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Thread replies: 313
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U.N.'s rights boss warns Russia over Syria air strikes

No-fly zone would ‘require war with Syria and Russia’ – top US general

WW3 Alert: No Fly Zone Ignites War Between US And Russia, General Warns Of Consequences

U.S. abandons efforts to work with Russia on Syria

Russia suspends weapons-grade plutonium deal with US

U.S. Suspends Contacts With Russia On Syria

US To Suspend Syria Diplomacy With Russia, Prepares "Military Options"
40 Million Russians To Take Part In "Nuclear Disaster" Drill, Days After US General Warns Of War With Moscow

40 Million Russians Prepare for war.

PARANOID PUTIN Russia holds massive nuclear war exercise involving 40MILLION people as military tensions rise with US

Is Putin preparing for WW3? Russia begins evacuation of FORTY MILLION PEOPLE in huge drill

US Considering Air Strikes On Assad Regime After Top General Warns It Could Lead To War With Russia

Russia: Mossad, other foreign agents killed in Aleppo strike

Presidential Proclamation - National Preparedness Month, 2016

Russian Embassy In Damascus Hit By Mortars
SUPERSTATION95 (Muh Hal Turner)

Nuclear Attack Pending? Russia Putting 40 Million Citizens into 5,000 Shelters from October 4 - 7 as Military "Exercise" -- UPDATE: U.S. Cuts Ties with Russia over Syria.

BREAKING: U.S. Scrambles 3 Nuclear Command-And-Control "E6B" Aircraft -- No "Drills" Scheduled according to USSTRATCOM MORE: P-8 Anti-Submarine Planes Scrambled out of Jacksonville!

URGENT: Military Told Prepare for Tactical Nuclear Exchange with Russia in Syria! *** MORE **** Stateside Military told to Prepare for Intercontinental one-for-one Nuke exchange!!!!

DWS has us only at DEFCON 5 as of 4 p.m. PST 10/4/16

but has acknowledged the buildup:

Second E4 spot of the day. EAGLE17 from Offutt to Andrews by the look of the track. Putting half the fleet in DC

Obama administration considering strikes on Assad, again



is this real life?

I hope not ;)
The fuck is this shit

Things are happening quickly. I don't think people are getting the idea that something is unfolding.
In the Fallout games the great war was on October 23

Cuban Missile Crisis: October 16–28, 1962

Makes you wonder.
rip humanity
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>not following the latest updates as Syrian proxy war turns full scale global annihilation

I just hope California gets nuked first so if I die I can die knowing those commie faggots got it first
>rip degenerates
Why would Russia want to deploy a nuke in Syria?
I, for one, welcome our new radiation ghoul overlords.

They aren't

I thought the entire gist of this thread is that Russia would deploy a nuke in Syria and the US may respond?

Can anyone on /pol/ with military friends/family confirm these nuclear war rumors?
Can anyone confirm POTUS airborne? Rumors of COG activity in D.C. now.
What about skyking?

If the neocons think they can get away with this they are in for a big surprise.
Interesting thread. And if Russia used a small nuke against ISIS, what could anyone really say about it? Attack Russia to protect ISIS?

But very little to gain on the part of Russia so I doubt it very much.
looks like the bear is going in the cave. i hate this meme magic year
Die trip fag
shit i forgot the rest
anyone want to slap these two together? on mobile atm

The recent upsurge in US Strategic Deterrence has followed the Obama Administrations conclusion that there is no hope for cooperation, or peaceful negotiations with the Russian Federation so long as Putin is in charge.

Since Russia is a nuclear power, and the US has decided there is no basis for productive diplomacy, standard operating procedure is to the ramp up the Strategic Deterrence and Second Strike ability. Putting the B-52's and B-2's back on routine nuclear deterrence patrols over the Baltic Sea, and the Arctic Ocean, while putting the Submarines back on routine patrol in the North Atlantic and Pacific. It also requires a hardening of the defenses for the ICBM silo's, as well as heighten the alert posture for the National Capital Areas Air Defense forces in order to prevent a surprise decapitation strike.

This does not mean nuclear war is imminent. It means the USA is reverting back to its Cold War defensive crouch in its dealings with Russia.
Duncan Idaho such a great character. Reminded me of Sir Lancelot.

Wtf does any of this mean

Duncan was the real main character of Dune when you think about it.

No, it's a thousand times worse. If the U.S. is about to launch airstrikes on DAMASCUS, Russia will retaliate with nukes both in Syria AND U.S. targets. At least that's the fear. With the escalation, Syria in general is about to become a nuclear battlefield.
It will happen when the weather cools.
Elections come to term in the winter.
The plans lay long ago. Before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
Canaanite deity worship.
Three branches will become one.
US military coup – change the outcome of elections.
An island will drift away.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Intercepted missile – perhaps nuclear.
The star will gorge itself on clay.
Israel, new land war.
Idols will speak and move about.
Pokemon GO? Strange.
The black flag will fly above the dome.
ISIS, Dome of the Rock? Hagia Sophia – Erdogan Islamizing Turkey with the latest coup.
The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Shopping district in the Phillipines – Tsunami or natural disaster.
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
Assange and Snowden?
A rock will stand on seven hills.
Rome – Active volcano may surface.
The ravens will starve.
Ravens in the tower of London – The ravens are said to leave when the monarchy falls.
The bear will leave its cave forever.
Russia – interventionist foreign policy?
The rod and the ring will strike.
Possibly devices used in the activation of a Hydrogen Bomb.

