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Hurricane incoming

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Thread replies: 381
Thread images: 124

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Florida bro here 1-10 how fucked are we?
Its gonna be fucking nothing its only a cat 3.
>living in florida
Already 10/10 for living in Florida.
Could be worse, you could be living in America
That's a good atitude. Up where we don't get pummeled all the time we still bemoan the time a cat 2 fucked shit up. Our preparations are like
>oh wait did you call the neighbors and remind them to put the lawn chairs in the shed so they don't hit something in our yard?
orlando here senpai

got my handle of liquor

just need to be good by sunday so i can watch good football. power best be back by then.

i think we'll be okay in orlando.

best of luck to u bros

>south florida

seriously why are you still there?
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It's a sign from God, get ready to be purged if you live in Florida
holy shit that's scary
if doobles youre fucked

kek wills it
Hurricane is literally a swarm of Zika carrying mosquitos that are here to not only take your blood and give you Zika, but stunt the population growth to ensure close races in the swing state for ages. Mother Nature wants FL to be the 2nd biggest faggot state of the country.
22 killed so far on it's way to you

Yeah gonna be a 8-9
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The name is already "Flowered"
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Delete this before it becomes a conspiracy video's thumbnail.
You fags don't understand hurricanes. It wall do very little damage at this current path. All the power is on the eastern side of the storm. The West produced no damage
is there more of that zone tan comic.

funny thing is trump lost florida to clintion and this hurricane started, i think we did something to the universe again.

Looks like that cursed dog pic you see on /x/ sometimes.
Male anon here lookin to suck a dick in 561 before the storm.
why don't you just get gay-married so you can suck a dick 18 times a day anytime you want
>Florida being invaded by a literal demon.
Good luck bros
>demonic frog
>implying they both aren't the same demon
It looks like a skull/demon
But it also looks like Hillary looking up and wearing a necklace.
Pure coincidence?
A sign from God?
We need to study the memes.
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can anyone photoshop smug pepes hand onto this creatures chin?
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Fkng love you Aussies
what happened to the hurricane general?
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Protip: Florida builds buildings to withstand hurricanes. Fuck off faggots we're full
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>mfw worthless stupid trash americans are going to die soon
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Dawn of
The Final Day
-24 Hours Remain-
I've only ever been to Florida and Colorado. Is my worldview skewed?

I do not smoke pot but I am an alcoholic.
/based/ anon reporting in. Should lose power at 8pm ish tomorrow but my house is hurricane proof. Gonna get cozy.
Are there any Australians here who say ANYTHING worthwhile?
Really makes you think.
>22 people killed in a shithole like haiti and other carribean islands
>thinking that is relevant to Florida at all
yeah nah, only people majorly at risk are the people in trailer parks if the hurricane picks up speed and they don't have the common sense to evacuate
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Dude i love maoam
Its about to hit open(and warm) water
Gunna go back up
If we can survive Yeb! we can survive anything
Stay cozy, brother. I'm Tampa Bay area so we'll just get rain here
>surviving yeb!
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>Doesn't know about the horrying deadly guac outbreak that contaminated our coastal waters.
As I understand, you have a sinkhole where they poured down a lot of radioactive mining water to pollute your aquafer. I think that's what you mean by "water" or I could be wrong.
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All these panicing newplebs to FL are so annoying, gonna sit outside drinking beer in my underpants.
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as my black friend once said a few halloweens ago.. RUNNNN BITCHHHH $RUNNNNN
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This is for the greater good.
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Who /dead/ here?
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>Its gonna be fucking nothing its only a cat 3
Category 4 now
And the pressure just keeps dropping

>we're going to die before the Jags win the owl
it's not fucking fair
at least there's the possibility Matthew kills Gus Bradley
It's already a cat 4 m8, and it's on its way to being a cat 5
>turn off ad block
yeah, fuck that.
Some adventurer/dumbshit was driving through hurricane weather in last thread.

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Thread theme:
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Oh and they moved the camera. That was interesting. Shits shaking and shit now.
use rabb.it to view the cam
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>call out of my job
>figure they'd understand
>they ask if im sick

sure, im sick
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Most of the coastal cities avoid the right front quadrant of the storm. That means less risk of serious storm surge. The fucking pussy ass hype over this cunt is unparalleled.
>Please enable cookies to use Rabbit.
yeah, fuck that.
we have lost camera
i repeat
camera down
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make way
Nassau? Nah power kicked off looks like

It's at 939mb right now, which is the lowest it's been recently. If the pressure keeps dropping we could be looking at a CAT 5.
Oh nvm they moved it again
what was those lights about a green and red lights ????
It looks like a demented Pepe.

