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Even though communism at start was purely a Jewish invention,

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Even though communism at start was purely a Jewish invention, Stalin largely purged them out of his office or at least he took command of the existing Jews.

it was afterwards this that the USSR became more fascist in nature: the architectural plans of the USSR showed some resemblance of the Third Reich.

It was wrong of Hitler to attack the Soviet Union. Yes, Bolshevism was the opposite of Hitler's wordview, but the USSR had largely shed bolshevism. In the USSR under stalin and those who superseded him, family and traditional values were largely supported, the same values Hitler supported. This Hitler didn't see.

Hitler's real enemy was in London and in New York. He was notoriously ignorant on the Zionist and Jewish lobby power in the US and Great-Britain, and Hitler still believed that the USSR was the real Jewish threat, even though Stalin had already eliminated that. Hitler believed up the 1941 that he could still form a pact with Great-Britain, so he withheld from attacking her when she was still weak.

The fact that the Jews lost control of the USSR can be seen in that its collapse was largely orchestrated by Jewish outside the sphere in the West. Also, the USSR under Gentile-control was against all kinds of degeneracy we see today: transgenderism, homosexual marriage, liberalism, etc. "Cultural Marxism" didn't exist in the USSR. In fact, the USSR protected East-Europe from all the degeneracy we see today.

Especially East-Berlin. They could even keep their wehrmacht style uniforms and they even held Prussian marches East-Berlin. There was no pornography, no fast food, no other degenerate trash. The wall protected the eastern people from the (((western))) bullshit.

So in fact, Hitler should have never attacked the Soviet Union. He was very ignorant on the situation that developed there, and the loss of Jewish influence, and the control of Jews over the West. The Jews lost total control over the communist experiment and this is why the HAD to terminate it
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>who could be behind this post...
shitty fucking bait

the USSR was massing their armies and building airfields near the reichs borders and were a few months away from launching a full scale attack on the german reich when Hitler gave the sign to start operation Barbarossa.

this was later revealed from post-war released documents.
learn more about history faggot before feeling the need to have an opinion

So operation thunder is a lie then?
Your argument would be more enticing if you provide sources and didn't try to go with the whole "Hitler shouldn't have gone to war with someone clearly about to go to war with him"
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>"Cultural Marxism" didn't exist in the USSR
>he took command of the existing Jews.
>USSR protected East-Europe from all the degeneracy we see today.
>USSR protected East-Europe from all the degeneracy we see today.
>This Hitler didn't see.
Yes yes, goy, communism is good. Look at non-degenerate slavs.
Not this again.

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>training 24/7 army units
>concentrate them on border in offensive mode
Definitely USSR dindu nuffin and good country without Gulag, goy.
>Yes yes, goy, communism is good. Look at non-degenerate slavs.

Only came into existence after the fall of the USSR. You are part of the shitty butthurt generation of russians. Listen to your elders
Defending east would have been much much better than attacking first. You don't fucking attack Russia. Ever.
Only taking Baltic and Kiev region and use their hatred of CCCP would lead to a prolonged war which would eat russians from within just like in the great war.
Well, guess that proves that the ussr "shed" Bolshevism, supported the same values that Hitler supported, that Hitler was completely blind to how "different" the ussr had become, and that cultural Marxism didn't exist in the ussr.

Man, what an enlightening video, really made me think.

Can't think of any other country that marches in the street.
wtf I hate hitler now.
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> Listen to your elders
For what purpose ? Rebuild most retarded cancer on earth ? U know that reall russians were genocided by """non-jewish""" USSR government ?
East-Berlin was the most prolific CP producing area in history and it was legal. Yeah totally not degenerate, get gassed faggot.
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Both wanted to create a new man. One by race, the other by class. Same result that happens when you try to control mankind... millions of deaths.
Wasn't it just a pre emptive strike and Stalin was going to eventually strike Germany anyway?
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National Socialism is Marxism lads

Notice the "Socialism" on the name!

t.politics expert
This is true, partly.

