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/hrc/ Hillary Clinton General (Educated Voters Only)

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 443
Thread images: 243

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"Brexit happening in a foreign country, in a non-electoral system, doesn't invalidate polls, Trumptard" Edition,

Last thread: >>91686411

Congrats on the first successful Hillary general! Lets get the second moving.
>Trump supporters are welcome to try and disprove every credible indication that Drumpf is losing.

Latest Polls:
Clinton +2 in Ohio
Clinton +2 in N. Carolina
Trump +7 in Teeexxxxaaaas.
Clinton +13 in New Mexico
Trump +1 nationally according to inaccurate, landline heavy Rasmussen
Clinton +6 nationally according to usually accurate Reuters
Trump +4 nationally according to LOLATimes

>None of this matters, with CO and PA we automatically win

Current Electoral Map forecast:
Hillary: 317
Drumpf: 220

Current likelihood of victory:
>Hillary 76.2%
>Retard 23.8%
Donate to Hillary:

Hillary's reddit:

Motivational poll numbers (i.e. all of them):

Good website for laughing at delusionals:

Laugh at "Mr. Super Male Vitality" for staying up till 3 a.m. only to be punked:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-sVGIp6E9g [Embed]
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bump for madame Hillary.
Should note its the 3rd thread, not the 2nd. But whatever, celebration is over. Get used to Hillary Generals, Trumptards.
we will beat drumpf. he's mean think of children
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>look at me, fellow 4channers!!!
>she's t-t-totally winning, right...guys?
why are trump cucks so hostile? Is your circlejerk being messed with?
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Bump for the next President of these United States.
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>thinking anyone is mad about a CTR containment thread
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Nothing but Canadians and Self-Hating Americans here.
alright ladies, let's gameplan. what do we have:

1. trump is orange
2. trump is drumpf
3. trump is racist
4. trump is misogynist
5. trump hates all mexicans
6. trump hates all blacks
7. trump hates all women
8. trump has never paid a single employee ever
9. trump has never paid taxes ever
10. trump is xenophobic

why isn't quueen-slay-hilldog up by 50 pts you guys????
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As opposed to the regular, crippling autism /pol/ right
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Whats the excuse going to be after November. What's CTR then? White House employees?
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CTR has a new tactic it seems; nesting where Trump supporters congregate just to prod and trigger them.

We'll see if this works or if it backfires miserably.
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>This mad.
Yeah were there nervous ones.
Do you even know who Nate Silver is?
Trump is done shill. Deal with it.
Petite slut getting fucked in the arse by big black cock
>be Pence
>straight up lies about basic facts the entire night
>people still think you won
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Voting trump in PA, reporting
Wait, this isn't google
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>trump (((supporters)))
You mean unpaid shills
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There's just simply not enough uneducated white males to get Trump elected.
is that sally (((kohn)))
Looks who's talking the person actively supporting America's downfall.
Can somebody please tell me how i can delete this?
still living in trust-fund apts in brooklyn and la, still living off daddy, still being oppressed

CTR will be unemployed after the 8th regardless.

I'm not sure if you're implying that CTR isn't real, but it very much is. Clinton used to brag about them until they realized the bad optics of paying people to shill for you.
Threadly reminder that Hillary endorsed Trump.

lol your memes are shit. Go back to SA where all you shitters belong.
>supporting americas downfall.
Go buy more tinfoil you stupid fuck.
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nate silver is the guy who correctly predicted the winner of the gop primary, right?

oh wait...i forgot. that guy is absolute trash
Just gonna post this again.

>"The polls are skewed."
>"The polls don't show the silent majority."
>"Even though the polls say one thing, I believe the opposite."
>"Voter fraud is happening in a significant way."
>"Trump isn't a deeply flawed candidate."
>"Hillary's paid off the media."
>"The media hates Trump."
>"The only reason anyone online says they're voting for Hillary is because they were paid to."
>"There is literally no way a sane person wouldn't vote for Trump."
>"Trump is running because he's selfless."
>"Trump is just like us!"
>"Trump never lies."
>"Trump isn't racist, or even courting racist voters."
>"Hillary's sick."
>"Hillary is more dishonest than Trump."
>"I believe every negative thing I read about Hillary, regardless of validity, and ignore the rest."
>"Hillary will start WWIII"
>"Not being for Trump means you must be 100% on board with Hillary."
>"Trump isn't losing, he's just laying a trap and he'll come back at the last minute to win."
>"Hillary voters would vote for Trump IF ONLY THEY UNDERSTOOD"
>"Hillary is Bond-Villain level evil, because she has done a mountain of terrible stuff, and she got away with all of it! Only I know the REAL truth!"
>"I'm not a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist."

This is just a small collection of lies Trump supporters have to tell themselves every day. They have to put their fingers in their ears and shout "NONONONONO" to prevent actual information from getting in. They will still cry foul when Hillary beats Trump, even though the evidence of this trend has been available to anyone following the election, and it's not hard to see the likely outcome. They are so delusional that they think that Hillary actually means to maliciously destroy the United States, and that Trump wouldn't destroy it out of ineptitude or neglect. They ignore the fact that a candidate can be flawed, but still be the right choice.

It must be exhausting to be a Trump supporter and have to deal with this cognitive dissonance every day.
Based Hillary.
How can a woman be so based?
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Why do trump supporters get so angry at images like this?
Well it worked twice before, this is the third Hillary general thread in /pol/ history.
We educated voters just defy the delusional Trumptards around here.

