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Hurricane General - Matthew x Nicole Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 107

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"I LIVE IN X AM I FUCKED?" or "WILL I BE OKAY?" anons, please check your area's warnings using this link:
Even if you can't navigate it well enough please try first so the thread doesn't reach bump limit too quickly.

>Maps and Information (NOAA, updates automatically now.)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.shtml?5-daynl#contents
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?tswind120#contents
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

>Additional Insights
-Now extremely likely to make landfall somewhere between Boca Raton and Titusville.
-Likely to strengthen to Category 4 after passing through the bahamas, though has weakened since the last Hurricane General.
-Reminder that hotels are getting sold out all across Tampa and St. Pete. It'd be wise to check hotels more north of Tampa for the best possibility of securing a room if you're evacuating.

>Live Cams (NEW)
Florida Beach Cams: http://www.mybeachcams.com/florida/southeast-keys/
Nassau, Bahamas Cam: http://www.portnassauwebcam.com/
Public Highway Cams: http://www.sigalert.com/Map.asp?lat=28.52839&lon=-81.2033&z=0

>Information for any anons that create a new Hurricane General in the coming days:
Please include all of this information so it stays organized, I don't want these threads becoming just straight up meme threads.
First for 321.
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DAK 16.10.16

This storm isn't gonna do anything noteworthy. I hope I'm wrong...
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/plaza/brah checking in, ready to die.
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Am i already dead?
ehhhhhhh you might be fine
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You flordians may have good chicken but you'll never have winds of 200 MPH+

>pic related
>right next to I-4
you're already dead.
Will it be a cat 3 or 4 when it touches in Florida?
Unless you live in haiti or some shit you should be fine. So much hype about this shit.
You live right next to my uncle and aunt. I hope you aren't dead.
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I live in X, am I fucked?
It undergoing eyewall replacement, expect 130+ speeds in the next 4-6 hours.
Palm Beach County 561 Checking in.

Boarded up and ready to go.


currently cat 3 but many predictions show it hitting cat 4 right before it hits, though 140 or so MPH, not quite on the side of cat 5.
add these twitter accounts to the OP:
miscellaneous collection :^)
Forecasts say a 4.
The assumption is that it touches land as a category 4.

Kek repeatedly denies catastrophe.

If doubles, florida will get comfy storms and nothing more.
Dumb leaf poster
You're probably far enough from the coast to be ok. Definitely put up storm shutters to protect your windows from debris if you have them. And maybe put your electronic stuff in waterproof plastic bins.
sounds good so long as it doesn't exceed link or character limit, if it does I'll post it in the immediate post right after.

Yes. Also, you misspelled cucked.
Probably not so much in (((Boca)))
Adding these to my shitposting twitter, thanks
New video up on Tropical Tidbits
I'm sorry, bad taste in humour.

>humor, sorry
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Jax checking in. Getting my tub filled & poop bucket ready.
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The Nassau cam is giving me a severe case of comfy
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just fuck my shit up. never did get my roof fixed after tropical storm fay slightly fucked it up 6 years ago, either.
Shit man that hasn't happened since Hurricane Frances in 04, but even that was like a cat 2

Shit should get interesting on Friday

It's been like 10 years since a major hurricane hit America. We have serious hurricane blue balls.
Fujiwhara Effect

Good luck Florida!!
RIP anon
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sure, idc. there are a few other ones but keeping them for myself for this reason ^__^
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Boca is like 90% Jews and FAU. But there is a hood there.

Riveara is going to be a war zone.

Katrina status.

One of the most violent, unpredictable sub species of the American Nigger.

>tfw no publix
>What is hurricane Sandy
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Daily reminder that the best storm party food is here for those bugging out to Orlando and Tampa
>not affiliated just addicted
There was Wilma, which gave us a power outage for 2 weeks straight back in '05, and even that was only CAT 3.
You should buy cat litter for a dry toilet, it actually works and helps it not stink as much.
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100% fugged
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Will North Carolina be affected at all ?

I have a friend there.
>tfw no qt to snuggle with during a comfy storm

I'm m Jacksonville though so I'll probably be dead by next week.
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Any comfy youtube feeds to listen in on?
Sandy was barely a category 1 when it made landfall

we just went through the longest period on record without a major hurricane making landfall in the US.