US is backing (((moderate rebels))) in Syria

Russia is backing Assad (government)

US launched an air strike that killed a good number of pro-Assad / government soldiers last week , violated treaty agreement

US and Rus are pointing fingers at each other about who's to blame

US and Rus ended joint communications about who's positioned where to coordinate air strikes so they don't kill each other's guys

US has a raging hardon for control of oil pipeline in Syria and doesn't want to leave region

US is now forced to considering increasing military action , one option is controlling all airspace in Syria. This action is considered a declaration of war against both Syria and Russia.

The 40 mil Russians going to bunkers and 3x US P8 sub killers are just SOP in that both sides are showing they are prepared for worst case scenario. It's same Cold War shit since 1950s.

Only read Dune and Messiah of Dune so far, and gotta agree.
This is what is referred to as a proxy-war. This is where the US and Russia unload all kinds of hell on a country that didn't do anything. We did the same thing in Laos (most bombed country in the history of the world) in the 70's.
March is the start of the campaign season
April is a favorite for terrorist attacks
October is just right for nuclear winter


Russia would be nutbars to retalliate with nukes on the US Mainland if the USA attacked Assad.

The United States does not follow a doctrine of strategic escalation. If Russia launches a nuke at a US civilian center, the United States will respond by attempting to destroy all levels of the Russian Government and its entire military force with nuclear weapons as fast as possible. Ostensibly not targeting civilians directly, but at least 70 Million Russians will be wiped out in the first 30 minutes of this hypothetical scenario.

The remaining 100 million would die in the Second and Third strikes as the B-2 bombers and Ohio Class Submarines came into range, along with the general launch of the ICBM force.
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just a prophecy some asshole put down, apparently it was posted months before brexit (island) and then an unpleasant amount of things that seem to match have happened
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I know we joke about these kind of happenings all the time, but I don't want to die like this. If I die from a happening I want it to be from going down fighting for what I believe in, not the world's governments shitting their pants and nuking each others populations.
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Just wait 'til you guys find out who OP really is *^_^*
>DWS has us only at DEFCON 5 as of 4 p.m. PST 10/4/16

5 is the lowest
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>tfw post-war world wont br a 50's wonderland themed wasteland with robots and shiet
>it'll probably be full of disease, radiation and niggers looting the last few resources while listening the last pre-war trap music made by Jamal poorly edited and remixed into a mixtape.

kek, jets fly here all the time
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i dunno about the coup. people are saying it's the three branches being made essentially meaningless ( which you could argue has happened
star couldn't be israel or China taking clay, or asteroid impact
idols might be celebrities and shit (could be about trump because every big name is pushing the "LITERALLY HITLER" narrative
Dragon could be cows tongue in the southern seas, hotly disputed by china and others, the Chinese dam breaking, or china/Japan finding subterranean water/oil
rod and ring is either nukes, west vs Islam, or gender war
prophecies are intentionally vague but this one is just too spoopy

There is one surefire way to tell if we are going to war and I'm not going to tell ya!

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>be inna RDF unit
>have not heard shit probably because combat medic
I'm still around higher every now and again but no word of this shit. We'll see in a week or so.
god this kills me the most. 50s america was the best era ever and this era is fucking trash
>at least i'll die instantly due to the 170533689 nuke targets in nj

uh, Russia has more nukes than the US and they have the dead man hand system.

They will launch EVERYTHING if anything goes down, at all.
The Doomsday Clock still has us at three to midnight
is it happening?
i wish i had polacks to play defcon with, the game is just sitting in my steam archive
Any tl;dr that someone can shoot at me?

>The old adage about "what is the point of blowing up the world 3 times".

The Dead mans hand is also stupid. In the USA, there are at least 2 operators at every single deployable nuclear weapon. If those 2 dudes are dead, the weapon is dead too so there is no point in an automated launch system.

If Russia actually does have an automated launch system, it speaks more to their idiocy then their strategic savvy.
it'll be our fault. what the fuk are we doing in syria?
hillary will get us all killed real quick in WWIII
Muh Hal Turner update added: 8:25 PM EDT --
>Nuclear strike on Syria

Literally for what purpose and by who?

Fucking role-players
Yep, you sure did have a beautiful country back then.
Hope you make it if things go bad, bro.

in nuclear war, the only losers are the survivors.

if you disagree, you watch too much TV.

Rumors have been flying for days now that the USA is done with trying to negotiate with Russia. Be it on Ukraine, Syria, or anything else. Policymakers in Washington have decided that Putin feels he just has to threaten military force and the USA will back down.

America intends to call Putin's bluff by attacking Assad. The posturing for a potential nuclear exchange is to remind Russia of the consequences of going "too far".

check parravicini´s prophecies. Many of them already fullfilled. The scariest ones already to fulfill.

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Fugg, I can hear nuclear weapon arming sounds over the border.
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thanks boliviabro but check this nuke map, ill never make it and even if I do some radioactive nutter from new york might get me
there's a really sweet chrome and neon diner that I want to check out before I die, makes me curious to see what 80s style fallout would be like.
i really dont feel like knowing why honestly, i just know its retarded. If we do nuclear strike syria obama will just land back in office for another term. Which thats probably his plan anyway they know trump will win, but for some odd reason they wont let him so the only solution is war.
Yes, I've always wanted this as a thread theme
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Thread reminder to watch "The Day After"

*wink* ;)
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>inb4 nothing happens
Stay safe finland-kun
Planes have been flying over my house 2 days in a row now.

Brother in military mentioned something about being one of the first deployed if something happens.

