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Hurricane General - East Coast Is Fucked Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 91

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>Maps and Information (NOAA, updated 5:00 P.M. EDT)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT14/refresh/AL1416W5_NL+gif/213945W5_NL_sm.gif
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT14/refresh/AL1416_PROB34_F120+gif/213945.gif
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

>Additional Insights
-Many news stations and agencies around the Atlantic now believe it will make Landfall in Florida at Category 4 with at least 140-145 MPH winds.
-Many projected paths now show storm might loop back around into Florida.
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thanks based OP for not posting spooky image of skull
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Floridabros assemble

727 here
First for UCF. GONNA BE LIT!
305 here
No problem, I'm just here to spread the word and answer questions based off research and experience, not in it to meme this event into oblivion, though I do admit a lot of the memes emerging from this are pretty awesome
fucking spic

you have to go back
all those sodomites are gonna get btfo

praise jesus
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Most recent updates put it at a strong Category 4, COULD hit 5 when it gets alongside florida. Then it's going to do a 180 and wait for Nicole to skullfuck Florida together.

It's actually happening.
Yeah I'm going back to your mom's house
321 here, evacuated and am now monitoring things from Tampa.
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I'm in Jax, the local news are claiming this could be the strongest storm to hit here in the last 100 years.
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>tfw you realize niggers never evacuate
Meanwhile in Jacksonville

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I am from the south so we can both fuck her. Incest is best amirite?
721 if anyone was wondering mine, live right between Largo and St Pete.
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Matthew 5 hours ago
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>Take uber ride yesterday
>Chatting with driver
>He says Haiti is getting what it deserves because they practice voodoo
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Strengthening like a mad cunt
386 here, gonna be a cakewalk. We did 2004 we can handle this shit.
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Matthew now, the eye is regenerating and you'll see a pretty well defined eye probably 3-4 hours from now.
Former Floridian, now Cali. Florida about to be REKT
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Was the driver from dominican republic? I know some people from there and they all hate Haiti's guts for selling their souls to the devil, said the earthquake was their punishment.
954 here. How fucked am I?
I hope I'm just imaging that slight westward turn
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water is looking good too
Glorious 321 masterrace but also proudly a former 813.

Here's Andrew from 1992.
So then what did the Bahamas do? Host Michael Jackson?
Well what do you expect from the poorest country in the entire western hemisphere?
fuck rick kriseman
I fucked his daughter at Next Big Thing
So Florida and North Carolina, both swing states, will soon be looking for big government hand outs. Wonder who this will benefit?
>mother daughter sandwich

O_O >>91647988
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772. We're all going to die
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Are you all comfy?
He was Puerto Rican
Damn son. It's been waiting for this moment.

Also everyone saying
>we'll be fine it's the east side of the storms that are the worst

No. That's where the winds are the highest, the swells however are the worst on the north/northwest portion of the hurricane. Flooding is going to be spectacular.
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Non American here on vacation. What was so good about Andrew they retired the name? Did it bulldoze a town or osmething?
No, it is moving west. All it needs to do is move 1-2 degrees further left then forecasted and the eye wall will be completely over land.

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god damn, what a sexy beast
Are you suggesting Hillary Clinton created a hurricane?
Is it moving West?
Usually the very destructive hurricanes have their names retired. It caused roughly $25 billion in damage. It also took over a decade for Florida to fully recover.
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i've seen this before
fuck oh my fuck
Yes. Connecticut here but I love tracking storms.

Nor'east season soon. Bless you Winter-chan.
>bahama police chief says that he cares more about protecting the properties over lives.
Based, he's ready to fuck up looters.
It's been nice posting with you /pol/
>Many projected paths now show storm might loop back around into Florida.


Too bad it will deteriorate by then.
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DAK 16.10.16
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when did you realize we're kill

i was at publix getting affordable sanwhich when phone ring

"we're kill"


and you??
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Former Jensen Beach here, this is what you faggots get for killing All Aboard Florida.
Miami literally fell into anarchy after Andrew hit

The zoo animals got free and started running around, looters everywhere

National guard showed up and it was a lot more civilized than Katrina
Did intellicast update technologies? It's way more responsive.
Even if it stays as a tropical storm or mild cyclone, there's a good chance it could strengthen again when it hits the warm waters off Florida.
the rain is the real pain in the ass if that ends up happening
Go on
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>yfw Matthew circles around the east coast until he joins with Nicole and they skullfull Florida
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Oh boy is the avatar fag back? Listen lad no one cares about shit eqyptian cat.
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Holy shit guys.