Please help me, i don't want my mum to see this
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>i-is Trumped up Trickle down a meme yet??
No hes the guy who successfully predicted the presidential winner the last 3 times with an error margin of less than a percent.
You don't understand sarcasm, do you? It's not the same as all the times we have Trump on video saying Hillary was doing a great job and how much he liked her.
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And this
>Unironic Hillary Pepe

man I didn't know Hillary-Knights were this dumb.

At least the autism faggots will shut the fuck up or go away if enough anons call them a faggot. CTR Demcucks spam shitpost threads like this one relentlessly in a futile effort to derail the board, and will only go away on November 9.
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wait so he...WASN'T the guy who completely whiffed on the gop primary?

he WASN'T the guy who was WRONG about trump this entire time?

just wondering
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>worked twice before

Tell me when it works for the weeks to come.


So you admit you get paid to shill for Hillary?
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And here's a shocker: when he was wrong, he examined his methodology and learned from his mistake. You've never seen Trump do that, or even ADMIT to having been wrong.
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Trumped up trickle down was adorable. Better than
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Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!
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>this triggers the Hillbot

Just face it, you guys nominated the wrong candidate.

inb4 "muh vast right-wing conspiracy," "20+ years in the public eye," "Americans would never elect a socialist," etc.
queen-slay-hilldog is the hiring candidate! blumptf is the firing candidate!

which do you want? #imwithered
They're about to learn come November.
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Like when he was wrong about Michigan?
Creepy Kaine
Google 45th president right now. I dare you

Glad to see you finally caught on. Now the seeds are planted. Keep consuming our content, it'll speed up the change .
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I hope Clinton dies.
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Hey guys, I just got back from a rally. I got this great pic of me and my friends.
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Tracheotomy scar. He's obviously had serious breathing problems. He's probably allergic to all kinds of things and has barely-manageable asthma. This guy is MINUTES from death at any minute. I mean, I'm not a doctor, but I can definitely diagnose political candidates over the internet based on suspect evidence.
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karma's a bitch you cunt
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Bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia

Enemy of our nation
>trump is a guy who runs a poll-aggregate website now

i learn something every day.

but you're right. i'm sure trump has never, ever, in his life, ever learned a single thing. never made a single mistake.

he you fucking idiot he's admitted at least 3 times this election cycle where he has had missteps. what are you even getting at?

nate silver is trash
he was wrong before, and he's going to be wrong again.
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Oh, you mean the one where you can make your own map? Old hat, dude. Nobody falls for that.
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I'm pretty sure Hillary falling down is perfectly normal.

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So when Assange leaks the document linking Hillary to child rape and the murder of Seth Rich, what will you CTR folks do for work? I hear the military is recruiting nu-male cuck meat shields to defend Assad from ISIS under Trump's new plan to crush Muzzies.
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You are completely right, he completely underestimated how fucking batshit insane the GOP voter base is.
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Take these shitty ass fucking memes back to facebook
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>C+ pollster
>Not factored into RCP (or anyones) aggregates for a reason
The title said EDUCATED VOTERS ONLY, I know Drumpf supporters aren't literate but still.
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>hill shills still don't understand he's playing a character. they might never understand even the most basic thing about american politics
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Commencing dump so that you guys can have a good BTFO time on November 8th.
>motivational polls
>all of them
My seids
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In Her.gif
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Take it up the ass you filthy murdering dyke!
Your meme has the biggest hypocrisy i've ever seen.
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He also completely missed Michigan. He gave Hillary over 99 percent chance of victory. She lost.
They tried, but their party is deeply corrupt.

Its amusing to see them scoff at our sense of morality when they know they're the victims of a massive con job. At this point they HAVE to support hillary because of the sunken cost.

I love it
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Hey guy's, what's Trump doing with Bill the """rapist"""?!
Everyone laughs at clinton cunts
What's great is that no matter what you THINK is going to happen, Trump is still going to lose, and I know that because there is a wealth of data out there. You can say you "hope" we wins, but you can't say that right now it looks like he will. You just can't. So stop.
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>Rape is totally fine when Bill does it!
he is trash. he was dead wrong. admit it, nate. admit it.
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Hey guys, seriously. Stop posting mean things about Hillary. This is a supporter only thread. You guys are being rude.
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If he really had the documents why hasn't he released them yet?
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Lesbian? Hawt.
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Here's another one.

I don't understand why Democrats enjoy making everything harder for themselves. Are you guys all closet masochists?
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>this biased grading system totally is trustworthy you guys!

these polls where they oversample dems 45-30 is totally legit, though
Does this mean you're going to administer a literacy test?
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Defend this, blumpfkin.
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Did you just start following wikileaks this election or are you a big dumb idiot?
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She's got this in the bag. The Trumpsters are going to shit their diapers after she wins.
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Lol cmon man, krit mcclean?
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>you can't say it looks like he will win

She got a tiny bump from the debate and you guys are already declaring victory? We came back from being 14 down a month ago while being out spent 50 to 1. We're within the margin of error in every poll, even the polls that use 42% Democrats.
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guys i'm worried, i love hillary but we can't deny she has health issues, possibly really bad... anyone who denies this is obvious CTR... we have to be adults here...
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>being next to a criminal makes you a criminal

what about all those people whose hands bill clinton shook on the campaign trail. are they all criminals now, too? i went to a bill clinton speech once. am i one, too?

wew lad, you just went full retard
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your "educated voters only" thread discriminates against minorities you dumb edomite.
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Hey look it's Hypocrisy pepe, My favorite one of all.
And he wrote extensively about how and why he missed on it. In public. You know, for people to read. The guy has missed like, twice ever, over countless elections. You wish you were that good at your job.
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>no reply

Welp silence is golden.

