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/sg/ Syria General - Low energy chin man EDITION

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 339
Thread images: 115

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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews w/ Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria

>Fan maps

>Daily /sg/ map – Oct 2
>West Ghouta 18 September
>Shirqat September 24
>East Ghouta September 27
>North Hama September 28
>Aleppo city September 29

Developments Oct. 3
>US suspends Syria talks with Russia
>RU: US failed to separate moderate groups from jihadists
>US: Russia unwilling or unable to ensure Syrian regime adherence to the arrangements to which Moscow agreed
>India, Pakistan troops exchange fire at border in Kashmir
>Putin signs decree suspending Russia-US deal on plutonium disposal over hostile US actions
>Top al-Qaeda commander killed by drone strike in Syria
>Syrian Army imposes fire control over strategic road in northern Aleppo
>Surprise attack kills FSA commander in Daraa
>Syrian Army, Hezbollah begin new assault at strategic southern Aleppo district
>Taliban raises its flag over Kunduz before being pushed back by Afghan forces
>French fighter jets on mission against ISIL in Mosul

>SouthFront 4.10

Previous thread >>91507487
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nuke the arabs, genocide the vodka niggers
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thread theme
extra comfy music
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Soon Syria will by Russian new clay and they will speak Russian :) fuck you Americans you lost :) just exspet it burger it's time to drop the nukes like you drop on herosima and Nagasaki so every one can see you are a fat loser thet sucking the dick of Saudia Arabia :) and if you Gona nuke we will Gona nuke to :) hahahaha fat loser American
>t. tovarisch
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7th for fuck this is on page 6
Thank you israelskaya oblast
>Saudia Arabia
This was only your funniest typo.
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Threadly reminder that the DutchTurk and Countryside General are the BEST posters on /sg/.

Mashallah, G-d bless them.
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>tfw you're only here for the memes and combat footage
truly the best ally
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They are islamic fundamentalists. They are shit.
Based Hamas sleeper cell
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how much do you pay them?
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With you, we lose
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Did someone say "sanctions" ?
Is that Guy Fawkes mixed with Mr. Bean mixed with a nigger and a Jew..?
>countryside general
oy vey gevalt
How new are you?
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With you, Jews lose.
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Is that, like, a rhetorical question, or do you really want an answer?
Well done! Mazeltov
You are like a mitzvah
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this roach manlet jealous of Assad

Now that you say it, no, I don't want to know how new you are. I've had enough cringe for today.
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Why do I feel like this section of 4chan is all about Muslims, Jews, and Russians...
>I've had enough cringe for today.
I can imagine, you being a total faggot and all. That must be enough cringe to carry around with you all the time.
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fuck you nigger
Because you had a bad education.
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Looks like some western officials are conceding that Aleppo will be liberated sooner or later.
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Go travel to the north pole. lol
you are being a bit new.
So let me introduce to our rulz

This is a comfy thread.
We like it that way.
Help to keep it that way.

Thanks again.
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One day, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Tel Aviv will all share something in common.
>Because you had a bad education.
...right, says a Bulgarian. Funny stuff.
Me being bulgarian isn't an argument for the american education system. If you were well educated, you'd know that.
>nobody is talking about Assad interview

You disappoint me

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nth for erdogan is a dirty,dirty JEW

>President @RT_Erdogan issued a message to mark the #Jewish community’s New Year, #RoshHashanah
>Me being bulgarian isn't an argument for the american education system.
No, it's an argument against the Bulgarian education system relative to the US'. And it means you're an idiot, compared to me.

And learn to capitalize.

(Also, you're retarded for believing the "American education system" is some monolithic, centralized entity, as though all American citizens enjoy the same quality of education.)

>If you were well educated, you'd know that.
>actually getting this mad
>actually quoting my post number twice
>actually criticizing my capitalization of a post in my third language on stormfront 2.0

How very american of you. Sad!
I'm not mad, lol. My points remain valid.
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Based Erdo!
Happy new year to the Lion of Istanbul, the grand Sultan!
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Hey man.

This thread is about Syria, not the relative merits of the purported monolithic / non-monolithicness of the american education system. I am sure there is a board on 4chins where you can discuss such things, but be assured it is not here.

Stick to the theme, or go away, or be moderated away.

Glory to Assad in Damascus brother, Glory to Assad!
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>Glory to Assad in Damascus brother, Glory to Assad!
You idiots are actually supportive of a ruler who opened fire on peaceful protesters? Shame on you all.
Any progress on Aleppo ?
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>peaceful protesters
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Bashar ou bes, motherfucker.
There won't be any "progress" until Assad either steps down or is otherwise deposed, and a truly democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society where the means of production are owned by the people replaces his regime.
>peaceful protesters
*moderate beheaders
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>You idiots are actually supportive of a ruler who opened fire on peaceful protesters? Shame on you all.


Fucking based as fuck dude! Assad must indeed go my friend, ignore these weak westerners who are influenced by Putins top tier Soviet union propaganda to divide and conquer. Mashallah, true patriots who love their country still exist it seems. I only see people who hate their country and gobernment here usually. You might be a good lad desu.
You're telling me they weren't peaceful? Or that protesters even *should* be peaceful, given that they're protesting against their oppression?

What the fuck does that even mean? How could you monsters ever be supportive of oppressive rulers? You are the definition of evil.
Go shill elsewhere CTR.
>truly democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society where the means of production are owned by the people replaces his regime.
>Soviet union
The same Soviet union which won the wars for Turkey in 20s?
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turks and jews are eternal friends t.bh famalam


>*moderate beheaders
Please provide evidence for the suggestion that the supposed peaceful protesters Assad's forces opened fire upon were actually mobs of beheaders.
Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit conservative. I don't even know what CTR means, tool.
I'm with you anon, fuck terrorist states
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Glass yourself, before I glass you.
Remember that one time an unidentified sniper opened fire at peaceful protests who then attacked government with guns before government retaliated? My favorite time that exact thing happened was in Ukraine, followed closely by the exact same thing happening in Libya. When they did it in Tunisia wasn't fun anymore, though. Luckily, the same happening in Syria was much fun. The other ones weren't as memorable, though.
because the jews want to no
kys kike enabler
Someone give me a quick rundown of

Deir Ezzor

Current situation and changes since monday
This OP offends me, please do not make fun of my cousin
Much better post.
Keep it up. There is nothing more enjoyable than the heady heights achieved through intellectual political discussion. You know the kind I'm talking about, the kind where you present your sources, and we dissect them, examining the relative merits of each to bring about a greater collective understanding of what is and what is not plausible.

