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Aus/pol/ - Yeah the boys edition

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Thread replies: 321
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Boys, how will you vote in the plebiscite if it ever happens? Yes to marriage equality, or No to btfo pooftas?

I wish we had more regular Aus/pol/ threads.
I'm voting for Greens.
You a poof m8?
Poofters should be put on a boat and sent back to pommyland.
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kill yourself m8
You better not be a cunt and vote for greens, vote for based Pauline, lad.
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im going to vote no because i CAN
Fuck oath charger looks like poofs btfo once again
It's a pretty tough decision
>yes to BTFO christcucks
>no to BTFO lgbt faggot lefties
Oi cunt what have christcucks ever done to you?
Fucking poofters
Too fucking much lad
I have my reasons
Tell me you gay cunt.
Same desu. I always vote Greens. Dont like their immigration but they're the only party that gives a fuck about our generation.
This tbqh m80, gotta keep them autismbux flowing.
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I'll be voting no.
No way am I going to support that feral shit. It's the principal of it, I don't want to constantly give in to this stupid progressive agenda.
Just a further breakdown of the nuclear system and our value system, just so a couple of fags can have a ceremony. Fuck that.
>picture semi related
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Vote no
Gas shorten
Gas greens voters
Unleash Tony's powerlevel and we will level Indonesia
Remember, we are the most powerful nation on the planet per capita
What the absolute fuck are you talking about cunt
Whats the least cucked large city in Australia to live in? I was thinking about visiting there and if I like it, living there temporarily. I have a skill set that can land me a fairly high paying job so no need to worry about me leeching off the government.
Tell us where the bad man touched you.
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This is Australian lads only yank, gtfo.
Probably a town in Tasmania, it's the last bastion of the whiteman.
Stop saying cunt
I'm a satanist
And that's all I'll say on the subject
>worshiping a man who committed suicide by cross
Tassie is pretty white but the cunts there are right poofs
nowhere there are mudslime and indian asian shits even in little towns

we're lost
>high paying job
>a town in tasmania
top kek
Yeah, nah.

The Greens are literally just the Asylum Seekers Enthusiasts Party. I hear almost nothing else from them anymore
fuck off, we're full.

especially you obnoxious seppo cunts.
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Fucking none idiot, no one cares if you have a high paying job kys
Or what cunt.
>the only party that cares
How the fuck did you compute that one dickhead?
Greens are pro national parks and anti infrastructure. This isn't a bad combination in itself. A lot of conservatives I know are like this.
But then these fucking airheads are pro-refugee and higher levels of immigration.
So even if we discount the immense cultural changes that are happening, these fuck-knuckles are cramming our cities into the oblivion. In what universe does this resonate "they care about my generation" to you?
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Haha you absolute gay cunt
m8, Cory is a cuckservative, infact the entire liberal party are cuckservative poofters.

Fuck'em up the ass.
I get more pleasure out of ruining lefties lives, even when I dont give a fuck about gay people.

I still don't even know what the fucking point of gay marriage is.

Have civil unions or some shit.
Eat a fat one you filthy mong cunt.
Or I'm gonna nuke your CUNTry, cunt
Libs could be a good party if all the globalist cunts fucked off. There's a lotta potential there
How the fuck is Cory a cuckservative? He supports a muslim ban ffs
Greens are
>against deregulation of uni
>against privatisation of healthcare
>against negative gearing
>against chinks buying our property (and they were the first party to take this position)
>against selling off our farms to foreign investors
>against CSG near our farms

that's more than enough to make up for wanting to let in rapefugees.
Can't nuke what's already dead cunt
He's a globalist cuckservative. He'll sell you and your family out to the highest chinese bidder m8.
You can't even nuke shit you fuck, get the fuck out of the thread you stupid fucking fag cunt.

with shows like the bachelor, i think marriage is pretty fucked these days, let the gays get married, its no big deal
If the globalist fucks in libs would fuck off maybe then the libs could address islam the party that bans muslim immigration won't lose an election for years to come it sucks knowing labor are going to win the next election and they're not the same party they were 10 years ago they pander to a new type of voter SJWs, minorities, gays.
Nah mate I reckon once Turnbull is ousted they'll put someone decent in and they'll be guaranteed another term. Cunts are sick of Labor's bullshit and the pendulum is swinging back to the right. If Labor wanna get in again they're going to have to drop the identity politics bullshit
>pander to a new type of voter SJWs, minorities, gays.