Let's see if these paid shills can sustain Killary generals for more than a week round the clock.
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Bill Clinton is a rapist
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Drumpfsters are posting some pathetic outdated memes
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actually, right now, it looks like he will, according to the data.

i'm a hill supporter, but even i think trump's probably going to win
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Hillary voters have bullshit degrees. They're not educated.
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Don't let the media turn our precious alt-left mascot 'Pepe Shalom' to be taken by these Trumpers!
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>stealing memes and turning them into dogshit
>calling anyone else out for failing at memes

choose one CTR nigger
Time's running out. If it really did guarantee her getting arrested there'd be no need to wait so long.
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So you guys also worried about turnout? Her event turnout is do tiny. I'm afraid without more enthusiasm people won't want to stand in the long lines. These are millennials were talking about. Getting people to answer the phone and say "yeah I like Hillary" is one thing... but getting them out to vote is another.

I'm honestly losing sleep over this. I don't think Trump will have the same problem.
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He missed a state the last election too. He's openly advocating for Hillary. It's absurd to believe he's a calm-headed neutral party.

Trump supporter here

What data are you looking at exactly? Curious. All data supports Clinton has a lead.
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>Trump started the pepe memes
Trumpfster reddit migrants, everyone
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Holy shit these Hillary general threads are getting destroyed. It's funny as hell. They're all in denial.

This is what they think:

>she's rekting drumpf
>she's awesome love Hillary
>Putin is a racist
It doesn't look like he will. I don't know what "data" you're looking at. The gap between them has been slowly getting bigger since the debate (the one that mattered, not last night).
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>these Hillary general threads are getting destroyed

>"it's really happening in my mind!!"
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Guys, I'm a Hillary supporter in Virginia, but I'm starting to get worried. All I see are Trump signs and everyone I talk to is voting for Trump. Is it true that Hillary lost 6 billion dollars at the state department because she couldn't file the paperwork right?
>43 posters
>200 replies

pathetic hillbots, face it no one likes your shitty queen $hillary

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Democrats are really, really bad at reading the national mood. Especially when it conflicts with the policy priorities of their donor base.
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Hell yeah! Im all for showing proof that a person is fit to vote. DL should be the MINIMUM . A simple civics test and the ability to name all 50 state's capitals. Maybe a simple economics test? How many units of x need to be sold to reach break even?
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A state? OH MY FUCKING GOD Y'ALL HE'S SUCH A GODDAMNED HACK. He's "advocating" for Hillary only insofar as the data suggests she's winning, and he's needling people like you who won't admit what they see in front of them.
>Time's running out
It's October 6th you autist.

>If it really did guarantee her getting arrested there'd be no need to wait so long.

There was never any implication that his October Surprise would have anything that could get her thrown in Jail. Stop getting your news from CNN.
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>Hillary "flipping" most of the states you noted that are still red

Time to get back on your meds, you're imaging things that don't exist.

And, BTW, when will HillCunt fans actually create a meme that's original and doesn't steal what has already been done (Pepe) or just lick hairy asshole as with all your other garbage?

You definitely lost the meme wars, and soon, you'll lose the presidency. What a time to be alive.
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tfw catched the Hillarymania and it just wont stop

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Guys, I'm a Hillary supporter in Delaware, but I'm starting to get worried. All I see are Trump signs and everyone I talk to is voting for Trump. Is it true that Hillary deleted a bunch of emails after Congress subpoenaed them?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

DSM Criteria

A. A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
>check. "I know more about ISIS than our generals do."

2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
>check. "I alone can fix this country."

3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
>check. "I'll make China behave."

4. Requires excessive admiration.
>check. Do you even need a quote? Too many to pick from.

5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.
>check. "The [polls/election] is rigged." Expects no negative press.

6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.
>check. Is cool with illegal immigrants when they work for him, but now uses them as a scapegoat to help him get elected.

7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
>check. (in reference to the Khans' statements about their son re: Trump) "I think I've made a lot of sacrifices."

8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
>check. "Lindsey Graham is all over T.V., much like failed 47% candidate Mitt Romney. These nasty, angry, jealous failures have ZERO credibility!"

9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
>check. "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

He's not mentally sound.
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So trump supporters are ugly huh? I'm guessing you don't want her pussy then. Sorry Hillboy.
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You are cursed and admonished!
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No the IQ test will be this November.
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Feel better about yourself now? Beta.
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Look at the tweet. It's obvious that he's acting like a pundit again, which is what caused him to screw up the primary.
I'm in Phoenix and I just drove around my neighborhood and counted 9 Trump signs and only 1 Hillary sign. I thought they were supposed to be close?

I'm getting really worried that voter enthusiasm (or lack thereof) will ruin this for her. I don't want to live in a country with a racist president.
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This is the ((("""""""man""""""))) who really got the "trumptrain" going

Pure coincidence am i right?
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Yes, child rape and murder have nothing to do with getting her arrested. I'm sure her supporters would still vote for her even if that stuff did get revealed. The only thing stopping them is outright arrest.
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That will be all from your Dutch friend. We will make /pol/ and America great again together folks. These kiddos will BTFO so hard they will curse the world and question them selves why the world is so against them. Probably will make them permavirgins cause they will be insecure little fucks who will deny they ever supported Drumpf after November 8th.