I think it's your move now, so hows abouts you shows us some of these sources that inform your inflammatory statements. We like inflammatory statements; make no mistake, we like them a lot. We just hope there's fuel in your fire, and being gentlemen and gentle women, we frown upon the little fires any windbag can make with their arse and the cheapest of lighters.

So, show us your wares.

What's that smell?
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I truly do think that Jews are our greateast ally and we should abandon those Vallahi Arabs and make sure to have warmer relationship with Israel(Soon Greater).

Assad is about to go lad.
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Jews, Turks and Kurds, the great alliance!
The best way to counter the shilling is to just shitpost and dont worry about it.
When taking the job, they never signed a contract where its jail if they dont vote for hillary.
They know who to vote for, but their job is horrible. Shills are people too, they need money for fucks sake. They dont mean anything they shill for
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fucking romanians
>truly democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society

it sounds like you want him forced out. It sounds like you don't think that the choices of the Syrian people matter one bit towards building this truly democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society. Nice words you use to dress up the crime of forced regime change.

And this progress you speak of, I am sure it's not the progress that Syria already had managed with the greatest level of religious freedom, healthcare and equality of women. What is this progress you speak of. Do tell.
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So you have a saying in all that? Youre one tough and influential motherfucker, sorry we didnt recognize you
You're quite bold to post like this from a US server. I hope the NSA is watching.

Liberalism isn't a "kike" thing, you dumb sack of shit. It's a universally-desired, HUMAN thing. Its telos is to liberate humans from oppressive societal institutions and ideologies that prevent them from leading fulfilling lives.

I'm not enabling kikes. I'm DISabling enemies of humanity (i.e., conservatives).
Erdogan is nos paying anymore. Turks here do it for free anon.
Putin paid me in Euros last month, strange.
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The true allies of Turkey: glorious communists. Go home american piggu!
But aren't you educated? You were saying how educated you were. I am disappointed now. Another American lied. Again. MAy be we should just ignore him.
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turk has no friend but the turk
get that jewshit out of here
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Finnbro trying to learn the art of shitposting.

Fucking bozgor
They wont earn money if they dont get (you)s
They all got a raise when they flooded the website during the first debate, but they cant change tactics at all.
>I think it's your move now
No, it's actually on you to explain why you believe opening fire on peaceful protesters is justifiable. Either that, or you are to provide evidence against my claim that such a thing never occurred under Assad's watch. Anything less would be a cop out, and would mean you lose the "debate."
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Who do you think runs who runs the NSA? Hmm?
Since peaceful protesters means armed moderate beheaders mixed American plants, I think it's pretty reasonable to open fire.
Shut the hell up, racist, you aren't even a real turk.

What, so you're saying we shouldn't open fire on open borders activists, leftists, 'refugees', mudshits and BLM activists in the West if they tried to overthrow the government?

Spotted the cuck. Assad did nothing wrong to fuck them up. Likewise look how cucked the Gulenist rebels were in Turkey as soon as they faced a protest. You don't win when you bow to Soros-backed protesters who want the government overthrown, you win when you put bullets in them so that they can't and never think about doing it again.
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wtf i hate the ypg now
what is this
>it sounds like you want him forced out.
Absolutely. Humans have lived under classist rule for 10,000 years, which has led to untold amounts of human suffering throughout the ages, and it's time we put an end to this state of affairs. All against this effort are enemies of humanity and must be dealt with accordingly.

>forced regime change
It's not a matter of a mere "regime change," but a total socio-politico-cultural revolution, one that results in the personal enrichment of all people belonging to the system.

>Do tell.
No, these are piecemeal changes that don't address the fundamental issues from which all social ills emanate. What needs to be radically transformed is the political economy. The political economy must be a *truly* democratic, cooperative one. Only under such a system will all its subjects achieve maximum personal fulfillment.
wtf I love the Antifa now!
SAA continues its gradual push from the north
Situation unchanged
>Deir ez Zor
SAA retook positions they've lost to IS after Obongo bombed them
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If you would see your country get flooded by smelly arabs and get bullied by these mudslimes every week and you see Jamal groping blonde Dutch girls who would rather rideh is dick than talk to you. Then you come back to me and tell me you wouldn't be white power racist that poses as a Turk online dude. You just try that. Being red pilled Dutchman is very hard really man.... it is hard.
>But aren't you educated?
Not being well-versed in stupid anti-liberal contemporary politics lingo does not at all speak to my level of education, dumbass. Read a book.
Aleppo.. minor gains in several northern districts

Deir ez-Zor.. SAA with RuAF backing managed to recapture a few points in the Thardeh mountain area (the area they lost thanks to USAF)

Hama.. northern Hama frontline appears stable. some clashes. Suheil is here.
central Hama, west of Salamiyah - short lived jihadi offensive (this is on the eastern edge of the Rastan/Homs pocket), minor gains by jihadis but already recaptured. few NDF soldiers martyred.
>Who do you think runs who runs the NSA?
Hopefully someone who'll indefinitely imprison you in Guantanamo. Keep talking.
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>What, so you're saying we shouldn't open fire on open borders activists, leftists, 'refugees', mudshits and BLM activists in the West if they tried to overthrow the government?
Obviously not. All of that would be wildly unethical.

>Spotted the cuck.

