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Brit/pol - Based Scot Edition

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Thread replies: 346
Thread images: 122

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>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
keep this one bumped and we'll use it later
Any girls ITT? Wanna suck my cock?
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Post based scots
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bumpity bump

What is the source of this based Scot?

I need to be bought up to speed.

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>months of globalists threatening us with no access to the single market
>turn round 360 degrees and go straight for hard brexit
Nth for May going full nat soc.
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>There's no problem with shitskins if they aren't muslim and act British.
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Does that even mean anything at this point?
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In case any of you lads need a laugh
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>May being based
>Labour in shambles
>Woolfe might become UKIP leader
All I need is a gf and I might be happy again.
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Lads my gf complained to me that I've become less less funny over the course of our relationship. She was serious, but not bitchy, saying she doesn't really mind.

But I'm worried, because I am certain that it was my humour that attracted her to me. It certainly wasn't my looks or money. And the problem is that I don't think I can make myself funny around her anymore, the comedy would only arise because of my anxiety and nervousness around her for some reason.
No. Just a meme buzzword used by the far right.
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>The EU right now
Yes, brit/pol/ is different from the rest of /pol/
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>So you're a muslim, but you pretend to be British. Why then by all means, please fuck my daughter and kill me genes.
>Respecting someone elses thread instead of spamming about threadsplitting

Brit/pol/ has reached max comfort
>The Canary was created in October 2015 with five founding members in an attempt to "diversify [the British] media".

Ah yes, diversify it, by creating another left wing rag.
>Just a meme buzzword used by the far right.
Trump is far right?
>the comedy would only arise because of my anxiety and nervousness around her

Start getting nervous she might leave you then

Well, she's gonna dump you soon, so that's a reason to be anxious and nervous again.
Truly we are the most civilized race on earth.
did any of you lads watch 'savile' on bbc2 the other night?
you're right. It would appear by this post>>91635564 that brit/pol/ is /leftypol/
I'm sorry Scotland, but I'm sick of you now.

I wish for you to get your independence, I want it to happen and I want you to take your £10Bn deficit (that you won't have a currency for), move trident out of Scotland and fucking sink into your worthless oil reserves.
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Yeah also it's a little odd as most people here seem to abide by free market economics but then go on to complain about "globalists"
The Irony is enough to kill ya
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Isn't it funny that the left wing turn up in waves trying to convince everyone they're always here?
it's the cognitive dissonance of much of /pol/, who don't seem to realise that the (((free market))) is almost always controlled by (((external forces)))
isn't funny that UKIP are literally a mess run by a bunch of clowns?
Politic shows on the tv would be hell without him.
>Conservative's main talking points are the need for more equality and diversityin society and making 10% of the armed forces non-white.

(can't wake up)
If that's how you respond to posts it's no wonder your GF doesn't think your funny any more.

Try harder lad, ENGAGE.
yeah i know who I'm going as for Halloween
Tfw I will never see the Neil playing blastbeats
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>that fucking bit where the woman says Jimmy dropped his trousers and said "How's about that then?"

Had me and me mam in stitches.
Kinda funny that a bunch of clowns helped this country save itself
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He ticks most of the boxes

>not third position

top pleb
I'm not ready for marriage.
>tfw american spell checkers run the internet
>tfw people in the masses are using american spelling and pronunciation
Yes. Every political opinion exists on a sliding scale from nationalist to globalist. Think of it as a more relevant version of left/right.
You know what's funny? Replace "Fascism" with "Islamism" and you nail the entire middle East and much of north Africa.
That's just a description of the US.

>About half of these don't apply to Italian fascism

Really makes you think
>Mass media coverage is largely conservative.

Why do liberals continue to be in denial that they are the current establishment elites?

It's been heartening to see the BBC winding its neck in a bit now Labour is floating on its Marxist and Anti-Semitic momentum, and we didn't buy their bullshit before Brexit.
That would ignore right wing libertarians that support open borders while being on the right of the political scale. (Globalism)
Or Left wing Nationalists like Strasserism.

Wtf? Of course you find someone less funny when you've spent a lot of time with them. As long as you still have a laugh now and then what's it matter? You're not her fuckin jester mate, if she starts being funny with you over that dump the bitch. Not worth your time.
They're not even run by anything at the moment. Nige isn't there anymore, UKIP will disappear in a few years.