Really hope those people in Charleston either live at least 3 stories above water or GTFO
The way hurricane names get retired is through their severity as far as deaths and damage.

For example, Katrina was retired in 2005 for causing billions of dollars in damage

However, 90%+ of these tropical systems never do more than maybe a million dollars in damage and take only 1 or 2 lives, so they aren't significant enough to have their names retired

It's more to do with history, since it'd be really confusing if we had 4 hurricanes named Katrina that were all category 4+ that did billions in damage.
You bet your ass I am, it doesnt get much more happening than a full on hurricane wrecking shop.
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So what's going to be the Trump plan for the south affected areas? Will he cancel and move rally's?

What about Killary? Will she shill here?
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>pic related
>I will never be exposed to a cat5 and then the new cat6 within a week of eachother.

West palm here.
The first person to show up during the aftermath will win the state.
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>meanwhile in the other side if the Atlantic
Serves you right for sharting so much to the atmosphere
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Am I safe here? This whole complex feels like a rush job, think I'm gonna go home to my full block house.

Depends if the storm follows this one model
Hi res 4km NAM is out. SC gets dicked the hardest. FL spared in comparison

Can't post cuz over 4 MB

GFS run says FL to NC needs to be prepared.
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Going up up up
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> Thinking Floridians will ever support any public works project unless it's goal is to give a few ultra-rich kikes a few more shekels

Topkek. Google "cross barge canal" to see where Florida's historically consistent priorities lie.
Rick Kriseman needs to stop with all the gentrification. 2000 big ones for a studio apartment?
Florida still here or did they already vanish from planet eaarth?
My city had a multiple 500 year floods during spring this year. That much rain will fuck up anyone.
i meant about the daughter a-anon
not gonna lie that looks like most models are predicting a roundhouse kick to florida's balls

depends, do they float?
772 here too bro, we done foe

Third floor is gone. Fullstop. Second floor will have such significant water damage, the people in the first floor will be smelling mold for months.
Hello fellow 386 bro. Where abouts?
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How will a 3 story building across A1A from the beach in Daytona fare?

Guise pls respond
Question for Floridafags. How much storm surge does it take for your coastal areas to be FUBAR?
you're in orlando. you'll be fine save a major west jog
oh yeah i went to high school with her and ended up fucking her at a concert festival
>Matthew could loop, meet with Nicole, go straight through Florida, gain strength in the gulf, fuck New Orleans, then spawn a catastrophic amounts of tornadoes in the alley

More than we'd have on record.

FUBAR is a really vague state. We have swamp folk that will be moving to the coastline just cuz it's like home.
954 let's do it faggots.
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jupiter here

my body is ready
How about for the water to go from the beach into businesses nearby
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So who here is going to live stream their house blowing away??
You should write a really detailed report of it and we'll spread it around. Were drugs involved? How raunchy did it get pham
FUCK. whatever
Could also loop around, merge with Nicole, and then fuck up the entire east coast from Florida to Maine, including Manhatten
Lexington, SC here. How fucked am I?
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>We will never see a 200 MPH Hurricane slam into the US

I want a Cat 6
You're pepsi m8. I'll watch it fall from DeLand.

Lake Worth here. Good luck.
I don't know how storm surge measurements work, but here in Daytona, the barrier islands would probably be submerged by 10 to 15 feet of water
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I'm impressed by the efficiency of that machine.
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Be careful Florida!
Any chance of this hurting NY?
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Glad im in western PA.
Sad cause all my friends are on the west coast. Do yall think Bangor is close enough to get hit?
>hurricane general
this isn't politics you dumb fuck and im sure noone would give a fuck if fl got obliterated...sage and go fuck yourself i hope they delete this shit board
Kinda spooky to think if this happened to Portugal it would be a national disaster
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Huh, learn something new every day.
t. flyover state
*East Coast
Was she a hewer or are you some chad who happens to browse here?
This storm is NOT going north of OBX
>said the box state
Clinton isn't even close to matching Trump in florida, regardless of what polls say.