Major being Cat 3 or higher

Not YouTube, but here you go.
FAU fag here I wish you luck Florida bro
>live in NJ
>was getting excited about the hurricane
>turns out it's just going to turn out into the ocean
>so much for anything exciting happening in my life
tfw the police drive by
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Fuck I'm retarded.

Some nice waves in Florida followed by New Yorkers going into a panic over rain?
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Don't hit Florida Mr. Hurricane. Trump lives there.
yes but it should be much weaker by the time it hits north carolina
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fuck that shit IM FLORIDAMAN BITCH
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Should I evacuate? Am I dead?
Yeah I guess so, I always forget about that. Maybe my mind automatically assigns the hood to Deerfield. Stand your ground, anon.
Stop memeing to me to death guys. Florida will be fine
I hope Hulk Hogan is having a hurricane party in Tampa.
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Had to hit 4 places before I found gasoline
in America
real SHTF will be extremely painful
Publix was a madhouse, bought snacks at Walgreens instead.
ayy FAU fag here as well
I live near the Jupiter campus so I'm definitely fucked

streams anybody?
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Goodluck anon.

Thanks anon. have a skelly
Just make it a sticky already MODS
>relying on gas during SHTF

Just shoot and siphon nigga.
I just mean I don't have a serious twitter so I'm using my nazi frog one to follow them, I'm not planning on trolling them (unless they are jews)
This is the most concerning part. How mobbed all the stores were. We're really really fucked say electricity was out for 2 weeks. I don't think this storm will be that bad but this whole situation rly makes me think

I would be your friend, but you are most likely a smelly nEEt
guys I'm in Montreal will I be okay?
what do you mean nothing exciting?! you just had that train thing! that looked pretty exciting
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will the only city on the coast that matters be okay?
I wish you luck god knows are Football team can't lose any more fans
Driving home tonight every station was out of gas. I thankfully filled up earlier in the week.

Glad you got some snacks. What did you get?
no, better go ahead and kill yourself so as to save yourself the pain
I thought I had to make it to work tomorrow but its cancelled.
Full tank is good to have.
Same to you

But I live by white people so, it most likely wont be a problem. We got a shit ton of illegals around here tho.
Are we going to get hit hard? Anyone have info for Jacksonville?
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of course anon. i didnt know people actually lived there. get out now
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Who here /comfy/ on the west coast of FL?
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Florida is kill
95 and Yamato. 2 miles from the coast. South West Palm Beach. Fucked or kinda fucked?
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Anyone else here /prepared/?
o-ok th-thanks
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So, you think I will be ok?
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>mfw live here
>riots at Walmart
>pro surfer and FL native

everyone but me is fucked
>that pic
>Don't talk to me or my son's hurricane ever again
Mixed nuts and cashews
pizza combos
Some granola bars for breakfasts
Diet soda-cheaper and more plentiful than water.
St.Petersburg here. Pretty fucking comfy desu senpai. Under a tropical storm watch since the storm shifted eastward. We get thunderstorm on the daily which are worse. Only legitimate concern will be flooding. City fucking floods like no body's business.
just a wee bit o rain lad youll be fine
Fucked Boca is flood heaven
It was interesting but I just don't get too excited about happenings that don't affect me personally at all. I really wanted some rain and wind.
5 PM forecast showed the storm basically being on land in Jax, but now it's showing it steer off to the east near there, probably still gonna be bad though.
Jax here. Maybe, maybe not. There's models showing it shifting to the east more just after Daytona. Then there's some that has it fucking our shit up.
Do you have snacks?
I'm fucked

>MIAMI – The Coast Guard has set Port Condition Zulu north of the Seven Mile Bridge in Key West on Wednesday due to the expectation of sustained gale force winds generated by Hurricane Matthew that may arrive within 12 hours.
Capt. Jeffrey A. Janszen, the Captain of the Port of Key West has set Hurricane Port Condition Zulu which sets a safety zone for the port . >No vessels may enter or transit within this safety zone without the permission of the COTP. All vessel movements are prohibited and all ship-to-shore operations must cease.
>Pleasure craft are advised to seek safe harbor. The Snake Creek Bridge is scheduled to be locked in the down position 6 a.m.-11:59 p.m. >Thursday; drawbridges will not be operable for boat traffic if sustained winds reach 25 mph or when an evacuation is in progress.
>Port facilities are advised to review their heavy weather plans and take all necessary precautions to adequately prepare for the expected conditions. Mariners can view the latest port updates on the Coast Guard’s Homeport site.
>The Coast Guard is warning the public of these important safety messages:
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ur fish food m8
i was on the nj tranist train that went over the bomb assuming since it was placed below tracks around 730-8pm, wasn't anything special.
my yard is already flooding
i'm so fucked
Thats because kek lives in florida ;)
where is that at ?
Good choices. Got some nutrition in there. I hope your internet stays on m8, good luck.
This is my first hurricane. Do looters exist in boca? Any crime?