Some of the "customers who brought this also brought this" sections are amazing at halloween.
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>He said send over the one with the big tits. I didn't think anything of it, it was the 70's.
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I just wish UKIP were less of a joke without Nige

I wouldn't trust Steven Woolfe to look after anything, never mind the country
[Cont from last thread]

Come now, you're not going to dindu the fact Hitler (aside from the useful idiot regional nationalists willing to support him) saw Slavs as Untermensch are we? That right up until the point of invasion Russia was pumping them with enormous quantities of resources, had been taken with such surprise that Stalin had men shot reporting the news and then basically went AWOL for a week (Blind drunk? I know I would be) whilst his country was getting utterly BTFO. Now of course it's fair to say that a couple of years down the line with the completion of the 3rd 5 year year it would be prime time to invade Germany.

That speech was pure theater. Especially the part about feeling bad of big countries stomping on smaller ones. Shame he wouldn't listen to the non-retards like Guderian.

As a side note, It's actually quite funny reading about the Muslim alliances made fighting Russia and the confusion of the German commanders executing Jewish Russians based on circumcisions - until they realised they both had cut dicks and had to be mindful of not accidently thrashing the muzzies.
Fucking kek. I forgot about that bit.
he did have a sense of humour
yeah i know
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What are you even doing on a politics board if you're unable to analyse basic features like this. Are you just here to shill? Nationalism versus Globalism is THE defining paradigm of the current era. Literally the biggest event in post-war British history, Brexit, is a real world example of this conflict. Trump versus Hillary is another. Globalism means people who favour global integration over isolation. It has application in both politics and economics. The EU, the invasion of Iraq, UN aid programmes in Africa, mass immigration, manufacturing relocating to developing economies, marxism, etc... are all features of globalism. Nationalists favour political sovereignty and economic self-sufficiency, as well as traditional culture. Lurk more until you learn to stop spouting uninformed garbage.
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would you lads 'ave a go on Feltz?
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>Posting twice

There needs to be a counter.

Breitbart arose to counter the Huffington.

The right needs a counter to the Canary and Vice.

Brit/pol/s time to shine.
If Italian Fascism was so great why were they so shit?
Well islamism is far right or reactionary. Many socialists and anarchists are fighting wahabbism in Syria

Woofle isn't going to run the country, Ukip never will.

But you need a good orator to hold the tories to account, perhaps even oppose them, and he is one of the strongest in the party.

Also has +50% reduction to Racism Accusation abilities.
If I remember correctly. didn't /pol/ try to have a news and opinion piece website?

4chan is 'struggling to survive'
>grammar nazis BTFO
what about Raheem Kassam?
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>Waiting for the Sun/Mail readers to die off will not help, their children will be the same.

>You have to wait for the non-college educated native-voter to become marginalised by the wider electorate of minorities + college educated native voter. Considering the UK is 87% white we are fucked. For decades.

>You will never win these people back and even if you do it will be fleeting since they will revert to their base instincts sooner or later. Any change you want to make will have to be done inspite of these people, they have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

fucking neogaf

Italians have just been a bit shit at war ever since Rome fell to pieces.

But looking at fascist Italy is very interesting. Quite different from Germany under National Socialism.

It would have rightfully lost because we had them on the back foot.

Fuck by that time every member of the IRA council was an MI5 mole.
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Half the country was arab-tier before unification.
what's going to happen?
>Martin Shkreli, once described as the "most hated man in America", has showed interest in helping
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Because they're Italians.

Yeah, just sad how many of the neo-liberals over in the West don't see the link and think "Islamophobia" isn't a perfectly sensible viewpoint to hold.

As I've said to numerous people while debating migrants/Islam before: it is no longer an issue of humanitarianism but security.
It doesn't ignore them, it deals with them more effectively than left/right. E.g. libertarians and socialists differ in a lot of respects, but from the perspective of sovereignity they both want open borders, so they're both globalists. And it's a lot easier to say you're anti-globalist than to list off all the different ideologies you dsiagree with across the left/right system.
>far right
>accuses people who have labelled clearly identifiable conflicts observable in reality of using buzzwords
Lurk more kid. You haven't got the first clue what's going on in the world. Your ideology and vocabulary is 100 years out of date.
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>The Sun

It feels wrong when 4chan is mentioned on serious news sites
M8, there was a referendum on the Belfast Agreement.
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Thanks for that

I recall talk about it. I think there is potential.