Spotted another braindead conservative. Why don't you respond to my other posts before you spout your nonsense? And please respond to my individual points. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
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Lawrence of Arabia @Lawrence1918x 2h

Awijah district - 50% under SAA control. By the end of the day all of it will be probably captured by SAA.
Fake turk please leave. I hope Turkey conquers Europe so they would genocide you traitors for good.
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The only one who has a chance at ending up in gitmo here is you.
>No, it's actually on you to explain why you believe opening fire on peaceful protesters is justifiable

But I don't believe it is. We have reviewed hours of discussion on this matter, see >>91596798
I have no need to rehash it again - you can head over to our wordpress to review the collection materials yourself [ https://syriagenerals.wordpress.com/]

The fact that I don't wish to waste time with you cooking the cabbages we all cooked late last year should not be interpreted as anything other than boredom, boredom at another newbie, ignorant of facts making demands that he himself is too ignorant and lazy to fulfil for himself. Now why don't you fuck off. You are, as we say in Africa, clearly 'too educated' for this board, why don't you come back when you have a handle of the materials we have collected and placed online, for all to see 24/7 for the last 11 months or so.

Use this as an intro, its a gift to you, in the name of comfyness. It should in no way be interpreted as concession to your grubby little ways. Ok? Ok my boy. Happy learnings.

Move away.
Going full thrust in.
No lube
For what? Ousting a probable terrorist? In your dreams, traitor.
Sorry Hillary but this isn't the mental ward, you're gonna have to leave now.
>Anyone who disagrees with my naive unrealistic idealistic hippie worldview is a terrorist
Piss off with this garbage, retard.
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Shrink the pocket and then cut it into pieces. This is what is happening.
>We have reviewed hours of discussion on this matter, see >>91596798
Hours? Nope.

And I didn't take that post seriously. Not only was it totally irrelevant, it didn't provide a source. Either provide a source, quoting the relevant sections, that either explains why opening fire on peaceful protesters is justifiable or concludes such a thing never occurred under Assad's watch, or STFU.

I don't watch YouTube videos to get information. I read.
"how to create a permanent shithole"

if assad goes syria ceases to exist and all thats left are some sandnigger warlords and islamists killing each other.
>you win when you put bullets in them so that they can't and never think about doing it again.

You might keep your nation, keep it prosperous, keep it happy, and pass it on to your children in good condition, but if you shoot your enemies you've definitely lost.
>all thats left are some sandnigger warlords and islamists killing each other
Obviously, that wouldn't happen if it were transformed into a truly democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society.

Not only should Syria be transformed in such a way, but every single other nation as well. It's time the world is made into a place we can all enjoy.
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For being ousted as a confirmed terrorist.
Follow the instructions in the image.
no k*rds pls thx
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the fuck is this hippies doing.
Turkey must change. And Kurds will be spearheading this transformation. For that they will be resented, but without it, Turkey can't survive.
Those all seem like my kind of people.. what are you even getting at?
you dont watch videos of conferences at the schiller institute given by retired marine commanders who are now senators? Are you serious. It must be wonderful to be like you. One hundred percent source information, and you would prefer to read a reportage? MFW

Again we have rehashed this particular point about snipers and crowds many times in the past. We have collected materials. We have placed them online. It is up to you to decide whether you watch video of snipers in action or not. There are no rules of debate which require me to prove that something did not happen. It is up to you to prove that they did. So in fact, by all the rules of debate, it is you who needs to provide sources. You can head over to materials or not. Up to you. But as of this post, I think I am done with you. Good bye. I think no one is going to reply to you anymore. Sorry your shift was cut so short.
Good idea. But start with your country, please.
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Doing hippy things.
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Today was a very weak day. Inshallah tomorrow I might bait me some more (You) fluids. Goodnight my top analysts.
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Wanting Assad to destroy terrorists and take back control of their own country makes someone a terrorist? Interesting logic you have there.
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>you dont watch videos of conferences at the schiller institute given by retired marine commanders who are now senators?
I would rather read their transcripts than be preached to. Human speech is heavily affect-laden and imbued with emotional suggestions not explicitly stated in words; I'm interested in the truth value of people's words.

>snipers and crowds
Are we even talking about the same thing? I am asking for evidence that Assad did not fire on peaceful protesters. Or, I want a justification for him doing so if he actually did.

>There are no rules of debate which require me to prove that something did not happen.
This is usually true, except in this case, it is common knowledge in the international community that Assad's fired upon peaceful protesters. In fact, he personally admitted this happened. You need to provide evidence that the international community's position here is either misguided or altogether false. The burden of proof is on you.
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Don't you have a heart /sg/?
>start with your country, please.
If only it were that easy...
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How can you not read the accredited journalism and not feel bad
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Read this then, nigger.
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Wait, what are you doing
The same thing they said about Libya, but now instead of the most richest African country it's one of the poorest and least stable ones and a ISIS hub, great going democracy you sure made it better.
3 years old for one thing.
Western media clearly gearing up for war
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That's just a coincidence, you don't know what you're talking about
what is a leppo?
He is clearly an Islamist. Stop being obtuse.
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What the fuck stop this goyim
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No, actually, the burden of proof is on you to prove he fired on "peaceful protesters"
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Should've made less terrorists babies sandniggers
Bashar Ou Bes Allah Souria
What part of "quoting the relevant sections" don't you understand..?
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Obviously, this wasn't a *truly* democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society. No such society has existed for at least 10,000 years.

But, it's high time all humans around the world work together to create such a world.

How are any of those outcomes a defeat. Bad things are necessary sometimes to deal with an opponent who can't be deterred by any other means but force. If you haven't already noticed nearly every major power in history has maintained power and order that way. Only when they cave in or refuse to resist do they lose. You just don't do it at every excuse or when there is a legitimate grievance against you that could be resolved peacefully.
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What part of reading comprehension don't you understand?
Hint: All of it.
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Navstéva @Navsteva
"Last hospital in #Aleppo" collage
-sample of war propaganda over the past few months
-propaganda goal is to foment an attack on Damascus
>the burden of proof is on you to prove he fired on "peaceful protesters"
Again, it is common knowledge that this occurred and was even acknowledged by Assad.. Do you know what common knowledge is..?
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This video shows a 12 year old boy being beheaded by a member of al-Zenki. One of the 'moderate rebels'. 'Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki' on wikipedia if you would like to read more about them.