Is that a South of the Border reference?
>In Publix yesterday
>Buying non-perishable tendies for the hurricane
>Chumps buying bottled water everywhere
>Went back today for a sub
>They're out of big bottles of water so the late chumps are resorting to buying like 20 individual bottles of water

You idiots do realize the hurricane hasn't hit yet and the water from your sink is still safe to drink right? Just make sure you filter the estrogen out.
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Right south of where 441 and Glades meet is the a shitty trailer park ghetto, its on sandlefoot road and I do not feel sorry for all the hookers and heroine addicts that live there. LET THE WINDS OF KEK BLOW AWAY THE DEGENERATES
Bahamas, currently where the hurricane is picking up.
I distinctly see a face there. Thanks, brain.

>a wide eyed old man looking to the east at about 20 degrees.
Diet soda is an excellent idea for hydration
>tfw diuretic
Nassau, a popular cruise destination island in the northern area of the Bahamas.
Just stay away from 20th and 13th. if nigs gonna nog thats where
this synchronism makes my head splode
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Dear Americans.

Does your environment hate you as much the world does?

Also please share with us pictures of your preparations and gear.

T. future Alaskan.
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NWS warning map lighting up like a christmas tree
mfw Kek blessed my comfy snacks
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Hunkered down. Still pretty sure I'm fucked
get out of florida anons
24 hours before shtf and you guys have been at it for 3 days. go to bed. christ.
Yoooo. Is that the one on town center and orange?

I went in there like 4 nights a week before I moved.
I hope you bought some Alex Jones official Infowars water filters anon
Caffeine is a diuretic, yes
Suck a dick little bitch
Nassau, on the Island just Northeast of the largest landmass of the Bahamas
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Got this and 500 rounds for when the nigs come knockin'
I welcome our fucking retarded amount of natural disasters. It keeps you on your toes. I don't think Alaska experiences much on the ways of disasters except for earthquakes.
trailer mad
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I hope people i know and love will be safe.

Please kek, save them.
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I just wanna say I hope Hillary wins, so this board can go insane

Wew...a brand-new-never-been-fired rifle. Hope it works and hope you know how to shoot and operate that gun.
reminds me of when some old guy that lived next door from us in Port St John gave my dad a mossberg 500 and a box of rounds for free before Charley hit so that if it destroys the town we could fend off hoarders, though Port St John was 94% white at the time. Only had maybe 2 black kids per grade at my elementary school compared to several hundred whites per grade.
oy vey wpb kike
Why would we go insane? We're hoping they both win.
>all these floridacucks panicking so hard

top fucking kek

LOL U mad tho.
the jews are in Boca, smart ass
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hoo boy yer fucked
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Who /comfyinTampa/ here?
>implying the board won't go insane either way
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At the time of the picture never fired. Put 100 rounds through of brass .223, steel .223, and the same for 5.56 and all is well.

If that one fails I'll have a back up.
>tornados dont exist in hurricanes
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I bet you're one of those motherfuckers sitting at the cumberland farms everynight smoking crack. PERISH IN THE WINDS OF DAMNATION
packing my shit up right now and getting ready to drive through the night. Good luck guys you're going to need it.
Florida is Trump Country.
>implying their 'ard Florida natives and not retard northern snowbirds
kek has looked you over and found you wanting
This site saves my fucking life
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You won't need a roof where you're going
>first major (cat 3+) hurricane in 10 years for the US
>going to trail up the entire east coast basically
>first time a category 4 will hit eastern FL in over 10 years

I think there's a good reason to panic, especially since all the rich yankees swiped up the cheap mini mansions on the coast after the housing market collapsed in '08
this is the only time its good to live on the gulf coast
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That is what I said 4 hours ago.
Now 2 storms will combine plus Matthew will loop back and hit us before we restock.
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ayy check my ID
Florida here west coast

was sunny today, slight breeze nice and cool
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/Maxcomfy/ in 813 rn
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It's fucking over.