It's the trendy thing to do.

Both Labor and Libs are complete sellout cunts.
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Don't even care about minorities. Fucking want my NBN that liberal shat all over
I only hope I'm just wondering when this will take place.
m8, labor almost got in during the last election, they'll most likely win the next one. Better get ready for PM billy boy shorten
Freedom of movement between commonwealth threads lads, any cunt that gets mouthy to the brits is gonna get a left right goodnight

God save the Queen
Stay the fuck out of our country, seppo.
You colonise your ass with cock and that's about it cunt. Stop acting like you leave your house.
fucking pomey poof
fuck those fags, voting no
Mate I'll bet ya $20 right now that Libs will get another term. They're gonna sort their shit out and adopt the policies of One Nation, get back all of those votes and become a decent party again

Abbott's gonna be PM again lads, it'll be glorious
Your country is about the same size as the U.S (minus Alaska) yet have a population that's 10 million less than California alone. How the fuck are you "full"?
Libs are done, no one likes neo-liberal capitalist cuckservatives anymore.
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redpill me on Blair Cottrell. I dont have normiebook
>those almost quads

still, speaking truth here, lad.
Yes. literally no reason not to except to be an edgelord.
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>marriage equality
He's a fucking dumb cunt along with all UPF gronks.
what part of "fuck off" didn't you understand, you filthy mexican fuckwit?
Errrrr, because we don't want fat americunt seppos like you here. Not fuck off this board poofter
I hope you're right do you think turnbull will be ousted this year or next year?
Absolutely based cunt, he was recently 1 second away from naming the jew on live tv but the moderator stopped him. It was on 'the hack'
Next year m8.
Calm down pumpkins.

You should include some Straya news so us pommies can see what's going on in the colony.
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>Did no one else here notice this antisemitism?
>Blair Cottrell
A creepy stalker with a body image obsession.

But he is okay.
im gonna write bring back old shapes on the ballot, with me lads?
>You should include some Straya news so us pommies can see what's going on in the colony.

The news is: Cunt's fucked.
fuck off, dad, I'm 18 now I can run my own life, ya cunt

Fucking faggot.
You should do something actually funny m8.
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No. No. No. No. No.

Give degenerates an inch and they'll take a mile. I don't want to live in a country that completely normalises faggotry. I absolutely do not want to raise children in a country that normalises faggotry. I sure as shit do not want to live in a country that sets the dangerous precedent of faggotry normalisation because next on the agenda is paedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia.

Plus, I live in Melbourne so I really want to hear the moaning by our resident rootless cosmopolitan SJWs when they get BTFO by good, honest Australians.

Although it definitely is a waste of money to have this because as soon as Labor gets in again they'll force it into law anyway. Turnbull should've just ignored it, but he's a cuck. Anybody that bases their vote on fag marriage votes for Labor or the Greens anyway.
Blair is pretty based. But I've never seen his videos. He runs an outfit called Untied Patriot Front and they're good people.
The UPF get slammed a lot by tall-poppy tossers saying "hurr they're not intelligent enough for me", but the UPF have their heart in the right place.
The people that follow UPF are sort of like a mass group of Pauline Hanson's. They're not the most articulate (few are in this country) but they all have the Aussie fighting spirit, can smell bullshit from a mile away and they're good people deep down in heart.
I have a lot of respect for them to be honest. The people in Australia need more people like the UPF who are willing to take a stand.
I thought they already did?

