirmed as Ed Miliband. Suspect was heard shouting "put aside the rhetoric or ill chin ya"
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Get better Steve
More like Mike "Checkem" Hookem
>wanting a man without a functioning right side as leader
No thanks. It's Kassams time.

Well that is disappointing. I was hoping it'd be some labour or conservative MEP so you could cash in on the controversy

They knew if they tried to stop it, it would confirm everything we already think about them and the backlash would be even worse than the final result.
Multiple sources say it was Mike Hookem
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>Reports that UKIP MEP who punched MEP Steven Woolfe is Mike Hookem, UKIP's defence spokesman, say he is now on the run from French police
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Lads I'm starting to think that we might not be able to control meme magic. We might have wronged Kek in some way.

I don't want Woolfe to die for nothing.
By the looks of his Beret, he's a former royal marine.
"Left jab, right" surely?
He's probably the best looking politician out there right now. I don't know who else is better looking. He blows the water out of all those old wrinkly saggy jowled, eye bagged white men.

kek giveth then taketh away
BBC news just said Woolfy has "bleeding on the brain"

He was British Army, Royal Engineers and served as a Commando for a number of years.
This is racism, somehow. I don't know how. But it is. We'll be told so.
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>threads moving faster than Hookem's fists
>If the indentations on Woolfe's face don't fit, then you must acquit
You've gotta keep the reaction maymays fresh lad, this was posted last thread
Fuck off you race traitor cunt

Fucking infuriating post you absolute faggot
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>being gay for Raheem
I somehow think he wouldn't appreciate that.
If this bloke dies ,will the political establishment have flags at half mask like Jo Cox?
>Neil Hamilton live on Sky News

Good he is such a cunt, can't believe he managed to survive after loosing his seat.
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Woolfe is mixed race black, english, irish and jewish.

This may be his will. Perhaps he is a plant within the UKIP ranks, and Kek almighty has deigned to punish him.
Our politics is a fucking joke, imao. What balls up will our 'politicians' come up with next.

Seriously, any guesses?
He was army, you can become a para or commando in any of the branches if you do p company or all arms commando.
Are you an hour behind?
>Mike 'He wants to go Tory, end his story' Hookem
>Mike '25% black, 100% dead' Hookem
>Mike 'i'll kill that kike' Hookem
>Mike 'I'll run over that manc with a tank' Hookem
Hi Raheem :^)

Zac Goldsmith looks pretty good.
Priti Patel is actually attractive.
No, guy just said it.

Unless it's previous footage or what

He was in the fucking RAF.
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They have to go back
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This has potential.
I don't think a leader who starts fights is a good look tbf.
Instead of being infuriated, prove me wrong. You can't can ye?

Absolutely gorgeous
What? The Paras are Army and Marines Navy.

Are you saying you can switch to the Army if you want to be a Para?
Just fuckin' hang yourself lol
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Fucking hell, I can't make any sense of bong politics...
Who are the good guys and the bad guys?
An hour behind is pretty good for BBC news desu. After that truck thing in France they were wondering if it was an accident well into the morning.
Mike Hookem "Right in the Kisser"
Certainly wasn't. 131 (TA) before they switched, then Commando RE.
Doubt it since hes not a real mp
Tbf lad there are plenty of people in or supporting UKIP now who are outright pieces of shit
Party as a whole was put together out of ship jumpers and failures who aw it as another opportunity to possibly get into office again so I'm not sure what you were expecting
brio train set pls m8
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Mike 'If his name's Steve, his family will bereave' Hookem
Dave Keating Verified account

Reports that UKIP MEP who punched MEP Steven Woolfe is Mike Hookem, UKIP's defence spokesman, say he is now on the run from French police

Lmao, the state of that party without Farage

> politics
> good guys and bad guys

Hook us up with no customs fees on my imports, Santa lad. That's all I want for Christmas.
As an early present, I would like Trump to become president.
They have been reporting it since it happened
Article 50 please.
Zac is soft spoken and weak looking.