I'm going to die and I'm still a virgin
is it okay if my hurricane shutters have a tiny gap inbetween them?
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
There is gonna be so much money to make down here..

Any one else /tradesman/ he in south FL
the hurricane is a literal meme

t. NC
Palm Beach resident here - is this going to be Katrina Electric Boogaloo?

I'm fucked am I?
Police are out on the Nassau cam.
anyone who's lived here long enough doesn't get worried about this shit
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The Lord of HAPPENINGS has blessed you Florida-anons, Valhalla awaits!
i-its just a meme
I doubt it, and if it is like Katrina, then nothing that bad will happen desu
oh and the reason it wont be that bad is cuz the reason katrina was bad was because florida wasnt ready for it, our governor was a dumb ass cuck

now we have better gas supplies, etc, we fine
when the brunt of the storm is approaching, super glue yourself to the floor just in case
I'm not in the slightest other than my sister with my 4 year old nephew living in Cocoa

Most of the panicking is due to the yankees and newer to florida people / old people, though I can see why people would panick with the significance of this storm.
go home carpetbagger
Kennansville.......how fucked are my friends there?
This. All the 'am I fucked?' stuff is ironic.

They know they'll be fine.
its way windier than 1.5 hours ago.
Right, that's what I am thinking. It's just wind and rain. How bad can it be..
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About so see some flying niggers. Landfall soon
843 reporting in. I will be here. not leaving
>our governor was a dumb ass cuck
wew those were the days.
Now we have a guy who can't speak in public for shit but he gets things done
Plantation, FL here
I have no shutters or wood on my windows
Am I fucked?
And stay the fuck away from Federal. that road looked like waterworld a couple months ago because of a plain old thunderstorm
good luck young pupper

The Nassau island in the bahamas.
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Will it go up the East coast?

just rape a girl now while the prestorm chaos is at its peak

How fucked am I?
>Quantum mechanics test tomorrow
>Just want to get comfy and watch the storm with /pol/
It'll be underwhelming.

Making the next one at 300 replies then I'm done for the night, it'll be up to another person to make the Hurricane General after that. If nobody does than I'll probably check pol at 10 or so and make a new one then.
shutters mostly seem like a meme to me. i mean, your roof will probably get fucked before your windows would.
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Please don't hit Miami
No, although two terrible models (HWRF and JMA) do have it going NE then swinging back to hit Nova Scotia
In a weird way I love that feeling you get before a storm is going to hit. Wondering how crazy shit is gonna get. Having some drinks to calm the nerves.

Stay safe Floridabros. Enjoy the hurricane parties.
Pray the storm goes a bit north. I'm in Miami and it was questionable whether or not to do it, but I did it anyways. Plantation is in a worse position with the current model.

In case you have a problem, do you have a room with no glass? The problem is peoples roofs come apart and then those tiles become projectiles and break your windows.
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>Low pressure right in the path towards Florida
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561 barrier island checking in here, riding this one out
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Spoopy face Hurricane Mathew
Anyone else ready for wind surfing? Been 10 years since we've had a decent hurricane
I have 2 rooms with no windows, and both are bathrooms
I just duct taped plastic bags over windows just in case the glass breaks.
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Hello fellow /813/ bros I'm also feeling COMFY
I was in Titusville which is where the hurricane is literally supposed to fucking make landfall, I evacuated today and am now super comfy in a hotel in Tampa.
Shutters are effective. A sheet of metal has higher resilience than a pane of glass.

And if something hits the shutters, it's easier to replace than a window. It's also one more thing to break before water and wind start entering the house.

holy fuck what's up, didn't expect to see one of you guys on here
To be fair, it on Paradise Island, not Nassau Island.
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I have relatives in Hilton Head, SC and they ran off to AL to avoid the storm. Overreaction much?
you gon die tho
No, a Cat 4 or 3 can kill Hilton Head.
>riding this one out
Good luck with that one m8
Better hope the storm surge doesn't take you away. There was a recommendation that if you're not in the west side of i95 then you probably should go somewhere else.
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What about the tropical storm? 17356 here
Oh fuck I just realized i live behind a barrier island now

wew im saved
i hope the river doesnt swell up too bad though or my shits gonna be all flooded
Fuck off, it a Cat 4 that hit it a bit thing. Perhaps not andrew but will be bad enough.