I saw an ad on the tele during the grand final saying they have both the "old" and "new" shapes available.
I'll vote yes probably. But i'll fight to the death against anything trans. Fuck those cunts.
This man is correct. Normalising faggotry, telling the world that being gay is just as normal as being straight is a fucking splendid way of ramming your country down a drain.

Nice summary.

You're fucking grounded, you little cunt.
why do girls thinks that it is acceptable to let their ass cheeks hang out of their shorts?
Is Safe Schools still a thing?
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Well it's settled then. I'm moving to Australia. Thanks m8s.
Where's my fucking NBN Malcolm?
You one of them alter boys who got fucked by a priest?
only for the shit pizza ones, all the others are still new
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How's the weather?
THIS couldn't have said it better myself let's not normalize faggots SJWs have already gone too far with trans bullshit people like roz ward have gone way too far with safe schools we need to send a message enough is enough.
really pleasant today actually.
beautiful thread
this cunt just doesn't get it ay. we don't like ur kind round here.
we're full
I would have to say Melbourne is the destination for you.
You can get old BBQ m80.
Voting yes is just setting us up to have debates on trannies in the future mate.

I will vote 'no' to Anal Marriage.
28 in Adelaide today

Feels warm, man
>no old-style barbeque shapes.
how are there not riots about this?
Anglos only cunt. Onya bike
>Functioning farms

Farmers have already died because of greens policy and many more have had their lives ruined.
Didn't Oz have a big resurgence in conservatism recently with Abbot? Is this trend still going?
11 in Leeds today

Feels warm, man
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pretty clear who's winning the next election
the cuck population will keep increasing for quite some time after all
>Of major concern was the fact that U.S. military pay was considerably higher than that of the Australian military[4] and U.S. military uniforms were seen as more appealing than those of the Australians. This resulted in U.S. servicemen not only enjoying greater success in their pursuit of the few available women but also led to many Americans marrying Australian women, facts greatly resented by the Australians. In mid-1942, a reporter walking along Queen Street counted 152 local women in company with 112 uniformed Americans, while only 31 women accompanied 60 Australian soldiers. That it was thought necessary for the media to report this situation indicates the effect of the American presence.[2] (About 12,000 Australian women married American soldiers by the end of the war.[5])

lol, u read ur own link? U losers got salty we were stealing all the bitches.
here in rural Victoria we're praying we don't get flooded.
not by immigrants this time, but by actual water, been pissing rain here the last few weeks.
Mount isa
and thousands lost their homes because of their ridiculous rules about controlled burning
Not too hot?
Gay and trannies are both mental illness and legalising one will encourage the legalisation of another
They're anti-nuclear power. That alone makes them worthy of scorn.
thats good to know, im just holding out for cheese and bacon, they were the fuckin shit
I wish an anti-immigration party would rise to take on labor and liberal, one that isn't going to sell australia out anymore and do shotty business deals I think a party like that would win.
>cheese and bacon
Powdered cheese and fake bacon chemical flavouring? No thanks m8.
Blair is the aussie shitposter incarnate.

>Cunt makes a FB posting saying he'll be at location X at time Y
>Goes there
>Antifa show up with their masks and shit
>He calls them a government militia with a megaphone
you can have more if you want them desu
btfo to faggots.
fags are alright on an individual level, it's just a matter of principal.

Of the three options:
Yes < nothing < no

I have to vote, and out of throwing away an empty ballot or voting no, I'll vote no. Between "its their choice to do whatever they want" and "i have a say in it" - fuck off with your rampant degeneracy. I don't want safe schools and my kids seeing that shit.