It's just a leafman meme, calm yourself.
there is nothing against k*rds in turkey though what is gonna change? they are already in pretty good shape.
Fucking hypocrite Assadists can't even admit most of the protests where peaceful and that the totalitarian Baath party and Assad clan dictatorship are NOT fucking ok. The uprising was real and they just wanted freedom from the Baathists, Shabiha gangs and evil mukhabarat murderers.


You're a fucking moron, haha.

I asked for:

>a source, quoting the relevant sections, that either explains why opening fire on peaceful protesters is justifiable or concludes such a thing never occurred under Assad's watch

Provide me such a source, quoting the relevant sections, that explain the above, or shut the fuck up. Simple.
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Yeah, you should get working on that, follow in the footsteps of other such contemporary "democratic visionaries" like this guy.
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Yeah, there's absolutely no evidence in this video definitively implicating any particular group. Try again.
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Assad never said he fired on any "peaceful protesters"
The burden of proving your outlandish claim remains.
Middle east for the most part has a culture of family clans, which means that they're culturally, genetically and religiously not acclimated at nation states nor nationalism. Because of that they're in a tough spot - they're savaged who can't into modern civilization, yet due to the age they live in, must have nation states.

Because of this, their natural state is that of endless war and strife, genocide and assassinations. The only way to bring order is to have a tyrant, who in this case was Assad's father. Such a man does some purges and punishes anti-state sentiment harshly. Younger doctor Bashir Assad was much more lenient and lead a prosperous nation until US dug up some dirt and hid their beheaders into the crowd of sheep who bought their invented narrative against freedom. This was used to try toppling the government.

Assad almost a saint.
There is literally nothing wrong with dictatorship.
Get over your stupid, sarcastic attitude. It's not helping anybody, and it doesn't make you cool.
It can be broken, kurds were very much tribalistic, but they developed their nationalism.
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>White helmets
>Assad never said he fired on any "peaceful protesters"
He publicly expressed lament over his forces opening fire on demonstrators on a few occasions, claiming to have not authorized these acts.

Are you seriously denying as much..?
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I'm not being sarcastic. The only reason it's not helping you is because you're not taking my advice.
Still waiting, shill.
Can doesn't mean it will and with arabs it ain't gonna happen. Especially Suni ones.
Yes there is. Look at the faces in the video, then the faces in the image from the post I replied to. Then to the background of the dusted/dazed young boy photo. Also, either one of your politicians or a press person for the government commented something along the lines that they're not going to stop supporting the al-zenki terrorists because it was an isolated incident.
Lel, Kurds still live tribalistic.
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Oh lookie here what the SAA captured...

There is nothing genetic about particular cultural forms. They are the product of history and are not determined by biology. Neither culture nor psychology are biologically determined.
Sucking circumcised Jewish cocks must pays well.
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Where's the proof?
>I'm not being sarcastic
You're still being an arrogant asshole. So stop.
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>Al-Qaeda commander in Aleppo admitted that White Helmets are their subdivision
Mercenary snipers fired on both protesters and police, to create chaos and unrest
The same happened in Ukraine

Rly makes u think...
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>bomb carpets
Yeah, if I have to look to other sources to corroborate this, then that would mean the video per se doesn't implicate any particular group, like I said.
>biscuit Factory
And Tunisia, and Libya, And Egypt...

And almost in Turkey, but somebody got to them first as they set up in Istanbul.
Wonder how that happened.
>muh freedom
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Sure, once you provide the proofs of your claim.
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>Not understanding Sunni vs Shia

I'm all for Deus Vult but you have to understand that the US is funding and being controlled by the actual terrorists. You know, guys like in this pic?
You're the second Singaporean I've come across. The first one wasn't nice, either.
>There is nothing genetic
>product of history
>Neither culture nor psychology are biologically determined
Except they are. Get on with the times, grandpa.

Let me give you a short, simplified lesson about genes. In the genome, it's not only sequence and pairs that matter. Just as important is the 3D position of the DNA, meaning that the way it curls and touches other parts of the strand matter. And what changes the way DNA curls itself?
Your life experience, emotions. While you don't get outright memories, what you are, how you live and feel about the world is literally written down in your genetic code. Of course, lifestyle can mostly change it in your person, but those things will still manifest in your children.

As we know, somewhere between 50 and 70 percent of who you are is genetically determined.
And for example, one of the first researches that showed your identity and life change the genes next generation inherits was the research of how much various generations of people on an isolated island eat in comparison to food shortages thru the century.

So yes, who you and your people are flows in your veins. Tabula Rasa can go get fucked.
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the threads were so calm for the past few days without them, nobody raging or triggered

felt dangerously like an echo chamber, but was comfy
It was uploaded on one of the fighters Facebook, the fighter was part of Nour ad-Din al-Zenki. Obviously it's deleted now.
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It's ok, al-zinki should be mostly dead now.
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tell us more about what u feel, we really care here
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He was reported dead yesterday. Al Quds got him.
Yes, you will need to look at the video and the picture. Outcome remains the same: 'moderate rebel' is actually a beheader.
>There is nothing genetic about particular cultural forms.

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>maybe we should just ignore him
this is what we should do. that's why this general went to shit some time ago. nice to seeing that name again btw
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Guys, I think he is gone now.
I reported his singaporian insult - it was off topic, and he was being obtuse, offering nothing of value and making silly demands.

Well done to all of you for showing your knowledge of current affairs and so forth.

I often wonder where these shills come from, they seem to have a single characteristic of being angry and making demands - as if their anger is going to prompt you to 'fall in line' or something.