Just one mag?
This nigger storm is going to turn back south and then troll Florida by hitting it twice. I love it.
The wind will just take the bags but hey maybe it helps contain the shards of glass if they do. Hopefully it will be alright and the storm will stay north.

If the storm gets really scary you won't want to be by your windows anyways.
We've got Nicole possibly on the way. Just a trop storm though.

Probably not. All the houses here are built from concrete or limestone. We had a Cat 3/4 two years ago with minimal damage.
just stop there
have you literally never been in a bad hurricane before?

this "meme" you speak of, has been around since the fucking dawn of time.

this guy ain't never scared

In that picture yes.
As fun as that would be, it's most likely going to continue to veer eastward and the eye never actually contact land.
1.1 Million ordered to evacuate. Get ready for Kek's Game. Denounce Pepe again Hillary. Dare you.
No, HIlton Head is about the worse place one can be for a Hurricane.
>doxxing yourself
just saying, if the wind is bad enough to fling shit all over the place, your roof is probably gone by that point, so shutters would be moot anyways
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How fucked am I?

Recon plane is heading in again
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>Hurricane Katrina was 11 years ago

Reminder that hurricanes always help the Democrats because they're seen as being more generous with relief funding
yeah but AL? Why not just go further inland
Anyone find any funny Craigslist posts?
I'm long overdue to getting some whiff of a strong storm.
I hate living in urban area and seeing everyone else get strong weather.
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Add this to your OP for snazzy satellite imagery and more informative tracking charts.

Naval Research Laboratory Tropical Cyclone Page
the 400lb hacker known as 4Chan is going to get him
>if the wind is flinging shit, your roof is already gone
What kind of shanty shithole do you live in?
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who /stockeduponweedjustintime/ here?
Make sure to go outside and take pictures for us when the eye passes over you.
What if Matthew circled back to the tropics, strengthened, and blew back into the carribean and southeastern USA for round 2?
Yeah except those floods in LA helped Trump more. It's whoever is more proactive.
stream of what's going on plox
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Only if you live in a Haitian shack.
Expect maritime vessels up your ass in the near future
That is the most comfy pic eveer
I'm on the intracoastal side, not beach front, and this condo has withstood the past 35 years. Also have food and water for days
The HRRR model (very good in the 12-14 hour range) is simulating a rapid strengthening of the storm on it's approach into Florida in the AM.
I lived in FL until I was about 6 and I went through several hurricanes. I'm so fucking glad I don't have to deal with that shit anymore, hurricanes are spooky.

That looks suspiciously like a frog face fampai
Perhaps they had a place there to stay. For example, when I was in FL my plan was to go to NC since I had free place to stay in case of a storm.
>does't bother posting the model run
Will do, captain.
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Didn't have it tbqh
Meme Magic will make Hurricanes duplicate and kill all who don't have Rare Pepe investments.
I love it. I love storms. The only thing I would like to experience is a Tsunami and Earthquake.
Where is this model? Is it predicting Miami gets hit harder/storm is further south?
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we used to get Tornado warnings in Southern MN all the time until global warming stopped them from happening
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>rapid strengthening of the storm
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Jesus these boards are flying.

South Florida Anon here. Been chaotic all day with gas station lines into the streets and grocery stores mobbed. Lived through Andrew but was in Chicago during Kat/Wilma.
Only has one mag loaded, kek
someone have a live stream in Bermuda?
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>TFW when you're in Central Florida and fucked.

The grocery stores were nuts. Gas is out. It's really put into perspective for me what the end of society would look like.