It'd be so grouse when the plebiscite returns "NO"
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The main right wing party is still cucked by this faggit loving cunt.
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>he understands that being gay is a mental illness
Good lad. Even the self proclaimed "red pilled" people still seem to believe faggotry is just normal.
Probably "No"

I just don't think society should chance for such a small populace.
Is there a video?
>tfw you live in Canberra
>tfw literally everything and everyone here is cucked
Why does pol hate Liberals? they were the ones that stopped the boats and aren't giving in to socialist demands of the Left
Greens are unripe Reds
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We have opted for a different strategy

>Don't let any party have a majority and give the upper house balance of power to a choice selection of moralist nutcases
can we get fined for not voting on this one?
I actually don't give a fuck if poofters get married. Banning them from doing so will not suddenly make them less gay. I'll be voting no though just to trigger the greens and SJWs.
Oi cunt me too. Moving away in like a week though ken oath
Yep, still going, encouraging 3 4 5 yea4s olds to transition
When's the voting happening, fellow ausniggers?
February last I heard
Funding ends next year though Victoria will be continuing it
There seems to be some confusion with the yanks. Labour is left and Liberal is right.

I used to live there. It is a socialist paradise.
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I don't exactly give a fuck if faggots and dykes get married honestly
But pissing off LGBT leftie cucks would be fucking AMAZING
I'm voting yes because then the Left can no longer win key issue voters. They'll move on from gay marriage and have to concern themselves with more fringe social issues that people care less about.

I don't give a shit about gay marriage, homosexuality was acceptable during ancient greece, rome, persia. It doesn't destroy society, it's a moral value adopted from the abrahamic faiths
This is the real reason why they don't want me and other Americans living there. Afraid of getting cucked by the BAC (Big American Cock).
join the discord lads
Are plebiscites mandatory?
yeah spartans fucked their trainers all the time and their wives dgaf
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Half of you gay haters are massive closet queens in the first place

The lady doth protest too much
Seriously you can take Aussie women, we don't want them. I'd take an American girl over this any day (I used to date an American girl)
>Implying the roman republic didn't mock the hedonism of the greeks
>Implying Rome went full cocksucker mode before the bread and circuses
>homosexuality was acceptable during ancient greece, rome, persia
This is a meme. Exclusive homosexuality and being homosexual as a lifestyle choice is purely a modern phenomenon. Ancient "homosexuality" was essentially just bisexuality as many of these men had wives and children. More interestingly, it would be more defined as paedophilia than homosexuality in the modern world.

Rome is also a bit iffy as Republican Rome saw it as a Greek excess and the original Caesar was regularly insulted with accusations of homosexuality.
37th post best post
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Only faggots make accusations like that because they hate themselves and know what they're doing is wrong, so the greatest insult they can produce is to count their opponents as one of them.
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>lefty chick in uni class
>going on about fag marriage
>say that majority of abos oppose it
>ask her if she thinks its right to tell them how to run THEIR country
>listen to the sounds of her brain furiously doing backflips and machinations
depends where the aussie chick hails from
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you fuckin dumb cunt

i bet you're a woman too
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Top shelf.

Tfw convinced my class that Trump memes are cool

We can't really lose on this plebiscite. No matter what we end up choosing, someone is going to cry themselves to sleep. You've just got to go with whatever choice you think is going to upset the largest number of people. I'm going with 'no' because the fallout will be noisier and more emotional.
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>lefties on suicide watch
>their face when
Sup Thomas
Homosexuality was totally acceptable during the era of the Roman Republic. It was alive and well when Julius Caesar was still alive and there were rumours he was enjoying Octavian's boipussy. It was when it became Christian and during the Imperial era that homosexuality became a negative thing. It only became a negative thing in the Islamic World in like the last 200-300 years
That's what I mean, I mean banging dudes. homosexual acts. not so much exclusive homosexual relationships
yeah but you're still a gay cunt
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Yeah and it became a negative thing for good reason mate. Just because it happened in Rome doesn't mean she's sweet ya gay cunt
>there were rumours he was enjoying Octavian's boipussy
And those rumours were started by his opponents to damage him because being a faggot was seen as a bad thing.
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voting no for bants

maybe they'll rig it like back in 1951 when based Menzies tried to ban the commies