Also Priti isn't a man (I don't think)

Come on prove me wrong, post a handsome young virile attractive politician better looking than Raheem.
He was in the RAF, then he left and joined the Royal Engineers as a Commando Engineer

From his website

>Mike "when his head hits the floor I'm running out the door" Hookem.

Any update on him? The car chase was a joke right?
Good guys:
Kippers (bar Hookem)

Bad Goys:
Sinn fein
Plaid cymru
BBC tend to verify their sources properly. The one credible thing about them is that they actually do journalism
No, any serving member of the forces can go through para training (p company) and/or marine training (all arms commando). You get to wear the green/maroon beret and are now able to be deployed in support of either of the units. You stay in whichever branch you were in.
We only do black and white good and bad at election time. Other wise it's just shit posting.

>UKIP's last, best hope is now an ex-muslim paki named raheem
>he would unironically be the first nonwhite leader of a major British political party
Meanwhile, Labour have still never had a female leader
Imagine the (((progressive))) tears
It's time to gas Neil
He was apparently in his car when the call came through that Woolfe was in hospital, at which point he decided to flee.

Strasbourg police intercepted the car and followed it for a short while
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>Being a coalburning faggot who would fuck a muslim male
just end it now senpai you don't belong in the new UK
The car chase was probably a joke, but he's almost certainly on the run though. No-one can get a hold of him on his phone or anything.
He's going to make a full recovery.

We don't know the details, he might not have started it.
Huh interesting, never knew that at all.
>BBC tend to verify their sources properly.

Despite their politically biased opinion, they do tend to wait until something is confirmed.
Well I don't know who to believe
>Good guys:

Have you already forgotten what they did to Leadsom and the right? Good fucking goy.
He was both. joined RAF at 17, did 4 years, rejoined and did 9 years in Royal Engineers as a commando engineer, whatever one of those is.
>assault spanner.jpg
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The Boy who cried Woolfe
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>the absolute state of UKIP
>those that seriously think it could be a challenge to the 630,000 strong Labour Party
>Raheem Kassam
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Threadly reminder that you are now living in a nat soc country.

>Change has got to come too because of the quiet revolution.

>If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.

>To put the power of government squarely at the service of ordinary working-class people.

Anti-ideology (marxist/libertarian) third way
>Time to reject the ideological templates provided by the socialist Left and the libertarian Right and to embrace a new centre ground.

Anti-political correctness
>They find your patriotism distasteful, your concerns about immigration parochial, your views about crime illiberal, your attachment to your job security inconvenient.

>White working class boys are less likely to go to university than any other group in society.

Final (Total=correct translation) solution
>That’s what Government’s about: action. It’s about identifying injustices, finding solutions.

Literally Hitler
>Amber Rudd speech likened to Hitler's Mein Kampf: Radio presenter James O’Brien says the Home Secretary’s proposals for firms to declare foreign workers would be ‘enacting chapter two’ of the Nazi leader’s book.

I'd like to think that Hookem is probably still a good lad but he took it too far. Woolfe offered to take it outside and they did, like grown men. It was hardly a brawl in a bar. That's my reading of the situation anyway.
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Steven Woolfe was supposed to be the next UKIP leader, but he got his papers in late or some complete bullshit, and was denied the right to run.

They should have just made an extension, he had over 50% of the vote when compared to like 10 people on the online polling.

Anyways, they put a woman in, instead, and a LOT of people.. about 80% of that 50%, were pretty pissed off about it. It was sure to cost them votes, and they would enter a death spiral which they would never get out of, destroying the party.

She resigned after 18 days.