It was kind of scary and awesome at the same time.
Just made an ammo run actually as well.
Between Jax and Lake City. Forecasts indicate cat. 4 for landfall. There's an independent system lingering over me right now, hitting Jacksonville (or perhaps it passed), and locals are hopeful that it'll push Matthew away from us, closer to the East Coast. Who knows? Regardless, stores and gas stations are a shitshow and will continue to be throughout the remainder of the week.
I'm going to start keeping more water in the house and eternal-snack-food so no need to grocery shop for hurricanes.
Beaufort fag here, I'm gone fuck that
youre dead kiddo
I love this hurricane
t. Electrician
Nothing's happening here. We're not being hit by a storm.
so like, all y'all posting guns
you've got plenty of water and food right?
enough for 2 weeks right?
a gallon per person per day
Yep, looks like it doing eyewall replacement.
>a gallon of water per day
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I count 5 but that's an old photo. theyre all ready to go now.
Jacksonville faggot here

I'm kind of hoping my power goes out so that 4chan doesnt suck out my fucking time like a vampire
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I hate listening to all you Floridians every time there's a hurricane.

Don't worry, Obama will send you your rainbux to clean up the mess.
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Jacksonville getting it
I'm using my fridge filter to fill up some carafes and also some tupperware to keep in my frreezer. I'll most certainly lose power tomorrow afternoon some time.
Hell, I have 100 gallons for me anon. and that doesn't count the flush water.
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Oh shit. Cat 4 confirmed

fuck u
>a gallon per person per day
This meme always cracks me up. I drink a fuckload of water and love to lift.

The majority of people I know drink like 3-4 cups a day max. They live perfectly normal lives. Maybe not the healthiest. But they're making it through.

In an emergency situation, you can draw it down to even less than that.


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George Town, Bahamas is kill
>gust 130
>tfw publix just opened right next to my house
Feels good man

lol how do you even have internet
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Where are you at?
I think you want the Bahamas. There's a light breeze and no rain here. No storms to hit for a few days.
Downtown Ft Lauderdale. You?
Matthew is passing up a three-way with Stacey and Nicole to fuck up Chad? What a fag.
its pretty comfy if you ask me. something about that unified feeling everyone gets. youre fucking on your own, but youre on your own for the same reasons everyone else is.

so fuckin comfy.
you don't need to drink a gallon of water a day unless you're big mclargehuge. Like 3 or so glasses is enough
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Yes, it's actually better to have more.

Whatever you think you need, double it. Then get a bit more for good measure.
kill yourself cornrownigger
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Guys... Will I be okay? I am worried.
3-4 cups is 2 quarts
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West broward county, Pembroke Pines reporting in. Pray for me ladz.
Miami Beach.
youd be surprised dude.

a gallon of water a day is to drink, wash, and operate toilets with.

fuckin yankees man...
if a cup = 10oz or so, and there are 64 oz in a 2 liter and 4 liters(ish) to a gallon, then its more like 12 cups to a gallon
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2 quarts ain't a fucking a gallon bubba.

Are you proving my point for me or something? I appreciate it, anon. Hope ya doin well down unda.
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>35 years

Skypes have to keep shitposting 4chan to get the sheckles!
Where you at anon?....my friend is in Kennansville
you got that rain shadow from the mountains, you good m8
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>He doesn't go out into the Hurricane, buck naked, and jerk off right in the storm to become one with the wind and seek mercy from the Hurricane
mold, water damage, and biohazard cleanup here. hoping to make some nice money off this but also don't want anyones' boypussy getting rekt
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Right near the Pulse Aloha Snackbar. Drive past it all the time.
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>TFW Trump flies in Friday, personally hands me MREs
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it's all over!!!!
Hasn't been a big one in over a decade though m8
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I'm saying, that 2L is under normal conditions
not while working outdoors clearing debris in hot and humid weather, not accounting for those who drink more or

okay, so some people drink less than a litre a day
that doesnt work for everyone, its a guideline

enjoy dying of thirst
16 cups per gallon.
Or 4 quarts
Or 8 pints
Wish me luck boys
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>working outdoors clearing debris in hot and humid weather,

Lol, you think I work outside like a nigger?

Enjoy being wrong on the internet and wishing death on everyone, anon.
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Look for the High Resolution Rapid Refresh. It's not really meant for hurricanes though.
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Am i really that fucked? I put basically my entire house in a storage unit. Currently getting drunk with some cocaine on the way here.
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That's San Diego. The convention center downtown (check my flag extensions)
My dad lives in Melborne, FL. He just moved there this summer. How fucked is he?
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this is some hot, windy, low pressure action.
Thread posts: 344
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