There's also potential in a Fox News style YouTube channel that corners Corbyn and asks him about how he has the gall to oppose grammar schools when his own son went to one.
It's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen.
>tfw mad men actually got brexit
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They're not all bad

Lost if it was UK wide.
No it doesn't. You literally just labelled them yourself and can see that globalism v nationalism crosses the left-right divide. Put your bipartisan false paradigm jew in the trash. We're living in a much more complicated world now.
I agree.


Even if it went down, the various distinct subcultures would set up shop elsewhere, either on the various alternate chs or on new boards.

You probably wouldn't get anything like a united 4chan site again but who cares, /a/, /v/ and /pol/ aren't exactly going to pine for eachother and the other boards are just porn, whining or pointless and 9gag or whatever will just sweep up the morons on /b/
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You know you're a fuck up when you struggle against WW1 Austria-Hungary

Hahah wtf is wrong with you Brits.

Fuck May and fuck British people.
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They where for remain until the last minute though weren't they?
You wish.
I wish Scottish independence was UK wide.

Those pasty cunts would have got what was coming to them.
Neoliberalism aims to ignore culture and just focus on profit. It's cancerous. Stalin was far left but he stamped out Islamism in central Asia and the orthodox church in Russia for a reason.
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The brexit result has given years of salt from sites like that.
Did anyone else read that as THE SUN BLACKS BLAIR ?
Have a great day

Care to explain that pic?


We're all different whilst being the same!

Fight eachother you stupid fucks! I'll pile more money into fake BLM activism if you don't!
The Sun blows whichever way public opinion is pointing. Whether it's left or right, they're just populist trash

The conduct of their journalists is testament to their lack of any actual ethics
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What the fuck is happening
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Raheem for UKIP leader. Can't play the race card against him #MUGA
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Yes. Because his jew masters and jewish ideology told him to.

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
Is he /are guy/
That just looks like The Daily Star.
She would make for a perfect smug pepe. Surprised no one has done it yet, hint hint.
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Lads I need my fix of R*dditors butthurt by Brexit. Can anyone help a yankee out?
From mailonline

Lithuanian Lorry driver gets 12 MONTHS!

Thank you SA for Appletiser, it's pretty gud.
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Could someone basically explain/bulletpoint the main things Theresa May has said today. I've been busy all day and haven't been able to watch/read anything news wise. I'm tired and am about to go to bed, so I don't have the time to read through news articles.
May really is outmaneuvering everyone isn't she
What's the difference between neoliberalism and neoconservatism? Just the interventionist policy?
Watching this down syndrome programme on BBC2 lads.

>screening for it is bad
>we shouldn't abort it
>it would be bad for downs to all go away
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We all know whos really behind it
Just search 'brexit' on /r/unitedkingdom
Feels like exposure not wanted.
Incest is Italy's national sport.

>Neoliberalism aims to ignore culture and just focus on profit.

Interesting way of thinking about it, not sure if I agree (I'm more of the opinion it's just sort of trendy to be a leftie these days and is based on a kind of "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" mindset) but I think you're onto something.
Watch Macbeth on Film 4 instead
Fuck off
Woolfe is /OURGUY/, Raheem is backup. Would make a good deputy.
Italians are always creepily close to their mothers
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Nice to meet you
The leftist movement had existed as zombies since the fall of the Soviet Union. after the violent leftists anti-globalist protests at the EU-summit in gothenburg 2001 the globalists took control of the marxist useful idiot zombies and today the leftists who were once violently against globalism work entirely for the globalists and the banking elite.

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She's an ugly left wing idiot
>two shitskins in charge of ukip
wew lad
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That's fucking horrible. I hate driving on roads with a bunch of tired, drugged up foreigners whose test involved nothing more than driving forward and back 10 yards. It was bad enough already with idiotic natives behind the wheel.
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>Want an iPod to listen to music