Is this Kek?

are those fruits fucking
like 10 and 1/2
I don't know. It was pointed I think towards the water?
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its still going to be unpleasant. all the people panic buying and on the roads is a little absurd though.
holy shit. it was kek's willing.

He is indeed a God of chaos.
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The Beast out of the Sea
>The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

>One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.
Matthew has already gone through one eyewall replacement cycle as it passed through the Caribbean. Healing it's weakened eye for a larger one.

>they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
Depends if we define national media coverage as worship, while comparing it to other past tragedies and storms.

the green light had smoke coming from it when it flashed ?? lights to a bout dock ?


Hurricane tips

>Do not go out driving if the storm is close, get all your driving out of the way now. Most basic shit ever, but people still manage to die over this.
>If you have well water, fill your bath tubs up with water. That's all you're gonna be able to flush your toilets with when the power goes out
>Flashlights, batteries, candles, no brainer shit
>Get some gas. The biggest reason isn't because of gas shortages but because the gas can't be pumped if there's no power there
>Stay on first floor, that extra floor of protection could save your life
>It's not a terrible idea to open a window or door once in a while in a safer side of the house where the wind isn't blowing at. A house can build up a lot of pressure from the wind and this can help release some of it. Don't hang out near the window though
>Charge up laptops and cell phones so you still shitpost with no power

All based upon experience from the 2004 storms. Never actually been through higher than a category 3
kill yourself for making this shit thread without any info or links
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>it's over

"I LIVE IN X AM I FUCKED?" or "WILL I BE OKAY?" anons, please check your area's warnings using this link:

>Maps and Information (NOAA, updates automatically now.)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.shtml?5-daynl#contents
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?tswind120#contents
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/
Navy NRL: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/TC.html

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

-Now extremely likely to make landfall somewhere between Boca Raton and Titusville.
-Likely to strengthen to Category 4 after passing through the bahamas, though has weakened since the last Hurricane General.
-Reminder that hotels are getting sold out all across Tampa and St. Pete. It'd be wise to check hotels more north of Tampa for the best possibility of securing a room if you're evacuating.

>Live Cams (NEW)
Florida Beach Cams: http://www.mybeachcams.com/florida/southeast-keys/
Nassau, Bahamas Cam: http://www.portnassauwebcam.com/
Public Highway Cams: http://www.sigalert.com/Map.asp?lat=28.52839&lon=-81.2033&z=0

>Twitters to Check
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If it's Cat 3 I'm not going anywhere. If it's Cat 4 I might consider it. If It's 5 somehow, then I'll leave.
down in Miami, we're already getting 60mph winds from the leading bang of the hurricane...

They will say it's cat 4, but actually it's cat 5
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Right now it's a Cat 4, so I'd keep a close eye on it because it's just been getting stronger.
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Sorry didn't add image
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tfw doing fruity shit like praying won't save us from Matt
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>tfw to intelligent to evacuate for hurricanes
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Pepe is in the biometric database
Spooped out by the similarities, as well as the moon from Majora's Mask.
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Holy fuck i would not want to be on the coast when this hits.

277kmph winds at daytona beach expected according to navy.
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/pol/ be real this time, the media is saying this is just light rain at a cozy 81F

is this actually a happening?
I'm in Tampa, it was cold yesterday and it's cold this morning. Wind already has a breeze and the sky is grey.

Recently it has been nothing but blue skies and 95 degrees outside

I have insider knowledge from family that works at the weather station and FEMA, they think it's going to bank West and slice up the middle of Florida and take Miami, Tampa, and Orlando with it. I hope you faggots are prepared.
Stay safe floridafags

Saint Augustine will be completely ruined. That place floods so easily. It's the most historical city in FL with a lot of wonderful buildings.

Alligators will escape from the Alligator zoo and eat people.
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See source.

Well above cat 5 threshold.

Stay safe florida bros.
>it was cold yesterday
>cold this morning
Are you Little Nicky?

