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how the hell do I escape poverty in this country?

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how the hell do I escape poverty in this country?
by walking away from the inner city
Go to another country.
Get a job, don't buy stupid shit like fast food and iphones, helps to live away from popular rich areas.
What are your circumstances?
Get a job. Estimate your expenses, and make sure you are gaining wealth each month instead of losing. If your expenses are higher than the incoming money, you gotta make cuts somewhere.
Now, when you are on the green, pay your debt if you have it. If you don't have debt, and you are serious about making money, don't waste your money on useless shit, instead, invest it and make your money work for you.
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I just graduated. I have a physics degree from a state uni. But i can't find a job anywhere. I dont know where to look. Im working minimum wage, and im barely making rent. I've gone days starving.

what the fuck do I invest in I'm broke

Sucks m8. Find a construction job on Craigslist. It's dirty work but will pay better than minimum wage.
>access to internet and knows english
choose 1
Poverty doesn't mean the same thing as homeless or illiterate.
Get an entry level job, like McDonald's, rent a cheap room, and limit your expenses to food and shelter. Meanwhile take advantage of any grants or financial assistance available to you and enroll in a trade school, or community college and devote the next 1 to 3 years to your studies.

I did 13 months at a trade school and became an LPN at age 30. I went from making 14k per year to 44k.

I dropped out of school at a young age and had to literally re-teach myself basic arithmetic, on up to college level algebra, and get my G.E.D. first, because I never learned it in school and had literally forgotten how to do long division and multiply multiple digit numbers.

It was difficult, but it paid off. I'll soon return back to school and be on pace to earn more than anyone else in my white trash family ever has.

They're all bitter and make fun of me for being a male nurse, but I'm swimming in pussy and flush with cash, especially since being a minimum wage worker for over a decade forced me to adopt a frugal living style. 32 and expect to be making 75k to 100k annually by age 40.
>undergrad in physics

I think it's that you're outclassed by people who go on to do research in grad school. Physics and other majors like Economics are basically useless as undergrads.
You aren't actually poor.
You are lazy or stupid or both.
Probably broke.
If you're starving and can't find work with a bachelor's in physics, it's probably due to mental health issues. You should be able to bullshit your way into an office job, or entry-level management in retail, etc., at the very least.

I assume you're lying about the degree.
It's this. Get an actually useful degree like engineering.
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how do I bullshit my way into an office job or entry level management?
And over here we have yet another fine example of what happens when you are predominately raised by a woman.
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You are currently using a tool that you could be using to literally apply for thousands of jobs daily to whine like a sopping wet vagina.
Start by remedying that.

A shit office job through a temp agency that pays double digits hourly should be easily obtainable. However, I know your response is going to be some cop out because you were intentionally nurtured into a loser by your cunt mother who thought you were a doll.
Apply and don't say anything stupid during the interview, basically. Lie on your resume and claim your were an assistant manager at a retail store or restaurant during your college years if you want, most of these jobs are never going to bother checking out your work history or even verifying your references. Write a fake letter of recommendation from your last boss. if you're worried about having your work hsitory checked, claim you're still currently employed as an assistant manager, you're looking for better opportunities, and that you'll need two weeks before starting, as you haven't yet notified your current boss you're looking for a new job. Then you can check "no" on the "can we contact this employer" question on the resume without lookint guilty. Just create a false, steady work history, prepare for the interview and lie your ass off until you're making 12 bucks an hour. Easy. It takes amazingly little effort to make yourself look better than the vast majority of.morons out there.
Don't go to college for stupid shit like art or philosophy.

Get a decent job and stick with it. The longer you work at a place like a warehouse or manufacturing jon the more raises and promotions you will get.

Wait until marriage to have kids and buy a house. Don't blow all your money on weed and save up for a car.


success story. This is the exact opposite of what allot of inner city blacks do.
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this is the hard hitting shit i was looking for

In most industries with a bunch of turnover if you show up and don't act like a retard eventually they will beg to promote you.
Also, why do you live in a place you can't afford?
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get an education

find a better paying job

Go to work for yourself. It's the only way.
Get a job, be frugal and work hard. Give it a few years and you'll be making a decent living.
If you're going to go that route, be smart with your body. I literally ruined my back by age 23 doing construction and warehouse jobs. Deal with pain every day because I thought I was a hard-ass and lifted heavy weight by myself and never bothered to use proper lifting techniques.
You, sir, are amazing.
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My roommate left me because he and his girlfriend got married. Been two months looking for another.