He didn't really imply it would be now, though.
so burgers and slavs get wiped out. How the fuck is this a bad thing for the rest of us exactly?
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why nukes in st. pete FL there's nothing here except niggs. DAMMIT I DON'T WANNA DIE
It isn't. Now shut the fuck up and drink your ovaltine, everything will be alright.
How old do you need to be before you realize things are always "happening," yet somehow nothing ever happens?

It could happen tho. I hope something happens. I hope all you faggots calling me a fucking leaf will be incinerated
Poor midwestfags, only reason they get carpet bombed its cuz silos.
Also go check it out mang, its never too late to do new things :)
I always wanted to go to one of those diners that you guys have in america.
We've been through 80 years of nukes and despots, nothing is going to happen
I'm a 2M0 in the USAF and I can tell you that I've heard nothing about anything. That 40 million man drill that everyone's worried about is supposed to be routine, but who knows. But I have a lot of co workers in both ICBM and the cruise missile field and nobody's said shit.

Btw i asked my superiors about that skyking shit one day and they said it was all false. Why the hell would the Air Force use unencrypted frequency that anyone could tune into? think motherfuckers.

It could happen tho. Probability indicates that if nukes exist and war exists then a nuclear war would happen eventually.
Russia nuking Syria makes no sense, fuck off with the fear mongering
A rock will stand on seven hills.
Rome – Active volcano may surface.
A more likely interpretation: You may be aware of the prophecy indicating that the last Pope will be "Peter the Roman."
"Petros," the root of the name "Peter," means rock. Perhaps it means that the end of the Roman Church is at hand.

To trigger a global conflict that will allow Obama to stay 3rd term and avoit Trumps victory.

Hillary is going down and this is plan B
Every war for the past 200 years has been fought for money, we're done fighting for religion, or land, or conquest.

Nuclear war won't make money, nuclear war won't happen.
I was just in another happening thread earlier because there were tons of military aircraft flying over my city, and I've never seen that movement before. I was only posting because I knew something was off. Other people were confirming military movement too. And the OP was posting about E4-B's being airborne. Now I know I wasn't paranoid.
Why hide the end of the Roman Catholic church in such an obscure reference, instead of using something more symbolic of the church?
Is it possible for limited nuclear exchange to not result in scorched earth?
> 2 counties nuke each other into oblivion
> other counties stand back and stand down , both counties they were tied to are gone

>both sides are prepared

Funny. I don't remember any shelters being built for Americans.

If Russia ever does nuke us I'm praying no one in our government survives
EAS tests are becoming more frequent. I haven't heard one in years, then out of no where for the last month they've been nonstop.

There have been nuclear close calls during the Cold War where the decision to launch or not to launch the nukes were based entirely on one person's moral qualms.
Full-on nuclear war might not happen, but strategic nuclear exchange might take place
>This map

Each target receives multiple warheads to A) ensure the target is destroyed and B) Ensure damage is caused in the likely event of interception. Also, only cities that house or are close to military bases, silos, major railways and major infrastructure are in danger of nuclear Armageddon. This means of course that the Mid-West is completely fucked, but the coasts will be mostly okay. At least for a time. Without infrastructure the coastal cities will tear themselves apart and die on their own accord. This idea that every major city and population center will be hit is absurd. It's nuclear WAR not nuclear genocide. The goal isn't the eradicate the entire populace it's to completely and utterly disable a nations ability to wage war against you. It just so happens that doing this also kills a lot of people.
there are still people online who play it. Since the game forces you to be online even to play a single player game you can just jump into someones game with AI and bug them until they agree to play a match with you.
The best part is that "refugees" can no longer come home. It's a win-win situation for the higher powers.
And that's as close as we'll ever get, and would you look at that, we powered through with zero nuclear exchange.

We all grow up and out of the nuclear holocaust fantasy one day, for me it was one of the most bitter pills to take, but you need to take it.
Because these fuckers revel in obscure symbolism. It gets them off almost as buggering small children.
There are crisis centers in America.
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So basically... It's the cold.. without stable leaders..

Scary how this shit could have been made yesterday. 20-fucking-12
a lot of shit all at once though thoughts?
No you are, this nigger is reading SS95.
My intuition says it's just more shit to enforce Russia is bad guy narrative.

Why would we kill each other over some pompous fuck that gasses his own people.

The Left hates Russia, the media that reports this shit is aligned with them ergo they're just trying to come up with ways to validate hating Russia.

Sure Putin might be a faggot, but this country doesn't demand respect anymore. You can't run the world on happy thoughts and good intentions.To
not a solid map, just tactical areas that could be nuked - though I don't think it'll be worth living in. no point in fighting off radioactive nigs and hamplanets instead of jingling and jangling through a glorious raygun gothic wasteland
diners are pretty sweet. only been inside one but the more 50s or 80s it looks the better. don't bother with the lingo, but if you know it it's pretty fun. foods nothing special, it really is all about the atmosphere
some shithead on 4chan posted it so how good could it really be
Well, let's just wait and see
Is op a fag?
Nuclear genocide as you put it occurs regardless of intention when you are using a weapon that has that power.

Food supply suffers; starvation, rape, violence

Breakdown of civil safety; theft, crime, kneejerk reactions, mob justice

Nukes cause more than physical damage from the blast. People don't feel safe they turn desperate. Even though a city across the country is nuked everyone will be on edge. People won't work, go to school, etc

Modern weaponry is more powerful than anything our planet has seen aside from super volcanoes and asteroids.

Blast radius and the after effects will fit the criteria of genocide regardless of the targeted location.
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> cntrl+f
> dabiq
> 0 of 0

You guys need to be aware that the Turks and their FSA proxies are preparing to storm Dabiq.