Compared to what it usually is? It was like 75-80 degrees outside when usually it's 95 something. This occurred right when the storm was nearer.
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>mfw right outside of Daytona and actually even closer to landfall track
>75-80 is cold
That's nice, not cold
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As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Jesus answered:
“Watch out that no one deceives you.
For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
>U.S. abandons efforts to work with Russia on Syria
>Indian and Pakistan troops exchange fire in Kashmir
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
>Unusual earthquake warning prompts action, anxiety in Southern California
For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man

>The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24
Is that based Thundersnow guy on the upper right?
and why would they withhold such information

if they're worried about mass panic its too late for that.
>tfw Summerville SC
>hurricane force winds not expected this far inland
>nothing but 70s/80s with lows in 50s forecasted for the next few weeks
>carib niggers die
>floridians die

Thank you based Matty
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>Alligator zoo and eat people
Ayyyy lmao
Alligator chan!
>The Gospel of Matthew
I hope you supplies and a shelter to hide in.

I would be taking everything with sentimental value and heading to an e vac center.

Category 5's are a whole new hell on earth.

I feel bad for the people who underestimate this storm.
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My body is ready
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When you step outside everyday and it's like a literal fucking oven and then the one day you step outside and it's 75 degrees outside all of a sudden, yes, it feels cool

They can't evacuate the entire state. Look at the maps. If this thing hits Cat 5 it's going to go further inland and cover nearly the entire peninsula. It will enter Miami and slice up the middle, hitting Orlando and catching Tampa.

They think it's going to go even more West, couple that with Cat 5 status and Tampa is going to get hit.
Yeah, because people get ate by all.the alligators in the everglades everyday right?
Idk. Anyway, deleted post and added this so I can highlight the comment and black out my username.

Original comment "Am I a shill for finding this comment funny?"
Kill yourself nigger

One Floridian life >>>>>>>> the entire population of SC
Ugh I'm retarded I thought you replied to another post nvm I'm tired. Stayed up all night to watch this stuff. Please excuse me.
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Gonna try to ride it out. We are among the most powerful race in the world, of course.
>off by 1
>imblygin humans can control weather
But anyways, idk really I don't follow the news
don't get eaten by an alligator
Come at me bro I aint scared.

Pussy ass poseidon

(Am i going to die?)

Looks like him.
Look up Hurricane Matthew Loop. They said it's going to loop around and hit Florida twice.
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Were all going to die, anon
nah but for real.

this is going to a very large disaster.
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How long until it hits land? Also link me some streams for maximum /comfy/ 'ness
Is there anything more pathetic than white men claiming to be redpilled who idolise a bunch of niggers running around on grass every Sunday?
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Found a pic
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>tfw no publix
hello fellow deltona

one small turn away from certain doom
Look at this damage.


No consider that Mathew is already more powerful buy 100bars
probably 12 hours
don't taunt Mattrina
I feel like Floridians don't even get it.

It is not the Hurricane the people in Florida should be concerned about.

It is soil erosion. Expect more sink holes after this event. Expect entire homes and communities to sink into hell.

Also expect hundreds of tornadoes and millions of lightning bolts to spawn from this monster.
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>mfw I haven't prepared evac plans
>mfw the only "stockpiling" I did was buying a flashlight
>mfw residing on the 5th floor of an old building
>mfw I can hear the wind and street dogs howling
>mfw the clouds are moving faster with a dark plume of grey coloring
>mfw trees are shaking
>mfw this is it

fl*ridian scum will perish insha'kek

czech em
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It's okay, I lived through the 2004 hurricane season
You must be new.
this is how i imagine Moscow on Saturday morning
Have you tried listening to police scanners?
Same, looks like just lots of rain.

Hopefully Miami will drown, clean up the shitty neighborhoods there.
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What? its fucking nothing, fuck you pol. So much hype for nothing.

12 houres...unbelievable.
do floridabros have hectic building codes that require them to build houses that can stand heavy storms ?
>it's gonna make landfall right where I live
>then its gonna curve around and hit me fucking again
I suppose if Mathew wants me dead there is nothing I can do
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850 here.

No. Many homes are made out of wood. Contractors and Home Builders often use cheap material.