>see 2 or more new trump lawn signs in the area every other day

The democrat hubs are going to be washed away and only the conservative gulf coast properties will be around to vote.
Bahamas news stream
813, I think I'll be okay
>hurr durr I don't understand the implications of severe natural disasters on society and politics

>captcha: high creek

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Why are you so angry?

Also, read the stickied thread.
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

A general thread chain containing information about a Hurricane falls into the realm of news and world events that can have a major impact on politics as well, as this event could be catastrophic enough to become a playcard in the general election.

Don't see why you have to be so angry though, just ignore this thread and go back to the Syria General threads.

My dad is a meteorologist and said he thinks this will be an unprecedented disaster. He believes the hurricane will strike florida once reaping massive amounts of damage then it will circle back and hit it again next week for a 2nd time. the wind wont be such an issue the 2nd time but the rain will be a disaster
Praise Allah. I saw a graph that said it would go all the way to St. John.
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
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you be the judge
>not politics
I'd say a significant portion of a voting base in a swing state being rendered unable to vote in the upcoming election because of extreme weather is pretty politics relevant.

But ya know, keep thinking your south dakota things.
>Western Pennsylvania
>posts picture of Maine

Anyway, if you think Matthew is going all the way up there, you're fucking retarded.
>tfw hurricanes are the only time I watch the weather channel
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My mind is saying chad but my body says whore
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>public works project

B-but All Aboard Florida is done by a private company anon.
i was alive when /pol/ went and did meme'd a hurricane into existence
Contrary to popular belief, the weather is not an episode of Eva.
/pol/ is also about current events, and for want of a better venue, this is where these threads are being held.
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lets go bitches
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Should I board my windows up? They are already hurricane protected being 2-5 inches thick.

Also, who here 321?
>took three hour nap
>look at news
>hurricane is now making landfall right on my FUCKING STREET

What the FUCK
NHC updates it probability maps every 8-12 hours. If you looked at a map yesterday your idea of where the storm is going is completely wrong.

Hurricanes are unpredictable and that's why we can have 3 days of threads jerking off to every model run.

#2 reporting in
Can we see 100,000 dead?
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>tfw living in east Tennessee
Slightly worried here lads
The girl is a 5 out of 10 at best. Looks like she also has self-esteem issues.
>swing state
fucking blue state last 2 times i checked faggot lol what a shithole!
Delray Boynton here. They just interviewed the local homeless guy I see every day walking back and forth between McDonald's and burger King
It's time.


People are saying worst case scenario now. Florida is going to be RIP.
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I'm surprised more people have cried martial law if FL is destroyed.
352 here. Now in Atlanta. Going to wait it out a few days and clean up the remnants of the house.
Floridian here. Still kind of annoyed that the northerners overhype hurricanes especially after Hurricane Sandy.

>All Aboard Florida’s plan to operate regular passenger train service between Miami and Orlando is in jeopardy following a federal judge’s order questioning the company’s ability to borrow $1.75 billion in taxpayer-subsidized federal bonds to pay for the project.

What does that mean
What were the margins on those outcomes, habeeb? Learn 2 relative importance.
heh, this really made me think. i love AGW now!
I'd get out of there anon. The eye of the hurricane is where the most storms and winds are. No use losing your life over trying to ride it out.
What's the likelyhood of red states/blue states being wiped out?
>tfw during brexit a shitload of remain areas flooded
mind as well to be safe, it's expected to hit 140 MPH or more winds tomorrow before it hits Brevard on Friday, so better be safe than sorry unless you need to run out and buy wood to board them, because good luck with that at this point.

Also, hometown is Port St John, where do you reside?
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I'm putting all my meme magic into these fucking digits. Using up all my 2017 credits. Kek will bless me.