t. boomers

thanks for this
I've heard this works. Find your way into an office and walk around emptying trash can and helping haul stuff. Get to know the folks and after a couple of days somebody will notice that you don't actually work there but you are working your nuts off. They will probably give you a job.
Hospitals, and Radiology centers are always looking for physicists to plan treatments.
You fucked up and got a meme degree.
No they're not, they're looking for people with specialized medical training. Good news is that there are many opportunities in the medical field that only require 1 year of training at a technical school.
Literally just be yourself xD

Get a degree xD

Get a job xD

Work hard xD

By ignoring liberals when they tell you that you're a victim and that it's the fault of everyone else. Instead, save whatever spending money you have and try to build in it. Buy and sell widgets on ebay if you have to, save up for some basic equipment to mow lawns. Work towards being your own boss and negotiate your own pay. Working at McDonalds and begging the government to perpetually increase the minimum wage won't do anything to get you out of your situation. It's all about having the right mentality and getting your ass off your couch to try something new.
You work hard

I make 80k a year power washing homes and cleaning gutters in Richmond

Just buy a ladder and a power washer and build a solid reputation
Obviously OP will need a little more education to work in the medical field, but it's nothing too strenuous as you pointed out.

OP might also want to look for opening in vendors that actually make the radiation treatment machines or look for a research position.

This is all contingent of course if OP wants to pursue a career in physics.

its doable but USA might as well be 5 different countries so it REALLY depends on where you live. Rural / Urban, East / West coast etc.
Good thing you can fly anywhere in the country for ~$500
Frankly OP you would have gotten better advice from /adv/ instead of going here to entertain these dumb faggots. Most of these answers are "bee urself" tier. Normies can eat shit.

Listen, I'm 20 years old in a lib arts college in Portland, Oregon and I'm fucking hopeless right now. I fell for Obama's go to college meme and I'm stuck doing a philosophy major when now I'd just rather be in a trade school learning fulfilling, meaningful work. I have had to work dishwashing jobs since I started working because I'm not qualified for anything else; I don't make enough money for normal cheap apartments (they require making 3x the amount of rent you pay monthly), and low income housing is full. Fortunately I was poor already so lots of fin aid.

But if I were to do something about all this, I'd drop out and leave Portland i m m e d i a t e l y. Go to some place cheaper with plenty of job prospects and no income tax. From there, everything else you do should be common sense.

OK, so I just saved up ~$500. Can I fly over to you and stay with you for free and eat for free and do my laundry for free and get free bus fare while I look for a job in a place where I have no connections?
Are you an idiot? You save ~5k and lock-up an apartment before you leave. You can even lock up a job with enough effort.
I graduated with a BA in psychology. BSed my way into a law firm and by a year later I was training the jr attorneys they hired.

Apply for jobs. lots of jobs. Jobs you are not qualified for. Dont lie on your resume but apply for them all the same. I had no experience for the job I got got it anyway because I was willing to work for less I imagine and ditn come with any had habits/need to be retrained.

I worked there, got an interest in law, ended up getting a law degree and opened my own law practice.

How does a man in poverty save 5k? Of course he can cut frivolities - eat cheaper, switch from driving to public transit, etc. but how does a man who had been living paycheck to paycheck turn meager savings into 5k? The problem is that it would take so long, years, that at the point that he had 5k the 5k wouldn't be enough anymore and the job market will have changed. Also,

>You can even lock up a job with enough effort.

How does a man in poverty 'lock up a job' in a place he hasn't been to? A man in poverty doesn't have special skills which are needed, or else he wouldn't be in poverty. He clearly is working menial jobs, and there is no incentive for an employer to 'lock down' a Mcdonalds employee from several states away when he has a local pool to hire from.

This isn't 1950's USA. Upward mobility is difficult now. You are the idiot.
If you think it's impossible to save five-thousand dollars in a first world country, move to somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper, and find a job that will sustain you, as a literate, able-bodied person, then you're not only an idiot, you're a pussy with a defeatist mindset who's destined for failure.
>apply for jobs you are not qualified for

This is actually good advice. You might luck out and find a desperate employer just looking to fill a position with a white or civilized asian person. They will be willing to overlook inexperience if you demonstrate an ability and willingness to learn. Just make an effort to learn the job early on. Bonus points if you went to the same college as the person making the final hiring decision.

Worst case scenario is that they don't hire you and delete your application.

I'm not in poverty, I've never been in poverty. I'm guessing neither have you. You have no idea what you would actually do in that situation. It is easy to feel in control when you have a job and money and had your parents money growing up. Typically poverty is a multi generation problem.
^this.. I interview people on occasion and we never check refs, we just want smart people that can do the job right. (entry level IT)
My father is literally a homeless crack-head, my mother is biker trash who lives on disability. I dropped out of school in the 9th grade and worked menial, low wage jobs for all of my 20s. I've eaten at soup kitchens and food pantries to get by.