They realized full blown communism doesn't work so they had to improvise.
Jewish Purges started after Stalin died, in the 60s iirc
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t.Didnt win a single cup

Has Canada ever even been in a world cup?
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t. frequent browser of reddit and contributor to /r/the_donald
Im fucking tired of this meme.

Stalin didnt purge them because they were jewish. He purged them because he was a paranoid lunatic.

Heh,goddamn fools,Nazis are right-wing? This fake quote on facebook shows otherwise...
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I am surprised to see in a long time first person that realized, that the USSR under Stalin was more of a fascist country rather than communist one, in fact, the communism in USSR was something completely different than what it's used for now and got nothing in common.

The Jewish Marxist school all here that are referring to are the product of Bolshevism, something, that Stalin eradicated extremely hard, thus the eternal hatred of Stalin by Jews. Every single Jew I met outright hated Stalin, even more than Hitler, I wonder why.


Yet the uninformed meme spewing fags on 4chan still spout, le ebil gommunist sgum, jews, nationalism is best, without even understanding the concepts. How can you be so deluded in thinking, that papa Hitler is the all mighty god emperor that did nothing wrong, when it's HIM, who single handed started and tremendously accelerated the fall of the white race. And if you consider the Aryans as the only true master race, then more power to you, but there are accounts of German soldiers being surprised, when they were in Russia of seeing the people, that are very much like them, white, blond haired and blue eyed.

And you people still wonder here, why we are getting our shit pushed. You are pointing out to the Jew yet you fall for the same Jewish tricks yourself.
>Stalin didnt purge them because they were jewish. He purged them because he was a paranoid lunatic.
Is it paranoia if they really are out to undermine you?
so what you're saying is real communism has never been tried?
>were a few months away from launching a full scale attack on the german reich
lel no they weren't

It's no surprise that they were building airfields and such near the border because in 1939 the borders were moved and they had to abandon their previous fortified lines

When the Germans did invade, millions of Soviet troops deserted, died, or were captured. The entire officer corps had been obliterated in the 1930s and they had very few competent leaders. They were in no state for an invasion.

Nice try in baiting me you retarded leaf. What I am saying, that Communism never worked and will never work in the future. That's why it got transformed into another ideology, that could still promote the uniformity in the people.

I really like how you tried to bait me, you know, the Dunning–Kruger effect goes for the IQ too, except it start's a bit further. When people reach the threshold of 120-125 they think they know everything and how smart they are but this exact spot is where it's very thin line between being truly intelligent and thinking about concepts from all possible angles, or just being a retard that's flattering himself with his mighty mind, because he "knows so much"
it was just a joke captain autism calm down.
>the USSR under Stalin was more of a fascist country
That's retarded.
Fascist is just a term for Mussolini ideas.
Stalin's Russia was 'stalinistic'.

>Every single Jew I met outright hated Stalin, even more than Hitler, I wonder why.
Because Hitler kill all who opress him.
And Stalin died like in 50s , how old are your jews?

Also, regarding the Communism. It will never work unless some major shift happens within the humanity toward's the collectivism. And I don't mean the Le Queer Revolution, Gays and LGBT and Infinite Migrant Flow because we are so tolerant. I am talking about humanity working under a single banner for a single cause. But this will never happen. The more I think about it the more I consider purest form of meritocracy to be the only way out so far. But the problem again is, that everything will get skewed by the individuals. Capitalism could be good, Communism could be good but all of it is destroyed by the individual.
yeah communism is great until you take into consideration human nature.

Stalinist, Fascist it's just a name, the concept behind the idea is the same, with different approaches here and there.

Ranges from 80 to about 35 or so, the younger Jews are just as retarded as us. I've had an opportunity to be a guest of a Jewish Moscow millionaire (whose name I found in Panama Papers kek, but that's different story). And he was very well spoken, intelligent and interesting person to be around, but when it came to Stalin, you would be surprised with the sort of fear and hate he approached it. Even though his Jewish parents were USSR intelligence, and I will not disclose their exact work occupations, but they were pretty fucking high in social ladder. Yet he still hated him, this fear is already encoded on the genetic level. That's why I said, "I wonder why is that".