Dabiq is mentioned in the Hadiths as the place where the "Romans" will meet the forces of Allah.

ISIS millennialism places huge emphasis on this -- that Dabiq is where the final battle will commence. They even named their propaganda magazine "DABIQ" after it.

They are not going to surrender it. They're going to fight to a man and I would be shocked if they don't have some surprise ready. A dirty bomb? Some kind of chemical or biological cocktail?
i love that game.
Same old saber rattling

Nobody wants a nuclear exchange

Able humans are the real riches for a vampiric system: you don't mass sacrifice your livestock

Sure there are. Too of the line crisis centers. They're amazing

its all tied in.

monster hurricane
giant earthquake warning for cali
globalism getting btfo worldwide

we may be heading toward massive happening convergence
Its worldwide housecleaning, Russia and USA are working on a manufactured crisis to dupe NorthKorea, the real target, China and Russia will butthurt, if surgical takeout goes South and Nukes are exploded wind picked to go NW and New Moon missed this weekend, Russia Saving its people, wait for wind change and its go time especial after VP Debate Dems poor showing
The point I was making though was that you don't go into it with the aim of wiping the populace off of the face of the Earth. It IS a consequence of the massive damage to a countries infrastructure though. Genocide is the end result of a massive nuclear attack but not the stated goal.
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its getting harder by the hour to retain any sense of patriotism that I have for my country

our government is arming terrorists, they're bombing the syrian army who is fighting the terrorists, and now they want to bomb the syrian airbases over civilian casualties?

our fucking military just recently wiped out two doctors without borders hospitals, I'm not sympathetic to hearing a bunch of fucking politicians bitch and moan like they care about civilians.

And then when I turn on the radio I hear a bunch of war propaganda of crying kids speaking in arabic begging for airstrikes.

Russia and China, then use the NK distraction and anti-American world reaction to help Iran supporting a massive uptick in warfare in Syria.
>NorthKorea, the real target

north korea is LITERALLY a meme. it is 100% only a distraction when the media needs one.

they have 1-3 babby nukes that can travel 20 miles.

the media calls up/pays kim jong and tells him to chimp out when they need to coverup something obama is doing.
theres no garuntee there warheads are small enough and there missiles have a 40% failiure rate there better as land mines.

Didja see what went down on Sept 28?

"The 2016 National EAS Test Will Be Different-EAS alert tests planned for the full nation September 28. We'll learn how well EAS modifications work since the last national test in 2011"

Are you autistic OP? DEFCON 5 is the lowest rating.
We are the withered eagle. A corpse-monstrosity consumed by death, and greed. There is nothing respectable left where our principles once stood.

We deserve this. We must bleed before we can break these chains.

Maybe there can be a phoenix next, but the old bird needs to be put down.
wew. I knew that nuclear bunker was a good investment. Anyone Fredricksburg, Texas want to join my bunker and form a /pol/ tribe after the nuclear war?
No I didn't hear about that, did everything work okay? Or did they move it to Oct. 5?

Personally I love listening to EAS tests. I have no idea why, I suppose there's a macabre charm that goes with the robotic screeches
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The convergence of these military decisions with the economic crisis and the election crisis seems more than coincidental. The Deutsche Bank implosion should be taken as the final sign before a sudden onset of multiple happenings that will converge and become one great crisis. The DB collapse will trigger BOTH the Euro banking crisis AND World War III which is designed to distract the public and/or prop up the U.S. petrodollar.

This is your worst-case scenario:
>Idols will speak and move about.

It's referring to the massive display of celebrity interference this election cycle (including those who are supposed to inform the public). Moving about is shifting of sides, uncertainty of which side is correct...
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I don't want to shoot in you guys. Calm down your fucking kang nigger and your generals.
Sure bud. I live in White Settlement. I'm close as fuck to NAS Fort Worth. :^(
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wew lads

I am pretty tired of everything.

No man, I'm hot for Chanty Binx *^_^*
Don't worry. In secret the US and Russia are competitive allies. We take turns profiting from knocking 'em down and picking up the pieces. This forces smaller countries into the game (you must choose one side or the other).

Nobody wants to rule over irradiated ashes.
So what if the village is obliterated?
Isis beliefs crumbles or is it destined they all die there?

How do you know how they interact in secrecy? Russia (Putin) has been warning the U.S. to BTFO, so tensions seem high and they seem real.
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I don't want to shoot you either Ivan.
What's a Russian phrase I could shout out that would show I'm just a victim in all this?
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woa man lets not get too deep

Here is the Hadith:


> Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying:

> The Last Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-A'maq or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina (to counteract them).

> When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans would say: Do not stand between us and those (Muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the Muslims would say: Nay, by Allah, we would never get aside from you and from our brethren that you may fight them.

> They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive. A third (part of the army), which would be constituted of excellent martyrs in Allah's eye, would be killed and the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of Constantinople.

> And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, Satan would cry: The Dajjal has taken your place among your family. They would then come out, but it would be of no avail.

> And when they would come to Syria, he would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing up the ranks. Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus (peace be upon him) son of Mary would descend and would lead them in prayer.

> When the enemy of Allah would see him, it would (disappear) just as the salt dissolves itself in water and if he (Jesus) were not to confront them at all, even then it would dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by his hand and he would show them their blood on his lance (the lance of Jesus Christ).
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I'd prefer not to Ivan, but I'm not putting up with Putin and his sneaky KGB shit. If he makes you fight me to get his way then I have to kill you, because he deserves what's coming to him.
"Cheeki Breeki"

Sorry, it's been a long week. I'm sure we'll all be okay.