As I say, I think he is gone now. All hail moderators, All hail /pol, all Hail /sg

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"Military troops opened fire during protests in the southern part of Syria on Friday and killed peaceful demonstrators, according to witnesses and news reports, hurtling the strategically important nation along the same trajectory that has altered the landscape of power across the Arab world.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators in the southern city of Dara’a and in other cities and towns around the nation took to the streets in protest, defying a state that has once again demonstrated its willingness to use lethal force.

It was the most serious challenge to 40 years of repressive rule by the Assad family since 1982, when the president at the time, Hafez al-Assad, massacred at least 10,000 protesters in Hama, a city in northern Syria."

"President Assad “doesn’t want the bloodshed at all, and I witnessed his directives on not using live bullets whatever the circumstances as he is keen on every citizen,” Ms. Shaaban said.

“This doesn’t mean that there are no mistakes or practices which were not unsatisfactory and not up to the required level,” she said.

Less than 24 hours later, witnesses reported that live fire was again turned on unarmed protesters."

These people do not look like mobs of beheaders. They look like an oppressed population rallying for rights. And obviously, Ms. Shaaban here is just spouting PR nonsense. It's unreasonable to believe Assad has this little command over his forces.
Haha haven't seen that one yet. Definitely saving that.
Does anyone have a link or recall the date of the video where the white house press guy, or some govt. department press person spoke of the beheading of the kid? I can't remember exactly where I saw it.
>the US is funding and being controlled by the actual terrorists. You know, guys like in this pic?
I don't believe this. All nations are funded and controlled by an elite ruing class, not low-level beheaders like that piece of dogshit.

>An air strike killed 21 Iraqi pro-government Sunni tribal fighters early on Wednesday in an area south of the country's jihadist-held second city Mosul, a commander and a minister said.

>It was unclear whether it was the Iraqi military or the US-led coalition against the Islamic State group (IS) -- the two forces flying armed aircraft in Iraq -- that mistakenly hit the fighters.

>The raid happened at around 1:00 am on Wednesday (2200 GMT Tuesday) east of the town of Qayyarah, which was recaptured from IS in August, the officials said.

We basically created this shit through deliberate action.
>baker shaker!

k*rd nationalism revolves around hatred towards turks and they are still very tribal. nationalism because of hating another means nothing, look what happened to greeks and armenians, they hate turks and their sole nationalism revolves around it.
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>nytimes lugenpress hitpiece article
Still waiting.

>Under fire from Russian, Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian and Kurdish forces, as well as US air power, so-called Islamic State has lost large swathes of land, as well as fighters and money. What does this mean for the Islamist militant group? Is it finished?

If mainstream media already hails the death of isis, does that mean that it would be let to die, and Syria can be restored?
I mean "controlling" the beheaders and being controlled by the Saudis. I thought that would be obvious.
>k*rd nationalism revolves around hatred towards turks

Wasn't it about communism? I thought kurds are just communist turks.

what happened?

just got here and want the tl;dr :^)

State department press briefing

He says the FSA will investigate itself on the incident lol.
Convert to Islam and join the fun brother, mashallah.

those responsible were prosecuted.
security apparatus was nervous due to sniper shots during previous demonstrations and attacks that wiped out entire police convoys.
it makes the overreaction understandable though not just, therefore they have been prosecuted. case closed, no reason to fund a jihadist driven war with 500 k victims you retard.

also snipers at demonstrations has been a signature for us intervention for decades.
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This kid either has never heard of or is in willful suspension of disbelief of the muslim brotherhood in which case he's another joepke type shill.
>Let me give you a short, simplified lesson about genes
You don't have to, because biological determinism, as concerns human psychology and behavior, is an indefensible ideology. One needn't be an expert geneticist, or even have an average understanding of genetics, to understand this. Evidence from the social sciences definitely debunks biological determinism.

>how you live and feel about the world is literally written down in your genetic code
Absolutely not. There is no definitive, causative connection between genetics and particular, concrete psychological phenomena. Moreover, that adopted children adapt to their family environment, regardless of their biological parents' race, socioeconomic class, etc. testifies to the brain being a potentiating substratum rather than a determinant factor as regards psychology/behavior.

>As we know, somewhere between 50 and 70 percent of who you are is genetically determined.
No, we don't know that. Only people like you and the eugenecists of old say and still believe that. It's YOU who needs to get with the times.
I think it is undeniable that Assad forces fired at protestors. Bahrain did same thing. Funny how both situatiions worked out tho. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaTKDMYOBOU
its kind of an absurd version of german natsoc. its all related to hatred against turks and nothing else.
I don't know, some shit poster pitched up all angry and unreasonable, refusing this and ignoring that. Typical angry demanding troll - we must answer this one obscure item we dealt with 11 months ago, refusing to visit the blog to educate himself. Nothing special - just the usual.

I am not sure he is gone tho, having seen him post subsequent to my message above.

Don't be baited. Just ignore him.
>hospital next to the carpet and beer factory
New South Front update:

I talk facts, you retort with facts are an indefensible ideology.
I talk research, you deny the results.
I talk statistics, you retort with boogeyman evil scientists.

Rethink your life mate. You're being irrational and ideologically pozzed.
I provided my evidence. It is now your turn to refute it. Otherwise, you cop out and lose the debate.

Sorry, you confused me by saying "controlled by the actual terrorists...guys in this pic."

No source, no quoting of sections relevant to the claim under discussion.

Fuck off.
It's not undeniable for me until there's actual proof it happened as claimed.
There's ample reason and plenty of evidence why such a thing would have been false flagged.
All I can say is that it was a very successful false flag operation, all things considered, shame that it was but alas, it turns out that too many people aren't like me and get easily fooled by stupid shit.
If we are judging by this >>91596096 i can see why they started the shooting. No smoke without fire, no death threats without violence; I wouldn't say for certain it was the security forces who started the fire.
are you even trying?
>These people do not look like mobs of beheaders.

how to fuck up a country 101 should be a book by now. They don't need to look. You just need a few people to shoot at the police and the other demonstrators and make the police shoot back and watch the domino pieces fall in place

>"But things took on a different hue because inside these peaceful demonstrations there was another group of people who were armed ... and were shooting at the security forces and were shooting at other citizens in Daraa. At the end of the day this became a matter of national security."