Now some shit cunt knocked the fucking guy out, right before he takes on the leadership, and almost fucking killed him with a brain hemorrhage.
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Looks like another paki invader to me.
Hamilton is and always has been a monumental cunt. Needs purging alongside Evans, Duffy and Carswell (and most of the NEC)

>all of UKIP's internal struggles are just a perpetual war between the Evans/Cuckswell/Hamilton axis and the Nige/Nuttall/Woolfe/Gill axis
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>James O’Brien

Hate him so much
That's normal. If you just did something bad that made the news your office wouldn't take ANY calls, your lawyer would tell you to not take any calls, and you'd be terrified of talking to anyone anyway.

Standard practice to not talk to anyone until things are more clear.
Paki cunt.
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Thanks guys
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Hi Santa, I want the Socialist World Republic
Sorry I made a typo. Autism intensified.
*Tories (Bar Blairites and other traitors)
*Kippers (bar Hookem and anti-Farage cunts like Carswell)
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Too soon?
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As much as this is nice, when will Dan fuck off with the floaty language? Do not like it
Nige, no
Nigel you traitor
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National Socialist implies a national spirit and great effort made to treat the people of the nation, based on their ethnicity and not if they were simply born there, better than everyone else, who are guests in your country and should consider themselves lucky to be there at all.
Who's the cuck in this equation, Woolfe or Hookem?

Which one is more right winged?
I hope Woolfe isn't planning on using his EU membership to take health services from a foreign country.
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I like Mogg, but in terms of attractiveness the lad is severely lacking, he can't get a fitted suit to save his life.


Raheem is the Ubermensch in British Politics.
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For a moment I thought the jews had got to you
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Indian actually. And not a Muslim, although born into it.
Kek will make Woolfe better.

And he will punish those who thought it was appropriate to joke about.
Shut the fuck up you newfag tard
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>Being 20 points behind when you should be 20 points ahead
>Unironically bragging about membership while every rally is literally just Socialist Workers Party signs, placards and posters
>Fending off a party with 1 MP is now an achievement for Labour
>yfw you now realise that Labour is - AT BEST - competing for second best these days, and will never be elected
It's getting to the point now where I don't know if these Watchmojo video titles are real or fake.
>UKIP leader murdered by his own MEP's

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Remember me, Brit/pol/?
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You are talking about hitlerism. National socialism is just nationalism and socialism together in any form.
The way you keep using white as though it's an insult is unsettling. I'm not even a fucking homo like you are, faggot

I want you fucking hanged, not even joking you fucking traitor.
Is May using The 48 Laws of Power?

>Lmao, the state of that party without Farage

This is WITH Farage.
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oh yes
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Im guessing youre trolling.

The first one says Britain should not have voted to leave the EU, which is globalist and anti-nationalist.

The second says that British people benefit from a foreign religion which goes against the very spirit of their nation in reality.

Some people actually believe you when you post this.
>British in quotation marks

What did he mean by this?
How has nobody gone after him like someone did for that Scottish guy?
they are in meltdown

>snp btfo by eu
>labour party is kill
>economy doing fine

they are beyond buttblasted
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The shilling begins
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Reminder, injuries from War only make you stronger
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>You will never marry a girl that will grow into this

When will he catch Sonic though?

Come and hang me big boi :^)

Can any photoshop wizards put John Cena in there?
That sub is unironically mostly full of green voting students (check the survey) so you shouldn't take anything they say seriously
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She is like May's von Hindenberg.
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>lefty triggered by Woolfe making a joke about ISIS
>'joking about isis makes him fair game'

Give it a couple of years, lads. It'll be a widespread lefty viewpoint that hating ISIS is racist.
He needs to shave, get rid of that gay haircut and lose the glasses.

Clothings not bad though, then I will consider him for leader.
>How has nobody gone after him
Why would they? You mean for being denouncing islam? He gets threats all the time, called all kinds of shit by muslims and lefties.