Stop this
no, it was scandalous because it was his adopted son and next in line.
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I'm gonna vote no for poof marriage
Labor were fully infiltrated and run by communists at that point

>against deregulation of uni

not voting for them just because of that policy

fuck uni students
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Aw man you have no idea how happy I am to seen an Aus/pol/ thread. I just merged my Bongland and Homeland folders into a collective one called "Bongland and her Commonwealth"
I think yes will win in large numbers just due to the fact people don't care so will just give them gay marriage.
And faggot rome fell to straight barbarians. What does that tell you
Is there even going to be a plebiscite? Those fag enabling greens and labor poofs are blocking it or something aren't they?

Fuck off leaf
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Wow, this really made me think.
I don't want a plebiscite. It's a complete fucking waste of $200 million dollars. The government should just have the balls to say NO.

I'll vote no if it happens. But I feel like it won't matter. Even if Australia votes No. The Government doesn't have to listen, and Labor will legalize it as soon as they get back in.

It's fucking stupid. All of this over the 0.5% of the population of faggots. Who only want marriage to give the church and us normal folk the finger and say "we won ha ha". Poofters cheat on eachother more than straight people. It's stupid.
>Labor wins the second world war
>"lol, i know what we should do, fuckin take control of the banks, because people love authoritarian socialism, roight?"

Labor was a mistake
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No, it was because it was slander. He was also accused of selling his ass to Nicomedes of Bithynia. So if homosexuality was totally acceptable, why on Earth would it be used as a slanderous attack? It would be like attacking a man for having sex with his wife.

Appealing to history is a horrific argument to try and gain support for homosexuality anyway. History across the world has been far more favourable to paedophilia and rape than homosexuality.
Rome fell to barbarians during the Christian era when faggotry was bad you faggot

It'll happen sooner or later and i really don't fucking care.if its now or in 2-5 years when Labor next get in which will inevitably happen because it literally always does go back and forth between the big two.
>Poofters cheat on eachother more than straight people. It's stupid.

can confirm
am friends with poofs and am one myself
Good on ya mate.
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Made me laugh
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who is the ukip of australia?
You don't know what you're talking about

start here


then finish here

They're blocking it because they don't want the Liberal party to get credit for introducing it
Go cuck yourself
trips of truth
One Nation Party
>that's more than enough to make up for wanting to let in rapefugees.
Lol Libnats and Labor also do the same thing

Next election im donkey voting
No , marriage is a religious bullshit belief these gay fullas can still do a white wedding without that sHite.

Just cause they wanna bugger every cock/cunt around doesn't mean site to fucked up religions
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ah the old double reverse poof charge

well I got nothing
Anyway homosexuality in rome was only seen as acceptable if you were on top, such as dominating your young child slaves, which I hope is something you don't want in our society
This, getting smashed up the pooey hole was seen as weak, humiliating and effeminate in Roman culture.
So the preferred strategy now for champions of butthole marriage is to wait until the next Labour Government?
literally WE WUZ ROMUNS AND SHIDD but with more rainbows and vegemite drilling
If 18+ I don't give a fuck if dudes want to fuck other dudes.

Sex before marriage is far more degenerate because it discourages people settling down and having a family. There's always going to be a portion of the society that's attracted to the same sex, can't fix that
yeah pretty much

the fucks can eat my dick though

>In 80 BC, young Gaius Julius Caesar was an ambassador to Nicomedes IV's court. Caesar was sent to raise a fleet using Bithynia's resources, but he dallied so long with the King that a rumor of a homosexual relationship surfaced, leading to the disparaging title for Caesar, "the Queen of Bithynia", an allegation which Caesar's political enemies made use of later in his life

Leave, child. Republican Rome was extremely socially conservative. The degeneracy only began under the Emperors because that was when Rome grew soft.