>But realise that iPods make me look like a faggy hipster

why must god curse me so
I think Raheem would be more resistant to to someone playing the race card than Woolfe.
Raheem is more based than Woolfe, but maybe Woolfe is more palatable that Raheem to the normies.
Is that footage from Kaine / Pence debate?
You can just use an iphone.
Fuck, I'd have watched that if I hadn't already gone to bed. The one with Fassbender right?
Listen to music on an android or something instead then.
Just use your phone, mate. Get Spotify or something.
UKIP are fucked. They're a single-issue party where the single-issue is resolved. Economically half the party is socialist and half is libertarian. Socially half the party is conservative and half are totally globalist
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Aye, and the French bird who didn't drive so good
Raheem Kassam next for next UKIP leader is 12/1
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We should shoot any foreigner on sight that kills a brit or brings harm.
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some of you guys are alright, don't go to woolfe's house tomorrow
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An irishman didn't single-handedly create a political ideology that was almost exclusively controlled and propagated by irishmen, and which led to the total domination and cultural and economic collapse of several white nations, the deaths of tens of millions of white Christians and elites and is basically responsible for the current state of Western civilisation. Nice try though JIDF.
The long haired guy from Coast
>using a 16GB phone over 80GB ipod
I bet even more libertarians will flock to ukip because of may
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Suuuuure thing
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60% LEAVE here
Gordon Ramsay
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Dont worry it all turned out for the best.
>Carrying an iPod and a Phone
Calm down lad. We all know what jews are like, you don't need to spam this every thread
Oh and stop deleting post you fucktard
I can see the IDF is out again
>not just getting a 64GB SD card.
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Pure coincidence?

Members of the German Spartakusbund:

Karl Liebknecht German(?)
Rosa Luxemburg JEW
Clara Zetkin JEW
Leo Jogiches JEW
Paul Levi JEW
Ernst Toller JEW
Eugene Levine JEW
Kurt Eisner JEW
Gustav Landauer JEW
Erich Muehsam JEW
Lads, why are so many people utterly triggered by the idea that we could have british people working as doctors or working the land?

It seems like the entirety of the country wants to work in a fucking office

Peter Tatchell is such a useless twat
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That`s why he suggested Spotify, for streaming.
Personally I just listen to the radio when I`m out.

The absolute state of the remaining remainians.
what's this in reference to?
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And then an immigrant nicked his beret
63% Leave here and 72% turnout
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Pure coincidence?

Keep the IDF out OUT OUT!!!
The tears were glorious
Got some pure, unadulterated rage material right here lads:

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Not sure. Neoliberalism tends to focus on free trade at all costs and neoconservatives are massive interventionists. The line is blurry

Have you never heard of Engels or Kautsky?
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Anyone with Kik fancy joining my British Political chat group? Message me at serharaldgoodbrook with your preferred political party.
Liebknecht was also a jew
Who Modern Warfare Remastered here?
This is the top upboated comment

>Having been raised and educated in Britain as it was in the 1950s and 1960s when half of the globe belonged to us and our institutions and Governments seemed to put first the well being of the people and the nation, I find it more and more difficult to accept today's decadent, corrupt and multicultural society which is slowly sinking into anarchy and chaos as different interests, cultures, customs and religions and growing inequality clash making social cohesion virtually impossible.
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Shit is that the worst constituency?
reached that point again where ive fully accepted adolf hitler was the greatest man that ever lived and did nothing wrong and britain was on the wrong side of history
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>>UK states hard Brexit is possible option
>>EU now has no leverage
UK starts offering preferential trade deals to struggling EU states, Spain, Portugal, Greece etc
>>Those countries accept deals
>>Other EU countries now have to accept deal or be at trade disadvantage

He's sickening. Progress gone too far.

Btw what demographic enjoys his/her comedy? I'm 24 and never once found him funny or entertaining - I only know of him because the people on telly say he's famous and he does marathons every fortnight.
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Are you comparing a president of I don't even know what with marxism?
Cba with cod or games in general any more. Loved it back in the day though. Shipment, Crash, Overgrown etc
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nige the nigel
How much space do you need? Songs don't take up much. You can get an SD card anyway if you really need the entire musical output of the western world over the past century to hand.
Stun grenado!
It's next door to Jeremy Corbyn's constituency, so possibly.
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i normally think 'feels' are mopey bullshit

but that is a deep feel anon

We can't do separate trade deals with individual EU nations ya bellend.
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This is what sources look like JIDF.

Do you know anyone young who voted Leave? I don't.
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Anyone with Kik fancy joining my British Political chat group? Message me at serharaldgoodbrook with your preferred political party.