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Spamming unfunny pics. If I didn't know better I'd say Trump is paying people off. But frankly, he has no money so thats obviously not the case.
>Roger Stone
So how did staying up till 3 a.m. to get punk'd, feel like?
>There's just simply not enough uneducated white males to get Trump elected.

Trump's doing worse than Romney did among whites

Turns out uneducated white males are an even smaller minority than brown people in the U.S.!

Idk. The only person voting for Hillary that I know is this lady with purple hair who walks around downtown with signs talking about how Trump us a Russian spy. Crazy old hag.
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Your memes fucking suck, stop embarrassing yourself and go back to your trump general containment threads
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That one Netherlands beta is so sad he can't get pussy wussy.
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Boy, this thread sure turned LOW ENERGY pretty quickly. Guess the Hillbots couldn't take the heat.
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Your scripts and memes are watered down emulations of real memes.

But glad the infection has taken hold. Soon you're going to have to accept FBI stats, and some of our ideas will begin to make sense. Welcome aboard!

You're here forever.

Even after you stop getting paid.
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She's an evil murdering cunt and someday soon she'll be in hell for all eternity, and so will everyone who supports her.
>not close to limit
Not for a while.
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Wew lads can you even fathom a scene as pathetic as this at a trump rally?

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So how far ahead is she? I'm out of vacation time and I don't want to take unpaid time off. Also knowing this election the polls will be mobbed.

I'll probably just tune in from work. All polls point to a Hillary landslide anyway.
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Why is chelsea so ugly?
Milo wants money and he gets it by appealing to ex-rebbitors who want to be libertarian on personal freedoms but not get raped to death by muslims

He's about the same as David Duke with him making money off of retarded stormfronters but milo has a wider audience
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>61 posts by this id
>225 replies

Will mods ban this CTR sperg already?
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Because Hubbard is an ugly bastard too.
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>spamming shit tier facebook memes that butthurt old ass veterans shitpost all day
>taking away our energy
Nice delusion you cuck
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I did look at it. He's making fun of you for ignoring facts.

Where did I imply that you retarded faggot?

Hillary CTR Pepes might be the most cancerous thing I've ever seen here. Because you desperate shills want to disrupt this place so badly, but you lack the subtle understanding required to subvert this board. You will never win this psychological fight, and most people here want nothing more than a hole through your skull for being such ruthlessly persistent cancerous cunts.

>posts antiHillary memes
>"CTR!!!! "

I'm not sure you know what that means...
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Its Webb you dip
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He's obviously talking about his desire for Hillary to be president and how he "unskews" polls to make it appear so.
>/should have already been hanged for treason/ General
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I'm Dutch and since I'm a beta cuck who can't get female trump pussy. I'm with her now. My penis is so tiny no girl would suck it.
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Don't worry about him, he's a retarded drumpf supporter
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>you flag will never be unknown
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Correct this record, you pathetic excuse for a political supporter.
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Say, I like your low effort shitpost about rapists.

I have one for you: Why did Donald Trump rape a 13 year old Jeffrey Epstein set him up with the same year that Ivanka was 13 years old?
Hillary a qt
Goodbye thread
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>using Nate Plutoniums projection because all the polls are within the margin of error
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At least put some effort into it
>one accusation


>17 accusations and settling out of court with a victim

Also your argument is literally

>But but but it's ok when Bill rapes people!

You can kill yourself now.
Im glad you acknowledge that pence is a better VP. It must have been hard to swallow that performance. I wish you luck, and hope you can come to terms when everything you have hoped for is lost. If trump wins, you're going to like his policies despite what you want to believe. If hillary wins she will disappoint you worse than obama did
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I am going to report every last one of your shill threads to the mods.

There is nothing you can do to change the pro-Trump opinion of this board. And no, fake shill defectors don't count. We know you're lying.

>anonymous lawsuit with the word of an anonymous witness filed a month before the election is totally legit, I promise
I gotta go to bed, dont have time to spam anti-HRC memes on a anti-HRC board to brainwash myself. Hillary General IV will be tomorrow.
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Why did Bill?
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Aww, Clinton Cunts.

You got your shit slapped again.

Why does this always happen to you?

When will you step up your game and stop being the laughing stock of this board?

This is always fun. Let's do it again often.
You have no idea what you're talking about. All you hear is "538 says I'm losing so Nate Silver's skewed." That tweet was clearly aimed at you, and it seems to have worked, because you took the bait. kek
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Yeah trump is racist and I can't get pussy since I'm a Beta. Hillary will destroy trump
Are shills technically shills if they were absolutely right, as you'll learn come November.
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Go for it.

This thread is yours brave Anon.
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Thank you for Trumping the record, BLTT
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>nate was just being ironic
Hillary Clinton convictions: 0

Thanks for playing.
I swear to g-d if you sons of bitches fuck up because you get to cocky and Trump actually wins, it will be the end of the political left in this country.

Fucking coming onto a sight like this and being this autistically overconfident. Hillary Clinton is the trip at the finish line queen, and there is still plenty of time for her to do it.
Clinton Cunts lose again.

Looks fun. Never had any?
His ex-wife testified he raped her, so that's another accusation as well.
Trump's got three accusations altogether. With far more evidence than Drudge Report quality reporting: "Random mullato is Bill Clinton's son!"
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She can't even use the word "Obamacare" despite it being a version of Hillarycare she got shut down on back in '92. Same program her own husband (who is a rapist) recently mocked.

Running on same platform as Obongo but is championing some "change" that shouldn't be necessary since America is already great (or something).