Run, motherfucker!
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12 hours until end of the world. The teasing has already commenced. Outer bands are expected to make contact soon.
No, should i?
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is this the will of kek?
sort of. many houses are built with concrete blocks, don't listen to this tard >>91712279

but it wont do shit against a cat 5

cat 5 and cat 4 even can start to rip the siding off of your house. I imagine cat 5 can rip off your roof and start to flip cars and shit.
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prepare to rip
Live stream it
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I'm going into Orlando for chemo but my house is gonna get fucked, since if it makes landfall, I live right on the east coast in its way. If it curves back around like some projections say, I dunno what I'll do.
can you make it out?
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im kind of hoping it gets bigger
and bigger
and nigger

Oh oh tell us something else you pulled out of your ass.
I hope Charleston gets hit and the niggers get washed out to sea
Nope. In fact most houses built today in Florida are wood. We went backwards.
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Have you ever considered not
I don't know about others but is weird to watch burgers get drowned in Florida today and the next days when here is sunny and warm like in the summer.

I hope the same for the trailer trash in your neck of the woods.
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>american exceptionalism is a go

No, Terry, the world is not ending.
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it is the will of someone
It's not out of his ass. Port Orange, Florida was one of the fastest growing cities in the past ten years and almost all of the thousands of houses built were made of wood.
>hello fellow deltona

Same here.
I boarded up the house already.
Those weak ones that made landfall in the SW before they even got here back in 2004 were bad enough with shit smashing into the house and people's roofs having holes ripped in them. We lost power for two weeks and you couldn't find gas anywhere for a week after the storm.
If the eye wall winds up over us it's going to be hours and hours of scary shit and then days to weeks of shittiness afterwards.

Best of luck anon.
It would be too late.
I wish I could stream the outside of my balcony. Wind is picking up and the skies look like death.
wiggle wiggle wiggle

Ok, where do i start?
>there exists a world outside of america
nice try
which city are you in?
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so it's probably going to be completely leveled after this, huh?
I meant it figuratively you silly goose. Euros get so sensitive. Let's enjoy the happening before I get sucked into a vortex of water.
Pretty much. Especially in South Florida along the coast.

North Florida not so much.
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I feel sorry for you carfags that are going to be unable to travel.

>not having an emergency vehicle
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try a jetski m8
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>tfw prepare to the fullest for hurricane. Nice and comfy with canned food and battery powered radio, only to get swallowed by sinkhole 2 hours before landfall.
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So I just moved to florida and have been taking this lightly, got my water bottles and food and prepared for a comfy couple days . But now that its approaching and tons of ppl have evacuated I'm getting worried as fuck. It just feels ominous. I'm gonna be that random floating body you see in the news later :(
No, but there will certainly be more damage done than there should have been. I don't live there any more, but I live just a tiny bit south of it. But the house here is also wood, and I'm still close to the coast. I would honestly make it mandatory to have a block house between the coast and Orlando if I was in charge.
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Gonna have a few brews while I watch and gamble on the shit NFL game tonight, followed by getting comfy for the hurricane.
what part of florida

that's pretty important in determining if you'll be fine or if you're ded
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>water and food

top kek, gonna need more than that, Yank
>glorifying this behavior
wear an identifiable tshirt so we know its you
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Yes, what part?

Lower East coast? Below sea level? Wooden house?

If you answered yes to any of these you need to evac son.

Me and my old lady are heading out first thing a Friday morning to drive to Orlando, to wait out the storm before going to Cocoa.

Hoping Orlando doesn't get hit too hard.
Kek protect your humble servant. Greetings from St John's fellow floridians, praise kek
Go out with a bang. Get caught floating downstream with a furry tail hanging out of your ass.
In all seriousness, if it evolves in to a Cat 5, you very well may die or drown.

anything that's important to you, you might want to nigger rig some sort of water proof bag and tie it around a pole or put it in a closet. if it's Cat 5 it might rip the roof off of your house.

I hope you have more than just some food and water, because if you're in a storm surge area all that shit is going to float away.
>carrying mosquitoes
How legit is this?
It was nice knowing you. It's alright, I live near the coast too and didn't evacuate. We can die together.
Goodbye alleygator-niggers
Photos are coming in from the destruction in Cuba...COMPLETELY DECIMATED.