Florida is going to be fucking destroyed
803 here haven't seen any rain... it might be cause i never go outside but i'm safe for now.
It's strengthening big time.
>the eye is regenerating
That's metal.
>florida wiped out
>obongo goes and grandstands there for weeks leading up to the election

How will this storm alter the polls/outcome?
shouts outs to goose creek
shouts outs to moncks corner
shouts outs to summerville
>florida is rip
Only the shitty parts that tourists go to and cubans historically brown out.
looks like you cant make digits
Start looting now!
nice pepe
Matthew is a fucking madman. I hope it hits the Caribbean again just for the keks.
I'm still happy about the six day sunny weekend
Nigger this is a category 4 storm that will make landfall. Do you understand how rare that is? Fuck your little category 3 storms "a bloo bloo bloo yankees complain too much"

You have never experienced a cat 4 I guarantee it
trips done lie faggot you live in a shithole!!! lol
cat 4's make my dick hard desu
But she's the mayors spawn. They usually hang with chads or anyone concerned with social status
anyone else have weather channel on in the background all day?
we'll be fine
And how would you know what one has and has not experienced anon?
I dindu nuffin to have muh wefer played wif
nah she was like one of the queens of Rojans
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It will be a Cat 5 my dude
I reside in Port St. John :-)
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>easterly steering winds
>no shear to weaken it
Cape Canaveral watch out. Weak trough means storm will stay and loop around by florida. HOWEVER, beyond 5-6 days models are error prone and it's a complete guess thereinafter
An ERC is a phenomenon observed in very powerful hurricanes. A rain band will form a full circle around the eye wall, choking off the inner eyewall and eventually becoming the new eye. It's a period of rapid strengthening and reorganization and this IS THE THIRD FUCKING TIME MATT IS DOING IT. THE MADMAN.
Greentext your sex story bro

Don't leave any details out
Florida is a swing state but all the others getting boned are red states.
>this small pond syndrome
She's literally a 5/10. We've got hotter walking around here just being beach sluts.
>cat 5 hits NY/NJ
This is a cat-5.

Expect slightly less than this
>memes will it
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How would I board up this window?
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So is this the government attempting to wipe out Trump voters, or Kek attempting to wipe out Clinton voters
That looks like a tornado as you can see the direction it went.
but she was the senator's so- i mean mayors daughter. Besides it wasn't a big deal. Just a festival fuck during Young the Giant
If this actually happened then it'd definitely be the most devestating hurricane to date and likely one of the most if not the most devastating natural disasters in US history due to the houses up there being made of cardboard and nobody knowing shit about Hurricanes there.
It's hurricane Andrew damage.
from the inside, silly.
Put one piece over the window, then 2 small pieces over the sides, and another small one on top

>ywn live through another Storm of the Century in your lifetime

Why live lads? Every winter I pray for another one, just to be able to track it with all the fancy models we have now. Why did you have to appear in the shitty 90's?! Why couldn't you wait for the internet to have been real?!
Any camera up in Palm beach so we can all see this shit?
Naples, Florida gonna go paddle boarding on the streets who is down? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BubrQrioNyM
>literally cookie cutter frame houses

Glad my hourse is solid block Q2 custom construction, although not sure what'll happen to my apartment.
better example here, Hurricane Andrew's damage to a mostly trailer home area.
Major cities are the most at risk by hurricanes.

Smaller towns will continue to just suck.

This hurts Clinton more than Trump, and trump has a pervasive grasp on the panhandle.

I'm just saying it wouldn't take a chad to knock her up.
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so did the guvnuh order mandatory evacuation for SC? I heard yesterday she was gonna...
you can look at public highway cams
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>Deepening under 960mb occuring within 12-14 hrs after making landfall
I live in Jax and they're going to evacuate the entire beachside tomorrow, wew.

I'm only four miles from the intercoastal, so there's a very good chance I might get flooded. It's been an honor o7
that's a trailer park though

Everyone expects those things to be destroyed

The other pic was brick houses being ripped to shit
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>tfw you recently moved to the west coast

Feels good man.
Yes, for Charleston and coastal areas.

The highway into Charleston was converted to the opposite direction to facilitate movement out of the city.
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Mfw I move from Mississippi to get away from hurricanes (katrina) and look what i get.
this is a staged photo. notice no debris at all on the streets
if you want to protect the glass from the outside, and not just board up the inside, get 3 long sheets of plywood, and nail them into a kind of box shape that you can sit on the ground and go around the frame. Then nail and dig in wood spikes to anchor it. Brace it with additional boards.