Clinton Foundation is an obvious money laundering operation that would have anyone else jailed or executed.

Is completely owned by lobbyists, foreign interests hostile to US interests, anti-American social interests, and fringe lunatics.

Evades judicial processes that would have any other private citizen in jail and facing massive legal and financial issues to fight. Has benefitted from decades of corruption with DNC and congressional elites.

Has obvious health issues that MSM is covering up.

Does not take questions that are not pre-scripted or softball. Does not appear in public, and never for more than a few minutes.

Sec of State security issues and flaunting of classified handling procedures. Complete disregard for National Security, refuses to take responsibility and laughs off what is absolutely not a laughing matter.

You Hillary voters have got to wake up and see what kind of monster you are trying to put on the throne.
Great initiative, I don't know which one of you CTR interns have come up with it but I second this. 4chan needs an HRC general, it's never too early to pose as the next counter-culture.

Oh and Hillary will lose. You guys have no clue about how to read polls and all the evidence points towards abysmal internals that put Hillary on double meds, her campaign on suicide watch and you CTR kiddos close to nervous breakdown having to work overtime.


PS: is David Brock really a pedophile or is it just a hoax?
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cmon CTR come out and play :3
>It's ok if she gets away with it

Literally the mindset of the evil clinton cunt.

They'll excuse anything. Rape, murder, corruption. They simply don't care because they're completely and totally evil.

It's ok. Someday soon you'll be in hell with your evil queen.
>Just face it, you guys nominated the wrong candidate.
>inb4 "muh vast right-wing conspiracy," "20+ years in the public eye," "Americans would never elect a socialist," etc.

Because Bernie was never vetted, doesn't mean he's not a terrible candidate. There's no way a babbling left wing demagogue with a one-dimensional economic view and only millennials behind him would beat a mean right wing demagogue with his army of right wing trolls.

Trump would never give Bernie the soft, white glove treatment Clinton spoiled him with.
Thanks anon! Keep Hillary Generals alive. Your pathetic attempts to sage the last two didn't work out.
>This is a new era of Hillary threads
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His ex wife took back the allegation.

Which one are you?
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This Pepe symbolizes the utter failure of your efforts to sway this board in your favor. Wojak the Shill is helpless against PooPoo Pepe's stream of shitposts and memes represented as excrement.
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Trump fans hate autistics like ourselves. We have superpowers and they don't. That's what makes us HRC supporters special.
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>doesn't keno s what saging is

>Bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia
>Enemy of our nation

Says the cult follower of Putin's bitch!
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Super powers indeed.
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Shilling for a company liberals hate. KEK
Stop staying up fellow beta and go to sleep. Mommy is going to let us watch Barney and eat chicken nuggets tomorrow. Well be in our PJs and everything.
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Not wanting war with the world's second largest nuclear power doesn't make you a bitch. Picking a fight with them to score political points, risking nuclear war does.
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that's a comrade bernie supporter you posted tho

we all know trump supporters are such alpha males they make young women pant with their mere presence

as seen here >>91693631
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has there ever been a cringier meme than hillary pepes???
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>She can't even use the word "Obamacare" despite it being a version of Hillarycare she got shut down on back in '92
Stopped reading. You can't even get the facts right from the start. I'm not reading bullshit where even the intro is Politifact Pants on Fire.

Hillarycare was single payer. Obamacare was the Republican alternative to single-payer, i.e. force people to buy private insurance. If you don't know that, then I dont know what to tell you, faggot.
Oh, no, I didn't weigh in on the VP debate, but since you asked, I think Pence did a little better of a job than Kaine, but not enough to say that one is a better or worse candidate. Historically, VP debates make no measurable difference, even when one side rips the other to shreds. There is no reason to assume this one will be any different, and you can't claim that you know it will be because you don't have any special information the rest of us don't. It COULD be different, sure, but there is no reason to think it will. the real test will be next week when we get a new round of polling data.
>Take these shitty ass fucking memes back to facebook

Dude, your lady frog meme sucks. Please get rid of it. Not sure what you're trying to do with it but it's embarrassing.
Ok that's one... Got any more? No?
Oh ok then. Well, you have one frenchie.
Oh look the tumblr idiots making a containment thread for themselves.. How nice.
Comfy looking store

>VP debates don't even really matter

Why don't you just admit he won and stop playing this game. We all saw what happened. Kaine was a creepy old, balding guy and Pence was comfy.
Trump memes
It's actually a comparison, i assume that Bernie woman is now for Hillary or maybe Jill. Judging by the feminist like face most likely Hillary.
>has there ever been a cringier meme than hillary pepes???

I think they think it's cool. It's embarrassing.
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Damnit brother go to sleep I want to watch Barney and support Hillary and eat chicken nuggets.

>implying our memes aren't so good that your candidate has to make a speech attacking them

You'll never hear Trump or the media talk about Clinton memes because they're too lame.
Oh my god. If she's guilty of all of that and still got away with every single thing, she's a Bond Villain. People like that don't exist. You give her too much credit. Besides, if she's really that good, why hasn't she had Trump "eliminated" by now?
"A version". They are both Socialized Medicine. Maybe keep reading.

"faggot". Very enlightened of you, lefty. Name-calling and offensive to the LGBT crowd.
Kinda disappiinted they haven't made a new thread for us to shit up, i was having fun lads

How many scandals like that does Obama have? Bush? Reagan?