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this is getting creppy
aussies btfo
I hope a cop shoots a nigger so we can get a chimp out with the hurricane
Melbourne it's 20 ft elevation and I'm in concrete building
local news just forced a woman at the gas station to give a live interview jej
anyone have that video of the hurricane hitting Jamaica? I think it hit at like a Cat 3 and it flooded the ENTIRE first floor of the hotel, up to the second floor, it was completely under water. a car floated into the lobby

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You're already dead
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Gonna need one of these m8
It's made up and so is Zika itself.

>spending billions on a disease that doesn't even kill anyone
That's pretty much where landfall is expected.

Do you live right near the coast or a body of water? I'd get my ass to a shelter if I were you. If you have time, spend today boarding up your house.
Why do woman feel the need to wear their pants like that?
>watching niggerball
its 600% legit, hurricane temps are the exact same temps that zika mosquitoes thrive on, half of the hurricane's weight may actually be mosquitoes.
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Open a map of Florida.
Pick a county.
Pick a scanner.

Suggested cities to listen to:
Saint Augustine
Key West
West Palm Beach
I'm in a hotel a few miles inland
>stayed home for hurricanes since 2004
>evacing now
>didn't board up my house
How fucked is my stuff, pol
My neighbors are gonna keep an eye on it for me, make sure no niggers get in

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nice flag
You will be OK.

Provided you can survive the aftermath.
alright, well just take your shit and go to a shelter. Or just evacuate if you have the gas/transport available. 12 hours is a long time.
Raped and killed by roaming bands of looters.
well most people will be killed or badly maimed so your stuff will likely be okay if the storm leaves your house alone
24 hours before storm hits, set your refrigerator and freezer to colder setting.
6-8 hours before it hits, crank your a/c down colder, so when power goes out, you stay comfy for longer, before sweating your ass off.
Freeze some water bottles, when the powers out for days, cold water to drink is a big help.
That video was actually taken of Katrina...
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Oh shit.

Kek is pissed.

They banned his memes, now he'll ban their existence.

As an Australian shitposter, I will pray to Kek to spare all among you who support Trump (pbuh).
If you have the opportunity and ability to seure your residence and get the fuck out. DO IT!

This isn't a joke. This isn't a fun weekend camping adventure. This is serious shit.

You do not want to be stranded when you have a chance to get out.
I don't think most people are appreciating how much damage this storm will do if it hits Cat 5
this, the thought of >>91712840
>I'm gonna be that random floating body you see in the news later :(
coming true makes me sad, I don't want any of you to die :(
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>TFW live in Florida
>TFW still have to work my 11 hour shift at a grocery store

Is central Florida a bad spot? How fucked am I?
A blessing from the great one, I feel relieved.
>evacuation orders

Should have written them in cursive
Anyone listening to the police scanners in Orlando? Everyone sounds nervous. Hold on to your butts.
lol pussy
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>working at a grocery store before a disaster

I live in Tampa but I'm worried the forecasters don't know what the fuck they're talking about and it might hit central Florida
There are far more worse thingy incoming: Trump.
Level of fuckness: a bit over 9000
Reality though is wood houses can have about the same wind rating as block.
What matters is how well everything from the roof down is fastened together to the foundation.
Houses get wrecked by wind because their roofs come off, and block houses have wood roofs and wood or flimsy metal stud interior walls.
There's plenty of wood houses that have been around for ages and plenty of storms because they are built well, and plenty of block homes that have been reduced to a gutted broken shell because they aren't.
Wood houses aren't trailers, which are built really flimsy and have no foundation.
Builders and realtors like to hype up poorly thrown together cinder block and stucco houses as indestructible so they can charge a lot more beyond the only slightly more expensive actual building costs.
Actually reinforced really strong block houses with the roof really well strapped right down to the walls and foundation are much more expensive to build and hardly anybody has them.
I would expect a lot of drifters in central Fla grocery stores today

if you see someone stealing something just let it go or you might get cut

depends, if you're within blocks of a river/lake that can overflood or out in the woods where trees can fall and be used as projectiles
I've been through Hurricane Sandy in NY. This ain't nothin'.
>being a potato unable to take a shit by yourself doesn't kill you
If I were a Cat 5 hurricane, I'd head straight for Tampa and fuck it up
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>this poor guy sitting at ground zero with a case of water and some canned food

i legitimately feel bad
Your store will be raided by a gang of looters
helpful tips. just lowered my fridge/freezer temps and froze a few water bottles. thanks, lad.
told my job to fuck off tbqh

not sure how easy itll be for you though, need to cash in on all the panic buyers
tw itch /disincarnated
Webcam pointed directly out window just north of Boca raton