Outside of that, not a whole lot you can do to protect that.
You shouldn't do anything. We need to teach hurricanes not to be so destructive.
I like that Matthew has a girlfriend.
I think it's voluntary right now but it will be mandatory soon. Matthew is growing in strength, it's doing to be the strongest hurricane in the last century to hit the east coast

The biggest danger is if it loops back again. I can't even imagine how terrible the damage will be if they get hit twice with no chance to clean up/rebuild
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actual neighborhood, though not full concrete/brick homes
Just want to say good luck east coast amerilads.
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When did this happen? Weren't we talking about it being a cat 4 just a bit ago?
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Hi anon, my name is bulldozer. I don't believe we have ever met.
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like this?
its becoming stronger
might fuse with a tropical storm
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a few days ago, i think it was sunday
When is landfall florida bros?
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Matty's journey up to this point
it was Cat 5 when it was south of Haiti for a little bit, it's only just returning to Cat 4
Landfall looks to be Thursday Night into Friday.
yeah, but there are also ones on major highways. Also check news sites, as they either own or fund some of the highway cameras and are exclusive to their websites
Thurs night/Friday AM depending on how fast he decides to move
It trashed everything from South Miami to the Keys. I was just north of Homestead and spent 10 minutes in the eye.
got it, will add with next thread creation
Praying it returns to category 5 strength before making US landfall.
>how can typhoons even compete
Cool thanks, looks like the winds already starting to hit you guys
It's gonna loop da loop and merge with another storm? Is this thing alive? Will it even be satisfied after that
How bad is this going to be?? I just moved here last year and I only prepared water and food. Should I board my windows?
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I'm supposed to be taking a cruise to the Bahamas Dec 30....wonder if the islands will still be there...
Cross your fingers, anon.

>not only does it go cat5 at landfall, it also loops back and merges with nicole
The glorious glorious potential.
Think it can go past Nova?
where do you live in FL?
561 reporting!
Bottled water, oranges, mixed nuts, and dank memes. Who needs electricity anyways?
this is the scary kind of stuff i recall hearing in the days leading up to Katrina. then some dude at the national weather service sent out some 'Holy shit Run for your Lives, Literally Get the Fuck Out Now' tweet about 2 days prior to landfall.
Watching the news right now. It's actually going to come ashore around Ft. Lauderdale/the Cape, and then go right up the east coast out Jacksonville.

I'm moderately worried now. Anything past Cat 3 you should be unironically non-memeing worried about. I was in Orlando for Charlie, and it FUCKED that place up.
Slightly less destruction, or slightly less stuff left intact?
it's entirely possible. It reached cat 5 from cat 2 in a span of 24 hours last week.
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Here's a before picture of the dock cam. I guarantee those boats are about to be..."relocated"
Total Kekstruction imminent
321 reporting, not even raining
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How bad will this one be compared to Charley, Frances, and Ivan?
10 minutes in the eye of Andrew. Check. Don't fuck around. If you are near the coast you gotta go back.
561 bros good luck and god speed!
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special olympics.webm
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people down here are FAR more prepared post-Andrew.

boats always get shrekt in FL hurricanes. you gotta pull that shit out of the water or it's going to get destroyed
So far definitely worse than Frances, likely worse than Charley, and possibly worse than Ivan.
Hell, praying that it pulls a Patricia and has 200+ MPH.
Yes, a tornado spawned from Hurricane Andrew
East coast anon reporting in. Panic mode down here at the moment. Gas stations are closed and grocery stores are a mad house. I went and bought ammo. Pray for me. Should be hit hard tomorrow.
Will this be the next hurricane Hugo? That storm was fucking absolutely insane, winds got up to 200mph in Charleston
why are they just leaving their boats out like that?
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CAT 4 did dis.gif
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The Hurricane of 1848, or the Great Gale of Tampa Bay, a CAT 4 hurricane is what created intercoastals, inlets, keys, peninsula, and islands of Pinellas.
>CAT 4
>turned a solid landmass into this
which is part of it, no?
I really hope some of that rain reaches east tennessee, we sure could use a nice storm
Ivan was the biggest troll of all time. Matty is attempting to beat Ivan, but I doubt it will happen

They finally put a trop storm warning on the west coast
>it was nice knowing you florida fags
should people in the Tallahassee region be worried?