A good thing to keep in mind is that Sulla had to keep his faggotry a secret until he retired from public life because of how negatively Rome viewed homosexuality.
For fucks sake, what a joke this all is. Honestly I don't give a fuck about the poofs but why are we wasting 200 million of OUR money to satisfy like 0.5% of the population. Honestly say yes or no pussy Turnbulll, I hoped he'd have the balls to say no.
That being said if it happens totally voting no to piss of SJW's. Also because this will lead to trans and other mental illnesses becoming "the norm" and that is sick. It's actually an illness people, don't fucking normalise a disease.

Who did their weekly muzzie bash up?
About to have a wank lads
no cunt, the last thing labour wants is a plebiscite because they're worried we'll say NO.

they would rather get in and then change the law without the peoples opinion at all
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Got my driving test tomorrow lads
Read the link I sent you about homosexuality in ancient rome you fag.
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Good luck lad
Nah mate ON and UKIP don't really compare. I like what ON stands for but the people running it are total fruit loops mate.
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I see now why they did this because all you culture warriors gobble it right up

Poofs are on daytime TV. They've already won.
We all know Labor will give in. They are cucks.

I don't want to waste $200 million on this shit. $200 million could help schools, medicine, and other shit that actually matters, but Turnbull is a pussy who doesn't have the guts to make a decision so we'll waste it on poofters.
sex before marriage doesn't discourage people from marriage if anything it brings couples closer together and with that logic people would only get married to have sex.
You can fuck dudes all you want but it is not healthy and is a mental illness which has been proved by many studies and should not be encouraged by marriage which has the main purpose of keeping a straight couple together to raise children
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Good luck lad
isn't that the same with UKIP though?
Why? It's been infested by revisionists. The Caesar situation perfectly describes the situation in ancient Rome and proves beyond any doubt that homosexuality was far from "totally acceptable" as you asserted. Homosexuality has only ever been "totally acceptable" in the West beginning in the 000s.
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man, i cant wait till the collapse comes

it cant come soon enough
4chan is for people over the age of 18 you little cunt
People actually take Farage seriously
You have to be over 18 to get your license everywhere outside of SA, retard.
Any of you faggots had tattoos removed? What's it like?
homosexuality in rome was only seen as acceptable if you were on top, such as dominating your young child slaves, which I hope is something you don't want in our society
>I like what ON stands for but the people running it are total fruit loops mate.

I vote ON for their anti-immigration. Pretty much everything else they say is retarded and Hanson is a dumb cunt. Just need a few of them to be there to stop mudslimes.
Another spot on post. Labor are afraid Aussies will vote no because if we do, next time Labor get in they won't be able to just pass homo marriage without backstabbing the country.
cheers mate
That's awesome. I hope he bashed the shit out of antifa. They are the most degenerate of the degenerates. Cunts the lot of them.

No, gay sex, male on male in particular, is far more degenerate than sleeping with your fiance.
Doesn't mean he HAS to be under 18 do to the driving test, there's tons of people who does it in their 20's.
Just saying, retard.
I'm from a muslim background and I've seen how it goes :^)

My devout religious relatives that uphold these values (which they have in common with Christians) are getting married young and having children. My westernized family members that are non-religious and experiencing life like a typical Westerner does and dating etc are having less kids.

Dating like what is common now is degenerate because it discourages settling down and having families.
Best shitpost ever

The most fucked up thing is theyve had the exact same rights as married couple for years its just to use the word marriage
i never have but try to avoid it, that shit can fuck you up bad.

whats the tat?
Who /steakandeggs/ for dinner?