When the storm gets going in a few hours you're gonna see some shit.
If it hits Cat 5 I think it will go further inland

Just look at the Navy model, Tampa isn't safe either. And what's worse is if no one is expecting it to hit them, they're really going to be unprepared and a lot more people will die.
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He will be a shining example to others in his stupidity and lack of preparation. His bloated, rat-eaten corpse will be shown in the future as an excellent reason why you should actually prepare properly.
>.02 cents have been deposited to your account
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125mph sustained winds
You guys have been milking this for 3 days.

Get your shit packed and get ready to leave.

Be prepared at least.

I would seriously consider leaving before it hits anon.
How much wind is needed to make a 150lb person fly?
Realisticly speaking, how many victims are we expecting here, Tom?
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Yanks call that a 'hurricane'? That's just an average day in Scotland. What a bunch of wimps.
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Guys my hurricane shutters are set up a little janky at this sliding door, will it be fine since it's at the side of the house and surrounded by waist high walls and fences?
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What is that little door for on the side of Assault Rifles 15's? Sometimes it is open.

Its just like NYC
Cover that shit up. Better safe than sorry.
Clearwater here should I even care ?
it ejects the bullet casing with each shot fired
Based black wife still making her man a sammich.
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Stay behind and test.

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother!
Dust cover. Opens automatically when you fire.

see here: >>91713918
Haiti is in ruins again. Good luck and stay safe floridabros!

<iframe src="http://www.nbcnews.com/widget/video-embed/780299843886" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
What happens if you forget to open the little door before you shoot?
I hope this doesn't show up on TV.

south fl here- shutters activated, comfy mode engaged.
Why the fuck does it look like a skull smiling at me?
What the Burgers said, but with the added note that AR stands for Armalite Rifle, not Assault Rifle.
Good thing Hillary helped them get all that money, r-right?
Dust cover
It's going to hit in a few hours, m8
HAARP did some meme magic of their own

the thingy that slides back and forth will pop it open

So I am fine and shouldn't worry at all! Thanks bro.
Why this hurricane look like a spooky skellington for??
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>tfw you don't get to play zombie apocalypse because you don't live in a hurricane state.
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>Haiti in ruins again

So it's just an average day in Haiti
Why is the American EAS sound just a bunch of noise?

explain to me why you think we shouldn't be worried. I live North of Tampa. Clearwater is about a 10-15 min drive from me.
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this is punishment for the american jews planning to vote for shillary
I'm at EMS right now. Shit is not good. 10.5 Million Floridans in the storm's path. Majority of buildings are not up to snuff. Mandatory evac zones are being enforced. If you aren't out by 5pm. You probably aren't leaving.

If you can get out and go somewhere safe.


Just to give you an idea. I'm preparing for a mandatory seven day deployment. If my fat ass is going to be working out of my area and I'm putting my cases on hold. That says something.

This is no laughing matter.
a matter of time
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It's sarcasm. We are worried me and my gf are thinking of evacuating. I kind of want to stay and die though.

because he's a lazy fuck
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It's going to slam into Florida and most likely go through the entire state and into the gulf coast.

Nicole isn't moving and is causing it to go westward even more.

Despite claims of it going north to GA/SC/NC. I don't see that happening. It will definitely move across the state and perhaps regain it's strength in the gulf before it slams into Louisiana/Alabama.
look where your air filter is? goona choke up in your flood waters...
the build up to Katrina was at least a few days, people said it was fake and gay, and then they shit their pants when the storm hit
Interesting. Does AK have such a door or is this a bonus feature?
post dick
>riding a motorcycle in waist high water
You're going to have to go pretty damn fast.
I wouldn't be surprised if she flew to haiti again to help those poor people in need like last time.
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your Prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.
Pls be safe Ameribros

>CAPTCHA Please select all large bodies of water
You getting a new bread going?
I'm going to laugh when it slams into Tampa and all the people that came over here from the East get fucked twice.