How do you think usa and friends managed to start the arab spring..?
>I talk facts, you retort with facts are an indefensible ideology.
You didn't "talk facts." You just talked. You presented a particular ideology.

We're here to debate. If you're just here to preach, then fuck off. If you're here to debate, then address my rebuttals individually. I have all day to dismantle your pseudoscientific nonsense.
Do you think your government had anything to do with promoting the arab spring uprisings in Syria or anywhere else? Before the violence, that is?
>You presented a particular ideology
No, I didn't. I believe in free will and there was nothing in that post that shows I don't. Except your warped brain misrepresenting what I said either because you're malicious or don't understand a thing.

Either case, you'll quote the post now and ask me to explain myself ad nauseam. I don't care to do so because you're not doing anything but yelling NO U. Buzz off, FBI.
>are you even trying?
Genetic fallacy.

>They don't need to look.
Um, no... a mob of beheaders need to be actually beheading people before opening fire on them is justifiable. Mass summary, public executions where people are fired upon indiscriminately is absolutely unethical.
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good times in /sg/

i always keep it comfy posting the rare assad's

God bless the man
The fucking cuck is probably proud of Ameristan's involvement in the arab spring astroturfed uprisings.
Don't forget that (((CIAnonymous NROfficial))) was heavily involved.
On the hoholmaps feed I saw that ISIS beheaded some moderate FSA jihadists, is there an anime already?
>limited military strikes
>OCA strikes
wew the doublethink is real
I believe that the uprisings exhibited around the world, including the Occupy and Arab Spring movements, were part of a structured whole. In other words, they were inevitable outcomes of the current global sociopolitical state of affairs.

I'm unsure as to the extent of governmental involvement in any of these, but I think they would've occurred regardless of such interventions.
you don't understand. Is not a sea of people that has to start to shoot and watch hell break lose.. if you have 5 people that will shoot at the police make sure the police will shoot back. If you control the media, blame the police, have a few snipers shoot both police and people the shitparty has started. See ukraine ....
I don't doubt that it was false flagged either. The whole argument to take Assad down because his forces fired at protestors is bogus, especially considering what happenned in Bahrain, where we do have clear evidence of the regime firing and killing peaceful protestors. Difference was that no one armed Bahrainis, or brought in foreign fighters to combat the saudi puppet regime.
thanx man!
>No, I didn't
You didn't? I'm sorry, I thought you were talking to me about something.

>I believe in free will
So now you're not, again, presenting a particular ideology, and you believe I was making the claim that biological determinism and the lack of free will mutually inclusive?

Just respond to my individual rebuttals, or STFU. Seriously.
Except theres no evidence this was a conspiracy, you people just want to believe there is one.
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>mfw we're being sent low level shills now
Libya for instance. When you start using word salad like "sociopolitical state of affairs" it shows that you haven't put the pieces of the puzzle together yet, and/or you are buying propaganda and repeating what someone like Obama says.

ctrl + f "evidence"

Obama and Cameron had been pushing the narrative that he was bombing and firing on his own people for a while. This shows they were saying that based on "no confirmation"

>Q: Do you see any evidence that he actually has fired on his own people from the air? There were reports of it, but do you have independent confirmation? If so, to what extent?
> SEC. GATES: We’ve seen the press reports, but we have no confirmation of that.
> ADM. MULLEN: That’s correct. We’ve seen no confirmation whatsoever.

Is Assad and his country going to get us into ww3?
This almost seems like something that could have been orchestrated by the powers that be. At any rate, something like this would have been dealt with more civilly in countries like the US.
That depends on the USA.
>lack of free will mutually inclusive
EDIT: lack of free will *are* mutually inclusive
>something like this would have been dealt with more civilly in countries like the US
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>48 posts by this id

wew lad you must be popular around here
No obama is
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>something like this would have been dealt with more civilly in countries like the US
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I still hate western feminism and antifa, though.

King nigger and his Jew overlords decide that, not Assad. All it takes is a few dead Russians and Americans and the brown people will inherit our wastelands.
>When you start using word salad like "sociopolitical state of affairs" it shows that you haven't put the pieces of the puzzle together yet, and/or you are buying propaganda and repeating what someone like Obama says.
Hmm? How does that at all follow? Please briefly explain.

People worldwide, more than ever before, are waking up to the fact that they are subjects of a ruling class. This is what I mean by the sociopolitical state of affairs--classism. And this is what explains the global waves of dissent.

These are grassroots, populist movements. Any effects of covert governmental intervention are trivial.
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>I'm unsure as to the extent
Would you like to know more?

This video shows how some folks believe it was carried out. It might not align closely enough with your world-view to consider it plausible, but it should at least make for an interesting theory.
>you must be popular around here
This is my first time here actually lol
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Arouond here we don't tolerate things like antifa, or leafs.
Right, because the US has such a long history of citizens being fired upon at random...

(In actuality, the Kent State massacre is just about the only modern instance of this.)

How many civilians have you shot today while fearing for your vagina?
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that's a new one for my collection, thanks

lol welcome to the thread fellow ignorant American

I too was once blind. maybe if you stick around your opinions will change as you educate yourself
Good to see the moderate beheaders are being overrun by the SAA in North Aleppo. Maybe the SAA can take all but the most densely populated areas this year.
>lol welcome to the thread fellow ignorant American
>ignorant American
What? I'm not like you, haha. Sit down.

The only thing you're missing is a name or trip. Then the faggotry will be complete :^)
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>These are grassroots, populist movements
Are you admitting that every BLM riot has had no legitimacy? Good, thanks.
It wasn't really an insult I just used to be one of those guys. We are trying to talk about the details of what occurred so using words that try to quickly sum up everything and skirt blame don't fit.