It's not normal to be accused of rape 17 times. Something is fundamentally wrong. You would think after like the 12th time or so Hillary would stop attacking the victims.
It's not going to work anon. This thread will be bumped higher than Trump's, just get over it and accept the new reality.
>Educated Voters Only
Don't you think it's a bit racist to exclude all the niggers and spics? That's like half your voter base.
Shills are subversive agents who push a third party's agenda for pay or favor. The thing that you do. That is a shill.
Fine. That's what happened. Still won't make a lick of difference. The only time a VP debate made any difference at all was when Sarah Goddamn Palin was in one, and we all know she's a shit show. I don't care hat you think Kaine did, he didn't Palin himself, and you know it.
I think that after losing the debate last night they regrouped and decided they would try to co-opt the board instead of concern shilling in our general.
Just use CTR tactics--flood the board and get it pruned.
>>one accusation
>>17 accusations and settling out of court with a victim
>Also your argument is literally
>>But but but it's ok when Bill rapes people!
>You can kill yourself now.

17 false accusations against a known ladies' man.

But raping a child is okay with you because it's all numbers!!

Let's not forget that fatass had to (1) pay his wife $250K per child and (2) rape his own wife.

Bill had woman running after him. Drumpf would never have any at all if he weren't born rich.

No independent walked away with a favorable opinion of Kaine. In an election where Clinton suffers from the biggest enthusiasm gap since Goldwater, that's going to hurt her.
>partaking in private insurance
>"socialized medicine"
>Socialism: Government seizies means of production
>Private companies
>Dispensing insurance
>Which you must have, like car insurance, or pay a fine
Yeah, no, fag.
And the mujahiroun. They'll all be voting for you too. Based blacks and mexican americans vote Trump. All the niggers and spics vote Hillary. Pure coincidence?
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
And Hillary's been cleared of wrongdoing. Still good enough dirt to keep Trump down.
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>lady's men have to rape

OK bud.

>an anonymous lawsuit supported only by an anonymous affidavit, filed a month before the election is a laughable smear attempt
Its like when little kids act arrogant after you play along with a ruse to let them win. Its irritating but sweet
Wait, has she been accused of rape before? Oh, right, that was BILL. Is he running for president? It's hilarious that this is the first time you've ever had to act like you care about women "crying rape," because it fits your narrative.

Did Bill do some shit? Yeah, probably, but we don't have any real proof. I'm not totally cool with that, but he's also not running for office.
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>the FBI director calling you extremely careless with highly classified documents is being "cleared"

Cool story.
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This PeePee Pepe symbolizes how the shills on /pol/ get BTFO by our shitposing.
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>Kaine won CNN focus group
>VP debate how low viewership
> Pro-Pence groups admitted it didnt change their vote
>Coming right off of Trump shooting himself for everyone to see at the 1st widely watched Presidential

It's really not.
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No, Hillary just wages smear campaigns against Bill's victims and tries to silence them. I guess that makes her better?

Hillary has said that Bill will play an active role in the White house. The Clintons have always billed themselves as a two-for-one package. It's absurd to say bill is off limits.
>think of children
Says the babykiller
>left-wing demagogue

That's funny, the other day I heard a Hillbot repeating the talking point that Clinton and Sanders agree on 93% of issues, as an argument against voting for a third party or not voting at all.

So which is it? Is he a radical fringe element who represents a threat to liberal democracy, or a reliable ally of the Clinton campaign who helped author the "most progressive platform in history"? You can't have it both ways.
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Screencapped for the Hillary victory collage.
all this does is prove how childish trumpkins are and solidifies my support in madam clinton.
>You have no idea what you're talking about. All you hear is "538 says I'm losing so Nate Silver's skewed." That tweet was clearly aimed at you, and it seems to have worked, because you took the bait. kek

Didn't you know? Polls suck unless Drumpf is wining!

Drumpfcucks get their truth of the day tweeted to them, because it changes every day and they have to follow their narcissistic delusional master's reality as it changes from day to day.
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The VP debate had 45 million viewers.

Kaine could have came out and aborted a fetus on TV and he would have won the CNN "focus group."
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>Trump lost the first debate

still don't get this meme, and CNN, NYT, and 538 repeating it doesn't make it true. It was a draw, both had some good and bad moments, and the moderator was an obvious biased faggot.
I'm of the opinion that both VP candidates are bland, boring, old white dudes who were picked because they're bland, boring, old white dudes. The presidential candidates are both so polarizing and disliked that this campaign is not about the VPs at all. Remember that Hillary would have the lowest favorability rating of any presidential candidate in history, if it weren't for Trump. This is a referendum on those two wholly disliked candidates. Nobody, independent or otherwise, walked away from that VP debate saying "well, I was really on the fence about Trump, but Pence really sealed the deal for me." Nobody said that about Hillary/Kaine, either.
>Oh my god. If she's guilty of all of that and still got away with every single thing, she's a Bond Villain. People like that don't exist. You give her too much credit. Besides, if she's really that good, why hasn't she had Trump "eliminated" by now?

She's using Trump's brilliant strategy and put Trump in charge of his own presidential campaign so that he can crash and burn it, and run that into the ground like he's done with half his business projects.
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instead a fucking shrivelled old murderous woman puppeteered by satan himself, what a shame

CNN's scientific polls had a 48/42 win for Pence. Nothing like the 61/ 30 something win for HRC. It'll do nothing.
Nah, i do have special knowledge. Ive been through many elections before and seen the marketing.

Trump isnt half as right wing as he pretends to be. He's a socially liberal centrist who learned from Vince how to put on a show.