I'm heading to Walmart in a bit to get some stuff
>putting your life in the hands of modern day medicine men on the weather channel
>putting your life in the hands of Bay News 9
no thx

the point is I can go around fallen trees, debris and up onto grass and jump sidewalks

this is what I've been saying. it's going to go further West. especially if it strengthens into Cat 5
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No, the AK pattern does not have that feature, which is why dust and other things easily get inside the rifle. There is also a large hole behind the fire selector that is completely open when your safety is off. If the AK wasn't so rugged and simple, it would have serious issues with dirt.
>the point is I can go around fallen trees, debris and up onto grass and jump sidewalks
In waist high water, sure. You'd be better off walking or with a rowboat if things really get that bad.
>shitpost with no power
A router without power is a dead router.
The Clinton Foundation will save Haiti.
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I like when (((they))) say "all operations ceased".
Thank you(:
If your AK is going alright, but dirty as fuck and you give your AK a good cleaning out, how much better does it perform?
>I kind of want to stay and die though.
there's the old 4chan spirit!
There's one here we can recycle

in my area, I don't have to worry about flooding from the ocean so much as from the nearby retention ponds and rivers. typically when it floods in my area, it just floods the roads and then cars can't get in or out.
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>not able to shitpost in a storm

I'd rather die tbqh family.
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I bet it will be around ~7000

new thread
>not tethering to your smart phone with 4G data.
its like you hate being comfy
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Get those Clinton foundation funds to them ASAP!

>and yea, did Namibia bestow upon man his rarest flag, so he may dry his body of the demon's rain
A simple gas generator can keep you up and shitposting so long as don't run out of gas, or have batteries to load. A single 12v car battery can keep you phoneposting for days.

Not at all, really. You have to really get shit inside your rifle to stop an AK from firing and feeding correctly. Something like shoveling mud into it will do it, but in ordinary dirty conditions it's not going to be an issue. Either the rifle works fine, or it doesn't work at all.
Gfs showed this, could gfs > euro?
>Europeans BTFO
>us wins again
Noted, thanks.
Orland-bro checking in. Stay safe anon. I have several bottles if whiskey from my home bar, dry powder for chimpouts... Now I wish I just had a gameboy or something.
It's going to kill thousands.
Dude Wal Mart is going to be a fucking hellhole. You should try somewhere off the beaten path like Walgreens. I went there and there was literally no line. Got food, water, candles and got out in 10 mins
Where should I go? Looks like most of the state could be fucked..
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Continuous and violent masturbation is a great way to spend time on your own.
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I don't mean to alarm you.

But am I the only one reminded of our lord and savior?

I got a really bad feeling Tampa is going to get REKT. Screencap this and let me be a wise man. Seriously I think we are going to all die.
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>KeK Wills It

I honestly can not understand why people would live in areas where shit like that happens so frequently.
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Im in miramar. Should i put up shutters this morning?
They just showed the latest forecast model on fox news and a cat 4 eye wall rapes almost the entire coast of florida...fuuuuuuu

As in the eye wall is 50/50 over land water up the entire coast. Worse case scenario right there.

Good luck anon, hopefully God grants you a speedy and quick recovery.
They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
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any tips guys? I'm thinking of just breaking into a school if shit hits the fan
Climb a tree so the floodwater won't catch you and drag you to your death.
Praise kek
that's not gonna do much when the wind knock you on your ass
Dude if you actually do live in Miami (being 100% serious right now) your survival is very slim. Drop everything and starting driving northwest you ducking retard.

t. Tampa bro
last minute rape spree?
>everybody in Miami is going to die

like 10 people are going to die in the entire state and it's going to be idiots who drive into floodwater
Hundreds will die
fuck man, where to? the only place I can think of is my friend's place in Daytona, and even then itsnot that fucking safe. I have supplies and armed but also I have a mom that can barely walk and an old ass cat. can't leave them behind.
just drive to Tampa and stay in a hotel
>drive to Tampa

pic related is most recent Navy model showing Tampa being swallowed and we're still 30 hours away
If you're not in a mandatory evacuation zone you will be fine
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Miami here. I'm bugging in!

God I feel like I am going to die. Clearwater here. Warning my dad and gf and no one is taking this serious.
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>mfw alligators are going for a meat party tonight
Better run for a hills. Believe me.
holy shit if people manage not to drown, they still have to survive looters, rapists, cops, national guard, disease, lack of food and water...and fucking alligator attacks!
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You forgot Zika
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