Look at the news briefing surrounding Libya that I provided and then, if interested, look at videos of the news and what Obama is saying. It was all pushing for a no fly zone. One of the reasons they wanted him was that Gaddafi had over 150 tons of gold and wanted to get off central bank control.

So think about that, and hopefully at least a little of what you're picking up here and watch something like this where Obama says climate change played a huge role in Syria. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=411_1475611220

Does that sound ridiculous to you now?
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either your ignorant or else your stupidity is terminal and will follow you to the grave.

deposing Assad will, in no way, establish or help to establish a "truly democratic, cooperative and egalitarian society" in Syria. in fact it will be a step away from that. you are delusional or ignorant of the situation if you believe otherwise.

But please, stick around. maybe you will learn. here, have a cute anime girl to soothe your nerves
We're not talking about immigration, dumbass.

You shut the fuck up, lol. Just because we're both Americans doesn't mean we're anything alike.
Holy fuck I didn't realize he funded Amnesty International. That makes so much more sense now.

>Baghdad bridles at Turkey's military presence, warns of 'regional war'

>"We have asked the Turkish side more than once not to intervene in Iraqi matters and I fear the Turkish adventure could turn into a regional war," Abadi warned in comments broadcast on state TV on Wednesday.

>"The Turkish leadership's behavior is not acceptable and we don't want to get into a military confrontation with Turkey."
Also it appears you've never heard of a little something called WACO TEXAS
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I almost thought this was ottoman with a proxy but your English is too good. I guess you're just retarded
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who are you voting for on nov 5?
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The big one you missed is Amnesty International. They put out reports helping push propaganda in Libya that were unconfirmed that people took as fact.
you think they will go over the kurds in iraq? they do get better along with them then the syrian kurds
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>when you have a monopoly on functioning bakeries in a leppo

We? I'm not sure you understand what I'm talking about.

>Look at the news briefing surrounding Libya that I provided and then, if interested, look at videos of the news and what Obama is saying.
No, no. I'm not particularly interested in contemporary politics. What's needed is a critical, political philosophical examination of the powers that be. This is the angle I'm taking.

>deposing Assad will, in no way, establish or help to establish a "truly democratic, cooperative and egalitarian society" in Syria.
Such a society could not exist and flourish sans his being deposed; I'm not claiming the flourishment of such a society is a necessary consequence of his being deposed.

>in fact it will be a step away from that
Right, a step away from a non-egalitarian, classist societal arrangement would be a step away from itself. Stupid.

>have a cute anime girl to soothe your nerves
There's a southfront video on that..

NGO's and the hybrid war
Shut the fuck up, moron. You are in absolutely no position to be asserting intellectual superiority over me, lol.

I don't vote.
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Last he was reportedly heard from was on telegram, rationalizing/going full denial on terrorist BTFOings in handarat.
kurds? nah they have good relations with Barezani.
but pkk used to have training camps there too. I'm not sure if they are still there or not though.

the whole point of intervention is having a permanent base and presence there.
WHAT?! You characterize the Branch Davidians as being peaceful protesters? Just stop.
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Deepy, i'm sorry - i fell for the bait

rAMFUzss is just too much and making /sg/ not comfy

i'll get back to making it comfy again
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Good video.

Here's one on the white helmets specifically/

>(((peaceful protesters)))
A mountain hawks (Suqur al-Jabal) brigade armed with US-supplied TOWs left the group and joined Nusra (JFaS)
This came because the other Mountain Hawks brigade fused with Division 13 into this Free Idlib Army thing

More US tax dollars at work to arm al-Qaeda, enjoy

Stop this silliness.
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rAMFUzss you have to go back
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Very moderate
if terrorists make gains he will comeback
he needs material to troll us
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What would you expect of a NGO that rushed to confirm the testimony of (((Nurse Nayirah))) about the Koweiti coffins ?
someone baking new bread?
Oops, I meant to respond to you. Stop this silliness.
Is the OP gonna be updated with the developments in Owaija ?

>arab spring was organic

kek. The west put the organizations that pushed the revolutions in place. USAID, NED, IRI were active in all the countries the Arab spring 'worked' in. Don't believe me? Consider the difference in outcome of Syria and Bahrain. Sure, that there were protests in Barhain shows there was some organic desire for change. But look how it played out, mainly consider the media presentation of them. Barely a word on Barhain but Syria was rolling news, the not so subtle inplication being that if they kept protesting the west would come in and Gaddafi Assad. So while the IRI, NED and co helped co-ordinate the protests and atavists the media in the west done much worse. It offered hope. The ONLY way Syria was going to collapse was external intervention. The media presention made it seem like this was on the cards, so more and more international jihad went to join the minority of Syrians, always thinking uncle Sam's bombers were a day away.

Colour revolutions perform a similar function today that CIA backed contras did throughout the 70s and 80s. And while the CIA is still involved, most of the work today is propaganda and carried out by USAID and co.

Read all about it.

>Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change in Eastern Europe

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>Such a society could not exist and flourish sans his being deposed; I'm not claiming the flourishment of such a society is a necessary consequence of his being deposed.

I can assure you, it is a necessary consequence that such a society will not exist in the event of Assad being deposed and in fact that political dialectic in the region will be set back several centuries.

>Right, a step away from a non-egalitarian, classist societal arrangement would be a step away from itself. Stupid.

not stupid. if you "step away" from such an arrangement, only to step towards an arrangement that is even more classist, non-egalitarian and oppressive, then in fact you are making it more difficult for equality to flourish in the future. a step away from Assad and towards his inevitable replacement (a fundamentalist religious regime) is, in fact, a step in the wrong direction.

Understand that the two options on the table here are Assad or an even more violent and oppressive theological state.
You will be better able to understand this when you understand that many of the people in the region actually desire a fundamentalist theological state, and perceive any efforts to block the formation of such a theological state to be oppressive and sufficient justification for armed conflict.