At 4 members, 2 pro-Remain and 2 pro-Leave.
It's the only thing that gets these commie newfags to stop shitposting.
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Hibernian 3.jpg
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Behind ever pic there a MICK!
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Childish as fuck
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Her BTFOing the Labour party.

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I just hope Trump wins so our Amerifriends can experience the feeling of happiness every time I see a salty remainer.
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Only gommies.
I'm trying to avoid video games. Wasted too much of my life hiding away playing them. To some extent I've just substituted it with browsing 4chan but oh well.
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That's not control mate. That's a few random people with Irish names working for jewish companies. This is control.
Kek I love this. Much better than seeing the same juuuus stuff spammed constantly
what's the context?
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>cherry-picked news articles copied into paint are a source

Not really

They don't have God save the Queen or the head of a church responsible for allowing government to form
give me one good reason why we should have fought adolf hitler in 1939
Isn't kik just used by gays to hook up?
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Did you even look at the pic? It's a few random Irish people from the media. And it's supposed to be an analogue to distract you from the fact that 90% of American media is owned by jews. It's called psy ops.
>tfw redpill myself
>research the_donald for hours on end
>wife finds out
>leaves me
>has sex with a black man

wtf do i do... she thinks im a nazi so she cheated on me...
atleast im not a cuckold..
CoD 4 already looked pretty good back in the day.

Any time killer is the same in my opinion, between work and sleep you have to do something.
Shits n giggles
>pictures with names under them are a source
There's a grill in our group, lad. Not bad looking either.
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>That's a few random people with Irish names working for jewish companies. This is control.


>Being this Brainwashed there Irish companies mate
WAKE UP and smell the shamrocks
>Being this retarded
He's just posting that stuff to troll you, because you're being an annoying spammer.
There isn't one. Not even muh joos. We controlled Palestine at the time, as Germany's ally we could've shipped them all out peacefully.
and nao looks even better!
>Any time killer is the same in my opinion, between work and sleep you have to do something.
It was partially just because I wasn't enjoying them anymore but I have gotten a bit more done since stopping, even despite my chronic procrastination.
he broke treaties
The meaning has not changed, why are you confused?

Remember when globalization was just a conspiracy theory?
fuck off you literal paki
Because Hitler's Germany would have backstabbed us while fighting the Japs.

>le two superpowers can exist peacefully meme
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It led to the development of the atomic bomb, some good music, banter and god-tier films.
Vaguely, it's kind of like neo-liberal in that whilst it has a 'soft' meaning with some merit it's somewhat over-saturated in the media.
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Elizabeth Stuart.jpg
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Anyone with Kik fancy joining my British Political chat group? Message me at serharaldgoodbrook with your preferred political party.

At 4 members, 2 pro-Remain and 2 pro-Leave.

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Well the first thing you should do is blog about it in a British politics thread on a bolivian cave painting forum
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damn shame friend
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Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
Tbf mate the bro tier Sikh meme is semi true
I still wouldn't want them near me tho
But Irish people have never done anything against me, white people, the West or Christianity. They themselves are white Christian and Western. If Irish people really do have disproportionate influence as you say, so what? They're white people in a white country. That's to be expected and is not in conflict with my national interests.
>still remains
Do Ghurkas count ?
because he was an authoritarian faggot.
>inb4 bin that knife save a lyf
does not compare to gestapo
Because he was creating a European superpower that would be a threat to us in the future, everything else aside.
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We had to help the jews after they declared war on him.
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>Tfw the sasanach know
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>implying britain was a superpower
>atomic bomb

wed still be having a good old war every few decades to bleed out the runts and keep ourselves uncucked and realise everything is fought for without the atomic bomb

we would have obliterated communism before certain elements of it seeped into western civilisation without the atomic bomb
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Remember guys down syndrome is a GIFT not a disease

Satan, nobody believes Nige's 'welp they just keep pulling me back in' bit. At this point 'I've resigned' just just be his catchphrase when he walks into rooms
Sikhs have bad BO.
I wonder what we would be like if every person born had downs.
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I hate my irish surname, people always assume I love them fucking paddies pls

end me I love England not ireland
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Pre-WW2 we still fit the definition of one, even if it was a lot weaker after WW1
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We wouldn't last long, they're all sterile aren't they?
Parents of downers have to basically convince themselves this is the case in order to look after their children.