My parents had a custom box built for theirs.
Another webcam for next OP

few major thunderstorms. you guys should be getting the edge of the hurricane. Go gators.
Still not strong enough to wipe Jax off the planet, unfortunately.
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>Has a window
>thinks he is going to be ok
only for flooding from heavy rains and light wind gusts (if the storm even gets close enough), but overall you should be fine given it doesn't take a hard turn West / go even further west, nor does its loop and in it going across jax and through the pan handle.
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>tfw going to move to Seattle for a job soon.

Im gonna miss Hurricanes
Where can I watch the hurricane live?
386 reporting in, feels good not being anywhere near the coast
Why are there faggots still on the beaches?
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Baker County, Bumfuck nowhere reporting in. Is it going to be bad here? I heard Duval is getting evacuated to some extent.
>moving to Florida to avoid hurricanes.
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Brunswick, GA reporting in. any one around me? what you guys doing to prepare?
I am too and was here for Charley as well. Trees down all over the place in Seminole county, and that was only a 1-2 when it came through.
Will make a new Hurricane General after around 300 replies or so just to be early and keep it going effectively.

Also, pretty sure there's a link limit to posts so might have to post some of these new links on a second post. Second Hurricane General thread I tried to make wouldn't let me post because of too many links so I had to remove a couple info maps.
I should watch the special olympics more often.
Guys I'm going to Atlanta on the 9th do you think there's a risk of me being hit by this madman?
bro just drive to camilla
its safer there
Paid the Chinese to use their weather control machine.
Kek wills it
Yes. You will get slammed
include my info about hurricane of 1848 that was cat 4 and carved the shit out of florida
we're all mad here
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Of course there's still niggers on the beaches
954 here
Fucking captcha being a faggot
Should I evacuate from the place I am evacuating to in Oviedo? It's a solid block custom house built in '83, inspector said it was very well built but if this shit is a Cat 4....guys I'm scared.
>smug tornado pepe

Hurricanes provide the best waves, bruh.

I've gone to the beach during tropical storms before. It really is one of the few times you can actually get waves worth riding.
There are probably going to be killer frat parties across the street tomorrow. Just go there.

I'm in a nice, sturdy block home way out in west Orlando, with a brand new roof, and thick windows. No neighbors with garbage, and no flood-prone roads. Plus, I have a generator, and I already see power trucks everywhere preparing.

I can't wait to spend the whole Thursday night/Friday morning sitting on the computer wasting my life away like any other night.
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In Georgia, fuck it.

Making new thread shortly, hang tight
We're used to it. Hurricanes are great for the economy.
Oviedo is about 15 mins north of Orlando btw
Praise Kek, god of chaos, show mercy on my trailer home.
Nicole is gonna either get siphoned; help increase the low pressure zone, or it'll leech off matthew and slam right into florida too
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We become kek, the god of chaos.
put this on it
Matthew is not here anymore. This is Hurricane Pepe now.
Please don't be memeing
>tfw don't know any alphas
>bro just drive to camilla
>its safer there
after floyd, I don't think evacuations are any safer. but I don't forsee another mandatory evacuation.

321 at west cocoa
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Then get to your block home. Those UCF apts are all shit, plywood from the second floor up. Plus, I swear even when it's sunny out, it's raining around there. That area is cursed.
Last call, Migration time.

I will no longer be on this thread to answer questions, not that I'm the only one who can because a lot of you glorious bastards have done so too, but just to say I'm not here after this post.
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My parents live near Hilton Head. They said they aren't sure if they will evacuate, but I just saw this. Should I be worried?
I'm In SC
Was cat 5 south of haiti, became cat 3 once it hit landfall, now it's building back up to a 4 (maybe it will maybe it wont) before florida landfall but won't hit a 5.
Was Katrina the biggest/deadliest hurricane ever?
wiped out my home
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Another 954fag. Got a bunch of water and ammo, tunafish and crackers, car filled up. Not putting up shutters until tomorrow nite and hopefully never
Yankees complain too much and deserved everything they got. I wish more yanks would have died. Hurricane Sandy best day of my life.

I sat through andrew in coral gables. Hurricanes ain't shit if you ain't retarded. Only niggers and yanks get wrekt by them.
>TFW you realize they'll blame white people for it, and tax $ will be used to rebuild because they don't have insurance
Haha, glad I'm on the west coast.

Hope you guys will enjoy seeing us get raped by an earthquake.
post webcams
New fag here you tell what state he from?
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