He just gets the fuckers banned.
it already is
>being denouncing islam
Fucking never should change a post halfway through.
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I didn't need these feels
Yes. I mean, that Scottish guy (rip) got killed for wishing Christians a happy Christmas.
Are you kidding me? The beard and the hair and the glasses is what make him. Otherwise he'll just be another fat paki. Fuck off you know nothing you hideous cretin.

Woolfe confirm dead.


Press F.

Hookem now a fugitive from justice.
I like how he frantically searched for any mildly controversial thing Woolfe said just to try and make this "point".
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Nobody cares a shitskin is a shitskin, he needs to be gassed.
Most Pakis have beards, fucktard
>muh NHS

It's like a fucking religion for them fucking hell
>you will never marry*
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Steven Woolfe: 'I am feeling brighter, happier and smiling as ever. I am sitting up and said to be look well'
>if I arbitrarily define the English language into exclusionary meanings, imply that Hitler is some kind of eternal, infallible authority who defined national socialism for all time for people who are non-libertarian nationalist, and equate British nationalism with German nationalism I can win the argument
That's easy enough.
Okay, but only for stuff not from Japan.
Trump is now the honorary president of the north pole.
Done. On Christmas day, you and you alone will will enter the two year negotiation period for leaving the EU. I had planned on giving it to a Mrs. T. May, but she'll have to do without one.
I'm not a miracle worker, but I can hook you up with nudes of Mrs Claus.
2054 might be doable if Labour get their act together by then. If not I have a few extra sets of deluxe Monopoly.
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rate my new brit/pol/ badge lads, worthy of the next op?
Can anyone recommend a good documentary that I can watch online?

Netflix, Youtube, BBC Catchup etc?
You have to go back
>ISIS bombing the NHS
did i miss something
The irony of posting Hitchens and saying that.

Well it's something he has to live with I guess, guy has balls.
It's exactly fucking this
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>woolfe is completely fine

>meanwhile Nobel-winning economists have written books on how the EU is fundamentally broken
>if we do not hear back we will assume they were born in the united kingdom
no seriously is this a joke

Good stuff.
>not being on private trackers
ugh..I just can't right now
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I made that
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well done you spazmoids
Because they can rely on the British left&liberals to try and do it for them
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Quite aesthetic my lad.
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Fuck off paki shilling cunt.
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You first.

Nice trips btw, have a Priti.
Red Dwarf got it spot on, Scientists have become whores for funding.
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So he can't have had a brain bleed, can he?

Imagine the regressive butt-sting. The only thing that would top it off would be if he were a lesbian woman too.



watch this if you haven't, trust me

Woolfie's like one of those hookers from Streets Of Rage that hit the deck after one punch but get up after a few seconds.
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>doesn't know the difference between India and Pakistan
You should learn it. It might save your life.
The fucking state of non-tories.
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One of the main differences between normal fascism and national socialism is that NS is ethnocentric. Im going to take your refusal to address point 1 and 2 as confirmation youre trolling.
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>This is definitely how Germany ended up with the Nazis

Definitely. The Nazis came to power because of popular discomfort with the perceived degeneracy of the Roaring 20s, the collapse of the Weimar economy, the weak Kaiser and government being strong-armed into appointing Hitler, fear of communists and the rural vote. Widespread rage, disgust and resentment, a government that failed its people and offered them no hope, and poverty and unemployment.

That's exactly what's happening today. The British economy is growing nicely, unemployment is down, people literally could not care less about the lefties and their sad politics (well that's entirely not true - we also laugh in their faces), the white working class is finally finding their voice with rising pride in Britishness and increasing patriotism, genuine hope for the future, and an insurmountably strong Tory government led by a calm, smooth and pragmatic leader.

We'll be pinned down and eating rats and squirrels in Stalingrad before the winter's over.

Amazing movie. I'll second this one.
Racially? Not an awful lot.
Yeah, I know what a fucking paki and indian are because we drew the fucking borders between them.