Hillary is a neocon who is playing a much bigger game, where you and i are valueless pawns.

Neither would keep their promises.
Trump promises a wall that will never get built.

Hillary is promising equality and peace

Which promise is more harmful when its broken?

In your heart i know you mean well, but you are supporting a monster with the means and connections in high places to ruin us all
Again with the fag thing. Sad.

United Healthcare lobbyists wrote the majority of the bill. This happens with all major legislation -- the "private" companies tell Congress what they want, the right pockets get stuffed, kickbacks and contracts awarded, legislation favorable to their interests is created, and everybody gets paid.

Technically you are right, but it is so agonizingly obvious that the system is more of a corporate fascism than anything else. Bottom line is, the COSTS ARE SOCIALIZED. Money is stolen from me at gunpoint to pay for other people's healthcare. That is Socialzed Medicine.

Stop arguing finicky legalisms and address the points. Without namecalling -- completely undercuts any argument you might have. I would expect "educated" people to know that.

Them being disliked is the very reason that this debate was so important. If someone were to dislike both candidates fairly equally then them liking the VP could nudge them one way.

>CNN scientific polls

The polls that oversample Democrats and undersample independents for no explicit reason?
>>an anonymous lawsuit supported only by an anonymous affidavit, filed a month before the election is a laughable smear attempt

"Anonymous". You don't know how Jane Doe lawsuits work. And this has been in and out of the legal system for a long time, dude.

This is the real deal. Trump had Epstein set him up with a 13 year old like Ivanka in 1994 and raped that child. And like all of other of Trump's crimes and ripoffs, you're okay with it because you're a dumbcuck sucking his white male supremacy icon dick.

You should all be ashamed of the hollow nothings that supporting this socipathic freak makes you.
Or he never wanted to win in the first place. I think he thought he'd get some attention for his TV show, but when he spouted off some racist shit and the network dropped him, he had to commit or get hung out to dry like a dumbass. He's spending a lot less money than he's taking in, and I wonder if he's not just going to keep it to cover this poor marketing ploy.
She has the DOJ and FBI in her pocket. They sre shitting themselves hoping she wins because they've already crossed the line not convicting her.

All else aside, you know she is guilty of the destruction of classified files and mishandling sensitive info. By all the precedents set for everyone before her she should stand trial.

But her bid for the Whitehouse has them afraid to see justice done
If someone actually disliked both candidates equally, they're voting for a 3rd party or sitting out. The VPs are connected, to their own detriment, to their running mates.

Please tell me how Jane Doe lawsuits work and why a 37 year old women is just now accusing Trump months before the election.

This is the same lawsuit that got dismissed in California because they used a bogus address.

Give me some evidence that can be scrutinized and I'll lend the suit some credibility. Allegations that can't be scrutinized have no credibility in our justice system.
Man, its good to know that got under your skin. Thanks! I appreciate good feedback
>That's funny, the other day I heard a Hillbot repeating the talking point that Clinton and Sanders agree on 93% of issues, as an argument against voting for a third party or not voting at all.
>So which is it? Is he a radical fringe element who represents a threat to liberal democracy, or a reliable ally of the Clinton campaign who helped author the "most progressive platform in history"? You can't have it both ways.

Dude, it's not the issues they negotiated out together. Sanders is a fucking flop. In 25 years in Congress he accomplished virtually nothing. Nobody likes him and no one wants to work with him on anything. Practically no one out of hundreds of his colleagues in Congress would endorse him for executive. The guy's a hardliner ideologue out on his purist limb constantly undermining other people.

Only millennial children with no clue saw anything in him. Newspapers weren't ignoring him because of some conspiracy. It's because the only people who didn't realize he was an asshole loser was his brainwashed kiddie base.

It's beyond pathetic that some people like you got so far gone that you're still trying to troll other people with Bernie, in the belief he's not a steaming pile of shit as a candidate.
I would have been happy with either.

Hill shills dont really understand what we are against. We are against what she is.
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>She has the DOJ and FBI in her pocket. They sre shitting themselves hoping she wins because they've already crossed the line not convicting her.

Jesus, if she's so fucking powerful as your delusional conspiracy theory makes her out to be, she's a far better presidential candidate than your serial bankrupt deadbeat who would have 10x the money he has today if he had just stuck his inheritance in a mutual fund instead of flailing around with massive business failures in boom years.

>Sanders deserved to have a rigged sysyem because the establishment didn't like him

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. The people pick the candidate, not the DNC. The minute the DNC started attacking Sanders and putting its Crooked thumb on the scale, the election was invalid.
Every candidate since forever has promised peace. Even in the middle of war, they promise peace. I know enough not to fall for that. But I also know that one candidate has no idea what he's getting into, and through his own ineptitude and ego, will cause much bigger problems than someone who knows what the fuck she's doing and will take the job seriously, but her friends might get some kickbacks along the way.

I don't like either candidate, but I see one as far more dangerous than the other. "Devil you know," etc.

Trump didn't inherit anything until he was already a billion. He split 200m three ways with his siblings. Go cry about it. He build a large multi billion dollar corporation and you're getting paid minimum wage to shill for the establishments candidate.
I dont disagree that she's more influential. I dont want that. Know who else had the same style of politics Hillary uses? Nixon.

In every imaginable way her actions reflect the Nixonian pragmatism and ruthless disregard for the law and morality.