Anyone who thinks this and doesn't have that excuse is basically a retard.
>Any time killer is the same in my opinion, between work and sleep you have to do something.
I don't think all time killers are born equal frankly.

Food and sex are the best ones.

There are few games that I can actually enjoy anymore. Any game that rewards you for playing 100000 hours is a hollow sham. You will feel depressed afterwards. You should only play games for the experience itself
Get fucked spuddy cunt
Majority of them voted for Brexit tho. When we kick all the nonwhites out they can have first-class plane tickets.
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Like a white Somalia
>le hitler wanted to take over the world meme
Why didn't Hitler backstab Italy when they kept fucking up? Instead he diverted resources and put his plans on hold to help them out. He even sent commandos on a rescue mission when Mussolini got captured.

And if fear of backstabbing is a sufficiently good reason for starting a world war, why did we declare it against Germany and not the USSR? They did literally everything that Germany was accused of but worse and were a FAR greater threat. What you claim doesn't add up.
To be fair it would probably drive you insane otherwise.
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You seem upset lad...
i cant exactly blame the government at the time for following this logic but in hindsight it fucked us
and during

>i would say see x ... but tbqh see anything we did
>asian """"""campaign""""", france, market garden
was literally nothing wrong with the social elements of the nazis though, just the geopolitical ones
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>Like a white Somalia
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In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
‘Neath the halo of a streetlamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
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I just love games tbqh
I`d have never thought they`d have gone so far in just 20 years of my life, it feels like living history in fast-forward.

They have been pretty subversive in our united kingdom, Scottish famine dodgers need to fuck off and the eternal catholic needs to stop bullying the Ulster-Scots.

We`d have obliterated communism if we had listened to Chruchie and MacArthur and nuked the fuckers.
>not being northern irish protestant Englishman

I could have been a McCartney but instead I have the most English sounding name ever
>It's tragic that people assume your life will be impacted negatively with a downs baby


Can someone sum up what he says? I'm a phonefag and can't watch it.
This has been the greatest anime season ever.

First came the General Election Arc, and then the Communism Rising Arc, then the Brexit Arc with that mad twist and we're mid way through our crossover Arc with the US.
>you will never be this fucking mad
Britain has always aimed to prevent a single power dominating the continent

Continental plebs
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Satan confirms the stress is pushing Nige to breach his event horizon, soon he will smash through the pain barrier into a new level of consciousness where the path to Prime Ministerhood is synchronistically laid before him like the path to presidency was before Trump.

The carousel has chosen him for the next dance.
After reverse image searching this I can't unsee that massive dick in the thumbnail.
>if we don't kill them all now the goyim will realise that national socialism is actually quite a good idea
By the time we had enough nukes to end the Soviets, they had enough to return the favour.
Oh dear.

Looks like we've upset the Salty Scots again

>i'm a passionate scotsman, i love scotland and i love my country
> (wait for it)
>i will give my life to my country and i will make a stand to keep scotland in the united kingdom
>like my grandfather charlie and his brother
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Has she been compared to Hitler yet?
I expect nothing less from people who actually like Sturgeon
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Based May.

They were exhausted as well, they could have been crushed and China could have been saved.

can't let a national socialist country actually work but of course now they say "oh it would've collapsed anyway heh"

so why not just let it collapse and made an example of?
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Currently listening to an audiobook at work about the creation of the SAS. Stirling had some serious balls.
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
No one dare
Disturb the sound of silence
Well it didn't fucking work, Yanks ended up taking over. And it's not like nobody could have foreseen it at the time. We should've allied with Germany and kept Russia as enemies.
>We`d have obliterated communism if we had listened to Chruchie and MacArthur and nuked the fuckers.
Hitler thought he could destroy it too

He didn't fly so good
the question is what hasn't?
It's only logical really. We were slowly declining but still had the pressure of being seen and seeing ourselves as perhaps more than we were. To maintain dominance, perceived or otherwise, it was always imperative that continental Europe remain sufficiently divided.
Yes. Well, practically.

was meant for
Germany would've stomped the Soviets if Hitler had only trusted his generals
If we hadn`t supplied the Soviets they would have made Italy look good.
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This and they had the Red Army in central Europe. The US didn't have enough nukes in 1945. The Red army would've marched all the way to Lisbon

The strength and courage of these people is admirable. However I don't believe the children with downs deserve to suffer a long a grueling life with no independence of their own.
Cucked at the post.