I'm telling you the protesters were only ever a minority, evidenced by Assad winning TWO elections since the protests started.
I remember this one! Thanx!

added it on the list

>Feature videos
What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg
Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
White helmets truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAaReVn2I4
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
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That's al-q flag, not ISIS right? Still fucking hilarious.
It's amazing how the massacres in Bahrain were just swept under the rug. Being the home of a US naval fleet sure has it's perks, I guess.
>Don't believe me?
Absolutely not.

>Sure, that there were protests in Barhain shows there was some organic desire for change.
Aside from the odd phrasing and misspelling... well, this was my only point. I wasn't speaking to the particular ways these uprisings manifested, only to why they did.
Stop biting ffs


There were numerous attacks on police stations before the SAA started using live ammunition.

>It's not a matter of a mere "regime change," but a total socio-politico-cultural revolution, one that results in the personal enrichment of all people belonging to the system.

Just like in Libya? Or Muslim Brotherhood post revolution Egypt? How about Iraq freed from the evil grip of Saddam?
stealth rare
>I can assure you
Your assurances mean squat to me. Please know that.

>a step away from Assad and towards his inevitable replacement (a fundamentalist religious regime) is, in fact, a step in the wrong direction.
What? Why do you believe such a regime would inevitably replace him? Please explain what feeds your confidence in your assurances.

>many of the people in the region actually desire a fundamentalist theological state
That, obviously, is a problem. Such ideologies need to be cleared in order for a livable state of affairs to prevail.
>Absolutely not.

why would you use these words in response to the question "do you believe me", unless you have concrete proof to discredit the claim? have you read the evidence he posted? are you fully aware of all of the moving pieces in the circumstances that he's talking about? or did you just assume that he's full of shit because of some external factor?

you'll learn a lot more slowly if you keep up these behaviors. don't be such a college campus communist in the way you discuss things, and you will learn things much more quickly
Amber Lyon reported on Bahrain but CNN took money from both governments to not run the story it looks like.


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>explains why opening fire on peaceful protesters is justifiable

Go have a look at the concessions offered by the Assad government. Then look at the bulk of the fighters. This was only ever about one thing. Removing Assad. Wanna know why? The answer is partly in here.


note, 2007. LONG before the 'arab spring'. As to 'peaceful protestors', see what the DIA had to say of them back in 2012.

Are you seriously defending the practice of random, indiscriminate firing on civilians? I hope this happens to you and all your family someday.

>Just like
No, obviously not just like any of those. Such a cultural revolution hasn't occurred in the past 10,000 years.
Yeah, al jazeera did a good doc on the situation too a few years ago. Amber basically disapeared from the face of the earth. I think she is into some health spiritual thing now. It's like the system totally shat her up and she simply gave up on doing actual news.

>Obviously, that wouldn't happen if it were transformed into a truly democratic, cooperative, egalitarian society.

Like when Egyptians voted in the Muslim Brotherhood who used rape and acid to quell protests against their rule? You assume Islams are benign. They're not. Domination IS their agenda.


>inb4 source,

google 'muslim brotherhood 'the project''. It's very real.

>Or, I want a justification for him doing so if he actually did.

They shot first.
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are you aware of the forces fighting against the Assad regime (other than the USA)? do you have any formulated theories about what the balance of power in the region will be once Assad is replaced with a vacuum?

which of the belligerents do you think will establish control and move the country towards egalitarianism? ISIS? Al-Nusra perhaps?

And how do you propose "clearing" such ideologies from a population that has held them for the last 1500 years?
Half the thread and im fuckin sick of the americunt who always talks about the truly cooperative egalitarian democratic society
>implying thats the saudis and quataris (islamists) interests
>implying this outcome worked anywhere these past years
with people being this ignorant itll be an easy task to persuade you of the next intervention, wich will be russia and it will be WW3
btw, all this for A FUCKING PIPELINE
capitalism is a fucking vampire wearing a lgbt cape because it currently fits its needs. kudos to /sg/ for informing the public without bias. much appreciated for a long time now! based lion!
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People actually watch SyrianPartisanGirl videos unironically

just reply to my post in the next thread I don't feel like reposting it there
>why would you use these words in response to the question "do you believe me", unless you have concrete proof to discredit the claim?
Because HE didn't provide concrete proof. I'm not taking a negative stance by not believing him, I'm not just going to unquestioningly believe what some Brit tells me. You're retarded asf if you didn't get this.

> Or, I want a justification for him doing so if he actually did.

First reported deaths,

> Syria: Seven Police Killed, Buildings Torched in Protests

>I hope this happens to you and all your family someday.

We were trying to be reasonable and advance the discussion but please ignore this guy now. You have almost no knowledge of the situation and refuse to look at anything with an open mind. You gave one New York Times link and expected us to revert our views based on probably hundreds of hours of research for a terrible propaganda piece controlled by the government.

I'm saying instigators shot at the police and security forces first.
No, that's not like anything that has ever happened in the past 10,000 years. Religion is only something that has the opportunity to form and flourish in non-egalitarian, classist societies.

God, how isn't this shit obvious to you people?
>They shot first.
Who, they? Are you telling me every single person who was shot first shot at the security forces?

My point, and I'm sure you are aware, was that the other countries that the arab spring hit, fundamentalists grabbed power. Islamists are objectively worse than dictators.
You're correct. Just ignore him. We've given him a lot of great sources and information and all he's done is gotten combative and shut his mind down. I have no idea why he's even here.

Nope. Shit stirring jihadi filth did. They knew what the police response would be. They counted on it. You've still not addressed the fact Assad has and has had since day one, majority support.

>inb4 bullshit

Most of the SAA is Sunni.
I don't propose any concrete plans, only ultimate solutions. And stop tantalizing me with young anime girls, lol.
>moving the goalposts
If there were a bingo card for shilling about the cause of the syrian conflict...
switch threads already.

When you talk to me, you have to quote relevant sections of your sources. I don't generally talk to low-level retards.

I'm saying instigators shot at the police and security forces first.
And what's your ethical stance on the forces' response..?
>You've still not addressed the fact Assad has and has had since day one, majority support.
Why would I address that?
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