Also, that "I wonder why" remark was more of a ironical statement.
this is such retarded statment. What do you base this on? This is just something people say to agree in the middel. Somoone is uninformed and get owned by a socialist and in the end the owned guy sayes but it never work with people. And the socialist has already won all points and is nice to accept this folish claim.
>stalin largely purged them
stalin purges were not aimed on jews, they were aimed on trotskyites. almost everyone around him was jewish and most of the jews were more sympathetic to their brother trotsky.
jews remained the dominant force in every soviet institute besides central bolshevik government

>USSR became more fascist in nature
if fascsism means just getting monumental brutalist architecture, then yes

>but the USSR had largely shed bolshevism

The idea of Stalin barely was that instead of trying to spark a worldvide commie revolution by means of supporting political parties in Europe and distabilizing everything, as they originally planned, they will build up a huge military force and spread communism by means of military intervention. In order to do it this way, he was forced to change some degenerate commie policies to sustain country. And when war began he was forced to shift policies even more to the right, like revive the names of Suvorov and such, start appeal to patriotism, compose war songs, etc, because people didnt wanted to fight for them and their system that deprived people from literally everything.

And because Hitler knew Soviets are going to attack Europe (they've had already attacked balkans, poland and finland after all), he just did it first.
but communism hasn't worked.

humans are tribal and have these things called emotions and egos, they like to be rewarded for work not treated the same as the lowest common denominator.

You see, this is the IQ Dunning–Kruger effect I was talking about. >>91589877

This is why you cant talk about those ideas or concepts openly because there will always be someone who jumps on your ass for even considering the communism as a legit but unattainable society system.

Also >>91589877 exactly what's the problem, you are so consumed by your ego, that you immediately have to get into aggressive defending state just because someone disagrees with your world view. This is exactly what he meant, by tribal nature, emotions and egos. You just only proved him right.
rewards come in many forms. Just becuse capatlismen has choosed money as reward for work dosen't mean that evry system needs to work like this. But i agree with you. The best system is a middel ground between socialismen and capatlismen where services that evryone need are delivered by the state. But the drive for invention in a free market is still there for private owned companies.
Yes they were there was a plan for USSR to attack Europe regardless of Germany
The attack was directed at the statment he made and it wasen't realy hostile there either.
I don't mind Stalin outside of the fact that he didn't give a single fuck about his people or his men.

I do agree, however.
Hitler was one man against the 6 gorillion. The situation is only truly clear in hindsight.
God damn, mate, quit having a bitch.
>You see, this is the IQ Dunning–Kruger effect I was talking about. >>91589877
>This is why you cant talk about those ideas or concepts openly because there will always be someone who jumps on your ass for even considering the communism as a legit but unattainable society system.
not an argument and I dont think you understand what the dunning kruger effect is

you dont give an example of alternative reward system. socialist society will be outpaced by competing capitalist because free market is more efficient.

I swear communists are just autists combined with fears of abandonment.

I do, that's why I had to paraphrase it for the IQ first, I said that at a certain IQ threshold, you know just enough to know a lot and be intelligent but that's where many people fail and get stuck in their development, clinging to their often flawed ideas of illusory superiority and are defending it with a vigor not seen anywhere else. While those who keep moving forward only reach a point that's full of gray shades regarding the world view and black and white completely ceases to exist.
IQ and knowledge aren't the same thing
>dude the USSR wasn't jewish at all!
Kill yourself jew, this argument is pathetic
Wtf timeline is this?
>Jews were out of USSR because of it's collapse
That happened in 1988

Indeed, but they are directly tied to the intellectual development, so they correlate together. High IQ individual got a drive to seek knowledge. Low IQ individual got a need to seek unity (belonging to some group, movement, idea). Semi High IQ individual got a drive to seek knowledge too, but they will usually get stuck at a certain point and cease to develop. This is what I meant by the gray areas, here, most people still cling to their Black and White world view, something is either bad, or good, often contradicting themselves in different matters.
I'd love to see the research papers you got that information from.
And I'm sure the US military has some preliminary plans for an airborne invasion of Zimbabwe, that doesn't mean we're looking to reestablish Rhodesia
>So in fact, Hitler should have never attacked the Soviet Union.