You're just a pussy.
>Undergrad in physics

Might as well have a philosophy degree, christ. What did you think was going to happen? Unless you're going to go to grad school, you just wasted a whole fucking lot of time on a degree that might as well be for underwater basket weaving.

As for investing, look for BRAND NEW companies that look to have potential. Watch tech videos on youtube, as they tend to be the best source of info on the general direction of the market, while also being one of the more stable, faster growing markets.

One key area to invest in right now would be in social media that appears to be a good replacement for Youtube/kikebook/twittberg. Dont wait, either.

If it's a videogame company, then buy stocks seasonally; christmas tends to sell the most because of the fucking mobs of children getting their parents to buy them shit. Therefore buy in the summer, and sell enmasse right before christmas.

This is not financial advice, and you are not meant to take it as such. if you do you're a nigger faggot and need to kill yourself therefore you cannot sue me for your failure to not be an autistic nigger faggot
become really good at something and intelligent

Are you by chance a nigger?
>if you're worried about having your work hsitory checked, claim you're still currently employed as an assistant manager, you're looking for better opportunities, and that you'll need two weeks before starting, as you haven't yet notified your current boss you're looking for a new job. Then you can check "no" on the "can we contact this employer" question on the resume without lookint guilty.

sheeeeit nigga thats brilliant
I'm the one talking about getting a job and being a productive member of society. You're the one saying that's all impossible.

Frankly, you sound like the nigger.
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My god, where did you get your physics degree,
apply for job are BAE systems and help guide missles for 80k per year asshole

>My father is literally a homeless crack-head

sounds pretty niggerish to me.
I have a friend who got a degree in physics and ended up playing bass in a techno-something band from what he told me. I guess they are kind of popular. Try playing the bass OP.
found the NEET

>"I don't know who he is either Carol, he just shows up and digs through our trash. He isn't even an employee here. Keep your pepper spray handy".
>I was shown to be a dumb, pussy. Guess I'll have to drop the absurd point I was trying to make and start talking shit.
Actually, this^ is better advice than taking up bass guitar. Take your physics degree and couple that with EE, and you are set for life.
BTFO with your "sins of the father" bullshit
>BS degree in physics
damn son
looks like you have to be a public school teacher now
apply for your single subject credential
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"Get a job" is a meme-tier answer.

I have two jobs, I'm still broke. It sucks when toilet paper eats up 10% of your paycheck.

I've had dozens of jobs and have NEVER lived above poverty level. Even with a college education and a difficult "IN HIGH DEMAND" degree. Even if you "limit your expenses" you waste your time and money penny pinching when you are in NO control of your economy. You don't control inflation, you don't control regulations that artificial inflate prices, you don't control assholes who think they can rent out a room in their house for half the monthly costs of the whole house. You don't control limiting your expenses when your employer expects you to have a phone to communicate with you. When your employer can just cut your hours because the manager wants to make their bonus.

Get a job? Ha, remember you're at the mercy of the normie hiring you who will judge based on your sexual attractiveness and nothing more.

It takes money to make money, if you find yourself in debt you'll be stuck sucking your income to pay the minimum which gets washed away under the increasing interest payments and you're stuck with it forever.

I don't know what to tell you OP. If you don't have rich parents who actually like you, you're completely fucked in this country.

I have this answer -- get a skill you can do that no one can take away from you. But it's easier said than done, especially when you have no money to invest in that skill in the first place.
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Make more money. How depends on your starting social class. See: https://web.archive.org/web/20151006183427/https://michaelochurch.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/the-3-ladder-system-of-social-class-in-the-u-s/

To summarize:

If parents were on welfare:
> Get GED. Then get wagecuck job.

If parents worked minimum wage:
> Get trade school degree/certification. Then get blue-collar normie job.

If parents were skilled hourly workers:
> Get 4-year college degree. Then get white-collar normie job.

If parents were professionals with college degrees:
> Get into an elite college, and do well. Then do management consulting or finance, then get an MBA, then get an elite white-collar job.

If parents gave you a trust fund worth $500k or more:
> Get elite technical qualifications and also hone elite leadership skills. Practice wielding power over other people, and legal forms of insider trading. Use your power to solve a meaningful and profitable problem, for example AI, aging, or fusion energy.

Good luck anon-bro. Figure out what level you're at, and google for steps to move up.

You are a fool to think that getting out of poverty is as easy as "save up 5k". If it were that easy there would be no poverty.

I guess those great ideas are what a 9th grade education gets you.