Its a powerful strategy, and one i find repugnant.
>Please tell me how Jane Doe lawsuits work and why a 37 year old women is just now accusing Trump months before the election.
>This is the same lawsuit that got dismissed in California because they used a bogus address.
>Give me some evidence that can be scrutinized and I'll lend the suit some credibility. Allegations that can't be scrutinized have no credibility in our justice system.

Firstly, dumbass, they're not "anonymous". The name is just withheld from the public. The address wasn't "bogus", she just couldn't be served at it. The "evidence that can be scrutinized" is supporting witnesses.

Not to mention all the Jeffrey Epstein records supporting his interactions with Donald Trump at the time.

So next time you're stupidly posting your made-up stories about Bill Clinton, remember that you're a piece of shit for supporting the real rapist -- a child rapist-- and not just some guy who dumped a woman after fucking her when she was expecting a romantic political affair.

>voting for the candidate who screwed up the middle east and Honduras is a safe bet

OK buddy.
You certainly do make her out to be the smartest person ever to run for office. But in reality, she's no more corrupt than your average politician. You just see it on TV more often because she's had to contend with people out to get her as long as she's been in the public eye, and those people have thrown everything they have at her. I'm not saying she's squaky clean, but she's not the monster y'all make her out to be. And she's smarter and more qualified than Trump by a mile.

The name isn't withheld from the public, that would mean it is SEALED. It was filed anonymously, as were the affidavits. There's no evidence at all.

The case history is such that its abundantly obvious that their intent is to stall the suit until after the elections.

As for Epsteins records. I'm not sure you want to talk about those as they severely implicate Bill Clinton.
Glad you can admit the ugly truth about the facade of liberal politics . Ill respect your opinion if we are going to take it to this level.

I see another way, but it wont sway your conservative view of how politics have to be played

And the case got tossed in California because she filed it under a fake name and address.

Since your knowledge of the case is so vast, can you explain why they failed to file a Certificate of Service with the initial complaint?
>Voting for the candidate that didn't screw up the Middle East because he has zero political or foreign policy experience and can't find Honduras on a map is a safe bet

OK buddy.
>Trump didn't inherit anything until he was already a billion. He split 200m three ways with his siblings. Go cry about it. He build a large multi billion dollar corporation and you're getting paid minimum wage to shill for the establishments candidate.

Firstly, he probably doesn't have a billion. A lot of people are saying he doesn't. Hiding that info is the only reason he could possibly have left for continuing to hide his tax returns.

Secondly, he got starter money from his father to start his businesses and was started in every way by his father.

Thirdly, everyone else who has started with as much as he has and with the connections he had (i.e. social elites insiders) have made waaay more than he did. And that's not counting new tech billionaires, but the old style industrialists.

Fourthy, the people who have done better than Trump didn't resort to wage theft, scams, bankruptcies, frauds and stealing goods and services from small businesses as was his established practice.

>le billionaire businessman is really a moron who can't negotiate meme
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Saying someone won a debate is just propaganda, the people saying that have always decided before the debate even happened.

The debates are hardly even debates this time. They're just insult slinging contests.

I think Hillary would be better than trump, but honestly speaking, I highly doubt either of them will be effective leaders. I honestly think 80% of Hillary supporters are just anti-trump. I know that's what I am.
>I dont disagree that she's more influential. I dont want that. Know who else had the same style of politics Hillary uses? Nixon.

You know jack shit about politics. The only Nixon in the room is Trump and there are plenty of political analysts who have explained why. Those would not be the same analysts who say he's Benito Mussolini. And Sanders is just a loser.
It's not "liberal" or "conservative." It's just "politics." Both sides cheat and make some rules up as they go. I think it's just that in the last few years, because of social media and access to information, we're just seeing how the sausage is made.
Just a bunch of CTR in here samefagging eachother? No thx.

He has a billion. Forbes and Bloomberg both put his value between 3.5-4.5 billion. He got a million dollar loan from his father and starred his own company. Cry harder.

>people who started out with same amount made more money

Like who? Most people squander loans and inheritances. The old saying is rags to rags in three generations is very true.
Is he okay?!
>le business sense is the same as global political theory meme
I make her out to be the wife of a former president and secretary of state. No, she is not that smart. But the level of involvement she had with every part of the goverment and international corporations and banks has left her open to act as a conduit for corruption. Its the way Clintons operate. They sre facilitators. Drugs, money, power, and frankly immoral ego and greed.

Glad you are so practical that you want to support that power structure so long as you get your meager cut, in the form of possible safety and i doubt you will get that
>Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. The people pick the candidate, not the DNC. The minute the DNC started attacking Sanders and putting its Crooked thumb on the scale, the election was invalid.

You're still shitting out that old DNC story that no one but you losers against Hillary believes. It's like a bunch of retards had sex with a bunch of AM radio hacks and gave birth to a crop of millennial Rush Limbaugh drama queens.

>deleting 33k emails after you get a Congressional Subpoena is better than deleting 8 minute of tape

OK bud. The only difference is that one had the decency to step aside.

I'm gonna take the high road here and assume you don't speak English well or something. She was insulting him.

The DNC emails prove without a doubt that's what happened.

Why won't you respond about the bullshit rape case?

>insulting him for picking the VP who blew Kaine out of the water last night
>As for Epsteins records. I'm not sure you want to talk about those as they severely implicate Bill Clinton.

Aaand you're still a piece of shit for suggesting that dragging Bill Clinton's association with Epstein is a good reason to ignore Trump's child rape. See, this is how political whores who have no self-respect as men talk. Thanks for revealing what lack of anything you stand for, when you made that comment.
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