I can't find anyone reporting it. Another test is scheduled for tomorrow:

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kek be with you

aaaaand that's why I wrote "ONLY" at DEFCON 5.

sillypuss :)

And yes, I AM autistic. But not stupid.
Actions speak louder than words.

Sure we threaten each other often, effectively keeping our militaries in top shape, but at the end of the day we always help out each other with missions in space.

>Russia gives their citizens fallout shelters and emergency procedures designed to save millions of lives.
>USA gives their citizens a brief warning message on TV.

Really gets those neurons firing.
Mate have you played fallout. I'm pretty sure desease, radiation and niggers that lute and mug are a pretty big part of the games
What's the best State to avoid a nuclear strike but still have gun rights? Oregon has 0 chance of being nuked but New Hampshire is closer and has constitutional carry.

If I get the draft I'm gonna be a fucking CO. Conscientious objector. Death Wish style.
Army of mutant muricans comes north looking for hot bitches and hot meals
Here we go again.

US CO's coming to Canada and stealing our jobs again.
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And also with you.
Some fucking rare dubs god damn
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I'd rather head to Mexico.
Yeah I don't want war with you russkies either. The only people who don't really like Russia are rabid leftists who hate your policies on trannies/fags, and even then, they're limp-wristed faggots so they'll never fight a war. Practically no one who isn't part of the elite wants a war with you.

p.s. thanks for vodka. top shit m8

Hm, good point. Well we'll just have to see how the tides of war go I guess.

Just a sandnigger version of the Christian-- i.e., Jew apocalypse. Same enemy, Rome; new location.

Thanks for posting that. I really need to read the Quran.

Thanks anon, I plan on watching it
why the hell would celebrities matter in something like a prophecy, more likely its about presidents and world leaders.
I live 8 miles from an airbase, how fucked am I?
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I don't think that it's possible to just go out, the only way is surrender.

Here is a Russian song about how guys on different sides are similar and how they could be friends and bros if they wouldn't be enemies.

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Totally. Even North Vietnam had personal survival holes built along the roadways in case of airstrikes. Americans just get to "duck and cover".

Hadiths are "narratives" outside of the Quran, compiled many years after Muhammad's death.

Different sects regard different ones as of greater or lesser importance. That's what's amazing about Islam: there's NOT just a holy book, it's not as simple as they say. There's this whole other body of shit that they skin each other alive over, and interpret in radically different ways.
These guys don't think so.

Are we all just forgetting isis is preparing to take Baghdad?!?!
You'll be outside of the blast radius and get some fallout. Amount depends on airburst or ground detonation. Also your 4chans have to stop from the EMP of said warhead.
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Why do you think I'm called duncan IDAHO. *^_^*

Nice song. Very peaceful.
Please support us in a glorious revolution, senpai!!
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>mfw I have great respect for Russia and it's language, people, culture and heritage
>American Media tells us Russia is big bad evil man
>tfw 10 miles from Offutt AFB
It'll always be an air burst barring a malfunction of the warhead.

Air burst means more damage.
more widespread emp
and less fallout.
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>TFW living 2.25 km from nearest air base.
Will have to suffer from severe burns from the radiation for a couple of seconds while I wait for the shockwave
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Thread reminder to watch Threads.
>tfw 10 minutes from Camp Pendleton
Id never make it.
The shitty parts of Oregon are gonna get newked...I'd hang out around John Day or Malheur for a super chill post apoc experience.

The US's nuclear stockpile is in pretty shitty condition (they literally have only one wrench that was capable of attaching warheads to a specific type of ICBM, and that wrench is fedexed around various bases) because Obama's military is garbage at everything, so Russia is probs less fucked than we are.

Kang nigga is probably the only thing holding the hawks back at this point.

We have a bunch of insane old fuck cold warriors who really do want to pull the trigger on a nuclear WW3. The populations of Russia and the US don't want it, but the people of the US have lost control of the country's leadership, and most of the leaders doesn't have their interests or survival in mind at all. It's like the Roman Senate during its final century.
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i like the world
how do we stop this
please kek give a opportunity to peace
So basically the ending to CoD4
Ralling for peace, we're not ready for a nuclear war

What a load of happy horseshit.
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kys pussies
nuclear war now

This train has no brakes, they said.

We're safe here.
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I dont want to shoot you either Vlad. Why cant we just get along and watch some anime?
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Why didn't we listen?!?!
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LOL, I said NO!

Go right ahead, memelord *^_^* that really cheered me up! I've watched it a bunch over
the years. Always makes me think of "When the Wind Blows", another "UK is nuked" scenario.
And also "The Bed Sitting Room" the post-apocalyptic comedy. Sigh, the good olde days.

dude just kill Obongo and stop this shit
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hell yeah brothers its happening

I miss 2012
>computer engineer
>get parts in all the time

I'll probably just throw my weather radios, laptop, any electronic gear I got into anti static bags I got laying around. Just got done saving some documents on an external HDD. Not sure if radiation would damage the platter any, but I got one of those fancy cases where you can just slide the thing right out and right into an AS bag.

How early of a warning do we usually have? Or is it instantaneous?

Every mile counts brother. Stay safe.
So much for your 2nd amendment cucks, king nigger is gonna send you all to die in a pointless war while you do nothing.

Look up.