Fuck off you moronic race baiting twat.
Why can't you have civic national socialism?
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Together in Britain we will light a flame that the ages shall not extinguish lad. Guard this sacred flame and we shall illuminate Brit/pol/ and light again the path or pol
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ukip btfo


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>Mike "want to defect? you'll get rekt" Hookem
>Mike 'want to be a blue? on the floor with you' Hookem
>Mike 'traitors about, i knock them out' Hookem
>Mike 'chat shit bout ukip, get laid out prick' Hookem
>Mike 'in bed with May? in bed you will stay' Hookem
>Mike 'want to wear the blue? il knock the shit out of you' Hookem
>Mike 'if he walks out the room, hes walking to his doom' Hookem
>Mike 'He wants to go Tory, end his story' Hookem
>Mike 'If his name's Steve, his family will bereave' Hookem
>Mike "when his head hits the floor I'm running out the door" Hookem.
>Mike 'let the bodies hit the floor' Hookem
>Mike 'hits so hard, lay'em out like a star' Hookem
>Mike 'the weak should fear the strong' Hookem

Though praise kek that he is okay.
FUCK OFF you fucking race traitor

holy shit why the fuck are you such a fucking shill for brownskins? get off my fucking website
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Labour is going through the process of purging the entrenched Blairites and Tory entryists which will inevitably have an effect on the current opinion polls. In a couple of years they'll get through this as a strong, united democratic socialist party ready for power.

UKIP are finished. People voted for Brexit (including many leftists) but they will never vote what is increasingly seen as a bunch of infighting, violent thugs into Parliament.
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I hope London burns and the rats flee
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I appreciated it
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God I could eat her curry flavoured arsehole for days
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Please leave, pajeet
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Aren't there lots of different races in India and Pakistan though?

And I was talking culturally really.
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Did you know that brown dicks are 100% more juicy than white dicks?
We are nationalists because we see the nation as the only way to bring all the forces of the nation together to preserve and improve our existence and the conditions under which we live.

The nation is the organic union of a people to protect its life. To be national is to affirm this union in word and deed. To be national has nothing to do with a form of government or a symbol. It is an affirmation of things, not forms. Forms can change, their content remains. If form and content agree, then the nationalist affirms both. If they conflict, the nationalist fights for the content and against the form. One may not put the symbol above the content. If that happens, the battle is on the wrong field and one’s strength is lost in formalism. The real aim of nationalism, the nation, is lost.

That is how things are today in Germany. Nationalism has turned into bourgeois patriotism and its defenders are battling windmills. One says Germany and means the monarchy. Another proclaims freedom and means Black-White-Red [the colors of the German flag]. Would our situation today be any different if we replaced the republic with a monarchy and flew the black-white-red flag? The colony would have different wallpaper, but its nature, its content, would stay the same. Indeed, things would be even worse, for a facade that conceals the facts dissipates the forces today fighting against slavery.

Bourgeois patriotism is the privilege of a class. It is the real reason for its decline. When 30 million are for something and 30 million are against it, things balance out and nothing happens. That is how things are with us. We are the world’s Pariah not because we do not have the courage to resist, but rather because out entire national energy is wasted in eternal and unproductive squabbling between the right and the left. Our way only goes downward, and today one can already predict when we will fall into the abyss.
Nationalism is more wide-reaching than internationalism. It sees things as they are. Only he who respects himself can respect others. If as a German nationalist I affirm Germany, how can I hold it against a French nationalist who affirms France? Only when these affirmations conflict in vital ways will there be a power-political struggle. Internationalism cannot undo this reality. Its attempts at proof fail completely. And even when the facts seem to have some validity, nature, blood, the will to life, and the struggle for existence on this hard earth prove the falsity of fine theories.