Yeah, people don't account for expenses. I live with my dad, I don't even pay rent or bills (just contribute to some here and there when he's too lazy to pay them and I want the Internet back on). I have to buy my own food and gas and anything else I personally need though. And I watch my money burn away from just that alone.

To the point where sometimes I just don't even eat because I'm saving for gas later or something. Food is something you need and it's fucking ridiculously expensive due to inflation affecting it the most.

You're right. You can't save up money when your basic cost of existences eats up what little you actually make. Car breaks down? Welp there goes $600! Go to the hospital and don't have insurance? Welp now you're in debt for $5000!

Adult life just throws expenses at you all the time. Everything breaks down on you and you're in constant cycle of losing.
If you have a high demand college degree and can't live above the poverty level you are a fucking retard.
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OK a few ideas:

> Engineering
As a degreed physicist you're better at math and quick learning than most engineers. Try applying to entry-level engineering jobs. For a culture fit, go to a company that employs PhDs.

> elitist douchebag jobs
Finance or management consulting are the only acceptable alternatives here. Spend 2 years working in an actual salesforce, then apply to a top-5 business school. With a physics degree + sales experience, you'll be super valuable, and will be able to pay off a (TOP 5 ONLY) business school degree (IF YOU GET IN TO A TOP SCHOOL). Sales is all about identifying the customer's need/pain, then offering your product as a solution to your pain. Also, compared to physicsts, salespeople are functionally retarded (generalizing here) so you'll be able to keep up even if you have to logic your way through interactions. Caveat: you gotta be good-looking (fit, stylish) to do sales.

> Physics
You done fucked up by 1. not working for a professor and getting research co-author credits as an undergrad, and 2. not getting job-related work experience while in school. But if you can get a "research assistant" job and do it for a few years you might be able to get into a funded PhD program.

> Hard knocks
Get a job as a stripper on the oil pipeline in Alaska. Dead serious. Rip insulation off massive pipes in the eternal winter night on the Alaskan North Slope. Actual job title is "entry-level technician" and you can make $80k/year with housing expenses paid for. (You'll live in a barracks with a bunch of literal roughnecks.) It's not like you were gonna get laid this year anyway, and being around a bunch of blue-collar oil workers is what you need to uncuck yourself after being raised by a single mom.

Any of these, work it like it's your job. Talk to anyone you know, and your college. Ask for advice, and ask for other people to talk to. Google for advice.

Apply hippie meditation to manage your crippling anxiety.
>you don't control assholes who think they can rent out a room in their house for half the monthly costs of the whole house

Live in trailer with 300 lb disabled pot smoker. Room is $450/month. Entire trailers rent is $600. I have to go in his room to take a shower because my room only has a toilet. At least we get housekeeping, he's disabled so the state pays a girl $400/month to clean after him and drive him to the store and pool (for physical therapy).

He got pissed that I told my job that I lived here (because he used to get heating allowance from the state in the winter and he cant get that if I work). He had a friend (and his friends girl friend) sleeping on the couch for a month for free. He gets meals on wheels and food stamps (meals on wheels gets paid like $8 per mean). Like fucking hell this man suchs up enough tax revenue for five or so of me and still jews the fuck out of me for rent.

Look into buying motor home to live in instead. To park it (with out power or water or anything) is $300 a month. Fuck me man fuck me.
I say buy a vowel, like on Wheel of Fortune.
Wew! You think your own life is shit until you read a post like that. Thanks for sharing that m8.
Should I be worried? I'm on my last year of architecture degree.
If you're a weeabo (who are we kidding, you're on 4chan) just get your phd in japan, the government will pay for it, google MEXT.
t. EE grad student
You should come live to Croatia and try to survive for a year. Then go back to USA and stop complaining you little shit.
SSI and Section low Income housing
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Move to BC for one of our new jobs.

Seriously, id rather an American come here than an Albertan horsefucker or a ChiCom

Of course, /pol/ is 19 and doesn't understand how the real world works.

I have a degree in Finance and that apparently means jack-shit to banks. The fat woman with no college degree and "sales experience" gets a job before someone with a degree in the actual field.

Does that make me retarded? What's retarded is a bank that won't hire finance grads. That's fucking retarded. And people wonder why our banking system is so fucked up.
Come to Straya and become neet.
>>90934342 (OP)

Go to developing 2nd-world countries. They revere foreigners with degrees

Finance is only a good degree if you're at a top 20 school and do corporate recruiting for the big banks.

Finance is also sales.

Yes, it makes sense that someone with sales experience and literal dick-sucking experience gets hired ahead of you.

t. autist
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