>black haired
>brown eyed

wew that guy looks like me, just add red beard
I personally believe when push comes to shove Putin will concede Syria and that the final showdown will happen in Iran.
>nuking Jersey
Why bother?
It's OK, you can shoot them.
Bring it on, russkies. I have my sun lotion ready.
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Well bros, it's been an honor.
God damn it Jap, I'll remember this

The US shelter strategy is that our population is dispersed. Less then a dozen of our cities has a population over 1 million. Even the State Capitals are often not the primary population or economic center of their respective state.

I mean fuck, what happens to America if Russia drop 500 nukes on our major cities? They basically wipe out the African American race. But they don't destroy the actual power base of the American Republic. Even with 2,000 nukes they don't achieve this. Things will be shitty for many decades, but the American People will survive. Hell, the Federal Government will probably survive too and reemerge even more powerful then it was at the start. Lord knows they've spent plenty of time thinking and planning about such a scenario.

On the other hand, Russia IS wiped out with 500 retaliatory Nuke Strikes. The Russian population is not dispersed. Its crammed into a few primary cities that are easily wiped out, and the inevitably invasion by the surviving NATO forces and their former Chinese "allies" under the aegis of the "Russian Pacification Forces" would pretty much end the history of the Russian people for all time.

>be american
>nuke japan
>about to get nuked
>japan approves
>massive butthurt
If it is keks will, then let it begin
God damn it Texas, I'll remember this.
just bought my potassium iodide on amazon. happening needs to wait until next week
How can we stop our country from going to war? The majority of Americans have no idea this is even going on, and wouldn't support this if they knew the facts.

Unlike the Americans on /pol/, your run-of-the-mill person in the US is terrified of nuclear war. It's the last thing we want. Everyday Americans don't want conflict with Russia. People here aren't prepared. They don't believe this could happen. They thoroughly believe the Cold War is over.
take to the streets and burn the white house to the ground.
>thinks world is ending
>doesn't order overnight shipping

Just radio my shit up.
Wait, we have Texas flags now?

To addendum, it would basically mean wholesale genocide. Even after the nukes were all fired the war would go on, and the entire goal at that point would be to add more Russian skulls to the skull thrones. Anything that moved in their country would be killed. Not even Russia has enough nukes to wipe out the entire human race, but the human race would exterminate the Russians, and make a monument of their bones as a warning to the fallacy of pride over ability.
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>2000 nukes
>2000 nukes
>Unlike the Americans on /pol/, your run-of-the-mill person in the US is terrified of nuclear war

Wrong. The average American is more concerned with checking jewbook for updates, eating, watching football, checking jewbook again, watching Netflix, and eating.

The only Americans who care about nuclear war are the ones that were in their teens, twenties, and thirties when shit was going down in the late 50's, the 60's and 70's. They are too old now to care.
i don't want to kill you either, ivan

why must we be run by globalists? why can't we just share our women and beat niggers together into elysium?
Can someone explain something to me. Are the Syrian rebels intermingled with isis or are they an entity to their own?

What do Obongo and Hillary benefit from helping these Syrian rebels? Is it just "muh oppressed refugees".
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SS95 just mirrored their site in BRAZIL in case the Oregon servers get NUKED in the imminent nuclear exchange. Wow, that's some pretty insane hyperbole even for Muh Hal Turner...

well, shit.

"SERVICE NOTE: As part of our preparation for what we HOPE does NOT take place, we have secured web site server space at a data center in Sao Paolo, Brazil, with full back-ups of this web site in case our cloud-based, Oregon-located, master servers are destroyed. We have tasked a single person to nearby Argentina to bring this site back up and begin publishing news, in the event that we here in New York City are killed. Our person arrived safely in Argentina and is online, with back-up power and back-up communications available, to keep the news flowing in the event war breaks out."

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type Y'all in options
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The point I am making is its idiocy if Russia assumes MAD ends with both countries destroyed. IMO, the exact opposite would occur. Russia would succeed in killing 150-200 million Americans in the initial strikes and the aftermatch.

The remaining 100-150 million would view Russia with almost atavistic hatred. Destroying Russians would take on the same religious fervor as the Imperium of Man against the Xeno's. And Russia would absolutely be unable to halt this crusade either. Especially if they add Europe to their target list (which they would).

Russia already has way fewer people then the USA and NATO, and a potential MAD exchange would only make this differential worse. So when the crusading armies did invade, nothing would be able to stop them from purging the unclean Russians off the face of holy terra.

I'm glad that not all Americans are such faggots.
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I-I am not Texas!
>radioactive hamplanets
Imagine the sound when they start going REEEEEEE
that's not how elections work, faggot

fucking world war 2, FDR still had to run for reelection
I don't get the pipeline thing as the reason for this war. If it was installed, based Assad could just switch it off or blow it up. I'm sure it is a "thing", but not THE "thing" that ignited this war.

wars today are fought for money, and the THREAT of nuclear war is more profitable than the war itself

the only threat of a nuclear happening is a rogue state or actor using one, or using one by proxy to start another war or justify some furtherance of an agenda

there will not be more than one detonation in the US, there could be more than one in europe
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>The goal isn't the eradicate the entire populace it's to completely and utterly disable a nations ability to wage war against you.

destroying the economic and population centers on the coasts is a pretty good bet to cripple our nation
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Let them rain...I am tired of living in this world
did anyone prove he was actually pulled by his network?

I had a sneaking suspicion he did this himself to create buzz for his book.
Same in the civil war. For a while in 1864 it looked like Lincoln was going to lose re-election and his opponent would have made peace with the CSA (allowing them to continue existing as a nation).