I agree with that, the enemy has been and still is and always will be in the west.
It's impossible for scientists create something without any sort of unity or cooperation. But you talk about "LE HIGH IQ GUYS". You sound like mexcican's intellectual who's doesn't crate anything but still pretend not to be untermench.

Just the observation. You must see that for yourself around you.

For example, the rapefugees flow.

There can be High IQ individuals that seek knowledge of science for example, but when it comes to the social matters, they are completely out of picture, and rather than using their own time for research (limiting time the could use for something else) they are appealing to authority, which is often working against the society interest. For example some non-profit Soros organization that's pushing the narrative of tolerance and acceptance.

There are Low IQ individuals.And as they are belonging in some sub-culture group, they are living within the boundaries and ideas of that specific subgroup (rare deviations are everywhere). Dumb bimbos holding refugees welcome just to be tolerant among friends, LGBT community wanting Muslims because they built their image on tolerance and acceptance even though it's their demise.

Not everything need's to have a research paper. I am sure, there would be countless of papers on how the diversity is good for society.
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>So in fact, Hitler should have never attacked the Soviet Union.

And thus would got invaded by them when we tried to invade england.

the shills are strong today.
Pretty much what Francis Yokley said.
define IQ please

Yes but that's cooperation. What I meant was that sense of belonging into some subgroup which provides the Low IQ with the safety net and some sort of gratification. Why is it that the easiest people to influence or sway for the stupidest of ideas are the dullest ones.
You friggin idiot, Stalin was going to attack Germany. Hitler was just preemptive because he would've gotten assraped for sure on the defensive and USSR would've taken over Europe.

Although the contemporary science labels IQ as way to measure the the human intelligence, it's generally flawed as it does not measure other part's of your cognitive abilities. >>91592756 that's why I said that even though someone can be for example Mathematician but at the same time being a social retard.

For me, IQ or Highly Intelligent person is someone, who is driven to seek knowledge and self-improvement no matter the field.
you're dumb as fuck, the soviets pressed the west repeatedly for an anti-fascist alliance and were ignored.

makes sense that some hitler loving faggot would have no idea about basic history, though.
>Stalin largely purged them out of his office or at least he took command of the existing Jews

>communist education


Fuck off rat.
>real communism has never been tried?
yes, and it'll never be, because it's utopia

Yeah. One of the most interesting re-appraisals of Stalin I've seen was (maybe form Moldbug?) that he should be respected for halting the ever worsening, ever further left, spiral of batshit crazy murder and violence in the USSR and that things would have been far, far, worse if he hadn't come in and clamped down on the (largely Jewish) extremists.
>Stalin was going to attack Germany
I just came to a realization, that all of us are in fact the Mexican intellectuals. All we do is just sit here in this hug box, that even though shares different and by mainstream media ebil worldview, it's till a goddamn hug box. Including me.

>I-I-I showed my power level and called the jew out
You did the right thing anon, sheeple need to know.

>I-I-I will vote for Trump.
You are the important cog in the machine of better tomorrow. Pat on the back.

>H-Hitler did nothing wrong.
Nat soc is best.

We are so fucking deluded. We live in a world with so many possibilities, yet we chose to sit on our ass, play vidya games and blame everything and everyone while hiding behind a computer screen. Playing a victim card that is entitled to money, social acceptance, girlfriend and whatnot.

Wanna hear the biggest red-pill? 4chan is a degenerate culture, just as bad as everything you try to fight. It's painful to admit, but, I have to smite this bad habit myself. It's been fun with you cunts but all good things come to an end.

The sooner we leave this place, the better.

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