great minds think alike
every fucking time
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>Source: CatholicInsight.com
>no quotes
>no proofs

You're officially an idiot.
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>tfw Englishman with an Irish name as well
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>ugly vision of the UK
>hard work can beat privilege
>everyone will be given the same opportunity to succeed
>implying the rules don't change
>you will never be a 19th century British sailor on stop in Hawaii or Tahiti, fucking the brains out of the native qt's

Sounds good. Shame more Scots don't speak out like him. They're drowned out by the bellowing of the "nationalists" and snp scum.
luckily my irish side comes from my mums side so i still have a based anglo surname
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Why cuck so hard for jewish communism? They wanted to destroy your heritage out of pure resentment against your identity and to make jews equal with whites. That's literally all communism is. You have nothing to gain from it. There isn't even anything inspiring, aesthetic or romantic about it. What's the point?
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Germany could've quite easily beaten russia in a 1v1 which is what Hitler was trying to work towards with diplomacy

>webm related is what they managed to do whilst fighting against the world in numerous theatres and with useless italy as an ally
A few reasons. Shared Fascism - Hitler bumlicked Mussolini for quite a while, and kept a soft spot even after the shine started to wear off. He was a puppet when he came back anyway.

>And if fear of backstabbing is a sufficiently good reason for starting a world war, why did we declare it against Germany and not the USSR?

Because there was no good strategic reason for declaring war on USSR. It had no way of threatening British holdings. Politically, they should have - given the supposed protection of Poland.

>"If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."

Churchill (and Patton) wanted to fight Stalin afterwards (Operation Unthinkable) but America was calling the shots by the end of the war and said no.
Wew careful you dont go full Pitcarn there son
Who makes the new threads? Is it the same lad every time?
>Churchill wanted to start a war with russia after WW2.

And then they claim Hitler was the "shit at war" warmongering maniac
>tfw English with a French name
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>jewish communism
You do realise Stalin had streaks of anti-semitism right?
Gurkha's that serve her majesty in the armed forces are based.
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nah, they all try to get in before each other, they get annoyed when they lose.
>America had nukes
>Russia didn't
>America had a better industry than Britain
>America could have probably beat Russia alone if they played it safe and didn't go too aggressive.
>A few reasons. Shared Fascism - Hitler bumlicked Mussolini
But Hitler had little to no feelings towards Italy. He LOVED the British Empire and considered Anglo Saxons part of the Germanic race. The Empire was very fascistic.

>Because there was no good strategic reason for declaring war on USSR. It had no way of threatening British holdings. Politically, they should have - given the supposed protection of Poland.
Yes there was. Every single accusation that is given for declaring war against Germany, the USSR was guilty of, but WORSE. And Churchill knew about the dangers of communism and was a radical anti-marxist.

>but Jews were calling the shots by the end of the war and said no

Nothing you say makes sense and does not justify starting a world war over.
Communism was started by a jew. Propagated by jews. Controlled by jews. Stalin only got rid of them after they had achieved all their objectives. With his help. Biggest good goy of all time.

>so why not just let it collapse and made an example of?

Yeah...that's kind of happened over and fucking over again with the whole socialist/communist/marxist thing you fat spastic.

Without the war machine and snatching of massive amounts of resources from other countries, like neutral and nordic Norway, the natsoc wouldn't have even gone as far as it did.

When you have millions of your own soldiers dying it probably helps take some consumption pressure off to delay the starving in the streets stage.

When you have massive amounts of civilians recruited to rat on the others the iron fistedness kind of helps keep the shit together temporarily.

I wonder how long the Germans would have enjoyed being made to exercise in thousand strong classes and eating the same shit every day.
>Biggest good goy of all time.

"Antisemitism in the Soviet Union reached new heights after 1948 during the campaign against the "rootless cosmopolitan", in which numerous Yiddish-writing poets, writers, painters and sculptors were killed or arrested. This culminated in the so-called Doctors' plot, in which a group of doctors (some of whom were Jewish) had allegedly conspired to murder Stalin."
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Except Germany pre-war was an economic miracle.
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except we all know that none of that makes sense.

germany was like any if not better than a first world country, even today old people admit they felt better and safe under national socialism.

you did not address what you quoted you again made the assumption "well it would've collapsed anyways"
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