Some observations and suggestions:

1) This scenario is happening faster than the world population understands

2) The Syria nuclear Crisis may be a similar "spiral" like the Cuban Missile Crisis

3) This thread represents the earliest, most complete "collected warning" of the coming disaster

4) Everyone should Copypasta my links list and keep adding new links as they come in

5) Send it to everyone, especially all military, politicians and academics. Re-post on every bbs on the planet.

6) There may still be time to make a difference but only if the public finds out what is going on

7) Everyone reading this should start preparing for a worst-case situation and pray (literally) that cooler heads prevail

8) The Syria Crisis is one of several disasters that appears to be unfolding simultaneously (Deutsche Bank, U.S. Elections, Race War, Refugees, India/Paki War, Ukraine, N.K. Nukes, China Sea, Dabiq Apocalypse etc.)

9) These disasters will combine and amplify the destructive forces that will be unleashed

10) Have a plan ready
>putin hides a surviving population
>gives US an ultimatum
>if we fail to do as he says, we get nuked
Fuck you guys. These kinds of threads make my paranoia go through the roof.
Nice click bait faggot
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Good night sweet prince.
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>emails released
>something happens soon after
makes you ponder
Never happening. Screencap this.

The Syrian rebels began as dissidents, protestors, the muslim brotherhood -- the usual hodgepodge of the Arab Spring.

As the war went on, several things happened:

1. Members of the Syrian Arab Army mutinied, forming the core of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)

2. Al-Qaeda In Iraq cross the border and fought in some places alongside and in some places against the FSA.

3. Al-Qaeda In Iraq broke into two. Half became "al-Nusra" (still literally al-Qaeda in Iraq). The other half became Islamic State, ISIS.

4. Al-Nusra fights completely alongside and never opposed to the FSA.

5. Most of the FSA is now in Germany. They fled. The units however still remain in some form or another largely made up of mercenaries and people without hope.

6. Due to the weakness of the FSA now, al-Nusra is the backbone of their military organization. They fight completely as part of them.

7. The FSA fights almost entirely against the Syrian Arab Army ("Assad"). They have only one active front against ISIS and fought in largely ineffective battles. They would take a village, film themselves doing it so they could send it to the Saudis & Americans, and then flee the village overnight.

8. This one area is where the Turks intervened in support of the FSA units. The Turks are starting to discover just how useless they are.

9. al-Nusra renamed itself AGAIN and claimed it's no longer al-Qaeda two months ago.

tl;dr -- the Syrian "rebels" barely exist anymore and if the Americans began to bomb al-Nusra they would collapse tomorrow. They share almost no front lines with ISIS and rarely engage them in combat outside of one small area.
prepare your anus
Its the year 2016, borders are just imaginary lines and if you are not cool and homosexual then this is not okay, yes?

Oh and

>Is it just "muh oppressed refugees".

No. It's that Russia supports Assad, so they feel like they have to pick a side. American policy is two-fold:

1. Overthrow Assad (political objective)
2. Destroy ISIS (military objective)

Unfortunately, the only people consistently and effectively fighting ISIS in Syria are Assad and the Kurds. The Kurds have a modus vivendi with Assad in most of the country and outside of a few local scraps never attack each other.

So America's policy needs some random 3rd force to try to achieve the political objective of overthrowing Assad.
>no digits faggot
> mfw live in major US city


If the nukes don't get me.

I'm still in LA.
>Why would Russia destruction St. Petersburg
Old times sake?
This is all about the natural gas reserves discovered under the Persian gulf. Qatar and Iran are the only 2 counties with access. Iran is on Assad's side with Russia and the west is supporting Qatar.

Europe needs the gas so they're trying to bring it in from Qatar, thus eliminating Russia's power over Europe. The rub is that all solutuions go through Syria. If Russia wins the Europe has to negotiate with Russia for natural gas to keep warm and if the west wins then Russia has lost all western influence and can again be isolated like during the cold war.
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Fuck off you leaf
it's only updated once per year, but still. I think the closest its ever been was like 2:30 durring the cuban missle crisis.
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You are so welcome :)
The FSA may be useless, but luckily that can be made up for with a good dose of Turkish firepower. They've been a on a roll this week, the map just keeps turning more and more aqua.
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if strategic nuclear war were to occur, full release would be only a matter of time
the US wants assad out.
we are now overtly assisting isis
we will probably bomb syria [again] at some point before obama is out.

The question is, will russia actually want to use nukes, and do they need to.
>the red arrow
godly, truely american food, 24 hours and walking distance from all the bars / nightclubs



The FSA lost 15 villages to ISIS counterattacks, then regained them with the Turks drew more armor toward the frontline. It was the same ping-pong back and forth it had been before the war. Turks are going to have to commit more and more troops to provide a backbone to the FSA.
me too, fuck this fucking overpopulated deathtrap
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I just want to watch anime with friends.

Why do we have to keep killing everything?
>russia nuke syria
>isreal nuke russia
>lolol russia is undeground
>deadhand activates
Believe me when I say to you

I hope the Russians love their children too
I don't get where this idea that Assad is an effective force against ISIS comes from. There are far more rebels facing Assad than ISIS, he literally cannot mass enough forces to effectively take the offensive against ISIS because is rear lines are crawling with al-Nusrats.

The last time he went galavanting off to take on ISIS (due to the Americans baiting him into thinking they were going to take Raqqa before he could get there) he lost a mechanized battalion to a swarm of Kamikaze pickup trucks in a sandstorm and got thrown back to where he started. Since then he's been on the defence, and ISIS hasn't pressed him because the Americans have got the Turks, Kurds and Iraqis nibbling at them from every direction.