The sin of bourgeois patriotism was to confound a certain economic form with the national. It connected two things that are entirely different. Forms of the economy, however firm they may seem, are changeable. The national is eternal. If I mix the eternal and the temporal, the eternal will necessarily collapse when the temporal collapses. This was the real cause for the collapse of liberal society. It was rooted not in the eternal, but in the temporal, and when the temporal declined it took the eternal down with it. Today it is only an excuse for a system that brings growing economic misery. That is the only reason why international Jewry organizes the battle of the proletarian forces against both powers, the economy and the nation, and defeat them.

From this understanding, the young nationalism draws its absolute demand. The faith in the nation is a matter for everyone, never a group, a class or an economic clique. The eternal must be distinguished from the temporal. Maintaining a rotten economic system has nothing to do with nationalism, which is an affirmation of the Fatherland. I can love Germany and hate capitalism. Not only can I, I must. Only the annihilation of a system of exploitation carries with it the core of the rebirth of our people.
corbyn is a marxist...he wont stand a chance either

farrage is back at the helm...and hopefullly carswell and that hamilton will be purged and raheem can step up
We are nationalists because as Germans, we love Germany. Because we love Germany, we want to preserve it and fight against those who would destroy it. If a Communist shouts “Down with nationalism!”, he means the hypocritical bourgeois patriotism that sees the economy only as a system of slavery. If we make clear to the man of the left that nationalism and capitalism, that is the affirmation of the Fatherland and the misuse of its resources, have nothing to do with each other, indeed that they go together like fire and water, then even as a socialist he will come to affirm the nation, which he will want to conquer.

That is our real task as National Socialists. We were the first to recognize the connections, and the first to begin the struggle. Because we are socialists we have felt the deepest blessings of the nation, and because we are nationalists we want to promote socialist justice in a new Germany.

A young fatherland will rise when the socialist front is firm.

Socialism will become reality when the Fatherland is free.
Please leave, pajeet
I enjoyed this. It's long as fuck, about 4 hours.

Part 1:
Part 2:
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top kek, what a pack of nasty cunts.
may is hotter desu
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>race baiting
kek, the fuck are you talking about you triggered autist

>he thinks this is stormfront
You have to go back.
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Ugh.. I know

I've watched it. It's really good


This looks good. Cheers
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I'm relieved.
Stop using our unconditional love for based honourary aryan priti to turn us all into civic nationalists. It's not gonna happen. Stormfront have won.
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Fracking great new

His a poo and a good egg you aut cunt
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>le civic cultural nationalist
>a indian can be just as british as you :)
Just kill yourself.
I could dump my archive that i made, and sustained, since old /pol/

But a lot of you fags might OD
Don't get me wrong I would shag Priti in a heartbeat, doesn't mean I want her kind all over my country
>a strong, united democratic socialist party ready for power.

In a couple of years they will have lost 50+ seats to a new party of splitters and will unironically be competing for FOURTH place.

People just don't want to eat your shit sandwich. The turmoil in the party and the uncharismatic twat of a leader are just incidental to this (and extremely funny to watch). No matter how Labour tries to sell their vision, the people won't buy it. With just 4 words - "I support uncontrolled immigration" - Corbyn guaranteed that they will shit the bed hard in 2020.

Purging the PLP and the "Tory entryists" (nice try btw, Mandelson would be proud), all you're doing is ensuring that the last remaining crumbs of professionalism and electability are permanently and irrevocably removed from the party.
I got to read that later my man, heading out. But nationalism + socialism is not defined by what Hitler said.
Fucking hell lad, I found this so depressing I didnt leace the house for 4 days. It finishes just before kosovo too...
awesome doc
I didn't read any of that. Why do you think I care to read the opinion of a fucking leaf ?
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what about a cheeky 3way?
ohh her tits look nice, good size
may needs to go back to this hairstyle
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>thinks I haven't said: the post
If you wouldn't let Priti sit in your face because 'muh white pride' consider necking yourself.


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>you will never eat her curry flavoured arsehole

Why live lads

Goebbels said that, not Hitler.