Steak with a bit of salt n pepper, and some cajun seasoning goes fucking hard in the paint cunt
If he's over the age of 18 and he doesn't have his license yet that's fuckin pathetic
If I'm forced to vote in a plebiscite I'm going to vote no out of the fact that I lose a day of my life for useless shit.
Just some shit from my shoulder to my elbow, not fully wrapped around.
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It's all about the shekels
>gay marriage books
>gay marriage accessories
>marriage wedding bands now available in gay form
>marriage: don't have kids but buy our condoms edition
fuck up if she's your fiance you're ending up married. I'm talking about dating and fucking around. In a world where sex before marriage is morally wrong people are getting married earlier and settling down earlier
There is nothing wrong with waiting a little and living your life before you have kids.
not in nsw?
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Well that's not my fucking problem then is it cunt. Was just stating he doesn't have to be under 18 to get it.
Wow class baiting much?
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>willingly getting poisoned by chinks

Yes, but anyone with right reason knows that male on male sex is much, much worse morally speaking than heterosexual one night stands.
It's why women in muslim countries are married by 18-21 and having their second/third kid by 30
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and why is that?
Then the only reason you would get married is to have sex which is not good for a long term relationship and gay sex causes far more harm than pre marital straight sex
Yes to btfo Muslims, encourage more marriage (gays not being faithful is a myth) and let the right move on to more important things.
Anti gun faggots
living your life =/= putting your dicks in everybody's arses
I thought we were more civilised than that. This ""living your life"" meme is literally nigger-tier

If this was the end of what gays demanded then I'd say "sure, who cares?", but it's always just the beginning, the resetting of goalposts and a deeper search to find grievance.

Obligatory fuck off, we're full.
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Sup Aussies. I'm a Yank looking to join the RAN if Hillary steals the election. I hear your military leadership is pretty redpilled, care to confirm or deny this?

Don't worry, I'm a tall white male with a high IQ, and I'm a shitposter at heart so I think I'd fit in fine.
well what else is there for women to be in muslim countries other than slaves to the house and husband
not really. If you've only had 1 partner then you don't know what good sex is and you don't know any better.
Didn't bother to vote in the last election, but I will vote no if we get a plebiscite (which won't happen because they know we'll vote no).
we're full
If you're not a woman enjoy being a shitkicker
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>not being immune to chink poison
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>I hear your military leadership is pretty redpilled

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Is it? It used to be run by this guy. Google "David Morrison".
You're talking about another issue separate from sex before marriage.
Hobart is still quite cucked with Asians
>tim tams
>gook food stockpiled

fat uni student detected

Snap. Beat me to it.
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>If you've only had 1 partner then you don't know what good sex is and you don't know any better
Not true since you can get sexual pleasure from masturbating and its only human nature to seek this pleasure from someone else and sex is every where in our culture with porn and etc
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houso Anon here.
Going to my assessment session for the army this monday.

I'm surprised there are so many people in this thread.

Any of you guys in the Illawarra?
the eureka stockade? it's like labor movement 101
It haunted JC like a fag scandal would a politician in the 60s
Just cause it happened doesn't mean it's good and was positive
Spot on except for the fat part.
Would it fucking matter if you loved the person you were having sex with?
ok bud you're right and the millions of muslim and christian families marrying young and having families are wrong
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It was a grassroots democratic movement.
>housing commision faggot
>Army assessment

have fun getting knocked back because the psyche woman doesnt like you
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Seems to be pushing gender neutral BS but that's the worst thing I can find in that article. Honestly, coming from the US armed forces I think I can tolerate that lol.