The most effective force against ISIS in Syria is the Turkish Army, but they've somewhat gimped themselves by refusing to use their own infantry sans the Maroon Berets. The YPG are still the biggest overall threat to ISIS since the Turkish incursion is geographically isolated against a narrow section of front.
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>woman inherits the Earth
Who is now planning on building a simple fallout shelter?

You only need to buckle down for two weeks tops, and literal fucking dirt can offset Gamma rays if thick enough.
A well designed hole in the back yard with something to cover it and some ventilation allowing minimal radiation to get in could last you long enough and keep you alive.
They regained them literally the next day, and that was last week. This week they've had nothing but uninterupted advances, largely because this is clearly a Turkish operation in every aspect except for who gets to be the cannon fodder. They're poised to enter Dabiq and Akhtarin - this is not a see-saw, they've never advanced this far before, and the IS troops around Dabiq are about to get cut off and annihilated.
25 miles SW of Boise.

The only thing hurting me is nuclear winter, if it happens.

>patrolling owyhee county almost makes you wish for nuclear winter
is this just fantasy?
Caught in a World War
War with Russia for Clinton/Nigger will probably mean civil war too.

Send us weapons and it'll be fine.

Caught in a landslide
No escape from the infantry.
Naaaah we don't need this shit
I mean, if we nuke each other, who will inherit the earth? Niggers?

Theyll starve to death.
You think they have the capacity to leave their shit continent, let alone take over everything else? I mean, remember, these are those descended from the humans who went "Nah I'm good, you can go treking elsewhere I'll just chill in my hut in Ethiopia forever".
If we all mutually die we'll have to watch niggers slowly becoming humans from hell.
If it's any consolation Ivan, Hell doesn't actually exist, so you won't have to bear the sight if you're already dead.
>needing weapons

Nice proxy
America,s aim is defence of the petrodollar,with the value of the dollar tied to oil and gas being sold in dollars.America has many interests in Syria, keeping Saudi,s happy(their economy's are intrinsically linked)clearing airspace/air defences leading to Iran(Saudi's won't allow American force in SA due to distrust)
But the pipeline is still key,
Russia is mainly funded by energy sales,limiting/replacing their hold on Europe's energy would reduce their power financially,economically and militarily,but more importantly
Russia and China already bypass the petrodollar in oil/gas trade between each other, if they moved against the petrodollar as main supplier of Europe and refused to sell oil and gas in dollars how many would follow, 60% of the world's dollars are held by foreign governments and without the need for the dollar for oil/gas purchases the dollar is backed by nothing rendering it worthless,
>ITT - millennials have their first taste of the Cold War and immediately start to piss their pants and suck on their thumbs

Grow a pair anon and go watch the original "Red Dawn" for comfy mode cold war nostalgia.
>implying anyone would waste a nuke on ancient cf18s in cold lake
You don't know what happens when you die.
No one has yet returned to tell.
What if Russia nukes raqqa?
Not always the case leaf. Some bunker busters are nuclear capable.
who else /shootfoottoavoiddraft/ here?
And based on the lack of evidence, I can safely assume hell doesn't exist.

I predict based on how the human body works that when I die, my neurons die off, my subconscious fading as the sparks stop flying until there is no activity in my brain. Without that activity, "I" do not exist. I will be gone, and it will be the same as it was before I was born - nothing.
Well whoop-de-doo, though I doubt that.
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Its just a planned military exercise folks. Don't let the Russians use this silly yellow journalism psi-op.
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Basically this and I'm one of them.

Also I can't watch Cold War shit without re-invigorated fear. Tried to watch Godzilla 1984 and got scared.
praise kek faggot
>All millennials can now drink in bars
What're the fuckers born after 1996, Generation Z or X?
Watching you shit your pants from every our move is amusing
Feels good to be far in the south
Its just like MW but with bashar al assad instead of khalid al assad.
We actually don't even know reliably what part of brain(and if it's brain even) exactly powers this "I" of ours.
But why, anon? This world is obviously retarded.
Russia is going to level Aleppo and then there will be no "civil war" in Syria. Any further American action will out the Obama administration for the massive autists that they are.
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>G'84 not G'85


dat Russian nuke launch *creepy*
Depends on reactionary timing and vessel on enemy launch. RV's take about 30 minutes from launch to target. Aircraft take longer, they have to reach a target or launch point.
G'84 was released for the first time in America on Blu Ray last month of course I saw it more recently.

more amusing than Russian grammar? *^_^*
They will set it back an hour when Daylight Savings Time ends soon.
luckily my grandma's basement is well stocked with canned goods and water
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I'm not certain there would be nuclear strike in Syria (if that's what prophecized in CoD4), but I'm certain that the Yemen War will soon spill into big sea warfare and Houthis are going to use dozens of gunboats and set the whole Red Sea aflame.
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All the white country's go to war with each other devastating the male populations ,leaving the following Islamic invasion to enslave and rape the women and children

Allahu Snackbar. Death to Murica. Death to Pissrael. Curse be on Juice. Victory to the kebabs.
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Don't worry dad, we still have Argentina.
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its the most accurate movie about a nuclear war
Its a terrifying thought, but enjoy the fact that nukes would kill pretty much everyone including the dune coons
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NEW THREAD: >>91573085
NEW THREAD: >>91573085
NEW THREAD: >>91573085
Nuclear war on 16.10.16. Repeating digits confirm.
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Your superiors denied skyking because they didnt know about it or because you dont need to. Skyking is very much still a real thing.
there isn't 16 months idiot
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It's the Yuropoor format, fucktard.
who cares about europe faggot
Fucking rare.
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>tfw 20 mins from Huntsville
Thank god they test ABM systems there.
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