Read the rest too, that was only the first part. Pure gold, Ive referenced this at least 20 times.
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Right back at you.
>Watching DP
>Everytime Campbell opens his kike mouth its slander or subversion
Can we not just hang this cunt?
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Holy shit that was fucking perfect.
more of priti patel tho

might get a folder going
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Thanks. Plump council estate Priti is top tier.
Anyone got the photo of her on front bench with her tiddy practically falling out her top

Show me where I even mentioned that you raging spastic.
You know you want it
>All these beta cucks pedestalising women

Truly abhorrent desu
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Plebs detected.
They get away with it because hurr they're scientists so they're smart and can't be biased.

Universities really are leftwing bubbles. That's the problem.
lol she is so small, what's her height
Civic nationalists please so
ugh, women with broad shoulders should never wear a strapless dress

American here who wants to emigrate to the UK but can't under the current scheme.

Am I right fucked, lads?

You can filter all leaf posters if you want you know, most of them are cucks like you guys though so I don't know why youd want to.
Civic nationalists pls go
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at deaths door.jpg
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not for long...white educated english speaking will be at the front of the que the way things are going.
I shall mate. One question though. What should a person who is a nationalist and also a socialist, but who completely rejects the extraneous features of Hitlerism call himself? (Hitler is sacred to me btw.)
>Priti has a fetish for bald white men
Damn my genetics.
>I know you vote UKIP anon but can you please fill my pussy with your BIG BRITISH COCK?

What do lads?
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Make a new thread
I'd cum inside of her ez
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I even have a graduate degree from Cambridge.

Any links or developments? Last time I asked this I was told that I'm fucked.
Ejaculate chicken korma.
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Don't insult your new overlord
no, English lad
If he can't even operate his own twitter there's no hope for him.
Remind me, who is your PM again?
>picking a fight with a commando
What a tard

What would someone who follows the bible and believes in the word of god, but rejects the idea that Jesus was the son of god call himself?

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>The Long Shadow (World War One)
>David Reynolds

This guy has some great documentaries on Netflix. One of the few straight up historical, unpolitical and unbiased docs I've been able to find. This guy is great
Good lad

I didn't vote for him. We don't have a valid political party, the conservatives are left wing now too, voted over 80% internally to accept gay marriage and they have an asian guy talking about white privilege or some shit as their potential next leader.

Your argument is invalid, Canadians are cucked but we don't even have an option to vote for that isn't.

15k refugees is only slightly better than 25k.
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>Thinking you should avoid fights because they're difficult
What a fucking loser. At least you're on an Island far away from actual people.
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>I didn't vote for him. We don't have a valid political party, the conservatives are left wing now too
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>conservatives are left wing now too

Feelsbadman. This seems to be the trend in most western politics. Which is why DRUMPF is such a godsend. Not to mention if the dems win again, that's it. They'll get enough illegals and peaceful migrants to vote them into office every election after this

>stay strong canadian and eurobros. we're only 60% but we'll do what we can
>Current year
>Still no Priti Pepe

Someone fix this please.
>>The Long Shadow (World War One)
>>David Reynolds

3 episodes
all on dailymotion
I'll have a look
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>Everyone, Republican or otherwise has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small, no one is too old or too young to do something.

>Our revenge will be the laughter of our children
hmm, no thanks mate.
One Priti Patel isn't going to ruin the country, but she's for 'non-discriminatory' immigration which usually means the culture of the immigrants should not be considered. I'd sooner give preference to US, Australian, NZ, SA people of British descent, as they'll fit in better. Hell, I'd even include fucking leafs.

But opening it up to everyone measn indians, pakis, africans, arabs and every other fucker and is storing up trouble and division for generations to come.
He also has an hour long bit on the armistice of WWI, a 2 part series on Stalin, 2 part series on FDR, and a 2 part series on the early part of WWII in north africa and Italy

All on Netflix but you can prob find them streaming online
clocked woolfe across the face with his belt probably
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