How about in terms of how they view their relationship with the US, for example? Seems to me like we're dragging you guys into things you don't want to be (such as Syria).
so you're saying that the culture and Ideas of Islamic counties do not affect the relationships of people in those countries and wouldn't be an explanation for why they get married and have kids so early because they do and this issue is why they do it.
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>german cuck vegan faggot student in my intership program at uni
>our group of students are all in environmental internships, like some cutting edge stuff with turning bottles into 3d printing material
>german fag goes on some hippie retreat and comes back to tell the class about how his life has changed, etc because he spent 3 days living in a mud hut while we all did actual work, i did environmental monitoring for coastal development
>does a presentation about renewable energy that some hippie told him about on their gay little retreat
>completely btfo him infront of the whole class about how nuclear power is superior to every one of his "ideas" in the australian context
>brought up fukushima, so i told him to find a fucking faultline in this part of the country

my god, i almost felt bad watching him squirm
what does she do?
Only alphas allowed
I'm thinking about this as well.
Then telling everyone to piss them off.
Their decisions are based on their religion not sex.
this all happened apart from the last two lines didnt it
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psyche asks you a bunch of questions.
If she thinks your not fit for service you can fuck off.

literally kys
yeah i lie on the internet all the time
They get married young because dating is culturally unacceptable. They get married young and for the most part live happy lives because they don't know any better. On a rare case they get married with someone incompatible but this is because their parents were the ones that set them up. The important point is that sex before marriage being acceptable is discouraging people from settling down early.

I'm telling you this as someone with a muslim background. I have other relatives living lifestyles more similar to westerners and are into the dating scene and they won't be married until their 30's and are pretty much the same as here.
Mate I know what it's like to live off mi goreng, but seriously cunt, start eating real food because that shit will legitimately fuck you up
she's one of te people who get's to decide if you're psychologically fit enough to hack it and not kill everyone first chance you get.
she's as important as the Doctor and the recruiter himself, but she might not like you because you went for a handshake or mentioned the word "alcohol" when telling a story about your uncles time in the Army.

dont get sucked into a 20 year contract, either faggot
shitty bait
Fuck yeah you mad cunt.
I understand but if the reason they don't divorce is because it is culturally unacceptable and I doubt letting your parents choose a mate for you would be the best choice.
And my main point is that there is nothing wrong with waiting to find the right mate and living your life how you want and it will probably will be better for the child since you're older and more experienced so you can be a better parent and your marriage will be more stable if you take time to find the one for you
If you're the bloke I think you are then she'll ask you a bunch of shit like how you dealt with your parents breaking up and that kind of shit. If you've ever had mental illness, done drugs, etc

Say no to having ever done drugs and avoid a shitfight. If you've had mental illness and you're not comfortable with lying about it just play it down a lot.

Also they give you a big form to fill out which is like 'I often feel angry', 'I want to kill myself' and shit

Don't be a fucking pussy anon, be a clearance diver.

Do they still have a nurse finger ur butt, they did when i did it ~10 years ago

divorce is ok in islam and it happens but most marriages are pretty happy, because as I said before people don't really know any better and when they marry young their personalities sort of develop together. Some marriages end up being incompatible but it's usually the fault of people that set them up (parents). Most of the Islamic World is ok to the point where boys and girls can get to know each other (even under supervision) and they'll be attracted to each other and both be happy with the decision. It depends on the area, where my family is from the boy will see a girl he's interested in and send her an envelope with a couple photos of himself in it. If the girl isn't interested she will just politely reject.

Everywhere is getting more modernised and things are changing though.

Everyone is wondering why birthrates are low and divorce rates are high but from what I've witnessed it's a divergence from the old traditions of marrying young
no but she will make you retract your foreskin and prop the tip of your dick whilst your balls are in her hand. Do not, I fucking repeat for your sake cunt, get an erection.
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story time?
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Ok cunt
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Finland ?
You couldn't nuke a frozen dinner cunt
gay marriage and gay marriage accessories?
The only cultivable land in Australia is within 200 km from the Coastline.
Ever fucking wonder why we live on the coasts, cunt???

We can't feed 300 million people like America can.

I fucking CHALLENGE any government to build and maintain a city in the outback. Good luck finding food and water no matter how much money you throw at the project.
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>falling for the penis inspection day meme
You have to go back to Auckland.
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9:30pm in Adelaide 24c and windy. Lovely night to go cruzing through the hills with the roof down music blaring.
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